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Comment (27) of Gina Mori Regarding Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant (Formal Complaint)
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/20/2015
From: Mori G
- No Known Affiliation
Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch, Pacific Gas & Electric Co
80FR37664 00027, NRC-2009-0552
Download: ML15257A213 (7)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-00013/7L.-3.-G.... ! I i!* I'". ".4;.ti I:::::,"-"J .:.i ]L..,' .,r ......* ,zJ ".... I F "l f÷ j -9/SUNSI Review Complete*Template

= ADM -013 E-RIDS= ADM-03 Add= "-.,;


Formal Complaint Regarding Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant."i: To: NRC and PG&E Cc: DCISC, MFP, Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility, Governor Jerry Brown, President Boxer, Katcho Achadjian, Senator Bill Monning, Dr. Michael Peck, Kate Kytle, Justin Stanley, Laura sO~t-ton, Nahd:y with Chumash Tribe, SLO Surfrider, Representative Lois Capps, Senator Diane Feinstein, US EPA, Senator Mike Thompson, Supreme Court of the United States, Jun and Sawada Buddhist Monks, Friends of the Earth DC, Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Our Children's Trust, Western Environmental Law Center, PUC, SLO County Supervisors, Honorable Kamala Harris, Ted Turner, Oprah, Das Williams, World Business Aca~Iemrfy,(Califori~ia.

C~opsfta- -- Commission, Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Brown, David Crosby, Lara Turner Seydel, Neil Young, Coastal Aquarium-in Avila, Victor McCree, Eco Watch, Care 2, National Wildlife Federation, Sierra Club, Senator Blakeslee.

August 20, 2015 I have attended numerous NRC, DCISC, MFP meetings, marches, vigils, canvassed, signed dozens of petitions, shared my knowledge with others in person and on social media, written letters all the way up to the President of the United States and anything else I can do to get DCNPP SHUT DOWN.This will be my last letter before the 8-31-15 NRC Deadline.

My next step will be formal leglal action. The citizens and the environment are not being protected as required by law. The eco-system of the Bay is damaged daily, as the "once through cooling system" kills millions of marine life, heating the sea water over 20 degrees. DCNPP is currently the largest marine predator of the west coast. The abalones have been wiped out.A recent Health study shows the increased cancers, thyroid conditions, birth complications and so on, directly linked to DCNPP and the radioactive isotopes that they release into the atmosphere.

Our community has been getting sicker every year since DCNPP opened. After the 1989 closure of Laguna Seca Power Plant, there was a significant decrease in local death and disease. This same scenario is also true for other decommissioned plants around the world.At the 8-5-125 NRC re-licensing hearing, I heard more double tack and evasive answers from the NRC than ever. Simple questions, such as how many nuclear power plants have been denied re-licensing, became a five minute double talk session. Many of us who knew the simple answer, were answering ZERO, as Michael Wentzel danced around the question and gave vague deceptive answers. This is the same thing that occurred at the 6-24-125 NRC meeting, when I asked about the collusion case. On record the panel member minimized the situation and did not address the question truthfully.

As with PG&E, transparency is the biggest challenge with the NRC. Luckily all of this is on record.We pay a decommissioning fee and competition fee monthly, for de-commissioning after the 40 yr license term expires.This fund already has $2.3 Billion and we are ready for these funds to be put to good use, by closing DCNPP immediately.

The construction cost was estimated at $320 million, yet ended up being a whopping $5.8 billion. The seismic studies have cost the ratepayers an additional

$64 million. Enough is enough!!!Considering The Bodega Bay plant was rejected, due to Earthquake faults and the 12976 Moratorium on Nuke Plants. It is clear that DCNPP is putting all of California and even North America as a whole, at unnecessary risk. We have nowhere to put the waste that takes hundreds of thousands of years to breakdown.

How dare us leave our future generations, with this toxic deadly problem. Currently there is nowhere for the waste to go, so it is piling up on site. 19 out of 34 casks were improperly loaded; once again putting citizens at great risk. DCNPP is the last remaining nuke plant in California and no nuke plants have been built here in over 35 years. It is time for Ca to be Nuke free. We do not want a California Fukushima.

