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Rancho Seco:Main Steam Safety Valve Analysis,Overpressure Protection Requirements for Number of Main Steam Safety Valves for Rancho Seco Unit
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 11/14/1985
Shared Package
ML20138R916 List:
86-1153322, 86-1153322-00, NUDOCS 8511190258
Download: ML20138R925 (20)


{{#Wiki_filter:- i 1 .. ,' .

         .'                                                        ATTACIMENT III
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]. . . f .. J'. -1 I' s Prepared by: s v-vM/ j , Reviewed by: OMNb

 ' ;-                                            Approved by:

A ...

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'l 1          *
 .I ..

i D-Babcock & Wilcox - 8 Nuclear Pcwer Division P.O. Box 10935 _ Lynchburg, Virginia 24506 j. C511190250 851114 PDR ADOCK 05000312 p PDR 2.,, . .o .,

             '                                                                           3/.,-// $ 33 M- O o i



l A dynamic analysis using RELAP5 was performed To demensTraTe Tnar adequate ever-pressure protecilen of Tne secondary sice of the steam generaTers can be provided if The three icwesT set main sTean safety valves are cut cf service on each steam generatcr. This analysis is consistent with the assu=ptions usec in the S&W Topical Report SAW 10043 on overpressure protection and Justifies a revision

  ]I                 to Rancho Seco's technical specification Section

l t e a

.                                             I 8

C e G 9 e s


.1 - a '? .  : o-

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8ta -/I S 5 52 2. - C C 3


.)- 6 1.0 BACKGROUfD AND INFORMATION 5 g 1.1 Introduction 5

          ,                  1.2 AStE Pressure Requirements                          5 1.3 Turbine Trip Transient Description 6

-{s 2.0 CCNCLUSIONS 7 3.0 METHCDS OF ANALYSIS 8 1 3.1 Methods 8 3.2 Run Matrix - 10 3.3 Plant Benc9aark 10 4.0. RESULTS 13 REFERENCES 14 LIST OF TARLES TABLE-1 initial Conditions for 112% Pcwer ,15 RELAP5 Model " TABLE-2 , initial Conditions for 1005 Power 16 ,. RELAP5 Model TABLE-3 Safety Valve Actuation Setpoints 17 and Yalve Capacity TABL E-4 RELAP5 Mo' del Description 18 ilST OF FIGt!CES FIGURE-1 RELAP5 Noding Diagram 19 F IGURE-2 Steam Generator Pressure vs. Time 20 Following Turbine Trip 8 FIGURE-3 Run Matrix Results Peak Pressure vs. 21 Number of Inoperable MSSV's 4 S b, 3 -

                  -                                                                                   ~ , .   - , _.
     ]                 1.0 9AC<G 00NO AND INTPCOUCTION



y ShuD's Rancho Seco Plant Technical SpecificaTrons restrict the NSSS to subcri-Tical operaticn wnen the number of inoperable Main Steam Safety Valves (MSSV's) l l exceeds cne by preventing. pl ant heat up beyond 250 cF.1 Tnis represents a very l conservative approach fcr prcvisIon of hear sink cverpressure protectlon. Theretcre,, ] the objective of this analysis is to determine an allowable number of inoperable MSSV's per generator such that ecmpliance to peak secondary ASME pressure limits is maintained in the event of a limiting secondary side overpressurization tran-f sient. Primary system pressure is not of major concern in this analysis as events which require MSSV actuatien result in primary side pressurizatlon to the Reactor Protection System (RPS) high pressure setpoint and consequent reactor trip within the first ten seconds of the event. For the design basis event-- a turbine trip fonn everpower--an anticipatory reacter trip prevents any significant RCS pressure increase. Decay energy is removed by the auxiliary feedwater system and steam relief valve cycling. Secondary pressure generally peaks within the

 ;                   first 10.0 seconds of the event, thus requiring a reasonable margin of re!!ef
 ,.                 capacity in order to prevent excessive secondary pressures. Tne S&W tcpical report BAW-100432, entitled " Overpressure Protection for S&W Pressurized Water Reactors," identifies the transient which requires the greatest steam rel lef capacity as a turbine trip frcm 112% power with no runback and turbine bypass

valves as well as atmospheric dump valves ass!umed inoperable. This is the design


basis transient for this analysis. 1.2 AEME AREESURE REOUIREMENTE The ASA'E code Iimits appiIcaba e to the Rancho Sece secondary plant are contained -

