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Radiological Emergency Response Plan Implementing Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Kewaunee Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 01/27/2003
From: Coutu T
Nuclear Management Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
-nr, -RFPFR, NRC-03-007
Download: ML030350693 (162)


N1Mb Committed to Nuclear Excellence ,

Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Operated by Nuclear Management Company, LLC NRC-03-007 10 CFR 50, App. E January 27, 2003 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 KEWAUNEE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DOCKET 50-305 LICENSE No. DPR-43 RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES Pursuant to 10 CFR 50 Appendix E, attached is the latest revisions to the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Radiological Emergency Response Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIPs). These revised procedures supersede the previously submitted procedures.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.4, two additional copies of this letter and attachment are hereby submitted to the Regional Administrator, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region Ill, Lisle, Illinois. As required, one copy of this letter and attachment is also submitted to the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant NRC Senior Resident Inspector.

c7&/a4 AA Thomas Coutu Site Vice-President, Kewaunee Plant SLC Attachment cc US NRC Senior Resident Inspector, w/attach.

US NRC, Region III (2 copies), w/attach.

Electric Division, PSCW, w/o attach.

QA Vault, w/o attach.

14-OCI-5 N490 Highway 42 0 Kewaunee, Wisconsin 54216-9510 Telephone: 920.388.2560


S. Campion - NRC Document Control Desk (1)* Krista Kappelman - PBNP - EP (10)*

S. Campion - NRC Region 111 (2, 3)* Craig Weiss - Alliant Energy (11)*

S. Campion - NRC Resident Inspector (4) (receives Appx. A phone numbers)*

S. Campion - State of Wisconsin (5)* Jill Stern - Nuclear Management Company (12)*

S. Campion - KNPP QA Vault (NRC Letter & Memo Only) (15)*

PERSONAL COPIES (21-40) These copies are for the personal use of the listed Individuals for reference or emergency response.

J. Bennett (33) D. Seebart (24) J. Ferris (13) T. Coutu (28)

REFERENCE COPIES - CUSTODIAN (41-100) These copies are for general reference by anyone. They are distributed throughout the plant and corporate offices. The named Individual is the responsible custodian for the procedures and shall Insure they are properly maintained.

NO Library - KNPP (59) Resource Center - Training (82)

C. Sternitzky - ATF-2 (44) D. Krall - CR/SS Office (51, 56)

M. Daron - Security Building (46) C. Grant - TSC (50)

C. Grant - EOF (81) W. Galarneau - RAF (53)

C. Grant - OSF (52) W. Galarmeau - SBF/EMT (54)

LOREB - STF (62,66,67,68,70,72,73,74) W. Galarneau - RPO (55)

STF Library (43) STF (86, 87, 88)

WORKING COPIES (101-199) These copies of procedures are kept In the areas designated for use in response to an emergency.

W. Galarneau - RAF/RPO (106,107) Simulator/Communicator (117)

W. Galarneau - SBF/ENV (108, 109) M. Fend - Security (121)

W. Galarneau - SBF/EM Team (110,111, 111A) S. Zutz - Security Building (120)

W. Flint - Cold Chem/HR Sample Room (113) Ops Admin. (126)

S. Zutz - SBF/SEC (114) C. Grant - TSC Response Binder (Parual Disribution)

D. Krall - CR/Communicator (116)(Partutalstrbmuon) C. Grant - EOF Response Binder (ParUW Distribution)

Originals to KNPP QA Vault Please follow the directions when updating your EPIP Manual. WATCH FOR DELETIONS!!! These are controlled procedures and random checks may be made to ensure the manuals are kept up-to-date.




EPIP Index, dated 01-20-2003.


EPIP-AD-03 AF EPIP-AD-03 AG EPIP-AD-04 AK EPIP-AD-04 AL EPIP-AD-07 AR EPIP-AD-07 AS (Clears TCI dated 10-24-2002)

EPIP-AD-19 R EPIP-AD-19 S EPIP-AD-20 C EPEP-AD-20 D EPIP-EOF-03 AC EPIP-EOF-03 AD EPIP-EOF-04 AJ EPIP-EOF-04 AK EPIP-EOF-08 X EPIP-EOF-08 y (Clears TCI dated 10-24-2002)

EPIP-TSC-02 T EPIP-TSC-02 U Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 S Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 T Form EPIPF-AD-07-03 A Form EPIPF-AD-07-04 A Form EPIPF-EOF-04-01 C Form EPIPF-EOF-04-01 D Form EPIPF-EOF-08-03 G Form EPIPF-EOF-08-03 H Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06 D Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06 E Farm EPIPF-TSC-02-01 0 Form EPIPF-TSC-02-01 p (Clears TCI dated 10-03-2002)

EPIP FORM TSC 2.2 H Form EPIPF-TSC-02-02 I Form EPIPF-TSC-02-03 G Form EPIPF-TSC-02-03 H Form EPIPF-TSC-02-04 D Form EPIPF-TSC-02-04 E Form EPIPF-TSC-02-05 A Form EPIPF-TSC-02-05 B

.Returii'a signed and dated copy-of this transmittal-ietter, ~within 10 daiys'of~transm'ittal d~aie,'toth~e sender- If you Iany questions or comments, -please contact Jeanne*enis ext. -8545.

Ihae I CERTIFY Copy No. (WPSC No.) of the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant's EPIPs has been updated.

SIGNATURE DATE Please return this sheet to DIANE FENCL.

Diane Fencl Enclosure 2

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 01-20-2003 PROC. NO. TITLE REV. DATE EP-AD EPIP-AD-01 Personnel Response to the Plant Emergency Siren K 11-26-2002 EPIP-AD-02 Emergency Class Determination AE 11-26-2002 EPIP-AD-03 KNPP Response to an Unusual Event AG 01-20-2003 EPIP-AD-04 KNPP Response to Alert or Higher AL 01-20-2003 EP-AD-5 Site Emergency Deleted 04-27-87 EPIP-AD-05 Emergency Response Organization Shift Relief D 05-09-2002 Guideline EP-AD-6 General Emergency Deleted 04-24-87 EPIP-AD-07 Initial Emergency Notifications AS 01-20-2003 EP-AD-8 Notification of Alert or Higher Deleted 02-26-96 EP-AD-9 Notification of Site Emergency Deleted 04-27-87 EP-AD-10 Notification of General Emergency Deleted 04-27-87 EPIP-AD-I 1 Emergency Radiation Controls S 12-19-2002 EP-AD-12 Personnel Assembly and Accountability Deleted 03-26-94 EP-AD-13 Personnel Evacuation Deleted 04-25-94 EP-AD-13A Limited Area Evacuation Deleted 03-01-83 EP-AD-13B Emergency Assembly/Evacuation Deleted 03-01-83 EP-AD-13C Site Evacuation Deleted 03-01-83 EP-AD-14 Search and Rescue Deleted 05-25-94 EPIP-AD-15 Recovery Planning and Termination P 09-12-2002 EP-AD-16 Occupational Injuries or Vehicle Accidents Deleted 03-14-97 During Emergencies EP-AD-17 Communications Deleted 03-05-84 EPIP-AD-18 Potassium Iodide Distribution P 02-27-2002 EPIP-AD-19 Protective Action Guidelines S 01-20-2003 PAGE 1 OF 11


EPIP-AD-20 KNPP Response to a Security Threat D 01-20-2003 EP-ENV EPIP-ENV-01 Environmental Monitoring Group Organization W 08-20-2002 and Responsibilities EPIP-ENV-02 Environmental Monitoring Team Activation X 10-02-2001 EP-ENV-3A Environmental Protection Director Actions and Deleted 09-26-84 Directives EM Team Actions Deleted 09-26-84 EP-ENV-3B EPIP-ENV-03C Dose Projection Using RASCAL Version 2.2 W 08-20-2002 Software Revision and Control of ISODOSE H Deleted 02-14-95 EP-ENV-3D EP-ENV-3E Manual Determination of X/Q Deleted 04-24-87 Manual Determination of X/Q (Green Bay Deleted 05-30-86 EP-ENV-3F Meteorological Data)

Manual Dose Projection Calculation Deleted 06-02-89 EP-ENV-3G Protective Action Recommendations Deleted 04-13-90 EP-ENV-3H Portable Survey Instrument Use T 08-20-2002 EPIP-ENV-04A Air Sampling and Analysis X 08-20-2002 EPIP-ENV-04B Environmental Monitoring Teams Deleted 04-13-90 EP-ENV-4C Ground Deposition Sampling and Analysis X 08-20-2002 EPIP-ENV-04C Plume Tracking for Environmental Monitoring 0 08-20-2002 EPIP-ENV-04D Teams LCS-1 Operation Deleted 04-14-86 EP-ENV-5A MS-3 Operation Deleted 04-14-86 EP-ENV-5B SAM H Operation Deleted 04-14-86 EP-ENV-5C PAC-4G (Alpha Counter) Operation Deleted 04-14-86 EP-ENV-5D Reuter-Stokes Operation Deleted 08-27-85 EP-ENV-5E PAGE 2 OF 11


EP-ENV-6 Data Analysis, Dose Projections and Protective Deleted 12-21-81 Action Recommendations EP-ENV-6 Alternate Sample Analysis and Relocation of EM Deleted 04-14-86 Team EP-ENV-6A Relocation of Site Access Facility (Habitability) Deleted 03-23-84 EP-ENV-6B SAF Environmental Sample Analysis Relocation Deleted 03-23-84 EP-ENV-7 Site Access Facility Communications Deleted 09-26-84 EP-ENV-8 Total Population Dose Estimate Calculations Deleted 04-14-86 EP-EOF EP-EOF-1 Corporate Emergency Response Organization Deleted 03-11-94 EPIP-EOF-02 Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Activation AA 08-06-2002 EPIP-EOF-03 EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event AD 01-20-2003 EPIP-EOF-04 EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher AK 01-20-2003 EP-EOF-5 Corporate Staff Action for Site Emergency Deleted 04-24-87 EP-EOF-6 Corporate Staff Action for General Emergency Deleted 04-24-87 EP-EOF-7 Notification of Unusual Event Deleted 04-06-94 EP-EOF-8 Relocation of EOF Deleted 03-01-83 EPIP-EOF-08 Continuing Emergency Notifications Y 01-20-2003 EP-EOF-9 Interface with Support Organizations Deleted 03-05-84 EP-EOF-9 Notification of Site Emergency Deleted 04-24-87 EP-EOF-10 Notification of General Emergency Deleted 04-24-87 EPIP-EOF-1 1 Internal Communication and Documentation V 11-07-2002 Flow EPIP-EOF-12 Media Center/Emergency Operation Facility/Joint Q 06-20-2002 Public Information Center Security PAGE 3 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 01-20-2003 PROC. NO. TITLE REV. DATE EP-OP EP-OP-1 Control Room Emergency Organization Deleted 04-24-87 EP-OP-2 Emergency Control Room Activation for Deleted 04-24-87 Emergency Response EP-OP-3 Control Room Communications Deleted 04-24-87 EP-OSF EP-OSF-1 Operation Support Facility Emergency Deleted 04-24-87 Organization EPIP-OSF-02 Operational Support Facility Operations V 11-26-2002 EPIP-OSF-03 Work Orders During an Emergency P 05-09-2002 EP-OSF-4 Operational Support Facility Communications Deleted 04-24-87 EPIP-OSF-04 Search and Rescue E 05-23-2002 EP-RET EP-RET-1 Radiation Emergency Team Organization Deleted 04-16-96 EPIP-RET-02 In-Plant Radiation Emergency Team V 05-23-2002 EPIP-RET-02A Radiation Protection Office/Radiological Analysis U 11-07-2002 Facility (RPO/RAF) Activation EPIP-RET-02B Gaseous Effluent Release Path, Radioactivity, and S 08-06-2002 Release Rate Determination EP-RET-2C Containment Air Sampling and Analysis Deleted 03-01-83 EPIP-RET-02D Emergency Radiation Entry Controls and M 06-12-2001 Implementation EP-RET-2E Handling of Injured Personnel Deleted 04-16-96 EP-RET-2F Personnel Decontamination Deleted 04-13-90 EPIP-RET-03 Chemistry Emergency Team 0 02-01-2000 EPIP-RET-03A Liquid Effluent Release Paths L 11-29-2001 EP-RET-3B Post-Accident Reactor Coolant Alternate Deleted 01-25-88 Sampling Procedure PAGE 4 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 01-20-2003 PROC. NO. TITLE REV. DATE EPIP-RET-03C Post Accident Operation of the High Radiation P 01-15-2002 Sample Room EPIP-RET-03D Containment Air Sampling Analysis Using CASP N 01-15-2002 EP-RET-3E Post Accident Operation of High Rad Sample Deleted 08-27-85 Room Inline Multiported Count Cave EPIP-RET-04 SBF Activation T 10-17-2002 EP-RET-4A EOF Radiological Monitoring Deleted 03-10-83 EPIP-RET-04A SBF Operation/Relocation Deleted 10-02-2001 EP-RET-4B Radiological Controls at Site Access Facility Deleted 07-12-94 EP-RET-4C Site Radiological Monitoring Deleted 07-12-94 EP-RET-4D SAM-H Operation Deleted 07-12-94 EP-RET-5 Plume Projection Deleted 09-26-84 EPIP-RET-05 Site Boundary Dose Rates During Controlled H 10-09-2001 Plant Cooldown EP-RET-5A Plume Projection Deleted 04-27-87 EP-RET-6 Dose Projection Deleted 04-24-87 EP-RET-7 Radiological Analysis Facility/Radiation Deleted 04-24-87 Protection Office Communications EPIP-RET-08 Contamination Control of the Aurora Medical Deleted 05-23-2002 Center EPIP-RET-09 Post-Accident Population Dose L 04-16-2002 EP-SEC EP-SEC-1 Security Organization Deleted 04-24-87 EPIP-SEC-02 Security Force Response to Emergencies Y 11-14-2002 EP-SEC-2A Manual Activation of Emergency Sirens Deleted 04-16-82 EPIP-SEC-03 Personnel Assembly and Accountability AF 11-26-2002 EPIP-SEC-04 Security Force Actions for Dosimetry Issue P 10-02-2001 PAGE 5 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 01-20-2003 PROC. NO. TITLE REV. DATE EP-SEC-5 Security Force Response to the EOF Deleted 07-28-88 EPIP-SEC-05 Personnel Evacuation G 06-20-2002 EP-TSC EPIP-TSC-01 Technical Support Center Organization and R 08-06-2002 Responsibilities EPIP-TSC-02 Technical Support Center Activation U 01-20-2003 EPIP-TSC-03 Plant Status Procedure V 10-09-2001 EPIP-TSC-04 Emergency Physical Changes, Major Equipment N 05-09-2002 Repair EP-TSC-5 Technical Support Center Communications Deleted 04-24-87 Equipment EP-TSC-6 Assessment of Reactor Core Damage Deleted 09-30-86 EPIP-TSC-07 RV Head Venting Time Calculation J 06-20-2002 EPIP-TSC-08A Calculations for Steam Release from Steam 0 11-26-2002 Generators EPIP-TSC-08B* STMRLS Computer Program G 06-20-2002 EP-TSC-8C* See EP-TSC-8B Deleted 04-16-92

  • EP-TSC-8B was totally deleted; therefore, EP-TSC-8C was changed to EP-TSC-8B EP-TSC-9 Core Damage Assessment Using Released Deleted 09-30-86 Radionuclides EPIP-TSC-09A* Core Damage Assessment J 05-16-2002 EPIP-TSC-09B* CORE Computer Program Deleted 05-16-2002 EP-TSC-9C* See EP-TSC-9B Deleted 04-16-92

EPIP-TSC-10 Technical Support for IPEOPs K 05-09-2002 PAGE 6 OF 11


EPP FIG # Figure EPIPFG DESCRIPTION REV. DATE EP-SEC-5 Technical Support EPIP-APPX-A-06 Ep.nx.-oo3 APPX-A-06-03 Center - KNP Floor Plan B 06-12-2001 Site Boundary Facility EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-FIG-00S APPX-A-06-02 KNP Floor Plan A 10-31-2000 Radiological Analysis EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-FIG-os APPX-A-06-01 Facility - KNP Floor Plan A 10-31-2000 EPIP-EOF-12 Division Office Building Form EPIPF-EOF-02-01 Ep-RG.09 EOF-12-01 (2nd Floor) Floor Plan B 10-24-2000 State/County Work Area EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-RG-012 APPX-A-06-08 WPSC D2-1 Floor Plan C 10-31-2000 NRC Work Area EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-FC,-013 APPX-A-06-09 WPSC D2-4 Floor Plan A 10-31-2000 Population Distribution by Geographical Sub EPIP-AD-19 EP-FIG-014 AD-19-01 Areas (with sectors) A 10-31-2000 EOF - WPSC D2-3 EP-FG-022 APPX-A-06-04 Floor Plan C 10-30-2001 EPIP-APPX-A-06 Location of JPIC and Media Briefing Center EPIP-EOF-12 EP-G-o EOF-12-02 Map C 06-20-2002 KNP Site Map &

EP-SEC-5 EP-FiGc,0 SEC-05-01 Evacuation Routes C 06-20-2002 Floor Plan - Media

-- 34- Briefing Center Deleted 08-04-98 APPX-A-6 - -

General Office EPIP-EOF-12 Building - WPSC (1st EP-FIG-05 APPX-A-06-06 Floor) Floor Plan C 10-24-2000 EPIP-APPX-A-06 Floor Plan - Corporate EP-FG-037 -- - Response Center Deleted 08-04-98 APPX-A-6 EP-FIG-038 - - - Floor Plan - JPIC Deleted 08-04-98 APPX-A-6 EP-FG-039 OSF-02-01 High Priority Work A 10-02-2001 EPIP-OSF-02 EPIP-OSF-02 EP-FIG-039A OSF-02-02 Lower Priority Work A 10-02-2001 JPIC - Federal Work EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-FI-043 APPX-A-06-10 Area - WPSC D2-9 B 12-21-2001 JPIC - State and County Work Area EP-FIG444 APPX-A-06-07 WPSC D2-8 C 12-21-2001 EPIP-APPX-A-06 JPIC - Utility Work EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-ioFo APPX-A-06-05 Area - WPSC D2-7 C 12-21-2001 Aurora Medical Center R-FnG-06 RET-08-01 Location Deleted 05-23-2002 RET--08 APPX-A-02-01 ERO Call Tree Deleted 12,4-2001 EPIP-APPX-A-02 ---

PAGE 7 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 01-20-2003 NUMBER TITLE REVISION DATE APPENDIX A APPX-A-1 Communication System Description AF 08-04-98 EPIP-APPX-A-02 Response Personnel Call List Deleted 02-06-2002 EPIP-APPX-A-03 Off-Site Telephone Numbers Deleted 02-06-2002 EPIP-APPX-A-06 KNPP Emergency Response Facility Telephone AA 12-21-2001 Numbers PAGE 8 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 01-20-2003 FORM EPIPF TITLE REV. DATE APPENDIX B EPoAD Event Notice - Nuclear Accident Reporting System Form T 01-20-2003 AD-07-01 (NARS)

State Call-Back - Question Guideline C 11-15-2001 AD-07-02 AD-07-03 Fax Event Notice A 01-20-2003 AD-07-04 ERO Event Notification A 01-20-2003 Emergency Radiation Work Permit H 12-19-2002 AD-I 1-01 Airborne Radioiodine Dose Accountability and Potassium B 08-06-2002 AD-18-01 Iodide Distribution Record of Known Allergy To or Voluntary Refusal to Take A 02-27-2002 AD-18-02 Potassium Iodide EP-ENV Environmental Dispatch Area Activation Checklist D 10-31-2000 ENV-01-01 EMT Status B 10-31-2000 ENV-01-02 Meteorological and Plant Status Data C 12-14-2001 ENV-01-03 EMT Orders/Field Data B 10-31-2000 ENV-01-04 EMT Activation Checklist N 08-20-2002 ENV-02-01 EP-EOF EOF Activation Checklist T 08-06-2002 EOF-02-01 EOF Deactivation Checklist M 08-06-2002 EOF-02-02 D 01-20-2003 EOF-04-01 SRCL Initial Action Checklist A 12-14-2001 EOF-04-02 Telephone Communications Log Sheet Fax for Emergency Declaration or Status Updates H 01-20-2003 EOF-08-03 Plant Emergency Status Report A 11-27-2001 EOF-08-05 Radiological Status Report E 01-20-2003 EOF-08-06 Operating Status G 11-07-2002 EOF-1 1-02 PAGE 9 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 01-20-2003 FORM EPIPF TITLE REV. DATE EOF-1 1-033 Environmental Status Board 10G G 1-720 11-07-2002 EOF-12-01 I.D. Badge Registration Form G 10-24-2000 EP-OSF Maintenance Work in Progress Deleted 07-08-98 OSF 2.2 Operational Support Facility Team Briefing C 12-04-2001 OSF-03-01 EP-RET Emergency Sample Worksheet E 06-05-2001 RET-02A-02 RET-02B-01 Containment Stack Release (Grab Sample) D 08-06-2002 RET-02B-02 Auxiliary Building Stack (Grab Sample) D 08-06-2002 Auxiliary Building Stack (Sping Reading) D 08-06-2002 RET-02B-03 RET-02B-04 Containment Stack (Sping Reading) C 08-06-2002 Steam Release D 08-06-2002 RET-02B-05 Field Reading (Grab Sample) B 08-06-2002 RET-02B-06 SAM-2 Counting Equipment Worksheet E 06-12-2001 RET-04-01 Hospital Survey 1 Deleted 06-05-2001 RET 8.3 Hospital Survey 2 Deleted 07-25-97 RET 8.4 Hospital Survey 3 Deleted 07-25-97 RET 8.5 Hospital Survey 4 Deleted 05-23-2002 RET-08-06 Post-Accident TLD Record Sheet D 04-16-2002 RET-09-01 EP-SEC Emergency Accountability Log A 03-28-2000 SEC-03.01 Emergency Dosimeter Log G 06-20-2002 SEC-04-01 EP-TSC Plant Status Summary for SAM Implementation B 02-06-2002 TSC-01.01 Severe Accident Management Summary and Strategy B 02-06-2002 TSC-01.02 Recommendation PAGE 10 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 01-20-2003 FORM EPIFF TITLE REV. DATE TSC-01.03 Severe Accident Management - Status B 02-06-2002 TSC-02-01 TSC and OSF Activation Checklist P 01-20-2003 TSC-02-02 TSC Ventilation Checklist I 01-20-2003 TSC-02-03 Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) Link Initiation H 01-20-2003 Checklist TSC-02-04 TSC Chart Recorder Operation Checklist E 01-20-2003 TSC-02-05 TSC and OSF De-Activation Checklist B 01-20-2003 TSC-03-01 Plant System Status L 06-12-2001 TSC-03-02 Plant Equipment Status L 06-12-2001 TSC-03-03 Environmental Status Board J 06-12-2001 TSC-03-04 Radiation Monitors I 01-08-2002 TSC-04-01 Emergency Physical Change Request G 05-09-2002 TSC-04-02 Emergency Physical Change Safety Review Deleted 05-09-2002 TSC-04-03 Emergency Physical Change Index F 08-29-2000 TSC-07-01 Head Venting Calculation G 06-20-2002 TSC-08A-01 Steam Release Data Sheet (Energy Balance) H 12-14-2001 TSC-08A-02 Steam Release Calculation Sheet (Energy Balance) G 12-14-2001 TSC-08A-03 Steam Release Data/Calculation Sheet (Open Valve) E 12-14-2001 TSC-08A-04 Steam Release Data/Calculation Sheet (STMRLS Program) D 12-14-2001 TSC-09A-01 Core Exit Thermocouple Data D 05-16-2002 TSC-09A-02 Fuel Rod Clad Damage Estimate D 05-16-2002 TSC-09A-03 Fuel Rod Overtemperature Damage Estimate E 05-16-2002 TSC 9A.4 Core Damage Based on Activity Ratios Deleted 05-16-2002 TSC-09A-05 Core Damage Assessment (Monitoring Data) E 05-16-2002 TSC 9A.6 Core Damage Summary Deleted 05-16-2002 PAGE 11 OF 11

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 Rev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Date JAN 20 2003 Page 1 of 24 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Reviewed By Bill Bartelme Approved By Bill Bartelme Nuclear 13 Yes PORC 13 Yes SRO Approval Of 13 Yes Safety Review Temporary

[] No Required El No IChanges Required El No Related 1.0 Purpose 1.1 This procedure provides instruction for the Shift Manager/Emergency Director and other initial response personnel for an appropriate response to an Unusual Event.

2.0 General Notes Any 2.1 The Shift Manager (SM) is the initial Emergency Director (ED) in all situations.

transfer of this responsibility shall be documented in the Shift Manager's log and communicated to all on-site directors.

2.2 At the Unusual Event level, radio-pager activation will be performed by Control Room personnel for all designated emergency response directors (primary and alternate).

2.3 IF approached by the media during a declared emergency, THEN refer them to the that Telephone Response Center (JPIC) at 920-433-1400 or 1-800-838-6192 and tell them this is their most accurate source for information.

3.0 Precautions and Limitations that 3.1 The classification of an event should be performed within 15 minutes of recognizing conditions exist requiring that classification and the subsequent declaration on "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01. "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, should be of the initiated and in progress to state and local emergency governments within 15 minutes emergency level being declared, or as soon as possible without further compromise to plant or public safety.

3.2 The SM should remain in the Control Room during a declared emergency.

3.3 The following responsibilities of the ED shall not be delegated.

3.3.1 Determination of emergency classification (EPIP-AD-02).

3.3.2 Authorization of emergency exposures in excess of 10CFR Part 20 limits (EPIP-AD- 11).

EOF 3.3.3 UNTIL the Emergency Response Manager assumes the responsibility following activation, recommendations of protective actions to off-site authorities (EPIP-AD-19).

J:\appdata\procpwsdraft\epip\eadO3.doc-AmY Kudick/Amy Kudick-Jeanne Ferris REFERENCE USE

. b.

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 IRev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant

  • Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 2 of 24 3.4 The ED should carefully consider the status of activities (especially those identified in Step 3.3 above) before relocating to the TSC. Relocation to the TSC prior to TSC activation is not recommended.

3.5 An emergency classification should be made within 15 minutes of recognizing that conditions exist requiring classification in accordance with the EALs. This 15 minute goal is in addition to the 15 minute notification requirement once an emergency declaration has been made on "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01. There are times when it may be appropriate to delay classification while significant changes in plant parameters are evaluated for there impact on classification. Examples of such events are an unanticipated:

"* Plant Trip

"* SI Initiation

"* Entry into an orange or red path

"* Loss of a safety system If such an event should occur during classification, it may be appropriate to exceed the 15 minute goal to ensure an accurate classification.

"- 4.0 Initial Conditions 4.1 This procedure shall be implemented upon declaration of an Unusual Event.

5.0 Procedure 5.1 SM/ED shall take the following Initial Actions:

5.1.1 IF a credible security threat (Lo) exists, THEN go to EPIP-AD-20, "KNPP Response to a Security Threat" (Reference Operations Procedure E-0-08).

5.1.2 Contact the Shift Technical Advisor (STA) and direct them to report to the Control Room.

5.1.3 The SM/ED has the option to require assembly based on the nature of the event and their judgment of threat to plant staff safety.

5.1.4 IF assembly could present an unacceptable risk to plant employees as a result of a security event, THEN do NOT initiate assembly. Go to Step 5.1.6 (Reference Operations Procedure E-0-08).


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 IRev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 1 Page 3 of 24 5.1.5 Choose and perform the appropriate plant announcement using plant Gai-tronics.

a. Prepare your Gai-tronics message by making the choices identified in the appropriate box below.
b. IF assembly is NOT required, read aloud two (2) times over the Gai-tronics the message below.

"Attention all personnel. We are experiencing an Unusual Event. Designated emergency response directors should report to their duty locations. No additional response is required at this time."

Choose (1) or (2)

(1) No personnel protective actions are required at this time.

(2) Personnel should avoid the (plantarea) because of (type hazard)

c. IF assembly is required, THEN:

"* Sound the plant siren.

"* Read aloud two (2) times on the Gai-tronics the message below.

"Attention all personnel. We are experiencing an Unusual Event. Designated emergency response directors should report to their duty locations. All other personnel should report to the nearest assembly area."

Choose (1) or (2)

(1) No additional personnel protective actions are required at this time.

