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Rev 7,Temporary Change Notice 1-98-0013 to 6610-PLN-4200.02, Edcm
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/1998
From: Parfitt B
6610-PLN-4200.0, NUDOCS 9802110144
Download: ML20202B206 (13)


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g . . DArE 01-50-98 CORRECT NAME/ ADDRESS Document Control Desk

-IF NECESSARY Office Nuc. Reactor Regulation

, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commision Washington, DC RETURN TO: DEBBIE MARSHBANK 20555 IRMC 2 INFO

  • ROOM 135 U-2 ADMIN. SLDG. TMI a

4 Please place the attached active Temporary Change Notice (s) (TCN) listed below in front of .the af fected procedure (s) in your file, and also sign the acknowledgement at the bottom of this memo and return to the address shown

! above.

TCN No. Procedure No. Instructions /Cemments I-98-0013 WD-PLAI-hoo.oA f


(' _ l Js\ m h YN k The Temporary Change Notice (s) (TCN) listed below have been cancelled. Please des troy copies of 'the TCN(s) to the affected procedure (s) in your file, and also sign-the acknowledgement at the bottom of this memo and return to the address shown above.

TCN No. Procedure No, Instructions / Comments s

9802110144 DR 980130 p ADOCK 05000289 PDR -

I hereby acknowledge receipt of this meme and have complied with the above instructions, f%

I (Signature) (Ext. No.) (Date) 1

._ns . I.IL.l1.lll,ll.lll.l1.1 lll 12-DCFORMS.105

4 M0E 0s 00

-, pMORITY =.m -

/ . . Refer to metnactone and guidelines in

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AP 1001 A when compleeng this form.

11. TCN No, l

. 9 b. O O _ / 3 '(From TCN f.

12. hpiementanon Osw 1/2_9 M? / Lagindex)

SS/SF sgnature i

i. _l,(o10- Pt.& 4200 0 2. ~'

Procacure No.

7 Present Rev. No.

Etc.K Tise

/T -

2. Change e o include page numbers, paragrapn numbers, and exact wording of change, Attach addaronal sheets if necessary be 5'7.o AS (MDicATED 04 AMCHED
3. Roanon for Change:

T costteAT- lc>DadC TEboCrio4 7"AC7bRS FoR:. ESF VC4NELEASES

4. .

Dw ' .-. of TCN . No than 90 cays from impiementamon date of TCH or as in a rsorfirst b be6ow, whimever oc a.

TCN will be cancelled by a procedure rev6elen leeued as a result of a Prooecure Change Request to be submmed by 3.k .EAM 44 indmdual Submnung Pt.;R (Subtnit PCR as soon as possible)

b. TCN is not valid after (Fill in circumsta. wee which will roeutt in TCN being onnoobed)


5. le proceduro wethrn CM Plan scope? . . . . . . . . .

. .... . . .. .... . .... .....................Yes V No 8.

j Does tho change affect the iritent of the orignal procedure? . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . No ............

. e e f answers to #5,A,,,N_D_6 areM. the mange may be approved by the Shrft Supervisor (Secean 10 el e f answer to #6 is,gg, the change must be reanewed and approved in accordance with Table 2 poor t faportwed answer to #6 is_Ng,g in accorcence with Tableanswer to es is,gS change may be Em4ER (1) two member revwwed (S 2 (Cee .10.b).

7. Change Recommended By:

RF i TT- Dato t / g4. [Q Oowner concu,rence. W M

s h i.. MtJ5 0,,e ili+ /9s

  • RTP, Roeponsene Offlee Department Head / Designee mcy concur if Pmoedure Owner is unavailabie

'May be by te# econ.

9. Tech. Functone Rep. Nodfied (If reg'd.) bk 8 fl1 b I Deee
0. Appeweettd #

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M(ISR) r.r.sare /

{ g. *ll Mi Date N 14 days. approval per 1 must occur (Acotover) - A.,

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M"I Sgnatum N Date

c. khk kTNia h'ch used if ardwers to quessons #5 and 6 are *No*

(Acorowr1 -


,, ca,e eg,_,o . -

. (Approver)

Sgnature Oste

, TCH in Cancelled Shift Supervisor /Shrft Foreman Date E111


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1001A .

' .' Revielen 36 FIGURE 4 THREE MILE ISt.AND -

l SAFETY DETERMINATION TNs determinat>on is required for all documents whNn 1001 A applicetnlity/ scope.

Now Procedure _ * ,, _
  • _ _ = ,,._

@ TCN . -

PCR _.__a *

] STP - .

Document No. M llt+l" Rev. No.

