IR 05000186/1987003

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Insp Rept 50-186/87-03 on 870811-13.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Onsite Emergency Preparedness Program, Including,Training,Emergency Facilities & Equipment, Emergency Notifications & Emergency Plan Review
Person / Time
Site: University of Missouri-Columbia
Issue date: 09/03/1987
From: Christoffer G, Patterson J, Snell W
Shared Package
ML20238A261 List:
50-186-87-03, 50-186-87-3, NUDOCS 8709090250
Download: ML20238A337 (7)


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Report No. 50-186/87003(DnSS)

Docket No. 50-186 License No. R-103 Licensee: University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility Re;earch Park Columbia, MO 65201 Facility Name: Research Reactor Facility Inspection At: University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri Inspection Conducted: August 11-13, 1987 Inspectors: . P. Patterson MS'NO87 Dat,6 J

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. M. Christoffer ( 3 87 Dafe ,f Approved B .

. k ? $ W. G. Snell, Chiet 9 Emergency Preparedness Section Datt /

Inspection Summary Inspection on August 11-13, 195? ' Report No. 50-186/87003(DRSS))

Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection of the onsite emergency preparedness program at the Research Reactor Facility involving five general areas: training; emergency facilities and equipment; emergency notifications; communications and emergency plan revie Results: One violation of NRC requirements was identified regarding implementation of the emergency plan.



8709090250 870903 PDR ADOCK 05000106 O PDR

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DETAILS l'. Persons Contacted R. Brugger, Director, University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility (MURR)

D. Alger; Associate Director, MURR


C. McKibben, Reactor Manage W. Meyer, Operations Engineer S. Langhorst, Health Physics Manager R. Stevens, Senior Health Physics Technician C. Edwards, Reactor Plant Engineer J. Swallow, Maintenance Engineer 1 Licensee Actions on Previously Identified Items Relating to Emergency

+. Preparedness (Closed) Open Item No. 50-186/86002-01: The licensee has changed the statements for Action Levels for a Notification of Unusual Event (NUE) that related'to a threat or breach of security. Previously, the NUE addressed threats to.or treaches of, facility security, included the statement, "that have a significant potential for a radiological exposure of the staff or public approaching I rem whole body or 5 rem thyroid." The revised version for this NUE clearly states that this security threat stands alone without any radiological consequences. This item is close (Closed) Open Item No.- 50-186/85002-02: The licensee has formally revised and made effective as of October 28, 1986,- a new procedure for obtaining and analyzing stack effluent samples under accident conditions. This ProceJure No. HP-30, was only in rough draft at the time of the previous inspection. This item is close (0 pen) Open Item No. 50-186/86002-0?: This item resulted from the licensee using-a-reading list method for training on the Emergency Pian and related implementing procedures. On September 1, 1987, when all emergency response personnel have completed.this annual

reading' list requirement, a new method will be employed to supplement the reading list method. This will be done as a result of a recommendation from the previous inspection that other training should be added to the reading list method. The new training method will include interactive discussions among emergency response personnel which include review of both the emergency plan and the implementing


procedures. This approach, along with drills and critiques of l drills, should add depth and better understanding of the emergency preparedness program to all who participate. This item will


remain open for further evaluation in a subsequent inspectio <

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3. Evaluation of the Licensee's Emergency Preparedness Program . Training Emergency preparedness training is presently concluding. its reading


list method for reviewing'the Emergency Plan (EP) and related _

implementing procedures. As referenced in a previous paragraph,

, .this type of training will be integrated with an interactive table-top discussions to add more' realism and depth to the progra ~ The inspector concluded, that annual training requirements. includinq an annual EP drill, are. being met by the licensee. The biennial drill which includes the City of Columbia, Missouri, Fire Department r- is scheduled for October 1987. The annual EP drill held April 2, 1987 included a scenario involving high airborne radioactivity in containment without automatic isolation. A critique was held after the dril Documentation reviewed indicated that it was a good f learning situation for all participants and evaluator The inspector interviewed two emergency response personnel who were designated as Emergency Coordinators and two who were designated as

. Health Physics Managers. All four demonstrated good. familiarity with their emergency response duties and each appeared to understand the key elements of the Emergency Plan and its supporting procedure Both Health Physics Manager designees interviewed demonstrated knowledge of evacuation alarms, evacuation routes, and personnel accountability. Knowledge of the evacuation-related aspects of emergency response as shown in these interviews, was much improved the interview responses received in last year's inspectio Based on the above review, the licensee's present training program is acceptable, including the conduct and critique of the annual emergency response dril . Emergency Facilities And Equipment When the emergency organization is activated, the reactor Control Room or the facility lobby becomes the Emergency Control Center. If an p:

evacuation of the entire reactor building becomes necessary, the control 1 center would be moved to the Research Park Development Building. This building is, located approximately one block from the reactor facilit The Health Physics' emergency equipment and supplies are maintained in two locations: the emergency equipment cabinets in the copy machine room and the back up emergency equipment cabinet in the Research Park Development Building (F PDB). The contents of these cabinets are inventoried quarterl The inspector reviewed the inventory checklists for the copy room dated December 9, 1986, April 3 and June 3, 1987; and the RPDB inventory checklists dated December 9,1986, April 10 and June 3,198 _ -

