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Rev 9 to Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 1 Odcm.
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/26/1992
From: Terry C
Shared Package
ML17056B982 List:
PROC-920626, NUDOCS 9209080218
Download: ML17056B984 (146)



~ae ate lg2g5g6g8g9gll 13gl5 18 ~

21'4g25g36 44@47 49/

52-81,86-116 February 1987 3g4g7g 10I 14~ 19g20g 22'3~26 35 December 1987 45 g 46 g 50 g 5 1 g 82 85 January 1988

  • 29 May 1988 (Reissue)
  • 64,77,78 May 27, 1988 (Reissue) 1~19g21~22Ag22B~24g25g26g112 February 1990 i~ii~liiJ12 16~18~28 40g45 89@ "97 127. 47'2p55g59 June 1990 91-93c95 June 1992 GARA 0 AWK OWER CO PORA IO THIS PROCEDURE NOT TO BE USED AFTER JUNE 1994 SUBJECT TO PERIODIC REVIEW+

9209080218 920827 PDR ADOCK 05000220 R PDR




~Pa e


2.0 LIQUID EF F LUEN TS 2.1 S'etpoint Determinations 2.1.1 Basis 2.1.2 Service Water System Effluent Alarm Setpoint 2.1.3 Liquid Radwaste Effluent Alarm Setpoint 2.1.4 Discussion Control of Liquid Effluent Batch Discharges Z.l.4.2 Simultaneous Discharges of Radioactive Liquids Z.l.4.3 Sample Representativeness 2.1.'4.4 Liquid Radwaste System Operation Z.1.4.5 Service Water System Contamination 10 2.2 Liquid Effluent Concentration Calculation 2.3 Dose Oeterminations 12 2.3.1 Maximum Dose Equivalent Pathway 1Z 3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 17 3.1 Setpoint Determinations 17 3.1.1 Basis 17 3.1.2 Stack Honitor Setpoints 3.1.3 Recoebiner Oischarge (Off Gas) Honitor Setpoints 21 3.1.4 Emergency Condenser Vent Monitor 'Setpoint 22 3.1.5 Discussion 23 Stack Effluent Honitoring System Description 23

3. 1.5.2 Stack Sample Flow Path - RAGEHS 24 Stack Sample Flow Path - OGESHS 25


Pacae 3.1..5.4 Sample Frequency/Sample Analysis I 333 Estimates 27 Gaseous Rad~aste Treatment System Operation 27 3.2 Oose and Oose Rate Oeterminatlon 3.2.1 Dose Rate 3l Noble Gases 31 Trltlum, Iodlnes and Particulates 33 3.2.2 Oose 35 Noble Gas Alr Oose Trltlum Iodlnes and Particulates 37 Accumulating Ooses 3-3'.4 Critical Receptors I

Refinement of Offslte Ooses Resulting From Emergency Condenser Vent Releases 41 4.0 40 CFR 190 REQUIREMENTS 42 4.1 Evaluation of Ooses From Llquld Eff1uents 4.2 Evaluation of Ooses From Gaseous Effluents 48 4.3 Evaluation of Ooses From Olrect Radiation 48 4.4 Ooses to Members of the Public With/n the Site Boundary 5.0 EHVIRONHENTAL HOHITORINQ PROGRAM 54 5.1 Sampl lng Stations 5.2 Inter aboratory 1 Compar) son Program 5.3 Capab)1) ties for Thermolumlnescent Ooslmeter s Used for Environmental Measurements.


~Pa e Table l-l Average Energy Per 01 sintegration 59 Tables 2-1 Alat Values for the NMP-1 Facility 60 to 2-8 Table 3-1 Cri ticai Receptor Oi spers ion Parameters for Ground Level and Elevated Releases Table 3-2 Gamma Air and Mhole Body Plume Shine Dose Factors for Noble Gases <Bi and Vl)

Table 3-3 Immersion Dose Factors for Noble Gases 70 Tables 3-4 to 3-22 Organ Dose and Dose Rate Factors (Ri) 71 Table 5-1 NHP-I Rad1ologi cal Environmental Honi tor1ng Program Sampling Locations 90 Figure 5. 1-1 N1ne Hi le Point On-Site Hap Figure 5.1-2 Nine M1le Point Offsite Hap 95 Figure 5.1.3>>1 96 Appendix A Liquid Dose Factor Oerivat1on (Aiat) 97 Append1x B Plume'h1ne Dose Factor Oerivat1on 100

<Bi and Vi)

Appendix C Organ Dose and Dose Rate Factors for Iodine-131 and 133, Particulates and Tritium 104 Derivation (Ri)

Appendix O Diagrams of Liquid and Gaseous Rad~aste Treatment Systems 115

e, I.O jNTROOUCTjQN The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (OOCM) provides the methodology to be used for demonstrat1ng compliance with the Radioiogical Effluent Technical Specifications (RETS), 10 CFR 20, 10 CFR 50, and 40 CFR 190. The contents of the ODCM are based on Draft NUREG-0472, Revision 3, "Standard Radiological Effluent Technical Specif'ications for Pressurized Mater Reactors," September l982; Draft NUREG-0473, Revision 2. "Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for SHR's", "July 1979; NUREG 0133, "Preparation of'adiolog1cal Effluent Technical Specif'lcations f'r Nuclear Power Plants," October 1978; the several Regulatory Gu1des referenced ln these documents; and, coalunication with the NRC staff.

Section 5 contains a detailed description of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring (REM) sampling locations.

Should it be necessary to revise the OOCM, these revisions 'will be made ln accordance with Technical Specifications.

2.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 2.1 Setpolnt Determinations Z.l.l Sasis Monitor setpoints will be established such that the concentration of radionuclldes In the liquid effluent releases in the discharge canal will not exceed those concentrations as specified In 10 CFR 20, Appendix 8, Table II, Column Z.

Setpoints for the Service Water System Effluent Line wi11 be calculated quarterly based on the rad1onuclides identified dur1ng the previous year' releases from the liquid radwaste system or the isotopes identified in the most recent r adwaste release or other Identified probable source. Setpoints for the Liquid Radwaste Effluent L1ne w111 be based on the radionuclides ident1fied in each batch of 11quid ~aste prior to lts release.

After release, the Liquid Radwaste mon1tor setpoint may remain as set, or revert back to a setpolnt based on a previous Semi-Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, or install blank flange in the d1scharge line and declare inoperable in accordance r1th the technical specification.

Since the Service Water System effluent monitor and Liquid Radwaste effluent monitor can an)y detect gaaea radiat1on, the alarm setpo1nts are calculated'y using the concentrat1on of gaaea em1tt1ng isotopes only (or the corresponding HPC values for the same isotopes, wh1chever are higher) ln the T<uCI/ml)I> expression (Section 2.1.2, 2.1.3).

2.1.3 -(Cont'd)

The Required 01lution Factor is calculated using concentrations of all isotopes present (or the corresponding MPC values for the same J sotopes, whichever are higher) including tritium and other non-gamma emi tters to ensure that all radionuclides in the discharge canal do not exceed l0 CFR 20 limits.

2.1.2 Service Water System Effluent L1ne Alarm Setpo1nt The detailed methods for establishing setpoints for the Service Water System Effluent Line Monitor shall be contained in the N1ne M1le Point Stat1on Procedures. These methods shall be ln accordance w[ th the following:

Setpoint (H1 alarm) <0.9 (UC>/ml>>y <CF>l >OF/Fsw +

2.-((uC1/ml)1T/NPC1] background'etpoint

~l (Alert alarm)<8.7 (uC1/ml ) 1 ~ (CF TOF/Fsw + background Z.((uCi/ml)1T/MPC1]

(uC1/ml)ig concentration of ganea emitting isotope 1 in the sample, or the correspond1ng MPC of ganea em1tting 1sotope 1 (MPC)ig .

whichever is higher (units uC'1/ml).

(uC1/ml)1T concentration of any radioactive 1sotope 1 1n the sample including tr1 ti um and other non-galena emi tters or corresponding NPC of isotope 1,"MP".1, whichever 1s higher (units uC1/ml).

Total 01lution Flow (units gallons/min)

Fsw Service Water Flow (units gallons/m1n)

CF monitor calibration factor (un1ts net cpm/uC1/ml)

MPC1 liquid effluent rad1oactivity concentrations limit for radionuclide 1 as spec1fled 1n 10 CFR ZO, Append1x B, Table IE, Column Z.

Z.I.2 <Cont'd)

, Sample Those nuclides present ln the previous batch release from the liquid radwaste effluent system or those nuclides present in the last Semi-annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report (units uC1/ml) or those nuclides present in the service water system. "

(MPC) 1 g same as MPCi but for gamma emitting nuclides only.

0.9 and 0.7 factors of conservatism to account for inaccuracies.

{(uCi/ml)iT/MPCi] Required Dilution Factor. tf HPC values are used in the E(uC1/ml)1 y, they must also be used 1n calculating KOF (numerator).

TOF/Fsw Actual 011ut1on Factor 2.1.3 L1quid Radwaste Effluent Line Alarm Setpoint The detailed methods for establishing setpoints for the L1quid Radwaste Ei'fluent Line Mon1tor shall be conta1ned ln the Nine Mlle Point Station Procedures . These methods shall be in accordance with the following:

Setpoint (Hi-Hi alarm) <0.9 (uC1/ml)ig (CF) TOF/Fre background W'W

{ (uC1/mi ) 1 T/HPC 1


Setpoint (Hi alarm) <0.2 (uC1/ml)iq (CF) TOF/Fre + background Z;{ (uC1/ml)1T/HPC1]

(uC1/ml)1 concentration oi'alena emitting 1sotope in the sample or y the correspond1ng HPC of gaama emitting 1sotope 1

1 (MPC)1 whichever is higher.

(uC1/ml)1T concentration of any radioactive isotope 1 1n the sample includ1ng trit1um and other non-gatmna emitters or the correspond1ng HPC of isotope 1 MPC1 whichever is higher.

(units uC1'ml~~

TDF Total 01lut1on Flow (units gallons/min)

Fre Radwaste Ef'fluent Flow (units gallons/min) monitor calibration 1'actor (units net cps/uC1/ml)

For periods with known reactor water to RCLC system leakage, RCLC maximum perm1ssible concentrat1on may 'be prudently substituted for the above.

MPCi liquid effluent radioactivity concentration limit for radlonuclide i as specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2, for those nuclides detected by spectral analysis of the contents of the radwaste tanks to be released. (units uCl/ml)

(MPC)i same as MPCi but for gamma emitting nuclide only.

0.9 and 0.7 factors of conservatism to account for inaccuracies.

X;((uCi /ml) i T/HPCi] Required Oilution Factor. If HPC values are used in the X (uCi/ml)i g, they must also be used in calculating ROF (numerator>.

Notes:(a) If TOF/Fre $I.[(uCl /ml)i T/MPC; ]

the discharge could not be made, since the monitor would be continuously in alarm. To avoid this situation, F re wi 1 1 be reduced <normally by a factor of 2) to al'low setting the alarm point at a concentration higher than tank concentration. This will also result in a discharge canal concentration at approximately 50% maximum permissible concentration.

.'b) The value used for TDF will be reduced by the fractional quantity (1-FT), where FT is'tempering fraction (i.e., diversion of some fraction of discharge flow to the intake canal for the purpose of temperature control).

2. l. 4 Discussion Z.l.4.1 Control of Liquid Effluent Batch Oischarges At Nine Mlle Point Unit 1 Liquid Radwaste Kffluents are released only on a batch mode. To prevent the inadvertent release of any liquid radwaste effluents, radwaste discharge ls mechanically isolated (blank flange installed or discharge valve chain-locked closed) following the completion of a batch release or series of batch releases.

This mechanical isolation remains in place and will only be removed prior to the next series of 11quid radwaste discharges after all analyses required in station procedures and Technical Specification Table 4.6. 15-1A are performed and monitor setpoints have been properly ad)usted. Simultaneous Oischarges of Radioactive Liquids.

If dur1ng the d1scharge of any liqu1d radwaste batch, there is an indication that the service water canal has become contam1nated (through a servic>> water monitor alarm or through a grab sample analysis in th>> event that th>> service water monitor ls inoperable) the discharg>> shall b>> terminated iainediately. The 11quid radwaste discharg>> shall not be cont1nued until the cause of the service ~ater alarm (or high grab sample analysis result) has been determined and the appropr1ate corrective measures taken to ensure lOCfRZO, Appendix

8. Table II, Column 2 (Technical Specification Sect1on 3.6'.15.a(l))

lim1ts are not exceeded. Sampling Representativeness This section covers Technical Specification Table 4.6.15-l Note b concerning thoroughly mixing of each batch of liquid radwaste prior

.. to sampling.

Liquid Radwaste Tanks scheduled for discharge at Nine Mile Point Un1t 1 are isolated (i.e. inlet valves marked up) and at least two tank volumes of entrained fluids are recirculated prior to sampl1ng.

Minimum recirculation time is calculated as follows:

Min1mum Rec1rculation Time 2.0(T/R)


2.0 Plant establ1shed m1x1ng factor, uni tless T ea Tank volume, gal Recirculation flow rate, gpm.

Addit1onally. the Hi Alarm setpoint of the Liquid Radwaste Effluent Radiation Monitor is set at a value corresponding to not more than 70K of its calculated response to the grab sample or corresponding MPC values. Thus, this radiation monitor will alarm if the grab sample, or correspond1ng MPC value, is significantly lower 1n actSvSty than any part nr the 'fank contents heing discharged. I.lquld Radwaste Systems Operation Technical Specification 3.6.16.a requires that the liquid radwaste system shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in liquid wastes prior to their discharge, as necessary, to meet the concentration and dose r equtrements of Technical Specification 3.6.15.

Utilization of the radwaste system will be based on the capability of the indicated components of each process system to process contents of the respective low conductivity and high conductivity collection tanks:

1) Low Conductivity (Equtpment Orains): Radwaste Filter and Radwaste Oemin. (See Flg. 8-1)
2) High Conductivity (Floor Orains): Haste Evaporator (see Ffg. B-l)

Cumulative dose contr1butlons from 11qu1d effluents for the current calendar quarter and the current calendar year shall be determined as described ln Sect1on 2.3 of this manual prior to the release of each batch of lfqu1d waste. This same dose pro]ection of Section 2.3 will also be performed fn the even%hat untreated liquid waste fs d1scharged, to ensure that, the dose limits of Technical Specification 3.6.15.a(2) are not exceeded. (Thereby implementing the requirements of 10CFR50.36a, General Oesfgn Crfterfa 60 of Appendix A and the Oesfgn Ob]ective gfven fn Section lI-Q of Appendix l to 10 CFR50). (Cont'd)

For the purpose of dose pro]ection, the following assumptions shall be made with regard to concentrations of non-gamma emitting radionuclides subsequently analyzed off-site:

a) [H-3] > H-3 Concentration found recent condensate storage tank analysis.

b) [Sr-893 > 4 x Cs-137 Concentration c) (Sr-901 > 0.5 x Cs-137 Concentration d) [Fe-55] > 1 x Co-60 Concentration Assumed Scaling Factors used in b, c, and d above represent conservative estimates derived from analysis of historical data from process waste streams. Following receipt of off-site H-3, Sr-89, Sr-90 and Fe-55 analysis information, dose estimates shall be revised using actual radionuclide concentrations and actual tank volumes discharged. Service Hater System Contamination Serv1ce water ls normally non-radioactive. ?f contamination is suspected, as indicated by a significant increase in service water effluent moni tor response, grab samples will be obtained from the service water discharge 11nes and a gamma isotopic analysis meeting the LLD requirements of Technical Specification Table 4.6.15-1 completed . lf it is determined that an inadvertent radioactive discharge is occurring from the service water system, then:

a) A 50.59 safety evaluation shall be performed <ref. E&K Bulletin 80-10),

b) Oaily serv1ce water effluent samples shall be taken and analyzed for principal gaena emitters until the release is terminated, c) An incident composite shall be prepared for H-3, gross alpha, Sr-S9, Sr-90 and Fe-55 analyses and d) Oose pro)ections shall be performed in accordance with Section 2.3 of th1s manual (using estimated concentrations for H-3, Sr-89, Sr-90 and Fe-55 to be conservatively determined by supervis1on at the t1me ~the incident).

Addit1onally, serv1ce water effluent monitor setpoints may be recalculated using the actual distr1bution of 1sotopes found from sample analysis.

2.2 Liquid Effluent Concentration Cal cul ation This calculation documents compliance with Technical Specification Section 3.6. 1.5.a ( 1) .

The concentrat1on of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areas <see Figure'-7) shall be 1'Imited to the concentrations specified ln 10CFR20, Appendix 8, Table II, Column 2, for radlonuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases.

For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall be limited to 2 E-4 mfcrocur1e/mi 111 llter (uC1/ml) total activity.

The concentration of radioact1vity from Liquid Rad~aste batch releases and. lf appllcabie, Service Hater System and emergency condenser start-up vent discharges are included in the calculation.

The calculation is performed for a specific period of time. No cred1t taken for averaging over the calendar year as permitted by 10CFR20.106. The limitfng cqncentration is calculated as follows:

MPC Fraut(un g [ Q((uC(/m() ls 'F s >/(MPC 1 1

' s (F




HPC Fraction The lim1ting concentrat1on of 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, for radionucl1des other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. For noble gases, the concentration shall be 11mited to 2 E-4 microcurie/ml total activity.

-1 1-

2.2 <Cont'd)

<uCl/ml)lls The concentration of nuclide 1 in particular effluent stream s, uCl/ml.

F The flow rate of a particular effluent stream s, gpm.

MPCl The limiting concentration of a spect flc nuclide 1 from 10CFRZO, Appendtx b, Table II, Column 2 (noble gas limit ls ZE-4 uCl/ml) g <(uCl/ml)i 'F ) The total activ1ty rate of nuclide 1, ln all eff1uent streams s, uCl/ml'gpm

$ (F ) The total f1ow rate of a11 effluent streams s, gpm < lnclud1ng those streams <<hi ch do not contai n radi oactl.v ty) .

1 A value of less than one f'r 8PC fract1on is considered acceptable for compliance with Technical Spec1flcation Section 3.6.15.a.(1).

2.3 Oose Oeterminat1on 2.3.1 Haximum Oose Equivalent Pathway A dose assessment report was prepared for the Nine Hile Point Un1t 1 fac111ty by Charles T. Hain, inc., of'oston, HA. This report presented the calculated dosr~~quivalent rates to individuals as well as the populat1on w1th1n a 50-mile radius of the fac111ty based on the radionucl1des released 1n liquid and gaseous effluents dur1ng the t1me per1ods of 1 July 1980 through 31 Oecember 1980 and from January 1981 through 31 Qecember 1981. The radwaste liquid releases are based on a canal di.scharge rate of 590 ft 3

/sec which affects near field and far field d11ut1on; therefore, this report 1s specific to th1s situation. Utilizing the effluent data conta1ned 1n the


Semi-Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports as source terms.

dose equivalent rates were determined using the environmental pathway models specified in Regu1atory Guides 1.109 and 1.111 as incorporated in the NRC computer codes LAOTAP for liquid pathways, and XOQOOQ and GASPAR for gaseous effluent pathways. Oose equivalent rates were calculated for the total body as well as seven organs and/or tissues for the adult, teen, child, and infant age groups . Fram the standpoint of liquid effluents, the pathways evaluated included fish and drinking water ingestion, and external exposure to water and sediment.

