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Comment (28) of Ann Mcpherson, on Behalf of Us EPA, on Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Operating License Renewal for Diablo Canyon Power Plant Units 1 and 2, San Luis Obispo County, California
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/2015
From: McPherson A
Environmental Protection Agency
To: Bladey C K
Division of Administrative Services
80FR37664 00028, NRC-2009-0552
Download: ML15258A345 (4)


-I.. b./ UINITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCYREGION DX,- , --.75 Hawthorne Street .... "='; PflO°, , San Francisco, CA '3 .,UU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , AUG,. 31I" 2015' ...." "- : ';Attn: Cindy Bladey --,... ::. .Office of Administration, Mail Stop: OWFN-12 1108- ........Washington, DC .20555-0001 -,,


Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed OperatingLicense Renewal for Diablo Canyon Power Plant Units 1 and 2, San Luis Obispo County, California

Dear Ms. Bladey:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reviewed the July 1, 2015 Notice of Intent to prepare anEnvironmental Impact Statement for the proposed operating license renewal for Diablo Canyon PowerPlant Units 1 and 2, located in San Luis Obispo County, California. Our comments are providedpursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, Council on Environmental Quality Regulations (40CFR Parts 1500-1508) and § 309 of the Clean Air Act.To assist in the scoping process for this project, we have identified several issues for your attention inthe, preparation of the EIS. These issues include: power plant cooling water, seismicity and spent nuclearfuel- storage.We appreciate the opportunity to review this project and are available to discuss our comments. Pleasesend one hard copy of the Draft EIS and one CD ROM copy to the address above (mail code: ENF-4-2).If you have any questions, please contact me at (415) 972-3238, or contact Scott Sysum, the leadreviewer for this project. Scott can be reached at (415) 972-3742 or,McPherson"g 57 .... ' .... Environmental Review Section'"


EPA's Detailed Comments _," ' ° .... " Review Complete., Template = ADM -013E-RDS= ADM-03 -,,.

