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November 12, 2014, Summary of Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Regarding the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Operating License Application (Fire Protection)
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 12/03/2014
From: Justin Poole
Watts Bar Special Projects Branch
Minarik A
Download: ML14318A342 (5)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 December 3, 2014 APPLICANT: Tennessee Valley Authority FACILITY: Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2




On November 12, 2014, a Category 1 public teleconference was held between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff and representatives of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). The purpose of this meeting was for TVA and the NRC staff to discuss staff questions related to TVA's draft "As-Constructed Fire Protection Report" (the Report). TVA plans to submit the final version of the Report in November 2014. The NRC staff and TVA discussed draft versions of this report at four previous meetings as well. At this meeting, the discussion focused on clarification questions the staff had related to certain text in the Report that appeared contradictory to NRC staff. The meeting notice and agenda, dated October 22, 2014, is available in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System at Accession No. ML14297A373. A list of attendees is provided as Enclosure 1. TVA had no formal presentation materials at this meeting.

The list of staff questions is provided as Enclosure 2. The NRC staff and TVA went through each of the staff's five questions listed in Enclosure 2. The focus of the clarification was related to how recall times should be incorporated into the calculations of times for operator manual actions necessary to safely shut down the plant in the event of a fire that could damage safety-related plant equipment. Currently, the NRC believes that the assistant unit operators (AUOs) are in the control room once equipment damage starts and, therefore, recall time need not be included in the calculations. However, closer examination of the Report revealed certain statements that called this assumption into question. The NRC noticed an area of the report that seemed to indicate that operators would recall the AUOs AFTER they had received confirmation of a fire and, therefore, potentially AFTER equipment damage had begun. TVA stated that they would examine this situation more closely to see if it is feasible and clarify any areas that may be confusing in their current form. Any modifications to the Report based on the staff's questions will be submitted as part of the final version of the Report.

Members of the public were not in attendance and, therefore, no public comments or Public Meeting Feedback Forms were received at this meeting.

No regulatory decisions were made as a part of this meeting.

Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-2048, or by email to

Justin C. Poole, Senior Project Manager Watts Bar Special Projects Branch Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-391


1. Meeting Attendance List
2. Staff Questions Related to the As-Constructed Fire Protection Report cc w/enclosures: Distribution via Listserv

MEETING ATTENDANCE LIST Applicant: Tennessee Valley Authority Plant: Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. Unit 2


Fire Protection (WBN, Unit 2) Date: November 12, 2014 Location: Teleconference Time: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

NAME TITLE ORGANIZATION Sr. Project Manager Watts NRC/NRR/DORUWatts Bar Special Justin Poole Bar Unit 2 Projects Branch NRC/NRR/DRA/Fire Protection Dan Frumkin Fire Protection Engineer Branch NRC/NRRIDORUWatts Bar Special Anthony Minarik Project Manager Projects Branch NRC/NRRIDRA/Fire Protection Charles Moulton Fire Protection Engineer Branch Director of Licensing, Gordon Arent Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Watts Bar Bill Crouch Fire Protection Engineer TVA Charlie Brush Fire Protection Engineer EPM (TVA Contractor)

Engineering/Licensing Tom Morgan TVA Support Engineering/Licensing Mark Marinak TVA Support Enclosure 1

STAFF QUESTIONS RELATED TO THE AS-CONSTRUCTED FIRE PROTECTION REPORT TO BE DISCUSSED AT NOVEMBER 12, 2014, PUBLIC MEETING As-Constructed Fire Protection Report (FPR) Part V, Section 2.2.2, states that, "Upon detection of a fire either automatically or via observation, the main control room recalls Assistant Unit Operators (AUOs) to the assembly location from their normal duties in various plant locations."

FPR Part V, Section 2.2, Safe Shutdown Procedures, includes "notify the Appendix R AUOs to report to the control room," as the fifth step, of which the first step is "initiate fire alarm."

1) Clarify if "initiate fire alarm," is the actuation of detection equipment (similar to 2.2.2) or if initiation of fire alarm includes judgment or actions on the part of the control room staff.
2) If recall of AUOs is not immediate upon detection, describe the actions taken prior to, "initiate fire alarm."
3) If recall of AOUs is not immediate upon detection, describe any delays between the "early warning provided by the smoke detection system" and the reactor trip that would delay the AUOs from being recalled.
4) If there is a delay as described in the item above, provide a description of how that delay is considered in the timing for operator manual actions, specifically how that delay is accounted for in the 100% margin described in 2.1.2, Acceptance Criteria, and the evaluation of Required for Safe Shutdown Operator Manual Actions, Section 8.3 of Part VII.
5) If the AOUs will be recalled upon actuation of a fire detection system (similar to 2.2.2),

describe whether any procedures need to be revised to reflect this.

Enclosure 2

Members of the public were not in attendance and, therefore, no public comments or Public Meeting Feedback Forms were received at this meeting.

No regulatory decisions were made as a part of this meeting.

Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-2048, or by email to


Justin C. Poole, Senior Project Manager Watts Bar Special Projects Branch Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-391


1. Meeting Attendance List
2. Staff Questions Related to the As-Constructed Fire Protection Report cc w/enclosures: Distribution via Listserv DISTRIBUTION:

PUBLIC RidsNrrPMWattsBar2 Resource RidsNrrDorl Resource LPWB Reading RidsNrrLABCiayton LRonewicz, NRR Rlyengar, EDO RidsAcrsAcnw_MaiiCTR Resource RidsRgn2MaiiCenter Resource TWertz, NRR RidsNrrDoriLp_WB Resource DFrumkin, NRR AMinarik, NRR AWilson, Rll JDion, NRR CMoulton, NRR RidsNrrDraAfpb Resource OLopez, Rll RidsNrrPMWattsBar2 Resource ADAM SAccession No.: M eetin_g_ Not1ce:

. ML14297A373 Meetmg s ummary: ML14318A342 OFFICE DORULPWB/PMiT DORLILPWB/PM DORL/LPWB/LAiT DORLILPWB/LA DORL!LPWB/BC DORLILPWB/PM NAME AMinarik JPoole LRonewicz BCiayton JQuichocho JPoole DATE 12/02/14 12/02/14 11/28/14 11/28/14 12/03/14 12/03/14 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY