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Proposed TS 15.3.7.B.1.g Re DG Testing Requirement When One DG Inoperable
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/08/1994
Shared Package
ML20063H327 List:
NUDOCS 9402170322
Download: ML20063H334 (9)



Aeolicability Applies to the availability of off-site and on-site electrical power for plant power operation and for the operation of plant auxiliaries. '

Obiective To define those conditions of electrical power availability necessary (1) to provide for safe reactor operation, and (2) to provide for the continuing availability of engineered safeguards.

i Soecification A.1 Under normal conditions neither one nor both reactors shall be made critical unless the following conditions are met:

a. At least two 345 KV transmission lines are in service.
b. The 345/13.8 KV and the 13.8/4.16 KV station auxiliary transformers associated with the reactor (s) to be taken critical are in service; or one 345/13.8 KV station auxiliary transformer and the associated 13.8/4.16 KV station auxiliary transformer (s) are in service with the gas turbine operating.
c. 4160 Volt unit supply buses A03 and A04 for the unit to be taken critical are energized from their normal supply.
d. 4160 Volt safeguards buses A05 and A06 for the unit (s) to be taken critical are independently energized from their normal supply and both units' A05/A06 bus tie-breakers are removed from their cubicles, e.

480 Volt buses 803 and B04 for the unit (s) to be taken critical are independently energized from their normal supply and both units' B03/B04 bus tie-breakers are open with control power removed.

f. A fuel supply of 11,000 gallons is available; and both diesel generators are operable.
g. Four of the five safety-related station batteries and all four of the main DC distribution systems are operable.
h. Four battery chargers are operable with one charger carrying the DC loads on each main DC distribution bus: D01, D02, D03 and D04.


9402170322 94020s PDR ADOCK 05000266 P PDR Unit 1 - Amendment No. 15.3.7-1 Unit 2 - Amendment No.

1 I

1 l

l EEY1sEf#EihIan:itBEHIVa29kIsmatrantirssafgrgd2 flag litalEEBIR G EfRR A.2 Under abnormal conditions one reactor may be made critical providing the following conditions are met:

a. One 345 KV transmission line is in service; or the gas turbine is operating.
b. The 345/13.8 KV and the 13.8/4.16 KV station auxiliary transformers associated with the unit to be taken critical are in service; or the associated 13.8/4.16 KV station auxiliary transformer is in service and the gas turbine is operating.
c. Reactor power level is limited to 50% rated power until 2 or more transmission lines are restored to service.
d. 4160 Volt buses A03 and A04 for the unit to be taken critical are _

energized from their normal supply.

e. 4160 Volt safeguards buses A05 and A06 for the unit to be taken critical are independently energized from their normal or emergency i power supply and both units' A05/A06 bus tie-breakers are removed from their cubicles.
f. 480 Volt safeguards buses 803 and B04 for the unit to be taken critical are independently energized from their normal or emergency power supply and both units' B03/B04 bus tie-breakers are open with control power removed. '
g. A fuel supply of 11,000 gallons is available; and both diesel generators are operable.
h. Four of the five safety-related station batteries and all four of  ;

the main DC distribution systems are operable. I

1. Four battery chargers are operable with one charger carrying the l DC loads of each main DC distribution bus: 001, D02, D03 and D04.


~. ~ - - - . -- iR_V017. - V02. }. 7_V_dS. V._04F.._Vid_f.R._._f_6F M ((10 Q p(({hj[Up[{[{ Q ((jQy (Qy [ WijH ggj{dl(jQ[j l gififEf0lfsflififflH Unit 1 - Amendment No. 15.3.7-2 Unit 2 - Amendment No.

8.1 During power operation of one or both reactors, the requirements of l 15.3.7.A.1 may be modified to allow the following arrangements of systems and components:

a. If the 345 KV lines are reduced to only one, any operating reactor (s) must be promptly reduced to, and limited to, 50% power. If all 345 KV lines are lost, any operating reactor (s) will be reduced to supplying its auxiliary load, until one or more 345 KV transmission lines are again available.
b. If both 345/13.8 KV auxiliary transformers are out of service and only the gas turbine is operating, only one reactor will remain operating and it will be limited to 50% power. The second reactor will be placed in the hot shutdown condition.
c. If the 13.8/4.16 KV auxiliary transformers are reduced to only one, the reactor associated with the out of service transformer must be placed in the hot shutdown condition.
d. Either bus A03 or A04 may be out of service for a period not exceeding 7 days provided both diesel generators are operable and the associated diesel generator is operating and providing power to the engineered safeguard bus normally supplied by the out of service bus,
e. With a unit in cold or refueling shutdown, one pair of buses, A05 4

and A06 or B03 and B04, for that shutdown unit, may be tied together through their common tie breaker for up to 8 hours. If the tie breaker cannot be opened or the conditions of 15.3.7.B.I.f met within 8 hours, the operating unit shall be placed in the hot shut-down condition within 6 hours and in cold shutdown within the following 30 hours,

f. With a unit fully defueled, one pair of buses for the defueled unit, ,

A05 and A06 or 803 and B04, may be tied together through their common i tie-breaker in excess of 8 hours provided: {

1) An evaluation is performed to show that the loads that remain or can be energized by the buses will not cause a potential overload of the associated diesel generator. The applicable Limiting Conditions for Operation of the equipment removed from service shall be entered for the operating unit.
2) A single train of spent fuel cooling is adequate to cool the spent fuel pool.

