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Rev 0 to ES10.00, Sys Engineer Program
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 06/02/1988
Shared Package
ML20081E364 List:
FOIA-90-570 ES10.00, NUDOCS 9107300225
Download: ML20082D987 (28)


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1 DOC NO: ES10.00 REVISION: 0 PACE OF Arizona Nuclear Power Project

  • DATE: 06/02/88




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0 06/02/88 l Criginal Issue 1

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Reviewed By:

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DOC NO: ES10.Ce REVISION: 0 PACE 1 OT 26 Arizona Nuclear Power Project '

DATE: 06/02/88 TITLE:


The purpose of this program is to establish the roles, as our1.ined in the Engineering Evaluations Systet Organiaational Policies. ,

.t e r and Op 1.2 The goal qualify of the ANPP System Engineer program is to, assign individuals.rcsponsible trai.., and required to ensure the sa'fe, efficient,to provide the engineering expertise assigned systems for and reliable functionality of all threo units.

this responsibility by performing assigned tasks, and maintaininThe g

. assigned systems. cognizance of all engineering and maintenance work technical and engineering information us well as curre The System Engineer i; expected em status.

probicas related to assigned proactively identify and resolve to advocate the timely completion of engineering and maintenanThe ce activities conducted on ascigned systems by monitoring task priorities -

and Discipline Supervisor on the statustasks, of pertinentand thus ensuring improvementmanagement programs. cognizance of performance problems and nec


2.0 P.ESPONSIBI LITIES 2.1 The Director, Standards and Technical Support Division, is responsible g

the activities of the Standards and Technical Suppo Implementation of the System Engineer Program will be in stages , with .

impicmentation dates as shcwn in Appendix B.

2.2 Systems (OCS) Managers are responsibic for im Engineer Program within the Standards 6 Technical Support Division obtaining corrective actions as required to ensure program.

, and the success of the The Managers ensure adequate resourecc are available to System Engineer responsibilities. support the Program, and that o W USM A($44)

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DOC NO: ES10.00

  • REVISION: 0 PACE 2 0F 26 DATE: 06/07/88 Arizona Nuclear Power Project -

TIT 1.E:

SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRMi 2.3 The Engineering Evaluations and Operations Cottputer Systems Disciplino Supervisors shall ensure effective conduct of section activities.

2.3.1 Maintain a staff of qualified System Engineers with strong technical expertise, interpersor,a1 skills, and corraunication skills by ensuring appropriate recruiting and training, of replacement staff as needed.

2.3.2 .

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Resolve resource confl. uts between the EED/0CS Departnents and other PVNCS Engineer organizations relating to the disposition of System activities.

2.3.3 Mair tain the adequacy and execution of Systern Engineer work assignments to ensure optimurn system availability and performance, and that the System Engineers work products are of consistently high quality.

2.3.4 Approve the transfer of work outside the department which could be more effectively accomplished by another departreent. '

2.3.5 Ensure tasks are identified and trackel to completion in accordance with the Department Work Management Systern guidelines.


2.3.6 Assist the Lead Engi.mer in the resolution of interdepartmental problems.

2.3.7. Meet periodically with Engineering Department Supervision to review and coordinato task prioritics and schedules.

2.4 The Discipline Lead Engineer r.hnll ensure effective conduct si System Engineer activition by day to day supervision of the performance of ocelgned tasku and d'stics.

2.4.1 Review System Engineer technical decis'ous and work prioritientions.


2.4.2 Review and recommend to the Discipline Supervisor the transfer of work more appropriately accomplit.hed by other departments.

2.4.3 Approve the transfer of work activities within the departmant.

  • 2.4.4 Advise Syntem Engineers of pertinent issues and management expectations through periodic meetingn and dissemination of information.

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  • REVISION: 0 PACC 3 0F 26 Arizona Nuclear Power Project DATE: 06/02/80 TITLE:


2.4.5 Inform supervisors and inanagers of significant and pertinent issues regulatory which might itopact plant or systern availability cotepliance, ,

or safety.

2.4.6 Act as project administrator on inulti disciplined root cause of failure analyses to coordinato expedient results.

2.4.7 Maintaining expertise, a staff of Systern Engineers with strong technical ensuring that training plans are itoplemented. interp 2.4.8 Support the System Engineer in the discharge of his responsibilities by recommending courses of action to Unit

,, Managernent unable resolve.on activition which the Systern Engineer has been 2.5 System Enrincer 2.5.1 The System Engineer in responsible to provide the engineering expertise required functioning of assignedto ensure systems. the safe, efficient .and reliable discharges the responsibility by: The System Engineer s

executing work product activities; inaintaining col,nizance of work associated with systerns assigned; acting as the focal point for systete engineering activities including problem analysis / resolution, system maintenance by work request / work ordets review, system perfonnanen monitoring / trending; and functions as the Test Director on selected surveillance tests, or special performance tests.

