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PSEG Nuclear, LLC - Revised EOF Implementing Procedures, Radiation Protection Supervisor - Offsite and Field Monitoring Team Response, Table of Contents - Table 1 - 3
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 07/03/2002
Public Service Enterprise Group
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML021910723 (134)




1. This revision satisfies the requirement for a biennial review. COPY # *
2. Added Step 2.1.2 to the Prerequisites Section of this procedure that states, "All Onsite Emergency Response Organization members MUST have taken and PASSED Rad Worker Training/Rad Worker Requlification and have a TLD."
3. Deleted Form - 1 (TLD Log) and all mention of giving out TLDs.
4. Added additional precautions concerning who should not take KI.
5. Revised Manager - EP & IT to Emergency Preparedness Manager as applicable.


NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0310 (Q)

RADIATION PROTECTION SUPERVISOR - OFFSITE AND FIELD MONITORING TEAM RESPONSE TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1.0 P UR P O S E .................................................................................................. . . 3 2.0 PR ER EQ U IS ITES ...................................................................................... 3 2.1 Prerequisites To Be Followed Prior To Implementing This Procedure ...3 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ........................................................... 3 3.1 Precaution and Limitations To Be Followed Prior To Implementing This P roced ure ....................................................................................... . . 3 4.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED ........................................................................... 4 5.0 P R O C E D U R E .............................................................................................. 4 5.1 The RPS - Offsite Should ................................................................. 4 5.2 The Radiation Protection (RPT - Radio) Should ................................ 4 5.3 The Onsite Field Monitoring Team Should ........................................ 4 6 .0 R E C O R D S ................................................................................................ . . 4 7 .0 R E F E R E NC E S ........................................................................................... . . 5 7 .1 R e fe re nce s ...................................................................................... . .5 7.2 C ross R eferences .............................................................................. 5 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 - TSC Pre-activation Checklist ............................................................... 6 ATTACHMENT 2 - RPS-Offsite Checklist .......................................................................... 8 ATTACHMENT 3 - Field Monitoring Team Briefing Guidance ........................................ 10 ATTACHMENT 4 - Onsite Field Monitoring Equipment Checklist .................................... 15 ATTACHMENT 5 - Field Monitoring Team Log ................................................................. 17 ATTACHMENT 6 - Particulate Air Activity vs. Count Rate Table .................................... 22 ATTACHMENT 7 - Particulate Air Activity vs. Dose Rate Table ...................................... 23 ATTACHMENT 8 - Direct Conversion Table Of Corrected Counts Per Minute To uCI/CC 1-1 3 1 .............................................................................................. . .. 24 ATTACHMENT 9 - Field Monitoring Team Responsibilities and Directions ..................... 25 ATTACHMENT 10 - Onsite Protective Action Guidelines ............................................... 28 ATTACHMENT 11 - Onsite Emergency Monitoring Locations ......................................... 29 ATTACHMENT 12 - Hope Creek DAPA Correction Calculations ..................................... 32 Nuclear Common Page 1 of 47 Rev. 04

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ATTACHMENT 13 - Package Insert For Thyro-Block Tablets ........................................ 35 ATTACHMENT 14 - Operation Of The VAX LA120 Terminal .......................................... 39 ATTACHMENT 15 - Instructions For Salem SPDS Displays .......................................... 42 FORMS Form - 1 H abitability Log ........................................................................................... 46 Form - 2 Dosimetry Log .......................................................................................... 47 Nuclear Common Page 2 of 47 Rev. 04

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0310 (Q) 1.0 PURPOSE To outline and describe the Radiation Protection Supervisor - Offsite (RPS Offsite), Radiation Protection Technician - Radio (RPT-Radio), and Onsite Field Monitoring Team's duties.

2.0 PREREQUISITES 2.1 Prerequisites To Be Followed Prior To Implementing This Procedure 2.1.1 Implement this procedure at:

  • The discretion of the EDO
  • The discretion of the RAC.
  • The manning of the TSC.

2.1.2 All Onsite Emergency Response Organization members MUST have taken and PASSED Rad Worker Training/Rad Worker Requlification and have a TLD.

2.1.3 Personnel who implement this procedure shall be trained and qualified in accordance with (IAW) the Emergency Plan.

3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 Precaution and Limitations To Be Followed Prior To Implementing This Procedure 3.1.1 The order of the steps listed in this procedure may be performed in the order deemed approriate by the RPS - Offsite, RPT - Radio, and Onsite Field Monitoring Team.

3.1.2 Approval of the OS is required prior to the issuance of Potassium Iodide (KI) until a qualified Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC) assumes his duties. The authority to designate when and Who should receive KI shifts from the OS to the RAC for all Onsite Personnel lAW NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0305(Q), Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking. The duty of authorizing KI can not be delegated or assumed by any other position.

3.1.3 The RPS-Offsite should assume the RAC's duties until relieved by a qualified RAC by referring to NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0302(Q), Radiological Assessment Coordinator Response.

3.1.4 Medical care takes priority over any radiological conditions, unless the radiological conditions are life threatening.

3.1.5 It is recommended that initials be used in the step performance check offs/sign-offs, instead of checkmarks, if more than one person is implementing this procedure.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0310 (Q) 3.1.6 Personnel who implement this procedure shall be trained and qualified in accordance with (lAW) the Emergency Plan.

4.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED As provided in the Emergency Response Facility.

5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 The RPS-Offsite Should:

5.1.1 IF the RAC has not arrived at the TSC, THEN ASSUME the RAC's duties until he/she arrives by implementing NC.EP EP.ZZ-0302(Q), Radiological Assessment Coordinator Response.

NOTE The RPS-Oiffsite reports directly to the RAG.

5.1.2 ASSUME his/her own duties when a qualified RAC assumes the duties of the RAC, by implementing Attachment 1, TSC Pre-activation Checklist, of this procedure, unless directed otherwise by the RAC.

5.2 The Radiation Protection - Radio (RPT-Radio) Should:

NOTE The RPT-Radio may use the Attachment 5's Form-i, Field Sampling Log, to log mutiple field samples and measurements.

Assume his/her duties lAW Attachment 5, Field Monitoring Team Log.

5.3 The Onsite Field Monitoring Team(s) Should:

Assume his/her duties lAW Attachment 9, Field Monitoring Team Responsibilities and Directions.

6.0 RECORDS Return completed procedure and any information or data thought to be applicable to the Emergency Preparedness Manager.

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7.1 References 7.1.1 NUREG-0654, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants.

7.1.2 NUREG/CR-0314, An Air Sampling System for Evaluating Thyroid Dose Commitment Due to Fission Products Released for Reactor Containments.

7.1.3 Radiological Health Handbook (Revised Edition January 1970) 7.1.4 PSEG Nuclear Emergency Plan 7.1.5 Salem Offsite Dose Calculation Manual 7.1.6 Hope Creek Offsite Dose Calculation Manual 7.2 Cross References 7.2.1 NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0302(Q), Radiological Assessment Coordinator


7.2.2 NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0603(Q), Field Monitoring 7.2.3 NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0305(Q), Potassium Iodide (KI) Administration 7.2.4 NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0306(Q), Emergency Air Sampling 7.2.5 NC.EP-AP.ZZ-1006(Q), Emergency Equipment Inventory (Radiation Protection)

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1.0 RPS - OFFSITE INITIAL ACTIONS NOTE Attachment 2, RPS-Offsite Checklist may be implemented concurrently with the implementation of this procedure.

1.1 Perform the Followinq:

1.1.1 PERFORM or ASSIGN a Radiation Protection Technician (RPT) to check the dose rates in the TSC.

1.1.2 PERFORM or ASSIGN a RPT to perform habitability every 30 minutes and log habitability results in Form 1, Habitability Log.

1.1.3 COMPARE the dose rates with the habitability criteria found in Attachment 10, Onsite Protective Action Guidelines.

1.1.4 IF the evacuation limits found in Attachment 10 are exceeded, THEN notify the RAC and refer him to Attachment 4, TSC Evacuation Checklist, found in NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0302(Q).

1.1.5 OBTAIN a briefing from the SRPT concerning the Plant's radiological conditions and when the next SSCL Page 2 is due. (TIME: )

1.1.6 OBTAIN a briefing from the RAC (or the EDO if the RAC is not available) concerning the Plant's Operational condition.

NOTE An inventory of the TSC Emergency Equipment Locker is not necessary if the security seal is intact.

Refer to EP Administration Procedure 1006, Emergency Equipment Inventory Rad Pro Equipment Checklist, if an inventory is necessary.

1.1.7 ENSURE the TSC emergency equipment is available and In operational condition.

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ATTACHMENT 1 Page 2 of 2 1.1.8 PERFORM or ASSIGN a RPT to perform the following tasks:

NOTE The TSC radiological assessment should not be generating the official Page 2 of the Station Status Checklist (SSCL) until the TSC is activated, the SRPT is informed the TSC is activated and the TSC radiological assessment personnel will be taking over the generation of the SSCL, Page2.

"* Page 2 of the SSCL is being generated in preperartion of taking this function over.

"* A continuous air monitor sampler (AMS Ill) is set up outside the TSC entrance.

"* ALL persons in the TSC have a TLD, or issue them one lAW Form - 3, TLD Log.

1.1.9 NOTIFY the RAC (or EDO if the RAC is not available) when this attachment is completed.

1.1.10 IF implementation of Attachment 2 has not begun, THEN implement Attachment 2.





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ATTACHMENT 2 Page 1 of 2 RPS-OFFSITE CHECKLIST Name: / Date/Time: - - /

(Print/Sign) 1.0 RPS-OFFSITE 1.1 Should Perform The Following:

1.1.1 INITIATE a RPS-Offsite log book.

1.1.2 INFORM the RAC of all changing radiological conditions.

NOTE The keys for the emergency vehicle are located in the TSC lock box and in the Control Point key box.

1.1.3 CONTACT a Radiation Protection Technician at the Control Point and ask for the location of the emergency vehicle.

1.1.4 INSTRUCT a RPT to obtain current meteorological data utilizing Attachment 14, Operation of the VAX LA120 Terminal.

1.1.5 INSTRUCT an RPT to obtain the meteorological forecast by calling NOAA at (automative system - 609-261-6600; options 1 & than 2) (to speak to meteorologist at Mount Holly - 609 261-6604) or by using the internet.

1.1.6 INSTRUCT a RPT to obtain current RMS data utilizing:

A. HOPE CREEK ONLY: Attachment 14, Operation of the VAX LA120 Terminal.

B. SALEM ONLY: Attachment 15 Instructions for SPDS 1.1.7 HOPE CREEK ONLY:

REFER to Attachment 12, Hope Creek DAPA Correction Calculations, to determine if a Bias Value is needed to be used to corrected DAPA values 1.1.8 REQUEST the RAC to assign personnel for Onsite Field Monitoring Team members, as the need arises.

1.1.9 Brief Onsite Field Monitoring Teams lAW Attachment 3, Field Monitoring Team Briefing Guidance.

1.1.10 Brief Offsite Field Monitoring Teams lAW Attachment 3, Field Monitoring Team Briefing Guidance.

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ATTACHMENT 2 Page 2 of 2 1.1.11 ASSIGN a RPT to be the RPT-Radio.

1.1.12 ENSURE/INSTRUCT the RPT-Radio to implement Attachment 5, Field Monitoring Team Log 1.1.13 PROVIDE the RPT- Radio instructions concerning where the Field Monitoring Teams should travel to and what type samples to take.

1.1.14 REVIEW RPT-Radio's paperwork for completeness and correctness of data being recorded periodically.


" The HOPE CREEK Noble Gas (NG) Federal Limit/Offsite Dose Calculation manual (ODCM) Limit is 1.20E+04 uCi/sec.

" The SALEM Noble Gas (NG) Fedreal Limit/ODCM Limit is 2.42E+05 uCi/Sec.

" Alnors,or electronic equivalent dosimetry may be used instead of SRDs. Electronic dosimetry may be positioned throughout the TSC and SRDs, or electronic equivalent dosimetry, handed out only to people who exit the TSC.

1.1.15 ENSURE preparation is ongoing to log, record on Form-2 (Dosimetry Log), and handout dosimetry as required if:

"* A radiological release > Federal Limits/ODCM Limits is in progress.

"* Potential of a radiological release > Federal Limits/ODCM Limits is thought to be high.

"* Dose rates in the TSC are > 2.5 mR/hr.

"* At the discretion of the RAC.

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ATTACHMENT 3 Page 1 of 5 FIELD MONITORING TEAM BRIEFING GUIDANCE NOTE The Onsite/Offsite Field Monitoring Teams should have the actual or a copy of the briefing form prior to being sent out to perform field monitoring.

1.0 At A Minimum, The Following Items Should Be Included In The Briefing, and Recorded On Form - 1, Field Monitoring Team Briefing Form, of This


1.1 Onsite and Offsite Field monitoring Teams Briefing Guidance 1.1.1 ENSURE radio protocol is conducted in the following manner:

"* Repeat backs (Three Way Communications)

"* Use of the proper phonetic alphabet, when appropriate. (A-Alpha, B-Bravo, etc.)

1.1.2 PROVIDE current meteorological conditions and forecast.

1.1.3 PROVIDE phone number to contact the TSC/EOF. This can't be a NETS phone.

1.1.4 DIRECT the Teams to use the guidanace provided to them from the RPT - Radio/Field Team Coordinator concerning which monitoring locations to travel to and what type of samples to take.

1.1.5 PROVIDE guidance to the Onsite/Offsite Field Monitoring Teams concerning how to handle survey equipment that is contaminated with 50k ccpm. (Consideration should be given to changing out or bagging survey equipment).

1.1.8 ASSIGN a color name for the Onsite Field Monitoring Teams (Red Team, Blue Team, Green Team, etc,).

1.1.9 INSTRUCT the Teams to use Frequency 1 to contact the TSC or Frequency 4 to contact the Offsite Field Monitoring Team.

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1. Onsite Field Team air samples should be taken with a Low Volume air sampler if:


  • The R41A effluent monitor is in range (1E-07 to 1E-01 uCi/cc).


  • The combined Plant vent effluent concentration is 1E-07 to 1E-01 uCi/cc
2. Onsite Field Team air samples should be taken using the marinelli emergency air sampler in accordance with NC.EP-EP ZZ-0306, Emergency Grab Air Sampling and Analysis, if:


  • The R41B or R41C effluent monitors are in range (>1E-01 to 1E+05 uCi/cc).

HOPE CREEK ONLY The combined Plant vent effluent concentration is >1 E-01 uCi/cc.

1.2.1 ENSURE Onsite Field Monitoring Team understand the correct type of air sample to obtain based on Plant Vent effluent concentrations.

1.2.2 INSTRUCT the Onsite Field Monitoring Teams to implement Attachment 9, Field Monitoring Team Responsibilities and Directions.

1.2.3 DETERMINE if issuance of KI is necessary for Field Monitoring Team members by referring to NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0305(Q), Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking, and recommendation to the RAC.

1.2.4 INSTRUCT the Onsite Field Monitoring team to read Attachment 13 and sign Attachment 13's Form-1.

1.2.5 INSTRUCT the Onsite Field Monitoring team to sign Attachment 13's Form-2 prior to going out to perform monitoring.

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ATTACHMENT 3 Page 3 of 5 1.3 Offsite Field Monitoring Team Guidance:.

NOTE Offsite Field Monitoring Team members may obtain a briefing via radio or phone for early dispatching from the RPS-Offsite.

1.3.1 INSTRUCT the Offsite Field Monitoring Team members to implemented Attachment 3 of NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0603(Q).

1.3.2 INSTRUCT the teams to read and sign Attachment 10 and Form - 5, KI Side Effects/Administration Sign Off Form found in NC.EP-EP.ZZ 0603(Q).

1.3.3 ASSIGN a phonetic name for the Offsite Field Monitoring Teams (Alpha Team, Bravo Team, Charlie Team, etc,).

1.3.4 INSTRUCT the Offsite Field Monitoring Teams to implement Attachment 8, found in NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0603(Q), Field Monitoring Team Responsibilities and Directions.

1.3.5 INSTRUCT the Teams to follow one of the provisions for gas, tolls, and meals listed below:

" Pay tolls out of the Field Teams own money and submitted for reimbursement through EOF Admin Support Staff.

" Pay, or Charge on Corporate American Express card, meals and gas and then submitted for reimbursement.

1.3.6 USE Frequency 4 to contact the EOF for the Offsite Field Monitoring Team.

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ATTACHMENT 3 Page 4 of 5 FIELD MONITORING TEAM BRIEFING FORM FORM - 1 2.0 TEAM BRIEFING 2.1 The RPS - Offsite Should Ensure The Followinq Information Is Completed:

2.1.1 RPS-Offsite

(PRINT/SIGN) (DATE) 2.1.2 Event Classification/Time: /

2.1.3 Plant Conditions -

2.1.4 Wind Direction : (Expected Plume Direction)

"* From: (Degrees) To: (Degrees)

"*From: To :

2.1.5 Specific Monitoring Location(s) If Applicable

"*From: To :

"* Landmarks (If Applicable) 2.1.6 Initial areas or locations to be surveyed: (Refer to Onsite Emergency Monitoring Locations Map or 10 Mile EPZ Map located in the Field Monitoring Kit, as appropriate).

2.1.7 Wind Speed: (MPH) 2.1.8 Protective Clothing Requirements _

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ATTACHMENT 3 Page 5 of 5 FORM - 1 NOTE Field Monitoring Team members must be respirator qualified prior to instruction them to wear respirators.

2.1.9 Respiratory Protection Requirements:

2.1.10 Additional Specific Radiological Concerns:

2.1.11 Color Name for Onsite Team and Members of Team:

"*Red Team: Name of Team Leader:

Name of Team Member:

"*Blue Team: Name of Team Leader:

Name of Team Member:

"*Green Team: Name of Team Leader:

Name of Team Member:

2.1.12 Phonetic Alphabet Name for Offsite Team and Members of Team:

"*Alpha Team: Name of Team Leader:

Name of Team Member:

"*Bravo Team: Name of Team Leader:

Name of Team Member:

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"* An inventory of the Onsite Field Monitoring Team Kits is not necessary, if the kit(s)/cabinet(s) are properly sealed.

" Emergency Preparedness Procedure 1006, Emergency Equipment Inventory (Radiation Protection) should be referred to, to perform an inventory of the Emergency Locker, if necessary.

"* The Forms Kit is stored in the RPS-Offsite work area.

"* Lead blankets are stored adjacent to kits.

"* This checklist is to be used to help ensure needed items are not left behind while loading the emergency vehicle. It is not to be used instead of the Emergency Preparedness Procedure 1006 when performing a full inventory of the Emergency Locker.

1.0 DIRECT Onsite Field Team Members to replace missing or out of service items by asking a RPT for necessary items to complete the Onsite Field Monitoring Team kit.

2.0 DIRECT Offsite Field Team Members to replace missing or out of service items by taking necessary items to complete the Offsite Field Monitoring Team kit from the spare supplies.


"* Low Volume Air Samples: Radeco H809C with battery cable and two air sample heads, or a battery operated Radeco with two air sample heads

"* One Count Rate Meter: E140N with a HP210 probe or equivalent meterand probe.

"* One Ion Chamber Dose Rate Meter: RO-2 or RO-2A or equivalent meter.

"* One Teletector or equivalent meter.

