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Transmittal of Revision 20 of Indian Point Unit 2 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure IP-1023, Operations Support Center
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/23/2003
From: Weaver D
Entergy Nuclear Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
-RFPFR, FOIA/PA-2003-0379, FOIA/PA-2003-0388
Download: ML032100573 (62)




FROM: IPEC DOCUMENT CONTROL: EEC or P2 53'EL PHONE NUMBER: 271-7057 The Document(s) identified below are forwarded for use. In accordance with IP-SMM-AD-103, please review to verify receipt, incorporate the document(s) into your controlled document file, properly disposition superseded, void, or inactive document(s). Sign and return the receipt acknowledgement below within fifteen (15) working days.



IP-1023 REVO 0

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TO: Nuclear Regulatory Commission a5 FROM: IPEC Emergency Planning


Emergency Planning Document Update Date: 07/14/03 Please update your controlled copy of the documents listed below as specified with the copy(s) attached.

Document # Document Name NewDate Rev. i/ OldDate Rev. #/.structions ntucin Unit 3VoI fi Emergency Plan Implementing Unit H Wol Procedures TOC Table of Contents 7/14/03 7/09/03 Replace old with new IP-2201 Operations Support Center (OSC) Rev'1O Rev 9 Rpaeodwt e Manager 7/14/03 09/02 Replace old with new IP-2204 OSC Team Leaders Rev 4 Rev 3 Replace old with new 7114103 06/02 Rpaeodwt e IP-2205 OSC H.P. Team Leader Rev 9 Rev 8 Replace old with new 7/14/03 10/99 IPEC Emergency Plan Implementing-Procedures --  :. - . . -  :

TOC Table of Contents 7/14/03 7/09/03 Replace old with new IP-EP-1 15 Emergency Plan Forms 7/14/03 5/19/03 Replace old with new Unit 2 Emergency Plan Implementing

.___:___-_ Procedures  ; ._._ -

TOC Table of Contents 7/14/03 7/09103 Replace old with new IP-1023 Operations Support Center (OSC) 7R/14 20 e21/02 Replace old with new

Unit 2 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Table of Contents

, eu-Proe'e-N .~ Re. .~Dt-Effective IP-1001 Mobilization of Emergency Response Organization 14 06/06103 IP-1002 Cancelled - Replaced by IP-EP-130 ___

IP-1003 Planned Discharge of Containment Atmosphere During Accident 7 4/16/01 Conditions IP-1004 Post Accident Offsite Environmental Surveys, Sampling and Counting 5 9/1/99 IP-1007 Cancelled - Replaced by IP-EP-310 ___

IP-1008 Personnel Radiological Check and Decontamination 7 4129102 IP-1009 Radiological Check and Decontamination of Vehicles 7 9/11/99 IP-1010 Central Control Room 10 5/5/03 IP-1011 Cancelled - Replaced by IP-EP-260 IP-1012 Onsite Medical Emergency 10 5/25/01 IP-1013 Cancelled - Replaced by IP-EP-410 ___

IP-1014 Radiological Check of Equipment Before It Leaves the Site 6 9/1/99 IP-1015 Radiological Monitoring Outside the Protected Area 11 3/6/03 IP-1016 Cancelled - Replaced by IP-EP-510 IP-1019 Cancelled - Replaced by IP-EP-250 IP-1020 Airborne Activity Determination 8 01/12/01 IP-1021 Cancelled i IP-1022 Cancelled - Replaced by IP-EP-510 IP-1023 Operations Support Center (OSC) 20 07/14/03 IP-1024 Emergency Classification 11 7/11/02 IP-1025 Cancelled IP-1026 Emergency Data Acquisition 1 10/31/02 IP-1027 Cancelled - replaced by IP-EP-430 _ __

IP-1030 Cancelled - replaced by IP-EP-250 IP-1033 Cancelled - Replaced by IP-EP-520 _ _

IP-1035 Technical Support Center (TSC) 17 9/23/02 Page of 2 As of 07/14/03

Unit 2 Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures Table of Contents Proceduire Re. Efie Poedure. Title N ,> ae IP-1036 Cancelled - Replaced by IP-EP-620 IP-1037 Cancelled - Replaced by IP-EP-510 IP-1039 Offsite Contamination Checks 9 01/12101 IP-1_045 Cancelled - Replaced by IP-EP-251 __

IP-1047 Cancelled - Replaced by IP-EP-610 IP-1048 Cancelled - Replaced by IP-EP-610 IP-1050 Security 4 8/21/02 Page 2of 2 As of 07/14/03



, EMERGENCY PLANNING OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER Prepared by: D.Weaver G^ o/v3 Print Name Signature Date Technical Reviewer: M. Miele 4-.I)r --

Print Name 2S ionat Reviewer:

Print Name Signature Date Reviewer:

Print Name Signature Date Reviewer:

Print Name Signature Date SNSC Review: Previous #2871 3/05/02 Meeting Number Si ture S ary Date Approval: Frank Inzirillo -

Print Name fir~~~~~e Date Reference Use CONTROLLED Effective Date: 1//H (o COPY #

IP-1023 (OSC) R20.doc Page 1 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Table of Contents 1.0 PURPOSE .................................. 4 2.0 DISCUSSION ........................................... 4 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS .......................................... 4 4.0 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS .......................................... 4 5.0 INSTRUCTIONS .......................................... 5 5.1 The OSC Manager ......................................... 5 5.2 The Radiation Protection Coordinator .......................................... 5 5.3 The Maintenance Coordinator .......................................... 5 5.4 The I&C Coordinator .......................................... 5 5.5 The Team Coordinator ......................................... 5 5.6 The Operations Coordinator .......................................... 5 5.7 The Accountability Clerk .......................................... 5


7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Attachment 1, OSC Manager Checklist ........................................ 7 7.2 Attachment 2, Rad Protection Coordinator Checklist ........................................ 17 7.3 Attachment 3, Maintenance Coordinator Checklist ........................................ 24 7.4 Attachment 4, I&C Coordinator Checklist ........................................ 27 7.5 Attachment 5, Team Coordinator Checklist.3...................................................................................................... 30 7.6 Attachment 6, Operations Coordinator Checklist ....................................... 34 7.7 Attachment 7, Accountability Clerk Checklist ........................................ 37 7.8 Attachment 8, Search and Rescue ........................................ 41 Page 2 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Table Of Contents (cont.)

Rev. 20 8.0 ADDENDUM 8.1 OSC I TSC Complex Layout 8.2 OSC / TSC Radiological Setup .44 43 8.3 Task Assignment (Form IP-1023-1) .......................

8.4 Individual Exposure .

Tracking Log (Form IP-1023-3) 45 8.5 ERO Log Sheet .......................

(Form IP-1023-4) .......................

8.6 Emergency Radiation 46 I Work Permit (Form lP-1023-5) 47 8.7 Emergency Exposure .......................

Authorization (Form LP-1023-6) 48 8.8 Normal OSC Stafting .......................

(Form IP-1023-7) ....................... 49 8.9 ERO Tracking Log (Form IP-1023-8) ....................... 50 8.10 ERO Shift Rosters (Form IP-1023-9) .52 8.11 OSC Guidelines 51 (Form IP-1023-10) .56 8.12 Sample Patient Package Insert for THRO-BLOCK 8.13 Assembly Area Tablets .57 Coordinator Instructions (Form IP-1023-1 1).58

~,3 Page 3 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER (OSC) 1.0 PlIRPES To describe the activation and operation of the Operations Support Center (OSC) 2.0 D1UISSSION None 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS None 4.0 FOUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 4.1 The following type of equipment and materials are kept in the emergency lockers located in the stairwell at 53" elevation:

4.1.1 Protective Clothing 4.1.2 Respirators 4.1.3 K Tablets 4.2 Portable radios and some radiation monitoring equipment is located in the TSC Lockers.

4.3 Keys for TSC Cabinets are contained in the TSC key locker. The key to the key locker is kept in the FSS Office. A backup key is located in a break glass container in the TSC.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 5.0 INSTRUCTIONS 5.1 The OSC Manager shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 1, OSC Manager Checklist.

5.2 The Radiation Protection Coordinator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 2, RP Coordinator Checklist.

5.3 The Maintenance Coordinator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 3, Maintenance Coordinator Checklist.

5.4 The l&C Coordinator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 4, I&C Coordinator Checklist.

5.5 The Team Coordinator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 5, Team Coordinator Checklist.

5.6 The Operations Coordinator shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 6, Operations Coordinator Checklist.