(2) Personnel should avoid the (plantarea) because of (type hazard)


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 Rev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 4 of 24 5.1.6 Contact the Security Shift Captain/Site Protection Director.

a. IF personnel assembly has been initiated, THEN verify that "Personnel Assembly and Accountability," EPIP-SEC-03, is initiated.
b. Describe briefly the emergency event.

Note No protective actions are requiredfor an UnusualEvent.

5.1.7 Complete the "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01.

a. WHEN completing Box 8, get the downwind sector by using Table 1 on the back of the form.
b. WHEN completing Box 10, check the following item:
  • (A) None Note IF there is more than one Notifler and Emergency Response Facility(ERF)

Communicator-ControlRoom (CR), THEN Steps 5.1.8 and 5.1.10 should be done in parallel.

5.1.8 Direct the Notifier or ERF Communicator-CR to initiate notifications per EPIP-AD-07, Attachment A, using the "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, completed in Step 5.1.7.

5.1.9 IF the event notification is a combination declaration and termination (quick in and out event), THEN determine the need to activate ERO radio pagers.

5.1.10 If appropriate, direct the Notifier or ERF Communicator-CR to activate pagers for Primary Directors and selected support personnel (group codes 9211 and 9222) in accordance with EPIP-AD-07 Step 5.2. (See KPB Emergency Telephone Directory for individual pager numbers).

a. Obtain a copy of Form EPIPF-AD-07-04, "ERO Event Notification," and provide the following on the form:

"* Pager access code in Step #4

"* Pager message code in Step #5

b. Give Form EPIPF-AD-07-04 to the Notifier/ERF Communicator-CR and instruct this individual to notify the ERO.

5.1.11 Direct the STA to notify the NRC in accordance with Step 5.5.3 of this procedure.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 FRev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 5 of 24 5.1.12 Review "State Call-Back - Question Guideline," Form EPIPF-AD-07-02, to prepare for questions which are most likely to be asked by State Duty Officer or State Radiological Coordinator.

5.1.13 Log all significant events and actions.

5.1.14 Update facility directors as needed including such information as:

"* Current Emergency Classification

"* Conclusions that led to the current classification

"* Conditions that may be improving or declining

"* Potential changes in status and possible classification changes 5.1.15 UNTIL relieved by a designated ED, continue to make assessments of plant conditions and perform the required actions of the ED (Section 5.2 of this procedure). Go to Step 5.2.7.

5.2 Emergency Director (Designated) shall:

5.2.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Control Room.
b. IF an Emergency Director has been designated, UNTIL released, THEN assist the designated Emergency Director.
c. IF an Emergency Director has NOT been designated, THEN notify the Shift Manager of your intent to assume the responsibilities of the Emergency Director and continue implementation of this procedure.

5.2.2 WHEN appropriate, accept a briefing from the Shift Manager and STA. Key points listed below:

a. Classification chart used to determine emergency level.
b. Protective Action Recommendation in effect.
c. Status of off-site and KNPP notifications.
d. Status of plant accountability.
e. Status of plant operation.
f. Control Room support priorities.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 IRev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 -Page 6 of 24 Note Verbally inform the Shift Managerthat you have acceptedthe ED responsibilities.

5.2.3 Accept formal turnover of responsibilities (for ED) from SM to include:

"* Direction and supervision of emergency response operations

"* Approval of changes in emergency classifications

"* Review and approval of all exposures in excess of 10 CFR Part 20 limits

"* PARs (unless transferred to the ERM)

"* Protective actions for plant personnel

"* Continuous accident assessment 5.2.4 Notify other directors and Control Room staff of the transfer of the ED responsibility to you and your location.

5.2.5 Ensure date and time is entered in the Control Room Chronological Log of Events for turnover of responsibilities for ED from SM.

5.2.6 When appropriate:

a. Relocate to the Technical Support Center (TSC)
b. Direct TSC Support Personnel to enter date and time of arrival in TSC chronological log.

5.2.7 Ensure the overall emergency level is continually reviewed.

a. Event Classification (EPIP-AD-02)
b. PAR (EPIP-AD-19)
c. Emergency radiological exposures (EPIP-AD-1 1) 5.2.8 IF plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level (escalation) is warranted, THEN suspend further use of this procedure and go to EPIP-AD-04 Step 5.2.7.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 Rev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 7 of 24 5.2.9 Determine the response status with an information gathering briefing. Include the following emergency response organization directors.

a. Event Operations Director (EOD):

"* Off-Site Notifications (EPIP-AD-07)

"* Plant Operations Status

"* Control Room support priorities

b. Radiological Protection Director (RPD):

"* Status of Radiological Effluent Releases (potential off-site dose consequences)

"* Emergency Radiation Controls (EPIP-AD-11) (actions taken in response to this procedure)

"* Status of Personal Injuries or Vehicle Accidents

c. Technical Support Center Director (TSCD):
  • Significant Plant Trends e Emergency Response Status
d. Support Activities Director (SAD):

"* Maintenance Activities

"* Search and Rescue (EPIP-OSF-04)

"* Maintenance Support Requirements

e. Site Protection Director (SPD):
  • Personnel Accountability (EPIP-SEC-03) a Significant Security Activities 5.2.10 Determine priorities of major tasks required to minimize the impact on the public and mitigate the incident. Weigh activities in the following areas:
  • Operations
  • Radiological e Technical Support
  • Maintenance e Security 5.2.11 Inform Emergency Response Manager (ERM) of plant conditions and priorities.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 -7Rev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 8 of 24 5.2.12 WHEN appropriate, brief the emergency directors on plant conditions and priorities.

5.2.13 IF the ERM has not assumed the responsibility, THEN provide Plant Emergency status updates to off-site authorities.

a. IF off-site EOCs are activated, THEN use the Dial Select to contact off-site organizations.
b. IF off-site organization EOCs are NOT activated, WHEN those organizations initiate a request, provide status updates.
c. Use the "State Call-Back - Question Guideline," Form EPIPF-AD-07-02, or "Plant Emergency Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05, and/or "Radiological Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06, as information guides.

5.2.14 Review the need for any Emergency Director Assistants.

5.2.15 IF plant conditions indicate the need to activate the full emergency response organization, THEN:

a. Notify all Directors of your decision to activate the full ERO.
b. Direct the Notifier or ERF Communicator-CR to activate pagers for all emergency response personnel (group code 9233) in accordance with EPIP-AD-07 Step 5.2.
c. Go to EPIP-AD-04 Step 5.2.4.

5.2.16 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.2.17 Review the requirements of Section 5.1 of "Recovery Planning and Termination,"

EPIP-AD-15, and determine if recovery or termination activities can be implemented in accordance with EPIP-AD-15.

5.2.18 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.2.5.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 -TRev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implemenfing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 9 of 24 5.2.19 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Notify the Emergency Response Manager of the event termination or entry into recovery and the suspension of use of the EPIPs.
b. IF the event is an ENTRY INTO RECOVERY, THEN read aloud two (2) times on the Gai-tronics the message below.

"Attention all personnel. We have entered plant recovery operations. Review final conditions of all procedures and restore all emergency response materials and equipment to their proper location. Appropriate inventories should be performed and supplies replenished as needed. Use of EPIPs is suspended when all final actions have been completed to the satisfaction of the facility Director. The Recovery Manager is and the Environmental Liaison is "

c. IF the event is an emergency class TERMINATION, THEN read aloud two (2) times on the Gai-tronics the message below.

"Attention all personnel. We have terminated the Emergency response.

Review final conditions of all procedures and restore all emergency response materials and equipment to their proper location. Appropriate inventories should be performed and supplies replenished as appropriate. Use of EPIPs is suspended when all final actions have been completed to the satisfaction of the facility Director."

d. Ensure that termination or recovery notifications have been initiated by the NRC communicator.
e. Verify that "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, is being transmitted in accordance with EPIP-AD-07 or EPIP-EOF-08.
f. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to there proper place.
g. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the TSCD.
h. Implement EPMP-02.01, "Declared Emergency Evaluation and Documentation."

5.3 The Notifier shall:

5.3.1 WHEN notified or upon hearing the Event announcement (except when a Security Event is in progress), report immediately to the SM in the Control Room.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 FRev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 10 of 24 5.3.2 WHEN directed by the Emergency Director/Shift Manager, perform event notifications. Go to EPIP-AD-07.

5.3.3 IF plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level (escalation) is warranted, THEN suspend further use of this procedure and go to EPIP-AD-04 Step 5.3.2.

5.3.4 IF an Emergency Response Facility (ERF) Communicator-Control Room (CR) is not available, THEN assume the role of the ERF Communicator-CR and go to Step 5.4.4.

5.3.5 UNTIL released, remain in the Control Room and help the designated ERF Communicator-CR.

5.3.6 WHEN released, report back to the Shift Captain.

5.4 Emergency Response Facility (ERF) Communicator-Control Room (CR) shall:

5.4.1 WHEN directly notified, paged by radio-pager, or hearing the event announcement:

a. Report to the Control Room immediately.
b. IF an ERF Communicator-CR has been designated, UNTIL released, THEN assist the ERF Communicator-CR as instructed.
c. IF an ERF Communicator-CR has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the ERF Communicator-CR and continue to implement this procedure.

5.4.2 Notify the SM/ED of your arrival and assumption of the ERF Communicator-CR duties.

5.4.3 If applicable, obtain the status of notifications and verifications call backs from the Notifier.

5.4.4 IF there is an event -DECLARATION, -TERMINATION, or .ENTRY INTO RECOVERY, and directed by the SM/ED, THEN go to EPIP-AD-07 or EPIP-EOF-08 and make the appropriate event notifications.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 Rev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure "J- Date JAN 20 2003 Page 11 of 24 Note Off-Site and other needed ERO or ERF communications shall be completed before providingsupportfor NRC communications unless there is more than one ERF Communicator-CR available.

5.4.5 Contact the Event Operations Director (EOD), ask them to determine if the Technical Support Center, Emergency Operations Facility, and Joint Public Information Center want to assign a person in their facilities to man the 4-way communications link with the Control Room.

a. IF yes, ask the EOD to remind the other facilities that they can enter the 4-way communications link by using the telephone number and access code provided in the KPB Emergency Telephone Directory ETD-03, "Emergency Response Facilities Telephone List," THEN enter the 4-Way Communication Link.
b. IF no, THEN make yourself available to support the ED, EOD, or STA.

5.4.6 IF requested by the STA, THEN provide communications support with the NRC.

Note IF there is an event escalation,THEN immediately return supportfor NRC communications back to the STA or the individual assignedby the SM/ED or EOD unless there is more than one ERF Communicator-CRavailable.

5.4.7 IF plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level (escalation) is warranted, THEN suspend further use of this procedure and go to EPIP-AD-04 Step 5.4.4.

5.4.8 Review the need for the Notifier and assistant communicators support.

5.4.9 IF additional communicator support is needed, THEN contact the Technical Support Center Director.

5.4.10 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.4.11 Notify the EOD of any significant events.

5.4.12 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.4.4.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 I Rev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 12 of 24 5.4.13 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Ensure that termination or recovery communications have been completed in accordance with Step 5.4.6.
b. Verify that the bell switch on the emergency government verification line is in the ON position.
c. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to their proper places.
d. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the EOD.

5.5 Shift Technical Advisor shall:

Note The Shift TechnicalAdvisor shall be capableof responding to the Control Room within 10 minutes.

5.5.1 Report to the Control Room to be briefed on plant conditions.

5.5.2 Assist the Shift Manager in assessing plant conditions and determining emergency classification as defined in EPIP-AD-02, "Emergency Class Determination."

Note IF all off-site and ERO notificationsare complete, THEN NRC notifications may be delegatedto an extra ERF Communicator-CR.

5.5.3 Perform NRC Notification:

a. Gather information needed to prepare the NRC "Event Notification Worksheet," Form GNP-1 1.04.04-1.

Note If needed, the commercial telephone number is (301) 951-0550.

b. Notify the NRC (Headquarters, Rockville) as soon as possible, but not more than one hour after declaration of the Event, using the Emergency Notification System (ENS) phone.

Note The NRC may request continuous communicationsper IOCFR50.72(c)(3).

The STA must coordinatethis activity with accidentassessment until arrival of sufficient ERF Communicator-CR.

c. Provide the NRC with the necessary information from a completed Event Notification Worksheet.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 Rev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 13 of 24 5.5.4 WHEN the ERF Communicator-CR (ERFCM-CR) arrives and plant status and other activities are at a point that it is appropriate, turn NRC communications over to the ERFCM-CR by taking the following actions:

a. Brief the ERFCM-CR on plant conditions, the status of NRC notification and updates.
b. Inform the ERFCM-CR that you are turning over responsibility for NRC communications to them.

5.5.5 Support the Control Room staff with technical and analytical assistance in diagnosing abnormal events and to ensure adequate core cooling.

5.5.6 Monitor plant conditions and provide assistance as needed to the Shift Manager.

5.5.7 IF plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level (escalation) is warranted, THEN suspend further use of this procedure and go to EPIP-AD-04 Step 5.6.5.

5.5.8 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.5.5.

5.5.9 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the EOD.

5.6 Event Operations Director (EOD) shall:

5.6.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Control Room.
b. IF an Event Operations Director has been designated, UNTIL released, THEN assist the designated Event Operations Director.
c. IF an Event Operations Director has NOT been designated, THEN notify the Shift Manager of your intent to assume the responsibilities of the Event Operations Director and continue implementation of this procedure.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 IRev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 14 of 24 Note Verbally inform the Shift Managerthat you have acceptedthe EOD responsibilities.

5.6.2 Accept formal turnover of responsibilities (for EOD) from SM to include:

"* TSC and EOF communications

"* Maintaining verification of accountability

"* Staffing of Control Room

"* Processing work requests

"* Monitoring fire fighting operations and maintaining accountability of fire team

"* Obtaining additional assistance from Emergency Response Organization

"* Monitoring and support of plant operations 5.6.3 Notify the SM/ED of your arrival and assumption of Event Operations Director responsibilities.

5.6.4 Ensure date and time is entered in the Control Room Chronological Log of Events for turnover of responsibilities for EOD from SM.

5.6.5 WHEN appropriate, accept a briefing from the Shift Manager and STA.

5.6.6 If required, verify Control Room personnel accountability is being maintained.

5.6.7 Review Control Room staffing requirements and:

a. Contact additional operations personnel as needed and request that they report to the site (See KPB Emergency Telephone Directory for names and numbers).
b. Release any personnel not required.

5.6.8 Assess overall plant status.

"* Verify equipment status and instrument indications.

"* Verify Radiation monitors for abnormal indications.

"* Review corrective actions that have been taken.

5.6.9 Make any recommendations to the Shift Manager as necessary.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 -TRev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 15 of 24 5.6.10 Brief the Emergency Director of any changes on:

"* Off-Site Notifications (EPIP-AD-07)

"* Plant Operations Status

"* Control Room support priorities 5.6.11 Inform the RPD of any changes in radiological indications.

5.6.12 If required, request technical or maintenance support from the ED.

5.6.13 Prepare all work requests (WR) for approval.

a. Review WR and designate retest requirements.
b. If required to do the job, determine and initiate system lineups and tagouts.

5.6.14 Brief the Control Room staff periodically on:

  • Emergency response status e Priorities
  • Specific guidance and assignments 5.6.15 If appropriate, plan for shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.6.16 IF plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level (escalation) is warranted, THEN suspend further use of this procedure and go to EPIP-AD-04 Step 5.7.5.

5.6.17 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.6.4.

5.6.18 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records and logs from all documents generated during the course of the event.
c. Schedule a self critique with all CR event participants (all shifts) as soon as practical.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPEP-AD-03 -TRev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 16 of 24 5.7 Radiological Protection Director (RPD) shall:

5.7.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Radiation Protection Office (RPO).
b. IF a Radiation Protection Director has been designated, UNTIL released, THEN assist the designated RPD.
c. IF a Radiation Protection Director has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the RPD and continue implementing this procedure.

5.7.2 Notify the ED/TSCD of your arrival in the RPO and assumption of RPD responsibilities.

5.7.3 If required, verify personnel accountability in RPO is being maintained.

5.7.4 If required, assist the SAD in search and rescue operations (EPIP-OSF-04).

5.7.5 Check radiological and meteorological information available in the TSC.

5.7.6 If needed, request additional Area and Process radiation monitor information from the Event Operations Director.

5.7.7 Verify that emergency radiation controls are being implemented (EPIP-AD-11).

5.7.8 If required, assist the SPD with Personnel Evacuation, (EPIP-SEC-05).

Note Transportationof a contaminated injuredperson shall be to the Aurora Medical Centerand a Radiation Technologist should be dispatchedto the hospital.

Note IF there is a question as to the extent of injuries, THEN it should be treated as a critical injury.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 Rev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 17 of 24 Note Off-Site Support Agencies and theirphone numbers are listed in the KPB Emergency Telephone Directory, ETD 02, "Off-Site Agency Call List".

5.7.9 IF there are injuries or vehicle accidents associated with plant personnel or contractors, THEN contact the appropriate support.

a. IF the injury is a "Medical Attention (Critical) Injury," see NAD-02.09 for definition of critical injuries, a vehicle accident with injuries, THEN:
1. Contact the County Sheriffs office with jurisdiction at the location of the injury(s). (Kewaunee County has jurisdiction on the KNPP site.)

"* Kewaunee County Dispatch - 911

"* Manitowoc County Dispatch - 920-683-4200

2. Notify the dispatcher of the accident and/or injury and request a rescue squad (all critically injured personnel shall be transported by rescue squad).
3. Provide the dispatcher with the following information:

"* Your name, position, and return telephone number.

"* The location of the accident and when it occurred.

"* How many and how the injury(s) occurred.

"* Nature and extent of injuries and condition of the patient(s).

"* If any, extent of radioactive contamination and instructions that transportation of a potentially contaminated injured person shall be to the Aurora Medical Center.

"* Plant name, location.

"* If required, plant access instructions.

4. If the injury is on-site:

"* Inform the SPD of your request for a rescue squad and its estimated time of arrival.

"* Direct the SPD to have the vehicle driven to the proper plant entrance.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPEP-AD-03 Rev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant "EmergencyPlan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 18 of 24

5. IF the accident potentially involves radioactive contamination, THEN:

"* Dispatch a Radiation technologist to the accident site for contamination control.

"* Dispatch a Radiation Technologist to the Aurora Medical Center to assist the hospital staff.

6. Insure that the requirements for "Injury/Illness Response," NAD-02.09, are implemented.
7. Inform the Emergency Director, Emergency Response Manager, and the Plant Spokesperson of the accident and details of the injuries.
b. IF the Injury is a "Medical Attention (Non-critical) Injury," THEN:

Note Any KNPPor contractorvehicle may be usedfor transportof (non-critical)injuredpersonnel.

1. Arrange for transportation of the injured person.
2. Direct the SPD to have the vehicle driven to the proper plant entrance.
3. Contact the hospital or clinic and provide the following information:

"* Your name, position, and return telephone number.

"* When, how many, and how the injury(s) occurred.

"* Nature of injuries and condition of the patient.

"* If any, extent of radioactive contamination.

"* Plant name, location, and access instructions.

"* Estimated time of arrival for the patient(s) at the hospital or clinic.

4. IF there are contaminated injuries, THEN send a Radiation Technologist to the Aurora Medical Center to assist the hospital staff.
5. Insure that the requirements for "Injury/Illness Response," NAD-02.09, are implemented.
6. Inform the Emergency Director, Emergency Response Manager, and the Plant Spokesperson of the accident and details of the injuries.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 -TRev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 19 of 24 5.7.10 Brief the Emergency Director of plant radiological conditions.

e Status of Radiological Effluent Releases (potential off-site dose consequences).

  • Emergency Radiation Controls (EPIP-AD- 11) (actions taken in response to this procedure).

a Status of Personal Injuries or Vehicle Accidents.

5.7.11 Review the personnel requirements in the RPO/RAF and:

a. As needed, contact Radiation Technologists to augment the on-shift personnel.
b. Release any RPO staff not required.

5.7.12 If appropriate, coordinate with the ALD to establish contract support for long term accident support.

5.7.13 If appropriate, relocate to the TSC.

5.7.14 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.7.15 IF plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level (escalation) is warranted, THEN suspend further use of this procedure and go to EPIP-AD-04 Step 5.8.5.

5.7.16 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.7.3.

5.7.17 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to there proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the TSCD.
c. Verify all samples collected have been cataloged and appropriately stored.
d. Schedule a self critique with all event participants in the RPO/RAF (all shifts) as soon as practical.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 Rev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 20 of 24 5.8 Technical Support Center Director (TSCD) shall:

5.8.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Technical Support Center (TSC).
b. IF a Technical Support Center Director has been designated, UNTIL released, THEN assist the designated TSCD.
c. IF a Technical Support Center Director has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the TSCD and continue implementing this procedure.

5.8.2 Notify the Emergency Director of your assumption of TSCD responsibilities.

5.8.3 Contact the Emergency Director and obtain information on plant status.

5.8.4 If required, verify accountability is being maintained in the TSC (EPIP-SEC-03).

5.8.5 Brief the Emergency Director on TSC activities:

"* Significant Plant Trends

"* Emergency Response Status 5.8.6 Ensure the TSC staff is informed of plant status and ED priorities.

5.8.7 Review TSC staffing requirements.

5.8.8 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief, per EPIP-AD-05.

5.8.9 IF plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level (escalation) is warranted, THEN suspend further use of this procedure and go to EPIP-AD-04 Step 5.9.5.

5.8.10 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.8.4.

5.8.11 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Ensure TSC and OSF are deactivated per "Technicil Support Center Activation," EPIP-TSC-02.
b. Collect all records and logs from all documents generated during the course of the event.
c. Schedule a self critique with all event participants in the TSC (all shifts) as soon as practical.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 Rev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 21 of 24 5.9 Support Activities Director (SAD) shall:

5.9.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Technical Support Center (TSC).
b. IF a Support Activities Director has been designated, UNTIL released, THEN assist the designated SAD.
c. IF a Support Activities Director has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the SAD and continue implementing this procedure.

5.9.2 Notify the Emergency Director of your assumption of SAD responsibilities and obtain information on plant status and immediate actions.

5.9.3 If needed, direct search and rescue operations (EPIP-OSF-04).

5.9.4 Direct emergency maintenance activities in accordance with the priorities established by the Emergency Director.

5.9.5 Review the maintenance staffing requirements to mitigate the incident.

5.9.6 Brief the Emergency Director on OSF activities:

"* Maintenance Activities

"* Search and Rescue (EPIP-OSF-04)

"* Maintenance Support Requirements 5.9.7 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.9.8 IF plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level (escalation) is warranted, THEN suspend further use of this procedure and go to EPIP-AD-04 Step 5.10.6.

5.9.9 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.9.3.

5.9.10 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the TSCD.
c. Schedule a self critique with all event participants in the OSF (all shifts) as soon as practical.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 IRev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 22 of 24 5.10 Site Protection Director (SPD) shall:

5.10.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Security Building.
b. IF a Site Protection Director has been designated, UNTIL released, THEN assist the designated SPD.
c. IF a Site Protection Director has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the SPD and continue implementing this procedure.

5.10.2 Notify the ED/TSCD of your arrival in the Security Building and assumption of the SPD responsibility.

5.10.3 Direct the implementation "Security Force Response to Emergencies," EPIP-SEC-02.

5.10.4 If required, establish "Personnel Assembly and Accountability," EPIP-SEC-03.

5.10.5 IF Search and Rescue is required due to accountability results, THEN notify the Support Activities Director.

5.10.6 If appropriate, relocate to the TSC.

5.10.7 Obtain information from the RPD or the Control Room concerning fire, chemical, or radiological hazards present within the protected area.

5.10.8 IF hazards identified by the RPD or the Control Room warrant it, THEN restrict personnel movement.

5.10.9 IF directed by the ED, THEN initiate a plant evacuation (EPIP-SEC-05).

5.10.10 Brief the Emergency Director on security activities:

"* Removal of visitors from site (i.e., fishermen) (EPIP-SEC-02)

"* Personnel Accountability (EPIP-SEC-03)

"* Access Control

"* Significant Security Activities 5.10.11 Ensure that the Security Force and staff are informed of any significant issues relative to their activities.

5.10.12 If required, ensure accountability is maintained (EPIP-SEC-03).

5.10.13 Review security staffing requirements and make appropriate adjustments.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPEP-AD-03 Rev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant "EmergencyPlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 23 of 24 5.10.14 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.10.15 IF plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level (escalation) is warranted, THEN suspend further use of this procedure and go to EPIP-AD-04 Step 5.11.7.

5.10.16 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are NOT met, THEN go to Step 5.10.7.

5.10.17 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to there proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the TSCD.
c. Schedule a self critique with all event participants in Security (all shifts) as soon as practical.

6.0 Final Conditions 6.1 Plant Emergency has been Terminated or Recovery actions have begun and the responsible director has suspended the use of EPIPs.

7.0 References 7.1 Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan 7.2 COMTRAK 87-152, Downgrading of EALs 7.3 COMTRAK 88-068, Calling in Additional Communicators as Required 7.4 NRC Inspection Report K-87-195, same as Step 7.2 7.5 10CFR50.72(c)(3), Maintaining Open Communications with the NRC 7.6 NAD-02.09, Injury/Illness Response 7.7 EPIP-AD-02, Emergency Class Determination 7.8 EPIP-AD-04, KNPP Response to Alert or Higher 7.9 EPIP-AD-05, Emergency Response Organization Shift Relief Guideline 7.10 EPIP-AD-07, Initial Emergency Notifications 7.11 EPIP-AD- 11, Emergency Radiation Controls REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-03 Rev. AG Title KNPP Response to an Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 24 of 24 7.12 EPIP-AD-15, Recovery Planning and Termination 7.13 EPIP-AD-19, Protective Action Guidelines 7.14 EPIP-AD-20, KNPP Response to a Security Threat 7.15 EPLP-EOF-08, Continuing Emergency Notifications 7.16 EPIP-OSF-04, Search and Rescue 7.17 EPIP-SEC-02, Security Force Response to Emergencies 7.18 EPIP-SEC-03, Personnel Assembly and Accountability 7.19 EPIP-SEC-05, Personnel Evacuation 7.20 EPIP-TSC-02, Technical Support Center Activation 7.21 KPB Emergency Telephone Directory 7.22 EPMP-02.01, Declared Emergency Evaluation and Documentation 7.23 Form GNP-11.04.04-1, Event Notification Worksheet 7.24 Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, Event Notice 7.25 Form EPIPF-AD-07-02, State Call-Back - Question Guideline 7.26 Form EPIPF-AD-07-03, Fax Event Notice 7.27 Form EPIPF-AD-07-04, ERO Event Notification 8.0 Records 8.1 The following QA records and non-QA records are identified in this directive/procedure and are listed on the KNPP Records Retention Schedule. These records shall be maintained according to the KNPP Records Management Program.

8.1.1 OA Records

"* Event Notice, Form EPIPF-AD-07-01

"* Event Notification Worksheet, Form GNP-1 1.04.04-1 8.1.2 Non-OA Records None REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 1 of 32 Reviewed By Bill Bartelme Approved By Bill Bartelme Nuclear [] Yes PORC "13 Yes SRO Approval Of [] Yes Safety Review Temporary Related El No Required El No Changes Required [] No 1.0 Purpose 1.1 This procedure provides instruction for the Shift Manager/Emergency Director and other initial response personnel for an appropriate response to an Alert, Site Emergency, or General Emergency.

2.0 General Notes 2.1 The Shift Manager (SM) is the initial Emergency Director (ED) in all situations. Any transfer of this responsibility shall be documented in the Shift Manager's log and communicated to all on-site directors.

2.2 As more information becomes available, initial protective action recommendations should be adjusted in accordance with plant conditions, dose projections, time available to evacuate, estimated evacuation times, and meteorological conditions (EPIP-AD-19, "Protective Action Guidelines").

2.3 IF approached by the media during a declared emergency, THEN refer them to the Telephone Response Center at (920) 433-1400 or 1-800-838-6192 and tell them that this is their most accurate source for information.

3.0 Precautions and Limitations 3.1 The classification of an event should be performed within 15 minutes of recognizing that conditions exist requiring that classification and the subsequent declaration on "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01. "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, should be initiated and in progress to state and local emergency governments within 15 minutes of the emergency level being declared, or as soon as possible without further compromise to plant or public safety.

