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Public Version of Revision 4 to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Ei 1300.01, Emergency Plan Activation. Revision Index Encl
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/17/1982
From: Beyer B, Briden D, Murray T
Shared Package
ML20079H201 List:
EI-1300.01-01, EI-1300.01-1, NUDOCS 8212160107
Download: ML20079H223 (39)



e e



0 EI 1300.00 3

EI 1300.01 4

EI 1300.02 3

EI 1300.03 3

EI 1300.04 3

EI 1300.05 3

EI 1300.06 3

EI 1300.07 2

EI 1300.08 4

EI 1300.09 1

EI 1300.10 1

EI 1300.11 1

EI 1300.12 2

T-6820 I



Revision 20 Novembe r, 1982 8212160107 821208 PDR ADOCK 05000346 F


r r--



s tu EI 1300.01.0 l i

Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station 1


i Unit No. I

t Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure.

s EI 1300.01 I

Emergency Plan Activation I

. Record of Approval and Changes Prepared by_

O. J.- Reed 5/30/6' I

Submitted by_

Date C. E. Wells Section Head 6/13/80 Date Recommended by_




SRB Chairnfin

/.3 f0 Date QA Approved A/ /9 Qualitf Assurance Manager

'N D D - ^ t,





~ _.

/WN Date Revision' SRB No.

Recommendation QA Sta. Supt.

Date Approved Date Approved Dat


h,L). W.hh0!6)



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1 EI 1300.01.3 Im 1.

PURPOSE i) v To provide guidelines for conditions at which specific emergency I3 classifications must be declared.



To specify emergency action levels and personnel judgments that are consistent with the emergency classification scheme depicted in Appendix 1 of NUREG-0654, Rev. 1.


REFERENCES 3.1 The Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan 3.2 Final Safety Analysis Report, DBNPS 3.3 Technical Specifications, DBNPS Unit No. 1, Appendix A and B to License No. NPF3 3.4 Station Response to Emergencies, EI 1300.00 4.

DEFINITIONS 4.1 Unusual Event - Event (s) are in progress or which have occurred that indicate a potential degradation of the level of safety of DBNPS.

4.2 Alert - Events are in progress or have o_ccurred which I

involve an actual or substantial degradation of the level of safety of DBNPS.

4.3 Site Emergency - Events are in progress or have occurred I

which involve actual or likely major failures of DBNPS functions needed for the protection of the public. There also exists a,significant actual or potential release of I

radioactive material.

4.4 General Emergency - Events are in progress or have occurred which involve actual or imminent substantial core degrada-tion or melting with the pctential for loss of containment integrity, and/or involve the potential for a release of I

radioactive particulates or gases offsite of a magnitude to exceed regulatory limits.

4.5 Emergency Action Levels (EAL's) - Radiological dose rates, specific contamination levels of airborne, waterborne, or surface-deposited concentrations of radioactive materials; or specific instrument readings and indications (including I

their rate of change) that may be used as thresholds for initiating such specific emergency measures as designating I

f I

t 2

EI 1300.01.3 a particular classification of emergency, initiating a notification procedure, or initiating a particular prctec-tive action.


OfERGENCY MEASURES 5.1 Tae Shif t Supervisor, when informed that abnormal or emer-gency conditions (real or potential) have arisen, shall 3

perform the necessary actions in the priority listed below:

5.1.1 Ensure that the immediate actions (e.g., use I

of Emergency Procedures) are taken for the safe and proper operation of the plant.

5.1.2 Assess the information available from valid I

indication and using Table 1, initially classify the situation with the following considerations:

3 I

a. The specific emergency action levels described in Table 1 are not all inclusive. The Shift

' Supervisor or Emergency Duty Officer shall I

declare an appropriate emergency classification whenever, in his judgment, the station status warrants such a declaration.

(Refer to Step 5.2.2 for guidance.)

b. Reaching these levels over a period of days rather than hours is not sufficient to declare the appropriate classification.
c. Some of the emergency action levels described I

are not, by their very nature, intended to be used during maintenance and/or testing situa-tions where abnormal temperature, pressure, equipment status, etc. is expected.

d. All of the emergency action levels shall be considered if the plant is, or was (immediately prior to the emergency condition) in Mode 1 operating at a high power level, except for those conditions noted in the Index of Emer-gency Action I.evel Conditions, Page 4.

5.1.3 Use the appropriate checklist from either the Unusual Event (EI 1300.02), Alert (EI 1300.03),

I Site Emergency (EI 1300.04), or' General Emergency 3

(EI 1300.05) procedure to ensure that immediate notification requirements are met and the proper Emergency Plan response is taken.

I 3

EI 1300.01.3 5.1.4 Perform additional emergency actions as time and conditions permit.

5.2 Operator judgment plays an important role in ensuring that during any specific event the appropriate actions are performed.

5.2.1 Examples


a. For an abnormally high lake level, operator judgment should take into consideration the lake level, wind direction, weather con-I ditions, etc., before announcing a flood warning and initiating personnel evacuation.