5.7 The Accountability Clerk shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 7, Accountability Clerk Checklist.

6.0 BEEEB.EN 6.1 IP-1027, "Site Personnel Accountability and Evacuation" 6.2 IP-1035, 'Technical Support Center" 6.3 IP-1041, "Use of the Triton to Monitor Radiogas" 6.4 IP-1020, "Airbome odine-131 Determination" 6.5 System Operating Procedure 11.1, Ventilation System Operation 6.6 Form EP-38, Emergency Team Briefing Form', located in IPEC Emergency Plan Forms Procedure,IP-EP-1 15 7.0 ATACHMENTS 7.1 Attachment 1, OSC Manager Checklist 7.2 Attachment 2, Rad Protection Coordinator Checklist 7.3 Attachment 3, Maintenance Coordinator Checklist 7.4 Attachment 4, I&C Coordinator Checklist 7.5 Attachment 5, Team Coordinator Checklist 7.6 Attachment 6, Operations Coordinator Checklist 7.7 Attachment 7, Accountability Clerk Checklist 7.8 Attachment 8, Search and Rescue Page 5 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 8.0 AUDE3NDUM 8.1 Addendum 1, OSC I TSC Complex Layout 8.2 Addendum 2, OSC / TSC Radiological Setup 8.3 Addendum 3, Task Assignment Log (Form IP-1023-1) 8.4 Addendum 4, Individual Exposure Tracking Log (Form IP-1023-3) 8.5 Addendum 5, ERO Log Sheet (Form IP-1023-4) 8.6 Addendum 6, Emergency Radiation Work Permit (Form IP-1023-5) 8.7 Addendum 7, Emergency Exposure Authorization (Form IP-1 023-6) 8.8 Addendum 8, Normal OSC Staffing (Form IP-1023-7) 8.9 Addendum 9, ERO Tracking Log (Form IP-1023-8) 8.10 Addendum 10, ERO Shift Rosters (Form IP-1023-9) 8.11 Addendum 11, OSC Guidelines (Form IP-1023-10) 8.12 Addendum 12, Sample Patient Package Insert for THRO-BLOCK Tablets 8.13 Addendum 13, Assembly Area Coordinator Instructions (Form IP-1023-1 1)

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Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev 20 Attachment 1 OSC Manager Checklist Sheet 1 of 10 Initial ResponsibilityActivity Notes 1.0 Initial Accountability IE The event has been classified as a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency ARID Initial Accountability has not been performed THEN direct accountability be performed in accordance Section 6 of this checklist.

2.0 Assume the duties of the OSC Manager.

2.1 Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

2.2 Sign in on the facility organization chart.

2.3 Review TSC/OSC status boards if available.

2.4 IE the OSC has not yet been activated THEN activate the OSC as follows:

A. Receive a briefing from the EPM or the Shift Manager in the CCR on plant conditions and any Repair/Operations personnel currently in the field (not to delay facility activation).

B. Verify that the following minimum staffing is available before activating:

1. OSC Manager
2. Team Coordinator
3. Rad Protection Coordinator
4. 1 HP Technician (may be in field at time of activation)

C. LE the Team Coordinator is not present THEN assume the duties of the Team Coordinator per Attachment 5.

D. Direct the Accountability Clerk or other personnel to monitor both Accountability card readers while ERO members are carding into the TSCIOSC. Direct them to verify badges are properly read by the Accountability card reader. Direct them to log the name and badge number on an Accountability Roster (Form IP-1027-1) of anyone having difficulty carding in.

E. Designate an individual to report to the Energy Education Center and act as Assembly Area Coordinator.

F. iE additional personnel are required THEN call or assign someone to call the Assembly Areas for additional personnel.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 1 OSC Manager Checklist Sheet 2 of 10 Initial Rs-pnn--ihilityl~ctivityj (cont.

G. E needed individuals are not available onsite IUEtH assign someone to call individuals at home using the Emergency Telephone Directory (Appendix A of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, Emergency Roster.)

H. Determine when the OSC staff is prepared to assume primary functions of OSC (dispatching and accounting of operations, HP, maintenance Teams into the plant).

1. When ready to activate the OSC, formally relieve the CCR of the responsibilities to track inplant teams as follows:
1. Call the EPM (Shift Manager if EPM not available) and request a complete listing of personnel currently performing tasks outside the CCR.
2. Inform the Shift Manager that you are now activating the OSC and assuming responsibility for accountability of all personnel inside the Protected Area and outside the CCR.
3. Inform the EPM that the OSC has been activated.
4. Make an announcement to the OSC, TSC, and inform the EOF that the OSC has been activated.

J. Augment the OSC staff as necessary:

1. LE OSC staffing is less than that shown on Form IP-1 023-7, Normal OSC Staffing THEN call for additional personnel per above steps.
2. Call in as many additional resources (in addition to that called for normal staffing) as needed for the event in progress.

K. Direct Accountability Clerk to contact warehouse personnel to be available by:

1. IE during normal working hours THEN call the Material Control Storekeeper at Indian Point Stores and notify him/her of the emergency and direct him/her to arrange for continuous staffing of the warehouse until the emergency is terminated.

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Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Attachment 1 OSC Manager Checklist Sheet 3 of 10 Initial Rsrcansibilityl~etevity (cnt.) Notes-

2. E during off-hours THEN call in a Material Control Storekeeper.


OSC Guidelines (Form IP-1023-10) information should be provided to each OSC Technician.

L. Conduct, or have the Team Coordinator conduct, a briefing for the OSC technicians:

1. Provide a brief explanation of the event that caused the emergency.
2. Inform personnel not to leave the TSC/OSC Complex without checking out with the OSC Team Coordinator.
3. Inform personnel that they will be briefed by one of the OSC Coordinators prior to being sent into the field to perform a task.
4. When briefed and dispatched by a Coordinator they MUST check out with the OSC Team Coordinator before they leave the TSC/OSC Complex.
5. When returning from a mission they MUST check in with the OSC Team Coordinator and report any radiation exposure received while dispatched.

2.5 IE relieving another OSC Manager IHEN perform a formal turnover with the current OSC Manager.

A. Review the OSC Managers activity log.

B. Obtain a briefing on the emergency and any actions that have been completed or are in progress.

C. Make a formal announcement to OSCITSC when the turnover takes place.

2.6 RE relieving another OSC Manager AND there has been a shift change of OSC Technicians THFN brief the OSC Technicians per step 2.3.1 above.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 1 OSC Manager Checklist Sheet 4 of 10 Continuous Responsiblity/Actfivity 3.0 Inform EPM and OSC Coordinators when temporarily leaving the work area.

3.1 Direct the TSC Communicator or Clerk to answer your phone while you are away.

3.2 IE you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex) THEN A. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (for accountability purposes)

B. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you return.

2.3 Upon return, obtain a briefing from the EPM on any events which have occurred while away.

4.0 Use Form IP-1023-4, ERO Log Sheet, to maintain a log 4.1 Log when OSC is activated or when there is a manager change.

4.2 Log major decisions and any important details of actions taken 5.0 Supervise the activities of the OSC Coordinators and team personnel.

5.1 The EPM is responsible for overall control of the onsite emergency response. Obtain EPM concurrence prior to directing any actions that may affect the operability of a plant system.

5.2 Coordinate activities of operations personnel in the OSC with the Operations Coordinator and the Central Control Room.

5.3 Inform the EPM immediately of any operations teams requested to be dispatched from the OSC by the CCR.

5.4 Maintain adequate personnel and material resources for the onsite response.

5.5 iE any necessary materials or supplies are not available on site THEN request assistance in obtaining items from the Material Control Storekeeper and/or the Administrative and Logistics Director at the corporate offices.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 1 OSC Manager Checklist Sheet 5 of 10 Continutnius ResponshiblityIActivity (cont) -

5.6 Ensure that priorities are consistent with the priorities established by the EPM A. Task fall into the following three general categories:

1. High (H): The task is necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the public. Plant conditions are allowing the rapid deterioration of safety barriers, or barriers have already been broken such that a release is either occurring or is imminent.
2. Medium (M): Any task that requires action by the OSC and should be worked on immediately, but does not fit the criteria of protecting the health and safety of the public. For example, there is a leak, or there is a secondary plant problem, and so forth.
3. Low (L): Any task which can be worked on when resources permit (for example, getting meals).

B. Within each of the general categories (H, M or L), rank the priority of the tasks with numbers (1, 2, 3 etc.) when assigning tasks to the OSC Coordinators.

5.7 Assign task to OSC Coordinators. The OSC Manager's Task Assignment Log (Form IP-1023-1) may be used to track task assignments.

5.8 Keep the Coordinators, Team Leaders, and Team Members informed of the overall focus of the emergency, task priorities and existing radiological conditions.

5.9 Remind the Coordinators to maintain an awareness of the activities and concerns of OSC team members and team leaders.

5.10 Verify that the Mission Status Board is updated as new tasks are assigned, old tasks are completed, and as priorities are changed.

5.11 Obtain approval from the EPM prior to deviating from any existing plant procedure dealing with changing plant configuration or personnel safety. Also, obtain approval from the EPM prior to performing an action that would normally require a procedure but no procedure exists.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 1 OSC Manager Checklist Sheet 6 of 10 Cnntinuous ResponsibIlityActivity (cont))t 6.0 Establish and Maintain ongoing accountability 6.1 IE the emergency classification is changed to a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency OR if directed by the Emergency Plant Manager THEN establish or re-establish initial accountability as follows:


Initial Accountability shall be accomplished within approximately 30 minutes for events classified at the Site Area Emergency or General Emergency. Accountability may be directed at the Alert classification (or any other time deemed necessary) at the direction of the Shift Manager or Emergency Plant Manager.

