IR 05000186/1998202

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Insp Rept 50-186/98-202 on 981116-20.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Rp,Environ Monitoring,Transportation Activities,Physical Security,Matl Control & Accountability, Inspector Identified Violation Follow Up & Event Repts
Person / Time
Site: University of Missouri-Columbia
Issue date: 12/21/1998
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20198L109 List:
50-186-98-202, NUDOCS 9901040047
Download: ML20198L119 (11)


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U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Docket No: 50-186 License No: R-103 Report No: 50-186/98202 Licensee: University of Missouri at Colurr.bia Facility Name: University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor Location: Columbia, Missouri Dates: November 16-20,1998 Inspectors: T. M. Burdick Approved by: Seymour H. Weiss, Director-Non-Power Reactor and Decommissioning Project Directorate


a 9901040047 981221 I PDR ADOCK 05000186 4 G PM ;






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Executive Summary University of Missouri at Columbia Research Reactor Report No. 50186/98202 (DRPM)

This routine, announced inspection included aspects of radiation protection (83743);

environmental monitoring (80745); transportation activities (86740); physical security (81421),

material control and accountability (85102), inspector identified violation follow up (92702), and event report follow up (92700)

Eacility_ Summary The facility has continued to operate during the past year in support of education, research, and isotope production. Staffing in operations and shipping have increased somewhat. A new organization structure and refocused priorities have been implemented to improve efficiency while promoting safet Year 2000 (Y2K) issues have been addressed by a committee of diverse individuals. No reactor safety systems are affected by Y2 !

HadiationfrotactionJB37A3) l e ALARA techniques should be emphasized with new employees more emphaticall (Section 1.0)

Envie.; mental ProtectionlS0Z.45) l

  • Airborne and liquid effluent releases were within the regulatory limits. Radioactive waste accumulations were properly stored. (Section 2.0)


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e New employee training oversight needs management involvement. (Section 3.0) l Fixed Site Physical Protection of SpecialRuclear Material of ModeraitStrategic Significance (81421)

  • Physical Security was implemented according to the program. (Section 4.0)

Material Control and Accountability _(BE102)

Noncompliance Follow up ltems (92702)

  • One previous violation of posting requirements for radioactive material storage was corrected and is close * One previous violation of Technical Specifications requirements for procedures has been corrected and is closed, e One previous violation of the requalification exam administration requirements has been corrected and is closed. (Section 6.0)







Event Followjag (97200)

  • New materials to reduce nuclear instrument cable degradation was being evaluate * An undersized sample in the Flux Trap was a minor error and had no safety significance. (Section 7,0)


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DETAILS Radiation Control Inspection Scope (837_43)

The inspector reviewed the radiation protection program to determine compliance with requirements and license condition Observations and Finoings The inspector accompanied a health physics technician during weekly radiation instrumentation checks. All procedures and actions appeared appropriat Ongoing work at the hot cell was observed to assess radiation safety practice Staff were generally well aware of the hazards and implemented necessary precautions to minimize them. One health physics staff member was observed chewing gum during a brief visit to the laboratory basement where no eating, drinking, or smoking signs were prominently posted. Licensee management reminded workers to observe all posted requirement The inspector also observed shipping employees conducting contact radiation surveys of a package. Both individuals were trainees. The person observing the survey had been checked out on package surveys by a qualified shipper and was considered qualified to perform that task by his supervision. The person surveying the package was in direct contact with the package while reading the j dose rate. The inspector questioned the management whether the two trainees were sensitive to ALARA. The supervisor conducted remedial training with the ]

two trainees on package survey techniques to reduce dos Records were reviewed for personnel exposure, surveys and swipes and instrument calibration. Shippers continued to receive the largest individual doses. No concerns were identifie Conclusions The radiation protection program was effective in protecting the staff and publi ALARA techniques need to be emphasized with new employee '20.. Environmental Protection  ! Inspection Scope _(80145)

The inspector reviewed the licensee's program for the discharge or removal of !

radioactive liquid, gases, and solids from the reactor laboratory, Observations and Findings j I

The licensee had a large amount of low level solid waste stored in the lab l basement. It was located in low traffic areas that were well posted to assure that !

workers are aware of the dose hazards. Airbome releases were monitored to ensure that dose to members of the public were well below the constraint requirements of 10 CFR Part 2 !

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2 Conclusions Controls for airborne and liquid effluent releases and solid waste acceptably satisfied the regulatory limit .0 Transportation of Radioactive Materials

. Inspection Scope (86740) l The inspector reviewed the licensee's radioactive materials shipping program for )

compliance with the requirements in Department of Transportation (DOT) and NRC regulations,49 CFR Parts 170 through 177 and 10 CFR Part 71, i respectivel i Observations and Findings

Staffing has been increased to ensure workload productivity can be achieved i without safety being compromise l During hot cell preparation of samples by shipping and irradiation processing personnel the inspector observed that second verification was independently obtained in critical steps of the procedures. Tools used in Type B shipping were calibrated as required. New container gaskets and 0-rings were controlled as require l The BMI spent fuel cask arrived during the inspection and was observed while being transferred into the facility without any problem The inspector noted that the licensee has restructured the services organizatio Some of the changes include closer supervisor control of shipping workload and a system of tracking errors, root causes, and corrective actions. Ifimplemented properly the program could reduce repetitive errors significantly. The record of licensee identified errors was reviewed and seems to reflect better management oversigh One area that may need licensee attention was the training program for new shipping personnel. The inspector noted that the trainees were solely responsible for keeping their own record of required perfctmance activities. The trainees did not have a fully documented record of required performanc Supervision oversight of training may be necessary to ensure full completion and documentation of training requirement Conclusions Radioactive shipments were conducted in accordance with DOT regulation Organization restructuring and better oversight of work may reduce shipping errors and promote better safet F l





