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U1R28 Today
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Site: Point Beach NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/27/2004
Nuclear Management Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051930468 (2)


-> NMC ]

Comm-rted looucjear Excellnct

  • AY Point Beach Refueling Outage Edition

.Aril27, 2004 Accomplisments .

. AS/G Sludge Lancing Schedule Focuskea'slParioities.

l Spent Fuel Pool Bridge Repair I Continue U Motion , - '.

B S/G Ed Aand dy Current

.-. *.. .Continue Reactor Vessel ead Inspection

. sa,, rr. Ot.g Diretor Fuel Handlino was st6Dped ct2330 on 4125/04 when I .the Spent'Fuel Pool Supervisor'reported problerns with-a Spent Fu'l Bndge drive'motor being noisy with n

. ' move'ne'nt of thebridge.. This problemccurred at fuel,.'

I ,shiuffle step 67 of,464 total.moves.b Since that time.

.- s Maintenance has'tested the bridg'e'drive motor and l.. ' determined it to bte inracceptable Working'order. Thei

. . .- VendorRepresentative'was called in-help Maintenarce-:

..... ,. and Planning to formulate a trouble shooting plan. :;The, *

Trouble'Shooting'plan,wasapprb6ved and work started .,

I .';'.,:: -;at 0830 'on 4/26/04 .-  ;,he problemn .w'as'isolated io a'n.-'


! . '5 'failed brake coitrolass'ebl on the west bridge 'drive

':motorc'-Theparts needed for threpairwere'-t-".'

Persdin-'elOutaige to ' '.:

' determined not to be-avOaiiable iiour stores inventory.

Personnel Last 24 Hours 't Safety' Date'

'This required a rush purcnhase'orderaind 6xpedited.

Recordable Recordable - 1 'delivery to obtain the re'placemnent pars' ina tirn'ely manner.-A corrective'work'order'was appr'ov6d and a'

.D.sabling -0 Disabling'-.0 ',;

-sbaffolding' plan'was devised after con'sulting with :

Malnteriance,' W6rk Conirol Certea"'nd Recto.;'

OSHA- Recordable -.Ba'ck strain. '.

Engineering:-Partsarrive'd on site'at 1845 on 4726/04

,and were released to' WaintM6iarnce at 1900. The pe-jobd briefing for th'e',work 'parn was corpieted 6t 2330

. . Last 24 .1 . Outage to I and Maintenanc6e was released to make the repairs.

. -Hours - :Date . .: The'working' piafform overthe Spent Fuel Pool wa's put.

ALARA -~I : '.:3.046 R - :37.448 R  ;'in place 'and tie'd d6 by 030hours Repair duration-,

was 'estimated at 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> anid then thte w-rking plat'forrri Dose as of the end of Day 22. . AwilI have t6 be removed prior to paerforrning post

,,maintenance testing...-

Wd~ffn~trde sd e~dd kiaccordance wh Ifi Freedom d hikrFirm-n


  • --. . POINlT BERCH _ .UlRZ: :


___fr,_.._S.__,, ';.-; _ -; _._ ,OUTAGE GOALS ' _ '____


    • GOAL ;'^. ACTUAL.

< '" _~GOAL:,5 -ACTUAL" 1;{PEURFARMANCE.E '"1 -' R.

,Unplann orangelred ed paths ',.,., :'-',-- ,-, NoNon -,. None Security Violations ' ,- . ' ' ' loggable events

-:'12 '.--__2-_..-

rRea torrips'(either .nit) ' o e; ,Non .,Stabon human performance dock None .

.'  :<________resets. one "' ' 1V" On-oa i ,' .Safeguards actuation (either unit) -:::'  !- ,,.,None ';' None Rework . -% On Goal

!Loss of shutdown cooling ". None None SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE '>

Outage Duration,:,.-, ., ', .

Lossof Rxevessel level control

  • ' None: Nne '(excludes extenons due to 9 a ysG

.;_,___r__C_;'_:_;_-_;:_______ ",;_ _- ex. r.,beWMI ,'f Ispedi ons) ____-____.___-__,-_'.____'::


. NDUSRIT . 's  : -- ,, Moto ',',00%ofe

OffGoa PERFORMANCE. ',MdIpeetto

- '; '-."  ;> 85% sch dule, 5-Losim accid ents None None:. SheduleC Sch ance . rn lia'i'e' -'th' Off Goal f~t ,* ai;.->' _____ - i ;-;-, ~

't ',,;w,'~r ot;¢>

, ageiilesione":_____

j *h Perse IEmergent work (duning 5 2% late additions O Goal


. ,S;~p A->": . r;'Complete 95% of: OXoa 1~AUILU~IIAL i*-UKM~'IL~b~ '- Rev 0 scope' 3 ____

Radiation exposure (Excludes additional .- - -  ; -100% of Scheduled -

-do'se from-any head or BMI repair . 75 R 37.448 R Operator Burdens' Or Goa c' i'8w . Post uiage aiabiTyY 150 days of Available at

__________________>51K CPM ______ _______________continuous operation- ~~a later date

.Radiological events (defined as unplannedwiin2At0%o "dose eventased ds>10 :rmor evUDGET ' _ . P ERFORMANCE o budget . Challenge Radmatenal event (defined as any rad .

~rfiitirial o6jtsidi RCA k 100 CPM) 1ent 0 .- I' v>'..' < ' o '.*,..'r 'V"K ~

-Huma~neromne ,

-  : . Oera Experience ting DON"T BE A: FOOL usE YOUTOOL 02 andlinEvents "<

Of the eve shlsanlyzed ifithis SER,:iiibffecti~e turnbver-CALLENGING INFORMATION is the formalizaio of que~stioning attitiide.'.W en you te're someone usinthbewnpronlws coritn aueifur>

'w'ords sj ;Think".6r' Believe" chalieng'e'thern to' validate' the . . events.. At Paluel Urit4 (Franc'),a fuel tr)fei infornation .UG6e 6f these Wvords often rtesdit inikhowledge . . .. coordinato took over from e s based decisions beiring rnade;. Wen we' make knhoedge '.t operator andinadertently lowered ahiw fuel assembly.

.' based decisions'weonly have'a 5Ohn'of making the .; '.,on top of another fuel assembrythat had 'notb-

.'right decision r'do'you like those'odds?; ' removed from the fuel transfer device..;

r ... '.. Le:ssons Learned: -Tho;rough, formal tumbover With

, (Tofind more informaion aut this tooforml three-wgy communcation can proven NET Poirrsnt' r.,', eentsi' . , :'.-... .'. .

' - -R  ;.c"io:n,

- C

't:;-  ;' ~'! -- <"

'T~oi.s)', >.,Ay ,- -" . - -...........................

f ,,- . , 4!.t. ' J .' .. ;;., ...... .... .>. ,


1 rgh~' 2911 '4Srrssbln tbrhay parties notInte EMT Pager 62. .- iOE17571' Braid woodIt was discovered that sp

. Work Control Center- '6703 pern wee ding auminum stoc on the'

-0cc x 719 shop bench grinder:

'-Auminum flakes can adheru aht's wrong, with that t el, otheawhe ausing~it 2,.-

';Lessons Le'arned3-xi0Oto2 ---  ;'.-, ' to'becomeb'unbalanced:' IAsot hehlaes'tern 'aily:'-;:

- i¢. 90 Option 2 expand faster tha'en heheel' fet'Hh.': th-

PantStatus -x7190 ptio3i potentiairesuit ; A hel frac re'and hatisa

-..,; suprs yu don't need!' ' t.-asuine.

. .