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Revised Rept on Reanalysis of Safety-Related Piping Sys.
Person / Time
Site: Surry Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1980
Shared Package
ML18136A395 List:
NUDOCS 8001210122
Download: ML19257B874 (42)




Vepco u.sisa e.c:roi: as: no.c. :: ..w. , -o:e o cis, a nw January 15, 1980 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Serial No. 048 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

- PSE&C/C$'Rj r:mac: wang U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washingten, DC 20555 Docket No. 50-280 License No. DPR-32

Dear Mr. Denton:

COMPLETION OF SHOW CAUSE CRDER REANALYSIS SURRY POWER STATION UNIT 1 The Virginia Electric and Power Ccmpany letter of December 21, 1979 (Serial No.1158) gave notification of the completion of analysis associated with the 60 day time period designated in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Order of August 22, 1979. The purpose of this letter is to transmit the results of that analysis in a format similar to our previous reports of June 5 and August 1, 1979. As stated in our December 21, 1979 letter, all modifications associated with the Order of August 22, 1979 will be completed by February 1, 1930.

The attached report concludes our detailed submittals on the design basis earthquake analysis associated with the March 13, 1979 Order to Show Cause for Unit 1. We will notify you when these modifications are completed.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Very truls yours, h$ "'

W. .. Spencer Vice President - Power Station Engineering and Construction Services Attachment cc: Mr. Victor Stallo, Director Office of Inspection & Enforcement Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement Regien II 1773 328

SURRY PC'a'IR STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Saetion Title Paca 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 2 FIPE STRESS RESULTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....2-1 3 PIPE SUPPORT RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 1




tabla Title 2-1 Pipe Stress Reevaluation Summary 2-2 Nozzle and Penetration Summary 2-3 Pipe Stress Hardware Modification Surmary 2-4 Mardwarc Modification Summary Due te No:zles and Penetratica Loading 3-1A Pipe Support Surmary Inside Centainment 3-13 Pipe Support Summary Cutside Containment 3-2 Pipe Support Hardware Modification Summary 1773 329 i




The Nuclear Regulatory Cormission (NRC) Order to Show Cause of March 13, 1979, required certain piping systems associated with Surry Power Station - Unit 1 to be reanalyzed, using an appropriate piping code to account for seismic loads. VEPCO complied with the order by the shutdown of Surry 1 within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />.

The initial analysis effort to reancly:e these systems began immediately.

Major decisions were made by VIFC0 concerning the course of reanalysis. These actions had a major influence on the method in which the reanalysis was completed. These actions included:

1. The use of NUPIPE computer code for all dynamic reanalysis.
2. The use of soil structure interaction (SSI) for the development of amplified response spectra (ARS) in dynamic reanalysis.
3. The award of a contract to obtain services of Quadrex (Nuclear Services Corporation) to complete a portion of the piping reanalysis.

1_1 1773 530

SURRY pC'a*ER STATION, UNIT 1 4 The use of field-verified input into the pipe stress reanalysis.

On April 2, 1979, a letter was issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission clarifying the intent of the March 13, 1979, Show Cause Order. This letter contained specific information concerning exactly what information was required to allow the Show Cause Order to be lifted and the plant's return to operation. Among the requirements of the April 2, 1979, letter was a list of the material required for NRC review of reanalysis results and a plan for verification of dynamic analysis codes. This letter also requested response for the licensee concerning what methods of seismic analysis were employed for other systems within the show cause plants, and also, a listing of all piping systems affected by the Show Cause Order. VEpCO's response to this letter was Serial No. 220/040279, dated May 24, 1979 (Item 22, Appendix 3).

The NRC letter of April 13, 1979 (Item 3, Appendix 3), informed VEpCO that use of SSI techniques for the development of amplified response spectra utilizing an elastic half-space model would be acceptable for reevaluation of piping at Surry 1 and 2.

As the Show Cause analysis continued, SSI ARS vere employed. The acceptability of SSI was obtained on May 25, 1979, in an NRC letter from D. Eisenhut (Item 5, Appendix 3). The completion of documentation to support the staff review of SSI was supplied in the report, " Soil Structure T

1-2 1773 s31 m .E - --. ,,

SURRY PCWER STATION, UNIT 1 Interaction in Development of Amplified Response Spectra for Surry Power Station - Units 1 and 2." date of this report is June 8, 1979 (Item 26, Appendix 3).

Following the acceptability of the SSI ARS by the NRC, meetings were held both in the offices of Stone & Webster in Boston, Massachusetts, and the NRC in Bethesda, Maryland, to review the reanalysis completed and determine the acceptability of that reanalysis to allow interim plant operation. The reanalysis ccmpleted indicated that the computer code in question had no major effect on the ability of the piping systems to withstand earthquakes.

Specific understandings were reached during these meetings, including evaluation of the Design Basis Earthquake (D3E), forming the basis for interim lifting of the show cause order and interim creration.

In order to develop a viable basis for interim operation of Surry Unit 1, the scope of reanalysis initi?lly included some problems that used computer codes not addressed by the order to show cause. These were piping problems addressed by USNRC IE Bulletin 79-04 (Velan Valves). Also reanaly:ed were

} SHCCK 0/I piping problems. The reanalysis of these piping systems is being completed as part of IE 3ulletin 79-14 reandlysis.

By June 5, 1979, the reanalysis had proceeded sufficiently to allow the issuance of "The Report on the Reanalysis of Safety-Related piping Systems, i

1773 332

SURRY PCWER STATION, UNIT 1 Surry Power Station - Unit 1," VEFC0 Serial No. 453 (Item 24, Appendix B).

This report outlined the pipe stress and pipe support analysis completed to date and requested interim operation of the unit, based on the minor hardware modifications identified as of that time. This submittal also included a summary of the conservatisms that were being factored into the reanalysis.

) This request for interim operation was refused.

