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Provides Info Re Financial Arrangements for River Bend Station
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/07/1995
From: Gallaher F
To: Adensam E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 9507120271
Download: ML20086E823 (12)



' M- Gulf Statos Utilities 2:~ ENTERGY Po sox 29s' Beaumont, TX 77704 Tel 409 827 5444 Fax 409 827 5438 Frank F. Gallaher President

  1. S' '" ""

July 7,1995 Ms. Elinor G. Adensam Acting Director Division of Reactor Projects III/IV Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001


Financial Arrangements for River Bend Station l

Dear Ms. Adensam:

l l

By letter dated May 9,1995, you requested that Gulf States Utilities Company (GSU) provide you with information relating to its plans to meet its financial obligations for the operation, maintenance, repair, insurance, and decommissioning of the River Bend Station in light of Cajun Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.'s (Cajun) bankruptcy filing. You further asked that our response address four specific requests for financial information. This letter is in response to your request. As discussed below, Cajun's bankruptcy filing has not affected the ability of GSU to ensure the safe operation of the River Bend Station or to fulfill its obligations under its operating license for the unit and under NRC regulations. Further, GSU remains committed to taking the actions necessary to substantially improve the material condition and operating performance of River Bend.

On October 28,1994, GSU filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission a Fonn 8-K which, among other things, reported that Cajun had advised GSU that as of October 25, 1994, it would make no further payments to GSU in 1994 for River Bend operating, maintenance, or capital costs, and that it did not expect the Rural Electrification Administration to permit it to budget funds in 1995 to pay its share of operating and maintenance expenses or capital costs for River Bend. The report also stated that Cajun had indicated that it would continue to fund its share of the nuclear decommissioning trust payments for River Bend, as well as insurance and safety-related expenses. In that report, GSU stated that during the period in which Cajun was not paying its share of River Bend costs, it intended to ftmd all costs necessary for the safe, continuing operation of the unit, and w ould seek to market Cajun's 30% share of the power output from River Bend and apply any proceeds towards amounts due to GSU from

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9507120271 950707 i PDR ADOCK 05000458 g I PDR


Ms. 'Adensam July 7,1995 Page 2 Cajun. GSU submitted a copy of this Form 8-K to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board by letter dated November 1,1994. Further, on December 21,1994, Cajun filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of fne bankruptcy code.

As contemplated in the Form 8-K, since October 25,1994, Cajun has not paid its share of operating, maintenance, and capital costs for River Bend. In addition, Cajun has not paid its full share of operating and maintenance expenses and capital costs for the unit since September 1991.

GSU has advanced these funds on behalf of Cajun, and either has or will take appropriate steps to enforce Cajun's obligations for the payment ofits share of River Bend costs and to recover from Cajun the additional costs borne by GSU for Cajun's share of the facility. Further, as indicated in the Form 8-K, GSU is selling Cajun's 30% share of the power output from River Bend and is applying the proceeds towards amounts due to GSU from Cajun.

The River Bend Station is owned 70% by GSU and 30% by Cajun. Since January 1, 1994, it has been operated, on behalf of GSU, by Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOI), a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation. EOI also operates, on behalf of the owners of those units, the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, the Waterford 3 Nuclear Station, and Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 and 2. All funds necessary for the safe and efficient operation of River Bend are provided to EOI by GSU on behalf ofitself and Cajun. Cajun is required, pursuant to the Joint Ownership Participation and Operating Agreement (JOPOA) between Cajun and GSU, to reimburse GSU for 30% of the

- costs for River Bend. On December 28,1994, Cajun filed with the Bankruptcy Court a motion to

reject the JOPOA as an executory contract. This motion, which is opposed by GSU, is under consideration by the Bankruptcy Court.

If Cajun continues, for whatever reason, not to pay its share of the operation, maintenance, and capital costs of the unit, GSU's plans are to continue to pay all costs necessary for the safe, continuing operation of the unit, and to seek recovery from Cajun for all amounts it has advanced on Cajun's behalf. Although GSU's liquidity has been affected by Cajun's refusal to fund its share of River Bend's expenses, GSU presently has sufficient cash reserves and revenues to cover 100% of the operating and maintenance expenses and capital costs and its share of l decommissioning costs for River Bend. No cutbacks in budgeted money to operate the plant or in l personnel have been made as a result of Cajun's filing, and safety and operational excellence remain GSU's and EOl's paramount concern.

As mentioned previously, Cajun has represented that it will continue to pay its decommissioning trust fund payments for River Bend, as well us its share of nuclear insurance and any other safety-related expenses. GSU expects Cajun to continue to pay these costs, to meet its share of any retrospective payments that may be due under the Price Anderson Act amendments, and to periadically update its decommissioning trust fund payments, as

Ms. Adensam July 7,1995 Page 3 appropriate, to reflect changes in the law or to more accurately reflect new estimates of the cost of decommissioning the unit.

Attachment 1 provides a Funding Statement for River Bend from September 1,1991 through May 31,1995. This Statement shows the funds for River Bend that were required by GSU from Cajun by week during this period, the amounts that were actually provided by Cajun, and the deficit both by week and cumulative. These amounts do not include decommissioning trust fund payments, which are not reimbursed to GSU but are paid directly by Cajun.

Attachment I also shows by month, beginning in November 1994, the power sales by GSU of Cajun's share of the power from River Bend, which is credited to Cajun's account and offset against amounts that would otherwise be owing to GSU.

Attachment 2 provides a list of River Bend's actual costs for 1991-1994 and a summary of River Bend's budget for 1995. The costs associated with River Bend listed in Attachments 1 and 2 are inclusive. They include fuel costs, waste storage, capital costs, insurance, administrative and general expenses, and miscellaneous expenses. However, as stated above, decommissioning trust fund payrnents are paid separately and are not included in these costs.

With regard to decommissioning, Attachment 3 shows ftmding for the decommissioning of River Bend through April 30,1995. GSU's and Cajun's funding is based on River Bend site-specific engineering cost studies. Each company pays decommissioning costs into separate external trusts.