          ,         within the follcwing reference:                                                 '
 , ,_               1. ASME Code, Section III,1965 Edition ASTE Section iii requires that:
 ,.}                             O    The peak system pressure shalI a.ct exceed 110% of the design pressure of the steam generater and shall not exceed 110% cf the design pressure 3

of the feedwater header. The feedwater header must be incl uded as it is an Integral par of the steam generator. O Only rel ief valves ThaT are spring-Icaded 'and sel f-ecTivating can - a- be used. Pilct operated er valves requiring externai energy for 1 C .. 5 0

                 .        .                                                                                                     [

q- . 84 -//S 55 2.2, - CC b 1 ,

   ]-,                                                                       .

actuation can only be used if they satisfy the requirements of secticn N-911.4 (not applicable to Rancho Seco). O The ncminal relief serting cf at least cne (MSSV) rel ief valve shall not be greater than the design pressure of the vessel cr system

         ,                                 which it protects. Other valves may have a higher setpoint, but in no case shalf they exceed 105% of the design pressure at the 3._                                    design temperature.
  • 1 .

l, The pertinent secondary side pressures are:

    ,                                         OTSG Design                1050 psig                                           .
    !                                         MFW Header Design          1100 psig Max Allowable OTSG         1155 psig Max Allowable Feed-        1210 psig water Header Max Alicwable MSSY         1102.5 psig Setpoint 1 1.3 Tucu lNE TR IP TRANSIENT DESCRIPTION         .

As a result of secondary side upsets, maintenance errors...etc. a turbine trip may be induced. Folicwing a TT signal the turbine step valves close almosT Instantaneously which in turn initiates a pressure disturbance that propogates

  • P
  .                      through the steam iInes and into the steam generator.             The rapid pressurization results in the actuation of secondary relief valves as well as degration of primary to secondary heat transfer. Reduced primary to secondar / heat trans-                        .

for results in a cold leg tempe'rature increase as well as pel=ary system pressuri-zation. The primary system pr6essurization may result in reacter trip on liigh pressure within the first 10.0 seconds of the transient (since the instal latten ( of an anticipatory reac*cr trip cn turbine trip, the reacter trip occurs immedi-b* ately). In most instances peak secondary side pressure is cbserved within the

   ;-                   first 10 seconds of the event. Secondary side depressurizatien begins when 8

the net volumetric ficw of steam out of the rei ief valves exceeds the volumetric producticn of steam within the generator. 'The net volumetric exchange of steam, . s as weiI as heat transfer degraricn, play important roles in determining peak ,, pressures in tne secondary region. 5. !c 6

                       '                                                                           56-//$ g.$44 -u u   ?
                 ,,                                                                                                    p p
      ;       '?                .

i , I~ 2.0 CONCL US ION S , J On the basis of the results of The Turbine Trip analysis frem 112% pcwer with

   ],                  various ccmbinations of cperable and inoperaole MSSV's, The f elicwing is cencluce :

. .s g 0 Rancho-Seco may operate at full pcwer with any tnree valves inoperabl e per steam ger3erator. All- possible ccmbinariens of three valve f ailures 3 were shown to satisfy the ASME peak pressure criteria (maximum steem

                                  .generater pressure less than 1155 psig and maximum feedwater header pressure less than 1210 psig).

1 0 A total of six MSSV's may therefere be Inoperab ! G WIth the limitatiCn of no more than three per steam generator. 1 .. The conservative assumptions used for this analysis are as folicws: i 0 Turbine Trip frem 112% pcwer with no runback, i 0 Steam ref lef was from Main Steam Safety Valves only (i.e., no ficw through turbine bypass or atmospheric dump valves).

 ,                    O           Steam safety valves were alicwed to actuate ar 101.3% of the ncminal
 ,                                 pressure actuation setpoint Instead of 1005.

O Safety valve steam rellef capacity was assumed to be Independent of steam { pressure. Therefcre, ficw greater inan rated ficw was not al i cwe.d, eva n though steam pressure increased above the !!ft setpoint. 6

            .                                                                                               ad S


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5. 1

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                                                           ,                                                64-//64 bl4 *OL            ,
                                     .                                                                                                 t 9, ,                                                                                                                            i f

I 3.0 DCOS CF ANALYS f S 3.1 Me+heds

;~                          lt is establ Ished in SAW 10043 that the Iimiting transient for secondary over-pressure protecTicn is a turbine trip frcm maximum everpcwer. The analytical

~{ assumptiens, as cbtained frem SAW 10043, are as foilows: O For the. turb i ne . tr ip condition, the turbine and reacter systems q' ~ ' are assumed to be operating at a power level Just under the high i flux reactor trip setpoint, which is slIghtly greater than the turbine's j capability. l- 0 The turbine bypass system is assumed not to actuate. O Centrol system runback of reacter power and turbine pcwer is assumed not to initiate. O No direct reactor trip is assumed to result frcm turbine trip.


