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Radiological Emergency Response Plan Implementing Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Kewaunee Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/01/2003
From: Coutu T
Nuclear Management Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML031610995 (16)


Committed to Nuclear Excellenc Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Operated by Nuclear Management Company, LLC NRC-03-060 10 CFR 50, App. E June 1, 2003 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 KEWAUNEE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DOCKET 50-305 LICENSE No. DPR-43 RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES Pursuant to 10 CFR 50 Appendix E, attached is the latest revisions to the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Radiological Emergency Response Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIPs). These revised procedures supersede the previously submitted procedures.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.4, two additional copies of this letter and attachment are hereby submitted to the Regional Administrator, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IlIl, Lisle, Illinois. As required, one copy of this letter and attachment is also submitted to the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant NRC Senior Resident Inspector.

' /a (10 Thomas Coutu Site Vice-President, Kewaunee Plant SLC Attachment cc US NRC Senior Resident Inspector, w/attach.

US NRC, Region III (2 copies), w/attach.

Electric Division, PSCW, wto attach.

QA Vault, w/o attach.

N490 Highway 42

  • Kewaunee, Wisconsin 54216-9510 Telephone: 920.388.2560 016


S. Campion - NRC Region 111(2, 3)* Kevin Joachim - Alliant Energy (11)*

S. Campion - NRC Resident Inspector (4) (receives Appx. A phone numbers)*

S. Campion - State of Wisconsin (5)* Jill Stern - Nuclear Management Company (12)*

S. Campion - KNPP QA Vault (NRC Letter & Memo Only) (15)* Chuck Zoia - NRC Region III (13)*

PERSONAL COPIES (21-40) These copies are for the personal use of the listed individuals for reference or emergency response.

J. Bennett (33) W. Bartelme (24) J. Ferris (13) T. Coutu (28)

REFERENCE COPIES - CUSTODIAN (41-100) These copies are for general reference by anyone. They are distributed throughout the plant and corporate offices. The named individual is the responsible custodian for the procedures and shall insure they are properly maintained.

NO Library - KNPP (59) Resource Center - Training (82)

C. Sternitzky - ATF-2 (44) D. Kral - CRISS Office (51, 56)

M. Daron - Security Building (46) C. Grant - TSC (50)

C. Grant - EOF (81) W. Galarneau - RAF (53) i,- C. Grant - OSF (52) W. Galarneau - SBF/EMT (54)

LOREB - STF (62,66,67,68,70,72,73,74) W. Galarneau - RPO (55)

STF Library (43) STF (86, 87,88)

WORKING COPIES (101-199) These copies of procedures are kept in the areas designated for use in response to an emergency.

W. Galarneau RAF/RPO (106, 107)(ParaDitrbution) Ops Admin. (126)

W. Galarneau - SBFIENV (108, 109)(Partal DistribuUon) C. Grant - TSC Response Binder (Partial Distribution)

W. Galarneau - SBF/EM Team (110, 111, 111A)(arti Dstribution) C. Grant - EOF Response Binder (Partial Dstribution)

W. Flint - Cold Chem/HR Sample Room (113) D. Krall CR Response Binder (martisi Distribution)

S. Zutz - SBF/SEC (114) K. Stangel - SCR Response Binder (ri Distribution)

M. Fenc - Security (121) D. Kral - CR Tag Desk (Partiai Distributon)

S. Zutz - Security Building (120) K. Stangel - SCR Tag Desk wartu Distribution)

Originals to KNPP QA Vault Please follow the directions when updating your EPIP ManuaL WATCH FOR DELETIONS!!t These are controlled procedures and random checks may be made to ensure the manuals are kept up-to-date.




May 29, 2003 Please folow the directions listed below. -.

EPIP Index, dated 05-29-2003.. .. -.


Fo EPIPF-AD07-0 -B Form EPIPF-AD-07-04 . C l Retunigeund dated s trans 10,days of transmttal date, to the sender.. If you have any questions or conments, please contact Jere Morioat555-6557.

