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Describes Computer Search Indicating That No Investigation Repts Written Using Batch 9H5381M.Searches Cannot Be Performed by Type of Coating Unless Batch Numbers Known
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/11/1984
From: Lettieu V
Shared Package
ML19284C882 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-59 NUDOCS 8607110035
Download: ML20206U592 (2)



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november cc ,1:---a D '.' c t. . " *. ' .' . . = " ~..C.o." r <i c. ' .. C c. ".#. ~.'. Office cf the Secrecary U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cemission Washingtcn, D. C. 20555

Dear Sir:

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SU5 JECT: In the Matter of npplica.icn c. iexas Utt a..lties Generating Cc=pany, et al . fer An Operating License fer Cc=anche Peak Sceam Electric Station Units #1 and #2 (CPIr.5) Docket'Ncs. 50-.145 and 50-.145

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e Q: Please state ycur name and adcress for the re:Ord. A: My name is Joseph Krclak. I live in Ficrida, but I can be con:at:e: through CASE,1425 S. Polk, Dallas, Texas 75224. Q: Are you the same Joseph Krolak who was supp: sed to testify c,uring the July 1982 operating license hearings for Comanche Peak? A: Yes, I am. Q: Why didn't you testify? A: I hadn't been able to werk for some time after being fired. Ecb Hamilton, Sherman Shelten, and I were fired on March 10, 1952. Since tha: ha:pened, my wife has been iii, we lost cur car, and had to move cu cf ::::a and sell cur hcme and live wita relatives. The three cf us who were fired wen: to the Department of Laber, but they said they c:uid do nothin; for us since it was af ter the 30 day peried fer reporting it. I finally was able

c draw unempicyment, fer the simple reason Brown & R :: failed t: coccera:e by ha"ving a three-way hearing by phone, and they rule: in my favor.

C: 're you aware cf any instances of intimidati:n, harassment, or threatenir.; cf em:icyees at C:manche Peak? A: Y es . Q: Are ycu aware cf any instances of emolcyees : sing dis :ura;e: fr:m doing werk rign: to begin, witn at Ccmanche Peak? A: Yes. C: In ycur ceini:n, ha'.e such instances cf in:i-ica:icn. hars:: mart, 2- :n2

re :2ning, er di:c:ura;eman: nad an effe:: cn mera'e :f enricyeer

A: Yes. In your cpinien, have suc.n instances c. in 1 1gc..a~n " > "c~=

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0: threatening, er disc:uragement had a cetrimental effe : on the cuality cf work at Ccmanche Peak? A: Yes. 4 Q: If so, what effects have they had? A: Morale. is zero at Comanche Peak because of p Or managemen: and lack of leadersnip. When people are subjected to. intimidation and d:n't care abcut the kind of work they do, what are they worried abcut safety feri i If a guy works to just get his pay check, he d:esn't care about hcw the pian:'s 4 .


built. He ge:: so he has no pride in his werk. In my ::inien, which I am sura is sharep by many c:ner in::a:::rs, If the :ay "cuality c:ntr:i" is jus a waste of time a: Cc=anche Peak. weren'; sc goed, I am sure mes' t ir.spe:::rs wcuid have quit a 1:nc time acc. It's sad but true. Q: Are there specific examples ycu c uld tell us about? . A: Yes, ny own experience is a case in peint. I was em:icys: at Er:wn i

                              & Rect fr:a July 1975 to Marcn 10,195'.              F r :na year and eign: m:n:n:

cf tha: time, I was a Qual'ity Con:rol Inspe ::r in Prc:ective Coa:t .;s; the months previcus. :o that I was a carpenter's heipar. On Mar:n 10, 1982, Ecb Hamil en, Sherman Sheldon, anc I wc e fire: by ic Brandt, su:pesedly' for failinc :: make an inspection in an ursafe area 4

am n:w 51 years of ace, and have never been fire: f r:= 2 ny in P.ea:: r 2.

I ai;c  ; to 5:::a tha: : n .1 +nn:' jcb in my li f e .r.til 3rewn a .,2 r I i

in 211 my :ranths as a C Ins:e::or ever refuse: :: make an inspe :icn n: ma- er where i: was until that time. And even then, I dicn't refuse to de an inspe::icn, 1 refused the wa.y of c.ettin :nere.