Accountability is accomplished by assembly of all non-essential personnel outside the Protected Area and physically accounting for all individuals who remain within the IPEC Protected Area (Unit 2 and Unit 3).'

A. Non-essential personnel will leave the Protected Area and are removed from the list of onsite personnel automatically by the Security computer.

B. All ERO members reporting to the TSC/OSC will report to the TSC/OSC and swipe their Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers. TSC personnel should use the card reader located outside the door near the Team Coordinator (short hallway going toward the NRC office). OSC personnel should use the card reader outside the OSC command room door (long hallway).

C. TSC/OSC Facility Leads should identify themselves and move to the front of the line to expedite facility activation.

D. Control Room personnel will swipe their Security Badge at the Accountability card reader just inside the CCR door. The Shift Manager will account for any Operations personnel outside the CCR using Accountability Roster (Form IP-1027-1) to list of all watch individuals assigned to tasks in the field.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 1 OSC Manager Checklist Sheet 7 of 10 Continuous ResponIbslIity/Activity (ont) NIaps 6.2 The Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) will generate the list of missing persons. This list will be provided to the OSC Manager.

The OSC Manager will notify the Emergency Plant Manager of any missing persons.


During plant shutdowns, when there may be large numbers of workers onsite and within the radiological control areas, a Health Physics computer printout may be used to assist in locating missing personnel within the radiological control area after accountability is completed.

6.3 1E there are individuals who are missing for (Unit 2 or Unit 3)

THEN verify that the Accountability Clerk:

A. Sends an HP to obtain the Health Physics Computer Printout of individuals within the Radiological Control Area.

B. Review HP Computer Printout for any missing individuals within the Radiological Control Area.

C. Conduct search and rescue activities in accordance with Attachment 8, Search and Rescue.

6.4 IE there has been a release of radioactive materials THEN direct the RP Coordinator to dispatch an HP Technician to the Energy Education Center to verify habitability.

6.5 Inform the Emergency Plant Manager or Shift Manger of any habitability concerns in the Energy Education Center.

6.6 Designate an individual to report to the Energy Education Center and act as Assembly Area Coordinator. Provide them with an copy of Assembly Area Coordinator Instructions (Addendum 13, Form IP-1023-1 1) and direct them to:

A. Call the OSC Manager or Accountability Clerk and establish a communications path between OSC and Assembly Area.

Another individual at the Assembly Area should be selected to act as a communicator.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 1 OSC Manager Checklist Sheet 8 of 10 Continuoun ResponsibilityfActivity (cont.) Not B. Have personnel stand-by in the Assembly Area until directed to leave the site or return to work. Inform the EPM immediately of any personnel are discovered missing C. Coordinate movement of personnel to the Buchanan Service Center if required.

NOTE Ongoing Accountability is required at the Site Area Emergency level, but may be relaxed by Emergency Plant Manager at the Alert level.

6.7 Direct OSC Staff to maintain accountability of all OSC personnel through the use of status boards, team assignments, Form IP-1023-3, Individual Exposure Tracking Log and Form IP-1 023-8, ERO Tracking Log.

6.8 1E anyone is unaccounted for THFN A. Commence search and rescue operations using Attachment 8, Search and Rescue and OSC task and team assignment procedures.

B. Instruct search and rescue teams not to move an incapacitated victim without a Medical Representative or qualified first responder UNLESS the potential harm from radiation or other hazards out weights the potential harm of moving the victim.

6.9 Coordinate release of personnel at the EEC with the Emergency Plant Manager, LAO and Assembly Area Coordinator.

7.0 Inform the EPM of changing situations In the plant based on information received from teams out In the field.

8.0 Participate in periodic briefings of TSC/OSC staff.

8.1 Update the Material Control Storekeeper on briefing items 8.2 Ensure personnel in the field are updated.

9.0 Assist EPM and TSC Staff in developing ad hoc procedures and defining tasks to mitigate the emergency.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 1 OSC Manager Checklist Sheet 9 of 10 Continuous ResponsibilityActivity (cant) J Fadest 10.0 Evaluate the need to evacuate the TSC/OSC and evacuate as necessary.


An organized evacuation of the TSC/OSC Complex should be started when the following radiological conditions occur:

  • Exposure rates > 80 mRem/Hr TEDE OB 500mRem/Hr TODE
  • Projected Whole Body Dose for a 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> period is > 1 Rem TEDE DiR Thyroid Dose >5 Rem TODE Airborne concentrations which may result in exceeding occupational limits for inhalation specified in 10CFR2O, Appendix B, Table 1.

Evacuation may be performed at rates below those listed based on plant conditions and response needs.

10.1 Determine a suitable alternate location should the recommendation to relocate the OSC be made by the RP Coordinator.

10.2 Determine the speed at which the relocation of personnel should occur giving consideration to the following items:

A. The impact of immediate relocation vs. projects in progress.

B. Current radiological conditions within the TSC/OSC C. Radiological conditions at the proposed relocated TSC/OSC.

D. Radiological conditions en route.

E. The adequacy of response from the alternate location.

10.3 Coordinate evacuation of the TSC/OSC with the EPM and TSC Manager.

10.4 Request that the EPM announce the decision to evacuate, times and new location over the Station PA system.

10.5 Inform the CCR and Material Control Storekeeper of the change in location of the OSC.

10.6 Notify Security to instruct incoming personnel to report to the alternate TSC/OSC.

10.7 Direct that all equipment and materials needed for the alternate OSC be packaged and delivered to the new location.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 1 OSC Manager Checklist Sheet 10 of 10 Continuunis RpsponnibilityfAfitivity (cont ) isnW 11.0 Set up second shift of Emergency Response Organization 11.1 Direct the Accountability Clerk to complete an ERO Shift Rosters (Form IP-1023-9).

11.2 Review the completed form with the TSC Manager to ensure all required individuals are identified.

11.3 Request the EPM to establish a shift turnover time with the ED 11.4 Direct Accountabilit Clerk to use the Emergency Telephone Directory to call a 2d shift and notify them when to report to their assigned facility.

Closenut ResponnlbIlitylActivity Ntes 12.0 Direct OSC personnel to return all equipment to proper storage locations.

13.0 Review all documentation:

13.1 Verify that logs, forms and other documentation are complete 13.2 Verify that all repairs performed by OSC Teams that deviated from normal station procedures are properly documented so that necessary actions can be taken for continuous plant operations or plant recovery operations.

14.0 Provide all logs and records to the Recovery Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry Into the Recovery Phase.

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Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Attachment 2 Rad Protection Coordinator Checklist Sheet 1 of 7 Initial Resnpni~bilifty/Attivit  :: Notes.q 1.0 Assume the position of Rad Protection Coordinator.

1.1 Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers 1.2 Sign in on the facility organization chart.

1.3 1E the OSC has not yet been activated THEN perform the following:

A. Contact the Watch HP and receive a briefing of radiological conditions and status of any ongoing jobs.

B. Determine if any personnel are currently in the field.

C. Request the CCR to align the TSC/OSC ventilation system for incident operation per procedure SOP 11.1, Ventilation System Operation.

D. Direct a TSC/OSC habitability survey and that radiological controls be set up as shown in Addendum 2 if necessary.

E. Establish contamination controls for the CCR if necessary.

F. Assign an HP Technician to obtain TLDs and dosimeters from the Control Point for all OSC/TSC personnel.

G. Eindividuals have not been previously issued TLDs THEN have TLDs issued to them.

1.4 Report readiness status to the OSC Manager when prepared to assume the Rad Protection Coordinator position.

1.5 LE relieving another Rad Protection Coordinator THEN perform a formal turnover A. Review the RP Coordinator's activity log.

B. Obtain a briefing on the emergency, radiological conditions and any actions that have been completed or are in progress.

C. Relieve current Rad Protection Coordinator 1.6 Inform OSC staff that you are now the Rad Protection Coordinator.


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Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Attachment 2 Rad Protection Coordinator Checklist Sheet 2 of 7 Continuous ResponsIbilityWActivity _t__q 2.0 Establish and Maintain radiological habitability.

2.1 Direct periodic monitoring of Emergency Response Facilities within the Protected Area and other occupied areas as necessary, particularly when a release of radioactive material into plant environments is in progress or suspected.

A. At a minimum, verify habitability in the Main Control Room, TSC, OSC, and Security Building.

B. E the following conditions exist in the TSC/OSC or CCR THEN inform the EPM to implement restrictions on eating and drinking in the effected areas.

. Contamination Levels above background

. Airborne contamination levels above background C. Insure TSC/OSC personnel are aware of any restrictions in place.

D. E any of the following conditions exist THEN Inform the OSC Manager immediately to consider a planned evacuation of the TSC/OSC Complex:

. TSC/OSC (or other occupied area) Dose rates > 80 mRem/Hr TEDE or 500 mRem/hr TODE.

. Projected doses > 1 Rem TEDE or 5 Rem TODE over a 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> period

. Airborne concentrations which may result in exceeding occupational limits for inhalation specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 1.

