LR-N16-0098, Submittal of Emergency Plan Document Revisions Implemented 04/20/2016

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Submittal of Emergency Plan Document Revisions Implemented 04/20/2016
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 05/09/2016
From: Hantho K
Public Service Enterprise Group
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16207A094 (51)


PSEG Nuclear LLC P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038-0236 11S~~G Nuclear LLC 10 CFR 50.54(q) 10 CFR 50.4(b)(5)

LR-N16-0098 MAY 09.2016 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-70 and DPR-75 NRC Docket Nos. 50-272 and 50-311 Hope Creek Generating Station Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-57 NRC Docket No. 50-354


Emergency Plan Document Revisions Implemented April 20, 2016.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(q) and 10 CFR 50.4(b)(5), PSEG Nuclear LLC (PSEG) hereby submits 10 CFR 50.54(q) Summary Analysis Reports (ID#2015-60 and ID# 2016-11) for Emergency Plan Document revisions implemented on April 20, 2016 (Attachment 1) and copies of the revised documents in their entirety (Enclosure 1) associated with the PSEG Nuclear LLC Emergency Plan. There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter.

This letter, Attachment 1, and Enclosure 1 do not contain any personal privacy, proprietary, or safeguards information for which protection is requested under the provisions for 10 CFR 2.390.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Phil Quick, Emergency Preparedness Program Manager, at 856-339-3262.



Karl Hantho Manager - Emergency Preparedness

MAY 0 9 2016 Page 2 10 CFR 50.54(q)

LR-N 16-0098 10 CFR 50.4(b)(5)

Attachments -10 CFR 50.54(q) Summary Analysis Reports Enclosures - Emergency Plan Document Revisions Emergency Plan Section 5.0, Rev. 14 NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0102 Rev. 21 cc (without enclosures): D. Dorman, Administrator, Region I, NRC Thomas J. Wengert, Project Manager, USNRC NRC Senior Resident Inspector, Salem NRC Senior Resident Inspector, Hope Creek P. Mulligan, Chief, NJBNE T. Cachaza, Commitment Tracking Coordinator, Salem T. MacEwen, Commitment Tracking Coordinator, Hope Creek L. Marabella, Corporate Commitment Tracking Coordinator

LR-N 16-0098 Attachment 1 10 CFR 50.54(q) Summary Analysis Reports

LR-N16-0098 Page 1 of 3 10 CFR 50.54(g)


ANALYSIS REPORT 50.54Q I.D. Number: ----=2=01-'-'5"--6=0"---------------------



Emergency Plan Section 5.0, Revision 14, Emergency Classification System Description of the change made to the Emergency Plan/Procedures:

1) Emergency Plan Section 5.0, step 2.0 contained the following:

A General Emergency classification level reflects conditions involving an actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with the potential or loss of containment integrity. For General Emergency, the States of New Jersey and Delaware are notified promptly (within 15 minutes) following the declaration of the emergency. A protective action recommendation of either sheltering and/or evacuation out to a fixed distance is communicated to the states in the initial notification message following the declaration of a General Emergency.

Furthermore, if not previously done, all PSE&G Emergency Response Facilities are activated.

State, county, and municipal EOCs activate.

This has been revised to state:

A General Emergency classification level reflects conditions involving an actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with the potential or loss of containment integrity. For General Emergency, the States of New Jersey and Delaware are notified promptly (within 15 minutes) following the declaration of the emergency. A protective action recommendation is communicated to the states in the initial notification message following the declaration of a General Emergency. Furthermore, if not previously done, all PSEG Emergency Response Facilities are activated. State, county, and municipal EOCs activate.

2) Editorial change to correct reference from NUMARC/NESP-007 to NEI 99-01 Revision 5.

Description of why the change is editorial (if not editorial, N/A this block):

N/A, this change is not editorial.

Description of the licensing basis affected by the change to the Emergency Plan/Procedure (if not affected, omit this element):

There is no impact on the licensing basis due to this change.

LR-N16-0098 Page 2 of 3 10 CFR 50.54(q)


ANALYSIS REPORT 50.54~1.0. Nu~ber:~~2=0~15~-~6=0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Emergency Plan Section 5.0, Revision 14, Emergency Classification System A description of how the change to the Emergency Plan/Procedures still complies with regulation:

This change complies with regulations based on a review of the following: Reg Guide 1.219, 10 CFR 50 Appendix E, NUREG 0654, NUREG 0654 Supplement 3, and NUREG 0737.

A description of why the proposed change was not a reduction in the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan/Procedure:

By removing the phrase: "of either sheltering and/or evacuation out to a fixed distance", the Emergency Plan is no longer limited to two possibilities for a protective action recommendation but is now permitted to provide a 'range of protective actions' as required by 10CFR50.47(b)(10). The revision to Section 5 of the Emergency Plan is also now aligned with the recent changes to Supplement 3 of NUREG 0654.

Therefore the change to Emergency Plan Section 5 does not result in a reduction in effectiveness of the PSEG Nuclear Emergency Plan.

LR-N 16-0098 Page 3 of 3 10 CFR 50.54(q)


ANALYSIS REPORT 50.54Q I.D. Number: ---=2=0-'-'16:<.--_,_1_,__1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0102, Revision 21, Emergency Coordinator Response Description of the change made to the Emergency Plan/Procedures:

To align with feedback from INPO and to address INPO IER L1-13-10, Recommendation 5f, Attachment 11 of NC.EP-EP.ZZ-01 02 is being revised. An IN PO template is being added as page 2 of the Attachment. The new page 2 will provide for documentation of evolutions that are deviations from normal work practices and is available for use in extreme emergencies.

Description of why the change is editorial (if not editorial, N/A this block):

N/A, this change is not editorial.

Description of the licensing basis affected by the change to the Emergency Plan/Procedure (if not affected, omit this element):

There is no impact on the licensing basis due to this change.

A description of how the change to the Emergency Plan/Procedures still complies with regulation:

This change complies with regulations based on a review of the following: 10 CFR 50.47(b), Planning Standards 1 and 2, 10 CFR Appendix E, and 10 CFR 50.54(x).

A description of why the proposed change was not a reduction in the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan/Procedure:

The proposed changes to NC.EP-EP.ZZ-01 02 are an enhancement that clarify the authority of the Emergency Coordinator in an extreme emergency and provide a place to document deviations from normal work practices during such an event. It incorporates an industry standard template from IN PO and supports meeting Recommendation 5f of IN PO IER L 1-13-10. The proposed changes also support meeting NRC order EA-12-049, Order to Modify Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (BDBEE), and NEI 12-06, Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies (FLEX) Implementation Guide.

The proposed changes refer the user to 10CFR50.54(x) and existing procedure OP-AA-101-111-1003, Use of Procedures for additional guidance if needed. There is no direct impact on the PSEG Nuclear Emergency Plan as a result of the proposed changes.

The proposed changes do not result in a reduction in effectiveness of the PSEG Nuclear Emergency Plan.

LR-N 16-0098 Enclosure 1 Emergency Plan Document Revisions

LR-N 16-0098 Page 1 of 1 Emergency Plan Document Revisions Implemented April 20, 2016

  • Emergency Plan Section 5.0, Revision 14, Emergency Classification System
  • NC.EP-EP.ZZ-01 02, Revision 21, Emergency Coordinator Response

SECTIONS EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM The emergency classification system is designed to provide a consistent method for categorizing possible events or accidents into one of four emergency classifications: Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, and General Emergency. Refer to the "Introduction" section of the Event Classification Guide (ECG) for a detailed description of the emergency classifications.

1.0 Unusual Event (UE)

Unusual Events, as used for emergency planning purposes, characterize off-normal plant conditions, which may not in themselves be particularly significant from an emergency response standpoint. An Unusual Event could reasonably have the potential to increase in significance if proper action is not taken or if circumstances beyond the control of the operating staff render the situation more serious from a safety standpoint. For Unusual Events, the States ofNew Jersey and Delaware are notified promptly (within 15 minutes) following the declaration of the emergency. No offsite response is necessary.

1.1 Alert The Alert classification is the lowest level resulting in offsite emergency response. At this level, physical occurrences within the plant require station emergency response organization (ERO) response.