The ma)ority of the dose for a radwaste liquid batch release was received via the fish path~ay. However, to comply with Technical Specifications for dose pro]ections, the drinking water and sediment pathways are included. Therefore, all doses due to liquid effluents are calculated monthly for the fish and drinking ~ater ingestion pathways and the sediment external pathway from all detected nuclides in liquid eff1uents released to the unrestricted areas to each organ. The dose pro]ection for liquid batch releases will also include discharges from the emergency condenser vent as applicable, for all pathways. Each age grwcch dose factor, A~ t. Is gSven in tables 1-1 to 1-8. To expedite time the dose is calculated for a maximum individual instead of each age group. This maximum individual will be a composite of the highest dose factor of each age group for each organ, hence Alt. The follo~ing expression from NUREG 0133, Section 4.3 is used to calculate dose:

n Ot ~

gi fA}t $ (dT1Ci 1 1 F1) l 13

2.3.1 (Cont" d)


't The cumulative dose commitment to the total body or any organ, from the liquid effluents for the total time period (dT1), mrem dT1 The length of the 1 th time period over which Cil and Fl are averaged for all liquid releases, hours Ci 1 The average concentration of radionuc11de, i, in undiluted liquid effluents during time period dTl from any liquid release, uCl/ml Ai t The site related ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or any organ t for each identified principal gamma or beta emitter for a maximum individual, mrem/hr per uC1/ml Fl The near field average d1lution factor 1'or Cil during any liqu1d effluent release. Oefined as the ratio of the max1mum und1luted llqu1d waste flow during release to the average flow from the site discharge structure to unrestricted receiving waters, unitless.

Ai t values for radwaste 11qu1d batch releases at a discharge rate of 295 ft3 /sec (one circulating water pump 1n operation) are presented in table's 1-1 to 1-4. A iat values for an emergency condenser vent release are presented 1n tables 1-5 to 1-8. The emergency condenser vent releases are assumed to travel to the perimeter drain system and released from the d1scharge structure at a rate of .33 1't 3 /sec. See Appendix A 1'or the dose factor A iat .

der ivat1on. To expedite time the dose is calculated to a. maximum individual. This maximum indiv1dual is a compos1te of the highest dose 1'actor Alat of each age group a for each organ t and each nuclide 1. If a nuclide is detected for which a factor 1s not listed, then it will be calculated and included in a rev1sion to the 00Ql.

2.3.1 (cont'd)

All doses calculated in this manner for each batch of liquid effluent wi 1 1 be summed for comparison with quarterly and annual limits, added to the doses accumulated from other releases in the quarter and year of interest. jn all cases, the following relationships will hold:

For a calendar quarter:

Dt < 1.5 mrem total body 0t < 5 mrem for any organ For the calendar year:

0t < 3.0 mrem total body Dt < 10 mrem for any organ where Dt total dose received due to liquid effluent releases to the total body or any organ.

2.3.) (Cont'd>

lf these iim1ts are exceeded, a special report will be submitted to the NRC 1dentifying the cause and proposed corrective actions. ln addition, 1f these limits are exceeded by a factor of two, calculations shall be made to determine if the dose limits contained in 40 CFR 190 have been exceeded. Oose limits, as contained in 40 CFR 190 are total body and organ doses of 25 mrem per year and a thyroid dose of'5 mrem per year.

These calculat1ons will 1nclude doses as a result of liquid and gaseous pathways as well as doses from direct radiation. The liquid path~ay analysts will only 1nclude the fish and sediment pathways s1nce the drinking water pathway is insignificant. This pathway is only included in the station's effluent dose pro]ections to comply w1th Technical Spec1ficat1ons. I.iquld, gaseous and direct rad1ation pathway doses wi 11 cons1der the lames A. FitzPatrick and'Nine Mile Point Unit ?I facilit1es as well as Nine Mile Point Unit E Nuclear Station.

Tn the event the calculations demonstrate that the 40 CFR 190 dose limits, as defined above, have been exceeded, then a report shall be prepared and submitted to the Commission within 30 days as specified 0

in Section 3.6.15.d of the Technical Specificat1ons.

Section 4.0 of the OOCM conta1ns more 1nformation concerning calculations f'r an evaluation of whether 40 CFR 190 limits have been, exceeded.


3.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 3.1 Setpoint Determinations 3.1.1 Basis Stack gas and off gas monitor setpoints will be established such that the instantaneous release rate of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents does not exceed the 10 CFR 20 limits for annual release rate. The setpoints will be activated if the instantaneous dose rate at or beyond the ( land) site boundary would exceed 500 mrem/yr to the whole body or 3000 mrem/yr to the sk1n from the continuous release of radioactive noble gas in the gaseous effluent.

Emergency condenser vent monitor setpoints will be established such that the release rate for radioactive materials 1n gaseous effluents do not exceed the 10 CFR 20 limits for annual release rate over the pro]ected longest period of release.

Honitor setpoints from continuous release points will be determined once per quarter under normal release rate conditions and will be based on the isotopic composit1on of the actual release in progress'r an offgas isotopic distribution or a more conservative default composition specified in the pert1nent procedure. If the calculated setpo1nt fs h1gher than the exist1ng setpoint, It is not mandatory that the setpo1nt be changed.

Nonitor setpoints for emergency condenser vent monitors are conservat1vely 1'Ixed at 5 mr/hr for reasons described in Sections 3.1.4 and therefore do not r..quire period1c recalculations.

Under abnormal site release rate condItions, monitor alarm setpoints frow continuous release points will be recalculated and, if necessary, reset at more frequent Intervals as deemed necessary by C&RH Supervision. En part1cular, contr1butions from both JAF and NMP-2 and the Emergency Condenser Vents shall be assessed.

Ouring outages and until po~er operation Is again reaIIzed, the last operating stack and off gas monitor alarm setpoints shall be used.

3.1.1 (Cont'd)

Since mani tors respond to nable gases only, monitor alarm points are set to alarm prior to exceeding the corresponding total body dose rates.

The skin dose rate limit is not used in setpoint calculations because it is never limiting.

3.1.2 Stack Monitor Setpoints The detailed methods for establishing setpolnts shall be contained in the station procedures. These methods shall apply the following general criteria:

(1) Rationale for Stack monitor settings is based on the general equation:

release rate actual release rate max. allowable corresponding dose rate, actual corresponding dose rate, max.

allowable (tt)max 500 mrem/yr where:

Qi release rate for each isotope i, uCi/sec Vi gamma whole body dose factor in units of mrem/yr per uC1/sec (See Table 3-Z)~

max instantaneous release rate limit uCi/sec

(2) To ensure that 10 CFR 20 and Technical Specifications dose rate limits are not exceeded, the hl h alarms on the stack monitors 1

shall be set lo~er than or equal to <0.9) (Q) . Hi alarms be set lower than or equal to (0.5) (Q) max'hall max'3)

Based on the above conservatism, the dose contribution from JAF and NMP-2 can usually be ignored. Ouring Emergency Classifications at OAF or NMP-2 due to airborne effluent, or after emergency .condenser vent releases of significant proportions, the 500 mrem/yr value may be reduced accordingly.

(4) To convert monitor gross count rates to uCi/sec release rates.

the following general formula shall be applied:

Q ~ uCi/sec release rate where:

Cm monitor gross count rate in cps or cpm; cps counts per second, cpm counts per minute B monitor background count rate Ks stack monitor efficiency factor with units of uCi/sec-cps or uCi/sec-cpm (5) Monitor K factors shall be determined using the general formula:

ZlQi/(C -B) where:

Qi individual radionuclide stack effluent release rate as determined by isotopic analysis.

factors more conservative than those calculated by the above methodology may be assumed.


3.1.2 <Cont'd)

Alternat1vely, when stack release rates are near the lawer limit of

'etection, the following general formula may be used to calculate k:

1/K E g (1F1 Z k YkEk) 3. 7E4d f f S-uC1

~here; f e stack flaw in cc/sec E efficiency in units af cpm-cc/uC1 or cps-cc/uC1

<cpm counts per minute: cps counts per second)

Ek cpm-cc/bps or cps-cc/ ps Fram energy ca11bration curve produced during NBS traceable primary gas calibration or transfer.

source calibration (bps beta per second; ps galas per second) s b/4 <betas/di s integration). or Y/4 (gammas/d)

Fi Activity fraction of nuclide 1 in the mixture e nuclide counter k e d1screte energy beta or gaaea emitter per nuclide counter s seconds This monitor calibration methad assumes a noble gas d1stribution typical of a recoil release mechanism. To ensure that the calculated efficiency 1s conservative, beta or ganraa emissions whose energy is above the range of calibrations the detector are not included in the calculation.

3.1.3 Recombiner 01scharge (0ff Gas) Honi tor Setpoints

.(l-) The hi hi alarm points shall act1vate with recombiner discharge rates equal to or less than 500,000 uC1/sec. This alarm point may be set equal to or less than 1 Cl/sec for a period of time I

not to exceed 60 days provided the offgas treatment system is in operat1on.

(2) The hi alarm points shall activate with recombiner discharge rates equal to or less than 500,000 uCI/sec (3) To convert monitor mR/hr readings to uCl/sec, the formula belo~

shall be applied:

(R)(KR) QR uCI/sec recombiner d1scharge release rate where:

R mR/hr monitor indicator KR efficiency factor ln units of uC1/sec/mR/hr determined prior to setting monitor alarm points (4) Monitor KR factors shall be determined using the general formula:

KR i Q1/R where:

Qi individual radionucllde recombtner discharge release rate as determined by isotopic analysis and flow rate monitor.

K factors more conservable than those calculated by the above methodology may be assumed.

3.1,3 (Cont'd)

(5) - The setpotnts chasen provide assurance that the total body exposure to an 1nd1v1duai at the exclusion area boundary will nat exceed a very small fraction of the 11mits of 10CFR Part 100 in the event this effluent ls inadvertently d1scharged d1rectly to the environment without treatment (thereby Implementing the requirements of General Oest gn Crt terta 60 and 64 of Appendix A to 10CFR Part 50) . Additionally, these setpoints serve to 11mi t buildup af fission product activity within the station systems which would result tf high fuel leakage were to be permitted over extended periods .

3.1.4 Emergency Condenser Vent Monitor Setpolnt The monitor setpotnt was estab11shed by calculat1on (" Emergency

'ondenser Yent Honitor Alarm Setpofnt", January 13, 1986, tiPC File Code 416199). Assuming a hypothetical case with (1) reactor water iodine concentrations higher than the Technical Specfffcatfon Limit, (2) reactor water nable gas concentrations higher than would be expected at Techntcal Spectffcat1on 1odfne levels, and (3) leakage of reactor steam into the emergency condenser shell at 3RC of rated flow (or 1.3 K6 lbs/hr), the calculation pred1cts an emergency condenser vent monitor respans~of 20 mR/hr. Such a release would result tn less than 10 CFR 20 dose rate values at the s1te boundary and beyond for typical emergency condenser cooldown per1ods.

Since a 20 mR/hr monitor response can, tn theory, be achtevable only when reactor water todtnes are higher than permitted by Technical Specifications, a conservative monitor setpotnt of 5 mr/hr has been adopted.


3.1.5 01 scuss tan Stack Effluent Honl toring System Oescrtptton The NHP-1 Stack Effluent Honitor1ng System consists of two subsystems; the Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring System (RAGEMS) and the old General Electrtc Stack Monitoring System (OGESMS). Our1ng normal operation, the OGESHS shall be used to monitor station noble gas effluents and collect parttculates and iodine samples in compliance with Technical Specification requ1rements.

The RAGEHS is designed to be promptly act1vated from the Ma1n Control Room far use tn high range monitoring during accident situations <<n compliance with NUREG 0737 criteria. Overall system schematic for the OGESHS and RAGEHS are shown on Figure 8-9. A simplified vtew of RAGEMS Showing Unit 0, 1, 2. 3 and 4 can be found an Figure 8-8.

The RAGEHS can prav1de conttnuaus accident monitoring and an-line tsotoptc analysts of NHP-1 stack ei'fluent noble gases at Lower Levels af Oetection less than Technical Specification Table 4.6.15-2 limits. Act1vtttes as low as 5.0E-B and as high as Z.OE5 uCt/cc for noble gases are detectable by the system.


3.T.5.2 Stack Sample Flow Path - RAGEHS The effluent sample is obtained inside the stack at elevation 530'sing an lsoklnetic probe with four or1flces. The sample line then bends radially out and back into the stack; descends down the stack and cut of the stack at approximately elevat1on 257'; runs horizontally (enclosed in heat tracing) some 270'long the off gas tunnel; and enters the RAGEHS located on the Turbine Building cabinet - Unit 0) and Off Gas Building 247'Particulate, 250'Qilution Iodine, Nable Gas stat1ons - Units 1-3).

In the Q1lut1on cabinet of the RAGEHS. the stack gas may be diluted during acc1dent situations approximately 100-200X (first stage) or 10000-40000 X (first and second stage) with gaseous nitrogen supplied from an on-site liquid nitrogen storage tank <see Figure B-9) .

From Unit 0, the sample gas enters Unit 1-3 of RAGES and flows thru in-line part1culate and iodine cartridges and then thru either a 6 liter <low range) or 30 cc (high range) noble gas chamber. The sample gas next flows back thru Unit 0 and the off gas tunnel; and back into the stack.

3. 1 5.3 Stack Sample Flow Path OGESMS The OGESHS sample is obtained from the same stack sample probe as the RAGEHS. From the exit of the stack at elevation 257', the sample line runs east approximately 20'nd then vertically approximately 8'o the OGESHS skid, ?n the OGESHS, sample flows thru a particuatel iodine cartridge housing and four noble gas scintillation detectors (i.e., 07 and 08 low range beta detectors and RN-03A and RN-038 high range garana detectors). From OGESHS, the stack sample flows back into the stack at approximately elevation 257'.

All OGESHS detector outputs are monitored and recorded remotely in the Hain Control Room. Alarming capabilities are provided to alert Operators of high release rate conditions prior to exceeding

'Technical Specification 3.6.15.b (1) a dose rate limits.

Stack particulate and iodine samples are retrieved manually from the OGESHS and analyzed in the laboratory using galena spectroscopy at frequencies and LLGs specified in Table 4.6.15-2 of the Technical Specifications. Sampling Frequency/Sample Analysis Regardless of which stack monitoring subsystem is utilized, radioactive gaseous wastes shall be sampled and analyzed ln accordance with the sampling and analysis program specified in Technical Specification Table 4.6.15-2. Particulate samples are saved and analyzed for principal gamma emitters, gross alpha, Fe-55, Sr-89, Sr-90 at monthly intervals minimally. The latter three analyses are performed off-site from a composite sample. Sample analysis frequencies are increased during elevated release rate conditions, following startup, shutdown and in con]unction wi th each drywell purge.

Consistent with Technical Specification Table 4.6.15-2, stack-P effluent tritium ts sampled monthly, during each drywell purge, and weekly when fuel is off loaded unti1 stable release rates are demonstrated. Samples are analyzed off-site.

Line loss correction factors are applied to all particulate and iodine results. Correction factors of 2.0 and 1.5 are used for data obtained from RAGEHS and OGESHS respectively. These correction factors are based on empirical data from sampling conducted at NHP-1 in 1985 (memo from J. Blas1ak5; RAGEHS File, 1/6/86, "Stack Sample Representativeness Study: RAGEHS vs. In-Stack Auxiliary Probe Samples" ). I-133 Estimates Honthly, the stack effluent shall be sampled for iod1nes over a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period and the I-135/I-131 and the I-133/I-131 ratios calculated . These ratios shall be used to calculate I-I33, I-135 release for longer acqu1sition samples collected dur1ng the month.

Additionally, the I-135/I-131 and I-133/I-131 ratios should also be determined after a significant change in the ratio is suspected (eg, plant status changes from prolonged shutdown to po~er operation or fuel damage has occurred). Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System Operation Technical Specification 3.6.16.b requires that the gaseous radwaste treatment system shall be operable and shall be used to reduce radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to their discharge as necessary to meet the requirements of'echnical Specification 3.6.15.b.

To ensure Technical Specif1cat1on 3.6.15.b limits are not exceeded, and to confirm proper radwaste treatment system operat1on as appl1cable, cumulative dose contributions for the current calendar quarter and current calendar yW shall be determined monthly 1n accordance w1th section 3.2 of'his manual. In1tial dose calculations shall incorporate the following assumptions with regard to release rates oi'on-gaea emitt1ng radionuclides subsequently analyzed off-site: (Cont'd) a) H-3 release rate 2 4uCl/sec b) . Sr-89 release rate 2 4 x Cs-137 release rate c) Sr-90 release rate Z 0.5 x Cs-137 release rate d) Fe-55 release rate z 1 x Co-60 release rate Assumed release rates represent conservative est1mates derived from analysts of historical data from effluent releases and process waste streams (See NHP 34023, C. Hare to J. Blasiak, April 29. 1988. "Oose Estimates for Beta-Emitting Isotopes" ). Following receipt of off-site H-3, Sr-89, Sr-90, Fe-55 analys1s informat1on, dose est1mates shall be rev1sed using actual rad1onucllde concentrat1ons.

3.2 Oose and Oose Rate Oeterminations In accordance with spec1fications 4.6.15.b. (l), 4.6.15.b. (2), and 4.6.15.b.(3) dose and dose rate determinat1ons will be made monthly to determine:

(1) Total body dose rates and gaama air doses at the maximum X/Q land sector site boundary interface and beyond.

(2) Skin dose rates and beta air doses at the maximum X/Q land sector site boundary interface and beyond.

(3) The critical organ dose and dose rate at the maximum X/Q land sector site boundary interface and at a cr1tical receptor location beyond the site boundary.


3.2 (Cont'd>

Average meteorological data (ie, maximum five year annual average X/Q and 0/Q values in the case of elevated releases or 1985 annual average X/Q and 0/Q values, in the case of ground level releases) shall be utilized for dose and dose rate calculations. Hhere average meteorological data is assumed, dose and dose rates due to noble gases at locations beyond the site boundary will be lower than equivalent site boundary dose and dose rates. Therefore, under these condit1ons, calculations of noble gas dose and dose rates beyond the max1mum X/Q land sector site boundary locations can be neglected.

The frequency of dose rate calculat1ons will be upgraded when elevated release rate conditions specified in subsequent sect1ons 3.2.l.l and 3.2'.1.2 are realized.

Emergency condenser vent release contribut1ons to the monthly dose and dose rate determinations will be considered only when the emergency condenser return isolation valves have been opened for reactor cooldown or if Emergency Condenser tube leaks develop w1th or without the system's return isolat1on valve opened.

without tube leakage or opening of the return isolation valves, releases froa this system are negligible and the correspond1ng dose contr1but1ons do not have to be included.


3.2 (Cont'd)

Xhen releases from the emergency condenser have occurred, dose rate and dose determinations shall be performed using methodology in 3.2.1 n

and 3.2.2. Furthermore, environmental sampling may also be initiated to refine any actual contribution to doses. See Section 3.4.

Critical organ doses and dose rates may be conservatively calculated by assuming the existence of a maximum individual. This individual is a composite of the highest dose factor of each age group, for each organ and total body, and each nuclide .'t is assumed that all pathways are applicable and the highest X/Q and/or 0/Q value for actual pathways as noted in Table 3-1 are in et'feet. The maximum individual's dose is equal to the same dose that person would receive fi'hey were simultaneously sub)ected to the highest path~ay dose at each critical receptor fdentff'fed For each pathway. The pathways include grass-(cow and goat)-milk, grass-cow-meat, vegetation, ground p1ane and fnhalatfon. To comply with Technical Specifications we will calculate the maximum individual dose rate at the site boundary and beyond at the critical residence.