2.2 IF any of the above limits are reached THEN Coordinate with the OSC/TSC Managers to survey alternate locations for habitability prior to relocation if possible.

2.3 IE a chemical release is detected ITEH direct Chemistry Technician or individual qualified in hazardous material response to assist in establishing chemical habitability prior to sending individuals into affected area.

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Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Attachment 2 Rad Protection Coordinator Checklist Sheet 3 of 7 Continuous ResponsibiliyfWActivity (cont) 3.0 Inform another OSC Coordinator and the OSC Manager when temporarily leaving the work area.

3.1 Request another OSC Coordinator to answer your phone while you are away.

3.2 LE you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex) THEN A. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to retum. .(for accountability purposes)

B. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you return.

3.3 Upon return, obtain a briefing from another coordinator on any events which have occurred while away.

4.0 Use Form IP-1023-4, ERO Log Sheet, to maintain a log.

4.1 Record the time you assume position of Rad Protection Coordinator.

4.2 Record any significant and unusual indications from the Plant RMS.

4.3 Record any significant changes in radiological conditions reported from field teams.

4.4 Record any communications outside the Protected Area Fence or significant communications to facilities outside the OSC.


Documentation on ERWPs and Team Briefing Forns may be deferred when immediate action is necessary to mitigate a situation that severely threatens plant or personnel safety. Documentation shall be finished as soon as possible after team dispatch.

The HP Technician accompanying the team becomes a "Walking ERWP" and may determine what radiological precautions are appropriate for the situation.

5.0 Suspend normal RWP requirements for performing work In radiological controlled areas If necessary. Emergency Radiation Work Permits (ERWP) will then be used for team dispatch.

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Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Attachment 2 Rod Protection Coordinator Checklist Sheet 4 of 7 Continuous RenponslhilityIActivity (ronnt ) SA 6.0 Suspend radiological posting requirements, if necessary, for areas outside the RCA that are affected by the accident until the Recover Phase Is entered.

7.0 Document radiological readings taken by HP Technicians or other meter qualified Individuals In the field on survey maps.

8.0 Establish and maintain dosimetry, protective clothing, and other protective equipment requirements for onsite ERO personnel.

8.1 Use ERWPs (Form IP-1023-5) to control radiological requirements for personnel sent into the plant.

8.2 Start ERWPs for anticipated activities in various plant areas.

8.3 If possible, based on your judgement, use normal criteria when establishing requirements for dosimetry, protective clothing, and respiratory protection equipment.

8.4 Verify the Team Coordinator is tracking individual exposure data on Individual Exposure Tracking Log (Form IP-1023-3) 8.5 Direct radiological control personnel to read TLDs for personnel whose exposure limits are approached.

9.0 Direct Health Physics Personnel In the following activities:

9.1 Assign Radiation Control personnel to assist in emergency response support activities.

9.2 Use Form EP-38, Emergency Team Briefing Form to prepare and document team assignments. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of the Emergency Team Briefing Form.

9.3 Assign personnel to conduct in-plant radiological surveys as required to support ERO activities.

9.4 Assign HP Technicians to accompany Damage Control Teams requiring radiological support.

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Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Attachment 2 Rad Protection Coordinator Checklist Sheet 5 of 7 Continunus RespfinsihblityLAetivity (ont) Nntes 10.0 1E there are contaminated Injured personnel THEN perform the following:

10.1 Provide radiological support for the assessment, treatment, and transportation of contaminated injured personnel.

10.2 Monitor patients for contamination and decontaminate as appropriate.

10.3 Make arrangements to pick up RP personnel at the hospital.

10.4 Follow proper procedures to retrieve radioactive waste from offsite treatment locations.

10.5 Obtain concurrence from the EPM prior to releasing the hospital's Radiological Emergency Room or the ambulance for uncontrolled use.

NOTE Team Briefing Forms may be completed after team dispatch if time does not allow. Briefings shall still take place.

11.0 Ensure emergency team receive proper briefs on radiological conditions and requirements.

11.1 Depending on conditions the ERWP should state who will give radiological brief to emergency teams 11.2 Request that the Team Coordinator attend briefings to ensure continuous accountability of dispatched Team personnel.

11.3 Use the ERWP to discuss dose limits, expected and maximum dose rates, and stay times. Advise team members to immediately contact or return to the OSC when dose rates or stay times approach the established limits.

11.4 Discuss dosimetry requirements.

11.5 Discuss protective clothing and respiratory protection requirements.

11.6 Discuss travel route requirements and if there are any releases in progress.

11.7 Advise team members on monitoring and decontamination procedures following mission completion.

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Operations Support Center I P-1 023 Rev. 20 Attachment 2 Rad Protection Coordinator Checklist Sheet 6 of 7 Continuous RrsponsbilitylActivity(cont.) Nntes NOTE:

For events that do involve an increase in plant radiation levels above those found during normal plant operations, normal exposure controls may be used vs. implementation of emergency exposure controls.

12.0 Maintain onsite emergency exposure controls as follows:

12.1 JE emergency exposure controls are implemented IEN Maintain individual emergency exposures as follows:

A. Request the EPM to authorize emergency exposures up to 1 Rem TEDE for all OSC and Operations Personnel.

B. Track individuals doses to ensure no one receives more than 1 Rem TEDE during the emergency unless further exposure is authorized.

C. Request the EPM to authorize additional exposure 1 Rem at a time, up to 5 Rem.

D. Notify and ensure the EPM authorizes any emergency radiation exposures expected to exceed 5 Rem TEDE or when entry into areas where exposure rates > 25 Rem/Hr may be encountered.

E. With EPM authorization volunteers may receive up to 10 REM TEDE to protect valuable property DR 25 REM TEDE to save a life or protect large populations.

12.2 An HP Technician escort or qualified self-monitor is required for any team to be sent into an area where any of the following conditions present:

A. Radiological conditions are unknown. Surveys or ARMs may be used to predict radiological conditions.

B. Radiation field in access of 1 R/hr are expected.

12.3 Clearly state exposure limits on ERWPs.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 2 Rad Protection Coordinator Checklist Sheet 7 of 7 Cntinuti ResponsiblilitylActivity (cont.) ntea 13.0 1E Individuals receive or are expected to receive large Radiolodine Uptakes (-25 REM) ItHEI :

13.1 Control the specified issuance of KI to onsite emergency workers as follows:

A. Get approval of the EPM for issuance of KI.

B. Direct team members to read Patient Package Insert prior to taking KI (see Addendum 12 for sample).

C. Administer KI.

D. Record KI issuance information on Addendum 5, Ind-idual Exposure Tracking Log.

13.2 Evaluate iodine uptakes for persons issued KI.

14.0 Direct the decontamination efforts of personnel, equipment, and onsite areas as appropriate.

15.0 Ensure adequate materials and supplies are available for assigned missions.

15.1 Obtain needed materials from normal station supply locations.

15.2 IE additional supplies are needed IIEI request any materials, supplies, or personnel needs from the OSC Manager.

lnenut Reponsibllity/Aetivity 1IQtS 16.0 LE radiological conditions allow THEN Direct HP Technicians:

16.1 To return emergency equipment to proper storage areas and restock supplies as needed.

16.2 Review radiological conditions in the plant and update postings as required.

16.3 Review any open RWPs to ensure conditions have not changed which may effect their use.

17.0 Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upon termination of the emergency.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 3 Maintenance Coordinator Checklist Sheet of 3 Initial RsponSiilityActvt Notes.-

1.0 Assume the position of Maintenance Coordinator.

1.1 Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

1.2 Sign in on the facility organization chart.

1.3 Report readiness status to the OSC Manager when prepared to assume the Maintenance Coordinator position.

1.4 IE relieving another Maintenance Coordinator THEN. perform a formal turnover:

A. Review the activity log.

B. Obtain a briefing on the emergency, radiological conditions and any actions that have been completed or are in progress.

C. Relieve current Maintenance Coordinator 1.5 Inform OSC staff that you are now the Maintenance Coordinator.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 3 Maintenance Coordinator Checklist Sheet 2 of 3 Continuouns ResponsibilitylActivlty Notes 2.0 Inform another OSC Coordinator and the OSC Manager when temporarily leaving the work area.

2.1 Request another OSC Coordinator to answer your phone while you are away.

2.2 LE you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex) THEN A. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (for accountability purposes)

B. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you return.

2.3 Upon return, obtain a briefing from another coordinator on any events which have occurred while away.

3.0 Use Form IP-1023-4, ERO Log Sheet, to maintain a log of activities:

3.1 Record the time you assume position of Maintenance Coordinator 3.2 Record Maintenance Team activities undertaken with information on repairs performed and pending actions to ensure repairs are completed. (need not repeat items on team briefing forms) 3.3 Record all communications outside the Protected Area Fence.

4.0 Assist OSC Manager is planning and preparing for any mechanical and/ or electrical maintenance activities needed to return the plant to a safe condition.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 3 Maintenance Coordinator Checklist Sheet 3 of 3 Cnntinuaus RespnnsihilIRyAr-tivity(conW 5.0 Participate n Team dispatch and field operations:

5.1 Choose maintenance personnel who are best qualified to conduct assigned tasks(s).

5.2 Use Form EP-38, Emergency Team Briefing Form to prepare and document team assignments. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of the Emergency Team Briefing Form.

