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U1R28 Today, April 6, 2004, Point Beach Refueling Outage Edition
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/06/2004
Nuclear Management Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML050840461 (2)



Point Beach Refueling-O utage Edition I


<~.**April 6, 2004 I


- - ___. -

I __ -__

Nu'c'lear e Protected Train

or Equipment No-Protected Equipmn t this time._

Accornjfi0isKlimn'ts & Cha-lle-ng-esi:

TrainESFAS T esting ii-
  • B3 Train ESFAS Testing Restoration.U

'- 2B031B04 480V Bu-Tie-Bi-k-e--rSe'tup 'a-n-d nsta-llatio-n -

A Train ESFAS Testing Preparations.

Schedule Focus Areas/Priorities

~ATrain ESFAS Testig IjP

-'-S/G S-afety Valve Header Machining


A Train ESFAS Testing Restoration r

Drai n SIG Tubes Enter Reduced Inventory SIG Eddy Current Testing Refueling Preparations safety No reported Last 24 Outage to Hours Date I

Recordable Recordable -0

- Disabling -0

..- Disabling -0 I

1 injuries.-

I 4

2 4


r I


t Last 24 Outage to, Hours Date A L A R l

.5.041 rem 4.821 rem -

Dose as of the end of Day 2.

Dose'exceeded projected due 't6B project being ahead of s chedule.

Mesagefrom Outage Director W

Lessons Lea, dar

'eyimportant to the success of the outage.

We need6 eeynshlpto be successful. They'will help us impov6or performance this outage and in outages to come.

Please submit your improvement suggestions as follows:

4 7

1) Call the 0CC Hotline atx7l9O and choose
  • Option 2. Leave a voicemail with-the-information:'

2). Fill out a PBF31-9802 and email it to the Lessons Learned

--Coordinator (Cinidy Ha'efk6), or'p-dnt' and Mail.

3) Initiate a CAP or a Nori CAP 0TH as apprbpiriate to the circumistanc us ing the Team Track corrective action UlIR28 Today'"...

CI This daily publication is provided during U 1R28 for employee information-and for use as a supervisor briefing tool.


April 6, 20 2004



.GOAL ACTUAL Unplanned orange/red paths None None Reactor trips eihr unit)

None None Safeguards actuation (either unit)

None None -

Loss of shutdown cooling None

' None:-

Loss of Rx vessel level control None None PERFORMANCE Lost time' accidents None None Personnel Injuries (OSHA recordable)

None None RADIOLOGICAL PERFORMANCE Radiation exposure (Excludes additional-

.dose from any head or BMI repair i 75 R 5.041 R' contingencies)

,Personnel contaminations

>5K CPM Radiological events (defined as unplanned uptake w/assigned dose >10 mremn or

-sl event I

dose event based on ED alarms -

-Radmaterial event (defined as any rad 5i event o

-material outside RCA k 1 00 CPM)


Security Violations

s 12 loggable events 0-Station human performance clock None 0







Outage Duratlon(excludes extensions due to extended head,'

30 days -

12 Hrs Late or BMI Inspections)__

' Mod Implementation


1 00% of Rev 0 -

On schedule-

> 85% schedule Schedule Compliance compliance with On Goal n

toutage milestone Emergent work (during S 2% late additions On Goal lrmplementatlon) 5% Emergent Scope Complete ? 95% of On Goal Rev 0 scope 100% of Scheduled Operiaori Burde'ns Operator Burdens On Schedule

_complete Pot uag 150 days of Available at avilbliycontinuous operation a later date WChn 2



to0hf On Budget outage bde I

, 't !  r, -,.


I 1, -

I 'i, I. -

9 I






Report and repair or someone may. despair 0E17263 Comanche Peak -A worker leaned back in his chairwhen the screws holding the back of the chair',

to the body separated and he fell back to the floor.;9 Examination of the chair found that only a single Screw.

wvas holding it together. By someone not reporting this, situation, a lost time accident occurred.

fOperating Experience

-I F-I Loss of In'core Thermocouples at PraIrie Island,_-,.

II Mainten an~e personnel were disassembling instrument port conoseals on the' Reactor Vessel Head when the Control Board Operator detected the loss of Rx Head Temperature Indi6ation. The loss of indication occurred because the wrong connector wa's made up without checking the indication prior to the next set of TIC's being disconnected.-The cause of the.

ev`ent was a less than adequate prejob briefing and an.-----

inadequate procedure.-The procedure was revised to ensure temperatures were' verified ~as workingjiopierly prior to'

=66adini Idisasipmblinh thp nt~yt r6nnrieal


I i

I i

Human Performance Names anrd nurbers ~cian e imar ma e.sure that you'are ieiiyi familiar'.

CAP 32226 documents a situation where SW-534..-

6pened instead'bf WT-534.. The"v'al]v'es have the same number but different system'ID 'and lare within" inches-of each other. Prior to Act -_Physically touch the...

equipment wtotactuating it. While still touching the equipment, confirm that it is the correct equipment, per reference to the component label.

Contact Information

  • .t..

a ii7 Control Room Emergency - x291 I

' EMT Pager:6442 Work Control Center - x6703 OC-x7190 -Option 1 Le-s's-ons Le-arne-d - x7190 - Option 2 Plant Status - x7190 - Option 3

 - I.. - I  -..-  -

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