As a result of the June 5, 1979, submittal, additional meetings were held with the NRC to discuss requirement for interin operation. It was then determined that the completion of the pipe stress analysis would be necessary in order to allow interin operation. Upon completion of the pipe stress analysis, a second submittal was issued on August 1, 1979, " Revised Report on the Reanalysis of Safety-Related Piping Systems, Surry Power Station - Unit 1,"

VIFC0 Serial No. 453A (Item 31, Appendix B). Discussions and meetings between Stone & Webster, VEFCO, and the NRC (following this submittal) led to a letter written by VEPCO on August 21, 1979 (Item 32, Appendix 3). This letter concluded that typical pipe support analysis was complete within the reactor containment and that certain systems outside the containment, as designated by 1

the NRC, were also ecmplete. This letter resulted in the lifting of the Show

_ Cause Order by the Commission, on August :2, 1979 (Item 15, Appendix 3).


Surry Unit 1 was not allowed to start up at this time, based on NEC Inspection and Enforcement (IEE) concerns about the acceptability of embedded anchor bolt 1-4 1773 533

SURRY FCUER STATION, UNIT 1 inspections required per ISE Bulletin 79-02 and the work completed to date on ISE Bulletin 79-14 The October 4, 1979, VEPCO letter, Serial No. 817 1

(Item 35, Appendix 3), to the Commission on IaE Bulletins 79-14 and 79-02, was evaluated by IRE and interim start-up was granted following completion of specific activities outlined in that letter. Interim start-up of the plant occurred on October 25, 1979. This was after VipCO ccmmitted to an expedited schedule for the reanalysis of all piping systems in accordance with ISE Bulletin 79-14 The August 22, 1979, lifting of the Show Cause Order allowed VEFC0 60 days

, after startup to complete all DBE pipe support reanalysis outside the reactor containment building on the problems specifically addressed by the March 13, 1979, Order to Show Cause. At the end of the 60 day period, December 23, 1979, the provisions of the August 22, 1979, order were met as discussed in the VEFCO letter of December 21, 1979, Serial No. 1158 (Item 40, Append.x B).


The purpose of this report is to document the results of the DBE reanalysis during the 60 day interval in a format similar to the June 5 and August 1, 3

1979, reports. This report concludes detailed documentation of all aspects of the Design 3 asis Earthquake Show Cause reanalysis for Surry Power Station, Unit 1.

1773 534 1-5


> A total of 63 pipe stress problems were originally analyred by the PSTRESS/ SHOCK 2 computer program that used algebraic summation and are therefore specifically addressed by the Show Cause Order. These stress problems were analyred by two groups: Stone 8 Webster Engineering Corporation (S&W) in Boston, Massachusetts, and Nuclear Services Corporation (NSC) or Quadrex in Campbell, California, as indicated in the following table PIFE STRESS FROBEEMS S*W NSC 70TAL 42 21 63 Tield-verified piping isometric drawings provide the basis for program. inputs for the pipe stress reanalysis of the SHOCK 2 problems. The reanalysis is conducted using the NUPIPE computer program. NUPIFE calculates intra-modal seismic forces using a modified square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) 2-1 1773 335

SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 technique which is always more conservative than the approved SRSS method, and i

an SRSS technique for inter-modal combination.

Additionally, in some cases, piping is analyzed utili:ing amplified response spectra (ARS) that are developed using soil structure interaction techniques (SSI-ARS). The resultant stresses and loads are used to evaluate piping, supports, no:zles, and penetrations. In accordance with the NRC letter of May 25, 1979 to Virginia Electric and Power Company (VEPCO), the seismic inertial stresses typical loads computed using the SSI-ARS have been increased by a factor of 1.5 for the DEE condition.

All 63 SHOCK 2 problems have been reanalyzed and approved by S8W Engineering Assurance or NSC Quality Assurance. Table 2-1 for the Design Basis Earthquake shows the results for these 63 stress problems. In Table 2-1, the figures for Original Total Stress, at the point of maximum total stress in the pipe, and original Seismic Stress, at the same point, are extracted from Table 3-1 of the " Seismic Design Review Equipment and Piping, Surry Power Station," dated September 15, 1971. The original calculations for the seismic design review report are no longer available; therefore. correlations were made to the original stresses in Table 3-1 on the basis'of the MSK's.

In Table 2-1, the columns for New Total Stress, at the point of maximum total stress in the pipe, and New Seismic Stress, at the same point, were taken from

_ 2-2 1773 336

SURRY PCWIR STATION, UNIT 1 the NUPIFE computer runs with the seismxc inertial stress magnified by a factor of 1.5 for runs using the SSI-ARS, per the NRC letter to VEPCO of May 25, 1979. Of the 63 problems in Table 2-1, 56 used the SSI-ARS and 7 used

_ the original ARS.

The original total and original seismic stresses shown in Table 2-1 were computed using the SHOCK 2 programs for the original design conditions. The new total and new seismic stresses were computed by the NUPIPE program using different mass models and in soma cases different ARS's than the original calculations. More importantly, the reanalyses were based on field-verified piping configurations in 1979, which in some cases differ from the original design conditions. For this reason, the new stresses and the original stresses in Table 2-1 are not comparable,. as they do not necessarily represent the same physical conditions.

Table 2-2 summari:es the nozzles and penetrations evaluated under the reanalysis program. All of the 84 no::les on problems originally analy:ed by the SHOCK 2 program have been found acceptable by S&W. For those problems in which the SSI-ARS are used, the seismic inertial no::le loads have been increased by a factor of 1.5 per the NRC letter of 25 May 1979.



1773 637

i SURRY F0WER STATION, UNIT 1 The typical SHCCK 2 stress problems include 8 penetrations. The analyses of

_, all penetrations have been completed. Table 2-4 lists all modifications to reduce nozzle and penetration loads.


Table 2-3 lists the hardware modifications necessary to bring the pipe stress analysis to within code allevables. Gf the 63 SHCCK 2 problems reanalyzed, hardware modifications were made to 20 problems due to pipe stress. These modifications consisted of 53 added, modified, or deleted supports. No physical modifications to piping were required.