Unit 1 - Amendment No. 15.3.7-3 Unit 2 - Amendment No.

!- l i i

        .            g. One diesel generator may be inoperable for a period not-exceeding                                         :

l 7 days provided th: Other dit::1.;:ncr:ter i: te:ted d:i'y t: :::tre_ -i I  :;;r:bility :nd'th: : ;in::r:d ::fety f::tur:: :::::iht:d eith thi: . di ::1 ;:::r:ter :h:ll bc :;;r:bl: Re#sindiridijtj((tyIifeate@ i k8 E } E M 1 E M N N N M [@ M ! $ [l# E N [i E E 1 E d 3 58 M ' ' i BIsweariq@gsasinuTn @Igggrraggsggtwraisist  : FHaNG111EIESIM6?iiiEiHEBIEEMfmBWH , Eif6HTir:NTEERHfWLUBEBHalHDE?l@EESaffmM , s This LCO shall not be. allowed in conjunction with e. or f. above. l

h. One of the four connected safety-related station batteries may be inoperable for a period not exceeding 24 hours provided four battery '

chargers remain operable with one charger carrying the DC loads of i each main DC' distribution bus.. 1 1Ei?%ittiamseeisDBMifiEeJi@2FE6Tnts2iReMdneessBEM-  ; EllesfiliilH!DNEfAGEEnanafBir5Nf3EnenraenM thMHirsmHSMiaifaBTEE@MEmiBEgmNiiiM6 l i LEBiHfEWiECIMEEiWiagggggggItD33  ! EssRTIMEigigiB3EEUiWW9iiiB15ENIeitiW6apsfiWmW j Basis , This two unit plant has four 345 KV transmission line interconnections. A 20 MW - i gas turbine generator and two 2850 KW diesel: generators are installed at the plant. All of these energy' sources will be utilized'to' provide depth 'and reliability of service to the Engineered. Safeguards equipment through redundant" station auxiliary power supply systems. The electrical system equipment is arranged so that no single contingency can-inactivate enough safeguards jeopardize the plant safety. The~ 480-volt equipment is arranged on 4 buses per unit. The 4160-volt equ'pment- i i is supplied from 6 buses per unit. I Unit 1 - Amendment No. 15.3.7-4 Unit 2 - Amendment No. _ _. .- , . _ _ _ . _ _ _ , _ _ .- _ _ . . _ _ . . . . . ~ - - -- -

l I Two separate outside sources can serve either unit's low voltage station auxiliary transformer. One is a direct feed from the unit's high voltage l station auxiliary transformer and the second is from the other unit's high  ! voltage station auxiliary transformer or the gas turbine via the 13,800 volt l system tie bus H01. l Separation is maintained in the 4160-volt system to allow the plant auxiliary equipment to be arranged electrically so that redundant items receive their power from the two different buses. For example, the safety injection pumps are supplied from the 4160 volt buses 1-A05 and 1-A06 for Unit No. I and 2-A05 l and 2-A06 for Unit No. 2; the six service water pumps are arranged on 480-volt buses as follows: two on bus 1-B03, one on bus 1-B04, one on bus 2-B03 and two 1 on bus 2-B04; the four containment fans are divided between 480-volt buses 1-803 and 1-B04 for Unit No. I and 2-B03 and 2-B04 for Unit No. 2 and so forth. Redundant valves are supplied from motor control centers 1-B32 and 1-B42 for Unit No. I and 2-B32 and 2-B42 for Unit No. 2. l The specifications for the 480 volt safeguards buses, B03 and 804, and the j 4160 volt safeguards buses, A05 and A06, direct an independent lineup of power l distribution, specifically stating that a normal lineup must be achieved (all l safeguards buses associated with a unit are powered through their normal supply breaker with all safeguards bus tie-breakers open) prior to taking a unit critical and during subsequent power operation. Operability of the safeguards l buses is based on maintaining at least one on-site AC power source and associated l distribution system operable during accident conditions coincident with an assumed loss of offsite power and a single failure in the other on-site AC source. This includes a failure of a tie-breaker to trip, which under certain conditions could result in an overload and a loss of the associated diesel generator. The LCOs permit abnormal power distribution lineups for periods of time in order to facilitate such items as maintenance of normal supply breakers or transformers. In such cases, bus independence may be relaxed under the conditions specified in the LCO. Extended use of safeguards bus tie-breakers is allowed under specified, controlled conditions. For example, when a unit is fully defueled, safeguards and safe shutdown systems and equipment dedicated to that unit are not required. However, spent fuel pool cooling must be maintained. By limiting the loads supplied by the cross-connected buses, the potential for loss of a diesel generator due to overloading caused by the failure of a tie-breaker to open is minimized. Unit 1 - Amendment No. 15.3.7-5 Unit 2 - Amendment No.