3.2 The SM should remain in the Control Room during a declared emergency.

j:-appdata~procpws\draft\epip\eadO4.doc-Amy KudicklAmy Kudick-Jeanne Ferris REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPEP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 2 of 32 3.3 The following responsibilities of the ED shall NOT be delegated:

3.3.1 Determination of emergency classification (EPIP-AD-02, "Emergency Class Determination").

3.3.2 Authorization of emergency exposures in excess of 10CFR Part 20 limits (EPIP-AD- 11, "Emergency Radiation Controls").

3.3.3 UNTIL the Emergency Response Manager assumes the responsibility following EOF activation, recommendations of protective actions to off-site authorities (EPIP-AD-19).

3.4 The ED should carefully consider the status of activities (especially those identified in Step 3.3 above) before relocating to the TSC. Relocation to the TSC prior to TSC activation is not recommended.

3.5 An emergency classification should be made within 15 minutes of recognizing that conditions exist requiring classification in accordance with the EALs. This 15 minute goal is in addition to the 15 minute notification requirement once an emergency declaration has been made on "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01. There are times when it may be appropriate to delay classification while significant changes in plant parameters are evaluated for their impact on classification. Examples of such events are an unanticipated:

"* Plant Trip

"* SI Initiation

"* Entry into an orange or red path

"* Loss of a safety system If such an event should occur during classification, it may be appropriate to exceed the 15 minute goal to ensure an accurate classification.

4.0 Initial Conditions 4.1 This procedure shall be implemented upon declaration of an Alert, Site Emergency, General Emergency, or when directed by the Shift Manager or Emergency Director.

5.0 Procedure 5.1 SM/ED shall take the following Initial Actions:

5.1.1 IF a security threat exists, THEN go to EPIP-AD-20, "KNPP Response to a Security Threat" (Reference Operations Procedure E-0-08).

5.1.2 Contact the Shift Technical Advisor (STA) and direct them to report to the Control Room.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 3 of 32 5.1.3 IF the event can be declared and terminated within one notification, THEN the SMIED has the option to require assembly based on the nature of the event and their judgment of threat to plant staff safety. In case assembly is not warranted, go to Step 5.1.6.c.

5.1.4 IF assembly could present an unacceptable risk to plant employees as a result of a security event, THEN do NOT initiate assembly. Go to Step 5.1.6 (Reference Operations Procedure E-0-08).

5.1.5 Initiate personnel assembly.

a. Prepare your Gai-tronics message by making the choices identified in the box below in Step 5.1.5.c.
b. Sound the plant siren.
c. Read aloud two times on the Gai-tronics the message below.

"Attention all personnel. We are experiencing an (Choose One)

(Alert/Site Emergency/GeneralEmergency). Emergency response organization personnel should report to their duty locations. All other personnel should report to the nearest assembly area."

Choose (1) or (2)

(1) No additional personnel protective actions are required at this time.

(2) Personnel should avoid the (plantarea) because of (type hazard) 5.1.6 Contact the Security Shift Captain/Site Protection Director.

a. Verify "Security Force Response to Emergencies," EPIP-SEC-02, actions are being implemented for an Alert or Higher.

"* Verify on-site members of the general public are directed to leave the site in accordance with EPIP-SEC-02.

"* Verify control measures for site access/egress are established in accordance with EPIP-SEC-02.

b. IF personnel assembly has been initiated, THEN verify that "Personnel Assembly and Accountability," EPIP-SEC-03, is initiated.
c. Describe briefly the emergency event.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 FRev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 4 of 32 Note Protectiveactionsfor the public are requiredfor a General Emergency only.

5.1.7 Complete the "Event Notice," Form EP1PF-AD-07-01.

Note Adverse meteorology exists if.

1. The 10 AND 60 meter wind speed is less than 5 mph, AND
2. Delta T is greaterthan +2.4°FOR Sigma Theta is less than 3.01 degrees.

(Refer to GraphicDisplay #52from the PPCSterminal).

a. IF adverse meteorology does NOTI exist, THEN complete Box 8 by getting the downwind sector(s) from Table 1 on the back of Form EPIPF-AD-07-0 1.
b. IF adverse meteorology does exist, THEN enter N/A in Box 8 and explain in Box 11.
c. IF the event is a General Emergency and adverse meteorology does NOT exist, WHEN completing Box 10, THEN enter the following items:
  • (B) Evacuate ALL sectors out to 2 miles, AND Note To determine sectors in (B), include the downwind sector(s)from Table 1 on back of Form EPIPF-AD-07-01.

e (B) Evacuate downwind sectors out to 5 miles.

d. IF the event is a General Emergency and adverse meteorology exists, WHEN completing Box 10, THEN enter the following item:
  • (B) Evacuate ALL sectors out to 5 miles.
e. IF the event is an Alert or Site Emergency, WHEN completing Box 10, THEN check the following item:
  • (A) None Note IF there is more than one Notifier and Emergency Response Facility(ERF)

Communicator-Control Room (CR), THEN Steps 5.1.8 and 5.1.10 should be done in parallel.

5.1.8 Direct the Notifier or ERF Communicator-CR to initiate notifications per Attachment A of EPIP-AD-07, "Initial Emergency Notifications," using the "Event Notice,"

Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, completed in Step 5.1.7.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 5 of 32 5.1.9 IF the event notification is a combination declaration and termination (quick in and out event), THEN determine the need to activate ERO radio pagers.

5.1.10 Direct the Notifier or ERF Communicator-CR to activate pagers for all emergency response personnel (group code 9233) in accordance with EPIP-AD-07 Step 5.2.

(See KPB Emergency Telephone Directory for individual pager numbers.)

a. Obtain a copy of Form EPIPF-AD-07-04, "ERO Event Notification," and provide the following on the form:

"* Pager access code in Step #4

"* Pager message code in Step #5

b. Give Form EPIPF-AD-07-04 to the Notifier/ERF Communicator-CR and instruct this individual to notify the ERO.

5.1.11 Direct the STA to notify the NRC in accordance with Step 5.6.3 of this procedure.

5.1.12 Review "State Call-Back - Question Guideline," Form EPIPF-AD-07-02, to prepare for questions which are most likely to be asked by State Duty Officer or State Radiological Coordinator.

5.1.13 Log all significant events and actions.

5.1.14 Verify Control Room Ventilation System operation.

5.1.15 Report any increase in Control Room radiation to the Radiological Protection Director (RPD) for habitability assessment.

5.1.16 Request support from Technical Support Center (TSC) or OSF staff as needed.

5.1.17 Update facility directors as needed including such information as:

"* Current Emergency Classification

"* Conclusions that led to the current classification

"* Conditions that may be improving or declining

"* Potential changes in status and possible classification changes 5.1.18 Until relieved by a designated ED, continue to make assessments of plant conditions and perform the required actions of the ED (Section 5.2 of this procedure) go to Step 5.2.9.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 7 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 6 of 32 5.2 Emergency Director (Designated) shall:

5.2.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Control Room.
b. IF an Emergency Director has been designated, THEN until released,

"* If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

"* Assist the designated Emergency Director.

c. IF an Emergency Director has NOT been designated, THEN notify the Shift Manager of your intent to assume the responsibilities of the Emergency Director and continue implementation of this procedure.

5.2.2 When appropriate, accept a briefing from the Shift Manager and STA. Key points listed below:

a. Classification chart used to determine emergency level.
b. Protective Action Recommendation in effect.
c. Status of off-site and KNPP notifications.
d. Status of plant accountability.
e. Status of plant operation.
f. Control Room support priorities.

Note Verbally inform the Shift Managerthat you have acceptedthe ED responsibilities.

5.2.3 Accept formal turnover of responsibilities (for ED) from SM to include:

"* Direction and supervision of emergency response operations

"* Approval of changes in emergency classifications

"* Review and approval of all exposures in excess of 10 CFR Part 20 limits

"* PARs (unless transferred to the ERM)

"* Protective actions for plant personnel

"* Continuous accident assessment 5.2.4 Notify other directors and Control Room staff of the transfer of the ED responsibility to you and your location.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 {Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 7 of 32 5.2.5 Ensure date and time is entered in the Control Room Chronological Log of Events for turnover of responsibilities for ED from SM.

5.2.6 When appropriate:

a. Relocate to the Technical Support Center (TSC)
b. Direct TSC Support Personnel to enter date and time of arrival in TSC chronological log.

5.2.7 If appropriate, direct the Offsite Communicator in the TSC to take responsibility for off-site notifications from the Control Room.

5.2.8 Brief the TSC staff on the plant conditions.

5.2.9 Ensure the overall emergency level is continually reviewed.

a. Event Classification (EPIP-AD-02)
b. PAR (EPIP-AD- 19)
c. Emergency Radiological Exposures (EPIP-AD-1 1)

Warning It is NO.T requiredto de-escalatefrom an Emergency Action Level.

Terminationor direct entry into recovery is preferable. However, there may be occasionswhen it is more appropriateto de-escalate.

EPIP-AD-02 and otherEPIPsare NOT written to facilitatede-escalation.

Therefore, any decision to de-escalate insteadof entering recovery must be based on a thorough review of EPIP-AD-02and careful use of appropriate procedures.

5.2.10 IF plant conditions have met the conditions for escalating or de-escalating the emergency classification (EPIP-AD-02), document the time and emergency level being declared, THEN:

a. IF assembly could present an unacceptable risk to plant employees as a result of a Security Event, THEN do NOT initiate assembly.

Go to Step 5.2. 10(d).


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPEP-AD-04 IRev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 8 of 32

b. IF accountability has NOT already been completed, THEN:
1. Direct a Control Room staff member to sound the plant siren.
2. WHEN the plant siren has been sounded, read aloud two times on the Gai-tronics the message below:

"Attention all personnel. We have (Choose One) escalated/de-escalated from (Choose One) (Unusual Event/Alert/Site Emergency/General Emergency) to (Choose One) ((UnusualEvent/Alert/Site Emergency/General Emergency). Designated emergency response directors should take appropriate action.

Emergency Personnel shall report to their emergency duty station. All other personnel should report to the nearest assembly area."

Choose (1) or (2)

(1) No additional personnel protective actions are required at this time.

(2) Personnel should avoid the (plantarea) because of (type hazard)

c. IF personnel assembly has been completed, THEN:
1. Direct a Control Room staff member to sound the plant siren.
2. When the plant siren has been sounded, read aloud two (2) times on the Gai-tronics the message below:

"Attention all personnel. We have (Choose One) escalated/de-escalated from (Choose One) (Unusual Event/Alert/Site Emergency/General Emergency) to (Choose One) (Unusual Event/Alert/Site Emergency/General Emergency). Designated emergency response directors should take appropriate action."

Choose (1) or (2)

(1) No additional personnel protective actions are required at this time.

(2) Personnel should avoid the (plantarea) because of (type hazard)


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 9 of 32

d. IF the EOF has NOT accepted responsibility for off-site notifications and PARs, THEN:

Note Protective actionsfor the public are requiredfor a GeneralEmergency only.

1. Review current and potential protective action recommendations (EPIP-AD- 19).
2. IF time permits, THEN contact off-site authorities via the Dial-Select to discuss pending changes in classification and/or appropriate PAR.
3. Initiate revised event classifications and/or PAR on "Event Notice,"

Form EPIPF-AD-07-01.

4. Review and sign all "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, that are generated from the CR/TSC.
5. Forward approved "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, to the Offsite Communicator for transmission to off-site agencies.
6. For initial or change in classification, direct the Offsite Communicator to activate pagers for all emergency response personnel (group code 9233) in accordance with EPIP-AD-07 Step 5.2. (See KPB Emergency Telephone Directory for individual pager numbers.)
1. Obtain a copy of Form EPIPF-AD-07-04, "ERO Event Notification," and provide the following on the form:

"* Pager access code in Step #4

"* Pager message code in Step #5

2. Give Form EPIPF-AD-07-04 to the Offsite Communicator and instruct this individual to notify the ERO.
7. Verify that required notifications are made (EPIP-AD-07 or EPIP-EOF-08, "Continuing Emergency Notifications").
e. IF the EOF has taken responsibility for off-site notifications and PARs, THEN ensure the ERM is notified of the emergency level escalation and the time it was declared.
f. Direct the Shift Technical Advisor to notify the NRC in accordance with Step 5.6.3 of this procedure.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 10 of 32 5.2.11 Determine the response status with an information collection brief. Include the following emergency response organization Directors:

a. Event Operations Director (EOD):

"* Off-site Notifications (EPIP-AD-07)

"* Plant Operations Status

"* Control Room support priorities

b. Radiological Protection Director (RPD):

"* Status of Radiological Effluent Releases (potential off-site dose consequences)

"* Off-site Dose Assessment Evaluation

"* Emergency Radiation Controls (EPIP-AD- 11) (actions taken in response to this procedure)

"* Status of Personal Injuries or Vehicle Accidents

"* Availability of Potassium Iodide (EPIP-AD-18, "Potassium Iodide Distribution")

"* Status of plant conditions that could warrant evacuation of non-essential plant personnel

c. Technical Support Center Director (TSCD):

"* TSC Activation and Operational Status (EPIP-TSC-02, Technical Support Center Activation")

"* Significant Plant Trends

"* "Core Damage Assessment" (EPIP-TSC-09A, "Core Damage Assessment")

d. Support Activities Director (SAD):

"* OSF Activation and operational status

"* OSF Facility Operations (EPIP-OSF-02, "Operational Support Facility Operations")

"* Maintenance Activities

"* "Search and Rescue" (EPLP-OSF-04, "Search and Rescue")


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 11 of 32

e. Site Protection Director (SPD):

"* Removal of Visitors from site (i.e., fishermen) (EPIP-SEC-02)

"* Personnel Accountability (EPIP-SEC-03)

"* Access Control

"* Significant Security Activities

f. Severe Accident Management Team Leader (SAMTL):

"* SAM Team Status

"* Severe Challenge Status

"* Strategies Implemented

"* Strategies being Evaluated

"* New Strategy Recommendations 5.2.12 Determine priorities of major tasks required to minimize the impact on the public and mitigate the incident. Weigh activities in the following areas:

"* Operations

"* Radiological

"* Technical Support

"* Maintenance

"* Security 5.2.13 Inform Emergency Response Manager (ERM) of:

"* Status of the plant.

"* On-site or off-site radiological releases or potential releases.

"* Priorities of tasks to minimize the impact to the public.

"* Incidents of public interest (i.e., fires, spills, personnel contaminations, and personnel injuries).


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant "EmergencyPlan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 12 of 32 5.2.14 When appropriate, brief the Plant Emergency Response Organization on plant conditions and priorities. Give specific guidance and assignments considering the following:

a. If required, direct evacuation of non-essential personnel from the plant.

"* Direct the SPD to initiate a plant evacuation.

"* Direct the RPD to assist the SPD in the plant evacuation.

o Contact the Manitowoc and Kewaunee County Emergency Directors and the ERM to coordinate the evacuation (may use Dial Select).

"* The SPD implements and coordinates instructions.

"* Update the Manitowoc and Kewaunee County Emergency Directors and the ERM on the status of the evacuation (may use Dial Select).

b. If appropriate, instruct the data coordinator to initiate plant parameter trends on the following:

"* Safety Assessment System

  • Digital Display (#3)

"* PPCS Trend Recorders 5.2.15 IF the ERM has NOT assumed the responsibility, THEN provide Plant Emergency status updates to off-site authorities.

a. IF off-site EOCs are activated, THEN use the Dial Select to contact off-site organizations.
b. IF off-site organization EOCs are NOT activated, WHEN those organizations initiate a request, THEN provide status updates.
c. Use the "State Call-Back - Question Guideline," Form EPIPF-AD-07-02, or "Plant Emergency Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05, and/or "Radiological Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06, as information guides.

5.2.16 Review the plant Emergency Response Staffing requirements and need for any Emergency Director Assistants.

5.2.17 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.2.18 Review the requirements of Section 5.1 of EPIP-AD-15, "Recovery Planning and Termination," and determine if recovery or termination activities can be implemented.

5.2.19 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.2.7.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 13 of 32 5.2.20 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Notify the Emergency Response Manager of the event termination or entry into recovery and the suspension of the use of the use of EPIPs.
b. IF the event is an ENTRY INTO RECOVERY, THEN read aloud two times on the Gai-tronics the message below:

"Attention all personnel. We have entered plant recovery operations.

Review final conditions of all procedures and restore al emergency response materials and equipment to their proper location.

Appropriate inventories should be performed and supplies replenished as appropriate. Use of EPIPs is suspended when all final actions have been completed to the satisfaction of the facility Director. The Recovery Manager is and the Environmental Liaison is _99

c. IF the event is an emergency class TERMINATION, THEN read aloud two times on the Gai-tronics the message below:

"Attention all personnel. We have terminated the Emergency response.

Review final conditions of all procedures and restore all emergency response materials and equipment to their proper location. Appropriate Inventories should be performed and supplies replenished as appropriate."

d. Ensure that termination or recovery notifications have been initiated by the NRC communicator.
e. Verify that "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, is being transmitted accordance with EPIP-AD-07 or EPIP-EOF-08.
f. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to there proper place.
g. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the TSCD.
h. Implement EPMP-02.01, "Declared Emergency Evaluation and Documentation."

5.3 The Notifier shall:

5.3.1 WHEN notified or upon hearing the Event announcement (except when a Security Event is in progress), report immediately to the SM in the Control Room.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 IRev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 14 of 32 5.3.2 WHEN directed by the Emergency Director/Shift Manager to perform event notifications, go to EPIP-AD-07.

5.3.3 IF an Emergency Response Facility (ERF) Communicator-Control Room (CR) is NOT available, THEN assume the role of the ERF Communicator-CR and go to Step 5.4.4.

5.3.4 When notified by the Offsite Communicator in the EOF or TSC that they are prepared to accept offsite communications:

a. Receive confirmation from the ED or EOD that it is appropriate to transfer communications.
b. Inform the Offsite Communicator that he has responsibility for offsite notifications.
c. Ensure date, time, and location is entered in the Control Room Chronological Log of Events for turnover of responsibilities to the Offsite Communicator from the Notifier.
d. Inform the ED or EOD that offsite communications have been transferred to the Offsite Communicator, and that the log entry for this transfer has been made.
e. Ensure the bell is turned off on the Government Verification line.

5.3.5 Until released, remain in the Control Room and help the designated ERF Communicator-CR.

5.3.6 WHEN released, report back to the Shift Captain.

5.4 Emergency Response Facility (ERF) Communicator shall:

5.4.1 WHEN directly notified, paged by radio-pager, or hearing the event announcement:

a. Report to the Control Room immediately.
b. IF the ERF Communicator-CR has been designated, THEN until released, assist the designated ERF Communicator-CR.
c. IF an ERF Communicator-CR has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the ERF Communicator-CR and continue to implement this procedure.

5.4.2 Notify the SM/ED of your arrival and assumption of the ERF Communicator-CR duties.

5.4.3 If applicable, obtain the status of notifications and verification call backs from the Notifier.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 15 of 32 5.4.4 IF there is an event: DECLARATION, ESCALATION, DE-ESCALATION, CHANGE IN PAR, TERMINATION, OR ENTRY INTO RECOVERY, AND directed by the SM/ED, go to EPIP-AD-07 OR EPIP-EOF-08 AND make the appropriate event notifications.

5.4.5 Review the need for the Notifier or additional communicator support.

5.4.6 IF additional Communicator support is needed, THEN contact the Technical Support Center Director 5.4.7 IF State and County notifications and ERO notifications are complete, or if a Notifier is implementing them, THEN enter the 4-Way Communications Link. The "dial in number" and "access number" are listed in the KPB Emergency Telephone Directory, ETD 03, "Emergency Response Facilities Telephone List."

5.4.8 Notify the EOD of any significant events.

5.4.9 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.4.10 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.4.4.

5.4.11 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Verify that the bell switch on the emergency government verification line is in the ON position.
b. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to their proper place.
c. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the EOD.

5.5 The Control Room Support Person (SP-C) shall:

5.5.1 WHEN directly notified, paged by radio-pager, or hearing the event announcement:

a. Report to the Control Room immediately.
b. IF a Control Room Support Person has been designated, THEN until released, assist the Control Room Support Person, as instructed.
c. IF a Control Room Support Person has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the Control Room Support Person and continue to implement this procedure.

5.5.2 Initiate or maintain accountability in the Control Room (EPIP-SEC-03).


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 IRev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 16 of 32 5.5.3 Support the Control Room staff with:

a. Chronological log of events
b. Copying and faxing
c. Answering telephones 5.5.4 Review the need for additional Control Room Support Personnel.

5.5.5 IF additional Support Personnel are needed, THEN notify the EOD.

5.5.6 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05, "Emergency Response Organization Shift Relief Guideline."

5.5.7 Notify the EOD of any significant issues.

5.5.8 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.5.2.

5.5.9 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the EOD.

5.6 Shift Technical Advisor shall:

Note The Shift TechnicalAdvisor shall be capableof responding to the Control Room within 10 minutes.

5.6.1 Report to the Control Room to be briefed on plant conditions.

5.6.2 Assist the Shift Manager in assessing plant conditions and determining emergency classification as defined in EPIP-AD-02, "Emergency Class Determination."

Note The respondingNRC Communicatormay be asked to assist in NRC notification. Off-site and otherneeded ERO or ERFcommunicationsshall be completed before the ERF Communicator-CRcan provide this support, unless there is more than one ERF Communicator-CRavailable.

5.6.3 Perform NRC Notification:

a. Gather information needed to prepare the NRC "Event Notification Worksheet," Form GNP- 11.04.04-1.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 17 of 32 Note If needed, the commercial telephone number is (301) 951-0550.

b. Notify the NRC (Headquarters, Rockville) as soon as possible, but not more than one hour after declaration of the Event, using the Emergency Notification System (ENS) phone.

Note The NRC may request continuous communicationsper 10CFR50.72(c)(3).

The STA must coordinatethis activity with accidentassessment until arrival of an NRC Communicator OR activationof the TSC allows them to assume this activity.

c. Provide the NRC with the necessary information from a completed Event Notification Worksheet.

5.6.4 WHEN the NRC Communicator arrives OR the TSC accepts responsibility for NRC communications and plant status and other activities are at a point that it is appropriate, turn NRC communications over by taking the following actions:

a. Brief on plant conditions, the status of NRC notification and updates.
b. Inform them that you are turning over responsibility for NRC communications to them.
c. Ensure date and time is entered in the Control Room Chronological Log of Events for turnover of responsibilities for NRC communications from the STA.

5.6.5 Support the Control Room staff with technical and analytical assistance in diagnosing abnormal events and to ensure adequate core cooling.

5.6.6 Monitor plant conditions and provide assistance as needed to the Shift Manager.

5.6.7 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.6.5.

5.6.8 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the EOD.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 18 of 32 5.7 Event Operations Director (EOD) shall:

5.7.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Control Room.
b. IF an Event Operations Director has been designated, THEN until released,

"* If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05, AND

"* Assist the designated Event Operations Director.

c. IF an Event Operations Director has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the Event Operations Director and continue implementation of this procedure.

Note Verbally inform the Shift Managerthat you have accepted the EOD responsibilities.

5.7.2 Accept formal turnover of responsibilities (for EOD) from SM to include:

"* TSC and EOF communications

"* Maintaining verification of accountability

"* Staffing of Control Room

"* Processing work requests

"* Monitoring fire fighting operations and maintaining accountability of fire team

"* Obtaining additional assistance from Emergency Response Organization

"* Monitoring and support of plant operations 5.7.3 Notify the SM/ED of your arrival and assumption of Event Operations Director responsibilities.

5.7.4 Ensure date and time is entered in the Control Room Chronological Log of Events for turnover of responsibilities for EOD from SM.

5.7.5 WHEN they are activating, verify DAROME communication links with TSC and EOF.

5.7.6 When appropriate, accept a briefing from the Shift Manager and STA.

5.7.7 Verify Control Room personnel accountability is being maintained.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 IRev. AL "Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 19 of 32 5.7.8 Review Control Room staffing requirements, AND

a. Direct the Notifier/Communicator to contact additional operations personnel as needed and request that they report to the site (See KPB Emergency Telephone Directory for names and numbers).
b. Release any personnel NOT required.

5.7.9 Assess overall plant status.

"* Verify equipment status and instrument indications.

"* Verify Radiation monitors for abnormal indications.

"* Review corrective actions that have been taken.

5.7.10 As necessary, make any recommendations to the Shift Manager.

5.7.11 Brief the Emergency Director of any changes on:

"* Off-site Notifications (EPIP-AD-07 or EPIP-EOF-08)

"* Plant Operations Status

"* Control Room support priorities 5.7.12 Inform the RPD of any changes in radiological indications.

5.7.13 If required, request technical or maintenance support from the ED.

5.7.14 Prepare all work requests (WR) for approval.

a. Review WR and designate retest requirements.
b. If required to do the job, determine and initiate system lineups and tagouts.

5.7.15 Brief the Control Room staff periodically on:

"* Emergency response status

"* Priorities

"* Specific guidance and assignments 5.7.16 If appropriate, plan for shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.7.17 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.7.5.


WISCONSIN PUBUC SERVICE CORP. No. EPEP-AD-04 IRev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 20 of 32 5.7.18 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records and logs from all documents generated during the course of the event.
c. Schedule a self critique with all CR event participants (all shifts) as soon as practical.

5.8 Radiological Protection Director (RPD) shall:

5.8.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Technical Support Center (TSC).
b. IF a Radiation Protection Director has been designated, THEN until released, e If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

e Assist the designated RPD.

c. IF a Radiation Protection Director has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the RPD and continue implementing this procedure.

5.8.2 Notify the ED/TSCD of your arrival in the TSC and assumption of RPD responsibilities.

5.8.3 Direct the staff to activate the RPO/RAF (EPIP-RET-02A, "RPO - RAF Activation").

5.8.4 When conditions warrant, the RPD shall relocate the RPO to the RAF.

5.8.5 Direct staff to establish Radiation Emergency Team organization (EPIP-RET-02, "In-Plant Radiation Emergency Team").

5.8.6 If required, verify personnel accountability in RPO is being maintained.

5.8.7 If required, assist the SAD in search and rescue operations (EPIP-OSF-04).

5.8.8 Check radiological and meteorological information available in the TSC.

5.8.9 If needed, contact the Data Coordinator or ERF Communicator-TSC for additional Area and Process radiation monitor information.

5.8.10 Verify that emergency radiation controls are being implemented (EPIP-AD- 11).


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPEP-AD-04 7 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 _ Page 21 of 32 5.8.11 Verify controlled area access is being maintained (EPIP-RET-02D, "Emergency Radiation Entry Controls and Implementation").

5.8.12 As dictated by the emergency event, direct the staff to implement additional In-Plant Radiation Emergency Team (IRET) and Chemistry Emergency Team (CET) procedures.

"* "Gaseous Effluent Release Path, Radioactivity, and Release Rate Determination," EPIP-RET-02B

"* "Liquid Effluent Release Paths," EPIP-RET-03A

"* "Post Accident Operation of the High Radiation Sample Room,"


"* "Containment Air Sampling Analysis Using CASP," EPIP-RET-03D

"* "SBF Operation/Relocation," EPIP-RET-04A

"* "Site Boundary Dose Rates During Controlled Plant Cooldown,"


"* "Contamination Control of the Aurora Medical Center," HP-01.020

"* "Post Accident Population Dose," EPIP-RET-09 5.8.13 IF dose calculation capability is NOT available in the EOF AND a radioactive release has occurred or there is the potential for a release, THEN:

a. Direct the staff to perform dose projections (EPIP-ENV-03C, "Dose Projection Using RASCAL Version 2.2 Software").
b. Maintain an overall awareness of environmental conditions and the contributing factors for development of protective action recommendations in accordance with procedure EPIP-AD-19.

5.8.14 Monitor plant conditions for indications of radioactive iodine and with concurrence of the ED make KI available, if appropriate (EPIP-AD-18).

5.8.15 If required, assist the SPD with Personnel Evacuation (EPIP-SEC-05).

Note Transportationof a contaminatedinjuredperson shall be to the Aurora Medical Center and an IRET should be dispatchedto the hospital.

Note IF there is a question as to the extent of injuries, THEN it should be treatedas a critical injury.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPEP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 22 of 32 Note Off-Site Support Agencies and theirphone numbers are listed in the KPB Emergency Telephone Directory.

5.8.16 IF there are injuries or vehicle accidents associated with plant personnel or contractors, THEN contact the appropriate support agencies.

a. IF the injury is a "Medical Attention (Critical) Injury" or a vehicle accident with injuries (see NAD-02.09 for definition of critical injuries), THEN:
1. Contact the County Sheriff's office with jurisdiction at the location of the injury(s). (Kewaunee County has jurisdiction on the KNPP site.)

