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Summary of 890817 Meeting W/Licensee,Mpr Assoc & ORNL to Discuss Licensee Evaluation of Decay Heat Pump
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/24/1989
From: Silver H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8908310020
Download: ML20246F492 (3)


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Docket No. 50-302 August 24,1989 LICENSEE: Florida Power Corporation (FPC)

FACILITY: Crystal River 3 (CR-3)



OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 17, 1989 TO DISCUSS DHR PUMPS On August 17, 1989, a meeting was held with representatives of Florida Power Corporation (FPC or the licensee), MPR Associates (a contractor for FPC) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (consultants to the staff). An attendance list is enclosed. The meeting was held to discuss FPC's " Evaluation of Crystal River Unit 3 Decay Heat Pump at Low-Flow Operation." The principal concern was FPC's proposed extrapolation of data taken on the 10-hour low flow test of the decay heat removal pump to conclude that the pump can operate satisfactorily for up to 3 days at that flow. The staff concluded that there was not sufficient justification for such an extrapolation.

As a result of this decision, the licensee committed to re-evaluate the length of time that the pump would be required to operate at low flow under realistic scenarios and to propose a revised cpproach for demonstrating the adequacy of the pump. The staff will review the licensee's submittal.

The licensee's submittal is expected within 2 months. It was agreed that any further pump testing which is deemed necessary would be conducted during the next scheduled refueling outage in spring 1990.

Original signed by Harley Silver, Project Manager Project Directorate II-2 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Enclosure As stated cc w/ enclosure:

See next page DFoi f



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- Mr. A. H. Stephens State Planning and Development General Counsel Clearinghouse Florida Power Corporation Office of Planning and Budget' MAC - ASD P. O. Box 14042 Executive Office of the Governor The Capitol Building St. ' Petersburg, Florida . 33733 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. P. F. McKee, Director Chairman Nuclear Plant Operations Board of County Commissioners Florida Power Corporation Citrus County P. O. Box 219-NA-2C 110 North Apopka Avenue Crystal River, Florida 32629 Inverness, Florida 32650 Mr. Robert B. Borsum Mr. Rolf C. Widell, Director Babcock & Wilva Nuclear Operations Site Support Nuclear Power Generation Division Florida Power Corporation 1700 Rockville Pike, Suite 525 P.O. Box 219-NA-2I Rockville, Maryland 20852 Crystal River, Florida 32629 Senior Resident Inspector Mr. Gary L. Boldt Crystal River Unit.3 Vice President, Nuclear Production U.S.- Nuclear Regulatory Connission Florida Power Corporation 15760 West Powerline Street P. O. Box 219-SA-2C Crystal River, Florida 32629 Crystal River, Florida 32629 - %g.

Regional Administrator, Region II Mr. W. S. Wilgus U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission Vice President, Nuclear Operations 101 Marietta Street N.W. , Suite 2900 Florida Pwer Corporation Atlanta, Georgia 30323 ATTN: Manager, Nuclear Operations Licensing Mr. Jacob Daniel Nash .P'.0. Eox 219-21 Office of Radiation Control Crystal River, Florida 32629 Department of Health and 3 Rehabilitative Services i 1317 Winewood Blvd.

Tallahasst5, Florida 32399-0700 l

1 Administrator Department of Env fronmental Regulation )

Power Plant Siting Section )

l State of Florida 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301


Attorney General Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol Tallahassee, Florica 32304 l

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August 17, 1989  !

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D. Mazzola. D. Casada . . .

T. Greene M. Adams

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