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Seismic Walkdown Report in Response to 50.54(f) Information Request Re Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Updated Transmittal #1 (Annex a) for Dresden, Unit 3, Report No. RS-13-06, Part 1 of 13
Person / Time
Site: Dresden Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/28/2013
From: Ali E H
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RS-13-067, RS-12-167 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2
Download: ML13126A179 (162)


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Supplemental Response to 50.54(f) Letter NTTF Recommendation 2.3: Seismic April 30, 2013 ENCLOSURE 1 Seismic Walkdown Report In Response To The 50.54(f) Information Request Regarding Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Updated Transmittal

  1. 1 (Annex A) for the Dresden Generating Station, Unit 3, Report No. RS-13-067 (1012 Pages)


  1. I (ANNEX A)for the DRESDEN GENERATING STATION UNIT 3 6500 North Dresden Road, Morris, Illinois, 60450 Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-25 NRC Docket No. STN 50-249 Correspondence No.: RS-13-067 Anow AINNEW ANNIN011 Exe!on.Prepared by: Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Exelon)PO Box 805398 Chicago, IL 60680-5398 03/261(3 Printed Name Preparer:

Eyed H. AN (Annex A)Reviewer Bryan Weight (Annex A)Approver Bryan Weight (Annex A)Mohammed Hosain Peer Review Team Leader (Annex A)Lead Responsible Engineer:

Eyed H. All Branch Manager:.

Gary Storrick Senior Manager Paul Wojtklewlcz Design Engineering:

__ _ _Corporate Acceptance:

Jeffrey S. Clark 8innature zIDift&Q-14 .-

SEISMIC WALKDOWN REPORT IN RESPONSE TO THE 50.54(f) INFORMATION REQUEST REGARDING FUKUSHIMA NEAR-TERM TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION 2.3: SEISMIC for the DRESDEN GENERATING STATION UNIT 3 6500 North Dresden Road, Morris, Illinois, 60450 Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-25 NRC Docket No. STN 50-249 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Exelon Generaton Company, LLC (Exelon)PO Box 80-39 Chimap, IL 606806398 Prepared by: Stevenson

& AMociales 1661 Feehenills Drive, Suits 150 Mount Prospect IL 80056 Report Number 12Q0108.30-R-002.

Rev. 2 Prep Mariaene Delaney Rev.OW Tony Peez Approve Tony Per Peer Review Teem Leaem:r Brce Lory Lead Responaible Engineer Bryan Wlight Branch Mang'e.r 9-Desig Engineering:m

--pnf =W= g V401 11/1512012 1111502012 11/152012 11115=2012

//4, 12. /,L Document Title: SEISMIC WALKDOWN REPORT IN RESPONSE TO THE 50.54(f) INFORMATION REQUEST REGARDING FUKUSHIMA NEAR-TERM TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION 2.3: SEISMIC for the DRESDEN GENERATING STATION UNIT 3 Document Type: Report Report Number: 12Q0108.30-R-002 Project Name: NTTF R2.3 Seismic Walkdowns for Exelon -Dresden Job No.: 12Q0108.30 Client: A Exelon This document has been prepared in accordance with the S&A Quality Assurance Program Manual, Revision 17 and project requirements:

Initial Issue (Rev. 0)Prepared by: Marlene Delaney Date: 11/7/2012 Reviewed by: Tony Perez Date: 11/7/2012 Approved by: Tony Perez Date: 11/7/2012 Revision Record: Revision Prepared by/ Reviewed by/ Approved by/ Description of Revision No. Date Date Date 1 Marlene Tony Perez Tony Perez Replaced pages 5-11, 5-12, Delaney 11/8/2012 11/8/2012 and F-3.11/8/2012 2 Marlene Tony Perez Tony Perez Replaced page F-3 and Delaney 11/15/2012 11/15/2012 Table E-2.11/15/2012 --

Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Contents L is t o f T a b le s ....................................................................................................

... iii E x e c u tiv e S u m m a ry .................................................................................................

iv I Introduction


1-1 1 .1 P u rp o s e ...................................................................................................................

1 -1 1 .2 B a c k g ro u n d .............................................................................................................

1 -1 1 .3 P la n t O v e rv ie w ........................................................................................................

1 -1 1 .4 A p p ro a c h .................................................................................................................

1 -2 1 .5 C o n c lu s io n ..............................................................................................................

1 -2 2 Seism ic Licensing Basis ................................................................................................

2-1 2 .1 O v e rv ie w .................................................................................................................

2 -1 2.2 Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) ..........................................................................

2-1 2.3 Design of Seism ic Category I SSCs ........................................................................

2-1 2.3.1 Seism ic Sum mary ..........................................................................................

2-1 2.3.2 Applicable Codes ...........................................................................................

2-2 2.3.3 Seism ic Qualification of Safety Related Mechanical Equipment


2-3 2.3.4 Seismic Qualification of Class I Instrumentation and Electrical Equipment...

2-3 3 Personnel Qualifications


3-1 3 .1 O v e rv ie w .................................................................................................................

3 -1 3 .2 P roje c t P e rs o n n e l ....................................................................................................

3 -1 3.2.1 Stevenson

& Associates Personnel


3-2 3.3 Additional Personnel


3-3 4 Selection of SSCs .......................................................................................................

4-1 4 .1 O v e rv ie w .................................................................................................................

4 -1 4.2 SW EL Development


4-1 4.2.1 SWEL 1 -Sample of Required Items for the Five Safety Functions


4-1 4.2.2 SW EL 2 -Spent Fuel Pool Related Items .....................................................

4-3 5 Seism ic W alkdowns and Area W alk-Bys ................................................................

5-1 5 .1 O v e rv ie w .................................................................................................................

5 -1 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 5.2 Seism ic W alkdow ns ................................................................................................

5-1 5.2.1 Adverse Anchorage Conditions


5-2 5.2.2 Configuration Verification


5-2 5.2.3 Adverse Seism ic Spatial Interactions


5-3 5.2.4 Other Adverse Seism ic Conditions


5-4 5.2.5 Conditions Identification during Seism ic W alkdow ns .....................................

5-4 5 .3 A re a W a lk-B y s ........................................................................................................

5 -4 5.3.1 Conditions Identification during Area W alk-bys .............................................

5-6 5.4 Supplem ental Inform ation on Electrical Cabinet Inspections


5-6 6 Licensing Basis Evaluations


6-1 7 IPEEE Vulnerabilities Resolution Report .....................................................................

7-1 8 Peer Review ....................................................................................................................

8-1 9 References


9-1 Appendices A Project Personnel Resumes and SWE Certificates


A-1 B Equipm ent Lists .............................................................................................................

B-1 C Seism ic W alkdown Checklists (SW Cs) ..................................................................

C-1 D Area W alk-By Checklists (A W Cs) ...........................................................................

D-1 E Plan for Future Seismic Walkdown of Inaccessible Equipment


E-1 F Peer Review Report ...................................................................................................

F-1 G IPEEE Vulnerabilities


G-1 ii Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 Correspondence No.: RS-13-067 List of Tables Table 2-1. List of Codes and Standards


2-2 T able 3-1. P erso nne l R oles ....................................................................................

3-1 Table 5-1. Anchorage Configuration Confirmation


5-3 Table 5-2. Conditions Identified during Seismic Walkdowns


5-8 Table 5-3. Conditions Identified during Area Walk-Bys ................................................

5-9 Table B-la. Base List la -Items Exclusive to Unit 3 ...................................................

B-3 Table B-lb. Base List lb -Items Common to Units 2 and 3 .........................................

B-42 T a b le B -2 .S W E L 1 .............................................................................................

B -4 6 Table C-1. Summary of Seismic Walkdown Checklists


C-2 Table D-1. Summary of Area Walk-By Checklists


D-2 Table E-1. Inaccessible and Deferred Equipment List .................................................

E-2 Table E-2. Supplemental Cabinet Internal Inspection List ............................................

E-4 Table G-1. IPEEE Improvements Status ..................................................................

G-2 List of Annexes Annex A. NRC Transmittal Update 1 ...................................................................

Ai iii Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to provide information as requested by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in its March 12, 2012 letter issued to all power reactor licensees and holders of construction permits in active or deferred status. (Ref. 7) In particular, this report provides information requested to address Enclosure 3, Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, of the March 12, 2012 letter. (Ref. 7)Following the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant resulting from the March 11, 2011, Great Tohoku Earthquake and subsequent tsunami, the NRC established the Near Term Task Force (NTTF) in response to Commission direction.

The NTTF issued a report -Recommendations for Enhancing Reactor Safety in the 21s'Century: The Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident -that made a series of recommendations, some of which were to be acted upon "without unnecessary delay." (Ref. 14) On March 12, 2012, the NRC issued a letter to all power reactor licensees in accordance with 1 0CFR50.54(f).

The 50.54(f)letter requests information to assure that certain NTTF recommendations are addressed by all U.S. nuclear power plants. (Ref. 7) The 50.54(f) letter requires, in part, all U.S.nuclear power plants to perform seismic walkdowns to identify and address degraded, non-conforming or unanalyzed conditions and to verify the current plant configuration is within the current seismic licensing basis. This report documents the seismic walkdowns performed at Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 in response, in part, to the 50.54(f)letter issued by the NRC.The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), supported by industry personnel, cooperated with the NRC to prepare guidance for conducting seismic walkdowns as required in the 50.54(f) letter, Enclosure 3, Recommendation 2.3: Seismic. (Ref. 7) The guidelines and procedures prepared by NEI and endorsed by the NRC were published through the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) as EPRI Technical Report 1025286, Seismic Walkdown Guidance for Resolution of Fukushima Near- Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, dated June 2012; henceforth, referred to as the "EPRI guidance document." (Ref. 1) Exelon/Dresden has utilized this NRC endorsed guidance as the basis for the seismic walkdowns and this report. (Ref. 1)The EPRI guidance document was used to perform the engineering walkdowns and evaluations described in this report. In accordance with the EPRI guidance document, the following topics are addressed in the subsequent sections of this report.* Seismic Licensing Basis* Personnel Qualifications

  • Selection of Systems, Structures, and Components (SSC)* Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys" Seismic Licensing Basis Evaluations
  • IPEEE Vulnerabilities Resolution Report* Peer Review iv Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Seismic Licensing Basis The Seismic Licensing Basis is briefly described in Section 2 of this report. The safe shutdown earthquake for the Dresden Generating Station site is 0.20g horizontal ground acceleration and 0.133g vertical ground acceleration. (Ref. 2 Section 3.8)Personnel Qualifications Personnel qualifications are discussed in Section 3 of this report. The personnel who performed the key activities required to fulfill the objectives and requirements of the 50.54(f) letter are qualified and trained as required in the EPRI guidance document.(Ref. 1) These personnel are responsible for:* Selecting the SSCs that should be placed on the Seismic Walkdown Equipment List (SWEL),* Performing the Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys," Performing the seismic licensing basis evaluations, as applicable,* Identifying the list of plant-specific vulnerabilities identified during the IPEEE program and describing the actions taken to eliminate or reduce them," Performing the peer reviews Selection of SSCs Selection of SSCs is discussed in Section 4 of this report. The process used to select the items that were included in the overall Seismic Walkdown Equipment List (SWEL) is described in detail in the EPRI guidance document, Section 3: Selection of SSCs. (Ref.1) The SWEL is comprised of two groups of items, which are described at a high level in the following subsections.

Sample of Required Items for the Five Safety Functions

-SWEL 1 Screen #1 narrowed the scope of SSCs in the plant to those that are designed to Seismic Category I requirements because they have a seismic licensing basis.Screen #2 narrowed the scope of SSCs by selecting only those that do not regularly undergo inspections to confirm that their configuration continues to be consistent with the plant licensing basis.Screen #3 narrowed the scope of SSCs included on SWEL 1 as only those associated with maintaining the five safety functions.

These five safety functions include the four safe shutdown functions (reactor reactivity control, reactor coolant pressure control, reactor coolant inventory control, and decay heat removal, which includes the Ultimate Heat Sink), plus the containment functions.

Screen #4 was a process intended to result in a SWEL 1 that sufficiently represented the broader population of plant equipment and systems needed to meet the objectives of the 50.54(f) letter. The following five sample attributes were used:* A variety of types of systems" Major new or replacement equipment" A variety of types of equipment" A variety of environments v

Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12QO108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Equipment enhanced due to vulnerabilities identified during the IPEEE program Spent Fuel Pool Related Items -SWEL 2 Screen #1 and Screen #2 were used to narrow the scope of spent fuel pool related SSCs to those that have a seismic licensing basis and those that are appropriate for an equipment walkdown process. Screen #3 was intended to result in SWEL 2 that sufficiently represents the broader population of spent fuel pool Seismic Category I equipment and systems to meet the objectives of the 50.54(f) letter, and included the following sample selection attributes: " A variety of types of systems* Major new or replacement equipment" A variety of types of equipment" A variety of environments Screen #4 identified items of the spent fuel pool that could potentially cause a rapid drain-down of the pool, even if such items are not Seismic Category I. Rapid drain-down is defined as lowering of the water level to the top of the fuel assemblies within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after the earthquake.

Any items identified as having the potential for rapidly draining the spent fuel pool were to be added to SWEL 2.For Dresden Unit 3, the SWEL is comprised of: " SWEL 1 resulted with 103 items for walkdown.* SWEL 2 resulted with no items for walkdown.* No items associated with spent fuel pool rapid drain-down are included on SWEL 2.Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys Section 5, Appendix C, and Appendix D of this report documents the equipment Seismic Walkdowns and the Area Walk-Bys.

The online seismic walkdowns for Dresden Unit 3 were performed during the week of July 30, 2012. During the walkdown activities, the walkdown team consisted of two (2) Seismic Walkdown Engineers (SWEs), a station Equipment Operator, and various station personnel.

The seismic walkdowns focused on the seismic adequacy of the items on the SWEL.The walkdowns focused on the following:

  • Adverse anchorage conditions
  • Adverse seismic spatial interactions
  • Other adverse seismic conditions (e.g., degradation, configuration, etc.)Area Walk-Bys were conducted in each area of the plant that contained an item on the SWEL (generally within 35 feet of the SWEL component).

The Area Walk-By was performed to identify potentially adverse seismic conditions associated with other SSCs located in the vicinity of the SWEL item. The key examination factors that were considered in the Area Walk-Bys included the following:

  • Anchorage conditions (if visible without opening equipment) vi Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167" Significantly degraded equipment in the area* Potential seismic interaction
  • A visual assessment (from the floor) of cable/conduit raceways and HVAC ducting (e.g., condition of supports or fill conditions of cable trays)* Potential adverse interactions that could cause flooding/spray and fire in the area* Other housekeeping items, including temporary installations The seismic walkdown team inspected 88 of the 103 components on the SWEL.Walkdowns for 15 components were deferred due to accessibility issues such as being located in containment or energized equipment.

The 15 remaining items will be inspected during a unit outage or another time when the equipment is accessible, as required.

Anchorage verification was required for a minimum of 31 components. (Ref. 1)A total of 45 anchorage configurations were confirmed to be installed in accordance with the station documentation.

Following the completion of the online seismic walkdowns, the industry was made aware that the NRC staff had clarified a position on opening electrical cabinets to inspect for other adverse seismic conditions.

Supplemental inspections of 33 electrical cabinets are planned and will be completed, as required, during a unit outage or another time when the equipment becomes accessible.

The list of electrical cabinets along with the milestone completion schedule is provided in Table E-2.During the seismic walkdowns at the Dresden Unit 3 fourteen (14) Issue Reports (IRs)were issued. After evaluation through the CAP, it was determined that none of the conditions identified in the IRs were adverse seismic conditions.

Seismic Licensinq Basis Evaluations The EPRI guidance document, Section 5: Seismic Licensing Basis Evaluation provides a detailed process to perform and document seismic licensing basis evaluations of SSCs identified when potentially adverse seismic conditions are identified.

The process provides a means to identify, evaluate and document how the identified potentially adverse seismic condition meets a station's seismic licensing basis without entering the condition into a station's Corrective Action Program (CAP). In lieu of this process, Exelon/Dresden utilized the existing processes and procedures (Site CAP Expectations) to identify, evaluate and document conditions identified during the Seismic Walkdowns.

In accordance with Exelon/Dresden processes and procedures, all questionable conditions identified by the SWEs during the walkdowns were entered into the station CAP to be further evaluated and addressed as required.

The SWEs provided input to support the identification and evaluation (including seismic licensing basis evaluations, as required) of the potentially adverse seismic conditions entered into the CAP. The station corrective action program is a more robust process than that provided in the EPRI guidance document; in part, ensuring each condition is properly evaluated for conformance with design and licensing bases and corrected as required.Conditions identified during the walkdowns were documented on the SWCs, AWCs, and entered into the CAP. For those conditions that required, seismic licensing basis evaluations were completed and documented within the IR. Tables 5-2 and 5-3 in the report provide the IR, a summary of the condition, and the action completion status.vii Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 IPEEE Vulnerabilities IPEEE vulnerabilities are addressed in Section 7 and Appendix G of this report. No vulnerabilities were identified as a result of the effort that addressed the Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE). (Ref. 3 and 5) However, plant improvements were identified in Section 7 of Reference

4. Table G-1 provides the list of plant improvements, the IPEEE proposed resolution, the actual resolution and resolution date.All IPEEE plant improvements and associated actions are complete.Peer Reviews A peer review team consisting of at least two individuals was assembled and peer reviews were performed in accordance with Section 6: Peer Reviews of the EPRI guidance document.

The Peer Review process included the following activities: " Review of the selection of SSCs included on the SWEL" Review of a sample of the checklists prepared for the Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys* Review of licensing basis evaluations, as applicable

  • Review of the decisions for entering the potentially adverse conditions into the CAP process* Review of the submittal report* Provided a summary report of the peer review process in the submittal report Section 8 of this report contains a summary of the Peer Review. The Peer Review determined that the objectives and requirements of the 50.54(f) letter are met. Further, it was concluded by the peer reviews that the efforts completed and documented within this report are in accordance with the EPRI guidance document.Summary In summary, seismic walkdowns have been performed at the Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 in accordance with the NRC endorsed walkdown methodology.

All potentially degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed conditions identified as a result of the seismic walkdowns have been entered into the corrective action program.Evaluations of the identified conditions are complete and documented within the CAP.These evaluations determined the Seismic Walkdowns resulted with no adverse anchorage conditions, no adverse seismic spatial interactions, and no other adverse seismic conditions associated with the items on the SWEL. Similarly, the Area Walk-Bys resulted with no adverse seismic conditions associated with other SSCs located in the vicinity of the SWEL item(s).The Seismic Walkdowns identified fourteen (14) minor conditions.

Other than these minor conditions, the Seismic Walkdowns identified no degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed conditions that required either immediate or follow-on action. No planned or newly identified protection or mitigation features have resulted from the efforts to address the 50.54(f) letter.Follow-on activities required to complete the efforts to address Enclosure 3 of the 50.54(f) letter include inspection of 15 items deferred due to inaccessibility along with viii Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 Correspondence No.: RS-13-067 supplemental inspections of 33 electrical cabinets.

Area Walk-Bys will be complete, as required, during these follow-on activities.

All IPEEE improvement actions are complete.To address the items deferred due to inaccessibility and the supplemental inspections of electrical cabinets, follow-on Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys were conducted during the fourth quarter of 2012. No degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed conditions that required either immediate or follow-on actions were identified.

Annex A to this report provides: 1) Additional information obtained from these follow-on inspections performed on the open items listed in Table E-1 and E-2, and 2) Status updates on the conditions identified during the previous Area Walk-Bys, listed on Table 5-3. The status updates on the conditions previously identified, as well as any new conditions found during follow-on inspections, are listed in Table A5-3 of this Annex A. No outstanding seismic walkdown conditions were open in the initial report, as well as, no new seismic walkdown conditions were identified during follow-on activities.

As of December 31, 2012, follow-on activities required to complete the efforts to address Enclosure 3 of the 50.54(f) letter include the supplemental inspections of 24 electrical cabinets listed in Table E-2 of the initial report, which are to be completed on or before the original commitment date of Winter 2022 (D3R27 Outage). These items are re-listed in Table AE-2 of Annex A.ix Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 I Introduction 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to provide information as requested by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in its March 12, 2012 letter issued to all power reactor licensees and holders of construction permits in active or deferred status. (Ref. 7) In particular, this report provides information requested to address Enclosure 3, Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, of the March 12, 2012 letter. (Ref. 7)1.2 BACKGROUND Following the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant resulting from the March 11, 2011, Great Tohoku Earthquake and subsequent tsunami, the NRC established the Near Term Task Force (NTTF) in response to Commission direction.

The NTTF issued a report -Recommendations for Enhancing Reactor Safety in the 21t Century. The Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident -that made a series of recommendations, some of which were to be acted upon "without unnecessary delay." (Ref. 14) On March 12, 2012, the NRC issued a letter to all power reactor licensees in accordance with 10CFR50.54(f).

The 50.54(f)letter requests information to assure that certain NTTF recommendations are addressed by all U.S. nuclear power plants. (Ref. 7) The 50.54(f) letter requires, in part, all U.S.nuclear power plants to perform seismic walkdowns to identify and address degraded, non-conforming or unanalyzed conditions and to verify the current plant configuration is within the current seismic licensing basis. This report documents the seismic walkdowns performed at Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 in response, in part, to the 50.54(f)letter issued by the NRC.The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), supported by industry personnel, cooperated with the NRC to prepare guidance for conducting seismic walkdowns as required in the 50.54(f) letter, Enclosure 3, Recommendation 2.3: Seismic. (Ref. 7) The guidelines and procedures prepared by NEI and endorsed by the NRC were published through the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) as EPRI Technical Report 1025286, Seismic Walkdown Guidance for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, dated June 2012; henceforth, referred to as the "EPRI guidance document." (Ref. 1) Exelon/Dresden has utilized this NRC endorsed guidance as the basis for the seismic walkdowns and this report. (Ref. 1)1.3 PLANT OVERVIEW Dresden Generating Station consists of two operating boiling water reactor (BWR)generating units, located in Morris, Illinois.

A third retired unit is also present at Dresden but will not be included in this report. Both operating units have Mark I containments, are rated at 2957 MWt power (Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-25), and were originally designed and built by GE as prime contractor for Commonwealth Edison 1-1 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Company (ComEd). Dresden Unit 3 was completed and went in to commercial service in November of 1971. (Ref. 2 section 1.1.1).1.4 APPROACH The EPRI guidance document is used for the Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 engineering walkdowns and evaluations described in this report. In accordance with Reference 1, the following topics are addressed in the subsequent sections of this report:* Seismic Licensing Basis* Personnel Qualifications

  • Selection of Systems, Structures, and Components (SSCs)* Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys* Licensing Basis Evaluations
  • IPEEE Vulnerabilities Resolution Report* Peer Review


Seismic walkdowns have been performed at the Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 in accordance with the NRC endorsed walkdown methodology.

All potentially degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed conditions identified as a result of the seismic walkdowns have been entered into the corrective action program.Evaluations of the identified conditions are complete and documented within the CAP.These evaluations determined the Seismic Walkdowns resulted with no adverse anchorage conditions, no adverse seismic spatial interactions, and no other adverse seismic conditions associated with the items on the SWEL. Similarly, the Area Walk-Bys resulted with no adverse seismic conditions associated with other SSCs located in the vicinity of the SWEL item(s).The Seismic Walkdowns identified fourteen (14) minor conditions.

Other than these minor conditions, the Seismic Walkdowns identified no degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed conditions that required either immediate or follow-on action. No planned or newly identified protection or mitigation features have resulted from the efforts to address the 50.54(f) letter.Follow-on activities required to complete the efforts to address Enclosure 3 of the 50.54(f) letter include inspection of 15 items deferred due to inaccessibility along with supplemental inspections of 33 electrical cabinets.

Area Walk-Bys will be complete, as required, during these follow-on activities.

1-2 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 2 Seismic Licensing Basis 2.1 OVERVIEW This section of the report summarizes the seismic licensing basis for the Dresden Generating Station Unit 2 and Unit 3. The safe shutdown earthquake and a summary of the codes, standards, and methods used in the design of Seismic Class I (Category I)SSCs are presented.

This section does not establish or change the seismic licensing basis of the facility and is intended to provide a fundamental understanding of the seismic licensing basis of the facility.2.2 SAFE SHUTDOWN EARTHQUAKE (SSE)The safe shutdown earthquake for the Dresden Generating Station site is 0.20g horizontal ground acceleration and 0.133g vertical ground acceleration. (Ref. 2 Section 3.8)2.3 DESIGN OF SEISMIC CATEGORY I SSCS A full description of the Safe Shutdown Earthquake along with the codes, standards, and methods used in the design of the Seismic Class I (Category I) SSCs for meeting the seismic licensing basis requirements is provided in the following Dresden Generating Station UFSAR sections:* 3.2 Classification of Structures, Components, and Systems* 3.7 Seismic Design* 3.8 Design of Class I Structures

  • 3.9 Mechanical Systems and Components 0 3.10 Seismic Qualification of Class I Instrumentation and Electrical Equipment These UFSAR sections should be referred to for a detailed understanding of the seismic licensing basis.2.3.1 Seismic Summary The input motions used to create the seismic design of Dresden are based on the Housner-type Ground Response Spectrum (GRS) and the north-south component earthquake record of El Centro of May 18, 1940. The Dresden design basis Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) ground spectra are smoothed Housner-type spectra. The design basis In-Structure Response Spectra (ISRS) were generated using a time-history method of analysis.

The El Centro 1940 earthquake N-S component, anchored to 0.10g, was used to generate the ISRS for the Dresden Operating basis Earthquake (OBE). For SSE design, the spectral values were obtained by doubling the OBE spectra. The OBE is defined in the horizontal direction by the Housner-type GRS scaled to 0. 1Og peak 2-1 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ground acceleration (PGA) and ISRS developed from the El Centro Earthquake time history scaled to 0.10g. The OBE in the vertical direction is defined by two-thirds of the Housner-type GRS with a resulting PGA of 0.067g. The SSE is defined by multiplying the OBE acceleration by a factor of 2, resulting in a horizontal direction GRS PGA of 0.20g. (Ref. 4)2.3.2 Applicable Codes As per section 3.2 of Reference 2, Table 2-1 summarizes the codes and standards used for design of systems or components which are applicable in-whole or in-part: Table 2-1. List of Codes and Standards System, Structure, or Component Code or Standard Valves (except main steam isolation, USAS B-31.1 and ASME Section I safety, relief, and safety relief valves)Reactor Recirculation Pumps ASME Section III, Class C Main Steam Isolation, Safety, Relief, USAS B-31.1, ASME Section I, and ASME and Safety Relief Valves and Flow Section III (Safety Relief Valve)), 1971 Edition Restrictors Piping System USAS B-31.1, and ASME Section I.Batteries (Station batteries)

IEEE 308-1974; IEEE 450 Cable (new cable installations)

IEEE 384 Condenser pit level alarms IEEE 279 Containment ASME Section III, 1965 Edition, Class B Containment air monitoring (CAM) ASME Ill, Class 2; IEEE 323-1974; IEEE 344-1975 Containment penetrations ASME Section III, Class B Containment penetration fitting design ASME Section VIII Control rod drive ASME Section III Core spray piping USAS B31.1 Core spray pump casing ASME Section III, Class C Core spray spargers and nozzles ASME Section III Core spray vessel nozzle ASME SA 336, Code Case 1332 Fuel pool cooling heat exchanger ASME Section III Fuel pool cooling pump ASME VIII HPCI piping USAS B-31.1 and ASME Section I HPCI pumps ASME Section III Hydrogen injection system USAS B-31.1 and ASME Section VIII Isolation condenser heat exchanger ASME Section VIII shell side Isolation condenser heat exchanger ASME Section III tube side Instruments (replacement and new IEEE 344-1975 RG 1.97)LPCI pump casings ASME Section III, Class C Main steam piping USAS B-31.1; ASME Section I and III Off-gas piping USAS ASA B-31.1 Off-gas recombiner/adsorber ASME Section III, Subsection ND, Class 3 Oxygen injection tank (inner vessel) ASME Section VIII, Division I RBCCW heat exchangers ASME Section VIII 2-2 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 System, Structure, or Component Code or Standard Reactor protection system IEEE 279-1968 Reactor water cleanup vessels ASME Section III Class C, 1965 (Unit 2 purchased to ASME Section VIII, reconciled to ASME Section III, Class C, 1965)Shutdown cooling system ASME III, Class C)Suppression pool temp monitoring IEEE 279-1971, 323-1974, 344-1971, 344-system 1975 Traversing incore probe guide tubes ASME Section VIII 2.3.3 Seismic Qualification of Safety Related Mechanical Equipment Safety-related mechanical equipment is qualified by either dynamic or static analysis methods. (Ref. 2 section a dynamic analysis was not performed, the horizontal seismic coefficients for rigid equipment in the reactor-turbine building were considered to be equal to or greater than the building acceleration at the installed elevation.

