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Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-7002/98-05.Actions Will Be Examined During Future Insp
Person / Time
Site: Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Issue date: 06/24/1998
From: Hiland P
To: Miller
70-7002-98-05, 70-7002-98-5, NUDOCS 9806290005
Download: ML20249C287 (1)


____ _ _ ____- _ __ - __ ____ ___ _ ____ __ - _ - __ _ _ _ _ - -

June 24, 1998 Vice President- Production -

United States Enrichment Corporation

.Two Democracy Center 6903 Rockledge Drive Bethesda, MD 20817



. Dear Mr. Miller.

This refers to your June 17,1998, response to the Notice of Violation (NOV) transmitted to you by our letter dated May 18,1998, with inspection Report 70-7002/98005. We have reviewed your corrective actions and have no further questions at this time. Your corrective actions will be examined during future inspections.

If you have any questions, please contact me at (630) 829-9603.

Sincerely, Original Signed by Patrick L. Hiland, Chief Fuel Cycle Branch Docket No. 70-7002 cc: J. M. Brown, Portsmouth General Manager D. B. Wa' prs, Acting Manager, Portsmouth Regulatory Affairs H. Pulley, Paducah General Manager S. A. Toelle, Manager, Nuclear Regulatory Assurance and Policy, USEC Portsmouth Resident inspector Office Paducah Resident Inspector Office R. M. DeVault, Regulatory Oversight Manager, DOE E. W. Gillespie, Portsmouth Site Manager, DOE bec w/ltr did 06/17/98: Docket File PUBLIC IE-07 R. Pierson, NMSS P. Ting, NMSS W. Schwink, NMSS P. Harich, NMSS Y. H. Faraz, NMSS l 7 R. Bellamy, RI t 9806290005 990624 '

EJM, Rll w/o enci (e-mail)

POR ADOCK 07007002 l

-C PDR L D. B. Spitzberg, RIV/WCFO Greens w/o enci DOCUMENT NAME: G:\SEC\POR98005.RES Tm receive e copy of this doc-_.t, indicate in the box:*C' - Copy without enclosure "E" = Copy with enclosure *N"= No copy OFFICE Rill- l6 Rill l l l NAME Knicoley:ib M/M Hiland W


DATE- OW A98 06br/98 OFFICIAL MCORD COPY u _ _ _ _


  • 7 eb

$P7 (hjUSEC A Global r.nergy Company June 17,1998 GDP-98-2025 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS)

Doeket No. 70-7002 -

Response to Inspection Report (IR) 70-7002/98005 Notice of Violation (NOV)

The subject Inspection Report (IR) contained a violation involving a failure to revise on-the-job training modules when procedure changes necessitate the training modules to be revised. USEC's response to this violation is provided in Enclosure 1. Enclosure 2 lists the commitments made in this report. Unless specifically noted, the corrective actions specified in each enclosure apply solely to PORTS.


USEC recognizes that weaknesses in the execution of procedural requirements contributed to this violation and notes that the deficiencies identified in this violation are similar to that identified in IR 97011 and 98008. Accordingly, in our response to IR 98008, which is due to NRC by June 29, )

1998, USEC will address actions we are taking to improve cur performance in this area.

If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Dave Waters at (740) 897-2710. )



J. Morris I rown General Manager Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant


As Stated 4

cc: NRC Region ill Office

(] NRC Resident Inspector-PORTS )


P.O. Box 800, Ponsmouth, OH 45661 v [ Telephone 614 897-2255 Fax 614-897-2644 Obg Omces in Livermore. CA Paducah. KY Ponsmouth. OH Washington, DC rg gg d j u


l Enclosure 1 !