DCNPP must be shut down before it is too late.The latest shut down of another US Reactor, Vermont Yankee, punctuates the reality of the challenges of safely mothballing radioactive fuel for decades. Waste may be safely stored on site up to 60 years, yet the waste lasts hundreds of thousands of years. The calculation is simple. This is totally unacceptable.

Tepco (owner of Fukushima plant)-had been warned years earlier about the dangers of an earthquake and tsunami hitting the plant. No one did anything about it. The simple fact is that nuclear power generation-has risks and costs, which dramatically outweigh any benefit. Chernobyl's human error, Three Mile islands cutting corners and Fukushima's corporate negligence should be enough to prove that nuclear power is UNSAFE. There is a reason that no private insurance company will cover nuke plants. There is just too much risk. How many warnings will it take? How many lives must be lost? How much damage will we continue to do to the environment?

How many more citizens will become sick and die? It is time for accountability.

It was proven that PG&E doctored fault maps at the Bodega site back in 1961. Thankfully the cover-up was exposed by the Sierra club and the project was scrapped.

Even though the Hosgri Fault was discovered and charted back in the 1960's PG&E claims it had no knowledge until late 1972 and finally publicized it in 1973. The same seismic experts form Bodega pointed out major flaws in PG&E's own study of DCNPP. Thank goodness the Point Arena site, as well as the Davenport Complex were scrapped after public opposition.

The 1989 Loma Prieta EQ would have devastated the area, with the epicenter being only miles away from the planned reactor site. The Humboldt Bay reactor was labeled the dirtiest reactor in the US and after EQ faults were discovered, it too was closed. The spent fuel at all of these sites still poses great risk. During the 1985 Rancho Seco incident the staff was unable to carry out prescribed emergency procedures, including communicating with outside emergency officials.

The Shika Nuke plant in Japan will be the next to be de-commissioned due to EQ faults. Interestingly enough, at the 8-5-15 NRC meeting in SLO, I acquired various literature provided by the NRC. The assessment doc set, including views and recommendations as well as the Reactor oversight Process doc set are outdated.

They are dated 2008 and 2006, both pre Fukushima.

I do not understand, with all of the precedent setting emergencies and failures, how anyone is allowed to put the public at such risk. This is criminal and negligent.

The corruption, collusion and fraud continue at DCNPP and with the NRC. Congressional hearings during President Reagan's presidency indicated that federal licensing rules were broken, yet nothing was ever done about it.Japan continues to attempt to cover up the extremely dangerous conditions following the Fukushima disaster.

I continually hear "Lessons from Fukushima" at the various DCNPP meetings I attend. As long as DCNPP remains open, it proves we did not learn a thing from any of the past nuclear catastrophes.

Currently Renewables are the second largest source of electricity in the WORLD. The .9 % increase in Nuclear energy, clearly illustrates that the world realizes it is not worth it. It is too costly, dangerous and damaging, to our already fragile environment.

Nuclear plants leave a large carbon footprint and it is not clean energy, especially when you consider the mining process, enrichment process, etc. Since 1990, global solar power has been increasing by 44.6% a year and wind at 27.1%. This is our future, not NUKESl!l!!

The President of the United States recognizes that Nuclear power is not part of our "GREEN" future. He eliminated incentives for the nuclear industry, in his recently revised Climate Act. There will be no bailouts.

There will not be any emissions offsets. According to the EPA's, RE (Renewable Energy), BSER (Best Systems of Emissions Reduction);

nuclear energy is too costly and should not be included.Even the Pope calls nuclear power a modern tower of Babel. He said, "Human beings should not break the natural laws set by God." Californians never wanted the plant to be built in the first place, evident by the 10,000 protestors and 1,900 arrests. This was more arrests than any other nuke plant in history. The plans were reversed during construction and mistakes continue to occur without any penalty or fine. Prospectively, a landlord is fined for not having smoke detectors in rentals, yet DCNPP can continue to put all of our lives in danger and they have yet to be punished for any of their errors.It is clear that something very suspicious is going on.