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10 CFR 50.54 (r) requires that a licensee authorized to possess and/or operate a research reactor shall follow and maintain in effect emergency plan Section 8.4 of the Emergency Plan requires that the operational readiness of emergency equipment and supplies required by the procedures that implement the Emergency Plan shall be maintained, calibrated, tested and periodically inventoried as detailed in the Equipment Maintenance Procedure. The Equipment Maintenance Procedure shall cover detailed requirements such as the required inventory of emergency supplies to be. maintained at designated readily accessible location Emergency Equipment Maintenance procedure, SEP-8, requires that self-contained breathing apparatus sets are inspected by the Columbia Fire Department annually, and, that the number of self-c'ntained breathing apparatus in the copy room is thre Contrary to the above, during an examination of the emergency equipment on August 12, 1987, the inspector found one self-contained breathing apparatus stored in the emergency equipment cabinet located in the Research Park Development Building (RPDB), that was last calibrated on January 24, 1986. Additionally, there were only two self-contained breathing apparatus stored in the emergency equipment cabinet located in the copy room of the facilit This is a Severity Level V violation (Supplement VIII). (50-186/87003-01)

Safety Showers are installed in the north and south hallways and in the men's and women's restroom The licensee provides radiation dosimeters for offsite personnel responding to a call covered under the emergency plan. These dosimeters are stored in three locations: in the lobby at the reception desk; in the Health Physics office on top of the computer printout cabinet; and +be film badge racks in the hallway near the lobb In response to ar Improvement Item, SEP-8 was revised in February 10, 1987 and now states that "all maintenance and inventory records on emergency equipment shall be maintained in the Health Physics Office."

The inspectort reviewed the location and operation of the facility evacuation alarm, the reactor isolation alarm, and the area radiation monitor (ARM) which alarms in the Electronics Lab (outside containment). I Stack monitors and radiation alarm monitors in the Control Room were observed as well as the particulate monitor, AMS- ;

Based on the above review, this portion of the licensee's program is adequate. However, the following item should be considered for improvement:

. The licensee should develop a procedure that ensures the calibration.

l date of the self breathing apparatua is documented, i

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. . Emergency Notifications Since September 1986, the licensee has not identified any conditions that would cause them to enter into, Notification of Unusual Event (NUE), Alert or Site Area Emergency. However, their Emergency Plan provides that they can activate their emergency organization below an NV On April 21, 1987 they experienced an airborne contamination ccurrenc The source of contamination was an improper venting of'the Nuclepore irradiator case. Within ten minutes after the particulate monitor alarmed, all non-essential personnel were evacuated from containmen The doses measured in containment were relatively low. Also, releases from the' facility were weli below limit No offsite agencies were requested to assist with the even Based on the above review, this portion of the licensee's program is adequat . Communications The licensee has several forms of communication equipment availab'l The licensee utilizes a public telephone system for c'mmunicating with the Emergency Support Organizations. The reactor facility's telephone system is tied in with the University's telephone system which has an emergency generator for backup power. This new system was installed

.in December 198 Walkie talkies and the facility paging system are additional means of communication. Evacuation horns are available to signal a facility evacuation or a reactor containment evacuation. The inspector reviewed documentation from September 1986 thru August 1987, for the testing of the evacuation horns. This documentation was adequat Based on the above review, this portion of the licensee's program is adequate. However, the following item should be considered for improvement:

When a person changes their telephone number or is no longer employed at the facility, the posted copies of the emergency call list should have these changes annotate . Emergency Plan Review The Emergency Plan and implementing procedures have been reviewed and revised as necessary to meet the annual review requirement. The revised Emergency Plan was effective as of February 20, 198 Changes made from the previous revision of June 28, 1985 are as follows: Section 6.4 has been added to describe the decontamination facilities available and list those responsible for carrying out the tasks involve i _ - - - - - -

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'.. . Section 6.6, Emergency 00simetry,. has been added to identify types of dosimetry available for MURR staff and list what provisions are made for personnel dosimetry of offsite responding personne . Table I,' Emergency Classes, on Page 25 has been revised to modify the Action Level of " Threats to or breaches of security" for a Notification of Unusual Event (NUE) to no longer include a relationship to radiological exposure consequences; but rather stand alone as a security threat to the reactor's operatio All three of these changes were implemented as a result of findings of the Emergency Preparedness Appraisal of February 5-7, 198 The Letter of Agreement with the City of Columbia, Missouri, (regarding the participation of the City Fire Department), is dated August 24, 198 The inspectors recommended that this letter be updated, after a review by each participant to determine if there were any changes which could be included in the reviewed Letter of Agreemen The Emergency Plan Revision dated February 20, 1987 states "Emergq cy notification rosters shall be posted at strategic locations as specified in the Activation of Onsite Emergency Organization Procedure (SEP-1).

Although the rosters were posted in various locations, there is nothing specified in the above re.ferenced procedure. The licensee needs to revise their procedure to include the locations where the rosters should be poste This is an Open Item (50-186/87003-02).

Based en the above, this portion of the licensee's program is adequat However, the following should be considered for improvement:


Letters of agreement with offsite organizations should be reviewed and upcated at least every two year . Exit Meeting i

The inspectors held an exit meeting on August 13, 1987, at the conclusion of the inspection. Those licensee representatives who attended are listed in Section 1. The inspectors discussed the scope and findings of the inspectio {

The licensee indicated that no proprietary information was discussed during the two briefing {



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