This level, however, is associated with a judgment that the emergency situation can be corrected and controlled by the plant staff and it is unlikely that an offsite hazard will evolve.

For Alerts, the States ofNew Jersey and Delaware are notified promptly (within 15 minutes) following the declaration of the emergency. Furthermore, the onsite Technical Support Center (TSC) and Operational Support Center (OSC) are activated. Staffing of the Emergency Operating Facility (EOF) and Emergency News Center (ENC) is a planned option. Activation of the EOF will occur if, based on plant conditions, the emergency coordinator requires EOF support. State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will activate, county and municipal EOC's may activate.

1.2 Site Area Emergency (SAE)

The Site Area Emergency classification reflects conditions where there is a clear potential for significant releases, such releases are likely, or they are occurring, but does not involve indications of a core melt situation based on current information. For Site Area Emergency, the States ofNew Jersey and Delaware are notified promptly (within 15 minutes) following the declaration of the emergency.

"No protective actions are recommended at this time" is communicated to the states in the initial notification message following the declaration of a Site Area Emergency. Furthennore, the OSC, TSC, EOF, and ENC are activated. State, county, and municipal EOCs activate.


2.0 General Emergency (GE)

A General Emergency classification level reflects conditions involving an actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with the potential or loss of containment integrity. For General Emergency, the States ofNew Jersey and Delaware are notified promptly (within 15 minutes) following the declaration of the emergency. A protective action recommendation is communicated to the states in the initial notification message following the declaration of a General Emergency. Furthermore, if not previously done, all PSEG Emergency Response Facilities are activated. State, county, and municipal EOCs activate.

3.0 Event Classification Guide (ECG)

The Event Classification Guides (ECG) for Salem and Hope Creek list the Emergency Action Levels (EALs) for all emergency events and Reportable Action Levels (RALs) for all non-emergency reportable events required by NEI 99-01 Revision 5- Methodology for Development of Emergency Actions Levels, station technical specifications, the Code of Federal Regulations, and special Licensee commitments ..

The ECG- EAL subject categories of initiating conditions are summarized for Salem (Attachment 5-1) and Hope Creek Generating Stations (Attachment 5-2). Like the Emergency Plan, the EALs and associated attachments in the ECG are subject to specific reviews and approvals prescribed by Section 17 of this Emergency Plan. The RALs and associated attachments in the ECG are subject to specific reviews and approvals outside of the Emergency Plan as prescribed in Station Administrative Procedures as controlled by the stations Regulatory Assurance Department.

The ECG volume guides the emergency coordinator to an immediate and appropriate emergency response specific to the event. The ECG volumes contain the initiating conditions and associated Emergency Action Levels (EALs) for emergency events as well as initiating conditions and associated Reportable Action Levels (RALs) for non-emergency events/conditions. Since these EALs have been provided to the NRC in accordance with 10CFR50, as approved or revised per 10 CFR50.54q and 10CFR50, Appendix E, they have been included in this plan as attachments. The EALs are considered proper annexes of the PSEG Emergency Plan.

The EALs have been discussed and agreed upon by PSEG and the state governments. Further, the EALs will be reviewed annually as discussed in Section 17 of this Emergency Plan.


PSEG Internal Use Only NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

PSEG NUCLEAR L.L.C. Page 1 of 1 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0102(0) Rev. 21 EMERGENCY COORDINATOR RESPONSE USE CATEGORY: II A Biennial review performed: Yes __ No__ .:....:.N/:...:....A'---

B. Packages and Affected Document Numbers incorporated into this revision: None C. The following OTSCs were incorporated into this revision: None REVISION


  • Revised the description on page 1 of Attachment 11 and added page 2 of Attachment 11, to align with IN PO IER L1-13-10, Recommendation Sf (70152242, op 0690).
  • Added INPO IER L 1-13-10, Nuclear Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, to section 7.1 References.


EMERGENCY COORDINATOR RESPONSE TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1.0 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................ 2 2.0 PREREQUISITES ............................................................................................ 2 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ................................................................ 2 4.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED ................................................................................ 3 5.0 PROCEDURE ................................................................................................... 4 5.1 Shift Manager (SM) Actions ................................................................... 4 5.2 Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) Actions ................................................. 9 5.3 Emergency Response Manager (ERM) Actions .................................. 13 6.0 RECORDS ...................................................................................................... 17


............................................................................................... 17 8.0 COMMITMENT DOCUMENTS ....................................................................... 17 ATTACHMENTS:

ATTACHMENT 1 DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST ..................................................... 18 ATTACHMENT 2 EC EMERGENCY STATUS BRIEFING FORM ................................. 19 ATTACHMENT 3 ACCOUNTABILITY ACTIONS AND RESULTS ................................ 21 ATTACHMENT 4 UNUSUAL EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT ............................................ 23 ATTACHMENT SA ALERT ANNOUNCEMENT ............................................................... 24 ATTACHMENT 58 SITE AREA EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT ................................ 25 ATTACHMENT 5C GENERAL EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT ................................. 26 ATTACHMENT 6 ACTIVATION of the TSC .................................................................. 27 ATTACHMENT 7 ACTIVATION of the EOF .................................................................. 29 ATTACHMENT 8 Reserved for Future Use ................................................................... 32 ATTACHMENT 9 Reserved for Future Use ................................................................... 33 ATTACHMENT 10 SECURITY EMERGENCY GUIDELINE(SEG) ............................. 34 ATTACHMENT 11 Allowable Deviations from Normal Work Practices In Emergencies .. 39 Nuclear Common Page 1 of 40 Rev. 21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)


  • Emergency response instructions to the Emergency Coordinator (EC) after emergency classification.
  • Security Emergency Guidelines (SEG is Attachment 10) to the Shift Manager (SM) for use prior to or after emergency classification based on security events.
  • SM Instructions while filling the role of EC and after being relieved as the EC and reverting back to the role of SM.
  • Instructions to the EDO and ERM on how to activate the TSC and EOF and actions both prior to and after facility activation.

2.0 PREREQUISITES Initials 2.1 Prerequisites to be Followed Prior to Implementation 2.1.1 ECG Attachment 1, 2, 3, 4 or 24 was completed.

OR 2.1.2 The Security Emergency Guideline, Attachment 10 of this procedure should be implemented immediately if the Shift Manager (SM) judges that security events warrant the implementation of the Operation's Abnormal Procedure for Security Threat or Airborne Threat.

3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 Precautions and Limitations to be Followed Prior to Implementation 3.1.1 Initials should be used for place keeping sign-offs.

3.1.2 Activation of the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) during an Unusual Event is implemented at the discretion of the Emergency Coordinator (EC). If additional support personnel are needed during an Unusual Event, then limited or full staffing of the TSC may be initiated at the discretion of the EC. Limited staffing may be initiated by contacting selected support personnel on an individual basis in lieu of activating the full ERO.

3.1 .3 A Loss of Command and Control is defined as either one of the following:

  • any event resulting in a situation where a qualified SRO is unable to establish direct control of the reactor from either the Control Room or the Remote Shutdown Panel(s).
  • any event resulting in a situation where a qualified SRO is unable to implement the Emergency Plan.

Nuclear Common Page 2 of 40 Rev.21


Initials 3.1.4 IF circumstances prevent staffing and activation of the TSC, the SM may turnover EC responsibilities directly to the ERM at the EOF, bypassing the TSC.

3.1.5 IF the "Two-Person Line of Sight Rule" is in effect, the deployment of all teams within the vital area will be done lAW SY-AA-1 01-108, Attachment 2.

4.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED As provided in the Control Rooms, TSCs and EOF.

Nuclear Common Page 3 of 40 Rev. 21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q) 5.0 PROCEDURE Initials/Time

  • Shift Manager (SM) shall IMPLEMENT sections 5.1 of this procedure.
  • Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) shall IMPLEMENT sections 5.2 of this procedure.
  • Emergency Response Manager (ERM) shall IMPLEMENT sections 5.3 of this procedure.

5.1 Shift Manager (SM) Actions:


1. Should the Emergency Classification Level change, the SM shall implement actions based on the new Emergency Classification Level.
2. After EC turnover to the EDO, the SM shall continue to implement the SM designated steps in Section 5.1.
3. Since the Rad Alert alarm is located in the Control Room, the SM directs all emergency status change announcements.