The vertical seismic coefficient was considered as two-thirds of ground acceleration, i.e., 0.067 g. The input motion to the equipment was assumed to be the absolute acceleration of the structure at the points of support of the equipment. (Ref. 2 section reassessment of the seismic adequacy of mechanical and electrical equipment at Dresden Unit 2 was performed under the systematic evaluation program (SEP), Topic 111-6, titled, "Seismic Design Considerations." In addition, Generic Letter (GL) 87-02,"Verification of Seismic Adequacy of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors, Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46," requires verification of seismic adequacy. (Ref. 2 section Seismic Qualification of Class I Instrumentation and Electrical Equipment The original seismic design criteria for Dresden Units 2 and 3 were developed by John A. Blume and Associates based on the recommendation of seismologist Perry Byerly.(Ref. 2 section 3.10)Dresden Station was originally designed for a design level earthquake, equivalent to the operating basis earthquake (OBE) with a peak ground acceleration of 0.1 g. The design was reviewed to assure that the plant would resist twice the response loads for the 0.1 g earthquake without hindering the ability of the plant to be safely shut down. (Ref. 2 section 3.10)Seismic design requirements and procedures have evolved significantly since the time Dresden Station received its construction permit. Recognizing this evolution, the NRC found that it was necessary to make a reassessment of the seismic safety of older operating plants. The Dresden Unit 2 seismic reassessment was performed under the Systematic Evaluation Program (SEP), Topic 111-6, titled "Seismic Design Considerations," June 30, 1982. (Ref. 2 section 3.10)Generic letter (GL) 87-02, "Verification of Seismic Adequacy of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors, Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46," which was issued on February 19, 1987, also addresses seismic assessment of older plants.The generic letter was issued to implement the USI A-46 resolution which concluded that the seismic adequacy of certain equipment in older operating nuclear plants must be 2-3 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 reviewed against seismic criteria not yet in use when these plants were licensed. (Ref. 2 section 3.10)Supplement No. 1 to Generic Letter 87-02 was issued on May 22, 1992. It transmitted the NRC staffs Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report No. 2 (SSER-2) on the Seismic Qualification Utility Group's (SQUG) Generic Implementing Procedure, Revision 2 as corrected on February 14, 1992 (referred to as GIP-2). The GIP-2 methodology relies primarily on the use of existing earthquake and testing experience data to verify the seismic adequacy of generic classes of equipment in contrast to seismic qualification procedures, which rely on analysis or testing of each item of equipment. (Ref. 2 section 3.10)CoinEd committed to use the following as its method for responding to Generic Letter 87-02:* GIP-2 in its entirety (both SQUG commitments and implementation guidance);" Clarifications, interpretations, and exceptions to GIP-2 identified in SSER-2;* Letter of August 21, 1992 (N.P. Smith to J.G. Partlow), SQUG Response to Generic Letter 87-02; and" Letter of October 2, 1992 (J.G. Partlow to N.P. Smith), NRC Response to Seismic Qualification Group.(Ref. 2 section 3.10)The following two clarifications apply: 1. CoinEd will use previously performed anchorage evaluations to expedite and/or minimize the GIP verification efforts, provided that the anchorage evaluations previously performed meet the criteria and procedures approved by the staff in SSER-2.2. ComEd will use existing seismic qualification test reports to demonstrate operability for any equipment on its safe shutdown equipment list that was previously qualified to IEEE 344-1975.(Ref. 2 section 3.10)For new and replacement equipment, the GIP-2 methodology is applied if consistent with the licensing basis for the equipment.

In particular, each new or replacement item of equipment and parts is evaluated for any design changes that could reduce its seismic capacity from that reflected by the earthquake experience or generic testing equipment classes. This includes verification of the seismic adequacy of commercial grade equipment being dedicated for safety-related purposes. (Ref. 2 section 3.10)For Regulatory Guide 1.97 new and replacement equipment requiring seismic qualification, the requirements of IEEE 344-1975, Regulatory Guide 1.100, Revision 1, and Dresden Station will be satisfied. (Ref. 2 section 3.10)2-4 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12QO108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 3 Personnel Qualifications 3.1 OVERVIEW This section of the report identifies the personnel that participated in the NTTF 2.3 Seismic Walkdown efforts. A description of the responsibilities of each Seismic Walkdown participant's role(s) is provided in Section 2 of the EPRI guidance document.(Ref. 1) Resumes included in Appendix A provide detail on each person's qualifications.

3.2 PROJECT PERSONNEL Table 3-1 below summarizes the names and corresponding roles of personnel who participated in the NTTF 2.3 Seismic Walkdown effort.Table 3-1. Personnel Roles Seismic Licensing Equipment Plant Walkdown Baicesig IEE Pe Name Selection Pln akon Basis IEE Pe Engineer Operations Engineer Reviewer Reviewer Reviewer (SWE)A. Perez X K. Hull X T.K. Ram XM 1)J. Griffith X X M. Wodarcyk X X B. Lory X(2)W. Djordjevic X(3)D. Hamilton (Exelon) X B. Weight (Exelon) X X Notes: 1. Peer Review Team member for SWEL review only.2. Peer Review Team Leader.3. Peer Review Team Leader for SWEL.3-1 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 3.2.1 Stevenson

& Associates Personnel The following provides a synopsis of each individual's background and experiences.

Antonio Perez, P.E.: Mr. Perez is a Senior Engineer III and serves as the General Manager of the S&A Hudson, WI office. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering at Michigan Technological University and is a licensed Professional Engineer in the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Mr. Perez has over 15 years of experience in project management, project engineering, equipment design, and mechanical systems design and has served in the nuclear power industry for over 11 years. He has extensive experience in Program and Design Engineering and has held positions such as MOV Engineer, Responsible Design Engineer, Design Engineering Supervisor and STA Trainee in the nuclear power industry.

Mr. Perez has successfully completed the Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3 -Plant Seismic Walkdowns Training Course.Kim Hull: Mr. Hull is a Senior Engineer III in the S&A Hudson, WI office. He earned his Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering at Michigan State University.

Mr.Hull has over 30 years of experience in the nuclear power industry and has held positions such as Shift Technical Advisor, Principal Engineer, Senior Instructor, and Mechanical Design Supervisor.

He has an extensive background in all aspects of nuclear power plant modifications with a thorough understanding of configuration control/management along with design and licensing basis of nuclear power plants. Mr.Hull has successfully completed the Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3 -Plant Seismic Walkdowns Training Course.Tribhawan K. Ram, P.E.: Mr. Ram is a Senior Engineer III in the S&A Phoenix, AZ Office. He has over 28 year experience in the nuclear power industry with expertise in plant systems and design engineering.

Currently, Mr. Ram is leading the electrical engineering effort in support of Post-Fukushima Seismic Margin Analysis (SMA) for two Taiwan nuclear stations (PWR and BWR). This effort, in support of the plant Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL), consists of relay list development, relay screening (using GERS, SQURTS or other available testing data), and relay chatter analysis.

Mr.Ram was involved in resolving USI A-46 relay outliers for several plants (Dresden, Quad Cities, Millstone, Palisades, and Pilgrim).

He evaluated dozens of control circuits for relay chattering issues. To replace outliers, Mr. Ram developed and/or supervised the development of modification packages including:

replacement relay selection; relay testing specification preparation; and seismic testing facility visits for relay qualification.

As a systems manager, Mr. Ram conducted periodic system walkdowns to discover and then pursue resolutions for any design, maintenance or operational issues with equipment.

He has developed test plans for circuit breaker and other electrical equipment replacement, including involvement in test plan execution during refueling outages. Mr. Ram has interfaced, with NRC in their biennial Component Design Basis Inspections (CDBI), and with INPO in their biennial evaluations.

Mr. Ram has MS degrees in Nuclear and Electrical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati, and an MBA from Bowling Green State University.

He is a licensed Professional Engineer (electrical) in Ohio. Mr. Ram has completed a six month training course in BWR systems.Jim Griffith, P.E. Mr. Griffith is a Senior Engineer III in the S&A Chicago Office. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering and has more than 25 years of experience in the nuclear power plant industry.

He is a licensed Professional Engineer 3-2 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 in the State of Wisconsin.

He is a SQUG Qualified Seismic Capability Engineer (SCE)and has completed the NTTF Recommendation 2.3 Training Course (SWE). In addition to his involvement in design and analysis of structures, systems, and components at nuclear power plants, Mr. Griffith has many years of experience working at numerous nuclear power plants in support of construction, design, outage, and walkdown activities including SQUG walkdowns.

Michael Wodarcyk, E. I.T. Mr. Wodarcyk is a Staff Engineer in the S&A Chicago, IL Office. He has a Master of Science Degree in Civil Engineering and has been working in the nuclear power plant industry for slightly more than one year. He has completed the NTTF Recommendation 2.3 Training Course (SWE). He has been involved in the design and analysis of rigging configurations, piping and pipe supports, and other various structures.

Bruce Lory Mr. Lory is a Senior Engineer III in the S&A Chicago, IL Office. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering and has more than 30 years of experience in the nuclear power plant industry.

He is a SQUG Qualified Seismic Capability Engineer (SCE) and is the instructor of the Fundamentals of Equipment Seismic Qualification training course for EPRI, and is the co-instructor of the Fukushima Seismic Walkdown training course in response to NTTF 2.3. In addition, he has been involved with equipment modifications for Extended Power Uprates (EPU), as well as Seismic Qualification (SQ) and Environmental Qualification (EQ) of equipment/components at numerous nuclear power plants.Walter Diordievic, P.E. Mr. Djordjevic is a Senior Consultant and serves as President of S&A with specialization in the dynamic analysis and design of structures and equipment for seismic, blast, fluid, and wind loads. He has managed and led seismic walkdowns and fragility analyses of structures and components for use in probabilistic risk assessments.

Mr. Djordjevic has 37 years of seismic experience serving the nuclear industry.

Mr. Djordjevic performed and managed more than 20 USI A-46 and IPEEE projects in response to the requirements of Generic Letters 87-02 and 88-20. Mr.Djordjevic has a Master of Science in Structural Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

He has received industry training as a Seismic Capability Engineer (EPRI SQUG training), EPRI IPEEE Add-on, Seismic Fragility and Seismic Walkdown Engineer (SWE).3.3 ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL Exelon plant Operations staff member Mr. David Hamilton, reviewed the SWEL. Mr.Hamilton is the Manager of Operations Support at Dresden Station. He is currently a licensed SRO and has been since 2006. Mr. Hamilton has worked in the operations department at Dresden for 23 years and he is familiar with all aspects of the station operating procedures.

Various additional station personnel also provided support to the SWEL preparer to help identify major equipment or system modifications, equipment and systems located in different environments, and equipment and systems that would be accessible for inspection during the plant walkdowns, in accordance with Reference 1.Exelon Engineering staff member Mr. Bryan Weight performed the IPEEE Vulnerabilities Review based, in part, on the Dresden IPEEE submittal along with subsequent correspondence and station records. (Ref. 3, 4, and 5) Mr. Weight is a Staff Engineer in the Exelon Engineering Department.

He has over 36 years of engineering experience 3-3 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 and has worked at Dresden for the past 5 years. Mr. Weight has completed the NTTF Recommendation 2.3 Training Course (SWE) and the SQUG Training in 2009.3-4 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 4 Selection of SSCs 4.1 OVERVIEW This section of the report describes the process used to select structures, systems, and components, (SSCs) that were included in the Seismic Walkdown Equipment List (SWEL). The actual equipment lists that were developed in this process are found in Appendix B and are as follows:* Table B-la, Base List la -Items Exclusive to Unit 3* Table B-i b, Base List lb -Items Common to Units 2 and 3* Table B-2, SWEL 1 4.2 SWEL DEVELOPMENT The selection of SSCs process described in EPRI Technical Report 1025286, Seismic Walkdown Guidance for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, dated June 2012, was utilized to develop the SWEL for Dresden Generating Station Unit 3. (Ref. 1)The SWEL is comprised of two groups of items:* SWEL 1 is a sample of items to safely shut down the reactor and maintain containment integrity* SWEL 2 is a list of spent fuel pool related items 4.2.1 SWEL 1 -Sample of Required Items for the Five Safety Functions The process for selecting a sample of SSCs for shutting down the reactor and maintaining containment integrity began with the composite Seismic Individual Plant Examination for External Events (IPEEE) Success Path Equipment List (SPEL)'. (Ref. 3 and 4) The IPEEE SPEL was then subjected to the following four screens to identify the items to be included on the first Seismic Walkdown Equipment List (SWEL 1): 1. Screen #1 -Seismic Category I As described in Reference 1, only items that have a defined seismic licensing basis are to be included in SWEL 1. Each item on the IPEEE SPEL was reviewed to determine if it had a defined seismic licensing basis. All items identified as Class I, as defined in Dresden UFSAR Chapter 3, were identified as having a defined seismic licensing basis. (Ref. 2) Electrical enclosures containing Class 1E devices Through the efforts of this project, certain equipment identification numbers listed on the IPEEE SPEL were found to be incorrect.

The equipment identification numbers have been corrected in this report to be consistent with current plant drawings and the master equipment database.4-1 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 were identified as Class I. Class I and Class 1 E determination was made through a review of current design and licensing basis documentation.

2. Screen #2 -Equipment or Systems This screen narrowed the scope of items to include only those that do not regularly undergo inspections to confirm that their configuration is consistent with the plant licensing basis. This screen further reduced the IPEEE SPEL of any Class I Structures, Containment Penetrations, Class I Piping Systems, cable/conduit raceways and HVAC ductwork.3. Screen #3 -Support for the Five Safety Functions This screen narrowed the scope of items included on the SWEL 1 to only those associated with maintaining the following five safety functions:

A. Reactor Reactivity Control (RRC)B. Reactor Coolant Pressure Control (RCPC)C. Reactor Coolant Inventory Control (RCIC)D. Decay Heat Removal (DHR)E. Containment Function (CF)The first four functions are associated with bringing the reactor to a safe shutdown condition.

The fifth function is associated with maintaining containment integrity.

As described in Appendix E of Reference 1, the safety function for each item on the IPEEE SPEL was identified.

It is noted that items on SWEL 1 with a specific safety function(s) are considered frontline systems. Items with a safety function of'Auxiliary

& Support', 'Electrical Systems', or 'Racks & Panels' may be a frontline or support system. Items with a safety function of 'Auxiliary

& Support', 'Electrical Systems', or 'Racks & Panels' support at least one of the five safety functions however, the specific safety function(s) is not indicated as identification of the specific safety function(s) supported is not required by Reference 1.The resultant equipment list after Screen #3 is defined in the EPRI guidance document as Base List 1 and is included in Appendix B. (Ref. 1)4. Screen #4 -Sample Considerations This screen is intended to result in a SWEL 1 that sufficiently represents a broad population of plant Seismic Category 1 equipment and systems to meet the objectives of the NRC 50.54(f) letter. The following attributes were considered in the selection process for items included on SWEL 1: A. A variety of types of systems The system is identified for each item on SWEL 1. The equipment included on SWEL 1 is a representative sample of several systems that perform one or multiple safety functions.

Further, the systems represented include both frontline and support systems as listed in Reference 1 Appendix E: Systems to Support Safety Function(s).

4-2 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 B. Major new and replacement equipment The equipment included on SWEL 1 includes several items that have been modified or replaced over the past several years. Each item on SWEL 1 that is new or replaced is identified.

C. A variety of types of equipment The equipment class is identified for each item on SWEL 1. The equipment included on SWEL I is a representative sample from each of the classes of equipment listed in Reference 1 Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

Where appropriate, at least one piece of equipment from each class is included on SWEL 1.Screening

  1. 1, #2, and #3 resulted in no equipment in the following classes:* (13) -Motor Generators
  • (19) -Temperature Sensors.D. A variety of environments The location for each item is identified on SWEL 1. The equipment included on SWEL 1 is a representative sample from a variety of environments (locations) in the station.E. Equipment enhanced due to vulnerabilities identified during the IPEEE program The equipment included on SWEL 1 includes several items that were enhanced as a result of the IPEEE program. Each item on SWEL 1 that was enhanced as a result of the IPEEE program is identified.

F. Contribution to risk In selecting items for SWEL 1 that met the attributes above, some items with similar attributes were selected based on their higher risk-significance.

To determine the relative risk-significance, the Risk Achievement Worth (RAW)and Fussell-Vesely importance for a Loss of Off-Site Power (LOOP) scenario from the internal plant PRA were used. Additionally, the list of risk-significant components for the LOOP PRA were compared with the draft SWEL 1 to confirm that a reasonable sample of risk-significant components (relevant for a seismic event) were included on SWEL 1. (Ref. 8)4.2.2 SWEL 2 -Spent Fuel Pool Related Items The process for selecting a sample of SSCs associated with the spent fuel pool (SFP)began with a review of the station design and licensing basis documentation for the SFP and the interconnecting SFP cooling system. (Ref. 2 section 9.1 and Ref. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 15) The following four screens narrowed the scope of SSCs to be included on the second Seismic Walkdown Equipment List (SWEL 2): 1. Screen #1 -Seismic Category 1 Only those items identified as Class I (having defined seismic licensing basis) are to be included on SWEL 2 with exception to the SFP structure.

As described in Reference 1, the adequacy of the SFP structure is assessed by analysis as a Seismic Category 1 structure.

Therefore, the SFP structure is assumed to be 4-3 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 seismically adequate for the purposes of this program and is not included in the scope of items included on SWEL 2.The review of design and licensing basis documentation for the SFP revealed no Class I equipment for Dresden Generating Station Unit 3. (Ref. 2 section 9.1 and Ref. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15)Screen #1 identified no items to be added to SWEL 2. Therefore, Screens #2 and#3 below were not performed.

However, Screens #2 and #3 are provided for completeness as they are part of the equipment selection process.2. Screen #2 -Equipment or Systems This screen was to consider only those items associated with the SFP that were appropriate for an equipment walkdown process. This screen was not performed as Screen #1 added no items to SWEL 2.3. Screen #3 -Sample Considerations This screen represents a process that was intended to result in a SWEL 2 that sufficiently represented a broad population of SFP Seismic Category 1 equipment and systems that met the objectives of the NRC 50.54(f) letter. (Ref. 1) The following attributes were to have been considered in the development of SWEL 2: G. A variety of types of systems H. Major new and replacement equipment I. A variety of types of equipment J. A variety of environments This screen was not performed as Screen #1 added no items to SWEL 2.4. Screen #4- Rapid Drain-Down This screen identifies items that could allow the spent fuel pool to drain rapidly.Consistent with Reference 1, the scope of items included in this screen is limited to the hydraulic lines connected to the SFP and the equipment connected to those lines. For the purposes of this program it is assumed the SFP gates are installed and the SFP cooling system is in its normal alignment for power operations.

The SFP gates are passive devices that are integral to the SFP. As such, they are considered capable of withstanding a design basis earthquake without failure and do not allow for a rapid drain-down of the SFP.The SSCs identified in this screen are not limited to Seismic Category 1 (having defined seismic licensing basis) items, but is limited to those items that could allow rapid drain-down of the SFP. Rapid drain-down is defined as lowering of the water level to the top of the fuel assemblies within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after the earthquake.

An assessment of the Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 spent fuel pools and their cooling systems was performed and found no SFP penetrations below 10 feet above the top of the fuel assemblies. (Ref. 2 section 9.1 and Ref. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 &15) As such, and consistent with Reference 1, there is no potential for rapid drain-down and no items were added to SWEL 2 for Unit 3.No items were identified to be included in the scope of SWEL 2 for Dresden Generating Station Unit 3.4-4 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 5 Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys 5.1 OVERVIEW Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys were conducted by two (2) person teams of trained Seismic Walkdown Engineers (SWEs), in accordance with the EPRI guidance document during the week of July 30, 2012. The Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys are discussed in more detail in the following sub-sections.

Consistent with the EPRI guidance document, Section 4: Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys, the SWEs used their engineering judgment, based on their experience and training, to identify potentially adverse seismic conditions.

Where needed, the engineers were provided the latitude to rely upon new or existing analyses to inform their judgment.The SWEs conducted the Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys together as a team.During the evaluations, the SWEs actively discussed their observations and judgments with each other. The results of the Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys reported herein are based on the comprehensive agreement of the SWEs.5.2 SEISMIC WALKDOWNS The Seismic Walkdowns focused on the seismic adequacy of the items on the SWEL as provided in Appendix B of this report. It is noted, as discussed in Section 4 above, there were no items included on SWEL 2 for Dresden Unit 3. The Seismic Walkdowns also evaluated the potential for nearby SSCs to cause adverse seismic interactions with the SWEL items. The Seismic Walkdowns focused on the following adverse seismic conditions associated with the subject item of equipment:

  • Adverse anchorage conditions
  • Adverse seismic spatial interactions" Other adverse seismic conditions The results of the Seismic Walkdowns have been documented on the Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC) provided in the EPRI guidance document.

Seismic Walkdowns were performed and a SWC completed for 88 of the 103 items identified on the Dresden Unit 3 SWEL. The completed SWCs are provided in Appendix C of this report. Additionally, photos have been included with most SWCs to provide a visual record of the item along with any comments noted on the SWC. Drawings and other plant records are cited in some of the SWCs, but are not included with the SWCs because they are readily retrievable documents through the station's document management system. Information on anchorage that was obtained from the previously performed Seismic Qualification Utility Group (SQUG) walkdowns are included in the SWCs since this information, in part, was used for the anchorage verification.

5-1 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Seismic Walkdowns are deferred for the remaining 15 items to a unit outage or appropriate time when the equipment is accessible.

These items could not be walked down during the 180-day period following the issuance of the 10CFR50.54(f) letter due to their being inaccessible.

Inaccessibility of this equipment was either based on the location of the equipment (environment that posed personnel safety concerns while the unit is operating) or due to the electrical safety hazards posed while the equipment is operating.

Appendix E of this report identifies the inaccessible equipment along with the plan for future Seismic Walkdowns.

The following subsections describe the approach followed by the SWEs to identify potentially adverse anchorage conditions, adverse seismic interactions, and other adverse seismic conditions during the Seismic Walkdowns.

5.2.1 Adverse Anchorage Conditions Guidance for identifying anchorage that could be degraded, non-conforming, or unanalyzed relied on visual inspections of the anchorage and verification of anchorage configuration.

Details for these two types of evaluations are provided in the following two subsections.

The evaluation of potentially adverse anchorage conditions described in this subsection applies to the anchorage connections that attach the identified item of equipment to the civil structure on which it is mounted. For example, the welded connections that secure the base of a Motor Control Center (MCC) to the steel embedment in the concrete floor would be evaluated in this subsection.

Evaluation of the connections that secure components within the MCC is covered later in the subsection "Other Adverse Seismic Conditions." Visual Inspections The purpose of the visual inspections was to identify whether any of the following potentially adverse anchorage conditions were present:* Bent, broken, missing, or loose hardware* Corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation* Visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors* Other potentially adverse seismic conditions Based on the results of the visual inspection, the SWEs judged whether the anchorage was potentially degraded, non-conforming, or unanalyzed.

The results of the visual inspection were documented on the SWC, as appropriate.

If there was clearly no evidence of degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed conditions, then it was indicated on the checklist and a licensing basis evaluation was not necessary.

However, if it was not possible to judge whether the anchorage was degraded, nonconforming, or unanalyzed, then the condition was entered into the Corrective Action Program as a potentially adverse seismic condition.

5.2.2 Configuration Verification In addition to the visual inspections of the anchorage as described above, the configuration of the installed anchorage was verified to be consistent with existing plant documentation for at least 50% of the items on the SWEL.5-2 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Line-mounted equipment (e.g., valves mounted on pipelines without separate anchorage) was not evaluated for anchorage adequacy and was not counted in establishing the 50% sample size.Examples of documentation that was considered to verify that the anchorage installation configurations are consistent with the plant documentation include the following: " Design drawings" Seismic qualification reports of analyses or shake table tests* IPEEE or USI A-46 program documentation, as applicable The Table C-1 of Appendix C indicates the anchorage verification status for components as follows: N/A: components that are line-mounted and/or are not directly anchored (with separate anchorage) to the civil structure and therefore do not count in the anchorage confirmation total.Y: components that are anchored to the civil structure which were confirmed to be consistent with design drawings and/or other plant documentation.

N: components that are anchored to the civil structure for which anchorage drawings were not identified and/or retrieved.

See Table 5-1 below for the accounting of the 50% anchorage configuration confirmations, and the individual SWC forms in Appendix C for the specific drawings used for each anchorage verification confirmation.

Table 5-1. Anchorage Configuration Confirmation No. of SWEL N/A Items Required to SWEL Items Confirm? Items Confirmed (A) (B) (A-B)I2 Total 103 42 31 45 5.2.3 Adverse Seismic Spatial Interactions An adverse seismic spatial interaction is the physical interaction between the SWEL item and a nearby SSC caused by relative motion between the two during an earthquake.

An inspection was performed in the area adjacent to and surrounding the SWEL item to identify any seismic interaction conditions that could adversely affect the capability of that SWEL item to perform its intended safety-related functions.

The three types of seismic spatial interaction effects that were considered are as follows: " Proximity* Failure and falling of SSCs (Seismic II over I)* Flexibility of attached lines and cables 5-3 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Detailed guidance for evaluating each of these types of seismic spatial interactions is described in Appendix D: 'Seismic Spatial Interaction' of the EPRI guidance document.The Seismic Walkdown Engineers exercised their judgment to identify seismic interaction hazards. Section 5.2.5 provides a summary of issues identified during the Seismic Walkdowns.

5.2.4 Other Adverse Seismic Conditions In addition to adverse anchorage conditions and adverse seismic interactions, described above, other potentially adverse seismic conditions that could challenge the seismic adequacy of a SWEL item could have been present. Examples of the types of conditions that could pose potentially adverse seismic conditions include the following:

  • Degraded conditions
  • Loose or missing fasteners that secure internal or external components to equipment* Large, heavy components mounted on a cabinet that are not typically included by the original equipment manufacturer
  • Cabinet doors or panels that are not latched or fastened* Other adverse conditions Any identified other adverse seismic conditions are documented on the items' SWC, as applicable.

5.2.5 Conditions Identification during Seismic Walkdowns Table 5-2 provides a summary of conditions identified during the equipment Seismic Walkdowns.

The equipment Seismic Walkdowns resulted with a total of five (5)conditions identified and each of these was entered into the station's CAP. All of the identified conditions were assessed and it was concluded that the condition would not prevent the associated equipment from performing its safety-related function(s).

None of the conditions identified by the SWEs during the equipment Seismic Walkdowns were concluded to be adverse seismic conditions.

5.3 AREA WALK-BYS The purpose of the Area Walk-Bys is to identify potentially adverse seismic conditions associated with other SSCs located in the vicinity of the SWEL items. Vicinity is generally defined as the room containing the SWEL item. If the room is very large (e.g., Turbine Hall), then the vicinity is identified based on judgment, e.g., on the order of about 35 feet from the SWEL item. This vicinity is described on the Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC), shown in Appendix D of this report. A total of 33 AWCs were completed for Dresden Unit 3.The key examination factors that were considered during Area Walk-Bys include the following:

  • Anchorage conditions (if visible without opening equipment)" Significantly degraded equipment in the area 5-4 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167* A visual assessment (from the floor) of cable/conduit raceways and HVAC ducting (e.g., condition of supports or fill conditions of cable trays)* Potentially adverse seismic interactions including those that could cause flooding, spray, and fires in the area* Other housekeeping items that could cause adverse seismic interaction (including temporary installations and equipment storage)* Scaffold construction was inspected to meet Exelon Procedure NES-MS-04.1 Seismic Prequalified Scaffolds* Seismic housekeeping was examined to meet station procedure DAP 03-20, Restraint of Portable Equipment The Area Walk-Bys are intended to identify adverse seismic conditions that are readily identified by visual inspection, without necessarily stopping to open cabinets or taking an extended look. Therefore, the Area Walk-By took significantly less time than it took to conduct the Seismic Walkdowns described above for a SWEL item. If a potentially adverse seismic condition was identified during the Area Walk-By, then additional time was taken, as necessary, to evaluate adequately whether there was an adverse condition and to document any findings.The results of the Area Walk-Bys are documented on the AWCs included in Appendix D of this report. A separate AWC was filled out for each area inspected.

A single AWC was completed for areas where more than one SWEL item was located.Additional details for evaluating the potential for adverse seismic interactions that could cause flooding, spray, or fire in the area are provided in the following two subsections.

Seismically-Induced Flooding/Spray Interactions Seismically-induced flooding/spray interactions are the effect of possible ruptures of vessels or piping systems that could spray, flood or cascade water into the area where SWEL items are located. This type of seismic interaction was considered during the IPEEE program. Those prior evaluations were considered, as applicable, as information for the Area Walk-Bys.One area of particular concern to the industry is threaded fire protection piping with long unsupported spans. If adequate seismic supports are present or there are isolation valves near the tanks or charging sources, flooding may not be a concern. Numerous failures have been observed in past earthquakes resulting from sprinkler head impact.Less frequent but commonly observed failures have occurred due to flexible headers and stiff branch pipes, non-ductile mechanical couplings, seismic anchor motion and failed supports.Examples where seismically-induced flooding/spray interactions could occur include the following: " Fire protection piping with inadequate clearance around fusible-link sprinkler heads* Non-ductile mechanical and threaded piping couplings can fail and lead to flooding or spray of equipment* Long, unsupported spans of threaded fire protection piping* Flexible headers with stiffly supported branch lines 5-5 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167* Non-Seismic Category I tanks The SWEs exercised their judgment to identify only those seismically-induced interactions that could lead to flooding or spray.Seismically-Induced Fire Interactions Seismically-induced fire interactions can occur when equipment or systems containing hazardous/flammable material fail or rupture. This type of seismic interaction was considered during the IPEEE program. Those prior evaluations were considered, as applicable, as information for the Area Walk-Bys.Examples where seismically-induced fire interactions could occur include the following:

  • Hazardous/flammable material stored in inadequately anchored drums, inadequately anchored shelves, or unlocked cabinets* Natural gas lines and their attachment to equipment or buildings* Bottles containing acetylene or similar flammable chemicals" Hydrogen lines and bottles Another example where seismically-induced fire interaction could occur is when there is relative motion between a high voltage item of equipment (e.g., 4160 volt transformer) and an adjacent support structure when they have different foundations.

