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8:15 News for Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Person / Time
Site: Monticello, Dresden, Davis Besse, Palisades, Perry, Fermi, Kewaunee, Point Beach, Byron, Braidwood, Prairie Island, Duane Arnold, Clinton, Cook, Quad Cities, LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/14/2004
Download: ML051520157 (2)



, Paul kn,-_15'6414o4.wpd -l ! -854Page 11 The 8:15 News for Wednesday, April 14, 2004 Note: This newsletter may contain pre-decisional info.

Do not distribute outside the NRC.

Reactor Events:

HPCI declared inoperable at Dresden due to being incapable of performing its safety function. Licensee found logic circuitry leads had been lifted during performance of the functional test of the level instrumentation for the automatic realignment of the HPCI suction sources. Licensee is still investigating.

Plant status:

Dresden: U2: Full power and quiet.

U3: Full power and quiet.

Perry Full power and quiet.

95001 inspection next week.

Fermi Full power and quiet.

Quad Cities Ul: Full power.

U2: Full power Inday 3 of 7 day LCO for planned maintenance on the 2 EDG Monticello Full power and quiet.

LaSalle Ul: Full power and quiet.

U2: Full power. Going to yellow risk later today due to HPCS work window Duane Arnold Full power. Shutdown April 181 due to safety release valve replacement.

Yellow risk later today for diesel generator testing.

Byron Ul: Full power and quiet.

U2: Full power. Elevated risk later today due to maintenance on 2B diesel generator.

Braidwood Ul: Full power and quiet.

U2: Full power and quiet.

Clinton Full power and quiet.

Davis-Besse Full power. 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> LCO and yellow risk later today due to auxiliary feedwater pump routine surveillance. Licensee identified a seal leak but there is no operability concern and licensee is investigating.

Prairie Island UI: Full power and quiet.

U2: Full power and quiet.

ItPaul ^;lphn - 815041404.wpd . . .. . . . . - I .. . . . dPage 2 Kewaunee Full power and quiet.

DC Cook UI: Full power. Coolant pump will be taken OOS later today for maintenance.

U2: 82% power. Holding power due to feedwater heaters.

Plant is going to yellow risk due to switchyard activities.

Palisades Full power and yellow risk due to 1-2 diesel generator outage. They are in day 2 of a 7 day LCO with a plan to return by Friday.

Point Beach Ul: Mode 6. In day 11 of a 28 day refueling outage.

U2: Full power and quiet.

NRR None.

Materials Issues:

The US Dept. of Veterans Affairs (DVA) in Boston called in an event yesterday regarding lost waste consisting of 350 microcuries of 1-125. The material was sent for disposal and incinerated as non-rad waste. Event was discovered on the March 15 .

The DVA is investigating.

Support Issues:

Congratulations to Pat Higgins who has accepted a position as Resident at Kewaunee.

Other Issues:


Personnel News:


Samen t1hrg to Think About:

You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to ma)'e them all yourself !

-Sam Levenson