I CERTFY Copy No. (WPSC No.) of the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant's EPIPs has been updated.


- Please return this sheet to DIANE FENCL.

Diane Fencl Enclosure E n c e . . . .

i. . I1 I 2 .

.. . . . . . I 2t . .


EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX I DATE: 05-29-2003 PROC. NO. TITLE REV. 'DATE EP-AD EPIP-AD-01 Personnel Response to the Plant Emergency Siren K 11-26-2002 EPIP-AD-02 Emergency Class Determination AG 05-05-2003 EPIP-AD-03 KNPP Response to an Unusual Event AH 03-18-2003 EPIP-AD-04 'KNPP Response to Alert or Higher AM 03-18-2003 EP-AD-5 Site Emergency Deleted 04-27-87 EPIP-AD-05 Emergency Response Organization Shift Relief E 02-18-2003 Guideline -

EP-AD-6 General Emergency Deleted 04-24-87 EPIP-AD-07 Initial Emergency Notifications AT 03-18-2003 EP-AD:8 Notification of Alert or Higher Deleted 02-26-96 EP-AD-9 Notification of Site E'mergency' Deleted 04-27-87 EP-AD-10 Notification of General Emergency Deleted 04-27-87 EPIP-AD-1 1 Emergency Radiation Controls S 12-19-2002 EP-AD-12 Personnel Assembly and Accountability Deleted 03-26-94 EP-AD-13 Personnel Evacuation Deleted 04-25-94 EP-AD-13A Limited Area Evacuation Deleted 03-01-83 EP-AD-1 3B Emergency Assembly/Evacuation Deleted 03-01-83 EP-AD-13C Site Evacuation Deleted 03-01-83 EP-AD-14 Search and Rescue Deleted 05-25-94 EPIP-AD-15 Recovery Planning and Termination P 09-12-2002 EP-AD-16 Occupational Injuries or Vehicle Accidents Deleted 03-14-97 During Emergencies EP-AD-17 Communications Deleted 03-05-84 EPIP-AD-18 Potassium Iodide Distribution P 02-27-2002 EPIP-AD-19 Protective Action Guidelines S 01-20-2003 PAGE 1 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 05-29-2003 PROC. NO. TITLE REV. DATE EPIP-AD-20 KNPP Response to a Security Threat D 01-20-2003 EP-ENV EPIP-ENV-01 Environmental Monitoring Group Organization W 08-20-2002 and Responsibilities EPIP-ENV-02 Environmental Monitoring Team Activation X 10-02-2001 EP-ENV-3A Environmental Protection Director Actions and Deleted 09-26-84 Directives EP-ENV-3B EM Team Actions Deleted 09-26-84 EPIP-ENV-03C Dose Projection Using RASCAL Version 2.2 W 08-20-2002 Software EP-ENV-3D Revision and Control of ISODOSE II Deleted 02-14-95 EP-ENV-3E Manual Determination of X/Q Deleted 04-24-87 EP-ENV-3F Manual Determination of X/Q (Green Bay Deleted 05-30-86 Meteorological Data)