This relative motion can cause high voltage busbars, which pass between the two, to short out against the grounded bus duct surrounding the busbars and cause a fire.The Seismic Walkdown Engineers exercised their judgment to identify only those seismically-induced interactions that could lead to fires.5.3.1 Conditions Identification during Area Walk-bys Table 5-3 provides a summary of conditions identified during the Area Walk-bys.

Nine (9) conditions were identified during the Area Walk-Bys and entered into the station CAP. No potentially adverse seismic conditions were identified that resulted in a seismic licensing basis evaluation.

No seismically-induced flooding or spray interactions were identified during the Area Walk-Bys.

No seismically-induced fire interactions were identified during the Area Walk-Bys.5.4 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ON ELECTRICAL CABINET INSPECTIONS Following the completion of the online seismic walkdowns, the industry was made aware that the NRC staff had clarified a position on opening electrical cabinets to inspect for other adverse seismic conditions.

The purpose for opening these cabinets is to inspect for evidence of:* internal components not being adequately secured," whether fasteners securing adjacent cabinets together are in place, and* other adverse seismic conditions.

Appendix E of this report includes Table E-2 which identifies components in the specified equipment classes that would be considered as electrical cabinets: 1. Motor Control Centers and Wall-Mounted Contactors 5-6 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12QO108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 2. Low Voltage Switchgear and Breaker Panels 3. Medium Voltage, Metal-Clad Switchgear

4. Transformers
14. Distribution Panels and Automatic Transfer Switches 16. Battery Chargers and Inverters 20. Instrumentation and Control Panels Components that are identified on Table E-1 (inaccessible and deferred components) are not listed on Table E-2 to avoid redundancy.

Table E-2 indicates internal accessibility of each cabinet. Cabinets that have been identified as requiring these supplemental internal inspections are those with doors or panels with latches or thumbscrews and can be readily opened during normal maintenance activities.

Also provided for each cabinet is a proposed milestone schedule for performing these internal inspections and the associated station tracking number (IR number).The Seismic Walkdown Checklists (SWC) for the components identified in Table E-2 that can be opened for internal inspections will be revised at the time of the supplemental walkdown to indicate the results of these internal inspections.

5-7 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Table 5-2. Conditions Identified during Seismic Walkdowns Actions Action Complete Item ID Description of Issue Request (Yes/No, ID (IR) See Notes 1 &2)Panel 903-28 was found unlocked and unlatched.

The opening device is a push button lock without a handle, which makes it impossible to engage the latches without a key. Some of the relays in this panel D03-0903-could be adversely affected (relay chatter sending 1394831 Yes 0028 intermittent signals) during a seismic event. Interim (temporary) fix was installed by FIN team and judged to be acceptable by Engineering.

Permanent fix (new locks) has been installed and panel doors are properly latched.Panel 3A 48/24VDC was found partially latched. Only D03-9802-one of three latches were engaged (the door was out 1394946 Yes A ---- P06 of plane with the rest of the item). Operations personnel secured all latches.Light fixture just west of the 3A Hx in the SE LPCI Corner Room had a detached chain on one side of D03-1 503- the fixture. However, the other chain at the same end A----H15 of the fixture was securely attached and the two 1396014 Yes chains at the other end of the fixture were also securely attached..

Therefore, the fixture is not in any immediate danger of falling.During Fukushima seismic walkdowns, two movable trolley hoists mounted on top of SWGR 38 and one D03-7338--

movable trolley hoist mounted on top of SWGR 39 were found unrestrained against horizontal movement due to the restraining pin for each hoist not being 1396562 Yes D---3S35 installed while each hoist was in the stored position.The switchgears are located at U3, N-47, EL. 570.Station personnel installed the pins for all three trolley hoists.A cantilever channel support for the (1/2" diameter estimated) copper pipe running to Equipment No. 3-D03-0302-0302-20B was missing a clamp. Location RxB at L-48 1395804 Yes 0019AV27 elevation 517'-6". The system is adequately supported with no adverse effects based upon inspection and engineering judgment.Notes: 1) "Yes" indicates that any corrective actions resulting from the issue are complete.2) "No" indicates that any corrective actions resulting from the issue are NOT complete.Actions are tracked by the IR number in the station Corrective Action Program.5-8 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Table 5-3. Conditions Identified during Area Walk-Bys Actions Item Action Complete ID Description of Issue Request (Yes/No, ID (IR) See Notes 1 &2)Light fixture hanging above Equipment No. 3-1501-36A (Location:

U3, Grid 49, El. 495') had an open S-hook on AWC- the North side of the fixture. However, the other chain at 1395486 Yes U3-10 the same end of the fixture had an S-hook that was securely clamped shut. Therefore, the fixture would not fall if the open S-hook were to come loose.The Fukushima Seismic walkdown team inspected the U3 SDC Pump Room as part of the scope for area walk-by inspections to satisfy the NRC request for information.

AWC- There is a ladder rack on the wall directly across from the 1396906 Yes U3-26 doorway to the room. The chain intended to restrain the ladder on the rack was placed over the ladder but the chain did not have a latch to secure it. The ladder was repositioned to mitigate this deficiency.

Panel 903-28 was found unlatched per IR 01394831.

The FIN Team performed a corrective remedial repair of cabinet door 903-28 and then checked the Unit 2 side, Panel 902-28 (located in the front part of the Aux Electric AWC- room at elevation 517'-6").

Panel 902-28 was found in the same condition as U3; namely, the opening device is a 1395481 Yes push button operated latch without a handle that requires a key to engage the latches. Interim (temporary) fix was installed by FIN team and judged to be acceptable by Engineering.

Permanent fix (new locks) has been installed and panel doors are properly latched.Panels 903-28 and 902-28 were found unlatched per IRs 01394831 & 01395481 respectively.

An extent of condition walkdown was performed in the Aux Electric room at elevation 517'-6" to see if there are other unsecured panel latches. The "Data Aquisition Cabinet #1& #2" doors were found in similar conditions as those above; namely, the opening device is a button without a AWC- handle that requires a key to engage the latches. There 1395498 Yes U3-2 are no other panels/cabinets in the Aux Electric room besides those identified above that have the key operated latches.This IR was generated to document unsecured latches for Data Aquisition Cabinets #1 & #2. These panels are not safety related and since they are by themselves, they have no spatial seismic interaction issues with other cabinets in the Aux Electric room.5-9 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Actions Item Action Complete ID Description of Issue Request (Yes/No, ID (IR) See Notes 1 &2)Multiple open S-hook connections between the chain and the support bracket for the lighting fixtures in the U3 HPCI Room. However, each light fixture is hardwired; therefore, AWC- they would not fall if the support chains were to come U3-19 loose. In addition, the equipment within the range that the light fixtures would swing; if they were to come loose, is robust and would not be significantly damaged by engineering udgment.NRC identified an electrical conduit support outside the designated walk-by boundary that has one of two wall mounted brackets not flush with the wall. The support is U-shaped. Three conduits are attached to this support. The location of the subject support is between L-50 and K-50 approximately 15' above floor elevation 545'-0". The subject support is also above valve 3-3917-B-501.

AWC- The bracket that is not flush is not a concern because the 1396558 No U3-23 other end of the support is judged capable of carrying the whole load as a hanger. The bracket that is not flush would be in compression so flush mount is not an issue. In addition, there are multiple additional properly installed conduit supports in the run that are immediately adjacent to the subject support. The system is adequately supported with no adverse effects based upon inspection and engineering judgment.Anchor plate of a floor mounted piping support near valve 3-1201-124B missing a nut on one of four anchors. The AWC- support is located at the U3 RWCU Demin Valve Gallery.U3-30 However, the other three anchors have nuts securely 1396565 No torqued so the support is structurally adequate by engineering judgement.

Also, this support is on a non-safety related system.5-10 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Actions Item Action Complete ID Description of Issue Request (Yes/No, ID (IR) See Notes 1 &2)NRC identified a 3" diameter pipe run with two knee-brace type wall mounted bracket supports missing one anchor bolt each. The 3" pipe has Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) drain valve 3-1901-8 in the line. Each support is intended to have two anchor bolts and only the bottom bolt in each support is installed.

The location of the subject supports is on the north wall above elevation 570 on the high dose AWC- side of the SFP fence in a High Radiation Locked U3-24 boundary.

The 3" pipe is 3-1913-3-L per P&ID drawing M-362.According to the P&ID drawing, the subject pipe drains the SFP on the dry side of the gate and is currently isolated.This was confirmed by the shift manager and unit supervisor.

Therefore the deficiency does not affect the safety related function of the equipment.

5-11 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Actions Item Action Complete ID Description of Issue Request (Yes/No, ID (IR) See Notes 1 &2)NRC identified a 2.5" diameter conduit run with a ceiling mounted bracket support that is missing one anchor bolt.The location of the subject support is in the ceiling above elevation 570' on the high dose side of the SFP fence in a High Radiation Locked boundary.

The conduit and subject support are above valve 3-1601-23.

The conduit run is vertical from an existing junction box that is supported from the floor by a stanchion underneath.

The majority of this vertical conduit run is carried by the floor support. The ceiling support with a missing anchor bolt is immediately after a 90 degree bend where it turns horizontal below the ceiling. A second ceiling support is AWC- located approximately 4' from the support with the missing 1396571 No U3-24 anchor bolt. This second ceiling support is properly installed with both anchors intact.According to Table 1.2 in specification K-4081 the maximum acceptable horizontal span between supports is 9'-0". The vertical run is well supported and acts as an end support for the beginning of the horizontal run. The properly installed ceiling hanger may be considered the next support on the horizontal run without regard to the improperly installed support. Since the horizontal span between the vertical conduit run and properly installed support is less than 9'-0", the missing anchor deficiency does not affect the safety related function of the equipment.

Notes: 1) "Yes" indicates that any corrective actions resulting from the issue are complete.2) "No" indicates that any corrective actions resulting from the issue are NOT complete.Actions are tracked by the IR number in the station Corrective Action Program.5-12 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 6 Licensing Basis Evaluations The EPRI guidance document, Section 5: Seismic Licensing Basis Evaluation provides a detailed process to perform and document seismic licensing basis evaluations of SSCs identified when potentially adverse seismic conditions are identified.

The process provides a means to identify, evaluate and document how the identified potentially adverse seismic condition meets a station's seismic licensing basis without entering the condition into a station's Corrective Action Program (CAP). In lieu of this process, Exelon/Dresden utilized the existing processes and procedures (Site CAP Expectations) to identify, evaluate and document conditions identified during the Seismic Walkdowns.

In accordance with Exelon/Dresden processes and procedures, all questionable conditions identified by the SWEs during the walkdowns were entered into the station CAP to be further evaluated and addressed as required.

The SWEs provided input to support the identification and evaluation (including seismic licensing basis evaluations, as required) of the potentially adverse seismic conditions entered into the CAP. The station corrective action program is a more robust process than that provided in the EPRI guidance document; in part, ensuring each condition is properly evaluated for conformance with design and licensing bases and corrected as required.Conditions identified during the walkdowns were documented on the SWCs, AWCs, and entered into the CAP. For those conditions that required, seismic licensing basis evaluations were completed and documented within the IR. Tables 5-2 and 5-3 in the report provide the IR, a summary of the condition, and the action completion status.6-1 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 7 IPEEE Vulnerabilities Resolution Report Per the Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) Submittal for Dresden and the NRC Staff Evaluation Report of IPEEE submittal for the Dresden Station, an explicit definition of vulnerability was not provided and no vulnerabilities with respect to potential severe accidents related to external events were identified. (Ref. 3, 4, & 5)However, plant improvements and previously identified SQUG outliers were identified in Sections 3 and 7 of Reference

4. Table G-1, in Appendix G, lists the plant improvements, the IPEEE/SQUG proposed resolution, the actual resolution and resolution date. No open items exist as a result of the seismic portion of the IPEEE program.7-1 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 8 Peer Review A peer review team consisting of at least two individuals was assembled and peer reviews were performed in accordance with Section 6: Peer Reviews of the EPRI guidance document.

The Peer Review process included the following activities:

  • Review of the selection of SSCs included on the SWEL* Review of a sample of the checklists prepared for the Seismic Walkdowns and Area Walk-Bys* Review of Licensing basis evaluations, as applicable
  • Review of the decisions for entering the potentially adverse conditions into the CAP process* Review of the submittal report* Provide a summary report of the peer review process in the submittal report The peer reviews were performed independently from this report and the summary Peer Review Report is provided in Appendix F of this report.8-1 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 9 References Reference drawings related to SWEL items are provided in the Seismic Walkdown Checklists and if applicable, in the Area-Walkdown Checklists.
1. EPRI Technical Report 1025286, Seismic Walkdown Guidance for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, dated June 2012.2. Dresden Power Station Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), Revision 9 3. ComEd PSLTR #00-0068, Request for Additional Information Regarding Individual Plant Examination of External Events, dated March 30, 2000 4. Letter from J.M. Heffley (ComEd) to U. S. NRC, "Final Report -Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) Generic Letter 88-20, Supplement 4," dated December 30, 1997 5. Staff Evaluation Report of Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE)submittal of Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 dated September 28, 2001 6. ComEd Letter to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission dated May 18, 1999"Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46 7. NRC (E. Leeds and M. Johnson) Letter to All Power Reactor Licensees et al.,"Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendation 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3, of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident," Enclosure 3,"Recommendation 2.3: Seismic," dated March 12, 2012 8. Exelon Nuclear Memorandum from Larry Lee to John Steinmentz, dated July 3, 2012,


Dresden Risk Importance Listings to Support Development of Seismic Walkdown Equipment List (SWEL)9. Drawing M-362, Rev. BA, Diagram of Fuel Pool Cooling Piping 10. Drawing B-681, Rev. A, Reactor Building Pool Liner Plan 11. Drawing B-683, Rev. Original, Reactor Building Pool Liner Sections & Details 12. Drawing B-684, Rev. A, Reactor Building Pool Liner Sections & Details 13. Drawing B-685, Rev. Original, Reactor Building Pool Liner Sections & Details 14. "Recommendations for Enhancing Reactor Safety in the 2 1 st Century: The Near-term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident," ADAMS Accession No. ML111861807, July 12, 2011 15. Drawing M-373, Rev. AG, Diagram of Fuel Pool Filter & Demineralizing Piping 9-1 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 A Project Personnel Resumes and SWE Certificates Resumes and certificates (where applicable) for the following people are found in Appendix A: A. Perez, Equipment Selection Engineer .........................................................

A-2 K. Hull, Equipment Selection Engineer ............................................................

A-6 J. Griffith, SWE, Licensing Basis Reviewer ........................................................

A-9 M. Wodarcyk, SWE, Licensing Basis Reviewer .............................................

A-1 3 T. Ram, SWEL Peer Reviewer .....................................................................

A-15 B .Lo ry , P ee r R eview e r ...............................................................................

A -17 W. Djordjevic, Peer Review Team Leader .......................................................

A-21 B .W eight, IP E E E R eview er .........................................................................

A -25 A-1 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Stevenson

& Associates Antonio J. Perez, P.E.


Mr. Perez has over 15 years of experience in project management, project engineering, equipment design, and mechanical systems layout for nuclear and industrial facilities.

EDUCATION B.S. -Mechanical Engineering Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI Magna curm Laude LICENSES Professional Engineer, Wisconsin:

September 2002 Minnesota:


& Associates, Green Bay, WI General Manager October 2010 -Present* Responsible for interfacing with clients with a focus on continuously improving relationships.

  • Responsible for managing staff resources to meet or exceed clients' needs.* Responsible for recruiting and hiring staff necessary to meet resource requirements while effectively increasing capacity.* Responsible for providing Engineering Consultation services to clients.Project Manager March 2007 -October 2010* Performing Project Management tasks including development of project plans, identification of resource needs, estimating task durations, developing project schedules, and monitoring budgets.* Lead design team efforts at the Kewaunee Power Station on multiple projects that include two separate Auxiliary Feedwater flow control modifications, Auxiliary Feedwater flow monitoring instrumentation modifications, and Auxiliary Building roof modifications.
  • Supported the Calculation Reconstitution and Improvement Project at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant by mapping calculations associated with the RHR system.Dominion Energy Kewaunee (formerly Nuclear Management Company 2001 -2005)Kewaunee Power Station, Kewaunee, WI Shift Technical Advisor (trainee)

January 2006 -March 2007* Trainee in a Senior Reactor Operator Certificate training program.Page 1 of 3 A-2 Stev Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 enson & Associates Antonio J. Perez, P.E.Engineering Supervisor

-ME/CE/SE Design May 2004 -January 2006" Supervised a staff of 12 to 15 engineers (mechanical, civil, and structural design) who were charged with developing design changes, maintaining design and licensing basis documentation and supporting maintenance.

  • Integrated the civil/structural engineering group and the mechanical engineering group into a cohesive unit that resulted in gained efficiency and a net reduction of one full time equivalent engineer.* Substantially increased the quality of engineering products developed and published by the ME/CE/SE Design Engineering group through coaching and feedback as a result of increased supervisory oversight of engineering products.* Developed a work management system for the group that provided a means for prioritizing activities, estimating the level of effort, and scheduling of activities.

This system allowed for an increased understanding of workload and became an invaluable tool for prioritizing work and managing resources.

  • Increased communications within the group by holding daily 15 minute meetings where station messages were delivered and where the group's resources were assessed and redirected as necessary to meet commitments.

This resulted in an increase in morale and an increase in commitments met.* Increased communications with other departments by establishing a central point of contact for the group and by assuring that the ME/CE/SE Design Engineering group was represented at Planning and Scheduling meetings.Motor Operated Valve Engineer June 2001 -May 2004" Established a project plan and led the implementation effort that re-organized the Motor-Operated Valve Program at KPS. This effort consisted of developing a Program Manual, developing controlled calculations, performing Design Basis Reviews, and compiling and/or establishing plant positions on known industry issues.The result of this effort was a reduction of full time equivalent engineers, fiom 3 to 1, required to maintain the Program.* Performed and reviewed MOV safety related calculations including Minimum Required Stein Thrust, Weak Link Analysis, and Available Margin.* Assisted in MOV testing by providing engineering support to maintenance personnel.

DISTRIBUTION PLANNING, INC., Grandville, MI Systems Mechanical Engineer 2000 -2001* Integrated mechanical systems and designed equipment for material handling systems.* Procured equipment and coordinated delivery schedules with vendors.Page 2 of 3 A-3 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Stevenson

& Associates Antonio J. Perez, P.E.SMS SANDMOLD SYSTEMS, INC., Newaygo, MI Project Engineer/Manager 1998 -2000" Led multi-discipline project design teams for several projects that ranged in size from a few thousand dollars up to $2.2 million.* Coordinated efforts with engineering, manufacturing, and installation groups to establish and maintain project schedules that met or exceeded the client's expectations." Procured equipment and coordinated delivery schedules with vendors." Acted as the company's liaison with clients to work through issues that arose during projects.

Provided project status updates to clients and management." Designed equipment such as sand storage bins -up to 540-ton live load capacity, bucket elevators, belt conveyors, screw conveyors, and mixers. Most of this equipment was for handling of bulk solids (foundry sand).* Analyzed and designed structural support members for various types of equipment such as vibratory conveyors, mixers, and conveyors.

Designed access structures such as stair towers, service platforms and catwalks." Calculated foundation loads and point loads of equipment support points.LIFT-TECH INTERNATIONAL, Muskegon, MI Project Engineer 1997-1998* Performed engineering analyses, wrote critiques, and recommended design modifications of structural members for the purpose of upgrading bridge cranes and hoists." Implemented engineering design changes to enhance product development.

Page 3 of 3 A-4 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 A-5 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 KIM L. HULL BACKGROUND


Accomplished Lead Engineer/

Project Manager with significant experience in commercial nuclear power industry.

Demonstrated ability to lead and contribute on cross-functional project teams. Possess strong analytical, problem resolution, collaboration, and communication skills when interacting with diverse audiences including regulatory inspectors, internal inspectors, management, and employees.

Respected trainer with ability to develop and present information and measure effectiveness through evaluation techniques.

Strengths include: Project Management Design Modifications Plant Operational Support Procurement Management/Leadership Regulatory Compliance Training/Coaching Auditing Inspections KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS

  • Served as KNPP Lead Engineer/

Project Supervisor for approximately 125 plant design changes.* Experienced in all aspects of nuclear power plant modification packages including development of calculations, design, engineering, and procurement specifications.

  • Thorough understanding of configuration control, management, and preparation of IOCFR50.59 analyses.* Participated in several regulatory and industry audits, including CDBI and INPO assessments.
  • Experienced as a Technical Specialist performing NUPIC Audits.* Well-developed communication skills for preparing technical presentations including lesson plans, project reports, and meetings in support of regulatory activities and inspections.
  • Qualified Shift Technical Advisor for KNPP Operations Group (1980s).PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE STEVENSON


-Project Manager 2010 -Current National consulting engineering firm specializing in civil, structural and mechanical engineering for power, industrial and advanced technology facilities.

Project Manager* Development of plant specific Seismic Walkdown Equipment Lists for multiple Units in response to NRC 50.54(f) requirements regarding Recommendation 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3, of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident," Enclosure 2.3, "Recommendation 2.3: Seismic."* Onsite at Kewaunee Power Station Consultant support to resolve Q-list Open Items* On-site at Kewaunee Power Station Consultant support for Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Control Modification including preparation and review of design documentation.


/ Nuclear Management Company DOMINION ENERGY -Kewaunee, WI 1982 to 2010 Senior Instructor (Maintenance)

(2009 -2010)* Developed lesson plans and taught Basic Systems and Continuing Training Topics for Engineering and Technical Support training program.Engineer III/Principal Engineer (2004 -2009)* Responsible for modifications and emergent issues including Steam Exclusion Boundaries, Fuel Transfer Carriage, Frazil Ice development on the KPS Circulating Water Intake, and NRC 96-06 Two Phase flow.* Member of Dominion Fleet Calculation Quality Review Team and Mentor for Calculation training.* Outage nightshift Lead Mechanical Design Engineer/Back-up Supervisor.

  • KPS Engineering representative on the Independent Review Team developed to address CDBI A-6 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 inspection findings.

Assigned to review all calculations, modification packages, 10CFR 50.59 screenings, evaluations, and procurement packages.* Technical Instructor for Administrative Process training for new engineers.

Mechanical Design Supervisor (2002 -2004)* Supervised nine engineers, analysts, and technicians assigned to the KNPP Mechanical Design Group.* Provided Mechanical Design Oversight for all vendor activities impacting KNPP Mechanical Design Bases." Provided support for emergent plant issues, NRC Inspections, and Physical Change Packages.* Subject Matter Expert Instructor for I OCFR 50.59 process training for new engineers.

Principal Engineer (Analytical Group SGR Project) (1998 -2002)* Contract Manager for Steam Generator Replacement (SGR).* Responsible for coordination of SGE design, fabrication and installation contracts." Provided outage schedule development, coordination, and work process integration between Bechtel and KNPP.* Coordinated contractor mobilization, badging, and plant specific training.* Technical Specialist for Quality Assurance audits of vendors.* SGR Shift Manager for night shift* Responsible Engineer for SGR related Physical Change Packages." Responsible for SGR budget development up to 1998." Prepared, reviewed, and awarded Bechtel Installation contract.* Participated in review and award of Ansaldo Fabrication contract.* Served on team to review and award Westinghouse Design contract.* Selected to work at Arkansas Nuclear One for their steam generator installation.

Senior Engineer (Analytical Group) (1994-1998)

  • Responsible Engineer for Physical Change Packages.* Member KNPP Engineering Reorganization Team.* Recognized Technical Expert for KNPP systems.Senior Project Supervisor (1992-1994)
  • Provided project management and engineering services for KNPP DCR packages.* Supervisor of KNPP NPM Project Attendants responsible for modification package organization and close out.Nuclear Services Supervisor (1991-1992)
  • Supervised initial Steam Generator replacement project effort.* Provided specification development for services and major plant components.

Prior to 1992 -Held engineering positions from Associate Engineer to Nuclear Design Engineering Supervisor.

EDUCATION Masters Program Coursework

-Mechanical Engineering; Michigan State University

-E. Lansing, MI B.S. -Mechanical Engineering

-Michigan State University

-E. Lansing, MI B.A. -Biology -Albion College -Albion, MI A-7 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Certificate of Completion Kim Hull Sucslly CompleteC" Training on Near Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3 -Plant Seismic Walkdowns___Date: 06/26/12 Bruce M. Lof- Instructor NTTF 2.3 Seismic Walkdown Course 4 A-8 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 STEVENSON

& ASSOCIATES JAMES D. GRIFFITH QUALIFICATIONS Knowledgeable professional with over 23 years of diverse experience in structural engineering.

Thorough, results-oriented problem solver with excellent communication skills. Works well independently or as part of a team. Highly skilled in all project phases from design through construction and specializes in field problem resolution.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Proiect Engineer (Stevenson

& Associates, 2000 to present)Responsible for all aspects of civil structural design. Also provides interface between clients, vendors, constructors and Stevenson

& Associates.

Decommissioning Design Engineer (ComEd, 1998 to 2000)Responsible for structural design work during conversion from generating to storage facility.

Gathered design information during conceptual field walkdowns and prepared design calculations and drawings.Provided field support during construction." Designed all component supports and concrete foundations for various new indoor equipment." Managed construction during installation of new roof-mounted HVAC system." Designed structural steel support framing and access gallery for new outdoor cooling towers.Maintenance Engineer (ComEd, 1995 to 1998)Responsible for the design of structural repairs to station equipment and facilities.

Interfaced with maintenance and construction personnel and performed evaluations of rigging, lead shielding, and scaffolding.

Investigated and developed solutions for structural problems in the field and provided field support during installation of modifications." Designed and supervised field installation of heavy-duty rigging apparatus for replacement of large overhead crane motor." Performed conceptual design and supervised field construction of 60 foot high scaffold work platform for valve replacement." Prepared and reviewed calculations to justify structural acceptability of station equipment during successful completion of Seismic Qualification Utility Group (SQUG) evaluation program." Acted as engineering liaison to other station departments (Maintenance, Operations, Radiation Protection, etc) to resolve emergent problems regarding:

  • Rigging for lifting various plant equipment* Placement and support of temporary lead shielding* Storage of equipment in safety related seismic areas of the plant* Structural repairs and improvements to plant buildings and equipment Structural Engineer (Sargent and Lundy, 1983 to 1995)Responsible for design of structural modifications to various components of power generating facilities.

Prepared and reviewed design calculations and drawings* Designed numerous modifications to existing structural steel framing members and end connections.

A-9 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167" Supported field installation of modifications and provided solutions to problems encountered in the field." Designed and monitored field installation of new access galleries for various pieces of equipment.

EDUCATION B.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin Continuing Education"Concrete Evaluation and Repair Seminar", Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, 1996"STAAD III Program Training", Sargent and Lundy Engineers, Chicago, Illinois, 1995"Piping Design, Analysis and AUTOPIPE Training" Vectra Technologies, Inc., Zion, Illinois, 1995"SQUG Walkdown Screening and Seismic Evaluation Training Course", Seismic Qualification Utility Group through ComEd, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1994 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS Licensed Professional Engineer in State of Wisconsin 2 A-1 0 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 A-11 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 1200108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 S UG.(crhtcnirutc of ci4t z~lis is to Qh'riifij 11~ui 31iM (ciffif4j anb reismir iEualuation l~raining (Oourse Datrof Course SQUG Representative Training Course Adm;-trator

-Repesntai4 A-12 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 MICHAEL WODARCYK EMPLOYMENT Stevenson

& Associates, Glenview, Illinois Staff Engineer June 2011 -present* Analysis and design of nuclear power plant structures and other assorted structures.

On-site engineering at plants during outage maintenance periods.ESCA Consultants, Urbana, Illinois Design Engineer September 2010 -June 2011* Structural design and hydraulic modeling of bridges for the Illinois Department of Transportation, Canadian National Railway, BNSF Railway, and others. Inspection of the production of precast structural elements for CN.Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton, & Tilton, Columbus, Ohio Intern May 2007 -August 2007, May 2008 -August 2008* Assisted in the design and drafting of site, stormwater, and utility plans for various projects using AutoCAD, including the headquarters tower and garage for Grange Insurance in downtown Columbus.D.E. Huddleston General Contractors, Columbus, Ohio Laborer May 2006 -August 2006* Constructed footing foundations and performed other miscellaneous tasks for two elementary schools under construction in the Columbus City Schools district.EDUCATION University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Master of Science, Civil Engineering Structural Engineering Concentration GPA: 3.66 (of 4.0)University of Notre Dame Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering GPA: 3.47 (of 4.0)Urbana-Champaign, Illinois August 2010 Notre Dame, Indiana May 2009* Undergraduate Research, January 2009 -August 2009 Studied the effects that different structural systems have on the harmonic damping of a high-rise structure.

Modeled a case study high-rise building using SAP2000." Big Beam Contest, August 2008 -February 2009 Led a team of four students that designed, built, and tested Notre Dame's entry for the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute's Big Beam reinforced-concrete beam contest, with all design considerations based upon ACI 318-08 and PCI 6th ed. codes and specifications.

This design won 2nd place in the contest's Zone 4 (Midwest).