"* One GM meter: E520 with a HP1 77C or 270 probe or equivalent meter and probe.

"* Hi Range Dosimeters (0-5 R or 0-10 R) or electronic equivalent.

"* Low Range Dosimeters (0-200 mR or 0-500mR) or electronic equivalent.

"* One Dosimeter Charger.

"* Absorbent Material.

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ATTACHMENT 4 Page 2 of 2

"* One Ten Mile (EPZ) N.J. and Delaware Map.

NOTE The Forms Kit contains the Onsite Map, NC.EP-EP ZZ-0310(Q), and additional attachments from NC.EP-EP ZZ-0310(Q).

"* One Onsite Map.

"* One Pair of Tweezers.

"* One Button Check Source.

"* Silver Zeolite Cartridges.

"* Box of Air Sample Filters.

"* Box of Smear Papers.

"* Protective Clothing/Paper Coveralls.

"* Shoe Covers.

"* Gloves.

"* Small Envelopes for Particulate Air Sample Filters.

"* Roll of Masking Tape.

"* Small Plastic Bags.

"* Flashlight.

"* Spare Nine Volt Batteries

"* Spare D Cell Batteries.

"* One Bottle of KI Tablets.

"* One First Aid Kit.

"* Respirators.

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1.1.1 REQUEST Security Liaison to have Security Force Members to switch over to Frequency F2.

1.1.2 TURN on the radio power switch. The power switch is located on the top of the radio.

1.1.3 DEPRESS the F1 button located on the top of the radio to communicate with the Onsite Field Monitoring Teams or F4 to communicate with the Offsite Field Monitoring Teams.

1.1.4 POSITION the toggle switch on the left side of the radio to the forward position (on) to use the speaker or to the back position (off) to use the headset.

1.1.5 DEPRESS the button on the headset cord to transmit, if headset is in use.

1.1.6 DEPRESS the transmit bar on microphone to transmit, if headset is not in use.

1.1.7 PERFORM a radio check with the Field Team(s).

NOTE Use this Attachment to assist in performing necessary calculations and document briefing updates.

Form-i, Field Sampling Form, of this attachment may be used to log mutiple field samples and measurements.

Onsite/OffsiteField Monitoring Team's dose should be tracked on Form-2, Dosimetry Log.

2.0 ONSITE DATA 2.1 The RPT - Radio Operator OR Designee Should Record The Following, As Applicable:

2.1.1 RPT-Radio:Name: Date:

2.1.2 Team Color Code: Time:

2.1.3 Location

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ATTACHMENT 5 Page 2 of 5 2.1.4 Instrument Type/Serial Number: / /

2.1.5 General Area Open Window Dose Rate: mR/hr 2.1.6 General Area Closed Window Dose Rate: mR/hr 2.1.7 Ground Open Window Dose Rate: _mR/hr 2.1.8 Ground Closed Window Dose Rate: mR/hr 2.1.9 Time On For A/S:- Time Off For A/S :

2.1.10 Average Flow Rate: cfm 2.1.11 Particulate


cpm 2.1.12 Particulate Sample: cpm 2.1.13 Iodine


cpm 2.1.14 Iodine Sample: cpm 2.1.15 Refer to section 3.0 for offsite data that should be obtained.

2.1.16 Refer to section 5.0 for onsite data calculations.

3.0 OFFSITE DATA 3.1 The RPT - Radio Operator OR Designee Should Record The Following, If Applicable:

3.1.1 Team Phonetic Alphabet Name: Time:

3.1.2 Location :

3.1.3 Instrument Type/Serial Number: /_/

3.1.4 General Area Open Window Dose Rate: mR/hr 3.1.5 General Area Closed Window Dose Rate:-mR/hr 3.1.6 Ground Open Window Dose Rate: - _mR/hr 3.1.7 Ground Closed Window Dose Rate: mR/hr 3.1.8 Time On For A/S .- Time Off For A/S :

3.1.9 Average Flow Rate: cfm 3.1.10 Particulate Background : cpm Nuclear Common Page 18 of 47 Rev. 04

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ATTACHMENT 5 Page 3 of 5 3.1.11 Particulate Sample: cpm 3.1.12 Iodine


cpm 3.1.13 Iodine Sample: cpm 3.1.14 Refer to section 6.0 for offsite data calculations.

4.0 BRIEFING UPDATE 4.1 The RPT - Radio Operator OR Designee Should Record The Following:

4.1.1 Time: Event Classification :

4.1.2 Plant Conditions :

4.1.3 Radiological Conditions :

4.1.4 Additional Information Communicated to Offsite Team (Attach additional pages as necessary):

5.0 ONSITE CALCULATIONS 5.1 The RPT - Radio Operator OR Designee Should Record The Following:

5.1.1 Person Performing Calculations: !_Date:

(Print/Sign) 5.1.2 Go to Section 2.0 of Attachment 5 for data to perform calculations.

5.1.3 Subtract 2.1.6 _ from 2.1.5 __ and Multiply that value by the beta correction factor of 5 for the mRad/hr: mRad/hr.

(Gen. Area) 5.1.4 Subtract 2.1.8. __ from 2.1.7 __ and multiply that value by the beta correction factor of 5 for the mRad/Hr.

mRad/hr. (Ground)

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ATTACHMENT 5 Page 4 of 5 5.1.5 Subtract 2.1.11 from 2.1.12 for the corrected counts per minute (ccpm) for particulate samples: ccpm.

5.1.6 Calculate the particulate uCi/cc lAW Attachment 6, Air Activity vs. Count Rate Table, or lAW Attachment 7, Air Activity vs. Dose Rate Table, uCi/cc.

5.1.7 Subtract 2.1.13 from 2.1.14. for the corrected counts per minute (ccpm) for iodine samples : ccpm.

5.1.8 Calculate the iodine uCi/cc lAW Attachment 8, Direct Conversion Per Minute to uCi/cc for 1-131 : uCi/cc.

6.0 OFFSITE CALCULATIONS 6.1 The RPT - Radio Operator OR Designee Should Record The Following:

6.1.1 Person Performing Calculations: / Date:

(Print/Sign) 6.1.2 Go to section 3.0 of Attachment 5 for data to perform calculations.

6.1.3 Subtract 3.1.5. __ from 3.1.4 __ and Multiply that value by the beta correction factor of 5 for the mRad/hr: mRad/hr.

(Gen. Area) 6.1.4 Subtract 3.1.7 __ from 3.1.6 __ and multiply that value by the beta correction factor of 5 for the mRad/hr. : mRad/hr.

(Ground) 6.1.5 Subtract 3.1.10 __ from 3.1.11 _ for the corrected counts per minute (ccpm) for particulate samples " _ ccpm.

6.1.6 Calculate the particulate uCi/cc lAW Attachment 6, Air Activity vs. Count Rate Table, or lAW Attachment 7, Air Activity vs. Dose Rate Table, uCi/cc.

6.1.7 Subtract 3.1.12 from 3.1.13 for the corrected counts per minute (ccpm) for iodine samples : ccpm.

6.1.8 Calculate the iodine uCi/cc lAW Attachment 8, Direct Conversion Per Minute to uCi/cc for 1-131 : uCi/cc.

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DATE/ TEAM WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW READING READING TIME NAME LOCATION GRD (mR/hr) GRD (mRihr) GA (mR/hr) GA (mR/hr) (ccpm) (ccpm) 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 I* t 1 +

+ 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4.

__ I I +/-


___ .11 II 4 4 4 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 + 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 + + 4 4 4

_ _ _____ __ I__ __ __ __ __

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(ccpm) (uCi/cc) (uCi/cc) (uCi/cc) (uCi/cc) (uCi/cc) (uCi/cc) 5.OOE+04 1.59E-06 7.95E-07 5.30E-07 3.97E-07 3.18E-07 2.65E-07 4.50E+04 1.43E-06 7.15E-07 4.77E-07 3.57E-07 2.86E-07 2.38E-07 4.OOE+04 1.27E-06 6.35E-07 4.23E-07 3.17E-07 2.54E-07 2.12E-07 3.50E+04 1.11E-06 5.55E-07 3.70E-07 2.77E-07 2.22E-07 1.85E-07 3.OOE+04 9.53E-07 4.76E-07 3.18E-07 2.38E-07 1.91 E-07 1.59E-07 2.50E+04 7.94E-07 3.97E-07 2.65E-07 1.98E-07 1.59E-07 1.32E-07 2.OOE+04 6.35E-07 3.17E-07 2.12E-07 1.59E-07 1.27E-07 1.06E-07 1.50E+04 4.77E-07 2.38E-07 1.59E-07 1.19E-07 9.54E-08 7.95E-08 1.OOE+04 3.18E-07 1.59E-07 1.06E-07 7.95E-08 6.36E-08 5.30E-08 9.OOE+03 2.86E-07 1.43E-07 9.53E-08 7.15E-08 5.72E-08 4.77E-08 8.OOE+03 2.54E-07 1.27E-07 8.47E-08 6.35E-08 5.08E-08 4.23E-08 7.OOE+03 2.22E-07 1.11E-07 7.40E-08 5.55E-08 4.44E-08 3.70E-08 6.OOE+03 1.91 E-07 9.55E-08 6.37E-08 4.77E-08 3.82E-08 3.18E-08 5.OOE+03 1.59E-07 7.95E-08 5.30E-08 3.97E-08 3.18E-08 2.65E-08 4.OOE+03 1.27E-07 6.35E-08 4.23E-08 3.17E-08 2.54E-08 2.12E-08 3.OOE+03 9.53E-08 4.76E-08 3.18E-08 2.38E-08 1.91E-08 1.59E-08 2.OOE+03 6.35E-08 3.17E-08 2.12E-08 1.59E-08 1.27E-08 1.06E-08 1.OOE+03 3.18E-08 1.59E-08 1.06E-08 7.95E-09 6.39E-09 5.30E-09 9.OOE+02 2.86E-08 1.43E-08 9.53E-09 7.15E-09 5.72E-09 4.77E-09 8.OOE+02 2.54E-08 1.27E-08 8.47E-09 6.35E-09 5.08E-09 4.23E-09 7.OOE+02 2.22E-08 1.11E-08 7.40E-09 5.55E-09 4.44E-09 3.70E-09 6.OOE+02 1.91E-08 9.55E-09 6.37E-09 4.77E-09 3.82E-09 3.18E-09 5.OOE+02 1.59E-08 7.95E-09 5.30E-09 3.97E-09 3.18E-09 2.65E-09 4.OOE+02 1.27E-08 6.35E-09 4.23E-09 3.17E-09 2.54E-09 2.12E-09 3.OOE+02 9.53E-09 4.76E-09 3.18E-09 2.38E-09 1.91E-09 1.59E-09 2.OOE+02 6.35E-09 3.17E-09 2.12E-09 1.59E-09 1.27E-09 1.06E-09 1.OOE+02 3.18E-09 1.59E-09 1.06E-09 7.95E-1O 6.36E-10 5.30E-10 Calculation Based on- uCi/cc ccpm

  • 4.5E-07 uCi/dpm VOL (FT3)
  • 2.832E+4 (CC/FT 3 )
  • EFF (0.10)

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(mRad/hr) (uCi/cc) (uCi/cc) (uCi/cc) (uCi/cc) (uCi/cc) (uCi/cc) 1.OOE+03 1.59E-06 7.95E-07 5.30E-07 3.97E-07 3.18E-07 2.65E-07 5.OOE+02 1.43E-06 7.15E-07 4.77E-07 3.57E-07 2.86E-07 2.38E-07 1.OOE+02 1.27E-06 6.35E-07 4.23E-07 3.17E-07 2.54E-07 2.12E-07 9.50E+01 1.11E-06 5.55E-07 3.70E-07 2.77E-07 2.22E-07 1.85E-07 9.OOE+01 9.53E-07 4.76E-07 3.18E-07 2.38E-07 1.91 E-07 1.59E-07 8.50E+01 7.94E-07 3.97E-07 2.65E-07 1.98E-07 1.59E-07 1.32E-07 8.OOE+01 6.35E-07 3.17E-07 2.12E-07 1.59E-07 1.27E-07 1.06E-07 7.50E+01 4.77E-07 2.38E-07 1.59E-07 1.19E-07 9.54E-08 7.95E-08 7.OOE+01 3.18E-07 1.59E-07 1.06E-07 7.95E-08 6.36E-08 5.30E-08 6.50E+01 2.86E-07 1.43E-07 9.53E-08 7.15E-08 5.72E-08 4.77E-08 6.OOE+01 2.54E-07 1.27E-07 8.47E-08 6.35E-08 5.08E-08 4.23E-08 5.50E+01 2.22E-07 1.11E-07 7.40E-08 5.55E-08 4.44E-08 3.70E-08 5.OOE+01 1.91E-07 9.55E-08 6.37E-08 4.77E-08 3.82E-08 3.18E-08 4.50E+01 1.59E-07 7.95E-08 5.30E-08 3.97E-08 3.18E-08 2.65E-08 4.OOE+01 1.27E-07 6.35E-08 4.23E-08 3.17E-08 2.54E-08 2.12E-08 3.50E+01 9.53E-08 4.76E-08 3.18E-08 2.38E-08 1.91 E-08 1.59E-08 3.OOE+01 6.35E-08 3.17E-08 2.12E-08 1.59E-08 1.27E-08 1.06E-08 2.50E+01 3.18E-08 1.59E-08 1.06E-08 7.95E-09 6.39E-09 5.30E-09 2.OOE+01 2.86E-08 1.43E-08 9.53E-09 7.15E-09 5.72E-09 4.77E-09 1.50E+01 2.54E-08 1.27E-08 8.47E-09 6.35E-09 5.08E-09 4.23E-09 1.OOE+01 2.22E-08 1.11E-08 7.40E-09 5.55E-09 4.44E-09 3.70E-09 5.OOE+00 1.91E-08 9.55E-09 6.37E-09 4.77E-09 3.82E-09 3.18E-09 1.OOE+00 1.59E-08 7.95E-09 5.30E-09 3.97E-09 3.18E-09 2.65E-09 Calculation Based on:

(1 mRad/hr. = 5000 ccpm) uCi/cc = ccom

  • 4.5E-07 uCi/dDm VOL (FT 3 ) - 2.832E+4 (CC/FT 3)
  • EFF (0.10)

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ATTACHMENT 8 Page I of I DIRECT CONVERSION TABLE OF CORRECTED COUNTS PER MIN. TO uCI/CC 1-131 THYROID COMMITTED DOSE EQUIVALENT ccpm uCi/cc (mRem/INHALATION hr) 1.13E+01 1.OOE-08 1.30E+01 2.26E+01 2.OOE-08 2.60E+01 5.65E+01 5.OOE-08 6.50E+01 7.92E+01 7.OOE-08 9.10E+01 1.13E+02 1.00E-07 1.30E+02 2.26E+02 2.OOE-07 2.60E+02 5.65E+02 5.OOE-07 6.50E+02 7.92E+02 7.00E-07 9.1OE+02 1.13E+03 1.OOE-06 1.30E+03 2.26E+03 2.OOE-06 2.60E+03 5.65E+03 5.OOE-06 6.50E+03 7.92E+03 7.OOE-06 9.1OE+03 1.13E+04 1.OOE-05 1.30E+04 2.26E+04 2.OOE-05 2.60E+04 3.40E+04 3.OOE-05 3.90E+04 4.53+E04 4.OOE-05 5.20E+04 EQUATIONS:

unts per minute(_ccpm )__

corrected _co.

(detector efficiency)(collection efficiency)(converszon factor - dpm to uci)(volume - cubic ft.)(conversion factor - cc to cubic ft.)


2.OOE-03 ccpm/dpm = DETECTOR EFFICIENCY 90% (0.90) = COLLECTION EFFICIENCY 2.22E+06 dpm/uCi = CONVERSION FACTOR 10 Cubic Feet = VOLUME 2.832E+04 cc to Cubic Feet = CONVERSION FACTOR uCi/cc

  • Dose Rate Conversion Factor (DRCF) = mRem/Inhalation hr.


1.30E+09 mRem/uCi/cc/hr = Dose Rate Conversion Factor (DRCF) from EPA 400 Nuclear Common Page 24 of 47 Rev. 04

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-(310 (Q)


1.1.1 RECEIVE a briefing from the RPS-Offsite 1.1.2 OBTAIN the Forms Kit briefcase from RPS-Offsite.

1.1.3 CHECK seals on Field Monitoring Kits. Perform an inventory of kits in accordance with Emergency Preparedness Procedure 1006, if seal is broken.

NOTE A satisfactory response check would be an upscale response on the Count Rate or Dose Rate instrument, when the instrument is on the lowest scale.

1.1.4 PERFORM response checks on instruments and replace batteries or instrument, if necessary.

1.1.5 SIGN on to appropriate Radiation Work Permit and ensure SRDs, are zeroed, if used, and electronic dosimeter is set at 80% of 4500 mRem minus current year to date dose.

1.1.6 LOAD the Onsite Field Monitoring Team Kits into the emergency vehicle using Attachment 4, Onsite Field Monitoring Equipment Checklist, to help ensure needed items are not left behind 1.1.7 PERFORM a radio and a telephone check from the emergency vehicle:

SET the radio on Frequency:

o 1 to contact the Onsite Field Monitoring Team(s) o 4 to contact the Offsite Field Monitoring Team(s).

1.1.8 INFORM the RPS-Offsite if the emergency vehicle's gas gauge indicates less than 1/2 full, prior to going into the field or at any time while in the field.

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ATTACHMENT 9 PAGE 2 OF 3 1.1.9 REPLENISH Onsite Field Monitoring Team Kits to ensure kits are kept in a ready mode lAW NC.EP-AP.77- 1006, Emergency Preparedness Inventory RadiationProtection at the end of a:

"* Drill

"* Exercise

"* Declared Emergency 1.1.10 PERFORM response checks on instruments used.

1.1.11 IF instrument(s) fail a response check, THEN INFORM RPS-Offsite.

2.0 DIRECTIONS 2.1 The Field Monitoring Team Should Perform The Following:

NOTE The Onsite Field Monitoring Team should provide input to the RPS-Offsite, as necessary, concerning unusual plant conditions observed, sampling results, and moving to other then assigned locations due to changing radiological or meteorological conditions.

The Onsite Field Monitoring Team members should report conflicting radiological or meteorological conditions to the RPS-Offsite, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

2.1.1 ENSURE air samples taken using a low volume air sampler should be a total of 10 cubic feet taken at a flow rate not to exceed 2 cfm unless otherwise directed by the RPS-Offsite.

2.1.2 PURGE iodine cartridges in low background area outside the plume after collecting the sample.

2.1.3 ENSURE open and closed window readings are taken at every sampling location.

2.1.4 CONTACT with the RPT-Radio should be maintained at least ever 30 minutes.

2.1.5 MAINTAIN contamination controls whenever handling air samples.

2.1.6 STORE all samples in back area of emergency vehicle, unless otherwise directed by the RPS-Offsite.

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ATTACHMENT 9 Page 3 of 3 2.1.7 COVER all samples reading 100 mR/hr. or greater on contact with a lead blanket and contact the RPS - Offsite immediately.

2.1.8 MONITOR dose rates and check dosimetry upon exiting the plume.

2.1.9 FRISK and SURVEY appropriate equipment, as time allows, after exiting the plume to ensure contamination levels are below 50k ccpm smearable contamination.