If dose or dose rates calculated, using the assumptions noted above, reach Technical Specification ld<ts. actual., pathways will be evaluated, and dose/dose rates shall be calculated at separate crftfcal receptor locations and compared with applicable limits.


3.2.1 Oose .Rate Oose rates will be calculated monthly, at a minimum, or when the Hf-Hf stack monitor alarm setpoint is reached, to demonstrate that dose rates resulting from the release oP noble gases, tritium, fodfnes, and partfcultes with half lives greater than 8 days are within the limits specified in 10CFR.20. These limits are:

Nable Gases Whole Sody Oose Rate'00 mrem/yr Skfn Dose Rate 3000 mrem/yr Trftfum lodf'nes and Partfculates Organ Oose Rate 1500 mrem/yr Noble Gases The following noble gas dose rate equation includes the contribution frea the stack (s) elevated re~use and the emergency condenser vent (v). ground level release when applicable (See section 3.2).


For. total body dose rates (mrem/sec):



(mrem/sec) 3.17E-S 5< (V1Q1 1 is i K 1


v Q iv

'or skin dose rates (mrem/sec):

ORy6(ml em/sec) 3. 17E 8 gi L'(Ll (X/Q> S+1 ' l 81 )Qi 5 (LI+1 ' 1M1 > (X/Q>vQ1 y 1


OR~ ~ total body gamma dose rate (mrem/sec).

OR~+6 skin dose rate from gamma and beta radiation (mrem/sec).

Vi the constant accounting for the gamna whole body dose rate from stack radiat1on, for an elevated finite plume releases for each identified noble gas nuclide, i.

on Table 3-2 in mrem/yr per uCl/sec. 'isted Ki the constant account1ng for the gamma ~hole body dose rate from ienersion ln the semi-infinite cloud for each ident1fied noble gag nuclide, 1. Listed in Table 3-3 in mrem/yr per uCl/m~ (from Reg. Guide 1.109)

Qi the release of isotope 1; (uC1; s stack, v vent).

X/Q 0 the r~lati've plume concentration ( in units of sec/m ) at the land sector site boundary or beyond.

Average meteorolog1cal data (Table 3-1) is used.

"Elevated" X/Q values are used for stack releases (s stack); "Ground" X/Q values are used for Emergency Condenser Vent releases (v vent).

Li the constant accounting for the beta skin dose rate from lenersion in the semi-1nfinite cloud for each identified nob~gas nuclide, 1. Usted in Table 3-3 in mrem/yr per uci/m3 (from Reg. Guide 1.109) 81 the constant account1ng for the air gaama radiation from the elevated Fln1te plume resulting from stack releases for each ldentifled noble gas nuclide, 1.

Listed in Table 3-2 in mrad/yr per uC1/sec.

Hi the constant account1ng for the ganea air dose rate from immersion ln the semi-infinite cloud for each identified noble gas nuclide, 1. Listed 1n Table 3-3 in mrem/yr per ucl/m3 (from Reg. Guide 1.109)

See Appendix 8 for derivation of 81 and Vi.

32 Tritfum, lodines and Particulates To ensure that the 1500 mrem/year site dose rate limit is not exceeded, offsite dose rates for tritium, iodine and particulates with hali'ives greater than 8 days shall be calculated monthly and when release rates (Q) exceed 0.34 uCl/sec using the following equation.

(mrem/sec) ak 3.17E-82~(~i Ri) 1 i)akk ~ s is + W v Q iv Nhere:

oak Total dose to each organ k of an individual in age group a (mrem/sec).

dispersion parameter either X/Q (sec/m3) or 0/Q (1/W) depending on path~ay and receptor location assumed. Average meteorological data is used <Table 3-1). "Elevated" H~ values are used for stack r'eleases <s stack); "Ground" H~ values are used for Emergency Condenser Vent releases <v vent).

the total quantity of isotope 1 released, (uC1/sec; s stack, v vent)

Ri)ak the dose factor i'r each isotope 1, pathway ],

age group a, and organ k (Table 3-4, through 3-22.; m2-mrem/yr per uC1/sec for all pathways except inhalation, mrem/yr per uci/m3 3.37E-8 the inverse Or the number of seconds in a year The R values contained 1n Tables 34 through 3-22 were calculated using the methodology defined in NUREG-0133 and parameters from Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revis1on 1; as presented in Append1x C.

When the release rate exceeds 0.34 uCl/sec, the dose rate assessment shall also 1nclude 3Af and HHP-2 contribution.


The use of the 0.34 uCI/sec release rate threshold to perform dose rate calculations 1s ]ustified as follows:

(a) The 1500 mrem/yr organ dose rate limit corresponds to a minimum release rate limit of 0.34 uC'i/sec calculated using the equation:

1500 (Q/sec) 1] ] max where:

1500 site boundary dose rate l1mit (mrem/year)

(Ri ]"))max e the maximum cur1e-to-dose conversion factor equal to 4.45E3 mrem-sec/uCi-yr for Sr-90, child bone at the critical residence receptor location beyond the site boundary.

(b) The use of 0.34 uC1/sec release rate threshold and the 4.45E3 mrem-sec/uCl-yr curie-to-dose conversion factor 1s conservative since curie-to-dose conversion factors for other isotopes 11kely to be present are significantly lower.

Calculations will be performed monthly at a minimum, to demonstrate that doses resulting from the release of noble gases, tritium, iodines, and particulates with half lives greater than 8 days are within the limits specified in 10 CFR 50, Appendix I. These limits are:

Noble es 5 mR galena/calendar quarter 10 mrad beta/calendar quarter 10 mR ganja/calendar year 20 mrad beta/calendar year Tritium Iodines and Particulates 7.5 mrem to any organ/calendar quarter 15 mrem to any organ/calendar year

-35>> Noble Gas AIr Oose The following Noble Gas air dose equation Includes contributions from the stack (s) elevated release and the emergency condenser vent (v) ground level release when applicable (see section 3.2):

For gamma radiation 1


Og (mrad) 3.17K-S ZI (HI <X/Q) v Q iv + B Q I is For beta radIation (mrad):

OB(mrad) 3.17E-8 Z>NI[(X/Q)v Q iv + (X/Q) Q is s


0 y ganea air dose (mrad)

DB beta air dose (mrad)

Bi the constant accounting for the air gaena radiation from the elevated I'lnite plume resulting from stack releases for each Identified noble gas nuclide, i. Listed in Table 3-2 1n mrad/yr per uCl/sec.

Ni The constant account1ng f'r the air beta dose from Iaiersion 1n the semi-infinite cloud for each identIfied noble gas nuclide, i. I.Isted on Table 3-3 In mrad/yr per uC1/m3 <from Reg. Guide 1.109).

the tota1 quaattty or%setups t released. <uCSlsec.)

1 Note that the units for the gamma a1r dose are in mrad compared to the units for the limits are in mR. The NRC recognizes that I mRael mrad, for gaaea radi'ation.

3. 17E-8 the inverse of the number of seconds In a year.

the constant accounting for the air ganea dose from iamersion in the semi-infinite cloud for each identified noble gas nuclide, i. Listed on Table 3-3 in mrad/yr per uCl/m3 <from Reg.

Guide 1.109).

All other parameters are as defined in section Tritium, Iodines and Particulates To ensure that the 15 mrem/yr facility dose limit ls not exceeded, offsite doses for tritium, iodines, and particulates with half lives greater than 8 days shall be calculated monthly using the following equation:

(mrem) 3.17E-8 Z~( Si Ri- (H Qiis + H ]

ak 1 ijakk s v Qiiv 1 Where:

Oak Total dose to each organ k of an individual in age group a(mrem).

dispersion parameter either X/Q (sec/m3) or 0/Q (1/m2) depending on pathway and receptor location assumed. Average meteorological data is used <Table 3-1). "Elevated" H< values are used i'or stack releases (s struck); "Ground" Hq values are used for Emergency Condenser Vent releases (v ~ vent).

the total quantity of isotope 1 released,

<uCl/sec; s stack, v vent) the dose factor for each isotope 1, pathway ],

age group a, and organ k (Tables 3-4, through 3-22; m2-mrem/yr per uC'1/sec) 3.17E-8 'the inverse of the number of seconds in a year 37

The R values contained in Tables 3-4 through 3-22 were calculated using. the methodology defined in NUREG-0133 and parameters frcm Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1; as presented in Appendix C. Accumulating Doses Ooses will be calculated monthly, at a minimum, for gamma air, beta air, and the critical organ for each age group. Oose estimates will, also, be calculated monthly prior to receipt of any offsite analysis data 1 .e., strontium, tritium, and 1 ron-55. Results wi 1 1 be summed for each calendar quarter and year.

The critical doses are based on the following:

noble gas plume atr dose direct radiation from ground plane depos1t1on tnhalatton dose cow milk ingestion dose goat m11k ingestion dose cow meat tngest1on dose vegetation (food crops) tngestton dose The quarterly and annual resuTX~hall be compared to the ltmt ts listed ln paragraph 3.2.2. If the limits are exceeded, special reports, as requtred by Sect1on 6.9.3 of the Technical Spec1ftcatton, shall be submitted.


3.3 Critical Receptors ln accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 20 and 10 CFR 50, Appendfx I. the critical receptors have been identif1ed and are contained in Table 3-1.

For elevated noble gas releases the cr1tical receptor is the site boundary.

Hhen 1985 average annual X/Q values are used for ground level noble gas releases, the cr1tical receptor 1s the maximum X/Q land sector site boundary interface.

For tritium, iodines, and particulates with half 11ves greater than eight days, the crft1cal pathways are grass-(cow and goat)-milk, grass-cow meat, vegetation, inhalation and direct radiat1on (ground

'plane) as a result of ground deposit1on.

The grass-(cow and goat)-milk. and grass-cow-meat pathways will be based on the greatest 0/Q locat1on. This location has been determined fn con)unction wfth the land use census (technical specification 3.6.22) and fs sub)ect to change. The vegetat1on (food crop) path~ay fs based on the greatest 0/Q garden location froi which salples are taken. This locat~~ may also be modtf1ed as a result of vegetation sampling surveys.

3.3 (Cont'd)

To comply with Technical Specifications, the inhalation and ground plane dose pathways will be calculated at the site boundary and beyond at the critical residence.

Because the Technical Spec1f1cations state to calculate "at the site boundary and beyond", instead of "at the s1te boundary or beyond",

such as Unit 2, the doses and/or dose rates must be calculated for a maximum ind1vidual who is exposed to all pathways at the site boundary and at the cr1t1cal residence. The maximum individual 1s a composite of the highest dose factor of each age group, for each organ and total body, and each nuclide. Since the critical residence locat1on would have the greatest occupancy time, the resultant dose at the residence including all pathways 1s limiting. However, due to

. the technical specification word1ng, the inhalation and ground plane dose at the site boundary along with all other pathway's, will be calculated assuming a continuous occupancy time.

In lieu of correcting the landsite boundary ground plane and inhalation dose factors for occupancy time, a Technical Specification change will be submitted to change the requirement 1'rom calculating "at the site boundary "at the s1te boundary or beyond" to and beyond". Unit 1 will then calculate at the crit1cal residence since this should be the limiting dose. Unt11 this change is effective, the dose and/or dose rate calculations for trit1um, iodines, and particulates with half lives greater than 8 days will conservatively assume that the ground plane and inhalation pathway crit1cal receptors are at the site boundary, i.e. X/Q and 0/Q, respectively, are calculated at the site boundary.


3.4 Refinement of Qffsi te Ooses Resul ting from Emergency Condenser Vent Re leases.

The doses resulting from the operat1an of the emergency candensers and calculated in accordance with 3.2.2 may be refined using data from actual environmental samples. Ground deposition samoles will be obtained from an area or areas of maximum projected deposition.

These areas are anticipated to be at or near the site boundary and near projected plume centerltne. Using the methodology faund in Regulatory Gutde 1.109, the dose will be calculated to the maximum exposed individual. This dose will then be compared to the dose calculated tn accordance with 3.2.2. The comparison will result 1n an adjustment factor of'ess than or greater than one which w111 be used to adjust the other doses 1'rom other pathways. Other environmental samples may also be collected and the resultant

'calculated doses to the maximum exposed individual compared to the dose calculated per 3.2.2. Other environmental sample med1a may.

include milk, vegetation <such as garden broadleaf vegetables), etc.

The adjustment factors 1'rom these pathways may be applied to the doses calculated per 3.2.2 on a pathway by pathway basis or several path~ay adjustment factors may be averaged and used to adjust calculated doses.

Dosis calculated from actual environmental sample med1a w111 be based on the methodology presented tn Regulatory Guide 1.109. The regulatory gu1de equatfons may be sltghtly modified to account for short Intervals of tfme (less than one year) or mod1fted for sfmpltc1ty purposes by deleting decay factors. Oeletton of decay factors would y1eld mare conservative results.

4.0 40 CFR 190 REQUIREMENTS The "Uranium Fuel Cycle" is defined in 40 CFR Part 190.02 <b) as follows:

"Uranium fuel cycle means the operations of milling of uranium ore.

chemical conversion of uranium, isotopic enrichment of uranium, fabrication of uranium fuel, generation of electricity by a light-water-cooled nuclear power plant using uranium fuel, and reprocessing of spent uranium fuel, to the extent that these directly support the production of electrical power for public use utilizing nuclear energy, but excludes mining operations, operations at waste disposal sites, transportation of any radioactive material in support of these operations, and the reuse of recovered non-uranium special nuclear and by-product materials from the cycle."

Section 3.6.15.d of the Technical Specifications requires that when the calculated doses associated with the effluent releases I exceed twice the limits of sections 3.6. 15.a.(2)(b), 3.6. 15.b.<2)<b) and 3.6.15.b.(3)<b), then calculations shall be made including direct radiation contributions from the reactor units and outside storage tanks (as applicable) to determine whether the 40 CFR 190 dose limits have been exceeded.

4.0 (Cont'd)

If such is the case, Niagara Mohawk shall submit a Special Report to the NRC and limit subsequent releases such that the dose comnitment to a real individual from all uranium fuel cycle sources is limited to < 25 mrem to the total body or any organ (except the thyroid, which is limited to < 75 mrem) over the calendar year. This report is to demonstrate that rad1ation exposures to all real individuals from all uranium fuel cycle sources (including ail liquid and gaseous effluent pathways and d1rect rad1ation) are less than the limits in 40 CfR Part 190.

Ii'eleases that result in doses exceeding the 40 CFR l90 limits have occurred, then a variance from the NRC to perm) t such releases wi 1) be requested and if possible, action will be taken to reduce subsequent releases.

The report to the NRC shall contain:

1) Identification of all uranium 1'uel cycle facil1t1es or operations within S miles of the nuclear power reactor units at

.the site that contribute to the annual dose of the maximum exposed member of'he pub~iA.

Z) Ident1ficat1on of the max1mum exposed member of the public and a determination of the total annual dose to this person from exist1ng pathways and sources of radioactive effluents and (tirect radiation.



The maximum total body and organ doses resulting from radioactive material in liquid effluents from Nine Mlle Point Unit I wi 11 be summed with the maximum doses resulting From the releases of noble gases, radioiodines, and particu1ates For the other calendar quarters (as applicable) and from the calendar quarter in which twice tne limit was exceeded. The direct dose components will be determined by either calculation or actua1 measurement. Actual measurements <> The consumption rate of I'Ish for an adult (21 kg per year) .

.1000 Grams per kilogram Diwb The dose factor for radionuclide I for the whole body of an adult (R.G. 1.109, Table E-ll).

The fractional portion of the year over which the dose Is applicable.

(2) Rl [CIf x U x 1000 x Dil x f]


'he total dose to the liver of an adult (maximum exposed organ) In mrem per year.

The concentration of radionuclide I in fish samples in pCI/gram.

The consumption rate of fish for an adult (21 kg per year).

1000 Grams per kilogram Dil The dose factor for radionuclide I for the liver of an adult (R.G. 1.109, Table f-11)

The fractional portion of the year over which the dose is applicable.

The dose from shoreline sediment sample media is calculated as:

X[ICIs x U x 40,000 x 0.3 x Diwb x and fl Rsk ~ XLICIs x U x 40,000 x 0.3 x Disk x fl Hhere:

Rwb The totai dose to the ahorse hody or a teenager or adult (maximum exposed age group) in mrem per year.

Rsk The total dose to the skin of a teenager or adult (maximum exposed age group) in mrem per year.

Cis ~ The concentration of radionuclide I in shoreline sediment in pCI/gram.


The usage factor. This is assumed as 67 hours7.75463e-4 days <br />0.0186 hours <br />1.107804e-4 weeks <br />2.54935e-5 months <br /> per year by a teenager or adult.

40,000 The product of the assumed density of shoreline sediment (40 kilogram per square meter to a depth of Z.5 cm) times the number of grams per kilogram.

,,0. 3 The shore width factor for a lake.

01wb The dose factor for radionuclide 1 for the whole body (R.G. I. 109, Table E-6) ois The dose factor for radionuclide 1 for the skin (R.G. 1.109, Table E-6)

The fractional portion of the year over which the dose is applicable.

NOTE: 8ecause of the nature of'he receptor location and the extens1ve f1sh1ng act1vity in the area, the critical individual may be a teenager or an adult.


4.2 Evaluation of Oases From Gaseous Effluents For the evaluation of doses to real members of the public from gaseous effluents, the pathways contained in section 3.Z.Z.3 of the 0OCH wi 1 1 be const dered. These include the deposition, inhalation and ingestion pathways. However, any updated Field data may be utilized that concerns locations of real individuals, real time meteorological data, location of critical receptors, etc . Oata from the most recent census and sample location surveys should be utilized. available Ooses, may also be calculated from actual enviromental sample media, as . Enviromental sample media data such as TLO, air sample, milk sample and vegetable (food crap) sample data may be utilized in lieu of effluent calculational data.

Doses to member of the public from the pathways contained in OOCM

'ection as a result of'aseous effluents will be calculated using the dose factors of Regulatory Guide 1.109 or the methodology of the QOCH, as. applicable . Ooses calculated from environmental sample media wi11 utilize the methodologies i'ound in Regulatory Guide 1.109.

4.3 Evaluation of Ooses From Ofrect Radiation Section 3.6.15.d of the Technical Specifications requires .that the dose contribution as a result of direct radiation be considered when evaluating whether the dose limitations of'0 CFR 190 have been exceeded.

Oirect radiation doses as a result of the reactor, turbine and fadwaste buildings and outside radioactive storage tanks <as applicable) may be evaluated by engineering calculations or by evaluating enviromental TLO results at critical receptor locations,

. site boundary or other special interest locations. For the evaluation of direct radiation doses utilizing environmental TLOs, the cri tical receptor in question, such as the critical residence, etc ., will be compared to the control locations . The comparison involves the difference in environmental TLO results between the receptor location and the average control location result.

4.4 Ooses to Members of the Public Nithin the Site Boundary.

Sect1on 6.9.1.e of the Nine Mile Point Unit l Technical Specifications requires that the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent P

Release Report include an assessment of the radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents to members of the publi'c due to their activt.ties inside the site boundary as defined by Figure 5.1-1 of the specifications. A member of the public, as defined by the Technical Spec1fications, would be represented by an individual who visits the sites'nergy information Canter for the purpose of observing the educat1onal d1splays or for picnicing and associated acti vi ti es.


