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Proposed TS 15.4.6-2.B Re Surveillance of safety-related Station Batteries & 15.3.7.f Re Operability of Safety Related Station Batteries
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/11/1992
Shared Package
ML20105B997 List:
NUDOCS 9209220007
Download: ML20105C000 (8)


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3. Each diesel generatar shall be given an inspection, at-least.

' annually, following the manufacturer's recommendations for this class of stand-by service.

4. Each fuel oil transfer pump shall be run monthly.

The abve tests will be considered satisfactory if all applicable equipment operates as designed.

B. SafetyiRelated Station Batteries TheseisuFveilIa6ce spedification'sEartl3ppl~icableMofall/fouris)fety9 elated


station;batthries:lD05,3 006,; 0105, farid 0106;? an~dithelsit'etyf r/;1 atedistatists swing battery b305;

1. Every month the voltage of each cell (to the nearest 0.05 volt), the specific gravity and temperature of. a pilot cell in each battery and each battery voltage shall be measured and recorded.
2. Every 3 months the specific gravity, the height of electrolyte, and the amount of water added, for each cell, and the temperature of every fifth cell, shall be measured and recorded.
3. At each time data is recorded, new data shall be compared with old to detect signs of abuse or deterioration.

4, E at h-ba t t ery-s h a l4-be% u bj ected- to-a-load-t es t-a t-i n t e r vals rec ommended-by-t he-ma nu fa c t u ree-bu t-no t-e x ceed i ng-f4 ve-y ea es .---T he ha t terywel t age-a s-a-f unc t4 on-o f- t4 me-s h aT4 -be-monttored-to es t a bl4 s h-t ha t-t he-capac+t y-45-s u f f4 e4en t-to-esery-t he-4 oads-as dell nea t ed-i n4S A R-T a ble-Br2d-fo r-t he-s pec4f4 ed-l eng t h-of-t i mer--

All-el ect ri cal-c onnec t4 ans-w Rl-be-c hecked-foe-t-t g h t nessr

4. Each: Ssfety-Related Statlonl: Battery7shall Lbeidemo.nstratedl0" dBLE:
a. LAt51 east once per!!8fmonth((SERVICEiTEST)1bi verifyjathat'

. ths =6attery capacity?-is: adequate to; supplyLandimaintainiin OPERABLE 1st'atusiall Lof 8 hel actual orj simulated:emergenefiloads fordthe Mesigniduti cycleM bE i Atflea s tioncelper?60fm6 nth's"L(PERf 0RMANCE? TEST)? byjefi f91 rig tha'tf the : battery 1capac.itylis f atileist 80%Tofithe man ~ufictursr'.s i rating; This ~performancej discharge, te:.ttmayj bej performed?i.n l'ieulof 'the battery servi:e" test;*

i c.: Annualfpefformince discharge? test;s of fbattery capacitpfshilEbb Unit handment No. 15.4.6-2 Unit 2 - Amendu nt No. 9209220007 923911 PDR ADOCK 05000266 P PDR___,_.

. _ - . . _ __ _ _ _ _ . _ i _ __ , , , _ _ _

g i v e.n { tFa ny lb at t e FfLt h a t15 h ow s y s i g n s ' o f[d eg rad a t i'o'nfo r; h as reach'ed 85% 1 of; thelseFvi'cilifsfeipest'sdllfor, theispp.lication).:


Degradationi.if indicated whenlth'ej batteri;.capacithdrops Go're-than 10%loff ratsd capacityf from its;previoiisiperfoFmance^testi


orlis below 90% of th.eManufacturer's Trating. iWhent eerfofmance testsjare' 'reghired,' they ma'y belperformedTidl.ieu of. the batt ryJservice testJ*

  • $ervice and Nrf_ormance testingJtd liegin subsequent 'o installation.of the


swing. safety-related ba'tteryf(D-305) whichlis(expseted"bybthe endLoffl992.

Basis The tests specified are designed te demonstrate that the diesel generators will provide power for operation of equipment. They also assure that the emergency generator system controls and the control systems for the safeguards t,uipment .

l will function automatically in the event of a loss of all normal AC station 4 service power.

The testing frequency specified will be often enough to identify and correct any mechanical or electrical deficiency before it can result in a system failure. I The fuel supply and starting circuits and controls are continuously monitored ana any faults are alarm indicated. An abnormal condition in these systems would be signalea without having to place the diesel generators themselves on test.