IF EITHER one of the following has or is occurring:

  • Security Based Emergency Att 10 Att10 Att 10 Att 10
  • Catastrophic Event- large explosion, airliner impact, etc. resulting in a loss of command and SM control at the other station Init:

- Init:

- Init:

- Init:-

THEN Time: - Time: Time: - Time:

IMPLEMENT Attachment 10 - Security Emergency Guideline (SEG), of this procedure For each change in Emergency Classification Level, Att 4 Att SA Att 58 Att 5C DIRECT I MAKE emergency status announcements AND Security notifications as follows:

Init: Init: Init: Init:


  • IMPLEMENT Attachment 4 for Unusual Event
  • IMPLEMENT Attachment 5 for ALERT or Higher Time: - Time: - Time: - Time: -

(will be requested by EDO if TSC is activated)

For Security based emergency, SEG may require modifications of associated actions/announcements.

Nuclear Common Page 4 of 40 Rev. 21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

Note: Initials/time each block as applicable DIRECT the other station's SM to: EPEP 101 EPEP 101 EPEP 101 EPEP 101

  • If not done previously, IMPLEMENT NC.EP- UE ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY EP.ZZ-0101, Actions Required at Unaffected Att 5 Att 4 Att 4 Att4 Station.


  • DIRECT I MAKE a Plant Page announcement per Init: Init: Init: Init:

the applicable referenced attachment based on the - - -

current emergency level. Time: - Time: - Time: - Time: -

For Security based emergency, SEG may require modifications of associated lE not performed previously, Optional Init: Init: Init:

THEN DIRECT the OSC Coordinator to Activate the (Mandatory - -

SM OSC lAW NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0202, OSC Activation and for security event) Time: - Time: Time:

Operations. -

COMPLETE or DIRECT completion of the NRC Data Sheet lAW EGG Att. 5 and PROVIDE to the Primary and Secondary Communicators (CM1/CM2) to notify Init: Init: Init: Init:

EC the NRC as soon as possible.

Time: - Time: - Time: Time: -

NOTE: The 60 minute notification requirement is met when the NRC is contacted lAW EP-SA/HC-111-F6.

Prior to TSC activation, IF desired or WHEN required, THEN DIRECT IMPLEMENTATION I IMPLEMENT Init: Init:

Optional Optional - -

SM Accountability lAW Attachment 3 of this procedure.

Time: - Time: -

For Security based emergency, SEG may require modifications of associated actions/announcements.

If ERO callout was activated, PREPARE for EC turnover to the EDO OR ERM using the WebEOC EC Init: Init: Init: Init:

Status Briefing Board (or Attachment 2- EC - - -

EC Emergency Status Briefing Form, of this procedure. Time: - Time: - Time:- Time:-

As time allows, FAX completed Form to TSC.)

(Salem fax is NETS 5114 and Hope Creek fax is at NETS 5216)

If needed, CONTACT unaffected station SM to Init: Init: Init: Init:

identify and REQUEST available support EC personnel. Time: - Time: - Time: Time: -

Nuclear Common Page 5 of 40 Rev. 21


Until relieved by the EDO, IF Remote Response Center (RRC) Guideline, SH.OP-AM.TSC-0002, REMOTE RESPONSE CENTER (RRC)

OPERATIONS was implemented per directions in Attachment 10, THEN: [CM-HC.2007 -42]

  • PROVIDE overall direction (command & control) Init:

- Init:

- Init: Init:

SM and support to the RRC Leader (NETS X5135 or DID X2801). Time: - Time: Time: - Time: -

  • PROVIDE periodic briefings to the RRC Leader .
  • TURNOVER command & control of the affected station's emergency response to a qualified SM or EDO from the affected station when the affected station has adequate resources.

Until relieved by the EDO, as needed/requested for accident mitigation (25R) or life saving (75R),

AUTHORIZE Emergency Dose.

(per OSC RP Response, NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0304)

  • ENSURE RAC works with the OSC and considers Init: Init: Init: Init:

dose savings to the public to expedite OSC team - -

SM dispatch. Time: - Time: Time: - Time: -

  • ENSURE backup actions are being planned; (OSC or TSC engineering staff).
  • ENSURE OSC Coordinator considers pre-staging teams at the control point while plans are being finalized.

lAW ECG Attachment 5, NRC Data Sheet and Completion Reference, ENSURE the NRC is notified of:

  • Significant changes in emergency or plant status Init:

- Init:

- Init:

- Init:

EC including equivalent or lower EALs exceeded.

Time: - Time: - Time: - Time: -

  • Non-emergency reportable conditions per RALs Nuclear Common Page 6 of 40 Rev.21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

COORDINATE and PRIORITIZE OSC tasks in Init: Init: Init: Init:

SM conjunction with accident mitigation efforts. Time: - Time:

Time: Time: -

ENSURE the Station Status Checklist (SSCL) is Init: Init: Init: Init:

reviewed and approved for transmission to the states EC every 30 minutes. Time: - Time: Time: - Time: -

Init: Init: Init: Init:

If needed, CONTACT the NRC for Federal assistance - - - -

EC or Federal resources. Time: - Time: Time: - Time:

If needed to address plant conditions during a severe accident not specifically addressed in approved procedures or in the Severe Accident Guidelines, Init: Init: Init: Init:

IMPLEMENT/DIRECT implementation of the - - -

SM Supplemental Severe Accident Management Time: - Time: - Time: - Time: -

Guideline, SH.OP-AM.TSC-0001 and associated Technical Support Center Assist Guidelines, SC/HC.OP-AM.TSC-XXXX.

REVIEW the EGG for conditions that may require Classification Escalation or PAR Upgrade:

  • lE in the position of EC, and classification level is escalated, THEN, EXIT this procedure and IMPLEMENT the appropriate EGG attachment until directed back to this procedure.

Init: Init: Init: Init:

  • lE in the position of EC, and a General Emergency - - -

SM was previously declared and conditions change Time: - Time: Time: - Time: -

such that a PAR Upgrade is needed, THEN, IMPLEMENT a new EGG Attachment 4 and UPGRADE the PAR on the ICMF.

  • lE EDO/ERM is the EC, THEN, PERFORM classification verification check and FEEDBACK results to EC.

When SM relief is required, USE WebEOC or Init: Init: Init: Init:

Attachment 2 of this procedure and PROVIDE SM turnover to oncoming SM. Time: - Time: - Time: Time:

Nuclear Common Page 7 of 40 Rev.21


Note: Initials/time each block as applicable Init: Init: Init: Init:

PROVIDE a control room crew update when the SM - - -

SM has completed EC turnover to the EDO in the TSC.

Time: - Time: - Time: Time: -

When relieved as the EC:

  • ENSURE all SM steps of this procedure are Init:

- Init:

- Init: Init:

SM completed

  • If emergency is upgraded, PERFORM all SM Time:- Time:- Time:

- Time: -

ste for the new raded classification level.

IMPLEMENT NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0405 (Q), Emergency Init:

Termination/Reduction/Recovery for UE termination SM N/A N/A N/A as appropriate. Time: -

WHEN the event is terminated, THEN ENSURE Init: Init:- Init: Init:

SM appropriate steps in Attachment 1 - Documentation Checklist are completed. Time: - Time: - Time: - Time: -

lE needed, AUTHORIZE deviations from Normal Work Practices In Emergencies. See Attachment 11, Init: Init: Init: Init:

Allowable Deviations from Normal Work Practices In EC Emergencies. Time: - Time: Time: - Time: -

END- SM Actions Nuclear Common Page 8 of 40 Rev.21

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0102(Q) 5.2 Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) Actions: Initials NOTES

1. Should the Emergency Classification Level change, the EDO shall implement actions based on the new Emergency Classification Level.
2. After EC turnover to the ERM, the EDO shall continue to implement the EDO designated steps in Section 5.2.
3. Since the Rad Alert alarm is located in the Control Room, the SM directs all emergency status change announcements.
4. DID X5930 can be used to monitor Shift Manager/Security hostile action event communications If TSC not already activated, IMPLEMENT Init: Init: Init:

EDO Optional Attachment 6 and ACTIVATE the TSC. Time: - Time: - Time: -

Att 5A Att 58 Att 5C INFORM affected station SM of all changes in EDO N/A Init: Init: Init:

emergency level and REQUEST page announcement per appropriate attachment of this procedure. Time: - Time: - Time:

COMPLETE or DIRECT completion of the NRC Data Sheet lAW ECG Att. 5 and PROVIDE to the Primary and Secondary Communicators (TSC1/TSC2) to Init: Init: Init: Init:

notify the NRC as soon as possible.