During a previous incident, personnel were evacuated during flood warning conditions, however it was found that this was unnecessary since the weather then cleared and no flood or hazardous situation occurred.

b. For localized incidents that may affect only small areas, operator judgment should take I

into consideration that an alarm, when sounded, could be followed by some amplifying instruc-tions to aid personnel response. During a previous incident, an individual was injured requiring medical assistance. The Initiate Emergency Procedures alarm was sounded, i

l however verbal instructions yia the gai-tronics system could have been used to prevent unneeded personnel involvement and assembly.

l l 3

5.2.2 For abnormal plant conditions that are not i E specifically covered in the Table 1 emergency action levels, the following criteria shall be l E used to assist the Shift Supervisor or Emergency l E Duty Officer in classifying the event based on their judgment,

a. Unusual Event - Other plant conditions exist that warrant increased awareness on the part of the plant operations staff or State and/or i

local offsite authorities which are not l

covered under any other existing station l


1g 3

b. Alert - Other plant conditions exist that warrant precautionary activation of the Technical Support Center and Emergency Control Center and placing other key emergency per-sonnel on standby.


4 EI 1300.01.3

c. Site Emergency - Other plant conditions exist that warrant activation of emergency centers and monitoring teams or a precautionary notification to the public near the site.
d. General Emergency - Other plant conditions I

exist, from whatever source, that make release of large amounts of radioactivity in a short time period possible, e.g., any core melt situation.

5.3 Plant conditions should be continually evaluated to ensure I

the proper emergency classification is being utilized and the classification upgraded or downgraded by the Shift Supervisor' and Emergency Duty Officer as conditions dictate 3

per Table 1 and Steps 5.1.2 and 5.2.2 above.




. I l




  • Safety System Functions 6-7 Plant Shutdown Functions 8

Coolant Pump Seizure 9

Loss of Assessment Functions 10 Control Room Evacuation 11

  • Abnormal Coolant Temperatures 12 3
  • Abnormal Primary Leak Rate 13-14 Abnormal to Primary / Secondary Leak Rate 15-16 3l
  • Core Fuel Damage 17-18 Loss of Fission Product Barriers 19
  • Fuel Handling Accident 20 Abnormal Containment Atmosphere 21
  • Abnormal Effluent Release 22
  • High Radiation Levels in Plant 23
  • Abnormal Radiation Levels at Site Boundary 24-26
  • Contaminated Personnel 27 Major Steam Leak 28-29 Major Electrical Failures 30
  • Fire 31
  • Security Threat 32
  • Hazards to Station Operation 33-35
  • Natural Events (Within Ottawa County) 36-3'8 3
  • NOTE: Vten evaluating the EAL's in Table 1, the plant must be in Mode 1 I

or had been in Mode 1 operating at a high power level when the event initiated, except for those annotated conditions above which have been broken down and noted, as applicable, in their respective sections of Table 1.


I 6

EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 SAFETY SYSTEM FUNCTIONS Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification 3l Unplanned Initiation Any three of the four fol-Unusual Event

  • of ECCS with Flow into lowing with flow indicated:

(EI 1300.02)

Core Indicated 1.

HPI low flow alarm and/or LPI low flow altrm (on then off)

I 2.

HP1 and/or LPI pump status lights indicate pump (s) running

,3 3.

HPI and/or LPI pump E

current meters indicate pump (s) running 4.

HPI and/or LPI pump I

discharge valves indicate open I

Loss of Containment Any One of the four following Unusual Event Integrity requiring plant shutdown per (EI 1300.02)

C T.S.

b 1.

Any penetrations required to be closed during accident conditions that are not:.


Capable of being closed by the Safety. Features Actuation System,

'I OR B.

Closed by manual valves, blind flanges, or de-I activated automatic valves secured in their l

closed position except i3 as provided in T.S.

g Table 3.6-2 2.

An equipment hatch is not closed and sealed 3.

An airlock is not operable per T.S. 4.

A sealing mechanism assoc-I iated with a penetration (e.g., welds, bellows, or 0-rings) becomes inoperable l

l NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s) the plant can be in any Mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.



Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Loss of Engineered 1.

A Safety Features Unusual Event Safety Feature Actuation System (SFAS)

(EI 1300.02)

I functional unit shown in T.S. Table 3.3-3 becomes inoperable per T.S.

I and requires plant shutdown OR 2.

The Boron Injection Flow Path (operating) or Borated Water Sources (operating) become in-I operable and require plant shutdown per T.S. n-4 I

Failure of Safety 1.

Reactor Coolant System:

Unusual Event

,r S Related Safety or Relief A.

Indication of flow (EI 1300.02) fj Valve to Close through Pressurizer Reliefs (red light on Panel C5798 or I.



RCS Pressure drop I

to <1600 psig 2.

Main Steam System:

(any 2 of 3)


Rapid and continuing I

decrease in Steam Gen-erator pressure to <500 Psig

,I B.

