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Request for Additional Information Response to Generic Letter 2004-02, Potential Impact of Debris Blockage on Emergency Recirculation During Design-Basis Accidents at Pressurized-Water Reactors
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/09/2006
From: Milano P
Plant Licensing Branch III-2
To: Korsnick M
Milano P, NRR/DLPM 415-1457
TAC MC4687
Download: ML060380256 (10)


February 9, 2006 Mrs. Mary G. Korsnick Vice President R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, LLC 1503 Lake Road Ontario, NY 14519




Dear Mrs. Korsnick:

On September 13, 2004, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Generic Letter (GL) 2004-02, ?Potential Impact of Debris Blockage on Emergency Recirculation During Design Basis Accidents at Pressurized-Water Reactors, as part of the NRCs efforts to assess the likelihood that the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) and containment spray system (CSS) pumps at domestic pressurized water reactors (PWRs) would experience a debris-induced loss of net positive suction head margin during sump recirculation. The NRC issued this GL to all PWR licensees to request that addressees (1) perform a mechanistic evaluation using an NRC-approved methodology of the potential for the adverse effects of post-accident debris blockage and operation with debris-laden fluids to impede or prevent the recirculation functions of the ECCS and CSS following all postulated accidents for which the recirculation of these systems is required, and (2) implement any plant modifications that the above evaluation identifies as being necessary to ensure system functionality. Addressees were also required to submit information specified in GL 2004-02 to the NRC in accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Section 50.54(f). Additionally, in the GL, the NRC established a schedule for the submittal of the written responses and the completion of any corrective actions identified while complying with the requests in the GL.

By letter dated August 31, 2005, R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, LLC, provided a response to the GL. The NRC staff is reviewing and evaluating your response along with the responses from all PWR licensees. The NRC staff has determined that responses to the questions in the enclosure to this letter are necessary in order for the staff to complete its review. Please note that the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations Division of Component Integrity is still conducting its initial reviews with respect to coatings. Although some initial coatings questions are included in the enclosure to this letter, the NRC might issue an additional request for information regarding coatings issues in the near future.

M. Korsnick Please provide your response within 60 days from the date of this letter. If you have any questions, please contact me at (301) 415-1457.



Patrick D. Milano, Senior Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch I-1 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-244


Request for Additional Information cc w/encl: See next page

ML060380256 *per e-mail OFFICE LPL1-1/PM LPL1-1/LA DSS/SSIB DCI/CSGB LPL1-1/BC NAME PMilano:em SLittle DSolorio* EMurphy RLaufer DATE 2/09/06 2/09/06 2/6/06 2/08/06 2/09/06 R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant cc:

Mr. Michael J. Wallace Ms. Thelma Wideman, Director President Wayne County Emergency Management R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, LLC Office c/o Constellation Energy Wayne County Emergency Operations 750 East Pratt Street Center Baltimore, MD 21202 7336 Route 31 Lyons, NY 14489 Mr. John M. Heffley Senior Vice President and Ms. Mary Louise Meisenzahl Chief Nuclear Officer Administrator, Monroe County Constellation Generation Group Office of Emergency Preparedness 1997 Annapolis Exchange Parkway 1190 Scottsville Road, Suite 200 Suite 500 Rochester, NY 14624 Annapolis, MD 21401 Mr. Paul Eddy Kenneth Kolaczyk, Sr. Resident Inspector New York State Department of R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Public Service U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3 Empire State Plaza, 10th Floor 1503 Lake Road Albany, NY 12223 Ontario, NY 14519 Regional Administrator, Region I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. Peter R. Smith, President New York State Energy, Research, and Development Authority 17 Columbia Circle Albany, NY 12203-6399 Mr. Carey W. Fleming, Esquire Senior Counsel - Nuclear Generation Constellation Generation Group, LLC 750 East Pratt Street, 17th Floor Baltimore, MD 21202 Mr. Charles Donaldson, Esquire Assistant Attorney General New York Department of Law 120 Broadway New York, NY 10271

GL 2004-02 RAI Questions Plant Materials

1. (Not Applicable).
2. Identify the amounts (i.e., surface area) of the following materials that are:

(a) submerged in the containment pool following a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA),

(b) in the containment spray zone following a LOCA:

- aluminum

- zinc (from galvanized steel and from inorganic zinc coatings)

- copper

- carbon steel not coated

- uncoated concrete Compare the amounts of these materials in the submerged and spray zones at your plant relative to the scaled amounts of these materials used in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) nuclear industry jointly-sponsored Integrated Chemical Effects Tests (ICET) (e.g., 5x the amount of uncoated carbon steel assumed for the ICETs).

3. Identify the amount (surface area) and material (e.g., aluminum) for any scaffolding stored in containment. Indicate the amount, if any, that would be submerged in the containment pool following a LOCA. Clarify if scaffolding material was included in the response to Question 2.
4. Provide the type and amount of any metallic paints or non-stainless steel insulation jacketing (not included in the response to Question 2) that would be either submerged or subjected to containment spray.