In late 1993 and early 1994, GSU and, beginning on January 1,1994, EOI began implementing a Near-Term Performance Improvement Plan and a Long-Term Performance Improvement Plan for the purpose of substantially improving the operating performance and the material condition of River Bend. The Near-Term Performance Improvement Plan was completed in June 1994, and the Long-Term Performance Improvement Plan is approximately 70% complete as of May 31,1995. The Long-Term Performance Improvement Plan focuses on issues that must be resolved in order to achieve significant, permanent performance improvements at River Bend and is designed to help the unit become one of the top performers in the industry. EOI has established ambitious goals for River Bend and has implemented these I

plans to see that these goals are met. Notwithstanding Cajun's cessation of funding of River Bend, GSU remains committed to a sustained high level of safe and reliable operation of River Bend and to providing the funds necessary to meet this objective.

Ms. Adensam  ;

July 7,1995 I Page 4  ;

l t

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Carolyn C.

Shanks, Director, Business Services, of EOl, at (601)368-5576.

Sincerely, N

/RBM Attaclunents cc: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Mail Stop Pl.37 Washington, D.C. 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington,TX 76011 NRC Resident Inspector P.O. Box 1051 St. Francisville, LA 70775 Mr. David Wigginton NRR Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRR Mail Stop 13-H-3, One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 s

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Less Net Activity for Annual Annual Funds Sales & Payments Annual Interest Deficient Date Requested Provided RB / Big Cajun Deficient Amount Amount I $27,293,849 $21,275,530 ($6,018,319) ($164,869) ($6,183,188) 1991 1992 82,331,650 59,999,069 (22,332,581) (1,763,235) (24,095,816) 1993 52,362,390 47,458,704 (4,903,686) (3,370,925) (8,274,611) 4 1994 76,025,114 61,633,788 643,942 (13,747,384) (4,329,452) (18,076,836)

May 1995 22,266,838 0 14.050,656 (8,216,182) (3,037,504) (11,253,686) 5260,279,841 5190.367,091 314,694.598 (555.218.152) (512,665,986) (567,884,138) i l

l 1





Cumulative No. Pnme Rte Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative j Funds Monmiy Monmly Days Plus 5% Interest interest De6cient De6oent j Date Requested Pnnaded De6aent De6cient O/S Penalty Amount DeSoent Amount Amount 000141 03$ep $1.143.909 $0 ($1,143.909) ($1,143.909) 7 13.20 % ($2,895.81) . ($2.895.81) ($1.146.804 81) ($1.146.805) 10 Sep 961.238 105,147 (856,091) (2.000.000) 7 13.20 % (5.063.01) (7.958.82) (861.154 01) (2.007.958.82) 17-Sep 996.938 996.938 0 (2,000.000) 7 13.20 % (5.063.01) (13.021.83) (5.063 01) ( 24-Sep 4.899.402 4 899.402 0 ($2.000.000) 7 13.20% (5.083 01) (18,084 84) (5.063.01) (2.018.084 64)

Total $8.001.487 $6.001.487 ($2,000.000) ($16.084 84) ($2.018.064 84) 104141 01-Oct $276.716 SO ($276.716) ($2.276.716) 7 13.00 % ($5.676.20) ($23.761.04) ($2'8 2.392 20) (2.300.477.04) 08-Oct 932.755 509.471 (423.284) (2.700.000) 7 13.00 % (6J31.51) (30.492.55) (430.015.51) (2.730.492.55) 15-Oct 968.755 - 239.755 (729.000) (3.429.000) 7 13.00 % (8.549 01) (39.041.56) (737,549 01) (3.466.041.56) 22-Oct 1.365.055 1.365.055 0 (3.429.000) 7 13.00% (8.549.01) (47.590.57) (8.549.01) (3.476.500.57) 1 29-Oct 1.415.571 1.415.571 0 ($3.429.000) 7 13 00% (8. ,.w o1) (56.139,58) (8.549.01) (3.485.139.58)

Total $4.958.852 $3.529.852 ($1.429.000) ($38.054.74) ($1.467.054 74) 11101 41 5-Nov $3.181.867 2297540 ($684.327) ($4.313.327) - 7 12.58 % ($10,406.34) ($66.545 92) ($894.733 34) (4.379.872.92) )

1244ov 1.226.600 1.22860 0 (4.313.327) 7 12.58 % (10.406.34) (76.952.26) (10.406.34) (4.390.279.26) 19.Nov 2.000.000 2.000.080 0 (4.313.327) 7 12.58 % (10.406.34) (87.358.60) (10.406.34) (4.400.685.60) 26-Nov 1.226.880 156.130 (1.070.550) (5.383.877) 7 12.58 % (12.989.16) ($100.347.76) (1,083.539 16) (5.484.224.76) )

Total $7.635.307 $5.680.430 ($1.954.877) ($44.208.18) ($1.999.085.18) 123141 3-Dec $1.424.552 $1.424.G52 SO ($5.383.877) 7 12.21 % ($12.807.12) ($112.954 88) ($12.607.12) (5,496.831.88) 10wDec 1.074.165 1.074.165 0 (5.383.877) 7 12.21 % (12.607.12) (125.562.00) (12.607.12) (5.509.439 00) 17-Dec 1.540.211 1.540.211 0 (5.383.877) 6 12.21 % (10,806.10) (136.368.10) (10.806.10) (5.520.245.10) 24-Dec 1.585.111 1.585.111 0 (5.383.877) 8 12.21 % (14.408.14) (150.776 24) (14.406.14) (5.534.853.24) l 1.074.164 439.722 (634.442) (6.018.319) 7 12.21 % (14.092.76) (164.869.00) (648.534.76) ($ l I

Total $6,898.203 $6.063.761 ($634.442) ($64.521.24) ($698.963.24) 1991 Total $27.293.849 $21.275.530 ($6.018.319) ($164.800 00) ($ 1 l



!- Cumulative No. Prime Rto MorM:ly Cumulanve Monthly Cumulatve

-Funds Monthly Monthly Days Plus 5% interest interest Deficient Decoent Dele Requested Prw ded Denc6ent DeRoent O/S Penalty Amount DeRoent Amount Amount 014142 07 ,lan $1.647,466 $1 N7 466 $0 (56.018,319) 7 11.50 % ($13.237.01) ($178.106.01) ($13.237.01) ($6.196.425.01) i i 14-Jan 2.040.459 4 0 (6.018,319) 7 11.50 % (13.237.01) (191.343 02) (13.237.01) (6.209.662.02) 21-Jan 2.102.771 '1 0 (6.018.319) 7 11.50 % (13237.01) (204,580 03) (13237.01) (6.222.899 03) l 28-Jan 2.077,935 s 1 (944.894) ($6.963,213) 7 11.50 % (15.315.26) (219.895.29) (960.209 26) p.183,108.29)