Rapid RCS cooldown rate C.

Audible steam relief noise in the Control Room lasting >10

<g 4

Loss of Steam Feed 1.

A Steam Feed' Rupture Con-Unuspal Event ig Rupture Control System trol System (SFRCS) Func-(EI 1300.02)


tional Unit as shown in l

T.S. Table 3.3-11 becomes inoperable per T.S. and requires plant shutdown

l I 8

E' 1300.01.1 TABLE 1 a

PLANT SHUTDOWN FUNCTION Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Loss of any system which 1.

Any of the following Alert precludes placing the systems become inoperable:

(EI 1300.03)

I plant in cold shutdown A.

Service Water System (both trains)


Decay Heat System I

(both trains)


Component Cooling Water (both trains)

I Loss of any system which 1.

The following systems Site Emergency precludes placing the become inoperable:

(EI 1300.04)

I plant in hot shutdown A.

Makeup System and HPI System OR I


Main Feedwater System and Auxiliary Feed-water System iv Failure of Reactor Pro-1.

Any time plant parameters Alert tection System to initiate meet conditions requiring (EI 1300.03)

I and complete a trip a trip and RPS fails to initiate and complete a trip which brings the reactor suberitical I

e I

I i

9 EI 1300.01.0 TABLE 1 COOLANT PIRfP SEIZURE Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Coolant pump seizure with 1.

Reactor Coolant System Alert fuel damage indicated flow indication decreases (EI 1300.03) by Iodine sample > T.S.

rapidly 3.4.8 AND 2.

Confirmed Primary Coolant I

sample results indicate

>1.0 pCi/ Gram dose equiv-alent I-131 I








g 3

10 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 LOSS Of ASSESSMENT FUNCTIONS Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Control Room Indications Any of the Following:

Unusual Event or Alarms on Process or 1.

Radiation monitoring (EI 1300.02)

Effluent Parameters NOT iittrumentation < min-functional *to an extent imum channels operable requiring plant shutdown requiring shutdown per T.S.

I3 or other significant loss requirements of assessment or communica-OR tion capability 2.

RE2024A, B & C, RE2025A,B

& C and Backup Grab Sample I

capability become in-operable OR 3.

Meteorological monitoring instrumentation < min-imum necessary to perform I

offsite dose calculations (i.e. wind speed, wind direction, and stability class) w OR 4.

Post-accident instrument-ation < minimum channels.

I operable requiring plant shutdown per T.S.

requirements (T.S.

I OR 5.

Complete failure of the plant telephone system and Gai-tronics system All annunciator alarms 1.

Any simultaneous loss Alert I

and station computer of all annunciator (EI 1300.03) lost alarms and the station l

computer All annunciator alarms 1.

Complete loss of all Site Emergency I

and station computer lost annunciator alarms (EI 1300.04)

>15 minutes during plant and station computer transient lasting more than 15 minutes I

AND 2.

Plant transient initiated or in progress 1

11 EI 1300.01.0 TABLE 1 CONTROL ROOM EVACUATION Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Evacuation of Control Room 1.

Any evacuation of the Alert required Control Room with shut-(EI 1300.03) down control established locally within 15 minutes Evacuation of Control Room 1.

Any evacuation of the Site Emergency and Control NOT estab-Control Room with shut-(EI 1300.04) lished locally within down control NOT estab-I 15 minutes lished locally within 15 minutes I




6 I

I I?.

1 12 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 ABNORMAL COOLANT TEMPERATURES Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification I

3 Core Subcooling is 1.

As determined by Sub-Unusual Event *


Determined to be less Cooling graph or T (EI 1300.02) i I

sat than normal (IO*)

Meter Indication j

(TD14950 or TD14951)


difference between Pres-2.

As indicated by the suri::er Temperature and 3

Th (use incore thermo-

,I couples temperature if T meter is o b scale) h 3

Coolant Temperatures 1.

As determined by the Unusual Event

  • and/or pressures outside combination of Reactor (EI 1300.02).

of Technical Specification Coolant Core Cutlet limits Pressure and/or Outlet Temperature exceeding p

the safety limits of T.S. 2.1.1 3

NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s), the plant can be in any mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.




f 13 EI'1300.01.3 I





Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Clascification t

I Leak Rate Requiring 1.

RCS Water-Inventory Unusual Event Plant Shutdown by Balance indicates (EI 1300.02)

TS Section i,>1 GPM unidentified leakage or >10 GPM identifiedrleakage i


  • 2., Measurement of controlled

- leakage from the Reactor t

Coolant Pump seals is >10 i GPM total

\\CR 0

3 3.

Leakage from an/ RCS pres-I sure isolation valv>5 a


8Pm as listed in TS Table 3.4-2 7

I f'

Leak Rate >50 GPM but Any Two of the Four Following:


  • within High Pressure 1.