CERTIFICATIONS ORGANIZATIONS Engineer-in-Training First Aid American Concrete Institute American Society of Civil Engineers April 2009 August 2008 A-13 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 A-14 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Tribhawan Ram EDUCATION:

B.S. -Electrical Engineering, Punjab University, India, 1972 M.S. -Electrical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, 1977 M.S. -Nuclear Engineering, University of Cincinnati, 1982 M.B.A. -Bowling Green State University, 1996 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION:

State of Ohio PROFESSIONAL HISTORY: Stevenson

& Associates, Inc., Senior Engineer, 2011 -present Public Service Electric & Gas Co., Senior Plant Systems Engineer, Hancock Bridge, NJ, 2007 -2011 Entergy Corporation, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Senior Design Engineer, 2002-2007 Various Companies, Contract Consulting Project Engineer, 1996 -2002 Public Service Electric & Gas Co., Senior Staff Engineer, Hancock Bridge, NJ, 1983-1990 Toledo Edison Co., Toledo, Ohio, Senior Assistant Engineer, Associate Engineer, 1978-1983 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:

  • Electrical and Controls Design Engineering
  • Plant Systems Engineering
  • Transformer and Relay(s) Spec Developer* Plant Modification Engineering
  • Systems and Component Test Engineering 0 Factory Testing Witness* 6 Month BWR Systems Engineering Training 0 ETAP Trained* Arc Flash IEEE 1584 Trained Mr. Ram has over 28 years of electrical project, design and systems engineering experience in US nuclear plants. As part of the Seismic Margin Analysis (SMA) team, in 2012, Mr. Ram is leading the electrical engineering EPRI methodology effort to perform Post-Fukushima relay list development and evaluation to support Safe Shutdown Equipment List (SSEL), including relay functional screening and chatter analysis, for Taiwan nuclear plants (both PWR and BWR). In this effort, he is preparing the final reports including recommendations to replace any bad actor relays. Mr. Ram is preparing proposals to replace these bad actors including modification package development for field replacement of these relays. He has prepared proposals to lead similar forthcoming relay evaluation efforts for several Westinghouse plants in the USA. Mr. Ram has either prepared or peer reviewed the Seismic Walkdown Equipment Lists (SWEL 1 & 2) for several Exelon Plants.MA A-15 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 As a senior plant systems engineer, Mr. Ram has: 1. Developed several test plans for modification packages for the replacement of low and medium voltage circuit breakers (ABB K-Line to Square D Masterpact; GE Magneblast to Wyle Siemens) and for the replacement of the entire Pressurizer Heater Bus switchgear;
2. Personally been involved in execution of these test plans during refueling outages;3. Witnessed factory testing of Pressurizer Heater Bus Switchgear;
4. Interfaced with NRC in their biennial Component Design Basis Inspections (CDBI); Interfaced with INPO in their biennial evaluations;
5. Developed and executed Performance Centered Maintenance (PCM) strategies for Motor Control Centers (MCCs) and low and medium voltage circuit breakers and switchgear; 6.Developed and executed margin improvement strategies for pressurizer heater busses, for twin units, through obtaining funds and then equipment replacement;
7. Developed refueling outage scoping for low and medium voltage circuit breakers and MCCs through working with outage group, maintenance, operations, and work MGMT; 8. Resolved breaker grease hardening issue for ABB K-Line breakers, over a two year period, through working with maintenance and work MGMT in implementing accelerated overhauls with better grease; 9. Trained operations and engineering personnel in the Engaging People and Behavior Change process, as part of a case study team and; 10.Resolved day to day operations and maintenance issues with systems of responsibility (low and medium voltage systems)Mr. Ram has regularly participated in the EPRI annual circuit breaker user group conferences; at the 2011 meeting, he made a presentation on circuit breaker as found testing vis-a-vis protection of equipment, cables, and containment penetrations, and selective coordination preservation.

As a Senior Design Engineer, Mr. Ram has: 1. Developed specifications and procured 345/4.16/4.16 kV and 23/4.16/4.16 kV transformers (ranging up to $1.25 million);

2. Prepared a modification package to install the 23 kV/4.16 kV/4.16 kV transformer, including leading the project team to get this transformer successfully installed, tested, and placed in service; 3. Developed ETAP scenarios and performed load flow studies to successfully support the 2006 INPO evaluation;
4. Performed arc flash calculations per IEEE 1584 methodology for 4 kV, 480V Load Centers, and MCCs, enabling a justification of reduced arc flash rated clothing, thereby allowing conversion of OUTAGE PMs into ONLINE PMs and; 5. Performed single point system vulnerability analysis.As a Consulting Lead Project Engineer, Mr. Ram was heavily involved in resolution of the USI A-46 for several plants. He performed an extensive review of dozens of control circuits for relay chattering issues. To replace bad relay actors, Mr. Ram developed and/or supervised the development of many modification packages including:

selection of replacement relays (both protective and auxiliary);

preparation of relay testing specification with civil engineering input; working with and visiting seismic testing facilities for relay qualification and; developing pre and post installation instructions including test procedures.

He worked closely with teams consisting of maintenance, operations, and work MGMT during the development and implementation of these projects.

Besides the A-46 issue, Mr. Ram first developed and then was personally involved in the implementation of modification packages consisting of Cable, Conduit, Circuit Breaker and motor starter (contactor) replacements.

The following provides a list of USI A-46 resolution projects: Northeast Utilities

-Millstone Station Consumers Power Co. -Palisades Nuclear Station Boston Edison Co. -Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Commonwealth Edison Company- Dresden Station, Quad Cities Station Tribhawan Ram Page 2 A-16 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 STEVENSON

& ASSOCIATES 4350 DiPaolo Center, Suite H, Glenview, IL 60025 Tel: 847.795.0500 Fax: 847.795.0501 Bruce M. Lory EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS" B.S., Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY -1982" Exelon-certified instructor

-1992* ASME Training certification

-"Design and Repair of ASME Section I, IV, and VIII, Division 1 Pressure Vessels" -2000* Instructor of EPRI "Fundamentals of Equipment Seismic Qualification" course" Member of 2003-11 IEEE Subcommittee-2 on Equipment Qualification

  • Member of 2003-11 IEEE 323 Working Group (Environmental Qualification)" Member of 2003-11 IEEE 344 Working Group (Seismic Qualification)

QUALIFICATIONS Degreed Mechanical Engineer with over 30 years experience in the nuclear industry, with specific technical expertise in the field of overseeing equipment modifications for Extended Power Uprates (EPU), as well as Seismic Qualification (SQ) and Environmental Qualification (EQ) of equipment/components.

Also possesses technical proficiency in design verification and project management for installation of single failure-proof cranes.PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

-EPU PROJECTS Provided staff augmentation services as utility responsible engineer, overseeing engineering activities necessary for developing engineering modifications packages for various EPU projects, including:

  • Generator rewinds (LaSalle, Clinton, & Dresden), and associated GE support system modifications (SLMS package, flux probe, generator temperature monitoring, rotor torsional vibration monitoring system)* HP Turbine replacement with new ADSP advanced GE turbine design* RWCU pump replacements
  • Reactor Feed Pump, Recirc Valve, and FW Reg. Valve replacements
  • Stator Cooling system improvements (heat exchangers, filters, strainer)* Replacement of entire IA system with 3 independent system trains in new building.Activities included interface with Project Manager, Field Engineer, Work Planning, Construction, and Work Week Manager, as modification packages were developed, followed by implementation.

Worked within INDUS PassPort program for populating ADL, AEL, loading engineering deliverables in PassPort, ECN processing.

Performed owner's review of design descriptions, calculations, construction drawings.

etc. Reviewed FAT test plans, as well as witnessed FAT activities at OEM locations, assisted supply chain oversight of OEM milestones and auditing OEM facilities and generating nonconformances.

Provided technical interface with OEM as designs developed from mechanical

& structural engineering perspectives.

Reviewed resulting work order tasks in PassPort to get WO tasks to approved status. Produced CCNs in accordance with station procedures during installation phase to develop quick solution to engineering issues.A-1 7 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Bruce M. Lory PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

-SEISMIC QUALIFICATION Over 18 years of experience in Seismic Qualification of equipment and components, including seismic stress analyses, equipment foundation load analyses, equipment nozzle secondary stress analyses, and selection of vendors for replacement of seismically qualified Class 1 E components.

Well versed in requirements of IEEE 344-1975 for seismic qualification of Class 1E components, and use of SQUG methodology for demonstrating seismic adequacy of equipment.

Excellent verbal/writing skills in field of SQ and EQ testing/analyses; responds well to organizational challenges, and relationship building.

Member/Chairperson of numerous EPRI EQ and SQ technical committees (see below). Proficient in PC software applications:

Microsoft Word, Excel, MS Projects and PowerPoint as well as INDUS PassPort database.Special expertise in preparation of SQ test plans, and witnessing of SQ tests; having witnessed over 100 seismic tests for numerous utilities.

Excellent knowledge of seismic and environmental testing facilities, including Wyle (Norco and Huntsville), NLI, Southern Testing Services, Nutherm, NTS Acton, EGS, and Qualtech.Served as CoinEd (now Exelon) corporate subject matter expert in SQ, providing SQ guidance and policy for all five ComEd generating stations, including on-site SQ engineers.

Developed and implemented ComEd ownership of SQ program by authoring corporate procedure and SQ review checklists in 1993. Also created existing ComEd SQ standards used at all sites.Also served as subject matter expert for ComEd Corporate Engineering, providing technical guidance to Dresden, Quad Cities, and Zion sites required to complete the SQUG project. EPRI SQUG-certified Seismic Capability Engineer, and participated in all SQUG walkdowns at the three CoinEd SQUG sites. Served on EPRI G-STERI, and SQURTS committees, as CoinEd employee.Specific SQ experience and special SQ projects includes: " Designed temporary fix to broken auxiliary switch mounting on Merlin Gerin 4KV circuit breakers in support of restarting Dresden 2 & 3 and Quad Cities 1 & 2 after extended shutdown to investigate issue. Coordinated and witnessed expedited seismic testing of temporary design fix that resulted in NRC approval to restart affected units. Received "Engaging in Excellence" award from ComEd for solving problem (1997)." Member of EPRI SQUG mock-NRC audit team which performed 1 week inspection of TMI SQUG program at TMI in preparation for formal NRC SQUG inspection (1998)." Expedited SQ test procedure preparation and witnessed SQ testing and HELB (EQ) testing of Magnetrol level switch needed to replace Dresden HPCI Glo-SLO obsolete level switch, allowing Dresden to exit 14 day LCO (1999)." Coordinated response to NRC resident inspector inquiry at Byron regarding SQ status of a racked out Westinghouse 4KV circuit breaker, reviewed third party calculation justifying the configuration as seismically qualified, interfaced with Resident Inspector at Byron, and consulted industry on the issue (2000).* Chairman of 1 day EPRI technical workshop on issue of "racked out" circuit breakers, attended by over 30 utilities and contractors, EPRI NDE Center- Charlotte, NC (1997)" Coordinated with Quad Cities SQ engineer the response to NRC concern regarding potential contact of 125VDC batteries against hard spot on associated battery racks under seismic loading. Solution involved SQ testing of non-conforming condition, SQ test procedure reviewed and SQ test witnessed as well (1998).* Member of the special root cause investigative team formed in response to NRC audit concern on seismic qualification status of commercial grade-dedicated protective relays on Quad Cities EDGs (1999).Page 2 of 4 A-18 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Bruce M. Lory PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

-ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION Possess over 15 years of EQ experience, in consulting services and in utility positions.

Prepared and reviewed over 100 EQ Binders to meet requirements station-specific EQ licensing basis requirement.).

Knowledgeable in EQ requirements for satisfying the different levels of EQ licensing basis, (10CFR50.49, NUREG 0588- Category I and II, or DOR Guideline).

Prepared, reviewed over 20 EQ test procedures, and witnessed numerous EQ tests as part of licensee's initial EQ program origination or EQ component replacement objectives.

Well versed in EQ requirements contained in IEEE Standards 323, 382, 282, 317, and 649. Understands differentiation between Arrhenius and Regression Line analysis methodologies for calculating thermal qualified life.Have performed many FMEAs (Failure Mode Effects Analysis) on EQ components down to part level to determine applicable failure mode and appropriate corresponding activation energy/regression line slope and intercept for calculating thermal qualified life of a given material.Have used Digital Engineering and Wyle Materials databases to assist FMEAs in selection of most applicable Arrhenius material properties for failure mode/part use.Member of Corporate EQ group at Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) Downers Grove, IL overseeing EQ program compliance of all 6 nuclear stations (1991-1995).

Served as backup EQ Engineer for ComEd Corporate Engineering office (1998-2000).

Specific EQ experience and special EQ projects includes:* Prepared or reviewed over 100 EQ binders over entire six site ComEd EQ program (1983-1993)" Project Engineer overseeing staff of 5 EQ engineers prepare 88 EQ binders for Fort St. Vrain EQ program creation from scratch. Numerous technical challenges due to high temperature MSLB profile, necessitating thermal lag analyses and design of thermal protection modifications.

Included lead role of defending EQ program in mock-NRC audit followed by successful NRC audit.* Assisted in EQ impact evaluation for high drywell temperature excursion that occurred at ComEd Dresden Nuclear Station, assessing EQ life consequences on Class 1E components (1988)." Assisted in preparation of EQ test procedure and witnessed EQ HELB testing of non-conforming Raychem NMCK and WCSF-N electrical splices for ComEd LaSalle County Nuclear Station in support of JCO (1986)* Member of EQ inspection team performing mock-NRC audit of Quad Cities EQ program with respect to compliance to R.G. 1.97, including EQ walkdown discovery of Class 1E terminal blocks epoxy glued to junction boxes involving R.G. 1.97 instrumentation circuitry (1991).* Member of EQ assessment team performing technical review of Consumers Energy -Palisades EQ program for compliance to DOR Guidelines and R.G. 1.97 (1990).* Performed special EQ impact assessment of potentially non-EQ components installed in Class 1E 480VAC MCCs at CoinEd Braidwood Nuclear Station, reviewed over 150 NWRs for Stores Item # used for installation.

  • Lead 5 EQ engineers on independent EQ assessment of ComEd LaSalle County Nuclear Station EQ program re-baseline initiative to determine remaining weaknesses in EQ program and identify corrective actions needed in EQ analyses and component replacements (1997)Page 3 of 4 A-1 9 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Bruce M. Lory PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE

-SINGLE FAILURE-PROOF CRANE DESIGN VERIFICATION Performed utility owner's (CMS Energy -Big Rock Restoration Project) design review of all crane manufacturer's design stress analyses for use of single failure-proof Containment Building Crane for dry cask activities.

Activities included assisting project manager in resolving design issues which arose during seismic qualification analyses by crane vendor, resolving crane manufacturer (Ederer)NCRs, and establishing protocol for identification of critical characteristics for commercial grade dedication of crane for safety related use. Crane expertise includes owner's review of manufacturer's design stress calculations for all operating load conditions per CMAA Spec. #70, and compliance with NUREG 0554.Project highlights included: " Visited crane manufacturer facility (Ederer) and vendor facility (Bigee) numerous times to resolve owner review comments on design stress calculations, attend project status meetings, and work with crane/vendor engineering staff towards final design resolutions." Reviewed over 30 design stress calculations for Ederer "X-SAM" single failure-proof crane trolley and hoist, including vendor bridge, column, and end truck design. Review resulted in three design changes to crane in order to comply with CMAA Spec. #70 and NUREG 0554 design margin requirements." Attended NRC meeting at NRR headquarters (Washington D.C.) with client to answer NRC and independent review team technical review questions on crane design and Ederer topical report.* Assisted utility project manager in related engineering activities of commercial grade dedication, QA program establishment, and seismic qualification interface with Bigee Rigging.EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Stevenson

& Associates

-2008 to present EMS Inc. -2000 -2007 Commonwealth Edison, 1991-2000 ABB Impell, 1989 -1991 Sargent & Lundy Engineers, 1979- 1989 SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENTS


  • Presented CoinEd C-Team facility design for LOCA test chamber system to NUGEQ -1991* Inaugural Technical Program Chairman of EPRI -SQURTS program, 1993-95* Member of EPRI -G-STERI program, 1995-98" "Engaging in Excellence" award from CoinEd for designing and seismically qualifying emergency fix to broken auxiliary switch mounting on Merlin-Gerin 4KV circuit breakers -1997" "Certificate of Appreciation", ASME PVP Division for being Technical Program Representative of the OAC Committee for the 2000 ASME PVP Division International Conference

-2000* Instructor of EPRI "Fundamentals of Equipment Seismic Qualification" training course -2011 Page 4 of 4 A-20 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Walter Djordjevic EDUCATION:

B.S. -Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1974 M.S. -Structural Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1976 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION:

State of California, State of Wisconsin, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Arizona, State of Missouri PROFESSIONAL HISTORY: Stevenson

& Associates, Inc., President 1996 -present; Vice President and General Manager of the Boston area office, 1983 -1995 URS/John A. Blume & Associates, Engineers, Boston, Massachusetts, General Manager, 1980 -1983;San Francisco, California, Supervisory Engineer, 1979 -1980 Impell Corporation, San Francisco, California, Senior Engineer, 1976 -1979 Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts, Engineer, 1974 -1976 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: " Structural Engineering" Structural Dynamics* Seismic Engineering

  • Construction" Vibration Engineering" Expert Witness* Committee Chairman Mr. Djordjevic founded the Stevenson

& Associates Boston area office in 1983 and serves as President and General Manager. Mr. Djordjevic is expert in the field of structural engineering

-more specifically, in the areas of structural vulnerabilities to the effects of seismic and other extreme loading phenomena.

As a structural dynamicist, Mr. Djordjevic also heads the Vibration Engineering Consultants corporate subsidiary of Stevenson

& Associates for which he has overseen numerous designs of vibration sensitive microelectronics facilities for such clients as IBM, Intel, Motorola and Toshiba. He has personally been involved in such projects as resolving vibration problems due to construction activities for the Central Artery Project (Big Dig) in Boston for which he was retained by Massport.

Finally, Mr.Djordjevic has been personally retained as an Expert Witness a number of times relating to cases involving construction, structural and mechanical issues.He has performed over a thousand hours of onsite seismic and other natural phenomena (including tornados, hurricanes, fire, and flooding) inspection walkdowns to assess structural soundness and vulnerabilities.

He has inspected microelectronics fabrication facilities, power facilities, and hazardous material government and military reservations.

He is one of the most experienced seismic walkdown A-21 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 inspection screening and verification engineers having personally participated in seismic walkdowns at over 50 U.S. nuclear units.In recent years, he has concentrated on screening inspection walkdowns and assessments for resolution of the USI A-46 and seismic IPEEE issues, on numerous facilities.

The following provides a partial list of recent projects: American Electric Power -D.C. Cook Station Boston Edison Co. -Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (SPRA)Commonwealth Edison Company- Braidwood Stationp M , Byron Stationp M , Cities StationPM Consumers Power Co. -Palisades Nuclear StationPM Entergy -Arkansas Nuclear One Florida Power & Light -Turkey Point Station New York Power Authority

-James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation

-Nine Mile Point Station PM Northern States Power Co. -Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Northern States Power Co. -Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Omaha Public Power District -Fort Calhoun Station (SPRA)Public Service Electric & Gas -Salem Nuclear Station Rochester Gas & Electric -R.E. Ginna Station Wisconsin Electric -Point Beach Nuclear StationPM (SPRA)Wisconsin Public Service -Kewaunee Nuclear Power PlantPM (SPRA)PM Indicates projects where Mr. Djordjevic served as Project Manager Hanford Reservation Savannah River Plant Reservation Rocky Flats Reservation Tooele US Army Depot Anniston US Army Reservation Umatilla US Army Reservation Dresden Stationp M , Quad Newport US Army Reservation Aberdeen US Army Reservation He is a member of the IEEE 344 Standards Committee, Chairman of the ASCE Working Group for Seismic Evaluation of Electrical Raceways, and Chairman of the IES Committee for Microelectronics Cleanroom Vibrations Representative projects include overseeing the SEP shake-table testing of electrical raceways, in-situ testing of control panels and instrumentation racks at various nuclear facilities, equipment anchorage walkdowns and evaluations at various nuclear facilities.

He is the principal author of the CERTIVALVE software package to evaluate nuclear service valves, and contributing author in .the development of the ANCHOR and EDASP software packages commercially distributed by S&A.Mr. Djordjevic is expert in the area of seismic fragility analysis and dynamic qualification of electrical and mechanical equipment.

He has participated in and managed over twenty major projects involving the evaluation and qualification of vibration sensitive equipment and seismic hardening of equipment.

As demonstrated by his committee work and publications, Mr. Djordjevic has participated in and contributed steadily to the development of equipment qualification and vibration hardening methodology.

Walter Djordjevic Page 2 A-22 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 PROFESSIONAL GROUPS Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Nuclear Power Engineering Committee Working Group SC 2.5 (IEEE-344)

Chairman, American Society of Civil Engineers Nuclear Structures and Materials Committee, Working Group for the Analysis and Design of Electrical Cable Support Systems Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Operation, Application, and Components Committee on Valves, Working Group SC-5 Chairman.

Institute of Environmental Sciences, Working Group foe Standardization of Reporting and Measuring Cleanroom Vibrations PARTIAL LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1979 ASME PVP Conference, San Francisco, California, "Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Analysis of Power Actuated Valves", Paper No. 79-PVP-106.

1983 ASME PVP Conference, Portland, Oregon, "A Computer Code for Seismic Qualification of Nuclear Service Valves", Paper No. 83-PVP-81.

1983 ASME PVP Conference, Portland, Oregon, "Qualification of Electrical and Mechanical Equipment at Rocky Flats Reservation Using Prototype Analysis".

1984 ANS Conference, "Qualification of Class 1 E Devices Using In-Situ Testing and Analysis." 1986 Testing of Lithography Components for Vibration Sensitivity, Microelectronics, Cahners Publishing 1990 Nuclear Power Plant Piping and Equipment Conference, "Development of Generic Amplification Factors for Benchboard and Relay Cabinet Assemblies", Paper No. 106, Structures and Components Symposium, held by North Carolina State University 1991 Electric Power Research Institute, "Development of In-Cabinet Response Spectra for Benchboards and Vertical Panels," EPRI Report NP-7146 Walter Djordjevic Page 3 A-23 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Certificdte of Completion Walter Djordjevic Successfully Completed Training on Near Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3 -Plant Seismic Walkdowns Bruce M. Lo4- Instructor NTTF 2.3 Seismic Walkdown Course Date: 06/26/12 A-24 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167~ Exeton Generation BRYAN Y WEIGHT EDUCATION BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering (structural emphasis)EXPERIENCE EXELON CORPORATION, Morris, IL: Currently 5 years Dresden Generation Station (DGS -nuclear power)Engineering Design / Proiects / Staff Engineer* Performed owners acceptance reviews of civil and structural engineering vendor supplied products for DGS* Completed various plant modifications

-Project Engineer" Specialty projects:

Heavy loads per NUREG 0612, Post-Fukushima Earthquake Task Force, NRC audits, etc PT&C FORENSIC CONSULTING SERVICES, P.A., Chicago, IL: 1.5 years Engineering Manager / Senior Forensic Engineer* Marketing

-established new accounts with Insurance Companies" Executed inspections and managed consulting services related to insurance claims and associated reports, invoices, client interface* Managed personnel and work assignments in the Midwest region BW INSPECTION ENGINEERS, INC., Wilsonville, OR: 18 years EIFS & STUCCO CONSULTANTS, INC., Wilsonville, OR: Concurrent President

& Owner" Managed consulting services in Oregon & Washington" Experienced in forensic engineering, construction defect litigation, cause &origin insurance claims, engineering design, construction management, and surveyed the physical condition of residential and commercial properties

  • Marketing NORTHWEST INSPECTION ENGINEERS, INC., Renton, WA: 1.5 years Inspection Engineer* Performed inspections, forensics, engineering, expert witness, and construction management services A-25 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Bryan Y Weight Page 2 of 2 BECHTEL POWER & BECHTEL CONSTRUCTION CORPORATIONS:

10 years Assistant Proiect Administrator

-- San Onofre Nuclear Generation Stations 2 & 3-Responsible for construction work procedures, quality control, and documentation during refueling operations in accordance with NRC code of Federal Regulations 10CFR50; managed various personnel groups Construction Management

-- Intermountain Power Project, Delta, UT" Managed multi-million dollar contracts in the civil and mechanical disciplines" Authorized progress payments, change orders, settled claims, contractor audits" Completed quality control (QC) inspections, specification compliance

& reports* ANSI inspector:

concrete, steel, soils, pipe & mechanical equipment Construction Engineer -- Springerville Arizona Generating Station* Worked as field liaison, provided technical guidance, recommended design changes, was advisor to construction Design Engineer -- Los Angeles Power Division, Norwalk, CA* Involved in the design of concrete; steel; supports for instrumentation, HVAC, pipe and electrical cable tray systems of various nuclear and fossil fuel projects including:

Korea Nuclear Generation Stations 5 & 6; Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station 2 & 3; San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station 2 & 3;Springerville Arizona Generating Station PROFESSIONAL LICENSES: Professional Engineer:

CA 33679 Professional Engineer:

IL 62059873 Professional Structural Engineer:

UT 170291-2203 Lapsed P.E. licenses:

IA, MI, MN, OR, WA OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS I TRAINING BWR Plant Systems Engineering Configuration Change Responsible Engineer (Plant Modifications) 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CRF) 50.59 BWR Screener EPRI Near Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3 -Plant Seismic Walkdowns SQUG Walkdown Screening and Seismic Evaluation Training Site Materials Expert (SME) for movement of Heavy Loads Certified Building Moisture Analyst Certified Infrared Thermographer A-26

~II2 IIELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE Certificate of C ompleti Bryan Weight Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2.' In *RR-12-1R7 on ce A-2 I Training on Near Term Task For Recommendation 2.3-Plant Seismic Walkdowns June 27, 2012 Robert K. Kassawara EPRI Manager, Structural Reliability

& Integrity Date INS UG Presents this Certi *cate of chiievement To Certify That has Compktedthe SQJ9G Wakf own andSeismic Evafuation Trai Screening§-efdAugust 23-2'.9 -PW0 a lp. ..s- --Richard G. Starck 11, MPR Associates, Inc.SQUG Instructor Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 B Equipment Lists Appendix B contains the equipment lists that were developed during SWEL development.

Note that because no SWEL 2 or Rapid Drain-Down items existed for Dresden Generating Station Unit 3, there is no Base List 2, SWEL 2, or Rapid Drain-Down Equipment List.The following contents are found in Appendix B: SW EL A pproval S ignature Page ......................................................................

B-2 Table B-la, Base List Ia -Items Exclusive to Unit 3 ............................................

B-3 Table B-1 b, Base List 1 b -Items Common to Units 2 and 3 .................................

B-42 T a b le B -2 , S W E L 1 .....................................................................................

B -4 6 B-1 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 S A Stevenson

& Associates Seismic Walkdown Interim Report, Revision 0 In Response to NTTF Recommendation 2.3: Seismic Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 07/25/2012 Tony Perez 07/25/2012 Equipment Selection Preparer date Kim L. Hull :'r 07/25/2012 Equipment Selection Reviewer date Station Operations Staff Member date Refer to Attachment 3 for synopsis of Station Operations role and responsibility.