"* Kewaunee County Dispatch - 911

"* Manitowoc County Dispatch - (920) 683-4200

2. Notify the dispatcher of the accident and/or injury and request a rescue squad (all critically injured personnel shall be transported by rescue squad).
3. Provide the dispatcher with the following information:
  • Your name, position, and return telephone number.

@ The location of the accident and when it occurred.

  • How many and how the injury(s) occurred.
  • Nature and extent of injuries and condition of the patient(s).
  • If any, extent of radioactive contamination and instructions that transportation of a potentially contaminated injured person shall be to the Aurora Medical Center.

e Plant name, location.

  • If required, plant access instructions.
4. IF the injury is on-site, THEN:

e Inform the SPD of your request for a rescue squad and its estimated time of arrival.

  • Direct the SPD to have the vehicle driven to the proper plant entrance.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 7 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert Higher or Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergenty PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 23 of 32

5. IF the accident potentially involves radioactive contamination, THEN:

"* Dispatch an IRET member to the accident site for contamination control.

"* Dispatch an IRET member to the Aurora Medical Center to assist the hospital staff.

6. Insure that the requirements for "Injury/Illness Response," NAD-02.09, are implemented.
7. Inform the Emergency Director, Emergency Response Manager, and the Plant Spokesperson of the accident and details of the injuries.
b. IF the Injury is a "Medical Attention (Non-critical) Injury," THEN:

Note Any KNPPor contractorvehicle may be usedfor transportof (non critical)injuredpersonnel.

1. Arrange for transportation of the injured person.
2. Direct the SPD to have the vehicle driven to the proper plant entrance.
3. Contact the hospital or clinic and provide the following information:

"* Your name, position, and return telephone number.

"* When, how many, and how the injury(s) occurred.

"* Nature of injuries and condition of the patient.

"* If any, extent of radioactive contamination.

"* Plant name, location, and access instructions.

"* Estimated time of arrival for the patient(s) at the hospital or clinic.

4. IF there are contaminated injuries, THEN send an IRET member to the Aurora Medical Center to assist the hospital staff.
5. Insure that the requirements for "Injury/Illness Response," NAD-02.09, are implemented.
6. Inform the Emergency Director, Emergency Response Manager, and the Plant Spokesperson of the accident and details of the injuries.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 -TRev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 24 of 32 5.8.17 Brief the Emergency Director of plant radiological conditions:

"* Status of Radiological Effluent Releases (potential off-site dose consequences).

"* Emergency Radiation Controls (EPIP-AD- 11) (actions taken in response to this procedure).

"* Status of Personal Injuries or Vehicle Accidents.

"* Availability of Potassium Iodide (EPIP-AD-18).

5.8.18 Review the personnel requirements in the RPO/RAF and:

a. As needed, direct the staff to contact additional Radiation Emergency Team (RET) members.
b. Release any RPO/RAF staff not required.

5.8.19 If appropriate for long term accident support, then coordinate with the ALD to establish contract support.

5.8.20 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.8.21 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.8.5.

5.8.22 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the TSCD.
c. Verify all samples collected have been cataloged and appropriately stored.
d. Schedule a self critique with all event participants in the RPO/RAF (all shifts) as soon as practical.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 25 of 32 5.9 Technical Support Center Director (TSCD) shall:

5.9.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Technical Support Center (TSC).
b. If a Technical Support Center Director has been designated, UNTIL released:

"* Assist in the activation of the TSC per EPIP-TSC-02.

"* If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

"* Assist the designated TSCD.

c. IF a Technical Support Center Director has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the TSCD and continue implementing this procedure.

5.9.2 Notify the Emergency Director of your assumption of TSCD responsibilities.

5.9.3 Notify TSC staff of your assumption of TSCD responsibilities.

5.9.4 Verify that the TSC is being activated (EPIP-TSC-02).

5.9.5 Verify accountability is being maintained in the TSC (EPIP-SEC-03).

5.9.6 Determine the TSC activity status by obtaining the following information from TSC staff.

a. Operations Coordinator.

"* TSC support of control room activities

"* Technical support of IPEOPs (EPIP-TSC-10, "Technical Support for IPEOPs")

b. Engineering Coordinator:
  • Design change activities (EPIP-TSC-04, "Emergency Physical Changes, Major Equipment Repair")

e Work requests (EPIP-OSF-03, "Work Requests During an Emergency")

e Support Activities REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 {Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 26 of 32

c. - Core Hydraulics Coordinator:

"* Core Damage Assessment (EPIP-TSC-09A)

"* If appropriate, Steam Release Calculations (EPIP-TSC-08A, "Calculations for Steam Release from Steam Generators")

"* If appropriate, Head Venting Calculations (EPIP-TSC-07, "RV Head Venting Time Calculation")

d. Quality Control Coordinator:

"* QC concerns

"* Warehouse activities

e. Data Coordinator:

"* Status of data collection and posting (EPIP-TSC-03)

"* Significant changes in plant parameters

f. ERF Communicators
  • CR, TSC, EOF, JPIC Communication (4-Way Communications Link) e NRC communications

5.9.8 Brief the Emergency Director on TSC activities.

e TSC Activation and Operational Status (EPIP-TSC-02) o Significant Plant Trends e Core Damage Assessment (EPIP-TSC-09A) 5.9.9 Ensure the TSC staff is informed of plant status and ED priorities.

5.9.10 Review TSC staffing requirements.

5.9.11 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.9.12 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.9.5.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 IRev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 27 of 32 5.9.13 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Ensure the TSC and OSF are de-activated per "Technical Support Center Activation," EPIP-TSC-02.
b. Collect all records and logs from all documents generated during the course of the event.
c. Schedule a self critique with all event participants in the TSC (all shifts) as soon as practical.

5.10 Support Activities Director (SAD) shall:

5.10.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Technical Support Center (TSC).
b. IF a Support Activities Director has been designated, THEN until released,

"* If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

"* Assist the designated SAD.

c. IF a Support Activities Director has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the SAD and continue implementing this procedure.

5.10.2 Notify the Emergency Director of your assumption of SAD responsibilities.

5.10.3 Notify the OSF staff that you have assumed the responsibilities of Support Activities Director.

5.10.4 Direct the OSF coordinator to implement EPIP-OSF-02.

5.10.5 Designate an OSF assembly area giving consideration to manpower pool size and environmental conditions.

5.10.6 If needed, direct the OSF coordinator to initiate search and rescue operations (EPIP-OSF-04).

5.10.7 Contact the Emergency Director for information on plant status and immediate actions.

5.10.8 Direct emergency maintenance activities in accordance with the priorities established by the Emergency Director.

5.10.9 If required, request engineering support from the Engineering Coordinator.

5.10.10 Review the maintenance staffing requirements to mitigate the incident.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 {Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert Higher or Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 28 of 32 5.10.11 Brief the Emergency Director on OSF activities.

"* OSF Activation and operational status

"* OSF Facility Operations (EPIP-OSF-02)

"* Maintenance Activities

"* Search and Rescue (EPIP-OSF-04) 5.10.12 Ensure the OSF staff is informed of plant status and ED priorities.

5.10.13 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.10.14 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN go to Step 5.10.6.

5.10.15 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the TSCD.
c. Schedule a self critique with all event participants in the OSF (all shifts) as soon as practical.

5.11 Site Protection Director (SPD) shall:

5.11.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Security Building.
b. If a Site Protection Director has been designated, UNTIL released:

e If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

  • Assist the designated SPD.
c. IF a Site Protection Director has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the SPD and continue implementing this procedure.

5.11.2 Notify the ED/TSCD of your arrival in the Security Building and assumption of the SPD responsibility.

5.11.3 Direct the implementation of "Security Force Response to Emergencies,'


5.11.4 Establish "Personnel Assembly and Accountability," EPIP-SEC-03.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 29 of 32 5.11.5 IF Search and Rescue is required due to accountability results, THEN notify the Support Activities Director.

5.11.6 Direct the security staff to issue dosimetry to personnel responding from off-site (EPIP-SEC-04).

5.11.7 When appropriate, relocate to the TSC.

5.11.8 Obtain information from the RPD or the Control Room concerning fire, chemical, or radiological hazards present within the protected area.

5.11.9 IF hazards identified by the RPD or the Control Room warrant it, THEN restrict ERO personnel movement.

5.11.10 IF directed by the ED, THEN initiate a plant evacuation (EPIP-SEC-05).

5.11.11 Brief the Emergency Director on security activities:

"* Removal of Visitors from site (i.e., fishermen) (EPIP-SEC-02)

  • Personnel Accountability (EPIP-SEC-03)

"* Plant Evacuations (EPIP-SEC-05)

"* Access Control

"* Dosimetry Issue (EPIP-SEC-04)

"* Significant Security Activities 5.11.12 Ensure that the Security Force and staff are informed of any significant issues relative to their activities.

5.11.13 Ensure accountability is maintained (EPIP-SEC-03).

5.11.14 Review security staffing requirements and make appropriate adjustments.

5.11.15 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.11.16 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN._ go to Step 5.10.8.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 30 of 32 5.11.17 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met:

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc. are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the TSCD.
c. Schedule a self critique with all event participants in Security (all shifts) as soon as practical.

6.0 Final Conditions 6.1 Plant Emergency has been Terminated or Recovery actions have begun and the responsible Director has suspended the use of EPIPs.

7.0 References 7.1 Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan 7.2 COMTRAK 87-152, Downgrading of EALs 7.3 COMTRAK 88-068, Calling in additional communicators as required 7.4 NRC Inspection Report K-87-195, same as Reference 7.2 7.5 10CFR50.72(c)(3), Maintaining open communications with the NRC 7.6 NAD-02.09, Injury/Illness Response 7.7 EPIP-AD-02, Emergency Class Determination 7.8 EPIP-AD-05, Emergency Response Organization Shift Relief Guideline 7.9 EPIP-AD-07, Initial Emergency Notifications 7.10 EPIP-AD-1 1, Emergency Radiation Controls 7.11 EPIP-AD- 15, Recovery Planning and Termination 7.12 EPIP-AD-18, Potassium Iodide Distribution 7.13 EPIP-AD-19, Protective Action Guidelines 7.14 EPIP-AD-20, KNPP Response to a Security Threat 7.15 EPIP-ENV-03C, Dose Projection Using RASCAL Version 2.2 Software REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 FRev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergenty Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 31 of 32 7.16 EPIP-EOF-08, Continuing Emergency Notifications 7.17 EPIP-OSF-02, Operational Support Facility Operations 7.18 EPIP-OSF-03, Work Requests During an Emergency 7.19 EPIP-OSF-04, Search and Rescue 7.20 EPIP-RET-02, In-Plant Radiation Emergency Team 7.21 EPIP-RET-02A, RPO - RAF Activation 7.22 EPIP-RET-02B, Gaseous Effluent Release Path, Radioactivity, and Release Rate Determination 7.23 EPIP-RET-02D, Emergency Radiation Entry Controls and Implementation 7.24 EPIP-RET-03A, Liquid Effluent Release Paths 7.25 EPIP-RET-03C, Post Accident Operation of the High Radiation Sample Room 7.26 EPIP-RET-03D, Containment Air Sampling Analysis Using CASP 7.27 EPIP-RET-04A, SBF Operation/Relocation 7.28 EPIP-RET-05, Site Boundary Dose Rates During Controlled Plant Cooldown 7.29 HP-01.020, Contamination Control of the Aurora Medical Center 7.30 EPIP-RET-09, Post-Accident Population Dose 7.31 EPIP-SEC-02, Security Force Response to Emergencies 7.32 EPIP-SEC-03, Personnel Assembly and Accountability 7.33 EPIP-SEC-05, Personnel Evacuation 7.34 EPIP-TSC-02, Technical Support Center Activation 7.35 EPIP-TSC-04, Emergency Physical Changes, Major Equipment Repair 7.36 EPIP-TSC-07, RV Head Venting Time Calculation 7.37 EPIP-TSC-10, Technical Support for IPEOPs 7.38 EPIP-TSC-09A, Core Damage Assessment REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-04 Rev. AL Title KNPP Response to Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant "EmergencyPlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 32 of 32 7.39 KPB Emergency Telephone Directory 7.40 EPMP-02.01, Declared Emergency Evaluation and Documentation 8.0 Records 8.1 The following QA records and non-QA records are identified in this directive/procedure and are listed on the KNPP Records Retention Schedule. These records shall be maintained according to the KNPP Records Management Program.

8.1.1 OA Records

"* Event Notice, Form EPIPF-AD-07-01

"* Event Notification Worksheet, Form GNP- 11.04.04-1 8.1.2 Non-QA Records None REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-07 -TRev. AS Title Initial Emergency Notifications Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 F Page 1 of 7 Reviewed By Bill Bartelme Approved By Bill Barteflm¢ Nula 1 e PORC 0] Yes ISRO Approval Of 13 Yes NuleartyYe Review 0 Temporary Related [] No IRequired []No Changes Required [] No 1.0 Purpose 1.1 This procedure provides instruction for the Security Notifier (SEC-N), ERF Communicator - Control Room (ERFCM-C), Operations crew members, or Off-Site Communicator (OFFCM) for notification of Off-Site Authorities of an emergency event escalation, de-escalation, change in Protective Action Recommendation (PAR), termination, or entry into recovery, as directed by the Shift Manager (SM), Emergency Director (ED), or Emergency Response Manager (ERM).

2.0 General Notes 2.1 IF approached by the media during a declared emergency, THEN refer them to the Joint Public Information Center (JPIC) at (920) 433-1400 or 1-(800) 838-6192 and tell them that this is their most accurate source for information.

2.2 IF more than one communicator is available, THEN it is preferred that Steps 5.1 and 5.2 be performed in parallel.

3.0 Precautions and Limitations 3.1 The classification of an event shall be performed within 15 minutes of recognizing that conditions exist requiring that classification and the subsequent declaration on "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01. Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 should be initiated and in progress to state and local emergency governments within 15 minutes of the emergency level being declared or as soon as possible without further compromise to plant or public safety.

3.2 UNTIL off-site notifications are transferred to the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) or Technical Support Center (TSC), verify the bell switch on Government Verification Phone is ON in the Control Room.

3.3 IF an event is terminated prior to the initial notification of the event, THEN the off-site notification of the declaration of the event AND the termination of the same event can be made simultaneously by using an appropriately completed "Event Notice,"

Form EPIPF-AD-07-01. Notification of the Emergency Response Organization (ERO)

(Step 5.2) is not required in this circumstance.

i:\appdata\procpws\drafttepip\eadO7.doc--Christine Simmons/Amy Kudick-Jeanne Ferris CONTINUOUS USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-07 Rev. AS Title Initial Emergency Notifications Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date' JAN 20 2003 Page 2 of 7 3.4 IF an emergency class escalation, de-escalation, change in PAR, termination, or entry into recovery occurs during the notification AND prior to transfer of off-site notifications to the TSC or EOF, THEN disregard any remaining steps and return to Step 5.1. Begin the appropriate actions and notifications for the new emergency level.

4.0 Initial Conditions 4.1 This procedure is initiated for the Initial event notifications and will continue to be used for event notifications until the State of Wisconsin Emergency Operations Center (State EOC) is activated. This procedure shall be implemented upon an event

  • ENTRY INTO RECOVERY, as directed by the SM/ED or ERM.

5.0 Procedure Note IF the State EOC is activated,THEN go to "ContinuingEmergency Notifications,"


Note Step 5.1 is to be performed by the Notifier, if available.

5.1 Notify the State and County of the Event Check 5.1.1 Verify that any "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, received from the SM/ED or ERM has their approval signature, date, and time.

5.1.2 Complete block 12 of Form EPIPF-AD-07-01.

5.1.3 Complete Attachment A of EPIP-AD-07, "State and County Event Notification."

Note Step 5.2 is to be performedby the Notifier, if available.

5.2 Notify the ERO of the Event 5.2.1 Verify that a pager access code has been selected on Form EPIPF-AD-07-04, "ERO Event Notification," Step 4, by the SM/ED or ERM.

5.2.2 Verify that a pager message code has been selected on Form EPIPF-AD-07-04 "ERO Event Notification," Step 5, by the SM/ED or ERM.

5.2.3 Complete Form EPIPF-AD-07-04, "ERO Event Notification."


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-07 Rev. AS Title Initial Emergency Notifications Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergenc PlanImplementin Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 3 of 7 Note Steps 5.3 and 5.4 are NOT to be performed by the ERF Communicator-CR.

5.3 FAX Event Notice Check 5.3.1 Obtain fax cover sheet, Form EPIPF-EOF-08-03, "Fax for Emergency Declaration or Status Updates."

5.3.2 Send fax broadcast of completed "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 with fax cover sheet, by following instructions on Form EPIPF-AD-07-03, "Fax Event Notice."

5.3.3 Contact the Point Beach Duty Shift Manager at (920) 755-6247 and notify him that an "Event Notice" has been faxed to him.

5.4 Return Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 to the SM/ED or ERM who approved the "Event Notice."

5.5 WHEN final conditions are met (Step 6.0), THEN return to EPIP-AD-03, "KNPP Response to an Unusual Event," OR EPIP-AD-04, "KNPP Response to Alert or Higher," OR EPIP-EOF-04, "EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher," at the step you left the procedure.

6.0 Final Conditions 6.1 The off-site notification implemented upon declaration of an event - ESCALATION,

  • ENTRY INTO RECOVERY, is complete.

7.0 References 7.1 Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan 7.2 EPIP-APPX-A-1, Communication System Description 7.3 KPB Emergency Telephone Directory 7.4 EPIP-AD-03, KNPP Response to an Unusual Event 7.5 EPIP-AD-04, KNPP Response to Alert or Higher 7.6 EPIP-EOF-04, EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher 7.7 EPIP-EOF-08, Continuing Emergency Notifications CONTINUOUS USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPEP-AD-07 Rev. AS Title Initial Emergency Notifications Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 4 of 7 7.8 Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, Event Notice (Nuclear Accident Reporting System Form (NARS))

7.9 Form EPIPF-AD-07-03, FAX Event Notice 7.10 Form EPIPF-AD-07-04, ERO Event Notification 7.11 Form EPIPF-EOF-08-03, Fax for Emergency Declaration or Status Updates 8.0 Records 8.1 The following QA records and non-QA records are identified in this directive/procedure and are listed on the KNPP Records Retention Schedule. These records shall be maintained according to the KNPP Records Management Program.

8.1.1 OA Records

Form EPIPF-AD-07-01

  • Attachment A, State and County Event Notification e Form EPIPF-AD-07-03, FAX Event Notice e Form EPIPF-AD-07-04, ERO Event Notification 8.1.2 Non--A Records None CONTINUOUS USE


Date and Time: Check

1. Verify the bell switch for the Government verification phone at your station is ON.
2. Pick up the Dial Select phone and verify the line is clear.
a. IF someone is using the Dial Select line, THEN state that you have a "PRIORITY 2" notification. They will clear the line unless they have a "PRIORITY 1" call.
b. IF someone states they have a "PRIORITY 1" conversation, THEN acknowledge their priority and monitor the call until they finish.
3. WHEN the line is clear, Dial "22" (All Call for agencies to be notified).
a. IF the Dial Select system is not operating, THEN go to Step 9 (Using Secondary Method, Commercial Phone).

Note EitherWarning Center I or Warning Center II may respond.Both are NO.T requiredto respond.

4. WHEN each party acknowledges:
a. Answer by stating: "This is the Kewaunee Nuclear Plant - Please stay on the line for a Nuclear Accident Reporting System (NARS) message."
b. Record the time each agency responds on top of Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 (NARS form).
c. After all agencies have answered press the # key to cancel the ringing.

IF after five (5) rings an agency has not answered, THEN press the individual's Dial Select number from the table below.


All Call 22 State Warning Center I or II 93 (I) and 83 (11)

Kewaunee County Sheriff Dispatch 13 Manitowoc County Sheriff Dispatch 54

"* WAIT up to five (5) more rings, THEN press the "#" key to cancel ringing.

"* IF unable to contact a specific agency, .THENcontinue with the notification of agencies on the line.

5. Read the message on Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 text aloud, SLOWLY AND DELIBERATELY, using number and letter designations (Ref: "Phonetic Alphabet.")
6. Say: "State Warning Center, please read back this message to verify accuracy."(Pause to allow message to be read back.)

Attachment A EPIP-AD-07 Rev. AS Date: JAN 20 2003 Page 5 of 7 CONTINUOUS USE



7. Say: "Have all agencies received this message?" (Wait for Reply.)
8. Say: "Relay this information to Emergency Management immediately. Have the appropriate personnel verify this message by placing a return phone call to KNPP at 920-388-0101."
9. IF any agencies did not respond to the Dial Select, THEN complete the State and County Event Notification using the secondary method, commercial phone.


State Warning Center I or II 1 (800) 943-0003 Kewaunee County Sheriff 1 (920) 388-7108 Manitowoc County Sheriff 1 (920) 683-4201

a. Call each applicable agency number in the order shown above.
b. WHEN the party answers, record the time on Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 (NARS form).
c. Read the message on Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 text aloud, SLOWLY AND DELIBERATELY, using number and letter designations (Ref: "Phonetic Alphabet.")
d. Say: "(agency name), please read back this message to verify accuracy."(Pause to allow message to be read back.)
e. Say: "Relay this information to Emergency Management immediately. Have the appropriate personnel verify this message by placing a return phone call to KNPP at 920-388-0101."
f. UNTIL all agencies have been notified, repeat Steps a through e.
10. Inform SM/ED/ERM that initial notifications have been made and you are waiting for verification callbacks.

,.f 75 AS Rev. AS EPIP-AD-07 Rev. Date: JAN eU eUU QVW ,J I Attachment A A EPIP-AD-07 Date: JAN 2U 2USE CONTINUOUS USE


Check Note WHILE monitoringfor callbacks you may continue with other steps in EPIP-AD-07.

11. Monitor government verification line for Call Backs.
a. WHEN calls are received from State or Local Emergency Government Officials, record time of call, caller name, and phone number.

Time Name Contact Phone #

State of Wisconsin (Duty Officer)

Manitowoc County (Emerg. Mgnt. Dir.)

Kewaunee County (Emerg. Gov. Dir.)

b. IF we have not received verification call backs from each of the off-site officials within 45 minutes from the time recorded for Roll-Call on Form EPIPF-AD-07-O1, THEN re-initiate the notification process for those officials by starting at Step 9.
c. IF further information or verification is requested, THEN transfer calls coming from State or Local Emergency Government Officials or the State Radiological Coordinator to the SM/ED/ERM or his designee.
12. Inform SM/ED/ERM when all verification callbacks have been received.
13. Return to procedure Step 5.2.

F. *=8 Attachment A Attachment A EPIP-AD-07 Rev. AS EPIP-AD-cYl Rev. AS Date:



, ul I rage: I a, I CONTINUOUS

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-19 7 Rev. S Title Protective Action Guidelines Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 1 of 7 Reviewed By Bill Bartelme Approved By Bill Bartelme Nuclear PORC Yes pproval Of A1e Safety 0 Yes Review 0 STempora 0Y 0 No Required [] No IChanges Required El No Related 1.0 Purpose 1.1 This procedure provides instruction for the Emergency Director (ED) initially responsible for using this procedure, upon declaration of a plant emergency, to provide off-site authorities with Protective Action Recommendations (PARs). When the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) has been activated, the responsibility will be assumed by the Emergency Response Manager (ERM).

2.0 General Notes 2.1 The Shift Manager is the initial ED in all situations. Any transfer of this responsibility should be documented in the Shift Manager's log and communicated to all other directors.

2.2 Communication of the initial PARs should be in progress to state and local emergency government authorities within 15 minutes of the emergency level being declared or as soon as possible without further compromise to plant or public safety.

2.3 The ED, with the assistance of the Radiological Protection Director (RPD), is responsible for PARs to off-site authorities prior to EOF activation. This responsibility is assumed by the Emergency Response Manager, with the support of the Environmental Protection Director (EPD), following the EOF activation. This responsibility may not be delegated.

2.4 As more information becomes available, initial default PARs should be adjusted in accordance with Step 5.2 of this procedure.

3.0 Precautions and Limitations 3.1 PARs are normally implemented for affected populations within the 10-mile plume exposure pathway EPZ. However, DO NOT ignore populations outside the 10-mile plume exposure pathway IF projected doses or field readings indicate doses > I rem TEDE or > 5 rem thyroid. (See Step 5.2.10) 4.0 Initial Conditions 4.1 The Emergency Director shall classify the emergency in accordance with EPIP-AD-02, "Emergency Class Determination," prior to the implementation of this procedure.

j:.appdata~procpwsdraftt\epip\ead19.doc-Amy KudicklAmy Kudick-Jeanne Ferris REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-19 Rev. S Title Protective Action Guidelines Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant "EmergencyPlan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 2 of 7 5.0 Procedure Note Adverse meteorology exists if.

1. The 10 AND 60 meter wind speed is less than 5 mph, AND
2. Delta T is greaterthan +2.4°FOR Sigma Theta is less than 3.01 degrees.

(Refer to GraphicDisplay #52 from the PPCSterminal.)

5.1 Initial PARs for the appropriate emergency class.

5.1.1 General Emergency

a. IF adverse meteorology exists, THEN recommend to off-site authorities using Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, "Event Notice (Nuclear Accident Reporting System Form)," Box 10 to evacuate:
  • (B) Evacuate ALL sectors out to I miles.
b. IF adverse meteorology DOES NOT exist, THEN recommend to off-site authorities using Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 Box 10 to evacuate:

"o (B) Evacuate ALL sectors out to 2 miles, AND Note To determine sectors in (B) include the downwind sector(s)from Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 Table 1.

9 (B) Evacuate downwind sectors out to 5 miles.

c. Ensure on-site members of the general public (visitors, fishermen, tourists, farmers, etc.) are directed to leave the site in accordance with EPIP-SEC-02, "Security Force Response to Emergencies."
d. Ensure control measures for site access/egress are established in accordance with EPIP-SEC-02.

5.1.2 Site Emergency

a. Verify on-site members of the general public are directed to leave the site in accordance with EPIP-SEC-02.
b. Verify control measures for site access/egress are established in accordance with EPIP-SEC-02.
c. Immediate Planned Protective Action Recommendations from Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 Box 10 for the general public are:


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-19 7 Rev. S Title Protective Action Guidelines Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 3 of 7 5.1.3 Alert

a. Verify on-site members of the general public are directed to leave the site in accordance with EPIP-SEC-02 as a precautionary measure.
b. Verify control measures for site access/egress are established in accordance with EPIP-SEC-02.
c. Immediate Planned Protective Action Recommendations from Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 Box 10 for the general public are:

e (A) None 5.1.4 Unusual Event

a. Immediate Planned Protective Action Recommendations from Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 Box 10 for the general public are:
  • (A) None 5.2 PARs developed from Dose Projections and/or field survey and sample results.

5.2.1 Obtain the most recent RASCAL dose projections for TEDE and thyroid doses.

5.2.2 Obtain field survey and sample results.

5.2.3 Compare the available information obtained from the most recent RASCAL dose projections and field data with EPIP-AD-19 Table I to determine possible changes to off-site PARs.

a. IF projected or direct field result doses meet the criteria in the first column of the table, THEN relay the identified "recommended action" to the ERM (ED) immediately.

5.2.4 Evaluate the impact time, plant conditions (past, present, projected), weather conditions and forecast, and evacuation time estimates using EPIP-AD-19 Table 2, "Evacuation Time Estimates (KNPP/EPZ)."

5.2.5 Determine the most effective appropriate protective actions the public can take based on both radiological and plant conditions.

Note The following step will normally be performed only if the State EOC in Madison has been activated.

5.2.6 If appropriate, instruct the State Radiological Coordinator Liaison (SRCL) to discuss potential changes in PARs with the State Radiological Coordinator (SRC) for the State of Wisconsin.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-19 -7Rev. S Title Protective Action Guidelines Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 4 of 7 5.2.7 IF new PARs are advisable, THEN complete Form EPIPF-AD-07-01.

5.2.8 Forward Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 to the appropriate Communicator for transmission to government officials.

5.2.9 IF projections indicate a potential dose to the thyroid of > 25 rem for Emergency workers, THEN verify "Potassium Iodide Distribution," EPID-AD-18, is being implemented.

5.2.10 IF projections or field readings indicate doses > 1 rem TEDE or > 5 rem thyroid to any population outside of the EPZ, THEN report this immediately to the state and counties and if requested, provide assistance with ad hoc planning.