Makeup Tank level (EI 1300.03)

Injection ' system decreasing approximately capacity two inches per minute A

while RCS temperature


I remains steady q


Increaged activity on Con-

.e; tainment Vessel Airborne honitor(s.1)hE 4597AAA, AAB I

AAG,'c'r RE 4597BAA, BAB, BAC y

l 3.

Increase in Normal Sump I

level on level instruments LI 1546 A or B 4.

R;S Water Inventory Balaace indicates

>50 GPM leakage t

i l

. t';

! E Loss of Coolant Accident 1.

Pressurizer level and Site Emergency l'

> High Pressure Injection pressure decreasing (EI 1300.04) l system capacity rapidly without sn:

l associated change in RCS' temperature (RCS tampera-ture/ pressure reach l

saturation conditions) e i

OR f






1 14 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 ABNORMAL PRIMARY LEAK RATE Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification 2.

Containment pressure >38.4 psia and Reactor Coolant System pressure <400 psig E

3 NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s), the plant can be in


5 any Mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.

e f


'e ge '


1 I

e 9


15 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 ABNORMAL PRIMARY TO SECONDARY LEAK RATE Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Leak Rate Requiring RCS Water Inventory Unusual Event Plant Shutdown by Balance indicates >1 (EI 1300.02)

TS GPM total Primary to Secondary leakage And the Following:


Main Steam Line Radiation monitor (s) (RE 600 and/or 3

RE 609) in the " Analyze Mode" to detect N-16 indicate increased activity OR I


Condenser Vacuum dis-charge radiation monitor (s)

(RE 1003A (B)) indicate increased activity AND 3.

Unexplained Makeup tank level p

decrease while Reactor bj t

Coolant System temperature remains constant 3

Rapid failure of Steam Main Steam Line Radiation Alert Generator tubes (e.g.,

monitor (s) (RE 600 and/or (EI 1300.03) several hundred gpm RE 609) in the " Analyze Mode" primary to secondary to detect N-16 indicate leak rate!)

increased activity, or Con-denser Vacuum discharge radia-tion monitor (s) (RE 1003 A (B)) indicate increased activity I

And One of the Following:


Rapid drop in RCS pressure I


Rapid decrease in Pres-surizer and Makeup Tank levels 3.

Safety Features Actuation I

System (SFAS) Level 2 activates

16 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 ABNORMAL PRIMARY TO SECONDARY LEAK RATE Emergency Cundition IrAication(s)

Classification 3


Main Steam line radiation monitors in the " Gross Mode" indicating more than 15000 cpm net; background equals 1000 cpm I

Rapid failure of one Steam 1.

Noticable drop in Alert Generator tube and loss of RCS pressur' snd pres-(EI 1300.03) offsite power surizer level AND 2.

The 53.8 KV BUSES are I

deenergized AND

.3 3.

Main Steam line radia-tion monitors in the

" Gross Mode" indicating more than 15000 cpm net; background equals 1000 p



I3 Rapid failure of Steam 1.

Indications for leak Site Emergency Generator tubes (several rate of 400-700 GPM (El 1300.04) hundred GPM leak rate AND indicated) and loss of 2.

The 13.8 KV BUSES are I

offsite power deenergized i

17 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 CORE FUEL DAMAGE Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification 3

High Coolant activity 1.

Failed Fuel Detector (RSH,

Unusun Event sample Requiring Plant 1998) alarm with confirmed (EI 1300.C2)

Shutdown by Technical sarsle results indicating Specifications for Iodine

>1.0 pCi/Grar Dose Equiv-(T.S. 3.4.8) alent I-131 AND 2.

Plant Shutdown required 3

Very High coolant 1.

Failed Fuel Detector (RSH Alert activity 1998) "RC Letdown Activity (EI 1300.03)

High" alarn AND 2.

Confirmed sample results indicate >300 pCi/ Gram I-131 Core damage with in-1.

Coilfirmed primacy coolant Site Emergency p

adequate core cooling sample results indicate:

(EI 1300.04) determined A.

>1.0 pCi/ Gram Base equivaleut I-131, and B.

>100/E pCi/ Gram specific activity, AND 2.

Reactor Coolant System I

Hot Leg temperature >620'F OR 3.

Incore thermocouple temper-l atures increasing to >700 F i

Core damage with other 1.

Confirmed primarf coolant General Emergency i

plant conditions making sample results indicate (EI 1300.05) 3l a release of large

>300 pCi/ Gram I-131 amounts of radioactivity AND l

possible 2.

Incore thermocouple temper-l atures indicate >2000'F l

AND 3.

Containment radiation level 3

is > 104 R/hr OR 4.

Contain2nent pressure is

>40 psia 1

! I

i 18 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 CORE FUEL DAMAGE Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification 3

Core aclt situations Any one of the following General Emergency sequences occurs with a concurrent likely failure of (EI 1300.05) containment imminent:


Either a small or large LOCA occurs with a con-current failure of the ECCS to perform leading to severe core degradation or melting 2.

A transient is initiated by a loss of the main feedwater system followed by a failure of the emer-gency feedwater system for an extended period with core melting resulting 3.

