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Summary of 670606 Meeting to Present Info Re Proposed Reactor Site & Obtain Preliminary Views of NRC on Suitability of Site
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/14/1967
From: Newell J
To: Levine S
Shared Package
ML20205A535 List:
FOIA-88-443 NUDOCS 8810260028
Download: ML20205A569 (2)


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S. Levine, Aaststaat Director of Roseter Techselegy w 14, 1967 Divisten of Reacter Licesslag t l

J. F. Newell, Chief. Envtrsemental & Radietten l



DeLiskasts:Jrs - RT

  • 50 Representatives of PSClu est with IRL en June 6,1967, to present taforestles eseceratas a proposed remeter site and obtain preliminary

! views of DEL eencerning the suitability of the site. The fellestag were l ta attendances l

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1 Eliot Priest Ties Freeldest F. A. Norris

, Wm. Nickerson, Chief Eastmeer J. F. Bowell l

Den Slaville R. S. Boyd Paul F. Gernes, Manager, Ptower Developeest, Jacheos & Woreland Division. Onited q

Iagineers & Coostrweters Las.

Earold I. Vaan Ylee President, power j United Engineer & Coostruetere, Iae.


PSCIII is prtyeelag te seestruct a meelear power plant to be la producties either la 1974 or 1975 and is seasidering either e EWR er FWR with a unit sine of 500 to 800 lees.

A site has not been act.alred er optioned, bt the sempsey has ecleeted s locattee along the Pissataqua River la Bevingtse, pee Raspehire about 6 allea froe the Atlastie Oseen end 1.5 atlee apetrean ef the boodery of Portland (populatise 25,833). The eita would eesta1a about M00 feet ef river ireetage and have a m Mtmas amelasien dietance ef 2000 fest. The populaties distributies 9tthis 25 miles was desertbed se fe11ews, be464 en the l 1960 eenews.

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Otstance (Miles) Populatten i

1 1:100 2 2,500 i 3 6,000 l j 4 15,000

5 35,000 l 10 90,000 l

, 15 130,000 l 20 160,000 25 230,000 '

f a addition a short wee presented eesparing the pepelottes distributies

, of this site with Dresden, M111 stems, Oyster Creek, Indian Point, Malibu, ,

i suburben Besten and Ravenewood, wktek showed the populattaa to l eoapare favorably with Indian Fotate Syster Creek and M111 stems. l 1 i i cooleste, setemelegte end asteersteste stvdice had not been wedertakom  !

but were met helleved to present any unusual problems at this site.

I The PSCNR stoup was advised of the state to be takes la submitting an app 1tcattee for a eesstructies perett and the average time reptred ior reviov. They were aise advised of the CeemteeLoa's procedures retardias the taformal review of reacter sites.

., Saeed en the Laformatten provided duttas the discusales there did met appear te be any inaurneuntable eite problems. Th!s was 1edisated to the PSCML group.

, the PSCRI Oroup reposted that the tafermetten be treated es a j eespany eenfidentist beats shes no setten has been taken by the Ceapany.

on procuring the site.

es t R. L. Price M. M. Mens

P. A. Morrie E. 6. Caee j a. s, seye
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