IR 05000267/1984031

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Insp Rept 50-267/84-31 on 841113-16.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiological Environ Monitoring Program for Operations,Including Organization & Mgt Controls & Audits of Contractors
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/27/1984
From: Ireland R, Murray B, Wise R
Shared Package
ML20140E206 List:
50-267-84-31, NUDOCS 8501100625
Download: ML20140E208 (6)


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         * *'4 J   APPENDIX    .
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,      REGION IV     ->
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NRCIn'spectionReport: 50-267/84-31 ' License: DAP-34 -


Docketi 50-267


4 .

  ~ Licensee:' Public Service Company of' Colorado (PSC)

P. O.-Box 840 Denver, Colorado '80201 , Facility Name: Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station (FSV)

     ; .

Inspection At: Denver,and Platteville, Colorado s Inspection Conducted: November 13-16, 1984 Inspector: 8 OMl//JW / N/hY


R. Wise, Raciation Spg2:ialist,' Facilities Dat'e Radiological Protection Section Approved: $ M k/LitMA /8 /hf B. Murray, Chief, Fac @ ties Radiological Dat'e Protection Section v


lhkW /2/27 W

   $ R. E.-Ireland, Chief, Special Projects and Engineering Section, Project Branch 1 Date Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted November 13-16, 1984 (Report 50-267/84-31)      '

j Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensee's i radiological environmental monitoring program for operations including: .

  .(1) organization and management controls;-(2) audits of contractors; ~   4
           , '

f(3) environmental monitoring program implementation; (4) analytical quality


control; ~(5) tour of selected enyironmental . sampling stations;-

  (6) meteorological' tower and equipment; and (7) reportable occurrences. The
; ,_, inspection' involved'30 inspector-hours onsite by one NRC inspecto s

r Results: Within the seven areas inspected, no violations.or deviati'ns.were o

:  ' identified. One open item is discussed in paragraph 3.- ,

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g. DETAILS t ~

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:[ _   J ' Persons Contacted
 .      ,

7; , PSC - _ ,

  ,   J. W. Gahm.. Manager, Nuclear Production Division    '   '   '

P1 *F. - J.' .Novachek, Technical / Administrative Services Manager-' - t


e V ~*L.;W. Singleton," Manager," Quality Assurance * ' G

    *F. J. Borst, Support Services Manager
               . .


    *M.= .

Ferris,' Quality Assurance Operations Manager , *i s' . / 9' . i *M. E. Nickoff, Site Engineering Manager


V. J. McGaffie,: Radiochemistry Superviso s./

*j 'r ?
  ..  !D.'J. Brown, Instrument.and Controls Supervisor      ^

3-rJ.; R. Johns, ' Supervisor, Nuclear: Licensing'

   '             '

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Others +

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G. L.'Pluulee III, NRC Senior Resident Inspector


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J. E; Johnson, Professor, Department of Radiology _and Radiation Biology, *


Q' Colorado State University,.(CSU)

             *.. _
            . .
*     M.~ Mcdonald,' Analyst,(CSU)       , ? " ', v  -

S. Clow,~ Analyst, (CSU) , ,




o * Denotes those present'during the_ exit briefing-on November 16, 1984. * 4 - i "

           ,    ,

I 2. - . 'Open Items" Identified Durina This' Inspection , .


I ' Open Ites }. Description

          ' Paragraph    '

y -

     ,   a .


267/8431-01: Management Control Procedures .

            "     ~

C * . Opentitemslare matters that require further review and evaluation by the


inspector'or the licensee. Open items are used to document,-track,'and'


..- _


[ , . ensure-adequate' followup on matters.of concern to the inspector, p

   - Organization and Management Controls     '
      - ,
   ,   _
     .The1NRC inspector--reviewed the licensee'.s-organization and recent changes
 ,   '
     :to verify agreement with requirements'in'the Technical Specifications and
  .,the Updated Safety Analyses Report (USAR).

w a -

'    '
    ' ' Organhation

iThe NRClinspector reviewed the organization and recent changes within

     # the Nuclear-Production Division which were effective' Septenter 1,.
 .'    .1984. .These organizational changes are outlined in an
   '           '

interdepartment memorandum,~PPC-84-2334, issued September 5,-198 's

      ,The' responsibility for management of the radiologica1' environmental:
   ,   .,    .
  - 4-    monitoring program (REMP)-was transferred from the Nuclear Emergency;

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     -3-Division at the corporate level to the Nuclear Production Division at FSV. The current organizational structure and staffing appear f;
   -sufficient to meet the requirements for an adequate environmental l radiation surveillance progra C No violations or deviations were identifie <
  , Management Controls    ,t
' '~          '