5.3 Ensure Team is properly equipped to conduct repairs, including procedures, drawings, tools and repair parts.

5.4 Participate in Team briefings to ensure team members properly understand assigned task.

5.5 Work with the Team Coordinator while the team is in the field to answer any questions that may arise concerning task.


Ensure any deviations from Quality Control work practices are logged as part of the Team debriefings.

5.6 Debrief mechanical and electrical maintenance team members when they return and ensure actions are properly documented.

Ot-nifout ResponsibilityActivity NnloB-6.0 Assist OSC personnel to return all equipment to proper storage locations.

7.0 Review all documentation the Maintenance Coordinators maintained during the emergency:

7.1 Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete 7.2 Ensure all repairs performed by OSC Teams that deviated from normal station procedures are properly documented so that necessary actions can be taken for continuous plant operations and/or plant recovery operations.

8.0 Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry Into the Recovery Phase.

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Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Attachment 4 I&C Coordinator Checklist Sheet 1 of 3 Initial Rsnpnnlh!1ty/ACfivM1 Notes.-

1.0 Assume the position of I&C Coordinator.

1.1 Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

1.2 Sign in on the facility organization chart.

1.3 Report readiness status to the OSC Manager when prepared to assume the l&C Coordinator position.

1.4 IE relieving another l&C CoordinatorlHEN. perform a formal turnover:

A. Review the activity log.

B. Obtain a briefing on the emergency, radiological conditions and any actions that have been completed or are in progress.

C. Relieve current I&C Coordinator 1.5 Inform OSC staff that you are now the l&C Coordinator.

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Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Attachment 4 I&C Coordinator Checklist Sheet 2 of 3 Continuinus Rspon4iblAityIAtivity n1 2.0 Inform another OSC Coordinator and the OSC Manager when temporarily leaving the work area.

2.1 Request another OSC Coordinator to answer your phone while you are away.

2.2 iE you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex) THEN A. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to retum. (for accountability purposes)

B. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you return.

2.3 Upon retum, obtain a briefing from another coordinator on any events which have occurred while away.

3.0 Use Form IP-1023-4, ERO Log Sheet, to maintain a log of activities.

3.1 Record the time you assume position of l&C Coordinator 3.2 Record l&C Team activities undertaken with information on repairs performed and pending actions to ensure repairs are completed.

(you need not repeat information on team briefing forms.)

3.3 Record all communications outside the Protected Area Fence.

4.0 Assist OSC Manager In planning and preparing for any I&C maintenance activities needed to return the plant to a safe condition.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 4 I&C Coordinator Checklist Sheet 3 of 3 T

Continuous Responsibility/Activlty 5.0 Participate in Team dispatch and field operations:

5.1 Choose l&C personnel who are best qualified to conduct assigned task(s) 5.2 Use Form EP-38, Emergency Team Briefing Form to prepare and document team assignments. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of the Emergency Team Briefing Form.

5.3 Ensure Team is properly equipped to conduct repairs, including procedures, drawings, tools and repair parts.

5.4 Participate in Team briefings to ensure team members properly understand assigned task 5.5 Work with the Team Coordinator while the team is in the field to answer any questions that may arise concerning task NOTE:

Ensure any deviations from Quality Control work practices are logged as part of the Team debriefings.

5.6 Debrief l&C maintenance team members when they return and ensure actions are properly documented.

CQoseout Responsibility/Activity Notes 6.0 Assist OSC personnel to return all equipment to proper storage locations.

7.0 Review all documentation the l&C Coordinators maintained during the emergency:

7.1 Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete 7.2 Ensure all repairs performed by OSC Teams that deviated from normal station procedures are properly documented so that necessary actions can be taken for continuous plant operations or recovery operations.

8.0 Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 5 Team Coordinator Checklist Sheet 1 of 4 Initial Responsibility/Licetity NOTE If there is no OSC Manager present perform the steps in Attachment 1,OSC Manager Checklist in conjunction with this checklist.

1.0 Assume the position of Team Coordinator.

1.1 Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

1.2 Sign in on the facility organization chart.

1.3 Review TSC/OSC status boards if available.

1.4 Inform the OSC Manager that you are ready to activate and assist in OSC activation as needed.

1.5 Obtain a briefing from the OSC Manager on the status of any personnel or teams currently in the field.

1.6 Coordinate taking control of personnel and/or teams by establishing communications with field personnel and informing them that they are now under the control of the OSC.

1.7 IE relieving another Team Coordinator IHEN perform a formal turnover with current Team Coordinator.

A. Review the Team Coordinator activity log.

B. Obtain a briefing on the emergency and any actions that have been completed or are in progress.

C. Review field operations and take control of accountability for personnel in the field.

D. Inform the TSC Manager you are now the Team Coordinator.

E. Make a formal announcement to OSC Staff when relief takes place.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 5 Team Coordinator Checklist Sheet 2 of 4 Continuous ResponnibilityLActivity 2.0 Inform another OSC Coordinator and the OSC Manager when temporarily leaving the work area.

2.1 Request another OSC Coordinator to assume the Team Coordinator duties while you are away.

2.2 IE you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex) THEN A. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (for accountability purposes)

B. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you return.

2.3 Upon return, obtain a briefing from acting Team Coordinator on any events which have occurred while away.

3.0 Ensure ongoing accountability (unless directed otherwise) for TSC and OSC personnel.


A computer spreadsheet may be used in place of the ERO Tracking Log and Individual Exposure Tracking Log to keep records of teams sent into the field from the OSC RE the spreadsheet is used THEN printout copies often to maintain hard copy records of team activities.

3.1 Use Form EP-38, Emergency Team Briefing Form to prepare and document team assignments. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of the Emergency Team Briefing Form.

3.2 Track all individuals leaving TSC/OSC Complex on the ERO Tracking Log (Form IP-1023-8).

3.3 RE individuals are going to be receiving emergency radiation exposure THEN track radiation exposures on Individual Exposure Tracking Log (Form IP-1023-3).

3.4 Inform the OSC Manager immediately of any missing personnel.

3.5 IE anyone is unaccounted for IHEN! assist in search and rescue operations utilizing teams Page 31 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Attachment 5 Team Coordinator Checklist Sheet 3 of 4 Contintiong Rsgponsibiltykctivity (ni) tnftes 4.0 Monitor the activities of the team personnel In the field.

4.1 Keep informed on team mission priorities A. The OSC Manager will inform you which task is the number 1 priority and which are numbers 2 & 3.

B. Place (or direct the Accountability Clerk to place) the priority number on the Mission Status board.

C. Continually remind OSC personnel dispatched to perform task of current priorities and any changes to priorities.

4.2 iE team tracking task allows the time THEN participate in team briefings to ensure you are aware of the teams assigned task and expected hazards.

4.3 Maintain the Mission Status Board. Update as tasks are assigned, old tasks are completed, and as priorities are changed.

4.4 Maintain communications with teams once they are dispatched from the OSC.

4.5 Keep track of team radiation exposure while they are in the field using spreadsheet or manual forms (transfer information to Individual Exposure Tracking Log (Form IP-1 023-3) when teams return.

4.6 LE team tracking task allows the time THEN participate in Team Debriefings when they return to the OSC to keep informed on field conditions.

4.7 Immediately update teams of any change in emergency classifications or changing conditions which may affect their safety, such as the start of a release.

4.8 Immediately update RP Coordinator of any changing or unexpected conditions reported by teams in the field.

5.0 Direct the Accountability Clerk to assist you In maintaining records as necessary.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 5 Team Coordinator Checklist Sheet 4 of 4 Continuous ResponslbilityIAetivity (cont) t1nfe 6.0 Inform the OSC Manager and other OSC Coordinators of changing situations In the plant based on Information received from dispatched teams.

6.1 Unexpected radiation levels.

6.2 Unreported hazardous conditions.

6.3 Important equipment status.

Closeout ResponslbilitylActivity 7.0 Assist OSC personnel to return all equipment to proper storage locations.

8.0 Review all documentation the OSC Team Coordinators maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete B. Work with other OSC Coordinators to ensure all repairs performed by OSC Teams that deviated from normal station procedures are properly documented so that necessary actions can be taken for continuous plant operations or recovery operations.

9.0 Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry into the Recovery Phase.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 6 Operations Coordinator Checklist Sheet I of 3 Initial Rs-ponsIblity/lkAtiift yt-1.0 Assume the position of Operations Coordinator.

1.1 Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

1.2 Sign in on the facility organization chart.

1.3 Report readiness status to the Shift Manager and the OSC Manager when prepared to assume the Operations Coordinator position.

1.4 LE relieving another Operations Coordinator THEN perform a formal turnover:

A. Review the Operations Coordinator activity log.

B. Obtain a briefing on the emergency, radiological conditions and any actions that have been completed or are in progress.

