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Re-evaluation of Concrete Masonry Walls.
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Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/12/1981
Shared Package
ML19347F482 List:
IEB-80-11, TAC-42861, TAC-43966, NUDOCS 8105190396
Download: ML19347F483 (105)




MAY 1981 5 N195190 3 96

 ;o    .

REPORT ON THE RE-EVALUATION OF CONCRETE MASONRY WALLS IN RESPONSE TO USNRC'IE BULLETIN 80-11 FOR .THE JOSEPH M. FARLEY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1.0 GENERAL This report contains the results of the re-evaluation of concrete masonry walls for the Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 and serves as a complete response to the NRC lE Bulletin 80-11 dated May 8, 1980.


OF MASONPY WALLS 2.1 Identification and Function of Walls Concrete masonry walls are referenced by number and their respective locations are indicated by column lines as shown in Appendix D. A survey was conducted to ideatify walls which lie in proximity to or have attachment to safety related systems (see Appendix A for details of survey procedure). A summary including wall thickness and height is tabulated in Table 1 of Appendix F. In addition, the relative structural functions of the afore-mentioned walls are indicated. All masonry walls within scope are located in the Auxiliary Building, a Class I structure, and are all internal non-load bearing walls intended for use as partition walls, fire walls and shield walls. None are intended, or ra-quitsd, to resist impact or pressurization loads such as torm/. dos, missiles, pipe break, pipe whip or jet impinge-ment. A secondary function of these walls is to provide at least partial support for relatively light equipment and components such as small dinmeter piping, conduit, instrument lines, instrumentation and electrical boxes. 2.2 Wall Configuration and Details i All concrete masonry walls are single wythe units laid in a i running bond pattern. Each wall is constructed of normal weight concrete blocks with widths of 4", 8" or 12". Horizontal joints are reinforced with extra heavy single wythe reinforcing trusses placed in alternate bed joints. Design drawings specify vertical i reinforcement to be a single #4 reinforcing bar placed 16" center to center in alternate cells filled with grout. All vertical wall reinforcement is spliced to #4 reinforcing dowels projected into l the walls from the supporting floor. i l Each wall is supported by structural angles set below the concrete l floor slab above. Each angle is bolted to the floor slab with cinch anchors placed 2'-0" on center. Typical consturction details are given in Figure 1 Appendix F, depicting boundary conditions as s 1

                          - , , - -          3-*        g we eyr w    W              gr p-     = "' -'

r e o' . l documented Quality Control procedure. All activities including drilling, rainforcing placement and grouting were inspected to insure that all materials and operatious were of acceptable

     -.                quality and performance.

4.0 RE-EVALUATION CRITERIA AND COMMENTARY 4.1 Criteria Prior to final analysis of the concrete masonry walls


a preliminary review was performed in accordance with i the Re-evaluation criteria specified in Appendix B Section 5, to determine sample wall stresses. It was concluded that most wall stresses exceed elastic limits and that an inelastic analysis would be necessary. See


Appendi:c 3 Section 6.0 for the alternative acceptance criteria. Licensing commitments contained in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) as related to loads and

   '-                             load combinations are incorporated in the criteria.        In addition, the criteria considers present day state-of-the-art analysis and design techniques as follows:

4.1.1 Stress Criteria

a. Consideration of cracking for frequency
                                                 determinations Stress increase factors for abnormal and b.
       -           .                               extreme environmental loads
c. Realistic damping values
d. Interstory drift
e. Frequency variations due to uncertainties in material properties and effective mass 4.1.2 Alternate Criteria
a. Inelastic design
b. Evaluation of safety systems 4.2 Commentary on the Criteria
   --                              Appendix C is the commentary on the criteria and contains detailed justification of the criteria by reference to existing codes, test data and standards of practice.

. ~ 4.3 Loading Conditions 4.3.1 Load Considerations s. In the basic working stress design, the Class I buildings are designed for loading combi-

       -                                       nations as per FSAR Section 3.8-13.                 t 9


