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Emergency Response Data Sys (ERDS) Implementation Program Plan for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/1991
Shared Package
ML20085L371 List:
PROC-911028, NUDOCS 9111040115
Download: ML20085L367 (13)


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1 2.0 CONTACTS 2 3.0 COMPUTER CONFIGURATION 2 3.1 liardware 2 3.2 Software 3 4.0 ERDS DATA POINTS 4 5.0 IMPLEMENTKrlON MILESTONES 5 Tabel 1: ERDS Datafeeder ikpipment List 6 Table 2: ERDS Preliminary Point ID List (per unit) 7 Table 3: ERDS Implementation Schedule 10 Figure 1: ERDS PRELIMINARY IMPLEMENTATION CONCEI'r iI I

1.0 INTRdDUCI'lON The Emergency Response Data System (ERDS)is a direct electronic transmission system between the NRC Operations Center and licensed nuclear power facilities. The system is intended to provide to the NRC, on a near real-time basis, selected parameters from plant com-puter systems whose values indicate the condition of the plant during an emergency condition of alert or higher.

At the Palo Venle Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS), the emergency response facility data acquisition and display system (ERFDADS) will be used to transmit selected parameters to the NRC Upon initiation, by command from an ERFI) ADS workstation, an ERDS Datafeeder will auto-dhd the appropriate phone at the NRC Operation Center computer facility, and, following connection, will begin regular transmission of the selected ERFDADS data until the transmission is tenninated. The locations of ERFDADS weskstations are delineated in section of the PVNGS Emergency Plan, and include both the contml room and satellite technical suppon center of each unit.

PVNGS Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures will be revised to address activation of the ERDS. Configuration management of the ERDS will be established and maintained through pro-cedural control to ensure the integrity of the associated hardware and software. Procedural control will also be estal-!ished to ensure that changes to the ERDS, that affect transmission fonnat and/or communication protocol, as well as changes to the ERDS Data Point Library will be noticed to the NRC in accordance with Appendix E to 10 CPR Part 50,Section VI.3.

At PVNGS, the ERFDADS maintains a common database for all three units, arising from its own modular data acquisition and control subsystem (MODACS), as well as inter-processor links to other plant systems: radiation monitoring system (RMS), qualified safety parameter display system (QSPDS), and meteorological data tnmsmission subsystem (MDTP A generalized software package, ERDS-SEND, to be ptovided by the NRC, will be used to ensure standardized transmissions to the NRC computer facility, in addition to EftDS-SEND, two other software elements will be required to implement ERDS at PVNGS, and will be devc' ped by Arizona Public Service Company (APS):

1. Those elements, to be added/ modified in the existing ERFDADS system, that are needed to provide the ERFDADS-ERDS communications end data inmsfer initiation.
2. Those software elements, to be located in the ERDS Datafeeder, that tre needed to format data from the ERFDADS for the ERDS-SEND package.


The ERPS Datafeeder will be initially connected to the existing ERFDADS computer (s). Since no communications path exists between the PVNGS training simulator and the existing ERFDADS, simulator values, as inputs to the ERDS, will not be available during emergency drills or exercises.

As discussed in letter number 161-03846-WFC/MEP/KLhiC, dated Maich 29,1991, from W. g F. Conway, APS, to the Document Connol Desk, U. S. NRC," Generic Letter 89 Revised Implementation Schedule," APS is scheduled to seplace the existing ERFDADS with an upgraded ERFDADS (hereafter refened to in this enclosure as the new ERFDADS) during the period March 1993 through April 1994. The new ERFDADS will be installed on a unit-by unit basis, during scheduled outages, and therefore, for a period of more than a year, the front-end elements in the ERDS Datafeeder must be capable of communicating with either the existing or the new ERFDADS, depending on which generating unit the data miginates from. The liRI' : capability will be maintained by APS during the period of transition from the existing to the r w ERFDA DS. Upon complete installation of t'., new ERFDADS at PVNGS, the ERF DADS Ilost "A" /"B" path (illustrated in figure 1) will be removed. All data input to the ERDS Datafeeder will then come from the PVNGS units on the new ERFDADS local area network (LAN),illus-trated as NEW ERFDADS LAN in figure 1.

2.0 CONTACTS Data Point Library, hardware and software: Telephone systems:

Robert L. Pate Paul 11. Hott ERDS Supervising Engineer Supervisor, Telecommunications ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE CO. ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE CO.