O The pressurizer spray and the power-cperated pressurizer rellef valves are assumed not to actuate. O The moderator and Coppler feedback is assumed to be zero. 0 All safety valves are assumed to have 35 accumulation; i.e., 100% a capacity is cbtained at 103% set pressure. O The reactoi cool ant system and steam system temperature are assumed

   ,                                        to be at nminal values with all trip setpoints at maximum tolerances.

The maximum tolerance of importance is:

           .4 High Flux = nminal trip setpoint +6.5%

RELAP5 was cnosen as the analysis tool to analyze the turbine trip transient. 3 The RELAP5 model includes a detailed steam generater model and boundary conditiens I for the primary system hot and cold legs. (A noding diagram is presented in Figure 1). Boundary conditions for hot leg f i cw, het leg pressure, and het

    '.                   leg temperatures are stipulated at the beginning of the transient anc are assumed to remain constant throughout the transient.               Even though het leg temperatures
s . , -do increase somewhat during an actual turbine trip, the transport time (steam
            ,           generator exit to steam generator inlet) precludes any af fect en secondary side a                    pressure as peak pressure cccurs in a time span less than the aferementioned transport time. Ccid leg boundary conditions of constant pressure and temperature 0

cre also stipulated at the beginning of The Transi.ent and remain constant thecughout the transient. 3. 4 8 o .

E i 2.' , 86 -N $332,2 -00 '

  ' 9, ,
.                              The RELAF5 model is initial ized at 1125 pcwer by assuming het leg Temperature, and feedwaTer ficw similar to these expected for 1125 power operation.            Th e initial steacy state parameters are presented in TASLE-1.

I The main stean safety valves are represented as a time dependent Junction which

  },                         originates within the steamline, Control Volume 755, and exits to a time dependent vol ume ht atmospheric conditions. The total flow through the Junction is calculated 2                          by summing each of the flows at every time step. Each of the nine valves is assigned a pressur's actuation setpoint. Once the setpoint is reached, the g                          valve actuates and the rated flow is introduced to a summer flow greater than                -
   !'"                       rated flow is not possible with this model, i.e., there is no increase above
  ,                          design flow when steam pressure exceeds the full lift pressure. a conser-vatism in the model ing). The nern i n a. . pressure actuation setpoi nt s, as well as adjusted pressure actuaticn setpoints for each valve, are presented in Table-3.

o 3 The adjusted valuas which were used for this analysis are obtained by determining a representative pressure actuation setpoint assuming an Instantaneous full power open position. The MSS Valves typically open to 70% f ull Jift at 101% of the valve actuation pressure and .are full 'open at 103% of the valve actuation j pressure. The resulting valve positicn c.1. pressure curve may be Integrated over the 101% to 103% interval (a constant steam generator repressurizatien ~ is assumed) and a representative pressure at which the. valve pops full open

                     ,     may be found. This value is 101.3% of the original valve actuation setpoint.

Therefore, the adjusted pressures in Table-3 reflects this conservative alteration.

              '                                              /

A suitable model steady state simulation was first obtained frem which multiple

    .'                    restarts were analyzed.         A turbine stop valve clore,re time of .5 seconds was modeled.         Yarlous safety val ve configurations and a corresponding run matrix
              ;           were analyzed.                          /

) . In the determination of peak secondary side pressures, all pressures were obtained

f. with respect to the Icwer tube sneet region, which, in % A:5, was the region
                         . cf maximum steam generator pressure.        A separate hand calcul aT!;n was performed       .

