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Opposes Exemption Request
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 04/01/1982
From: Jay Robinson
To: Palladino N
Download: ML20050J502 (1)



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13 8825 7 9a niyrtie street 6 tnYhMS$$2 4 -

Boston, MA 02114 f Loc

% 3 April 1, 1982


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Dear Chairman Palladino,

I recently received a copy of the views expressed by luclear Hegulatory Commissioners during hearinas held on the application for an exemption in the case of tne Clinch River Breeder Reactor.

I would l i ke to comrent on a f e w of your staterents since I realize another vote may take place in the f uture.

You state that ' Iiconsaci i i ty' wi l i u ltimate ly be p roven even if an exemption is granted, riowe ve r, meet i n g a l l NRC l i ce ns i ng procedures was part of tne objectives for tne Clinch River Breeder neactor. Scecial exemptions should not ce granted lightly - esp-ecial ly f or a "f i rst-of-i ts-kind" reactor.

You also put neavy engnasis on tne f act inat Congress intended

" expeditious completion" of the project. Yet, in testimony by other Commissioners and in letters to tne WRC, it is certainly not clear tnat Longress either f avored or ooposed an exemotion for the CRbR.

inus, a decision cannot t,e made strictly on Congressional intent.

Finally, you say tnat " delay in conductino sito preparation activi ties. . .can only resul t in harm to the public interest." On tne contrary, I see tne exemption as undermininn tne public's con-fidence in the project, in addition, tne normal waiting period

, would allow for f urther researcn on the croposal an.d its ef fects j on tne health and safety of tne public.

I hope you will consider tnese commants snould another hearing take place.

Sincerely, .,,

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l June Robinson ,'

.bC dashington, DC 20555 Il 'd 8204140186 820401 DR ADOCK 05000 i