P. O. Box 52034, sta.#1855 P. O. Box 53999, sta.#3862 Phoenix, Arizona 85072-2034 Phoenix, Atizona 85072-3999 f602)3404804 (602)371-6301 3.0 COMPUTER CONFIGURATION 3.1 liardware The ERDS Datafeeder console will house the ERDS hantware (see table 1) and will be located in the on-site technical support center (TSC) computer room. The ERDS Datafeeder will service all three generating units (see figure 1); however, it will transmit unit-specific datasets over each of three separate modems (one for each PVNGS unit). The ERDS Datafeeder will be designated non41uality related (NQR) and will be powered from the ERFDADS umnter.uptable power supply (UPS) unit.

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The liikFDADS will be the time detennining device, with time always expressed in Mountain Stanitard Time. The ERDS Datafeeder will be a nonnally unattended system, with the user located in the phmt control room areas at ERFDADS workstations. The monitor, keyboard, and mouse at the ERDS Datafeeder console, located in the TSC computer room, will be intended for maintenance and remedial actions work only.

3.2 Software Three packages compriae the ERDS software:

(a) HRFDADS-SEND ERFDADS-SEND is a collective tenn for the elements / modifications to the existing ERFDADS software associated with implementation of ERDS. 'lhe existing ERFDADS utilizes Modcomp 7870 processors running in primary / backup posture. The system was supplied by Energy Incorporated in 1982, is prognunmed principally in FORTRAN IV, and la currently run-ning operating system M AX IV Rev E Two Elf FDADS serial pons, located in physically separate Universal Communications Chas-sis, will be used to communicate with the ERDS Datafeeder. These pmts will operate at 9600 baud asynchronous. 'Ihe transmissions will be every 15 seconds, and wdl include the data sets for all three units.

ERFDADS-SEND will reguhuly send messages along the ERFDADS-ERDS path, test for communications integrity and alarm appropriately, accept phmt control room commands to ini-tiate/tenninate transmiscions to the NRC, and provide continuous indication on the ERFDADS overview screen of the ERDS status.

(b) ERDS-FRONT ERDS-FRONT is a collective tenn for the elements / modifications to be located in the ERDS Datafeeder that fonnats data from the ERFDADS and interfaces with the ERDS-SEND softwtue package (to be provided to APS by the NRC).

! ERDS-FRONT will receive ERFDADS transmission from either:

! 1) The existing ERFDADS; an emergency response computer system installed in 1982. The existing ERFDADS utilizes a combined host processor serving all l three PYNGS units.

2) The new ERFDADS; a distributed processor sysiem scheduled for installation on a unit by-unit basis.

'The connection to the existing ERFDADS computer will be over a 9600 baud asyncluonous, seria,1 mmmunications path. The connection to the new ERFDADS will be to a fiber optics LAN.

In the new EHFDADS configuration, computer (s) in each PVNGS unit will be on the network.

Through appropriate configuration control tables, ERDS FRONT will identify imd build the data set for each unit, perform ERDS quality tagging and some calculations, and forward the datasets to the appropriate ERDS-SEND output module (if and when a transmit-initiate comnumd is presented in the meisage stream). ERDS-FRONT will be able to forward one, two, or three datasets in each 15 second transactica period. It will also acknowledge message receipts from the ERfDADS as well as alert ERFDADS when an ERDS SEND module detects a communications fault on the ERDS-NRC path (which is only detectable when ERDS transmit status is active).

(c)ERDS SEND ERDS-SEND, to be provided by the NRC, is a generalized multiple input / multiple output pro-gram intended to standardire ERDS transmissions to the computer facility at the NRC Operations Center. ERDS SEND composes the communications messages, controls the modems, monitors the phone links, and conducts communications with the computer (s) at the NRC Operations Cen-ter, it also provides an errcr logger and a configuration editor. ERDS SEND is an Open Desktop-based program. Open Desktop is a graphical operating system based on the Santa Cruz Operations UNIX system V/386. A windows-basco OSF/ Motif operator interface facility is included. Ilow-ever the ERDS Datafeeder at PVNGS will be a Sun Sparc station and the program will be ported to ru.t under SunOS (UNIX).

Initiate /renninate transmissions by ERDS-SEND will nonnally be undet programmatic con-trol from ERIE-FRONT, since the user is located in the plant control room area, a considerable distance from the TSC computer room. Diagnostic work and configurational edits, however, will be done at the ERDS Datafeeder console. ERDS-SEND will transmit ASCII messages at 2400 baud, asynchronous, serial, every 15 seconds (when activated) using the communications protocol set forth in NUREG-1374, Rev.1.

