IR 05000364/1998020

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Forwards Insp Repts 50-373/98-20 & 50-364/98-20 on 980812-13.No Violations Noted.Insp Was Conducted to Review Circumstances Surrounding 980723 Incident Involving Internal Transfer of Radioactive Samples within LaSalle Station
Person / Time
Site: Farley, LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/08/1998
From: Grant G
To: Kingsley O
Shared Package
ML20151V169 List:
50-373-98-20, 50-374-98-20, NUDOCS 9809140130
Download: ML20151V165 (3)


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!D September 8, 1998 L

Mr. Oliver .

l  : President, Nuclear Generation Group n


- Commonwealth Edison Company ATTN: Regulatory Services Executive Towers West 111 1400 Opus Place, Suite 500 Downers Grove,IL 60515 l~ SUBJECT: NRC RADIATION PROTECTION INSPECTION REPORTS 50-373/98020(DRS);


Dear Mr. Kingsley:

On August 13,1998, the NRC completed a special inspection at the LaSalle Nuclear


Generating Station, Units 1 and 2. The enclosed report summarizes the results of this

! inspection.

The inspe'etion was an examination of activities conducted under your license as they relate to i ' radiation safety and to compliance with the Commission's rules and regula_tions and with the i

conditions of your license. The inspection consisted of a selective examination of procedures

and representative records, observations and interviews with personnel. Specifically, the R _ special inspection was conducted to review the circumstances surrounding a July 23,1998

, incident, involving the intemal transfer of radioactive samples within the LaSalle Station. During

!. the sample kansfer activities, tools were not used by fuel handlers to manipulate the i 1 samples and reduce extremity dose, as required by the as-low-as-is-reasonably-achievable i


(ALARA) plan, even though a radiation protection technician was present. When problems occurred during transfer, work continued despite severalinstances of high dose rate alarms on the electronic dcsimetry used by the workers.

Your staff identified the July 23,1998 incident, conducted a timely and thorough investigation of

' the matter and took appropriate corrective actions. Therefore, a Notice of Violation is not being issued for several exernples of a violation involving failure to follow procedures. No significant


radiological consequences resulted from the incident; however, the judgement of the work crew l involved in the sample transfer was poor because work was conducted outside the scope of the


, ALARA plan, and continued despite several emergent radiological problems. Although the -

L  : radiological work environment was continually monitored by a radiation protection technician

'and radiation protection job coverage was adequate to prevent an exposure in excess of


regulatory limits, the weaknesses in job planning and implementation placed the workers at l increased radiological risk.


' >

j: . In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790'of the NRC's " Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its '/

, enclosure will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room (PDR).  !







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I 1 We will gladly discuss any questions you have concerning this inspection.


/s/ G. E. Grant

, Geoffrey E. Grant, Director Division of Reactor Projects


Docket Nos.: 50-373; 50-374 License Nos.: NPF-11; NPF-18 Enclosure: Inspection Reports 50-373/98020(DRS); 50-374/98020(DRS)

cc w/ encl: M. Wallace, Senior Vice President l

D. Helwig, Senior Vice President '

G. Stanley, PWR Vice President J. Perry, BWR Vice President D. Farrar, Regulatory Services Manager 1. Johnson, Licensing Director DCD - Licensing F. Dacimo, Site Vice President


, T. O'Connor, Station Manager P. Bames, Regulatory Assurance Supervisor R. Hubbard


N. Schloss, Economist ,

Office of the Attomey General I State Liaison Officer Chairman, Illinois Commerce Commission i

l l


. DOCUMENT NAME: G:DRS\LAS98020.DRS t. c.w . con ov ii. eu.a.auaani. in nii. w c can mom .e=nu.nciow. r c. .=ce,=avenem,. v wo em OFFICE Rlli l6 Rlli ( Rlll .

4. Rlli NAME WSlawinski:jp /44 GShear SLA, RLanksbury M4 GGrant 6[Q, DATE 08/n/98 "

08/21/98 0$/t/98 0$/ 27/98 (f)




... . . ., - _. -. .. . -- . . . . . ~ . -. - . . - . .

. . Qistribution:

SAR (E-Mail)

Project Mgr., NRR w/enci J. Caldwell, Ritl w/ enc!

C. Pederson, Rlli w/enci B. Clayton, Rlll w/ encl SRI LaSalle w/enci DRP w/ enc!

TSS w/enci DRS (2) w/enci Rlli PRR w/enci PUBLIC IEgW/enci Docket File w/enci GREENS'

IEO (E-Mail)



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