Containment Pool Chemistry

5. Provide the expected containment pool pH during the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) recirculation mission time following a LOCA at the beginning of the fuel cycle and at the end of the fuel cycle. Identify any key assumptions.
6. For the ICET environment that is the most similar to your plant conditions, compare the expected containment pool conditions to the ICET conditions for the following items:

boron concentration, buffering agent concentration, and pH. Identify any other significant differences between the ICET environment and the expected plant-specific environment.

7. For a large-break loss-of-coolant accident (LBLOCA), provide the time until ECCS external recirculation initiation and the associated pool temperature and pool volume.

Provide estimated pool temperature and pool volume 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after a LBLOCA. Identify the assumptions used for these estimates.


Plant-Specific Chemical Effects

8. Discuss your overall strategy to evaluate potential chemical effects including demonstrating that, with chemical effects considered, there is sufficient net positive suction head (NPSH) margin available during the ECCS mission time. Provide an estimated date with milestones for the completion of all chemical effects evaluations.
9. Identify, if applicable, any plans to remove certain materials from the containment building and/or to make a change from the existing chemicals that buffer containment pool pH following a LOCA.
10. If bench-top testing is being used to inform plant-specific head loss testing, indicate how the bench-top test parameters (e.g., buffering agent concentrations, pH, materials, etc.)

compare to your plant conditions. Describe your plans for addressing uncertainties related to head loss from chemical effects including, but not limited to, use of chemical surrogates, scaling of sample size and test durations. Discuss how it will be determined that allowances made for chemical effects are conservative.

Plant Environment Specific

11. Provide a detailed description of any testing that has been or will be performed as part of a plant-specific chemical effects assessment. Identify the vendor, if applicable, that will be performing the testing. Identify the environment (e.g., borated water at pH 9, deionized water, tap water) and test temperature for any plant-specific head loss or transport tests. Discuss how any differences between these test environments and your plant containment pool conditions could affect the behavior of chemical surrogates.

Discuss the criteria that will be used to demonstrate that chemical surrogates produced for testing (e.g., head loss, flume) behave in a similar manner physically and chemically as in the ICET environment and plant containment pool environment.

12. For your plant-specific environment, provide the maximum projected head loss resulting from chemical effects (a) within the first day following a LOCA, and (b) during the entire ECCS recirculation mission time. If the response to this question will be based on testing that is either planned or in progress, provide an estimated date for providing this information to the NRC.

ICET 1 and ICET 5 Plants

13. Results from the ICET #1 environment and the ICET #5 environment showed chemical products appeared to form as the test solution cooled from the constant 140 oF test temperature. Discuss how these results are being considered in your evaluation of chemical effects and downstream effects.

Trisodium Phosphate (TSP) Plants

14. (Not Applicable).
15. (Not Applicable).
16. Given an active strainer design, discuss your evaluation of potential downstream effects resulting from chemical products that pass through the active strainer into the ECCS system.

Additional Chemical Effects Questions

17. The aluminum and other submerged metallic coupons in ICET #4 experienced little corrosion. In this test, the calcium silicate appeared to produce a beneficial effect by contributing to the protective film that formed on the submerged samples. Given that individual plants have less calcium silicate insulation than was represented by the ICET and that a given plant LOCA could result in little or no calcium silicate in the containment pool, discuss how you are confirming your plant materials will behave similar to ICET #4 for your plant-specific conditions.
18. Your GL 2004-02 response did not indicate what chemical is used to buffer containment pool pH in the event of a LOCA. Please provide this information.
19. (Not Applicable).
20. (Not Applicable).
21. (Not Applicable).
22. (Not Applicable).
23. (Not Applicable).
24. (Not Applicable).

Coatings Generic - All Plants

25. Describe how your coatings assessment was used to identify degraded qualified/acceptable coatings and determine the amount of debris that will result from these coatings. This should include how the assessment technique(s) demonstrates that qualified/acceptable coatings remain in compliance with plant licensing requirements for design-basis accident (DBA) performance. If current examination techniques cannot demonstrate the coatings ability to meet plant licensing requirements for DBA performance, licensees should describe an augmented testing and inspection program that provides assurance that the qualified/acceptable coatings continue to meet

DBA performance requirements. Alternately, assume all containment coatings fail and describe the potential for this debris to transport to the sump.

