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Slides Used for 3/18/02 Clinton EOC Mtg
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Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/18/2002
Download: ML020780344 (28)


ANNUAL ASSESSMENT MEETING Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Agenda Introduction Review of Reactor Oversight Process Discussion of Plant Performance Results Licensee Response and Remarks NRC Closing Remarks Meeting with the Licensee adjourned NRC available to address questions from the public

Region III Organization Jim Dyer, Regional Administrator James Caldwell, Deputy Regional Administrator Jan Strasma, Regional Public Affairs Officer Division of Reactor Projects Division of Reactor Safety Geoffrey E. Grant, Director John (Jack) Grobe, Director Steven Reynolds, Deputy Director Roy Caniano, Deputy Director Reactor Projects Branch 4 Regional Specialists Christine Lipa, Chief Laura Collins, Project Engineer Clinton Resident Inspector Office Pat Louden, Senior Resident Inspector Carey Brown, Resident Inspector

NRC Representatives Christine Lipa, Chief, Projects Branch 4 (630) 829-9619 Pat Louden, Senior Resident Inspector (217) 935-9521 Carey Brown, Resident Inspector (217) 935-9521 Jan Strasma, Public Affairs Officer (630) 829-9663

Reference Sources Reactor Oversight Process

index.html Public Electronic Reading Room Public Document Room 1-800-397-4209 (Toll Free)

NRC Activities Ensure nuclear plants are designed, constructed, and operated safely Issue licenses for the peaceful use of nuclear materials in the U.S.

Ensure licensees use nuclear materials and operate plants safely, and are prepared to respond to emergencies

NRC Performance Goals Maintain safety and protect the environment Enhance public confidence Improve effectiveness, efficiency, and realism of processes and decision making Reduce unnecessary regulatory burden

NRC Oversight Activities Provides assurance plants are operating safely and in accordance with the regulations Risk informed process Objective indicators of performance Inspections focused on key safety areas Defines expected NRC and licensee actions

Reactor Oversight Process Strategic Performance Areas Safety Cornerstones Baseline Inspection Performance Indicator Results Results Significance Significance Threshold Threshold Action Matrix Regulatory Response

Strategic Performance Areas Safety Cornerstones

! Reactor Safety P Initiating Events P Mitigating Systems P Barrier Integrity P Emergency Preparedness

! Radiation Safety P Occupational Radiation Safety P Public Radiation Safety

! Safeguards P Physical protection

NRC Resident and Regional Inspectors Conduct Safety Inspections Baseline Inspections at all reactor sites to monitor plant safety performance in each of the Strategic Performance Areas Event Follow-up and Supplemental Inspections when required

Examples of Baseline Inspections Equipment Alignment - ~ 70 hrs/yr Annual Fire Protection - ~ 35 hrs/yr Trienniel Fire Protection - ~200 hrs every 3 yrs Operator Response - ~ 125 hrs/yr Plant security - ~40 hours/yr Emergency preparedness - ~60 hrs/yr Rad release controls - ~100 hrs every 2 years Worker radiation protection - ~125 hrs/year Corrective action program - 10% every inspecton Corrective action program - ~200 hr every 2 yrs

Inspection Areas Radiation Safety Safeguards Reactor Safety Initiating Mitigating Barrier Emergency Occupational Public Preparedness Radiation Events Systems Integrity Physical Radiation Safety Protection Safety Inspection Procedures

! Adverse Weather  ! Operability Evaluation  ! Excercise Evaluation  ! Sec Authorization