1 e



1773 338

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DESIGN BASIS EARTHQUAKE Prob- Line Pipe Stress (psi) lem System Iso. Size original Original Neu New Allow-No. Name No. (NPS) ,

Totalw Seismicw Total Seismic able 546/ Containment 8 123 F2 8" 28209 24753 21003 2499 32616 5620 Recirculation Spray 10" 548C Containment & 123 H2 10" 15785MM 11241Ma 5610 2685 32616'5*

Recirculation Spray 547 Containment & 123 Cl 8" 20953 5688 7451 5634 33750'5' Recirculation Spray 10" 744/ Containment 8 123 J1 8" 26721MM NA 28136 16398 33750's*

754 Rccirculation Spray 548A Cortainment & 123 B1 8" 11955 11256 14927 11598 33750'5' Recirculation Spray 10" 548B Containment 8 123 H1 10" 28660 26790 17028 15505 32616 Recirculation Spray 544 Containment & 123 G1 10" 13402 6986 9211 6133 28485 Recirculation Spray 123 G2 544A Containment 8 123 R2 10" 12853 11256 6430 3556 29970 Recirculation Spray

%4 544B Containment & 123 R1 10" 12853 11256 6448 4541 28485 sg Recirculation Spray

d 751 Containment & 123 N1 10" 6010 5169 7085 5206 28485 Recirculation Spray 123 N2 45- 562 Containment & 123 F1 10" 12610MM NA 28600 1962 32616'2,5*

C:3 Recirculation Spray 123 E2 745 Containment & 123 K1 8" 25702 24579 23394 2148 3375086)

Recirculation Spray 323A Main Steam 100 D1 30" 13824 6343 12988 354 27000 322A Main Steam 101 D1 30" 13031 5548 11546 852 27000 334A Main Steam 102 D1 30" 18635 11082 15319 463 27000 7

2 of 7




DESIGN BASIS EARTHQUAKE Prob- Line Pipe Stress ( c :ij_

lem System Iso. Size Original Original New Nca Allow-No. Naqa_ No. (NPS) Totalw SeismicM Total Seismic able 346 Main Steam 103 Al 30" 19970 12563 31663 14049 3375087*

323B FeedwaterMMM 100 G1 14" 15829 590 12899 8061 27000 322B FeedwaterMMM 101 GL 14" 17927 13521 15432 878 27000 334B Feedwater 102 G1 14" 16025 12281 17169 10791 27000 417 Auxiliary Feedvater 118 Al 3" 8568 NA 24530 14036 27000 118 A2 607 Auxiliary Feedvater 118 G1 4" 18681 NA 18126 , 5347 27000 118 G2 6" 636 Dressurizer Spray 125 A1 4" 17671 9527 20304 13833 28800

& Relief 630 Pressurizer Spray 124 Al 3", 4" 20500MM NA 29421 24839 30690'**

1 Relief 124 A2 6", 12" 540 Residual Heat 117 B1 3", 4" 14746MM 3374MM 19144 9020 25785 Removal 6", 12"

---508 Residual Heat 117 Al 10", 12", 16627 12375 13203 8757 25785

%J Removal 117 A2 14" Service Water 119 Al 24" 19101 18285 6935 5826' 21600

"465 119 A2 119 A3 led 119 A4 4-

--488/ Component Cooling 112 C 18" 26723MM NA 16263 13680 27000 480 112 Al 507/ Component Cooling 112 F1 8" 26695MM NA 21499 19895 27000 481 112 B1 18" 614 Component Cooling 112 AE1 12" 25448MM NA 20601 17575 27000 112 AE2 18" 112 AE2 10", 6" 512 Component Cooling 112 AN1 18" 26792MM NA 17748 15621 27000 7

3 of 7




DESIGN BASIS EARTHQUAKE Prob- Line Pipe Stress (psi) lem System Iso. Size Original Original New New Allow-No. Name No. (NPS) Total

  • Seismic
  • Total Seismic able 603A Component Cooling 112 51 18" 18710 13461 5396 3554 27000 766 Component Cooling 112 AR 8" 10449xM NA 19041 17263 27000 112 T 605A Component Cooling 112 AA1 3", 6", 12420 6727 20269 17990 27000 112 AA2 18" 605B Component Cooling 112 AAl 3", 6", 12420 6727 14775 11004 27000 112 AA2 18" 509A/D Component Cooling 112 G1 8", 12", 26566MM NA 20374 16992 27000 18", 24" 612 Component Cooling 112 AKl 18" 17958MM NA 14034 9374 27000 1512 Component cooling 112 J 18" 26792MM NA 21455 19998 27000 2529/ Component Cooling 112 AH 3", 6", 2670lMM NA 18405 16809 27000 2527 8", 10",

14", 18"



~ 2526 Component Cooling 112 AJ 2'2", 6", NA NA 24840 16269 27000 8", 10" N

u 517 Component Cooling 112 M1 4", 6", 17958MM NA 14686 13239 27000 112 H2 8", 10",

112 M3 14", 18" u

^ 603B Component Cooling 112 S1 18" 18710 13461 5794 2624 27000 N

526C Component Cooling 112 L1 6", 8" NA NA 22573 22258 27000 112 L2 112 L3 527A/C Component Cooling 112 T1 4", 6", 10449MM NA 22803 21266 27000 112 Tl 8", 10",

14" 509B Component Cooling 112 G2 8", 12", 26566MM NA 22705 19319 27000 18", 24" 7

4 of 7



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NA : Not Available Allowable Stress : 1.8 S New Total Stress : S +S + 1.5 S +S (for SSI/ARS)

New Seismic = 1.5 S (for SSI/ARS)

New Total Stress : S +S +S +5 (original ARS)

New Seismic : S (original ARS)


The original totalw and original seismicw stresses shown in Table 2-1 were computed using SHOCK 2 for the original design conditions. The new total and new seismic stresses were computed by the NUPIPE program using different mass models and, in some cases, different ARS's than the original calculations. More importantly, the reanalyses were based on field-verified piping configurations in 1979, which, in some cases, differ significantly from the origina[

design conditions. For this reason, the new stresses and the original stresses in Table 2-1 are not comparable, as they do not necessarily represent the same physical conditions.

DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (To explain differences between the August 1, 1979 table and table submitted

__. in this report):

1. The high stress occurs on a portion of the piping with a lower temperature therefore N thehigherallowaboint le.


2. Pipe supports were added or modified to reduce loads on other existing supports. This i.fa stress analysis performed since the August 1, 1979 submittal.

W-g3, 3. The high stress point occurs on a portion of the piping with a higher temperature therefore the lower allowable.


4. In the original stress analysis both spray headers were considered as being similar therefore only one analysis made. As-built differences in pipe supports caused two separate pipe stress runs be made. This resulted in different hardware modifications due to pipe support analysis.
5. System operating temperature revised therefore allowable stress changed accordingly.
6. Problem rerun with revised building displacements.