5.2.11 Repeat Step 5.2 until the Final Conditions are met, see Section 6.0.

6.0 Final Conditions 6.1 Additional Protective Action Recommendations are no longer required when the plant emergency has been Terminated or Recovery Actions have begun and the responsible Director has suspended the use of EPIPs.

7.0 References 7.1 EPA-400-R-92-001, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents (October 1991) 7.2 NUREG/CR-2925, In-Plant Considerations for Optimal Off-site Response to Reactor Accidents (November 1982) 7.3 U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21CFR Part 1090 7.4 EPIP-AD-02, Emergency Class Determination 7.5 EPIP-SEC-02, Security Force Response to Emergencies 7.6 NUREG-0654, .J.7 and lI.J.8 7.7 Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan, Appendix A 7.8 EPIP-AD-18, Potassium Iodide Distribution REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBUC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-19 IRev. S Title Protective Action Guidelines Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 5 of 7 8.0 Records 8.1 The following QA records and non-QA records are identified in this directive/procedure and are listed on the KNPP Records Retention Schedule. These records shall be maintained according to the KNPP Records Management Program.

8.1.1 OA Records

  • Event Notice, Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 8.1.2 Non-OA Records None REFERENCE USE

PROJECTED DOSE (REM) TO RECOMMENDED ACTIONS~a) COMMENTS THE POPULATION TEDE < 1 rem No planned protective actions.(b) If the conditions of Section 6.0 are satisfied, previously Thyroid < 5 Rem Monitor environmental radiation recommended protective actions levels. may be reconsidered.

TEDE > 1 rem Recommend evacuation in Seeking shelter would be an affected sectors. Monitor alternative if evacuation were Thyroid > 5 rem environmental radiation levels not immediately possible.

and adjust sectors recommended for evacuation based on these levels. Control access.

PROJECTED DOSE (REM) TO RECOMMENDED ACTIONS~c) COMMENTS EMERGENCY TEAM WORKERS TEDE < 5 rem Control exposure of emergency "All other Organs" include: skin workers to these levels except extremities and thyroid.

All other Organs < 50 rem TODE for those instances listed below.

(Appropriate controls for Stable iodine may be made emergency workers include time available for use where predicted limitations, respirators, and doses exceed 25 rem to the stable iodine.) thyroid. Although respirators and stable iodine should be used TEDE < 10 rem Emergency workers exposure where effective to control dose should be controlled below these to emergency team workers, All other Organs < 100 rem TODE levels when involves their mission protecting valuable thyroid dose may not be a limiting factor for lifesaving property. missions.

TEDE < 25 rem Emergency workers exposure should be controlled below these For Environmental/Monitoring All other Organs < 250 rem TODE levels when their mission Teams, refer to RASCAL involves lifesaving or protection "Maximum Doses at Selected of large populations. Distances" output screen. Check bone, lung, and thyroid doses.

(a) These actions are recommended for planning purposes. Protective action decisions at the time of the incident must take existing conditions into consideration. These conditions include containment activity, probability of containment failure, plume transport time, release duration, and any other pertinent conditions.

(b) At the time of the incident, officials may implement low-impact protective actions in keeping with the principle of maintaining radiation exposures as low as reasonably achievable.

(c) These actions are recommended for planning purposes. Protective action decisions at the time of the incident must take existing conditions into consideration. These conditions include containment activity, probability of containment failure, plume transport time, release duration, and any other pertinent conditions.

Table 1 EPIP-AD-19 Rev. S Date: JAN 20 2003 rage 6*o l I REFERENCE USE

EVACUATION TIME ESTIMATES (KNPP/EPZ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AAvg. Travel Notif. Plan Eoal Severe Area Sectors Total Route Speed Time Time Time Time Weather (mph) (min.) (min.) (min.) (min.)

2 All 64 Hwy. 42 50 6 15 30 51 72 (203) (4.75) 5N m,n,pq, 89 Co. Tk. B 50 4 15 30 49 68 (700) ra,b (3) 130 Hwy. 42 45 11 15 30 56 82 (7.75) 5S j,k,l,m 47 Co. Tk. AB 50 4 15 30 49 68 (585) (3) 136 Hwy. 42 50 5 15 30 50 70 (4)

ION ra,b 222 Co. Tk. B 45 6 15 30 51 72 (3559) (4.5) 890 Hwy. 42 50 9 15 30 54 78 (7) 1ONW p,q,r 89 Co. Tk. B 45 6 15 30 51 72 (530) (4.5) 77 Co. Tk. AB 50 3 15 30 48 66 (2.5) loW n,pq 84 Co. Tk. Q 45 6 15 30 51 72 (803) (4) 167 Co. Tk. AB 50 11 15 30 56 82 (8.5) 10SW l,m,n 455 Co. Tk. Q 45 6 15 30 51 72 (1456) (4) 10WSW k,l 92 Co. Tk. Q 45 6 15 30 51 72 (2029) (4) 542 Co. Tk. AB 50 7 15 30 52 74 (5.25) loS j,k 207 Hwy. 42 50 7 15 30 52 74 (663) (5.25) 1_ 1 December 2, 1993 S..

. .. . .- .. ,. .*', ,-,.-,Da a "7 rbf "7 Table 2 EPIP-AD-IS Rev. S uate: JAN ZU ZUO %1a *v REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-20 Rev. D Title KNPP Response to a Security Threat Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant "EmergencyPlan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 1 of 9 Reviewed By Jeanne Ferris3YsPORC Approved ByYes Rick Repshas

[SRO Approval Of [3 Yes Nula 13 NufeartyYe Review Temporary Related [] No Required [] No I Changes Required [] No 1.0 Purpose 1.1 This procedure provides instruction for the Shift Manager (SM)/Emergency Director (ED) and other initial response personnel for an appropriate response to a credible security threat specific to the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP).

2.0 General Notes 2.1 The Hudson Security Command Post will be in operation at 715-377-3353 and will be the hub for security communication.

2.2 Security will provide a management individual to an appropriate location for coordination of information.

3.0 Precautions and Limitations 3.1 "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, shall be initiated and in progress to state and local emergency governments within 15 minutes of the emergency level being declared, or as soon as possible without further compromise to plant or public safety.

3.2 The SM should remain in the Control Room during a declared emergency.

3.3 The following responsibilities of the ED shall not be delegated.

3.3.1 Determination of emergency classification (EPIP-AD-02).

3.3.2 Authorization of emergency exposures in excess of 10CFR Part 20 limits (EPIP-AD- 11).

3.3.3 UNTIL the Emergency Response Manager (ERM) assumes the responsibility following EOF activation, recommendations of protective actions to off-site authorities (EPIP-AD-19).

4.0 Initial Conditions 4.1 This procedure shall be implemented upon declaration of a credible security threat LO or HI as determined by security procedures.

4.2 If there is a HI security threat, go to Step 5.1.

jfiappdata\procpws\draftVepip\ead2O.doc-Jeanne Ferris/Amy Kudick-Rick Repshas REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPLP-AD-20 Rev. D "Title KNPP Response to a Security Threat Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant

" Emergency Pkan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 2 of 9 4.3 If there is a LO security threat, go to Step 5.2.

5.0 Procedure Note If an Alert classificationhas been declaredbased on a HI credible security threat, site personnel are to be placed out of harms way as soon as possible. EOFandJoint Public Information Center (JPIC)are to be staffed and activatedto ensure on-site and off-site communications are established.

5.1 IF there is a HI security threat declare an ALERT as defined in EPIP-AD-02, "Emergency Class Determination Chart Q," THEN the SM/ED shall take the following actions:

5.1.1 Initiate an immediate personnel evacuation.

Read aloud two (2) times on the Gai-tronics the message below:

"Attention all personnel. Attention all personnel. We are experiencing an ALERT based on a credible security threat. Place all essential activities in a safe condition.

All EOF personnel assemble at the EOF in Green Bay. All JPIC personnel report to the JPIC in Green Bay. The on-shift operations crew, Radiation Technologist, Chemistry Technologist, and Emergency Director report to the Control Room. All other l.ersonnel shall evacuate the site."

5.1.2 Contact the Security Shift Captain/Site Protection Director and verify "Security Force Response to Emergencies," EPIP-SEC-02, actions are being implemented for an Alert or Higher.

"* Verify on-site members of the general public are directed to leave the site in accordance with EPIP-SEC-02.

"* Verify control measures for site access/egress are established in accordance with EPIP-SEC-02.

5.1.3 Complete the "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01.

Note Unstablemeteorology exists if.

1. The 10 and 60 meter wind speed is less than 5 mph, AND
2. Delta T is greaterthan +2.40F or Sigma Theta is less than 3.01M.
  • WHEN completing Box #8, get the downwind sector by using Table I on the back of the form. IF unstable meteorology exists, THEN enter N/A in Box #8 and explain in Box #11.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-20 Rev. D Title KNPP Response to a Security Threat Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 3 of 9 WHEN completing Box #10, check the following item:

(A) None 5.1.4 Direct the Notifier (NAO) to initiate notifications per "Initial Emergency Notifications," EPIP-AD-07, using the "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, completed in Step 5.1.3.

5.1.5 Direct the Notifier (NAO) to activate pagers for appropriate emergency response personnel in accordance with EPIP-AD-07 Step 5.2. (See KPB Emergency Telephone Directory for individual pager numbers.)

5.1.6 Direct the STA to implement "KNPP Response to Alert or Higher," EPEP-AD-04 Step 5.6, and notify the NRC.

5.1.7 Verify that Manitowoc and Kewaunee County Sheriff have been notified and informed that the EOF is being activated to coordinate communications.

5.1.8 Review "State Call-Back - Question Guideline," Form EPIPF-AD-07-02, to prepare for questions which are most likely to be asked by State Duty Officer or State Radiological Coordinator.

5.1.9 Log all significant events and actions.

5.1.10 Update facility EOF and JPIC directors as needed.

5.1.11 Ensure the overall emergency level is continually reviewed.

Event Classification (EPIP-AD-02)


Emergency Radiological Exposures (EPIP-AD- 11) 5.1.12 IF the threat results in plant damage or a higher classification is appropriate and the security threat has not been mitigated, THEN continue to assess conditions and augment ERO when conditions change.

5.1.13 Determine the response status with an information collection brief. Include all of the following that are applicable:

"* Off-site Notifications (EPIP-AD-07)

"* Plant Operations Status e Control Room support priorities REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-20 Rev. D Title KNPP Response to a Security Threat Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementin Procedure iDate JAN 20 2003 Page 4 of 9

" Status of Radiological Effluent Releases (potential off-site dose consequences)

"* Off-site Dose Assessment Evaluation

  • Emergency Radiation Controls (EPIP-AD- 11) (actions taken in response to this procedure)
  • Status of Personal Injuries or Vehicle Accidents
  • Removal of Visitors from site (i.e., fishermen) (EPIP-SEC-02)
  • Access Control
  • Significant Security Activities 5.1.14 IF the ERM has NOT assumed the responsibility, THEN provide Plant Emergency status updates to off-site authorities.

" IF off-site EOCs are activated, THEN use the Dial Select to contact off-site organizations.

" IF off-site organization EOCs are NOT activated, WHEN those organizations initiate a request, provide status updates.

" Use the "State Call-Back - Question Guideline," Form EPIPF-AD-07-02, or "Plant Emergency Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05, and/or "Radiological Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06, as information guides.

5.1.15 Verify the ERM has implemented "EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher,"


5.1.16 Update the ERM on:

e Status of the plant o On-site or off-site radiological releases or potential releases o Priorities of tasks to minimize the impact to the public e Incidents of public interest (i.e., Security Events, fires, spills, personnel contamination, and personnel injuries) 5.1.17 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per "Emergency Response Organization Shift Relief Guideline," EPIP-AD-05.

5.1.18 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THE.NN go to Step 5.1.9.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-20 Rev. D Title KNPP Response to a Security Threat Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 5 of 9 5.1.19 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met, THEN go to EPIP-AD-04, Final Conditions Section.

Note If an Unusual Event classificationhas been declaredbased on an LO credible security threat,site personnel are to be placed out of harms way as soon as possible.

EOF and JPICare to be staffed and activatedto ensure on-site and off-site communications are established.

5.2 IF there is an LO security threat declare an UNUSUAL EVENT as defined in EPIP-AD-02,

""Emergency Class Determination Chart Q," THEN the SM/ED shall take the following actions:

5.2.1 Initiate an immediate personnel evacuation.

Read aloud two (2) times on the Gai-tronics the message below:

"Attention all personnel. Attention all personnel. We are experiencing an UNUSUAL EVENT based on a credible security threat. Place all essential activities in a safe condition. All EOF personnel assemble at the EOF in Green Bay. All JPIC personnel report to the JPIC in Green Bay. The on-shift operations crew, Radiation Technologist, Chemistry Technologist, and Emergency Director report to the Control Room. All other personnel shall evacuate the site."

5.2.2 Contact the Security Shift Captain/Site Protection Director and verify "Security Force Response to Emergencies," EPIP-SEC-02, actions are being implemented for an Alert or Higher.

" Verify on-site members of the general public are directed to leave the site in accordance with EPIP-SEC-02.

"* Verify control measures for site access/egress are established in accordance with EPIP-SEC-02.

5.2.3 Complete the "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01.

Note Unstable meteorology exists if.

1. The 10 and 60 meter wind speed is less than 5 mph, AND
2. Delta T is greaterthan +2.4°For Sigma Theta is less than 3.01".

WHEN completing Box #8, get the downwind sector by using Table I on the back of the form. IF unstable meteorology exists, THEN enter N/A in Box #8 and explain in Box #11.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-20 Rev. D Title KNPP Response to a Security Threat Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 6 of 9

  • WHEN completing Box #10, check the following item:

(A) None 5.2.4 Direct the Notifier (NAO) to initiate notifications per EPIP-AD-07 using the "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, completed in Step 5.1.3.

5.2.5 Direct the Notifier (NAO) to activate pagers for appropriate emergency response personnel in accordance with EPIP-AD-07 Step 5.2. (See KPB Emergency Telephone Directory for individual pager numbers.)

5.2.6 Direct the STA to implement "KNPP Response to an Unusual Event," EPIP-AD-03 Step 5.5, and notify the NRC.

5.2.7 Verify that Manitowoc and Kewaunee County Sheriff have been notified and informed that the EOF is being activated to coordinate communications.

5.2.8 Review "State Call-Back - Question Guideline," Form EPIPF-AD-07-02, to prepare for questions which are most likely to be asked by State Duty Officer or State Radiological Coordinator.

5.2.9 Log all significant events and actions.

5.2.10 Update facility EOF and JPIC directors as needed.

5.2.11 Ensure the overall emergency level is continually reviewed.

Event Classification (EPIP-AD-02)


Emergency Radiological Exposures (EPIP-AD- 11) 5.2.12 IF the threat results in plant damage or a higher classification is appropriate and the security threat has not been mitigated, THEN continue to assess conditions and augment ERO as conditions change.

5.2.13 IF the threat is upgraded to HI or results in plant damage or a higher classification is appropriate, AND the security threat has NOT been mitigated, go to Step 5.1.

5.2.14 Determine the response status with an information collection brief. Include all of the following that are applicable:

e Off-site Notifications (EPIP-AD-07) o Plant Operations Status REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-20 -TRev. D Title KNPP Response to a Security Threat Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementin~g Procedure

"'J Date JAN 20 2003 Page 7 of 9

"* Control Room support priorities

"* Status of Radiological Effluent Releases (potential off-site dose consequences)

"* Off-site Dose Assessment Evaluation

"* Emergency Radiation Controls (EPIP-AD-11) (actions taken in response to this procedure)

"* Status of Personal Injuries or Vehicle Accidents

"* Availability of Potassium Iodide (EPIP-AD-18)

"* Removal of Visitors from site (i.e., fishermen) (EPIP-SEC-02)

"* Access Control

"* Significant Security Activities 5.2.15 IF the ERM has NOT assumed the responsibility, THEN provide Plant Emergency status updates to off-site authorities.

"* IF off-site EOCs are activated, THEN use the Dial Select to contact off-site organizations.

"* IF off-site organization EOCs are NOT activated, WHEN those organizations initiate a request, provide status updates.

" Use the "State Call-Back - Question Guideline," Form EPIPF-AD-07-02, or "Plant Emergency Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05, and/or "Radiological Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06, as information guides.

5.2.16 Verify the ERM has:

"* Assessed personnel needed in the EOF and JPIC, THEN released unnecessary personnel

"* Implemented "EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event," EPIP-EOF-03

"* Coordinated with Nuclear Management Company (NMC) headquarters management personnel

"* Determined what essential activities should proceed

"* Made arrangements for appropriate personnel to continue activities determined essential REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-AD-20 Rev. D Ncler Pwe PlntTitle Kewune KNPP Response to a Security Threat Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 8 of 9 5.2.17 Update the ERM on:

"* Status of the plant

"* On-site or off-site radiological releases or potential releases

"* Priorities of tasks to minimize the impact to the public

"* Incidents of public interest (i.e., Security Events, fires, spills, personnel contamination, and personnel injuries) 5.2.18 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.2.19 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) have NOT been met, THEN..go to Step 5.2.9.

5.2.20 WHEN Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are met, THEN, go to EPIP-AD-03, Final Conditions Section.

6.0 Final Conditions 6.1 The Security Threat has been mitigated and it is safe for personnel to return to the plant.

"- 7.0 References 7.1 Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan 7.2 10CFR50.72(c)(3), Maintaining open communications with the NRC 7.3 EPIP-AD-02, Emergency Class Determination 7.4 EPIP-AD-03, KNPP Response to an Unusual Event 7.5 EPIP-AD-04, KNPP Response to Alert or Higher 7.6 EPIP-AD-05, Emergency Response Organization Shift Relief Guideline 7.7 EPIP-AD-07, Initial Emergency Notifications 7.8 EPIP-AD- 11, Emergency Radiation Controls 7.9 EPIP-AD-18, Potassium Iodide Distribution 7.10 EPIP-AD-19, Protective Action Guidelines 7.11 EPIP-EOF-03, EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event 7.12 EPIP-EOF-04, EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPEP-AD-20 IRev. D Title KNPP Response to a Security Threat Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 9 of 9 7.13 EPIP-EOF-08, Continuing Emergency Notifications 7.14 EPIP-SEC-02, Security Force Response to Emergencies 7.15 EPIP-SEC-05, Personnel Evacuation 7.16 KPB Emergency Telephone Directory 7.17 Form GNP-11.04.04-1, Event Notification Worksheet 7.18 Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, Event Notice 7.19 Form EPIPF-AD-07-02, State Call-Back - Question Guideline 7.20 NMC SE-0018, Security Threat Assessment 7.21 NMC SE-0017, Security Threat Notification 7.22 E-0-08, Security Events 8.0 Records 8.1 The following QA records and non-QA records are identified in this directive/procedure and are listed on the KNPP Records Retention Schedule. These records shall be maintained according to the KNPP Records Management Program.

8.1.1 QA Records

@ Event Notice, Form EPIPF-AD-07-01

  • Event Notification Worksheet, Form GNP-11.04.04-1 8.1.2 Non-QA Records None REFERENCE USE


Title EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Date JAN 20 2003 Page I of 13

'I Emergency Plan Procedure Approved By Bill Bartelme Reviewed By Bill Bartelme Nuclear PORC SRO Approval Of 0 No safety i Review Yes TemporaryRequired El No I eRelated 0 No Required 0 No lChanges 1.0 Purpose initial 1.1 This procedure provides instruction for the Emergency Response Manager and other response personnel for an appropriate response to an Unusual Event at the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).

2.0 General Notes 2.1 At the Unusual Event level, radio-pager activation will be performed by Control Room personnel for all designated emergency response directors (primary and alternate).

2.2 IF approached by the media during a declared emergency, THEN refer them to the this is Telephone Response Center at 920-433-1400 or 1-800-838-6192 and tell them that their most accurate source for information.

S3.0 Precautions and Limitations and local 3.1 "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 should be initiated and in progress to stateor as soon emergency governments within 15 minutes of the emergency level being declared as possible without further compromise to plant or public safety.

3.2 The Emergency Response Manager has the non-delegable responsibility for making protective action recommendations.

3.3 IF an emergency class escalation occurs during implementation of this procedure, THEN proceed immediately to EPIP-EOF-04, "EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher."

3.4 Only the following personnel may authorize support personnel, without Kewaunee I.D.

cards, access to the EOF during a declared emergency:

3.4.1 Emergency Response Manager (ERM) 3.4.2 Administrative Logistics Directors (ALD) 3.4.3 Environmental Protection Director (EPD) 4.0 Initial Conditions 4.1 This procedure shall be implemented upon declaration of an Unusual Event or when directed by the Emergency Response Manager.

J:.appdataproocpws\draftCepip\eeofO3.doc-AmY Kudick/Amy Kudick-Jeanne Ferris REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-03 Rev. AD Title EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 2 of 13 5.0 Procedure Note It is the ERMs responsibility to provide overall direction andcoordinationof the KNPP emergency response activities, make protective action recommendationsto government authorities,coordinate efforts with external organizations (governmental, industry, vendors, etc.), andsupport the plant's efforts to mitigate the accident by ensuring continuity of resourcesfor long-term operation of the emergency response organization.

5.1 Emergency Response Manager (ERM) shall:

5.1.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Emergency Operations Facility.
b. IF an Emergency Response Manager has been designated, until released, THEN:
1. If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05, "Emergency Response Organization Shift Relief Guideline."
2. Assist the designated Emergency Response Manager.
c. IF an Emergency Response Manager has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the Emergency Response Manager and continue implementation of this procedure.

5.1.2 Notify the Emergency Director of your arrival and assumption of the Emergency Response Manager duties.

Note Considercalling in a State RadiologicalCoordinatorLiaison (SRCL).

5.1.3 Verify the Environment Protection Director (EPD) is prepared to transmit radiological related data and general plant conditions to the State Radiological Coordinator in the State Emergency Operations Center (Madison) and/or man the HPN phone in the event they may be required.

5.1.4 IF director(s) are NOT arriving at the EOF in a reasonable amount of time,T instruct the ALD to contact the individuals needed by telephone and/or by individual radio-pager codes (per EPIP-AD-07, "Initial Emergency Notifications").

5.1.5 IF a director position cannot be filled, THEN assign the director's duties to another director's position.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-03 Rev. AD Title EOF Staff' Action for Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 3 of 13 Note The EOF can be activatedfor individualfunctions,i.e., off-site notifications without full activation of thefacility.

5.1.6 Direct the Administrative Logistics Director (ALD) to contact the appropriate WPSC support personnel to inform them that their assistance is or may be needed.

5.1.7 Direct the ALD to complete activation of the EOF appropriate to the nature of the event in accordance with EPIP-EOF-02, "Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)


5.1.8 Direct the Environmental Protection Director (EPD) to contact the appropriate Environmental Monitoring Team Personnel with instructions to standby for a possible call in.

5.1.9 Establish communications with the Technical Support Center and Control Room through the Darome Conference System.

5.1.10 Verify the status of off-site agency communications that have taken place from the Control Room.

Note The appropriateGovernmentAgency contactsfor the ERM are:

  • State of Wisconsin - Office in Charge(OIC) @ DialSelect 83 or 608-242-3260/3261 e Kewaunee County - Emergency Government (Director)@ Dial Select 43 or 920-487-5257
  • Manitowoc County - Emergency Management Director@ DialSelect 53 or 920-683-4916/4918 5.1.11 WHEN confirmed that the EOF is capable of assuming off-site notification,
a. Assume the responsibility for off-site notification.
b. Inform the ED of the transfer of this responsibility.
c. Contact the State and County EOCs (if active) and notify them that the EOF has the responsibility for off-site communications.

5.1.12 Contact and notify the JPIC Manager of the EOF activation status.

5.1.13 Ensure the KPB Nuclear Emergency Public Information Plan is being implemented for an Unusual Event.

5.1.14 Review requirements for escalation, termination, and recovery situations with the Emergency Director (per EPIP-AD-02, "Emergency Class Determination").


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-03 Rev. AD Title EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 4 of 13 Note Off-site protective actionsfor the public are NOT requiredfor Unusual Events.

5.1.15 As required, instruct the Environmental Protection Director to review off-site dose measurements and projections to ensure the event classification is appropriate.

5.1.16 IF time permits, THEN contact off-site authorities via the Dial Select to discuss potential changes in classification and/or appropriate PAR.

5.1.17 IF notified by the ED of any change in EALs (event escalation), THEN go to EPIP-EOF-04.

5.1.18 WHEN contacted or periodically provide off-site authorities with the following (Dial Select is the preferred communication link):

  • Available information on the event status using "Plant Emergency Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05, as a guide
  • Feedback that verifies and that clarifies the off-site authorities information
  • Information on the nature and direction of the event 5.1.19 Contact the ED periodically to receive an update on:

"* Status of the plant

"* Material and personnel support requirements

"* On-site or off-site radiological releases, potential releases, and release paths

"* Priorities of tasks to minimize the impact of the accident on the public

"* Incidents of public interest (i.e., fires, spills, personnel contamination/injury) 5.1.20 Periodically inform the ED of:

"* State and County priorities

"* State and County actions (i.e., protective actions, evacuations, traffic control, etc.)

"* State and County areas of concern

"* Media areas of interest and any misinterpretations of the plant situation REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-03 {Rev. AD Title EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementinhg Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 PageS of 13 5.1.21 Determine the EOF priorities, evaluate activities in the following areas:

"* Logistical requirements to mitigate significant plant evolutions

"* Off-site consequences

"* Protective action recommendations 5.1.22 Brief the EOF Emergency Response Organization periodically.

5.1.23 Ensure that the Plant Spokesperson is informed.

a. Forward plant status and public interest information to the Plant Spokesperson for appropriate use in briefings to the:

"* Public

"* Media

"* WPSR and NMC Senior Management

"* Partners

"* Other financial stakeholders in KNPP or WPSR

b. Review press releases.
c. Review press conferences.
d. Inform the Plant Spokesperson of any factual errors or ambiguities in the press releases or conferences.

5.1.24 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.1.25 If plant conditions meet the requirements of Section 5.1 of EPIP-AD-15, "Recovery Planning and Termination," recovery activities or termination can be implemented in accordance with EPIP-AD-15.

5.1.26 IF Final Conditions are NOT met (Section 6.0), THEN return to Step 5.1.11.

5.1.27 WHEN Final Conditions are met (Section 6.0):

a. IF plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level is declared or full activation of the EOF is appropriate, THEN implement EPIP-EOF-04.
b. IF termination is declared or plant conditions meet the requirements for plant recovery, THEN the ERM shall ensure the following actions are taken:
1. Ensure that termination or plant recovery Event Notifications has been completed in accordance with EPIP-AD-07.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-03 IRev. AD Title EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page6of 13

2. Verify that all off-site agencies and support groups who were initially notified were informed of the Unusual Event termination or plant recovery.
3. Ensure each director notifies the personnel he has previously placed on standby.
4. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc., are returned to their proper place.
5. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the ALD.
6. Schedule a self-critique with all event participants in the EOF (all shifts) as soon as practical.

5.2 Administrative Logistics Director (ALD) shall:

5.2.1 WHEN notified that an emergency has been declared,

a. Report to the Emergency Operations Facility immediately.
b. IF an Administrative Logistics Director has been designated, until released, THEN:
1. If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.
2. Assist the designated Administrative Logistics Director.
c. IF an Administrative Logistics Director has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the Administrative Logistics Director and continue implementation of this procedure.

5.2.2 Notify the Emergency Response Manager of your assumption of the responsibilities of the Administrative Logistics Director.

5.2.3 As directed by the ERM:

a. Contact the EOF support personnel or others.
b. Instruct them to report to the EOF immediately or to remain on standby for further instructions.

5.2.4 Complete activation of the EOF appropriate to the nature of the event in accordance with EPIP-EOF-02.

5.2.5 As needed, assign EOF support personnel.

5.2.6 Establish procedures for the long-term storage of the documents, records, and logs generated by the plant.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-03 Rev. AD Title EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page7of 13 5.2.7 Ensure that appropriate logs, records, and documents, as directed below, are maintained for the duration of the event. Those logs, records, and documents shall include, but NOT be limited to,

"* Ongoing plant status and conditions

"* Date and time of significant accident events

"* Chronology of plant accident mitigation and repair priorities

"* All calculated, measured, or state provided radiological release data and information

"* All event notification and status update documents generated

"* Any messages generated or recorded

"* All PPCS computer printouts generated for status board maintenance or general information

"* All logs maintained by EOF directors

"* All News statements from the JPIC 5.2.8 Monitor the flow of information in the EOF and correct any problems.