! Evaluation of Changes  ! Operator Workarounds  ! Alert and Notice Access

! Equipment Alignment  ! Permanent Mods-Online  ! ERO Augment  ! Sec Search

! Fire Protection  ! Permanent Mods  ! EAL  ! Sec Response

! Flood Protection  ! Post Maintenance Test  ! EP Preparation  ! Sec Plan change

! Heat Sink  ! Refueling Outage  ! Drill Evaluation

! In Service Inspection  ! SSDI  ! RAD Access

! Operator Requalification  ! Surveillance Testing  ! ALARA Plan

! Maintenance Rule Imp  ! Temporary Modifications  ! RAD monitoring

! Maintenance Risk Assessment  ! PI&R  ! RAD Effluents

! Non-Routine Events  ! Event Follow-up  ! RAD Transport

! PI Verification  ! RAD Environmental

Performance Indicators 18 Performance Indicators Covers all cornerstones Licensee submits data to NRC quarterly Baseline Inspection program verifies accuracy Available on Reactor Oversight Program Web site

Relationship of Strategic Performance Areas, Safety Cornerstones and Performance Indicators Radiation Safety Safeguards Reactor Safety Emergency Occupational Public Initiating Mitigating Barrier Events Systems Integrity Preparedness Radiation Radiation Safety Physical Protection Safety Performance Indicators Emergency AC Power System Unavailability Reactor Coolant Occupational Drill/Exercise RETS/ODCM Protected Area System Specific Performance Exposure Control Equipment High Pressure Activity Effectiveness Radiological Injection System Effluents Unplanned Unavailability Scrams ERO Drill Personnel Participation Screening Heat Removal Reactor Coolant Program System System Scrams with Unavailability Leakage Loss of Normal Alert and Heat Removal Notification FFD/Personnel Residual Heat System Removal System Reliability Unavailability Program Unplanned Power Change Safety System Functional Failure

Significance Threshold Performance Indicators Green: Only baseline Inspection White: May increase NRC oversight Yellow: Requires more NRC oversight Red: Requires more NRC oversight Inspection Findings Green: Very Low safety issue White: Low to moderate safety issue Yellow: Substantial safety issue Red: High safety issue

Performance Indicator Key Aspects of Assessment Program Objective assessment of performance Action Matrix to determine agency response to performance P Inspection level increases P Management involvement increases P Regulatory action increases Plant specific assessment letters Information on NRC public web site

An Action Matrix is used to assess overall plant safety performance and specify thresholds for NRC Enforcement Actions L ic e n s e e R e s p o n s e R e g u la to r y R e s p o n s e D e g ra d e d C o rn e r s to n e M u lt ip l e / R e p e titi v e U n a c c e p ta b le C o lu m n C o lu m n C olum n D e g ra d e d C o rn e r s to n e P e r fo rm a n c e C o lu m n C o lu m n R A ll A s s e s s m e n t In p u ts O n e o r T w o W h i te O ne D e grad ed R e p e tit iv e D e g ra d e d O ve ra ll U n a c c e p ta b l e E ( P e rf o rm a n c e In p u ts (i n d iff e r e n t C o rn e r s to n e ( 2 W h i te C o rn e rs to n e , M u l tip le P e rfo rm a n c e ; P l a n ts S In d ic a t o rs ( P Is ) a n d c o r n e rs to n e s ) in a In p u ts o r 1 Y e ll o w D egra de d N o t P e rm itte d to In s p e c tio n F i n d in g s ) S tra te g ic P e rfo rm a n c e In p u t) o r a n y 3 W h it e C o rn e rs to n e s , M u lti p l e O p e r a t e W ith i n t h is U