2.1.10 CONTACT RPS-Offsite for further directions on what to do with equipment if contamination levels are 50k ccpm or greater smearable contamination.

2.1.11 REFER to Attachment 11, Onsite Emergency Monitoring Locations, for the Onsite Monitoring Locations, if necessary.

2.1.12 OBTAIN a copy of Attachment 9 (Offsite Emergency Monitoring Locations) from NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0603(Q) (Field Monitoring), for the Offsite Monitoring Locations, if required.

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> 100 Onsite Evacuation of all nonessential personnel.

Consider evacuation of other personnel.

Dose Rate (mR/hr) Location Action

> 100 Control Room Consider evacuation OSC within one hour, TSC and/or relocation as Control Point appropriate.

Dose Rate (mR/hr) Location Action

> 1000 Onsite Evacuation of all nonessential personnel Consider immediate evacuation of remaining personnel.

Dose Rate (mR/hr) Location Action

> 1000 Control Room Consider immediate OSC evacuation, and/or TSC relocation upwind of Control Point the plume.

2.0 RADIOIODINE If the Iodine-1 31 equivalent is calculated or measured in concentrations greater than or equal to 5.OE - 07 uCi/cc, consider the use of Potassium Iodide for thyroid blocking.

This section is to be applied to areas, in which personnel are working or are planning to work. Refer to Emergency Procedure NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0305(Q), Stable Iodine Thyroid Blocking, for additional information.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0310 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 11 Page 1 of 3 ONSITE EMERGENCY MONITORING LOCATIONS DESIGNATION LOCATION DESCRIPTION A-7 Northeast corner of circulating water intake structure.

A-1 End of pier by heli-pad.

B-6 Halfway between north end of circulating water intake and service water intake structure.

C-7 West Corner of "B" Building B-1 0 By heli-pad.

B-12 Adjacent to Jet Fuel Storage Tank on wooded fence.

D-5 North of service water structure on security fence.

C-5 Northeast corner of service water structure.

C-6 Chemistry trailer.

C-8 Along sidewalk, 150' north of Unit #1 Guardhouse (at Hose Station).

D-11 Southeast corner of SNGS switchyard, on security fence.

D-4 Security access road, due west of midway between the two Containment Buildings, west of south end of "A" Building.

D-6 On wall of Salem Unit #1 Fuel Handling Building, opposite R-45 shed.

D-7 Closest outside entrance to the Control Point (next to Unit

  1. 1 steam mixing bottle).

D-8 Southeast corner of SNGS Cafeteria.

E-4 Northwest corner of security road at right angle (inside fence).

E-6 On wall of Salem Unit #2 Fuel Handling Building, opposite R-45 shed.

E-7 Between Salem Unit #2 Containment Building and Unit #2 Turbine Building.

F-7 Northwest corner of SNGS Unit #2 Turbine Building.

E-8 Northeast corner of SNGS Administration Building Nuclear Common Page 29 of 47 Rev. 04

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ATTACHMENT 11 Page 2 of 3 F-1 1 Inside site security fence at northeast corner of SNGS switchyard.

F-5 Adjacent to First Aid Trailer.

F-8 Inner Access Road, northeast intersection.

G-7 Adjacent to SE Corner of USNRC Trailer.

G-8 SNGS South Fence Vehicle Access Gate.

G-9 Southwest corner SNGS #2 Warehouse.

H-3 Near the fence between Salem and Hope Creek south of Radwaste Storage Facility.

H-4 Chemical Waste Holding Basin. Near the fence between Salem and Hope Creek 500' northwest of Salem Chemical Waste Holding Basin.

H-5 Near the fence between Salem and Hope Creek near the 907 Building H-6 Near the fence between Salem and Hope Creek northeast of 906 Building.

H-7 200' West of Security Center.

H-8 Behind Security Center.

1-2 West of Radwaste Storage Facility on lamp post.

1-4 Southwest corner of Hope Creek Reactor Building.

1-6 Hope Creek Unit #1 Turbine Building (Southeast corner of Turbine Building).

1-7 On Hope Creek security fence, 100' east of Southeast corner of Turbine Building.

J-1 Hope Creek Intake Structure.

K-4 Northwest corner of Hope U/2 Reactor Building (Abandoned).

K-6 Northeast corner of Hope Creek Turbine Building.

K-7 On security fence, east of northeast corner of Turbine Building.

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ATTACHMENT 11 Page 3 of 3 K-1 West of Material Center inside security Fence on lamppost.

L-6 100' southeast of Hope Creek Auxiliary Boiler Building.

M-1 Northwest corner of Hope Creek Security fence.

M-2 Adjacent to Hope Creek Sewerage Treatment facility (Outside Protected Area).

M-3 Inside Hope Creek security fence, 500' east of corner of fence.

M-4 Inside Hope Creek security fence, 100' northwest of fire water tank.

M-5 Inside Hope Creek security fence, North of Aux Boiler House.

N-6 Southwest of Hope Creek Cooling Tower. (Outside Protected Area).

0-1 Along Hope Creek security fence near fuel oil storage tank (Outside Protected Area).

N-5 Along Hope Creek security fence near Circ. Water Building (Outside Protected Area).

0-0 Northwest corner of Hope Creek site, near Cooling Tower Blowdown Outfall Instrument Shelter (Outside Protected Area).

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1. DAPA temperature is located on the VAX LA120, Operation Status Board (EOF Menu Selection "2").
2. No correction to the DAPA Monitor is required below 245 degrees Fahrenheit (F).

1.0 DAPA CORRECTION CALCULATIONS 1.1 To Correct For DAPA High Temperature, Perform The Following:

1.1.1 REFER to Figure 1 of this attachment (Attachment 12).

1.1.2 IF the uncorrected DAPA reading lies below the curve (in the lined region), THEN the DAPA Monitor value is unreliable and should NOT be used at all.

1.1.3 PROCEED to Step 1.1.4, IF the uncorrected DAPA reading lies above the curve (above the lined region).

1.1.4 REFER to Figure 2 of this attachment (Attachment 12).

1.1.5 DETERMINE a BIAS value to add to the uncorrected DAPA reading by finding the value on the curve that corresponds to the associated average Drywell Air Temperature.


DAPA Monitor Bias Value Corrected DAPA Reading (R/hr) Reading (R/hr) Reading (R/hr)

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ATTACHMENT 12 Page 2 of 3 FIGURE 1 DAPA MONITOR READING vs AVERAGE DRYWELL AIR TEMPERATURE DAPA MONITOR READING (R/hr) 30 25 20 15 10 5-0--0 60 260 d 30 LO 3L Average Drywell Air Temperature (OF)

Lined area indicates DAPA Monitor value at which alternate method for determining estimate of Drywell airborne radiation levels should be used.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0310 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 13 Page 1 of 4 PACKAGE INSERT FOR THYRO-BLOCK TABLETS 1.0 HOW POTASSIUM IODIDE WORKS Certain forms of iodine help your thyroid gland work right. Most people get the iodine they need from foods, like iodized salt or fish. The thyroid can "store" or hold only a certain amount of iodine.

In a radiation emergency, radioactive iodine may be released in the air. This material may be breathed or swallowed. It may enter the thyroid gland and damage it. The damage would probably not show itself for years. Children are most likely to have thyroid damage.

If you take potassium iodide, it will fill your thyroid gland. This reduces the chance that harmful radioactive iodine will enter the thyroid gland.

2.0 WHO SHOULD NOT TAKE POTASSIUM IODIDE NOTE You may take potassium iodide if you are taking medicine for a thyroid problem (for example, a thyroid hormone or anti-thyroid drug). Pregnant and nursing women, babies and children may also take potassium iodide.

2.1 People who should not take potassium iodide are:

  • People who are allergic to iodine.
  • People with kidney problems.
  • Persons on certain high blood pressure medications (ACE Inhibitors).

3.0 HOW AND WHEN TO TAKE POTASSIUM IODIDE Potassium Iodide should be taken as soon as possible after public health officials tell you. You should take one dose every 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. More will not help you because the thyroid can "hold" only limited amounts of iodine. Larger doses will increase the risk of side effects. You will probably be told not to take the drug for more than ten days.

4.0 SIDE EFFECTS Usually. side effects of potassium iodide happen when people take higher doses for a long time. You should be careful not to take more than the recommended dose or take it for longer than you are told. Side effects are unlikely because of the low dose and the short time you will be taking the drug.

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ATTACHMENT 13 Page 2 of 4

"* Possible side effects include skin rashes, swelling of the salivary glands, and "iodine" (metallic taste, burning mouth and throat, sore teeth and gums, symptoms of a head cold, and some times stomach upset and diarrhea).

"* A few people have an allergic reaction with more serious symptoms. These could be fever and joint pains, or swelling of parts of the face and body and at times severe shortness of breath requiring immediate medical attention.

"* Taking iodine may rarely cause overactivity of the thyroid gland, underactivity of the thyroid gland or enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter).

5.0 WHAT TO DO IF SIDE EFFECTS OCCUR If the side effects are severe or if you have an allergic reaction, stop taking potassium iodide and call a doctor.

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My signature indicates that I have read and understand Attachment 13 Package Insert For Thyroid Blocking Tablets.


  • 4 + 4

-t 4 4

+ I I 4 1 4- 4 4 4- - L _____________

I + +

1 1- 1-4 4- 4 L

+ 4 4 I.

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ATTACHMENT 13 Page 4 of 4 FORM - 2



NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0310 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 14 Page 1 of 3 OPERATION OF THE VAX LA120 TERMINAL 1.0 METEOROLOGICAL DATA 1.1 Perform The FollowingSw to Obtain Current 15 Minute Average Meteorological Data:

1.1.1 DEPRESS the RETURN key. (USERNAME should be displayed).

1.1.2 ENTER(Type In) M E T and depress the RETURN key NOTE The most current meteorological data should be printed out followed by the Main Meteorological Menu. If no other keys are depressed, the current 15 minute average data will be printed out every 15 minutes 1.1.3 SELECT Option 3 (Disable Automatic Display of MET Data Every 15 minutes) and depress the RETURN key to stop the VAX LA120 from printing out meteorological data every 15 minutes.

1.1.4 SELECT Option I (Display Current Meteorological Data) and depress the RETURN key to receive the current 15 meteorological data print out.

1.2 Perform The Following Steps to Obtain Archived Meteorological Data:

1.2.1 DEPRESS the RETURN key. (USERNAME should be displayed) 1.2.2 ENTER M E T and depress the RETURN key. (The most current meteorological data should be printed out followed by the Main Meteorological Menu).

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ATTACHMENT 14 Page 2 of 3 1.2.3 SELECT Option 2 (Display Meteorological Data From Data Base) and depress the RETURN key. (Current system Date and Time will be displayed).

1.2.4 IF this is the data you want, THEN depress the RETURN key.

(Your option will be printed out).

1.2.5 IF you want data from an another date and time, THEN go to Step 1.2.6.

1.2.6 ENTER start date and time as shown below and depress the RETURN key. (For December 27, 1989 at 0130 enter 27-DEC 1989 "depress the space bar once" and enter 01:30).

1.2.7 ENTER "Y" if the information is correct or "N" if the information is not correct and reenter it as shown in Step 1.2.6.

1.2.8 ENTER the end date and time as shown below and depress the RETURN key. (For December 28, 1989 at 0230 enter 28-DEC 1989 "depress the space bar once" and enter 02:30).

1.2.9 ENTER "Y" if the information is correct or "N" if the information is not correct and re-enter it as shown in Step 1.2.8.

2.0 RMS AND MET DATA (FOR HOPE CREEK ONLY) 2.1 Perform The Following Steps to Obtain Current Instantaneous RMS and MET Data:

2.1.1 DEPRESS the RETURN key. (USERNAME should be displayed).

2.1.2 ENTER (Type In) E 0 F and depress the RETURN key. (A prompt should be displayed asking for PASSWORD).

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ATTACHMENT 14 Page 3 of 3 2.1.3 ENTER the letters E 0 F U S E R and depress the RETURN key.

(The EOF Plant Menu should be displayed.)

2.1.4 SELECT Option 1 for Hope Creek.

2.1.5 DEPRESS the RETURN key. (The EOF Report Options Menu will be displayed).

2.1.6 SELECT Option I (Current RMS Status) and depress the RETURN key. (The most current instantaneous RMS and 15 minute MET data will be printed out.)

2.2 Perform The Following Steps to Obtain 15 Minute Average RMS Data:

2.2.1 DEPRESS the RETURN key. (USERNAME should be displayed).

2.2.2 ENTER E 0 F and depress the RETURN key. (A prompt should be displayed asking for PASSWORD).

2.2.3 ENTER E 0 F U S E R and depress the RETURN key. (The EOF Plant Menu should be displayed).

2.2.4 SELECT Option 1 for Hope Creek.

2.2.5 DEPRESS the RETURN key. (The EOF Report Options Menu should be displayed).

2.2.6 SELECT Option 6 (15 Minute Historical Data). (Current system date and time should be displayed. A prompt should be displayed for start date and time) 2.2.7 DEPRESS the RETURN key for 15 minute average RMS and MET data. (Your selection will be printed).

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ATTACHMENT 15 Page 1 of 4 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SALEM SPDS DISPLAYS 1.0 SALEM I & 2 SPDS RADIOLOGICAL SCREEN INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 Follow The Steos Below In The Listed Order. To Displav SPDS Radioloaical Screens.

NOTE Values in Red with "HH" displayed are in HIGH HIGH ALARM.

Values in YELLOW with "H" displayed are in HIGH ALARM.

Form - 1, SPDS RMS Log, of this attachment, (Attachment 15) may be used to record SPDS RMS values.

1.1.1 DEPRESS the UNIT MASTER MENU Key 1.1.2 DEPRESS and hold the "SHIFT" key, while depressing the number 5 key. (Radiation Monitor Screen 1 will be displayed.

This screen (Radiation Monitor Screen 1 will be displayed. This screen consists of instantaneous values for the RMS monitors listed below).

  • R44A/B Integ Dose Containment Post LOCA Rad Mon 1.1.3 DEPRESS and hold the "SHIFT" key, while depressing the number 2 key. (Radiation Monitor Screen 2 will be displayed.

This screen consists of RMS instantaneous monitor values listed below).

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ATTACHMENT 15 Page 2 of 4

  • R45B Plant Vent Accident Mon (Medium Range Noble Gas)
  • R45C Plant Vent Accident Mon (High Range Noble Gas)
  • R16 Plant Vent Gas Eff
  • R41A Low Range Noble Gas
  • R41B Mid Range Noble Gas
  • R41C High Range Noble Gas
  • R43 Aux Building Roof Mon
  • Unit 1 or 2 Noble Gas Release Rate
  • Combined Noble Gas Release Rate 1.1.4 DEPRESS and hold the "SHIFT" key, while depressing the number 3 key. (Radiation Monitor Screen 3 will be displayed.

This screen consists of RMS 15 minute average monitor values listed below).

  • R44A/B Containment Post LOCA Rad Mon
  • R11A Containment Particulate
  • R12A Containment Noble Gas
  • R12B Containment Iodine 1.1.5 DEPRESS and hold the "SHIFT" key, while depressing the number 4 key. (Radiation Monitor Screen 4 will be displayed.

This screen consists of RMS 15 minute average monitor values listed below).

  • Plant Vent Airflow to Atmosphere (Plant Vent Flow Rate)

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0310 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 15 Page 3 of 4 0 R45B Plant Vent Accident Mon (Medium Range Noble Gas)

  • R45C Plant Vent Accident Mon (High Range Noble Gas)
  • R16 Plant Vent Gas Eff
  • R41A Low Range Noble Gas 0 R41B Mid Range Noble Gas
  • R41C High Range Noble Gas R43 Aux Building Roof Mon 1.1.6 RECORD RMS values on Attachment 16's, Form - 1, SPDS RMS Log.

2.0 SALEM 1 & 2 SPDS RADIOLOGICAL SCREEN TRENDING INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 Perform The Steps Listed Below In The Listed Order, To Trend SPDS Radiological Monitors.

2.1.1 DISPLAY the screen that lists the monitor you want to trend.

2.1.2 DEPRESS the "DATA ENTRY FORWARD" key to move the cursor to the radiation monitor that is to be trended.

2.1.3 DEPRESS the "TREND" key.

2.1.4 DEPRESS the "Page Down" key to display the trending of the monitor.

2.1.5 DEPRESS the "Page Up" key to return to Radiation Monitor Screen 1.


4.0 RML SCREEN INSTRUCTIONS DEPRESS The RM Key To Display Any Abnormal Releases In Progress.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0310 (Q)


Date/Time: I- Salem Unit Location on Monitor Value of SPDS Number Description of Monitor Monitor Units Screen 1/3 R46A Main Steam Line Mon mR/hr Screen 1/3 R46B Main Steam Line Mon mR/hr Screen 1/3 R46C Main Steam Line Mon mR/hr Screen 1/3 R46D Main Steam Line Mon mR/hr Screen 1/3 R46E Main Steam Line Mon mR/hr Screen 1/3 R44A CNTMT Post LCOA Mon R/hr Screen 1/3 R44B CNTMT Post LOCA Mon R/hr Screen 1/3 R11A CNTMT Particulate Mon cpm Screen 1/3 R12A CNTMT Noble Gas Mon cpm Screen 1/3 R12B CNTMT Iodine Mon cpm Screen 4 R16 Plant Vent Gas Mon cpm Screen 2/4 R41A Low Range Noble Gas Mon uCi/cc Screen 2/4 R41 B Mid Range Noble Gas Mon uCi/cc Screen 2/4 R41C High Range Noble Gas Mon uCi/cc Screen 2/4 R45B Plant Vent Accident Mon (Min Range Noble Gas Back-up) uCi/cc Screen 2/4 R45C Plant Vent Accident Mon (High Range Noble Gas Back-up) uCi/cc Nuclear Common Page 45 of 47 Rev. 04

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0310 (Q)



+ 4 4 -4 4 4 +

I t -4 4 4 .4-1 4 t +

4 4 I. .1 4 4 I. 4 4 4. 4. .4 4 I. I. 4 IF other means are used to ensure habitability, THEN list:

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0310 (Q)


.4 4 4 4 4 4 1 .4 4 4 4 4

.4 4 4 I- I- 4

.4 4 4 + 4 4 4

4 4 4 - L 4 + + 4 r - 1- Nuclear Common Page 47 of 47 Rev. 04





1. Added cross references that were inadvertently deleted. O"Q
2. Figures 1 and 2 were drawn by CAD and then placed in the procedure. The figures were redrawn and placed into the procedure during this revision of the procedure.
3. This revision satisfies the requirement for a biennial review.


