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U1R28 Today
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Site: Point Beach NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/07/2004
Nuclear Management Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051950171 (2)


Commiffed to NujClearExcattenc t..'

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PntBeach Refuln UUfEO Outag EdiionVBRcH

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  • < .. S hd U.:de ll tead F Equipm ~ Setup

'Art'slr tq'ent ' . ;r Radiobraiplj T2bBowo Sche 8'AreasIPrIorifi duil Focus c e~

  • RestoRa'tioIrafio

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A' '<copreioo th'eor'.hkaeyitheatoriscwr~ompe .npisise

- Some imptenstoCHaje PSWork V-~.W)Sttst rd Last 24I utageto  :,-. cii Is ~r:.frc~~~ '.' l-;:,;~ 'ro.ppq'h e j .

  • OSHAR6A6 ibI6',Hours a Dae - ,'very'imp tantbut'
  • =-A'Peso ne L;;aspet 2 Hofurse' e n~79--;WORKtio 0 C"npet/W o A' tHoldo Work Grboup PMte

-- onleWmor adt oA SWork'roup '. Ou tono .

82- WO WOvAiting' ait OPSres-ctonlib estr-g'>

Don't watj U'r&sadb I.U1R1jF -7asec ofestheroutage.-


1S May 7, 2004;R

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-- ' - - ;i . ... . . ,OUTAGE GOALS_.., §1.§ 7 .K:'. - -';--

1/2 r'nrI, PE Ipv1Mril..E

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'Unplanned orangelred paths .'; ' -'.  :'. None. '- None :Security Volatons - . '. s 12 loggable events': 2 '  ;

reactor tri'ps (ether uit) None None Station uman performance clocd o

________________________ _______ _______ resetsi _______

- .Safeguardsa ctuation (either unit) .NoNo .'. ,None, Rework .  : -. ' I% On Goal Loss ofshutdown coaling.- None . None SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE ___;_-__.-__.,

,L6siof x Ivessel evel contro -None Nn.Du -,.,da.s ratiOn s du

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  • B  ; ,S, , , = ,, .85% - schedule-w .- r Lost time accidents teroni'uNS

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____ ___ __ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ __ ."outage m ilestone ,

.,2, u'.e(0SH~eco ~ 5NonersonnelEmergent work (during 2 l n.n P- a I ,  ;"' ieentation) , .. ...
..4 , . 4' 5% En; i&t

<2%lteadii O Goal


dosriel fr1n the.d -'~Prsnnlcnamnaios of HM repairc 5 75CMR' e51104 R PstOuae Operator h urens valailt t Compl150 Operao daBurens 501of con Avial-t Goaig

-Radiotioin e vents('defic es adsdutinple d itn%Schtoeedilslf Radmater *na t (def.ned as 2: _rad 't-. .. im -, - - ,

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.ptak w~ssir .. tosgte~peoriem prorrnnthe tas evenot *A; 4pr I ,,.

BUGTiRO .j4  : .

NE outagperfbudet ti aI Cthallsengred eelor TwoRadmaeriagolevn(definped elecricidio nsg were prformin s nterdanth rellonte eJrt 'f>'YIp,.f ofthe'intene rclc'nhietrsi o tue i5.t bagttest n4':'


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- hd prepahedebnED'ipaeiorming

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ad.Pot Beach. .T

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prI r 'a'g sigr' wa ae'-'t spacng onel pracsbeingth Dinstalle oa'lRE ttesainWr~satce post ive~l hoist tod theuii~~his f y6i~'

conpector. u uiiig.

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bpattely oered thbe!, '.

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ri'gthemobattery heeeti os;aniyd-tIhelectricalbewoIK oitbentalr.,,

'0aeal 4 disen as.;fiLr gagedvecause th&'nagdLRO ccted pothesaft s'fty ltoh acho the fail h 'auxiiiary auxliary hoh ho-~Mk`,s 'was not ri~o u'sedf;se.-onh. i'did- hot-" tey.os..a

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.~i**.. -. -i-bt , ii~f'-I 'd "'id 'sifiis"'tij.i On '. Apri20 tat contrate ee astBraid'bed t atiestedan'dffis'acep a fratrbed 5 tionthandi whn an deletrica ois't bee -i dip nsenad freoma crane kadf'ellion t mh fuekih rents iilgctfies was bnudortse t' O~ouaskypef revi h"0r, -lkiielpn ... ',. per,',-


~pepreha te odfi~in~asnolngr t ~hIiBeIiTte'A ouedth or ode t amaagr howa rlaivl sinf ttngta h orkorde has beni~ald ~td~ cib~Sm 66hid ' '16a~

z~he" ustwan dingduise'nts' had ntebeen- .4 hosto