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Summary of Meeting with Clinton Power Station to Discuss Performance
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/21/2002
From: Christine Lipa
Download: ML020850671 (2)


March 21, 2002 LICENSEE:





OF THE MARCH 18, 2002, MEETING WITH CLINTON POWER STATION TO DISCUSS PERFORMANCE On March 18, 2002, a public meeting was held at the Vespasian Warner Public Library, Clinton, Illinois, between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Clinton Power Station management and staff. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss NRCs assessment of the Clinton Power Stations performance for the period of April 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001. In addition, Mr. M. Heffley, the Site Vice President, discussed the licensee's own assessment of performance for the calendar year 2001 and focus areas for the calendar year 2002.

During the NRC presentation, an overall assessment of Clinton's performance was provided.

As explained in the Annual Assessment letter from NRC to Mr. John L. Skolds, dated March 4, 2002, (reference ADAMS accession number ML020700101) the Clinton Power Station operated in a manner that preserved public health and safety and fully met all cornerstone objectives. The slides presented by the NRC are available in ADAMS (accession number ML020780344).

Before adjourning the meeting, the NRC provided the opportunity for members of the public to ask questions. There were no questions asked by members of the public during or following the meeting.


Christine A. Lipa, Chief Branch 4 Division of Reactor Projects Docket No. 50-440 License No. NPF-58 cc:

J. Dyer, Regional Administrator J. Caldwell, Deputy Regional Administrator G. Grant, Director DRP S. Reynolds, Deputy Director DRP C. Lipa, Chief Branach 4, DRP L. Collins, Project Engineer, DRP P. Louden, SRI, Clinton

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