Procedure Implementation Date: 07/03/2002 APPROVED: (12171 4 Emi#genc- Preparedness Manager /D~te APPROVED: Z -/,//A Vice President - Operations Date

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q)

CONTROL POINT - CHEMISTRY RESPONSE TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 1.0 P UR PO S E .................................................................................................... 2 2.0 PREREQUISITES ....................................................................................... 2 2.1 Prerequisites To Be Followed Prior To Implementing This Procedure .. 2 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS .......................................................... 2 3.1 Precaution and Limitations To Be Followed Prior To Implementing This P rocedure ...................................................................................... .. 2 4.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED ............................................................................ 2 5.0 P R O C E D UR E .............................................................................................. 2 5.1 The Chemistry Shift Technician Should ............................................. 2 5.2 The Chemistry Technicians Should ................................................. 4 6.0 R E C O R D S .................................................................................................. 4 7.0 R E FE R EN C ES ........................................................................................... 4 7 .1 R eferences ..................................................................................... .. 4 7.2 Cross References .............................................................................. 4 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1- Salem and Hope Creek Chemistry Systems .............................. 6 ATTACHMENT 2- Chemistry Guidelines - Power Operation .................................. 7 ATTACHMENT 3- Chemistry Guidelines - Power Reduction .................................. 8 ATTACHMENT 4- Chemistry Guidelines - Salem Reactor Trip ............................. 10 ATTACHMENT 5- Chemistry Guidelines - PASS .................................................. 11 ATTACHMENT 6- Chemistry Guidelines - Outside Systems ................................ 14 ATTACHMENT 7- Chemistry Guidelines - Primary to Secondary Leak (SALEM ONLY) ...................................................................... 15 FIGURES FIGURE 1 - Salem PASS Storage Location ................................................. 16 FIGURE 2 - Hope Creek PASS Storage Location .............................................. 18 NUCLEAR COMMON Page I of 18 Rev. 02

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q) 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides instructions and guidance for Chemistry Technicians assigned to the Control point during an emergency at Hope Creek or Salem Generating Station.

2.0 PREREQUISITES 2.1 Prerequisites To Be Followed Prior To Implementing This Procedure Individuals who will implement this procedure:

  • Chemistry Shift Technician - (Chem Shift Tech)
  • Chemistry Technician(s) - (Chem Tech) 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 Precautions and Limitations To Be Followed Prior To Implementing This Procedure:

3.1.1 It is recommended that initials be used in the place keeping sign-offs, instead of checkmarks, if more than one person may implement this procedure.

3.1.2 The user may deviate from following procedure steps in written order if it is thought by the user that emergency conditions warrant it.

3.1.3 Personnel who implement this procedure shall be trained and qualified lAW the Emergency Plan.

4.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED As provided in the Emergency Response Facility.

5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 The Chemistry Shift Technician Should:

5.1.1 OBTAIN a current status of the emergency from the Control Room.

5.1.2 PROVIDE to the Control Room a current status of the chemistry related system parameters, as requested.

5.1.3 MAINTAIN communications with the Control Room until the Chemistry Supervisor - Control Point/Technical Support Center (CP/TSC) arrives.

5.1.4 REFER to Attachment 1, Salem and Hope Creek Chemistry Systems, for a list of chemistry systems and abbreviations.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q) 5.1.5 NOTE which chemistry related systems are being operated in manual and in automatic, as necessary.

NOTE Equipment status, events, plant conditions, dictate the appropriate response actions including the timely notification of the Chemistry Duty Supervisor, if one is not present.

5.1.6 IF plant conditions change, THEN the Chemistry Shift Technician should document the status of Chemistry related systems, in the Control Point log book.

5.1.7 REPORT any abnormalities and/or system changes to the Operations Superintendant (OS), Emergency Duty Officer (EDO), Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC), or Chemistry Supervisor - CP/TSC, as appropriate.

5.1.7 IF the plant is operating, THEN refer to Attachment 2, Chemistry Guidelines - Power Operation, for actions to consider.

5.1.9 IF there has been a power reduction > 15%, and/or turbine run back, THEN refer to Attachment 3 Chemistry Guidelines - Power Reduction, for actions to consider.

5.1.10 FOR SALEM: IF there has been a Reactor TRIP, THEN refer to Attachment 4, Chemistry Guidelines - Salem Reactor Trip, for actions to consider.

5.1.11 REFER to Attachment 6 IF:

A. Status of Outside Systems is required during power operation.

B. Actions to Outside Systems are required due to power reduction.

C. Actions to Outside Systems are required due to Reactor SCRAM.

D. Chemistry Technicians are to be sent outside the Protective Area.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q) 5.1.12 FOR HOPE CREEK ONLY: OBTAIN from the Radiation Protection Supervisor - Exposure Control (OSC) information concerning exposure hazards present at the Reactor Water Clean Up sample station.

5.1.13 OBTAIN samples using the Post Accident Sample System, as directed. (Refer Attachment 5, Chemistry Guidelines - PASS, for actions to consider when sampling PASS).

5.1.14 FOR SALEM ONLY:.IF it is thought to be a primary to secondary leak, THEN refer to Attachment 7, Chemistry Guidelines - Primary to Secodary Leak.

5.1.15 MAINTAIN a log of all data, information, and actions, until relieved by the Chemistry Supervisor - CP/TSC.

5.1.16 WHEN the Chemistry Supervisor- CP/TSC arrives, THEN brief him/her and turn over the Chemistry Log.

5.2 The Chemistry Technicians Should:

5.2.1 OPERATE Chemistry Control Systems, as directed by the Chemistry Supervisor - CP/TSC or Shift Chemistry Technician, using the applicable chemistry procedures.

5.2.2 OBTAIN and analyze accident samples as directed by the Chemistry Supervisor - CP/TSC or Shift Chemistry Technician, using the applicable chemistry procedures.

5.2.3 TRANSMIT status and analysis results to Chemistry Supervisor CP/TSC or Shift Chemistry Technician.

5.2.4 STORE PASS samples in accordance with Figure - 1 (SALEM) or Figure - 2 (Hope Crek).

6.0 RECORDS Return completed procedure and any information or data thought to be pertinent to the Emergency Manager.


7.1 References 7 1.1 PSEG Nuclear Emergency Plan 7.2 Cross References 7.2.1 NC.EP-EP.ZZ-031 1(Q), Control Point Chemistry Response NUCLEAR COMMON Page 4 of 18 Rev. 02

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q) 7.2.2 HC.CH-TI.ZZ-003(Q), Environmental Monitoring and Compliance Sampling 7.2.3 HC.CH-SA.HA-0001(R), Sampling The Offgas System From 1O-C-335 Panel 7.2.4 HC.CH-EO.SH-0001 (Q), Post Accident Sample Panel Operation 7.2.5 HC.CH-EO.SH-0004(Q), Post Accident Sample Analysis 7.2.6 HC.CH-EO.SH-0005(Q), Post Accident Sample Dilution 7.2.7 HC.CH-EO.SH-0007(Q), Transporting Post Accident Sample System Samples NUCLEAR COMMON Page 5 of 18 Rev. 02

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-031 I (Q)


"* (CP) Condensate Polishing System

"* (DM) Demineralized Water Make Up

"* (CF) Chemical Feed Systems

"* (SS) Sampling Systems

"* (CL) Chlorination Systems

"* (LW) Non-Radioactive Liquid Waste Disposal System

"* (PAS) PASS Sampling 2.0 Hope Creek Systems

"* (AK) Condensate Demineralizers

"* (AN) Demineralized Water Make Up, Storage and Transfer

"* (AQ/BQ) Chem. Control - Zinc - Condensate and Feedwater

"* (AX) Hydrogen and Oxygen Injection Systems

"* (BG) Reactor Water Clean Up System Filtration and Demineralization (RWCU)

"* (DD) Circ Water Hypochlorination

"* (DE) Circ Water Caustic Addition

"* (DF) Cooling Tower Blowdown Dechlorination

"* (ED) RACS Demineralization System (Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System)

"* (EG) SACS Demineralization System (Safety Auxiliary Cooling System)

"* (EQ) Service Water Hypochlorination

"* (GB) Chilled Water System Filtration and Demineralization

"* (LB) Storm Drainage

"* (LD) Chemical Waste

"* (LE) Oily Waste

"* (RC) Process Sampling

"* (SH) PASS Sampling

"* (HA) Offgas System NUCLEAR COMMON Page 6 of 18 Rev. 02

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 2 Page 1 of I CHEMISTRY GUIDELINES - POWER OPERATION 1.0 Salem 1.1 IF a RCS sample is requested, and general area dose rates at the primary sample panel permit, THEN SAMPLE RCS using appropriate Chemistry procedure.

1.2 IF dose rates at the sample panel do not permit, THEN REFER to Attachment 5, Chemistry Guidelines - PASS.

1.3 IF the data obtained is out of specification or suspect, THEN OBTAIN and analyze the applicable sample(s).

1.4 DETERMINE if the status of the Demin Water Storage Tanks are at an acceptable level.

1.5 IF tank levels are not acceptable, THEN MAKE - UP to the tanks using appropriate Chemistry procedures.

2.0 Hope Creek 2.1 REVIEW current reactor water chemistry data.

2.2 IF a Reactor Water sample is requested, and general area dose rates at the sample panel permit, THEN SAMPLE Reactor Water at the sample panel.

2.3 IF dose rates at the sample panel do not permit, THEN REFER to Attachment 5, Chemistry Guidelines - PASS.

2.4 SAMPLE the Off Gas system, as required, using appropriate procedures.

2.5 OBTAIN current chemistry data on the Condensate Polisher system and review instrument readings.

2.6 CHECK the status of the Demin Water Storage Tanks on panel 0OC1 18 and make up to demin water tanks as required.

2.7 CHECK status of the outside systems (Service Water, Circ Water, and Cooling Tower Blowdown) lAW Attachment 6, Chemistry Guidelines - Outside Systems.

2.8 CHECK status of the Hydrogen Water Chemistry Injection System.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 1 of 2 CHEMISTRY GUIDELINES - POWER REDUCTION 1.0 Salem 1.1 IMPLEMENT the actions listed in Attachment 6, Chemistry Guidelines - Outside Systems, Section 1.0.

1.2 ENSURE that all personnel dispatched to outside systems have a portable radio and maintain communications with the Control Point, Control Room, or the OSC, as applicable.

1.3 IF dose rates permit, THEN OBTAIN an RCS sample 2-6 hours after a power reduction of >_15%/hr. at normal sampling locations using appropriate Chemistry procedure.

1.4 IF dose rates do not permit, THEN REFER to Attachment 5, Chemistry Guidelines - PASS.

1.5 IF the data obtained is out of specification or suspect, THEN OBTAIN and analyze the applicable sample(s).

1.6 CHECK the status of the Demin Water Storage Tanks and determine if they are at an acceptable level.

1.7 IF tank levels are not acceptable, THEN MAKE - UP to the tanks using appropriate Chemistry procedures.

1.8 UTILIZE other Chemistry Department procedures for power reduction as appropriate.

2.0 Hope Creek 2.1 MONITOR the effect of reduced power on outside systems lAW HC.CH-TI.ZZ-0003(Q).

2.1.1 CONSIDER implementing the actions listed in Attachment 6, Chemistry Guidelines - Outside Systems, Section 2.0.

2.2 CHECK the status of the RWCU System, and if appropriate, reset vessel flow at the RWCU Panel 10-C-076.

2.3 REVIEW all instrument readings from the RWCU sample panels.

2.4 IF dose rates permit at the sample panel, THEN OBTAIN a Reactor Water sample 2-6 hours after the power reduction of >15%/hr at the normal sample point.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 2 of 2 2.5 IF dose rates do not permit, THEN REFER to Attachment 5,Chemistry Guidelines - PASS.

2.6 SAMPLE the Off Gas System as required lAW procedure HC.CH SA.HA-0001(R).

2.7 OBTAIN current chemistry data on the Condensate System.

2.8 REVIEW instrument readings at the Condensate Polishers and ensure that flows are above 3000 gpm.

2.9 CHECK the status of the Demin Water Storage Tanks at Panel 00C118 and make up to the demin tanks as required.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 4 Page 1 of I CHEMISTRY GUIDELINES - SALEM REACTOR TRIP 1.0 Salem Trip 1.1 IF dose rates permit, THEN OBTAIN an RCS sample 2-6 hours after a power reduction of >15%/hr. at normal sampling locations using appropriate Chemistry procedure.

1.2 IF dose rates do not permit; THEN REFER to Attachment 5, Chemistry Guidelines - PASS.

1.3 CHECK the status of the Condensate Polishers and isolate vessels as necessary to maintain adequate flow for the in service vessels.

1.4 CHECK the status of the Demin Water Storage Tanks and determine if they are at an acceptable level.

1.5 IF the Demin Water Storage Tank's levels are not acceptable, THEN MAKE - UP to the tanks using appropriate Chemistry procedures.

1.6 UTILIZE other Chemistry Department procedures for shutdown, as appropriate.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 5 Page 1 of 3 CHEMISTRY GUIDELINES - PASS NOTE The plant's current operational condition will determine the appropriate sample location.

Utilize the sample location lists below to help in making this determination.

1.0 SALEM SAMPLE TYPES 1.1 IF samples are requested for fuel damage assessment, THEN OBTAIN a sample using the preference list for sample type listed below:

"* RCS Loop - Liquid

"* RHR/Containment Sump - Liquid

"* RCS/RHR-Gas 1.2 IF samples are requested for source term determination, THEN OBTAIN a sample using the preference list for sample type listed below:

"* RCS/RHR-Gas

"* RCS Loop - Liquid

"* RHR/Containment Sump - Liquid 1.3 IF the Containment is to be vented or purged, THEN OBTAIN a sample from the Containment Atmosphere - Gas.

2.0 COORDINATION AND STORAGE OF PASS AT SALEM STATION NOTE Figure - 1, Salem PASS Storage Location, illustrates the PASS storage locations outlined in step 2.1.

2.1 REFER to Figure - 1 to ensure the transportation and storage of post accident samples in one of the acceptable storage locations listed below occurs.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 5 Page 2 of 3

"* Blowdown panel room, elevation 100'. A lead brick cave will be available for optimum shielding. (a)

"* Fuel handling annex (small truck bay) elevation 100'. (b)

"* Hot drum storage cask labyrinth, adjacent to Fuel Handling Building yard, elevation 100'. (c)

"* Hot drum storage area, elevation 100', Solid Radwaste. (d)

"* Waste evaporator bottoms hold tank area, elevation 100'. (e) 2.2 ENSURE that radiation protection provides escorts, survey, posting, and shielding as appropriate.

2.3 ENSURE that all samples are labeled, and entered in the Chemistry Emergency Log including storage location.

2.4 KEEP the Chemistry Supervisor - CP/TSC informed of transportation and storage activities.

NOTE The plant's current operational condition will determine the appropriate PASS sampling location. Utilize the sample location lists below to help in making this determination.

3.0 HOPE CREEK SAMPLE TYPES 3.1 IF samples are requested for fuel damage assessment, THEN OBTAIN a sample using the preference list for sample location listed below:

"* Jet Pump - Liquid

"* RHR - Liquid (RHR Loop A - Pumps A and C)

(RHR Loop B - Pumps B and D)

"* Torus - Gas

"* Drywell Atmosphere - Gas 3.2 IF samples are requested for source term determination, THEN OBTAIN a sample using the preference list for sample location listed below:

  • Drywell Atmosphere - Gas NUCLEAR COMMON Page 12 of 18 Rev. 02

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 5 Page 3 of 3

"* Torus - Gas

"* Jet Pump - Liquid

"* RHR - Liquid (RHR Loop A - Pumps A and C (RHR Loop B - Pumps B and D) 3.3 IF the Drywell is to be vented, THEN OBTAIN a sample using the preference list for sample location listed below:

  • Torus - Gas
  • Drywell Atmosphere - Gas
  • Jet Pump - Liquid
  • RHR - Liquid (RHR Loop A - Pumps A and C)


"* (HC.CH-EO.SH-0001Q) Post Accident Sample Panel Operation

"* (HC.CH-EO.SH-0004Q) Post Accident Sample Analysis

"* (HC.CH-EO.SH-0005Q) Post Accident Sample Dilution

"* (HC.CH-EO.SH-0007Q) Transporting Post Accident Sampling System Samples 5.0 COORDINATION AND STORAGE OF PASS AT HOPE CREEK STATION 5.1 TRANSPORT and store post accident samples lAW procedure HC.CH-EO.SH-0007(Q), as thought necessary by the Chemistry Supervisor.

5.2 REFER to Figure - 2, Hope Creek PASS Storage Location, for acceptable locations.

5.3 ENSURE that radiation protection provides escorts, survey, posting, and shielding as appropriate.

5.4 ENSURE that all samples are labeled, and entered in the sample log, including storage location.

5.5 KEEP the Chemistry Supervisor - Control Point/TSC informed of transportation and storage activities.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 6 Page I of I CHEMISTRY GUIDELINES - OUTSIDE SYSTEMS 1.0 Communications ENSURE that all personnel dispatched to the outside systems have a portable radio and maintain communications with the CR, OSC, TSC, or CP as appropriate.

2.0 HOPE CREEK ACTIONS DURING POWER OPERATION 2.1 CHECK the status of (EQ) Service Water Hypochlorination.

2.2 CHECK the status of (DD) Circ Water Hypochlorination.

2.3 CHECK the status of (DE) Circ Water Caustic Addition.

2.4 CHECK the status of (DF) Cooling Tower Blowdown Dechlorination.

3.0 HOPE CREEK ACTIONS DURING POWER REDUCTION 3.1 DECREASE (EQ) Service Water Hypochlorination, 3.2 DECREASE (DD) Circ Water Hypochlorination.

3.3 DECREASE (DE) Circ Water Caustic Addition.

3.4 INCREASE (DF) Cooling Tower Blowdown Dechlorination.

3.5 ANALYZE the effluent at the Cooling Tower Blowdown.

4.0 HOPE CREEK ACTIONS AFTER A REACTOR SCRAM 4.1 ISOLATE (EQ) Service Water Hypochlorination.

4.2 ISOLATE (DD) Circ Water Hypochlorination.

4.3 ISOLATE or Secure (DE) Circ Water Caustic Addition.

4.4 INCREASE (DF) Cooling Tower Blowdown Dechlorination.

4.5 ANALYZE the effluent at the Cooling Tower Blowdown.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q)


"* Steam Generator Liquid

"* RCS Liquid

"* Air Ejector Effluent 1.2 IF appropriate, THEN NOTIFY Radiation Protection that radiological surveys in the secondary plant may be necessary, with emphasis on filters and demineralizers.

2.0 SALEM REACTOR TRIP 2.1 REQUEST that the control room open the blowdown isolation valves.

2.2 IF appropriate, THEN SAMPLE and analyze the following for isotopic content:

"* Steam Generator Liquid

"* RCS Liquid 2.3 IF appropriate, THEN NOTIFY Radiation Protection that radiological surveys in the secondary plant may be necessary, with emphasis on filters and demineralizers.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q)


NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q)

FIGURE - 1 Page 2 of 2

"* Blowdown panel room, elevation 100'. A lead brick cave will be available for optimum shielding. (a)

"* Fuel handling annex (small truck bay) elevation 100'. (b)

"* Hot drum storage cask labyrinth, adjacent to Fuel Handling Building yard, elevation 100'. (c)

"* Hot drum storage area, elevation 100',

Solid Radwaste.(d)

"* Waste evaporator bottoms hold tank area, elevation 100'. (e)

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311 (Q)





1. Added cross references that were inadvertently deleted. C0 PY # z*.
2. Updated the telephone number and name for Babcock and Wilcox found in steps 5.1.34.A

- C and the note above 5.1.34.c to BMX Technologist and 434-522-5833.

3. Figures 1 and 2 were drawn by CAD and then placed in the procedure. The figures were redrawn and placed into the procedure during this revision of the procedure.
4. This revision satisfies the requirement for a biennial review.