21 youths have already filed a lawsuit against the federal government, regarding Climate change and how it violates their rights to life, liberty, property and failed protection of essential public trust resources.

If DCNPP is not shut down very soon, they will also be hit with a similar suit. The suit will cover not only the dangerous conditions, but also the burden of the radioactive spent fuel, which the youth will be left to deal with for endless generations.

We only get one planet, there is no plan B and our generation must do something about this now.A similar suite was filed in Washington State, by five young petitioners re Climate Change. Within two weeks the children were able to meet with Governor Inslee and an agreement was made. Our children do not want, nor deserve the burden of toxic radioactive Nuclear Waste. Our children DO want their constitutional rights to life, liberty, property and protection of public trust resources.

Toxic, deadly, improperly stored, nuclear waste does not meet the requirements to allow for these unalienable Constitutional rights. Expect the Youth to stand up and demand to be relieved of this burden. We will start with the youth here in SLO and continue down the list, wherever there is a plant producing waste and or storing spent fuel.The 8-21-15 EIS re Yucca Mountain is another example of how the NRC is not complying with their own 2008 requirements, imposed on the Energy Department.

Just like the NRC allows DCNPP to "adjust" safety measures to fit within findings; putting all of North America at risk for a Nuclear DISASTER.As the past weeks mine accident has shown; toxic waste can cause catastrophic damage. In the event of a radioactive waste accident, it won't be contained in a tributary; it will float around wherever the wind takes it. There will be no way to clean it up. DCNPP needs to be shut down and also needs to immediately stop producing radioactive waste. The silver lining in the mine disaster is said to be; "more aggressive state and federal efforts to deal with the legacy of mine pollution." DCNPP produces pollution of THE deadliest kind.Terrorism is a huge concern as it was confirmed by the US government after 9-11, that nuke plants were targeted for terrorism.

Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, responsible for the recent TN shooting that killed 3 marines and a sailor was employed at the Perry Nuke Plant in Cleveland.

Ten days after being hired, he failed a background check and was fired.The supposed emergency evacuation plans for DCNPP are far from adequate.

Hwy 101 is the only escape and it is already gridlocked in non emergency situations.

I work in Avila beach within a few miles of the rectors and we will all be trapped. In the six years that I have worked near the plant, I have never heard a single siren test. We wouldn't even know if we needed to evacuate.

I have sent written notice, made phone calls and e-mailed re my concerns about the sirens. Apparently it is MY problem to deal with.We need honesty and transparency, no more falsifications, no more rubber stamping.I want it on record that PG&E as well as the NRC are both liable for all injury, death and destruction caused by the deadly nuke plant. We cannot afford to be PG&E's latest mistake. Rate payers were killed and many homes destroyed in the San Bruno explosion, which was a direct result of PG&E's negligence.

The recent mass killing of endangered Chinook salmon in Butte Creek by PG&E, also shows their disregard for the environment and all living things.The next step will be massive protests and endless lawsuits filed by individuals and groups alike.I have included my speech from the 8-5-15 NRC meeting in SLO and a copy of my son's poem. He read his poem at the 8-5-15 NRC hearing. His poem sums it all up to a T.Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this process. Please confirm receipt of this correspondence after reviewing.

Signed, Gina Morn Diablo. Fukushima or Chernobyl Is it really worth the risk so the elite to get Armani suits and drive a Maserati?Converting lush terrain to desolate waste lands For a sequence of numbers on a computer Risking the future that surpasses 7 generations in the quest for green rectangles symbolizing debt Creating a society hopelessly inept to see past their current state of being Hijacking sacred grounds belonging to the natives They turn around and fill your head with propagandized filth We know the truth about Nikola Tesla and the future he could have manifested Without the need for the yellow cake, spent fuel, or radioactive waste The potential to have an immense population displaced all for the love of money is utterly a disgrace Take me back to the era of innovation devoid of greed Resurrect the Wardenclyffe tower lets distribute the power with complete efficiency let's do this in honor of the lost souls from Chemnobyl and Okuma Fukushima The pain and suffering handed down to the people to-expose the ones reaping the benefits hiding in their lavish mansions lest us not forget earthquake faults located under un measurable amounts of toxic contaminants Organizations claiming its green while transporting environmental pollutions-*

