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E-mail from John Richmond of Usnrc to Diane Bearde of Usnrc, Regarding Immediate e-mail Distr. for Oyster Creek IR-2008-07
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 01/21/2009
From: Richmond J E
Engineering Region 1 Branch 1
To: Bearde D
Division Reactor Projects I
FOIA/PA-2009-0070, IR-08-007
Download: ML091200738 (1)


Diane Bearde From:- John Richmond Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 1:18 To Diane Bearde Cc: Richard Conte; Doug Tifft



Immediate e-mail distr. Oyster Creek IR 2008-07 Imp:ortance:

High Include these folks on the CC: Li when the licensee is e-mailed IR 50-219/2008-07 (internal NRC e-mail distrib ion list)Mary Baty.David Pelton Marc Ferdas Jeffery kulp John Richm d Ronald Be my.Richard onte Diane crenci Neil,Sheehan N f~cy McNamara/DaVid Heiker Sa da~fd.helker@b e^, as PS & ^ i / Fx 6 0 7 _5 8 07~cy I~Lre ~ Snd in PDF Fom W/Mvacro Cai n Farjnat W/Macr Orw... acr* ei elli/ (I / c~n~~~elnc en FSing engineer 3II5