Implementation Date: '-


Emerg.hcy Preparedness Manager Dte APPROVED: /1//9 /Z Vice Presideni - Operations Dafe


CHEMISTRY SUPERVISOR - CPITSC RESPONSE TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE .......................................................................................... 2 2.0 PREREQUISITES .............................................................................. 2 2.1 Prerequisites To Be Followed Prior To Implementing This Procedure ................................................................................. 2 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS .................................................. 2 3.1 Precaution and Limitations To Be Followed Prior To Implementing This Procedure .................................................. 2 4.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED ................................................................. 2 5.0 PROCEDURE ..................................................................................... 2 5.1 The Chemistry Supervisor- CPITSC Should Perform The Following ................................................................................ 2 6.0 RECORDS ......................................................................................... 7


................................................................................... 7 7.1 References .............................................................................. 7 7.2 Cross References .................................................................... 7 7.3 Commitments .......................................................................... 8 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT 1 - Salem and Hope Creek Chemistry Systems .............................. 9 ATTACHMENT 2 - Chemistry Guidelines - Power Operation ................................ 10 ATTACHMENT 3 - Chemistry Guidelines - Power Reduction ................................ 11 ATTACHMENT 4 - Chemistry Guidelines - Salem Reactor Trip ............................. 13 ATTACHMENT 5 - Chemistry Guidelines - PASS .................................................. 14 ATTACHMENT 6 - Chemistry Guidelines - Outside Systems ................................. 17 ATTACHMENT 7 - Chemistry Guidelines - Primary to Secondary Leak (SA LEM O N LY) ..................................................................... 18 ATTACHMENT 8 - Assembly/Accountability Instructions - Control Point .............. 19 ATTACHMENT 9 - Control Point Evacuation Checklist ......................................... 21 FORMS FORM 1 - Accountability Station Attendance Sheet ...................................... 23 FIGURES FIGURE 1 - Salem PASS Storage Location ................................................. 24 FIGURE 2 - Hope Creek PASS Storage Location .............................................. 26 Nuclear Common Pagel1 of 26 Rev. 03

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0312(Q) 1.0 PURPOSE Provide instruction and guidance to the Hope Creek/Salem Chemistry Supervisor

- CP/TSC during a declared emergency.

2.0 PREREQUISITES 2.1 Prerequisites To Be Followed Prior To Implementing This Procedure 2.1.1 Implement this procedure at an Alert or higher event classification, at the request of the Operations Supervisor (OS), or at the request of the Emergency Duty Officer (EDO), or Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC).

2.1.2 Personnel who implement this procedure shall be trained and qualified in accordance with Emergency Preparedness training requirements.

3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 Precaution and Limitations To Be Followed Prior To Implementing This Procedure 3.1.1 Copies of additional attachments should be made to record recurring steps, as appropriate.

3.1.2 The user may deviate from following procedure steps in written order if it is thought by the user that emergency conditions warrant it.

3.1.3 It is recommended that initials be used instead of check marks, if more then one person implements this procedure.

4.0 EQUIPMENTIMATERIAL REQUIRED As provided in the Emergency Response Facility.

5.0 PROCEDURE NOTE The Chemistry Supervisor - CP/TSC reports directly to the Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC).

5.1 The Chemistry Supervisor - CP/TSC Should Perform The Following:

NOTE The Chemistry Supervisor - CP/TSC may locate at the CP or the TSC as thought necessary.

5.1.1 REPORT initially to the Control Point.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0312(Q) 5.1.2 REPORT to the RAC and obtain a briefing. This may be done over the phone.

5.1.3 OBTAIN a briefing from the Chemistry Shift Techni cian located at the CP.

5.1.4 OBTAIN a current status of the Chemistry related systems for Salem or Hope Creek, as applicable, listed in Attachment 1, Salem/Hope Creek Chemistry Systems.

5.1.5 NOTIFY the Control Room (CR) that all Chemistry Sample requests should be directed through you.

5.1.6 OBTAIN Chemistry log from Chemistry Technician and ensure log is being kept.

5.1.7 DOCUMENT the status of Chemistry related systems in the Chemistry log, if plant conditions change.

5.1.8 EVALUATE the chemistry related systems impacted during the emergency, and brief the RAC as conditions warrant.

5.1.9 REFER to Attachment 2, Chemistry Guidelines - Power Operation, for actions to consider, if the plant is operating.

5.1.10 REFER to Attachment 3, Chemistry Guidelines - Power Reduction, for actions to consider, if there has been a power reduction >15%.

5.1.11 For Salem: REFER to Attachment 4, Chemistry Guidelines - Reactor Trip, for actions to consider, if there has been a Reactor Trip.

5.1.12 For Hope Creek: REFER to HC.CH-GP.ZZ-0006(Q),

Chemistry Scram Response, for actions if there has been a Reactor Scram.

5.1.13 INITIATE an emergency sample log, as necessary.

5.1.14 For Salem: IF a primary to secondary leak is suspected or is in progress, THEN REFER to Attachment 7, Chemistry Guidelines - Primary to Secondary Leak, for actions that should be considered for implementation.

5.1.15 REFER to Attachment 6 IF:

  • Status of outside systems is required during power operation.

Nuclear Common Page 3 of 26 Rev. 03


"* Actions to Outside Systems are required due to power reduction.

"* Actions to Outside Systems are required due to Reactor SCRAM.

"* Chemistry Technicians are to be sent outside the Protected Area.

5.1.16 COORDINATE and direct emergency chemistry actions, sampling, and analysis functions.

CAUTION Elevator use should be limited to transporting equipment unless Site Protection indicates that the elevator is needed to move an injured person.

5.1.17 For Hope Creek: IF PASS sampling is likely to be performed at Hope Creek THEN VERIFY that the Service Radwaste Elevator is operational, (The Service Radwaste Elevator Number is 31-04 and is energized from MCC 00B474-034)._

5.1.18 COORDINATE the activation of the PASS system.

(Guidance and information are provided in Attachment 5, Chemistry Guidelines - PASS).

5.1.19 COORDINATE applicable surveillances with the RAC and the Shift Chemistry Technician.

NOTE The Chemistry Supervisor - CP/TSC after OSC Coordinator notification, may dispatch an individual, in lieu of a team. The individual should be in contact with the Control Point or the OSC via some type of audio communications, (page, radio, or telephone), and should check in every 15 minutes.

Using an individual in lieu of a team should be the exception and not the norm.

5.1.20 USE a team in the field instead of an individual IF:

"* Exposure is expected to exceed 1000 mRem.

" The task would require entry into "Harsh Environment Area", (i.e.: a steam atmosphere, a heat stress area, etc.).

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0312(Q) 9 Acts of sabotage or suspected sabotage.

5.1.21 ENSURE that the Radiation Protection Supervisor - Exposure Control or the OSC Coordinator has been notified prior to dispatching Chemistry Teams. This should be done remotely (telephone, page, radio, etc.).

5.1.22 DISPATCH Chemistry Teams as required for appropriate actions (i.e., sampling, chem feed controls, etc.).

5.1.23 EVALUATE sample analysis data, as results become available.

5.1.24 MAINTAIN communications with the Chemistry Technicians at the CP, and brief as conditions warrant.

NOTE The Salem Containment Sump pH must be adjusted to a value > 7.0 within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> of initiation of recirculation. This is required to preclude chloride induced stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel.

EP96-005 5.1.25 IF the SALEM Containment Spray did not activate, THEN SAMPLE the SALEM Containment Sump for pH and chlorides within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of initiation of recirculation mode of core cooling, 5.1.26 IF the sample results of the Salem Containment Sump indicate a pH of < 7.0, THEN REQUEST the TSC to establish a plan to increase pH to a value > 7.0 within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> of recirculation actuation, 5.1.27 NOTIFY the RAC and Core thermal Hydraulics Engineer

- TSC of PASS sample analysis results.

5.1.28 CONSIDER the status of liquid effluent releases using appropriate Chemistry procedure(s), to quantify sample results.

5.1.29 ASSIST in the evaluation and resolution of radioactive waste problems and activities as conditions warrant.

5.1.30 BRIEF the RAC as data and information warrant.

5.1.31 REQUEST that the RAC augment chemistry staff as necessary.

5.1.32 BRIEF the RAC of potential unmonitored release paths as situations warrant.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0312(Q) 5.1.33 IF HOPE CREEK'S Standby Liquid Control has been injected, THEN consider refilling the Hope Creek SLC tank using Procedure HC.CH-AD.BH-0001(Q).

NOTE In accordance with NUREG 0737, a PASS sample shall be analyzed for chlorides within 96 hours0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br /> during post accident conditions. The following steps outline how this should be done to meet this criteria as the need arises.

5.1.34 PERFORM the following steps to ship a PASS sample to BWX Technologists for analysis:

A. NOTIFY the Radiation Protection Supervisor Radioactive Material Control (RPS-RMC) that the NUPAC PAS - 1 Shipping Cask is needed to transport a large volume PASS sample offsite to Babcock and Wilcox.

B. PHONE Robert Smith at 205-992-6820 or the PIMS Technician at 803-776-4714 to request the Shipping Cask.

NOTE The following information should be given to BWX Technologists:

, The name of the person calling and the plant involved.

  • The name and phone number of the responsible person at the utility to whom follow-up communication should be addressed.
  • The number and type of samples to be shipped (liquid and/or gaseous).

Measured radiation levels from the shipping container on contact and at three feet. If not known at time of initial phone call, call back as soon as the values are known.

The estimated shipping time and time of arrival at the Laboratory. If not known at time of initial phone call, call back as soon as the ETA is known.

C. NOTIFY BWX Technologists that a PASS sample is going to be shipped to them for chloride analysis at 434-522-5833.

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D. TRANSPORT and load the PASS sample as directed by the RPS-RMC.

NOTE Assembly shall be implemented after the declaration of an Alert Emergency declaration. Accountability shall be implemented after the declaration of a Site Area Emergency, and/or implemented at any time after Assembly, at the discretion of the Emergency Coordinator.

5.1.35 COORDINATE Accountability with the Shift Radiation Protection Technician (SRPT) or the Onshift Radiation Protection Technician (ORPT), utilizing Attachment 8, Assembly/Accountability Instruction - Control Point.

5.1.36 COORDINATE with the RAC, SRPT/ORPT, and Chemistry Technician - CP, relocation of the Control Point, if required.

Utilize Attachment 9, Chemistry - Control Point Evacuation Checklist.

5.1.37 Salem Chemistry COORDINATE with Hope Creek Chemistry to act as Salem's Count Room, if the Salem Count Room cannot be used.

5.1.38 Hope Creek Chemistry COORDINATE with Salem Chemistry to act as Hope Creek's Count Room, if the Hope Creek Count Room cannot be used.

6.0 RECORDS Return completed procedure and any pertinent data to the EP Manager.


7.1 References PSEG Nuclear Emergency Plan 7.2 Cross References 7.2.1 NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0311(Q), Control Point - Chemistry Response 7.2.2 NC.EP-WB.ZZ-0001(Z), Emergency Preparedness Phone Directory 7.2.3 HC.CH-AD.BH-0001(Q), Chemistry Addition To The Standby Liquid Control System 7.2.4 HC.CH-TI.ZZ-0003(Q), Environmental Monitoring and Compliance Sampling 7.2.5 HC.CH-SA.HA-0001(R), Sampling The Offgas System From 10-C 335 Panel Nuclear Common Page 7 of 26 Rev. 03

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0312(Q) 7.2.6 HC.CH-EO.SH-0007(Q), Transporting Post Accident Sample System Samples 7.2.7 HC.CH-GP.ZZ-0006(Q), Chemistry SCRAM Response 7.3 Commitments Emergency Preparedness Commitment EP96-005 Nuclear Common Page 8 of 26 Rev. 03



"* (CP) Condensate Polishing System

"* (DM) Demineralized Water Make Up

"* (CF) Chemical Feed Systems

"* (SS) Sampling Systems

"* (CL) Chlorination Systems

" (LW) Non-Radioactive Liquid Waste Disposal System

"* (PAS) PASS Sampling 2.0 Hope Creek Systems

  • (AK) Condensate Demineralizers
  • (AN) Demineralized Water Make Up, Storage and Transfer

.(AX) Hydrogen and Oxygen Injection Systems

  • (BG) Reactor Water Clean Up System Filtration and Demineralization (RWCU)
  • (DD) Circ Water Hypochlorination
  • (DE) Circ Water Caustic Addition
  • (ED) RACS Demineralization System (Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System)
  • (EG) SACS Demineralization System (Safety Auxiliary Cooling System)
  • (GB) Chilled Water System Filtration and Demineralization
  • (LB) Storm Drainage
  • (LD) Chemical Waste
  • (LE) Oily Waste
  • (RC) Process Sampling
  • (HA) Offgas System Nuclear Common Page 9 of 26 Rev. 03


ATTACHMENT 2 Page 1 of I CHEMISTRY GUIDELINES - POWER OPERATION 1.0 Salem 1.1 IF a RCS sample is requested, and general area dose rates at the primary sample panel permit, THEN SAMPLE RCS using appropriate Chemistry procedure.

1.2 IF dose rates at the sample panel do not permit, THEN REFER to Attachment 5, Chemistry Guidelines - PASS.

1.3 IF the data obtained is out of specification or suspect, THEN OBTAIN and analyze the applicable sample(s).

1.4 DETERMINE if the status of the Demin Water Storage Tanks are at an acceptable level.

1.5 IF tank levels are not acceptable, THEN MAKE - UP to the tanks using appropriate Chemistry procedures.

2.0 Hope Creek 2.1 REVIEW current reactor water chemistry data.

2.2 IF a Reactor Water sample is requested, and general area dose rates at the sample panel permit, THEN SAMPLE Reactor Water at the sample panel.

2.3 IF dose rates at the sample panel do not permit, THEN REFER to Attachment 5, Chemistry Guidelines - PASS.

2.4 SAMPLE the Off Gas system, as required, using appropriate procedures.

2.5 OBTAIN current chemistry data on the Condensate Polisher system and review instrument readings.

2.6 CHECK the status of the Demin Water Storage Tanks on panel 0OC1 18 and make up to demin water tanks as required.

2.7 CHECK status of the outside systems (Service Water, Circ Water, and Cooling Tower Blowdown) lAW Attachment 6, Chemistry Guidelines - Outside Systems.

2.8 CHECK status of the Hydrogen Water Chemistry Injection System.

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ATTACHMENT 3 Page I of 2 CHEMISTRY GUIDELINES - POWER REDUCTION 1.0 Salem 1.1 IMPLEMENT the actions listed in Attachment 6, Chemistry Guidelines - Outside Systems, Section 1.0.

1.2 IF dose rates permit, THEN OBTAIN an RCS sample 2-6 hours after a power reduction of >15%/hr. at normal sampling locations using appropriate Chemistry procedure.

1.3 IF dose rates do not permit, THEN REFER to Attachment 5, Chemistry Guidelines - PASS.

1.4 IF the data obtained is out of specification or suspect, THEN OBTAIN and analyze the applicable sample(s).

1.5 CHECK the status of the Demin Water Storage Tanks and determine if they are at an acceptable level.

1.6 IF tank levels are not acceptable, THEN MAKE - UP to the tanks using appropriate Chemistry procedures.

1.7 UTILIZE other Chemistry Department procedures for power reduction as appropriate.

2.0 Hope Creek 2.1 MONITOR the effect of reduced power on outside systems lAW HC.CH-TI.ZZ-0003(Q).

2.2 CHECK the status of the RWCU System, and if appropriate, reset vessel flow at the RWCU Panel 10076.

2.3 REVIEW all instrument readings from the RWCU sample panels.

2.4 IF dose rates permit at the sample panel, THEN OBTAIN a Reactor Water sample 2-6 hours after the power reduction at the normal sample point.

2.5 IF dose rates do not permit, THEN REFER to Attachment 5, Chemistry Guidelines - PASS.

2.6 SAMPLE the Off Gas System as required lAW procedure HC.CH-SA.HA-0001 (R).

2.7 OBTAIN current chemistry data on the Condensate System.

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ATTACHMENT 3 Page 2 of 2 2.8 REVIEW instrument readings at the Condensate Polishers and ensure that flows are above 3000 gpm.

2.9 CHECK the status of the Demin Water Storage Tanks at Panel 0OCl 18 and make up to the demin tanks as required.

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ATTACHMENT 4 Page 1 of 1 CHEMISTRY GUIDELINES - SALEM REACTOR TRIP 1.0 Salem Trip 1.1 IF dose rates permit, THEN OBTAIN an RCS sample 2-6 hours after a power reduction of >_15%/hr. at normal sampling locations using appropriate Chemistry procedure.

1.2 IF dose rates do not permit; THEN REFER to Attachment 5, Chemistry Guidelines - PASS.

1.3 CHECK the status of the Condensate Polishers and isolate vessels as necessary to maintain adequate flow for the in service vessels.

1.4 CHECK the status of the Demin Water Storage Tanks and determine if they are at an acceptable level.

1.5 IF the Demin Water Storage Tank's levels are not acceptable, THEN MAKE - UP to the tanks using appropriate Chemistry procedures.

1.6 UTILIZE other Chemistry Department procedures for shutdown as appropriate.

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ATTACHMENT 5 Page 1 of 3 CHEMISTRY GUIDELINES - PASS NOTE The plant's current operational condition will determine the appropriate sample location.

Utilize the sample location lists below to help in making this determination.

1.0 SALEM SAMPLE TYPES 1.1 IF samples are requested for fuel damage assessment, THEN OBTAIN a sample using the preference list for sample type listed below:

"* RCS Loop- Liquid

"* RHR/Containment Sump - Liquid

"* RCS/RHR- Gas 1.2 IF samples are requested for source term determination, THEN OBTAIN a sample using the preference list for sample type listed below:

  • RCS/RHR-Gas
  • RCS Loop - Liquid 0 RHR/Containment Sump - Liquid 1.3 IF the Containment is to be vented or purged, THEN OBTAIN a sample from the Containment Atmosphere - Gas.

2.0 COORDINATION AND STORAGE OF PASS AT SALEM STATION NOTE Figure - 1, Salem PASS Storage Location, illustrates the PASS storage locations outlined in step 2.1.

2.1 REFER to Figure - 1 to ensure the transportation and storage of post accident samples in one of the acceptable storage locations listed below occurs.

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ATTACHMENT 5 Page 2 of 3

"* Blowdown panel room, elevation 100'. A lead brick cave will be available for optimum shielding. (a)

"* Fuel handling annex (small truck bay) elevation 100'. (b)

"* Hot drum storage cask labyrinth, adjacent to Fuel Handling Building yard, elevation 100'. (c)

"* Hot drum storage area, elevation 100', Solid Radwaste. (d)

"* Waste evaporator bottoms hold tank area, elevation 100'. (e) 2.2 ENSURE that radiation protection provides escorts, survey, posting, and shielding as appropriate.

2.3 ENSURE that all samples are labeled, and entered in the Chemistry Emergency Log including storage location.

2.4 KEEP the Chemistry Supervisor - CP/TSC informed of transportation and storage activities.

NOTE The plant's current operational condition will determine the appropriate PASS sampling location. Utilize the sample location lists below to help in making this determination.