5.2.9 If required, arrange for communication system service repair (See EPLP-EOF-02, Step 5.1.2).

5.2.10 If required, obtain purchasing support (see KPB Emergency Telephone Directory, ETD04 for NMC contact) for assistance in the following:

  • Material purchase and control contract negotiations, expense accounts 5.2.11 If needed, provide for the following manpower needs:

o Technical and craft disciplines through organizations such as Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Fluor Engineering, INPO o If needed, arrange for labor relations assistance 5.2.12 If needed, obtain the following logistical assistance for.

"* Transportation of emergency response personnel

"* Airline and hotel accommodations o Office supplies and furniture REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-03 Rev. AD Title EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 8 of 13

"* Document reproduction o Food deliveries

"* Sanitation 5.2.13 Periodically contact any EOF staff members on standby and update them on the event status.

5.2.14 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.2.15 IF Final Conditions are NOT met (Section 6.0), THEN return to Step 5.2.5.

5.2.16 WHEN Final Conditions are met (Section 6.0),

a. LF plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level is warranted or full activation of the EOF is appropriate, THEN implement EPIP-EOF-04.
b. IF termination is declared or plant conditions meet the requirements for plant recovery, THEN the ALD shall ensure the following actions are taken:
1. Contact any EOF staff members on standby and notify them of the change in event status.
2. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc., are returned to their proper place.
3. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation generated during the course of the event.
4. Ensure "EOF Deactivation Checklist," Form EPIPF-EOF-02.02, is completed per EPIP-EOF-02.

5.3 Environmental Protection Director (EPD) shall:

5.3.1 WHEN notified that an emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Emergency Operations Facility.
b. IF an Environmental Protection Director has been designated, until released, THEN:
1. If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.
2. Assist the designated Environmental Protection Director.
c. IF an Environmental Protection Director has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the Environmental Protection Director and continue implementation of this procedure.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-03 {Rev. AD Title EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 9 of 13 5.3.2 Notify the Emergency Response Manager of your assumption of the responsibilities of the Environmental Protection Director.

5.3.3 IF directed by the ERM, THEN contact the environmental team organization and instruct them to standby for possible call in.

5.3.4 Maintain an overall awareness of environmental conditions and the contributing factors for development of protective action recommendations in accordance with procedure EPIP-AD-19.

5.3.5 As necessary, establish and maintain communication with other Emergency Response Organization Directors and Off-Site Authorities.

5.3.6 Periodically contact Environmental staff members on standby and update them on the event status.

5.3.7 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.3.8 IF Final Conditions (Section 6.0) are not met, THEN return to Step 5.3.4.

5.3.9 WHEN Final Conditions are met (Section 6.0),

a. IF plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level is declared or full activation of the EOF is appropriate, THEN implement EPIP-EOF-04.
b. IF termination is declared or plant conditions meet the requirements for plant recovery, THEN the EPD shall ensure the following actions are taken:
1. Contact any Environmental staff members on standby and notify them of the change in event status.
2. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc., are returned to their proper place.
3. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the ALD.
4. Schedule a self-critique with all event participants in the Environmental Group (all shifts) as soon as practical.


WISCONSIN PUBUC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-03 Rev. AD Title EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 10 of 13 5.4 State Radiological Coordinator Liaison (SRCL) shall:

5.4.1 WHEN notified that an emergency has been declared,

a. Report to the Emergency Operations Facility.
b. IF a State Radiological Coordinator Liaison has been designated, until released, THEN
1. If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.
2. Assist the designated State Radiological Coordinator Liaison.
c. IF a State Radiological Coordinator Liaison has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the State Radiological Coordinator Liaison and continue implementation of this procedure.

5.4.2 Notify the Environmental Protection Director of your assumption of the responsibilities of the State Radiological Coordinator Liaison.

5.4.3 Complete Form EPIPF-EOF-04-01, "SRCL Initial Action Checklist."

Note "TheSRCL gathersinformationfrom initial responsepersonnel in order to enter the availableinformation on Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05and Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06,so that this information can be verbally communicated to the State and Counties,orfaxed if they request it.

5.4.4 On a continual basis, collect available information using the following as a guide:

"* Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05, "Plant Emergency Status Report"

"* Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06, "Radiological Status Report"

"* Other sources that would provide information to assist the SRC in making decisions concerning public health and safety.

5.4.5 Transmit information to the SRC and County EOCs by phone as promptly as possible.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-03 Rev. AD Title EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 11 of 13 5.4.6 IF specifically requested by State or County officials, THE provide written radiological event summaries using Form EPEPF-EOF-08-06 and written plant status updates using Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05, for transmission to those officials by facsimile.

a. Complete the forms with available information.
b. Obtain ERM approval of the completed forms.
c. Inform the EPD that you have completed "Radiological Status Report,"

Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06, to be transmitted by facsimile to State and County officials.

d. Ensure the forms are faxed to the State and County EOCs.

Note If needed, request an extra SRCL to cover the HPN phone.

5.4.7 Respond to calls from the NRC over the HPN phone.

5.4.8 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.4.9 IF Final Conditions are NOT met (Section 6.0), THEN return to Step 5.4.4.

5.4.10 WHEN Final Conditions are met (Section 6.0),

a. IF plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level is declared or full activation of the EOF is appropriate, THEN implement EPIP-EOF-04.
b. IF termination is declared or plant conditions meet the requirements for plant recovery, THEN the SRCL shall ensure the following actions are taken:
1. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc., are returned to their proper place.
2. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the AID.

6.0 Final Conditions 6.1 Plant Emergency has been Terminated or Recovery actions have begun and the Emergency Response Manager has suspended the use of EPIPs.

6.2 Plant conditions degrade to where the declaration of a higher emergency level is warranted or full activation of the ERO is appropriate.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-03 Rev. AD Title EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 12 of 13 7.0 References 7.1 EPIP-AD-02, Emergency Class Determination 7.2 EPIP-AD-05, Emergency Response Organization Shift Relief Guideline 7.3 EPIP-AD-15, Recovery Planning and Termination 7.4 EPIP-AD-19, Protective Action Guidelines 7.5 EPIP-EOF-02, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Activation 7.6 EPIP-EOF-04, EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher 7.7 EPIP-EOF-08, Continuing Emergency Notifications 7.8 EPIP-EOF-11, Internal Communication and Documentation Flow 7.9 EPIP-APPX-A, Communications 7.10 EPMP-02.01, Declared Emergency Evaluation and Documentation 7.11 KPB Nuclear Emergency Public Information Plan 7.12 EPIP-AD-07, Initial Emergency Notifications 7.13 Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan 7.14 NRC Inspection Report K-87-195 7.15 COMTRAK 91-187, Item 10 7.16 COMTRAK 96-163 REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-03 IRev. AD Title EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 13 of 13 8.0 Records 8.1 The following QA records and non-QA records are identified in this directive/procedure and are listed on the KNPP Records Retention Schedule. These records shall be maintained according to the KNPP Records Management Program.

8.1.1 QA Records

  • Event Notice, Form EPIPF-AD-07-01
  • EOF Activation Checklist, Form EPIPF-EOF-02-01
  • Plant Emergency Status Report, Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05
  • Radiological Status Report, Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06
  • SRCL Initial Action Checklist, Form EPIPF-EOF-04-01
  • Telephone Communications Log Sheet, Form EPIPF-EOF-04-02 8.1.2 Non-QA Records None REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Date JAN 20 2003 Page 1 of 23 Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure By Bill Bartelme Approved By Bill Bartelme Reviewed Nuclear 13 Yes PORC 13 Yes i RO Approval Of 13 Yes Safety Review Temporary Required [] No IChanges Required ElI No 1Related 0 No 1.0 Purpose initial 1.1 This procedure provides instruction for the Emergency Response Manager and other response personnel for an appropriate response to an Alert, Site Emergency, or General Emergency, at the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).

2.0 General Notes 2.1 Personnel on-site depart for the EOF promptly through the security building, unless instructed to assemble elsewhere by the Gai-tronics announcement or security personnel.

be 2.2 As more information becomes available, initial protective action recommendations should adjusted in accordance with plant conditions, dose projections, time available to evacuate, estimated evacuation times, and meteorological conditions (EPIP-AD-19).

2.3 1E approached by the media during a declared emergency, THEN refer them to the Telephone Response Center at 920-433-1400 or 1.800-838-6192 and tell them that this is their most accurate source for information.

3.0 Precautions and Limitations 3.1 "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, should be initiated and in progress to State and Local Emergency Governments within 15 minutes of the emergency level being declared or as soon as possible without further compromise to plant or public safety.

3.2 The Emergency Response Manager has the nondelegable responsibility for making protective action recommendations.

3.3 IF an emergency class escalation occurs during implementation of this procedure, THEN immediately reinitiate this procedure appropriate to the new emergency level declared.

cards 3.4 Only the following personnel may authorize support personnel without Kewaunee I.D.

access to the EOF during a declared emergency:

3.4.1 Emergency Response Manager (ERM) 3.4.2 Administrative/Logistics Director (ALD) 3.4.3 Environmental Protection Director (EPD) j:\ppdata\procpwsOdrttepip\*eofO4.doc-Amy Kudlc/Amy Kudick-Jeanne Ferris REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 Rev. AK "Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Hfigher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 2 of 23 4.0 Initial Conditions 4.1 This procedure shall be implemented upon declaration of an Alert, Site Emergency, General Emergency, or when directed by the Emergency Response Manager.

5.0 Procedure Note It is the ERMs responsibilityto provide overall direction and coordinationof the KNPP emergency response activities, make protective action recommendationsto government authorities,coordinateefforts with external organizations (governmental, industry,vendors, etc.), and supportthe plant's efforts to mitigate the accidentby ensuringcontinuity of resourcesfor long term operation of the emergency response organization.

5.1 Emergency Response Manager (ERM) shall:

5.1.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared,

a. Report to the Emergency Operations Facility.
b. IF an Emergency Response Manager has been designated, until released, THEN:
1. If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05, "Emergency Response Organization Shift Relief Guideline."
2. Assist the designated Emergency Response Manager.
c. IF an Emergency Response Manager has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the Emergency Response Manager or continue implementation of this procedure.

Note The EOFcan be activatedfor individualfunctions, i.e., off-site notifications priorto full activation of the facility.

5.1.2 Notify the Emergency Director of your arrival and assumption of the Emergency Response Manager duties for facility activation.

5.1.3 Verify the Off-Site Communicator in the EOF is taking responsibility for off-site notifications from the TSC.

5.1.4 Verify a State Radiological Coordinator Liaison (SRCL) or the Radiological Protection Director (RPD) is prepared to transmit radiological related data and general plant conditions to the State Radiological Coordinator in the State Emergency Operations Center (Madison).


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 3 of 23 5.1.5 Verify engineering/licensing and communicator support are available in the EOF.

5.1.6 IF director(s) or supporting staff positions are not arriving at the EOF in a reasonable amount of time, THE.N instruct the Off-Site Communicator to contact the individuals needed by telephone and/or by individual radio-pager codes.

5.1.7 IF a director position cannot be filled, THEN assign that director's duties to another director's position.

5.1.8 Ensure the ALD is completing EOF activation in accordance with "Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Activation," EPIP-EOF-02.

5.1.9 Ensure the ALD is establishing security in accordance with "Media Center/Emergency Operation Facility/Joint Public Information Center Security," EPIP-EOF-12.

5.1.10 Establish Communications with the Technical Support Center and Control Room through the Darome Conference System.

5.1.11 Through the Emergency Response Facility Communicator - EOF, verify the status of off-site agency communications that have taken place from the Control Room.

5.1.12 WHEN confirmed with the Off-Site Communicator that the EOF is capable to assume off-site notification,

a. Assume the responsibility for off-site notifications.
b. Inform the ED of the transfer of this responsibility.
c. Instruct the Off-Site Communicator to contact the State and County EOCs (if active) and notify them that the EOF has the responsibility for off-site communications.

Note Verbally inform the Emergency Directorthat you have acceptedthe PAR responsibilities.

5.1.13 ACCEPT formal turnover of the responsibility for PARs from the ED.

5.1.14 Ensure date and time is logged for turnover of responsibilities for PARs from the ED in the TSC.

5.1.15 Contact and notify the JPIC Manager of the EOF activation status.

5.1.16 Ensure the KPB Nuclear Emergency Public Information Plan is being implemented for the declared emergency.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 {Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 4 of 23 5.1.17 Ensure the EPD is taking steps to perform dose projections and provide assistance in making protective action recommendations.

5.1.18 Determine the emergency status by obtaining the following information from the emergency response organization in the EOF:

a. Engineering/Licensing Support

"* Significant plant evolutions

"* NRC response team status and issues

b. Environmental Protection Director

"* Status of Radiological Effluent Releases (potential off-site dose consequences)

"* Off-Site Dose Assessment Evaluation

"* Status of Environmental Monitoring Teams

"* Potassium Iodide Distribution

"* Adequacy of the Protective Action Recommendations

c. Administrative Logistics Director
  • EOF Activation and Operational Status (EPIP-EOF-02) e EOF/JPIC Security Status (EPIP-EOF-12)
  • Status of ERO response
  • Status of Information flow in the EOF
  • Continuity of resources for long term operation of the emergency response organization
d. State Radiological Coordinator Liaison

"* Status of communications with the State of Wisconsin, State Radiological Coordinator

"* State or County requests for "Radiological Status Report,"


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 5 of 23

e. Off-Site Communicator

"* Off-Site Communications status

"* Significant State and County concerns, priorities, and actions

"* PAR implementation status

"* State or County requests for "Plant Emergency Status Report,"

Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05, or other information updates Warning It is NOT requiredto de-escalatefrom an Emergency Action Level.

Termination or direct entry into recovery is preferable. However, there may be occasions when it is more appropriateto de-escalate.

EPIP-AD-02, "Emergency Class Determination," and other EPIPsare NOT written tofacilitate de-escalation.Therefore, any decision to de-escalate insteadof entering recovery must be based on a thorough review of EPIP-AD-02 and careful use of appropriateprocedures.

5.1.19 Review requirements for escalation and de-escalation situations with the Emergency Director (EPIP-AD-02).

5.1.20 As required, review the EALs and plant status to ensure the event classification is appropriate (EPIP-AD-02).

Note Off-site protective actionsfor the public are NO._T requiredfor events classified less than a general emergency.

5.1.21 As required, instruct the Environmental Protection Director to review off-site dose measurements and projections to ensure the event classification is appropriate.

5.1.22 Review current and potential protective action recommendations (EPIP-AD-19).

5.1.23 IF time permits, THEN contact Off-Site Authorities via the Dial Select to discuss potential changes in classification and/or appropriate PAR.

5.1.24 IF notified by the ED of any change in EALs, OR if there is a change in PARs, THEN:

a. Ensure, with the assistance of the Engineering/Licensing Support Coordinator, an "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, is complete.
b. Review and sign all "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, generated from the EOF.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 [Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 6 of 23

c. Direct the Off-Site Communicator to initiate State and County notifications using the "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, and Attachment A of EPIP-EOF-08.
d. Verify that required ERO notifications are made by the Off-Site Communicator (EPIP-AD-07, "Initial Emergency Notification," or EPIP-EOF-08, "Continuing Emergency Notifications").
1. Obtain a copy of Form EPIPF-AD-07-04, "ERO Event Notification,"

and provide the following on the form:

  • Pager access code in Step #4 on the form
  • Pager message code in Step #5 on the form
3. Give Form EPEPF-AD-07-04 to the Off-Site Communicator and instruct this individual to notify the ERO.

Note The appropriateGovernment Agency contactsfor the ERM are:

  • State of Wisconsin - Officer in Charge (OIC) @ Dial Select 83 or 608-242-3260/3261
  • Kewaunee County - Emergency Government (Director)@ Dial Select 43 or 920-487-5257
  • Manitowoc County - Emergency ManagementDirector @ DialSelect 53 or 920-683-4916/4918 5.1.25 WHEN contacted, or periodically, provide Off-Site Authorities with the following (Dial Select is the preferred communication link):
a. Available information on the event status using applicable sections of "Plant Emergency Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05, as a guide.

This data can be provided by the EngineeringlLicensing Coordinator.

b. IF a hard copy of "Plant Emergency Status Report" is specifically requested by State or County Officials, THEN:
  • Direct the EngineeringlLicensing Coordinator to provide written plant event summaries using "Plant Emergency Status Report,"

Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05.

  • Review and approve "Plant Emergency Status Report,"

Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05.

  • Forward the approved "Plant Emergency Status Report,"

Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05, to the Off-Site Communicator with direction to fax them to the State and County EOCs.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 701f23 5.1.26 WHEN a completed "Radiological Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06, is received:

a. Review,
b. Approve, AND
c. Return to the SRCL.

5.1.27 Contact the ED periodically to receive an update on:

"* Status of the plant

"* Material and Personnel support requirements

"* On-site or off-site radiological releases or potential releases and release paths

"* Priorities of tasks to minimize the impact of the accident on the public

"* Incidents of public interest (i.e., fires, spills, personnel contaminations/injuries) 5.1.28 Periodically inform the ED of:

"* State and County priorities

"* State and County actions (i.e., protective actions, evacuations, traffic control, etc.)

"* State and County areas of concern

"* Media areas of interest and any misinterpretations of the plant situation 5.1.29 Determine EOF priorities, evaluate activities in the following areas:

  • Logistical requirements to mitigate significant plant evolutions
  • Off-site dose consequences
  • Protective action recommendations
  • Protective actions implemented by the Counties 5.1.30 Periodically conduct briefings for the EOF Emergency Response Organization:

"* Status of the plant

"* Material and Personnel support requirements

"* On-site or off-site radiological releases or potential releases and release paths

"* Incidents of public interest (i.e., fires, spills, personnel contaminations/injuries)

"* State and County priorities REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 -TRev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 8 of 23

"* State and County actions (i.e., protective actions, evacuations, traffic control, etc.)

"* State and County areas of concern

"* Media areas of interest and any misinterpretations of the plant situation

"* EOF priorities 5.1.31 Ensure that the Plant Spokesperson is informed. Forward plant status and public interest information to the Plant Spokesperson for appropriate use in briefings to the:

  • Public o Media o WPSR and NMC Senior Management e Partners
  • Other financial stakeholders in KNPP or WPSR 5.1.32 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.1.33 IF plant conditions meet the requirements of Section 5.1 of EPIP-AD-15, "Recovery Planning and Termination," THEN recovery activities or termination can be implemented in accordance with EPIP-AD-15.

5.1.34 IF Final Conditions are NOT met (Section 6.0), THEN return to Step 5.1.17.

5.1.35 WHEN Final Conditions are met (Section 6.0),

a. Ensure that termination or plant recovery Event Notifications have been initiated by the Off-Site Communicator.
b. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc., are returned to their proper place.
c. Collect all completed forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the ALD.
d. Schedule a self-critique with all event participants in the EOF (all shifts) as soon as practical.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 -TRev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 9 of 23 5.2 Administrative Logistics Director (ALD) shall:

5.2.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared,

a. Report to the Emergency Operations Facility immediately.
b. [F an Administrative Logistics Director has been designated, until released, THEN:
1. If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.
2. Assist the designated Administrative Logistics Director.
c. IF an Administrative Logistics Director has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the Administrative Logistics Director and continue implementation of this procedure.

5.2.2 Notify the Emergency Response Manager of your assumption of the responsibilities of the Administrative Logistics Director.

5.2.3 As directed by the ERM,

a. Contact EOF administrative support personnel or others.
b. Instruct them to report to the EOF immediately or to remain on standby for further instructions.

5.2.4 Support or implement the EOF activation process (EPIP-EOF-02).

5.2.5 Arrange for security support at the EOF, JPIC, and MC by implementing procedure EPIP-EOF-12.

5.2.6 As needed, assign EOF support personnel to provide administrative support as defined in EPIP-EOF-I 1, "Internal Communications and Documentation Flow," to:

a. Maintain status boards and event sheets (Step 5.1).
b. Ensure communications are properly distributed (Step 5.2).
c. Ensure that a "Master Log" is established and maintained (Step 5.3).

5.2.7 Establish procedures for the long term storage of the documents, records, and logs generated by the event.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 F Page 10 of 23 5.2.8 Ensure that appropriate logs, records, and documents are maintained for the duration of the event. Those logs, records, and documents shall include as a minimum:

"* Ongoing plant status and conditions

"* Date and time of significant accident events

"* Chronology of plant accident mitigation and repair priorities

"* All calculated, measured, or State provided radiological release data and information

"* All event notification and status update documents generated

"* Any messages generated or recorded

"* All PPCS computer printouts generated for status board maintenance or general information

"* All logs maintained by EOF staff

"* All news statements from the JPIC 5.2.9 Monitor the flow of information in the EOF and correct any problems.

5.2.10 If required, arrange for communication system service repair (see EPIP-EOF-02, Step 5.1.2).

5.2.11 If required, develop a shift schedule to provide for 24-hour operation of the EOF and security staff per EPIP-AD-05.

5.2.12 Obtain purchasing support (see KPB Emergency Telephone Directory, ETD 04 for NMC contact) for assistance in the following:

  • Material purchase and control contract negotiations, expense accounts 5.2.13 If needed, provide for the following manpower needs:

e Technical and craft disciplines through organizations such as Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Fluor Engineering, or INPO e Labor relations' assistance 5.2.14 If needed, obtain the following logistical assistance for.

"* Transportation of emergency response personnel

"* Airline and hotel accommodations

"* Office supplies and furniture

"* Document reproduction

"* Food deliveries

"* Sanitation REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 11 of 23 5.2.15 IF Final Conditions are not met (Section 6.0), THEN return to Step 5.2.6.

5.2.16 WHEN Final Conditions are met (Section 6.0),

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc., are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all records and logs from all documents generated during the course of the event.
c. Ensure "EOF Deactivation Checklist," Form EPIPF-EOF-02-02, is completed per EPIP-EOF-02.

5.3 Environmental Protection Director (EPD) shall:

5.3.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared,

a. Report to the Emergency Operations Facility.
b. IF an Environmental Protection Director has been designated, until released, THEN:

__ 1. If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

2. Assist the designated Environmental Protection Director.
c. IF an Environmental Protection Director has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the Environmental Protection Director and continue implementation of this procedure.

5.3.2 Notify the Emergency Response Manager of your assumption of the responsibilities of the Environmental Protection Director.

5.3.3 If necessary, establish the environmental team organization in accordance with EPIP-ENV-01, "Environmental Monitoring Group Organization and Responsibilities."

5.3.4 Ensure status boards are maintained along with a record of significant events, data reported, and directives given.

5.3.5 Provide overall direction to the Environmental Monitoring Group.

5.3.6 Prepare plant status updates for transmission to the Environmental Monitoring (EM)


5.3.7 Direct the State Radiological Coordinator Liaison to provide available information to the State Radiological Coordinator using Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06 as a guide.

5.3.8 Inform the RPD when an EM Team member approaches administrative or legal radiological exposure limits.


WISCONSIN PUBUC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 -TRev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 12 of 23 5.3.9 Maintain an overall awareness of environmental conditions and the contributing factors for development of protective action recommendations in accordance with EPIP-AD-19.

5.3.10 Evaluate dose projections and field data.

5.3.11 Assist the Emergency Response Manager (ERM), the Emergency Director (ED), and the Radiological Protection Director (RPD) in determining protective action recommendations.

5.3.12 Communicate frequently with the Radiological Protection Director to confirm the accuracy of input data to the dose projection process.

5.3.13 As necessary, establish and maintain communication with other Emergency Response Organization Directors and Off-Site Authorities.

5.3.14 IF a radiological release has occurred or is imminent, THEN contact Environmental Inc. (Midwest Lab.) (see KPB Emergency Telephone Directory for phone number) and make arrangements for conducting soil/vegetation/water/snow deposition sampling and analysis.

a. Identify locations where deposition sampling and analysis is needed using EMT field data and dose projection results.
b. Perform sampling and analysis using the methodology described in the KNPP "Radiological Environmental Monitoring Manual (REMM)."
c. Provide sample analysis results to the State Radiological Coordinator.

5.3.15 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.3.16 IF Final Conditions are NOT met (Section 6.0), THEN return to Step 5.3.4.

5.3.17 WHEN Final Conditions are met (Section 6.0),

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc., are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the ALD.
c. Schedule a self-critique with all event participants in the environmental group (all shifts) as soon as possible.


WISCONSIN PUBUC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 -TRev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 13 of 23 5.4 State Radiological Coordinator Liaison (SRCL) shall:

5.4.1 W.HEN notified that an Emergency has been declared:

a. Report to the Emergency Operations Facility.
b. IF a State Radiological Coordinator Liaison has been designated, until released, THEN
1. Assist in the activation of the EOF per EPIP-EOF-02.
2. If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.
3. Assist the designated State Radiological Coordinator Liaison.
c. IF a State Radiological Coordinator Liaison has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the State Radiological Coordinator Liaison and continue implementation of this procedure.

5.4.2 Notify the Environmental Protection Director of your assumption of the responsibilities of the State Radiological Coordinator Liaison.

5.4.3 Obtain and complete "SRCL Initial Action Checklist," Form EPIPF-EOF-04-01.

Note Assistance may be obtainedfrom other environmental organizationmembers or by requesting the ALD to provide EOFsupport staff.

5.4.4 Ensure radiological information provided by the State Radiological Coordinator is passed to the EPD.

5.4.5 Perform an initial core damage assessment. Collect the following values from the plant process computer using Attachment A.

"* Core exit thermocouple reading - PPCS Graphic Display #4

"* Containment radiation monitor readings R-40 & R PPCS Point ID G0040G & G0041G Note It is not necessary to proceed to Step 5.2 or Step 5.3 of EPIP-TSC-09A.

Only the high level core damage assessment is required. Go to Step 5.1.4 of EPIP-TSC-09A, "Core Damage Assessment," and determine the appropriate classification of fuel damage using all of the parameters collected in Step


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 -TRev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 14 of 23 Provide fuel damage assessment results to the following positions:

"* Technical Support Center Director

"* Environmental Protection Director

"* Dose Projection Calculator Note The SRCL completes Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06with availableinformation.

5.4.6 On a continual basis, monitor plant conditions using the following as a guide:

" "Plant Emergency Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05 (applicable sections from the Eng./Lic. Coordinator)

" "Radiological Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06 (applicable sections from the Dose Projection Calculator and Environmental Monitoring Team Coordinator)

" Other sources that would provide information to assist the SRC in making decisions concerning public health and safety 5.4.7 Transmit information to the SRC by phone as promptly as possible.

5.4.8 IF specifically requested by State officials (or EPD), THEN provide written radiological event summaries using Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06 for transmission to those officials by facsimile.

a. Complete "Radiological Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06 with available information.
b. Obtain ERM approval of the completed Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06.
c. Inform the EPD that you have completed "Radiological Status Report,"

Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06, to be transmitted by facsimile to State officials.

d. Ensure Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06 is faxed to the State.

Note If needed, use an extra SRCL to cover the HPNphone.

5.4.9 Respond to incoming calls from the NRC over the HPN phone.

5.4.10 Support the completion of "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, and the development of protective action recommendations.

5.4.11 If appropriate, plan for shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.4.12 IF Final Conditions are NOT met (Section 6.0), THEN return to Step 5.4.4.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPEP-EOF-04 {Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 15 of 23 5.4.13 WHEN Final Conditions are met (Section 6.0),

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc., are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, notes, and other documentation and give them to the ALD.

5.5 Engineering/Licensing Support Coordinator shall:

5.5.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared,

a. Report to the Emergency Operations Facility.
b. IF an Engineering/Licensing Support Coordinator has been designated, until released, THEN
1. Assist in the activation of the EOF per EPIP-EOF-02.
2. If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.
3. Assist the designated Engineering/Licensing Support Coordinator.
c. IF an Engineering/Licensing Support Coordinator has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the Engineering/Licensing Support Coordinator and continue implementation of this procedure.

5.5.2 Notify the Emergency Response Manager that you have assumed the responsibilities of the Engineering/Licensing Support Coordinator.

5.5.3 Monitor engineering, operational, and licensing events related to the event for the ERM.

Note Assistance may be obtained by requesting the ALD to provide EOF support staff.