l i Operability of shared safeguards systems such as auxiliary feedwater and service i water must be maintained as required by their applicable LCOs. The Point Beach DC electrical system has been modified so that each of the four main DC distribution buses, which are shared between the two units, has its own power supplies consisting of a safety-related station battery (DOS, DO6, D105, D106) and a battery charger. In addition to these bus-specific power supplies, a swing safety-related battery (D305) is installed which is capable of being connected to any one of the four main DC distribution buses. Swing battery chargers are also provided. Under normal circumstances, one battery and one battery charger are connected in each main DC distribution bus. The battery charger normally shall be in service on each battery so that the batteries will always be at full charge in anticipation of a loss-of-AC power incident. Under l unusual circumstances, two of the five safety-related batteries may be out of service for a limited period of time provided one of the two out-of-service batteries is returned to service within the time periods specified in Specification 15.3.7.B.1.f [. These limiting conditions for operation ensure that adequate DC power will always be available for starting the emergency generators  ! and other emergency uses. i 1 ,


The cmcrgency gencr; tor ;ch arc Cencr:1 Motor: Corporati'n, Electre Motive I i Division, Model 099 20 Unit; rated at 2850 Kh' continucu:, 0.8 power facter 900 i RPM, 1150 vcit: 2 ph::c, 50-cycle :nd con:ume 205 gaHen:--cf fuel per hcur. Thus the 11,000 gallen supply in the Emergency Fuel Tank -previde :ufficient fuel te operate en dic:cl at design lead for more than 18 hcurs. In addition, it will be norma' for Point Scach te keep one, or the equivalent of enc, bulk ster:ge l

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                                    -~     =:;dtrel_:a.=sa:a=re;.=,:ub_lE3 Unit 1 - Amendment No.                                                   15.3.7-6 Unit 2 - Amendment No.


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sh? .PT_"^1TDfF28 If only one 345 KV transmission line is in service to the plant switchyard, a temporary loss of this line would result in a reactor trip (s) if the reactor (s) power level were greater than 50%. Therefore, in order to maintain continuity of service and the possibility of self sustaining operations, if only one 345 KV transmission line is in service to any operating reactor (s), the power level of the affected reactor (s) will be limited to 50%. Unit 1 - Amendment No. 15.3.7-7 Unit 2 - Amendment No.

t \ . j l If both 345/13.8 KV station auxiliary transformers are out of service, only one j reactor will be operated. The gas turbine will be supplying power to operate safeguards auxiliaries of the operating reactor and acts as a backup supply for the unit's normal auxiliaries. Therefore, to prevent overloading the gas turbine in the event of a reactor trip, the maximum power level for the operating reactor will be limited to 50%. These conservative limits are set to improve transmission system reliability only and are not dictated by safety system requirements. References FSAR Section 8. l i l l l i l j Unit 1 - Amendment No. 15.3.7-8 Unit 2 - Amendment No.

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3. Each diesel generator shall be given an inspection, at'least annually,*

following the manufacturer's reconsnendations for this' class of stand-by service. '

4. Sch f;:1 :il tr:::f:r ;;;; :h:ll 5: r;; :::thly. lp iMITIF6fith].  ;

((eMEffeMEBlNitglh3Mi#etiflitilTsoith@  ! ET2EERMB3XfirsRYMaiiiiM%iEiiHiLWii3EwNtX , liHEBENUTM1@d4HBIsMifETUHMEiiiiiists#Wil pljWiI$T6slilyuartiid]hequicgirGacconlangeTrith^TpjlliIaMITsU$ - EtR!RM ' The above tests will be considered satisfactory if all applicable equipment operates as designed. B. Safety-Related Station Batteries  ; a These surveillance specifications are applicable to all four safety-related: station batteries: DOS, D06, DIOS, and D106; and the safety-related station - swing battery D305.

1. Every month the voltage of each cell '(to the nearest 0.05 volt), the . i specific gravity and temperature of a pilot cell in.each battery and' '

each battery voltage shall be measured and recorded.

2. Every 3 months the specific gravity, the height of electrolyte', and ,

the amount of water added,--for each cell, and the temperature of-every fifth cell, shall be measured-and recorded. .

3. At each time data is recorded, new data shall be' compared with .old to detect signs of abuse or deterioration..
4. Each Safety-Related Station Battery shall be. demonstrate'd'0PERABLE:..
a. At least once per 18 months -(SERVICE TEST) by verifying that the battery capacity is adequate to supply.and maintain in OPERABLE status all of the actual or simulated emergency loads for the design duty cycle.**

The surveillance interval for the 1992 annual inspection of diesel generator G02 may be extended up to 6 months, not to exceed a total time between . annual inspections of 18 months. Service and Performance testing to begin subsequent to installation of the swing safety-related battery (D-305) which is expected by the end of 1992. Unit 1 - Amendment No. 136 15.4.6-2 November 23, 1992 Unit 2 - Amendment No. 140 ~ _ _ - _ _ _. . _ _ _ - . _ . . _ .._ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . - . . . . _}}