3.0 HOPE CREEK SAMPLE TYPES 3.1 IF samples are requested for fuel damage assessment, THEN OBTAIN a sample using the preference list for sample location listed below:

"° Jet Pump - Liquid

"* RHR - Liquid (RHR Loop A - Pumps A and C)

(RHR Loop B - Pumps B and D)

"* Torus-Gas

"* Drywell Atmosphere - Gas 3.2 IF samples are requested for source term determination, THEN OBTAIN a sample using the preference list for sample location listed below:

"* Drywell Atmosphere - Gas

"* Torus-Gas Nuclear Common Page 15 of 26 Rev. 03


ATTACHMENT 5 Page 3 of 3

"* Jet Pump - Liquid

"* RHR - Liquid (RHR Loop A - Pumps A and C (RHR Loop B - Pumps B and D) 3.3 IF the Drywell is to be vented, THEN OBTAIN a sample using the preference list for sample location listed below:

"* Torus - Gas

"* Drywell Atmosphere - Gas

"* Jet Pump - Liquid

"* RHR - Liquid (RHR Loop A - Pumps A and C)


  • (HC.CH-EO.SH-0007Q) Transporting Post Accident Sampling System Samples 5.0 COORDINATION AND STORAGE OF PASS AT HOPE CREEK STATION 5.1 Transport and store post accident samples lAW procedure HC.CH-EO.SH-0007(Q), as thought necessary by the Chemistry Supervisor.

5.1 REFER to Figure - 2, Hope Creek PASS Storage Location, for acceptable locations.

5.2 ENSURE that radiation protection provides escorts, survey, posting, and shielding as appropriate.

5.3 ENSURE that all samples are labeled, and entered in the sample log, including storage location.

5.4 KEEP the Chemistry Supervisor - CP/TSC informed of transportation and storage activities.

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ATTACHMENT 6 Page 1 of I CHEMISTRY GUIDELINES - OUTSIDE SYSTEMS 1.0 Dosimetry ENSURE that all personnel dispatched to the outside systems wear there dosimetry at all times.

2.0 Communications ENSURE that all personnel dispatched to the outside systems have a portable radio and maintain communications with the CR, OSC, TSC, or CP as appropriate.

3.0 HOPE CREEK ACTIONS DURING POWER OPERATION 3.1 CHECK the status of (EQ) Service Water Hypochlorination.

3.2 CHECK the status of (DD) Circ Water Hypochlorination.

3.3 CHECK the status of (DE) Circ Water Caustic Addition.

3.3 CHECK the status of (DF) Cooling Tower Blowdown Dechlorination.


4.2 DECREASE (DD) Circ Water Hypochlorination.

4.3 DECREASE (DE) Circ Water Caustic Addition.

4.4 INCREASE (DF) Cooling Tower Blowdown Dechlorination.

4.5 ANALYZE the effluent at the Cooling Tower Blowdown.

5.0 HOPE CREEK ACTIONS AFTER A REACTOR SCRAM 5.1 ISOLATE (EQ) Service Water Hypochlorination.

5.2 ISOLATE (DD) Circ Water Hypochlorination.

5.3 ISOLATE or Secure (DE) Circ Water Caustic Addition.

5.4 INCREASE (DF) Cooling Tower Blowdown Dechlorination.

5.5 ANALYZE the effluent at the Cooling Tower Blowdown.

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"* Steam Generator Liquid

"* RCS Liquid

"* Air Ejector Effluent 1.2 IF appropriate, THEN NOTIFY Radiation Protection that radiological surveys in the secondary plant may be necessary, with emphasis on filters and demineralizers.

2.0 SALEM REACTOR TRIP 2.1 REQUEST that the control room open the blowdown isolation valves.

2.2 IF appropriate, THEN SAMPLE and analyze the following for isotopic content:

"* Steam Generator Liquid

"* RCS Liquid 2.3 IF appropriate, THEN NOTIFY Radiation Protection that radiological surveys in the secondary plant may be necessary, with emphasis on filters and demineralizers.

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NOTE Assembly/Accountability actions at the Control Point are to be coordinated with the SRPT/ORPT and the RAC.

1.1.1 ASSEMBLE all Chemistry Personnel at the Control Point.

1.1.2 DIRECT personnel exiting the RCA to proceed to their accountability station or direct them to assemble in change areas dependent on radiological conditions.

1.1.3 DIRECT personnel remaining at the Control Point to sign in on the Accountability Station Attendance Sheet (Form - 1).

1.1.4 IF accountability implementation is called for, THEN PROCEED to step 2.0 of this attachment.


T-0 MIN 2.1.1 IF the Radiation Alert Alarm and page announcement sounds, "ALL ACCOUNTABILITY STATIONS IMPLEMENT ACCOUNTABILITY",

THEN ENSURE all personnel at the Control Point, -including all personnel in the Rad. Pro. Break Room and Change Areas, have passed their photobadges through the special accountability cardreader located at the Control Point.

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ATTACHMENT 8 Page 2 of 2 T - + 20 MIN 2.1.2 WHEN the page announcement sounds, "ALL ACCOUNTABILITY STATIONS COMPLETE YOUR ACCOUNTABILITY", THEN ENSURE that any personnel arriving at the Control Point since the initial call for accountability also have passed their photobadges through the Control Point accountability cardreader.

2.1.3 DIRECT all stragglers (personnel arriving at the Control Point after 30 minutes have lapsed) to pass their photobadge through the accountability cardreader and report the badge number(s) of stragglers to the Security Center (Ext. 2223).

2.1.4 MAINTAIN continuous accountability until Hope Creek's/Salem's emergency is terminated.

2.1.5 IF the Automated Accountability System malfunctions, THEN REFER to step 3.0.


3.1.1 IF the automated accountability system malfunction, THEN PROVIDE a copy of the Accountability Station Attendance Sheet, Form - 1, to the Security Force Member dispatched to the Control Point.

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1.1.1 ENSURE Chemistry personnel are assisting Radiation Protection personnel in evacuation of the Control Point.

1.1.2 ENSURE that the TSC and Control Room are kept aware of the new location.

1.1.3 ENSURE the following equipment is included in the Control Point evacuation:

  • Movable Counting Room Equipment.
  • Dosimeters, additional TLDs from the Control Point.
  • Emergency Logbooks.
  • Portable Survey Equipment.
  • Survey materials (air sample filters etc.).
  • SCBA and spare tanks.
  • Respirators and canisters.
  • Protective Clothing.
  • Posting Materials and Barricades.

"* Event Classification Guide.

"* Station Procedures.

1.1.4 NOTIFY the RAC of the new telephone numbers.

1.1.5 NOTIFY the RAC when the new Control Pont has become operational.

1.1.6 RE-ESTABLISH the operability of the evacuated equipment as soon as possible.

1.1.7 MONITOR continuously Chemistry personnel exposure. Rotate personnel as appropriate to ensure dose limits are not exceeded.

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ATTACHMENT 9 Page 2 of 2 1.1.8 ENSURE all pertinent information is entered in log books.

1.1.9 USE the equipment checklist and note deficiencies.

1.1.9 IF additional materials or services are required due to relocation, THEN CONTACT the RAC.

NOTE A list of categories, corresponding Vendors and telephone numbers is provided in the EP Phone Directory, NC.EP-WB.ZZ 0001(Z), located at the Control Point, TSC, Control Room, and EOF. For PSEG stockroom items refer to SAP.

1.1.10 WHEN requesting inventory status, THEN GIVE due regard to habitability of particular areas.

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LAST NAMEIFIRST NAME BADGE NUMBER Attach additional pages with appropriate information as needed.

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FIGURE - I Page 1 of 2 SALEM PASS STORAGE LOCATION ELEVATION 100 FOOT Nuclear Common Page 24 of 26 Rev. 03


FIGURE - 1 Page 2 of 2 Blowdown panel room, elevation 100'. A lead brick cave will be available for optimum shielding. (a)

Fuel handling annex (small truck bay) elevation 100'. (b)

Hot drum storage cask labyrinth, adjacent to Fuel Handling Building yard, elevation 100'. (c)

Hot drum storage area, elevation 100',

Solid Radwaste.(d)

Waste evaporator bottoms hold tank area, elevation 100'. (e)

Nuclear Common Page 26 of 26 Rev. 03





1. This revision satisfies the requirement for a biennial review. COPY # Ep\ Ca*
2. Clarified what type of a sample should be used in back calculation in the note prior to step 5.2.8 (Corrected Open Window value).
3. Clarified that corrected counts per minute (ccpm) should be used in back calculation in the note prior to step 5.2.14.

IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS Procedure Implementation Date: 'c/'7 3/ 2,.4 .Y2-APPROVED:

-Manaer Date APPROVED: Prei-O n Vice Presid'ent -'Operations Date'

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1.0 P UR P O S E ..................................................................................................... 3 2.0 PREREQUISITES ....................................................................................... 3 2.1 Prerequisites To Be Followed Prior To Implementing This Procedure ...................................................................................... .. 3 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ......................................................... 3 3.1 Precaution and Limitations To Be Followed Prior To Implementing T his P rocedure .................................................................................. 3 4.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED ............................................................................ 4 5.0 PROCEDURE ............................................................................................. 4 5.1 Sign-on Instructions For MIDAS ........................................................ 4 5.2 Perform the Following to Produce a SSCL Page 2 Using Back Calculation Dose Assessment Mode .................................................. ;5 5.3 The Following Steps Should be Performed to Calculate Liquid Release Dose Assessment For Swimmers ...................................... 9 5.4 The Following Steps Should be Performed to Calculate Dose Assessment Using DAPA Values (Leakage From The Drywell) ..... 11 5.5 Perform the Following to Produce a SSCL Page 2 Using Default Dose Assessment ............................................................................ 13 5.6 Perform the Following to Produce a SSCL Page 2 Using Default Dose Assessment Based On NUREG 1228 ..................................... 22 6.0 R E C O R DS .................................................................................................. 30


............................................................................................ 30 7.1 R eferences ....................................................................................... 30 7.2 Cross References ............................................................................ 30 Nuclear Common Page I of 39 Rev 01

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q)

ATTACHIMENTS Attachme nt 1 Operating Instructions For VAX LAI20 Terminal ............................ 30 Attachme nt 2 Operating Instructions For Salem SPDS Radiological Screens ......... 33 FORM Form - 1 SPDS RMS Log (Salem Only) .................................................................. 36 TABLES TABLE 1 - 1 Drywell Rate Nomogram ........................................................................... 37 TABLE 1 - 2 Xu/Q Values for Elevated Releases at Hope Creek ................................... 38 TABLE 1 - 3 Xu/Q Values for Ground Releases at Hope Creek ..................................... 39 Nuclear Common Page 2 of 39 Rev 01

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides guidance and operating instructions concerning performing advanced dose assessment using the dose assessment program MIDAS.

2.0 PREREQUISITES 2.1 Prerequisites to be Followed Prior to Implementing This Procedure Implement this procedure:

"* Upon the declaration of an Unusual Event or higher emergency classification.

"* At the request of the Operation Superintendent (OS).

"* At the request of the Emergency Duty Officer (EDO).

"* At the request of the Radiation Protection Duty Supervisor (RPDS) or Shift Radiation Protection Technician (SRPT).

3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 Precautions and Limitations to be Followed Prior to Implementing this Procedure:

3.1.1 It is recommended that initials be used in the place keeping sign offs, instead of checkmarks, if more than one person may implement this procedure.

3.1.2 Steps in this procedure may be performed in the order deemed appropriate for the emergency situation. Only steps that are applicable to the specific MIDAS dose assessment mode of operation that is being performed need be followed.

3.1.3 Personnel who implement this procedure shall be trained and qualified lAW the Emergency Plan.

3.1.4 This procedure is limited to performance of advanced dose assessment calculations [Dose Assessment Based On Back Calculation, Liquid Release (Swimmers), DAPA Values, Default UFSAR, and Default NUREG 1228 Modes] and instructions on manipulation of map screens, including printing out of map screens.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 4.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Necessary equipment is provided in the Emergency Response Facilities.


"* Dose Assessment should be performed using 10 or 15-minute average RMS and Meteorological data, unless circumstances in step 5.1.1 are met.

"* Attachment 1, Operation of the VAX LA120 Terminal, should be referred to for operational directions for the VAX LA1 20.

"* Attachment 2, Instructions for Salem SPDS Displays, should be referred to for operational directions for the radiological SPDS screens, including the RM and RML screens.

5.1 Sian-on Instructions For MIDAS 5.1.1 DEPRESS the POWER button. (The Microsoft Windows NT Screen will appear with a Begin Logon box displayed. The command inside the box will read, Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete to logon).

5.1.2 DEPRESS the Ctrl, Alt, Delete keys simultaneously. (The Logon Information box will be displayed with lines to enter User name and Password).

5.1.3 INPUT midas into the User name line.

5.1.4 INPUT midas into the Password line and depress the RETURN key.

5.1.5 POSITION the cursor on the Midas Icon and click the mouse twice.

(The MIDAS unit selection screen will be displayed).

5.1.6 POSITION the mouse cursor + over the box of your selection (Hope Creek, Salem Unit 1, or Salem Unit 2) and click the mouse once. (Your selection will become highlighted).

5.1.7 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and click the mouse once. (The Function Selection screen will appear).

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 5.1.8 SELECT the appropriate Section for type of dose assessment mode from list below:

" Refer to Section 5.2 to perform Dose Assessment Using Back Calculation.

" Refer to Section 5.3 to perform Dose Assessment for Swimmers based on a Liquid Release.

" Refer to Section 5.4 to perform Dose Assessment from DAPA Values.

" Refer to Section 5.5 to perform "What If' Dose Assessment calculations using Default mode.

" Refer to Section 5.6 to perform "What If' Dose Assessment calculations using Default 1228 mode.

" Refer to Attachment I for Operating Instructions for the VAX LA120 Terminal.

"* Refer to Attachment 2 for Operating Instructions for SALEM SPDS Radiological Screens.

5.2 PERFORM THE FOLLOWING TO PRODUCE A SSCL PAGE 2 USING THE BACK CALCULATION DOSE ASSESSMENT MODE NOTE Back Calculation Dose Assessment should be used if dose assessment values are needed based on onsite or offsite field team meter results.

  • While performing Back Calculation and the following appears on the screen:


[NO] PROCEED WITH MANUAL ENTRY Respond in the following manner: Choose NO and proceed with following the steps listed in section 5.2 of this procedure.

5.2.1 POSITION the cursor over the ACCIDENT DOSE CALCULATIONS (AC) box and CLICK the mouse once. (Your selection will become highlighted).

Nuclear Common Page 5 of 39 Rev 01

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 5.2.2 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (Your selection will become highlighted and the Accident Dose Calculations (AC) screen will appear).

5.2.3 POSITION the cursor over the FIELD TEAM STRAIGHT LINE (MENU E) box and CLICK the mouse once. The box will become highlighted.

5.2.4 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the Mouse once. (The Field Monitoring Parameter Selection screen will then appear).

5.2.5 POSITION the cursor over the RESET box and CLICK the mouse once. (The highlighted boxes will now be cleared and data may now be inputted).

5.2.6 POSITION the cursor over the GROUND box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted) 5.2.7 POSITION the cursor over the FIELD MONITOR READING (MR/HR) box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted and a pop-up screen will appear in the upper right side of the screen).

NOTE The corrected open window value should be used in step 5.2.8.

(Subtract Closed Window value from Open Window value and multiply the answer by 5).

5.2.8 POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number(s) you wish to enter and CLICK the mouse once. (The number you chose will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

5.2.9 POSITION the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once.

(The value selected will be displayed in the FIELD MONITOR READING box).

5.2.10 POSITION the cursor over the DISTANCE FROM THE PLANT (MILES) box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted and a pop-up screen will appear in the upper right side of the screen).

5.2.11 POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number(s) you wish to enter and CLICK the mouse once. (The number you chose will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 5.2.12 POSITION the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once.

(The value selected will be displayed in the FIELD MONITOR READING box).

5.2.13 POSITION the cursor over the SILVER ZEOLITE (CPM) box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted and a pop-up screen will appear in the upper right side of the screen).

NOTE The corrected counts per minute value should be used in step 5.2.14.

(Subtract Background value from Total Counts Per Minute value.

5.2.14 POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number(s) you wish to enter and CLICK the mouse once. (The number you chose will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

5.2.15 POSITION the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once.

(The value selected will be displayed in the FIELD MONITOR READING box).

5.2.16 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. IF the calculating screen appears, THEN MIDAS is starting to perform dose assessment calculations. The SSCL will automatically printout and the 10 mile TEDE 4-DAY map will appear on the screen.

5.2.17 IF the Meteorological Spread Sheet screen appears, THEN input appropriate meteorological values.

5.2.18 POSITION the cursor to the CONTINUE box on the bottom of the screen and CLICK the mouse once. (The NEXT REPORT box will replace the CONTINUE box).

5.2.19 POSITION the cursor over the NEXT REPORT box and CLICK the mouse once. (The MORE REPORTS box will replace the NEXT REPORT box).

5.2.20 POSITION the cursor over the MORE REPORTS box and CLICK the mouse once. (The More Reports Selection screen will appear).

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" Step 5.2.21 provides instructions for utilizing the SSCL Box to print a SSCL to the screen, if the printer is malfunctioning.

" Step 5.2.21 provides instructions for utilizing the SSCL Box to print an additional SSCL.

" A blank SSCL page 2 can be found in ECG Attachment 8 or obtained from Communicator 2.

5.2.21 IF a SSCL needs be printed to the screen or an additional SSCL printed out, THEN:

A. POSITION the cursor over the SSCL Box and CLICK the mouse once.

B. POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The SSCL will be printed to the screen, and if the printer is functioning, an additional SSCL will be printed out).

5.2.22 POSITION the cursor over the EXIT box and CLICK the mouse once. (The EXIT box will become highlighted).

5.2.23 CLICK the mouse again. (The Function Selection screen will appear).

5.2.24 IF another dose assessment calculation and SSCL is needed, THEN REPEAT steps 5.2.1 through 5.2.23.

5.2.25 IF you need to exit the MIDAS program, THEN:

A. POSITION the cursor over the EXIT box and click the mouse twice. (The Unit Selection screen will appear).

B. POSITION the cursor over the EXIT box, click the mouse twice.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 5.3 The Following Steps Should Be Performed To Calculate Liquid Release Dose Assessment For Swimmers NOTE Liquid Release Dose Assessment for Swimmers should be performed lAW Section 5.3 of this procedure.

5.3.1 PERFORM the following to perform dose assessment for swimmers.

A. OBTAIN the gross liquid release activity from chemistry and record the value in Space A.

B. SELECT the Dose Rate Conversion Factor from below.

Gamma External Dose Equivalent = 1.44E-06 mRemlhr/pCi/l Beta/Gamma Skin Dose Equivalent = 1.72E-06 mRemlhrIpCiIl C. RECORD the value in Space D.

D. OBTAIN the exposure time.

E. RECORD in Space E.


  • The average yearly dilution factor for routine releases is 1.0OE-03.
  • The default dilution factor is 1.OOE+00 and should be used if the dilution factor is unknown.

F. OBTAIN the dilution factor from chemistry or use the default value.

G. RECORD value in Space F.

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H. MULITPLY the value in Space A by the value in Space B. (The value calculated will be the total concentration of the liquid release).

1. RECORD the value in space C.

J. MULTIPLY the values from Spaces C, D,E and Fto (The calculated value will be the External Dose Equivalent (EDE) dose).

K. RECORD the value in Space G.


  • B. 1.OOE+09 = C.