5.5.4 Ensure status boards are maintained.

5.5.5 Review messages in the "IN" box and:

a. Brief the ERM on significant changes, events, and information.
b. IF the message should be placed on the status board or flip chart, THEN mark them as "POST location "

e Operations Status Board

@ Environmental Status Board

  • Flip Chart
c. Place the reviewed messages in the "OUT" box.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPEP-EOF-04 {Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 16 of 23 5.5.6 WHEN required by the ERM:

a. Review the event classification (EPIP-AD-02).
b. Complete "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, for approval and transmittal to off-site agencies.
c. Complete "Plant Emergency Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05 (applicable sections).

5.5.7 Perform liaison duties between the ERM and the NRC event response team in the EOF.

5.5.8 Coordinate the activities of the Emergency Response Facility Communicator - EOF for communications with other emergency facilities as appropriate.

5.5.9 If appropriate, plan for a shift relief, per EPIP-AD-05.

5.5.10 IF Final Conditions are not met (Section 6.0), THEN return to Step 5.5.3.

5.5.11 WHEN Final Conditions are met (Section 6.0),

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc., are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the ALD.

5.6 Off-Site Communicator shall:

5.6.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared during off-hours, THEN

a. Report to the Emergency Operations Facility.
b. IF an Off-Site Communicator has been designated, until released, THEN
1. Assist in the activation of the EOF.
2. If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.
3. Assist the designated Off-Site Communicator.
c. IF an Off-Site Communicator has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the Off-Site Communicator and continue implementation of this procedure.

5.6.2 Verify the phones needed for the Off-Site Communicator are properly located and functional.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant "EmergencyPlan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 17 of 23 Note Until turnover of off-site communications is complete, the Control Room or TSC has primary responsibilityof the government verification lines. These lines should not be answeredunless it is obvious that they are not being answeredat the otherfacilities.IF the line is answered in the EOFpriorto official turnover, THEN every effort should be made to reconnect the party on this line with the facility with primary responsibilityand in the interimprovide the best informationavailable.

5.6.3 When directed by the ERM, transfer off-site communications from the Control Room or TSC to the EOF.

a. Ensure the Government Verification phone bell switch is ON.
b. Contact the Notifier (CR) or Off-Site Communicator (TSC), and obtain a briefing on the status of off-site notification.

Note Remind the Notifier (CR) or Off-Site Communicator(TSC) to turn the bell switch on the Government Verificationphone to the OFFposition.

c. WHEN mutually agreed upon, relieve the Control Room or TSC of off-site notification responsibilities.
d. Ask the Notifier or Off-Site Communicator (TSC) to fax a copy of all "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, issued from the Control Room or TSC to the EOF.
e. Inform the ERM that the EOF now has responsibility for off-site communications.
f. Enter the time and date in the log that responsibilities for off-site communications was accepted by the EOF from the TSC or CR.

Note The State and County Liaisonswill establishcommunications with the Off-Site Communicatorat the EOFvia commercialphone lines.

5.6.4 Contact off-site EOCs and determine the status of their activation.

5.6.5 When activated, obtain the following information from the off-site EOCs:

  • Significant State or County concerns, priorities, and actions
  • If appropriate, PAR implementation status
  • Required reports or other information needed from KNPP 5.6.6 Review current status board and chronological event sheet entries.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 {Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant N -

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 18 of 23 5.6.7 WHEN directed by the ERM, perform off-site notifications.

a. IF off-site EOCs HAVE been activated, THEN Go To EPIP-EOF-08 and perform notifications.
b. IF off-site EOCs have NOT been activated, THEN Go To EPIP-AD-07, Step 5.1 and perform notifications.

5.6.8 IF written plant status updates are requested by State or County officials (or ERM),


a. Obtain "Plant Emergency Status Report," Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05 from the Engineering/Licensing Support Coordinator.
b. Ensure ERM approves the completed Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05.
c. Fax Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05 to the State and County EOCs.

Note Assistance may be obtained by requesting the ALD to provide EOFsupport staff.

5.6.9 Ensure the EOF status board for off-site conditions is updated on a regular basis.

Assistance by the EOF support staff may be requested from the ALD.

5.6.10 If directed by the ERM, activate ERO pagers using EPIP-EOF-08 Step 5.2.

5.6.11 Record incoming and outgoing ad hoc telephone messages on "Telephone Communications Log Sheet," Form EPIPF-EOF-04-02.

5.6.12 WHEN requested, brief the ERM on off-site communications, include the following items:

"* Off-site Communications status

"* Significant State and County concerns, priorities, and actions

"* PAR implementation status

"* State or County requests for status reports (Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05) or other information updates 5.6.13 Provide communication support as directed by the ERM.

5.6.14 If appropriate, plan for shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.6.15 IF Final Conditions are not met (Section 6.0), THEN return to Step 5.6.5.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 IRev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 19 of 23 5.6.16 WHEN Final Conditions are met (Section 6.0),

a. Ensure that termination or recovery communications are made as directed by the ERM in accordance with Step 5.1.35.a.
b. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc., are returned to their proper place.
c. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the ALD.

5.7 Emergency Response Facility (ERF) Communicator - Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) shall:

5.7.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared,

a. Report to the Emergency Operations Facility.
b. IF an ERF Communicator - EOF has been designated, until released, THEN
1. Assist in the activation of the EOF.
2. If appropriate, plan a shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.
3. Assist the designated ERF Communicator - EOF.
c. IF an ERF Communicator - EOF has NOT been designated, THEN assume the responsibilities of the ERF Communicator - EOF and continue implementation of this procedure.

5.7.2 Notify the EngineeringfLicensing Support Coordinator of your assumption of the responsibilities of the ERF Communicator - EOF.

5.7.3 Review the following items:

"* Master Log Sheets

"* Current Status Board listings

"* Current Chronological Event Sheet listing

"* Any News Statement that may have been generated 5.7.4 As directed by the Engineering/Licensing Support Coordinator, monitor the data presented on the PPCS computer, obtaining clarification from the plant, as necessary.

.5.7.5 Record incoming and outgoing ad hoc telephone messages on "Telephone Communications Log Sheet," Form EPIPF-EOF-04-02.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 20 of 23 5.7.6 Enter the 4-Way Communications Link. The "dial in number" and "access number" are listed in the KPB Emergency Telephone Directory, ETD 03, "Emergency Response Facilities Telephone List."

5.7.7 Confer with the ERM and Engineering/Licensing Support Coordinator on key issues and events.

5.7.8 Ensure the ERM and Engineering/Licensing Support Coordinator are kept informed of all key issues/events at the plant. The items listed below are key topics the ERF Communicator - EOF should be listening for:

"* Emergency Classification level declared

"* Events that caused the classification to be declared

"* Actions being taken by NMC-KNP to mitigate the event

"* All incidents relating to personnel injury, contamination, or overexposure to radiation

"* Events happening outside the protected area of the plant (i.e., crashes, fires, tower or substation damage)

"* Outside assistance called in (i.e., ambulance, fire department, or Point Beach Nuclear Plant personnel or equipment) 5.7.9 If appropriate, plan for shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.7.10 IF Final Conditions are not met (Section 6.0), THEN return to Step 5.7.3.

5.7.11 WHEN Final Conditions are met (Section 6.0),

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc., are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the ALD.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 21 of 23 5.8 EOF Support Staff shall:

5.8.1 WHEN notified that an Emergency has been declared,

a. Report to the Emergency Operations Facility.
b. Notify the Administrative Logistics Director of your availability to assume responsibilities of support staff and continue implementation of this procedure as directed by the Administrative Logistics Director.

5.8.2 Ensure the PPCS computer and printer are operating properly. Report problems to ALD.

5.8.3 Assist in activating the EOF in accordance with EPIP-EOF-02.

5.8.4 Perform the tasks described in EPIP-EOF-I 1.

5.8.5 WHEN directed by the ALD, provide general EOF support.

5.8.6 If appropriate, assist the AID in plans for shift relief per EPIP-AD-05.

5.8.7 IF Final Conditions are not met (Section 6.0), THEN return to Step 5.8.4.

5.8.8 WHEN Final Conditions are met (Section 6.0),

a. Verify all work areas are returned to normal status and emergency procedures, forms, etc., are returned to their proper place.
b. Collect all completed records, logs, forms, notes, and other documentation and give them to the ALD.

6.0 Final Conditions 6.1 Plant Emergency has been Terminated or Recovery actions have begun and the Emergency Response Manager has suspended the use of EPIPs.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 {Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 22 of 23 7.0 References 7.1 EPIP-AD-02, Emergency Class Determination 7.2 EPIP-AD-05, Emergency Response Organization Shift Relief Guideline 7.3 EPIP-AD-07, Initial Emergency Notifications 7.4 EPIP-AD-15, Recovery Planning and Termination 7.5 EPIP-AD-19, Protective Action Guidelines 7.6 EPIP-ENV-01, Environmental Monitoring Group Organization and Responsibilities 7.7 EPIP-EOF-02, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Activation 7.8 EPIP-EOF-03, EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event 7.9 EPIP-EOF-08, Continuing Emergency Notifications 7.10 EPIP-EOF-I 1, Internal Communication and Documentation Flow 7.11 EPIP-EOF-12, Media Center/Emergency Operation Facility/Joint Public Information Center Security 7.12 EPIP-TSC-09A, Core Damage Assessment 7.13 EPIP-APPX-A-1, Communication System Description 7.14 KPB Emergency Telephone Directory 7.15 EPMP-02.01, Declared Emergency Evaluation and Documentation 7.16 KPB Nuclear Emergency Public Information Plan 7.17 Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan 7.18 NRC Inspection Report K-87-195 7.19 COMTRAK 91-187, Item 10 7.20 COMTRAK 96-163 REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-04 Rev. AK Title EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 23 of 23 8.0 Records 8.1 The following QA records and non-QA records are identified in this directive/procedure and are listed on the KNPP Records Retention Schedule. These records shall be maintained according to the KNPP Records Management Program.

8.1.1 QA Records

"* Event Notice, Form EPIPF-AD-07-01

"* EOF Activation Checklist, Form EPIPF-EOF-02-01

"* Plant Emergency Status Report, Form EPIPF-EOF-08-05

"* Radiological Status Report, Form EPEPF-EOF-08-06

"* SRCL Initial Action Checklist, Form EPIPF-EOF-04-01

"* Telephone Communications Log Sheet, Form EPIPF-EOF-04-02 8.1.2 Non-OA Records "None REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-08 IRev. Y Title Continuing Emergency Notifications Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 1 of 6 Reviewed By Bill Bartelme Approved By Bill Bartelme Nula [ e PORC rl Yes SRO Approval Of 13 Yes NuleartyYe Review Temporary Related [] No Required El No IChanges Required E] No 1.0 Purpose 1.1 This procedure provides instruction for the Security Notifier (SEC-N), ERF Communicator - Control Room (ERFCM-C), Operations crew members, or Off-Site Communicator (OFFCM) for notification of Off-Site Authorities of an emergency event escalation, de-escalation, change in Protective Action Recommendation (PAR), termination, or entry into recovery, as directed by the Shift Manager (SM), Emergency Director (ED), or Emergency Response Manager (ERM).

2.0 General Notes 2.1 IF approached by the media during a declared emergency, THEN refer them to the Joint Public Information Center (JPIC) at (920) 433-1400 or 1-(800) 838-6192 and tell them that this is their most accurate source for information.

2.2 IF more than one communicator is available, THEN it is preferred that Steps 5.1 and 5.2 be performed in parallel.

3.0 Precautions and Limitations 3.1 "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, should be initiated and in progress to state and local emergency governments within 15 minutes of the emergency level being declared, or as soon as possible without further compromise to plant or public safety.

3.2 Verify the bell switch for the Emergency Government Verification Phone is ON.

3.3 If an emergency class escalation, de-escalation, change in PAR, termination, or entry into recovery occurs during these notifications, disregard any remaining steps and return to Step 5.1. Begin the appropriate actions and notifications for the new emergency level.

4.0 Initial Conditions 4.1 This procedure is initiated for the Initial event notifications and will continue to be used for event notifications until the State of Wisconsin Emergency Operations Center (State EOC) is activated. This procedure shall be implemented upon an event . DECLARATION, ESCALATION,. DE-ESCALATION, o CHANGE IN PAR, e TERMINATION, or e ENTRY INTO RECOVERY, as directed by the SM/ED or ERM.

J:*\appdata'procpws\drafttepip\eeofO8.doc-Jeanne Ferris/Amy Kudick-Jeanne Ferris CONTINUOUS USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-08 Rev. Y Title Continuing Emergency Notifications Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 2 of 6 5.0 Procedure Note IF the State EOC is NOT activated, THEN go to "InitialEmergency Notifications,"


5.1 Notify the State and County of the Event Check 5.1.1 Verify that any "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, received from the SM/ED or ERM has their approval signature, date, and time.

5.1.2 Complete block 12 of "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-O1.

5.1.3 Complete "Attachment A" of EPIP-EOF-08, "State and County Event Notification."

5.2 Notify the ERO of the Event 5.2.1 Verify that a pager access code has been selected on EPIPF-AD-07-04, "ERO Event Notification," Step 4, by the SM/ED or ERM.

5.2.2 Verify that a pager message code has been selected on EPIPF-AD-07-04, "ERO Event Notification," Step 5, by the SM/ED or ERM.

5.2.3 Complete EPIPF-AD-07-04, "ERO Event Notification."


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-08 Rev. Y "Title Continuing Emergency Notifications Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 3 of 6 5.3 FAX Event Notice Note You will receive a confirmation copy of yourfax broadcastmaterialand a summary of delivery status at the fax machine in PublicAffairs (A2-South West).

Note IF a confirmationfax is not receivedor otherproblems are encounteredwith the broadcastfax, THEN additionalinformation on use can be found in the WPS PublicAffairs DepartmentProcedureNo. 64.1, "PrairieSystems Fax Broadcasting."

Note Detailedinstructionsfor the use of the EOFfax machine are containedin "Communication System Description," EPIP-APPX-A-1, Section 5.10.

Check 5.3.1 Obtain fax cover sheet, Form EPIPF-EOF-08-03, "Fax for Emergency Declaration or Status Updates."

5.3.2 Send fax broadcast of completed Event Notice, Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 with fax cover sheet, by following instructions on EPIPF-AD-07-03, "Fax Event Notice."

5.3.3 Contact the Point Beach Duty Shift Manager at (920) 755-6247 and notify him that an "Event Notice" has been faxed to him.

5.4 Return Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 to the SM/ED or ERM who approved the Event Notice.

5.5 4WHN final conditions are met (Step 6.0), THEN return to EPIP-AD-03, "KNPP Response to an Unusual Event," OR EPIP-AD-04, "KNPP Response to Alert or Higher," OR EPIP-EOF-04, "EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher," at the step you left the procedure.

6.0 Final Conditions 6.1 The off-site notification implemented upon declaration of an event



WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-EOF-08 Rev. Y Title Continuing Emergency Notifications Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant "EmergencyPlan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 4 of 6 7.0 References 7.1 Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan 7.2 EPIP-APPX-A-1, Communication System Description 7.3 KPB Emergency Telephone Directory 7.4 EPIP-AD-03, KNPP Response to an Unusual Event 7.5 EPIP-AD-04, KNPP Response to Alert or Higher 7.6 EPIP-AD-07, Initial Emergency Notifications 7.7 EPIP-EOF-04, EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher 7.8 Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, Event Notice (Nuclear Accident Reporting System Form (NARS))

7.9 Form EPIPF-AD-07-03, FAX Event Notice 7.10 Form EPIPF-AD-07-04, ERO Event Notification 7.11 Form EPIPF-EOF-08-03, Fax for Emergency Declaration or Status Updates 8.0 Records 8.1 The following QA records and non-QA records are identified in this directive/procedure and are listed on the KNPP Records Retention Schedule. These records shall be maintained according to the KNPP Records Management Program.

8.1.1 OA Records

Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 e Attachment A, EPIP-EOF-08

  • Form EPIPF-AD-07-03
  • Form EPIPF-AD-07-04 8.1.2 Non-QA Records None CONTINUOUS USE


"1.Verify that any "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, received from the SM/ED or ERM has their approval signature, date, and time.

2. Pick up the Dial Select phone and verify the line is clear.
a. IF someone is using the Dial Select line, THEN state that you have a "PRIORITY 2" notification. They will clear the line unless they have a PRIORITY 1" call.
b. [F someone states they have a "PRIORITY 1" conversation, THEN acknowledge their priority and monitor the call until they finish.
3. WHEN the line is clear, Dial "83-43-53" (agencies to be notified).
a. IF the Dial Select system is not operating, THEN go to Step 8 (Using Secondary Method, Commercial Phone).

Note Either Warning Center I or Warning Center II may respond.Both are not requiredto respond.

4. WHEN each party acknowledges:
a. Answer by stating: 'This is the Kewaunee Nuclear Plant - Please stay on the line for a Nuclear Accident Reporting System (NARS) message."
b. Record the time each agency responds on top of Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 (NARS form).
c. After all agencies have answered press the # key to cancel the ringing.

E after five (5) rings an agency has not answered, THE..N press the individual's Dial IF Select number from the table below.


State EOC 83 Kewaunee County EOC 43 Manitowoc County EOC 53

  • WAIT up to five (5) more rings, THEN press the "#" key to cancel ringing.
  • IF unable to contact a specific agency, THEN continue with the notification of agencies on the line.

Date: JAN 20 2003 Page 5 of 6 Attachment A EPIP-EOF-08 Rev. Y CONTINUOUS USE


using number and letter designations (Ref: "Phonetic Alphabet.")

6. Say: "State Warning Center, please read back this message to verify accuracy."

(Pause to allow message to be read back.)

7. Say: "Have all agencies received this message?" (Wait for Reply.)
8. IF any agencies did not respond to the Dial Select, THEN complete the State and County Event Notification using the secondary method, commercial phone.


State Warning Center I or II 1 (800) 943-0003 Kewaunee County Sheriff 1 (920) 388-7108 Manitowoc County Sheriff 1 (920) 683-4201

a. Call each applicable agency number in the order shown above.
b. WHEN the party answers, record the time on Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 (NARS form).
c. Read the message on Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 text aloud, SLOWLY AND DELIBERATELY, using number and letter designations (Ref: "Phonetic Alphabet.")
d. Say: (agency name), please read back this message to verify accuracy."

(Pause to allow message to be read back.)

9. Inform SM/ED/ERM that notifications have been made.
10. Return to procedure Step 5.2.

i'd Date: JAN U UU Attachment AA EPIP-EOF-08 Attachment Rev. Y EPIP-EOF-08 Rev. Y Date: JAN 2U 2USEUSE CONTINUOUS r l V v

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-TSC-02 Rev. U Title Technical Support Center Activation Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 1 of 5 Reviewed By Bill Bartelme Approved By Bill Bartelme Nuclear E3 Yes PORC C3 Yes SRO Approval Of [] Yes Safety Review Temporary Related El No Required E] No IChanges Required [] No 1.0 Purpose 1.1 This procedure provides instruction for ensuring that the required actions are taken to enable the Technical Support Center (TSC) to provide support in a declared emergency.

2.0 General Notes 2.1 Functional support provided by the TSC need not be delayed waiting for full activation of the TSC.

2.2 If an Alert is declared because of a security threat, the TSC will not be activated. Only Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) and Joint Public Information Center (JPI) Staff will be activated, all others will go to their homes. If needed, Severe Accident Management assessment can be performed in the EOF.

3.0 Precautions and Limitations 3.1 Although the TSC is in an earth-sheltered underground location that is an Appendix R Safe Shutdown area, there is the possibility that the facility may become uninhabitable. If it becomes necessary to evacuate or relocate the facility, the guidance in Section 5.2 should be used to assist in planning and performing the relocation/evacuation.

4.0 Initial Conditions 4.1 The Technical Support Center (TSC) is activated for an Alert, Site Emergency, General Emergency, or at the request of the Emergency Director (ED).

5.0 Procedure 5.1 Technical Support Center Director (TSCD) OR until a TSCD arrives, an appropriate TSC staff member shall:

5.1.1 Obtain the TSC Activation Manual from the TSC materials/supplies cabinet.

5.1.2 Direct available TSC staff members to initiate each of the following checklists:

Note Initiationof the ERDS link must be completed within ONE HOUR after declarationof an Alert or higherclassification j:\appdata\procpws\draft~epip\etscO2.doc-Amy KudicWAmy Kudick-Jeanne Ferris REFERENCE USE

WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-TSC-02 IRev. U Title Technical Support Center Activation Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency PlanImplementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 2 of 5 Note NRC Communicatorsare most proficient atperforming the ERDS Activation Checklist.

Note Once the ERDS has been initiated,no further attention to the system should be required.Requests to restartor reset the system from the NRC must be filled promptly.

a. TSC and OSF Activation Checklist, Form EPIPF-TSC-02-01
b. TSC Ventilation Checklist, Form EPIPF-TSC-02-02
c. Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) Link Initiation Checklist, Form EPIPF-TSC-02-03
d. TSC Chart Recorder Operation Checklist, Form EPIPF-TSC-02-04 5.1.3 Ensure the following TSC positions are staffed (Refer to the KPB Emergency Telephone Directory).

Note As positions arefilled, they should be signed in on the appropriatestatus board and be wearing their arm bands.

a. Technical Support Center Director (TSCD)
b. Radiological Protection Director (RPD)
c. Support Activities Director (SAD)
d. Site Protection Director (SPD)
e. Engineering Coordinator (ENGCd)
f. Quality Control Coordinator QCCd)
g. Data Coordinator (DATACd)
h. SAM Team Leader (SAMTL)
i. SAM Core Hydraulics (SAMCH)
j. SAM Operations (SAMOps)
k. NRC Communicator (NRCCm)
1. ERF Communicator-TSC (ERFCm-T)
m. Offsite Communicator (OFFCm) (If EOF is not activated)
n. Accountability Area Coordinator (ACCCd)
o. TSC Support Person (TSC-S)


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-TSC-02 Rev. U Title Technical Support Center Activation Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant "EmergencyPlan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 3 of 5 5.1.4 As the TSC is capable of assuming responsibility for each of the following functions, inform the Control Room and/or EOF.

Note IF the Offsite Communicatoris responsiblefor off-site notifications,THEN verify ED is in the TSC and concurs with this status.

a. Off-site notifications (if EOF is not activated)
b. NRC communications (ENS/ERDS)

Note The Communicator conference call should be functioning to consider this positionfunctional.

c. EOF communication
d. EAL assessment
e. Accident assessment 5.1.5 Confirm and verify radiological habitability in the TSC with the Radiological Protection Director (RPD).

5.1.6 Periodically announce TSC functional and activation status to the TSC/OSF/RAF AND report the same to the Control Room and EOF.

5.1.7 WHEN the TSC is capable of performing all the functions identified below, inform the Control Room and EOF that the TSC is fully activated.

a. ERF Communicator-TSC has a communications bridge with the Control Room as a minimum.
b. TSC is habitable.
c. ED is available and has accepted responsibilities of his position from the Shift Manager.
d. Data Coordinator is available and has implemented EPIP-TSC-03, Plant Status Procedure."
e. Offsite communications have been transferred to the TSC or the EOF.
f. NRC Communicator has transferred NRC communications to the TSC.
g. TSCD is available.

5.1.8 WHEN the Emergency Director has determined that the declared emergency can be closed out and the TSC as a facility is no longer needed to support Control Room or off-site activities, secure the TSC using "TSC and OSF De-activation Checklist,"

Form EPIPF-TSC-02-05.


n WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-TSC-02 IRev. U Title Technical Support Center Activation Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 4 of 5 5.2 IF it becomes necessary to evacuate or relocate the TSC, THEN the ED shall consider the following:

5.2.1 In order to maintain the functionality of the TSC, the following critical functions may be transferred:

a. Emergency Director, NRC Communicator, and the Support Activities Director may relocate to the Control Room.
b. Dose Assessment and Protective Action Recommendation generation may be transferred to the EOF.
c. The Operational Support Facility may be relocated jointly with the Radiological Assessment Facility.
d. The Engineering Coordinator and OSF Manager may move with the OSF/RAF to continue the process of emergency team prioritization and dispatch.


WISCONSIN PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. No. EPIP-TSC-02 -TRev. U Technical Support Center Activation Ncler Pwe PlntTitle Kewune Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Date JAN 20 2003 Page 5 of 5 6.0 Final Conditions 6.1 Plant Emergency has been closed out AND the TSC is no longer needed for plant or off-site recovery activities.

7.0 References 7.1 COMTRAK 93-025, Item 1 7.2 EPIP-AD-03, KNPP Response to an Unusual Event 7.3 EPIP-AD-04, KNPP Response to Alert or Higher 7.4 EPIP Appendix A, Communications 7.5 Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plan 8.0 Records 8.1 The following QA records and non-QA records are identified in this directive/procedure and "arelisted on the KNPP Records Retention Schedule. These records shall be maintained according to the KNPP Records Management Program.

8.1.1 OA Records

  • TSC and OSF Activation Checklist, Form EPIPF-TSC-02-01 e TSC Ventilation Checklist, Form EPIPF-TSC-02-02
  • TSC Chart Recorder Operation Checklist, Form EPIPF-TSC-02-04
  • TSC and OSF De-activation Checklist, Form EPIPF-TSC-02-05 8.1.2 Non-OA Records None REFERENCE USE


ROLL-CALL Manitowoc Co. (Time)

State Warning Center I or II _ (Time) Kewaunee Co. - (Time) our facility. Please record "This is the Kewaunee Nudear Site calling from the (circle one) CR/TSC/EOF. An incident has occurred at the following Information on your Nuclear Accident Reporting System form." (Read below Box I through Box 12)

1. Reason For Call: [llnitial Report [lEmercencv Classification Change f]PAR Chan e

[ [A] Actual Event El [S] Kewaunee (Check plant)

[] [T] Point Beach []Unit 1 []Unit 2 r]Both (Check plant & unit)


[ [A] Unusual Event

[A] Classification (l Time Date __ EAL # or Chart 0 [B] Alert El [C] Site Area Emergency 0 [B] Par Change Time Date

[] [D] General Emergency El [E]

o] Recovery

[F] Terminated [ (C] Recovery/Termination Time Date



or Alert: -------------------------------------------------

[A] Unusual Event 0 [All NONE [I [A2] OCCURRING 0l [A3] TERMINATED El [B] AIRBORNE

[BI Site Area Emergency or General Emergency: 0[]LQI El [BII POTENTIAL [3 [B21 OCCURRING El [B3] TERMINATED

8. WIND DIRECTION (15 minute average) 9. WIND SPEED & STABILITY CLASS FROM - DEGREES (Current15 minute average.)


DOWNWIND SECTORS: A B CD E F G HJ (Circle affected sectors.) STABILITY CLASS: A B C D E F G (Circle applicablestability class)




11. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Minimum required,event description)


12. EMERGENCY COMMUNICATOR (Print/sign) 0e. 12 O%f 9 Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 Rev. T Date: JAN 2U zUUj "rVqF v -



For any wind direction, if ALL Box #3 Check affected plant and unit(s).

adverse meteorology Box #4 Classification being declared. IF this is a PAR Change (Use for block 10 "PAR" only) notification, THEN check the current classification. >350.5 -9 HJK Box #5 Check the applicable events(s) and fill in the time and date. >9 -13 HJKL If a classification, fill in EAL# or EAL chart letter.

>13 -31.5 JKL Box #6 Indicate whether a radioactive release is occurring. The definition of radioactive release is the release of radioactive >31.5 -35.5 JKLM material to the environment attributable to the emergency >35.5 -54 KLM event. At a minimum, a potential radioactive release always >54 -58 KLMN exists at a SE and General Emergency because of the definition of SE and General Emergency. >58 -76.5 LMN Box #7 Indicate whether there is an airborne or liquid radioactive >76.5 -80.5 LMNP release in progress. IF there is no release in progress, THEN >80.5 -99 MNP Check Not Applicable. MNPQ

>99 -103 Box #8 Use the current Primary 10-meter 15-minute average >103 -121.5 NPQ MET DATA if reliable; OTHERWISE, use the backup 10 meter 15-minute average MET DATA or the Primary >121.5 -125.5 NPQR 60 meter 15-minute average MET DATA. >125.5 -144 PQR

1. Fill the blank indicating the "From" wind direction. >144- 148 PQRA
2. Circle the appropriate downwind affected sectors using >148- 166.5 QRA guidance of Table 1.

>166.5 -170.5 QRAB Box #9 Use the current primary tower 10 meter 15-minute average RAB

>170.5 -189 MET DATA IF reliable; OTHERWISE, use the backup tower 10 meter, or primary tower 60 meter data. >189-193 RABC

1. Fill the blank indicating the current wind speed. >193 - 211.5 ABC
2. Circle the appropriate stability class. Use Delta-T for >211.5 -215.5 ABCD stability class IF reliable, OTHERWISE Primary or

>215.5 -234 BCD Backup Sigma Theta for stability class.