Axial force = Shear Force = 100# Bending moment = 3x Nominal Diameter x 100 f t.- # x Nominal Diameter ngle ed 5.0 _RESULTS OF THE EVALUATION d in Table 1 ;d A total number of 50 walls were surveyedlocated and liste in thei scope. of Appendix F. _Of these walls four (4) were Control Room and will be considered as part its of and the Uait One (1) wall was used as a temporary d equipment divider between unAmong has been removed. ss mined to be Case 3 walls with no safety related are considered th attached to or in the proximity of the hwall anFour knockout walls which t side by struc-as not in scope. equipment in the proximity were supported h on t aequipment during a >rmed tural steel plates designed to protect t e the seismic event. The opposite side of these walls required noThe rema h in Appendix B. t additional modifications. nction in their as-built condtion per criteria set fort l of 21 were Due to deviations from the design requirements a tota 1 valls found to exceed allowable ductility limits; 12 of 14 Case (See Ta and 9 of 16 Case 2 walls. 6.0 AS-E"IL_T REPAlBS Internal Repair ired by Where reinforcing bars and grout were i notwas bar located placedas in requ the design drawings a single Each #5 then cell was reinforc ng to meet design grouted alternate cells.Where penetrations or doors existed, 2 -h#5 rein-requirements. forcing bars were grouted in the first available l loads celld on from above'these 15" eac side of the opening to carry the additionaAdditional 5/8" 0 expans penetrations.centar to center to reduce bending stressesFor typical details refe at the top of each wall. _ External Repair (1) Bond Beam in the Where horizontal reinforcing exists in bond beams l bracing second course from the top of the wall, externa l est-is required to transfer shearingFor raint. forces typical to the ang e channels and plates through bolted together. details refer to Appendix E. (2) Bracing l i g of Where as-built wall conditions prohibited thelprest- ac n reinforcing steel or repair of the existing ang eEither wide flange raint, an exterior brace was supplied. beams or structural tubing was provided vertically to act a e e 5 __

0 $ S g-


m 2 C l i D h w *


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                             . _ _ _ .       _-             .~ ..       ~ .-  .-


                          ' CONCRETE MASONRY WALLS                               ,

A (NRC IE BULLETIN 80-11) i f ALABAMA POWER COMPANY JOSEPH M. FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 l . i 4 REVISION 0 - June 16, 1980 REVISION 1 - September 24, 1980 i i a 6 l 6 6 e e

6 e S. o 4 } I ) O

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.!                                                                                                                                                            FOR 4


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          ._                                                                      JOSEPH M. FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 t



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i s > h i S. i .. I t 4, . I. f n f i k 4 4 i I . i .* s i -- e 9 4 , .l . J 4 i

  • v y . , w w-9 p y.e-a-r- e t- ,-m-my.,,--y,.we , w, w- 'r y ww +vw w-*--o m * * *
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      -ed TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0     General 4-                2.0     Governing Code 3.0     Loads and Load Combinations 4.0     Materials 5.0     Design Allowables z ..

6.0 Alternative Acceptance Criteria

          -            7.0     Analysis and Design i

ATTACHMENTS Attachment I Energy Balance Technique for Inelastic Seismic Analysis of Single Wythe Reinforced Masonry Walls f Attachment II Arching of Non-Reinforced Concrete Blockwall Undergoing _ Large Deformation i i E e O g I k - 1 k n-- . n....

           ?    .:


     ~                          This criteria is provided in order to establish design requirements and criteria for use in re-evaluating the structural adequacy of

concrete block walls as required by NRC IE Bulletin 80-11, Masonry Wall Design, dated May 8, 1980. 1.2 Scope The re-evaluation shall determine whether the concrete masonry walls


will perform their intended function under the loads and load com-binations prescribed herein. Verification of wall adequacy shall include a review of local transfer of load from block into wall,- global response of wall, and transfer of wall reactions into support where response spectra are defined. Anchor bolts and embedments are not considered to be within the scope of the evaluation. 2.0 GOVERNING CODE The design of concrete masonry walls shall be besed oa *he Americta Concrete Institute Building Code Requirements fot concrete Masenry Structures (ACI 531-79). Supplemental allowables as specified herein shall be used for cases not directly covered in the governing code. 3.0 LOADS AND LOAD COMBINATIONS 3.1 Load Definitions The following loads shall be used in analysis and design for the re-evaluation of concrete masonry walls: i D = dead load of wall and attachments l - L = live load R = force or pressure on wall due to rupture of any one pipe j I (.

       ,                                    To = thermal loads due to temperature under operating conditions
   '-                                       Ho = force on wall due to thermal expansion of pipe under operating conditions TA = thermal loads due       temperature under accident conditions HA = force on wall due to thermal expansion of pipes under

< accident conditicns l ! E = maximum probable earthquake (OBE)

     .                                                                                                           s B-1                                             -


       -                                 E' = maximure. tossible earthquake (SSE)

W = wind load on wall We = tornado load on wall including differential pressure and missiles

                   - 3. 2        Load Combinations 3.2.1   Service Load Combinations
a. D + L + E'
b. D + L + To + Ho + E (or W) 3.2.2 Load Combinations for Severe Conditions
    ,-                                   a. D + R + E (or W)
b. D + Ho + E (or W)
c. D + R + E'
d. D + R + HA + E'
e. D + HA + Wt 4.0 MATERIALS Materials used in masonry construction are conforming to the requirements of the standard specifications listed below:
  • Masanty Units - ASTM C-90, Grade N-1 Eorizontal Reinforcing - ASTM A-82 or approved equal (DUR-0-WAL, extra haavy, Ladur Type)