Fishing is a major recreational activity in the area and on the Site as a result of the salmanid and trout populations in Lake Ontario.

Fishermen have been observed fishing at the shoreline near the Energy Information Center from April through Oecember in all weather conditions

. Thus, fishing is the major activity performed by members of the public within the site boundary. Hased on the nature of the fishermen and undocumented observations. it is conservatively assumed that, the maximum exposed ind1vidual spends an average of 8 hours per week fishing from the shoreline at a location between the Energy Information Center and the Unit 1 facility. This estimate is considered conservat1ve but not necessary fly excessive and accounts for occasions where individuals may fish more on weekends or an a few days fn March of the year.

The pathways considered for the evaluatfon include the inhalatfan pathway with the resultant lung dose, the ground dose pathway with the resultant ~hole body and sk1n dose and the direct radiation dose pathway with the assocfated who]e body dose. The d1rect radiation dose path~ay, fn actua11ty, 1ncludes several pathways. These include: the direct r adfatfon gaaea dose to an individual from an overhead 'plume, a gajaaa submerAn plume dose, passible dfrect 1

radfatfon dose frae the facility and a ground plane dose (deposftfon). Secause the lacat1on fs fn close proximity to the s1te, any beta plume submers1on dose ls'1'elt to be insignificant.


Other pathways, such as the 1ngestion pathway, are not applicable.

En addition, pathways associated with water related recreational activities, other than fishing, are not applicable here. These include swineing, boating and wading which are prohibited at the facility.

The inhalation pathway is evaluated by identifying the applicable radionuclides (radioiodine, tritium and particulates) 1n the effluent for the appropr1ate time period. The radionuclide concentrations are then multipl1ed by the appropriate X/Q value, inhalation dose factor, air intake rate. and the fractional portion of the year 1n quest1on.

Thus, the inhalat1on pathway ls evaluated us1ng the 1'ollowing equation adapted from Regulatory Guide l.109.

NOTf 'he following equation is adapted from equations C-3 and C-4 of Regulatory Guide l.109. Since many of the factors 3 3 are in units of pC1/m , m /sec., etc., and since the radionucltde decay expressions have been deleted because of the short d1stance to the receptor location, the equat1on presented here is not 1dentical to the Regulatory Guide


R i gi[C1F X/P Ofh 1

R tl where:

R a the maximum dose 1'r the period in quest1on to the lung (3) for all radionuclides (1) for the adult age group (a) in mres per t1me per1od.

4.4 (Cont'd)

Ci The average concentration In the stack release of radionucl1de I in pCI/m> for the period In question.

Unit I average stack flowrate In m3/sec.

X/Q The plume dispersion parameter for a locatIon approximately 0.50 mi Ies west of NHP-I (The plume dispersion parameter is 8.9E-06 and was obtained fram the C.T. Main five year average annual X/Q tables.

The stack (elevated) X/Q is conservatIve when based on O.SO miles because of the close proximity of the stack and the receptor location),

CFAI~a ~ the Inhalation dose factor for radionuclide I, the lung ], and adult age group a in mrem per pCI found on 6 Table E-7 of Regulatory Guide l.'".9.

annual air intake for indIviduals In age group a in m> per year (this value is 8,000 m3 per year and was obtained from Table E-S of Regulatory Guide I.109).

fractional portion of the year for which radlonuclide I was detected and for which a dose is to be calculated (in years).

The ground dose pathway (depos1tIon) will be evaluated by obtaining at least one soil or shorelIne sedIment sample In the area where fish1ng occurs. The dose w1ll then be calculated using the sample results, the time per1od in question, and the methodology based on Regulatory Guide 1; 109 as presented in Section 4. l. The resultant dose may be ad]usted for a background dose by subtracting the applicabli off-site control soil or shoreline sediment sample radionuclide act1vities. In the event it Is noted that fishing Is not performed froa the shorel1ne, but 1s 1nstead performed in the water (1.e.. ihe use of waders), then the ground dose pathway (dtposition) will not be evaluated.


The direct radiation ganma dose pathway 1ncludes any gamma doses fram an overhead plume, submersion ln the plume, possible radiation from the facility and ground plane dose (deposition). This general p'athway wf 11 be evaluated by average environmental TLD readings. At least two environmental TLOs wf 11 be utilized at one location in the approximate area where fishing occurs . The TLDs wi 1 1 be placed in 4

the i'feld on approximately the beginning oi'ach calendar quarter and removed on approximately the end of each calendar quarter (quarter 2, 3, and 4).

The average TLO readings will be ad)usted by the average control TLO readings. This is accomp11shed by subtracting the average quarterly control TLO value from the average fishing location TLD value. The applicable quarterly control TLD values will be utilized af'ter ad]ustfng for the appropriate time period (as applicable). In the event of loss or thef't oi'he TLOs, results from a TLO or TLOs fn the area may be utilized.

5.0 ENYIRONMENTAL MONlTORlNG PROGRAM 5.1 Sampl ing Stat1ons The current sampl1ng locations are specified in Table 5-1 and Figures 5.1-1, 5.1-2. The meterological tower is shown in Figure 5.l-l. The location is shown as TLO location 17. The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program is a ]oint effort between the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation and the New York Power Authority, the owners and operators of the Nine M1le Point Unit 1 and the James A. FltzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, respectively. Sampl1ng locations are chosen on the basis of historical average dispers1on or deposit1on parameters from both un1ts. The environmental sampling locat1on coordinates shown on Table 5-l are based on the NMP-2 reactor centerl1ne.

The average dispersion and depos1tion parameters have been calculated for a 5 year period, 1918 through 1982. These dispersion calculat1ons are attached as Appendix E.

The calculated d1spersion or depos1tion parameters will be compared to the results of the annual land use census. If it is determined that a milk sampling locat1on ex1sts at a location that yields a significantly higher (e.g. 5Mcalculated 0/Q rate, the new milk saapling location will be added to the mon1tor1ng program within 30 days.

Lf a new location is added, the old locat1on that yields the lowest calculated 0/Q may be dropped from the program after October 31 of that year.

5.2 Inter laboratory Compar ison Program Analyses shall be performed on samples containing known quantities of radioactive materials that are supplied as part of a Coenission approved or sponsored Interlaboratory Comparison Program, such as the EPA Crosscheck Program. Part1c1pat1on shall be only for those media, e.g., air, milk, water, etc., that are included in the Nine Hile Point Environmental Monitoring Program and for which crosscheck samples are available . An attempt will be made to obtain a QC sample to program sample ratio of 5X or better. The s1te identificat1on symbol or the actual Qual1 ty Control sample results shall be reported ,

4 in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report so that the Commission staff'ay evaluate the results.

Specific sample media for which EPA Cross, Check Program samples are available include the following:

gross beta in a1r part1culate filters

.gaaea emitters in air particulate f11ters gaaaa emitters in milk gaaaa emitters in water tr1tium in water I-131 1n water 5.3 Capabilities for Thermoluninescent Oosimeters Used for Environmental Heasurements Required detection capabilities for thermoluminescent dosimeters used 0

for environmental measurements required by Table 4.6.20-1, footnote b of the Technical Specifications are based on ANSI Standard NS45, section 4.3. TLOs are defined as phosphors packaged for field use.

In regard to the detection capabilities for thermoluminescent dosimeters, only one determination is required to evaluate the above capabilities per type of TLO. Furthermore, the above capabilities may be determined by the vendor who supplies the TLOs. Required detection capabilities are as follows:

5.3.1 Uniformity shall be determined by giving TLOs from the same batch an exposure equal to that resulting from an exposure rate of 10 uR/hr during the field cycle. The responses obtained shall have a relative standard deviation of less than 7.5L. A total of at least 5 TLOs shall be evaluated.

5.3.2 Reproducibility shall be determined by giving TLOs repeated exposures equal to that resulting from an exposure rate of 10 uR/hr during the field cycle. The average of the relative standard deviations of the responses shall be less than ~c . A total of't least 4 TLOs shall be evaluated.

5.3.3 Dependence of exposure interpretation on the length of a field cycle shall be examined by placing TLOs for a period equal to at least a field cycle and a period equal to half the same field cycle in an area where the exposure rate is known to be constant. This test shall be conducted under approximate average winter temperatures and approximate average summer temperatures. for these tests, the ratio of the response obtained in the field cycle to twice that obtained for half the field cycle shall not be less than 0.85. At least 6 TLOs shall be evaluated 5.3.4 Energy dependence shall be evaluated by the response of TLDs to photons for several energies between approximately 30 keV and 3 HeV.

The response shall not differ from that obtained with the calibra'.ion source by more than PS% for photons with energ1es greater than 80 keV and shall not be enhanced by more than a factor of two for photons w1th energies less than 80 keV. A total of at least 8 TLDs shall be evaluated.

5.3.5 The directional dependence of the TLO response shall be determined by compar1ng the .response of the TLO exposed in the routine orientation with respect to the calibrat1on source with the response obtained for d1fferent orientations. To accomplish this, the TLD shall be rotated through at 1east tuo perpendicvTar planes. The response averaged over all directions shall not differ from the response obtained in the standard calibrat1on posit1on by more than 10%. A total of at least 4 TLDs shall be evaluated.

5.3.6 Light dependence shall be determined by placing TLDs in the field for a period equal to the field cycle under the four cond1tions i'ound in ANSI N545, section 4.3.6. The results abtained for the unwrapped TLOs shall not differ from those obtained for the TLOs ~rapped in aluminum foll by more than 10X. A total of at least 4 TLOs shall be evaluated for each of the four condlt1ons.

5.3.7 Moisture dependence shal'l be determined by placing TLOs (that ls, the phosphors packaged for field use) for a period equal to the field cycle in an area ~here the exposure rate 1s known to be constant.

The TLDs shall be exposed under two conditions: (1) packaged in a thin, sealed plastic bag, and (2) packaged 1n a thin, sealed plast1c bag with sufficient water to yield observable moisture throughout the field cycle.'he TLO or phosphor, as appropriate, shall be dried before readout.'The response of the TLO exposed 1n the plastic bag containing water shall not differ from that exposed in the l regular plastic bag by more than lOX. A total of at least 4 TLDs shall be evaluated for each condition.

5.3.8 Self lrradlatlan shall be determined by placing TLOs for a period equal to the field cycle in an area where the exposure rate is less than 10 uR/hr and the exposure during the field cycle is knawn.

shal l~appl led for the dependence of Ii'ecessarycorrections exposure interpretation on the length of the i'ield cycle (ANSI N545, section 4.3.3). The average exposure inferred from the responses of the TLOs shall not differ from the known exposure by more than an exposure equal to that resulting frow an exposure rate of 10 uR/hr during the field cycle. A total of at least 3 TLOs shall be evaluated.

TABLE 1-1 Average Energy Per Oisintegration ISOTOPE ~Emev/d/ s (Ref) EQmev/dis<4) <Ref)

Ar-4I I.Z94 (3) 0.464 (3)

Kr-83m O.OOZ48 0.0371 Kr-85 0.0022 0.250 Kr-85m 0.159 0-253 Kr-87 0.793 1.32 Kr-88 1.95 0.377 Kr-89 2.22 1.37 (2)

Kr-90 2.10 (2) 1.01 (2)

XN-131M O.ozol 0.143 Xe-133 0.0454 0.135 Xe-133m 0.042 0.19 Xe-135 0.? 47 0.317 Xe-135m 0.432 0.095 Xe<<137 0.194 1.64 Xe-138 1.18 0.611 (1) ORNL-4923, Radioactive Atoms - Su lement I, M.S. Martin, November 1973.

(2) NEDO-12037. "Suaaary of Gamma and Beta Emitters and Intensity Oata"; M.E.

.Meek, R.S. Gilbert, January 1970. (The average energy was computed from the maxiaaua energy using the ICRP ~equation, not the 1/3 value assumption this reference).

(3) NCRP Report No. 58, "A Handbook of Radioactivity Measurements Procedures"; 1978 (4) The average energy includes conversion electrons.



RAOWASTE TANK INFANT mrem ml hr - uCI NUCLIDE HONE LIVER T BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI- TRACT H3 2.90E-I 2.90E-I 2.90E-I 2.90E-I 2.90E-I 2.90E-I Cr 51 1.29K-Z 8.39E-3 1.83E-3 1.63E-2 3.75E-I Cu 64 1.13E-I 5.23E-2 1.91E-I 2.32 Mn 54 1.87E+I 4.23 4.14 6.86 FE SS 1.31K+I 8. 44 2.26 4.13 1.07 Fe 59 2.84E+I 4.96K+I 1.96K+1 1.47K+I 2.37K+I Co 58 3.34 8.34 8.33 Co 60 1. 02E+ I 2.40E+I 2.42K+I Zn 65 1.7ZE+'I 5.91K+I Z.73E+I 2. 87K+ I 5.00K+I Sr 89 2.32f+3 6.66K+I 4. 77Eil Sr 90 ).74K+4 4.43E+3 2.17K+2 Zr 95 1.9'IE-I 4.66E-Z 3.30E-Z S.OZE-Z 'WW 2.32K+I Mn 56 2.40E-4 4.15E-S 2.07K-4  ?..IBE-2 Mo 99 2.34F+1 4.57 3.50K+1 7.71 Na 24 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37 I 131 3.03K+1 3. 54K+ I I . 57Eil 1. 17E+4 4.17K+I 1.28 I 133 4.22 6.15 1.80 1.12E+3 7.23 1.04 Ni 65 1.33E-3 1.51E-4 6.85E-5 1.1SE-Z I 132 1.58E-4 3.21K-4 1.14K-4 1.50E-Z 3.58E-4 2.60E-4 Cs 134 3.54K+2 6.60K+2 6.67E+1 1.70E+? 6.97K+1 1.79 Cs 136 4.05K+1 1.19K+2 4.45E+1 4.75E+1 9.71E+I 1.81 Cs 137 4.91E+Z 5.75K+2 4.07K+1 1.54K+2 6.24K+1 1.80 Ba 140 1.50E+Z 1.5OK-1 7.74 3.57E-Z 9.23E-Z 3.69E+I Ce 141 7.21K-Z 4.40E-Z 5. 17K-3 1.36E-2 2.27K+I Nb 95 3.85K-Z 1.59E-Z 9.18E-3 1,.14K-Z 1.34K+1 La 140 1.18K-Z 4.67E-3 1.20E-3 5.48K+1 Ce 144 2.79 1.14 1 . 57'E-I 4.62E-l 1.60K+2 Calculated ln accordance wi th NUREG 0133 , Section 4.3. 1; and Regulatory Guide 1.109, Regul atory post tion C, Section 1.


LIQUID'AOHASTE TANK CHI LO mrem - ml hr - uCI NUCLIDE- BONE LIVER T BOOY THYROIO KIONEY LUNG GI- TRACT H3 4.39E-I 4.39E-'I 4.39E-l 4. 39E-1 4.39E-l 4.39E-l Cr 51 2.13E-Z 2.13E-Z 1.40 7.86E-I 2.30E-l 1.42 7.31K+I CU 64 2.51E-6 2.70 1.63 2.51E-6 6.52 Z.SiE-6 I.27EiZ Mn 54 6.92 3.3&K+3 9.06E+2 6.92 9.53K+2 6.92 2.84K~3 Fe 55 9.21K~2 4.8&K+2 1.51K+2 2.76K+2 9.05EiI Fe 59 1.30E+3 2.11K+3 I.05E+3 1.34 1.34 6.IZE+2 . 2.19K+3 Co 58 1.89 7.46K+1 Z.24K+Z 1.89 1.89 1.89 4.26EiZ Co 60 1.12Ei2 3.2&K+2 7.4&K+2 1.12K+2 1. 12K~2 1.12K+2 1. 31K~3 Ln 65 2.15E+4 5.73E+4 3.56K+4 3.85 3.61K+4 3.85 1. 01Ei4 Sr 89 3.26K+4 1. 10E-4 9.32K+2 1.10K-4 1.10E-4 1.10E-4 1 . 26K+3 Sr 90 4.26K+5 1.0&E+5 5.74Ei3 Zr 9S 1.70 1.33 1.32 1.23 1. 38 1.23 1.0&E.2 Mn 56 1.65K-I 3.73K-2 2.00K-I 2.39K~1 Mo 99 '.35E-3 9.57K+I 2.37E+1 5.35E-3 2.04E+2 5.35E-3. 7.91K+I Na 24 1.52E+2 I .SZEiZ 1.52E+2 1.5ZE+2 1.52E+2 1.5ZE+2 I,52K~2 I 131 2.09K+2 2.10K+2 1.19E+Z 6.94K+4 3.45E+Z 5.60E-Z 1.87K+I I 133 3.39E+1 4.19E+1 1.59K+1 7.7&K+3 6.9&K+1 1.3&E-4 1.69K+1 Nf 65 2.67E-l 2.51E-2 1.47E-2 3.08 I 132 6.13E-3 1.13E-Z 5.1&E-3 5.22E-l 1.72E-Z 1.32E-Z Cs 134 3.6&E+5 6.04K+5 1.27K+5 3.54K+1 ~ 1.87K+5 6.72K+4 3.29Ei3 Cs 136 3.5ZE+4 9.6764 fifth 6.26E+4 6.21E-1 5.15E+4 7.6&E+3 3. 40K~3 Cs 137 5.15K+5 4.93K+5 7.2&K+4 5.37E+1 1.61K+5 5.7&K+4 '3.14K+3 Ba 140 3.61K+2 3.96E-'I 2.11K+1 ~7.96E-Z 1.82E-1 2.68E-1 1.83Er2 Ce .141 1. 50E-1 .. 1.07K-1 6.99E-Z 6.34K-Z 8.24K-Z 6.34E-2 5.40K+I Nb 95 5.21K+2 Z.03E+Z 1.45E+2 6.39K-l 1.91K+Z 6.39E-1 3.7SE+Sg La 140 1.50E-l 5.93E-Z 2.68E-2 1.03K-2 1.03E-2 1.03E-2 1.36K+3 Ce 144 S.OO 1.81 6.06E-l 3.S&E-1 1.16 3.5&E-1 3,80K+2 Calculated fn accordanc e NUREG 0133, Se ctfon 4.3. 1; and Re gulatory Gufde 1.109 Regu latory pos Stfon C, Sect1on l.