! Total $7.868.631 T 94.737' ($944.894) ($55,026.29) ($999.920.29) l 0242/92 04-Feb $1,689.279 $920,132 ($769,147) ($7,732.360) 7 11.50 % ($17,006 07) ($236.902 26) ($786.153.97) p,969,262.26) 11-Feb 1.654.160 1.854.160 0 p.732.360) 7 11.50 % (17.006 97) (253.909.23) (17.006.97) p,986.269.23) 18-Feb 2.047.168 2,047.168 0 (7.732,360) 7 11.50 % (270.010.20) (17,006 97) ( f (17.006 97) 25-Feb 1.720.180 469 480 (1.250.700) (8,963.060) 8 11.50 % (22.580.37) (293.496 57) ( (9.276.556.57)

Total $7,110,787 $5.090.940 ($2.019.847) ($73.60128) ($2.093.448.28) 03/0142 04-Mar $636,286 $753.949 $117,663 -($8.865.397) 6 11.50 % ($16,713.45) ($310.210 02) $100.949 55 (9.175 607.02) 10 Mar 1,187,397 1.187.397 0 (8.865.397) 7 11.50 % (19,499.03) (329.709 05) (19.499 03) (9,195,106.05) 17-Mar 1.659.568 1.659.568 0 (8.865.397) 7 11.50 % (10.499 03) (349.208.08) (19.499.03) (9.214.605.08) 24-Mar 1.294.550 1.294,550 0 (8.865,397) 7 11.50 % (19.499.03) (36SJ07.11) (19.499 03) (9.234.104 11) l 31-Mer 1,187.396 63 416 (1,123 980) (9,989.377) 7 11.50 % (21.971.17) (390.678.28) (1.145.951.17) (10,380,0$$ 28)

$5,965,197 $4.958,880 ($1,006.317) ($97,181.71) ($ 1.103.498.71) 0441/92 07 Apr $1.147,566 $452,186 ($695,380) ($10.684157) 7 11.50 % ($23,500 63) ($414.178 91) ($718,880 63) (11.098.935.91) 14-Apr 1,760.664 1J80.664 0 (10.684357) 7 11.50 % (23.500 63) (437.679 54) (23,500 83) (11,122.436 54) 21-Apr 1J17,165 1,717.165 0 (10.684J57) 7 11.50 % (23,500.63) (461,180.17) (23.500 63) (11,145.937.17) 28-Apr 2.063.547 1.486.797 (576.750) (11,261,507) 7 11.50 % (24.769 16) (485.949.33) (601.519 16) (11.747.456.33)

Total $6.686.942 $5,416,812 ($1.272.130) ($95,271.05) ($1,367.401.05) 0541/92 05.May $2.675,059 $2.821.986 $146.927 ($11.114.580) 7 11.50 % ($24.446.00) ($510.395.33) $122,481.00 (11.624.975.33) 12 May 1.886.620 1,886.620 0 (11.114.580) 7 11.50 % (24.446 00) (534.841.33) (24.446.00) (11.649.421.33) 19-May 1,842,819 1,842.819 0 (11,114,580) 7 11.50 % (24.446.00) (559.287.33) (24.446.00) (11.673.867.33) 26-May 1.973.286 1.297.386 (675.900) (11,790,480) 7 11.50 % (25.932 61) (585.219 94) g701832 61) (12.375.699 94)

Total $8.377,784 $7.848.811 ($528.973) ($99.270.61) ($628.243 61) 0641/92 02-Jun $2.464,847 $1,694.540 ($770.307) ($12.580.787) 7 11.50 % ($27,626.87) ($612.846 81) ($797.933 87) (13,173.633 81) 9-Jun 1.379.994 1,379,994 0 (12,560.787) 7 11.50 % (27.626.87) (640.473 68) (27.626 87) (13.201.260 68) 16 Jun 1.423.494 1,423.494 0 (12.560J87) 7 11.50 % (27.626.87) (668.100 55) (27.626.87) (13.228.887.55) 23-Jun 1.487.204 1.487.204 0 (12.560.787) 7 11.50 % (27.626.87) (695.727.42) (27,626 87) (13.256,514 42) 30-Jun 1.379.994 680.694 (699.300) (13.260.087) 7 11.50% (29.164 95) (724.892.37) (728.464 95) ($13.984.979 37)

$8.135.533 $6.665.926 ($1.469.607) ($139.672 43) ($1.609.279 43) 0741/92 07-Jul $3.056.187 SO ($3,056.187) ($16.316.274) 6 11.02% ($29.476.29) ($754.368 66) ($3.085.663.29) ($17.070.642 66) 13-Jul 0 2.283.410 2.283.410 (14.032.864) 1 11.02 % (4.225.20) 0 58,593.86) 2.279.184 80 (14.791,457 86) 14-Jul 1.764.482 1J64.482 0 (14.032.864) 7 11.02 % (29.576 37) 0 88.170.23) (29,576.37) (14.821.034 23) 21-Jul 1.810.682 1.810.682 0 (14.032.864) 7 11.02 % (29.576 37) (817.746 60) (29,576.37) (14,850.610 60) 28-Jul 2.072.722 668 535 (1.384 187) ($15.417.051) 7 11 02 % (32.493 75) (850,240 35) (1.416.680.75) (16.267 291.35)

Total $8.704.073 $6.547,109 ($2.156.964) ($125,347.98) ($2.282.31198) 08i01/92 04-Aug $2.176.120 $1.336.322 ($839198) ($16.256.849) 7 11 00% ($34.201.57) ($884.44192) ($673.999 57) (17,141 290 92) 11-Aug 1J94.062 1.181.087 (612.975) (16.869.824) 7 11.00 % (35.491.16) (919.933 08) (648,466a6) (17J89357.08) 18.Aug 1,746.195 1,133.220 (612.975) (17.482J99) 7 11.00% (38.780 75) (956.713 83) (649 755.75) (18.439.512.83) 25-Aug 1 746.195 1.133.220 (812 975) (18.095.774) 7 11 00% (38.070 34) (994J8417) (651.045 34) (19.090.558 17)