Plant Specific

26. (Not Applicable).
27. (Not Applicable).
28. (Not Applicable).
29. (Not Applicable).
30. (Not Applicable).
31. Your submittal indicated that you had taken samples for latent debris in your containment, but did not provide any details regarding the number, type, and location of samples. Please provide these details.
32. How will your containment cleanliness and foreign material exclusion (FME) programs assure that latent debris in containment will be controlled and monitored to be maintained below the amounts and characterization assumed in the ECCS strainer design? In particular, what is planned for areas/components that are normally inaccessible or not normally cleaned (containment crane rails, cable trays, main steam/feedwater piping, tops of steam generators, etc.)?
33. Will latent debris sampling become an ongoing program?
34. You indicated that you would be evaluating downstream effects in accordance with WCAP 16406-P. The NRC is currently involved in discussions with the Westinghouse Owners Group (WOG) to address questions/concerns regarding this WCAP on a generic basis, and some of these discussions may resolve issues related to your particular station. The following issues have the potential for generic resolution; however, if a generic resolution cannot be obtained, plant-specific resolution will be required. As such, formal RAIs will not be issued on these topics at this time, but may be needed in the future. It is expected that your final evaluation response will specifically address those portions of the WCAP used, their applicability, and exceptions taken to the WCAP. For your information, topics under ongoing discussion include:

ee. Wear rates of pump-wetted materials and the effect of wear on component operation ff. Settling of debris in low flow areas downstream of the strainer or credit for filtering leading to a change in fluid composition gg. Volume of debris injected into the reactor vessel and core region hh. Debris types and properties ii. Contribution of in-vessel velocity profile to the formation of a debris bed or clog jj. Fluid and metal component temperature impact kk. Gravitational and temperature gradients

ll. Debris and boron precipitation effects mm. ECCS injection paths nn. Core bypass design features oo. Radiation and chemical considerations pp. Debris adhesion to solid surfaces qq. Thermodynamic properties of coolant

35. An active strainer effectively reduces all debris that reaches the active screen into fine fibers and small particulates, then passes them on through the screen into the reactor vessel. Therefore, all the topics highlighted above must also include an evaluation for long-term erosion/degradation of all debris that is postulated to reach the active screen.
36. Were secondary side breaks (e.g., main steam, feedwater) considered the break selection analyses? Would these breaks rely on ECCS sump recirculation?
37. The staff SE refers to Regulatory Guide 1.82 which lists considerations for determining the limiting break location (staff position Please discuss how these considerations were evaluated as part of the Vogtle break selection analyses.
38. How much passive strainer area will be available to complement the active strainer?

Describe the passive portion of the strainer. Also, describe whether/how this area was, or will be, credited during plant-specific testing.

39. Is it possible for large pieces of insulation or other large pieces of latent or foreign material debris to be transported to the active strainers (e.g., via blowdown from the break, sheeting flows that might occur during the initial phase of an accident, or floatation)? If so, are the active strainers protected from large pieces of debris, for example, with trash racks or other interceptors? If protection does not exist, then to what extent are the strainers capable of withstanding large pieces of debris, and to what extent has this capability been demonstrated by testing?
40. What is the minimum submergence depth for the active strainers? Describe the testing and analysis that has been performed to demonstrate that large pieces of debris and/or high concentrations of debris at the strainer surface would not prevent the entry of water into the strainer under shallow submergence conditions.
41. Please explain the derivation of the maximum concentration of debris that will arrive at the active strainer and justify that the analyzed maximum concentration is conservative.

How much margin exists between the analyzed maximum concentration and the estimated point of failure of the active strainer?

42. How much margin (i.e., water volume) is available between the maximum containment water level and the level at which the active strainer motors would become flooded?
43. Are there any vents or other penetrations through the active or passive strainer control surfaces which connect the volume internal to the strainer to the containment atmosphere above the containment minimum water level? In this case, dependent upon the containment pool height and strainer and sump geometries, the presence of the vent

line or penetration could prevent a water seal over the entire strainer surface from ever forming; or else this seal could be lost once the head loss across the debris bed exceeds a certain criterion, such as the submergence depth of the vent line or penetration. According to Appendix A to Regulatory Guide 1.82, Revision 3, without a water seal across the entire strainer surface, the strainer should not be considered to be fully submerged. Therefore, the NRC staff requests that, if applicable, you explain what sump strainer failure criteria are being applied for the vented sump scenario described above.

44. What is the basis for concluding that the refueling cavity drain(s) would not become blocked with debris? What are the potential types and characteristics of debris that could reach these drains? In particular, could large pieces of debris be blown into the upper containment by pipe breaks occurring in the lower containment, and subsequently drop into the cavity? In the case that large pieces of debris could reach the cavity, are trash racks or interceptors present to prevent drain blockage? In the case that partial/total blockage of the drains might occur, do water hold-up calculations used in the computation of NPSH margin account for the lost or held-up water resulting from debris blockage?
45. Has debris settling upstream of the sump strainer (i.e., the near-field effect) been credited or will it be credited in testing used to support the sizing or analytical design basis of the proposed replacement strainers? In the case that settling was credited for any of these purposes, estimate the fraction of debris that settled and describe the analyses that were performed to correlate the scaled flow conditions and any surrogate debris in the test flume with the actual flow conditions and debris types in the plants containment pool.
46. The September 2005 GL response stated that Constellation Energy performed computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis to calculate debris transport. Please explain how you used CFD results to determine the amount of debris that transports to the sump screen.