The NRC inspector reviewed Procedure Q-1, " Organization and ~ i o-Responsibilities," Revision 4, August 27, 1982, and the support


y services manager's position description for assignment of 2



 ('  responsibilities for the REM The support services manager's
  ;  position description had been revised and contained a list of duties  - ,
' '

1t '

  .' associated with the REM Procedure Q-1 had not been revised to
 ,  reflect the current organizational changes and the current position , *
  ,-  of.the support services manager with his assigned responsibilitie ,
   'The licensee stated that a proposed charter of responsibilities for;.

the support services manager which will include more detaile *

, ,  responsibilities for the REMP -is scheduled for completion in  .
,;   January 198 *
 '  This matter is conside' red an open item (267/8431-01) pending the  <

revision of procedure Q-1 for the radiological environmental

* ~

monitoring progra No violations or deviations were identifie . = Audits- 1

  . The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's audit' program to verify   ,.

agreement with Quality Assurance Administrative Procedure Q-1, Revision.1, March 22, 198 ~ ' The REMP is performed under contract by CSU which is responsible for-collection, processing, and analysis of environmental samples. The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's audit program for contractor activities


associated ~with the REMP to. determine compliance with the Technical Speci-fications and the USAR. The NRC inspector reviewed the following auditsi Quality Assurance Audit, QAA-603-83-01, " Radiological Environmental Monitoring," July-August 198 ' Nuclear Facility Safety Committee Audit, NFSC-J-84-01, " Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program," August'198 > The NRC' inspector noted that the QA audit was designed to. determine compliance with the contract; and that the NFSC audit was a followup to ' the QA audit and was a more detailed technical audit'of the contractor's




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analytical program. The NFSC audit generateditwo corrective action requests which had not yet been resolved at the time of this inspectio * The NRC : inspector discussed future audit activities with the licensee and

  , noted that a more detailed review of the contractor's performance-in the-Environmental Protection Agency.(EPA) crosscheck programs is planned. The
  - licensee has an established program for tracking responses and appropriate

corrective'~ action request ,- No violations or deviations were identifie ,

' ' Environmental Monitoring Program Implementation
 .       .

1The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's REMP against the requirements contained in Technical Specifications SR 5.9.1 (terminated November 22, - 1983) and ELCO 8.2.1 (effective November 23, 1983) for the period " 4 > June 23, 1983,- through November 16, 198 '

       ,' '      .
        '  *

The licensee had amended (Amendment 37) their Radiological Effluent o _ e r : Technical. Specifications in November 1983 to be in agreement with format- Y

   .in NUREG 0472. As, discussed in paragraph 4, the REMP is conducted by CSU ,

under contract with PSC. The NRC inspector reviewed a copy of CSU's REMP




procedures which contain: (1) route procedures, (2) sample collection

  -*         1
 . *  procedures, (3) sample processing procedures, (4) TLD procedures,  '
   (5) texture analysis,'(6) gross beta analysis, (7) gama analysis, .
'   *
   (8) calibration procedures, (9) EPA crosscheck, and (10) sample 21occt'on P
[   The NRC inspector reviewed the 1983 semiannual environmental reports and noted that the requirements of the: Technical Specifications had been met; however, the NRC inspector noted.that CSU's EPA crosscheck results for

gama analysis exceeded the precision limits specified by EPA. The  ; i f'" licensee stated that quarterly meetings are conducted with CSU personnel : 3^~ F ' to review preliminary analytical.~results and PSC will review EPA , N crosscheck results and recomend corrective action as may be require No data for 1984 was as yet available.for review at the time of the inspection.

p No violations-or deviations were identifie . Analytical Quality Control

 ~' .

The NRC inspector reviewed the quality control program for radiological analytical measurements at CSU and noted that CSU's~1aboratory performance


in the EPA crosscheck program is satisfactory in most areas;7however, the _ gama analysis results exceeded the precision limits ' established by EP The -laboratory performance should improve .with the acquisition of a new gama spectroscopy detector. These results will be reviewed when-available in the annual environmental report for 1984 and during future inspections.- CSU also participates in a crcsscheck program with the state of. Colorado. " * No~ violations or deviations were: identifie .

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f 17.t Tour of-Environmental Samplina St'ations *~. T ^ .