US EPA DETAILED COMMENTS QN THE NOTICE OF. INTENT TO AN ENVIRONMENTALIMPACT STATEMENT FOR THE PROPOSED OPERATING LICENSE RENEWAL FOR DIABLO CANYONPOWER PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, AUGUST 31, 2015Power Plant Cooln Water ....The State Water Resources Control Board adopted a policy on the Use of Coastal and Estuarine Watersfor Power Plant Cooling in 2010. The policy establishes technology-based standards to implementfederal Clean Water Act Section 2316(b) and reduce thie harmful effects associated with cooling waterintake structures on marine and estuarine life. The SWRCB's Once-Through Cooling (OTC) Waterpolicy calls for the elimination of OTC for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant by 2024 and 2025 for Units 1and 2, respectively, when their current licenses expire. According to a report' prepared by Bechtel forPacific Gas and Electric and the SWRCB's Nuclear Review Committee, construction costs for closed-cycle systems could range as high as $6 billion to $12 billion and may require extensive excavation atthe Diablo Canyon site. Additionally, a Diab1o cainyoni Safety' Commnittee's Evaluation ofthe Bechtel report2 concluded that the various closed-cycle cooling options would involve veryextensive modifications to the plant that have the potential to affect the operability of safety-relatedsystems. Furthermore, a license amendment would probably be required.Recommendation: 'Discuss, in the Draft Envcironmental hmpact Statement, the SWRCB '5 OTC policy, applicability,projected costs for compliance, and potential impacts associated with theimplementation of this policy., ....Seismic Multi-faut R tuesPast models have generally assumed that earthquakes are either confined to separate faults, or that longfaults like the San Andreas can be divided into different segments that only ruptfire separately. Manyrecent earthquakes, however, have struck beyond previously inferred fault-rupture boundaries.3 Forexample, the three most recent, largest earthquakes4 in California extended past such boundaries,jumping from one fault to another, as multi-fault ruptures. In addition, the 2011 magnitude 9.0 Tohoku,Japan earthquake also violated previouisly defined fault-segment boundaries, resulting in a much largerfault-rupture area and greater magnitude than expected, Which contributed to the deadly tsunami andFukushima nuclear disaster.It has become increasingly evident that we are not dealing with a few well-separated faults, but with avast, interconnected fault system. In fact,* it has become more difficult to identify. where some faults endand others begin, implying many more opportunities for multi-fault i-uptures. ::' Independent Third-Party Final Technologies Assessment for the Alternative Cooling Technologies or Modifications to theExisting Once-Through Cooling System for Diablo Canyon Power Plant (Draft) Report No. 25762-000-30R-G01G-00010;Bechtel Power Corporation Issued September 20, 2013,2Diablo Canyon Independent Safety Committee's Evaluation of"needn hr at iaTechnologies Assessment for the Altemnative Cooling Technologies or Modifications to the Existing Once-Throughi CoolingSystem for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant," September 2013, http :// UCERF3: A New Earthquake Forecast for California's Complex Fault System. USGS Fact Sheet 2015-3009" 1992 magnitude 7,3 Landers earthquake, the 1999 magnitude 7,.2 Hector Mine earthquake, and the 2010 magnitude 7.2 ElMayor-Cucapah earthquake.1 At Diablo CanYon, the aiffected environment inicludes numerous earthquake faUlts. Recent historysuggests that a multi-faulf ruptiire is a reasonably event. Any impacts that Would result eitherfrom the facility being subjected to a multi-fault rupture, Or from any actions that would need to be takento protect the facility from damage during such a rupture, are reasonably foreseeable and should bedisclosed in the DEIS as potential indirect impacts." " " 'Discuss, in the DEIS, whether or not the potential for a multi-fault rupture has been evaluated. Ifnot, discuss the potential for multi-fault ruptures, on the San Andreas, Hosgri and Shorelinefaults. ...Discuss, in the DEIS, the potential for tsunami impacts, both during the operating time frame aswell as post-operation, when spent fuel may be stored in spent fuel pools and/or dry cask storage.Describe and review the ,tsunami desi~gn basisfr~he DCIPP. Spent Fuel PoolsThe 2013 Integrated Energy Policy Report,5 produced by the California Energy Commission, stated thatthere were reports from Diablo Canyon personnel that the spent fuel pool has had a persistent minor leakfor many years. PG&E concluded that, based on evaluation of industry experience on spent fuel poolleakage, the amount of leakage being experienced was 'acceptable, as there is a negligible adverse effecton the concrete and reinforcing steel. The 2013 IEPR rec6mmended that PG&E evaluate the potentiallong-term impacts and projected costs of spent fuel storage in pools versus dry cask storage, and thepotential degradation of fuels and package integrity during long-term wet and dry storage andtransportation offsite, and submit the findings to the CEC and California Public Utilities Commission.The CEC also that the CPUC require expedited transfer of spent fuel assemblies from wetpools to dry cask storage. "Spent fuel pOOls :at most operat'ing reactors are Storing the spent fuel much higher denisities thanoriginally designed. Spent fuel pool cooling water has to be actively managed and could becompromised through loss of power Or intentional acts of sabotage. Dry cask storage is a passive systemof cooling and separates the spent fuel into mnultiple casks, which are less susceptible to intentionaldamage. ...Recommendations:Include, in the DEIS, a summary and evaluation of PG&E's findings regarding the potentiallong-term impacts and projected costs of Sp~ent' fuel storag'e in pools versus dry cask storage.Incorporate PG&E's findings by reference or incluade them ini an apopenidix to the DEIS,Discuss, in the DEIS, the feasibility and environmental impacts of expediting the transfer ofspent fuel assemblies from wet pools to dry cask storage.Climate Change .,., .The EPA believes'the Council on Environmental Quality's December 2014 revised, draft guidance forFederal agencies' consideration of GHG emissions andl climate change impac~ts in~NEPA outlines aSCalifornia Energy Commission. 2013. 2013 Integrated. Energy.Policy Report. Publication Number: CEC- 100-2013 -001-CMIF.2 reasonable approach, and we rec ommend ,that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission use that draftguidance to help outline the framework for its analysis of these issues. The DEIS should contain anestimate of the GHG emissions associated with the proposal and its alternatives. Example tools forestimating and quantifying GHIG emissions can be found on CEQ's website.6 In most casesquantification of GHG emissions involves a relatively straightforward calculationThe DEIS should provide a summary discussion of climate change and ongoing and reasonablyforeseeable climate change impacts relevant to the project, based on u.s. Global Change Research,Program7 assessments, to assist with identification of potential project impacts that may be exacerbatedby climate change and to inform consideration of measures to adapt to climate change impactsRecommendation:Consider, in the DEIS, how climate change could potentially influence the continued operationof the DCPP. Evaluate the potential impacts of sea level rise or other anticipated climate changerelated impacts.6 15.html7http ://