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Applicant Exhibit A-EP-10,consisting of Pamphlet Entitled Agriculture & Nuclear Power in South Carolina, Dtd Jul 1983
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/03/1984
A-EP-010, A-EP-10, OL, NUDOCS 8406220360
Download: ML20092E262 (13)


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Nuclear power began early in South Carolina j 9(-

when the Savannah River Plant began operations  ;

l in 1953.

Since that time, Carolina Power and Li@t Com- ,

pany, Duke Power Company and Socin Carolina ,'

Electric and Gas Company hava joined the .

t Nuclear Power age by building Nuclear 1-l Generating Plants. These are the H.B. Robinson ['

Plant near Hartsville, the Oconee Plant near j Seneca, and the V.C. Summer Plant near

line is Duke's Catawba Plant near Rock Hill. Add  ;.'

l i to these Charleston's Nuclear Submarine Base j.

and the Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel facility near s, Columbia and it becomes obvious that South .

Carolina is very much into the Nuclear Power -u l n l age. [

The nuclear industry, both commercial and @

military, has proven to be a very safe industry. .g Other than the incident at Three Mile Island in 1 Pennsylvania in 1979, the record shows no inci- [

dent that would have affected the public's safe- 7l ty. Many worthwhile lessons were learned from j, ,

the Three Mile Island incident.This brochure is a N by product of these lessons learned, and its in-formation is directed to the farmer and the  %[sj agricultural community in the unlikely event of a f jgp~ .

I nuclear incident. 4"

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l AGRICULTURE AND NUCLEAR POWER This brochure provides specific information for l farmers and livestock owners on protective ac-tion for farm animals and commodities, and what you may be asked to do if a nuclear power plant accident occurs. This information supplements other emergency procedures and details provid-ed to those South Carolina citizens living near nuclear power plants. The public will be directed l

by state and local officials, through the Emergen- e cy Broadcast System and the local news sta-tions, of the actions necessary to protect themselves.

In the event that an emergency may affect farm-ing in your area, instructions specific to farmers' needs will be issued. This brochure provides you with an explanation of the actions you may be ad-vised to take to protect the quality and i

marketability of your farm's products. Detailed, l specific information for protection of farm animals and commodities is available at the Clemson University Extension office located in your county.

l Nuclear power reactors are producing electricity In the United States and throughout the world.

From the data available, the nuclear power reac-tor industry appears to be as safe, if not cafer, than most other industries for the production of j

j electricity. The possibility of major cchiamina-ME;" tion of the agricultural community downwind


k,f;. from a nuclear power plant appears to be unlike- ,

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General Considerations l

In the highly unlikely event a nuclear power incl-dent should occur, advance planning will help 4

  • you to take effect.ive protective action in a timely  ?

manner. The following considerations should be I given:


_, y' 1. Protective actions taken after a warning ,

but prior to the arrival of any radioactive '

contamination will be extremely important.

2. The source of any radioactive contamina- M tion will be airborne. Therefore, the greatest $N hazards are from breathing and consuming .i.

(through feedstuffs and water) radioactive particles.

M Ni l

3. Protective care relating to the shelter and Iw feeding of livestock will probably provide the greatest potential for reducing injury or j contamination.
4. Very little protection can be given to an
unharvested crop in the field.
5. In most cases crops that have been harvested will present no significant pro-l blem if they have been stored in an en-closed facility.
6. Emergency procedures are in placo to pro-4 vide warnings of approaching radioactive '

contamination. Prior to its arrival, protective action would be called for. Should con-l tamination occur, procedures are also in

_, place to monitor contaminated animals or E

commodities, to provide for safe reentry in- '

to contaminated areas, and to remove con-tamination from affected food products.

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b 0 Specific Procedures


d[ffk; in order to prepare for specific action, inventory 2

+%P your facilities and needs. lf you are warned that a '

i radiological emergency exists, do the following:

q. -  ;
1. Follow instructions given over the Emergency Broadcast System.

j; ;

2. If advised that it is necessary, shelter all farm animals, especially dairy cattle and {

3 '

valuable breeding stock, and use stored feed and protected water. Protected self-


feeders and automatic livestock waterers are the most effective. f.

3. Bring feed into buildings or cover it if out-doors. Feed stored in buildings would be '$ i protected from contamination. You can Y' keep radioactive particles out of other feed i by covering it with plastic or canvas. $-


i 4. Store as much livestock water as possible. j i

Cover wells and open tanks. ,j ~

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l O Supporting Information r-)

E Livestock Shelter in the event of radioactive f allout, farm buildings can be adapted for use as shelters for livestock.

Some buildings offer greater protection than others depending on their construction and shielding mass. Placing earth, hay, sacked feed l

l or fertilizer, concrete blocks, or other materials l over and around exposed walls of shelters willin- l crease their shielding effectiveness. i t

A primary limiting factor in sheltering animals is l ventilation. Avoid using fans for ventilation. If  !

you must, set the f ans on a very low speed. It is l better to give adequate space to the best animals i than to try to provide shelter for all animals and f lose them from overcrowding. f



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n G Livestock Feed and Water


Feed and water should be protected from con- k

.M tamination. If animals ingest fallout particles, they will be exposed to internal radiation. y

- 8 Safe water would be the animals' most crucial '

need-even more important than feed. Since you may be advised not to return and care for '

livestock during a period of heavy contamina-tion, provide an emergency water supply in pro- I tected areas. Other water supplies should he pro-tected from contamination. Standing, open water would receive the most contamination.