Station batteries will deteriorate with time, but precipitous failure is extremely unlikely. The surveillance specified is that which has been demonstrated over the years to provide an indication of a cell becoming unserviceable long before it fails. If a battery cell has deteriorated or if a l

connection is loose, the valtage under load will drop excessively indicating replacement or maintenance.

l l

A Service Test,. performed at. least evecy 18 months, .demonstratesiadequatej battsry l


capa.:ity to? supply p'ower to loads required duFiag the i most dem'a ndingTduty cycle. l Thi ? design 1 duty cycle 'occursLupon an_.actuationf of safeguards loads'in one" unit l colndident with a lossfof off-site power. The designLduty cycle isfdefinsd j further in'FSAR,;Section 8.2.

l l

Unit 1 - Amendment No. 15.4.6-3 Unit 2 - Amendment No. I l



Al Performance;Te.stiwill; alsolbeTconductid atTleastleve;ryi60!monthsh TTh'e '

PirformancejTestiisla;; con'stalntLdischar'ge? rateicariscitflfes.tTwhichla116ws c o_mp a r i io r@i t h'Et h s" mans f a c t'u rb r 's ; ra t i ng fo fit h'e'lb a t t e fy [ ]Thi s J,t e s tlfi s [t h e] b d s t jndica.t'oWofMhefl effects of aging [on batteri;' capacity [(Projiiibns)rejnliyE2in t!isse.Tsbecifisations':lt'olct.~ange' the . test ^ rieribdibitif to~snnual whanithp; baltt'eFy;is


d es r ade'd io ri. wh e n Lt h e?.. ba t t e ryfire a c h e sit h a t[ poin t. ' i n~ Li t s is s rv i c;eil i f s fa tiwh i b h capa'cityfdhgrhdationlwithitimeisac'celerated.10perabilfityl[issatisfsetUrilj  !

demonstrated byfachieVilngycapactlyfoffat ileast280Eoff thf manufactdrer?i rating [ iSingeTthe 'Performa' ce n Tes'>'entirelyibounds? tid![;batterilloads ;: app 1_16d ddhirig;;TestEwheh ~alPsrfor_manceiTest i.s1cond0cKed,fthe[SsFvlceLTe'stifor that. battery'sicurrentte'stcycleTmaiLbelomitteds


These surveiliance specifications are applicable to allefive of Lthessafety-relatid station 1Ldtteries: DOS, D06, .D105,' D106 aridithe. swing.battefy D305.

E erence F5AR, Section 8.2 I

15.4.6-4 .


- 15.3.7  ?.UXILIARY ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 6tDllfability ~;

Applies to the availability of off-site and on-site electrical power for plant  !

power operation and for the ope-aiion of plant auxiliaries.

Objective To define those conditions of electrical powe, availability necessary (1) to provide for safe reactor operation, and (2) to provide for the continuing availability of engineered safeguards.

Specification A.1 Under normal ccnditions neither one nor both reactors shall be made critical unless the following conditions are met:


a. At least two 345 KV transmissirm lines are in service.
b. The 345/13.8 KV and the 13.8/4.16 KV station auxiliary transformers associated with the reactor (s) to be taken critical are ir. $ ervice;
or one 345/i3.8 KV station auxiliary transformer and the associated-r 13.8/4.16 KV station auxiliary transformer (s) are in service with the gas turbine operating.


c. 480 Volt buses B03 and B04 for the unit (s) to be taken critical are energized.
d. 4160 Volt buses A03, A04, A05, and A06 for the unit (s) to be taken critical are energized.
e. A fuel supply of 11,000 gallons is available; and both diesel-generators are operable.
f. AM-fotm-battenes,vethe4#-assoehted DC system; are operabler


f. Jourf off the(fi9eEnfety-lrelhtad?stati.onibsttsries[aiidfall !fodr3f]ths msi'nTOC distritfutioMsystemsjareLoperabls:
g. Four battery chargers are opacable with one charger carrying *he'DC loads on each main DC mah distribution busi :001,j D02&D_03fand)0_4.

Unit 1 - Amendment No. 15.3.7-1 Unit Amendment No.