2.5.2 The system Engineer shares the effort Operations. Maintenance, responsibilities through inte Work Control, Outage. Planning, Construction. Material Control and Plant Standards a ,

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DOC ND: ES10.00 REVISION: O PACE 4 0F 26 DATE: 06/02/88 Arizona Nuclear Power Project -

TITLE: SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAM 2.5.3 The System Engineer serves as an advocate of the timely completion of activities conducted on assigned systems by monitoring task progress, regularly reporting the status of pertinent engineering tasks to the Lead Engineer / Discipline Supervisor and recommending priorities on plant modifications to Unit Manageacnt thus enabling pro active tnanageitent to the correction of perfortranco problems and early implementation of improvement programs.

It is incumbent upon the Syste.n Engineer

' to consult with plant personnel up to the level of Supervisor to effe'ct the concpletion of activi ties of an as t u.4ed and timely basis.

3.0 pROGRAN 3$1 System Ennincer overview 3.1.1 The System Engineer is responsible to provido the engineering expertise required to ensure the safe, e f f i c i e nt. , and reliable functioning of assigned nyatems. The System Engineer dis:harges this responsibility by performing assigt'ed tasks, and maintaining cognizance of all work associated with the system (s) assigned. The System Engineer shares t.he effort in

' discharging these responsibilities through interacting with Engineering, Operations, Maintenance Work Control, Outage planning, Construction, Material Control, plant Standards 4 Control. It is incumbent upon the System Engineer to consult with plant personnel up to the icyc1 of supervisor to ef feet the completion of activities on an as needed and timely basis.

3.1.2 The System Engineer serves as the focal point for technical and engineering information and system status. The System Engineer alt.o serves to advocate the timely completion of activities conducted on assigned systems by monitoring task progr m . Thw System Engineer regularly reports the status of pertinent engineering tasks to the Lead Engineer and Discipline Supervisor, thus enabling a proactive manngement approach to correction of performance problemn and early implementation of improvement programs.

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DOC 1;0: ES10.00

~ REVISION: 0 PACE 5 0F 26 DATE: 06/02/88 Arizona Nuclear Power Project "


3.2 Qualification and Traininr.

3.2.1 The System Engineer is responsiblo to achieve and maintain a high level of knowledge on assigned system (s). This vill be accomplished by a combination of formal classroom training, On the Job Training (DJT), self study, and qualification requirements.

Minimum training requirements for the System Engineer including the following topics: Station Information Systems The System Engineer shall be trained and demonstrate proficiency in the use of computer based information systems. From these databases, the System Engineer vill be able to extract work document inforwation and system status.

The System Engineer vill be required to demonstrate the ability to access data, interpret data displayed in the various fields, and evaluate key indicators of system status from all available information management system data. Root Cause of Tailure - All System Engineers shall complete a structured course in systematic failure analysis. The successful completion of this training

' (i.e. MORT or Kepner Tregoe), will provide a common basis for problem solving and resolution. Design Basis The System Engineer will complete this training to ensure understanding of detailed design basis requirements for assigned system (s). The System Engineer will have ready access, and demonstrate the ability, to retrieve and interpret the design basis information. System Characteristics - Thc System Engireer vill be trained and demonstrate knowledge of system characteristics including such as, design and

operating limits, component fu*,ctions and reasons for j specific type selection, instrumentation installed,
automatic functions, alarms, tolerances, physical J layout, operation under normal and transient

( conditions, and system interactions, The System t

Engineer vill receive appropriate sections of SRO training on assigned system (s).

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  • o l DOC 110: ES10.00 REVIS!Oti: D PAGE 6 0F 26 DATE: 06/02/88 Arizona Nuclear Power Project TIT 12: SYSTDi ENGINEER PROGRMi Technical Specifications /FSAR The Systern Engineer will be trained and deiconstrate knowledge on the content, application of, and the basis for requirettents set forth by Technical i Specifications / TSAR on assigned systems.  ;

3.2.2 The System Engineer shall be trained and dettonstrate knowledge of the following processes to perforan work products defined in

, Section 3.3 including: Sito Hodtfications. Ternporary Hodifications. Engineering Evaluations. Plant Change Request initiation. Plant Change Package preparation. Technical Input 6 Review. Nucloar Safety Review and Evaluation


3.2.3 The Systein Engineer shall be trained and demonstrate a general knowledge of surveillance test procedures, maintenance procedures, operating procedures, and the work control processes nusociated with assigned syntesn(s). He is not expected to maintain a working knowledge of these procedurer.,