3 for the datermination of peak feedwater header pressure as The ASME design code Iimits The maximum feedwater header pressure to 1210 psig. D L. t


s . [ 3.2 RUN MATRIX The run matrix was develcped to minimize the nc=cer of runs needed to demonstrNe , how many total MSSV's could be permlTTed cur of service at one time. The basic principle was to f all the Icwest ser valves, starting with a single valve f ailure, and add f ailed valves until a pressure limit was reached. This apprcaca is

  • Justi f ied since the, lowest set valves prev ide the earl iest rel ief in the event i -
                    ~ overpressure protection is needed. The run matrix is presented en the following 4

.le . page. 'L.The discussion to follow provides an explanation of the run-matrix ~ I. . If the case with all MSSY's present (A) is successful (peak steam generator

  • I pressure less than 1155 psih and peak f eedwater header pressure less than 1210 3

I ... psig), yet the case with 1 MSSV at 1050 psig defeated (8) is unsuccessf ul, an attempt is made to find a successf ul cne valve f ailure case (A1). 1 1 , 1 - If, hcwever, the case with 1 MSSV at 1050 psig defeated (B) is successf ul, yet ' the case with 2 MSSV's at 1050 psig defeated (C) is unsuccessf ul, an attempt will be made to obtain an acceptable two valve f ailure combination (81). ,, if the case with 2 MSSV's at 1050 psig defeated (C) is successful, yet the case )f

  • with 2 MSSV's at 1050 psig and 1 MSSV at 1070 psig defeated (D) is unsuccess-ful, then a possible tfiree valve ecmbination is investigated (E).

if the case with 2 MSSV's at 1050 psig and 1 MSSV at 1070 psig defeated (0) ~ is successf ul, then it may be- concluded that any three valve f ailure ecmbinati- - on per stean generator will produce acceptable results. If the f inal series

         .           is successful, a four valve failure case is investigated.


   ,,               in ceder to justify the use of the RE!.AP5 model a turbine trip benchmark was performed. Davis Sesse turbine trip data from 1005 pcwer, which teck p!aca
  ,                 in November,1982, is available for ccmparison. Davis Besse represents a reasonabi a comparisen as CS and Rancho Seco operare at ecmparable pcwers.

4 is_, 10

.o                                    .
                                        . ~ . - . _ . _ . _ _            ._-. _ _. _.._. . _ _ _ _._ _ _                                           - . - _ _ _ -
                 .s*                                                                                                                             .. .     .n-         --
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 >                                    NO - PEAX GE?iERATOR PRESSURE) DESIGN PRESSURE 1
  "J                     .

2 . ' T.T. FROM 112% .

    ;!                       (A)      ALL MSSV's PRESENT                                          (NO)                     END i




                 ,             (g}    1 MSFl AT 1050 PSIG                                                                                                 ,


                                   ,                                         (YES)
 ,                                    T.T. RCM 112%                                                     (NO) 2 MSSVs AT 1050                                                                                          (B1)'

(C) I PSIG DEFEATED T.T. RCM 112% W/0 1 MSSV AT 1050 (YES) PSIG AND 1 MSSV AT 1070 PSIG T.T. RCM 112% '/(NO) .' (D) 2 MSSVs AT 1050 PSIG , (E) . 1 MSSV at 1070 PSIG - !' OEFEATED T.T. FRCM 112% b W/0 2 MSSVs AT 1050 ! (YES) PSIG AND 1 MSSV AT 1'102 PSIG (YES or NO) END . .s i . . s. l1 ic

    .                                                                                        11 l .
l. -

et, n::~:a u I l'g . . . Steady state at 100% power, with the RELAF5 medel described in secilen 3 .1, ,. . Is first obtained. The steady state parameters are presented in Tab l e-2. 'A I ' turbine trip is then induced by closing the turbine step valves (valve closure J

              ,       time is modeled as .5 seconds). The results of the ccmparisen of pressurization 5                rates following turbine trip are presented in Figure-2. The RELAF5 medel predicts steam generator pressurization rates quite well. The model, however, ever predicts
 ;3                   peak pressure which may be attributed to the RELAF5 model not acccunting for I

any turbine bypass relief. The plant data reflects the actuation cf the turbine

 ; ,3                 bypass and atmospheric dump valve systems as well as the f irst f ew banks of

[ main stean safety valves and, hence, a lower peak pressure. 0

  • i i
...t e

9 S t 4 0

0 a


                          '                 ~
                       ^'                                                                           d sl. -

Sfs -//S 35220 6 I 4.0 PESULTS The-peak pressure results of the run matrix, described in section 3.2, are present)d 3 j; in Figur e-3. The peak pressures repceted are those at the icwer tube sn eeT s of the steam generator. The feedwater header is acccunTed f or by adding The I, .. steady state pressure drcp between the inlet to the feedwater header and th e

    . -o. .                                         .

steam generator downcemer, to the peak tr ansi ent pressure of the icwer tube

             ,.             sheet.