G r e e n ; C o rn e r s to n e A r e a ; C o r n e rs to n e In p u ts i n a S tra t e g ic Y e l lo w In p u ts , o r 1 R e d B a n d , U n a c c e p ta b le L O b je c t iv e s F u l ly M e t O b je c t iv e s F u l ly M e t P e rfo rm a n c e A r e a ; In p u t; C o r n e r s to n e M a rg in to S a fe ty T C o rn e r s to n e O b je c t iv e s O b je c ti v e s M e t w ith S M e t w it h M in im a l L o n g s ta n d i n g Is s u e s o r R e d u c t io n in S a f e ty S ig n if ic a n t R e d u c t io n in M a rg i n S a fe ty M a rg i n R R e g u l a to ry N on e B r a n c h C h i e f (B C ) o r D D o r R e g io n a l R A (o r E D O ) M e e t w ith C o m m is s io n m e e t in g E P e rfo rm a n c e D iv is io n D ir e c t o r ( D D ) A d m in is tra to r ( R A ) S e n io r L ic e n s e e w ith S e n i o r L ic e n s e e S M e e tin g M e e t w ith L ic e n s e e M e e t w ith L ic e n s e e M a na gem en t M a nag em en t P L ic e n s e e A c tio n L ic e n s e e C o rre c ti ve L ic e n s e e r o o t c a u s e L ic e n s e e S e lf L ic e n s e e P e rfo r m a n c e O A c tio n e v a l u a tio n a n d A s s e s s m e n t w i th N R C Im p ro v e m e n t P l a n w ith N c o r re c ti v e a c tio n w i th O v e rs ig h t N R C O v e r s ig h t S N R C O v e rs ig h t E

N R C In s p e c t io n R is k - In fo rm e d B a s e lin e B a s e l in e a n d B a s e l in e a n d B a s e l in e a n d In s p e c tio n s u p p le m e n ta l s u p p le m e n ta l s u p p le m e n ta l P ro g ra m in s p e c tio n p ro c e d u re in s p e c tio n p r o c e d u r e in s p e c tio n p ro c e d u re 95 00 1 95 002 95 003 R e g u l a to ry A c ti o n s N on e S up plem ental S u p p le m e n ta l - 1 0 C F R 2 .2 0 4 D F I O rd e r to M o d i fy ,

in s p e c tio n o n l y in s p e c tio n o n ly - 1 0 C F R 5 0 .5 4 (f) L e tte r S us pen d, or R ev ok e

- C A L /O rd e r L ic e n s e d A c ti v i tie s C A s s e ss m e n t L e tte rs B C o r D D re v i e w /s ig n D D re v ie w /s i g n R A re v ie w /s i g n R A re v ie w /s i g n O a s s e s s m e n t r e p o rt (w / a s s e s s m e n t re p o rt a s s e s s m e n t re p o r t a s s e s s m e n t r e p o rt M in s p e c tio n p la n ) (w / i n s p e c ti o n p la n ) (w / in s p e c tio n p la n ) ( w / in s p e c tio n p la n )

M C o m m iss io n In fo rm e d U

N I A n n u a l P u b l ic S R I o r B C M e e t w ith B C o r D D M e e t w it h R A (o r d e s ig n e e ) E D O (o r C o m m is s io n ) C o m m is s io n M e e t in g C M e e tin g L ic e n s e e L ic e n s e e D is c u s s P e r f o r m a n c e D is c u s s P e rf o rm a n c e w ith S e n i o r L ic e n s e e A w ith L ic e n s e e w ith S e n io r L ic e n s e e M a nag em en t T M a na gem en t I



Action Matrix Concept Licensee Regulatory Degraded Multiple/Degraded Unacceptable Response Response Cornerstone Cornerstone Performance Increasing Safety Significance Increasing NRC Inspection Efforts Increasing NRC/Licensee Management Involvement Increasing Regulatory Actions

National Summary of Plant Performance -103 Plants End of Calendar Year 2001 Licensee Response 74 Regulatory Response 24 Degraded Cornerstone 4 Multiple/Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone 1 Unacceptable 0

National Summary Fourth Quarter Calendar Year 2001 Performance Indicator Results Green: 1834 White: 8 Yellow: 0 Red: 0 Total Inspection Findings (April 2001 - December 2001)

Green: 660 White: 23 Yellow: 2 Red: 0











Clinton Annual Assessment (April 1 -Dec 31, 2001)

Operated safely Fully met all cornerstone objectives Regulatory Response Column of Action Matrix P One inspection finding finding was of low to moderate safety significance (White)

P All Performance Indicators requiring no additional NRC oversight (Green)

NRC Plans to conduct baseline inspections