3.3 Vork Products 3.3.1

- The System work produc':r: Engineer is responsibic to produce the following Enginecryng Evaluations Requents Temporary Modifications Site Modifications - Plant Change Requestu

. c Plant Change packages 3,3.1.6 m i.%. m Special Plant Event Evaluat ton Report s

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_ l DOC NO: E310.00 REV1510N: 0 PACE 7 Or 26 Arizona Nuclear Power Project

  • DATE: 06/07/88 TITLE:

SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAM 3,3.2 Engineering Evaluation Requests (EER's) are requests for technical(RCF)

Analysis evaluation and clarification, as provided for in and Root Cause Failur e Engineering Evaluation Request. Procedure 73AC.0ZZ29 The System EER priority.Engineer shall establish the proper

' The System Engineer is expected to perform the initial field interviews and inspections when practical, of any components involved in a Root Cause of Failure Investigation.

,, The System Engineer shall request necessary resources and coordinate the entire Root Cause of Failure Investigation.

This may include partial transfer to the oppropriate section, department, or contract service organization. The System Engineer should disposition Engineering Evaluations in a timely manner.that are urgent or that can be ptiformed If the EER requires inter discipline or interdepartmental review , or the response need date cannot be met, the System Engineer should the recommend appropriate section the transfer of the evaluation to or department. For transferred EER's, the System Engineer shall reviewshall steps and concur be with the returned evaluation, or the evaluator. taken to resolve the disposition ' a 3.3.3 Temporary Hodifications (T. Hods) are plant modifications that satisfy exigent plant conditions.are not intended to be perm (Refer to procedure 73AC 92205, Temporary Modification Control) The system Engineer shall initiate and perform all T. Hods on assigned systemn, expertise is required, unless multi discip11ne The Site Modification and Plant Change proceste should be considered prior to initiating a T. Hod, e

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DOC !;0: ES10.00 REVISIO!1: 0 PAGE 8 0F 26 Arizona Nuclear Power Project -

DATE: 06/07/88 TITLE:

SYSTEM E!1G1tiEER PROGRAM 3.3.4 Site Modification (S Mod) is a simple, non complex, non des 1 "

6 basis change to the plant within prescribed budget guidelines (Refer to 73AC 9ZZ28. Site Modifications). . The System urgent, Engineer shall develop the Site Mod if or within the System Engineers' work load constraints and technical expertise, bill of materials for une by the includinE the

' implementing


organization parts, in obtaining the necessary components, or materials. --- For Site Mods developed by the System Engineer, the System Engineer shall initiate the spare parts

,, requirements including minimum stock levels for the Sitemod and communicate this informatien to Procurement Engineering via a Class and Item Request form; For transferred Site Mode, the System Engineer should recormnend the design change that best accomplishes resolution of the problem. The System Engineer should include relevant plant operating or trending


data for use by the design organization. Vhen the S Mod is returned to the Systen Engineer for implementation, it shall be reviewed for concurrence prior to installation.lf the System Engineer disagrees the design with the design, it should be resolved with organization.

> The System Engineer shall specify and verify satisfactory completion of the necessary component o

testing with the appropriate implementing organization.The perform the System Engineer shall, as necessary, system level retects on t!.2 systems affected demonstrate by the change.The system level retests must-basin function.that the system will perform its design 3.3.5 Plant Change Request (PCR) is the initiating document for potential plant modifications.(Refer to l'M01.02). The System Engineer should evaluate whether the ,

requested change could be implemented by revisions to Maintenance methods and/or Operating procedures or other in lieu of a plant change, evm nie m 9

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9 DOC NO: ES10.00 REVISION: O PACE 9 OF 26 Arizona Nuclear Power Project '

DATE: 06/07/88 TITLE:


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+ The System En61neer shall review the PCR for applicability to assigned systems. and assign plant operating or trending data for u design organization. The Systern Engineer shall make an initial assessme

' that the change being considered will correct the problem priority. identified, and assign an impicmentation 3.3.6 Plant Change Package, Package (PCP) incorporates the Design ge Cha major plant modifications.(Refer to 73AC 0ZZ1 Predetertained reviews of the DCP shall be accomplished by the Systern Engineer during the desig process Changes. as provided by PM01.01 Practice for Plant Upon receipt of the completed Design Change Packa (DCP) froin Engineering Department, the System -