4.0 Fixed Site Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material of Moderate Strategic Significance Inspection Scope (81401/81421)

The inspector reviewed the licensee's physical protection program and system to minimize the potential for unauthorized removal of special nuclear material (SNM), and facilitate the location and recovery of missing SNM to assure that the licensee's physical protection program adequately implements the applicable provisions of 10 CFR Part 7 Findings and Observations


The licensee was in compliance with the requirements. Observed tests conducted to demonstrate the operation of the system were acceptable. Other program requirements were verifi6d to be properiy implemented by the inspecto Conclusions


The licensee's program and system were functional as require .0 Material Control and Accountability Inspection Scope (85102)

The inspector reviewed the licensee's material control and accountability program to determine whether the licensee has limited possession and use of special nuclear material (SNM) to the locations and purposes authorized under the license and to determine whether the licensee has implemented an adequate and effective program to account for and control the SNM in their possessio Findings and Observations The licensee's inventory was reviewed and partially verified. No concerns were identifie Conclusions The licensee was in cr 7pliance of the possession and use limits and had effective control of licensed material .0 Follow up on Inspector identified Violations Inspection Scope (92702)

The inspector reviewed previously identified violations and licensee corrective action within those area Eindings and Observations (Closed) Violation 50-186/97201-01: posting radioactive materials storage areas. The inspector verified that the licensee has posted areas containing radioactive materials as require . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - - - _ - - -




4 (Closed) Violation 50-186/97201-02: transportation procedures. The licensee revised all appropriate procedures that were used to conduct preparation and shipping of irradiated materials to ensure that appropriate independent or encurrent verifications were include (Closed) Violation 50-188/98201-01: requalification exams. The inspector verified that all licensed operators had been administered annua! examinations by authorized personnel for 1997 and 1998.

N Conclusions The licensee took sufficient corrective actions to ensure that the violations will not be repeate .0 Follow up on Reportable Events Inspection Scope (92700)

The inspector conducted onsite follow up of selected event reports to ensure the licensee has taken the coerective action as stated in the report and that responses to the events rnet requirement Endings and Observations Radiation induced degradation of nuclear instrument (NI) signal cable was the

, cause of repeated NI operability problems on June 15,1998. The licensee took prompt immediate corrective action and has been evaluating a replacement cable material and additional shielding to minimize recurrenc An undersized sample container in the flux trap sample holder permitted one inch of sample movement at power. The licensee discovered the error during routine roading of samples. A second occurrence like the first was also

discovereo oy the licensee while reviewing the loading records from the previous week. Personnel error was the cause and the licensee reemphasized the requirements for ensuring samples are immobilized when in the reactor at powe The calculated reactivity affects were insignifican Conclusions The licensee took prompt and acceptable corrective actions to identify and resolve their pioblem .0 YEAR 2000 REVIEW The licensee has assigned a commi+ tee to the task of reviewing computer upgrades for the year 2000. The reactor cperations staffindicated that safety related functions ha/e been evaluated and are not affected, y ..


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, Exitinterview (30703)


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The inspector presented the inspection results to members of licensee management at


l :. an exit meeting on November 20,1998. The licensee acknowledged the findings -


presented. The inspector asked the licensee whether any material examined during the inspection should be considered proprietary, No proprietary information was identified.

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Persons Contacted l l

Edward*. MURR Director l

.' Chades McKibben* MURR Associate Director Al Ketring* MURR Associate Director

Tony Shoone*. MURR Acting Reactor Mg ' John Emst*. MURR HP Manager -

. The inspector also contacted other supervisory, technical and administrative staff personne ,



  • Denotes those attending the' exit meeting on November 20,199 Inspection Procedures Used

IP 80745 Environmental Protection IP 83743 . Health Physics IP 86740_ Inspection of Transportation Activities -

IP 92700 Licensee event follow up  !

IP 92702 Follow up on items of noncompliance i


IP 81401 Plans, Procedures, and Reviews IP 81810 Protection of Safeguards information

' IP 85102 Material Control and Accounting IP 81421 Fixed Site Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material of Moderate Strategic Significance items Opened and Closed Opened None Closed 50-186/97201-01 posting radioactive materials storage areas 50-186/97201-02 Transportation Procedures 50-186/98201-01 Requalification operating examinations



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List of Documents Reviewed Audits Safety Analysis Report l Safety Evaluation Report Reactor Operating License Technical Specifications Administrative Procedures Surveillance Procedures Shipping records and procedures


Dosimetry Records

- Training Records Various Reports Security program  !

SNM records



List of Acronyms Used I ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable CFR Code of Federal Regulations i DOT Department of Transportation HP l Health Physics  !

MURR Research Reactor Facility NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission i

PDR Public Document Room  !

TS Tecnnical Specifications i

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FACILITY: _ University of Missouriat_ Columbia



1 V I O 9 7 2 0 1 0 1I I 12/ /98 I C 1 V I O 9 7 2 0 1IO 2I I 12/ /98 C 1 V I O 9 8 2 0 1IO 1I I 12/ /98 C I I I I

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