LLiC -C ^r ' 66,lo-?L4 -4 2.oo.o r 7

1. Is tNs a substantive change? Indcote 'YES* for new procedures and STP's Yes / No j

if Box 1 is 'No', sign and date tNs form. The remainder of the form need not be completed.

I l

2. Does tNs change involve any r.r.r.C: :;t ' environmental impact? Yes No V (Refer to Deftrwtlons Secean of tNs procedure.)

e if "Yes', complete Figure 9 and ensure the change is submitted to Envronmental Affairs for review.

~ ~

e Complete the rememder of this form.

s I

3. Does this change have the potential to adversely affect nucieer safety or asfe plant opersoons? Yes (Refer to Peregraph 4.2.2)

No #

4. Does this make changes in the facWty as described in the safety analyse report? Yes No
5. Does this make changes in the precedures as described in the astety analyse report? Yes No /
6. Are tests or expenments conducted which we not described in the safety aneiyeis report? Yes No #"

, 7. Does this change conAlct with the reguwements of the plant Technical Specificatons? Yes No V .

, if &N.X of the answers to 3,4, 5, 6 OR 7 are .YE3, you must fin out Figure 5 ete provide a w tion safety evaluaton, Sign and date this form.

if the answers to 3. 4. 5,6 AND 7 are ALL tG, this precludes the omstance of an Unreviewed Seisty Queston or Techrucal j Spooficecon change.

, Provide the basis for the aneerere to each of the guestions (3,4,5,6,7) on one or more esperate sheets.

Sign and dote this form, pared By: &isi Date: I! O

! Tuy: J a, 'O 3mor Dete: inw ra E131 1


o Page 2 of 2



  • Deserlotion of the Channe "Ihis TCN is being submitted to incorporate iodine reduction factors for releases from a fuel han mg accident through the ESF Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System. Prior to this TCN, no e it was taken for lodine reduction for this type of release, which would result in gross overestimati foffsite

" dose projections for this type of release. More realistic offsite dose estimates during this ty ofaccident will enhance the health and safety of the public by minimizmg the possibility for unneces protective action recommendations.

L Does nk change han nepotential so adversely qfhet nuclear sqf>ty or eplant operations?

No. The iodine reduction factors incorporated by this TCN provide a realistic offsite dose estimates should this type of accident occur. The reduction factors are ified by NUREG 1288 and Regulatory Guide 1.25 and have a sound technical basis. More listic offsite dose estimates

, during this type of accident will enhance the health and safety of the ublic by minimizing the possibility for unnecessary protective action recommendations. As result, this change enhances nuclear safety and safe plant operations.

4. Does nk neeke changes hs $efacitky as described he ne sqf analysk report? -

No. This change does not make any changes to the facility.

L Does Ah neeke changes he neprocedures as describedin esqfety eselysk report?

No. Design basis accident analyses are performed in 14 of the FSAR using nighly

/m V) conservative and bounding assumptions to ensure plant uipmentis capable of mitigating the consequences of an accident. However, specific em to determine the need for protective action recomm ocy dose calculation procedures designed

'ons for tt: public during an emergency are not specified by the FSAR or the GPUN Emerg cy Plan.

& Are lese or experheeena conducted which are described in ne sqfety analysk report?

No special tests or expenments are perf

7. Does nk change comfIkt win ne treneena of't heplant techaksispecylcationst No. Emergency dose criculation scedarts are not specified by Tech Specs.

Safety Analysis Renort Document ions Reviewed GPUN Emergency Plan FSAR Ct.ipter 14 .

Signature B. A. Parfitt Date l'14/98

/ U w - w,sn g w-t.s arme p

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i-t SAFITY Page 2 cf 3 DETERMINATION FOR TCN to 6610-PLN-4200.02 '

Dameriptia, of the Chamme 3

j his TCN is being submitted to incorporate iodine reduction factors for rele 1

accident through the ESF Fuel Handling Building Wntilation System. Prior to th s

taken for lodine reduction for this type of release, which would se resuk in gross ove will enhance the health and safety of the public by m action recommendations.

A Dess dh change 4 eve depossedelas aAvrsely ggfect asedest sqfery or sqfep 3

4' No. He iodine reduction factors incorporated by this TCN provide a more rea

" estimates should this type of accident occur, De reduction factors are specifie and Regulatory Guide 1.25 and have a sound tech'tical basis. More realfanc

,. 'possibility during this for - type

of accident will enhance the health and safety of the public nuclear safety and safe plant operations.ny protective action recommendations. A

, d, Dess 24 seeke change hr defecap as descreed h de sqfery amabik reperrt No. %1s change does not make any changes to the facility.