~ Engineer shall process it per 73AC 0ZZ15 Plant Ch Package. The System Engineer shall specify, and verify satisfactory complction of the necessary component otesting rganizawith tion'.the appropriate implementing The System Engineer shall, as necess.ary, perform the system level retests on the systems affected by the change. The system icyc1 retests i

ts design must demonstrate basis function. that the system will perform 3.3.7 Special Plant Event Evaluation Request 79AC 92Z10). report to evaluate in, a specific problem.(SPEER (Refer to producing SPEER's as assigned by Supervision.The or assist in S e

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DOC NO: ES10.00

~ REVISION: 0 PAGE 10 OP 26 DATE: 06/02/88 Arizona Nuclear Power Project TIT 1.E: SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAM 3.4 Perf ormance Monitorinr/ Trending 3.4.1 The System Engineers are expected to identify and trend appropriate system parameters within a structured methodology, with the goal of obtaining pertinent data for system performance and reliability monitoring. The parameters trended shall be periodically reviewed and approved by the Discipline Supervisor.

The objective is to allow timely preventative or

' corrective actions to be implemented. Expected results of this offort.are: Minimize forced equipment / component failures. Ensure system performance and reliability. Avoid similar repetitive failures on sister Units. Minimize negative preventative / corrective maintenance practices. Detect degradations in component / equipment prior to the condition escalating to a major f ailure.

3.4.2 The System Engineer is expected to utili cd the following information sources for trending and monitoring. - Surveillance test program. Operations log sheets. Technical Specification Condition Component Record. Unusual event reports. Post trip reports. Plant monitoring system and TDAS. Direct manual / electronic measurement. Quarterly failure data trend report. Vork Requests and Work Orders. Equipment history program.

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DOC NO: ES10.00 REVISION: 0  !

PAGE 110F 26 I Arizona Nuclear Power Project '

DATE: 06/02/88  !


The' System' Engineer shall perform scheduled field walkdovns of accessible systems based on checklist Discipline Supervisor. parameters developed by the System Engine that field conditions are being maintained for effectiveThe operation, staff. and discuss operational concerns with control room The System Engineer is also responsible for,valk. downs with the authorized Nuclear Insurance Inspector.

3.4.4 Results - Base'd on the trended data, the System Eagineer is expected to recognize significant system / component degradation or abnormal operating conditions from both a historical basis, as well as current status. The System Engineer may require the support of technical experts to analyze specific areas of concern. The System Engineer should: Investigate the cause of abnormalities. Evaluate system / component failure impact on plant safety and Unit power operations. Prepare and perform special system / component

  • performance tests.The System Engineer shall ensure the adequacy of the subject test, the demonstration of applicable acceptance criteria, and summarize the conclusions which are derived from the performance of the test and/or test data. Complete the'necessary documents to address significant problems on a priority basis. This may include the Plant Change Request, Procedure Change Notice Vork Request, or Engineering Evaluation

.-- Request, to correct the adverse trends. The System Engineer shall resolve all Out of Tolerance Notices (OTN) on measuring and test equipment which was used by the System Engineer and subsequently found to be out of tolerance as provided for in procedure Measuring 34AC-0ZZ03 control'of Nonconforming and Test Equipment and Calibration Standards.

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'o DOC UO: ES10.00

" REVISION: 0 PACE 12 0F 26 DATE: 06/02/88 Arizona Nuclear Power Project TITLE: SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAM 3.5 System Engineer Reviews- ~~

1 3.5.1 The Systern Engineer maintains cognizance of all engineering and rnaintenance work perforrned on assigned systems by reviewing significant work activities perforced by PVNGS/ANpP support departrnents , including but not liraited to the activities identified in this section.

3.5.2 Vendor Doctunentation - The Syst ern Engineer reviews all vendor docuacnt subraittals irtpacting assigned systems as ptovided for by proceduto ES03.04 Control of Vendor Dccurnentation. This review enables the System Engineer to remain up to date with vendor recommendations and technical information applicable to the Systern Engineer systerns.

3.5.3 Plant Changes The Systern Engineer recommeads priorities and scheduled in:plernentation doces to Unit Managertent. The Systern Engineer revieve and approves the requirernents analysis and/or prelirtinary engineering activities of plant changes, and Site Mods developed

' by the Engineering Department, that affect the Sys tern Engineers' assigned systems as provided for in procedure PM01.01 Practice for Plant Changes. The Systern Engineer shall review to the extent necessary to ensure the functionality and rnaintainability of the final design of plant changes

' as provided for in procedure 73AC-0Z"27 Change Control Process, and resolve any cortments with the Engineering Departraent.

3. 5. 3. ts The System Engineer shall review and approve the final engineering for all Site Mods, as provided for in precedure 73AC 9ZZ28.

