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E-mail from L. Lund, NRR to E. Dacus, CA Et Al. FW: RIS and FRN
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 04/21/2008
From: Lund A L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Ashley D, Baty M C, Blount T B, Eugene Dacus, Samson Lee, McLaughlin M, Sheehan N A
Office of Public Affairs Region I
Download: ML083231029 (1)


Donnie Ashley From: Sent: To:



Louise Lund Monday, April 21, 2008 5:47 PM Eugene Dacus; Tom Blount; Samson Lee; Neil Sheehan; Donnie Ashley; Mary Baty; Marjorie McLaughlin FW: RIS and FRN C__WINDOWS_ShelINew_N RC_ADAMSDesktopCache_M L0809502351 .pdf;ML0810805620.doc Attached is the RIS for comment and the associated FRN on the fatigue methodology issue ... the FRN is publicly available in ADAMS (I just checked), and contains the text of the RIS for comment From: Martin Murphy Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 5:30 PM To: Louise Lund; Edward Williamson; Bo Pham


RIS and FRN the RIS and FRN can be found with the following ADAMS accession

  1. s: ML080950235 and ML081080562 or attached 9