Feed stored in buildings would be protected i from contaminent particles. Other feed can be  !

protected before contamination arrives by cover-ing with plastic sheeting or canvas. ,

-i Most livestock can survive for extended periods on limited rations. To conserve protected feed f.

supplies, animals may be kept in shelter for a few days with reduced feed. If sheltered space is l unavailable for all animals, feed from uncon-taminated sources will reduce their consump-


tion of contaminated pasture.

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Animals can survive on these minimum rations for several months: () '

?;.)d E2 Space / Animal (sq. ft.)

24-36 Ext.

WaterIDay Feed / Day Hrs. Periods Beef Cow 7 gal. summer 4:e 1015 lbs.

(Pregnan,t) 6 gal. winter .egume hay 20 35 Beef Cow 9 gal. summer l 1218 lbs. '

With Calf 8 gal. winter legume hay 40 70 Beet Call 6 gal. summer 8-12 lbs.

400lb. 4 gal. winter legume hay 15 25 Brood Sow 4 gal. summer 8lbs.

With Litter 3 gal, winter grain 30 35 Brood Sow 1-2 gal. summer 2lbs.

(Pregnant) 1 gal. winter grain 14 18 i

150 lb. gilt 1 gal. 3lbs.

I or boar grain 5 8 Ewe 3/2 gal. 3lbs. hay 8 12 ia

, u Dairy Cow 9 gal. summer 10-1d Ibs.

j 7% gal. winter hay 20 3! (

Laying 5 gal /100 birds 17 lbl100 birds 0.5 0e f

Bro 6ters 5 gal /100 birds 10 lb/100 birds t

i 0.3 0- /,

Turkeys 12 gal /100 birds >

40 lb/100 birds 2 4 f


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O Dairy Cattle [U.s

, sr 6 Radioactive materials can be transferred to milk, g -

which would likely be the food product needing most control during an emerge,ncy. Milking cows should be given preferred shelter and clean feed and water. The milk and milk products from dairy animals would be an acceptable source of human food if cows were adequately sheltered and fed stored rations during a period of radioac-tive contamination.

Remember, any shelter is better than none and f


that animals need adequate space and ventila-tion. Plan to give your most valuable animals best shelter and care.

Seef Cattle s 1'

Although it is dif ficult to protect animals in open pastures from radioactive exposure, several pro- .

cedurc; may help reduce contamination.

Natural shelters afford some protection. Caves, ravines, forests, and woodlots of for some protec-

  • tion.You may have access to cattle underpasses or bridges where cattle could be penned. Cattle j

y confined in pens would shield each other to a limited extent.

5 Cattle should be restrained from grazing on con-


taminated pastures, if possible, feed them pro- . I tected stacked hay, silage from a allo or trench, or stored grain. Where grazing cannot be avold.

Oj ed, supplementing with protected foods willlimit yj*


.c the amount of contaminated forage cattle willin-t gest from pastures.

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To the extent possible, prevent cattle from drink-ing from ponds, takes, rivers, and streams. Water from covered sources such as springs and wells E'

would be essentially free of contamination. ,

f E

To the extent that farm buildings are available, these will provide the greatest protection. The ht

[, ,

most valuable breeding stock should receive f' .

priority care and shelter.

',l Swine r.

Most swine are raised in buildings that will pro-4' vide some protection from radioactive con- ,I tamination. Generally, the larger, heavier con-structed buildings will provide the best protec- f tion. Foundation breeding stock and/or the most productive breeding stock should be given


the best shelter and care. t


4 ,'

Adequate space is important. Water is hogs' must important feed. Make sure it comes from h sources which have been protected. Stored feed f would usually have adequate shielding f rom con- ,

tamination. Swine feed is customarily stored in -

the complete ration form. Certainly, this supply should be exhausted before switching to grain '

only as indicated in the minimum requirements '


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Poultry w.

Poultry products, particularly eggs, are other im-portant food sources needing protection. Poultry 3 can endure higher doses of radiation than other {

s animals. Confined housing usually employed in poultry operations provides another bene it. Pro-tection should be provided to insure continued productivity. t owering sidewall curtains and panels will reduce contamination. Mechanical 3 ventilation systems should be operated at the lowest level possible while still providing ade-quate air movement.

Land and Crops Contaminated soil would not be of immediate '

3 concern but proper management procedures could do a great deal to reduce a problem should it occur. Farm workers may be unable to manage  ;

and cultivate land for a period of time. It is an- .

ticipated that most land could be returned to nor- I f

mal use within several weeks after having been i contaminated, depending upon the amount and i type of radiation deposited in a given area.

For contaminated grains, protective action would probably never be needed.lf protective ac-tion is required, it should include milling and polishing. Time from harvest to consumer would be an important factor. In may cases, this takes several months.

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Fruits and Vegetables When growing fruits and vegetables are exposed 1g to concentrations of radioactive particles, they can become externally contaminated. Leaves,


r pods, and fruits that retain radioactive particles can be cleaned before being eaten. Washing is ,

probably the most ef fective measure, just as it is y the best way to clean garden foods that get dirty .

from other causes. Cleaning operations should i be performed away from the kitchen and food f storage areas.

Roots and tubers absorb little contamination [

before it is mixed with the soil.The normal clean-  ;

ing or peeling of underground vegetables such (

as potatoes or carrots would be adequate for f removing contamination. ['

Fruits and vegetables which are grown on heavi- l ly contaminated soll could absorb radioactive elements. However, the level of contamination j{.

from an emergency at a nuclear power plant is t>

not likely to cause this to occur. [

1-Ripe fruits at the time of a radiological emergen- f cy may be lost because of the personal hazard fyf caused by contamination involved in harvesting &

them. Fruits that do not have to be picked im- "i e nediately can be saved and picked af ter the con-tamination has decayed to a safe level.

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