3.5.T.? ""he System Engineer shall maint ain cognizance of the installation of the plant change, and the resolution -

by the Engineering Departruent of technical problems anceuntered during istpleinentation. Copies of all ric1d Change Requests (FCR's) shall he forwarded to the System Engineer f or information.

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DOC !;0: ES10.00


' REVISION: 0 PACE 13 0F 26 Arizona Nuclear Power Project

  • DATE: 06/02/88 TIT 1.E:

SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAM The Systern Engineer shall review to verify that the .

affected drawings inatch the physical installation, and close applicabic portions of the Plant Change Packages. Plant changes which must be implemented in part, in teore than one tirne f rame, shall be reviewed and approved by the System Engineer. The Systern Engineer shall deternine that the scope of work proposed to be performed for the ' partial completion' is necessary and cornplete within the total scope of the plant change.

The Systern Engineer shall ensure that a Nuclear Safety Review (i.e.

for each part of the plant change,10CFR50.59) is performed partial iaplernentation does not constitute to ensure an that the unreviewed safety question.

3.5.4 Nuclear Safety and 1.icensing Support The SysterntoEngineer requested, the shall prepare the response, as ISEG recommended corrective actions as provided for in procedure E505.02 Independent Safety Engineering Group.

~ The System Operating Engineer shall review for applicability, Experience Inforvation disseminated by ISEC that is applicable to the System Engineer's assigned system (s) as described in procedure ES05.03 Operating Experience Review. The System Engineer is e to initiate corrective actions as necessary.xpected The System Engineer shall review and approve all

_. licensing submittals which pertain to, or impact the System Engineer's ast.igned systems, as provided for in procedure ES06.03 Regulatory Correspondence Control. The System Engineer is responsibic for the technical accuracy of the subject licensing submltral.

1 DOC NO: ES10.00 REVISION: O pAGE 14 0F 26 Arizona Nuclear Power Project DATE: 06/02/88 TITLE:

SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAN The System Engineer is responsible for assisting the Responsible Compliance Engineer in the development of non-routine reports (such as License Event Reports.

Special Reports, Justification for Continued Operation, etc.) as provided for in Procedure ES06.07 Non Routine Repotting practice. The System Engincar shall ensure technical information pertaining to the

, systems technicallyaffected by the non routine report is accurato. ~

For the activities which are the responsibility of EED/0CS, the System Engineer is responsibic for providing 10CFR Part 21 reviews as provided for in

.. procedure ES06.08. Review of Conditions Adverse to Quality for 10CFR21, by documenting the evaluation on forms provided by ES06.08, on assigned systems. The System Engineer is responsible for review and approval of licensing commitments identified by the Nuclear includedLicensing and Compliance Departments to be in the computerized Regulatory Commitments Tracking System (RCTS), controlled by procedure' ES07.01 Regulatory Action Tracking Practice. The System Engineer Review will consist of:


The System Engineer shall review the proposed RCTS description of the commitment for technical accuracy, and that sufficient references identify and documentation is included to the commitment.

(b) Additionally, the System Engineer is responsibic for reviewing and approving the disposition and completion of actions which document satisfying the identified commitment, and that the technical information provided and actions performed are accurate and timely,'

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DOC NO: ES10.00

  • REVISION: 0 PACE 15 OP 26 DATE: 06/02/88 Arizona Nuclear Power Project TIT 1.E:

SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAM 3.5.5 Procedure and Test Results Review The Systern Engineer shall perform evaluations of test results for tests performed by, or at the direction of the System Engineer. This review shall docurnent the adequacy of the subject test, the demonstration of epplicabic acceptance criteria, and summari::e the conclusions which are derived frorn the performance of the test and/or test data. This review may be in the form of a special report as directed by the discipline Supervisor. The Systern Engineer shall perform periodic reviews of procedures which affect the System Engineer's assigned systems.

This review shall include, but not be limited to, ensuring the technical accuracy of the procedure, verifying that assigned procedures reficct design changes, the inclusion of pertinent information and bulletins,received from vendor technical notices and systern performance information revealed in system performance trending. The System Engineer provides technical support as requested to the plant Standards and Controls, and Radiation Protection & Chemistry Departtnents for non-periodic reviews of station manual procedures which affect the System Engineer's assigned systems.

i This review shall include but not be litnited to the following:


Ensuring the technical accuracy of the procedure.


Concur that maintenance and eperating procedures properly reflect design changes.