EC Time: - Time: - Time: Time: -

NOTE: The 60 minute notification requirement is met when the NRC is contacted lAW EP-SA/HC-111-F6.

lE not previously completed and, lE desired or WHEN required,

  • THEN DIRECT the SM to implement Accountability lAW Attachment 3, Steps 1 thru 4 of this procedure.


  • At 30 minutes after Accountability was Optional Optional Init: Init:

implemented, EDO shall COMPLETE Time: Time:

Accountability follow-up actions lAW Attachment 3, Steps 5 of this procedure.

For Security based emergency, SEG may require modifications of associated actions/announcements.

Nuclear Common Page 9 of 40 Rev. 21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

If needed, CONTACT unaffected station SM to !nit: !nit: !nit: !nit:

EDO identify and REQUEST available support personnel.

Time: Time: - Time: - Time:

lE Remote Response Center (RRC) Guideline, SH.OP-AM.TSC-0002, REMOTE RESPONSE CENTER (RRC) OPERATIONS was implemented per directions in Attachment 10, THEN,

  • PROVIDE overall direction (command & control) !nit:

- !nit:

- !nit: !nit:

EDO and support to the RRC Leader (NETS X5135 or DID X2801). Time: - Time: Time: - Time: -

  • PROVIDE periodic briefings to the RRC Leader.
  • TURNOVER command & control of the affected station's emergency response to a qualified SM or EDO from the affected station when the affected station has adequate resources.

As needed/requested for accident mitigation (25R) or life saving (75R), AUTHORIZE Emergency Dose.

(per OSC RP Response, NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0304)

  • ENSURE RAC works with the OSC and considers dose savings to the public to expedite OSC team !nit: !nit: !nit: !nit:

dispatch. - -

EDO Time: Time: - Time: - Time: -

  • ENSURE backup actions are being planned; (OSC or TSC engineering staff).
  • ENSURE OSC Coordinator considers pre-staging teams at the control point while plans are being finalized.

lAW ECG Attachment 5, NRC Data Sheet and Completion Reference, ENSURE the NRC is notified of:

  • Significant changes in emergency or plant status !nit:

- !nit:

- !nit:

- !nit:

EC including equivalent or lower EALs exceeded.

Time:- Time: - Time:- Time:-

  • Non-emergency reportable conditions per RALs After an initial PAR for a General Emergency has EC been made, IMPLEMENT NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0404(0), N/A N/A N/A !nit:

Protective Action Recommendations (PAR) Upgrades. Time: -

Nuclear Common Page 10 of 40 Rev.21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

If needed, CONTACT the NRC for Federal assistance Init: Init: Init: Init:-

EC or Federal resources. Time: - Time: Time: - Time: -

REVIEW plant status, radiological release conditions, and the ECG for conditions that may require Classification escalation or PAR upgrade. !E Init:

- Init: Init:

- Init:-

EC escalation/upgrade is being considered, THEN Time: - Time: - Time: Time:

DIRECT SM and/or ERM to perform a classification/upgrade verification.

!E classification level is escalated, THEN, EXIT this Init:

- Init:

- Init: Init:

EC procedure and IMPLEMENT the appropriate ECG attachment until directed back to this procedure. Time: - Time: Time: - Time: -

ENSURE SM and unaffected station's SM or EDO are kept informed of emergency status changes such as:

  • Classification level Init:

- Init:

- Init: Init:


  • Onsite protective actions Time: - Time: - Time: - Time: -
  • Radiological releases
  • Emergency response facility activations ENSURE the Station Status Checklist (SSCL) is Init: Init: Init: Init:

reviewed and approved for transmission to the states - - - -

EC approximately every 30 minutes. May be delegated to Time: - Time: - Time: - Time: -

TSS (page 1) and RAC (page 2) if desired.

If ERMis the EC, USE procedure NC.EP-EP.ZZ- Init:

EDO 0404(Q), Protective Action Recommendations (PAR) N/A N/A N/A Upgrades, for peer checking PAR upgrades. Time: -

Upon arrival of an NRC emergency response team, Init: Init: Init: Init:

PROVIDE a status briefing and COORDINATE the - - -

EDO integration of NRC team members within functional Time: - Time: - Time: - Time: -

areas of the TSC.

Init: lnt: Init: Init:

Periodically (approximately every 30- 60 minutes), - - - -

EDO CONDUCT TSC facility leads briefings. Tim Periodically (approximately every 60- 90 minutes),

CONDUCT an "ALL FACILITY BRIEFING" by Init: Init: Init: Init:

EDO providing the TSC Admin Support Supervisor with a briefing time and DIRECT him/her to setup the "ALL Time: - Time: - Time: - Time: -

FACILITY BRIEFING" conference call.

Nuclear Common Page 11 of 40 Rev.21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

When EDO relief is required, USE WebEOC or Init: Init: Init:

Attachment 2 of this procedure and PROVIDE

- - - Init:

EDO turnover to oncoming EDO. Time: - Time: Time: Time: -

When relieved as the EC, ENSURE all EDO steps of Init: Init: Init: Init:

EDO the EDO Section of this procedure are completed.

Time: - Time: - Time: Time: -

PROVIDE a TSC Staff update when the EDO has Init: Init: Init: Init:

EDO completed EC turnover to the ERMin the EOF.

Time: - Time: - Time: Time: -

If emergency is upgraded, and the ERMis the EC, Init: Init: Init: Init:

PERFORM all EDO steps for the new upgraded EDO classification level. Time:- - Time: Time: Time: -

If needed to address plant conditions during a severe accident not specifically addressed in approved procedures or in the Severe Accident Guidelines, Init: Init: Init: Init:

IMPLEMENT/DIRECT implementation of the - - -

EDO Supplemental Severe Accident Management Time: - Time: - Time: - Time: -

Guideline, SH.OP-AM.TSC-0001 and associated Technical Support Center Assist Guidelines, SC/HC.OP-AM.TSC-XXXX.

Init: Init: Init: Init:

IMPLEMENT NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0405 (Q), Emergency - - -

EC Termination/Reduction/Recovery, as appropriate.

WHEN the event is terminated, THEN ENSURE Init: Init: Init: Init:

appropriate steps in Attachment 1 - Documentation EDO Checklist are completed. Time: - Time:- Time:- Time: -

.!£needed, AUTHORIZE deviations from Normal Work Practices In Emergencies. See Attachment 11, Init: Init: Init: Init:

Allowable Deviations from Normal Work Practices In EC Emergencies. Time:-

  • Time: - Time: - Time: -

END- EDO Actions Nuclear Common Page 12 of 40 Rev.21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q) 5.3 Emergency Response Manager (ERM) Actions: Initials NOTES

1. Should the Emergency Classification Level change, the ERM shall implement actions based on the new Emergency Classification Level.
2. Since the Rad Alert alarm is located in the Control Room, the SM directs all emergency status change announcements.
3. DID X5930 or can be used to monitor Shift Manager/Security hostile action event communications.

If EOF is not already activated, IMPLEMENT Init: Init:

ERM Attachment 7 and ACTIVATE the EOF (required with Optional Optional in 90 minutes of anSAE or higher classification) Time: Time:- -

INFORM affected station SM of all changes in Att5A Att 58 Att 5C emergency level and REQUEST page announcement Init:- Init:- Init:-

EC per appropriate attachment of this procedure. N/A Time: - Time: - Time:

INFORM EDO of all changes in emergency level COMPLETE or DIRECT completion of the NRC Data Sheet lAW ECG Att. 5 and PROVIDE to the Primary and Secondary Communicators (EOF1/EOF2) to Init: Init: Init: Init:

EC notify the NRC as soon as possible.