-9 4

A ~. 2 Under abnormal conditions 4ne ud4fs-Bhek-Phnt-startspr one reactor may be made critical providing the following conditions-are met: -

a. One 345 KV transmission line is in service; or the gas turbine is operating.
b. The 345/.3.8 KV and-the 13.8/4.16 KV station auxiliary transformers associated with the unit to be taken critical are in service; or the associated 13.8/4.16 KV station auxiliary transformer is in service and the gas turb'ne is operating,
c. Reactor power level is limited to 50% rated power until 2 or more transmission lines are restored to service,
d. 480 Volt buses 801 c, for the unit to be taken critical are energized.
e. 4160 Volt buses A03, A04, A05, and A06 for the unit to be taken-critical are Nergized,
f. A fuel se gi) of 11,000 gallons is available; and both diesel generators are operable.
g. Albfoue-but4eNes,3nd-theie-asee4ated DC systems-are-opeeal.%

Fouif of the? five safety-related stationtbatteriesiandhall! f6ur"of g.

th'e main DD distribationisystems aretoperably;

h. Four battery chargers are operable with one charger carrying the DC


leads of each main DC main distributun bustiD01,(002PD03 andiD04.

B.1 During power operation of one or both reacto s, the requirements of 15.3.7.A.1 may be modified to allow the rollowing arrangements of systems and components:

a. If the 345 KV lines are redu .d to only one, any operating reactor (s) l must be promptly reduced to, and limited to, 5F power. If all
345 KV lines are lost, any operating reactor (s) will be reduced to supplying its auxiliary load, until em. or more 345 KV transmission L

lines are again available.

l l b. If both 345/13.8 KV auxiliary transformers are out of service and only the gas turbine is operating, only one reactor will remain operating and it will be limited to 50% r4 war. The second reactor

. will be placed in the hot shutdown conoition.


[ - Unit Amendment No. 15.3.7-2 Unit 2 - Amendment No.


c. If the 13.8/4.16 KV auxiliary transformers are reduced to only'one, -

the reactor associated with the out of-service transformer must'be placed in the hot shutdown condition,

d. Either bus A03 or A04 may be out of service for a period not exceeding 7 days provided both diesel generators are operable and the associated diesel generator is operating and providing power to.the engineered safeguard bus normally supplied by the out of service bus.
e. One diesel generator may be inoperable for a period r,it exceeding 7 .

days pmvided the other diesel generator is tested oaily to ensure operability and the engineered safety features associuted with this diesel generator shall be operable.

f. One-o f-the-ba t4eN es-005-er-006 -may4te-4 n ope ra bl e-fe e-a-peH od-not exceed 4n944-hou es-prov4 ded-the-ethee-th ree4>a men es-a nd-fou r ba t t ery-cha rgers-rema4 n-opeca ble-eth-one-ch a rger-ea eeying-the-OG 4 oads-o f, ach-DC-ma4 n-d+s t-ribut4en-bus:

9 One-o f-the-b at4+el es-0105-o e-0106-may-be-4 nop em bl~ foe-a-pe r4 ed-no t exceeding-72-hours-peov4ded-the-ethee-three-bat-tcries and-feur ba t-teryw ha rgers-rema in-opera ble-et h-ene-cha rgee-ea reying-t he-OG 4 c :Js-o f-eachaX-ma49-d 4 st+4bu t4 en-busr fh f0neMfzthe"four connected? safety-r'elatedTstationjbatteries may[be

  1. op e ra bl el fo r iajs r i od l ho tTe;xcebd iR24tholfrsj rov i d ed if6ue bs t _te ry

~ ~

chargersJremai[o'perable withloiie chargericarryingithe!DCLliiadstof euchmain:DCidistribution1!:si Els_i s, This two unit plant has _four 345 KV transmission line interconnections. A 20 MW  :

I gas turbine generator and two 2850 KW diesel generators are installed at the pl ant . All of these energy sources will be utilized to provide depth and reliability of service to the Engineered Safeguards equipment through redundant L -station auxiliary power supply systems.

l-j- The electrical system equipment is arranged so that no single contingency can inactivate enough safeguards equipment to jeopardize the plant safety. The 480-l volt equipment is arranged on 4 buses per unit. The 4160-volt equipment is

supplied from 6- buses per unit.

l l

t Two separate outside sources can serve either unit's low soltage-station i

i l Unit 1 - Amendment No. 15.3.7-3 Unit 2 - Amendment No. )

auxiliary transformer. One is a direct feed from the unit's high voltage station ,

auxiliary transformer and the second is from the other unit's high voltage station auxiliary transformer or the gas turbine via the 13,800 volt system tie I

bus H01.

