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U1R28 Today
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/02/2004
Nuclear Management Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051940627 (2)


NMC. . ,N I ... -

rAV A UP%1 Point Beach Refueling Outage Edition KimF TJUEXLEY nF Poul Iffa n

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TODAY May F£ / s~ May 2, 2004 f CONTACT INFORMATION Control Room Emergency - x2911 EMT Pager 6442 Work Control Center - x6703 OCC - x 7190 - Option I I

Lessons Learned - x7190 - Option 2 Plant Status - x7190 - Option 3 Accomplishments

  • SFP Upender Repairs
  • B RHR Pump RTS Schedule Focus AreaslPriorities
  • Continue U1 Fuel Motion
  • Continue U1 Reactor Vessel Head Inspection
  • 1B RCP MotorWork
  • Complete RHR B Loop Work Window
  • Start RHR A Loop Work Window Personnel Last 24 Hours Outage to Safety Ls24Hus Date Safety Snippet Recordable - Recordable - I*

Disabling -0 Disabling - 0 Its difficult to grip when your finger gets snipped Could you imagine doing your job without your hands?

We tend to take it too much for granted that we have two OSHA Recordable - Back strain. hands at our command, immediately ready to do what we want them to. They not only perform amazing manual tasks, but they also make us money. Just ask anyone who has lost the use of his or her hands.

Last 24 I Outage to Hours Date ALARA 1.288 R 47.444 R Dose as of the end of Day 27.

lnformabonlntT 1M~* W -

inaccordance Wth fhay reedom Ol etolson AXt exemptiorn -

May 2, 2004 OUTAGE GOALS NUCLEAR SAFETY PERFORMANCE - GOAL ACTUAL HUMAN PERFORMANCE GOAL ACTUAL Unplanned orangelred paths None None Security Violations s 12 loggable events 4 Reactor trips (either unit) None None Station human performance dock None 3 resets__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

Safeguards actuation (either unit) None None Rework s 1% On Goal Loss of shutdown cooling None None SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE X_

_ X Outage Duration Loss of Rx vessel level control None None (excludes extensions due to s 30 days Off Goal extended head or BMI Inspections)

INDUSTRIAL SAFETY PERFORMANCE Mod Implementation 100% of Rev 0 On Goal

> 85% schedule Lost time accidents None None Schedule Compliance compliance with Off Goal outage milestone Personnel Injuries (OSHA recordable) None 1 Emergent work (during s 2%late additions O Goal Implementation) . 5%Emergent On Goal RADIOLOGICAL PERFORMANCE Scope Complete 2 95% of On Goal

______ ______ Rev 0 scope __ _ _ _

Radiation exposure (Excludes additional 100% of Scheduled dose from any head or EMI repair s 75 R 47.444 R Operator Burdens Operator Burdens On Goal contingencies) complete .-

Post Outage availability 2 150 days of n Available Personnel contaminations >5K CPM _ 6

_______PERFORMANCE _continuous a later dateat Radiological events (defined as unplanned uptake w/asslgned dose >10 mrem or s1 event I BUDGET PERFORMANCE WithIn -2% to 0%of Seriously dose event based on ED alarms outage budget Challenged Radmaterial event (defined as any rad material outside RCA > 100 CPM) sl event 0 Operating Experience Message from Outage Director The completion of the main objective of the outage is in OE18122, Weaknesses in Command and Control and 8sight Fuel handling resumed yesterday morning at 0800 Communications Between LLRT Team Members after completion of Post Maintenance Testing on the'Spent During the execution of an engineering special test Fuel Pool Upender. The original plan for the Fuel Motion instruction (STI) that performed on-line local leak rate and Insert Shuffle was optimally planned for a 96-hour testing (LLRT) the experienced LLRT "Test Engineer" duration. As of 0423 this morning we have been tirelessly directing the test was called away during the STI. The working on implementing the new core design for a solid less experienced LLRT engineer became the Test week. It may seem longer for some than it does for others Engineer with oversight Turnover from the Test but our persistent conservative approach will be successful.

Engineer that was called away was inadequate. There Some of the major problems causing Fuel Motion delays was no brief when responsibility for the STI changed and the times to recover are as follows:

or discussion that the second part of the STI required manipulation of one more valve than the five LLRTs

  • Reactor Cavity Level Stability Verification - 3 Hours already performed.
  • Spent Fuel Pool Bridge West Motor Brake - 33 Hours Lessons Learned: Reinforced the Importance of clear communications and following established
  • RCCA Change Tool Operation Problem - 18.5 Hours operating practices and procedures. All personnel
  • Spent Fuel Pool Upender Upper Limit Device - 20 Hours need to be observant and have a questioning attitude to identify and prevent the creation of an All the Fuel Handling Equipment has been working well and error likely situation. we are now experiencing the longest problem free run since the activity has started. Today's schedule isforecasting that we will be complete at 2400 on Sunday night