The inclusion of pertinent information received from vendor technical notices bulletins. and (d)

System performance information revealed in system performance trending. The System plans / modules Engineer will perform reviews of training PvD64m A (t 44 p rnoonsted. to verify Technical accuracy, as

DOC NO: ES10.00 REVISION: O PACE 16 0F 26 Arizona Nuclear Power Project DATE: 06/07/88 TIT 1.E:

SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAM 3.5.6 Maintenance Reviews The System Engineer shall perform trending reviews of maintenance work(s).

to assigned system requests and work orders pertaining This will enable Engineer to remain engnirant of maintenancethe System activities, potential prabicas and to identify recurrent system deficiencies and high failure items not addressed by the Failuro Data Trending Program.

This review anables the System Engineer a monitor the timely completion of maintenance activities and that these activities are consistent with problem resolution.

Additionally this review will provido a basis for the System Engineer to recommend spare parts stocking 1cvels and/or changes thereto. The System Engineer shall recommend to the Vork Group Supervisor and inferm the Lead Engineer and/or Supervisor of the suspension of work activitica the System Engineer feels are that inconsistent safe, efficient, and reliable operation andwith the maintenance of assigned system (s). The System Engineer serves as the focal point for the transfer of specialized technical information relating to assigned system (s) gained in one PVNCS unit to the other units. The System Engineer shall identify equipment problems which could invalidate the equipment qualification render the qualification indeterminato, ,

significant changes ln age degradation. or indicato 3,5.6.5 Y o System Eng6cer shall identify pon!.ble conformance warranty system (s). probleins on equiprnent in assigned 3.6 Technical support of Ha f nt enante 3.6.1 The System Enginecr providen related activities by providing information, evaluationstechnic specialized technical knowledge, and by making specific ,

recomrnenda tions .

Plant Standards and Controls DepartmentThis includes provid as follows:

DOC NO: ES10.00

- REVISION: 0 PAGE 17 OF 26 Arizona Nuclear Power Project DATE: 06/02/88 TIT 1.E :

SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAM Perform evaluations and make recommendations activities.high frequency corrective maintenance regarding Ensure that maintenance procedures adequately recognize manufacturer's recommendations by incorporating manufacturer's recommended PM/CM practices, frequencies, and reasons. The System Engineer changes. shall recommend and approve PM frequency 3

reductions in PM frequency based on risk to the plan equipment. Prepare data interpretations of maintenance and test

/ trends. Provide feedback of recurring problems to and from the Engineering, Operations, Organizations. and Maintenance Ensure that equipment anti component problems experienced in the industry and within the utility are reflected in maintenance work activitics. Specify maintenance retests requirements, and identify necessary acceptance criteria to demonstrate component operability. '

Provide recommendations corrosion control. on component layup and e

3.6.2 Field Support during outages (planned and forced) and on normal operati-The S activities being performed on assigned accomplished by: .

This is

. c. system (s) consiste The Systen Engineer shall selectively moniter com p control and implementation of work.or non routine maintenance A N 04) l

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DOC 1:0: ES10.00 REVISION: O PAGE 18 0F 26 Arizona Nuclear Power Project DATE: 06/02/88 TITLE: SYSTDi ENGINEER PROGRAM The Systern Engineer shall occasionally provide detailed that fall direction outside of specific reaintenance evolutions the bounds of norinal work practice and procedures (such as Root Cause of railure, accidental equipment documentation damage and problem recovery and support). The System Engineer shall identify the need for and mako recommendations to the Lead Engineer for System Engineer shift support of complex, lengthr and continuous work. The System Engineer abould document the significant parameters, characteristics, and observations of assigned system coreponents, especially those having little or no accessibility during nortnal piant operation (i.e.

components inside contairusent). The System Engineer should analyze the 'as lef t,'

conditions against the 'as found' and the manufacturers specifications to ensure correct and proper installation and subsequent operability of.

these components.

3.7 System inforrnation Database 3.7.1 Tne System Engineer shall maintain a system oriented database which categories: should fnelude but not be limited to the following Active / inactive Engineering Evaluation Requests

~'~ 3:7.1.2 Summary information for currenr/ active Decign Change Packages and Plant Change Packages.

3. 7.1 ')

Summary information for current / active Site Mods and Ternporary Modifications. Outstanding work documents for that system System trend inforrnation. .

Surveillance test information.


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DOC NO: ES10.00

" REVISION: 0 PAGE 19 0F 26 Arizona Nuclear Power Project DATE: 06/02/88 TITL.E:

SYSTEM LNCINEER PROGRAM Major system problems and a brief discussion of thoco with correctivo actions luplemented Envirotunental/scismic qualification concerns. Future outage action items.

4.0 DEFINITIONS AND ABl!REVIATIONS 4.1 Definitions 4.1.1 Commitment

- A written obligation existing between ANPP and federal, state, or local agencien to perform conduct, comply with or execute a specific task, program or o,peration.