7 6 of 7



7. Pipe stress problem rerun with enveloped ARS for 3-buildings. New run of record made in preparation for OBE support analysis.
8. Since the high stress point occurs at the point where two piping classes join, the lower allowable should be applied.
9. Problem rerun with revised building displacements and modified NUPIPE model.




7 of 7

SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 2-2 N0ZZLE AND PENETRATION SUICIARY SH0CK 2 PROBLEMS DESIGN BASIS EARIHQUAKE No. Accep- Modifi- Vendor System Total No. table cations or Confirmation and of Nozzles / Evaluation No. Under Additions Being P r o 'a . No. Penetrations (Complete) Evaluation Recuired Obtained Low Head Safety Iniection 555 1 1 0 0 Confirmed 1555 1 1 0 0 Confirmed 706A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 707A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 708 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 731A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 731B 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 743 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 727 2 2 0 0 Confirmed


High Head Safety Iniectien ,

_ 735 3 3 0 0 Confirmed Containment Recirculation Soray

  • 525A/1525A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 546/560 1 1 0 0 N/A 546/5600 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 546/5620 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 of 5 1773 346




SHOCK 2 PROBLEMS DESIGN BASIS EARTHQUAKE No. Accep- Modifi- Vendor System Total No. table cations or Confirmation and of Nozzles / Evaluation No. Under Additions Being Prob. No. Penetrations (Cor91ete) Evaluation Pecuired Obtained 548C i 1 0 0 N/A 547 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 744/754 1 1 0 0 Confirmed 548A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5483 1 1 0 0 N/A 544 2/2 2/2 0/0 0/0 N/A 544A 2 2 0 L Confirmed 544B 2 2 0 0 Confirred 751 2 2 0 0 N/A 562 1 1 0 0 N/A 745 1 1 0 0 Confirmed Main Steam 323A 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 N/A 322A 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 N/A 334A 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 N/A 346 0/0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Feedvater 3233 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 N/A 3223 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 N/A 334B 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 N/A 2 of 5 s

1773 347


N0ZZLE AND PENETRATION SUMr'ARY SHOCK 2 PR03LEMS DESIGN BASIS EARTHQUAKE No. Accep- Modifi- Vendor System Total No. table cations or Confirmation and of No::les/ Evaluation No. Under Additions Being Prob, No. Penetrations (Comolete) Evaluation Recuired Obtained Aux. Teed ater 417 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 607 3 3 0 0 Confirmed Pressurizer Serav 2 Eelief 636 1 1 0 0 Confirmed 630 5 5 0 0 Confirmed Residual Heat Removal 540 1 1 0 0 Confirmed 508 8 8 0 0 Confirmed Service Water 465 4 4 0 0 N/A Coreonent Cooline 488/480 a 4 0 0 N/A 507/481 4 4 ,

0 0 N/A 614 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 512 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 603A 1 1 0 0 Confirmed 766 2 2 0 0 N/A 605A 3 3 0 0 Confirmed 3 of 5 1773 348


N0ZZLE AND PENETRATION SU!SARY SHOCK 2 PR03LEMS DESIGN BASIS FARTHQUAKE No. Accep- Modifi- Vendor System Total No. table cations or Confirmation and of Nozzles / Evaluation No. Under Additions Being Prob. No. Penetrations (Complete) Evaluation Recuired Obtained 605B 3 3 0 0 Confirmed 509A/D 3 3 0 0 N/A 612 2 2 0 0 Confirmed 1512 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2527/2529 2 2 0 0 Confirmed 2526 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 527A/C 2 2 0 0 Confirmed 517 4 4 0 0 Confirmed 6033 1 1 0 0 Confirmed 526C 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5093 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5090 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Containment Vacuum CV1 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3" HP Steam 746 1 1 0 0 Confirmed Fire Protection CT-1 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A CF-2 O N/A N/A F/A N/A 4 of 5 1773 5 49




SHCCK 2 FROBLEMS DESIGN 3 ASIS EARTHQUAKE No. Accep- Modifi- Vendor System Total No. table cations or Con..z. nation and of No::les/ Evaluation No. Under Additions Being Prob. No. Penetrations (Cenolete) Evaluation Recuired Obtained Diesel Muffler Exhaust 1040 3 3 0 0 N/A N/A : not applicable 5 of 5 1773 350



Problem MKS Attributable No. No. Systen Overstressed Condition ~. o : Resolution 334B 102G1,G2 FW Thermal overstress As-Built Delete U-BoltMM 308 ll7Al RHR DBET overstressed RHR pump Feismic Six supports added to Discharge elbows and overloaded Reanalysis alleviate overstress ,

nozzles. condition.

540 ll7B1 RHR 1. Thermal overstress due to support As-Built 1. Delete NS & RH's.

which was not included in original analysis.

2. Overstress in 2" line which was 2. Add Anchor to 2" line, not included in original analysis.

548A 12331 C8RS DBEI overstress condition As-Built Addition cf a horizontal snubber.

562 123E2 C8RS DBEI overstress As-Built Addition of EU.

Replace RH with SH.

Replace SH with VC.

727 127C1 LHSI DBEI overstress Seismic Addition of an LSS.

Reanalysis 735 127G1 HHSI DBEI overstress As-Built Addition of two guides.

743 127F1 LHSI DBEI overstress As-Built Shim existing constraint to VC/LC.

744/754 123J1 C8RS DBEI overstress As-Built Modification and re-placement of constraints to reflect original analysis.

745 123K1 C8RS DBEI overstress As-Built Modification and re-placement of constraints

--- to reflect original

__ sa analysis.

d 746 131A1 HP DBEI overstress As-Built Modification and addition L'd B2 Steam of constraints to reflect C3 original analysis.

Lua LD que 1 of 2

ummu - - - usuur uurur umms - ' - m immer ' - m immer umur imums - - umuur ' -




Problem MKS Attributable No. No. Systen Overstressed Condition To: Resolution 488/480 122A1,C1 CCW DBEI overstress As-built Add two guides to M Froblem 480 and two lateral restraints to Problem 488.

507/481 112B1.F1 CCW DBEI overstress As-built Add two guides to

  • Problem 481.