LIQUIO'AOHASTE TANK TEEN mrem - ml hr - uC1 NUCLIOE JKN E LIVER T SOOY THYROIO GONEY LUNG GI-TRACT H3 3.28E-I 3. 28E-I 3 ~ 28E- I 3.28E-I 3.28E-I 3.28E-I Cr 51 I.OZE-I I.OZE-I 1. 39 8.16E-I 3.84E-I 1.94 2.16K+2 CU 64 1.20E-S 2.89 1.36 I.ZOE-S 7.32 I.ZOE-S 2.24K+2 Mn 54 3.31K+I 4.34K+3 8. 81E+2 3. 31 Q I 1.32K+3 3.31K+I 8.86Er 3 Fe 55 6.94K+2 4.92E+Z I . I SE+2 3.12K+2 Z.I3E+2 Fe 59 I.07K+3 2. 49Ei3 9.64K+2 6.41 6. 41 7.89Eiz 5.87K+3 Co 58 9.03 9. 8ZE+ I Z. 1SK+Z 9.03 9.03 9.03 1.24K+3 Co 60 5.36E+Z 7. 96K+2 I. 12K+3 5.36K+2 5.36K+2 5.36K+2 3.93K+3 Zn 65 2.10E+4 7.28K+4 3.40K+4 1.84E+I 4.66K+4 1.84E+1 3.08Ki4 Sr 89 2.44K+4 5.24E-4 6.98E+2 5.24E-4 5.24K-4 5.24E-4 2. 90K+3 Sr 90 4.66K+5 1.15K~5 1.31K+4 Zr 95 6.20 6.00 S.97 5.90 6.04 5.90 2.28E+Z Hn 56 I'.81E-I 3.22E-Z 2.29E-1 1.19K+I Ho 99 Z.S6E>>2 9.22E+1 1.76K+1 2.56E-2 2.11K+Z 2.56E-2 1.65K+2 Na Z4 1.39E+2 1.39K+2 1.39E+2 1.39E+Z 1.39K+Z 1.39E+2 1.39K+2 I 131 1.55E+2 2.17K+2 1.16K+2 6.31E+4 3.73E+2 2.68E-I 4.30E+I I 133 2.53& 1 4.Z9E+1 1.31E+1 S.99K+3 7.S2E+1 6.60E-4 3.25K+I NI 65 2.08E-1 2.66K-2 1.21E-Z 1.44 I 132 4.90E-Z I.ZSE-Z 4.60K-3 4.32E-1 2.02E-Z 5.59K-3 Cs 134 3.05K+5 7.18E+5 3.33E+S 1.69K+2 Z.ZSK+5 8.73K+4 9.10K+3 Cs 136 2.98E+4 1.17K+5 7.88K+4 2.97 6.38E+4 1.01K+4 9.44K+3 Cs '131 4.094 5 5-44E+5 1.90K+5 2.57E+2 1.85K+5 7.21E+4 7.99K+3 Ba 140 2.35EiZ 4. 10K-1 1.55K+1- 3.81K-1 4.79K-l 5.75E-I 3.63E+Z Ce. 141 3.46K-1 3.32K-1 3.07K-l 3.04E-1 3.11E-l 3.04E-I 8.16E+I Nb 95 4.44K+Z Z.48K+2 1.18E+Z 3.06 2.40E+2 3.06 1.OSE+6 La 140 1.S7K-1 1.02E-1 6.35E-Z 4.94E-2 4.94E-2 4.94E-Z 3.05E+3 Ce 144 3.99 Z.65 1.83 1.11 2.27 1.11 S,74K+2 Calculated In accordance with NUREG 0133, Se et)on 4.3.1 ; and Re gulatory Gu>de 1.109, Rendu latory pos) tfon C, Section l.


LIQulO'AOHASTE TANK ADULT mrem - ml hr - uCI NUCLIDE -8ONE LEVER T BODY THYROID KIDNEY I.UNG GI- TRACT H3 4.45E-I 4.45E-I 4.45E-I 4.4SE-I 4.45K-I 4.4SE-I Cr SI 1.82E-Z I-82E-2 1.27 7.64'E-I 2.93E-I 1.67 3.14K+2 CQ 64 2.75 1.29 6.94 2.3SEiZ Hn 54 5.94 4.38K+3 8.41E+2 5.94 1.31K~3 5.94 1.34K+4 Fe 55 6.6462 4.58E+2 1.07E+2 2.56Ei2 2.63K+2 Fe 59, 1.03E+3 2.43K~3 9.31K+Z 1.15 I.15 6.79E+Z 8.09K~3 Co S8 1.6Z 9.15K+I 2.03E+2 I.62 1.62 I 6Z

~ 1.82K+3 Co 60 9.60K+I 2.57E+2 6.71E+2 9.60E+I 9.60K+I 9.60K+I 4.99K+3 ln 65 2.31E4 7.36E+4 3.32K+4 3.30 4.92K+4 3,30 4.63K+4 Sr 89 Z.25K+4 9.39E-5 6.45E+2 9.39E-S 9.39K-S 9.39E-S 3.60K+3 Sr 90 5.60K+5 1.37K+5 1.62K+4 Zr 95 1.36 1.15E 1. 12 1.06 I.U 1.06 3.06K~2 Hn S6 1.73E>>I 3.07K-Z 2.20E-I S.SZ Ho 99 '.58E-3 8.70K+I 1.66K+I 4.58E-3 1.97E+2 4-58E-3 2.02K+2 Na 24 1.35E+2 1.35E+2 1.35K+2 1.35E+2 1.35E+2 1.35Er 2 1.35Ei2 l 131 1.4SE+Z Z.07E+2 1. 19E+2 6.79K+4 3.55E+Z 4.80E-Z 5.47E+I l 133 2.35K+I 4.09K+I 1.25E+I 6.02E+3 7.14E+I 1.18E-4 3.68K+I Ni 65 1.93E-I 2.5TE-2 1.14E-2 6.36E-I I '132 4.68E-3 '1.25E-2 4.38E-3 4.38E-I Z.OOK-Z 2.35E-3 Cs 134 2.98K+5 7.08E+5 5.79E+S 3.036 I 2.29K+5 7.61K+4 1.24K+4 Cs 136 2.96K+4 1.17E+5 8.4ZE+4 5.3ZE-I 6.51K+4 8.93K+3 1.33K+4 Cs 137 3.82E+5 5.22E+5 3.42E+5 4.60E+I 1.7765 5.90K+4 1.02K+4 Ba 140 Z.24F+Z 3.49E-I 1.47K~r ~6.83E-Z 1.64E-I Z.Z9E-I 4.61K+2 Ce. 141 9.53E-Z 8.20K-2 5.75E-2 5.44K-2 6.72E-2 5.44E-2 1.06Er2 Nb 95 4.39K+2 2.44K+2 1.32K+2 5.47K-I 2. 41K+2 5.47E-I 1.48K+6

,La 140 1.11K-I 6.03E-Z 2.24E-Z 8.84K-3 8.84E-3 8.84E-3 3.78E 3 Ce 144 2.48 1.22 4.24K-I 3.07E-I. 8.47K-I 3.07E-I 7.37K+2 Calculated ln accordanc e vith NUREG 0133, Se ction 4.3. I; and Regulatory Guide 1.109, Regu latory pos ition C, Section l.


t LIQJIO'MERGENCY CONOENSER VENT INFANT mrem - ml hr - uCl NUCLIOE.. 6QNE LIVER T BOOY THYROIO KIONEY LUNG GI-TRACT H3  ?.43E-4  ?.43E-4 7.43E-4  ?.43E-4  ?.43E-4  ?.436-4 Cr Sl 3.30E-S 2.15E-S 4.20E-6 4.18E-S 9.616-4 CU 64 2.89E-4 1.34E-4 4.89E-4 0 5.94E-3 Mn 54 4.79K-Z 1.08E-Z 1.06E-2 1.?6E-Z Fe 55 3.35E-2 2.16E-Z 5.78E-3 1.06E-Z 2.?SE-3 FQ 59 7.29E-2 1.27E-I 5.0ZE-Z 3.?6E-2 6.08K-Z Co 58 8.58E-3 2.14E-2 0 2.14E-Z Co 60 Z.60E-Z 6.lSE-2 6.19E-Z Zn 65 4.4ZE-Z 1.52E-l 6.99E-Z 7.35E-Z 1.28K-l Sr 89 5.95 1.71E-I 1.2ZE-1 Sr 90 4.46K+1 1.14K+1 5.5?E-l Lr 95 4.90E-4 l. 19E-4 8.47K-5 1.29E-4 5.95E-2 Mn 56 6 '7K-7 1.06E-? 5.30E-7 5.60E-S Ho 99 6.00E-2 1. 17E-2 8.97K-2 1.98E-Z Na 24 6.07E-3 6.07E-3 6.0?E-3 6.0?E-3 6.07E-3 6.0?E-3 6.02E-3 I 131 7.77K-2 9.16K-Z 4.03E-2 3.01K+1 1.07E-1 3.27K-3 I 133 1.08E-2 1.58E-2 4.62E-3 2.87 1.85E-Z 2.67E-3 N1 65 3.41E-6 3.86E-? 1.76E-7 2.94E-S I 132 4.05E-7 8.22E-7 2.93E-7 3.85E-5 9. 17E-7 6.66E-?

Cs 134 9.08E-l 1.69 1.71K-1 4.36E-l 1.29E-1 4.60E-3 Cs 136'.04E-1 3.06E-1 1.14E-1 1.22E-1 Z. 49E-2 4.64E-3 Cs 137 1.26 1.47 1.04E-l 3.95E-1 1.60E-1 4.61E-3 Ba 140 3.85K-1 3.85E-4 1. 99E-2 9.15E-S 2.37E-4 9.47E-Z Ce '141 1.85K-4 1.13E-4 1.33E-S 3.48K-5 5.82E-Z Nb 95 9.88K-5 4.07K-5 2.35K-5 2.92E-S 3.43E-Z La 140 3.03K-S 1.20E-5 3.08E-6 1.41E-l Ce 144 7.16E-3 2.93E-3 4.02E-4 1.19E-3 4.11E-1 Calculated ln accordance v)th NUREG 0133, 5 ection 4.3.1; and Regulatory Gu)de 1.109. Regul atory pos) t)on C, Sect]on 1.




NUCLIDE'ONE LIVER T BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-TRACT H3 1.44E-I 1.44E-l 1.44'E-1 1,44E-1 1.44E-1 1.44K-l Cr 51 3.78E-S 3.78E-S 1.37 7.58E-l 2.07'E-1 1.38 7.24K+1 Cu 64 2.63 1.59 6.35 1.23Ki2 Mn 54 1.23E-Z 3.36Ei3 8.95K+2 1.23E-Z 9.42K~2 1.Z3E-Z Z.82K~3 Fe SS 9.04K+2 4.79E+2 1.49E+2 2.71K+2 8.88K~1 Fe 59 1.28K+3 2.07K+3 1.03E+3 2.38E-3 2.38E-3 6.00K+2 2.15Ei3 Co 58 3.36E-3 7,01K+1 2.15K+2 3.36E-3 3.36E-3 3.36E-3 4.09K+2 Co 60 1.99E-I 2.08K+2 6.14K+2 1.99K-1 1.99E-1 1.99E-1 1.15K+3 Zn 65 2. 15E+4 5.73E+4 3.56E+4 6.84K-3 3.61E+4 6.84K-3 1.01K+4 Sr 89 3.07K+4 8.78E+2 1.19K~3 Sr 90 4.01K+5 1.02K+5 5.40K+3 Zr 95 3.01E-l 6.78K-Z 6.06E-Z Z.l9E-3 9. 61E-2 2.19E-3 6.84E 1 Mn 56 1.65E-l 3.73K-2 2.00K-l 2.39K+1 Mo 99 8.16Eil Z.OZE+1 1.74K+2 6.?5K+1 Na 24 I.SOE+2 1.50E+Z 1.50K+2 1.SOE+2 1.50K+2 1.50K~2 1.50K+2 I 131 1.86K+2 1.87K+2 1.06K+2 6.19E+4 3.08K+2 1 ~ 67K+1 I 133 3.08K+1 3.81K~1 1.44E+1 7.07E+3 6.35K+1 1.53K+1 Nf 65 2.66E-1 2.50E-2 1.46E-Z 3.07 I 132 6.01E-3 1.10E-Z 5.08E>>3 5.1ZE-l 1.69E-Z 1.30E-2 Cs 134 3.68K+5 6.046 5 1.27K+5 6.29E-Z 1.87E+5 6.71E+4 3.25K+3 Cs 136 3.51E+4 9.66E+4 6.25K+4 1.10K-3 5.14K+4 7.67K+3 3.40E+3 Cs 137 S.14K~5 4.92K+5 7.27K+4 9.55E-Z 1.60K+5 5.77E+4 3.08K~3 Ba 140 2.48E+2 2.17K 1 1.45K+1 ~42K-4 7.09E-Z 1.30E-'1 1.26K+2 Ce 141 3.08K-Z 1.54K-Z 2.39K-3 1.13E-4 6.83E-3 1. 13E-4 1.91K+1 Nb 95 5.2162 2.03E+2 1.45E+2 1.14E-3 1.90K+2 1.14K-3 3.75K+5 La 140 1.31K-1 4.59E-Z 1.55K-Z 1.83E-S 1.83E-S 1.83E-S 1.28E+3 Ce 144 1.64 5. 15E-l 8.81E-2 6.36E-4 2.85E-1 6.36E-4 1.34E+2 Calculated in accordance with NUREG 0133, S ection 4.3. 1; and Regulatory Guide 1.109, Regul atory post tlon C, Sect)on 1.



. H3 I. 74K-I 1.74E-I 1.74E-I 1.74K-I 1. 74E-I I.74K-I Cr 51 1.81E-4 I.SIK-4 I.ZS 7.12E-I Z.Sl'K-1 1.83 2.15K~2 Cu 64 2.86 1.35 7.24 Z.ZZfiZ Mn 54 5.89E-2 4.29E+3 8.5ZE+2 5.89E-Z 1.2&K+3 5.89E-Z S.81K+3 Fe 55 6.89E+2 4.88K+2 1.14E+2 3.10K+2 Z. I I f+2 Fe 59 1.05K+3 2.46E+3 9.50E+2 l. 14E-2 1. 14K-2 7.76EZ. S.82K~3 Co 58 1.61E-Z. 8.78f+I Z.OZK+2 1.61K-Z 1.61E-Z 1.61K-Z 1.21K+3 Co 60 9.53E-l 2.57K+2 5.7&K+2 9.53E-l 9.53f-l 9.53E-I 3.34E+3 Zn 65 2.10E+4 7.28E+4 3.39K+4 3.2&K-2 4.66K+4 3.2&E-Z 3.08K+4 Sr 89 2.3&K+4 6.81E+2 2.83K+3 Sr 90 4.54K+5 1.12E+5 1.27K+4 lr 95 2.56E-I 8.80E-Z 6.38E-Z 1.05E-Z 1.24f-l 1.05K-Z 1.79K+2 Mn 56 1.81K-l 3.22E-2 2.29f-l 1. 19K+ I Mo 99 8.57E+1 1.63E+I 1.96K t 2 1.54K+2 Na 24 1.38f+2 1.3&E+2 1.38K+2 1.38E+Z 1.3&K+2 1.3&f+Z 1.3&fi2 I 131 1.47K+2 2.06K+2 l. 10K+2 6.DOE+4 3.54K+2 4.77E-4 4.07E+I I 133 2.42E+1 4.11K+1 1.25E+I 5.74E+3 7 '1E+I 3.11K+I Nt 65 Z.OBK-I 2.66E-Z 1.Z1E-Z 1.44 I 132 4.86K-3 1.27E-Z 4.56K-3 4.29E-1 2.00E-2 5.54E-3 Cs 134 3.05K+5 7.18E+5 3.33E+5 3.01K-I Z.ZBE+5 8.71K+4 8.93E+3 Cs 136 2.98K+4 1.17E+5 7.87K+4 5.2&E-3 6.3&K+4 1.01E+4 9.43E+3 Cs:137 4.09K+5 5.44K+5 1.89K+5 4.57f-l 1.85K+5 7.19E+4 7.73E+3 Sa 140 1.96K+2 2-47K-2 1.Z7E+1 6.77E-4 8.23E-Z 1.62E-1 3.03K+2 Ce 141 2.43E-2 1.64E-2 2.36K-3 A)E-4 8.02E-3 5.40E-4 4.54E+I Nb 95 4.41 K+2 2.45E+Z 1.15K+Z 5.43E-3 2.37K+Z 5.43E-3 1.0566 La 140 1.05E-l 5.17K-Z 1.3&E-2 8.7&E-S 8.7&E-5 8.7&E-5 2.96K+3 Ce 144 1.27 5.28K-l 7.12E-Z 3.04E-3 3.17E-1 3.04E-3 3.19E+2 Calculated tn accordance vtth NUREG 0133, S ectton 4.3. 1; and Regulatory Gutde 1.109, Regul atory postt ton C, Sectton l.



EMERGENCY CONDENSER VENT ADULT mrem ml hr - uCi NUCLIDE BONE LIVER T BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-TRACT H3 2.27E-1 2.27E-1 2.27E-1 2.27E-1 2.27E-l 2.27E-1 Cr 51 3.24E<<5 3.24E-S 1.24 7.43E-1 2.74E-l 1.65 3 ~ 12E+2 CQ 64 -- 2-72 1. 28 6.86 2.32E+2 Mn 54 1.06E-2 4.37E+3 8.33E+2 1.06E-2 1 ~ 30E+3 1.06E-2 1.34E+4 Pe 55 6.58E+2 4.55E+2 1.06E+2 2. 54E+2 2 ~ 61E+2 Pe 59 1.02E+3 2.41E+3 9.22E+2 2.04E-3 2.04E-3 6.72E+2 8.02E+3 Co 58 2.88E-3 8.83E+1 1.98E+2 2.88E-3 2.88E-3 2.88E-3 1.79E+3 Co 60 1.71E-1 2 '6E+2 5.65E+2 1.71E-l 1.71E-1 1.71E-1 4.81E+3 Zn 65 2.31E+4 7.36E+4 3.32E+4 5.87E-3 4.92E+4 5.87E-3 4.63E+4 Sr 89 2.18E+4 6.27E+2 3.50E+3 Sr 90 5.44E+5 1.34E+5 1.57E+4 Zr 95 2;40E-1 7.81E-2 5.35E-2 1.88E-3 1.22E-1 1 88E-3 2.42E+2 Mn 56 1.73E-1 3.07E-2 2.20E-1 5 '2 Mo 99 8.04E+1 1.53E+1 1.82E+2 1.86E+2 Na 24 1.34E+2 1.34E+2 1.34E+2 1.34E+2 1.34E+2 1.34E+2 1 ~ 34E+2 I 131 1.37E+2 1.96E+2 1.12E+2 6.43E+4 3.36E+2 5 '7E+1 I 133 2. 25E+1 3. 91E+1 l. 19E+1 5. 75E+3 6 ~ 82E+1 3.51E+1 Ni 65 1.93E-1 2.50E-2 1.14E-2 6.36E-1 I 132 4.64E-3 1.24E-2 4.34E-3 4 34E-1 1 98E-2 2 33E-3 Cs 134 2.98E+5 7.08E+5 5 79E+5 5.39E-2 2 '9E+5 7.61E+4 1.24E+4 Cs 136 2.96E+4 1 17E+5 8.42E+4 9~6E-4 6.51E+4 8.92E+3 1.33E+4 Cs 137 3.82E+5 5.22E+5 3.42E+5 8.19E>>2 1.77E+5 5.89E+4 1.01E+4 Ba 140 1. 84E+2 2. 32E-1 1. 21E+1 1. 21E-4 7. 88E-2 1.33E-1 3.79E+2 Ce 141 2.21E-2 1.50E-2 1.78E-3 9.67E-5 7.00E-3 9 67E-5 5.68E+1 Nb 95 4. 38E+2 2>> 44E+2 1. 31E+2 9. 73E-4 2. 41E+2 9.73E-4 1.48E+6 La 140 9.90E-2 4.99E-2 1.32E-2 1.57E-S 1.57E-5 1 ~ 57E-5 3 '6E+3 Ce 144 1.17 - 4.89E-1 6.33E-2 5.45E-4 2.90E-l 5.45E-4 3-95E+2


TABLE 3-1 Critical Receptoi Dispersion Paraeetersa For Ground level and Elevated Releases ELEVATED ELEVATED GROUNOe GRDURDe LOCATION DIR HILES X/II <sec/a>) ~OI (e-R) ~XI (sec(e)) D/I} (e-X)

Residences E (98') 1.4 1.8 E-Olb 5.2 E-09b 4.02 E-07 8.58 E-09 Dairy Co~sf SE (130,') 2.6 2.2 E-OSc 0 E-loc 6.OO E-OS 1.64, E-09 I

(130') 22EOSc 0 E-loc E-08

'E '.00 Hilk Goatsf 2' 1.64 E-09 8 Heat Aniaals ESE (115') 1.8 5.1 E-OBc E 09c 1.16 E-07 3.54 E-09 Gardens E (97') 1.8 0EOlc 3.5 E-09c 2.53 E-07 5.55 E-09 Site Boundary EHE (67') 0.4 '2.4 E-06b d 4.4 E-OSc d 6.63 E-06 6.35 E-08 s


a. These values vill be used in dose calculations beginning in April 1986 but Nay be revised 'periodically to account for changes in locations of fares, gardens or critical residences.
b. Values based on 5 year annual eeteorological data (C. T. Hain, Rev. 2)
c. Values based on 5 year average grazing season aeteorological data (C.T. Hain Rev. 2)
d. Value are based on aost restrictive XIQ land-based sector (ENE). (C.T. Hain, Rev. 2)


e. Values are based on average annual aeteorological data for the year 1985.
f. Conservative location based on past dairy cow and goat silk history.