                                   .         I did m.v aicb well and also knew m.v .i:5 well . My gcal was to wcrk fcr a ccmpany such as Brown & Root (for aimes                 four years), giving them my best effort and trying t: make Comanche Peak a safe 9

piace. . I was fired alcng with two others because we tried to do cur jobs right. Until the day I die I know I will never forget the way Tom Brandt had us fired. It was e planned happening which was known to the Pain: Depar - The weekend before we were fired, 5c: ment in advance as to when and where. Hamilton me: a pain: Generai Foreman at a canca. The foreman tcid E:t tna-next week we were going :: 's  ; a surprise , and we sure did -- we were termini ed. The day we were fired, all the painters locked at us and smiled as we were prc essed cu:. I would like :: add a little about my firing. About a year befcre tent.inatien, I was asked to make an inspection in Reactor 1, elevati:n abeu-950. To do this, I had to walk a 2-1/2' rail which circled the whole rea:::r (wnien. by the way, was full :f grease). M:w, I hava mace all kin:: Of in::e:- tiens in dangerous areas bef:re. But with the c:nditions such as they were.

                                                                                   .; fter I called my tu:ervisor, 3:: -amil:en, c: :: i::k at the situaticn.

studying it for a while, Ben (wno, by the way, also has made scme hairy inspections) said, "Le: m'e g: get Jim Hawkins," who at that time wa: C: Superviser. Af er cemir; c: and looking it ever, Jim Hawkins said, "M0ne

                                                                              ~. 6 ; ::

Of my pac;13 ar2 goin; :: ..:: s :na: rail in: ri:k trair lives." . 21 later :ney built a ucc:an ::2: form arcun :ne reat:Or and that s: 1.2.

  ,       the prebie::.                     A year later in p.eac: r 2, the same situation ar:se.                                                                                                                  A :.

this pcin in time, the Paint Depar ment was trying to hurry ar.d ge. a 10: cf metai painted ~ They had access :: the crane, which was idie at the time, but wculd not le: us use it to ge: to where we were to make an inspe::icn. Tnis happened over a period of three days. Jim Hawkins had lef just before we went into Uni *. 2 and was replaced by, I believe, Mr. Tolson, Ins dad cf building a safe piationn for all the crafts to work cff of, Harry Williams tiid us to walk the rail or go out the gate. (Sy the way, he was supposed to be our bcss and icok out for his pec:le. Scme boss!) Q: Are there other specific instances you c uld tell us ab ut? q A: I must truthfull.v stat 3 that T.V last .vear with Br:Wn & p.cct, es ecil',i.v . Io '.' *. .* "r .2 '.#. #. #. C ', *":#,$. 'w c.e, nao .e.".,,~.', n e,* *. .d * -, ;* *# w"'.'1 .j' [ ,vl.1s v' I. i ", i .". ~; ~. ". :". w...a .r' . . . . . . . d. u .C. *. d i n 6".u " .w " "y .' #.~ ~.'. S. r. * . I. * '<l a s *2* ". 4. ",

  • i.;" a b "w .*. ." .'". ~. #. .

C. 2...S..e '. c i "n ": y" i a j . d 'n' i '..*. the Pain: Depar=ent, supervisors ::stly, Harry Williams, and Mark Wells. Fcr exam:le, I worked under Harry Williams almost a year befcre I - knew who he was er what he locked like. After ge ting to know Harry William , 1 want :: tru tn u. .ty say that he was tne =cs: unx .cwledgeable persen . have i i . ever wcrke: fer. He dicn't kne.s any:hin; a:cu: 2ny:hing pertainin; = any c . . + ., g e. .. .... .. .. .9.. ...t c

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Cca-i ngs . All %rry Williams was was a .ves man. Ecb Hamilt n, OC !.ead Man. was my ir. ediate sucervisor, and in my c:: inion and the opinien cf many c .ner was a very kncwie:;eable inspecer. N.23r the end of my days wita Er:wn & p..- w . , u. . .,. ". ~j U i P. l . 4.' ...- sh u' d e - bwwP. w' ..'. '. 'w w* a. . L...'..'