Gross Liquid Conversion Factor Total Concentration Activity (uCi/ml) (pCi/I)

D. E. *F.

DRCF Exposure Time Dilution Factor (mRem/hr/pCi/l) (Hours)


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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 5.4 The Following Steps Should Be Performed To Calculate Dose Assessment DAPA Values (Leakage From The Drywell)

NOTE Section 5.4 of this procedure is for HOPE CREEK ONLY and should be used to perform Leakage from the Drywell Dose Assessment using DAPA Values.

5.4.1 OBTAIN the DAPA "A" or "B" monitor value (which ever one is the highest) and record this value on the horizontal axis of Table 1 - 1, Drywell (Primary Containment) High Range Monitor Response (DAPA) R/hr.

5.4.2 MULTIPLY the leak rate in uCi/sec by 1.OOE-03 to obtain percent of Drywell Leakage. [The leak rate in uCi/sec may be obtained from the RM-1 1 or the VAX LA1 20.

IF the Reactor Building Ventilation hasn't been isolated, THEN use 9RX580 (FRVS Effluent Monitor Reading)].

[IF the Reactor Building Ventilation has been isolated, THEN use 9RX680 (SPV Effluent Monitor Reading)].

5.4.3 RECORD the percent of Drywell Leakage on Table 1-1 by choosing the most appropriate diagonal line.

(100% 2 hrs, 100%, 10%, 1.0%,0.5%, or 0.1%)

5.4.4 LOCATE where the DAPA monitor value and the percent leakage intersect on Table 1 - 1.

5.4.5 DRAW a line from this point of intersection to Scale "A" titled Release Rate (uCi/sec).

5.4.6 PERFORM the following steps to determine the X/Q value on Scale "B":

A. DIVIDE the wind speed (mph) by 2.24 to obtain the wind speed in m/sec.

B. RECORD the wind speed in the wind speed blank (Step 5.4.7).

C. REFER to Table 1 - 2 for an elevated release OR REFER to Table 1 - 3 for a ground release and locate the specific distance of interest.

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D. FOLLOW the appropriate table over to the right to the current Stability Class.

E. MULTIPLY this value by 1.0OE-06.

F. RECORD the value in the Xu/Q blank (Step 5.4.7).

G. DIVIDE the XuIQ value by the wind speed in m/sec.

and record the value in the X/Q blank.

5.4.7 LOCATE the approximate X/Q value on Scale "B" and plot the value.

Xu/Q / wind speed (m/sec) X/Q 5.4.8 DRAW a straight line from the point of interest on Scale "A"to the X/Q value located on Scale "B".

5.4.9 CONTINUE TO DRAW the line to the point of intersection on Scale "C".

5.4.10 DETERMINE by interpolation the approximate value of the intercept point on Scale "C". (This is the projected external dose equivalent (EDE) offsite dose rate in mRem/hr).

5.4.11 MULTIPLY this value by four to obtain a four-hour projected EDE dose.

NOTE The TEDE + 4 to EDE Correction Factor is 1.

5.4.12 MULTIPLY the EDE dose by 1 to obtain the four-hour projected TEDE dose.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 5.5 Perform The Following To Produce A SSCL Page 2 Using Default Dose Assessment Mode NOTE While performing "WHAT IF" DEFAULT dose assessment calculations, the Following appears on the screen:


[NO] PROCEED WITH MANUAL ENTRY Respond in the following manner:

Choose NO and proceed with Section 5.5 of this procedure.

Section 5.5 of this procedure should be used to perform "WHAT IF" DEFAULT dose assessment calculations and should NOT be used for event classifications or protective action recommendations.

5.5.1 POSITION the cursor over the ACCIDENT DOSE CALCULATIONS (AC) box and CLICK the mouse once.

(Your selection will become highlighted).

5.5.2 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (Your selection will become highlighted and the Accident Dose Calculations (AC) screen will appear).

5.5.3 POSITION the cursor over ADVANCED CALCS ALL SCREENS (MENU X) and CLICK the mouse once. (Your selection will become highlighted).

5.5.4 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted.

MIDAS will attempt to collect automatic data. The Miscellaneous Parameters screen will then appear).

5.5.5 PERFROM the following to highlight appropriate selections:

A. POSITION the cursor over the RESET box and CLICK the mouse. No boxes will now be highlighted.

B. POSITION the cursor over the MANUAL box and CLICK the mouse once.

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C. POSITION the cursor over the appropriate RELEASE POINT(S) and CLICK the mouse once.

(The box will become highlighted).

D. POSITION the cursor over the FLOW EX VEL (CFM) box for the release point chosen and CLICK the mouse once. (A pop-up screen will appear).

E. INPUT the exit velocity flow rate using the pop-up screen by positioning the cursor over the correct value(s) and CLICKING the mouse once.

" Exit Velocity For HOPE CREEK: ZERO (0) for all REL PTs.

"* Exit Velocity For SALEM: ZERO (0) for REL PTs. 1 and 4

"* Exit Velocity For SALEM: 95 for REL PT 2 F. INPUT the exit velocity flow rate using the pop-up screen by positioning the cursor over the correct Value(s), selected from above, and CLICKING the mouse once.

G. POSITION the cursor over the EN box when the appropriate values are inputted and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted with the flow rate inside the box).

H. POSITION the cursor over the MAX DIST DOWNWIND (MILES) box and CLICK the mouse once. A pop-up screen will appear.

I. INPUT 10 using the pop-up screen.

J. POSITION the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted with 10 appearing inside the box).

5.5.6 POSITION the cursor over-the AUTO SCENARIO INTEGRATION box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted).

5.5.7 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted and Run Mode and Integration screen will appear).

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 5.5.8 POSITION the cursor over the PROJECTED (FORECAST)

DOSE box.

5.5.9 IF the PROJECTED (FORECAST) DOSE is highlighted, THEN GO to step 5.5.11.

5.5.10 IF the PROJECTED (FORECAST) DOSE box is not highlighted, THEN place the cursor on the box and CLICK the mouse once.

5.5.11 POSITION the cursor over the START DATE INTEG.

CURRENT Box and CLICK the mouse once.

5.5.12 IF the PROJ. TIMES (HRS) box DOES have .25, 1, 4, 24 inside of the box and is highlighted, THEN go to Step 5.5.14.

5.5.13 IF the PROJ. TIMES (HRS) box DOESN'T have .25, 1, 4, 24 inside of box, THEN POSITION the cursor over the PROJ. TIMES (HRS) box and CLICK the mouse once. (A pop-up screen will appear in the upper right of the screen).

A. INPUT .25, 1, 4, 24 using the pop-up screen.

B. POSITION the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once.

5.5.14 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted and the Release Option Selection screen will appear).

5.5.15 POSITION the cursor over the DEFAULT DBA ACCIDENT box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted).

5.5.16 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The Design Basis Accident Selection screen for the release point selected will appear).

5.5.17 POSITION the cursor over the appropriate accident and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted) 5.5.18 POSITION the cursor over the appropriate selection(s) and CLICK the mouse once. (The Release Timing Selection screen will appear).

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 5.5.19 POSITION the cursor over the TRIP CURRENT TIME box and CLICK the mouse once.

5.5.20 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted and the Release Option Selection screen will appear).

5.5.21 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (DO NOT ENTER ANY VALUES IN THE DURATION OR REMAINING DURATION BOXES. The Weather Selection screen will appear).

5.5.22 PERFORM the following steps to input meteorological data:

NOTE The user will NOT be prompted for the SPD33P (MPH) if the release is an elevated release.

A. POSITION the cursor over the SPD33P (MPH) box and CLICK the mouse once to input the 33 foot elevation wind speed.

B. POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number(s) you wish to enter and CLICK the mouse once. (The number you chose will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

C. MOVE the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. [The value chosen will be displayed in specific weather parameter box that is being inputted (i.e. SPD33P MPH)].

NOTE The user will NOT be prompted for the SPD300 (MPH) if the release is a ground release.

D. POSITION the cursor over the SPD300 (MPH) box and CLICK the mouse once to input the 300 foot elevation wind speed.

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E. POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number(s) you wish to enter and CLICK the mouse once. (The number you chose will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

F. MOVE the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. (The value chosen will be displayed in specific weather parameter box).

NOTE The Default Value of one (1.0) should be used for DT300, if the delta t data is not available. This will produce an "E" stability class.

G. POSITION the cursor over the DT300 (DEG.C) box and CLICK the mouse once to input the 300 - 33 foot delta temperature. (The box will become highlighted).

H. POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number(s) you wish to enter and CLICK the mouse once. (The number you chose will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

1. MOVE the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. (The value chosen will be displayed in specific weather parameter box).

NOTE MIDAS does not use ambient temperature value. Twenty (20) degrees should be used for ambient temperature.

J. POSITION the cursor over the TEMP33 (DEG.C) box and CLICK the mouse once to input the ambient temperature.(The box will become highlighted).

K. POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number 20 and CLICK the mouse once. (The number 20 will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

L. MOVE the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. (The value chosen will be displayed in specific weather parameter box).

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M. POSITION the cursor over the DIR33P (DEG.C) box and CLICK the mouse once to input the 33 foot wind direction. (The box will become highlighted).

N. POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number(s) you wish to enter and CLICK the mouse once. (The number you chose will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

0. MOVE the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. (The value chosen will be displayed in specific weather parameter box).

P. POSITION the cursor over the RAIN (INCHES) box and CLICK the mouse once to input the 15 minute average precipitation. (The box will become highlighted).

NOTE The following values of values may be inputted if actual rainfall data is not known:

0 0.08 = (Heavy Rainfall)

  • 0.02 = (Moderate Rainfall)
  • 0.01 - (Light Rainfall)
  • The number Zero "0" if it is not raining.

Q. POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number(s)

You wish to enter and CLICK the mouse once. (The number you chose will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

R. MOVE the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. (The value chosen will be displayed in specific weather parameter box).


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S. POSITION the cursor over CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The Rad Monitoring Channel screen will appear).

5.5.23 POSITION the cursor over the CONTINUE box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted and Release Point Data screen will appear).

5.5.24 POSITION the cursor over the CONTINUE box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted and the Summary of Meteorological Data screen will appear).

5.5.25 POSITION the cursor over CONTINUE box and CLICK the mouse once. (The calculating screen will appear, while PC MIDAS performs dose assessment calculations. The SSCL will automatically printout and the 10 mile TEDE 4-DAY map will appear on the screen after the calculations are finished).

5.5.26 POSITION the cursor to the CONTINUE box on the bottom of the screen and CLICK the mouse once.

(The NEXT REPORT box will replace the CONTINUE box).

5.5.27 POSITION the cursor over the NEXT REPORT box and CLICK the mouse once. (The MORE REPORTS box will replace the NEXT REPORT box).

5.5.28 POSITION the cursor over the MORE REPORTS box and CLICK the mouse once. (The More Reports Selection screen will appear).


" Step 5.5.29 provides instructions for utilizing the SSCL Box to print a SSCL to the screen, if the printer is malfunctioning.

"* Step 5.5.29 provides instructions for utilizing the SSCL Box to print an additional SSCL.

"* A blank SSCL page 2 can be found in ECG Attachment 8 or obtained from Communicator 2.

5.5.29 IF a SSCL needs be printed to the screen or another SSCL printed out, THEN:

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A. POSITION the cursor over the SSCL Box and CLICK the mouse once.

B. POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The SSCL will be printed to the screen, and if the printer is functioning, another SSCL will be printed out).

5.5.30 POSITION the cursor over the EXIT box and CLICK the Mouse once. (The EXIT box will become highlighted).

5.5.31 CLICK the mouse again. (The Function Selection screen will appear).

5.5.32 IF another dose assessment calculation and SSCL is needed, THEN REPEAT steps 5.5.1 through 5.5.30.

5.5.33 IF you need to exit the MIDAS program, THEN:

A. POSITION the cursor over the EXIT box and click the mouse twice. (The Unit Selection screen will appear).

B. POSITION the cursor over the EXIT box, click the mouse twice.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 5.6 Perform The Following To Produce A SSCL Page 2 Using The Default Dose Assessment Based On NUREG 1228 Mode NOTE

" While performing NUREG 1228 "WHAT IF" DEFAULT dose assessment calculations, the following appears on the screen:


[NO] PROCEED WITH MANUAL ENTRY Respond in the following manner:

Choose NO and proceed with Section 5.6 of this procedure.

" Section 5.6 of this procedure should only be used to perform "WHAT IF" NUREG 1228 DEFAULT dose assessment calculations and should NOT be used for event classifications or protective action recommendations.

5.6.1 POSITION the cursor over the ACCIDENT DOSE CALCULATIONS (AC) box and CLICK the mouse once.

(Your selection will become highlighted).

5.6.2 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. [Your selection will become highlighted and the Accident Dose Calculations (AC) screen will appear].

5.6.3 POSITION the cursor over ADVANCED CALCS ALL SCREENS (MENU X) and CLICK the mouse once. (Your selection will become highlighted).

5.6.4 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted.

MIDAS will attempt to collect automatic data. The Miscellaneous Parameters screen will then appear).

5.6.5 PERFROM the following to highlight appropriate selections:

A. POSITION the cursor over the RESET box and CLICK the mouse. No boxes will now be highlighted.

B. POSITION the cursor over the MANUAL box and CLICK the mouse once.

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C. POSITION the cursor over the appropriate RELEASE POINT(S) and CLICK the mouse once.

(The box will become highlighted).

D. POSITION the cursor over the FLOW EX VEL (CFM) box for the release point chosen and CLICK the mouse once. (A pop-up screen will appear).

E. INPUT the exit velocity flow rate using the pop-up screen by positioning the cursor over the correct values and CLICKING the mouse once.

"* Exit Velocity For HOPE CREEK: ZERO (0) for all REL PTs.

"* Exit Velocity For SALEM: ZERO (0) for REL PTs. 1 and 4

"* Exit Velocity For SALEM: 95 for REL PT 2 F. POSITION the cursor over the EN box when the appropriate values are inputted and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted with the flow rate inside the box).

G. POSITION the cursor over the MAX DIST DOWNWIND (MILES) box and CLICK the mouse once. A pop-up screen will appear.

H. INPUT 10 using the pop-up screen.

I. POSITION the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted with 10 appearing inside the box).

5.6.6 POSITION the cursor over the AUTO SCENARIO INTEGRATION box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted).

5.6.7 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted and Run Mode and Integration screen will appear).

5.6.8 POSITION the-cursor over the PROJECTED (FORECAST)

DOSE box.

5.6.9 IF the PROJECTED (FORECAST) DOSE is highlighted, THEN GO to step 5.6.11.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 5.6.10 IF the PROJECTED (FORECAST) DOSE box is not highlighted, THEN position the cursor over the box and CLICK the mouse once.

5.6.11 POSITION the cursor over the START DATE INTEG.


5.6.12 IF the PROJ. TIMES (HRS) box DOES have .25, 1, 4, 24 inside of the box and is highlighted, THEN go to Step 5.6.14.

5.6.13 IF the PROJ. TIMES (HRS) box doesn't have .25, 1, 4, 24 inside of it and is not highlighted, THEN POSITION the cursor over the PROJ. TIMES (HRS) box and CLICK the mouse once. (A pop-up screen will appear in the upper right of the screen).

A. INPUT .25, 1, 4, 24 using the pop-up screen.

B. POSITION the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once.

5.6.14 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted and the Release Option Selection screen will appear).

5.6.15 POSITION the cursor over the EVENT TREE NUREG 1228 box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted).

5.6.16 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The Event Tree NUREG 1228 Selection screen for the different NUREG 1228 default accidents will appear).

5.6.17 POSITION the cursor over the appropriate accident and CLICK the mouse once. (Choices for the specific accident selected will appear).

5.6.18 POSITION the cursor over the appropriate selection(s) and CLICK the mouse once. (The Release Timing Selection screen will appear).

5.6.19 POSITION the cursor over the TRIP CURRENT TIME box and CLICK the mouse once.

5.6.20 POSITION the cursor over the RELEASE START SAME AS TRIP DATE box and CLICK the mouse once.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 5.6.21 POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (DO NOT ENTER ANY VALUES IN THE DURATION OR REMAINING DURATION BOXES. The Weather Selection screen will appear).

5.6.22 PERFORM the following steps to input meteorological data:

NOTE The user will NOT be prompted for the SPD33P (MPH) if the release is an elevated release.

A. POSITION the cursor over the SPD33P (MPH) box and CLICK the mouse once to input the 33 foot elevation wind speed.

B. POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number(s)

You wish to enter and CLICK the mouse once. (The number you chose will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

C. MOVE the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. [The value chosen will be displayed in specific weather parameter box that is being inputted (i.e. SPD33P MPH)].

NOTE The user will NOT be prompted for the SPD300 (MPH) if the release is a ground release.

D. POSITION the cursor over the SPD300 (MPH) box and CLICK the mouse once to input the 300 foot elevation wind speed.

E. POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number(s)

You wish to enter and CLICK the mouse once. (The number you chose will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

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F. MOVE the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. (The value chosen will be displayed in specific weather parameter box).

NOTE The Default Value of one (1.0) should be used for DT300, if the delta t data is not available. This will produce an "E" stability class.

G. POSITION the cursor over the DT300 (DEG.C) box and CLICK the mouse once to input the 300 - 33 foot delta temperature. (The box will become highlighted).

H. POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number(s) you wish to enter and CLICK the mouse once. (The number you chose will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

I. MOVE the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. (The value chosen will be displayed in specific weather parameter box).

NOTE MIDAS does not use the value used for the ambient temperature. Twenty (20) degress should be used.

J. POSITION the cursor over the TEMP33 (DEG.C) box and CLICK the mouse once to input the ambient temperature. (The box will become highlighted).

K. INPUT the value 20 and CLICK the mouse once. (The number 20 will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

L. MOVE the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. (The value chosen will be displayed in specific weather parameter box).

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M. POSITION the cursor over the DT300 (DEG.C) box and CLICK the mouse once to input the 300 - 33 foot delta temperature. (The box will become highlighted).

N. POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number(s) you wish to enter and CLICK the mouse once. (The number you chose will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

0. MOVE the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. (The value chosen will be displayed in specific weather parameter box).

P. POSITION the cursor over the RAIN (INCHES) box and CLICK the mouse once to input the 15 minute average precipitation. (The box will become highlighted).

NOTE The following values may be inputted if actual rainfall data is not known:

  • 0.08 = (Heavy Rainfall)
  • 0.02 = (Moderate Rainfall)
  • 0.01 = (Light Rainfall)
  • The number Zero "0" if it is not raining.

Q. POSITION the cursor over the appropriate number(s)

You wish to enter and CLICK the mouse once. (The number you chose will be displayed in the top portion of the pop-up screen).

R. MOVE the cursor over the EN box and CLICK the mouse once. (The value chosen will be displayed in specific weather parameter box).


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S. POSITION the cursor over CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The Rad Monitoring Channel screen will appear).

5.6.23 POSITION the cursor over the CONTINUE box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted and Release Point Data screen will appear).

5.6.24 POSITION the cursor over the CONTINUE box and CLICK the mouse once. (The box will become highlighted and the Summary of Meteorological Data screen will appear).

5.6.25 POSITION the cursor over CONTINUE box and CLICK the mouse once. (The calculating screen will appear, while PC MIDAS performs dose assessment calculations. The SSCL will automatically printout and the 10 mile TEDE 4-DAY map will appear on the screen after the calculations are finished).