TABLE 3-2 Galena Al r and Hhole Body Plume Shine Oose Factors'or Noble Gases Gamma Nhole Gamma Air Bi Hody Vl m~rad/ r m~rem/ r Nud//de uC1/sec UCi/eee Kr-85 2.23E-6 Kr-85m 1.75E-3 1.6&E-3 Kr-87 1.02E-Z 9.65E-3 Kr-88 2.23E-Z Z.17E-Z Kr-89 2.50E-Z Kr-83m 2.26E-6 XQ-133 2.80E-4 2.41E-4 Xe-133m 2.27E-4 1.87E-4 XQ-135 2.62E-3 2.50E-3 Xe-135m . 5.20E-3 4.&9E-3 Xe-137 2.30E-3 2.20E-3 XQ-138 1.32E-Z 1.26E-Z Xe-131m 1.74E-S 1.47E-6 Ar-41 1.64E-2 1.57E-Z

'Calculated in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.109. (See Appendix B)

TABLE 3-3 lHHERSION DOSE FACTORS'eel lde IC>~<l-Bad >" L> <B-Sk> n>" M>~<-A> r>' Ml <6-Alr>'"

Kr 83m 7.56E-OZ 1.93E1 Z.88EZ Kr 85m 1.17E3 1.46E3 1.23E3 1.97E3 Kr 85 1.61E1 1.34E3 1.7ZE1 1.95E3 Kr 87 5.92E3 9.73E3 6.17'E3 1.03E4 1.47E4 Z.37E3 1.52E4 2.93E3 Kr 89 1.66E4 1.01E4 1.73E4 1.06E4 Kr 90 1.56E4 7.29E3 1.63E4 7.83E3 Xe 131m 9.15E1 4.76EZ 1.56EZ '1.1iE3 XQ 133m 2.51E2 9.94E2 3.27EZ 1.48E3 XQ 133 2.94EZ 3.06E2 3.53EZ 1.05E3 Xe 1.35m 3.12E3 7.11E2 3.36E3 7.39E2 XQ 135 1.81E3 1.86E3 1.92E3 2.46E3 XQ 137 1.42E3 1.22E4 1.51E3 1.27E4 XQ 138 8.83E3 4.13E3 9.21E3 4.75E3 Ar 41 8.84E3 2.69E3 9.30E3 3.28E3

'Frcm, Tab1e 8-1.Regu1atory Guide 1.109 Rev. 1 "mrem/'yr per uC'1/m .

"'mrad/yr per uC1/m .



~Nrem/ r uC'i /m IIUCLIDE BDNE LIVER T.  !!GUY TNYllDID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI 6.47EZ 6.47EZ 6.47KZ 6.47KZ 6.47K2 6.47K2 C 14 2.65E4 5.31E3 5.31E3 5.31E3 5.31K3 5.31E3 5.31K3 Cr 51 8.95E1 5,75K1 1.3ZKl 1.28K4 3.57EZ Mn 54 2.53E4 4.98E3 4.98K3 1.00K6 7.0663 Fe 55 1.97E4 1.17E4 3.33E3 8.69E4 1.09K3 Fe 59 1.36E4 2.35E4 9.48E3 1.01K6 2.48K4 Co 58 I.ZZE3 1.82E3 7.77E5 1.11E4 Co 60 8.0ZE3 1.18K4 4.51K6 3.19E4 Zn 65 1.93E4 6.26E4 3.11E4 3.25K4 6.47E5 5.14E4 Sr 89 3.98E5 1.14E4 2.03E6 6.40E4 Sr 90 4.09E7 2.59E6 1.12E7 1.31ES Zr 95 1.15ES 2.79E4 Z.03E4 3.11E4 1.75E6 2.17E4 Nb 95 1.57E4 6.43E3 3.78E3 4.72E3 4.79ES 1 27E4 1.65EZ 3.23fl 2.65E2 1.35ES 4.87E4 I 131 3.79E4 4.44E4 1.96E4 1.48E7 5.18E4 1.06K3 e

I 133 1.32E4 1.92E4 S.60E3 3.56K6 2.24K4 Z.16K3 Cs 134 3.96ES 7.03ES 7.45E4 1.90E5 7.97K4 1.33E3 Cs 137 S.49ES 6.12E5 4.55K4 1.7ZE5 7.13E4 1.33E3 Sa 140 5. 6OK4 S. 60El 2. 90e,3~ 1.34fl 1.60E6 3.84K4

  • La 140 S.OSEZ 2.00E2 5.15El 1.68ES 8.48E4 Ce 141 2.77E4 1.67K4 1.99E3 5.25E3 5.17ES 2.16E4 Ce 144 3.19f6 1.21E6 1.76ES 5.38E5 9.84E6 1.48E5 Nd 147 7.94E3 8.13E3 5.00E2 3.1SK3 3.22ES 3.12E4

'Oaughter Oecay Product.

'hts and t'ollowtng Rt Tables Calculated tn accordance with NUREG 0133, Sectton 5.3.1, except C 14 values tn accordance wtth Regulatory Gutde 1.109 Equatton C-8.


TASLE 3-5 Rl VALUES - INHALATION - CHILD m~rem/ r uC I /ttt NUCLEOE BONE LIVER LUNG GI-LLL I.IZE3 1.1ZE3 1.1ZE3 1.12E3 1.12E3 1.12E3 C 14 3.59E4 6.73E3 6.73E3 6.73E3 6.73K3 6.73E3 6.73E3 Cr 51 1.54K2 8.55El Z.43El 1.70E4 1.08E3 Mn 54 4.29E4 9.5IE3 1.00E4 1.58E6 Z.Z9E4 Fe 55 4.74E4 2.52E4 7.77E3 I.IIES 2.87E3 FQ 59 2.07K4 3.34E4 1.67E4 1.27E6 7.07E4 Co 58 I . 77E3 3.16E3 I.IIE6 3.44F4 Co 60 1.31E4 2.26E4 7.07E6 9.62E4 Zn 65 4.25E4 1.13ES 7.03E4 7.14E4 9.95ES 1.63E4 Sr 89" 5.99ES 1.72E4 2.16E6 1.67ES Sr 90 1.01E8 6.44K6 1.48E7 3.43ES lr 95 1.90E5 4.18E4 3.70E4 5.96E4 2.23E6 6.11E4

%Nb 95 2.35E4 9.18E3 6.55E3 8.62E3 6. 14KS 3.70E4 Mo 99 1.72EZ 4.26E1 3.92E2 1.35E5 1.27ES I 131 4.81E4 4.81E4 2.73E4 1.62E7 7.88E4 2.84K3 I 133 1.66E4 2.03K4 7.70E3 3.85E6 3.38K4 5.48E3 Cs 134 6.51ES 1.01E6 2.25ES , 3.30KS 1.21E5 3.85E3 Cs 137 9.07ES 8.25ES 1.28ES 2.8ZES 1.04KS 3.62E3 Ba 140 7.40E4 6.48El 4.33E3 Z.11Kl 1.74K6 1.02ES

'La 140 6.44E2 2.2SK2 7.55El 1.83E5 2.26E5 Ce 141 3.92F4 1.9SE4 2.90E3 8.55E3 S.44ES 5.66E4 Ce 144 6.77E6 Z.IZE6 3.61ES 1. 17E6 1.20E7 3.89E5 Nd 147 1.08E4 8.73E3 6.81E2 4.81K3 3.28ES 8.21K4

'Oauqhter Oecay Product.



- INHALATION - TEEN m~rmml r uCI /ttt NUCLIDE EQNE LEVER T. EQDY TNYRQIQ KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI H 3 1.27E3 1.27E3 1.27E3 I.27E3 1.27K3 1.27K3 C 14 2.60E4 4.87K3 4.87E3 4.87E3 4.87E3 4.87E3 4.87K3 Cr 51 1.35EZ 7.50EI 3.07EI 2.10E4 3.00E3 Hn 54 5.11E4 8.40E3 1.27'E4 1.98E6 6.68E4 Fe 55 3.34E4 2.3&E4 5.54K3 1.24ES 6.39E3 Fe 59 I.S9E4 3.70E4 1.43E4 1.53E6 1.7&f5 Co Sa 2.07K3 2.7&E3 1.34E6 9.5254 Co 60 1.51E4 1.9&f4 8.72E6 2.59ES Zn 65 3.86E4 1.34E5 6.24K4 8.64K4 I.Z4E6 4.66K4 Sr 89 4.34ES 1.25E4 Z.4ZK6 3.71KS Sr 90 I.oaf& 6.6&f6 1.65E7 7.65K5 Zr 95 1.46E5 4.58E4 3.15E4 6.74E4 Z.69E6 1.49KS

'Nb 95 1.86E4 1.03K4 5.66E3 1.00E4 7.51ES 9.68E4 Ho 99 1.69EZ 3.22E1 4.llf2 1.54ES 2.69E5 I 131 3.54E4 4.91E4 2.64K4 1.46E7 8.40E4 6.49E3 I 133 1.22E4 Z.OSE4 6.22E3 2.92E6 3.S9E4 1.03K4 Cs 134 5.02KS 1.13E6 S.49ES 3.75E5 1.46ES 9.76E3 Cs 137 6.70KS 8.48E5 3.11E5 3.04ES I.ZIE5 &.48E3 Ba 140 5.47K4 6.70fl 3.52E3 2.2&El Z.03E6 Z.29ES

'La 140 4.79EZ 2.36KZ 6.26KI 2.14E5 4.87KS Ce 141 2.84E4 1.90E4 2.17E3 &.aaf3 6.14fs 1.26Es Ce 144 4.89E6 2.0ZE6 Z.62ES 1.21E6 1.34K7 8-64ES Nd 147 7.86K3 8.56E3 5.13E2 5.02E3 3.72ES 1.82ES

'Oaughter Oecay Product.


TASLE 3-7 RI VALUES - INHALATION - AOULT m~reml r uCI /m NUCLIOE BONE LIVER I. BOGY YIIYROIO KINNEY LIING GI-LLI H 3 1.26E3 1.26E3 1,26E3 1.26E3 1.26E3 1.26E3 C 14 1.82E4 3.41E3 3.41E3 3.41E3 3.41E3 3.4IE'3 3.41E3 Cr 51 1.00EZ 5.9SE1 2.28El 1.44E4 3.32E3 Mn 54 3.96E4 6.30E3 9.84E3 1.40E6 7.74E4 fe 55 Z.46E4 1.70E4 3.94K3 7.21E4 6.03E3 fe 59 1.18E4 2.78E4 I.06E4 1.02E6 1.88ES Co 58 I . 58E3 2.07K3 9.28ES 1.06ES Co 60 1.15E4 1.48E4 5.97K6 Z.85KS ln 65 3.24E4 1.03ES 4.66E4 6.90E4 8.64ES 5.34K4 Sr 89 3.04ES &.7ZE3 1.40E6 3.50ES Sr 90 9.92E7 6.10E6 9.60E6 7.22ES Zr 95 1.07E5 3.44E4 2.33E4 5. 42E4 1. 77E6 1. SOES

'Nb 95 1.41E4 7.82E3 4.ZIE3 7.74E3 5.05ES 1.04ES 1.21EZ Z.30El 2.91KZ 9.12E4 2.48E5 I 131 2.52E4 3.58E4 Z.OSE4 1.19E7 6.13E4 6.28K3 I 133 8.64E3 1.48E4 4.52E3 Z.15E6 Z.SSE4 8.88E3 Cs 134 3.73ES 8.48ES 7.28ES 2.87KS -

9.76E4 1.04E4 Cs 137 4.78ES 6.2185 4.28E5 2.22E5 7.52E4 8.40E3 Ba 140 3.90E4 4.90E1 2.57E3 1.67E1 1.27E6 Z.18ES

'La 140 3.44E2 1.74EZ 4.58E1 1.36E5 4.58KS Ce 141 1.99K4 1.35K4 1.53E3 6.26K3 3.62E5 1.20ES Ce 144 3.43E6 1.43E6 1.84E5 8.48ES 7.78E6 8.16K5 Nd 147 5.27E3 6.10E3 3.65K2 3.56E3 2.21E5 1.73E5

'Oaughter Decay Product.


TABLE 3-8 R) VALUES - GROUNO PLANE ALL AGE GROUPS m ~mreml uC1/sec NUCLIOE TOTAL 100'f SKIN H 3 C 14 Cr 51 4.68E6 5.53E6 Hn 54 1.39E9 1.63E9 Fe 55 Fe 59 2.75ES 3.23ES Co 58 3.8ZES 4.47ES Co 60 Z.15E10 2.53E10 Zn 65 7.49ES 8.62ES Sr 89 2.26E4 2.6264 Sr 90 lr 95 2.50ES 2.9QES

'Nb 95 1.36ES 1.61ES Ho 99 4.04E6 4.67E6 I 131 1.7ZE7 Z.09E7

? 133 2.39E6 2.91E6 Cs 134 6.81E9 7.94E9 Cs 137 1.03E10 1.20E10 Sa 140 2.06E7 2.35E7

'La 140 1.92E7 2.18E7 CQ 141 1.37E7 1.54E7 Ce 144 6.95E7 8.03E7 Nd 147 .8.46E6 1.01E7

. 'Oaughter Oecay Product.




'N 3 3.10E3 3.10E3 3.10K3 3.10E3 3.10E3 3.10K3

'C 14 3.23E6 6.89E5 6.89E5 6.89E5 6.89E5 6.89E5 6.89E5 Cr 51 8. 37E4 5. 46E4 1. 19E4 1.06K5 2. 44E6 Hn 54 2.51E7 5.69E6 5.56E6 9.22K6 Fe 55 8.98K7 5.80K7 1.55E7 2.83Kl 7.3685 Fe 59 1.22ES 2.14EB 8.4ZE7 6.3187 1.0ZES Co 58 1.3987 3.47f7 3.4lEi Co 60 5.90E7 1.39ES 1.40KB ln 65 3.53E9 1.21E10 5.58E9 5.87E9 1.02K10 Sr 89 7.04F9 2.02EB 1.45KB Sr 90 8.19E10 2.09E10 1.02E9 Zr 95 3.88E3 9.45E2 6. 70KZ 1.0ZE3 4.71ES

'b 95 3.1465 1.29E5 7.48E4

'o 9.27E4 1.09KB 99 1.05KB 2.06E7 1.58KB 3.47K7 I 131 1. 36E9 1. 60E9 7.06ES S. 27E11 1. 87K+9 5.73E7 I,133 1-70E7 2.48E7 7. Z7E6 4. 51E9 Z. 92E7 4.20E6 Cs 134 2.41E10 4.49E10 4.54E9 1.16K10 4.74E9 1.22ES Cs 137 3.47E10 4.06K10 2.88E9'4. 1.09E10 4.41E9 1.27ES Ba 140 1.21EB 1.21E5 6.23E6 2.87K4 7.42E4 .2.97E7

'a 140 2.03E1 7.99 2.06 9.39E4 Ce 141 2.28E4 1.39E4 1.64E3 4.Z9E3 7.1SE6 Ce 144 1.49E6 6. 10E5 8.35E4 2.46E5 8.55E7 Nd 147 4.43K2 4.55E2 2.79El 1.76EZ Z.B9E5

'erettt/yr per uCl/m3.

"Oaughter Oecay Product.



'H 3 2.05E3 2.05E3 Z.05E3 2.05E3 2.05E3 2.0SE3

'C 14 1.6SE6 3.29E5 3.29ES 3.29E5 3.29E5 3.29ES 3.29ES Cr 51 5.29E4 Z.93E4 B.QZE3 5.36E4 2.80E6 Mn 54 '.35E7 3.59E6 3.7BE6 1.13E7 Fe 55 7.43E7 3.94E7 1.22E7 2.23E7 7e30E6 fe 59 6.55E7 1.06KB S.ZBE7 3.07K7 l. 10KB Co 58 6.96E6 2.13E7 4.06E7 Co 60 2.89E7 B.SZE7 1.60KB I

Zn 65 2.63E9 7.00E9 4.35E9 4.41E9 1.23E9 Sr 89 3.70E9 1.06EB 1.43EB Sr 90 7.53EIO 1.91EI0 1.01E9 lr 95 Z. I BE3 4.80E2 4.27K2 6.87E2 5.01ES "Nb 95 1.68E5 6.55E4 4. 68E4 6.15E4 1.21EB Mo 99 4.13E7 I.QZE7 8.81E7 3.41E7 I 131 6.52KB 6.56KB 3.73KB Z.17KII 1.08E9 5.8487 I"133 8.07E6 9.98K6 3.78E6 1.85E9 1.66E7 4.02E6 Cs 134 1.50EIO 2.46KIO 5. lBE9 7.61E9 2.73E9 1.32EB Cs 137 2.17EIO 2.08EIO 3.07E9 6.78E9 2.44E9 1.30EB Ba 140 5.88E7 S.15E4 3.43E6 1.68E4 3.07K4 2.9BE7 "La 140 9.70 3.39 1.14 9.45E4 Ce 141 1.15E4 5.74E3 8.52E2 2.51E3 7.15E6 Ce 144 1.04E6 3.26E5 '.55E4 1.80E5 B.SOE7 Nd 147 2.24E2 1.81E2 1.4OEI 9.94KI Z.B7E5

'mrem/yr per uCl/sP.

"Oaughter Oecay Product.