4.0 ERDS DKFA POINTS Table 2 provides a preliminary list of the data points which appear to best satisfy the NRC parmneter list.The PVNGS site designators assigned by NRC (see Appendix 11 to NUREG-1394, Rev.1) are:

Palo Verde Unit i PV1 Palo Verde Unit 2 PV2 Palo Verde Unit 3 PV3


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9 5.0 IMPLEMENTATION MILESTONES The milestones presented in Table 3 provide projected completion dates for activities critical to implementation of he ERDS at PVNGS on a schedule consistent with the requirements of Sec-tion VI.4a of Appendix E to 10 CFR Pan 50 (February 13,1993).

. Also included, for information, are projected dates for implementing the new ERFDADS in the respective PVNGS units.

Table 1 ERDS Datafeeder Equipment List Sua #4/40FC-8-P40, SPARC-IPC workstation, including 8 Mbytes memory 207 Mbytes hard drive 1.44 Mbytes,3.5" floppy drive Two S-bus pons SunOS (UNIX) operating system Color monitor, keyboard,3-button mouse Sun #X1008Y, S-bus extender

- Codex #2235, modems (to be supplied by NRC)

Sun #X660Y,5.25" tape cartridge system .

Associated interconnecting cables I

Table 2 '

ERDS Preliminary Point ID List (per unit)

(a) ERDS ERFDADS (a) (b)

NRC Parsmeter Point ID Point ID Units Parameter Description Origin Ccle Reactor Power:

N1 POWER RNG SEIIAL SEJ1AL  % NI Linear Power, Train A MODACS NIINTER RNG SEJ1A SFJ1A amp Excore Log Power, Train A QSPDS NI SOURC RNG SENIS1 SENISI cps Startup Flux, Channel 1 MODACS Core Cooling:

REAC VES LEV ' RVLEVEL see note b inches Reactor Vessel Water Level calculated 1 TEMP CORE EX RITM1 RITM1 F Representative CETTemp., Train A QSPDS SUB MARGIN CETMARA CETMARA F CET Margin to Saturation QSPDS CORE FLOW RX14 OW see note b lb/hr Total Core Flow calculated 2 Steam Generators:

SG LEVEL 1 SGL113A SGL113A  % SG-1 Level, Wide Range. Train A QSPDS y SG LEVEL 2 SGL123A SGL123A  % SG-2 level, Wide Range, Train A QSPDS SG PRESS 1 SGP013A SGP013A psia SG-1 Pressure QSPDS SG PRESS 2 SGP023A SGP023A psia SG-2 Pressure QSPDS MN FD FL 1 SGF1112 SGF1112 lb/hr SG-1 Main Feedwater Flow MODACS MN FD FL 2 SGF1122 SGF1122 lb/hr SG-2 Main Feedwater Flow MODACS AX FD FL 1 AFF40A AFF40A gpm SG-1 Auxiliary FW Flow MODACS AX FD FL 2 AFF40B AFF40B gpm SG-2 Auxiliary FW Flow MODACS '

HLTEMP1 RCT112H RCT112H F Hot Leg-1 Temperature QSPDS HLTEMP2 RCT22H1 RCT22H1 F Hot 1xg-2 Temperature QSPDS CL TEMP 1A RCT112C RCTll2C F Cold leg-1 A Temperature QSPDS CLTEMP IB RCT12C2 RCT12C2 F Cold Ixg-1B Temperature QSPDS CL TEMP 2A RCT22Cl RCF22C1 F Cold Leg-2A Temperature QSPD2 CL TEMP 2B RCT22C2 RCT22C2 F Cold Leg-2B Temperature QSPDS t RCS Integrity:

RCS PRESSURE RCP102A RCP102A psia Pressurizer Pressure, wi:le range QSPDS PRZR LEVEL RCL103 RCL103  % Pressunzer Level, wide range MODACS RCS CHG FL- CHF212 CHF212 gpm Charging flow to Regen. IIX MODACS

Table 2 (con't)

ERDS Preliminary Point ID List (per unit)

ERFDADS (a) (b)

(a) ERDS PointID Unts Parameter Description Origin Cale NRC Parameter Point ID Total HP Safety Injection Flow calculated 3 HP SI FLOW HPSI see note b gpm Total LP Safety Injection Flow calculated 4 LP SI FLOW LPSI see note b gpm RDL10 RDL10 inches Reactor Cavity Sump Level MODACS RX CAVITY SUMP CTMNT SMP 1 SIL706 SIL7G6 inches ESF-A Sump Level QSPDS CTMNT SMP 2 SIL707 SIL707 inches ESF-B Sump Level QSPDS RDL410 RDL410 inches East Radwaste Sump Level MODACS 1 CTMNT SMP 3 RDL411 RDL411 inches West Radwnte Sump Lael MODACS CTMNT SMP 4 Radioactivity Control:

uci/cc Plant Vent Gas Monitor (high range) - RMS i EFF GAS RAD 1 SQR144B SQR114B SQR146B uci/cc Fuel Bldg. Vent Gas Monitor (high) RMS .l EFF GAS RAD 2 SQR146B EFF LIQ RAD . (there are no liquid releases from PVNGS) .