4.1.2 Design Change Package (DCP)

A package of detailed design documents required to process and implement a Plant Change; becomes parc of a PCP for implementation.

4.1.3 Documentation - Any written or pictorial information describing, defining, specifying, reporting, or certtiying activitics, requirements, procedures, or results.

4.1.4 Field Change Request (FCR)

Documents minor design changes and drawing changes that are non complex or functionally equivalent to the original equipment, and are required for clarification and/or minor physical changes needed to implement a PCP.

4.1.5 Licensing Documents -

Final Safety Analysis Report, Documents such as the operating License, Specifications. and PVNCS Plant Technical 4.1.6 Plane Change A pionned change in plant design accomplished in accordance with the recluirements and limitations of applienble codes, restrictions.

safety standards, specifications, licenses, and predetermined 4.1.7 Plant Change Request processing recommended changes to theThe transmittal used for initiating and station.The PCR proce:.s -

provides tracking, change justification, problem or suggested change description, and the change evaluation.

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DOC No: ES10.00 REVISION: 0 PAGE 20 0F 26 Arizona Nuclear Power Project DATE: 06/02/88 TITLE: SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAM 4.1.8 Qualification (personnel) - The characteristics of abilities gained through training, experience, or both, that enable an it.dividual to perform a required function.

4.1.9 Quality Related Those activities, programs, and procedures that are with in the scope of the PVNGS QA program and, as a result of not being performed or of being performed improperly, could result in the failure to satisfy, the objectives of the QA Program pursuantin whole or in part, to 10CTR50, Appendix B.

4.1.10 Review - A deliberately critical axamination or evaluation of documents, plant operations, audit results, procedures.certain contemplated actions, and after the-fact investigations of abnormal conditions.

4.1.11 Safety Related - Those systems, equipment, or structures, as discussed in section 3 of the FSAR, that are necessary to ensure (1) the integrity of reactor coolant pressure boundary.

(2) the capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe condition, or (3) the capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents that could result in potential off site exposures comparabic to the guidelines of 10 CFR Part 100, " Reactor Site Criteria".

4.1.12 Station Information Management System (SIMS) - The computer based data system used to control and manage plant work functions such as work initialization, planning, scheduling, performance, status, and completion.

4.1.13 Surveillance - Those periodic or event related actions listed under " Surveillance Requirements" in PVNGS Technical

, Specifications, for which specific acceptance criteria are given it, the particuler specification, other than those accomplished to satisfy requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI.

4.1.14 Surveillance Testing - Periodic testing to verify that safety reisted structures, systems, and components continue to function or are in a state of readiness to peri'orm their functions.

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4.1.15 Systern Performance Test systern including electric,- A test performed on a completed instrumentation, controin, fluid, and mechanical subsystems under normal or simulated normal precess conditions pressure. such as temperature, flow level, and 4.1.16 Test Plan - A document used to outline the scope, intent and itoplementation of testing.

4.1.17 Testing - The determination or verification of t to a set of physical, chernical, environment or operating conditions.

4.1.18 Training Any instruction, formal or inforrnal, regardless of length, which is designed to ituprove an individual's knowledge of, or ability to effectively perform his/her job.

4.2 Abbreviations 4.2.1 ANPP - Arizona Nuclear Power Project 4.2.2 ANS - American National Standards 4.2.3 ANSI A(erican National Standards Institute 4.2.4 APS - Aritona 4.

Public Service Company 4.2.5 BOP Of Plant 4.2.6 CCE - Component Classification Evaluation 4.2.7 DCN - Drawing / Document Change Notice

'4.2.8 DCP - Design Change Package 4.2.9 DDC - Drawing and Document Control 4.2.10 DDR - Design Document Register 4.2.11 ECE - Equipment Change Evaluation 4.2.12 EED - Engineering Evaluations Department 4.2.13 EER - Engineering Evaluation Request mis mus w



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. ,9 DOC NO: ES10.00 REVISION: 0 PAGE 22 0F 26 DATE: 06/02/88 Arizona Nuclear Power Project TITLE: SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAM 4.2.14 FCR - Filed Change Request 4.2.15 FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report 4.2.16 IMS - Information Management System 4.2.17 MEE - Material Engineering Evaluation 4.2.18 MMIS - Material Management Information System 4.2.19 NQR - Non Quality Related ~~'

w.2.20 NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4.2.21 OCS - Operations Computer Systems Department 4.2.22 PCP - Plant Change Package 4.2.23 PCR Plant Change Request 4.2.24 PR Purchaso Reques t 4.2.25 PO Purchase Order .