Total $7.462.572 $4.763.849 ($2.678 723) ($144.543 82) ($2.823.266 82) 0941/92 01-Sep $1.890.241 Su ($1.890241) ($19.986.015) 3 11 00% ($18.020.18) ($1.012.804 35) ($1,908.261.18) (20.998.819.35) 4-Sep D 700.000 700.000 (19,286,015) 4 11.00 % (23,185.37) (1.035.989 72) 676.814 63 (20,322.004 72) 8-Sep 1,396,683 700.000 (696.683) (19.982.698) 7 11.00 % (42.040 10) (1.078.029 82) 938.72310) (21.000.727.82) 15-Sep 1.440.483 700.000 0 40 483) (20J23.1bt) 7 11.00 % (43.597.95) (1.121.627.77) 9 84.000 95) (21.844.808 77) 22-Sep 1,396.683 700.000 (696.683) (21.419.864) 7 11.00% (45.063.65) (1,166.691 42) 6 41.746 65) (22.586.556.42) 29 Sep 1.722.804 700.0fM (1.022 604) (22.442.468) 7 11.00 % (47.215 03) (1213.906 45) (1.069.819 03) (23,656,374 45)

Total $7.646,694 $3.500.000 ($4.346.694) ($219.122.28) ($4.565.816.28) 1001/92 06-Oct $1.094 936 $700,000 ($394.936) ($22.837.404) 7 11 00% ($48.045.90) ($1261.952.35) ($442.981.90) (24.099.356.35) 13-Oct 1.184.627 700,000 (484.627) (23.322,031) 7 11.00% (40.065 48) (1,311.017.83) (533.692 48) (24.633.048 83) 20 Oct 1.229.965 700.000 (529.965) (23 851.996) 7 11.00 % (50.180 43) (1.361.196 26) (580.145 43) (25,213,194 26) 27-Oct 1 403.852 700.000 (703.852) (24.555.848) 7 11.00 % (51.661.21) (1.412.859 47) (755.513 21) (25.968J07.47)

Total $4.913.380 $2.800.000 ($2.113.380) ($196.953.02) ($2.312.333.02) 1141C2 03-Nov $1.950,357 $700,000 ($1.250.357) ($25.806.205) 7 11.00 % ($54.29114) ($1.467.151.21) ($1.304.648 74) (27273,356 21) 10 Nov 939.656 700.000 (239.656) (26.045.861) 7 11.00% (54J95 94) (1.521.947.15) (294.451.94) (27,567.806 15) 17-Nov 983.458 700.000 (283.458) (26.329.319) 7 11.00 % (55.392 28) (1.577.339 43) (338.850 28) (27.906.658 43) 24-Nov 939.858 700.000 (239 658) (26.568.977) 7 11.00 % (55.896 48) (1,633.235 91) (295.554 48) (28.202,212 91)

Total $4.813.129 $2.800.000 ($2.013.129) ($220.376 44) ($2.233.505 44) 12/012.2 01-Dec $1.423,579 $280.145 ($1.143.434) ($27.712.411) 7 11.00 % ($58.302.07) ($1.691.537.98) ($1201J36 07) (29.403.948 98) 8-Dac 744.462 584.840 (159.622) (27.872.033) 7 11.00% (56.637.68) (1,750.175 86) (218.259 88) (29.622,208.86) 15-Dec 787.962 628.340 (159.622) (28.031.655) 7 11.00 % (58.973.70) (1,809.149 56) (218.595 70) (29.840.804 56) 22-Dec 744 462 584.840 (159.622) (28.191 277) 7 11.00 % (50,300 52) (1.868.459 08) (218.931.52) (30.059,736 08) 29 Dec 744 463 684.840 (159.823) (28.350.900) 7 11.00% (59.645 34) (1.928,104 42) (219.268 34 ($30.270.004 42)

$4,444.928 $2,663.005 ($1181.923) ($294.868 51) ($2.076J01.5 l) 1992 Total 82.331.650 59.999.069 (22.332,581) (1J63.235 42) (24.095.816 42)

~ . . - . . . _ - _ . . - ._, _ - . . _._ _ . .._ _,_. _ ._- _ . - _ - . - - . .

. l 1


. RNER BEND NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT NO,1 CAJUN ELECTRIC POWER COOP., INC. . FUND:HG STATEMENT Tote Cumulaeve No. Pitme Rte Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Funds Monthly MontNy Days Plus 5% Interest interest DeAcent Denoont Data Requested Provided Dencient Denesent O/S Penalty Amount Dencent Due Amount 01/01/93 05.Jan $961K $874,022 ($111.431) ($28.462.331) 7 11.00 % ($60,043.82) ($1,988,148.24) ($171.474 82) ($30.450.479.24) 12-Jan 1,120,580 1,009.129 (111.431) (28.573,762) 7 11.00 % (60,278 90) (2.048,427.14) (171.709 90) (30.622,189.14) 1 Nan 1,079,191 967.730 (111.431) (28.665,193) 7 11.00% (810.513 97) (2.108.941 11) (171.944 97) (30.794,134 11) 20-Jan 1,367.581 1.735,144 367,563 (28.317.630) 7 11.00% (59.738 56) (2,168,679 67) 307.824 44 (30.486.309 67)

Total $4.552.755 $4.586.025 $33.270) ($240.575.25; ($207,305.25) 4 0301/93 02-Feb $786.128 $807,578 $21.450 ($28,296,180) 7 1;.00% ($50.693 31) ($2.228.372.98) ($38.243.31) (30,524.552.98) 09'Feb 764.770 685.435 9 9.335) (28,375,515) 7 11.00% (59,860.68) ( (139.195.68) (30.663,748 66) 16-Feb 806.471 727.136 9 9.335) (28.454.850) 8 11.00 % (68.603.47) (2.356,837.13) (147.936 47) (30.811.687.13) 4 24-Feb 764 770 685.435 (79.335) (28,534.185) 6 11.00 % (51.596 06) (2.408,433.19) (130.931 06) (30.942.618.19)

Total $3.122.139 $2.905.584 ($216.555) ($239.753.52) ($456.308.52) 034143 02-Mar $416.124 $469.830 $53.706 ($28.480.479) 7 11.00% ($60,082.11) ($2.468.515.30) ($6.376.11) (30.948.994.30) 09-Mar 620,066 569.064 (50.962) (28.531.461) 7 11.00 % (60,189 66) (2,528.704 96) (111.171 66) (31.000.165 96) 16-Mar 661.466 610.484 (50.982) (28.582.443) 7 11.00 % (60,297.21) (2.589.002.17) (111.279.21) (31,171,445.17)