A transient occurs requiring operation of shutdown systems with failure to trip which results in core damage,_

I or additional failures of core cooling and makeup systems occur which I

lead to a core melt 4.

A failure of offsite and onsita power along with total loss of emer-gency feedwater makeup capability occurs for several hours which leads I

to a core melt 5.

A small LOCA occurs with initially successful ECCS, however a subsequent fail-ure of RCS heat removal systems over a period of several hours leads to a core melt IP

T l

19 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 LOSS OF FISSION PRODUCT BARRIERS Emergency Condition Indication (s) _

Classification Loss of 2 of 3 fission Any Two o' the following General Emergency product barriers with a conditions exist and the (EI 1300.05) potential loss of the Third is imminent:

3rd barrie'r 1.

Fuel clad is ruptured as indicated by grab sample results 2.

A rupture of the RCS has been confirmed 3.

Containment integrity has been breached and cannot be restored I

3 NOTE: Other sections of Table I can be used for guidance in determining the above three conditions, as follows:


For item 1, refer to " Core Fuel Damage" at the Aleri and Site Emergency levels for sample result values and indi-cations.


For item 2, refer to " Abnormal Primary Leak Rate" at the Alert and Site Emergency levels for indications of a loss of primary coolant.


For item 3, refer to " Safety System Functions" a Loss of I

Containment Integrity condition at the Unusual Event level for indications of a breaca in Containment integrity.



20 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 FUEL HANDLING ACCIDENT Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Fuel Handling Accident 1.

Direct information from Alert

  • which results in the fuel handling personnel (EI 1300.03) release of radioactivity indicating that an to Containinent or Spent irradiated fuel assembly Fuel Pool area has been damaged and I

radioactive gases are escaping AND I3 2.

Fire Detection System /

Radiation Monitoring System (FDS/RMS) alarms with high radiation monitor reading printed out on data logger OR I


Local Radiation Monitoring Alarm Station alarms both audibly (born) and visually (green light goes OFF and red light comes ON) and is reported to the Control Room Fuel Handling Accidant 1.

Indications of fuel hand-Site Emergency

  • which results in SFAS ling accident which results (EI 1300.04)

I actuation in the release of radio-activity to Containment or Spent Fuel Pool area I

AND 2.

SFAS incident level one actuation on radiation in Containment or isola-I tion of ventilation in fuel handling area based on radiation 3

NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s), the plant can be in any Mode for the listed EAl's to be applicable.


21 EI 1300.01.1 TABLE 1 ABNORMAL CONTAINHENT ATMOSPHERE Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification I

Increasing Containment Any Two of the Following:

Alert radiation, pressure, and 1.

Containment high range (EI 1300.03)

I temperature monitor (s) (RE 2387 and/or RE 2389) indicate >104 mR/hr 1


Containment pressure (PI 2000, PI2001, PI2002, ?I 2003) indicates >17 psia I


Containment average air temperature (TI1356, TI 1357, TI1358) indicates

>170*F High Containment radia-Any Two of the Following:

Site Emergency tion, pressure and 1.

Containment high range (EI 1300.04) temperature radiation monitor (s)

(RE 2387 and/or RE 2339) indicate >108 mR/hr 1


Containment pressure (PI 2000, PI2001, PI2002, PI, I

2003) indicates >20 psia 3.

Containment average air temperature (TI1356, TI I

1357, TI1358) indicates

>200'F 4.

Safety Features Actuation System (SFAS) functions I

have activated I

Very High Containment Any Two of the Following:

General Emergency radiation and pressure 1.

Containment high range (EI 1300.05) radiation monitor (s)

I (RE 2387 and/or RE 2389) indicate >107 mmR/hr 1


Containment pressure (PI 2000, PI2001, PI2002, PI 2003) indicates >40 psia 3.

Safety Features Actuation System (SFAS) functions have activated and Con-

' ' ' ~ " ' " " ' ' ' ' ' " " ' " " "

  • O I


22 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 ABNORMAL EFFLUENT RELEASE Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification 3!

Effluent Release > limits Confirmed analysis results Unusual Event

  • allowed by E.T.S. 2.4.1 or for a gaseous or liquid (EI 1300.02)

E.T.S. 2.4.3 release indicates > the limits given in the Environ-mental Technical Specifica-tions Effluent release >10 Confirmed analysis results Alert I

times instantaneous for a gaseous or liquid (EI 1300.03) limits allowed by E.T.S.

release indicates >10 2.4.1 or E.T.S. 2.4.3 times the instantaneous I

limits given in the Environ-mental Technical Specifica-tions 3

NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) cla'ssification(s), the plant can be in any Mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.




I 23 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 HIGH RADIATION LEVELS IN PLANT Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification I

General area radiation 1.

Fire Detection System /


  • levels or high airborne Radiation Monitoring (EI 1300.03)

I radioactivity >1000 times System (FDS/RMS) Console normal from an unidentified Alarm with high radiation 3

source, lasting more than 30 menitor readice displayed minutes on CRT and printed out on I

data logger OR 2.