C. Relieve the current Operations Coordinator 1.5 Inform Shift Manager and OSC staff that you are now the Operations Coordinator.

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Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 J Attachment 6 Operations Coordinator Checklist Sheet 2 of 3 Continuous ResponsiblitylActivity 2.0 Inform another OSC Coordinator and the OSC Manager when temporarily leaving the work area.

2.1 Request another OSC Coordinator to answer your phone while you are away.

2.2 LE you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex) THEN A Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (for accountability purposes)

B Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you return.

2.3 Upon return, obtain a briefing from another coordinator on any events which have occurred while away.

3.0 Use Form IP-1023-4, ERO Log Sheet, to maintain a log of activities.

3.1 Record the time you assume position of Operations Coordinator.

3.2 Record Operations Team activities undertaken with information on plant operations performed and repairs performed.

3.3 Communications outside the OSC.

4.0 Assist Control Room and OSC Manager In planning and preparing for any operations maintenance activities needed to return the plant to a safe condition.

4.1 Establish communications with the CCR. Keep the CCR informed of field team activities currently underway or that are planned.

4.2 Coordinate operations and repair activities with the CCR.

4.3 Provide operational guidance to other OSC Staff and inplant teams.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 6 Operations Coordinator Checklist Sheet 3 of 3 Continuou Rsponsiblifty/Lictivity(frnt Nte 5.0 Participate In Team dispatch and field operations:

5.1 Choose Operations personnel who are best qualified to conduct assigned task(s).


For urgent operations requirements - the Emergency Team Briefing Form may be completed after team dispatch.

5.2 LE you are the Lead Coordinator for a team THEN complete an Emergency Team Briefing Form (Form EP-38) for the team dispatched from the OSC. Ensure each team dispatched has a copy of the Emergency Team Briefing Form.

A Ensure Team is properly equipped to conduct assigned task, including procedures, drawings and tools.

B Participate in Team briefings to ensure team members properly understand assigned task.

5.3 Keep the control room staff aware of all teams progress.

5.4 Work with the Team Coordinator while the team is in the field to answer any questions that may arise concerning task(s).


Ensure any deviations from Quality Control work practices are logged as part of the Team debriefings.

5.5 Debrief operations team members when they return and ensure actions are properly documented.

Closeout RespnnsiblityIActivity Notes 6.0 Assist OSC personnel In returning all equipment to proper storage locations.

7.0 Review all documentation the Operations Coordinators maintained during the emergency:

A. Ensure logs, forms and other documentation are complete B. Ensure all activities performed by OSC Teams that deviated from normal station procedures are properly documented 8.0 Provide all logs and records to the OSC Manager upon termination of the emergency and entry Into the Recovery Phase.

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Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Attachment 7 Accountability Clerk Checklist Sheet 1 of 4 1.0 Initial Accountability 1.1 Contact the Lead Accountability Officer and verify that the accountability card readers are active.

1.2 IEthe event has been classified as a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency AND Initial Accountability has not been performed THEN IMMEDIATELY perform accountability in accordance with section 4.0 of this checklist 2.0 Assume the position of Accountability Clerk.

2.1 Swipe your Security Badge at one of the Accountability card readers.

2.2 Sign in on the facility organization chart.

2.3 Report readiness to assume position to the OSC Manager.

2.4 Direct personnel to monitor both Accountability card readers while ERO members are carding into the TSC/OSC. Direct them to verify badges are properly read by the Accountability card reader. Direct them to log the name and badge number on an Accountability Roster (Form IP-1027-1) of anyone having difficulty carding in.

2.5 IE relieving another Accountability Clerk-TEL. perform a formal turnover:

A. Review the Team Coordinator's activity log.

B. Obtain a briefing on the emergency, radiological conditions and current status of personnel accountability.

C. Relieve the current Accountability Clerk.

2.6 Inform OSC Manager that you are now the Accountability Clerk.

Contintiun Rtsponlbhlity/Activity 3.0 Inform an OSC Coordinator when temporarily leaving the work area.

3.1 Request another OSC Staff Member to answer your phone while you are away.

3.2 LE you are leaving the TSC/OSC Complex (the restroom is within complex) THEN Page 37 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 7 Accountability Clerk Checklist Sheet 2 of 4 Continuouls RnponsibilitylActivity Dn!J)n A. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to return. (for accountability purposes).

B. Inform the OSC Team Coordinator when you return.

3.3 Upon return, obtain a briefing from an coordinator on any events which have occurred while away.

4.0 Establish and Maintain ongoing accountability.

4.1 1E the emergency classification is changed to a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency DE if directed by the Emergency Plant Manager THEN establish or re-establish initial accountability as follows:


Initial Accountability shall be accomplished within approximately 30 minutes for events classified at the Site Area Emergency or General Emergency. Accountability may be directed at the Alert classification (or any other time deemed necessary) at the direction of the Shift Manager or Emergency Plant Manager.

Accountability is accomplished by assembly of all non-essential LAO Ph#:

personnel outside the Protected Area and physically accounting for all 736-8497 individuals who remain with the P2 and P3 Protected Area. 736-8070 A. Non-essential personnel will leave the Protected Area and are LAO Fax#:

removed from the list of onsite personnel automatically by the 736-8496 Security computer.

B. All ERO members reporting to the TSC/OSC will report to the U2 TSC/OSC TSC/OSC and swipe their Security Badge at one of the 7ax7 Accountability card reader. 739-7288 C. TSC/OSC Facility Leads should identify themselves and move 734-5078 to the front of the line to expedite facility activation.

D. Control Room personnel will swipe their Security Badge at the Accountability card reader just inside the CCR door. The Shift Manager will account for any Operations personnel outside the CCR using Accountability Roster (Form IP-1027-1 to list of all watch individuals assigned to tasks in the field.

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Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Attachment 7 Accountability Clerk Checklist Sheet 3 of 4 T

4.2 The Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) will generate the list of missing persons. This list will be provided to the OSC Manager.

The OSC Manager will notify the Emergency Plant Manager of any missing persons..


During plant shutdowns, when there may be large numbers of workers onsite and within the radiological control areas, a Health Physics computer printout may be used to assist in locating missing personnel within the radiological control area after accountability is completed.

4.3 IE there are individuals who are missing for (Unit 2 or Unit 3)


A. Review Accountability Rosters (IP-1 027-1) used to identify ERO 736-8497 members experiencing difficulty carding into the TSC/OSC to 736-8070 remove them from the Missing Persons List. LAO Fax#:

B. Send an HP to obtain the Health Physics Computer Printout of 736-8496 individuals within the Radiological Control Area. U2 TSC/OSC C. Check off names of possible missing individuals who have left Fax#:

the Protected Area to narrow the list of actually missing persons 739-7288 and review HP Computer Printout for any missing individuals 734-5078 within the Radiological Control Area.

D. Coordinate with the OSC Manager to conduct search and rescue activities in accordance with Attachment 8, Search and Rescue.

NOTE Ongoing Accountability is required at the Site Area Emergency level, but may be relaxed by Emergency Plant Manager at the Alert level.

4.4 Assist OSC Staff to maintain accountability of all OSC personnel through the use of status boards, team assignments, Form IP-1023-3, Individual Exposure Tracking Log and Form IP-1023-8, ERO Tracking Log.

4.5 Inform the OSC Manager immediately of any personnel are discovered missing during ongoing accountability.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 7 Accountability Clerk Checklist Sheet 4 of 4 Continuous ResponsibilityIActivity (cont.) Intp 5.0 Work with the OSC Coordinators to maintain Continuing Accountability 5.1 Assist Team Coordinator in maintaining Individual Exposure Tracking Logs (Form IP-1023-3) and ERO Tracking Log (Form IP-1023-8).

5.2 Assist Team Coordinators in maintaining OSC Status boards.

6.0 Develop Second Shift Rosters for ERO and contact second shift 6.1 Use ERO Shift Rosters (Form 1023-9) to list individuals currently on the first shift in the TSC and OSC.

6.2 Request EOF Clerical Staff to identify the current EOF personnel.

6.3 Work with TSC and OSC Managers to identify personnel to fill second shift and ensure all needed positions are identified and establish time second shift is to be called in.

6.4 Use Emergency Telephone Directory to identify and contact individuals to fill positions on second shift. TSC and EOF Clerical Staff may be used to assist in notifications.

6.5 Inform the OSC Manager when notifications are completed and if there are any problems filling required positions.

Closeout Responnibility/Artivity Notes 7.0 Assist OSC personnel to return all equipment to proper storage locations.

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Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 8 Search and Rescue Sheet 1 of 2 1.0 INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 Attempt to contact missing individuals using the following methods (these actions should be conducted in parallel by utilizing OSC pool personnel to assist) 1.1.1 Announce the individual's name(s) over the Unit Public Address System using; "(name) call (phone numbe) immediately."

a. 1E there are multiple personnel missing, THFN use more than one call back number.

1.1.2 Call the Assembly Areas to determine if the individual(s) is present 1.1.3 Call the individual's office telephone 1.1.4 Initiate a page to the person's assigned pager 1.1.5 Contact Security to review security records for the individual's last known location.