23. Mar 620.066 569.084 (50.982) (28.633.425) 7 11.00% (60.404.76) (2.649,406 93) (111.386 76) (31,282,831.93) 30 Mar 620.068 569.086 (50.982) (28.684.407) 7 11.00 % (60,512 31) (2.709.919.24) (111.494.31) (31,394.326 24)

Total $2.937,790 $2.787.568 ($150.222) ($301.486.05) ($451.708 05) 04/01/93 06 Apr $947.311 $1.127.612 $180.301 ($28.504.106) 7 11.00 % ($60,13195) ($2.770.051.19) $120,169 05 ( 13-Apr 769.316 734 416 (34.900) (28.539.000) 7 11 00% (60.205.57) (2.830.256.76) (95.105 57) (31,369262.76) 20-Apr 727.816 692 716 (34.900) (28.573.906) 7 11.00 % (60.279 20) (2.890.535 96) (95.179 20) (31 464.441.96) 27-Apr 1.239.350 1.204.450 (34 900) (28.608.806) 7 11.00 % (60.352 82) (2.950.888.78) (95.252 82) (31.559.694 78)

Total $3,683.593 $3.759,194 $75.601 ($240,969 54) ($165.368.54) l 05/01/93 04-May $1,308.440 $1.451.362 $142.922 ($29.465.884) 7 11.00% ($60,05132) ($3.010.940.10) $82,870 68 (31 478.824 10) I 11-May 866.651 646.401 (20.250) (2S.488.134) 7 11.00% (60.094 04) (3.071,034 14) (80.344.04) (31,557,168.14) 16.May 825,251 805.001 (20.250) (28,506.384) 7 11 00% (60,136 76) (3.131.170 90) (80.386 76) Q1.637.554 90) 25 May 825.253 805.003 (20.250) (28,526.634) 7 11 00% (60.179 47) (3,191.350.37) (80 429 47) (31.717.964.37)

Total $3.825.595 $3.907.767 $32,172 ($240.461.59) ($158.289 59) 064143 01 Jun $1.164.662 $326.543 ($838,119) ($29.364.753) 7 11.00% ($61,947.58) ($3.253,297.93) ($900.008 56) (32,618.050.93) 1 08-Jun 546.524 523.724 (22,800) (29,387.553) 7 11 00% (61.995.66) (3.315293 59) (64.795 68) (32,702.646.59) 15 Jun 588.224 565.424 (22.800) (29.410.353) 7 11.00 % (62.043.76) (3.377,337.35) (64.643.76) (32.787.690.35)

, 22-Jun 544.524 523,724 (22.800) (29 433.153) 7 11 00% (62,091 86) (3.439.429.21) (84.891.86) Q2.872.582.21) 4 29-Jun 546.525 523.725 (22.800) (29.455.953) 7 11 00% (62.139 96) (3.501.569.17) (84 939 96) ($32.957,52217)

$3,392,459 $2.463.140 (5929.319) t$310.218 80) ($1,239.537.80) 0701/93 06-Jul $1.942.382 $352.432 ($1.589.950) ($31,045.903) 7 11 00% ($65.49410) ($3.567.063 27) ($1.655.44410) ($34.612.966.27) 13-Jul 2.422.055 1.779.531 (642.524) (31,688.427) 7 11.00% (66.649.56) (3.633,912.83) 9 09.373 56) (35,322.339.83) 20-Jul 843.156 200,632 (642.524) (32.330.951) 7 11.00 % (68.205.02) (3.702.117.85) . p10.729 02) (36.033.068 85)

(36.745,153.33) 27.Jul 1.010 413 367.889

$2,700.484 (642.524) (32.973.475) 7 11 00% (69.560 48) (3.771.678.33) 012.064 48)



Total $6.218.006 ($3.517,522) ($270.10916) i 0841/93 03-Aug $1.516.752 31.573.790 $57.038 ($32.916.437) 7 11.00% ($69.44015) ($3,641,118 48) ($12.402.15) (36.757.555 48) 10 Aug 616.288 613.888 (2.400) (32.918.837) 7 11.00% (69.445.22) (3,910.563.70) 91.84522) Q6.829.400.70) 17-Au9 657.989 655.589 (2.400) Q2.921.237) 7 11 00% (69.450 28) (3.980.013 98) 6 1.850 28) (36.901.250.98) 24-Au9 617,488 615.068 (2,400) (32.923.637) 7 11 00 % (69.455 34) (4.049 469 32) 61.855.34) (38.973.106.32) 31-Au9 616 286 813 886 (2.400) p2.926.037) 7 11 00% (69.460 41) (4.118,929 73) (71.860 41) (37.044.966 73)

Total $4.024.803 $4,072.241 $47.438 ($347.25140) ($299.813 40) 0941")3 07 Sep $1.194.751 $1.229.767 $35.016 ($32.891,021) 7 11.00% ($69.386 54) ($4.188.316.27) ($34,370.54) (37.079.337.27) 14-Sep 849330 830.405 (19.125) (32.910.146) 7 11 00% (69.426 88) (4.257,743 15) (88.551 88) (37,167.689 15) 21 Sep 808.130 789.005 (19.125) (32.929.271) 7 11 00% (69.467 23) (4.327.210 3e) (88.592.23) (37.256.481.38) 28-Sep 1.047 900 1.028 865 (19.125) (32.948.396) 7 11.00% (69 507 58) (4.396.717.96) (88.632 58) (37.345.113 96)

Total $3.900.401 $3.878.042 ($22.359) ($277.788 23) ($300.147.23) 104143 05-Oct $2.050,645 $2.303.633 $252.788 ($32 695,608) 7 11.00% ($68.974 30) ($4.465.69226) $183.813 70 (37.161.300.20) 12-Oct 1,040,689 958.544 (82 125) (32.777,733) 7 11.00 % (69.147 55) (4.534 839 81) (151.272.55) (37,312.572 81) 19-Od 998.969 916.844 (82.125) (32.859.858) 7 11.00% (69.320.80) (4.604.160 61) (151.445 80) (37.464.018 61) 26-Oct 998.979 916.854 (82.125) (32.941,963) 7 11 00% (69 494 05) (4.673.654 66) (151.619 05) (37,615.637.66)