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DThe-NRC inspector visited selected sampling stations associated with the


environmental monitoring program on November 14,=1984. :The following-typ .,A'. .of: sites were visited: (1) airborne, (2) direct radiation, (3) surface . ,



   ,', ' waterborne, (4) sediment, (5) milk, and (6); aquatic biot .
       . . . .            ,
         ..  . .

w,  ; ,"Thefrequired the. selected sampling stations"was in place'and- ,


yfy - - ' operable-attthe' time of the visit. The NRC inspector found that one air >

    , ' sample was dust loading at the F4 locatio This problem was discussed 3 Q, yd  .

i j with the licensee'and CSU with a'possible solution being the relocation of  ;

# 'W    y the airfsa':pler or placing.the sample head on'the west side of the;shed           <

_, , N-r / ,,areajt 'uce the potential.of dust, loadin ,

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    .I No v'iol-   ons or deviations ^were identifie '     ~'  ., d
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                  ,p O [ _' 18. . .Neteoro1      cal Tower and Equipment     -
               . f'  ;. .

QN * * ' L:  %. .. - .

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   , ;^The'NRC ..spector reviewed the licensee's~ meteorological. monitoring 1         .


.~   M " p'rogram co verify agreement with the Technical Specification, the USAR,-         <

J O gf ,{c-}% i and.the recommendations of (draft) American~ National Standards Institute

    .(ANSI) 2;5-1984 and Regulatory Guide 1.2 m  .


                  *9  ,1 dq  ~ r's   ., .  .          .
'4 ,   J  The NRC inspector reviewed the meteorological tower, data recording'        T -  - -

N equipment,1and calibration records. The data are' collected at: tower'


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W f heights of 10.and 60 meters. Instrumentation at~the 10 meter; height' * I W . p .;1Y i * ! provides ~ data' on wind speed,^ wind direction, *emperature, and dewpoint; # <

% 2 9 '                   E
    ' hThe instrumentation at' 60. meters provides data ontwind speed-and wind '        ' '

2_ ^ direction.. Instrumentation from both;1ocations provides data to a< data


ti. l; , logger..and the 60 meter tower provides, data to a chart recorder located in> . .' 'i$ %N $Q' the control roo " 0ceanographicJand Atmospheric Administration, is'alsojavailable to provide A 10 meter meteorological; tower, owned by the' National E :I


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    , backup:for,the 10 and=60 meter tower equipmen ,
. a~ .~ n                ^

a The NRC inspector noted that the meteorologica1' system equipmentiisf  ;

- , ;.  :  . calibrated quarterly.t The NRC inspectoridiscussed with the;11censee'the           'I
' gu     ~ recommendations;of Draft ANSI 2.5-1984 to perform a reliability test to          '

f-K h , . document .the instrumentation data -recovery to be -at least 90 percentJforf '. < W% an annual period / 'The licensee ~ stated that they would review their # . present program toldetermine' agreement;with the. ANSI' document., " '


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_ s, No violations or deviations were identifie '

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   . . Reportable Occurrences-     ,
           '    '

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The NRC inspector reviewed the'following; reportable? occurrences documented-i' ~

    . by the licensee:
          ',   _

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, T #'
  , f  .*  - 83-010, " Degraded ' Mode of Limited Condition of Operation 4.8.2(c)," . 3 :' -
                    $ .

Liquid Waste' Release Without Representative Sampling, Closed.,May 10, - 9 '

'6   .-] 4:;  *

198 *



   +%.      .
               ' .t  . ,
 "   7 *<  83-026,"LimitedConditionofOpern. ion ~4.8.'3,LReactorBuildingLSump)(
.P O*  ' '

2 Proportioned SampleriInoperable,'.' Closed, February '; 14, 1984; ,.* T'%',!~w

                . + f ' '. J  3'

i ' . 4 ~

      . . .  - . .

f' y .  :*' 83-046, " Limited Cond.ition of Operation .4.8.1, Unplanned Gaseousi w ." s

      . Waste Release," Closed,--December 13, 198 ~

1 f; f ~ 7. ' *. .,

                '. 4' '
. <   '*  83-009h" Liquid Waste Release, Exceeded Maximus' Permissible      .

T -


Concentrations for Unidentified Beta," (open). '



    - The'NRC inspector verified-that the action taken by the licensee regarding r
    :              '

the'abovereportableoccurrenceswasincompliancewiththeTechnicab ~i

    ~ Specification requi ement .-  ;10. - Exit Interview
        .   .      .
 ,-    The NRC inspector met with the PSC representatives at the conclusion of
    .the, inspection on-November 16, 1984. The inspector summarized the purpose and scope of:the inspection and discussed the inspection finding ,.        . .

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