5.6.26 POSITION the cursor to the CONTINUE box on the bottom of the screen and CLICK the mouse once.

(The NEXT REPORT box will replace the CONTINUE box).

5.6.27 POSITION the cursor over the NEXT REPORT box and CLICK the mouse once. (The MORE REPORTS box will replace the NEXT REPORT box).

5.6.28 POSITION the cursor over the MORE REPORTS box and CLICK the mouse once. (The More Reports Selection screen will appear).


"* Step 5.6.29 provides instructions for utilizing the SSCL Box to print a SSCL to the screen, if the printer is malfunctioning.

"* Step 5.6.29 provides instructions for utilizing the SSCL Box to print an additional SSCL.

" A blank SSCL page 2 can be found in ECG Attachment 8 or obtained from Communicator 2.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 5.6.29 IF a SSCL needs be printed to the screen or another SSCL printed out, THEN:

A. POSITION the cursor over the SSCL Box and CLICK the mouse once.

B. POSITION the cursor over the CONFIRM box and CLICK the mouse once. (The SSCL will be printed to the screen, and if the printer is functioning, another SSCL will be printed out).

5.6.30 POSITION the cursor over the EXIT box and CLICK the Mouse once. (The EXIT box will become highlighted).

5.6.31 CLICK the mouse again. (The Function Selection screen will appear).

5.6.32 IF another dose assessment calculation and SSCL is needed, THEN REPEAT steps 5.6.1 through 5.6.30.

5.6.33 IF you need to exit the MIDAS program, THEN:

A. POSITION the cursor over the EXIT box and click the mouse twice. (The Unit Selection screen will appear).

B. POSITION the cursor over the EXIT box, click the mouse twice.

Nuclear Common Page 28 of 39 Rev 01

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q) 6.0 RECORDS Return completed procedure and any information or data thought to be pertinent by the dose assessor, to the Emergency Preparedness Manager.


7.1 References 7.1.1 EPA 400, Manual of Protective Action Guides And Protective Actions For Nuclear Incidents 7.1.2 MIDAS Documentation Volumes 1-5 7.1.3 PSEG Nuclear Emergency Plan 7.2 Cross References 7.2.1 NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0310(Q), Radiation Protection Supervisor- Offsite and Field Monitoring Team Response 7.2.2 HC.EP-EP.ZZ-0301(Q), Shift Radiation Protection Response 7.2.3 SC.EP-EP.ZZ-0301(Q), Shift Radiation Protection Response Nuclear Common Page 29 of 39 Rev 01

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q)

ATTACHMENT I Page 1 of 3 OPERATION OF THE VAX LA120 TERMINAL 1.0 METEOROLOGICAL DATA 1.1 Perform The Following to Obtain Current 15 Minute Average Meteoroloaical Data:

1.1.1 DEPRESS the RETURN key. (USERNAME should be displayed).

1.1.2 TYPE M E T and depress the RETURN key NOTE The most current meteorological data should be printed out followed by the Main Meteorological Menu. If no other keys are depressed, the current 15 minute average meteorological data will be printed out every 15 minutes.

1.1.3 ENTER Option I (Display Current Meteorological Data) and depress the RETURN key to receive the current 15 meteorological data print out.

1.2 Perform The Followina SteDs to Obtain Archived Meteoroloaical Data:

1.2.1 DEPRESS the RETURN key. (USERNAME should be displayed) 1.2.2 TYPE M E T and depress the RETURN key. (The most current meteorological data should be printed out followed by the Main Meteorological Menu).

1.2.3 ENTER Option 2 (Display Meteorological Data From Data Base) and -depress the RETURN key. (Current system Date and Time will be displayed).

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q)

ATTACHMENT I Page 2 of 3 1.2.4 IF this is the data you want, THEN depress the RETURN key. (Your option will be printed out).

1.2.5 IF you want data from another date and time, THEN go to Step 1.2.6.

1.2.6 ENTER START DATE and TIME as shown below and depress the RETURN key. (For December 27, 1989 at 0130 enter 27-DEC-1989 "depress the space bar once" and enter 01:30).

"* ENTER "Y" if the information is CORRECT.

"* ENTER "N" if the information is NOT CORRECT and reenter data as shown in Step 1.2.6.

1.2.7 ENTER the END DATE and TIME as shown below and depress the RETURN key. (For December 28, 1989 at 0230 enter 28-DEC-1989 "depress the space bar once" and enter 02:30).

"* ENTER "Y" if the information is CORRECT.

"* ENTER "N" if the information is NOT CORRECT and reenter data as shown in Step 1.2.7.

2.0 RMS AND MET DATA (FOR HOPE CREEK ONLY) 2.1 Perform The Following Steps to Obtain Current Instantaneous RMS and MET Data:

2.1.1 DEPRESS the RETURN key. (USERNAME should be displayed).

2.1.2 TYPE E 0 F and depress the RETURN key. (A prompt should be displayed asking for PASSWORD).

2.1.3 TYPE E 0 F U S E R and depress the RETURN key.

(The EOF Plant Menu should be displayed.)

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q)

ATTACHMENT I PAGE 3 OF 3 2.1.4 SELECT Option I for Hope Creek.

2.1.5 DEPRESS the RETURN key. (The EOF Report Options Menu will be displayed).

2.1.6 ENTER Option I (Current RMS Status) and depress the RETURN key. (The most current instantaneous RMS and 15 minute MET data will be printed out.)

2.2 Perform The Following Steps to Obtain 15 Minute Average RMS Data:

2.2.1 DEPRESS the RETURN key. (USERNAME should be displayed).

2.2.2 TYPE E 0 F and depress the RETURN key. (A prompt should be displayed asking for PASSWORD).

2.2.3 TYPE E 0 F U S E R and depress the RETURN key. (The EOF Plant Menu should be displayed).

2.2.4 SELECT Option 1 for Hope Creek.

2.2.5 DEPRESS the RETURN key. (The EOF Report Options Menu should be displayed).

2.2.6 SELECT and ENTER Option 6 (15 Minute Historical Data).

(Current system date and time should be displayed. A prompt should be displayed for start date and time) 2.2.7 DEPRESS the RETURN key for 15 minute average RMS and MET data. (Your selection will be printed).

Nuclear Common Page 32 of 39 Rev 01

NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 2 Page 1 of 3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SALEM SPDS DISPLAYS 1.0 SALEM 1 & 2 SPDS RADIOLOGICAL SCREEN INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 Follow The Steps Below In The Listed Order, To Display SPDS Radiological Screens.


"* Values in Red are in HIGH HIGH ALARM.

"* Values in YELLOW with are in HIGH ALARM.

0 Form - 1, SPDS RMS Log, may be used to record SPDS RMS values.

1.1.1 DEPRESS the UNIT MASTER MENU Key 1.1.2 DEPRESS and hold the "SHIFT" key, while depressing the Number 5 Key. (Radiation Monitor Screen 1 will be displayed).

This screen (Radiation Monitor Screen 1) consists of instantaneous values for the RMS monitors listed below).

0 R46A-E Main Steam Line Mon

  • R44A/B Containment Post LOCA Rad Mon S RR1 1A Containment Particulate 0 R12A Containment Noble Gas
  • R12B Containment Iodine 0 R44A/B Integ Dose Containment Post LOCA Rad Mon 1.1.3 DEPRESS and hold the "SHIFT" key, while depressing the Number 2 Key. (Radiation Monitor Screen 2 will be displayed). This screen consists (Radiation Monitor Screen
2) of RMS instantaneous monitor values listed below).

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 2 Page 2 of 3 0 R45B Plant Vent Accident Mon (Medium Range Noble Gas)

  • R45C Plant Vent Accident Mon (High Range Noble Gas) 0 R16 Plant Vent Gas Effluent
  • R41A Low Range Noble Gas
  • R41 B Mid Range Noble Gas
  • R41C High Range Noble Gas
  • R43 Aux Building Roof Mon 0 Unit 1 or 2 Noble Gas Release Rate 0 Combined Noble Gas Release Rate 1.1.4 DEPRESS and hold the "SHIFT" key, while depressing the Number 3 Key. (Radiation Monitor Screen 3 will be displayed). This screen (Radiation Monitor Screen 3) consists of RMS 15 minute average monitor values listed below).
  • R12A Containment Noble Gas
  • R12B Containment Iodine 1.1.5 DEPRESS and hold the "SHIFT" key, while depressing the Number 4 Key. (Radiation Monitor Screen 4 will be displayed). This screen (Radiation Monitor Screen 4) consists of RMS 15 minute average monitor values listed below).
  • Plant Vent Airflow to Atmosphere (Plant Vent Flow Rate)
  • R45B Plant Vent Accident Mon (Medium Range Noble Gas)

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q)

ATTACHMENT 2 Page 3 of 3 0 R45C Plant Vent Accident Mon (High Range Noble Gas) 0 R16 Plant Vent Gas Effluent 0 R41A Low Range Noble Gas

  • R41B Mid Range Noble Gas
  • R41C High Range Noble Gas R43 Aux Building Roof Mon 1.1.6 RECORD RMS values on Form - 1, SPDS RMS Log (Salem Only).

2.0 SALEM I & 2 SPDS RADIOLOGICAL SCREEN TRENDING INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 Perform The Steps Listed Below In The Listed Order, To Trend SPDS Radiological Monitors.

2.1.1 DISPLAY the screen that lists the monitor you want to trend.

2.1.2 DEPRESS the "DATA ENTRY FORWARD" key to move the cursor to the radiation monitor that is to be trended.

2.1.3 DEPRESS the "TREND" key.

2.1.4 DEPRESS the "Page Down" key to display the trending of the monitor.

2.1.5 DEPRESS the "Page Up" key to return to Radiation Monitor Screen 1.


(Instantaneous RMS Values will be displayed).

4.0 RML SCREEN INSTRUCTIONS DEPRESS The RM Key To Display Any Abnormal Or Potential Abnormal Radiological Releases In Progress.

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NC.EP-EP.ZZ-0313 (Q)


Date/Time: __- - / Salem Unit Location on Monitor Value of Monitor SPDS Number Description of Monitor Units Screen 1/3 R46A Main Steam Line Mon mR/hr Screen 1/3 R46B Main Steam Line Mon mR/hr Screen 1/3 R46C Main Steam Line Mon mR/hr Screen 1/3 R46D Main Steam Line Mon mR/hr Screen 1/3 R46E Main Steam Line Mon mR/hr Screen 1/3 R44A CNTMT Post LCOA Mon R/hr Screen 1/3 R44B CNTMT Post LOCA Mon RPhr Screen 1/3 R11A CNTMT Particulate Mon cpm Screen 1/3 R12A CNTMT Noble Gas Mon cpm Screen 1/3 R12B CNTMT Iodine Mon cpm Screen 4 R16 Plant Vent Gas Mon cpm Screen 2/4 R41A Low Range Noble Gas uCi/cc Mon Screen 2/4 R41 B Mid Range Noble Gas uCi/cc Mon Screen 2/4 R41C High Range Noble Gas uCi/cc Mon Screen 2/4 R45B Plant Vent Accident Mon (Min Range Noble Gas uCi/cc Back-up)

Screen 2/4 R45C Plant Vent Accident Mon (High Range Noble Gas uCi/cc Back-up)

Nuclear Common Page 36 of 39 Rev 01

( ( NC.EP-EI -'-0313(Q)

TABLE 1-1 Page 1 of 1 DRYWELL LEAK RATE NOMOGRAM RELEASE RATE (UCI/SEC) 4 Whole Body Maximum Offsite Dose Rate (mRemlhr)

C B XIQ (Sec/m3 01 DRYWELL LEAK RATE (X PER DAY) lq \ 10% 10% 1E+3--


(2 hrs)

" t'ý -5E+3 1 E+6 5E+5


1E+4--- 1E+5 5E+4

--6E+4 1E+4 1lEts--- 1E+3.

52+5 1E+3 5E+2 I12+6-- --1E-3 1E+2 5E+6 --1E-4 5E+1 I1E+7---- --1E-5 1E+1 5E+0 1E-6 1E+0

-1E-7 5E-1l

--1E-8 IE-1 5E-2 I I 1E-2 5E-3_

1E-3 5E-4 1E-4 5E-5" 4E.

5-1E+ 12-4F 1E-5 1E+0 Ot+U 1E+1 IOt+i I 1E+2 Z~'-' I 1E+3 ot+15~ 1E+4t Ot4ItO+1E+5 1E+6 IO=+b DRYWELI L(PRIMARY CONTAINMENT) HIGH RANGE MONITOR RESPONSE (DAPA) R/hr Nuclear Common Page 37 o! 3z Rev 01



STABILITY CLASS MILES METERS A B C D E F G 0.06 100 47.6 9.5 103.2 1.1E-09 1.9E-18 6.4E-49 0.12 200 120.2 105.9 338.9 5.7E-01 1.1E-03 1.7E-13 5.5E-39 0.19 300 77.5 113.3 270.1 16.5 0.72 7.8E-06 4.7E-19 0.25 400 42.7 87.8 194.0 47.4 7.6 7.2E-03 4.8E-11 0.31 500 24.7 65.1 142.0 70.3 22.4 0.22 5.6E-07 0.37 600 15.3 48.9 107.5 81.2 39.3 1.5 1.3E-04 0.44 700 10.1 37.6 84.0 83.7 53.7 4.9 4.1E-03 0.50 800 7.0 29.6 67.4 81.7 63.9 10.6 0.042 0.56 (MEA) 900 5.1 23.8 55.3 77.5 70.3 18.1 0.22 0.79 1270 1.8 12.4 30.5 58.8 73.3 46.6 5.7 1.0 1609 1.1 7.8 20.1 45.6 65.3 57.9 15.0 1.5 2414 0.77 3.5 9.7 27.7 46.1 57.7 31.7 2.0 3218 0.59 2.0 5.8 18.9 34.0 49.6 37.6 2.5 4023 0.48 1.3 3.9 13.9 26.3 42.0 38.3 3.0 4827 0.41 0.89 2.8 10.8 21.2 36.0 37.1 3.5 5632 0.36 0.65 2.1 8.7 17.6 31.2 35.1 4.0 6436 0.32 0.50 1.7 7.2 14.9 27.5 33.0 4.5 7241 0.28 0.40 1.3 6.1 12.9 24.4 31.0 5.0 (LPZ) 8045 0.26 0.34 1.1 5.2 11.3 22.0 29.1 5.5 8850 0.24 0.32 0.93 4.6 10.1 19.9 27.4 6.0 9654 0.22 0.29 0.80 4.0 9.0 18.2 25.8 6.5 10459 0.20 0.27 0.69 3.6 8.2 16.7 24.4 7.0 11263 0.19 0.25 0.60 3.2 7.4 15.4 23.1 7.5 12068 0.18 0.24 0.53 2.9 6.8 14.3 21.9 8.0 12872 0.17 0.22 0.47 2.7 6.3 13.3 20.8 8.5 13677 0.16 0.21 0.42 2.4 5.8 12.5 19.8 9.0 14481 0.15 0.20 0.38 2.3 5.4 11.7 18.9 9.5 15286 0.14 0.19 0.35 2.1 5.1 11.1 1-8.1 10.0 (EPZ) 16090 0.14 0.18 0.32 1.9 4.7 10.4 17.4 15.0 24135 0.096 0.13 0.17 1.1 2.8 6.6 12.2 20.0 32180 0.074 0.098 0.13 0.72 2.0 4.8 9.4 25.0 40225 0.060 0.080 0.11 0.52 1.5 3.7 7.6 30.0 48270 0.051 0.068 0.090 0.40 1.2 3.0 6.4 35.0 56315 0.045 0.059 0.078 0.32 0.98 2.5 5.5 40.0 64360 0.040 '0.053 0.069 0.27 0.83 2.2 4.8 45.0 72405 0.036 0.047 0.062 0.22 0.71 1.9 4.3 50.0 80450 0.032 0.043 0.057 0.19 0.63 1.7 3.9 HOPE CREEK ELEVATED RELEASES Nuclear Common Page 38 of 39 Rev 01



STABILITY CLASS MILES METERS A B C D E F G 0.06 100 351.2 417.0 473.7 517.9 534.9 546.9 552.3 0.12 200 174.6 257.9 344.4 439.8 488.7 525.1 542.6 0.19 300 83.0 159.0 243.5 361.4 435.8 497.1 529.3 0.25 400 43.0 103.6 175.7 295.1 384.3 466.0 513.3 0.31 500 24.6 71.5 131.0 242.5 337.6 433.8 495.5 0.37 600 15.2 51.8 100.8 201.5 296.7 402.2 476.4 0.44 700 10.1 39.0 79.7 169.4 261.6 371.9 456.7 0.50 800 7.0 30.4 64.5 144.2 231.7 343.5 436.7 0.56 (MEA) 900 5.0 24.2 53.3 124.2 206.3 317.1 416.7 0.79 1270 1.8 12.5 29.9 78.4 140.4 237.6 346.3 1.0 1609 1.1 7.9 19.8 56.3 104.8 189.0 296.6 1.5 2414 0.77 3.5 9.7 31.5 62.1 122.5 216.1 2.0 3218 0.59 2.0 5.8 20.7 42.4 88.1 166.9 2.5 4023 0.48 1.3 3.9 15.0 31.5 67.7 134.6 3.0 4827 0.41 0.89 2.8 11.4 24.7 54.4 112.1 3.5 5632 0.36 0.65 2.1 9.1 20.1 45.1 95.6 4.0 6436 0.32 0.50 1.7 7.5 16.9 38.3 83.1 4.5 7241 0.28 0.40 1.3 6.3 14.4 33.2 73.3 5.0 (LPZ) 8045 0.26 0.34 1.1 5.4 12.5 29.2 65.4 5.5 8850 0.24 0.32 0.93 4.7 11.0 26.0 59.0 6.0 9654 0.22 0.29 0.80 4.2 9.8 23.4 53.7 6.5 10459 0.20 0.27 0.69 3.7 8.9 21.2 49.2 7.0 11263 0.19 0.25 0.60 3.3 8.0 19.4 45.3 7.5 12068 0.18 0.24 0.53 3.0 7.3 17.8 42.0 8.0 12872 0.17 0.22 0.47 2.7 6.7 16.5 39.2 8.5 13677 0.16 0.21 0.42 2.5 6.2 15.3 36.6 9.0 14481 0.15 0.20 0.38 2.3 5.8 14.3 34.4 9.5 15286 0.14 0.19 0.35 2.1 5.4 13.3 32.4 10.0 (EPZ) 16090 0.14 0.18 0.32 2.0 5.0 12.5 30.6 15.0 24135 0.096 0.13 0.17 1.1 3.0 7.7 19.5 20.0 32180 0.074 0.098 0.13 0.72 2.1 5.4 14.2 25.0 40225 0.060 0.080 0.11 0.52 1.5 4.2 11.1 30.0 48270 0.051 0.068 0.090 0.40 1.2 3.3 9.1 35.0 56315 0.045 0.059 0.078 0.32 1.0 2.8 7.7 40.0 64360 0.040 U.053 0.069 0.27 0.8 2.4 6.7 45.0 72405 0.036 0.047 0.062 0.23 0.7 2.1 5.9 50.0 80450 0.032 0.043 0.057 0.19 0.6 1.8 5.2 HOPE CREEK GROUND RELEASES Nuclear Common Page 39 of 39 Rev 01