B-2 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Table B-la. Base List la -Items Exclusive to Unit 3 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION REACTOR RECIRCULATION/

D03-0202-0005AV20 Recirc Pump A Discharge Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.5 DRYWELL D03-0203-0001AV05 MAIN STEAM/ Isolation Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL D03-0203-0001 BV05 MAIN STEAM/Isolation Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL D03-0203-0001CV05 MAIN STEAM/Isolation Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL D03-0203-0001 DV05 MAIN STEAM/Isolation Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL D03-0203-0002AV05 MAIN STEAM/ Isolation Valve Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46 D03-0203-0002BV05 MAIN STEAM/Isolation Valve Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46 D03-0203-0002CV05 MAIN STEAM/Isolation Valve Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46 D03-0203-0002DV05 MAIN STEAM/Isolation Valve Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46 D03-0203-0003A-PC ADS/ Target Rock Process Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell Controller (ROB-203-3A)

D03-0203-0003AV26 ADS/ Target Rock Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL D03-0203-0003B-PC ADS/ Electromatic Valve Process Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell Controller (ROB-203-3B)

D03-0203-0003BV26 ADS/ Electromatic Relief Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL D03-0203-0003C-PC ADS/ Electromatic Valve Process Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell D03-0203-0003C-PC___

Controller (ROB-203-3C)

D03-0203-0003CV26 ADS/ Electromatic Relief Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL D03-0203-0003D-PC ADS/ Electromatic Valve Process Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell D03-0203-0003D-PC___

Controller (ROB-203-3D)

NceBolSym Ratr 15 Dwl D03-0203-0003DV26 ADS/ Electromatic Relief Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL D03-0203-0003E-PC ADS/ Electromatic Valve Process Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell Controller (ROB-203-3E)

D03-0203-0003EV26 ADS/ Electromatic Relief Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL D03-0203-0004AV26 ADS/ Reactor Overpressure Relief Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL Valve D03-0203-0004BV26 ADS/ Reactor Overpressure Relief Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL Valve D03-0203-0004CV26 ADS/ Reactor Overpressure Relief Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL D03-0203-0004CV26_

Valve D03-0203-0004DV26 ADS/ Reactor Overpressure Relief Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL_Valve Table B-la Page 1 of 39 B-3 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-003-004EV26 ADS!/Reactor Overpressure Relief D03-0203-0004EV26 VADSl ectrOerrsue Reief Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL Valve aNcea oierSsem Raco 57 DReL D03-0203-0004FV26 ADS! Reactor Overpressure Relief Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL ValveI D03-0203-0004GV26 ADS/ Reactor Overpressure Relief Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL Valve D03-0203-0004HV26 ADS/ Reactor Overpressure Relief Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL D03-0203-001A1V27 MAIN STEAM! Isolation DC Solenoid Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL MAIN Valve D03-0203-001A2V27 MAIN STEAM! Isolation AC Solenoid Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL____ ___ ___ ___ ___Valve_

_ _ _ _MAIN STEAM!/Isolation DC Solenoid D03-0203-001 B1V27 Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL D03-0203-001 B2 V27 MAIN STEAM! Isolation AC Solenoid Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL____ ___ ___ ___ ___Valve D03-0203-001 B2V27 MAIN STEAM! Isolation DC Solenoid Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL____ ___ ___ ___ ___Valve_

_ _ _ _MAIN STEAM!/Isolation AC Solenoid D03-0203-001C 1V27 MAIN Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL____ ___ ___ ___ ___Valve_

_ _ _ _D03-0203-001 C2V27 MAIN STEAM! Isolation DC Solenoid Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL____ ___ ____ ___ __ alve MAIN STEAM/ Isolation DC Solenoid D03-0203-001D1V27 Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL D03-0203-001D2V27 MAIN STEAM! Isolation AC Solenoid Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL____ ___ ___ ___ ___Valve D03-0203-002A1V27 MAIN STEAM! Isolation DC Solenoid Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46 Valve D03-0203-002A2V27 MAIN STEAM! Isolation AC Solenoid Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46 Valve_____

D03-0203-002C1V27 MAIN STEAM/ Isolation DC Solenoid Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46 D03-0203-002B1V27_

Valve D03-0203-002B32V27 MAINvSEAM slto CSlni Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46 D03-0203-002C 1V27 MAINvSEAM slto CSlni Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/4 Table B-la Page 2 of 39 B-4 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION:MAIN STEAM/ Isolation AC Solenoid D03-0203-002C2V27 MAIN Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46____ ___ ___ ___ ___Valve D03-0203-002D1V27 MAIN STEAM/ Isolation DC Solenoid Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46____ ___ ___ ___ ___Valve D03-0203-002D2V27 MaINvSeAM slto CSlni Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46 REACTOR RECIRCULATION/

D03-0205-0024-V20 R HEad RCo LINe Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 589 K-L/47 Reactor Head Cooling Line Valve D03-0220-0001-V20 MAIN STEAM/ Isolation Valve Line Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell MDrain Valve D03-0220-0002-V20 MAIN STEAM/ Isolation Valve Line Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46_________________Drain Valve REACTOR RECIRCULATION/

D03-0220-0044-V05 Recirc Loop Sample Line Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL REACTOR RECIRCULATION/

D03-0220-0044-V27 Recirc Loop Line Solenoid Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 537 DRYWELL REACTOR RECIRCULATION/

D03-0220-0045-V05 Recirc Loop Sample Line Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 545.5 L/45-46 D03-0220-0045-V27 REACTOR RECIRCULATION/


Recirc Loop Line Solenoid Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 545.5 L/45-46 D03-0220-0082AA1 0 MAIN STEAM/Isolation Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL AccumulatorEAM/IsolationVa D03-0220-0082BA10 MAIN STEAM/Isolation Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL________________Accumulator

_ _ _ _ __________

D03-2200082A10 MAIN STEAM/Isolation Valve D03-0220-0082CA10 Accumulator Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL D03-0220-0082DA10 MAIN STEAM/Isolation Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL AccumulatorEAM/IsolationVa D03-0220-0083AA1 0 MAIN STEAM/Isolation Valve Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46________________Accumulator

_ _ _ _ __________


~ MAIN STEAM/Isolation Valve D03-0220-0083BA10 Mo Accumulator Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46 D03-0220-0083CA1 0 MAIN STEAM/Isolation Valve Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46__ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ Accumulator I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Table B-i a Page 3 of 39 B-5 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-220-083D1 0 MAIN STEAM/ Isolation Valve D03-0220-0083DA10 Accumulator Nuclear Boiler System Turbine 517.5 X AREA H/46 D03-0261-0001A-FE MAIN STEAM/ Injection Line Flow Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell Element D03-0261-0001 B-FE MAIN STEAM/ Injection Line Flow Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 DryUelI Element N a i yR t7r D03-0261 -0001 C-FE MAIN STEAM/ Injection Line Flow Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell Element I D03-0261-0001 D-FE MAIN STEAM/ Injection Line Flow Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell Element D03-0261-0014A-TE ADS/ Target Rock Temperature Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell Element I D03-0261-00114B3-TE ADS/ Electromatic Relief Valve_______________Temperature ElementNulaBoerSsm Racr 51. Drwl D03-0261-0014C-TE ADS/ Electromatic Relief Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell Temperature Element D03-0261 -001 4D-TE ADS/ Electromatic Relief Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell D03-0261-0014C-TE___

Temperature Element Ne o S mar.l D03-0261-0014E-TE ADS/ Electromatic Relief Valve Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell Temperature Element D03-0261-0020--TR ADS/ Blowdown Lines Temperature Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell Recorder D03-0261-0037A-PS ADS/ Target Rock Pressure Switch Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell D03-0261-0037B-PS ADS/ Target Rock Pressure Switch Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell D03-0261-0037C-PS ADS/ Target Rock Pressure Switch Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 517.5 Drywell D03-0263-0059ALIS REACTOR RECIRCULATION/

Level Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 545.5 L-M/46-47 Indicating Switch D03-0263-0059BLIS REACTOR RECIRCULATION/

Level Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 545.5 K/48-49 Indicating Switch D03-0263-0060A-PI REACTOR RECIRCULATION/

Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 545.5 L-M/46-47__ __ _ __ __ _ __ _Pressure Indicator I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I__ _ _ I__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Table B-la Page 4 of 39 B-6 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-0263-0060B-PI REACTOR RECIRCULATION/

Pressure Indicator Nuclear Boiler System Reactor 545.5 K/48-49 D03-0302-0019AV27 CRD/ Backup Scram Solenoid Valve Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 L/48 D03-0302-0019BV27 CRD/ Backup Scram Solenoid Valve Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 L/48 D03-0302-0020AV25 CRD/ Scram Dump Solenoid Valve Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 L/48 D03-0302-0020BV27 CRD/ Scram Dump Solenoid Valve Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 L/48 D03-0302-0082B-LS CRD/ East Bank SDV Tank Level Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Switch ___________

_ _ _ _ _D03-3020082-LT CRD/ East Bank SDV Tank Level D03-0302-0082B-LT Transmitter Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 D03-0302-0082C-LS CRD/ East Bank SDV Tank Level Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Switch BankSDVTankLevel D03-0302-0082D-LS CRD/ East Bank SDV Tank Level Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Switch BankSDVTankLevel D03-0302-0082E-LS CRD/ East Bank SDV Tank Level Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Switch BankSDVTankLevel D03-0302-0082E-LT CRD/ East Bank SDV Tank Level Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Transmitter BankSDVTankLevel D03-0302-0082H-LS CRD/ West Bank SDV Tank Level Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Switch BankSDVTankLevel D03-0302-0082H-LT Tran Wsmtter VTakLee Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 D03-3020082-LT CRD/ West Bank SDV Tank Level Transmitter CnrlRdDieSse eco 1. -/44,95 D03-0302-0082J-LS CRD/ West Bank SDV Tank Level Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Switch BankSDVTankLevel D03-0302-0082K-LS CRDI West Bank SDV Tank Level Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Switch BankSDVTankLevel D03-0302-0082L-LS CR0/ West Bank SDV Tank Level Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Switch BankSDVTankLevel D03-0302-0082L-LT CRD/ West Bank SDV Tank Level Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50

_____ ____ ____ ____Transmitter__

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Table B-la Page 5 of 39 B-7 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-0302-0157AV05 CRD/ East Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 D03-0302-0157AV05_

Volume Drain Valve D03-0302-0157AV27 CRD/ East Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 Volume Drain Sol. Valve CRD/ West Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 9 D03-0302-01 57BV05 Volume Drain Valve D03-0302-0157BV27 CRD/ West Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 9 Volume Drain Sol. Valve D03-0302-0 56AV05 CRD/ East Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 D03-0302-0156AV05_

Volume Drain Valve D03-0302-0156AV27 CRD/ East Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 Volume Drain Sol. Valve D03-0302-0156BV05 CRD/ West Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 9 Volume Drain Valve D03-0302-0156BV27 CRD/ West Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 9 Volume Drain Sol. Valve D03-0302-0160AV05 CRD/ East Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL J/45 Volume Vent Valve D03-0302-0160AV27 CRD/ East Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL J/45 Volume Vent Sol. Valve D03-0302-0160BV05 CRD/ West Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL K/48 D03-0302-0160BV05_

Volume Vent Valve D03-0302-0160BV27 CRD/ West Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL K/48 Volume Vent Sol. Valve D03-0302-0161 AVOS CRD/ East Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL J/45 D03-0302-0161AV05 Volume Vent Valve F _ _____ I Table B-la Page 6 of 39 B-8 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-0302-0161AV27 CRD/ East Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL J/45 Volume Vent Sol. Valve D03-0302-0161 BV05 CRD/ West Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL K/48 Volume Vent Valve D03-0302-0161 BV27 CRD/ West Bank Scram Discharge Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL K/48 Volume Vent Sol. Valve D03-0305-0010-0031-CRD/ Insertion Accumulator, West Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU 0125-AlO Bank, Row 8, Position 15 (C-8)D03-0305-0010-0031

-CRD/ Accumulator Insertion Scram Valve, West Bank, Row 8, Position Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU 0126-V051(-)____

_______15 (C-8)D03-0305-001 0-0031 -CRD/ Withdraw to Scram Discharge Volume Scram Valve, West Bank, Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU 0127-V05 IRow 8, Position 15 (C-8)D03-0305-0010-0031-CRD/ Hydraulic Control Unit, West Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-K144-45,49-50 H20 Bank, Row 8, Position 15 (C-8)D03-0305-0030-0043-CRD/ Insertion Accumulator, West 015-l Bnk Rw , ostin (-i1) Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU 01 25-Al10 IBank, Row 8, Position 4 (H-1 1)D03-0305-0030-0043-CRD/ Accumulator Insertion Scram Valve, West Bank, Row 8, Position 4 Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU 0126-V05( -l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(H-11 )D03-0305-0030-0043-CRD/ Withdraw to Scram Discharge Volume Scram Valve, West Bank, Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU Row 8, Position 4 (H-1 1)D03-0305-0030-0043-CRD/ Hydraulic Control Unit, West Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-K144-45,49-50 H20 Bank, Row 8, Position 4 (H-1 1)Table B-la Page 7 of 39 B-9 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-0305-0046-0031-CRD/ Insertion Accumulator, East Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU 0125-AlO Bank, Row 1, Position 16 (M-8)D03-0305-0046-0031

-CRD/ Accumulator Insertion Scram 0126-V05 Valve, East Bank, Row 1, Position 16 Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU (M-8)D03-0305-0046-0031

-CRD/ Withdraw to Scram Discharge Volume Scram Valve, East Bank, Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU Row 1, Position 16 (M-8)D03-0305-0046-0031-CRD/ Hydraulic Control Unit, East Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-K/44-45,49-50 H20 Bank, Row 1, Position 16 (M-8)D03-0305-0058-0023-CRD/ Insertion Accumulator, East Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU 0125-AlO Bank, Row 1, Position 12 (R-6)D03-0305-0058-0023-CRD/ Accumulator Insertion Scram 0126-V05 Valve, East Bank, Row 1, Position 12 Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU (R-6)D03-0305-0058-0023-CRD/ Withdraw to Scram Discharge Volume Scram Valve, East Bank, Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU Row 1, Position 12 (R-6)D03-0305-0058-0023-CRD/ Hydraulic Control Unit, East Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-K/44-45,49-50 H20 Bank, Row 1, Position 12 (R-6)D03-0305-0117-V27 CRDV Pilot Solenoid For HCU Scram Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU Valves__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _D03-0305-0118-V27 CRDV Pilot Solenoid For HCU Scram Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU____ ___ ___ ___ ___ Valves__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _D030l WiCRD/tHydraulic Control Unit Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU D0-005010-15 Withdraw ValveI D03-0305-0121 -V1 5 CRD/ Hydraulic Control Unit Insertion Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU ,Valve Table B-la Page 8 of 39 B-10 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03_0305_0122_Vl WCRD/iHydraulic Control Unit Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU D03-3050122V15 Withdraw Valve D03-0305-0123-Vl 5 CRD/ Hydraulic Control Unit Insertion Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU D03-0305-0123-V15_

Valve D03-0305-0128-A1O CRD/ Insertion Accumulator Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU D03-005-019--LS CRD/ Insertion Accumulator Level D03-0305-0129--LS Switch Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU D03-0305-0130--PS CRD/ Insertion Accumulator Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU________________Pressure Switch D03-0305-0131--PI CRD/ Insertion Accumulator Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU CRD/AlternatPressure Indicator D03-0399-0524AV27 So lternoialve Ro neto TSControl Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 D03-099-054AV27 CRD/ Alternate Rod Insertion ATWS D03-0399-0524BV27__

Solenoid Valve Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 D03-0399-0524BV27 CRD/ Alternate Rod Insertion ATWS Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50

________________Solenoid Valve D03-0399-0548AV27 CRD/ Alternate Rod Insertion ATWS Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 CR/AtenaeodInerioWSolenoid Valve D03-0399-0548BV27 So lternoialve Ro neto TSControl Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 D03-099-058BV27 CRD/ Alternate Rod Insertion ATWS D03-0399-0549AV27__

Solenoid Valve Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 D03-0399-0549AV27 CRD/ Alternate Rod Insertion ATWS Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50

________________Solenoid Valve D03-0399-0549BV27 CRD/ Alternate Rod Insertion ATVS Control Rod Drive System Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50

_________________Solenoid Valve D03-0409-A

T05 CRD/ East Bank Scram Discharge Startup Equipment Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Volume Tank D03-0409-B

T05 CRD/ West Bank Scram Discharge Startup Equipment Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Volume Tank D03-0645-A

FT MAIN STEAM/ Steam Flow Reactor Level Control Reactor 545.5 L-M/46-47 Transmitter System D03-0645-B

FT MAIN STEAM/ Steam Flow Reactor Level Control Reactor 545.5 L-M146-47 Transmitter System D03-0645-C

FT MAIN STEAM/ Steam Flow Reactor Level Control Reactor 545.5 L-M/46-47_Transmitter System Table B-la Page 9 of 39 B-11 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION MAIN STEAM/ Steam Flow Reactor Level Control D03-0645-D-...FT Reactor 545.5 L-M/46-47 Transmitter System D03-0750-0001A-RY NEUTRON MONITORING/

Source Neutron Monitoring Turbine 534 G-H/311-32 Range Monitor System D03-0750-0001 B-RY NEUTRON MONITORING/

Source Neutron Monitoring Turbine 534 G-H/311-32 Range Monitor System D03-0750-0001 C-RY NEUTRON MONITORING/

Source Neutron Monitoring Turbine 534 G-H/311-32 Range Monitor System D03-0750-0001 D-RY NEUTRON MONITORING/

Source Neutron Monitoring Turbine 534 G-H/31-32 Range Monitor System D03-0903-0003 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels N/A 534 C. RM PNL 903-3 903-3 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel D03-0903-0004 CONRO Control Room Panels N/A 534 C. RM PNL 903-4____ ___ ___ ___ ___90 3-4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _D03-0903-0005 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels N/A 534 C. RM PNL 903-5 903-5 D03-0903-0008 Aux Electric Room Panel Control Room Panels N/A D03-0903-0015 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels N/A 534 C. RM PL 903-15 903-15 D03-0903-0017 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels N/A 534 C. RM PL 903-17 903-17 D03-0903-0019 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels N/A 534 C. RM PL 903-19 903-19 D03-0903-0028 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels Turbine 517.5 AEER PNL 903-28 903-28 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel D03-0903-0032 CONTRO Control Room Panels Turbine 517.5 AEER PNL 903-32 D03-0903-0033 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels Turbine 517.5 AEER PNL 903-33 903-33 D03-0903-0036 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels N/A 534 C. RM PL 903-36 903-36 D03-0903-0039 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels Turbine 517.5 AEER PNL 903-39 903-39 Table B-la Page 10 of 39 B-12 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-0903-0041 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels Turbine 517.5 AEER PNL 903-41 903-41 D03-0903-0046 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels Turbine 517.5 AEER PNL 903-46 903-46 D03-0903-0047 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels Turbine 517.5 AEER PNL 903-47 903-47 D03-0903-0061 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels Turbine 549 B RM2 E/31 903-61 D03-0903-0062 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels Turbine 517.5 AEER PNL 903-62 903-62 D03-0923-0005 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel Control Room Panels N/A 534 C. RM PNL 923-5 923-5 D03-1 001-0001 AV20 SHUTDOWN COOLING/ Shut Down Shutdown Cooling Reactor 517.5 Drywell Pumps Injection Line Valve D03-1 001-0001 BV20 SHUTDOWN COOLING/ Shut Down Shutdown Cooling Reactor 517.5 Drywell Pumps Injection Line Valve D03-1001-0002AV20 SHUTDOWN COOLING/Shut Down Shutdown Cooling Reactor 517.5 H-J/48-49 Pumps Suction Line Valve D031 01-002B20 SHUTDOWN COOLI NGI/Shut Down D03-1001-0002BV20 SUDWCOLN/huDonShutdown Cooling Reactor 517.5 H-J/48-49 Pumps Suction Line Valve D03-1001-0002CV20 SHUTDOWN COOLING/ Shut Down Shutdown Cooling Reactor 517.5 H-J/48-49 Pumps Suction Line Valve D03-1001-0005AV20 SHUTDOWN COOLING/ Injection Shutdown Cooling Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY K/45 D03-1001-0005AV20_

Line Valve D03-1001-0005BV20 SHUTDOWN COOLING/ Injection Shutdown Cooling Reactor 476.5 K/44-45 Line Valve D03-1201-0001 AV20 REACTOR WATER CLEAN UP/ Reactor Water Cleanup Reactor 545.5 Drywell D03-1201-0001AV20__

Pump Suction Bypass Line Valve System Reactr_54.5_Dywel D03-1201-0001-V20 REACTOR WATER CLEAN UP/ Aux Reactor Water Cleanup Reactor 537 DRYWELL Pump Suction Line Valve System D03-1201-0002-V20 REACTOR WATER CLEAN UP/ Reactor Water Cleanup Reactor 545.5 RWCU PIPWY J/45 Pump Suction Bypass Line Valve System D03-1201-0003-V20 REACTOR WATER CLEAN UP/ Aux Reactor Water Cleanup Reactor 545.5 J-K/45-46 Pump Suction Line Valve System Table B-la Page 11 of 39 B-13 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION ISOLATION CONDENSER/

Steam Isolation Condenser D03-1 301-0001 -V20 Reactor 576.58 DRYWE LL Line Isolation Valve System D03-1301-0002-V20 ISOLATION CONDENSER/

Steam Isolation Condenser Reactor 570 IC VLV RM L/46 Line Isolation Valve System ISOLATION CONDENSER/

Steam Isolation Condenser D03-1301-0003-V20 ReunLn slto av ytmReactor 545.5 M/47______________Return Line Isolation Valve iSystem _____ISOLATION CONDENSER/

Steam Isolation Condenser D03-1301-0004-V20 Reactor 537 DRYWE LL Return Line Isolation Valve System D03-1402-0003AV20 CORE SPRAY/ Pump Injection Line Core Spray System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BSMT 1 D03-1402-0003AV20_

Valve D03-1402-0003BV20 CORE SPRAY/ Pump Injection Line Core Spray System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BSMT 11 Valve D03-1402-0004AV20 CORE SPRAY/Pump Discharge Core Spray System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY L/44______ _____ _____Test Line Valve _ _ _ _ _D03-1402-0004BV20 CORE SPRAY/ Pump Discharge Core Spray System Reactor 476.5 TORSU BAY L/49 D03-1402-0004BV20_

Test Line Valve D03-1402-0024AV20 CORE SPRAY/ Pump Discharge Core Spray System Reactor 545.5 DRY GALL L/47 Injection Line Valve D03-1402-0024BV20 CORE SPRAY/ Pump Discharge Core Spray System Reactor 545.5 SHTC HX RM H/47 D03-1402-0024BV20_

Injection Line Valve D03-1402-0025AV20 CORE SPRAY/ Pump Discharge Core Spray System Reactor 545.5 H-J/47-48 D03__1402__0025AV20 Injection Line Valve CrSaSyeRco 5.5___D03-1402-0025BV20 CORE SPRAY/ Pump Discharge Core Spray System Reactor 545.5 H-J/47-48 D03-1402-0025BV20_

Injection Line Valve D03-1501-0003AV20 CCSW/ Heat Exchanger Outlet LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M/44 Service Water Line Valve ___Reco_465_E___M4 D03-1501-0003BV20 CCSW/ Heat Exchanger Outlet LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM N/49 Service Water Line Valve LPCI/ Suppression Pool Suction Line D03-1501-0005AV20 "A" Valve LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45 D03-1501-0005BV20 LPCI/ Suppression Pool Suction Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45"B" Valve D03-1501-0005CV20 LPCI/ Suppression Pool Suction Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM N/49"C" Valve Table B-la Page 12 of 39 B-14 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-1501-0005DV20 LPCI/ Suppression Pool Suction Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SWC.RM N/49"D" Valve D03-1501-0011 AV20 LILPCI Heat Exchanger Bypass LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M-N/44 Line Valve D03-1 501 -0011 BV20 LPCI/ LPCI Heat Exchanger Bypass LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M-N/49 Line Valve D03-1501-0013AV20 LPCI/ LPCI Minimum Flow Bypass LPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 2 Line Valve D03-1501-0013BV20 LPCI/ LPCI Minimum Flow Bypass LPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 10 I Line Valve D03-1501-0018AV20 LPCI/ Suppression Chamber Spray LPCI Reactor 476.5 M/44-45 Line Valve D03-1501-0018BV20 LPCI/ Suppression Chamber Spray LPCI Reactor 476.5 M/50 Line Valve D03-1501-0019AV20 LPCI/ Suppression Chamber Spray LPCI Reactor 476.5 M/44-45 Line Valve D03-1501-0019BV20 LPCI/ Suppression Chamber Spray LPCI Reactor 476.5 M/50 Line Valve D03-1501-0020AV20 LPCI/ Suppression Chamber Spray LPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 2 Line Valve D03-1501-0020BV20 LPCI/ Suppression Chamber Spray LPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 10 Line Valve D03-1501-0021AV20 LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Valve LPCI Reactor 517.5 K/44-45 D03-1501-0021BV20 LPCI/LPCI Injection Line Valve LPCI Reactor 517.5 K/50 D03-1501-0022AV20 LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Valve LPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 2 D03-1501-0022BV20 LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Valve LPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY K/49 D03-1501-0027AV20 LPCI/ Drywell Spray Line Valve LPCI Reactor 545.5 L-M/47-48 D03-1501-0027BV20 LPCI/ Drywell Spray Line Valve LPCI Reactor 517.5 M/48 D03-1501-0028AV20 LPCI/ Drywell Spray Line Valve LPCI Reactor 545.5 L-M/47-48 D03-1501-0028BV20 LPCI/ Drywell Spray Line Valve LPCI Reactor 517.5 M/48 D03-1501-0032AV20 LPCI/ LPCI Header Crosstie Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45_Valve D03-1501-0032BV20 LPCI/ LPCI Header Crosstie Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM N/49 IValve Table B-i a Page 13 of 39 B-1i5 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-1501-0038AV20 LPCI/ Suppression Chamber Spray LPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 2 Line Valve D03-1501-0038BV20 LPCI/ Suppression Chamber Spray LPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 10 Line Valve D03-1501-0044AP30 CCSW/ CCSW Pump "A" LPCI Turbine 495 D/49 D03-1501-0044BP30 CCSW/ CCSW Pump "B" LPCI Turbine 495 VAULT RM D/50 D03-1501-0044CP30 CCSW/ CCSW Pump "C" LPCI Turbine 495 VAULT RM D/50 D03-1501-0044DP30 CCSW/ CCSW Pump "D" LPCI Turbine 495 D/52 D03-1501-0045D-PI LPCI/ LPCI Pump Suction Line "D" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM N/49 Pressure Indicator D03-1501-0047A-PI LPCI/ LPCI Pump Suction Line "A" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45 Pressure Indicator D03-1501-0047B-PI LPCI/ LPCI Pump Suction Line "B" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45 Pressure Indicator

__Rc r7 .S__/D03-1501-0047C-PI LPCI/ LPCI Pump Suction Line "C" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM N/49 Pressure Indicator LPCI/ LPCI Pump Discharge Line "A" D03-1501-0048A-Pi Pressure Indicator LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45 D03-1501-0048B-PI LPCI/ LPCI Pump Discharge Line "B" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45 Pressure Indicator LPCI/ LPCI Pump Discharge Line "C" D03-1501-0048C-Pi Pressure Indicator LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM N/49 D03-1501-0048D-PI LPCI/ LPCI Pump Discharge Line "D" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM N/49 Pressure Indicator LPCI/ LPCI Header Line Pressure D03-1501-0051A-PS LPch LPCI Reactor 476.5 M-N/44-45 D03-1501-0051 B-PS LPCII LPCI Header Line Pressure LPCI Reactor 476.5 N/49 Switch D03-1501-0053AFSL LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/44-45 Switch Low D03-1501-0053BFSL LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/50 Switch Low D03-1501-0058A-FT LPCI/ LPCI Header Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 M-N/44-45 Transmitter I Table B-la Page 14 of 39 B-16 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-1501-0058B-FT LPCI/ LPCI Header Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 N/49 Transmitter D03-1501-0059A1 PT CCSW/ CCSW Pump "A" Discharge LPCI Turbine 495 D/49 Pressure Transmitter D03-1501-0059A-PI CCSW/ CCSW Pump "A" Discharge LPCI Turbine 495 D/49_Pressure Indicator D03-1501-0059B1PT CCSW/ CCSW Pump "B" Discharge LPCI Turbine 495 D/50 Pressure Transmitter D03-1501-0059B-PI CCSW/ CCSW Pump "B" Discharge LPCI Turbine 495 D/50 Pressure Indicator D03-1501-0059C1PT CCSW/ CCSW Pump "C" Discharge LPCI Turbine 495 D/50-51 Pressure Transmitter D03-1501-0059C-PI CCSW/ CCSW Pump "C" Discharge LPCI Turbine 495 D/50-51 Pressure Indicator D03-1501-0059D1 PT CCSW/ CCSW Pump "D" Discharge LPCI Turbine 495 D/51-52 Pressure Transmitter D03-1 501 -0059D-PI CCSW/ CCSW Pump "D" Discharge LPCI Turbine 495 D/51-52_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P r e s s u r e I n d i c a t o r _ _Tu b n4 5D 1 -D03-1501-0092AFIS LPCI/ LPCI Header Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 M-N/44-45 Indicating Switch D03-1501-0092BFIS LPCI/ LPCI Header Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 N/49 Indicating Switch D03-1501-090A-PDS LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Differential LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M-N/44 Pressure Switch D03-1501-090B-PDS LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Differential LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M-N/49 Pressure Switch D03-1501-LDSH LPCI/ Lower Drywell Spray Header LPCI Reactor 515.5 DRYWELL D03-1501-SCSH LPCI/ Sippression Chamber Spray LPCI Reactor 476.5 INSIDE TORUS Header D03-1501-UDSH LPCI/ Upper Drywell Spray Header LPCI Reactor 537 DRYWELL D03-1502-A

P30 LPCI/ LPCI Injection Pump "A" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45 D03-1502-B

P30 LPCI/ LPCI Injection Pump "B" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45 Table B-la Page 15 of 39 B-17 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-1502-C

P30 LPCI/ LPCI Injection Pump "C" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM N/49 D03-1502-D

P30 LPCI/ LPCI Injection Pump "D" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM N/49 D03-1503-A

H15 LPCI/ LPCI Heat Exchanger LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M-N/44 D03-1503-B

H15 LPCI/ LPCI Heat Exchanger LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M-N/49 D03-1540-0005--TR LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Temperature LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M-N/44 Recorder D03-1540-0006A-ZC LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Differential LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M-N/44 Pressure Modulator D03-1540-0006B-ZC LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Differential LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M-N/49 Pressure Modulator D03-1540-0007--FR LPCI/ LPCI Header Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 M-N/44-45 Recorder D03-1540-0012AFIS LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/44-45 Indicating Switch D03-1540-00112BFIS LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/50 Indicating Switch D03-1540-0013A-SI LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/44-45 Summer D03-1540-001 3B-SI LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/50 Summer D03-1540-OC3ADPIC LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Differential LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M-N/44 Pressure Controller D03-1540-003BDPIC LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Differential LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M-N/49 Pressure Controller I D03-1541 ----- A-FE CCSW/ CCSW Pump "A" and "B" LPCI Reactor 476.5 M-N/44-45 Discharge Flow Element D03-1541 ----- B-FE CCSW/ CCSW Pump "C" and "D" LPCI Reactor 476.5 N/49 Discharge Flow Element D03-1543-A

.... PDT LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Differential LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M-N/44 Pressure Transmitter D03-1543-B

PDT LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Differential LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M-N/49 Pressure Transmitter D03-1545 ----- A-TE CCSW/ CCSW Heat Exchanger LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M/44_Outlet Temperature Element I I I I Table B-la Page 16 of 39 B-18 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-1545 ----- B-TE CCSW/ CCSW Heat Exchanger LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM N/49 Outlet Temperature Element D03-1546-Al

TE LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Inlet Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M-N/44 Temperature Element D03-1546-A

TE LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Inlet Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M-N/44 Temperature Element D03-1546-Bl

TE LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Inlet Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M-N/49 Temperature Element D03-1546-B

TE LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Inlet Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M-N/49 Temperature Element D03-1547-Al