EP-ENV-3G Manual Dose Projection Calculation Deleted 06-02-89 EP-ENV-3H Protective Action Recommendations Deleted 04-13-90 EPIP-ENV-04A Portable Survey Instrument Use T 08-20-2002 EPIP-ENV-04B Air Sampling and Analysis X 08-20-2002 EP-ENV-4C Environmental Monitoring Teams Deleted 04-13-90 EPIP-ENV-04C Ground Deposition Sampling and Analysis X 08-20-2002 EPIP-ENV-04D Plume Tracking for Environmental Monitoring 0 08-20-2002 Teams EP-ENV-5A LCS-1 Operation Deleted 04-14-86 EP-ENV-5B MS-3 Operation Deleted 04-14-86 EP-ENV-5C SAM II Operation Deleted 04-14-86 EP-ENV-5D PAC-4G (Alpha Counter) Operation Deleted 04-14-86 EP-ENV-5E Reuter-Stokes Operation Deleted 08-27-85 PAGE 2 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 05-29-2003 PROC. NO. TITLE REV. DATE EP-ENV-6 Data Analysis, Dose Projections and Protective Deleted 12-21-81 Action Recommendations EP-ENV-6 Alternate Sample Analysis and Relocation of EM Deleted 04-14-86 Team EP-ENV-6A Relocation of Site Access Facility (Habitability) Deleted 03-23-84 EP-ENV-6B SAF Environmental Sample Analysis Relocation Deleted 03-23-84 EP-ENV-7 Site Access Facility Communications Deleted 09-26-84 EP-ENV-8 Total Population Dose Estimate Calculations Deleted 04-14-86 EP-EOF EP-EOF-1 Corporate Emergency Response Organization Deleted 03-11-94 EPIP-EOF-02 Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Activation AA 08-06-2002 EPIP-EOF-03 EOF Staff Action for Unusual Event A) 01-20-2003 EPIP-EOF-04 EOF Staff Action for Alert or Higher AK 01-20-2003 EP-EOF-5 Corporate Staff Action for Site Emergency Deleted 04-24-87 EP-EOF-6 Corporate Staff Action for General Emergency Deleted 04-24-87 EP-EOF-7 Notification of Unusual Event Deleted 04-06-94 EP-EOF-8 Relocation of EOF Deleted 03-01-83 EPIP-EOF-08 Continuing Emergency Notifications Z 01-28-2003 EP-EOF-9 Interface with Support Organizations Deleted 03-05-84 EP-EOF-9 Notification of Site Emergency Deleted 04-24-87 EP-EOF-10 Notification of General Emergency Deleted 04-24-87 EPIP-EOF-11 Intemal Communication and Documentation V 11-07-2002 Flow EPIP-EOF-12 Media Center/Emergency Operation Facility/Joint Q 06-20-2002 Public Information Center Security PAGE 3 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 05-29-2003 PROC. NO. TITLE REV. DATE EP-OP EP-OP-1 Control Room Emergency Organization Deleted 04-24-87 EP-OP-2 Emergency Control Room Activation for Deleted 04-24-87 Emergency Response EP-OP-3 Control Room Communications Deleted 04-24-87 EP-OSF EP-OSF-1 Operation Support Facility Emergency Deleted 04-24-87 Organization EPIP-OSF-02 Operational Support Facility Operations V 11-26-2002 EPIP-OSF-03 Work Orders During an Emergency p 05-09-2002 EP-OSF-4 Operational Support Facility Communications Deleted 04-24-87 EPIP-OSF-04 Search and Rescue E 05-23-2002 EP-RET EP-RET-1 Radiation Emergency Team Organization Deleted 04-16-96 EPIP-RET-02 In-Plant Radiation Emergency Team W 04-29-2003 EPIP-RET-02A Radiation Protection Office/Radiological Analysis U 11-07-2002 Facility (RPO/RAF) Activation EPIP-RET-02B Gaseous Effluent Release Path, Radioactivity, and 5 08-06-2002 Release Rate Determination EP-RET-2C Containment Air Sampling and Analysis Deleted 03-01-83 EPIP-RET-02D Emergency Radiation Entry Controls and M 06-12-2001 Implementation EP-RET-2E Handling of Injured Personnel Deleted 04-16-96 EP-RET-2F Personnel Decontamination Deleted 04-13-90 EPIP-RET-03 Chemistry Emergency Team P 02-18-2003 EPIP-RET-03A Liquid Effluent Release Paths L 11-29-2001 EP-RET-3B Post-Accident Reactor Coolant Alternate Deleted 01-25-88