509A/D ll2G CCW DBEI overstress As-built Added one vertical restraint.

517 ll2M CCW DBEI overstress As-built Seven restraint changes Seismic are required.

Reanalysis 526C ll2L CCW DBEI overstress Seismic Added a lateral restraint Reanalysis and modify an SH to a rigid vertical constraint.

527A/C ll2T CCW DBE; overstress As-built Delete anchor A36 and shin supports.

605A ll2AA CCW DBEI overstress As-built Add four lateral restraints.

766 ll2AR CCW DBEI overstress and thermal As-built Add horizontal guides and overstress delete an axial restraint.

- 2527/2529 112 CCW DBEI overstress As-built Delete anchor and shim supports.


  • The use of ARS curves causes higher acceleration levels than the procedure for below-grade structures formerly used as described in the Seismic Design Review revised September 15, 1971.

]a W MM Due to Branch-Line Analysis FW = Feeduater HP Steam : High Press"re Steam RH = Rod Hanger RHR  : Residual Heat Removal CCW = Component Cooling Water SH : Spring Hanger CSRS  : Containment 8 Recirculating Spray System NS : North-South Constraint VC Vertical Constraint LHSI  : Low Head Safety Injection RH's : Rod Hangers LC : Lateral Constraint HHSI  : High Head Safety Injection EU = East-West Constraint 7

2 of 2



DUE TO N0ZZLE AND PENETRATION OVERLCADING Problem Attributable No. Overstress No. To: Resolution 746 1-FW-P-2 inlet nozzle As-Built / Add vertical shock thermal suppressor 746 1-FW-P-2 inlet nozzle As-Built / Add vertical shock thermal suppressor 746 1-FW-P-2 inlet nozzle As-Built / Add spring hanger thermal 746 1-FW-P-2 inlet nozzle As-Built / Add north / south shock thermal suppressor 746 1-FW-P-2 inlet nozzle As-Built / Replace LC by spring thermal hanger 746 1-FW-P-2 inlet nozzle As-Built / Add spring hanger thermal 322B Feedwater penetration Seismic Add guide reanalysis 323B Feedvater penetration Seismic Add guide reanalysis 334B Feedwater penetration seismic Add guide reanalysis 1 of 1 1773 353

SURRY PO'n'ER STATION, UNIT 1 SECTION 3 PIPE SUPPORT RESULTS Tables 3-1A and 3-13 summarize the pipe supports evaluated in the reanalysis program. There are 944 supports (487 inside containment, 457 outside containment) on lines originally analy:ed by SECCK 2. All 944 pipe supports have been reanaly:ed, and 137 pipe support hardware modifications have been identified. The modifications identified, due to pipe support analysis, are listed in Table 3-2.

In cases where SSI-ARS was used, the DBE seismic inertial reactions on supports are multiplied by 1.5. Anchor movements are not considered in the calculation of support stresses for the D3E conditions.

3-1 1773 354

SURRY PO'a'ER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-1A PIPE SUPPORT STATUS SUltfARY INSIDE CONTAINMENT - SHOCK 2 No. Accep- Modifica-System table tions or and Total No. of (Evaluation No. Under Additions Prob. No. Suoports Ccrolete) Evaluation Recuired Cor.ent Lov Head Safety Iniectic_D 555 14 14 -

4 706A 10 10 - -

707A 9 9 - -

708 22 22 -

3 1555 9 9 - -

Containment and Recircu-lation Serav 525A/1325A 35 35 -

5 544 12 12 -

2 544A 6 6 - -

5443 6 6 -

1 546/560 18 18 -

6 546/5600 11 11 -

2 546/5620 11 11 -

1 547 13 13 - -

548A 2 2 - -

5483 22 22 -

4 548C 25 25 -

2 562 19 19 -

5 1 of 3 1773 355




INSIDE CONTAINMENT - SHCCK 2 No. Accep- Modifica-System table tions or and Total No. of (Evaluation No. Under Additions Preb. No. Suecorts Ccrolete) Evaluation ?,ecuired Centent Main Steam 322A 5 5 - -

323A 17 17 - -

334A 3 3 - -

Feedvater 3223 8 8 - -

3233 14 14 - -

334B 8 8 -

1 Auxiliat/

Feedvater 417 26 26 - -

Pressurizer .

Spray and

?alief 630 27 27 - - -

636 33 33 -

1 Residual Heat F.e nova l 508 50 50 -

3 540 10 10 - -

Service Water 465 8 8 -

1 2 of 3 1773 356




INSIDE CONTAINMENT - SHOCK 2 No. Accep- Modifica-System table tions or and Total No. of (Evaluation No Under Additions Prob. No. Suecorts C or.o l e t e ) Evaluation Recuired Corrent Ccmponent Coolinn 603A 7 7 -

3 6033 5 5 -

2 605A 17 17 -

3 605B 10 10 -

2 3 of 3 1773 357



OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT - SHOCK 2 No. Accep- Modifica-System table tions or and Total No. of (Evaluation No. Under Additions Prob. No. Suecorts Cc-olete) Evaluation Recuired Cc- ent Low Head Safety Iniection 727 21 21 - -

731A 4 4 -

3 731F 4 4 -

2 743 5 5 - -

High Head Safety Iniection 735 43 43 -

4 Containment and Recircu-latien Scrav 744/754 10 10 - -

745 8 8 -

1 751 6 6 - -

Main Stea?.

346 54 54 - -

Auxiliary Feeduater 607 15 15 -

1 1 of 3 1773 358


PIFE SUFFORT STATUS SUl^fARY OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT - SEOCK 2 No. Accep- Modifica-System table tions or and Total No. of (Evaluation No. Under Additions Prob. No. Suerorts Cor.o l e t e ) Evaluation Fecuired C e r~.e n t Component Cooline 488/480 26 26 -

5 507/481 20 20 -

4 509A/D 27 27 -

9 5093 6 6 -

3 509; 2 2 - -

512 5 5 -

3 517 34 34 -

7 526C 11 11 -

3 527A/C 13 13 -

3 612 15 15 -

1 614 14 14 -

8 766 17 17 -

6 1512 6 6 -

3 2526 11 11 -

5 2527/2529 14 14 -

4 Containment Vacu':m CV1 3 3 -

1 3" F? Steam 746 19 19 - -

1773 359


PIPE SUPPORT STATUS SU!^!ARY OUTSIDE CCliTAI!?ME!?! - ShCCK 2 tio. Accep- Modifica-System table tions or and Total !?o. of (Evaluation !?o. Under Additions Prob. No. Sur orts Corelete) Evaluatien Pecuirad Co- ent Fire Protec-tion CFl 10 10 -

5 CF2 4 4 -

2 Diesel Muffler 1040 18 18 -


!?oTE S :

The number in the " Modifications" or " Additions" column are already included in the status shown in the " Acceptable (Complete)" column.