'H 3 1.29E3 1.29E3 1.29E3 1.29E3 1.29E3 1.29E3

'C 14 6. 70E5 1 . 34E5 l.34ES 1.34K5 1.34ES 1,35E5 1.34E5 Cr 51 2.59E4 1.44E4 5.68E3 3.70E4 4.35E6 Mn 54 9.0ZE6 1.79E6 Z.69E6 1.85K7 Fe 55 2.96K7 2.10E7 4.89K6 1.33'.0BE6 Fe 59 2.82K7 6.59K7 2.55E7 Z.OBE7 1.56EB Co 58 4.55E6 1.05K7 6.ZBK7 Co 60 1.86E7 4.19E7 Z.42KB Zn 65 1.34K9 4.65K9 2.17E9 2.98E9 1.97E9 Sr 89 1.50E9 4.2SE7 1.78KB Sr 90 4.46K10 1.10E10 1.25E9 Zr 95 9.40E2 2.97EZ 2.04E2 4.36EZ 6.85KB

~iNb 95 7.45E4 4. 13E4 2.27K4 4.01E4 1.77ES Ho 99 2.27E7 4.32E6 5.19E7 4.06E7 l 131 2. 69KB 3. 77ES 2.02KB 1. 10K 1 1 6. 48EB 7.45E7 I 'l33 3.32E6 5.64E6 .1.72E6 7.87EB 9.88E6 4 '6E6 Cs 134 6.49E9 1.53E10 7.08E9 4.85K9 1.85E9 1.90KB Cs 137 9.02E9 1.20E10 4.18E9 4.08E9 1.59E9 1.71EB Ba 140 2.43E7 Z.98E4 1.57E6 1.01K4 2.01E4 3.75E7 La 140 4.05 1.99 5.30E-l 1.14E5 Ce 141 4. 67K3 3.12E3 3. 58E2 1.47E3 8.9ZE6 Ce 144 4.22E5 1.74E5 2.27K4 1.04E5 1.06KB Nd 147 9.12El 9. 91K1 5.94KO 5.82El 3.58E5

'mrem/yr per uCl/aP.

"Oaughter Oecay Product.



m ~mreml r IIUCLIDE


'C 3

14 EDRE 3.63ES

'.LIVER 94EZ 7.26E4 9.94E2 7.26E4 uCl/sec 9.94EZ 7.26E4 9.94EZ 7.26E4 LUNG 9.94EZ 7.26E4

. GI-LLI 9.94EZ 7.26E4 Cr 51 1.48E4 8.87E3 3.27E3 1.97E4 3.73E6 Hn 54 5.41E6 I.03E6 1.61E6 1.66E7 Fe 55 1.67E7 1. 15E7 2.69E6 6.43E6 6.61E6 Fe 59 1.6ZE7 3.80K7 1.46E7 1.06E7 l.Z7EB Co 58 2.70E6 6.06E6 5.48ET Co 60 1. 10ET 2. 42E7 2068 ln 65 8.72KB 2.7889 I.ZSK9 1.86E9 1.TSK9 Sr 89 8.11KB 2. 33ET 1.30EB Sr 90'.ISE10 7.74E9 9.11'EB Zr 95 S.38K2 1.72E2 1.17EZ 2.71EZ 5.47ES

'b 95 4.37K4 2.43E4 1.31E4 2.40K4 1.47KB Ho 99 1.26E7 2.39E6 2.84E7 2.91ET I 131 1.48'EB 2.12EB 1.22EB 6.95K10 3.63KB 5.59ET

? 133 1.82E6 3.16K6 9.64KS 4.65KB S.SZE6 2.84E6 Cs 134 3.74E9 8.89E9 7.27E9 2.88E9 9.55EB 1.S6K8 Cs 137 4.98E9 6.80E9 4.46E9 2-31E9 7.68EB 1.32EB Ba 140 1.35E7 1.69E4 8.83E5 5.76E3 9.70E3 2.78E7 "La 140 2.26 1.14 3.01E-1 8.35E4 Ce 141 2.55E3 1.72E3 1.95EZ 8.00E2 6.58E6 Ce 144 2.29ES 9.58E4 1.23E4 5.68E4 7.75ET Nd 147 4.74K1 5.48EI 3.28EO 3.20E'I 2.63E5

'mrem/yr per uC1/nP.

"Oaughter Oecay Product.

TABLE 3<>- '.15E6 1.17K6 1. S3E6 1.88E7 Fe 55 1.95EB 1.36KB 3. l4E7 7.51E7 7.72E7 Fe 59 1.45EB 3.4'lEB 1. 31KB 9.53E7 1.14Eg Co 58 1.05E7 2.35E7 2.1ZEB Co 60 5.0787 1.12ES 9.52ES Zn 65 2.26EB 7.20KB 3.ZSEB 4.81KB 4.53KB Sr 89 1.70KB 4.89E6 2,73E7 Sr 90 8.38E9 2.06E9 2.42ES Zr 95 1.0786 3.44E5 Z.33E5 5.40E5 1.'09F9

. ~iNb 95 1.22E6 6.76KS 3.63ES 6.68ES 4.10E9 Ho 99 S..31E4 1.01E4 1.20E5 1.Z3ES I 131 5.39E6 7.71E6 4.42E6 -

2.S3E9 1.32E7 2.03E6 l, 133 1.21E-l 2.10E<<l 6.40E-Z 3.09E1 3.66E-l 1.89E>>l Cs 134 4.35KB 1.03E9 8.45EB 3.35KB 1.11KB 1.81K2 Cs 137 S.SSEB . 8.04ES 5.27ES ~ Z.73KB 9.07K7 1.56E7 Ba 140 1.44E7 1.81E4 9.45ES 6.16E3 1.04K4 2.97E7 "La 140 1.86E-Z 9.37E-3 Z.48K-3 6.88EZ Ce 141 7.38E3 4.99E3 5.66K2 2.32E3 1.91E7 Ce 144 1.01E6 4.23E5 5.43E4 2.51KS 3.4ZEB Hd 147 3.59E3 4.15E3 2.48EZ Z.42E3 1.99E7

'mrem/yr per uC1/aP.

"Qaughter Oecay Product.




'H 3 5.22E3 5.22E3 5.22E3 5.22E3 Sm22E3 S.ZZE3

'C 14 3.50E6 7.01E5 7.01ES 7.01ES 7.01ES 7.01E5  ?.QI E5 Cr 51 1. 18ES 6.54E4 1.79E4 1.19ES 6.25E6 Mn 54 6.65ES 1.77ES 1.86ES 5. 5&ES Fe 55 &.01ES 4.25ES 1.3ZES Z. 40ES 7. &7E7 Fe 59 4.01ES 6.49EB 3.23ES 1.&BE& 6.76KB Co SS 6.47E7 1.98K& 3e77ES Co 60 3.7&ES 1.1ZE9 2.10E9 2n 65 8.13EB 2.17E9 1.35E9 1.36K9 3.&OEB Sr 89 3.74E10 1.07E9 1.45E9 Sr 90 1.24E12 3.15E11 1.67K10 Zr 95. 3.92E6 &.63ES 7.68E5 1.23E6 9.00ES

~iNb 95 4.10KB 1.60E5 1. 14ES 1.50ES 2.95ES Mo 99 7.80E6 1.93E6 1.67E7 6.45E6 l 131 1.43ES 1.44EB 8.18E7 4.76K10 2.36KB 1.28E7 l '133 3.39E6 4.19E6 1.58E6 7.78EB 6.98E6 1.69E6 Cs 134 1.60E10 2.63E10 5.55E9 8.15K9 2.9ZE9 1.42ES Cs 137 2.39K10 2.29E10 3.38E9 7.46E9 2.6&K9 1.43EB Ba 140 2;17KB 2.43ES 1. 6ZE7 7.91K4 1.45ES 1.40ES

'a 140 3.25E3 1.13E3 3.S3E2 3.16E7 Ce 141 6.56E5 3.27E5 4.&6E4 1.43ES 4.08KB Ce 144 1.27EB 3.98E7 '.78E6 2.21E7 1.04E10 Nd 147 7.23K4 5.86E4 4.54K3 3.22E4 9.28E7

'mrea/yr per uC1/N3.

"Oaughter Oecay Product.




'H 3 3.37K3 3.37E3 3.3?K3 3.37E3 3.3?E3 3.3?E3

'C 14 1.4SK6 2.91KS 2.91E5 Z.91ES 2.91E5 2.91KS 2.91KS Cr Sl 6. ZOE4 3. 44K4 1. 36E4 8. SSE4 1 . 04K7 Hn 54 4.55KB 9.01K? 1.36KB 9.3ZEB Fe 55 3.26KB 2.31ES 5.39K? 1.4?KS 1.OOKS Fe 59 1.81KB 4.22KB 1.63KB 1.33KB 9.99ES 4.3BK7 l.01KS 6.04KB Co 60 2.49KB 5.60KB 3.24K9 Zn 65 4.24KS 1.47E9 6.8?ES 9.42KB 6.24KB Sr 89 1.57E10 4.SOEB 1.87K9 Sr 90 7.51E11 1.85Kll 2.11KIO Zr 95 1.75K6 5.52E5 3.80E5 8.11H 1.27E9 i~Nb 95 1.92ES 1.06H 5.86E4 1.03ES 4.55ES Ho 99 5.71K6 1.09E6 1.31K7 1.0ZE7 I 131 7.?QE? 1.08KB 5.79E7 3.14K10 1.86KB 2.13E7 I 133 1.86K6 3.15K6 9.61H 4.40KB S.SZE6 2.3886 Cs 134 7.10E9 1.67E10 7.?SK9 5.31E9 2.03E9 Z.OBES Cs 137 Ba 140 1 ~


  • ~La 140 1."81K3

. 1.35K10 1.70KS 8.88E2 4.69E9 8.91E6 2.36K2 4.59E9 S.?SE4 1.78E9 1.14E5 1.92KB 2.13EB 5.10E?

Ce 141 2.83H 1.89H 2.17E4 8.90E4 5.41KB Ce 144 5.27E7 2.18E7 2.83E6 1.30E? 1.33E10 Nd 147 3.66E4 3.98K4 2.38E3  ?.34K4 1.44ES

'lraa/yr per uCllij3 "Oaughter Oecay Product.


'H 3 2.26K3 2.26E3 Z.26K3 Z.Z6K3 2.26K3 2.26K3

'C 14 8.97K5 1.79E5 1 79K5 1.79E5 1.79E5 1.79E5 1.79E5 Cr 51 4.67K4 2.79E4 1.03K4 6.19E4 1.1787 Hn 54 3.13KB 5.97E7 9.31K7 9.59ES Fe 55 2.10KB I'.45EB 3.38E7 8,08K7 8.31E7 Fe 59 1.27ES 2.99KB 1.15KB 8.35E7 9.96KB Co 58 3.09E7 6.92E7 6.26KB Co 60 1.67KB 3.69EB 3.14E9 Zn 65 3. 18ES 1.01E9 4.57KB 6.76KB 6.36EB Sr 89 . 1.03EIQ 2.96KB 1.65K9 Sr 90 6.04EII 1.48Ell 1.75K10 Zr 95 1. 19E6 3.83KS Z.59E5 6.00E5 1.21K9 a+Nb 95 1 42E5 7 91E4 4 25E4 7.82E4 4.80KB Ho 99 6.22E6 1.18E6 1.41E7 1.44K7 I 131 8.09E7 1.16KB 6.63E7 3.79EIQ 1.98ES 3.05K7 i 133 2.00E6 3.48E6 1.06E6 5.11ES 6.07'E6 3.13E6 Cs 134 4.66K9 1.11K10 9.0789 3.59E9 1.19E9 1.94KB Cs 137 6.36E9 .. 8.70K9 5.70E9 Z.95E9 9.81ES 1.68KB Sa 140 429KS 1.62E5 8.43E6 5.49E4 9.25E4 2.65ES

    • La 140 1.98E3 9.97E2 2.63E2 7.32E7 Ce 141 1.97E5 1.33E5 1.51K4 6.19E4 5.10EB Ce 144 3.29E7 1.38K7 1.77E6 8.16K6 1.11K10 Nd 147 3.36K4 3.88E4 2.32E3 2.27E4 1.&6KB ares/yr per uC1/s3 "Oaughter Oecay product.


002234LL NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION RADIOLOGICALENVIRONMENTAI.MONITORING PROGRAM SAMPI.ING LOCATIONS TABLE 5.1 Type of + Map m I L I n II I i nv. Pr r mNo. I n Radioiodine and Nine Mile Point Road 1.8 rni@ 884 F Particulates (air) North (R-1)

Radioiodine and Co. Rt. 29 5 l.ake Road (R-2) 1.1 mi 5 1044ESE Particulates (air)

Radioiodine and Particulates (air)

Co. Rt. 29 (R-3) 1.5 mi I 1324 SE Radioiodine and Village of Lycoming, NY (R-4) 1.8 tni@ 143o SE Particulates (air)

Radioiodine and Montario Point Road (R-5) 16.4 mi O 424 NE Particulates (air)

Direct Radiation (TLD) North Shoreline Area (75) 0.1 mi O 54 N.

Direct Radiation (TLD) North Shoreline Area (76) 0.1 mi I 254 NNE Direct Radiation (TLD) North Shoreline Area (77) 0.2 mi@ 454 NE Direct Radiation (TLD) North Shoreline Area (23) 0.8mi 9 70o ENE Direct Radiation (TLD) 10 JAF East Boundary (78) 1.0 mi I 904 E Direct Radiation (TLD) Rt. 29 (79) 1.1 mi 5 1154 ESE Direct Radiation (TLD) 12 Rt. 29 (80) 4mi 6 133o SE Direct Radiation (TLD) 13 Miner Road (81) 1.6 rnl O 159o SSE Direct Radiation (TLD) Miner Road (82) 1.6mi O 1814 S Direct Radiation (TLD) Lakeview Road (83) 1.2 mi I 2004 SSW Direct Radiation (TLD) 16 Lakeview Road (84) 1.1 mi I 2254 SW Direct Radiation (TLD) 17 Site Meteorological Tower (7) 0.7 mi O 2504 WSW Direct Radiation (TLD) 18 Energy Information Center (18) 0.4 mi 5 2654 W

+ Map ~ See Figures 5.1-1 and 5.1-2


Type of *Map m I Lo in II in i nv.Pr r mN L cain Direct Radiation (TLD) 19 North Shoreline (85) 0.2 mi 5 2944 WNW Direct Radiation (TLD) 20 North Shoreline (86) 0.1 mi 5 3154 NW Direct Radiation (TLD) 21 North Shoreline (87) 0.1 mi 5 3414 NNW Direct Radiation (TLD) 22 Hickory Grove (88) 4.5 mi 5 974 E Direct Radiation (TLD) 23 Leavitt Road (89) 4.1 mi 5 1114 ESE Direct Radiation (TLD) 24 Rt. 104 (90) 4.2 mi 5 1354 SE Direct Radiation (TLD) 25 Rt. 51A (91) 4.8 mi 5 156'SE Direct Radiation (TLD) 26 Maiden Lane Road (92) 4.4 mi 4 1834'S Direct Radiation (TLD) 27 Co. Rt. 53 (93) 4.4 mi 5 205 SSW Direct Radiation (TLD) 28 Co. Rt. 1 (94) 4.7 mi 5 2234 SW Direct Radiation (TLD) 29 Lake Shoreline (95) 4.1 mi e 237'SW Direct Radiation (TLD) 30 Phoenix, NY Control (49) 19.8 mi 5 1634 S Direct Radiation (TLD) 31 S. W. Oswego, Control (14) 12.6 mi @ 226 SW Direct Radiation (TLD) 32 Scriba, NY (96) 3.6 mi e 199'SW Direct Radiation (TLD) 33 Atcan Aluminum, Rt, 1A (58) 3,1 mi (gI 2204 SW Direct Radiation (TLD) 34 Lycominp, NY (97) 1.8 mi (gi 143'E Direct Radiation (TLD) 35 New Haven, NY (56) 5.3 mi@ 1234 ESE Direct Radiation (TLD) W, Boundary, Bible Camp (15) 0.9 mi@ 2374 WSW Direct Radiation (TLD) Lake Road (98) 1.2mi 5 1014 E Surface Water 38 OSS Inlet Canal (NA) 7.6 mi@ 2354 SW Surface Water 39 JAFNPP Inlet Canal (NA) 0.5 mi@70'NE (NA) ~ Not applicable

  • Map = See Figures 5.1-1 and 5.1-2 91


Type of *Map m I L I n II in i nv.Pr r mN L i n Shoreline Sediment 40 Sunset Bay Shoreline (NA) 1.5 mi @ 804 E Fish 41 NMP Site Discharge Area (NA) 0.3 mi O 315 NW land/or)

Fish 42 NMP Site Discharge Area (NA) 0.6 mi 5 554 NE Fish 43 Oswego Harbor Area (NA) 6:2 mi I 235'W Milk 44 Milk Location ¹50 8.2 mi 4 934 E Milk 45 Milk Location ¹7 5.5 mi O 1074 ESE Milk 46 Milk Location ¹16 5.9 mi@ 190 S Milk 47 Milk Location ¹65 17.0 mi O 2204 SW Milk 64 Milk Location ¹55 9.0 mi I 954 E Milk Milk Location ¹60 9.5 mi O 904 E 66 Milk Location ¹4 7.8 mi I 113'SE Food Product 48 Produce Location ¹6 1.9 mi O 141'E (Bergenstock) (NA)

Food Product 49 Produce Location ¹1 1.7 mi 5 964 E (Culeton) (NA)

Food Product 50 Produce Location ¹2 1.9 mi O 101' (Vitullo) (NA)

Food Product Produce Location ¹5 (C.S. Parkhurstl (NA) 1.5 mi I 1144 ESE Food Product 52 Produce Location ¹3 1.6mi O 844 E (C. Narewski) (NA)

Food Product Produce Location ¹4 2.1 mi O 110'SE (P. Parkhurst) (NA)

Food Product (CR) 54 Produce Location ¹7 15,0 mi (g) 2234 SW (Mc Millen) (NA)

  • Nlep ~ See Figures 5.1-1 and 5.1-2

++ Food Product Samples need not necessarily be collected from all listed locations. Collected samples will be of the highest calculated site average 0/Q.

(NA) ~ Not applicable CR ~ Control Result (location) 92


Type of + Map m I i n II in I nv.Pr r mN Food Product (CR) 55 Produce Location (Denman) (NA)

¹8 12.6 mi I 225'W Food Product 56 Produce Location ¹9 1.6 mi @ 1714 S (O'onnor) (NA)

Food Product 57 Produce Location Lawton) (NA)


2.2 mi I 123 ESE Food Product 58 Produce Location ¹11 (C. R. Parkhurst) (NA) 2.0 ml I 1124 ESE Food Product 59 Produce Location ¹12 1.9 mi @ 115 ESE 9 (Barton) (NA)

Food Product (CR) 60 Produce Location (Flack) (NA)

¹13 15.6 mi I 2254 SW Food Product 61 Produce Location ¹14 1.9 mi 9 954 E (Koeneke) (NA)

Food Product 62 Produce Location ¹15 1.7mi 5 1364 SE (Whaley) (NA)

Food Product 63 Produce Location 1.2 mi 9 207 SSW (NA) ¹16'Murray)

  • Mep ~ See Figures 5,1-1 and 5.1-2

++ Food Product Samples need not necessarily be collected from all listed locations. Collected samples will be of the highest calculated'site average D/Q.