. Sampling Procedure PAGE 4 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 05-29-2003 PROC. NO. TITLE REV. DATE EPIP-RET-03C Post Accident Operation of the High Radiation P 01-15-2002 Sample Room EPIP-RET-03D Containment Air Sampling Analysis Using CASP N 01-15-2002 EP-RET-3E Post Accident Operation of High Rad Sample Deleted 08-27-85 Room Inline Multiported Count Cave EPIP-RET-04 SBF Activation T 10-17-2002 EP-RET-4A EOF Radiological Monitoring Deleted 03-10-83 EPIP-RET-04A SBF Operation/Relocation Deleted 10-02-2001 EP-RET4B Radiological Controls at Site Access Facility Deleted 07-12-94 EP-RET-4C Site Radiological Monitoring Deleted 07-12-94 EP-RET-4D SAM-Il Operation Deleted 07-12-94 EP-RET-5 Plume Projection Deleted 09-26-84 EPIP-RET-05 Site Boundary Dose Rates During Controlled H 10-09-2001 Plant Cooldown EP-RET-5A Plume Projection Deleted 04-27-87 EP-RET-6 Dose Projection Deleted 04-24-87 EP-RET-7 Radiological Analysis Facility/Radiation Deleted 04-24-87 Protection Office Communications EPIP-RET-08 Contamination Control of the Aurora Medical Deleted 05-23-2002 Center EPIP-RET-09 Post-Accident Population Dose M 04-29-2003 EP-SEC EP-SEC-1 Security Organization Deleted 04-24-87 EPIP-SEC-02 Security Force Response to Emergencies Y 11-14-2002 EP-SEC-2A Manual Activation of Emergency Sirens Deleted 04-16-82 EPIP-SEC-03 Personnel Assembly and Accountability AG 05-20-2003 EPIP-SEC-04 Security Force Actions for Dosimetry Issue P 10-02-2001 PAGE 5 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 05-29-2003 PROC. NO. TITLE REV. DATE EP-SEC-5 Security Force Response to the EOF Deleted 07-28-88 EPIP-SEC-05 Personnel Evacuation G 06-20-2002 EP-TSC EPIP-TSC-01 Technical Support Center Organization and S 01-28-2003 Responsibilities EPIP-TSC-02 Technical Support Center Activation U 01-20-2003 EPIP-TSC-03 Plant Status Procedure W 05-05-2003 EPIP-TSC-04 Emergency Modifications 0 04-29-2003 EP-TSC-5 Technical Support Center Communications Deleted 04-24-87 Equipment EP-TSC-6 Assessment of Reactor Core Damage Deleted 09-30-86 EPlP-TSC-07 RV Head Venting Time Calculation J 06-20-2002 EPIP-TSC-08A Calculations for Steam Release from Steam 0 11-26-2002 Generators EPIP-TSC-08B* STMRLS Computer Program G 06-20-2002 EP-TSC-8C* See EP-TSC-8B Deleted 04-16-92

  • EP-TSC-8B was totally deleted; therefore, EP-TSC-8C was changed to EP-TSC-8B EP-TSC-9 Core Damage Assessment Using Released Deleted 09-30-86 Radionuclides EPIP-TSC-09A* Core Damage Assessment K 05-05-2003 EPIP-TSC-09B* CORE Computer Program Deleted 05-16-2002 EP-TSC-9C* See EP-TSC-9B Deleted 04-16-92

EPIP-TSC-10 I Technical Support for IPEOPs K l 05-09-2002 PAGE 6 OF 11


_____________ FIGURES _ _

EPIP FIG# Figure EPIPFG DESCRIPTION REV. DATE EP-SEC-5 Technical Support EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-RF1G003 APPX-A-06-03 Center - KNP Floor Plan B 06-12-2001 Site Boundary Facility -

EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-FIG-05 APPX-A-06-02 KNP Floor Plan A 10-31-2000 Radiological Analysis EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-FIoos APPX-A-06-01 Facility - KNP Floor Plan A 10-31-2000 EPIP-EOF-12 Division Office Building Form EPIPF-EOF-02-01 EP-FG-o09 EOF-12-01 (2nd Floor) Floor Plan B 10-24-2000 State/County Work Area -

EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-FIG012 APPX-A-06-08 WPSC D2-1 Floor Plan C 10-31-2000 NRC Work Area -

EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-FIG-013 APPX-A-06-09 WPSC D2-4 Floor Plan A 10-31-2000 Population Distribution by Geographical Sub-EPIP-AD-19 EP-1G-014 AD-19-01 Areas (with sectors) A 10-31-2000 EOF - WPSC D2-3 EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-R 022 APPX-A-06-04 Floor Plan D 04-29-2003 Location of JPIC and Media Briefing Center EPIP-EOF-12 EP-rGm-24 EOF-12-02 Map C 06-20-2002 KNP Site Map &

EP-SEC-5 EP-FiGo-o SEC-05-01 Evacuation Routes C 06-20-2002 Floor Plan - Media APPX-A-6 EP-FIG-034 --- Briefing Center Deleted 08-04-98 EPIP-EOF-12 EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-PIG-35 APPX-A-06-06 Media Briefing Center D 04-29-2003 Floor Plan - Corporate APPX-A-6 EP-lG-037 _ Response Center Deleted 08-04-98 APPX-A-6 EP-FIG-038 --- Floor Plan - JPIC Deleted 08-04-98 EPIP-OSF-02 EP-FIqG39 OSF-02-01 High Priority Work A 10-02-2001 EPIP-OSF-02 EP-FIG-039A OSF-02-02 Lower Priority Work A 10-02-2001 JPIC - Federal Work EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-RG-043 APPX-A-06-10 Area - WPSC D2-9 C 04-29-2003 JPIC - State and County Work Area -

EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-FIG 044 APPX-A-06-07 WPSC D2-8 D 04-29-2003 JPIC - Utility Work EPIP-APPX-A-06 EP-FG-045 APPX-A-06-05 Area - WPSC D2-7 D 04-29-2003 Aurora Medical Center RET-08 EP-FIG-046 RET-08-01 Location Deleted 05-23-2002 EPIP-APPX-A-02 --- APPX-A-02-01 ERO Call Tree Deleted 12-04-2001 PAGE 7 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 05-29-2003 NUMBER TITLE REVISION DATE APPENDIX A APPX-A-1 Communication System Description AF 08-04-98 EPIP-APPX-A-02 Response Personnel Call List Deleted 02-06-2002 EPIP-APPX-A-03 Off-Site Telephone Numbers Deleted 02-06-2002 EPIP-APPX-A-06 KNPP Emergency Response Facility Figures AB 04-29-2003 PAGE 8 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 05-29-2003 FORM EPIPF TITLE REV. DATE APPENDIX B EP-AD AD-07-01 Event Notice - Nuclear Accident Reporting System Form V 05-05-2003 (NARS)