Constantly suppressing countless solutions How many have to be affected before we accept the fact that nukes are merely a complication with the power to slay the global civilization By Justin Stanley 8-5-15 NRC Re-licensing meeting My name is Gina Mori. I live in Arroyo Grande and I have worked in the Avila Beach area for over 6 years.I am here because I am gravely concerned about my health and safety, as well as the health and safety of SLO County, along with the entire state of Ca and even the North American Continent, in a worst case scenario.I have spent time with Fukushima survivors and my best friend lived through Chernobyl.

We must decommission Diablo, before it is too late. We can't afford to be PG&E's latest mistake.From the original DCNPP plans being backwards, to the San Bruno deaths and destruction in 2010, or the recent mass killing of endangered salmon. The 14.5 million dollar San Bruno judgment for negligence sited violations in; record keeping, classification and maintenance.

The lack of Accountability

& Transparency is the most concerning aspect to date.Local coverage is lacking and even biased- SF news covers DCNPP, but not our local media.Locals are in such denial that when I mentioned that I needed to get my free iodide supply, most local's had no clue about it at all. Where I on the other hand, am terrified by the prospect of a nuclear meltdown.A few more imminent dangers include, but are not limited to: Cooling towers that continue to damage the eco-system of the Bay daily. DCNPP has been designated the largest marine predator of the West Coast.Improper storage of Toxic Waste, including June 2015 Safety Test Failure, re 19 of 34 dry casks improperly loaded. This toxic waste Will be around for hundreds of thousands of years and is stored on 13 EQ faults.Inadequate EQ and Tsunami hazard evaluations.

DCNPP would NEVER have been built, using the most current safety data. Most of my family still lives in Napa, where scientist still do not know which fault line the August 2014 quake occurred on. Scientist have discovered new fault lines in Napa and state that, entire neighborhoods would never have been built under current building requirements, with the knowledge of the newly discovered faults. Napa suffered catastrophic damages to many retrofitted buildings.

Thank goodness the quake hit while everyone was sleeping.

Otherwise the death and injury toll would have been much higher. SF's 1989 Loma Prieta is another glaring example of how dangerous Ca quakes can be. With roads, buildings and bridge collapses, fires, death and major injuries.

Mother Nature's wrath cannot be predicted.

At the last NRC meeting, I was reassured that the cooling pools are safe, even in an EQ. I do not believe that for a minute, knowing that during the Napa quake, my father's swimming pool created a tidal wave of water, rushing towards his back exit. He had to run to the front door, as over half of the pooi water emptied, creating a wall of water. Imagine this scenario, with added fuel rods and HIGHLY radioactive waste.This is all very reminiscent of the original proposed nuclear plant site in Bodega Bay, which was rejected because of EQ faults. It is clear that under current standards and with the latest knowledge, DCNPP also would never have been built. Due to the inherent risks, it needs to be de-commissioned.

Inadequate evacuation plans insure gridlock on Hwy 101, our only escape.The overall health of locals is at risk. I personally know dozens of people dealing with cancers, Thyroid conditions and so on. Recent studies show the increased risks involved.Collusion of the NRC Continued alteration of safety measures to "Fit" requirements In closing, if more of the public knew the truth, there would be an uprising.

It is time for PG&E to TELL the truth and expect the public to react accordingly.

We depend on agencies such as the NRC to protect us, yet it seems to be more about the money and protecting only a few at the expense of the rest of us.DCNPP is not in alignment with the new Federal Climate Act, signed only days ago, by the President.

DCNPP is also not in alignment with California's goal of 33% renewables by 2020. It would be unsafe to ramp down nuclear power, as wind and solar become our main power sources.No more rubber stamping by the NRC. The NRC must shut down DCN PP. Ca does not need it and SLO doesn't' want it.