This pressure is not allcwed to exceed 1210 psig. j . l TV first run is a case with all safety valves ass::.: c cperaole (A). The peak l' pressure is 1133 psia and the last two safety valves (v al ve #8 and valve #9 Table-3) do not actuate. The second run (S) assumes one f ailed valve at 'the j loue st setpoint (valve #1 Table-3). The peak pr essure is 1146.0 psia and al l remaining banks actuate. The th ird run (C) essumes two failed valves at the l' lowest setpoint (valve #1 and valve #2 in Table-3). The peak pressure is 1148 psia and all remaining banks actuate. The fcurth run (D) assumes three f ailed valves, two at the lowest setpoint (valve #1 and valve #2) and the third valve I f ailed at 1084.1 psig (valve #3). The peak pressure is 1164 psia and is less t than the 1170 psia limit. Thus, the matrix is complete, and it may be concluded


that the f ailure of any three safety valves does not prevent acceptable peak i

          .                overpressure protection.                   .
 ,        I i

Four addi tional runs (E), (F), (G), and a four valve f ailure case are reported I and* Included fcr f urth er verification. The four valve failure case resulted in pressures in excess of the 1170 psia limit. For each of the acceptable cases the steady state feedwater header P addition i results in acceptable feedwater header peak pressures.

              .4 2

L. i , 3' a t J. 13

a. 86~//63322-0 0 l]

               ,,y                       .


                                                                                                                      ..        r
1. Technical Spect f ications, Rancnc-Seco Dec. 05-0004TS-18.


2. SAW 10043, Overpressure Frctection fer 8&W Fressure Water ReecTer, blay, 1972 N

j "* 3. ShUD FuncTicna1 Specif Ication, 18-1123844-01 y- . r


6-6 y ...- ., 3 . I 1 . e ' I+ 3 d .

                  .                                                                                                        p
'8 C                                                                        i 14 0 .                                                .

l l . .* 84- // 5 3322 -do

          .                                                                                              l 4
 .1 E.

TABLE-1 1 initial Conditions for 1125 Power RELAP5 Model I THOT . =


TCOLD = 555cF 3 TAV = 563cF - Primary System Ficw = 19870 lbm/sec Main Feedwater Flow = 1916.0 lbm/see Steam Generator Outlet = 924.0 psia Pressure Turbine Header Pressure = 900.0 psia Steam Generator Outlet = 572cF Temperature Calculated NW = 1.12 (2772.)/2 = 1552.32 tw I . I b 9 I. 3 . 3

  .                                                     15

CG~//3354.4"uG , - ). . ,8 = e'. . i 1 l TABLE-2 initial Condit!cns for 100". Pcwer RELAP5 Model I

    ,                  THOT                                =    606cF TCOLD                               =    557.4cF                                -

3 ( ,- TAV = 581.5cF Primary System Ficw = 19,870 lbm/sec I Main Feedwater Flow = 1650 lbm/sec Steam Generator Pressure = 919.65 psi a l Turbine Header Pressure = 900.0 psia 1 Steam Generator Outlet = 584cF I Pressure Calcul hed Af.f = 1.0 (2772)/2.0 = 1386 MW O 1 . 1 1 - 3 . I d.

 .I 3

1 i 1 0 1, . 5 l O_ 10

                       ,,                                                         ~
                 .s, .

ow n a w.w -w -l. e . l g' TAALE-3 Safety Valve Actuation Serpoints and Valve Capacity I 5 VALVEi NORMAL SETPOINT ADJUs#eo SETPOINT* MSSV CAPACITY l 1 . 1064.7 psia 1078.54 psia 234.92 lbm/sec 2 1064.7 psi a 1078.54 psia 234.92 lbm/sec 1 3 1084.7. psi a 1098.80 p'sl a 234.92 lbm/sec 4 1084.7 psia 1098.80 psia 234.92 lbm/sec 5 , 1104.7 psia 1119.06 psia 162.10 lbm/sec 6 1104.7 psia 1119.06 psia 162.10 lbm/sec 7 1104.7 psia 1119.06 psia 234.92 lbm/sec 8 1117.2 psia 1131.72 psia 234.92 lbm/sec '

 -                          9            1117.2 psia              1131.72 psia           214.92 thn/ wee PER SG TOTAL:            1968.6 lbm/sec

NOTE: 50 psia Bicwdcwn Associated with Each Valve 1

  • Adjusted Setpoint = Nermal Setpoint *(1.013)

O e l. 9 L .1

   ,                                                             ~~                                              .