NOTE: The 60 minute notification requirement is Time: - Time: - Time: - Time: -

met when the NRC is contacted lAW EP-SA/HC-111-F6.

If the event involves the activation of the Unified Command Center (UCC), DIRECT PSEG ERO personnel to fill the following positions within the UCC lAW EP Aids 60 & 61: Init: Init: Init:


  • Salem- Ops Liaison (off-duty SSM or TSS) Optional Time: - Time: - Time:-
  • Hope Creek- Ops Liaison (off-duty SSM or TSS)
  • Security Liaison (Sec. Dir. or off-duty SSC)
  • RadPro Liaison (off-duty RSM or RAC)

Nuclear Common Page 13 of 40 Rev.21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q) lAW ECG Attachment 5, NRC Data Sheet and Completion Reference, ENSURE the NRC is notified of:

Init: Init: Init: Init:

  • Significant changes in emergency or plant status - - -

EC including equivalent or lower EALs exceeded.

Time: - Time: Time: Time:

  • Non-emergency reportable conditions per RALs Init: Init: Init: Init:

If needed, CONTACT the NRC for needed Federal - - - -

EC assistance or Federal resources. Time: - Time: - Time: - Time:

After an initial PAR for a General Emergency has Init:

been made, IMPLEMENT NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0404(0), -

EC N/A N/A N/A Protective Action Recommendations (PAR) Time: -


Nuclear Common Page 14 of 40 Rev.21


REVIEW plant status, radiological release conditions, and the ECG for conditions that may require


EC Classification escalation or PAR upgrade. !E - !nit:

- !nit:

- !nit:

escalation/upgrade is being considered, THEN Time: - Time: Time: - Time: -

DIRECT EDO and/or SM to perform a classification/upgrade verification.

!E classification level is escalated, THEN EXIT this !nit: !nit: !nit: !nit:

EC procedure and IMPLEMENT the appropriate ECG - - - -

attachment until directed back to this procedure. Time: - Time:

- Time:

- Time:

ENSURE EDO is kept informed of emergency status changes such as:

  • Classification level !nit:

- !nit:

- !nit:

- !nit:


  • Offsite protective actions Time:

- Time: - Time:

- Time: -

  • Radiological releases
  • Emergency response facility activations ENSURE the Station Status Checklist (SSCL) is

!nit: !nit: !nit: !nit:

reviewed and approved for transmission to the states - - - -

EC every 30 minutes. This may be delegated to SSM Time: Time: - Time: Time:_

(page 1) and RSM (page 2) if desired. - -

Upon arrival of an NRC emergency response team,


PROVIDE a status briefing and COORDINATE the - !nit:

- !nit:

- !nit:

ERM integration of NRC team members within functional Time: Time: Time: Time:

areas of the EOF. - - - -

UPDATE both State Directors regularly and ENSURE data flow is satisfactory. OBTAIN information concerning any Protective Actions implemented by the States.


- !nit:

- !nit:

- !nit:


As a minimum, update State Directors of any changes in Emergency Classification, PARs or Radiological Release Status.

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NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

Init: Init: Init: Init:

Time: Time: Time: - Time: -

Periodically (approximately every 30-60 minutes), Init: Init: Init: Init:

ERM CONDUCT EOF facility leads briefing.

Time: - Time: - Time: Time: -

lE offsite radionuclide concentrations exist OR could potentially exist in excess of 10CFR20 Appendix 8 ERM limits, THEN RECOMMEND to the States of New Init:

- Init:

- Init: Init:

Jersey and Delaware that the ingestion pathway be Time: - Time: - Time: - Time: -


When ERM relief is required, USE WebEOC or ERM Attachment 2 of this procedure and PROVIDE Init:

- Init:

- Init:

- Init:

turnover to oncoming ERM. Time: - Time: - Time: - Time: -

Init: Init: Init: Init:

IMPLEMENT NC.EP-EP .ZZ-0405 (0), Emergency - - - -

EC Termination/Reduction/Recovery, as appropriate.

Time: - Time: Time: Time:

WHEN the event is terminated, THEN ENSURE Init: Init: Init: Init:

appropriate steps in Attachment 1 - Documentation ERM Checklist are completed. Time: - Time: - Time: Time: -

lE needed, AUTHORIZE deviations from Normal Work Practices In Emergencies. See Attachment 11, Init:- Init: Init: - Init:-

EC Allowable Deviations from Normal Work Practices In Time: - Time: - Time: Time: -


END- ERM Actions Nuclear Common Page 16 of 40 Rev. 21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q) 6.0 RECORDS Refer to Attachment 1, Documentation Checklist.


7.1 References

  • NUREG-0654, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency
  • Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants.
  • NRC Security Advisory Basis Document, Notification- 20080626
  • Safeguards Advisory (SA-04-07) dated 6/18/04
  • Safeguards Advisory (SA-05-02) dated 1/26/05
  • CM-HC.2007 B.5.b Commitment (70067198) e INPO IER L 1-13-10, Nuclear Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant 7.2 Cross References
  • Hope Creek/Salem Event Classification Guide (ECG)
  • HC.OP-AB.SEC-0001 (0) & SC.OP-AB.CR-0004(0), Security Event
  • HC.OP-AB.SEC-0002(0) & SC.OP-AB.CR-0005(0), Airborne Threat
  • SH.OP-AM.TSC-0002, Remote Response Center (RRC) Operations
  • SY-AA-101-108, Response to Suspicious Activity and Events Maliciously Directed at Plant Safety or Security
  • NC. EP-EP .ZZ-0902( 0), Assembly/Accountability/Evacuation
  • EP Aid #060, Unified Command Center (UCC) Activation Checklist
  • EP Aid #061, Unified Command Center (UCC) Responsibilities 8.0 COMMITMENT DOCUMENTS CM-HC.2007 B.5.b Commitment {70067198)

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NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)


1. ENSURE a Notification is created and the basis for the Termination/Recovery is included in the notification.

Notification #:


2. COORDINATE with the station EP Manager (or designee) and COMPLETE the Event Review Checklist per EP-AA-120-F2 SM
3. COLLECT, REVIEW and FORWARD all completed ECG Attachments, Procedures, T&RMs, Forms, Logbooks, etc. and any supporting documentation to the Manager EP (MEP).


4. REVIEW forwarded emergency documentation and any other relevant information for correct classification of event and corrective actions taken.

Station EPM/MEP

5. FORWARD the following documents to Record Retention:
  • Copies of ECG Emergency Attachments implemented by the ECs and communicators in all Emergency Response Facilities.
  • NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0102- EC Response procedure completed by all ECs.
  • NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0405- Emergency Termination procedure
  • Log books maintained by the SM, EDO and ERM (If used instead of WebEOC).
  • All ICMFs, NRC Data Sheets, and SSCLs transmitted during the emergency.
  • Other documents as per MEP discretion.

MEP Nuclear Common Page 18 of 40 Rev. 21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

ATTACHMENT 2 EC EMERGENCY STATUS BRIEFING FORM Page 1 of 2 NOTE Completion of this Attachment is optional. However, the information listed is useful for providing a thorough turnover to the oncoming EC. WebEOC EC Status Briefing Board is the preferred format for this information, but use of this form is acceptable. If conditions/time allows, fax this briefing form to the oncoming EC prior to starting a turnover briefing.

Plant: HC S1 S2

1. EAL that is the basis for the emergency classification:

Unusual Site Area General Event Alert Emergency Emergency

a. EAL(s)#
b. Time declared
c. PAR Yes _RPSA- EVAC All, 0-5 miles, downwind 5-10 +I- one sector and shelter remaining 5-10 Wind direction (from): No miles.