The number in the " Total Supports" column equals the number in the

" Acceptable" plus the number in the "Under Evaluation" column.

The number in the " modifications" or " additions" columns does not include

" modifications" or " additions" due to stress, no::le/ penetration, branch line analysis.

3 of 3 1773 360

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_ o. 0 A 6 po 9 1 2 2 0 A A AB AB ABC pN 2 4 2 4 0 4 7 6 7 22 4 88 777 5 u T - - T - 1 7 3 3 4I 8 77 8 11 1l1 7 S P H F P H H H H H I H !I II

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- 7 .

wwmur -- m -- umuur unmuur - user summms ummw umummm ummus mumms SURRY POUER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-2 (Cont)



Description of Modified Since Problem Support  !!odification or August 21, 1979 Attributable No. No. Overstressed Condition Submittal To: Resolution 555 H10 Integral attachment No Seismic Add lateral shock overstressed Roanalysis suppressor.

555 H28 Horizontal and vertical No Thermal Restore to original intent, structural member restraining Movement pipe movement 555 H29 Vertical member restraining No Thermal Restore to original intent.

pipe motion movement 555 H30 Vertical member restraining No Thermal Restore to original intent.

pipe motion movement 546/560 H39A Integral attachment over- No As-built Replace anchor by a 3-way H39B stressed for support H39A restraint.

546/560 PT-185 Added due to H39A No As-built Add vertical shock suppressor to reduce loads.

546/560 PT-208 Added due to H39A No As-built Add lateral constraint.

546/560 PT-130 Added due to H39A No As-built Add lateral constraint and vertical constraint.

546/560 PT-216 Added due to H39A No As-built Add lateral constraint.

- 546/560 PT-310 Added due to H39A No As-built Add lateral constraint.

N N 562 H26 Modified due to H39B. Inte- No As-built Modify support by adding gral attachment overstressed U-bolt.

O for H39B.

O 562 H29A Modified due to H39B. Inte- No As-built Ifodify 2-way support to O H29B gral attachment overstressed 3-vay support.

N for H39B.

562 PT-265 Added due to H39B. Integral No As-built Add lateral constraint. Reduce attachment overstressed for loads at anchor point.


562 PT-340 Modified due to H39B. Inte- No As-built Modify vertical constraint.

gral attachment overstressed for H39B.


2 of 10 W W . . . . _ . . . . _ _

M m --' ' m' W m m umm sums sums umuu umma same SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-2 (Cont)



Description of Modified Since Problem Support  !!odification or August 21, 1979 Attributable No. No. Overstressed Condition Submittal To: Resolution 562 PT-183 Added due to H39B. To reduce No As-built Add 2-way support, load on hanger H39B.

546/5600 HISB U-bolt modified to reduce No Seismic Redesigned and modified loads on H17B Reanalysis ganghanger from 1-way (LC).

546/5600 PT-155 Added to reduce anchor loads No Seismic Add LC-VC to reduce loads Reanalysis at anchor.

546/5620 PT-230 Added to reduce anchor loads No Seismic Add LC-VC to reduce loads.

Reanalysis 636 H36 Plate overstressed No As-built Modify anchor by adding gusset.

708 PT-1 Lateral load on U-bolt No As-built Add lateral restraint.

overstressed 708 H127 Member overstressed No As-built Modify support to vertical and lateral constraint.

708 PT-380 Lateral restraint over- No As-built Modify support to vertical stressed and lateral constraint.

1525A PT-5000 Delete due to H-2 No Seismic Delete axial support and L-way LC Reanalysis to reduce anchor load.

1525A PT-8000 U-bolt and frame over- No Seismic Modify frame.

stressed Reanalysis 1525A PT-5802 Hanger overloaded No Seismic Modify support.

Reanalysis 603A 3, Pipe straps overstressed No As-built Add gussets to all and increase weld size.

603A 7 Pipe straps overstressed No As-built Add gussets to all and increase

,,3 weld size.

603A 'J 5 Vertical restraint only re- No As-built Modify support to provide

- 41- quired, but support had lateral clearance.

zero lateral clearance.

__ CC)

CZ) 3 of 10 W

?T . . . . . _ .

-- w w - - - summe ammmer summme asume summe SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-2 (Cont)

PIPE SUPPORT HARDWARE MODIFICATION SUtiMARY Description of Modified Since Probica Support Modification or August 21, 1979 Attributable No. No.,__ Overstrensed Condition Submittal To: Resolution 603B 13 Uplift restraint is re- No As-built Modify support to provide quired, but support had uplift restraint.

negative vertical reseraint only.

603B 10 Vertical support only to- No As-built Remove top and side members of quired, but support is a support.

vertical restraint and lateral restraint.

605B 4 Support members overstressed No As-built Replace two W4x13 members with TS4x4xl/2.

605B H-2 Lateral clearance No Thermal Modify restraint.

insufficient movement 605A PT-13 Need vertical restraint No As-built Modify vertical support.

605A 2020 Delete lateral restraint No As-Built Modify support.

605A 2005 Delete lateral restraint No As-Built Modify support.

607 PT 335 U-Bolt overstressed No As-Built Delete U-Bolt.

731A SI-C-90 Support member overstressed No Seismic Add structural brace.

Reanalysis 731A PT 46 Integral attachment over- No Seismic Add N-S restraint. Gang Hanger stressed Reanalysis Problem #731B Point #44, 731B SI-C-91 Support member overstressed No Seismic Add structural brace.

Reanalysis 745 PT 45 Support overstressed No As-Built Modify support.

731A PT 38 Support overstressed No Seismic , Hodify support.

Reanalysis 7 31 B - " PT 36 Support overstressed No Seismic Modify support.