1.1.6 Contact the individual's supervisor and co-workers in an effort to determine their last known location.

1.1.7 Call the individual's home 1.2 IE the individual(s) is not located through the above methods, THEN determine the number of Search and Rescue teams needed to conduct a search of the Protected Area.


Search and Rescue missions should attempt to locate anyone thought to be in the Radiological Control and damaged plant areas first AND Security and Operations personnel trained in first aid should be used if possible 1.3 Prior to dispatch of Search and Rescue Teams:

1.3.1 Choose team members - each team should be comprised of at least two personnel Page 41 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Attachment 8 Search and Rescue Sheet 2 of 2 1.3.2 Conduct a team briefing discussing the following items:

A. Projected Radiological Conditions B. Safety issues such as:

(1) Toxic Gases (2) Chemicals (3) Fall Protection (4) Ladders/Scaffolding (5) Confined Spaces (6) Emergency Lighting/Flashlights (7) Use good judgement 1.3.2 ALARA 1.3.3 Best routes to search areas 1.3.4 Tools and/or keys needed to reach search areas 1.3.5 Maps of areas if available 1.3.6 Communications protocols and communication devices to use 1.3.7 Direct teams to call back immediately when the individuals are located.

1.3.8 Direct teams to call back if they need assistance for rescue activities or medical assistance 1.4 Use the OSC team tracking mechanism to track Search and Rescue Teams Page 42 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Addendum 1 TSC & OSC Layout Sheet 1 of 1 Page 43 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Addendum 2 TSC / OSC Complex Radiological Setup Sheet 1 of 1 C E rm-If there Is no irdicaton of cordrnnation outside the A normW RCA te TSCMOSC Corplex set up may be only the restrictig of access and egress thmh poirt A and E i hallway contamination 1000 dpm/1 00crnr i hallway contamination > 1I000 dpnVl 00cm 2 A - No Entry / No Exit A - No Entry / No Exit 8 - Exdt Only B

  • EA Only C - Entry to TSCIOSC, No Exit, White Step Oil Pad & C - Entry to TSCIOSC, No Exit, White Step Off Pad &

Frisk shoes before stepping here sign Frisk shoes before stepping here sign D0 Nothing is Installed here D -White Step Off Pad & Frisk shoes before stepping E - No Entry IN Exit here sign F - HPT Station E - No Entry l No Edt G - Equipment Cabinet F - HPT Station H - OSC Coordinators G - Equipment Cabinet I - Place sign at top of the stairway no entry / no exit H- OSC Coordinators without permission from RPC I - Place sign at top of the stairway no entry I no exit without permission from RPC Page 44 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20

) Addendum 3 Task Assignment Log (Form IP-1023-1)

Sheet 1 of 1 OSC Manager's Task Assignment Log Task Description I Lead Coordinator Date/Time Date! Time Assigned Competed Priority Lead Coordinator Priority Lead Coordinator Priority Lead Coordinator priority Lead Coordinator Priority Lad Coordinator Priorities:

High (H): The mission Isnecessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the public.

Medium (M): Any task that requires action by the OSC and should be worked on at the Immediate time period, but does not fit the criteria of a health and safety of the public related mission.

Low (L): Any mission which can be worked on when resources permit.

Form IP-1 023-1 Rev 0 Page 45 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Addendum 4 Individual Exposure Tracking Log (Form IP-1023-3)

Sheet 1 of 1 Individual Exposure Tracking Log Name: TLD#

Employee #

Available Time Emergency Exposure of Dosimeter Exposure.

Location Team Times (mrem) Reading Reading (mrem)

Team #:

Time Out:

Time In:

Team #. l_=_===

Tim e O ut: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Time In:

Team #: _.

Time Out: _

Time In:

-Team #:__ _ _ _

Time Out: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tim e In: __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Time O ut: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tim e In: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Team #:

Time Out:

Time In:


1. Use this form along with Team Briefing Form to account for ERO members dispatched from OSC/TSC and track dividual's exposure
2. Initial Exposure Umit will be 1000 mrem for duration of emergency. EPM may authorized more exposure.
3. If Form Is filled transfer Name, TLD # and remaining available exposure to new form and staple this completed form to IL Form IP-1 023-3 Rev 0 Page 46 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Addendum 5 ERO Log Sheet (Form IP-1023-4)

Sheet 1 of 1 ERO Log Sheet ERO Position: Date:


Time Significant Events, Information or Communications

-I 4

4 4

4 4

I Signature:

Form IP-1023-4 Rev Page 47 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Addendum 6 Emergency Radiation Work Permit (Form IP-1023-5)

Sheet 1 of 1 l Emergency Radiation Work Permit ERWP Number: Written By:

Date: Approved By:

(RP Coordinator)

Work Area:

Radiation Readings: C Based on recent survey (post emergency) SurveyTime:

U Based on Old Surveys &Plant Conditions (update as soon as possible)

High General Area Reading: _ mR/Hr Updates: _ mR/Hr mRIHr High Equipment Contact Readings: I mR/Hr On:

Surface Contamination Levels: _ _ DPMI100CM 2 _ _ DPM/100CM 2 Internal System Contamination Expected: U Yes U No Airborne Levels*: U Yes U No

  • Attach Sample Results - Consider giving K prior to dispatching teams IFthyroid dose Isexpected to be > 25 Rem Recommended Respirator Protection:

To be Worn When:

Dosimetry Required: U TLD U SRD Range(s) Alarming Set At:

Recommended Protective Clothing:

Hold Radiation Umit: mR/Hr_ mrem Turn Back Radiation Limit: mR/Hr mrem RP Technician Required: U No U Until on location (survey)

U Self Monitoring U Continuously U To Open System Other Instructions:

Form IP-1023-5 Rev 0 Page 48 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Addendum 7 Emergency Exposure Authorization (Form IP-1023-6)

Sheet 1 of 1 Emergency Exposure Authorization Emergency Exposure Guidelines:

1.Ai Emergency Exposures shall be authorized by the Emergency Director or Emergency Plant Manager.

2.All individuals may be authorized up to 5 Rem emergency exposure for a given emergency event. Historical occupational exposure Is not totaled Into this flmit.

3. Procedures allow for the Emergency Plant Manager to give a blanket authorization of up to 5 Rem emergency exposure for Alert or higher classifications.

4.Any emergency exposure greater than 5 Rem Whole Body, 50 Rem Extremities or 50 Rem Skin of Whole Body, shal be authorized on a Individual basis for a specific task.

5.AII emergency exposures are voluntary. For higher doses ndividuals over the age of 45 are preferable. - Fertile women shall not be used, - Individuals should be briefed that these exposures may Increase their chances of cancer during their lifetime.

6.Volunteers may be authorized up to 10 Rem to protect valuable property.

7.Volunteers may normally be authorized up to 25 Rem for life saving or the protection of large populations.

8.Individuals may volunteer to receive greater than 25 Rem to save a life.

9.For any expected or actual Thyroid Exposure > 25 Rem CDE, the issuance of KI should be considered.

Task: Date:


The following personnel have volunteered to perform the above task(s)

They are authorized to receive up to Rem Name SSN Received Briefing Signature Approval Signature:

Emergency Director or Emergency Plant Manager Form IP-1023-6 Rev 0 Page 49 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Addendum 8 Normal OSC Staffing (Form 1023-7)

Sheet 1 of 1 Normal OSC Staffing At least 2 individuals shall be members of the First Aid Team Number Number Called No. Positions Present Needed 1 OSC Manager .

1 Team Coordinator 2 Accountability Clerks 1 Rad Protection Coordinator 1 Operations Coordinator 1 Maintenance Coordinator 1 I&C Coordinator 1 I&C Planner 1 I&C Supervisor 2 I&C Technicians 1 Chemistry Supervisor . .

1 Chemistry Technician 1 Electrical Planner 1 Electrical Supervisor 2 Electrical Technicians 1 Mechanical Supervisor .

1 Mechanical Planner 2 Mechanical Technicians 1 HP Supervisor 4 HP Technicians

- Operations Personnel

- Other 27 Total number of individuals assigned to OSC OSC Manager should enter number of each positions needed based on event.

Form IP-1023-7 Rev 1 Page 50 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Addendum 9 ERO Tracking Log (Form IP-1023-8)

Sheet 1 of 1 X .