_HAB- SHELTER All, 0-5 miles, and MONITOR and PREPARE All 5-10 miles

_Default- EVAC All, 0-5 miles and MONITOR and PREPARE All 5-10 miles

d. Accountability called? Yes Time completed:

Results: No

2. Status of important safety systems:
3. Status of fuel cladding, reactor coolant system, and containment integrity:
4. Unusual radiological conditions currently existing:

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NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)


5. OSC activated? (_YES _NO) Time Activated OSC Coord. _ _ _ _ __

In-Plant emergency actions underway (OSC priorities):

6. Identification of "out-of-service" equipment that needs repair: (not on priority list)
7. Offsite emergency actions underway: (Did a release occur? Have field-monitoring teams been dispatched? State's PADs, etc.)
8. Prognosis for the situation to improve or worsen:
9. Adequacy of current Control Room staffing: (Is an additional person needed to assist with communications?)
10. Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) being implemented:
11. Security Event details, were SEG Attachment 10 actions completed and what on site protective actions have been implemented?
12. Status of NRC Data Sheet and Station Status Checklist (SSCL) update times:
13. Other:

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NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

ATTACHMENT 3 ACCOUNTABILITY ACTIONS AND RESULTS Page 1 of 2 The SM should PERFORM steps 1 through 4 to Implement Accountability: Initials/Time

1. For an UNUSUAL EVENT, DIRECT Security Shift Manager (X2223) at the Security Center to implement procedure NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0902, Sections:
  • 5.2, Automated Accountability
  • 5.3, Accountability Report Generation __/ _

SM OR For an ALERT or higher, DIRECT Security Shift Manager (X2223) at the Security Center to implement procedure NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0902, Sections:

  • 5.2, Automated Accountability
  • 5.3, Accountability Report Generation
  • 5.5, Evacuation __/ _


2. DIRECT the other station's SM to implement NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0101, ACCOUNTABILITY, Attachment 3.

Hope Creek (NETS X5234 or DID X3027) I Salem (NETS X5142 or DID X5200) _/_

SM NOTE Accountability Implementation Time (AIT) is defined as the time that the below page announcement to "implement accountability" is made. I SM

3. DIRECT the following: (AIT +0 Min)



4. DIRECT the following: (AIT +20 Min after above announcement was made)


SM Nuclear Common Page 21 of 40 Rev. 21


ATTACHMENT 3 ACCOUNTABILITY ACTIONS AND RESULTS Page 2 of 2 The EDO (SM if TSC not yet activated) should PERFORM step 5 to Complete Accountability:

Initials/Time NOTE lEthe TSC has not yet been manned by the TSC security liaison, THEN Security will report the results of the accountability immediately to the Shift Manager (SM) at both stations.


5. After 30 minutes has passed from the initial "Implement Accountability" announcement, COMPLETE the following Accountability followup actions:(AIT +30 min)
  • OBTAIN from Security a list of unaccounted personnel. lE Security has not supplied results of the accountability within 30 minutes of the first accountability announcement, THEN CONTACT the affected station's TSC Security Liaison and REQUEST accountability results. - I-EDO/SM Hope Creek- NETS X5214 or DID X3252 Salem -NETS X5117 or DID X2707
  • DESIGNATE an individual to attempt to locate unaccounted personnel as follows:

);> Page individuals over the plant page.

);> Obtain feedback from unaccounted person's co-workers/supervisors on last known location/job assignment.

);> Call individual's home to verify work schedule.

);> Request Security's assistance in locating unaccounted personnel.


  • UPDATE Security as missing personnel are located. - I-EDO/SM
  • INITIATE search and rescue operations in accordance with NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0202, OSC Activation and Operations, as appropriate. - I-EDO/SM
  • IF Accountability was directed while in an Unusual Event (no OCA evacuation was directed) and the emergency is later upgraded to an ALERT or higher, THEN, DIRECT Security Shift Manager (X2223) at the Security Center to implement NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0902, Section 5.5, Evacuation. - I-EDO/SM
  • As the situation dictates and/or as radiological conditions permit and lE all onsite Emergency Response Facilities are completely staffed, THEN RELEASE/EVACUATE extra personnel who reported to the OSC, TSC,

- I-CP or Maintenance Shop for accountability.

EDO/SM Nuclear Common Page 22 of 40 Rev. 21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)


1. SOUND the Radiation Alert Alarm



_ ___;/




3. REPEAT the Above Emergency Announcement over the Radio /_
4. NOTIFY Security Shift Manager (X2223) at the Security Center of the UNUSUAL EVENT /_

Nuclear Common Page 23 of 40 Rev. 21

NC.EP*EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)


1. SOUND the Radiation Alert Alarm __ I ANNOUNCE Twice __/ _






2. REPEAT the Above Emergency Announcement over the Radio __ / _
3. If NOT performed previously, DIRECT Security Shift Manager (X2223) at the Security Center to Implement the following procedures:

(read "DUE TO:" from above message) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)


1. SOUND the Radiation Alert Alarm __/ _





2. REPEAT the Above Emergency Announcement over the Radio ___/
3. If NOT performed previously, DIRECT Security Shift Manager (X2223) at the Security Center to Implement the following procedures:

(read "DUE TO:" from above message) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

___ /

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NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)


1. SOUND the Radiation Alert Alarm __ /

ANNOUNCE Twice __ /_





2. REPEAT the Above Emergency Announcement over the Radio __ /
3. If NOT performed previously, DIRECT Security Shift Manager (X2223) at the Security Center to Implement the following procedures:

(read "DUE TO:" from above message) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

ATTACHMENT 6 ACTIVATION of the TSC Page 1 of 2 Initials/Time 1.0 Prior To TSC Activation (i.e., Before Assuming Emergency Coordinator Duties):

1. ESTABLISH and MAINTAIN a chronological log of activity and events using WebEOC or a logbook. (If needed, OBTAIN TSC Administrative staff member to maintain the log.) I
2. If not already done, OBTAIN a briefing on the status of the emergency from the Shift Manager (SM). REFER to WebEOC EC Status Briefing Board or Attachment 2, EC Emergency Status Briefing Form for turnover points of discussion. --- I -
3. DIRECT/ENSURE TSC section leads are making preparations to assume emergency response functions while ensuring adequate staffing:
  • Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAG)
  • Technical Support Supervisor (TSS)
  • Administrative Support Supervisor
  • Security

- I-

4. PERFORM initial briefing of the TSC staff on emergency conditions and the following issues: (Full TSC staff briefing should be done after TSC has activated)
  • Plant/emergency conditions -Why are we here?
  • ESTABLISH TSC Activation target time- Should be within 90 minutes of Alert or higher classification. I
5. PREPARE to activate the TSC and ASSUME the duties and responsibilities of the Emergency Coordinator as follows:

ENSURE key roles/funtions for TSC activation are covered:

  • TSC has either an EDO or TSS to provide command & control
  • TSC has at least one qualified communicator
  • TSC can support Radiological and Engineering assessment I
6. ACTIVATE the TSC as follows: (Communicator, RP and EC turnovers should be done coincident with each other)
  • DIRECT TSC communicators to "take turnover" from the Control Room Communicators. Communications turnover does not have to be completed prior to TSC activation but should be in progress. _ /_

(continued on next page)

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NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

ATTACHMENT 6 ACTIVATION of the TSC Page 2 of 2 Initials/Time

  • DIRECT RAC to "take turnover" of dose assessment from the SRPT
  • CONTACT the Shift Manager and COMPLETE EC turnover:

VERIFY current plant/emergency status.


- I-

).> DETERMINE which EDO/EC steps in Section 5.2.a and 5.2.b, of this procedure are completed and which steps will be turned over for completion. - I-

).> ENSURE timing and responsibility for next SSCL and/or NRC data sheet are coordinated. - I-

).> With SM concurrence, ASSUME the EC function and DECLARE TSC activated. - I-2.0 Upon Assuming Emergency Coordinator Duties, the EDO Should:

1. ANNOUNCE to the TSC staff that the TSC is activated, the effective time and that you are the emergency coordinator. _I_
2. ANNOUNCE (over the plant page) "THE TSC IS ACTIVATED AND


3. NOTIFY ERM of TSC activation and PROVIDE a brief status update. - I-
4. IMPLEMENT Sections 5.2, EDO Actions, of this procedure. _I_

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NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

ATTACHMENT 7 ACTIVATION ofthe EOF Page 1 of 3 NOTE ACTIVATION of the EOF is REQUIRED within 90 minutes of anSAE or higher classification.

