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U1R28 Today, Day 40
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/13/2004
Nuclear Management Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051950424 (2)


- II

- 117-I Comnnined to Nud OrEzfnc Point Beach Refueling Outage Edition

..GY say M 13, 2004

--I . .'4' CONTACT INFORMATION Control Room Emergency- x2911 EMT Pager 6442.

Work Control Center - x6703 OCC - x 7190 - Option 1 Lessons Learned - x7190 - Option 2 Plant Status- x7i9 -Option 3 Accomplishments

  • P-26 install Nozzle Extension and Tack Weld
  • 1BO!il B03 Cross Tie

. CVCS Recovery Schedule Focus Areas/Priorities

  • P Perform Repair Weilding of Nozzle
  • 1X-11 XFMR HVLow Side Bkr Maintenance
  • Move Upper Internals Lift Rig (to 66' LDA)

Personnel 24 Hours Outage to Safety _______ Date

'1 -Recordable- 0 Recordable- 1 Disabling - 0 Disabling -0 Safety Snippet What number do you call Ifyour co-worker

  • OSHA Recordable - Back strain. takes a serious fall?

What isthe plant's emergency number? 2911. This number Is only to be used for emergency situations. Two weeks ago a work group was having trouble getting Last 24 l Outage to through to operations to communicate a change in Hours I Date equipment status. Rather than waiting, the Individual ALARA 0.277 R 54.448 R Involved decided to contact the control room via the emergency number. Needless to say this was not an Dose as of the end of Day 38. appropriate use of 2911.


___ . -. : . - Mayi13, 2004

.. . . lr,. -

. '.. OUTAIME C1fAL-q

NUCLEAR SAFETY GOAL, ACTUAL HUMAN PERFORMANCE. GOAL  ? ACTUAL-Unplanned orange/red paths None None" SecurityViolations, .'s., - 12 loggable events 2-Reactor trips (eliher unit) None Noe Station human performance clock resets on

.Safeguards actuation (either unit) . - None -: None Rework 15% On Goal Loss'of shutdown cooling' None - - None'. SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE -_-.,,.,_____

Outage Duration - .-, -

-Loss of Rx vessel level control' . None None (excludes extensions due to ' .- . - - 30 days' - - Off Goal extended head or BMI insnectiorisi -


.PERFORMANCE ., . Mod Imementation . 00% of Rev 0,-;. On Goal'

. ..  : -> 85% schedule Lost time accidents . ' - None None' Schedule Compliance. complianceiiwith - Off Goal

  • . .* - . .. -- utage mrnflstone f',v '>

Personnel Injuries (OSHA recordable) None 1 Emergent work (during - . s 2% late additions Implementation) --55% Emeraent . ..

RADIOLOGICAL PERFORMANCE. Scope .On Goal Radiation exposure (Excludes additional, 100O% of Scheduled - 1 . 4 dose frorn'any head or BMI repair' ' '75 R 54.448 R Operator Burdens Opiritor Burdens .OnGoal, contingencies) . -. -. - .. , ,, ...-


Personnel contaminations '

. ... . ... H - .-. .. >5K K CPM .

. . Post Outage availability -

PostOutage______________._-_-continuous **~:-. 150 days of operation .

'a vial late date-t Radiological events (defined as unplanned.

uptake wasslgned dose >10 miern or S1 event 1 BUDGET -.PERFORMANCE gVin-2°6I 0% of >Sedoasly' dose event based on ED alarmis' . ., .: . . . , ., , . Challenged I.

Radmaterial event (defined as any rad , . . .. . . .

material outside RCA 2100 CPM) .

r I, . .

,* ,,-,,,,-. - , ' - , '  ; .,-* *~.

-OE1 0467 - Personnel Received a Radiation Dose Higher Than Planned OnSaturday,Nov'ember27,'duringih' Unit2i3th refugingutaewrk was egun to move the reactor vess ower ealsbback into

,inte'rnals i t'e reactor r"ato vesel anto'the ssel. A lase/caeraoystiwas I'laser/camera syste wasin'place tomonitor the internals' elevation' and amini sub

.camera was tobe us s a backup to the lse ra system. it was later determined that the 'mini sub operator'did not

.urdeerstan'd his role'as backup to the laser/camera system for mo'nritoring internals elevation..iDuring'the move, 'the; laser/camera system failed, howeverthe' internals move 'was continuned. As the move progressed, Health Physics persnnel noted dose 'rates increasirng to values h'igher thanhexpected. Tle ne determiied to be positioned highe'rout of the water than'was normal, and as-a'resuit'the polar cran'eoperator received'a'pproximately 700mR.; Te ireactr vessel internals move was completed and dose rates returned to expected levels. '. '.- " . '. -

1-I Lessons iLearned: .Initial review of this evn t indicates that poor communiction, i r scope delln an in'ade~auate' -ore-lob biiefina.;and'laci:k of c'on'tino-enc'v'olannina'm~a~v h~av bean' the orlinarvcauses; I

. ~ ~~~ , .. . . . .

~. .

'. ,, H 'n e' ormance  ; - -'

Place Keeping - Not Just for Procedures .

Place keepirng isa form of action tracking and can be used in situations other than executing procedures.:Some recen events whe're action-tracking ,failures occ' rred are-: '-' . 2 ' , .. . ,,, ^ , g d Sm r events

'Awrker,failed to complete th' review of 'adocument in the required time frame after he had been notified that the

.docum ent was ready for review ' '-. ".:: >' ' " ' -'-' -; , - -

  • . A'n Individual mised training bcause he got involved in resolving' a plant problem.
  • A4managerfailed to' pproveanve ime t nsion'because he'b car involved inoutage actities.

.When-critical tasks need to be performed by a specified time (Time Pressure), that isan indication that action tracking (Place' Keeping) should be used to avoid an'error-likely situation.