GDP 98-2025 i

O\ Page1 of3 l I



Restatement of Violation '

Technical Safety Requirement 3.9.1. requires, in part, that written procedures shall be implemented l for activities described in Safety Analysis Report Section, and listed in Appendix A, to l Safety Analysis Report, Section 6.11. l Appendix A, to Safety Analysis Report, Section 6.11 requires, in part, that training activities shall  !

be covered by written procedures.

l Procedure XP2-TR-TR1030, " Conduct of Training," Revision 0, Change C, dated December 31, l 1997, Section 6.6.1.J," Developing and Approving Lesson Plans and Training Guides, " requires, in j part, that the training group revise training modules when necessitated by procedure changes. j i

Contrary to the above, prior to April 8,1998, the training group did not revise 16 on-the-job training modules when procedure changes necessitated the training modules be revised. Specifically, the training modules which were available for use and not revised after procedural changes were made are as follows: MTM02.07.21; MTM02.12.20; MTM02.07.10; MTM09.20.38; MTM09.20.42; MTM09.20.32; MTM09.20.34; MTM09.20.43; MTM09.20.31; MTM09.20.30; MTM09.20.29; MTE08.01.10; MTIl6.19.30; MTIC9.03.30; MTIO8.01.30; and, MTI01.01.44.

USEC Response I. Reasons for Violation The reason for the violation was due to lack of enforcement of the procedure requirements of several implementing procedures which resulted in a breakdown in communications between the Procedures and Training group. Specifically, procedure UE2-PS-PS1031; "UE Policy and Procedure Control Process," requires the procedure writer to communicate procedure changes to the Training group by sending an informational copy of the procedure l ' development activity to the applicable Training Representative of the affected area (s). The l Training Representative then determines if there are any existing training guides / modules that need to be developed, revised, or deleted because of such changes. Additionally, procedure XP2-PS-PS1033; " Procedure Change Process," directs the procedure writer to ensure a Training Summary Form is completed and the affected pages of the chant;ed procedure forwarded to the applicable organizational Training Representative. Because this i TV procedural requirement was not strictly enforced, the Procedures group did not forward  ;

Q change information to the Training group. Therefore, tiie Training Representative was not q

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Enclosure 1

[ GDP 98-2025 V} Page 2 of 3 aware of the procedure changes when they were effective and would not otherwise have learned of the changes until the three year review of the training guide / module was performed.

Contributing to the violation was an ambiguous procedure. Specifically, procedure XP2-TR-TR1030; " Conduct of Training," does not specify or provide clear guidance as to how a periodic review of training guides / modules should be performed.

II. Corrective Actions Taken and Results Achieved

1. On April F 1998, the Training Manager issued a cessation of training using the "OJT Guide" module format until verification of current source documents was completed and the extent of the identified condition determined.
1. The review, as noted above, identified 83 of 104 maintenance OJT guides which had not been updated to reflect the latest version of the procedures (this includes the 16 OJT guides identified in the cited violation). Fifty-two of the 83 guides required only a pen and ink change to denote the procedure change while the remaining 31 OJT (d


) guides will require a more detailed review or revision prior to being released for use.

As of April 14,1998, the 83 identified OJT guides were placed on administrative hold and removed from active status until the OJT guides can be revised. This specific action prevents crediting plant personnel with training which have not been revised to reflect the most current procedures.

2. Refresher training and a review of management expectations for procedure use was conducted with procedure writers and training personnel. These actions were completed on June 15,1998. The training was designed to ensure procedure writers and trainers have a full understanding of the importance ofcommunicating procedure changes to Training . In addition, the training stressed the importance and benefits of reviewing a training module prior to conducting a class or OJT activity.
3. To provide clear guidance as to how a periodic review should be performed, classroom training was provided to training personnel on the systems approach to training requirements for training guide / module reviews and revisions. This action was completed on June 15,1998.

III. Corrective Steps to be Taken USEC will revise procedure XP2-TR-TR1030; " Conduct of Training." procedure to

('N describe the process for conducting training guide / module reviews and revisions.

/ This action will be completed by July 1,1998.

p L

a Enclosure 1 GDP 98-2025 Page 3 of 3 IV. Date of Full Compliance USEC achieved full compliance on April 14,1998, when the cited OJT guides were removed from the active list to prevent their use.

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REPLY TO NOTICE OF VIOLATION (NOV) 70-7002/98005-10 List of Commitments NOV 70-7002/98005-10 USEC will revise procedure XP2-TR-TR1030; " Conduct ofTraining," procedure to describe the process for conducting training guide / module reviews and revisions. This action will be l completed by July 1,1998.

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