Local Radiation Monitoring I

Alarm Station alarms both audibly (Horn) and visually (green light goes off and I

red light comes on) and is reported to the Control Room I

AND 3.

An area radiation survey or' airborne radioactivity sample indicates activity levels >1000 times normal I3 NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s) th'e plant can be in any Mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.


'l 3

1 o


24 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 M NORMAL RADIATION LEVELS AT SITE BOUNDARY Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Projected or actual 1.

Station Vent Monitor Alert

  • radiation readings that (RE2024C or 2025C) read-(EI 1300.03)

I indicate a potential dose ing >0.1 pCi/cc Xe-133*

of.100 mR Whole Body or for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or readings NOTE:

(These are 500 mR Child Thyroid at which will give an equiv-the appli-3 the Site Boundary using valent dose in <2 hours cable con-adverse meteorology.


Station Vent Monitor centrations, (RE2024B or 2025B) read-however they ing >7.2 x 10-8 pCi/cc I-131 can not be for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or readings obtained which will give an equivalent from the dose in <2 hours presently I

  • NOTE: This concentra-3.

Radiation Monitoring Team installed tion is based on reports radiation levels at instrumenta-a stability class Site Boundary <50 mR/hr for tion., They of F and wind speed a'n incident projected to last are to be I

of 2 mph; if actual 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or reports of read-used when the meteorology is used, ings which will give an Kamen High this concentration equivalent dose in <2 hours range mon-may be higher 4.

Radiation Monitoring Team

.itors are reports I-131 concentrations installed.

>1.1 x 10-7 pCi/cc at Si_te Boundary Projected or actual radia-1.

Grab sample, or Station Site Emergency

  • I tion readings that indi-Vent Monitor (RE2024C or (EI 1300.04) cate a potential dose of 2025C) reading >1.0 pCi/cc 1 rem Whole Body or 5 rem Xe-133* for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or NOTE:

(These are Child Thyroid at the Site readings which will give an the appli-3 Boundary using adverse equivalent dose in <2 hours cable con-meteorology.


Station Vent Monitor centrations, I

(RE2024B or 2025B) > 7.2 however they x 10-5 pCi/cc I-131 for can not be 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or readings which obtained will give an equivalent from the I

dose in <2 hours presently

  • NOTE: This concentra-3.

Radiation Monitoring Team installed tion is based on reports radiation levels instrumenta-I a stability class

>500 mR/hr at the site tion. They of F and wind speed boundary for an incident are to be of 2 mph; if actual projected to last 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> used when I

meteorology is used, or which will give an equiv-the Kamen q

this concentration alent dose in <2 hours High range I

25 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 ABNORMAL RADIATION LEVELS AT SITE BOUNDARY Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification may be higher 4.

Radiation Monitoring Team monitors reports I-131 concentrations are in-

>1.1 x 10-6 pCi/cc at the stalled.

Site Boundary 3

NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s), the plant can be in any Mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.





I lI l





26 EI 1300.01.3 TABII 1 I


Classification Projected or actual site A radiological puff release Site Emergency

  • boundary radiation readings (short instantaneous release (EI 1300.04)

I3 corresponding to a whole from a non-continuous source) body dose of 50 mr/hr for occurs with:

1/2 hour or 500 mr/hr for 1.

Station vent monitor I

2 minutes using adverse PI 2024C or 2025C readings


meteorology or five times and analysis indicating these levels for a thyroid 9.6 x 10-2 pCi/cc* for 1/2 dose.

hour or.96 pCi/cc* for 2 I


  • NOTE: These are the ap-OR plicable concen-2.

Station vent monitor RE I

trations, however 2024B or 2025B readings they cannot be ob-and analysis indicate tained from the pre-7.2 x 10-6 pCi/cc* for I

sently installed in-for 1/2 hour or 7.2 x stalled instrumenta-7.2 x 10-s pCi/cc* for tion. They are to 2 min.


used when the Kamen


High range monitors are installed in the near future.

Projected or actual site A radiological release General Emergency

  • I boundary radiation read-occurs with:

(EI 1300.5) ing corresponding to a 1.

Projected doses at the whole body dose of 1 R/hr site boundary equate to or a thyroid dose of 5 1 R/hr whole body or 5 I

R/hr using actual R/hr thyroid (or higher) meteorology.

using actual meteoroligi-cal data.

OR 2.

A Radiation Monitoring Team at the site boundary I

reports radiation levels at 1 R/hr or 2.27 x 10-6 pCi/cc I-131 (or higher).

NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s), the plant can be in g

any Mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.


27 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 CONTAMINATED PERSONNEL Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Transportation of coa-1.

Any event which requires Unusual Event

  • taminated injured in-transportation of a con-(EI 1300.02)

I dividual(s) offsite taminated injured indi-vidual to an offsite medical facility 3

NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s), the plant can be in any Mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.