                                                                                                                            .y.          "w c#. wur d^ww             r              ..c.....".'.*w. .,

in e . . , I *A w .n, l .. ~."g. . . . , .3 p ,3 4...,.. * ._3.. 3 .r . . .. o. r. ... w paw.-.3 M... C *,h c.e. WCra,..w....-.a a- , - - . 4 . ,3, L, . i

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' ich Har.iiton, C:rdella Hamilt:n (5irdwell , at that time, Ecb's- secretary), and myself worked very hard for weeks to do sc. As u:ual, near c:mpletion of this new prc:edure, Harry Williams changed the rules again. Sco kept ta'.iin;

 ' Harry Williams ~ ali documents submitted to the CC vault must be accurate ar.:

that there was an NRC audit ccming up, but Harry Williams said, " Don't worry about the NRC. I'll handle them." It's very disheartening when you try to' do your jcb and do it well, especially a job of this magnitude, and then have a man like Harry Williams dictate the rules with.out any knowledge of what he is doing and run the sh:w. H,arry Willians has verbally threatened Bob Hamilt:n in person. Harry Williams s:::ed that if we didn't do it his way, we uculd all go ' cut the ga:e (be fi r s:'; . Ha said thi: in ;arsen :aica :: my ;2r:cnal knculadge. There are many differen: C; da;ar: man s cut thsra; if inspect:rs wers asked and wcul: henestly answer the cuestien "Was Harry Williams ccm:etent?" I am positive mes: inspectors would say no. . Another examcle is Mark Wells, an Engineer with Gibbs '& Hill. He was an-ex Pain: Foreman. The Paint De:artmen: icved to see Mark Wells in Engineering ba:aus: ha did nc: like Prc;ective Ccating CC and was always. reversing Scb Hamilton's decisiens in favor cf the Pain: Depar: men:. It was

    .'"..c'. c..= "vi~3c. .- . . * .

There was anctner man Harry Williams told Sc3 Hamilton :: train to be a CC Prc: :tive Coatings Inspect:r. E:? werked with him and said the man just wasn't going to maka it as an Ins:ec:Or. Harry Williams dicn' wan  :: fire nim, and him :: :ne 210::rical dacartmen; an: mans -'" a ie:: man.

Tne paperaork is s: screwed up, n:b:dy could decipher it.. S ey've had too many pecple in and cut cf there, so thEt when they lock at i:, : hey don't know wha- these pe;?le were talking about. The NF.C came d:wn :nere once and said they were g:ing to check the vault en Protec:ive Coatings and would make some suggestions about it. Ecb Hamilton tried so hard t: get the paperaork straightened out. Harry Williar.s would make us inspect pipe wh.ip restraints, liner plates, etc., and he would never let us give an elevation and location. He said no, no, no, just write the number down and that it was inspected. He changed everything, he turned the system around. He wanted i l progress so they could get the plant on line. I've talked with other CC i.. e.l=...d.e*1 - ar.". in a 1, c#. d..e r .=. r .. . .. e n. .., c r. ". .. . =. .v d =. .. .$ r .. = . 4 . i n .e =. -. .a . r. s- . a P. t t'".^.,...'..=a'~..$.

                                  . .;          .            , .        'w". i t'. - . " . ' . . ' ' ' . H .". .* *. V ".s #. l I i .:....' .
                                                                                           '                                                          .CC .~..*. .",           c #.     '.h.=..".'. .'.2.*       .. #. #

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Harry Williams was one of the driving fcrces behind lots of the scrs.4-u:s a-the whole plan:.

I I believe that ene G Inspect:r in particular falsified d::vments,

because it wcuid take three other QC Inspectors 10 h:urs to do wha: e cic
in ene nign:.

Harry Williams was ver.v budd.v .bucd.v witn the Paint Depar: rent. . . .i e'

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Paint Decar: men; because ha (tne ins ect:r) wculd make inspecticr.s witn: : looking at tne.:. He wcul'd never climb; he'd stand en elevation 905 an: i:ck at elevati:n 1005 and say, "It lecks good. Paint i t." I can'; r.n:w 1 J w.,...,...... s.., . .. 1

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One core thing abcut the day we were fired. On tha- day, i:: Hamil: n called the shop and talked to Jce Fazi (one of the Pr:tective Coatin;; CC Inspec: Ors) and ar.c:her Q: inspector who was there (wh:se jcb was s rictly

                  .the blasting area) . Ecb explained the situation to them and they be:h said they wouldn't walk the rail either.          Yet Joe Fazi wasn't fired; he's still there.                                          -                                                                    .

