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POD - Point Beach - U1R28
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/12/2004
Nuclear Management Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML050840523 (2)


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. DAY Point Beach Refueling Outage Edition WJURflEV DF REXIMUEJ1E polflT111= -own82 1401sr V

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'O A , April 12, 2004 Safety Snippet Nuclear Protected Train D_ Outage rubble can lead to trouble or Equipment n On April 21, 2001, the Point Beach declared an Unusual Event due to a small fire in the Unit 1 containment building during a refueling outage.

Unit I A and B Steam Generator Nozzle Dam The fire was in a bag of rags on the manway platform of the Alpha steam Panels generator in Unit 1. The fire brigade was summoned and put out the fire within about 20 minutes.

Personnel Last 24 Outage to Safety Hours Date Recordable - 0 Recordable - 0 Schedule Focus Areas/Priorities Disabling - 0 Disabling - 0

  • Refueling Preparations
  • 1B RCP Motor Moved to the Stand No OSHA Recordable Injuries.
  • Complete Reactor Head Detensioning
  • Reactor Cavity Fill with Rx Head Lift Last 24 Outage to I Hours Date ALARA I.123 R 22.375 R Dose as of the end of Day 7.

Accomplishments & Challenges:

Recovery From Human Performance & RfnEY upi Communications Timeout WELLL EIE BEFCH - U1R28


  • 12 loggable events I Reactor trips (either unit) None None Station human performance dock None HotLeg resets NoeVent Control

_____________________ _____________ Under Eval Safeguards actuation (either unit) None None Rework

  • 1% <1% i Loss of shutdown cooling None None SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE l Outage Duration Loss of Rx vessel level control None None (excludes extensions due to
  • 30 days Challenged extended head or BMI Inspections) l INDUSTRIAL SAFETY Mod Implementation 100% of Rev 0 On goal PERFORMANCE

> 85% schedule Lost time accidents None None Schedule Compliance compliance with Challenged outage milestone Personnel injuries (OSHA recordable) None None Emergent work (during

  • 2% late additions implementation) _ *5% Emergent On Goal RADIOLOGICAL PERFORMANCE Scope Complete k 95% of On Goal Rev 0 scope Radiation exposure (Excludes additional 100% of Scheduled dose from any head or BMI repair *75 R 22.375 R Operator Burdens Operator Burdens On Goal contingencies) complete Personnel contaminations 5 CaM w_ Post Outage availability Ž150 days of Available at PostOutage ____________continuous operation a later date Radiological events (defined as unplanned uptake wlassigned dose >10 mrem or *1 event I BUDGET PERFORMANCE BDEPERFORMANCE Within outage-2%budget to of Challenged l Calne dose event based on ED alarms Radmaterial event (defined as any rad *i event 0 material outside RCA k 100 CPM)

__. __ .. I- - . - _ - , - - - --- . - - -_ - .4 -

April 12, 2004-It Message from Outage Director Process for Commencing Scheduled Outage Work I' Conduct of Business for Scheduled Outage Work Activities on Unit 1 and Common Systems that Carry Over Activities on Unit I and Common Systems More than One Shift (Revision 2- 4111104) It is imperative that we maintain our process on those activities Note: Information in this document does not supercede that carry over across shift change. As such, we must ensure any station procedural requirements. the following sequence-critical concepts are preserved:

1.Activities shall have safe condition hold points pre-defined Priority and sequence of work activities shall be I (i.e. formally in the work document, informally in the pre-job n accordance with the following: brief, etc).

First Priority - Increase RCS Inventory and Exit 2.AII contract liaisons/supervisors must receive their activity Shutdown Safety Assessment Yellow Conditions on Core specific senior management interview prior to supervising the Cooling and Inventory selected activity.

Scheduled activities required to raise RCS inventory. 3. Personnel assigned to complete an activity must receive a These activities include but are not limited to those pre-job brief prior to commencing work on the selected scheduled to support reactor vessel head lift and reactor activity.

cavity flood up. For activities with performance durations that are greater than Second Priority - Focused Specialty Activities one shift, the following steps shall be completed In the Steam Generator Eddy Current and Sludge Lancing sequence prescribed below to support scheduled turnover Main Turbine and Generator Work 1.The associated activity will be placed in a safe condition at Reactor Vessel Head Inspection one of the pre-defined hold points.

Heat Exchanger Hydro-Lancing and Eddy Current 2.The contract liaison(s)/supervisor(s) receive(s) their activity Third Priority - Remaining Scheduled Work specific senior management interview.

Upon Plant Manager approval for commencement of 3.The associated contract liaison(s)/supervisor(s) conducts scheduled outage work, the following process will be pre-job briefing with all personnel involved in the selected followed: activity using information obtained from the associated "Unit

  • Work activities are selected based on established priority 1 R28 Recovery and Restart Checklist."

and sequence.

  • Primary work group responsible for a selected activity 4.The activity may then commence.

completes a 'Unit 1 R28 Recovery and Restart If it is determined that the nature of a work activity will require Checklist." work to be performed during scheduled shift turnover, the o Outage Control Center validates that the selected activit following additional actions will be pre-identified and is appropriately sequenced. coordinated (i.e. supervision and craft brought in early) to

, Operations Outage Coordinator validates that plant support turnover on station:

conditions will support completion of the selected activity. I.The contract liaison(s)/supervisor(s) receive(s) their activity a Safety Assessment confirms that the selected activity will specific senior management interview.

not adversely affect the planned Shutdown Safety 2.The associated contract liaison(s)/supervisor(s) conducts Assessment. pre-job briefing with all personnel involved in the selected

  • The selected activity job supervisor/contract liaison activity using information obtained from the associated "Unit completes the Senior Management Interview with a 1 R28 Recovery and Restart Checklist."

designated Senior Management Representative.

s The Shift Outage Manager reviews the completed "Unit I R28 Recovery and Restart Checklist," resolves any Human Performance discrepancies and then approves the selected activity for Rigorously Challenging Information release when the job supervisor/contract liaison Challenging information is the formalization of a questioning communicates to the Shift Outage Manager that the attitude. We must exhibit a questioning attitude during activity is ready to proceed safely, all communications decision-making. The following CAPs document recent lines are established and functioning, and the single incidents where our question attitude was not rigorous enough.

point of contact for the activity is identified. Let's learn from theml

  • The selected activity job supervisor/contract liaison conducts pre-job briefing with all personnel involved in the selected activity using information obtained from the CONTACT INFORM, ATION associated "Unit I R28 Recovery and Restart Checklist."

Control Room Emergency - x291 I

, Operations Work Control Center Shift Manager releases the activity to the affected work group for completion. EMT Pager 6442 Work Control Center - x6703 11 "Supervisor" is defined as any person designated to direcl OCC - x 7190 - Option 1 any of the approved selected activities and includes Lessons Learned - x7190 - Option 2 contract liaisons and contract supervisory personnel. Plant Status - x7190 - Option 3 IJ