Initials/Time 1.0 Prior To EOF Activation (i.e., Before Assuming Emergency Coordinator Duties):

1. ESTABLISH and MAINTAIN a chronological log of activity and events using WebEOC or a logbook. - I-
2. DIRECT Emergency Preparedness Coordinator (EPC) to implement NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0401, EPC Response. _I_
3. OBTAIN a briefing on the status of the emergency from the Emergency Duty Officer (EDO). REFER to WebEOC EC Status Briefing Board or Attachment 2, Emergency Status Briefing Form for points of discussion. - I-
4. ENSURE that EOF section leads are making preparations to assume emergency response functions while ensuring adequate staffing:
  • Radiological Support Manager (RSM)
  • Site Support Manager (SSM)
  • Technical Support Manager (TSM)
  • Administrative Support Manager (ASM) - I-
5. ENSURE the Public Information Liaison (PIL) is provided with plant and emergency status information both prior to and after EOF activation. - I-
6. PROVIDE initial briefing to the EOF staff on emergency conditions and the following issues:
  • Plant conditions
  • Noise control
  • ASM provides administrative and IT services
  • REQUEST staff to synchronize all EOF clock and personnel watches with SPDS data time - I-
7. PERFORM periodic EOF leads briefings to exchange information lAW, "EOF Briefing Checklist." _I_
8. PERFORM periodic summary briefings for the entire EOF staff regarding current emergency events/status changes following a leads briefing. _I_

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NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

ATTACHMENT 7 ACTIVATION of the EOF Page 2 of 3 Initials/Time

9. PROVIDE an emergency status briefing and COORDINATE the integration of NRC team members within functional areas of the EOF upon arrival of an NRC emergency response team. _I_
10. PROVIDE and OBTAIN status updates from the EDO to include the status of unaffected units/station, Onsite Protective actions implemented, and Corrective Actions in progress and their priorities. - I-
11. DIRECT ASM to request assistance from federal, state, local, and private support agencies as required. - I-
12. DIRECT ASM to assure continuity of personnel and resources for 24-hour operation of all (on site and offsite) emergency response facilities. _/_
13. PREPARE to activate the EOF and ASSUME the duties and responsibilities of the Emergency Coordinator as follows:
  • ENSURE each functional group at the EOF has received a detailed briefing from their counterpart in the TSC and are ready to support EOF activation. (i.e., ERM/EDO, SSM/TSS, RSM/ RAC, TSM/TSTL, ASM/AS-SUP, EPC EOF/EPA TSC). _I_
  • ENSURE EOF Communicators and Radiological Assessment Staff are ready to assume communications and notification responsibilities from the TSC. This includes coordination of requirements for the "Station Status Checklist", NRC Updates, and Offsite Dose Assessment. _I_
14. ACTIVATE the EOF as follows: (Communicator, RP and EC turnovers should be done coincident with each other)
  • DIRECT EOF communicators to "take turnover" from the TSC Communicators. Communications turnover does not have to be completed prior to EOF activation but should be in progress. - I-
  • DIRECT RSM to "take turnover" of dose assessment from the RAC. - I-(Continued on next page)

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NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

ATTACHMENT 7 ACTIVATION of the EOF Page 3 of 3 Initials/Time

  • CONTACT the EDO and TAKE EC turnover. --- I -
  • VERIFY current plant/emergency status. -- / __
  • DETERMINE which EC steps in Section 5.3.a and Section 5.3.b, of this procedure are completed and which steps will be turned over for completion. --- I -
  • ENSURE timing and responsibility for next SSCL and/or NRC data sheet are coordinated --- I -
  • With EDO concurrence, ASSUME the EC function and DECLARE the EOF activated. - I-
  • DIRECT the EDO to announce (over the plant page):


____________________ IS THE EMERGENCY COORDINATOR" _/_

2.0 Upon Assuming Emergency Coordinator Duties, the ERM Should:

1. ANNOUNCE to the EOF staff that the EOF is activated, the effective time and that you are the EC. - I-NOTE New Jersey has responsibility for notification and communications with the contiguous (ingestion pathway) States of Pennsylvania and Maryland.


2. NOTIFY state directors of EOF activation and PROVIDE a brief status update.

(NJ Director- NETS X541 0; DE Director- NETS X5412) _ /__

3. IMPLEMENT Sections 5.3, ERM Actions, of this procedure. - I-Nuclear Common Page 31 of 40 Rev.21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

ATTACHMENT 8 Reserved for Future Use Nuclear Common Page 32 of 40 Rev.21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

ATTACHMENT 9 Reserved for Future Use Nuclear Common Page 33 of 40 Rev. 21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)


Page 1 of 5 Initials/Time CAUTION The Shift Manager (SM) should ensure actions specified in this attachment are immediately implemented for any actual or imminent attack (Hostile Action). For any actual or imminent attack, prompt actions specified below should not be delayed but should be performed immediately even if an emergency has not yet been classified or declared. 1 NOTE During an actual or imminent hostile action, a security posture will be implemented which includes a "Take Cover and Shelter-in-Place" action by all ONSITE personnel. This will inhibit many individuals from reporting to ERO positions/locations and Acountability Stations until safe passage(s) can be established. I NOTE (Important Security Contact Phone #s)

Security Center- Security Shift Manager: NETS 5136 DID 2223 SAS- Secondary Alarm Station: NETS 5138/5177 DID 2255 CAS- Central Alarm Station: NETS 5063/5033 DID 2648 Unified Command Center(@ EERC): NETS 5090 DID 3737 SAS/CAS open conference line NETS 4-5930 DID 5930 I

1. ENTRY CONDITIONS Security based emergency is occurring or imminent. (CONTINUE these actions until the security threat is averted or other specific direction is provided in response to the event). I NOTE As practical and as time allows, both Salem and Hope Creek SMs should concur on protective actions and emergency classification levels for security events. I
2. PROMPT ACTIONS 2.1. IF not previously done; CALL Communicators to the Control Room AND (Salem Only), CALL SRPT to the Control Room. _ _! _

2.2. If response is not possible, IDENTIFY personnel presently in the Control Room to be used as Communicators. - -I -

(Prompt Actions are continued on next page)

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NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)


PAGE 2 OF 5 Initials/Time 2.3. ENSURE radio in the Control Room is monitoring security radio channel(s). _ _/ _

2.4. ENSURE CRS is implementing appropriate abnormal procedure "SECURITY EVENT or AIRBORNE THREAT" which will provide specific directions on when to Trip/Scram the units (if needed) as well as page announcements associated with specific onsite protective actions. _I_

2.5. Owner Controlled Area (OCA) Evacuation OR Shelter-In-Place:

2.5.1.  !.E OCA Evacuation is needed or desired, THEN, in coordination with other st~tion's SM, DIRECT Security in SAS to implement OCA Evacuation per NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0902, Section 5.5, Evacuation. __ /_

2.5.2. IF personnel in the OCA have not been evacuated and IF needed for their protection, THEN, in coordination with other station's SM, DIRECT Security in SAS to make the following page announcement using the OCA siren system page announcement capability:

"Attention all personnel, Attention all personnel. A credible security threat exists at the station. All personnel take immediate cover and shelter in place until further notice" (Repeat) _ _! _

2.6.  !.E notified by security or by fire protection of a loss of the command and control function (defined in PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS section) at the other (affected) station due to a catastrophic security event, THEN DECLARE a General Emergency lAW EAL HG4.1 and ENSURE ICMF specifies that a "Hostile Action has resulted in a Loss of Facility Control at the other station". _/_

2.7.  !.E not already done, in coordination with other station's SM, THEN EXIT this procedure and CLASSIFY the security event lAW the EGG Section H4, Security. If Security event has already been classified, PROCEED to next section, SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS. _ /_

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NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)


Page 3 of 5

3. SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS 3.1.  !.E events at the other station have resulted in a loss of command and control at that station, as defined in PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS section, THEN DIRECT an SRO (work control SRO or STA) to report to the Fire Department Office in the NOSF and ACTIVATE the RRC per Guideline titled, Remote Response Center (RRC) Operations, SH.OP~AM.TSC-0002. I_

3.2. CONSULT with the security supervisor and as the security events change and in

  • coordination with the other Stations SM:
  • MODIFY onsite protective action page announcements made from the Security Threat or Airborne Threat ABs as needed. _ I_
  • ENSURE any onsite page announcements regarding personnel movement are modified as needed based on the ongoing Security Threat or Events. I __

3.3. As needed, DIRECT that onsite protective action page announcements made lAW abnormal procedure "SECURITY EVENT or AIRBORNE THREAT",

be periodically re~broadcast over the station page system. I_

3.4. During a security event, DIRECT security to periodically re~broadcast the OCA protective action page announcement lAW Attachment 10 Step 2.5.2 - I-3.5. IF/WHEN, Assembly or Accountability and Evacuation is required by Section 5.1 or 5.2 of this procedure, THEN CONSIDER delaying or modifying associated page announcements or actions based on the type of security event that is in progress and based on the protective actions already taken:

  • COORDINATE revised or new onsite protective action announcements with the other station's SM. - I-
  • CONSULT with Security to determine if Assembly, Accountability, or Evacuation can or should be implemented. - I-
  • CONSIDER use of alternate assembly locations (e.g., Hope Creek Unit 2 Reactor Building, Material Center, "B" Building).