TE LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Outlet Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M-N/44 Temperature Element D03-1547-A

TE LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Outlet Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M-N/44 Temperature Element D03-1547-Bl

TE LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Outlet Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M-N/49 Temperature Element D03-1547-B

TE LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Outlet Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M-N/49 Temperature Element D03-1548-A

FE LPCI/ LPCI Header Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 M-N/44-45 Element D03-1548-B

FE LPCI/ LPCI Header Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 N/49 Element D03-1549-A

FT LPCI/ LPCI Header Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 M-N/44-45 Transmitter I D03-1549-B

FT LPCI/ LPCI Header Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 N/49 Transmitter D03-1550-A

FE LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/44-45 Element D03-1550-B

FE LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/50 Element D03-1551-A

FT LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/44-45 Transmitter D03-1551-B

FT LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/50 Transmitter Table B-la Page 17 of 39 B-19 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-1551-C

FT LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/44-45 Transmitter D03-1551-D

FT LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/50 Transmitter D03-1552-Al

TE CCSW/ CCSW Heat Exchanger Inlet LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M/44 Temperature Element D03-1552-A

TE CCSW/ CCSW Heat Exchanger Inlet LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M/44 Temperature Element D03-1552-B1

TE CCSW/ CCSW Heat Exchanger Inlet LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM N/49 Temperature Element D03-1552-B

TE CCSW/ CCSW Heat Exchanger Inlet LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM N/49 Temperature Element D03-1554-A

PS LPCI/ LPCI Pump Discharge Line "A" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M/45 Pressure Switch D03-1554-B

PS LPCI/ LPCI Pump Discharge Line "B" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M/45 Pressure Switch D03-1554-C

PS LPCI/ LPCI Pump Discharge Line "C" LPCl Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M/49 Pressure Switch D03-1554-D

PS LPCI/ LPCI Pump Discharge Line "D" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M/49 Pressure Switch D03-1554-E

..... PS LPCI/ LPCI Pump Discharge Line "A" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M/45 Pressure Switch D03-1554-F

PS LPCI/ LPCI Pump Discharge Line "B" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M/45 Pressure Switch D03-1554-H

PS LPCI/ LPCI Pump Discharge Line "C" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M/49 Pressure Switch D03-1554-J

PS LPCI/ LPCI Pump Discharge Line "D" LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M/49 Pressure Switch D03-1555-A

FY LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Differential LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M-N/44 Pressure Converter D03-1555-B

FY LPCI/ Heat Exchanger Differential LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M-N/49 Pressure Converter D03-1556 ----- A-FT CCSW/ CCSW Pump "A" and "B" LPCI Reactor 476.5 M-N/44-45 Discharge Flow Tranmitter Table B-la Page 18 of 39 B-20 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-1556 ----- B-FT CCSW/ CCSW Pump "C" and "D" LPCI Reactor 476.5 N/49 Discharge Flow Tranmitter D03-1556 ----- C-FT CCSW/ CCSW Pump "A" and "B" LPCI Reactor 476.5 M-N/44-45 Discharge Flow Tranmitter D03-1556 ----- D-FT CCSW/ CCSW Pump "C" and "D" LPCI Reactor 476.5 N/49 Discharge Flow Tranmitter D03-1557-A

PSL LPCI/ LPCI Header Line Pressure LPCI Reactor 476.5 M-N/44-45 Switch I D03-1557-B

PSL LPCI/ LPCI Header Line Pressure LPCI Reactor 476.5 N/49 Switch D03-1558 ----- A-FY CCSW/ CCSW Pump "A" and "B" LPCI Reactor 476.5 M-N/44-45 Discharge Flow Converter D03-1558 ----- B-FY CCSW/ CCSW Pump "C" and "D" LPCI Reactor 476.5 N/49 Discharge Flow Converter D03-1558 ----- C-FY CCSW/ CCSW Pump "A" and "B" LPCI Reactor 476.5 M-N/44-45 Discharge Flow Converter D03-1558 ----- D-FY CCSW/ CCSW Pump "C" and "D" LPCI Reactor 476.5 N/49 Discharge Flow Converter D03-1559-A

FY LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/44-45 Converter D03-1559-B.-...FY LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/50 Converter D03-1559-C

FY LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/44-45 Converter D03-1559-D

FY LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/50 Converter D03-1560 ----- A-FI CCSW/ CCSW Pump "A" and "B" LPCI Reactor 476.5 M-N/44-45 Discharge Flow Indicator D03-1560 ----- B-FI CCSW/ CCSW Pump "C" and "D" LPCI Reactor 476.5 N/49 Discharge Flow Indicator D03-1561-A-....-Fl LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Flow LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/44-45 Indicator D03-1561-B

FI LPCI/ LPCI Injection Lije Flou LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/50 Indicator Table B-la Page 19 of 39 B-21 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-1599-0002BV15 LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Drain LPCI Reactor 476.5 K/45 Valve D03-1599-0013AV26 LPCI/ Suppression Pool Suction Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45"A" Relief Valve LPCI/ Suppression Pool Suction Line D03-1599-0013BV26 "B" Relief Valve LPCI Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45 D03-1599-0013CV26 LPCI/ Suppression Pool Suction Line LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM N/49 D03__1599-0013CV26_

'"C" Relief Valve ____Racor 47.5 SW____/4 LPCI/ Suppression Pool Suction Line D03-1 599-0013DV26 D"0" Relief Valve LPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM Nf49 D03-1601-0021 -VO5 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 Drywell Purge Line Valve D03-1601-0021 -V27 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Drywell Purge Line Solenoid Valve Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

D03-1601-0022-V05 DrywellFTorus Purge Line Valve Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

D03-1601-0022-V27 Drywell/Torus Purge Solen. Valve Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 D03-1601-0023-VO5 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Drywell Ventiliation Line Valve Drywell Containment Reactor 570 FPC RM L/47-48 D03-1601-0023-V27 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Drywell Containment Reactor 570 FPC RM L/47-48 Drywell Vent. Solenoid Valve Dyeloti nt Rcr 57 FCML4-03-1601 -0024-VO5 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Drywell Containment Reactor 570 J-K/46 Drywell and Torus Vent Valve DrwllCnaimnRato_7_JK4 03-1601 -0024-V27 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Drywell Containment Reactor 570 J-K/46 Drywell/Torus Solenoid Valve DyelCnamnRaco57 J-/PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

D03-1601-0055-V05 Drywell Purge Inerting Line Valve Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

D03-1601-0055-V27 Drywell Purge Inert. Solen. Valve Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 003-1601-0056-VO5 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Torus Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 2 D03-1601-0056-V05 Purge and Inert Line Valve Drywell Conainen R r 4 Table B-la Page 20 of 39 B-22 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Torus D03-1601-0056-V27 Purge/Inert Solenoid Valve Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 2 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION!

D03-1601-0057-V20 DRESSTRu NitR. Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 3 Drywell/Torus Nitr. Makeup Valve D03-1601-0058-V05 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION!

Torus Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 3 Nitrogen Makeup Line Valve D03-1601-0058-V27 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION!

Torus Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 3 Nitrogen Make. Solen. Valve PRESSURE SUPPRESSION!

D03-1601-0059-VO5 DRElU Nitr. Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 3 Drywell Nitr. Makeup Line Valve PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

D03-1601-0059-V27 Drywell Nitr. Makeup Solen. Valve Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 3 D03-1 601-0060-VO PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Torus Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 10__03-1601-0060-V05__

Ventilation Line Valve DylCnamt Rco 46 TO SB 1 D03-1601-0060-V27 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION!

Torus Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 10_________________Vent.

Solenoid Valve _________D03-1601-0061 -V05 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION!

Torus Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 10_________________Ventilation Line Valve _________D03-1601-0061 -V27 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/Torus Drywell Containment Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 10 D03-1601-0061-V27___

Vent. Solenoid Valve D03-1601-0062-V05 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Drywell Containment Reactor 570 FPC RM L!47-48 D03-1601-0062-V05__

Drywell Ventilation Line Valve DylCnietao57 FM/-D03-1601-0062-V27 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION!

Drywell Containment Reactor 570 FPC RM L/47-48 Drywell Vent. Solenoid Valve PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

D03-1601-0063-V05 Containment to SBGT Line Valve Drywell Containment Reactor 570 RWCU DEMIN J/45 D03-1601-0063-V27 PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Containment to SBGT Solen. Valve Drywell Containment Reactor 570 RWCU DEMIN J/45 D03-2001-0005-V05 RB EQUIPMENT DRAIN/ Drywell Radwaste / Spent Fuel Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4_ Equipment Drain Line Valve Pool I I Table B-la Page 21 of 39 B-23 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-2001-0005-V27 RB EQUIPMENT DRAIN/ Drywell Radwaste / Spent Fuel Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 Equipment Solenoid Valve Pool D03-2001-0006-V05 RB EQUIPMENT DRAIN/ Drywell Radwaste / Spent Fuel Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 Equipment Drain Line Valve Pool D03-2001 -0006-V27 RB EQUIPMENT DRAIN/ Drywell Radwaste / Spent Fuel Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4____________________

Equipm ent Solenoid V alve Pool Reactor 476.5 TO R U S _BA Y _4 D03-2001-0105-VO5 RB EQUIPMENT DRAIN/ Drywell Radwaste / Spent Fuel Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 14 Floor Drain Line Valve Pool D03-2001-0105-V27 RB EQUIPMENT DRAIN/ Drywell Radwaste / Spent Fuel Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 14___________________

Floor D rain Solenoid Valve Pool Reactor 476.5 TO RUS _BAY _14 D03-2001-0106-V05 RB EQUIPMENT DRAIN/ Drywell Radwaste / Spent Fuel Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 14 Floor Drain Line Valve Pool D03-2001 -01 06-V27 RB EQUIPMENT DRAIN/ Drywell Radwaste / Spent Fuel Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 14____________________

Floor D rain Solenoid V alve Pool Reactor 476.5 TO R U S _BA Y _14 D03-2203-0005 INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Local Panels & Racks Reactor 545.5 M/47 D03-2203-0005 NTUETRCS ntuetLclPnl ak Reactor 545.5 M/47 Rack 2203-5 (Radwaste)

INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Local Panels & Racks D03-2203-0006 Reactor 545.5 K/49 Rack 2203-7 (Radwaste)

D03-2203-0008 INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Local Panels & Racks Reactor 517.5 K/49______________Rack 2203-8 (Radwaste)


D03-2203-0029 INSTRUMENT RACKS! Instrument Local Panels & Racks Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N!46 Rack 2203-29 (Radwaste)

INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Local Panels & Racks D03-2203-0008 Reactor 545.5 L!46 Rack 2203-32 (Radwaste)

INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Local Panels & Racks D03-2203-0036 Rack 2203-36 (Radwaste)

Reactor 476.5 SWC._RM M/49 D03-2203-0070A INSTRUMENT RACKS! Instrument Local Panels & Racks Turbine 517.5 AEER 2203-70A Rack 2203-70A (Radwaste)

D03-2203-0070B INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Local Panels & Racks Turbine 517.5 AEER 2203-70B Rack 2203-70B (Radwaste)

D03-2203-0073A INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Local Panels & Racks Turbine 538 H/35 Rack 2203-73A (Radwaste)

I I I _I Table B-l3a Page 22 of 39 B-24 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-2203-0073B INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Local Panels & Racks Turbine 538 H/35 Rack 2203-73B (Radwaste)

D03-2203-0075 INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Local Panels & Racks Reactor 517.5 TIP RM3 H/45 Rack 2203-75 (Radwaste)

D03-2253-0010 CONTROL PANEL/ DG Metering Local Panels & Racks Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 and Relay Cabinet (Radwaste)

CONTROL PANEL/ DG Excitation Local Panels & Racks Tb 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Cabinet (Radwaste)

INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Local Panels & Racks D03-2253-0083 Rc2238 adst)Reactor 545.5 N/47________________Rack 2253-83 (Radwaste)


D03-2253-0084 INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Local Panels & Racks Reactor 545.5 N/48 Rack 2253-84 (Radwaste)

Gland Seal Condenser Hotwell Level D03-2300-LLAS-1 Alr wthHPCI Reactor 476.5 Alarm Switch Gland Seal Condenser Hotwell Level D03-2300-LLAS-2 Alr wthHPCl Reactor 476.5 Alarm Switch D03-2301-0003-V20 HPCI/ Turbine Steam Line Valve HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 D03-2301-0004-V20 HPCI/ Turbine Steam Line Valve HPCI Reactor 576.58 DRYWELL D03-2301-0005-V20 HPCI/ Turbine Steam Line Valve HPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 2 D03-2301-0006-V20 HPCI/ Condensate Tank Supply to HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 HPCI Pump Valve D03-2301-0008-V20 HPCI/ HPCI Pump Injection Line HPCI Turbine 517.5 X AREA G/46 Valve D03-2301-0009-V20 HPCI/ HPCI Pump Injection Line HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/45 Valve D03-2301-0010-V20 HPCI/ Condensate Storage Tank HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Return Line Valve D03-2301-0014-V20 HPCI/ HPCI Pump Test Line Valve HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 D03-2301-0035-V20 HPCI/ Suppression Pool Suction Line HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Valve D03-2301-0036-V20 HPCI/ Suppression Pool Suction Line HPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BSMT 15 Valve Table B-i a Page 23 of 39 B-25 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-2301-0048-V20 HPCI/ HPCI Pump Condensate HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Return Line Valve D03-2301-0049-V20 HPCI/ HPCI Pump Condensate HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Return Line Valve D03-2301-0057-P30 HPCI/ HPCI Turbine Cooling Water HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Pump D03-2301-CONDPP HPCI/ Condenser Hotwell HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Condensate Pump D03-2301-PS4---PS HPCI/ Emergency Bearing Oil Pump HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Pressure Switch D03-2301 ------ T20 HPCI/ HPCI Turbine HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 D03-2302 ------ P30 HPCI/ HPCI Pump HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 D03-2320-GSCE-F05 HPCI/ Gland Seal Condenser HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Exhaust Fan D03-2320-GSC--H15 HPCI/ Gland Seal Condenser HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 D03-2320-GSEF-F05 HPCI/ Gland Seal Condenser HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Exhaust Fan D03-2340-0001-FIC HPCI/ HPCI Pump Discharge Flow HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Controller D03-2340-0002--PI HPCI/ HPCI Pump Discharge HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Pressure Indicator HPCI/ Turbine Steam Line Pressure D03-2340-0004--PI IndicaTor HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Indicator D03-2340-0005--PI HPCII Turbine Exhaust Line HPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY M/46 Pressure Indicator D03-2340-0007--PI HPCI/ HPCI Pump Inlet Pressure HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Indicator D03-2341-0003--TE HPCI/ HPCI Pump Injection Line HPCI Turbine 517.5 G-H/47 Temperature Element D03-2351-A

LS HPCI/ Torus Water Level Switch HPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M/49 D03-2351-B

LS HPCI/ Torus Water Level Switch HPCI Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M/49 D03-2354 ------- FS HPCI/ HPCI Pump Discharge Flow HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Switch f I II Table B-I a Page 24 of 39 B-26 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-2356 ------- FE HPCI/ HPCI Pump Discharge Line HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Flow Element D03-2357 ------- PI HPCI/ HPCI Pump Discharge Line HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Pressure Indicator D03-2358-.......

FT HPCI/ HPCI Pump Discharge Flow HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 D03-2358__-------_FT Transmitter

_ ___ Reator 47.5_P____/4 D03-2359 ------- PT HPCI/ HPCI Pump Discharge HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Pressure Transmitter D03-2360----------HPCI/HPCI Pump Inlet Pressure HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47____ ___ ___ ___ ___ Switch_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _HPCI/ Turbine Steam Line Pressure D03-2363 --- PI I aTor HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Indicator D03-2364 ------- PT HPCI/ Turbine Steam Line Pressure HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Transmitter D03-2365 ------ LSH HPCI/ Turbine Steam Drain Line HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Level Switch High D03-2366 ------- PT HPCI/ Turbine Exhaust Line HPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY M/46 Pressure Transmitter D03-2367-PI HPCI/ Turbine Exhaust Line HPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY M/46 Pressure Indicator D03-2368-A HPCI/ Turbine Exhaust Line HPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY M/46 Pressure Switch D03-2368-B HPCI/ Turbine Exhaust Line HPCI Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY M/46 Pressure Switch D03-2369 ------ LSH HPCI/ Turbine Exhaust Drain Line HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Level Switch High D03-2370-A

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2370-B

TS HPCII Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2370-C

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2370-D

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch Table B-i a Page 25 of 39 B-27 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-2371-A

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2371-B

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2371-C

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2371-D

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2372-A

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2372-B

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2372-C

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2372-D

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2373-A

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2373-B

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2373-C

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2373-D

TS HPCI/ Steam Leak Detection HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Temperature Switch D03-2380 ------ PSH HPCI/ HPCI Turbine Pressure Switch HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 High D03-2381 ------- PI HPCI/ HPCI Pump Inlet Local HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Pressure Indicator D03-2382 ------- PT HPCI/ HPCI Pump Inlet Pressure HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Transmitter D03-2392-0001--PI HPCI/ Hotwell Pump Discharge Line HPCI Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 Pressure Indicator D03-2399-79 HPCI Gland Seal Flow Regulating HPCI Reactor 476.5 Valve I 1 _1 Table B-i a Page 26 of 39 B-28 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-3701-A----P30 RBCCW/ Cooling Water Pump Rx Bldg Closed Cooling Reactor 545.5 M/48-49 D03-3701-A_...._P30

__BCCW/CoolingWaterPump Water D03-3701 -B----P30 RBCCW/ Cooling Water Pump Rx Bldg Closed Cooling Reactor 545.5 M/48-49 D03-3701-B_...._P30 RBCCW/CoolingWaterPump Water I D03-3702-A

H15 RBCCW/ Cooling Water Heat Rx Bldg Closed Cooling Reactor 545.5 M-N/49-50 Exchanger Water D03-3702-B

H15 RBCCW/ Cooling Water Heat Rx Bldg Closed Cooling Reactor 545.5 M-N/49-50 Exchanger Water D03-3702 ------ V20 RBCCW/ Drywell Coolers Inlet Rx Bldg Closed Cooling Reactor 545.5 L-M/48 Header Line Valve Water D03-3703 ------ V20 RBCCW/ Drywell Coolers Outlet Rx Bldg Closed Cooling Reactor 545.5 L/49 Header Line Valve Water D03-3704-......

V20 RBCCW/ Tie to Shutdown Heat Rx Bldg Closed Cooling Reactor 545.5 J/49 D03-3704__------_V20

_Exchangers Line Valve Water Ratr 5.5 J4 D03-3706-V20 RBCCW/ Drywell Coolers Outlet Rx Bldg Closed Cooling Reactor 545.5 Drywell D03-3706_......_V20 Header Line Valve Water SERVICE WATER/ Service Water D03-3901-A

P30 C E WAER Service Water System C. House 490.67 B-C/4-5_______________Cooling Pump ____D03-901B---P30 SERVICE WATER!/Service Water D03-3901-B

P30 SERVICEWATER/SService Water System C. House 490.67 B-C/5-6 Cooling Pump D03-3902 -S---- S22 SERVICE WATER/ Cooling Pump Service Water System C. House 490.67 A-B/4-5 Strainer D03-3903 ------ P30 SERVICE WATER! Diesel Generator Service Water System C. House 490.67 A/5 Cooling Water Pump D03-4600-B----T05 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Primary Gas Service Air System Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 D03-4600-B_...._T05 Air Receiver Unit "Al" D03-4600-C


Primary Gas Service Air System Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 D03-4600-C_...._T05 Air Receiver Unit "A2" D03-4600-G----T05 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Primary Gas Service Air System Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 D03-4600-G_...._T0 Air Receiver Unit "B1" D03-4600-H


Primary Gas Service Air System Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 D03-4600-H__...._T05 Air Receiver Unit "B2" D03-4720-VO5 INSTRUMENT AIR/ Drywell Instument Air Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL J/45 D03-4720_......_V05 IPneumatic Supply Valve Table B-i a Page 27 of 39 B-29 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-4720 ------ V27 INSTRUMENT AIR/Drywell Instument Air Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL J/45 Pneumatic Supply Solenoid Valve D03-4721 ------ V05 INSTRUMENT AIR/ Drywell Instument Air Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL J/45 Pneumatic Supply Valve D03-4721 ------ V27 INSTRUMENT AIR/ Drywell Instument Air Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL J/45 Pneumatic Supply Solenoid Valve D03-4741-0011-V27 INSTRUMENT AIR/ Drywell Instument Air Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL J/45 Pneumatic Supply Solenoid Valve D03-4741-0012-V27 INSTRUMENT AIR/ Drywell Instument Air Reactor 517.5 DRY GALL J/45 Pneumatic Supply Solenoid Valve D03-4798-A

A10 INSTRUMENT AIR/ Target Rock Instument Air Reactor 537 DRYWELL Accumulator DIESEL GENERATOR/

Diesel Fuel D03-5201-......

T05 Oil Storage Tank Diesel Oil System N/A 517.5 N/A D03-5202 ------ T05 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Diesel Fuel Diesel Oil System Turbine 528.25 DG RM3 G-H/55 Oil Storage Day Tank DeeOiSytmTrn 52.5GMG-/D03-5203 ------ P30 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Fuel Oil Diesel Oil System Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Transfer PumpC D03-5500-0030AH15 CCSW/ CCSU Pump Cooler "A" Condensate Turbine 495 D+50 Demineralizer System D03-5500-0030BH15 CCSW/ CCSW Pump Cooler "B" CondensateTurbine 495 D/50 Demineralizer System D03-5700-0030AH15 CCSW/ CCSW Pump Cooler "A" CondensateTurbine 495 VAULT RM D/50 Demineralizer System D03-5700-0030BH15 CCSW/ CCSW Pump Cooler "B" Condensate Turbine 495 VAULT RM D/50 Demineralizer System D03-5700-0030CH15 CCSW/ CCSW Pump Cooler "C" CondensateTurbine 495 VAULT RM D/50 Demineralizer System D03-5700-003ODH15 CCSW/ CCSW Pump Cooler "D" Condensate Turbine 495 VAULT RM D/50 Demineralizer System D03-5734-A

F05 DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate Reactor 502.33 DRYWELL Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System D03-5734-A----H15 DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate Reactor 502.33 DRYWELL_Drywell Cooler Demineralizer System Table B-I a Page 28 of 39 B-30 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-5734-B

F05 DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate Reactor 502.33 DRYWELL Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System D03-5734-B

H15 DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate Reactor 502.33 DRYWELL Drywell Cooler Demineralizer System D03-5734-C----F05 DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate Reactor 502.33 DRYWELL Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System D03-5734-C----H15 DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate Reactor 502.33 DRYWELL Drywell Cooler Demineralizer System D03-5734-D

---.- F05 DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate Reactor 502.33 DRYWELL Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System D03-5734-D

H15 DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate Reactor 502.33 DRYWELL Drywell Cooler Demineralizer System D03-5734-E

F05 DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate Reactor 502.33 DRYWELL Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System D03-5734-E----H15 DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate Reactor 502.33 DRYWELL Drywell Cooler Demineralizer System D03-5734-F

F05 DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate D03-5734-F

H15 Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL Drywell Cooler Demineralizer System D03-5734-G

F05 DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System D03-5734-G

H15 DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL Drywell Cooler Demineralizer System D03-5746-A

H15 LPCI/ LPCI Emergency Room Air Condensate Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M/44 Cooler Demineralizer System D03-5746-B

H15 LPCI/ LPCI Emergency Room Air Condensate Reactor 476.5 SW C.RM M/50 Cooler Demineralizer System Condensate D03-5747 ------ H15 HPCI/HPCl Emergency Air Cooler Demineralizer System Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 D03-5772-01 00-DOS DIESEL GENERATOR/

Ventiliation Condensate Turbine 538 H/54-55 Fan Inlet Damper Demineralizer System D03-5772-01 01 -D05 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Ventiliation Condensate Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Fan Outlet Damper Demineralizer System Table B-i a Page 29 of 39 B-31 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-5772-0102-D05 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Normal Condensate Ventiliation Duct Damper Demineralizer System DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate D03-5788-A....F05 Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System Reactor 502.33 Drywell DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate D03-5788-B....F05 Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System Reactor 502.33 Drywell DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate D03-5788-C....F05 Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System Reactor 502.33 Drywell DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate D03-5788-D....F05 Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System Reactor 502.33 Drywell DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate D03-5788-E....F05 Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System Reactor 502.33 Drywell DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate D03-5788-F....F05 Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System Reactor 515.5 Drywell DRYWELL COOLING HVAC/ Condensate D03-5788-G....F05 Drywell Cooler Blower Demineralizer System Reactor 515.5 Drywell DIESEL GENERATOR/

Ventiliation Condensate D03-5790-0003-D05 DIESElenEV t Conenate Turbine 517.5 G-H/34-35______________Fan Solenoid Demineralizer System ______________

D03-5790-0003-Vl 0 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Vent. Fan Condensate Damper Solenoid Operator Demineralizer System D03-5790--EP2-V27 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Room Vent. Condensate Fan Dampers Solenoid Valve Demineralizer System D03-5790--EP3-V27 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Normal Vent. Condensate Turbine 517.5 DG PNL 2253-47 Damper Solenoid Valve Demineralizer System D03-5790-F10 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Room Condensate Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Ventiliation Fan Demineralizer System D03-6601-G05 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Diesel Diesel Generator Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Engine Driven Generator D03-6665 ------ P30 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Fuel Oil Diesel Generator Turbine 517.5 G-H/55-56 Priming Pump D03-67331 -S--- S35 4160V AC/ Switchgear 33-1 4160 Volt Switchgear Reactor 545.5 M-N/46-47 D03-6733 -- S35 4160V AC/ Switchgear 33 4160 Volt Switchgear Turbine 538 D-E/54-55 D03-67341 -S--- S35 4160V AC/ Switchgear 34-1 4160 Volt Switchgear Reactor 545.5 M-N/48-49 Table B-i a Page 30 of 39 B-32 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-6734 --.... S35 4160V AC/ Switchgear 34 4160 Volt Switchgear Turbine 538 D-E/54-55 D03-7338---TIO 480V AC/ Transformer 38, Feed to D03-7338_......_T10 ISwitchgear 38 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 N/48 D03-7339 ------ T10 480V AC/ 480V Transformer 39, 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 N/48 D03-7339_......_T10 Feed to Switchgear 39 480_VoltSwitchgearReactor_570_N/48 D03-7338-0382BS35 480V AC! Breaker to Transformer 38 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 DC 480V AC/Breaker to Switchgear 39 D03-7338-0382CS35 480V AC/ Breaker to M8CC)38-139 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 S(ROB-Switchgear

38) MCC38-1,4 D03-7338-0384AS35 480V AC! Breaker to MCC 38-2 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 DD 480V AC/Breaker to MCC 38-3 D03-7338-0384BS35 4R0B-AC/tBrear 38 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 (ROB-Switchgear 38)1 D03-7338-0384DS35 480V AC! Breaker to MCC 38-7 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 S(ROB-Switchgear
38) MCC38-7 D03-7338-0385AS35 480V AC/ Breaker to MCC Fan 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 (ROB-Switchgear 38)D03-7338-0386BS35 480V AC/ Breaker to Drywell Fan A D03-7338-0386AS35___ (ROB-Switchgear
38) 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 D03-7338-0386BS35 480V AC/ Breaker to Drywell Fan B 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 (ROB-Switchgear 38)D03-7338-0386CS35 480V AC! Breaker to Dr38 we) Fan G 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48________________ (ROB-Switchgear
38) ___________

_ ___ _____ _________D03-7338-0386DS35 480V ASwitchgear

38) 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 D03-7338 -S.... C05 480V AC/ Switchgear 38 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 D03-7338 .----- B35 480V AC/ Switchgear 38 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 D03-7339-0392BS35 480V AC! Breaker to 39)sforer 38 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48________________ (ROB-Switchgear 39)____________

_ ____ ______ _________D03-7339-0392CS35 480V AC/ Breaker to Switchgear 38 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 (ROB-Switchgear 39)11 D03-7339-0393BS35 480V AC/ Breaker MCC 39-1 (ROB- 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 Switchgear

39) 1 1 Table B-la Page 31 of 39 B-33 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-7339-0393DS35 480V AC/ Breaker MCC 39-2 (ROB- 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 D03-7339-0393DS35_

Switchgear 39)D03-7339-0394CS35 480V AC! Breaker to MCC 3 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 S(ROB-Switchgear

39) DrywelFan_

D03-7339-0396AS35 480V AC! Breaker to Dr3well Fan C 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48________________(ROB-Switchgear

39) ___________

_____D03-7339-0396BS35 480V AC/ Breaker to Drywell Fan D D03-7339-0396BS35___ (ROB-Switchgear

39) 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 D03-7339-0396CS35 480V AC/ Breaker to Drywell Fan E 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N!47-48 D03-7339-0396CS35___ (ROB-Switchgear
39) 4Vt ch rtr7- -D03-7339 -S---- S35 480V AC/ 480V Switchgear 39 480 Volt Switchgear Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 D03-7829-02A4-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to 125V Batt. Chg. 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 534 G/44-45 3 (ROB-MCC 39-2)D03-7838-01 C1 -S35 480V AC! Breaker to LPCI Air Cooler 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L/44 (ROB-MCC 38-1)D03-7838-01 El -S35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 1402-24A 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L/44 (ROB-MCC 38-1)D03-7838-01 E3-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to Valve 1501-3A 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L!44________________(ROB-MCC 38-1)______