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Dess d4 mesas changes k deprocedurar as descreed Av de sqfar analysh superrt t

No. He 0.01 factor for iodine totention in the fuel pool is consistent with the conserva e

factor (99% filter efficiency) for iodine fihranon is specifie

, filtration for gaseous and particulate fortas. His factor is k+zym 4 in the~ RASCAL co (NUREG/CR 5247) used by the NRC to perform ladarandant emergency dose calculati .

, While the fuel handling accident analysis in the FSAR assumes only a 90% filter this accident, the accident analysis performed in Chapter 14 of the FSAR uses hig and bounding assumptions prove that plant equipenent is capable of mingating th of an accident, nis is a totally different type of calculation than the calculations perfor TMI EDCM. De EDCM specifies calculational methods to provide the most realianc a

. of offsite dose during actual emergencies to determine the need for protective action

  • recotemendations to the state. EDCM calculations are act intended to be the same type bounding calculation as the design basis accidents analyzed in the FSAR. Dese ca heshh of the public if an nanae====y protective action reco f the GPUN E ra ay Plan do not specify detailed
py dose calculation procedures designed to determine the need for protective action recommand=da== for the pub
cmergency. As a resuk, this change does not make changes in the procedures as deserthed in the safety analysis report.


Are sesar er apertiesner emw hich are agidecreed h de sqfery snapsh superrt l

- No special tests or experunents are i f=-ed.


- Dess Ah change coq /lict wdnk de; ,' - _ efdepisntaschnicalgg7 " -_f i

No. Emergency dose calculation procedures are not specified by Tech dpecs.

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7~ i' SAFETY DETERMINATION FOR TCN to 6610-PLN-4200.02 j

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[,, EI Radiolo0l cal Controls Department 6610-PLN 4200.02 true ,

novie.on no.

TMl Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 7 wicetamy/Soope Asepone.tne Omco Effecove Dew TMI-1 DMelon Rad Con / Safety Dir. 12/26/97 This doctnient is within OA plan scope X Yes No Safety Reviews Required X Yes No List of Effective Pages .

fE2f Revision fagt Revision fAgg Revision Eggg Revision 1.0 7 21.0 5 41.0 7 61.0 7 2.0 7 22.0 5 42.0 7 82.0 7 3.0 6 23.0 5 43.0 7 83.0 7 4.0 5 24.0 5 44.0 7 84.0 7 5.0 6 25.0 5 45.0 7 85.0 7 6.0 5 28.0 7 44.0 7 08.0 7 7.0 6 27.0 5 47.0 7 87.0 7 8.0 5 28.0 7 48.0 7 88.0 7 9.0 5 29.0 7 40.0 7 90.0 7 10.0 5 30.0 7 50.0 7 70.0 7 11.0 'S 31.0 7 51.0 7 71.0 7 12.0 5 32.0 7 52.0 7 72.0 7 13.0 5 33.0 7 53.0 7 14.0 5 34.0 7 54.0 7

\j 15.0 6 35.0 7 55.0 7 16.0 6 34.0 7 56.0 7 GPUN 17.0 5 37.0 7 57.0 7 DOCUTMNTCONTROL -

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kI Y Rad Engineer g ggK/g


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ua-Oer. Rad e- yog o2Ar- n.jv/12 Nuclear Engineer g9/p 7 Rad Con / Safety Director. TMl 1 '2 - Z 'L .Q O 1.0 v


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i Y Number

^ Nuclear

  • bdiological controls Department 6610 PLN-4200.02

] '. Tree Asvisen No.

TMt Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) 7 The RDF for this type of release, wth Reactor BuBding Spray on, is as follows:

RDF = (0.01)(.03) = 0.0003 Where 0.01 = Normal reduction for effective ventiation filters (Reference 7.21) 0.03 = Reduction by Reactor Building Spray for minimal hold up time of 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> (Reference 7.21)

The reduction factor for fttration of 0.01 applies to normal fBler conditions. If the ftters are known to be degraded (for example, due to moisture) but still partially functioning. this is accounted for in the RAC Model. The fIters are either functioning at it e full capacity,99%,

or from 0 99% due to degradation. If the leakage is not through the purge system filters, the reduction factor component for futration is 1.

5.11.6 Releases from Fuel Handling ESF Vent System N; a % * , M ~:er;ce, y -J sw CA ;cne Ae,.


' During a feel handling accident la the fuel handling buildlag, noble gases and lodines may

\ be released into the fuel pool and subsequently lato the atmosphere of the Fuel Handling Building. The ESF Ventilation system would then eshaust the atmosphere la the building, through filter banks, to the environment. The RDF for this type of release is as follows:

RDF = (0.01)(0.01) = 0.0001 Where:

0.01 = Normal redaction for effective vcatilation filters (Reference 7.21)

0.01 = Retention of,lodines in the fuel pool water (Reference 7.21 and Reg. Guide 1.25) 4 e

1 4



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