&' Cond. Vac/Gind Seal Monitor (high) RMS COND A/E RAD SQR142B SQR142B uci/cc R/hr In-Containment Area Monitor RMS CNTMNT RAD SQR148 SQR148 CHR204 CHR204 cpm Letdown Process Monitor MODACS RCS LTDN RAD SQR139A mR/hr SG-1 Steam Line Radiation Level RMS MAIN SL 1 SQR139A mRAr SG-2 Steam Line Radiation Level RMS MAIN SL 2 SQR139B SQR139B uci/cc SG-1 Blowdown Activity RMS SG BD RAD 1 SQR4 SQR4 uci/cc SG-2 Blowdown Activity RMS SG BD RAD 2 SQR5 SQR5 Containment Conditions:

HCP352A HCP352A psig Containment Pressure MODACS CTMNT PRESS HCT42A1 HCT42A1 F Containment Temperature, West wall MODACS CTMNT TEMP HPA10 HPA10  % Contr.inment Hydrogen Concentration QSPDS H2 CONC Miscellaneous Parameters:

CHL203A CHL203A  % Refueling WaterTank level MODACS BWST LEVEL ARGS2AM ARGS2AM mph Wind Speed at 35 ft.15 min _ average ERFDADS WIND SPEED ARGX2AM ARGX2AM deg. fnnn Wind Direction at 35 ft,15 min aver. ERFDAD5 WIND DIR

-PSCLASS see note b STABI Pasquill Stability Class,15 min. aver. ulculated 5 STAB CLASS l ,

t ,

t Tal'e 2 (con'0 ERDS Preliminary Foint ID List (per unit)



(a) refer to Appendix E to NUREG-1394, Rev. I (b) calculations by ERDS-FRONT:

where [xxxxx] are Point ID's received from ERFDADS used to compose the ERDS result (1) RVLEVEL = '242 * [RCXLIA] + 61 * [R.CXL2A]

(2) RXFLOW = 5.57E6 * ( PX1 + PX2 + PX3 + PX4) where PX1 = SQRT([RCPD24W]) or

.j, PX1 = -SQRT(ABS ([RCPD24W])) if [RCPD24W] < 0

' and PX2 = SQRT([RCPD24X]) or PX2 = -SQRT(ABS ([RCPD24X])) if [RCPD24X] < 0 where PX3 = SQRT([RCPD24Y]) or PX3 = -SQRT(ABS ([RCPD24Y])) if [RCPD24Y] < 0 and PX4 = SQRT([RCPD24Z]) or l

PX4 = -SQRT(ABS ([RCPD24Z])) if [RCPD24Z] <0 l

(3) HPSI = [SIF311] + [SIF321] + [SIF331] + [SIF341]

(4) LPSI= [SIF306] + [SIF307]

(5) PSCLASS = a function of[ARGTDIAM] ...(details to be dete2 mined) ..

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d Table 3 ERDS Implementation Schedule 9/11/91 Kickoff Meeting, Region V 10/28SI implementation Plan to NRC 3/13N2 Provide ERDS Data Point Library to NRC 3/31N2 NRC install modems and I<TS 2000 lines at site 5/31N2 . Receive ERDS SEND from NRC

  • 12/3182 Complete software development / testing by APS 1/10N3. Full scale test with the NRC ERDS Contractor 2/05N3 Operability demonstration with NRC 2/13N3 Operational (with existing ERFDADS) x v -:

For Information Apr. 93 Unit-2 swi.pover (to new ERFDADS)

Nov. 93 - Unit-1 swapover (to new ERFDADS)

- Apr. 94 Unit-3 swapover (to new ERFDADS)

The nbove are projected dates for individual unit swapovers from the existing ERFDADS to the new ERFDADS. Each swapover will be handled as a configuration change, with appropriate notice to the NRC, in accordance with Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, Section VI.3. These dates

.- are provided for information only and reflect the projected completions of refueling outages.

These dates are subject to adjustment.




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u y 1.AN EXISTING l EXISTING ERFDADS ERFDADS 3...........................


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! U Develop Software to Obtain this Data from the Data Base on ............ .. w. ERDS DATA FEEDER ERFDADS to the ERDS.


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