- I-

  • CONSIDER leaving personnel in their current office I shop areas. 1_

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Page 4 of 5 (Continued)

  • CONSIDER potential alternate evacuation routes for EXITING SITE:
  • Via the Material Center
  • Via the South Sally Port
  • Via water/aircraft - I-
  • MODIFY plant page announcements for both stations as needed to maximize the safety of the plant and plant personnel. - I-3.6. (Salem Only) START Unit 3 if needed to provide additional backup power. I 3.7. (HOPE CREEK ONLY) WHEN the OSC is staffed, THEN DIRECT the OSCC to have the Hope Creek TSC ventilation system place in Recirculation Mode. (NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0201 (Q), Attachment 1) I 3.8. (SALEM ONLY) WHEN the OSC is staffed, THEN DIRECT the OSCC to have the Salem TSC ventilation placed in the "Operations During Toxic or Chemical Release" lineup. (SC.OP-SO.TSC-0051) --- I -

3.9. IF Onsite personnel have been directed to, "take cover and shelter-in-place" THEN, DIRECT the following page announcement be made every two (2) hours while "sheltering-in-place";

Attention All Personnel Sheltering in Place, If you have a phone available at your location, contact extension 3030 and leave a message with your name, present location and phone number. I Continues on next page Nuclear Common Page 37 of 40 Rev. 21



Page 5 of 5 NOTE The area adjacent to the EOF at the EERC in Salem City is designated as the Alternative Emergency Response Facility (AERF) for onsite ERO Responders if the site is not accessible. I 3.1 O.IF a HOSTILE ACTION is occurring or has occurred as reported by Security THEN, in coordination with the other station's SM, DIRECT the Security Supervisor in SAS to request LAC Police to:

  • Block off the access road
  • DIRECT all PSEG Emergency Responders to report to the EOF at the EERC (Environmental & Energy Resource Center)in Salem City. - I-REQUEST LAC Police to have offsite emergency responders such as law enforcement, fire fighters and emergency medical personnel STAGE support equipment and personnel at the LAC municipal complex or other offsite location as selected by the offsite Incident Commander or designee. --- I -

3.11.1MPLEMENT I RETURN to Section 5.1, SM Actions, of this procedure. --- I -

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1. The Shift Manager or Emergency Coordinator may authorize deviations from normal work practices in a declared Emergency.

These deviations are authorized in existing PSEG Nuclear procedures and are summarized in page 1 of this Attachment.

2. When a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency is declared, deviations from normal processes outside of existing PSEG Nuclear procedures may be authorized by the Shift Manager or Emergency Coordinator, or designee, in order to take action to restore core cooling, mitigate an off-site release in progress, or maintain spent fuel pool cooling, using page 2 of this Attachment.

Process Area Allowed Deviations Applicable Procedure Deviation from Deviation from Technical Specifications or license condition to protect the public health OP-AA-101-111-Technical and safety- use of 10CFR50.54(X): 1003 Specifications or The SRO with overall command and control shall make the decisions to deviate from License Condition a procedure or Technical Specification to protect the public health and safety. Such departures shall meet the following criteria:

  • No equivalent action consistent with the license conditions or Technical Specifications is immediately apparent.
  • Action is immediately required
  • The departure is reasonable based on the information available at the time
  • The departure is the minimum necessary to protect the public health and safety
  • The departure is taken only for the duration of the emergency situation Work Planning I For "(1 )" priority emergency work (as determined by the Shift Manager or Designee) it is WC-AA-106 Priorities permissible to have the work in progress, under the direction of the First Line Supervisor using approved Procedures I Processes where possible, while the Work Order Package is being prepared. Additional supervision I oversight is required to ensure adequate control of the work activities in the absence of a work package:

Work Priority (1)- Emergency:

  • Work having an immediate and direct impact on the health and safety of the general public or plant personnel,
  • Pose a significant industrial hazard,
  • Require immediate attention to prevent the deterioration of plant condition to a possible unsafe or unstable level,
  • Unit reliability related work during Maximum Emergency Generation Alert Condition .
  • Loss of Site FLEX Capability Conduct of Maintenance Planning Performance of Work During Emergency or Abnormal Operating MA-AA-716-01 0 Maintenance Work Conditions:

in an Emergency Mitigation of an emergency, where immediate attention is required to protect the health and safety of the general public, to correct a significant industrial safety hazard, or to prevent the deterioration of plant conditions to a possible unsafe or unstable level, shall always allow work to begin before the generation of documentation (notifications, minor work order, or a normal work order).

  • Planning, reviews, and documentation activities will normally be performed in parallel with corrective actions or as soon as plant conditions allow.
  • Where maintenance activities are directed as an emergency, those activities shall be documented after the fact and receive the same degree of review as if they had been preplanned.
  • The Plant Manager or Shift Manager may direct maintenance activities to be performed without a Work Document.

Equipment/ Utilize Abnormal Component Position Sheet (ACPS) to document approval, positioning OP-AA-1 08-101 Component Control and restoration of abnormally positioned components.

Emergency In an emergency, the On-Duty Shift Manager (SM) can authorize the repositioning of a OP-AA-1 09 Tagging Boundary tagged component if it presents an immediate challenge to the safety of personnel or Control plant equipment. Prior to component operation, all personnel shall be verified clear of affected equipment, and, following component manipulation, all personnel signed on the WCD shall be notified Radiation Emergency Exposures above normal Administrative Limits can be authorized per E-Pian RP-AA-203 Protection Procedure: &


  • Up to 75 Rem TEDE to save-a-life Industrial Safety No deviations specified NONE Nuclear Common Page 39 of 40 Rev. 21

NC.EP-EP .ZZ-01 02(Q)

Attachment 11 ALLOWABLE DEVIATIONS FROM NORMAL WORK PRACTICES IN EMERGENCIES Page 2 of 2 When a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency is declared, deviations from normal processes outside of existing PSEG Nuclear procedures may be authorized by the Shift Manager or Emergency Coordinator, or designee, in order to take action to restore core cooling, mitigate an off-site release in progress, or maintain spent fuel pool cooling, using this Attachment.

Consider the use of 10CFR50.54(x) when using this Attachment (refer to OP-AA-1 01-111-1 003).

Task being performed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


  1. ~Jv] llJt:flcat~s deviatio(J$}rom normal work processes ,,, ,/ ...

Configuratiot) ControL . .*, *. r' ... .... < . Work Proc~$S -"- **.

0 Clearance/Equipment Tagging 0 Work Order Process 0 Procedure (used as status control 0 Manual Process mechanism) 0 0 Boundary Control 0

RadiEltion Prqtectiort .. . '*,

. .. Industrial S?fety .

0 RP Job Coverage 0 Working at heights 0 Dose Limits 0 Working over or near water 0 Turn Back Dose/Dose Rate 0 Heat Stress 0 Protective Clothing/Contamination Control 0 PPE 0 0 Electrical Safety 0

List minimum requirements required for each deviation indicated:

Approved by SM/EC Post-job debrief (for example: describe the as-found plant conditions, actions taken, as-left plant conditions):

Reviewed by OSCC/SM/EC Nuclear Common Page 40 of 40 Rev.21