D03-7838-01 F3-$35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 1201-1 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L/44 (ROB-MCC 38-1)D03-7838-01 H 1 -S35 480V AC/ Breaker to Valve 1301-4 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L!44______________(ROB-MCC 38-1)D03-7838-01 H2-$35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 1301-1 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L/44 (ROB-MCC 38-1)D03-7838-02C1-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to 125V Batt. Chg. 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 534 G/47-48_______________3A (ROB-MCC 38-2)D03-7838-02D2-$35 480V AC! Breaker to 250V Batt. Chg. 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 534 G/47-48 3 (ROB-MCC 38-2)D03-7838-03C4-$35 480V AC! Breaker to DG Cooling 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 517.5 G/44 ,Pump 2!3 (ROB-MCC 38-3) 1 1 D03-7838-03DC-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to CCSW Cooler 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 517.5 G/44_A, Fan 1 (ROB-MCC 38-3) 1 Table B-i a Page 32 of 39 B-34 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-7838-03D2-S35 480V AC! Breaker to CCSW Cooler 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 517.5 G/44 A, Fan 2 (ROB-MCC 38-3)D03-7838-03D3-S35 480V AC! Breaker to CCSW Cooler 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 517.5 G/44 B, Fan 1 (ROB-MCC 38-3)D03-7838-03D4-S35 480V AC! Breaker to CCSW Cooler 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 517.5 G/44 B, Fan 2 (ROB-MCC 38-3)480V AC!/Breaker to Valve 1402-3A D03-7838-04A1 -S35 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 M/44_(ROB-MCC 38-4)D03-7838-04A3-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to Valve 1501-5A 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 M/44________________(ROB-MCC 38-4)D03-7838-04A4-S35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 1501-SB 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 M/44 (ROB-MCC 38-4)D03-7838-04B1-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to Valve 1501-38A 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 M/44______________(ROB-MCC 38-4)D03-7838-04A2-S35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 1501-20A 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 M/44 (ROB-MCC 38-4)D03-7838-04C3-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to Valve 1501-32A 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 M/44_______________(ROB-MCC 38-4)D03-7838-04E2-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to Valve 1501-13A 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 M/44 (ROB-MCC 38-4)D03-7838-04E4-S35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 1501-1 A 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 M/44 (ROB-MCC 38-4)D03-7838-07A2-$35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 1501-22A 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 N/46 (ROB-MCC 38-7)D03-7838-07B2-S35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 202-5A 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 N/46 (ROB-MCC 38-7)D03-7838-1 -P06 DISTRIBUTION PANELS! 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/44 Distribution Panel 38-1-1 D03-7838-1----MS5 480V AC! MCC 38-1 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L/44 D03-7838-2----M05 480V AC! MCC 38-2 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 538 G/52 D03-7838-3

M05 480V AC/ MCC 38-3 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 538 H/53 D03-7838-4----MS5 480V AC! MCC 38-4 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 M/44 D03-7838-7----M05 480V AC! MCC 38-7 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 N/46 D03-7839-A1

..-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to HPCI Cooling 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/50_ Pump (ROB-MCC 39-1) 1 1 Table B-la Page 33 of 39 B-35 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-7839-01 B1-S35 480V AC! Breaker to HPCI Air Cooler 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/50 (ROB-MCC 39-1)D03-7839-01 E2-$35 480V AC/ Breaker to Valve 1501-3B 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/50 (ROB-MCC 39-1)D03-7839-01 F1 -S35 480V AC/ Breaker to LPCI Air Cooler 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/50 B (ROB-MCC 39-1)480V AC!/Breaker to Valve 1402-24B D03-7839-01 H 1-S35 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/50 (ROB-MCC 39-1)D03-7839-01 H4-S35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 1402-3B 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/50 (ROB-MCC 39-1)D03-7839-01 Ki1 -S35 480V AC/ Breaker to Valve 1501-5C 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M!50________________(ROB-MCC 39-1)D03-7839-01 K2-$35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 1501-5D 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/50 (ROB-MCC 39-1)D03-7839-01 Li -S35 480V AC/ Breaker to Valve 1501-38B 480 Volt MCCS Reactor S17.5 L-M!50________________(ROB-MCC 39-1)_____

D03-7839-01 L2-S35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 1501-20B 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/50 (ROB-MCC 39-1)480V AC!/Breaker to Valve 1501-138B D03-7839-01 L1 -S35 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/50 (ROB-MCC 39-1)D03-7839-01 N2-$35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 1501-11 B 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/50 (ROB-MCC 39-1)D03-7839-01 PN-$35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 1501-32B 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/50 (ROB-MCC 39-1)D03-7839-01 PN-$35 480V AC! Breaker to Valve 2301-4 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/50 (ROB-MCC 39-1)D03-7839-02A3-$35 480V AC! Breaker to CCSW Cooler 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 534 G/44-45 C, Fan 1 (ROB-MCC 39-2)D03-7839-021B2-S35 480V AC! Breaker to CCSW Cooler 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 534 G/44-45 C, Fan 2 (ROB-MCC 39-2)D03-7839-02C2-S35 480V AC! Breaker to DG Cooling 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 534 G/44-45 Pump (ROB-MCC 39-2)D03-7839-02D3-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to 250V Batt. Chg. 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 534 G/44-45 2/3 (ROB-MCC 39-2)Table B-i a Page 34 of 39 B-36 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-7839-02D4-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to CCSW Cooler 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 534 G/44-45 D, Fan 1 (ROB-MCC 39-2)D03-7839-02D5-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to CCSW Cooler 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 534 G/44-45 D, Fan 2 (ROB-MCC 39-2)D03-7839-02E1-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to Transfer Pump 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 534 G/44-45 3 (ROB-MCC 39-2)D03-7839-02E3-S35 480V AC/ Breaker to DG Vent. Fan 3 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 534 G/44-45 (ROB-MCC 39-2)D03-7839-1

M05 480V AC/ MCC 39-1 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 L-M/50 D03-7839-2

M05 480V AC/ MCC 39-2 480 Volt MCCS Turbine 534 G/44-45 D03-7839-7

M05 480V AC/ MCC 39-7 480 Volt MCCS Reactor 517.5 N/48 D03-8300--3A--B05 125V DC/ Battery Charger #3A 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 538 G-H/54-55 D03-8300--3---B05 125V DC/ Battery Charger #3 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 538 BC RM3 G-H/55 D03-8300--BC--B04 125V DC/ Battery #3, Feed to TB 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 551 B RM3 G-H/55 Battery Bus #3 D03-8301A-P06 panels 3A-1 and 3A-2 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 538 G-H/55-56 D03-8302B-P02-M05 250V DC/ Breaker to Line"Valve 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 2301-6 (ROB-Bus 2B)D03-8303A1-1--P06 125V DC/ TB Main Bus #3A, Feed to 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 538 G-H/54-55 Res Bus #2 D03-8303A1-2--P06 125V DC/TB Main Bus #3A-1 (ROB- 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 538 G-H/54-55 Main Bus #3A)D03-8303AAA02-MO0 250V DC/ Breaker to Steam Valve 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 2301-8 (ROB-Bus 3A)D03-8303A-B01-M0 250V DC/ Breaker to Turbine 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 Auxiliary Pump (ROB-Bus 3A)D03-8303A-C01-M0 250V DC/ Breaker to Turbine Oil 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 Pump (ROB-Bus 3A)D03-8303A-C02-M05 250V DC/ Breaker to Gland Seal 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 Cond. Fan (ROB-Bus 3A)D03-803A-D2-M05 250V DC/ Breaker to Hot.D03-8303A-D02-M05 ConDensate Pm (oBu 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 Condensate Pump (ROB-Bus 3A)250V DC/ Breaker to Line Valve -/64 D03-8303A-G01-M05 20V DC/BBrk to 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47____ ____ ____ ____ 1201-2 (ROB-Bus 3A) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _____ ________Table B-la Page 35 of 39 B-37 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-8303A-H02-M05 250V DC/ Breaker to Line Valve 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 1301-2 (ROB-Bus 3A)D03-8303A

M05 250V DC/ MCC Bus #3A (ROB-RB 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 MCC #3)D03-8303B1

P06 125V DC/ TB Res Bus #3B-1 (ROB- 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 538 BC RM3 G-H/55 TB Res Bus #3B)D03-8303B-K02-M05 250V DC/ Breaker to Steam Valve 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 2301-3 (ROB-Bus 3B)D03-8303B-L01-M05 250V DC/ Breaker to Test Valve 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 2301-5 (ROB-Bus 3B)D03-8303B-L02-M05 250V DC/ Breaker to Test Valve 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 2301-14 (ROB-Bus 3B)D03-8303B

M05 250V DC/ MCC Bus #3B (ROB-RB 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 MCC #3)D03-8303B-002-M0 250V DC/ Breaker to Line Valve 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 2301-35 (ROB-Bus 3B)D03-8303B-P01-M0 250V DC/ Breaker to Line Valve 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 2301-36 (ROB-Bus 3B)D03-83125-3---P06 125V DC/ TB Battery Bus #3, Feed 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 538 G-H/54-55 to Main Bus #3A D03-83125

P06 125V DC/ RB 125V DC Distribution 125 VDC /250 VDC Reactor 570 N/46 Panel #3 D03-83250-3---BO5 250V DC/ Battery Charger #3 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 538 BC RM3 G-H/55 D03-83250-AO1-MO5 250V DC/ Breaker to TB MCC #3 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 549 G/31-32 (ROB-Battery

  1. 3)D03-83250-A02-M05 250V DC/ Breaker to Battery #3 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 549 G/31-32 (ROB-Battery Charg #2/3)D03-83250-A03-MO5 250V DC/ Breaker to Battery #3 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 549 G/31-32 (ROB-Battery Charger #3)D03-83250

B04 250V DC/ Battery #3, Feed to TB 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 551 B RM3 G-H/55 MCC #3 D03-83250-102-MO5 250V DC/ Breaker to RB MCC #2 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 538 G-H/55-56 (ROB-TB MCC #3)D03-83250

M05 250V DC/ TB MCC #3 125 VDC /250 VDC Turbine 538 BC RM3 G-H/55 Table B-i a Page 36 of 39 B-38 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-8501-0001AV05 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Torus D03-8501-0001AV05__

Oxygen Sampling Line Valve Nitrogen Inerting System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 16 D03-8501-0001AV27 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING!

Torus Nitrogen Inerting System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 16 Oxygen Sampl. Solen. Valve I D03-8501 -0001 BV05 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING!

Torus Nitrogen Inerting System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 16 Oxygen Sampling Line Valve CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Torus D03-8501-~0001BV27 Oxygen Sampl. Solen. Valve Nitrogen Inerting System Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 16 D03-8501-0003AV05 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Drywell Nitrogen Inerting System Reactor 517.5 J/45-46 Oxy. Sampling Line Valve D03-8501-0003AV27 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Drywell Nitrogen Inerting System Reactor 517.5 J/45-46 Oxy. Sampl. Solen. Valve D03-8501-0003BV05 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Drywell Nitrogen Inerting System Reactor 517.5 J/45-46 Oxy. Sampling Line Valve D03-8501-0003BV27 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Drywell Nitrogen Inerting System Reactor 517.5 J/45-46 Oxy. Sampl. Solen. Valve D03-8501-0005AV05 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Drywell Nitrogen Inerting System Reactor 545.5 L/46 Oxy. Sampling Line Valve D03-8501-0005AV27 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Drywell Nitrogen Inerting System Reactor 545.5 L/46 Oxy. Sampl. Solen. Valve D03-8501-0005BV05 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Drywell Nitrogen Inerting System Reactor 545.5 L/46 Oxy. Sampling Line Valve D03-8501-0005BV27 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Drywell Nitrogen Inerting System Reactor 545.5 L/46 Oxy. Sampl. Solen. Valve D03-8599-0617-Vl15 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Drywell Nitrogen Inerting System Reactor 517.5 J/45-46 Oxy. Sampling Vent Valve D03-9205-A----V05 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 545.5 L/46 D03-9205-A__...._05 iOxy. Sampling Line Valve D03-9205-A


Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 545.5 L/46 Oxy. Sampl. Solen. Valve D03-9205-B


Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 545.5 L/46 Oxy. Sampling Line Valve D03-9205-B


Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 545.5 L/46_Oxy. Sampl. Solen. Valve I Table B-i a Page 37 of 39 B-39 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-9206-A


Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 545.5 L/46 Oxy. Sampling Line Valve D03-9206-A


Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 545.5 L/46 Oxy. Sampl. Solen. Valve D03-9206-B


Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 545.5 L/46 Oxy. Sampling Line Valve D03-9206-B


Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 545.5 L/46 Oxy. Sampl. Solen. Valve D03-9207-A----V05 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 517.5 DRY LOCK L/48 Sampling Line Valve D03-9207-A-....V27 CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 517.5 DRY LOCK Lf48 Sampling Solenoid Valve ____Arapig Rco 51. DYLCL/CONTAINMENT SAMPLING/

Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 517.5 DRY LOCK L/48 Sampling Line Valve D03-9207-B


Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 517.5 DRY LOCK L/48 Sampling Solenoid Valve D03-9208-A


Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 517.5 DRY LOCK L/48 Sampling Line Valve D03-9208-A


Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 517.5 DRY LOCK LU48 Sampling Solenoid Valve D03-9208-B


Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 517.5 DRY LOCK LU48 Sampling Line Valve D03-9208-B


Drywell Drywell Air Sampling Reactor 517.5 DRY LOCK L/48 Sampling Solenoid Valve D03-9802-3A---B05 24/48V DC/ Battery Charger #3A 345 kV Switchyard DC Turbine 551 G/56 System D03-9802-3ANEGBO5 24/48V DC! Battery Charger #3A 345 kV Switchyard DC Turbine 538 BC RM3 G-H/55 D0-9023AEG05244VC/aterCarer3

()System D03-9802-3APOSBO5 24/48V DC! Battery Charger #3A 345 kV Switchyard DC Turbine 538 BC RM3 G-H/55 D0-9023AOS05244VC/aterCarer3

()System D03-9802-3B---B05 24/48V DC/ Battery Charger #3B 345 kV Switchyard DC Turbine 551 G-H/55 System D03-9802-3BNEGBO 24/48V DC! Battery Charger #3B3 H 345 kV Switchyard DC Turbine 538 BC RM3 G-H/55 D03-9802-3BNEGB05_24/48VDC/Battery Charger#3B_

(-)System Table B-i a Page 38 of 39 B-40 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 1200108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D03-9802-3BPOSBO5 24/48V DC/ Battery Charger #3B 345 kV Switchyard DC Turbine 538 BC RM3 G-H/55_______________



D03-9802A-A21-B1 1 24/48V DC/ Breaker to Battery 345 kV Switchyard DC Turbine 551 G/56 Charger #3A (+) System D03-9802A-A22-B1 1 24/48V DC/ Breaker to Battery 345 kV Switchyard DC Turbine 551 G/56 Charger #3A (-) System D03-9802-A

B04 24/48V DC/ Battery #3A 345 kV Switchyard DC Turbine 551 B RM3 G-H/55_______________



P06 24/48V DC/ Distribution Panel #3A 345 kV Switchyard DC Turbine 538 BC RM3 G-H/55 System D03-9802B-A21-B131 24/48V DC/ Breaker to Battery 345 kV Switchyard DC Turbine 551 G-H/55 Charger #3B (+) System D03-9802B-A22-B1 1 24/48V DC/ Breaker to Battery 345 kV Switchyard DC Turbine 551 G-H/55 Charger #3B (-) System D03-9802-B

B04 24/48V DC/ Battery #3B 345 kV Switchyard DC Turbine 551 B RM3 G-H/55 System D03-9802-B

P06 24/48V DC/ Distribution Panel #3B Turbine 538 BC RM3 G-H/55 ,CONTROL PANEL!/Unit 3 Diesel D03-DGCP Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Generator Control Panel-HPCI/ Gland Seal Condenser Drain Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 D03-LCS1-LS Pump Level Switch R HPCI/ Gland Seal Condenser Drain Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 D03-LCS2-.......

LS !Pump Level Switch D03-LOC HPCI/ Lube Oil Cooler Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 CONTROL PANEL/ Unit 3 Neutral D03-NGC GROu CAbinet Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Grounding CabinetIII Table B-i a Page 39 of 39 B-41 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Table B-Ib. Base List lb -Items Common to Units 2 and 3 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D00-2223-0033 CONTROL PANEL/ DG Relaying and Local Panels & Racks Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Metering Cabinet (Radwaste)

D00-2223-0041 CONTROL PANEL/ DG Excitation Cabinet Local Panels & Racks Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 (Radwaste)

D00-2223-0053 CONTROL PANEL/ Diesel Generator Fire Local Panels & Racks Turbine 517.5 G/45 Protection Panel (Radwaste)

D00-2223-0058 CONTROL PANEL/ Diesel Generator Fire Local Panels & Racks Turbine 517.5 G/45 Protection Panel (Radwaste)

D00-2223-0109 CONTROL PANEL/ DG Cooling Pump Local Panels & Racks Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 DOO____2223____0109

__ Transfer Switch Status (Radwaste)

Reactor 504.5 DG_______N/46 D00-2350-A

LS HPCI/ Storage Tank Level Switch HPCI Turbine 517.5 RFP RM G/35 D00-2350-B

LS HPCI/ Storage Tank Level Switch HPCI Turbine 517.5 RFP RM G/35 D00-2350-C

LS HPCI/ Storage Tank Level Switch HPCI Turbine 517.5 RFP RM G/35 D00-2350-D 0---- LS HPCI/ Storage Tank Level Switch HPCI Turbine 517.5 RFP RM G/35 CONDENSATE/

Contaminated D00-3303-A

T05 CONDENSATE S tage nank Condenser System N/A 517.5 N/A Condensate Storage Tank CONDENSTAE/

Contaminated D00-3303-B

T05 Condensate Storage Tank B Condenser System N/A 517.5 N/A Condensate/

Storage Tank Lee D00-3340-0003--LI CONDENSATE/Storage Tank Level Condenser System N/A 517.5 K/35 Indicator D00-3341-0071ALSH CONDENSATE/Storage Tank Level Condenser System N/A 517.5 K/35 Switch High-3341-72ALSL CONDENSATE/Storage Tank Level Condenser System N/A 517.5 K/35 D00-3341-0072ALSL_

Switch Low D00-3341-0076A-LT CONDENSATE/Storage Tank Level Condenser System N/A 517.5 K/35 Transmitter D00-3341-0077A-LI CONDENSATE/

Storage Tank Local Level Condenser System N/A 517.5 K/35 Indicator DOO-3701-P30 RBCCW/ Cooling Water Pump Rx Bldg Closed Reactor 545.5 M/39-40 D00-3701_......_P30


__WaterPumpCooling Water 0-3702---H15 RBCCW/ Cooling Water Heat Exchanger Rx Bldg Closed Reactor 545.5 M-N/38-39 D00-3702_......_H15 RBCCW/CoolingWaterHeatExchanger Cooling Water Table B-lb Page 1 of 4 B-42 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION D00-3901 ------ P30 SERVICE WATER/ Service Water Cooling Service Water System C. House 490.67 B-C/3-4 Pump DOO-393-P30 SERVICE WATER!/Diesel Generator DOO-3903 ------ P30 SERVICEWATER/CoolinService Water System C. House 490.67 A-B/4 Cooling Water Pump DOO-3941-0898--FE SERVICE WATER/ DG Cooling Pump Service Water System Reactor 504.5 N/44-46 D00-3941-0898--FE_

Discharge Flow Element DOO-4600-B


Primary Gas Air Service Air System Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Receiver Unit "Al" ServiceAirSyste Reco_045 DM23N4 DOO-4600-C


Primary Gas Air Service Air System Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Receiver Unit "A2" ServiceAirSystem Rectr_0.5 DGR2/_N4 DOO-4600-G


Primary Gas Air Service Air System Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Receiver Unit "BI" ServiceAirSystem Recor 54._GM/3N4 DOO-4600-H-,---T05 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Primary Gas Air Service Air System Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 D00-4600-H__...._T05 Receiver Unit "B2" ServiceAirSystem Rectr_0.5 DG_2/_N4 DIESEL GENERATOR!/Diesel Fuel Oil D00-5201 ---- T05 SE T Ank Diesel Oil System N/A 517.5 N/A Storage Tank D00-5202-T05 DIESEL GENERATOR!

Diesel Fuel Oil Diesel Oil System Turbine 517.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Storage Day Tank D00-5203 ------ P30 DIESEL GENERATOR!

Fuel Oil Transfer Diesel Oil System Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Pump DOO-5741-0048AV72 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

CCSW Heating Boilers & Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Cooling Supply Valve Ventilation System DOO-5741-0048BV72 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

Service Heating Boilers & Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Water Supply Valve Ventilation System D00-5741-0054AD05 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/Train Heating Boilers & Turbine 549 H/32 DOO_5741_0054AD05 "A" Isolation Damper Ventilation System D00-5741-0054BD05 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/Train Heating Boilers & Turbine 549 H/32_________________ "A" Isolation Damper Ventilation System D00-5741-0054CD05 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/Train Heating Boilers & Turbine 549 H/32_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "A " Is o latio n D a m pe r V e ntila tio n S yste m D00-5741-0054DD05 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

Train Heating Boilers & Turbine 549 H/32 DOO_5741_0054DD05 "A" Isolation Damper Ventilation System DOO-5741-0054-V27 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

Train Heating Boilers & Turbine 549 H/32"A" Iso. Damper Solen. Ventilation System Table B-lb Page 2 of 4 B-43 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION DOO-5741-0055-D05 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

AFU Heating Boilers & Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Booster Fan Outlet Damper Ventilation System DOO-5741-0056-D05 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

AFU Heating Boilers & Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Booster Fan Outlet Damper Ventilation System DOO-5741-0057-D05 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

AFU Heating Boilers & Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Recirculation Damper Ventilation System D00-5741-0058-D05 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

AFU Heating Boilers & Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Inlet Damper Ventilation System D00-5741-0059AD05 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

AHU Heating Boilers & Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Outlet Damper Ventilation System Turbine 534 VENT_______G/32 D00-5741-0059BD05 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

AHU Heating Boilers & Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Inlet Damper Ventilation System DOO-5772-01 00-D05 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Ventiliation Fan Heating Boilers & Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Inlet Damper Ventilation System DOO-5772-0101 -D05 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Ventiliation Fan Heating Boilers & Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Outlet Damper Ventilation System DOO-5790-0003AV10 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Vent. Fan Inlet Heating Boilers & Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Damper Solen. Oper. Ventilation System DOO-5790-0003AV27 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Vent. Fan Inlet Heating Boilers & Reactor 504.5 N/46 Damper Solenoid Valve Ventilation System DOO-5790-0003BV10 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Vent. Fan Outlet Heating Boilers & Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Damper Solen. Oper. Ventilation System DOO-5790-0003BV27 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Vent. Fan Outlet Heating Boilers & Reactor 504.5 N/46 Damper Solen. Valve Ventilation System D00-5790--EP2-V27 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Vent. Fan Heating Boilers & Reactor 504.5 DG PNL 2223-56 Dampers Solenoid Valve Ventilation System DOO-5790 ------ F10 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Room Ventiliation Heating Boilers & Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Fan Ventilation System D00-6601 ------ G05 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Diesel Engine Diesel Generator Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Driven Generator DOO-6665 ------ P30 DIESEL GENERATOR/

Fuel Oil Priming Diesel Generator Reactor 504.5 N/46 Pump DOO-6740 --.... S35 4160V AC/ Switchgear 40 4160 Volt Switchgear Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 DOO-83250-0---B05 250V DC/ Battery Charger #2/3 125 VDC / 250 VDC Turbine 549 B RM2 E/31 Table B-lb Page 3 of 4 B-44 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 ID DESCRIPTION SYSTEM BUILDING ELEVATION LOCATION DOO-9400-0100-F05 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

Air Chemical Cleaning Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Handling Unit System DOO-9400-0101-Fl0 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

Air Chemical Cleaning Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Filtration Unit Heater System DOO-9400-0102 CONTROL PANEL/ RCU Control Panel Chemical Cleaning Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 System DOO-9400-0102-R15 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

Chemical Cleaning Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Refrigeration Condensing Unit System D00-9400-0 103 CONTROL PANEL/ Control Cabinet 9400- Chemical Cleaning Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 DOO-9400-0103 103 System DOO-9400-0104AF05 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

AFU Chemical Cleaning Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Booster Fan System DOO-9400-0104BF05 CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

AFU Chemical Cleaning Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Booster Fan System DOO-9400-0 105 CONTROL PANEL/ Control Cabinet 9400- Chemical Cleaning Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 105 System D00-ACP CONTROL PANEL/ Unit 2/3 Auxiliary Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Control Panel CONTROL PANEL!/Unit 2!3 Diesel DOO-DGCP Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Generator Control Panel CONTROL PANEL/ Unit 2/3 Neutral D-NGC GroundingReactor 504.5 DG RM23 N46 Table B-lb Page 4 of 4 B-45 PTION CLASS BUILDING I ELEVATION LOCATION SYSTEM SeiC Safety Function(s)

Replace Enhance-Cat 1? ? ment?/ DG Cooling (20) Instrumentation and Local Panels &tch Status Control Panels and Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Racks Y Racks & Panels Cabinets (Radwaste) k Level Switch (18) Instruments on Racks Turbine 517.5 RFP RM G/35 HPCI Y RCIC VENTILATION/

(07) Fluid-Operated Valves Heating Boilers &ply Valve Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Ventilation Y Auxiliary

& Support System VENTILATION/

(11) Chillers Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Chemical Y Auxiliary

& Support ensing Unit Tubn_54 VN RM2/3_G/32_Cleaning System Y _Auxiliary_&_Support VENTILATION/

(09) Fans Turbine 534 VENT RM2/3 G/32 Chemical Y Auxiliary

& Support Turbine__534


_ G/32Cleaning System Y _Auxiliary

&_Support/ Unit 2/3 (20) Instrumentation and anel Control Panels and Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Y Racks & Panels Cabinets/ Unit 2/3 Diesel (20) Instrumentation and Panel Control Panels and Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Y Racks & Panels Cabinets/ Unit 2/3 Neutral (20) Instrumentation and Control Panels and Reactor 504.5 DG RM2/3 N/46 Y Racks & Panels Cabinets 3ULATION/

(08) Motor-Operated and Nuclear Boiler charge Valve Solenoid-Operated Valves System ation Valve (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Nuclear Boiler Reactor 515.42 DRYWELL SytmY RCIC System Valve (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Nuclear Boiler RCIC Reactor 537 DRYWELL Syte __ RCIC____ ____System Relief Valve (08) Motor-Operated and Nuclear Boiler F_Solenoid-Operated Valves System pressure Relief (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Nuclear Boiler RCPC Reactor 537 DRYWELL Syte __RCPC____

____System m Solenoid Valve (08) Motor-Operated and Control Rod Drive Solenoid-Operated Valves System)V Tank Level (18) Instruments on Racks Control Rod Drive RRC Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Sytm ___RRC_______

System)V Tank Level (18) Instruments on Racks Control Rod Drive RRC Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Sytm ___RRC___

____System DV Tank Level (18) Instruments on Racks Control Rod Drive RRC Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 Sytm ___RRC_______-ram Discharge (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Control Rod Drive Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 System Rod DriveY RRC~System umulator, West (21) Tanks and Heat Control Rod Drive ion 15 (C-8) Exchangers Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU System Y RRC Insertion Scram (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Row 8, Position Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU System Y RRC Scram Discharge (07) Fluid-Operated Valves ie, West Bank,CotlRdDrv (C-8) Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU ConsysteRod Drive Y RRC ntrol Unit, West (00) Other Control Rod Drive ion 15 (C-8) Reactor 517.5 J-K/44-45,49-50 System Y RRC y:umulator, West (21) Tanks and Heat Control Rod Drive ion 4 (H-11) Exchangers Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU System Y RRC Insertion Scram (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Control Rod Drive Row 8, Position Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU System Y RRC Scram Discharge (07) Fluid-Operated Valves ie, West Bank,CotlRdDrv H-il) Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU ConsysteRod Drive Y RRC ntrol Unit, West (00) Other Control Rod Drive ion 4 (H-1l1) Reactor 517.5 J-K/44-45,49-50 System Y RRC y:umulator, East (21) Tanks and Heat Control Rod Drive ion 16 (M-8) Exchangers Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU System Y RRC Insertion Scram (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Control Rod Drive Row 1, Position Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU System Y RRC Scram Discharge (07) Fluid-Operated Valves je, East Bank, Control Rod DriveRRC (M-8) Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU System YrRRC ntrol Unit, East (00) Other Control Rod Drive ion 16 (M-8) Reactor 517.5 J-K/44-45,49-50 System Y RRC y umulator, East (21) Tanks and Heat Control Rod Drive ion 12 (R-6) Exchangers Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU System Y RRC Insertion Scram (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Control Rod Drive Scram Discharge (07) Fluid-Operated Valves je, East Bank, Control Rod DriveRRC (R-6) Reactor 517.5 In Hydraulic CU System DriRC ntrol Unit, East (00) Other ion 12 (R-6) Reactor 517.5 J-K/44-45,49-50 System Y RRC y-ram Discharge (21) Tanks and Heat Startup Reactor 517.5 J-L/44-45,49-50 SatpY RRC Exchangers Equipment I S/ Control Panel (20) Instrumentation and Control Panels and N/A 534 C. RM PNL 903-3 Control Room Y Racks & Panels Cabinets Panels S/ Control Panel (20) Instrumentation and Control Room Control Panels and N/A 534 C. RM PL 903-15 Panels Y Racks & Panels y Cabinets S/ Control Panel (20) Instrumentation and Control Room Control Panels and Turbine 517.5 AEER PNL 903-28 Contl Y Racks & Panels Cabinets S/ Control Panel (20) Instrumentation and Control Room Control Panels and Turbine 517.5 AEER PNL 903-39 Contl Y Racks & Panels Cabinets S/ Control Panel (20) Instrumentation and Control Room Control Panels and N/A 534 C. RM PNL 923-5 Contl Y Racks & Panels Cabinets LING/ Shut (08) Motor-Operated and onLINeGValv Sh)oleoi-Operated Vals Reactor 517.5 H-J/48-49 Shutdown Cooling Y CF on Line Valve Solenoid-Operated Valves LING/ Injection (08) Motor-Operated and LING/ Snjection (08Moleoid-Operated Vals Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY K/45 Shutdown Cooling Y RCIC/CF Solenoid-Operated Valves 1ENSER/ Steam (08) Motor-Operated and Isolation)n Valve Solenoid-Operated Valves Reactor 537 DRYWELL Condenser Y CF System 3nger Outlet (08) Motor-Operated and Y DHR Valve Solenoid-Operated Valves n Line Valve (08) Motor-Operated and Soloi-Operated ale Reactor 517.5 K/44-45 LPCI Y RCIC/DHR Solenoid-Operated Valves Crosstie Line (08) Motor-Operated and Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45 LPCI Y RCIC Solenoid-Operated Valves np "A" (05) Horizontal Pumps Turbine 495 D/49 LPCI Y DHR n Pump "A" (06) Vertical Pumps Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45 LPCI Y RCIC/DHR Kchanger (21) Tanks and Heat Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M-N/44 LPCI Y DHR y Exchangers Pool Suction (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM N/45 LPCI Y RCIC/DHR ,e-RESSION/