,I I










28 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 MAJOR STEAM LEAK Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Major Steam Leak with Increasing Containment pres-Unusual Event NO Primary to Secondary sure (if leak is inside Con-(EI 1300.02)

I leakage tainment) or unusually loud noise outside Containment And One of the Following:

I 1.

Steam and Feedwater Rupture Control System (SFRCS) initiates 2.

Main Steam Pressure (s) and/or Steam Generator Pressure (s) drop to <300 PSIG I

Major Steam Leak with 1.

Indication of a Major Alert

>10 GPM Primary to Steam Leak (EI 1300.03)

I Secondary Leak Rate AND 2.

Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor (s) (PE 600 and/or RE 609) in the " Analyze Mode" to detect N-16 indicate increased I

activity, AND 3.

RCS Water Inventory Balance I

indicates >10 GPM Primary to Secondary leakage 3


Main Steam line radiation l

monitors in the " Gross Mode" indicatinF more than 15000 cpm net; background equals 1000 cpm i I Major Steam Leak with 1.

Indication of a Major Site Emergency I

>50 GPM Primary to Steam Leak (EI 1300.04)

Secondary leak rate and AND fuel damage indicated 2.

Main Steam Line radiation monitor (s) (RE 600 and/or I

RE 609) in the " Analyze Mode" to detect N-16 indicate increcsed activity O

- I I



l I 29 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 MAJOR STEAM LEAK Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification 3.

RCS Water Inventory Balance indicates >50 GPM Primary I

to Secondary Leak rate AND 4.

Confirmed Primary Coolant iI sample results indicate Dose Equivalent'I-131 s

above acceptable limits of T.S. Figure 3.4-1 I



Main steam line radiation monitors in the " Gross I

Mode" indicating more than 150,000 cpm net; background equals 1,000 cpm.



.I lI I

l I



I 30 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 MAJOR ELECTRICAL FAILURES Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification 3l Loss of offsite power 1.

Both Emergency Diesel Unusual Event or of onsite AC power Generators and the Main (EI 1300.02) capability' simultaneously Generator out of service OR I


Loss of all three 345 KV transmission' lines 3l Loss of offsite power 1.

All AC buses deenergized Site Emergency and all onsite AC power more tlan 15 minutes (EI 1300.04) for more than 15 minutes 3l Loss of all onsite 1.

All DC buses deen-Alert I

DC power ergized as determined (EI 1300.03) by breaker positions, and line voltage or amperage meters Loss of all cacite DC 1.

All DC buses deenergized.

Site Emergency I

power for more than 15 for more than 15 minutes (EI 1300.04) minutes I




I 31 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 FIRE Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Uncontrolled fire NOT 1.

Any fire at the Station Unusual Event

  • involving a safety that requires offsite (EI 1300.02) system, but requiring support offsite support Uncontrolled fire 1.

Any fire at the Station Alert potentially affecting that requires offsite (EI 1300.03) safety systems and support I

requiring offsite AND support 2.

Has the potential to damage or degrade a safety system 3

Fire resulting in the 1.

Observation of a major Site Emergency I

loss of redundant fire that defeats the (EI 1300.04) safety system trains capability of redundant or functions safety system trains 9

which includes both trains or functions 3

NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s), the plant can be in any Mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.



'O iI 3



32 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 SECURITY THREAT Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Security Threat, Attempted 1.

Report by a senior Unusual Event

  • 1 Entry, or Attempted member of the Security (EI 1300.02)'

Sabotage Force of an Attempted Entry, Attempted Sabotage, or a Security Threat Ongoing Secu-ity 1.

Report by a senior Alert

  • Compromise

. member of the Security (EI 1300.03)

Force that a Security Emergency is in progress Imminent loss of physical 1.

Physical attack on the Site Emergency

  • I control of the plant plant involving imminent (EI 1300.04) occupancy of the Control 3l Room or local shutdown stations W

Loss of physical control 1.

Physical attack on the.

General Emergency

  • of the facility plant which has resulted (EI 1300.05) in occupation of the 3l Control Room or local I

shutdown stations by unauthorized personnel 3

NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s), the plant can be in any Mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.


Io V


I 33 EI 1300.01.3 TABLE 1 HAZARDS TO STATION CPERATIONS Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Aircraft crash onsite or 1.

Control Room informed by Unusual Event

  • unusual aircraft activity Station personnel who have (EI 1300.02) over facility made a visual siting I

Aircraft crash affect-1.

Control Room informed Alert ing plant structures by Station personnel who (EI 1300.03) have made a visual siting I

Aircraft crash damaging 1.

Control Room informed by Site Emergency vital plant systems Station personnel who have (EI 1300.04)

I made a visual siting AND 2.

Instrumentation readings I

on vital systems indicate equipment problems Train derailment onsite 1.

Control Room informed by Unusual Event

  • Station personnel who have (EI 1300.02) made a visual siting AND 3


Station Structures have been damaged OR 3.