Total $5.069.462 $5,095,875 $6.413 ($276.936 70) ($270.523 70) 1101/93 02-Nov $3.185.752 $3.242.891 $57.139 ($32.864.644) 7 11.00% ($69.373 51) ($4,743.02817) ($12.234 51) (37.627.872.17) 09-Nov 641.464 638 764 (2.700) Q2.887.544) 7 11.00% (69.379 20) (4.812.407 37) p2.079 20) (37.699.951.37) 16-Nov 683.164 680.464 (2.700) (32.890,244) 7 11.00% (69.384 90) (4.881.792.27) p2.064 90) (37,772.038 27) 23-Nov 641.464 636.764 (2.700) (32.892.944) 7 11.00% (69.390 59) (4.951.182.86) 9 2.090.59) (37,844,126 86) 30LNov 861.364 858.664 (2 700) (32.895.644) 7 11.00 % (69 396 29) (5.020.579 15) (72.096.29) (37.916.223.15)

Total $6.013.208 $6,059.54 7 $46,339 t$346.924 49) ($300.585 49) 13101/93 07-Dec $1.977.927 $2,131.760 $153.833 ($32.741.811) 7 11.00% ($69.071.77) ($5,089.650 92) $84.76123 (37.831.461.92) 14-Dec 1.587.944 1.417.019 (170.925) (32.912,736) 7 11.00 % (69 432 35) (5,159.083 27) (240.357.35) (38,071.819 27) 21-Dec 1 A18.154 647.229 (170.925) (33.083,661) 7 11.00% (69.792 93) (5.228,876 20) (240,717 93) (38.312.537 20) 2S Dec 1.018.154 847,229 (170 925) (33.254.586) 7 11.00 % 00.153 51) (5,290.029 71) (241.078 51) ($38.553.615 71)

Total $5.602,179 $5.243.237 ($358,942) ($278.450 56) ($437.392 56) 1993 TotW 52.362.390 47.458.704 (4.903.686) (3.370.925 29) (8274,611 29)

ATTACHMENT 1 CAJUN DEFAULT (UNDERFUNDING) STATUS l RIVER BEND NUCLEAR POWER PLANT - UNIT NO.1 l CAJUN ELECTRIC POWER COOP., INC. - FUNDING STATEMENT I Total j t.ess Not Activity for Cumulatwo No. Prime Rte Monthly Cumulatve Monthly Cumulative I Funds Sales & Payments Monthly Monthly Days Plus 5% interest Interest DeAoent DeAcent l Date Requested Promoed RBS t bio Cajun DeSoent DeAcent O/S Penalty Amount DeRoent Amount Amount I 0141/94 04-Jan $1,467259 $1.357.579 ($109.680) ($33.364.266) 7 11.00 % ($70,385) ($5.369.415) ($180.065) ($38.733,681) 11 Jan 1.059 401 1.016.426 (42.975) (33.407.241) 7 11.00 % 9 0.476) (5.439.890) (113.451) (38.847.131) 18-Jan 1.036.001 993,026 (42.975) (33.450,216) 7 11.00 % (70.566) (5.510.456) (113.541) (38.960.672) 25 Jan 1.475.001 1.432.026 (42.975) (33.493,191) 7 11.00 % 0 0.657) (5.581,113) (113.632) (39,074,304)

Totsi $5.037.662 $4.799.057 ($238.605) ($282.064) ($520.689) 0301/94 01#eb $3.372.976 $3.527,916 $154.940 ($33.338.251) 7 11 00% ($70.330) ($5.651443) $84.610) ($'8.989,694)

' 971,933 (5,727,237) (2.665,694) 08-Feb 3.561.833 (2.589.900) (35.928.151) 7 11.00% F5.794) (41.655.388) 15feb 1.161,334 1.138.834 (22,500) (35,900.691) 7 11.00 % G5.841) (5.803.078) (98.341) (41.753.729) 22-Feb 1.137.634 1.115134 (22.500) (35.973.151) 7 11 00% G5.889) (5.878.967) (98.389) (41.852.118)

Total $9.233.777 $6.753.817 ($2.479,960) ($297.853) ($2.777.813) 0341/94 01-Mar $1.563.152 $1.570.650 $7.498 ($35.965.653) 7 11.06 % ($76,287) ($5.955.253) ($68.789) ($41,920,906) i 08-Mar 1.859.669 1.171,469 (688.200) (36,653.853) 7 11.06 % G7,746) (6.032.999) 9 65.946) (42.686.852) 15-Mar 1,179.408 1.169.208 (10.200) (36.664.053) 7 11 06 % 97.768) (6.110.767) (87.968) (42,774.820) 22 Mar 1.155.708 1,145,308 (10.2C")) (36.674.253) 7 11.06 % 97.790) (6.188.f 57) (87.990) (42,862.810) 29 Mar 1.410.710 1.400.510 (10.200) (36.664.453) 7 11.06 % G7.811) (6.266,368) (88.011) (42.950.821)

Total $7,168,647 $6.457.345 ($711,302) ($387,402) ($1.098.704) 0441/94 05 Apr $5,582.713 $8.222.514 $2.639.801 ($34.044 652) 7 11 45% ($74.758) ($6.341.127) $2.565,043) ($40.385,779) 12.Apr 1,605.386 1.594.886 (10.500) (34.055.152) 7, 11 45% F4.781) (6.415.908) (85.281) (40,471.060) 19-Apr 1.629,086 1.618.586 (10.500) (34.065.652) 7 11 45% G4.804) (6,490.712) (85.304) (40.556,364) 26-Apr 2.130.386 2.119.886 (10.500) (34.076.152) 7 11 45% F4.828) (6.565.540) (85.328) (40.641.692) .