Q: Are there specific problems in construction or design' at Ccmanche Peak which you believe currently exist at Ccmanche Peak (which have not, as far as you kncw, been put ir' the. process to be c rrected) to which you could take tne Licar.:ing Board and show them? And would you be willing . to take the Scard to these deficiencies and sh:w them? A: I'r n:: sure I c:uid find it n:w, but when I was a car;entsr's hel;er in Reac :r 1, they were pcuring a section of the core wall when a vi: rat:r and s hese got stuck in the wall. The foreman just cut the hose and said for ncbedy :: say anything. I'm sure that it did n:: help to enforce the wall

                   .any better.

Q: Why .sh:uld the Licensing Scard be c:ncerned accut such in:imidation, harassment, threa anin; er di:::uragament of em:loyees, er such defi:iencies as ycu may : ell tnem ateu; cr saca them at C:manche Peak? Wha;'s :na batt:m line as f ar a :ne safety of the plan: is c:ncarned? I don't believe -- no way -- that the plan 's built safely. Tnere A: are tcc many ce::le working there who are just worried aucut a :ig salary and not about wnst :ney're doing. I've seen pecple weldin; over in:O r::n: wires tna* wor 2 ins:2 *ied, ['v.3 seen la:crers 2nd CF3f ts ne: C ncarned 00 J *,


3-where they walk and whether they damage any epuipment er anything else. (Tnat's where a let of their money goes, for epuipment which is ruined by ;s:ple that don't care.) It's a very sad thing g;ing cn at Cc=anche Peak -- too much money involved, and the wrong people with authority in charge of building, i I was just another poor QC Inspector trying to do a g:cd jcb to no avail. There needs to be a hearing in a court of law where testimony could b'e verified

 .       by taking a He detector test; maybe then the truth wculd come out.

Q: Do you want to testify regarding these matters in the operating license hearings for Ccmanche Peak? A: Yes. Q: Attached to your testimony is a dccument which has been marked CASE Exhibit 65', 7/16/52, "Tes timony of Jcse:h J. Kr:lak, Jr., Witness fer i. Intervenor CASE (Citi: ens Asscciation f:r Scund Energy)." Is this the testimony which was crepared for the July 1932 operating license hearings under ycur direction? A: Yes, it is. Q: Are the statements c:ntained in it true and c:rrect? Yes , they are. A: . I l Q: Was the testimony en page: 1 thrcu;n :7 of tnat document taken

     .      frcm the Usosition which was taken fr:m you :y the A:clicants on July 1, 1932?

A: Yes, primarily. ' In many cases, it's almost word for word. .


And were the statements on page: 25 through 33 of that document in re:ponse t: sub;ecu2nt cues ticn: by CAIE A: Yes, iney were.

                                                      ' '~       "          -     7 W 5'-   7. c wr. ,     ,

m i I 0: And is CASE Exhibit 65 A (Attachment 1), your P.esume, which is attached to CASE Exhibit 654, still correct? A: Up to that point in time, yes. I would just as soon not have in the record where I am currently working. 6 k e s 9 e 4 i

                                                              ,8 O


I have read the foregoing affidavit, which was prepared under ey par cr.C direction, and it is true and correct to the best of cy knowledge and belief.

                                                                         'cA1/l, V       /1f. t%)/

(Signec ./

                                                                        * ~ ~/~


                                                                       ' /ki/~ rh?        ,

STATE OF' [ r'._ / COUNTY OF a_ .- ~ v On this, th e a' J . /. day of b.,. 4. v ', 19Q, personally appearad llm), Y, / . A , known to me to be the pers n 1,hcsa

        /    /

name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and ackn:wledged' to me he executed the same for the purposes therein expressed. Subscribed and sworn before me on the V. /. day of )*,~ ../ m , 198 3.

                                                                      .~.D0 n f CF' - -                                :  .v hotary Pu:lic in,anc'for tne                     "

State of g,,............. .. , , l.",..** . .... . . . . . . . L...~ " ~ ~ ~ " "" "~"" ~ My Cc: mission Expires: .