AD-07-02 State Call-Back - Question Guideline C 11-15-2001 AD-07-03 Fax Event Notice B 03-06-2003 AD-07-04 ERO Event Notification C 05-29-2003 AD-ll-Ol Emergency Radiation Work Permit H 12-19-2002 AD-18-01 Airborne Radioiodine Dose Accountability and Potassium B 08-06-2002 Iodide Distribution AD-18-02 Record of Known Allergy To or Voluntary Refusal to Take A 02-27-2002 Potassium Iodide EP-ENV ENV-01-01 Environmental Dispatch Area Activation Checklist D 10-31-2000 ENV-01-02 EMT Status B 10-31-2000 ENV-01-03 Meteorological and Plant Status Data C 12-14-2001 ENV-01-04 EMT Orders/Field Data B 10-31-2000 ENV-02-01 EMT Activation Checklist N 08-20-2002 EP-EOF EOF-02-01 EOF Activation Checklist T 08-06-2002 EOF-02-02 EOF Deactivation Checklist N 01-28-2003 EOF-04-01 SRCL Initial Action Checklist D 01-20-2003 EOF-04-02 Telephone Communications Log Sheet A 12-14-2001 EOF-08-03 Fax for Emergency Declaration or Status Updates H 01-20-2003 EOF-08-05 Plant Emergency Status Report A 11-27-2001 EOF-08-06 Radiological Status Report E 01-20-2003 EOF-1 1-02 Operating Status G 11-07-2002 PAGE 9 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 05-29-2003 FORMEPLPF TITLE REV. DATE EOF-1 1-03 Environmental Status Board G 11-07-2002 EOF-12-01 I.D. Badge Registration Form G 10-24-2000 EP-OSF OSF 2.2 Maintenance Work in Progress Deleted 07-08-98 OSF-03-01 Operational Support Facility Team Briefing C 12-04-2001 EP-RET RET-02A-02 Emergency Sample Worksheet E 06-05-2001 RET-02B-01 Containment Stack Release (Grab Sample) D 08-06-2002 RET-02B-02 Auxiliary Building Stack (Grab Sample) D 08-06-2002 RET-02B-03 Auxiliary Building Stack (Sping Reading) D 08-06-2002 RET-02B-04 Containment Stack (Sping Reading) C 08-06-2002 RET-02B-05 Steam Release D 08-06-2002 RET-02B -06 Field Reading (Grab Sample) B 08-06-2002 RET-04-01 SAM-2 Counting Equipment Worksheet E 06-12-2001 RET 8.3 Hospital Survey 1 Deleted 06-05-2001 RET 8.4 Hospital Survey 2 Deleted 07-25-97 RET 8.5 Hospital Survey 3 Deleted 07-25-97 RET-08-06 Hospital Survey 4 Deleted 05-23-2002 RET-09-01 Post-Accident TLD Record Sheet D 04-16-2002 EP-SEC SEC-03.01 Emergency Accountability Log A 03-28-2000 SEC-04-01 Emergency Dosimeter Log G 06-20-2002 EP-TSC TSC-01.01 Plant Status Sununary for SAM Implementation C 01-28-2003 TSC-01.02 Severe Accident Management Summary and Strategy B 02-06-2002 Recommendation

_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I_ _- I__

PAGE 10 OF 11

EMERGENCY PLAN IlPLEMENTING PROCEDURES INDEX DATE: 05-29-2003 FORM EPIPF TITLE REV. DATE TSC-01.03 Severe Accident Management - Status B 02-06-2002 TSC-02-01 TSC and OSF Activation Checklist P 01-20-2003 TSC-02-02 TSC Ventilation Checklist I 01-20-2003 TSC-02-03 Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) Link Initiation H 01-20-2003 Checklist TSC-02-04 TSC Chart Recorder Operation Checklist E 01-20-2003 TSC-02-05 TSC and OSF De-Activation Checklist C 01-28-2003 TSC-03-01 Plant System Status L 06-12-2001 TSC-03-02 Plant Equipment Status L 06-12-2001 TSC-03-03 Environmental Status Board J 06-12-2001 TSC-03-04 Radiation Monitors 1 01-08-2002 TSC-04-01 Emergency Modification Request H 04-29-2003 TSC-04-02 Emergency Physical Change Safety Review Deleted 05-09-2002 TSC-04-03 Emergency Modification Index G 04-29-2003 TSC-07-01 Head Venting Calculation G 06-20-2002 TSC-08A-01 Steam Release Data Sheet (Energy Balance) H 12-14-2001 TSC-08A-02 Steam Release Calculation Sheet (Energy Balance) G 12-14-2001 TSC-08A-03 Steam Release Data/Calculation Sheet (Open Valve) E 12-14-2001 TSC-08A-04 Steam Release Data/Calculation Sheet (STMRLS Program) D 12-14-2001 TSC-09A-01 Core Exit Thermocouple Data D 05-16-2002 TSC-09A-02 Fuel Rod Clad Damage Estimate D 05-16-2002 TSC-09A-03 Fuel Rod Overtemperature Damage Estimate E 05-16-2002 TSC 9A.4 Core Damage Based on Activity Ratios Deleted 05-16-2002 TSC-09A-05 Core Damage Assessment (Monitoring Data) E 05-16-2002 TSC 9A.6 Core Damage Summary Deleted 05-16-2002 TSC-09A-07 Core Damage Assessment Results A 05-05-2003 PAGE 11 OF 11


DATE: Check Note Any WPSC PBX telephone extension can be used to activate the pagers.