Total $10.947.571 $13.555.872 $2.606.301 ($299.172) $2.309.129) l i l 05/01/94 3-May $211.929 $817.284 $605.355 ($33.470.797) 7 11 45 % ($73.498) ($6.639.038) $531.857) ($40,109.835) to-May 1.348.962 1.290.282 (58.680) (33.529.477) 7 11 45% G3.627) (6.712.665) (132.307) (40,242.142) 17-May 1.196,262 1.137,582 (58.680) (33.588.157) 7 11 45% (6.786.421) (132.436) (40.374.578)

' G3.756) 24-May 1,172,562 1.113.882 (58.680) (33.646.837) 7 11 45% F3.885) (6.860.306) (132,565) (40,507.143) ,

31-May 1.164.587 1.105 907 (58.680) (33.705.517) 7 11 45% F4.014) (6.934.320) (132,694) (40.639.837) l Total $5.094 302 $5.464.937 $370 635 ($368.780) $ L855) j 06/01/94 7-Jun $1.960.087 $0 ($1.960.087) ($35.665,604) 7 11.99 % ($82.011) (37.016.331) ($2,042.098) ($42.681.935) 14-Jun 1,196.087 0 (1.196.067) (36.861.691) 7 11 99% (84.762) p.101093) (1,280.849) (43.962,784) 21-Jun 1.219,787 1.122.529 (97.258) Q6.958.949) 7 11 99 % (84.985) p.186.078) (182.243) (44,145.027) 28-Jun 1.188.116 1.114 916 (73.200) (37.032.149) 7 11.99 % (85.154) p.271.232) (158.354) M,303.?81) l Total $5.564.077 $2237,445 ($3.326.632) ($336.912) ($3.663,544) 4 0701/94 5-Jul $1.685.531 $1.937,125 $251.594 ($36.780.555) 7 12.25% ($86.409) ($7.357.641) $165.185) ($44,138.196) 12-Jul 1.065.556 1.049.731 (15.825) Q6.796.380) 7 12 25 % (86.446) p.444.087) (102.271) (44,240.467) 19 Jul 1.069.256 1.073.431 (15.825) (36.812.205) 7 12.25 % (86.483) p.530.570) (102.308) (44,342,775) 26-Jul 1.657.366 1.641.541 (15.825) (36.828.030) 7 12.25 % (86 521) p,617.091) (102.346) (44.445.121)

Total $5.497,709 $5.701.828 $204.119 ($345.860) ($141.741) i 1

08/01/94 2-Aug $3.805,947 $4.042.062 $236.115 ($36.591.915) 7 12.25 % ($85.966) ($7,703.057) $150,149) ($44.294.972) 9-Aug 600.960 603.780 (6.180) (36.596.095) 7 12.25% (85.980) p,789.037) (92,160) (44.387.132) 16-Au9 633.660 627.480 (6.180) (36.604.275) 7 12 25% (85.995) p.875.032) (92.175) (44,479.307) 23.Aug 609.960 603.780 (6.160) (36.610.455) 7 12.25% (86.009) 6.961.042) (92.189) (44.571.497) 30.Aug 609 960 603.780 (6 180) (36.616.835) 7 12 25% (86.024) (8.047.066) (92.204) (44.663.701)

Total $6.269.487 $6.480.882 $211.395 ($429.975) ($218.580) 0941/94 06-Sep $1.834.625 $1.849.483 $14.858 ($36.601.777) 7 12 51 % ($87.814) ($8.134.880) ($72.956) ($44,736.657)

13. Sap 814.068 810.693 (3.375) (36,605,152) 7 12 51 % (87,822) (8.222.702) (91.197) (44.827.854) 20 Sep 837,768 834.393 (3.375) Q6,608.527) 7 12 51 % (87.830) (8.310.533) (91.205) (44.919.000) 27.Sep 814.067 810.692 (3.375) (36.611,902) 7 12 51% (87.838) (8.398.371) (91.213) (45.010.273)

Total $4.300.528 $4.305,261 $4.733 ($351,305) ($346.572) 10#01/94 04-Oct $2.813.626 $2.818.330 $4.704 ($36.607,198) 7 12 75% ($89.512) ($8,487.883) ($84.808) (45,095.081) 11 Oct 723.507 721.332 (2.175) (36.609.373) 7 12.75% (89.517) (B $77.401) (91.692) (45.186.774) 18-Oct 747.207 745.032 (2.175) Q6.611.548) 7 12 75% (89.523) (8.666.924) (91.698) (45.278.472) 25-Oct 1 089.844 968.419 (121.425) (36.732.973) 7 12.75 % (89.820) (8.756.743) (211.245) (45.489.716)

Total $5.374.184 $5.253.113 ($121.071) ($358.372) ($479.443) 11Q1894 01.Nov $2.297.862 $89.887 $1.721,952 ($485.823) ($37.218.790) 7 12.75% ($91.008) ($8.847.751) ($576.831) ($46.066.547) 08-Nov 532.357 0 1 206.601 674.244 0 6.544.552) 7 12.75% (89.359) (8.937,110) 584.885 (45.481.662) 15-Nov 556.057 0 444.274 (111,783) (36.656.335) 7 12.75 % (89.832) (9.026.742) (201.415) (45.683.077) 22-Nov 532.357 0 106.437 (425.920) (37.082.255) 7 12 75% (90.674) (9.117.418) (516.594) (46.199.671) 29-Nov 1.082.727 534.344 68.110 (480.273) (37.562.528) 7 12.75 % (91.848) (9.209.264) (572.121) (46.771.792)

Total $5.001.160 $624.231 $3.547,374 ($829.555) ($452,521) ($1,282.076) 12/01/94 06-Dec $2.889.152 $0 $3.535.550 $666,398 (36.896,130) 7 13 15% ($93.049) (89.302.313) $573.349) ($46.198.443) 13-Dec 736.887 0 700.000 (38.658) (36.032.788) 7 1315% (93.141) (9.395 454) (129.799) (48,328.242) 20 Dec 760,067 0 p.706.051) (8.466.118) (45.398.906) 7 13 15% (114.492) (9.509.947) (8.580.610) (54.908.853) 27-Dec 2.170.124 0 567.000 (1 603.064) (47,001.970) 7 1315% (118 635) (9.628.482) (1.721.599) (56,630.462)

Total $6.536.010 $0 ($2.903.432) (19,439.442) ($419,218) ($9.858.660) 1994 Total $76,025.114 $41.633,768 $643.942 ($13.747,384) ($4.329.452) ($18.076.836)

..~ .