(NA) ~ Not applicable CR ~ Control Result (location) 93

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NOTES TO FIG.M 5.1.3-1 (a) NMP1 Stack (height is 350')

(b)-NMP2 Stack (height is 430')

(c) JAFNPP Stack (height is 385')

(d) NMP1 Radioactive Liquid Discharge (Lake Ontario, bottom)

(e) NMP2 Radioactive Liquid Discharge (Lake Ontario, bottom)

(f) JAFNPP Radioactive Liquid Discharge (Lake Ontario, bottom)

(g) Site Boundary (h) Lake Ontario Shoreline (i) Meteorological Tover (j) Training Center (k; Energy Informarian Center Additional Information:

- NMP2 Reactor Building Vent is located 187 feet above ground level

- JAFNPP, Reactor and Turbine Building Vents are located 173 feet =bove ground level

- JAFNPP Radvaste Building Vent is 112 feet above ground level

- The Energy Information Center and ad)oining picnic area are UNRESTRICTED AREAS vithin the SITE BOUNDARY that are accessible to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLZC t Lake Road, a private road, is an UNRESTRZCTED AREA vithin the SITE BOUNDARY accessible to MKKRS OF THE PUBLIC 96a


Appendi x A I;Iquid Effluent Dose Factor Derivation, Aiat Aiat (mrem/hr per uCI/ml) which embodies the dose conversion factors, pathway transfer factors (e.g., bloaccumulation factors), pathway usage factors, and dilutian factors for the points of pathway origin takes into account the dase fram Ingestion of fish and drinking ~ater. The total body and organ dose canversian factars far each radlonuclIde will be used from Table. E< I of Regulatory Guide 1. 109. To expedite time . the dose Is calculated for a maximum individual Instead of each age group. The maximum Individual dose factor 'Is a composite of the highest dose factor, Aiat, of each age group a, argan t and nuclide I, hence Alt. The equatIon for calculating dose contributions given in Section 2.3 requires the use of the composite dose factor Alt for each nuclide, 1. It should be noted that the fish Ingestion pathway Is the most significant pathway for dose from liquid effIuents. The water consumption and the external sediment exposure pathways are Included for consistency with Unit I technical specifications. The dose factor equation I'or a fresh water site Is:

Aiat Ko (Uw(e- I Pw) + UfBFI(e at Pf)l(DFI.)lat I +~ ~ ~

... + 69.3 (><(< (>-. ( (>~<>-e- > ~) <OFS>(



Aiat Is the dose factor I'or nuclide I, age group a, total body or organ t, for all appropriate pathways, (mrem/hr per uCI/ml)

Is the unit conversIon factor, 1.14E5 1E6pCI/uCI x IE3 ml/kg -:- 8760 hr/yr Hater consumption (1/yr); from Table E-5 of Reg. Guide 1.109 Uf Fish consumption (Kg/yr); from Table E-5 of'eg. Guide 1.109 Us Sediment Shoreline Usage (hr/yr); from Table E-5 Guide 1.109 of'eg.

BFI Bloaccumulation factor for nuclide, 1, in fish, (pCI/kg per pCI/1), fram Table A-1 of'eg. Guide 1.109 (DFL)iat Dose conversion factor f'r nuclide, I, age group a, total body or organ,t, (mrem/pCl); from Table E-ll of Reg. Guide 1.109 (DFS)1 Dose canversiaa factor far nuclide I and total body, frcN gtanding on contaminated ground (mrem/hr per pCI/m4); I'rom Table E-6 of Reg. Guide 1.109 D11ution factor fram the near field area within one-quarter mile of the release point to the potable water Intake for the adult water consumption. This is the Metropolitan Hater Board, Onondaga County intake structure located west of the City of Os~ego.


Os Oi.lution factor from the near field area within one quarter mile of'he release point to the shoreline deposit (taken at the same point where we take envIranmental samples 1.5 mi lis; unitless) 98

AppendIx A (Cont'd) tpw tpf or tps Average transit t1me required for each nuclide to reach the point of exposure for Internal dose, it Is the total time elapsed from release of the nuc11des to either Ingestion for water (w) and fish (f) or shoreline deposit <s), <hr)

Length of time the sedIment Is exposed to the contaminated water, nominally 15 yrs (approximate midpoint of fac1lfty operating 11fe), (hrs) .

decay constant for nuclide I (hr-I)

Shore width factor (unitless) from Table 1-2 of Reg.

Guide 1.109 Example Calculation For I-131 Thyroid Oose Factor for an Adult from a Radwaste liquid effluents exposure:

(OFS)i Z.BOE-9 mrem/hr per pCI/mZ (OFL) Iat 1.95E-3 mrem/pCf tpw 30 hrs. (w water)

BFI 15 pCI/Kg per pCI/1 t>f>> Z4 hrs. (f fish)

Uf 21 Kg/yr tb 1.314ES hr (5.48E3 days)

Ow 40 unftless Uw 730 1/yr Os 12 unf tless Ko >> 1.14E5 (aCI/uCI)(mf/k )

Us 'lZ hr/yr (hrlyr)

H >> .3 3.61E-3hr 1 tps >> 5.5 hrs (s>>Shoreline Sediment)

These values wi 11 yfeld an Afat Factor of 6.79E4 mrem-ml per uCI-hr as listed in Table 2-4. It should be noted that only a limited number of'uclfdes are listed on Tables 2-1 to 2-8. These are the most coaaen nuclfdes encountered In effluents. If a nuclide 1s detected for which a factor fs not listed. then ft will be calculated and included fn a revision to the OOCH.

In addition, not all dose factors for each age group are used for the dose calculations. A maximum individual is used, which fs a composite of the maximum dose factor of each age group for each organ as reflected fn the app11cable chem)stry procedures.



APPKNOjX 8 For elevated releases the plume shine dose factors for gaaaa air (Si) and

~hole body (Vi), are calculated using the finite plume model with an elevation above ground equal to the stack height. To calculate the plume shine factor for galena whole body doses, the gaaea air dose factor is ad]usted for the attenuation of tissue, and the ratio of mass absorption coefficients between tissue and air. The equations are as follows:

Gamma Air Bi gs


RBYs where: V. ~ conversion factor <see below for actual value).

td tissue depth (g/c4) ua energy absorption coefficient .

(cm- ; air for Si, tissue for Vi)

H~hals Bad E Energy of gamma ray per disintegration (Hev)

Vi ~ 1.11SFBie-uatd

=Vs average wind speed for each stability class (s), <<s R downwind distance (si te boundary, m) 8 ~ sector width < radians)

SF shielding factor from structures (unitless) s subscript for stability class ls I function ll + klp for each stability class.

(uni tless, see Regulatory Guide 1.109) kjO Fraction of the attenuated energy that is actually absorbed in air (see Regulatory Guide 1.109, see below for equation) 1.11 Ratio of mass absorption coefficients between tissue 0

and air.

K conversion i'actor 3.7 E10 dis 1.6 E-6 ~er Cl-s Mev ~ .46 293 00 ~er gJ g-rad k e~uu ua ~here: u energy attenuation coefficient <cm-1; air for Bi. tissue for Vi) .


APPENDIX 8 (Cont'd)

There are seven stability classes, A thru F. The percentage of the year that each stability class occurs is taken from the U-2 FSAR. From this data, a "plume shine dose factor ls calculated i'r each stability class and each nuclide, multiplied by its respective fraction and then summed.


The wind speeds corresponding to each stability class are, also, taken from the U-2 FSAR. To conf1rm the accuracy of these values, an average of the 12 month wind speeds for 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1988 was compared to the average of the FSAR values. The average wind speed of the actual data ls equal to 6.78 m/s, which compared favorably to the FSAR average wind speed equal to 6.77 m/s.

The average galena energies were calculated using a weighted average of all ganma energies emitted from the nuclide. These energies were taken from the handbook "Radioactive Oecay Oata Tables", Oavid C. Kocher. These energies compared favorably to those given ln Table 1-1.

The absorption (ua) and attenuation (u) coefflclents were calculated by multiplying the mass absorption (ua/i) and mass attenuation (u/p) coefficients given ln the Radiation Health Handbook by the air density equal to 1.293 K-3 g/cc or the t1ssue density of 1 g/cc where appl1cable.

The downwind distance is the site boundary.




-OATA E a 2.22 k a ~u-u a ~ 871 k ~ .46 ua ~ 2.943 E-3m-1 ua Vf 5.55 m/sec u 5.5064E-3m 1 R 644m e - .39 Q ~ 19m.......vertical plume spread Engineering", John R.

taken from "Introduction to Nuclear LaHarsh

-I Function UOg ~ .06

.33 I2 ~ .45 I ~ Il + kI2 ~ .33 + (.871) (.45) ~ .72

~er s Si ~ 0.46 (Ci-sec)(Mev ) (2.943E-3m-l)<2.22(Mev))<.72)

(g/m ) (~er s) (5.55 m/s) (.39) (644m)

(g-rad) 1.55(-6) rad/s (3600 s/hr) (24 h/d) (365 d/ ) (lE3mrad/rad)

Cl /s (lE6uC1>

Ci 2.50<-R) ~mradl r uCi/sec 103


APPENDIX C DOSE PARAMETERS FOR'ODINE - 131 ANO - 133, PARTICULATES ANO TRITIUM Th)s appendix contains the methodology which was used to calculate the organ dose factors for I-I31, I-)33, particulates, and tritium. The dose factor, Ri, was calculated using the methodology outl)ned )n NUREG-0)33. The radioiodine and particulate Technical Speclf)cat)on (Section 3.6.)Sl ls applicable to the locat)on ln the unrestr)cted area where the combination of existing pathways and receptor age groups )ndfcates the maximum potential exposure occurs, ).e., the critical receptor. The inhalatfon and ground plane exposure pathways are cons)dered to exist at all locations but the landsite boundary critical location wi 1 1 be used for dose purposes . The grass-goat-milk, the grass-cow-milk, grass-cow-meat, and vegetation pathways are considered to ex)st at cr1t1cal specific locat1ons. Washout was calculated and determined to be negligible. Ri values have been calculated for the adult, teen, child and )nfant age groups for all pathways. The methodology used to calculate these values follows:

A.l Inhalation Pathwa R)(I) ~ K(BR)a(OFA))at where:

Ri (I) dose 1'actor for each ldent1fled rad)onuclide 1 of the .

organ ot'nterest (un)ts mrem/hr per uC)/m3);

a constant of unit convers1on, lE6 pCl/uC1 K'BR)a Breathing rate of the receptor of age group a, (units m3/yr);

(DFA))at The )nhalat)on dose factor for nuc)1de ) age group a, and total bodywr organ t (un)ts mrem/pC)).



The breathing rates (SR)a for the various age groups, as given in Table K-5 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 Revision 1, are tabulated below.

Breathin Rate (m3~/ r)

Infant 1400 Child 3700 8000 Adult 8000 Inhalation dose factors <OFAi)a For the various age groups are given in Tables K-7 through 6-10 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 Revision l.

A.Z Ground Plane Pathwa t

Ri(G) ~ K'K(SF)<DFG)i (1-e )


Ri(G) dose factor for the ground plane pathway for each identified radionuclide for the organ of interest <units 1

4-mrem/yr per uCl/sec)

K'I a constant of unit conversion, lE6 qC'1/uCi; I

a constant of unit conversion, 8760 hr/year; the radiological decay constant i'r radionuclide 1, (units sec-1) t the exposure time, sec. 4.73EB sec (1S years);

(DFG)i the ground plane dose conversion factor for radionuclide mrem/hr per pCi/6) i'units SF the shielding facW~ (dimensionless);


APPEHOlX C (Cant'd)

A shielding factor of 0.7 is discussed 1n Table E-15 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 Revision l. A tabulation of OFGi values is presented fn Table E-6 of Regulatory Guide 1. 109 Revision l.

A.3 Grass-(Cow or Goat)-8/Ik Pathwa II Ri(C)~k~f~(U p) Fm(I )(OFL) ia fpfs+(1-foPs)e 1th e- 1tf (gi + gw) P Ys where:

Ri(C) dose factor for the cow milk or goat mi'Ik pathway, for each 1dentified radionucl1de 1 for the organ of interest. (units 6-mrem/yr per uC1/sec)

K'f a constant of unit conversion, lE6 pC1/uCl; The cow' or goat' feed consumpt1on rate, (units ~ Kg/day-wet weight)

Uap the receptor' milk consumption rate for age group a, (units 11ters/yr);

Yp the agricultural productiv1ty by unit area of pasture feed grass, (units kg/m~);

Ys the agricultural productivity by unit area of stored feed, (units kg/6);

the stable element transfer coeffic1ents, (units pC1/11ter per pC1/day);

fract1on of deposited activity retained on cow's feed grass; (DFL)iat the ingest1on dose factor for nuclide 1, age group a, and total body or organ t (un1ts mrem/pCl);

the radiological decay constant for radionuclide 1, (units sec -l);

the decay constant for removal of act1vity on leaf and plant surfaces by weathering equal to 5.73E-7 sec -l (corresponding to a 14 day f

hal f-l 1 e);

the transport time from pasture to cow or goat, to milk, to receptor, (units sec);

th the transport time from pasture, to harvest, to cow-or goat, to milk, to receptor (un1ts sec);


APPENOjX C (Cont'd) fraction of the year that the cow or goat 1 s on pasture (dimens loni es );

s fs fraction of the cow feed that is pasture grass wh1le the cow is on pasture (dimensionless);

Milk catf1e and goats are considered to be fed from two potential sources, pasture grass and stored feeds. Following the development in Regulatory Guide l.l09 Revis1on i, the value of fs is considered un1ty in lieu of site specific information. The value of fp is 0.5 based on 6 month grazing period. This value for fp was obtained from the environmental group.

Table C-l contains the appropriate values and their source in Regulatory Guide l.109 Revis1on i.

The concentrat1on of trit1um in milk is based on the airborne concentration rather than the deposit1on. Therefore, the RT(C) is based on X/Q:

RT(C) ~ K 'mQfoap(DFL) at1 0 75(0 5/H)

~ ~


RT(C) dose factor for the cow or goat milk pathway for tritium for the organ of 1nterest; (units mrem/yr per uCl/m>);

K constant of un1t convers1on, lE3 g/kg; 8 absolute humidity of the atmosphere, (units g/m>):

0.7S the fract1on of total feed that is ~ater; 0.S the rat1o of the spec1fic act1vity of'he feed grass water to the atmospheric water.

Other values are g1ven previously. A s1te spec1fic value of H equal to 6.14 g/m~ 1s used. This value was obtained from the environmental group using actual site data.



A.4 Grass-Cow-Heat Pathwa Sit -It)t th RI(N> K'DFDep Ff(r>(DFL>(et I' () -I' )e

~g) p 5

Rt(H) dose factor for the meat tngestton pathway for radtonucltde 1 for any organ of 1nterest, (units m~-mrem/yr per uCt/sec);

Ff the stable element transfer coefficients, (units days/Kg);

Uap o the receptor's meat consumption rate for age group a, (un1ts kg/year);

th the transport time from harvest, to cow, to receptor, (units sec) tf the transport t1me from pasture, to cow, to receptor, (untts sec)

All other terms rema1n the same as defined. for the milk pathway. Table C-2 contains the values which were used tn calculating Rt(H).

.he concentration of tr1ttum tn meat ts based- on airborne concentration rather than depost tton. Therefore, the RT<H) ts based on X/Q.


RT<H) i('t." 'FfQfUap(OFL) tat (0.75(0.5/H) $


RT<H) dose factor for the meat ingestion pathway 1'r tritium for any organ of 1nterest, (un1ts mrem/yr per uCt/m>).

All other terms are defined above.

A.S Ve etatfon Pathwa The 1ntegrated concentration tn vegetat1on consumed by man follows the expression developed for milk. Han ts considered to consume two types of vegetat1on <fresh and stored) that d1ffer only 1n the time period between harvest and conseaptton, therefore:

Rt(V) a <OFL?1at UL)aFLe

-1( tl+ US)aFge ~t th K'v<kt+4) 109

APPKNOIX C <Cont'd) where:

Ri<V) dose factor for vegetable pathway for r adionuclide i for the organ of interest, <units m~-mrem/yr per uCi/sec);

a constant of'nit conversion, lE6 pCi/uCi; K'L)a the consumption rate of fresh leafy vegetation by the receptor in age group a, (units kg/yr);

Us)a the consumption rate of stored vegetation by 0he receptor in age group a (units kg/yr) .

the fraction of the annual intake of fresh leafy vegetation grown locally; the fraction of the annual intake of stored vegetation gro~n locally; the average time between harvest of leafy vegetation and its consumption, (units sec);

the average time between harvest of stored vegetation and its consumption, (units sec);

Yv the vegetation area density. (units kg/m<);

All other factors are difined previously.

Table C-3 presents the appropriate parameter values and their source in Regulatory Guide 1. 109 Revision 1.

In lieu of site-specific data, values for fi and fg of, 1.0 and 0.76, respectively, were used in.the calculation. These values were obtained from Table E-15 of Regulatory Guide 1. 109 Revision l.


APPE((OIX C (Cont'd)

The concentration of tritium in vegetation 1s based on the airborne concentration rather than the deposition. Therefore, the RT(V) ts based on X/g:

Ui>a f{ + Us)a f OF{-) {at O


RT(V) dose factor for the vegetable pathway for tr1tium for any organ of interest, (units mrem/yr per uC1/m>).

All other terms are defined in preceeding sections.

TABLE C-I Parameters for Grass-<Cow or Goat)- Hilk Pathways Reference Parameter Va1ue (Re . Guide 1.109 Rev. I)

Qf <kg/day) 50 (cow) Table E-3 6 (goat) Table E-3 1.0 <radioiodines) Table E-15 0.2 (particulates) Table E-15

<OFL)iat (mrem/pCI) Each radionucllde Tables E-11 to E-14 Fm <pCI/liter per pCI/day) Each stable element Table E-I (cow)

Table E-P. (goat)

Ys (kg/ 2.0 Table E-IS Yp (kg/mZ) 0.7 Table E-15 th (seconds) 7.78 x 106 (90 days) Table E-15 tf (seconds) 1.73 x 105 (2 days) Table E-15 Uap ( 11 ters/yr) 330 infant Table E-5 330 child Table E-5 400 teen Table E-5 310 adult Table E-5 112

TABLE C-2 Parameters for the Grass&ow-Heat Pathway Reference Parameter Value (Re . Gutde 1.109 Rev. 1) 1.0 (radlolodlnes) Table E-15 0.2 (particulates) Table E-15 Ff (pC1/Kg per pC1/day) Each stable element Table E-1 Uap (Kg/yr) 0 infant Table E-5 41 child Table E-5 65 teen Table E-5 110 adult Table E-5 (DFL) lat (mrem/pC1) Each radlonucllde Tables E-ll to E-14 Yp (kg/mZ) 0.? Table E-15 Vs 2.0 Table E-15 (seconds) 7.78E6 (90 days) Table E-15 tf (seconds) 1.73E6 (20 days) Table E-15 Qf (kg/day) 50 Table E-3 113

TABLE C-3 Parameters for the Vegetable Path~ay Reference Parameter Value (Re . Guide 1.109 Rev. 1) r (dimensionless) 1.0 (radioiodines) Table E-1 0.2 (particulates) Table E-1 (OFL)lat (mrem/pCi) Each radfonuclide Tables E-ll to E-14 UL)a (kg/yr) - Infant 0 Table E-5

- child 26 Table E-5

- teen 42 Table E-5

- adult 64 Table E-5 Us)a (kg/yr) - infant 0 Table E-5

- child 520 Table E-5

- teen 630 Table E-5

- adult 520 Table E-5 tL (seconds) 8.6E4 (1 day) Table E-15 th (seconds) 5. IBE6 (60 days) Table E-15 Yy (kg/m2) 2.0 Table E-15 114


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