Note WHEN directed, activate the radiopagercode the SM/ED or ERM selected in Section 4 and the message code selected in Section 5. If the selection in Section 4 contains two pager codes, steps 2 through 6 must be performed twice, oncefor each code.

1. Dial ext. "5213" on any WPSC PBX Telephone (extension xxxx).
2. IF the PBX phone system is inoperable, THEN:
  • Dial "1-920-617-5213" from a Kewaunee (388-xxxx) or other non Green Bay external telephone company exchange line, OR
  • Dial "617-5213" from any Green Bay (433-xxxx , 617-xxxx, etc.) external telephone company exchange, OR
  • Dial "9-1-920-617-5213" from a Centrex (431-xxxx) exchange located in the EOF.
3. IF the KNPP paging system is inoperable or unavailable, THEN go to Step 9.
4. WHEN the phone answers and responds with a single (1) beep, dial the pager access code selected below (the SM/ED or ERM must check one of the options below).

O "9233" - ALERT or HIGHER EVENT (All emergency pager holders),

co "9211" AND "9222"- UNUSUAL EVENT (Directors and Select Staff) ci "9244" AND "9255" - CREDIBLE SECURITY THREAT a " " - code(s) provided by the SM/ED or ERM (individual, fire, PORC etc.).

5. WHEN the phone responds with three (3) beeps, dial the message code selected below (the SMIED or ERM must check one of the options below).

o ""________ - number provided by the SM/ED or ERM.

C "66666" - UNUSUAL EVENT o "44666" - CREDIBLE SECURITY THREAT - UNUSUAL EVENT u "77777" - ALERT o "44777" - CREDIBLE SECURITY THREAT - ALERT o "88888" - SITE EMERGENCY o "99999" - GENERAL EMERGENCY K..-' c "44444" - TERMINATION OR RECOVERY Page 1 of 2 Form EPIPF-AD-07-04 Rev. C EPIPF-AD-O7-04 Rev. C Date: MAY 292003 Date: MAY 29 2003 Page of 2



6. Press the '" key. WHEN the phone responds with five (5) beeps, hang up.
7. IF another pager access code is to be activated, THEN return to Step 1.
8. Verify that the ERO control pager in the Control Room (or any ERO member's pager) has activated and displays the message within 3-4 minutes.

Note The following steps are to be used if the radiopaging system is inoperableor significantly degradedoutside of normal working hours.

Note A Liaison should not accept responsibilityfor the ERO Call Tree unless they have immediate access to the KPB Emergency Telephone Directory.

Note IF a Liaison does not accept the responsibilityfor an ERO Call Tree (Part "A " and/orPart "B"), THEN the communicators should implement that part of the Call Tree themselves.

9. IF problems are encountered with the KNPP paging system, TliEN use the alternate ERO notification method.
a. Call the State or County Liaisons listed in the Emergency Telephone Directory tab "KNPP ERO Call List," ETD OIA, until two liaisons accept the ERO Call Tree responsibility.
b. Inform the first Liaison accepting the ERO Call Tree Task that a(n) (select one)

Unusual Event, Alert, Site Emergency, General Emergency, or Credible Security Threat, was declared at __ (time) and the ERO Call Tree Part "A" in the Emergency Telephone Directory tab "KNPP ERO Call List," ETD OIA, should be activated.

c. Inform the second Liaison accepting the ERO Call Tree Task that a(n) (select one)

Unusual Event, Alert, Site Emergency, General Emergency, or Credible Security Threat, was declared at __ (time) and the ERO Call Tree Part "B" in the Emergency Telephone Directory tab "KNPP ERO Call List," ETD OIA and tab "KPB ERO Call List," ETD O1C, should be activated.

Page 2 of 2 EPIPF-AD-07-04 Rev.

Form EPIPF-AD-07-04 C Rev. C Date: MAY 29 Date: MAY 29 2003 2003 Page 20of2