4.2.26 PVNCS - Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station 4.2.27 QS & E - Quality Systems and Engineering 4.2.28 RCF - Root Cause of Failure 4.2.29 RDE - Responsible Design Engineer 4.2.30 S-MOD - Site Modification 4.2.31 SE - System Engineer 4.2.32 T MOD - Temporary Modification 4.2.33 TSCCR - Technical Specification Component Condition Record 4.2.34 WCP Vork Control Packago 4.2.35 WO Work Order -

4.2.36 VR - Vork Request


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5.1 Implementing References 5.1.1 Nono 5.2 Developmental References 5.2.1 30AC-9ZZ01, Work Control 5.2.2 73AC 92Z05, Temporary Hodification Control ~"'

5.2.3 73AC 0ZZ15, Plant change Packages 5.2.4 73AC OZZ27, Change Control Process 5.2.5 73AC 9ZZ28, Site Modifications 5.2.6 73AC 0ZZ29, Engineering Evaluation Requests 5.2.7 73AC-9ZZ31. Technical Input and Review 5.2.8 79AC.9ZZ07, Nuc1 car Safety Review and Evaluations I

5.2.9 79AC 9ZZ08, Post Trip Review Reporting Rev 4 5.2.10 79AC-9ZZ10, Special Plant Event Evaluation Report 5.2.11 EEDC 02, Required Readipg List 5.2.12 EEDC.42, Root Cause Determination 5.2.13 E301.03,PVNCS Failure Data Trending Procedure 5.2.14 ES03.04, Control of Vendor Documentation 5.2.15 ES05.01, Nuclear Safety Group 5.2.16 ES05.02, Independent Safety Engineering Croup (I,SEC) 5.2.17 ES05.03, Operating Experience Review 5.2.18 ES06.03, Regulatory Correspondence Control "

5.2.19 ES06.04,ltoutine Reporting nvs ess a w

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  • 4 DOC NO: ES10.00 REVISION: O PACE 24 0F 26 Arizona Nuclear Power Project DATE: 06/02/88 TITLE: SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAM 5.2.20 ES06.07,NoneRoutine Reporting I

1 i

5.2.21 ES06.08, Review of Conditions Adverse to Quality for 10CFR21 1 5.2.22 ES08.01, Regulatory Action Tracking Practice 5.2.23 MS01.05, Purchase Request (PR) Preparation and Processing 5.2.24 OG42.00, Engineering Evaluations Organi:*ation and Responsibility Policy -

5.2.25 0044.00, Operations Cornputer Systerns organization and Responsibility Policy 5.2.26 PM01.00, Plant Change Policy 5.2.27 PM01.01, Practice for Plant changes 5.2.28 PM01.02, Plant Change Request 5.2.29 PM01.03, Field Change Request 6.0 APPENDICES 6.1 Appendix A, Organizational Chart 6.2 Appendix B, System Engineer Practico - Effective Schedule O

e f f

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_ Arizona Nuclear Power Project - DATE: 06/02/88 TITLE:


Director of Standards 1

and Technical Support L_ Division s

l_ l Manager of 1 Engineering Evaluations Manager of Operationsl

_ Department ' Computer Systems i

Department i _

Supervisor of Mechanical and Civil Supervisor of E Section -

Computer llardware

_a Section Srpervisor of Electrical and Instrumentation & Supervisor of Controls Section -

Computer Software Section -

Supervisor of Reactor Engineering Section Supervisor of t-

= Security Systems Section m.

l_ Supervisor of Technical '

Support Section .


NIOM4 ($ M)

y D0 .n ' . ES10.00 R e:V t .: ' C.: O PAGE 26 OP l' DATE: 06/0s ,' 8 S Arizona Nuclear Power Project TITLE: SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAM i ,

l APPENDIX B SYSTEM ENGINEER PROGRAM - EFFECTIVE SCllEDtfl.E These are activities which are prerequisiten to the full implementation of this Program.

These include procedure revisions, training, and transfer of ct.rrent work to other organit.ationsequipmentAs availability, Program will become effectiie .

a result, the in a phased manner on the following schedule:

Section 3.2 Qualification and Training 11/30/88 Section 3.3 L'ork Products 5/30/88 Section 3.4 Performance Monitoring / Trending 6/30/88 Section 3.5 Review Products 3.5.2 Vendor Documentation 3.5.3 Plant changes 5/30/88 3.5.4 5/30/88 Nuclear Safety & Licensing Support 5/30/88 3.5.5 Procedure & Test Resulta 3.5.6 5/30/88 3.5.7 Technical Documentation herrew 5/30/88 Maintenance Review 6/30/88 Section 3.6 Technical Support to Maintenance 5/30/88 Section 3,7 System Information Database 8/30/88

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