Danger or potential danger to Station personnel exists I

Onsite explosion Control Room informed by Unusual Event

  • Station personnel who have (EI 1300.02) made a visual siting lI Onsite explosion affect-1.

Control Room '.nformed by Alert ing plant operations Station perronnel who have (EI 1300.03) l made a vist il siting AND I


Instrumentation readings on l

plant systems indicate l

equipment problems O)

NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s), the plant can be in t

I l

any Mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.



Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Explosion causing severe 1.

Explosion causing either Site Emergency damage to hot shutdown of the following combina-(EI 1300.04)

I equipment tions of systems to become inoperable:


Makeup System and HPI System OR B.

Main Feedwater System and Auxiliary Feed I

water System 3

Toxic or flammable gas 1.

Control Room informed by Unusual Event

  • release from its con-Station personnel who (EI 1300,02) tainer to atmosphere at have discovered it I

life threatening levels near or onsite Unccatrolled toxic or 1.

Control Room informed by Alert flammable gas release Station personnel who have (EI 1300.03) at life threatening levels made a visual siting within plant facilities OR 2.

Chlorination System Trouble Alarm initiates and Station personnel verify a signifi-cant release Uncontrolled toxic or 1.

Control Room informed by Site Emergency flammable gas release'at Station personnel who have (EI 1300.04) life threatening levels made a visual siting within plant vital areas AND l

l 2.

Chlorination System Trouble 1

Alarm initiates and Station personnel verify a signifi-l cant release l



The Control Room Ventila-l tion System automatically shuts down i

l 3

NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s), the plant can be in


any Mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.


I o


Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Turbine damage causing Control Room informed by Alert casing per.etration Station personnel who have (EI 1300.03) made a visual inspection of turbine casing Missile impact on plant Control Room informed by Alert structures Station personnel of any (EI 1300.03) missile Missile impact causing 1.

Control Rocm informed by Site Emergency I

severe damage to Hot Station personnel of any (EI 1300.04)

Shutdown equipment missile impact on Hot Shut-down equipment AND I


Instrumentation readings on Hot Shutdown equipment indicate equipment problems J

e b






Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification Any earthquake 1.

Confirmed Station Seismic Unusual Event

  • Instrumentation Alarm (EI 1300.02) 3 Earthquake > Operating 1.

Procedure for Earthquake Alert Basis Earthquake (OBE)

Evaluation (SP 1105.17)

(EI 1300.03) levels indicates earthquake >.08 g Earthquake > Safe 1.

Procedure for Earthquake Site Emergency Shutdown Earthquake Evaluation (SP 1105.17)

(EI 1300.04)

(SSE) levels indicates earthquake

>.15 g Any Tornado onsite 1.

Control Rorm informed by Unusual Event

  • Station personnel who have (EI 1300.02) made a visual siting of a Q

Tornado crassing the j

site boundary Tornado striking 1.

Control Room informed by Alert facility Station personnel.who have (EI 1300.03) made a visual siting Hurricane 1.

Control Room informed Unusual Event

  • by Load Dispatcher of (EI 1300.02)

Hurricane Watch for Ottawa County 3l Hurricane force winds up 1.

Control Room informed by Alert to Design Basis Levels Load Dispatcher of (EI 1300.03)

I Hurricane striking Ottawa County AND 2.

Wind speed indication from the station meteorological ower is of sustained winds approaching 90 mph I(9J NOTE: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s), the plant can be in s,

any Mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.



Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification 3l Hurricane force winds 1.

Control Room informed by Site Emergency

> Design Basis Levels Load Dispatcher of (EI 1300.04)

Hurricane striking Ottawa County AND 2.

Wind speed indication from the station meteorological tower of sustained winds above 90 mph 50 year flood or low 1.

Contral Room informed by Unusual Event

  • 3 water, surge or Load Dispatcher -

(EI 1300.02) seiche OR 2.

Control Room informed by Station per nel who have made visual, AND 3.

High Forebay level alarm or lake level indication oscillating with readings high (>580 feet I.G.L.D.)

or low (<565 Feet I.G.L.D.)

l 3

Flood, low water, surge 1.

Control Room informed by Alert or seiche at Design Load Dispatcher (EI 1300.03)

Levels OR 2.

Control Room informed by Station personnel who have made visual siting AND I


High Forebay level alarm or lake level oscillating with readings at Design Levels high (584 feet I.G.L.D.) or low 562.1 feet I.G.L.D.)

3 NOTE.: For the above asterisked (*) classification (s), the plant can be in any Mode for the listed EAL's to be applicable.

oV v




Emergency Condition Indication (s)

Classification 3

Flood, low water, surge 1.

Control Room informed Site Emergency or seiche > Design Levels by Load Dispatcher (EI 1300.04)

I OR 2.

Cont.rol Room informed by Station personnel who have made a visual siting AND 3.

High Forebay level alarm or lake level indication oscillating with readings

> Design Levels high (>584 feet I.G.L.D.) or low

(<562.1 feet I.G.L.D.)

l o

I 1


'I l ()

y sNe