%J Reanalysis N

735 22, pT 20 Support overstressed No As-Built Modify support.

CCD c:D 4 of 10

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8 8 8 .

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P 7 7 7 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 w -

_ ~

R A.

, _ . . . , . . . , , , , ., , , y SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-2 (Cont)



Description of Modified Since Problem Support Modification or August 21, 1979 Attributable No. No. Overstressed Condition Submittal To: ___ Resolution 509AD 22 Support overstressed Note 1. Yes Seirmia Modify support by removinn., aion Reanalysis and providing frame.

509AD 47 Support overstressed Note 1. Yes As-Built Modify support by adding new sliding plate.

509AD 44 Uplift restraint required Note 1. Yes Thermal Modify vc to vs.

Movement 509AD 45,46 Support over tressed Note 1. Yes Seismic Modify support to provide uplift Reanalysis restraint.

517 1 Integral velded attachments Note 1. Yes Seismic Add pad, add braces.

overstressed Reanalysis 517 16 Integral attachments Note 1. Yes Seismic Modify support by relocating overstressed Reanalysis trunnion.

517 21 Support overstressed Note 1. Yes Seismic Modify support by adding Reanalysis stiffeners.

517 22 Support member over- Note 1. Yes Soismic Modify support.

stressed. Reanalysis 517 25 Support overstressed Note 1. Yes Seismic Replace RM with strut.

Reanalysis 517 27 Support overstressed Note 1. Yes Seismic Replace rod hanger by sway strut.

Reanalysis 517 28,35 Weld overstressed Note 1. Yes As-Built Modify support by adding brace.

526C 4 Support overstressed Note 1. Yes As-Built dodify support by adding (ganged with H8 Pro. #527AC) stiffeners.


526C 6 Integral attachment Note 1. Yes Seismic Replace support by clamp anchor overstressed Reanalysis assembly.

526C %J 11 Integral attachment Note 1. Yes Seismic Modify support by relocating sa overstressed Reanalysis trunnion.

527Ac# " 1 Support member over- Note 1. Yes Seismic Modify support by adding stressed Reanalysis base plates.



& 6 of 10 in




Description of Modified Since Problem Support Modification or August 21, 1979 Attributable No. No. Overstressed Condition Submittal To: Resolution 527AC 3 U-bolt overstressed Note 1. Yes As-Built Modify support by replacing u-bolt and adding frame.

527AC 4 Support overstressed Note 1. Yes Seismic Modify support.

Reanalysis 15:2 3 Support overstressed Note 1. Yes Seismic Add sway strut for side load.

Reanalysis 1512 6 Support overstressed Note 1. Yes Seismic Modify support by replacing Reanalysis U-bolt.

1512 7 Support overstressed Note 1. Yes Seismic Modify support by adding plates.

Reanalysis 2527 3 U-bolt overstressed Note 1. Yes Seismic Modify support by replacing U-bolt Reanalysis and adding welded frame.

2527 5 Support overstressed Note 1. Yes Seismic Replaced with new support.

Reanalysis 2527 7 U-bolt overstressed Note 1. Yes Seismic Modify support by replacing U-bolt.

Reanalysis 2529 13 Clevis overstressed Note 1. Yes Seismic Replace clevis with rod and clamp.

Reanalysis 1040 PT 57 Additional support Note 1. Yes As-Built Add 1 vertical snubber Diesel 1.

PT 57 Additional support Note 1. Yes As-Built Add 1 vertical snubber Diesel 2.

PT 57 Additional support Note 1. Yes As-Built Add 1 vertical snubber Diesel 3.

CVI PT 38 Support overstressed Note 1. Yes As-Built Modify support.


CF-1 1 Bolts and structure Note 1. Yes Seismic Add brace (StW) increase weld size.

overstressed Roanalysis

,sa 2 Support overstressed Note 1. Yes Seismic , Sway struts added.

Reanalysis 42- 5 Uplift problem Note 1. Yes Seismic Remove angle, add sway strut.


__ C:3


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nw ww uur '" muu imuum umu umur uwe umuur muum unus usuu SURRY POUER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-2 (Cont)



Description of Modified 3ince Problem Support Modification or August 21, 1979 Attributable No. No. Overstressed Condition Submittal To: Resolution overstressed Reanalysis 5 Support structure over- Note 1. Yes Seismic Revise IWA; add lateral brace and stressed (ganged with Reanalysis closure plate to column.

H31, Pro. #509B, H7 Pro. #512) 7 Structure and U-bolt Note 1. Yes Seismic Replace U-bolt w/ beams, add brace.

overstressed Reanalysis 8 Improper support Note 1. Yes As-Built Restrain pipe in correct direction.

9 Structure overstress Note 1. Yes Seismic Add gussets.

Roanalysis 10 Integral welded attachment Note 1. Yes Seismic Replace exist. support w/1UA and overstressed Reanalysis frame to floor.

13 Uplift restraint required Note 1. Yes Seismic Replace vs by vc.

Reanalysis 766 5 Support structure and Note 1. Yes Support Modify support.

we! ' overstressed (ganged Reanalysis with h29, Pro. #517) 7 Support, structure over- Note 1. Yes Support Modify support.

stress (ganged with Reanalysis H32, Pro. #517) 8 Support uplift over- Note 1. Yes Support Modify support.

stress problem (ganged with Reanalysis H33, Pro. #517) 9 Support veld overstressed Note 1. Yes Support Reanalyzed and restrain uplift.

and uplift (ganged with Reanalysis H34, Pro. #517) sa 14 U-bolt, velds and structure Note 1. Yes Support Remove U-bolt, add frame and brace.

sa overstressed Reanalysis 4** 15 Structure and weld over- Note 1. Yes Support Add braces.

stress Reanalysis

__ C:)

si) 9 of 10

w-- m - m ' m uma suur umum unus unus ammus unus muu SURRY POUER STATION, UNIT 1 TABLE 3-2 (Cont)



Description of Modified Since Problem Support Ifodification or August 21, 1979 Attributable No. No. Overstressed Condition Submittal To: pesolution 2526 1 Support overstress (ganged Note 1. Yes Seismic Modify support.

with H4, Pro. #512, H2, Reanalysis Pro. #2529) 6 Integral welded attachment Note 1. Yes Seismic Add pad.

overstressed Reanalysis 9 Uplift problem Note 1. Yes Seismic Replace rod hanger with sway Reanalysis strut.