>234 - 238 BCDE Box #10 Indicate protective action recommendations.

>238 - 256. 5 CDE

1. For a General Emergency, indicate a PAR as directed by procedure EPIP-AD-03 or EPIP-AD-04 or EPIP-AD-19. >256.5 - 260.5 CDEF
2. IF this is a PAR change, THEN Include any previously >260.5 -279 DEF chosen affected sectors to indicate all affected sectors. >279 - 283 DEFG Box #11 1. IF classifying an event, THEN at a minimum describe >283 - 301.5 EFG the EAL being implemented.
2. IF making a PAR change, THEN write "'None", "PAR >301.5 -305.5 EFGH Change"' or other applicable information related to the >305.5 -324 FGH PAR. >324 - 328 FGHJ

>328 - 346.5 GHJ

>346.5 -350.5 GHJK S .. .. . . -.-.-.^,' Io n ,a1 9 f9 Form EPIPF-AD-07-01 Rev. T Date: JAN ZU :ZUUJ W


"*-J 1. Send a fax broadcast of the "Event Notice," Form EPIPF-AD-07-01.

a. Dial "1-(800) 839-6734" on the fax machine telephone receiver.
b. Follow the prompts and enter "1115947," (the seven digit mailbox number).
c. Enter "985947' (pin code).
d. Press "C."
e. Enter "008#"(broadcast list number).
f. Press "#" (immediate delivery).
g. Place the document in the fax machine, with fax cover sheet, Form EPIPF-EOF-08-03.
h. Press the "START" (or "FAX") button.
i. Hang up the telephone receiver.
2. IF the fax broadcast capability is lost, THEN send fax copies of the "Event Notice,"

Form EPIPF-AD-07-01, to the following locations individually:

REMOTE FAX NUMBER DESIGNATOR REMOTE FAX LOCATION A or I NRC Headquarters 9-1 (301) 816-5151 B or 2 Wisconsin WEM (EOC) 9-1 (608) 242-3299 C or 3 Wisconsin-Rad. Protection (EOC) 9-1 (608) 242-3285 D or 4 DHFS Mobile Lab 9-1 (920) 794-7388 E or 5 Kewaunee County EG (EOC) 9-1 (920) 487-2963 F or 6 Manitowoc County EM (EOC) 9-1 (920) 683-4568 G or 7 American Nuclear Insurance 9-1 (860) 561-4655 H or 8 INPO 9-1 (770) 644-8549 I or 9 Point Beach Admin 9-1 (920) 755-6857 J or 10 KNPP TSC 9-1 (920) 388-8396 Kor 11 JPIC 9-1 (920) 431-6428 L or 12 Point Beach CR 9-1 (920) 755-6258 M or 13 NMC 9-1 (715) 377-3355 N or 14 KNPP CR 9-1 (920) 388-8817 O or 15 EOF 9-1 (920) 433-7626 Form EPIPF-AD-07-03 Rev. A Date: JAN 20 2003 4awr d#J 11


Check DATE:

Note Any WPSC PBX telephone extension can be used to activate the pagers.

Note To activate all of the pagersfor Directorsand select staff at an unusual event, you must repeat Steps 2 through 6for the pagercodes 9211 and9222, and 9244 and 9255. WHEN directed, activate the radiopager codes which have been selected by the SM/ED or ERM.

1. Dial ext. "5213" on any WPSC PBX Telephone (extension xxxx).
2. IF the PBX phone system is inoperable, THE___._N:
  • Dial "1-920-617-5213" from a Kewaunee (388-xxxx) or other non Green Bay external telephone company exchange line, OR
  • Dial "617-5213" from any Green Bay (433-xxxx , 617-xxxx, etc.) external telephone company exchange, OR
  • Dial "9-1-920-617-5213" from a Centrex (43 1-xxxx) exchange located in the EOF.
3. IF the KNPP paging system is inoperable or unavailable, THEN go to Step 9.
4. WHEN the phone answers and responds with a single (1) beep, dial the pager access code selected below (the SM/ED or ERM must check one of the options below).

o "9233" - ALERT or HIGHER EVENT (All emergency pager holders),

  • "9211" AND "9222"- UNUSUAL EVENT (Directors and Select Staff)
  • "9244" AND "9255" - CREDIBLE SECURITY THREAT o " "- code(s) provided by the SM/ED or ERM (individual, fire, PORC etc.).
5. WHEN the phone responds with three (3) beeps, dial the message code selected below (the SM/ED or ERM must check one of the options below).

Eo " "- number provided by the SM/ED or ERM.




6. Press the "#" key. WHEN the phone responds with five (5) beeps, hang up.
7. IF another pager access code is to be activated, THEN return to Step 1.
8. Verify that the ERO control pager in the Control Room has activated and displays the message within 3-4 minutes.

Note The following steps are to be used if the radiopaging system is inoperableor significantly degradedoutside of normal working hours.

Note A Liaison should not accept responsibilityfor the ERO Call Tree unless they have immediate access to the KPB Emergency Telephone Directory.

Note IF a Liaison does not accept the responsibilityfor an ERO Call Tree (Part "A " and/or Part "B"), THEN the communicators should implement thatpart of the Call Tree themselves.

9. IF problems are encountered with the KNPP paging system, THEN use the alternate ERO notification method.
a. Call the State or County Liaisons listed in the Emergency Telephone Directory tab "KNPP ERO Call List," ETD 01A, until two liaisons accept the ERO Call Tree responsibility.
b. Inform the first Liaison accepting the ERO Call Tree Task that a(n) (select one)

Unusual Event, Alert, Site Emergency, General Emergency, or Credible Security Threat, was declared at__ (time) and the ERO Call Tree Part "A" in the Emergency Telephone Directory tab "KNPP ERO Call List," ETD 01A, should be activated.

c. Inform the second Liaison accepting the ERO Call Tree Task that a(n) (select one)

Unusual Event, Alert, Site Emergency, General Emergency, or Credible Security Threat, was declared at _ (time) and the ERO Call Tree Part "B" in the Emergency Telephone Directory tab "KNPP ERO Call List," ETD 01A and tab "KPB ERO Call List," ETD 01C, should be activated.

rage ui £ Rev. A EPIPF-AD-07-04 Rev.

Form EPIPF-AD-07-04 Date: JAN Date: 20 200 JAN 20 2003 I-age. u12i J



1. Contact RPD at RPO, ext. 8269 or TSC, ext. 8253.

- Has there been contact with a SRC?

- If yes. information Liven to SRC?

- Request TSC and RAF turn off bells on their SRC lines (388-0103).

- Inform RPD you will notify him when SRC/SRCL link is established.

2. Contact SRC at: (6081 242-3280 or 3281

- Inform SRC you are the SRCL.

- Inform the SRC you are obtaining event information based on plant and radiological status check list. Is there an urgent information item needed?

- Request return calls at (920) 388-0103 or (920) 433-7628.

- Inform the RPD that you have established the SRC/SRCL Link.

. .. ..... . ..... ,. ,.,. n Dane I nf I Form EPIPF-EOF-04-01 Rev. 0 uate: JAN ZU ZUUa V


Received From Kewaunee Nuclear Plant FOR RETURN FAX, DIAL

.. . .. 4 Form EPIPF-EOF-08-03 Rev. H Date: JAN 20 2003 r'-l8gu 1 0il


K-' 1. Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant 2. Date/Time:

3. Plant Status:
a. General: [] Improving Stable U" Degrading Satisfactory E] Problems
b. Electrical Power:

If problems, describe:

4. Off-site Radiological Conditions:
a. Release Prognosis:

"1 No Release is expected El Release is expected at the start time listed in paragraph 4b below E] Release is in progress

b. Event Times (Complete all applicable times):

Reactor Trip Start of release to containment Start of release to environment

  • Release Stop
  • (Actual / Estimated / Default) Line out inappropriate word(s).
c. Type of Release:

[' Liquid U Controlled U El Monitored Unmonitored E Airborne L0 Uncontrolled Release Path:

__:_:_: Distance - mi.)
d. Plume Path (Downwind Sectors:
e. Doses Downwind at the Plume Centerline:

Based on: [] Projections U] Field Measurement

  • S.B. R TEDE: "RThyroid)

R TEDE: R Thyroid) 2 Mi. (

"RThyroid) 5 Mi. . R TEDE:

R TEDE: "RThyroid) 10 Mi.

  • For KRDose projections use the 0.5 mile values
f. Surface Deposition: (Based on: 2 E Projection [] Field Measurement)


DPM/100 cm2 - Ci/m Location:

DPM/100 cm2 - Ci/m2 2 Location:

DPM100 cm2 - Ci/m (Line out inappropriate unit)

Notice - Nuclear

g. Recommended protective actions were made at (Time: _ ) on the Event Accident Reporting System Form (NARS), Form EPIPF-AD-07-01.

Paae 1 of 3 Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06 Rev. E IUaTEC itiNi -'U ZW"W Pan .....1


5. Meteorological Conditions:
a. Wind Speed: - MPH b. Wind Direction: __ Deg.
c. Stability Class (check one): E-A E]-B [E] C E] D [I E [] F [] G
d. Mixing Layer Height: - Ft. (If not available use KRDose default)
e. Precipitation (check one): E NONE E] Light Rain El Moderate Rain E] Heavy Rain

[] Light Snow El Moderate Snow [] Heavy Snow

f. National Weather Service Wind Speed MPH Wind Dir Deg.
6. Reactor Status: El At Power ( _ Megawatts Thermal)

ETripped (Power Level at trip - Megawatts Thermal)

El Hot Shutdown (Current RCS temperature _ deg. F.)

El Cold Shutdown (RCS is less than 200'F.)

7. Core Status: El No Damage Expected E] Core Melt sequence in progress (est. time of damage El Gap Release (est. Time: __ )

E] In-Vessel Severe Core Damage (est. Time: .. )

[] Vessel Melt Through (est. Time: _ )

Ave. Temperature: El Increasing E] Stable El Decreasing

8. Containment Status:
a. Containment Spray: b. Containment Leak Rate E] ON El None

-- OFF El Calculated L cc/sec)

El Design Rate (0.1% per day)

El 100% per Day E] 100% per Hour

d. Temperature
c. Pressure:

El Increasing E] Increasing El Stable El Stable E] Decreasing

[] Decreasing

9. Steam Generator Status:
a. Leak Rate: (check one): b. Reactor Coolant Concentrations:

-]None D" N/A (No leak)

E] Full Pressure (# of tubes ])

[Normal E] Low Pressure (# of charging pumps ) E. 100x normal non-nobles


Ei] Calculated (Gallons per minute ) E] Calculated Concentration (Attach Analysis)

c. Partitioning: d. Release Path:

E] N/A (No leak) El None El Leak is above steam generator water level (default) E] Safety Valve (or PORV)

El Leak is below steam generator water level El Air Ejector

-- ~~~a bu4 a- nf Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06 Rev. E Date: JAtN 20 Z'WJ, .* V @.*


10. Containment Bypass Status:
a. Containment Bypass Leak Rate: b. Release Path:

-- None I- None E] Calculated ( cc/sec) E] Filtered

[] 0.1% per Day I- Unfiltered E] 100% per Day "1 100% per Hour

11. Gross Release Rate Data:
a. E] Not Applicable (No leak) b. n" Not Available

_ Ci/sec Kr, Xe Iodines  % Cs  % Te, Sb

c. Total  %

Ba, Sr Ru, Mo  % La, Y, Ce, Np

12. Specific Isotopic Release Data (Ci/sec):
a. [] Not Applicable (No leak) b. E" Not Available H-3 Sr-91 Te-131m Xe-133m
c. Te-132 Xe-135 Mn-54 Y-91 1-131 Xe-138 Co-58 Mo-99 1-132 Cs-134 Kr-85 Te-99m 1-133 Cs-136 Kr-85m Ru-103 1-134 Cs-137 Kr-87 Ru- 106 1-135 Ba- 140 Kr-88 Sb-127 Xe-131m La-140 Sr-89 Sb-129 Xe-133 Ce-144 Sr-90 Te-129m "THInS IS AN [l ACTUAL EVENT [I DRILL" (Choose One)

..Daf0 a nf '

Form EPIPF-EOF-08-06 Rev. E Date: JAN 20 2w3* w* vv


NOTE: If support is available,Steps 9 - 12 can be performed concurrentlywith this checklist.

Instructionscan be found on the back of thisform. TSC - KNP FloorPlan, Figure EPIPFG-APPX-A-06-03,is attached.


1. Radiological Monitoring:

1.1 Obtain a radiation survey instrument (RO-2 or equivalent) from the RAF and perform an instrument check (Cal. date, battery level, source response).

NOTE- If readingat any time exceeds 100 mR/hr, inform HP IMMEDIATELY.

1.2 Survey the TSC/OSF and record the highest meter reading observed:


1.3 Verify the TSC, AMS-3 unit is in service:

(a) Pump running smoothly with indication of flow (approximately 30 LPM)

(b) Unit "power" light (red) is lit (c) Strip Chart is functional Q] YES NO (check one) 2.0 Contact the Control Room to identify any Reg. Guide 1.97 post accident instruments that are out of service and ensure that the status is posted on the PPCS and SAS terminals.

3.0 Verify the PPCS Computer (KBN02) is on line by pushing the power button on the front right-hand side of the monitor. You should see the "Maintenance Functions" screen with the current date.

4.0 Verify the SAS terminal (SASO1) is on line. (see instructions - back page) 5.0 Verify the OSF, OSF Muster Area, SAM Room, and TSC clocks are synchronized with the PPCS Computer clock.

6.0 Verify the DAROME System is on and operable.

7.0 Verify the TSC fax machine has power and that the circuit has a dial tone.

8.0 Start up and test the "3M Reader/Printer".

9.0 Activate the Public Address System.

10.0 Verify Form EPIPF-TSC-02-02, "TSC Ventilation Checklist" is completed.

11.0 Verify Form EPIPF-TSC-02-03. "ERDS Link Initiation Checklist" is completed.

12.0 Verify Form EPIPF-TSC-02-04, "TSC Chart Recorder Operation Checklist" is completed.

13.0 Upon completion of this form, notify the TSCD and SAD of TSC/OSF activation status.

Completed by: Date: Time:

Form EPIPF-TSC-02-01 Rev. P UVW l .

Date: JAN 2U 20UU


INSTRUCTIONS 1.0 1.1 Instruments are located in the RAF in the glass door cabinets labeled "HP Instruments and Supplies". Ask for HP assistance if needed.

1.2 Walk slowly through the TSC/OSF, using the meter range that provides needle movement about the middle of the scale. If no movement is apparent, use the lowest range available.

1.3 AMS-3 is located behind the copy machine near the TSC exit (Door 410).

(a) Pump should make a low pitch steady hum. The flow meter is on the right side of the unit face. Take the reading at the center of the ball. The reading will vary with atmospheric pressure.

(b) The "power" light is in the lower left hand corner of the unit face.

(c) The strip chart scale is on the upper edge of the chart and is a logarithmic scale.

Readings vary widely dependant upon radon levels, Ensure the pen is marking the chart.

2.0 Perform as directed.

3.0 The PPCS Computer has a placard on the keyboard labeled "KBN02-TSC Operator". Press the yellow "Graphic Display" button. A list of available graphic displays should appear and be legible.

4.0 The SASOI terminal (next to the KBN02 terminal) should always be on, displaying a clearly legible screen. If no data is displayed, the SASOI may be lined up to the simulator. Contact ITS to re-establish link to the PPCS computer.

5.0 The OSF and TSC digital clocks are on the west wall of their respective areas. The adjustment switches for the OSF clock are under the clock housing. The switches for the TSC clock are on the wall below the clock. Press the buttons as needed to adjust the clock.

6.0 The DAROME speaker/control unit is on the upper edge of the partition forming the hall to the RAF doorway. All controls are on the back of the speaker. Turn the "system" switch to the "ON" position.

Turn the volume control to the five o'clock position. Have someone hold the "loop test" switch to the right, then, press the microphone bar switch and speak into the microphone. The unit is functioning properly if a distorted form of your voice comes through the speaker.

7.0 A Fax machine (with Fax manual) is located on counter/desk (station #22) next to the Offsite Communicator.

8.0 The 3M Reader/Printer is adjacent to the TSC Exit (Door 410). The power switch is on the right side panel. The power should be "ON." Warm up time is up to 6 min. when power is turned on. Instructions for operation are on the left side of the control panel, Error Code, and print quality instructions are on the right side panel.

9.0 The Public Address System is activated by turning on the power switches for the amplifier and microphone mixer located under table at the TSCD end.

10.0 11.0 These checklists can and should be completed concurrently with this checklist. Verify status of their and completion before completing Step 13.0 of this checklist.

12.0 13.0 Brief the TSCD and SAD on the completion of TSC/OSF activation pointing out radiation levels and any system malfunctions encountered.

S... ....

. ..

  • 1 -.- == 'J nf § uvý Form EPIPF-TSC-02-01 Rev. P Dlate: JAN 20 2UU03




1.0 Oitain permission from the Shift Manager to place the TSC Ventilation System in the Emergency Operation Mode.

Note and Lights are below On the TSC PressurizationUnit Control Panel,'tuttons,Switches their labels.

the 2.0 From the TSC Pressurization Unit control panel, place follows:

TSC Pressurization Unit in the emergency operation mode as 2.1 Press the "FAN STOP" button.

"EMERG" position.

2.2 Rotate the "UNIT NORMIEMERG" switch to the SPEED" button.

2.3 WA*T 15 seconds, THEN push the "FAN EMERGENCY/HIGH 2.4 Verify the following lights are lit:

b. FACE DAMPER (TCV-101/CD34090) OPEN (red).
c. BYPASS DAMPER (TCV-100/CD34089) (green).

Page 1 of 2 Form EPIPF-TSC-02-02 Rev. I Date: JAN 20 2003

TSC VENTILATION CHECKLIST INITIALS 2.5 Note and record the following humidity conditions:

a. ENT CARBON FILTER RH BELOW 70% (green light lit - yes / no).
b. ENT CARBON FILTER RH ABOVE 70% (red light lit - yes / no).

"CARBON 2.6 IF a humidity level of greater than 70% is indicated, THEN place the FILTER HTR" switch in the "ON" position (look for red indicatorlight lit).

2.7 Check the following compressor indicator lights. IF any are lit, THEN notify the EOD and TSCD.

a. COMPR OIL PRESS LOW (amberlight lit - yes / no).
b. COMPR LOW PRESS (amber light lit - yes I no).

C. COMPR HIGH PRESS (amber light lit - yes I no).

Note On the TSC HVAC Control Panel, Buttons, Switches and Lights are above their labels.

3.0 From the TSC HVAC Control Panel, verify the toilet exhaust Fan is off (green light lit).

Note their On the TSC Cleanup Unit ControlPanel,Buttons, Switches and Lights are below labels.

4.0 From the TSC Clean Up Unit Panel, place the TSC Clean Up Unit in operation as follows:

4.1 Push the "DAMPER (TCV-185/CD34098) OPEN FAN START" button (red).

4.2 Verify the following lights are lit:

a. INLET DAMPER (TCV-185/CD34098) OPEN (red).

5.0 Inform the Control Room that the TSC Ventilation System is aligned for the Emergency Operation Mode.

Completed By:

Time: AM/PM Date:

... .... ^,,, o l*kE nnI Paae 2 of 2 Form EPIPF-TSC3-02-02 Rev. 1 c,,ateM: *JANI* 2-20~v,


LINK INITIATION CHECKLIST "Note Initiationof ERDS shall be completed as soon as possible, but not more than one hour after the declarationof an event classifiedAlert or higher.

INITIALS 1.0 Notify the NRC Operations Center at one of the following numbers that you are about to initiate ERDS for an actual event at the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant.

(Primary) (301) 415-5015 or (Backup) (301) 816-5140 2.0 At the PPCS computer (KBN02) in the TSC:

2.1 Depress the keycap labeled "DATA LINK."


2.3 Depress the "EXECUTE."

3.0 At the ERDS computer in the TSC:

3.1 Depress any key to refresh the screen (if the display is blank).

3.2 Use the mouse to position the arrow on the "INITIATE TRANSMISSION" button, then depress the left mouse button.

3.3 Verify the link has started by observing the ERDS status field on the display = "LINK ACTIVE."

4.0 Notify the NRC Operations Center at one of the following numbers that you have completed initiating ERDS for an actual event at the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant.

(Primary) (301) 415-5015 or (Backup) (301) 816-5140 5.0 Record date and time ERDS was established. DATE TIME Dnn

" I nfl1 Form EPIPF-TSC-02-03 Rev. H Date: JAN* 2/U zvUU,


Note "IFthe displayfeedback shown in Steps 1.1 through 1.6 are not provided, THEN immediately go to Step 2.0, "Normalizationof the PPCS Computer Trend Records."

1.0 Place each of the three PPCS Computer trend recorders (85020, 85021, and 85022) in operation (i.e., ready to receive data) as follows:

Note Repeat these steps three times. Once for each of the three trend recorders.

1.1 Open the front cover to access key pad.

1.2 Press the greater than ( ' ) button. (Display = Pri ChartSpd 20 MMIHR) 1.3 Press the advance ( [ ) button twice (slowly). (Display = ChartHold On) 1.4 Press the up ( A ) arrow once. (Display = ChartHold E Off) 1.5 Press the enter ( J ) key. (Display = ChartHold Off) 1.6 Press the "C" key. (Display = IPCTX.XX, 2PCT X.XX Off)

Note The display will show the % reading of each pen based on the scale input duringpen assignment. Assignment ofpoints to the recorderpens are done at the PPCS Computer terminal,per trendfunction in the PPCS Computer Users Manual.

Sf if MA

"!d Form EPIPF-TSC-02-04 Rev. E Date: JAN 20 2003

TSC CHART RECORDER OPERATION CHECKLIST (Page 2 of 4) 1.7 Mark the chart with a date and time reference.

1.8 Close the front cover.

1.9 Inform the Data Coordinator that the PPCS trend recorders are operational and ready to be assigned data points.

1.10 IF all PPCS trend recorder displays have responded properly, THEN go to Step 3.0.

2.0 Normalizing the PPCS Computer trend recorders.

Note Repeat these steps three times. Once for each of the three trend recorders.

2.1 Access the menu by pressing the" 0 "button.

2.2 Cycle through the menu using the advance ( 12 ) button and set the menu screens to display the settings listed below using either the "' "or the """

buttons to obtain the proper selection:

Note An "E" will appearin the upper righthand cornerof the screen when a new option is displayed. When the desiredsetting is displayed,press the enter (J ) button to select that option.

a. Pri. Chart Speed = 20 mm/hr
b. Chart Advance = Off
c. Chart Hold = On
d. Pen Park = Off
e. Batch Number (disregard)

LiaTe: uu u 2=3'u Rev.

EPIPF-TSC-02-04 Rev.E Form EPIPF-TSC-02-04 Date: JA4 JAN 20l On Ve9of4


f. Print Log (disregard)
g. Alt. Chart Speed = Off
h. Alrm Mssg Cncl (disregard) 2.3 Press the "C" button to return to the "Standard Display." The trend recorder is now ready to be placed in operation.

2.4 Go to Step 1.2.

the upper 3.0 Place the two meteorological recorders (58012 - backup and 58010 - primary), located in part of the meteorological tower recorder cabinets, in operation.

Note Repeat these steps two times. Once for each of the two trend recorders.

3.1 Open the recorder cover (latch located bottom of left side of cover).

3.2 IF not already on, THEN press the chart "ON-OFF' button (right side) to place the switch in the "ON" (button out) position.

3.3 Open the chart door (latch located middle right).

3.4 Place the power switch (lower right)in the "ON" position (it will take several secondsfor the recorderto start).

3.5 Close the chart door.

3.6 Mark the chart with a date and time reference.

3.7 Close the recorder cover.

wp ma,.. cu uat; JANl~ CCUr_uuQ ni, nnn Pnae 3of4 Pace 3 of 4 Hey. E-EPIPF-T5-O2-IJ4 Rev.

Form EPIPF-TSC-02-04 Form

- S-wale:

TSC CHART RECORDER OPERATION CHECKLIST (Page 4 of 4) 1 4.0 Place each of the three wind recorders (58008 - 60m, 58009 - lOm and 58011 - backup) in operation.

Note Repeat these steps three times. Once for each of the three trend recorders.

4.1 Open the recorder cover (latch locatedmiddle right).

4.2 Place the main power switch (lower left) to the "ON" position.

4.3 Place the chart drive switch (right side) in the "ON" position.

4.4 Mark the chart with a date and time reference.

4.5 Close recorder cover (avoidpinching wires lower left corner).

was 5.0 Write your name in the "Completed By" space and add the "Date" and "Time" this checklist completed.

6.0 Report the completion of this checklist to the Technical Support Center Director.



.JAN V UUJ Date: JAN ZU ZVU- Pa A% A of 4 Form EPIPF-TSC-02-04 Form E

TSC AND OSF DE-ACTIVATION CHECKLIST k.. 1.0 Collect all unused office supplies and place them in one location in the TSC.

Collect all forms, records, and logs generated during the event and give them to the 2.0 Technical Support Director.

3.0 Return the radiation survey instrument to the RAF.

4.0 Place the DAROME system on-off switch to the "OFF' position.

5.0 Place the TSC Reader/Printer on-off switch to the "OFF" position 6.0 Shut down all programs and turn off all computers and monitors in the:

6.1 OSF 6.2 SAM Team Room 7.0 Contact the Control Room and request that the TSC Ventilation System be secured.

8.0 Secure the ERDS as follows:


a. Position the arrow, using the mouse, on "STOP TRANSMISSION."
b. Depress the left mouse button.
c. Verify the ERDS Status number has returned to "ERDS LINK NOT CONNECTED."


b. Depress the execute button.
c. Turn off the monitor by pushing the power button on the front right-hand side of the monitor.

na 4 fa .

Date: JAN 20 2003 rGyW No. .

Form EPIPF-TSC-02-05 Rev. B


.9.0 Secure the three PPCS Computer trend recorders (85020, 8502 1,and 85022) as follows:

a. Open the front cover to access key pad.
b. Press the greater than (>) button. (Display = Pri Chart Spd 20 MN /HR).
c. Press the advance button twice. (Display = Chart Hold Off).
d. Press the up arrow once. (Display = Chart Hold Off).
e. Press the enter key. (Display = Chart Hold On).
f. Press the "C" key (Display = 1PCT X.XX, 2PCT X.XX Off).
g. Close the front cover.

10.0 Secure the two meteorological recorders (58012-backup and 58010-primary) as follows:

a. Open the recorder cover (latch located bottom left side of cover).
b. Press the chart "ON-OFF" button (right side) to place the switch in the "off' (button out) position.
c. Open the chart door (latch located middle right).
d. Place the power switch (lower right) in the "OFF' position.
e. Close the chart door.
f. Close the recorder cover.

11.0 Secure the three wind recorders (58008-60m, 58009-10, and 58011-backup) as follows:

a. Open the recorder cover (latch located middle right).
b. Place the main power switch (lower left) to the "OFF' position.
c. Place the chart drive switch (right side) in the "OFF' position.
d. Close recorder cover (avoid pinching wires lower left comer).

-.. . .t,-nn n

,,'DA a nf A Form EPIPF-TSC-02-05 Riev. B5 D~ate: JANl~ 20U -2UU3 V

TSC AND OSF DE-ACTIVATION CHECKLIST 12.0 Secure the TSC Public Address system as follows:

a. Place the amplifier power switch in the "OFF" position.
b. Place the microphone mixer power switch in the "OFF' position.
c. Place all director table microphone power switches in the "OFF' position.

13.0 Secure the Emergency Notification System (ENS) cordless phone as follows:

a. Replace the handset battery with the battery from the charging unit (See EPIP Appendix A-i).
b. Place the handset on the base unit (charging light may or may not come on).
c. Place the battery from the handset on the charging unit (charging light should come on).

IF the PC Printer 70 in the OSF was turned on, secure it by placing the on-off switch to 14.0 the "OFF' position.

Ensure TSC Inventory is performed per Form EPMPF-10.01-01, "TSC Inventory K> 15.0 Checklist."

Write your name in the "Completed By" space and add the "Date" and "Time" this 16.0 checklist was completed.

17.0 Report the completion of this checklist to the Technical Support Center Director.


Date: JAN 20 2003 Page 3 of 3 Form EPIPF-TSC-02-05 Rev. B