. RIVER BEND NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. UNIT NO.1 CAJUN ELECTRIC POWER COOP., INC. - FUNDING STATEMENT Total Less Not Actmty for Cumulative No. Prime Rte Monthly Cumulative Monthly Cumulative Funds Sales & Payments Monthly Monthly Days Plus 5% interest interest Dencent beficent l Requested De6oent Amount De6cient Amount Amount Does Prowwed RBS I B:9 Calun Defkuent O/S Penalty 1/119 5 03-Jan $2,526.405 $0 $634.856 ($1,691,549) (48,893.519) 7 13.50 % ($126.587) (59.755.069) ($2.018.136) ($56.648.588)

(9.881,539) I 10.Jan $8E.334 0 634.856 45.522 (48.847.997) 7 13.50 % (126 469) (80.947) (58.729.536) 17-Jan 612.734 0 634.856 22.122 (48.825.875) 7 13.50 % (126.412) (10.007.951) (104.290) (58.833.826) 24 Jan 2.112.677 0 634.856 (1.477.821) (50.303.696) 7 13.50 % (130,238) (10,136.189) (1.608.059) (60.441.895) 31-Jan $89.333 0 634 858 45.525 (50.258.171) 7 13.50 % (130.120) (10,268.310) (84.595) (60,526.481)

Total $6.430.483 SO $3.174.262 ($3.256.201) ($de:.$26) ($3.896,029) ,

i 2/1/95 07-Feb $2.903.100 SO $641,118 ($2.261.982) (52,520.153) 7 13 50% ($135.977) ($10.404.286) ($2.397.959) ($62,924.439) 14-Feb 878.557 0 $641.118 (237.439) (52.757.592) 7 13 50% (136,592) (10.540.878) (374.031) (63.296,470) j 21-Feb 878.558 0 $641,118 (237.440) 7 13.50 % (137,206) (10,678.064) (374.646) (63.673.116)

(52.995.032) )

' 2&Feb 887.084 0 $641.119 (245 965) (53.240.997) 7 13.50 % (137.843) (10.815.927) (383.808) (64,056.924)

Total $5.547.299 $0 $2.564.473 t$2.982,826) ($547.618) ($3.530.444) 3/1/95 07-Mar ($852,588) SO $708.217 $1.560.785 (51.680.212) 7 14 00 % ($138,758) ($10.954,685) 81.422.027) ($62.634.897) 14-Mar 831.195 0 $708.217 (122.978) (51.803,190) 7 14 00 % (130.088) (11.093.773) (262,066) (62.896.963) 21-Mar 810.081 0 $708.217 (101.864) (51.905.054) 7 14 00 % (139,362) (11.233.135) (241,226) (63.138.189) 28-Mar 810.082 0 $708 218 (101.a66) (52.006.920) 7 14 00 % (139 635) (11.372.770) (241.5011 (63.379.890) l Total $1.596J90 $0 $2,632.867 $1,234 077 ($$56.842) $677.235) I 4N95 04-Apr $389.294 $0 $669.667 $280.373 (51.726.547) 7 14 00% ($138.862) ($11,511.652) 8141.491) ($63.238.199) 11-Apr 1.109.789 0 $669.667 (440.122) (52.166.669) 7 14 00 % (140,064) (11.651.716) (580.188) (63,818.385) 18-Apr 1.100.789 0 $669.667 (440,122) (52.606.791) 7 14 00% (141.246) (11.792,962) (581.368) (64,399.753) 25 Apr 1,109.910 0 $669 667 (440.243) (53.047.034) 7 14 00% (142.428) (11.935.369) (582.671) (64.982,423)


Total $3.718.762 $0 $2.678.666 ($1,0401114) ($562.619) ($1,602.733)

J i

5/1/95 02.May $1.123,427 $0 $560.073 ($563.354) (53.610,368) 7 14.00 % ($143.940) ($12.079.329) ($707,294) ($65.689.717) I 09-May 968.434 0 $580.073 (408.361) (54,018.749) 7 14.00 % (145.037) (12,224,366) (553.398) (66.243.115) 16.May 968.434 0 $560.073 (406.361) (54.427,110) 7 14.00% (146.133) (12,370.499) (554.494) (66.797.809) 23-May 968.434 0 $560.073 (408,361) ($4.835.471) 7 14.00 % (147.229) (12.517.729) (555.590) (67,353.200) 30-May 942.755 0 $$60.074 (382.681) (55.218.152) 7 14 00 % (148.257) (12.665,986) ($30.938) (67,864.138) i Total $4.971.484 $0 $2,800.366 ($2,171.118) ($730.596) ($2.901.714) l 1995 YTD Total $22.266.838 $0 $14.050.656 ($8.216.182) ($3.037,504) ($11253.686) l i

1 e

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1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 3

DESCRIPTION ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET Operations Expense 64,019,659 75,202,720 74,648,352 67,892,021 52,637,388 Maintenance Expense 58,361,185 120,098,011 48,862,537 82,678,957 59,737,847 I

A&G 21,859,442 23,621,240 23,515,298 22,704,646 21,704,137 l

R serve Station Service . 934,766 2,073,316 2,202,937 1,148,369 1,435,461 Capital 16,482,679 32,319,615 14,645,493 40,228,392 37,947,157 inventory / Stores /Other* 20,433,044 (2,442,649) 303,604 4,107,201 5,275,838

[ Other" 2,221,755 3,294,161 (642,200) 202,083 0


i s Fuel Services 16,487,743 18,625,863 7,252,020 32,142,960 27,388,000 i DOE Spent Fuel 5,933,747 1,949,890 2,929,206 4,635,418 6,043,195 DOE Decommissioning &

Decontamination 0 0 799,500 1,719,162 0 Insurance 5,345,369 5,244,068 5,548,955 2,213,522 4,433,545 Total 212,079,389 279,986,235 180,065,702 259,672,731 216,602,567

  • This includes FERC Acct. 128,154,163, and 419. In 1991, also includes S&W Liability Payments.

" This includes FERC Acct. 183,186,426, and 456.

Note: Refueling Outages in 1992 and 1994. No outage planned in 1995.

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f ($ In Millions) ]

I l

j Annual Fund Contribution Company Percentage Balance Levels (3)

GSU 70% $23.6 (1) $5.9 (4)(5) l Cajun 30 % $18.0 (2) $1.4 (6)  !

Total 100 % $41.6 $7.3 l

I (1) GSU external trust fund balances as of April 30,1995.

(2) Cajun extemal trust fund balance as of April 30,1995.

(3) Based on River Bend site specific cost estimates and various cost escalation and eaming rate l assumptions. l (4) The $5.9 million annual level is an aggregate of various annual levels authorized among )

GSU's regulatory jurisdictions and unregulated contributions. The latest authorized increase was granted by the Public Utility Commission of Texas based on a 1991 site specific engineering study. Funding at the higher level has not yet commenced since a final order has not been issued ,

l by the Texas Commission.

(5) GSU contributions are made monthly.

(6) Cajun contributions are made annually.

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