18 Vertical, lateral, axial Note 1. Yes Seismic Replace rod hanger w/ frame, add restraint required by pipe Reanalysis lugs to modified support.

stress due to H2O overstress 20 Integral welded attachment Note 1. Yes Seismic Rerun NUPIPE revise H18, and overstressed Reanalysis replace IWA v/(2; IWAs.


1. Modification outside containment.
2. Modified prior to interim operation as required per August 22, 1979 order.


41-O O 10 of 10

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1774 015

STATION, UNIT 1 rENDIX 3 C0k.a3PONDENCE WITH NRC The following is a listing of correspondence with the NRC related to the reanalysis effort.

Item No. Date Sinnature Addressee Letter No . /S';b iect NRC TO VEpCO 1 3/13/79 Deaton Proffitt Show Cause Order 2 4/2/79 Stello Proffitt Addendum to Show Cause Order 3 4/13/79 Stello Proffitt Use of Soil Structure Interaction Techniques 4 5/18/79 Stello Proffitt Request for Further SSI Information 5 5/25/79 Eisenhut Proffitt Factor Adjustment to SSI Calculated Stresses


6 7/18/79 0'Reilly Proffitt Infornation Pertaining to I.E.

Bulletin No. 79-14, Revision 1 7 8/15/79 0'Reilly Proffitt Letter of Guidance on I.E. Bulletin No. 79-14 8 8/27/79 Denton Proffitt Lifting of Suspension Required b'f the Order to Shcw Cause 9 10/5/79 0'Reilly Proffitt Confirmation of Concurrence 10 10/23/79 Murphy Proffitt Refers to NRC Inspection of Sept. 10-13 and Sept. 19-21, 1979 11 10/24/79 Murphy Proffitt Refers to NRC Inspection of Sept. 13-14, 1979 12 10/25/79 Murphy Proffitt Refers to NRC Inspection of Sept. 26-28, 1979 13 11/15/79 Eisenhut Proffitt Refers to Soil Structure Interaction VEPCO TO NFC 14 3/30/79 Spencer Denton/ 198/ Initial Response to show Cause Stello Order 3-1 1774 016


CORRESPONDENCE WITH NRC Item No. Date Sinnature Addressee Letter No./Subiect 15 4/19/79 Stallings O'Reilly 270/LER 79-010/013L-0 16 4/23/79 Spencer O'Reilly 289/ Response to I.E. Bulletin No. 79-07 17 4/24/79 Spencer O'Reilly 288/ Response to I.E. Bulletin No. 79-07 18 4/27/79 Spencer Denton/ 311/ Transmittal to Two Sample Stello Problems to EG8G 19 5/2/79 Stallings Denton Observations on Reanalysis Effort 20 5/2/79 Spencer Stello 260/ Submittal of SSI Information 21 5/22/79 Ragone Hendrie Comments on Moratorium /Surry Reanalysis 22 5/24/79 Spencer Stello Response to NRC Letter of 4/2/79 23 5/24/79 Spencer S ello Response to NRC Letter of 5/18/79 24 6/5/79 Spencer Denton Submittal of Report on Reanalysis 25 6/8/79 Spencer Denton Additional Information, Report on leanalysis of Piping 26 6/8/79 Spencer Stello Soil Structure Interaction Report 27 6/12/79 Spencer Denton Modification Information, Reanalysis of Piping Systems 28 6/15/79 Spencer Denton Schedule and Support Information 29 6/19/79 Spencer Denton Support Modifications 30 6/25/79 Spencer Denton Support Information, Reanalysis of Piping Systems 31 8/1/79 Spencer Denton submittal of Revised Report on Analysis 32 8/21/79 Spencer Denton Analysis Completion of Designated Supports - Outside Containment 3-2 1774 0i7


CORRESPONDENCE WITH NRC Item Eoz _ Date Sienature Addressee Letter No.'Subiect 33 10/4/79 Spencer O'Reilly Response to NRC Letter of 7/2/79 34 10/3/79 Proffitt Denton Seismic Analysis of Piping Systems 35 10/4/79 Spencer O'Reilly Response to I.E. Letter Dated 9/7/79 36 10/15/79 Spencer O'Reilly Extension of I.E.Bulletin 79-14 Deadline 37 11/28/79 Spencer Dentra Seismic Analysis of Piping Systems 38 12/7/79 Spencer O'Reilly Response to NRC Letter of 11/8/79 39 12/13/79 Spencer Denton Show Cause Order Reanalysis 40 12/21/79 Spencer O'Reilly Show Cause 60 Days Analysis Completion SAW TO NRC 41 3/22/79 Kennedy Denton Transmittal of S&W Computer Programs 42 3/30/79 Jacobs Herring Submittal of Ccmputer Outputs 43 4/3e 'O Jacobs Bezler Submittal of Benchmark Problem to Brookhaven Nationcl laboratory 44 4/6/79 Kennedy Denton Transmittal of S&W Computer Programs 45 4/6/79 Jacobs Stello Plan for Verification of Dynamic Analysis Codes 46 4/11/79 Jacobs Berler Submittal of Computer Outputs 47 4/13/79 Jacobs Stello Update and Status of Verification Plan for Dynamic Analysis Codes 48 4/18/79 Jacobs Hartman Submittal of Computer Outputs 49 4/27/79 Jaccos Bezier Submittal of Benchmark Problems 50 4/27/79 Jtcobs Stello Status of Verification Plan for Dynamic Analysis Codes 51 5/8/79 Rotsier Neighbors Draft Outline of SSI-ARS Report

,_, 1774 0i8


CORRESPONDENCE UITH NRC Item No. D_aj;.2 Sinnature Addressee Letter No./Subiect 52 5/9/79 Kennedy Stello Reference SHOCK 0 Program 53 5/11/79 Kennedy Stello Reference SHOCK 0 Program 54 5/14/79 Kennedy Denton Proprietary Computer Codes 55 6/4/79 Jacobs Bezier Submittal of Benchmark Problems 56 6/12/79 Jacobs Bezier Submittal of Benchmark Problems 57 9/6/79 Allen Stello desponse to NRC Letter of 8/10/79 3_, 1774 019

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