0 0 0 ~i I.

g 1!11 X5 '4#i l t 7=2..12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~q~

Page 51 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Addendum 10 ERO Shift Rosters (Form IP-1023-9)

Sheet 1 of 4 Onsite ERO Shift Rosters EOF Shift 1Individuals))

Emergency Director EOF Manager _ _

ORAD Dose Assessment HP ED Technical Advisor MIDAS Operator EOF Information Liaison EOF Communicator #1 EOF Communicator #2 EOF SAS Proteus Operator _ __

EOF Offsite Liaison State EOC Technical Liaison Westchester EOC Technical Liaison Putnam EOC Technical Liaison Rocidand EOC Technical Liaison Orange EOC Technical Liaison Admin and Logistics Manager __._._ _

Offsite Monitoring Teams (4)

Onsite Monitoring Team (2 HPs) _

EOF Clerical Staff (3)

Page 1 of 4 Form IP-1023-9 Rev 2 Page 52 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Addendum 10 ERO Shift Rosters (Form IP-1023-9)

Sheet 2 of 4 Onsite ERO Shift Rosters TSC POSITION__

Shif I Individual(s)

Shift 2 Individual(s)

Emergency Plan Manager TSC Manager Technical Assessment Coordinator Operations Advisor Radiological Advisor Core Physics Engineer Mechanical Engineer Elec / I&C Engineer TSC Data Coordinator TSC Communicator TSC Communicator CCR Data Processor CCR Document Controller TSC Clerical Staff (2)

Others Page 2 of 4 Form IP-1023-9 Rev 2 Page 53 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Addendum 10 ERO Shift Rosters (Form IP-1023-9)

Sheet 3 of 4 Onsite ERO Shift Rosters OSC Shift 1 IndIvIdual(s) Shift 2 Individual(s)

OSC Manager Team Coordinator Operations Coordinator RP Coordinator Maintenance Coordinator I&C Coordinator__

Acountability Clerk HP Supervisor HP Technkcians Chemistry Supervisor Chemistry Technicians I&C Supervisor I&C Planner I&C Technicians Page 3 of 4 Form IP-1023-9 Rev 2 Page 54 of 58

U Operations Support Center IP-1 023 Rev. 20 Addendum 10 ERO Shift Rosters (Form IP-1023-9)

Sheet 4 of 4 Onsite ERO Shift Rosters OSC Shift 1 Individual(s) Shift 2 Individual(s)

POSITON__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Mechanical Supervisor Mechanical Planner Electrical Planner Mechanical / Electrkcal Technicians Material Storekeeper Others

_ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1 - IjL1 -i Notes:

1. Call the EOF Clerical Staff and or Fax them the EOF Section of this form to obtain names of individuals filling EOF positions on the first shift
2. Call individuals filling Misc. positions outside the EOF,TSC or OSC
3. With the Support of the facility clerical staffs use Emergency Telephone Book to call In Individuals to fill second shift.

Page 4 of 4 Forn IP-1023-9 Rev 2 Page 55 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Addendum 11 OSC Guidelines (Form IP-1023-10)

Sheet 1 of 1 OSC Guidelines General Guidelines BE CAREFUL

1. Always ensure your name appears on an Accountability Roster when you arrive at the Operations Support Center.
2. Maintain a quiet professional manner throughout the event.
3. Pay attention to the facility briefings and maintain awareness of conditions and events.
4. DO NOT leave the TSC/OSC Complex without checking out with the Team Coordinator. or the Accountability Clerk NOTE: The restrooms at the top of the stairs are still within the TSC/OSC Complex, but you should inform a coworker when going there.
  • Team Dispatch WORKSAFE
1. When selected to perform a task in the field, receive job briefing from the Lead Coordinator (Operations, Maintenance, I&C or Radiation Protection) for your assigned task. E the job involves possible radiological exposures ]NM the Radiation Protection Coordinator or an HP Supervisor will provide a you with a radiological briefing.

These briefs should be conducted in one of the briefing rooms.

The Lead Coordinator will give you the Team Briefing Form when you are being dispatched after completion of briefing.

2. ALWAYS check out with the Team Coordinator prior to leaving TSC/OSC Complex to perform a task - Always take a radio and test it before going out into the field unless directed otherwise by the Team Coordinator.

Give the Team Coordinator the Team Briefing Form when you are checking out.

3. Maintain communications with the Team Coordinator while in the field. Report any unexpected conditions or events immediately.
4. ALWAYS check in with the Team Coordinator and report any exposure you received IMMEDIATELY upon your return to the TSC/OSC Complex after performing a task.

REPORT any safety concerns which may be important for future work or to teams currently in the field The Team Coordinator will return the Team Briefing Form to you after you have checked in with him/her.

5. Report to the Lead Coordinator (Operations, Maintenance, I&C or Radiation Protection) for a de-briefing after you have completed checking in with the Team Coordinator. Report:

Status of the assigned task Any deviations taken from normal work practices or quality control processes Any follow-up task(s) you feel are needed to ensure assignment goal is completed

6. After the team de-briefing return to the pool area and await further assignment. Brief other Technicians in the pool on tasks you performed and conditions in the field.

Form IP-10234O Rev 0 Page 56 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Addendum 12 Sample Patient Package Insert for THYRO-BLOCK Tablets Sheet 1 of 1 7

Information on use of Potassium Iodide IOSAf'm Tablets Potassium Iodide Tablets



  • IFYOU ARE TOLD TO TAKE THIS HOW POTASSIUM IODIDE WORKS MEDICINE, TAKE IT ONE TIME EVERY 24 Certain forms of iodine help your thyroid gland work HOURS. DO NOT TAKE IT MORE OFTEN. right. Most people get the iodine they need from MORE WILL NOT HELP YOU AND MAY foods like iodized salt or fish. The thyroid can store INCREASE THE RISK OF SIDE EFFECTS. or hold only a certain amount of iodine.

NOT TAKE THIS DRUG IF YOU KNOW In a radiation emergency radioactive Iodine may be YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO IODIDE (SEE released in the air. If this air is breathed or SIDE EFFECTS BELOW) swallowed it may enter the thyroid and damage .

DIRECTIONS FOR USE The damage may not show itself for years. Children Use only when directed by Emergency Management, are the most likely to have thyroid damage.

State, Local or Public Health Officials If you take potassium Iodide, It will fill up you thyroid gland. This reduced the chances that radioactive DOSE Iodine will enter your thyroid.

ADULTS AND CHILDREN ONE YEAR OF AGE OR OLDER: WHO SHOULD NOT TAKE POTASSIUM IODIDE One (1)tablet once a day. Crush for small The only people who should not take tablets when children. directed to do so are people who know they are BABIES UNDER ONE YEAR OF AGE: allergic to Iodine. Pregnant women, nursing women, One-half (1/2) tablet once a day. Crush first. children and babies may take this drug.

HOW AND WHEN DOSAGE Potassium Iodide should be taken as soon as Take for to days unless directed otherwise. possible after authorities tell you to take t.

Store your supply at room temperature between 592 You should take one dose every 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

F and 862 F. Keep package dry and foil packets MORE WILL NOT HELP YOU, AND WILL Intact. INCREASE THE CHANCES OF SIDE EFFECTS.

KEEP YOUR SUPPLY OUT OF REACH OF Continue to take the drug for 10 days.

CHILDREM WHAT TO DO IF SIDE EFFECT OCCUR SIDE EFFECTS STOP taking the drugs and contact a doctor or public Usually, side effects of potassium Iodide happen health officials for instructions.

when people take higher doses for a long time. You should be careful not to take more than the recommended dose or take It for longer than you are told. Side effects are unlikely because of the low DESCRIPTION AND USE dose and the short time you will be taking the drug.

Each IOSATTM Tablet contains 130 mg. of Possible side effects include skin rashes, swelling of potassium Iodide.

the salivary glands, and iodism (metallic taste, buming mouth and throat, sore teeth and gums, Thyroid blocking in radiation emergency only.

symptoms of a head cold, and sometimes stomach upset and diarrhea).

Page 57 of 58

Operations Support Center IP-1023 Rev. 20 Addendum 13 Assembly Area Coordinator Instructions (Form IP-1023-1 1)

Sheet 1 of 1 r

Assembly Area Coordinator Instructions Instructions Notes

1. Review any special Instructions with OSC Manager and Insure you have a full understanding of priorities Record OSC Manager Contact Number
2. Assume the duties of the Energy Education Center (EEC) Assembly Area Coordinator.

A. Report to the EEC B. Establish telephone communications with the OSC Manager,

1. Using the phone located under round access control desk In upper level EEC call the OSC Manager to Inform them you are In place, provide them with phone number at your location.

ii. Draft an ndividual to remain at phone and communicate messages to you as necessary.

I. Set up, or direct assistance to set up, EEC PA System, stored In he security area behind the access control desk.

3. Draft at least 3 Management personnel to assist in controlling personnel located at the EEC. Have them direct assembled personnel to form groups by disciplines and stand by for further Information and instructions.
4. Do not allow personnel to leave the EEC until you have verified with the OSC Manager that there has been no release of Radioactive Materials.
6. Periodically (-every 30 mi) contact the OSC Manager for brief overview of events and plant conditions.
6. Periodically (-every 30 min) brief personnel In the EEC on events and plant conditions.
7. Locate and dispatch additional personnel to respond Inside the Protected Area or to the EOF as needed.
8. When directed by the OSC Manager either:

A. Dismiss Individuals from the Site B. Release Individuals back to work C. Direct Idividuals to a designate locaton (on or disite)

9. When all personnel have departed from the EEC Assembly Area A. Retum Portable PA System to ts storage location.

B. Retum Assembly Area Phone to it's storage location.

C. Document any problems with equipment, personnel or procedures observed during event Page 1 of 1 Form IP-1023-11 Rev 0 Page 58 of 58