Separation is maintained in tne 4160-volt system to allow the plant wxiliary equipment to be arranged electrically so that recundant items receive their power from the two different buses. For example, the safety injection pumps are supplied from the 4160 volt buses 1-A05 and 1-A06 for Unit No. I and 2-A05 and 2-A06 for Unit No. 2; the six service water pumps are arranged on 480-volt buses as follows: two on bus 1-803, one on bus 1-804, one on bus 2-803 and two on bus 2-804; the four containment fans are divided between 480-volt buses 1-B03 and 1-B04 for Unit No. 1 and 2-B03 and 2-B04 for Unit No. 2 and so forth. Redundant valves are supplied from motor control centers 1-832 and 1-842 for Unit No. I and 2-B32 and 2-842 for Unit No. 2.

The-Fe in t-Beac h-DC-eleet+4 ce l -sys t em-h a s4een-mod i-f4ed-so-t h a t-each-o f-the-fou r 4 ns t cumen t-bus-powet%u ppl4 es-ha s-41-s-own4a t4 ery-and-bat 4 ety-cha rg e r . One ba tt e ry-c ha rge twh al4-be- 5-s er v 4 ee-on-eac h4a t4e ry-se-that-the-ba t ter4es-w44 always4e-at-fu14-charge-4n-ant-i-c4 pat 4en-of-a-loss o f- ac-powee-411e4 dent . This 4nsures-that-edem de-power-wR14e-ava4+able ree-stae14eg-the-emergeney genera t o es-a nd-ethee-eme rgeney-uses-Ita' Point Beach DC electrical. systemihas: been modified so that: e'achiofA the four


main DCEdistributionibuses,1which areLshared betweenithe;two units,ihaslits ewn I . . ., -

power suppliesfconsisting of a safety-related 'stationlbatteryl(b05;;D06MD.105i D10.6)l andi al batteryj charger. In~ addi tionLtofthese(bus _-specific;powerfsu'pp1;,


a swing' safety-related battery'(D305)11s installed whichlis capableiof?bilna connectedTto anyToneLof :theTfour mainLDC' distribQtionL buses. l Swing ba'ttery

! ch'argers*are alsolprovided. LUnder batt(;(and;one  ?


i battery! charger 'ar'e" connected;inieach main'nibus. The }attery charger n'enally)shall be? in's'ervice onieach bittsry s'o thut the batteriesiill alwaysfbeb - fullfshafge fin anticipationfof T loss-of2AC?powerfincident. lUnder unusual Ecircumst'ances,ctwof of theifivejsafety-related batteries may be outfof l servicsifor Elimited period of time provided ;one of the two'out4fdservice batteries isiretbrned'toiservice within the time periods specifisd in Spec _ification?l5.3.7.B'.1;f. ;These 'limitingfcondition's ;fo'r operation' ensure that Unit 1 - Amendment No. 15.3.7-4 Unit 2 - Amendment No.

- - - - . ~

. 4- 8 t

adequate? DCTpower willLalwaysibe availablelforf starting the emeFgency generators Odfotheremsrge.ncyfhses; The emergency generator sets are Generai_ Motors Corporation, Electro-Motive Division, Model 999-20 Units rated at 2850 KW continuous, 0.8 pnwer factor 900 RPM, _4160. volts 3 phase, 60 cycle and consume 205 gallons of fuel per hour. Thus the 11,000 gallon supply in the Emergency Fuel Tank provides sufficient fuel to operate one diesel at design load for more than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. In addition, it will be normal for P(, int Beach to keep one, or the equivalent of one, bulk storage ,

tank f ull at all times (55,000 gallons which is equal to about 10 days' supply).

They are each capable of providing 3050 kw for a 30 minute period. The gas turbine is capable of providing 20,000 kw.

If only one 345 KV transmission line is in service to the plant switchyard, a tcmporary loss of this line would result in a reactor trip (s). if tha reactor (s) power level were greater than 50%. Therefore, in order to maintain continuity of service and the possibility of self sustaining operations. if 345 KV transmission line is in service to any operating reactor (s), the power level of the affected reactor (s) will be limited to 50%.

If both 345/13,8 KV station auxiliary transformers are cut of service, only one reactor will be operated. The gas turbine will be supplying power to operate the safeguard, auxiliaries of thc operating reactor and acts as a backup supply for the unit's normal auxiliaries. Therefore, to prevent overloading the gas turbine in the_ event of a reactor trip, the maximom power level for the operating reactor will be limited to 50%. These conservat M. limits are set to improve transmission system reliability only and are not dictated by :afety system requirements.

Referencel l FSAR Section 8.

l l

l l

l l

l Unit 1 - Amendment No. 15.3.7-5 l Unit.2 - Amendment No.

l .. - .