3 . O. 17


  • C O - H D b b 2. 2 - C TA: L E-4 RELAF5 NCOEL DESCRIPTION lj- cv i CESCRIPTION 110: Time Dependent Vol ume-Hot

{ Leg 'd 130 Steam Generator Inlet Plenum y (Priman) 140-1 Primary Tube Region ) . to - i 140-10 i 148 Steam Generater Outlet Plenum (Primary) 150 Time-Cependent Vol ume-Cold Leg (Sink) 700 Time Cependent Volume Feecwater 710 i Feedwater Piping from Feedwater Pump to Feedwater Header l 715 Steam Generater Ocwncomer


to 720-4 , 725-1 . Steam Generater Tube Reglen; , to Secondary , 748 750 Steam Generater Upper Ocwn- . comer, Secondary 755 Main Steam Line Piping 775 Turbine Header / Steam Chest ' 'i - 552 , Time Dependent Sink Volume ? .. 18

c. -

M - N G 2 ). - X

     .'                                                              pygggg,y RELAPS N00ING DIAGRAtt
                                                                         > STOP VALVE                     ,

0 X > 552 775

3. . .

AL 2) 8 V 110 755 I 130.  ; T l i. - 748 140(1) 750 MSSV 1 745 140(2) [ ' f.- - - 740 140(3) f ...

      '                                                                735           140(4) 4
                                                                    ,730             140 p

715 725(5) 140(6)

                 -                       720(I)                       725('4)        140 I7) 720(2) 725(3)        140(8)                        l s g I                                      720(3)                       725(2)   .

140(9) O~ 150 700 1 720(') 725(I) 140(t0) - 3^. I' 148 j

3. .


r- . N, 86-//53522-00 . I- FIGURE - 2 l l

                                                 ;                                                 e                 !


                                              /                                                                      l A                             .'                                                                        !

U l W U 3, f

        ',   b V,

p~  !* Q. a -e 0 3 m g F-- g D^ i . e _ m

             >                                                                                           OK m

w ' \

                                      @                                                                  b+

w _ s ! (/). F Q- - U .-- s -~


O' h

                                                                                              -N           e (f)                                                                                           Q

LtJ 'J- b s. N


n 4 6 i i a i a yC N e m O + N e m C. + N Q O O. O. O, 0, 9 O q 0, f , 0 e e e r- r- 0 0 0 J (spuesnou,_L) (YlSd)3 MOSS 3Md - 3 3 20

a =^ 'e r u. ,- ~f 4 w d W - ,. m ,] -

     .                      l . - .' '
  • _ .3 +
                                                  .       ..        l.                                                .                            N,         ,_

I.. RU NI tv ATRIX RESU LTS ' ygg PEAK PRESSURE VS. INOPERABLE VALVE $ 1190 1180 - (ASME PRESSURE LIMIT) q 1170 ' w - 1160 - \\ m sN , - M n jj 1150 - xs x x s N 'N Nx ..s....,. s M? xx s N xN xNN x,'x:x-W NNN N '

n. 11 10 - \ NN \ \\ \, '
                                                                                                                                       ~' ,\

y \x. N\ N N x \ 'N xs, -', N - 1130 - %s5 \ 'N N N \ ' Nxx N\ xs:x x NN x 'N xxxx x:' xx N \ '- '

                                                                                                           \                       \      '

1119 - s.N\'N' N\ x's\ \ x\ \\ \ N'NNN y 'h s. ,'NN 1109

                                              \     ,
                                                                            \   '




  • Us A - Al.L MSSV'S D - 2 MSSV'S AT 1050 PSIG AND *'

As F - 2 MSSV'S AT 1104 PSIG DEF. A. 0 - 1 HSSV AT 1050 PSIG DEF. 1 MSSV AT 1070 PSIG DEF. (LOWCAPACITY)- g C - 2 HSSV'S AT 1060 PSIG DEF. E - J.'i w!'S AT 1050 PSIG AND G - 2 MSSV'S AT .1070 PSIG l>tT. o

                  ,                    ,                      1 MSSV AT 1104 PSIG l>EF.