(07) Fluid-Operated Valves Drywell CF ValveReactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 Containment RESSION/ (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Drywell CF Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 Cotimnt Y__ CF_______

___ ___e Line Valve Containment RESSION/ (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Drywell CF LieVleReactor 570 FPC RM L/47-48 Cotimnt Y__ CF_______

__Line Valve Containment RESSION/ (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Drywell CF Vent Valve Containment


(08) Motor-Operated and Drywell Makeup Valve Solenoid-Operated Valves Containment


(07) Fluid-Operated Valves Reactor 570 FPC RM L/47-48 Drywell CF Line Valve Containment


(07) Fluid-Operated Valves RWCU DEMIN Drywell CF GT Line Valve J/45 Containment)RAIN/ Drywell (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Radwaste / Spent Y CF Reactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 4 FulPolY__


___ ___ine Valve Fuel Pool)RAIN/ Drywell (07) Fluid-Operated Valves Radwaste / Spent Y CF ileReactor 476.5 TORUS BAY 14 FulPolY__


__rive Fuel Pool:,KS/ Instrument (18) Instruments on Racks Local Panels &Reactor 545.5 K/49 Racks Y Racks & Panels y (Radwaste)

KS/ Instrument (18) Instruments on Racks Local Panels &Reactor 517.5 K/49 Racks Y Racks & Panels (Radwaste)

_;KS/ Instrument (18) Instruments on Racks Local Panels &Turbine 517.5 AEER 2203-70A Racks Y Racks & Panels y (Radwaste)

_;KS/ Instrument (18) Instruments on Racks Local Panels &Turbine 538 H/35 Racks Y Racks & Panels y (Radwaste)

/ DG Metering (20) Instrumentation and Local Panels &Control Panels and Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Racks Y Racks & Panels Cabinets (Radwaste)

/ DG Excitation (20) Instrumentation and Local Panels &Control Panels and Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Racks Y Racks & Panels Cabinets (Radwaste)Instrument (18) Instruments on Racks Local Panels &Reactor 545.5 N/48 Racks Y Racks & Panels I_ (Radwaste) im Line Valve (08) Motor-Operated and Solenoid-OperatedReactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 HPC Y RCC Injection Line (08) Motor-Operated and T_______ oeodOeae avs Turbine 517.5 X AREA G/46 HPCI Y RCIC Solenoid-Ope rated Valves Pool Suction (08) Motor-Operated and Pool Suto (8 olenoid-Operated Valves Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 HPCI Y RCIC Solen oid-Ope rated Valves e Cooling Water (05) Horizontal Pumps Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 HPCI Y RCIC (05) Horizontal Pumps Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 HPCI Y RCIC ondenser (09) Fans Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 HPCI Y RCIC e Pressure (20) Instrumentation and Control Panels and Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46-47 HPCI Y RCIC Cabinets Diesel (05) Horizontal Pumps C. House 490.67 A/5 Service Water Y Auxiliary

& Support Water Pump System Y Auxiliary

& Support OR/ Primary (12) Air Compressors Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Service Air Y Auxiliary

& Support'nit "Al" System OR/ Diesel Fuel (21) Tanks and Heat Turbine 528.25 DG RM3 G-H/55 Diesel Oil System Y Auxiliary

& Support nk Exchangers OR/ Fuel Oil (05) Horizontal Pumps Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Diesel Oil System Y Auxiliary

& Supportýncy Room Air (10) Air Handlers Condensate Reactor 476.5 SE C.RM M/44 Demineralizer Y RCIC y System iency Air Cooler (10) Air Handlers Condensate Reactor 476.5 HP RM3 N/46 Demineralizer Y RCIC-OR/______

_ Diesl_(1)_Enine-enertorsSystem OR/Diesel (17) Engine-Generators Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Diesel Generator Y Auxiliary

& Support erator _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____lear 34-1 (03) Medium Voltage Reactor 545.5 M-N/48-49 4160 Volt Switchgear Switchgear Y Electrical Systems y ,ar 38 (0)LwVlae480 Volt (02) Low Voltage Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 40Vt Y Electrical Systems y_________Switchgear Switchgear

_____________-ner 38, Feed to (04) Transformers Reactor 570 N/48 Transformer Y Electrical Systems y Reactor 570 N/48_________

28/38 Y Electrical Systems ,itchgear 39 (02) Low Voltage Reactor 570 M-N/47-48 480 Volt Y Electrical Systems y Switchgear Reactor 570_M-N/47-48 Switchgear Y _Elecricalystem y ,NELS/ (20) Instrumentation andý8-1-1 Control Panels and Reactor 517.5 L-M/44 480 Volt MCCS Y Racks & Panels y_Cabinets.2 (01) Motor Control Centers Turbine 538 G/52 480 Volt MOCS Y Electrical Systems y Turbine 534 G/5 480 Volt MCCS Y Electrical Systems y (01) Motor Control Centers Turbine 534 G/44-45 480 Volt MCCS Y Electrical Svstems V harger125 VDC/250 (16) Battery Chargers and Turbine 538 BC RM3 G-H/55 VDC /250 Y Electrical Systems y Inverters VDC E3, Feed to TB (15) Batteries on Racks Turbine 551 B RM3 G-H/55 125 VDC /250 Y Electrical Systems y Reactor 570 B RM3NG-H/55 VDC Y ElectriclSystem y s #3A (ROB-RB (01) Motor Control Centers 125 VDC /250 E Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 VDC Y Electrical Systems y Y s #3B (ROB-RB (01) Motor Control Centers 125 VDC /250 E Reactor 570 M-N/46-47 VDC Y Electrical Systems y y Reactr 570N146VDC DC Distribution (01) Motor Control Centers 125 VDC /250 Y Electrical Systems y y Reactor 570 N/46 VDC Y Eetia ytm Tharger#3 (16) Battery Chargers and 125 VDC /250 Y Electrical Systems y neresTurbine 538 BC RM3 G-H/55 VDY___ ElectricalSystem y __Inverters VDC to TB MCC #3 (14) Distribution Panels 125 VDC /250 Turbine 549 G/31-32 VDC Y Electrical Systems E3, Feed to TB (15) Batteries on Racks Turbine 551 B RM3 G-H/55 125 VDC /250 Y Electrical Systems y Turbine___

551_ _ B__M3__G-H/55_

VDC Y ElectricalSystems.r to Battery (14) Distribution Panels 345 kV Turbine 551 G/56 Switchyard DC Y Electrical Systems System ition Panel #3A (01) Motor Control Centers 345 kV Turbine 538 BC RM3 G-H/55 Switchyard DC Y Electrical Systems y System/ Unit 3 Diesel (20) Instrumentation and Panel Control Panels and Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Y Racks & Panels Cabinets/ Unit 3 Neutral (20) Instrumentation and Control Panels and Turbine 517.5 DG RM3 G-H/55 Y Racks & Panels ,Cabinets I I I I Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 C Seismic Walkdown Checklists (SWCs)Table C-1 provides a description of each item, anchorage verification confirmation, a list of Area Walk-By Checklists associated with each item, comments, and page numbers of each Seismic Walkdown Checklist.

C-1 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Table C-1. Summary of Seismic Walkdown Checklists COMPONENT Anchorage AWC-U3-DESCRIPTION Configuration PAGE ID Confirmed?

xx D00-2223-0109 CONTROL PANEL/ DG Cooling Pump Transfer Y 25 C-7 Switch Status D00-2350-C

HPCI/ Storage Tank Level Switch N 29 C-i 2 LS N 29_ C-12 D00-5741-CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

Service Water N/A 31 C-16 0048BV72 Supply Valve N/A 31_ C-16 DOO-9400-0102.


Refrigeration Y 31 C-23 R15 Condensing Unit DOO-9400-CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

AFU Booster Y 31 C-34 0104BF05 Fan Y 31 C-34 DOO-ACP CONTROL PANEL/ Unit 2/3 Auxiliary Control Panel Y 25 C-41 D00-DGCP CONTROL PANEL/ Unit 2/3 Diesel Generator Y 13 C-46 Control Panel DOO-NGC CONTROL PANEL/ Unit 2/3 Neutral Grounding Y 25 C-53 Cabinet D03-0202-REACTOR RECIRCULATION/

Recirc Pump A N/A OUTAGE 0005AV20 Discharge Valve N/A OUTAG D03-0203-MAIN STEAM/ Isolation Valve N/A OUTAGE 0001AV05 D03-0203-ADS/ Target Rock Valve N/A OUTAGE 0003AV26 N/A OUTAG D03-0203-ADS/ Electromatic Relief Valve N!A OUTAGE 0003BV26 N/AOUTAGE D03-0203-ADS/ Reactor Overpressure Relief Valve N/A OUTAGE 0004AV26 D03-0302-CRD/ Backup Scram Solenoid Valve N/A 11 C-59 0019AV27 D03-0302-CRD/ East Bank SDV Tank Level Switch N LATER 0082B-LS D03-0302-CRD/ East Bank SDV Tank Level Transmitter 002-TN 12 C-70 0082B-LT D03-0302-CRD/ East Bank SDV Tank Level Transmitter N 12 C-76 0082E-LT D03-0302-CRD/ East Bank Scram Discharge Volume Drain N/A OUTAGE 0156AV05 Valve D03-0302-CRD/ East Bank Scram Discharge Volume Drain N/A OUTAGE 0157AV05 Valve N/AOUTAGE D03-0305-0010-CRD/ Insertion Accumulator, West Bank, Row 8, N/A 11 C-83 0031-0125-Al0 Position 15 (C-8)D03-0305-0010-CRD/ Accumulator Insertion Scram Valve, West N/A 11 C-85 0031-0126-VO5 Bank, Row 8, Position 15 (C-8) N/A 11 C-85 Table C-1 Page 1 of 5 C-2 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 COMPONENT Anchorage AWC-U3-ID DESCRIPTION Configuration PAGE Confirmed?

xx 003-0305-0010 CRD/ Withdraw to Scram Discharge Volume Scram 0031-0127-V05 Valve, West Bank, Row 8, Position 15 (C-8) N/A 11 C-87 D03-0305-0010.

CRD/ Hydraulic Control Unit, West Bank, Row 8, 11 C-89 0031-H20 Position 15 (C-8)D03-0305-0030.

CRD/ Insertion Accumulator, West Bank, Row 8, N/A 11 C-96 0043-0125-Al 0 Position 4 (H-1 1)D03-0305-0030-CRD/ Accumulator Insertion Scram Valve, West N/A 11 C-98 0043-0126-V05 Bank, Row 8, Position 4 (H-1 1)003-0305-0030 CRD/ Withdraw to Scram Discharge Volume Scram 03-0305 Valve, West Bank, Row 8, Position 4 (H-11) N/A 11 C-100 0043-01 27-V05 D03-0305-0030-CRD/ Hydraulic Control Unit, West Bank, Row 8, Y 11 C-102 0043-H20 Position 4 (H-1 1)D03-0305-0046-CRD/ Insertion Accumulator, East Bank, Row 1, N/A 12 C-108 0031-0125-Al0 Position 16 (M-8)D03-0305-0046-CRD/Accumulator Insertion Scram Valve, East N/A 12 C-110 0031-0126-VO5 Bank, Row 1, Position 16 (M-8)03-0305-0046-CRD/ Withdraw to Scram Discharge Volume Scram 0031-0127-VO5 Valve, East Bank, Row 1, Position 16 (M-8) N/A 12 C-112 D03-0305-0046-CRD/ Hydraulic Control Unit, East Bank, Row 1, 12 C-114 0031-H20 Position 16 (M-8) '_Y 12_ C-11 D03-0305-0058-CRD/Insertion Accumulator, East Bank, Row 1, N/A 12 0-119 0023-0125-Al0 Position 12 (R-6)D03-0305-0058-CRD/ Accumulator Insertion Scram Valve, East N/A 12 0-121 0023-0126-VO5 Bank, Row 1, Position 12 (R-6) N/A 12 C-2 D03-0305-0058-CRD/Withdraw to Scram Discharge Volume Scram N/A 12 0-123 0023-0127-V05 Valve, East Bank, Row 1, Position 12 (R-6)D03-0305-0058-CRD/ Hydraulic Control Unit, East Bank, Row 1, Y 12 0-125 0023-H20 Position 12 (R-6) Y_12_C-125 D03-0409-A----

CRD/ East Bank Scram Discharge Volume Tank N 27 0-129 T05 N2 -2 D03-0903-0003 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel 903-3 Y 1 C-141 D03-0903-0015 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel 903-15 Y 1 C-144 D03-0903-0028 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel 903-28 Y 2 C-147 D03-0903-0039 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel 903-39 Y 2 C-152 D03-0923-0005 CONTROL PANELS/ Control Panel 923-5 & 923-5A Y 1 0-158& -0005A Y_1_C-158 D03-1 001- SHUTDOWN COOLING/ Shut Down Pumps N/A 26 C-163 0002AV20 Suction Line Valve D03-1001-SHUTDOWN COOLING/ Injection Line Valve N/A 33 0-173 0005AV20 N/A 33_ C-173 D03-1301-0004.


Steam Return Line N/A OUTAGE V20 Isolation Valve N/A OUTAGE Table C-1 Page 2 of 5 C-3 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 COMPONENT Anchorage AWC-U3-ID DESCRIPTION Configuration PAGE Confirmed?

xx D03-1501-CCSW/ Heat Exchanger Outlet Service Water Line N/A 17 C-i 83 0003AV20 Valve N/_1_ C18 D03-1501-LPCI/ LPCI Injection Line Valve N/A 12,15 C-190 0021AV20 N/A_12,_15_C-190 D03-1501-LPCI/ LPCI Header Crosstie Line Valve N/A 17 C-201 0032AV20 N/A_17_C-201 D03-1501-CCSW/ CCSW Pump "A" Y 10 C-208 0044AP30 Y 10 C-208 D03-1502-A

LPCI/ LPCI Injection Pump "A" Y 18 C-217 P30 Y 18 C-217 D03-1503-A

LPCI/ LPCI Heat Exchanger Y 17 C-227 H15 D03-1541 ----- A- CCSW/ CCSW Pump "A" and "B" Discharge Flow N/A 28 C-234 FE Element N/A_28 C-234 D03-1599-LPCI/ Suppression Pool Suction Line "A" Relief N/A 18 C-239 0013AV26 Valve N/_1_ C23 D03-1601-0021.


Drywell Purge Line N/A OUTAGE V05 Valve D03-1601-0022-PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Drywell/Torus Purge N/A OUTAGE V05 Line Valve D03-1601-0023-PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Drywell Ventiliation N/A 24 C-245 V05 Line Valve NA2 C-4 D03-1601-0024-PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Drywell and Torus N/A 21 C-257 V05 Vent Valve N/_1_ -5 D03-1601-0057-PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Drywell/Torus Nitr. N/A 28 C-264 V20 Makeup Valve NA2 C-6 D03-1601-0062-PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Drywell Ventilation N/A 24 C-272 V05 Line Valve NA2 C-7 D03-1601-0063-PRESSURE SUPPRESSION/

Containment to N/A 30 C-274 V05 SBGT Line Valve N/_0_ -7 D03-2001-0005-RB EQUIPMENT DRAIN/!Drywell Equipment Drain N/A OUTAGE V05 Line Valve N/_UTG D03-2001-0105-RB EQUIPMENT DRAIN/ Drywell Floor Drain Line N/A OUTAGE V05 Valve D03-2203-0006 INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Rack 2203-6 Y 23 C-282 D03-2203-0008 INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Rack 2203-8 Y 11 C-290 D03-2203-INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Rack 2203-70A 07AY 2 C-297 0070A D03-2203-INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Rack 2203-73A Y 32 C-304 0073A Y_32_C-304 D03-2253-0010 CONTROL PANEL/!DG Metering and Relay Cabinet y 8 C-308 D03-2253-0021 CONTROL PANEL/ DG Excitation Cabinet Y 8 C-314 D03-2253-0084 INSTRUMENT RACKS/ Instrument Rack 2253-84 Y 22 C-319 D03-2301-0003-HPCI/ Turbine Steam Line Valve N/A 19 C-326 V20 N/A 19 C-32 Table C-1 Page 3 of 5 C-4 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 COMPONENT Anchorage AWC-U3-DESCRIPTION Configuration PAGE ID Confirmed?

D03-2301-0006-HPCI/ Condensate Tank Supply to HPCI Pump N/A 19 C-333 V20 Valve D03-2301-0008.

HPCI/ HPCI Pump Injection Line Valve N/A OUTAGE V20 D03-2301-0035-HPCI/ Suppression Pool Suction Line Valve N/A 19 C-339 V20 D03-2301-0057-HPCI/ HPCI Turbine Cooling Water Pump Y 19 C-346 P30 D03-2302 ------ HPCI/ HPCI Pump Y 19 C-353 P30 D03-2320-HPCI/ Gland Seal Condenser Exhaust Fan Y 19 C-362 GSCE-F05 D03-2380 ------ HPCI/ HPCI Turbine Pressure Switch High N 19 C-368 PSH D03-3903 ------ SERVICE WATER/ Diesel Generator Cooling Water 14 C-377 P30 Pump D03-4600-B


Primary Gas Air Receiver 8 C-384 T05 Unit "Al" D03-5202 ------ DIESEL GENERATOR/

Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Day y 7 C-390 T05 Tank D03-5203 ------ DIESEL GENERATOR/

Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Y 8 C-396 P30 D03-5746-A

LPCI/ LPCI Emergency Room Air Cooler Y 17 C-403 H15 D03-5747 ------ HPCI/ HPCI Emergency Air Cooler Y 19 C-410 H15 D03-6601 ------ DIESEL GENERATOR/

Diesel Engine Driven Y 8 C-424 G05 Generator D03-67341

4160V AC/ Switchgear 34-1 Y 22 C-431 S35 D03-7338 ------ 480V AC/ Switchgear 38 N 20 C-440 S35 D03-7338 ------ 480V AC/ Transformer 38, Feed to Switchgear 38 N 20 C-448 T10 D03-7339 ------ 480V AC/ 480V Switchgear 39 N 20 C-453 S35 D03-7838-1-1--

DISTRIBUTION PANELS/ Distribution Panel 38-1-1 Y 16 C-460 P06 D03-7838-2

480V AC/ MCC 38-2 Y 6 C-468 M05 D03-7839-2

480V AC/ MCC 39-2 Y 9 C-476 M05 D03-8300--3A--

125V DC/ Battery Charger #3A N 4 C-483 B05 D03-8300--3---

125V DC/ Battery Charger #3 N 3 C-489 B05 Table C-1 Page 4 of 5 C-5 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 COMPONENT Anchorage AWC-U3-DESCRIPTION Configuration PAGE ID Confirmed?

xx D03-8300--BC--

125V DC/ Battery #3, Feed to TB Battery Bus #3 5 C-495 B04 D03-8303A

250V DC/ MCC Bus #3A (ROB-RB MCC #3) Y 20 C-502 M05 D03-8303B

250V DC/ MCC Bus #3B (ROB-RB MCC #3) Y 20 C-507 M05 D03-83125

125V DC/ RB 125V DC Distribution Panel #3 P6Y 20 C-512 P06 D03-83250-3---

250V DC/ Battery Charger #3 N 3 C-515 B05 D03-83250-AO1 250V DC/ Breaker to TB MCC #3 (ROB-Battery

  1. 3) N LATER M05 D03-83250

250V DC/ Battery #3, Feed to TB MCC #3 Y 5 C-521 B04 D03-9802A-A21.24/48V DC/ Breaker to Battery Charger #3A ( N 3 C-529 B1l D03-9802-A----

24/48V DC/ Distribution Panel #3A N 3 C-533 P06 D03-DGCP CONTROL PANEL/ Unit 3 Diesel Generator Control 8 C-542 Panel D03-NGC CONTROL PANEL/ Unit 3 Neutral Grounding N 8 C-547 Cabinet Table C-1 Page 5 of 5 C-6 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 1 of 5 Status: Y N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: D00-2223-0109 Equipment Class: (20) Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets Eauipment



CONTROL PANEL/ DG Cooling Pump Transfer Switch Status Project: Dresden 3 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

Reactor, 504.50 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Yes 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Yes 3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

Yes 4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Yes 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Yes 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Yes C-7 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 2 of 5 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: D00-2223-0109 Equipment Class: (20) Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets Equipment



CONTROL PANELI DG Cooling Pump Transfer Switch Status Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

Yes 8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Yes 9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?Yes 10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments SEWS Anchorage Notes: Column mounted panel. Bolted to column with four 3/8" non-shell expansion bolts (one in each corner) through a 1/2" shim plate.Seismic Walkdown Team: J. Griffith & M. Wodarcyk -7/31/2012 See U2/3 Diesel Generator Room area walk-by notes completed during U2 walkdown for further information.

Evaluated by: James Griffith Date: 9/30/2012 Michael Wodarcyk 9/30/2012 C-8 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 3 of 5 Status: F-] N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-2223-0109 Equipment Class: (20) Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets Equipment



CONTROL PANEL DG Cooling Pump Transfer Switch Status 20120731-Dresden-3 436 C-9 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 4 of 5 Status: F-ý N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-2223-0109 Equipment Class: (20) Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets Equipment



CONTROL PANEL DG Cooling Pump Transfer Switch Status 47r-C-1 0 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 5 of 5 Status: F-ý N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: D00-2223-0109 Equipment Class: (20) Instrumentation and Control Panels and Cabinets C-11 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12QO108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 1 of 4 Status: F] N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: D00-2350-C

LS Equipment Class: (18) Instruments on Racks Equipment



HPCI/ Storage Tank Level Switch Project: Dresden 3 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

Turbine, 517.50 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findinas.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documentina other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Tube steel cantilever floor support with anchors.2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?No Yes 3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

Yes 4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Yes 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Not Applicable

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Switch is labeled as 3-2350C-LS in plant.Yes C-1 2 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 2 of 4 Status: F-] N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-2350-C

LS Equipment Class: (18) Instruments on Racks Equipment



HPCI/ Storaqe Tank Level Switch Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

Yes 8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Yes 9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Yes Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: J. Griffith & M. Wodarcyk -7/31/2012 Equipment tag says 3-2350-C.

Operations confirmed that this is the correct item.Evaluated by: V ' James Griffith Date: 10/24/2012 Michael Wodarcyk 10/24/2012 C-13 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 3 of 4 Status: F-] N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: Equipment Class: Eauibment




LS (18) Instruments on Racks HPCI/ Storaqe Tank Level Switch C-14 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 4 of 4 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-2350-C

LS Equipment Class: (18) Instruments on Racks LE C-1 5 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 1 of 7 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-5741-0048BV72 Equipment Class: (7) Fluid-Operated Valves Equipment




Service Water Supply Valve Project: Dresden 3 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

Turbine, 534.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

No 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Not Applicable

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Valve actuator is well-supported from floor. Valve actuator support has an anchor with projection that is flush with top-of-nut and judged to be acceptable.

Yes C-16 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 2 of 7 Status: FiY N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-5741-0048BV72 Equipment Class: (7) Fluid-Operated Valves Equipment




Service Water Supply Valve Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

Yes 8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Overhead light fixtures judged to be acceptable.

Adjacent masonry wall is adequately restrained and judged to be acceptable.

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?Yes Yes 10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: J. Griffith & M. Wodarcyk -7/3012012 See area walk-by for DOO-5741-0048A72 for further information.

Evaluated by: James Griffith Date: 9/30/2012 Michael Wodarcyk 9/30/2012 C-17 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 3 of 7 Status: F- N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: D0O-5741-0048BV72 Equipment Class: (7) Fluid-Operated Valves Equipment




Service Water Supply Valve C-1 8 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 4 of 7 Status: FYI N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-5741-0048BV72 Equipment Class: (7) Fluid-Operated Valves:NTILATIC u~resuen1-, C-19 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 5 of 7 Status: FYI N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-5741-0048BV72 Equipment Class: (7) Fluid-Operated Valves 20120730-Dresden-3 040 C-20 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 6 of 7 Status: F-7 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-5741-0048BV72 Equipment Class: (7) Fluid-Operated Valves C-21 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 7 of 7 Status: Fj N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-5741-0048BV72 Equipment Class: (7) Fluid-Operated Valves VENT ON/ Service Water Supply Valve C-22 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 1 of 11 Status: FY N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: D00-9400-0102-R15 Equipment Class: (11) Chillers Equipment




Refrigeration Condensing Unit Project: Dresden 3 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

Turbine, 534.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Yes 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Additional washers under some anchor nuts judged to be acceptable.

3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

Yes Yes 4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Yes Shrinkage cracks in floor judged to be acceptable.

5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)
6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Yes Yes C-23 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12QO108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 2 of 11 Status: FY] N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-9400-0102-R15 Equipment Class: (11) Chillers Equipment




Refrigeration Condensing Unit Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

Yes 8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Yes 9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?Yes 10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments SEWS Anchorage Notes: Compressor/chiller mounted by 8 -3/4" Wedge type concrete expansion anchors, 4 per side.Seismic Walkdown Team: J. Griffith & M. Wodarcyk -7/30/2012 Area walk-by for Unit 2 Ventilation Room also pertains to this piece of equipment.

Evaluated by: A- James Griffith Date: 9/30/2012 Michael Wodarcyk 9/30/2012 C-24 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 3 of 11 Status: Y N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: Equipment Class.Eauiipment Descrirption:

DOO-9400-01 02-Rl 5 011) Chillers CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION/

Refrigeration Condensing Unit'30-Dresden-3 070 I C-25 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 4 of 11 Status: l N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DO0-9400-0102-R15 Equipment Class: (11) Chillers C-26 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 5 of 11 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-9400-0102-Ri5 Equipment Class: (11) Chillers C-27 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 6 of 11 Status: [II N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-9400-0102-R15 Equipment Class: (11) Chillers C-28 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 7 of 11 Status: 7 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-9400-0102-R15 Equipment Class: (11) Chillers VENT 20120730-Dresden-3 087 C-29 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 8 of 11 Status: [] N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-9400-0102-R15 Equipment Class: (11) Chillers VENT C-30 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 9 of 11 Status: 7 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: D00-9400-0102-R15 Equipment Class: (11) Chillers 20120730-Dresden-3 096 C-31 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 10 of 11 Status: Y N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-9400-0102-R15 Equipment Class: (11) Chillers VENT C-32 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 11 of 11 Status: F- N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: D00-9400-0102-R15 Equipment Class: (11) Chillers Ecuipment




Refrigeration Condensing Unit C-33 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 1 of 7 Status: 7 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: D00-9400-0104BF05 Equipment Class: (9) Fans Equipment




AFU Booster Fan Project: Dresden 3 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

Turbine, 534.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Yes 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Yes 3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

Yes 4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Yes 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Yes 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Yes C-34 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 2 of 7 Status: [-7 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-9400-0104BF05 Equipment Class: (9) Fans Equipment




AFU Booster Fan Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Lighting fixtures judged to be acceptable.

Adjacent masonry walls are well-supported and judged to be acceptable.

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?Yes Yes Yes 10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments SEWS Anchorage Notes: Small fan mounted by 6 -3/8" Wedge type concrete expansion anchors.Seismic Walkdown Team: J. Griffith & M. Wodarcyk -7/30/2012 Fan DOO-9400-104A area walk-by pertains to this fan also.Evaluated by: James Griffith Date: 9/30/2012 Michael Wodarcyk 9/30/2012 C-35 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 3 of 7 Status: 1-Y N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-9400-0104BF05 Equipment Class: (9) Fans Equipment




AFU Booster Fan Photos C-36 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 4 of 7 Status: N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-9400-0104BF05 Equipment Class: (9) Fans C-37 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 5 of 7 Status: FYI- N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-9400-0104BF05 Equipment Class: (9) Fans VENT C-38 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 6 of 7 Status: EY N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: D0O-9400-0104BF05 Equipment Class: (9) Fans C-39 Dresden Generating Station Unit 3 12Q0108.30-R-002, Rev. 2 Correspondence No.: RS-12-167 Sheet 7 of 7 Status: 7 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: DOO-9400-0104BF05 Equipment Class: (9) Fans Equipment




AFU Booster Fan C-40