Vertical reinforcing - ASTM A-615, Grade 60 ( . Grout or Mortar - ASTM C-476 I: 4.1 Material Properties iL l The material properties are as specified below: l .- l f'm = the compressive strength of masonry, psi {

. , fy = yield strength of reinforcing steel, psi
  -                                      Em = modulus of elasticity of masonry, psi t

[ Eg = modulus of elasticity of grout, psi


Es = modulus of elasticity of steel, psi a t B- 2 i n

                          >*em6e              6.e a   -e    as            m.-e
e. y
                                                         -9         _,m--      ---,

y ay %.- ius

l _ L Y = density of masonry units, ' pcf - mo = minimum compressive strength of grout or mortar

                       .                                                                      @ 28 days 4.1.1           Masonry Unit
             -                                                                                f'm = 1,000 psi-Em = 1,000 f'm a

i T= 125 lbs./ft.3

4.1.2 Grout or Mortar j mo = 2,500 psi 6

Eg = 1.4 x 10 p,1 4.1.3 Vertical Reinforcing j fy = 60,000 psi Es = 29,000,000 psi 4.1.4 Horizontal Reinforcing (DUR-0-WAL) I fy = 70,000 psi Es = 29,000,000 psi t I I - a v l I h r- [ I

6 i

! ,- l: l t-I~ r. i i i b B-3 -

 'tt'--a          'um-   9ec.,?   pmt+774-. g-   g-    , - - - ,  ,g--,, 9, ei,.   ,y   - + - - ,y,y ,..-g--.w..
                                                                                                                   ,y, y,e>3   -wytv**=yT-p-n-rem-         g,e y g w     y r g47t w :Py

5.0 DESIGN ALLOWABLES 5.1 Allowable Stress for Service Load Conditions 5.1.1 The allowable stresses for masonry units are gecified below: Allowable stresses, pai pen Related to f.* Maximum See ACI 531-79 Compressi,, Sections 10.1.3 Axial T. and 10.1.4 1000 Flexural T. 0.33 f.- 1700 Bearing On full are, T. 0.25 f.' 900 On one-third area or less F. 0.375 f.' 1200 Shear No shear reinforcement Flexural members v. 1.1YV 50 ShearwaHs MND. b 1 v., 0.9YV 34 MN&<1 c. 2.01 7 40 (1.85 - MNL) I: mforcement taking

4. . ire shear l '

Flexural members e 3.0N f.' 150 ShearwaHs MN&h1 e 1.5)V 75 M W & <1 e 2.0\T 45 _ (2.67 - MNd.) l Tension No tension reinforce-ment Tension normal to bed joints Hollow units T, 0.5)T 25 r Solid and/or T, 1.0)T 40 - grouted units Tensson paranel to bed joints in running bond Hollow units T. 1.0YT 50

 ;_                                  Solid and/or                 T,          1.5YT                    80 grouted unita

Modulus of elasticity E. 1000 f.' 2.500.000 l Modulus of rigidity I, 400 f.' 1,000.000 i s t B '. . eux. O

                ~   '-       w           '         e-      -
          . I* ..

5.1.2 Core Concrece or Cell Grout The allowable tension stresses shall be 2.5 /f'cor~0.33 times the modulus of. rupture as determined by test. i' 5.1.3 Reinforcing Steel Stresses in steel reinforcement shall not exceed the following limit: Grade 60 Bars - 24 000 psi 3 DUR-0-WAL - 0.5 fy out limited to 30,000 psi 5.1.4 Secondary Effects t Design allowable stresses may be increased by 30% when considering thermal effects or displacement limited loads. In plane effects due to interstory drif t may be determined by analysis or in-plane strains (th/H) shall Se limited to-0.00012, where Zhis the relative displacement between the top and bottom of the wall and H is the height of the wal'. A wall confined on all four sides may be limited to a stral of 0.0008 provided the structural shear resisting elements bounding each verticci side of the wall have a shear resisting capability larger than the wall and the wall width to height ratio is at least 0.5. i 5.1.5 Wind Loading No increase in allowable stresses for masonry and reinforcing steel due to wind loadings is permitted. L.

        -           5.2    Allowables for Severe Loading Combinations Design allowables for severe load conditions which contain dead, live, operating basis earthquake or wind loads, or accident pressure, ac ident thermal, tornado or safe shuteo n (design basis) earthquake loads shall be as follows:

5.2.1 Masonry The allowable masonry stresses shall be 1.67 times the values given in Paragraphs 3.1.1 through 5.1.3.

     --                    5.2.2    Reinforcing Steel r                               The allowable steel stresses shall be 90% of minimum ASTM specified yield strength provided lap splice lengths and embedment (anchorage) can develop this stress level.

Allowable bond stresses may be increased by a factor of 1.67 in determining splice and anchorage lengths. r B-5 i L ee e 7 "9- W-t'-- n f V

  ~ '

5.2.3 Impact and Suddenly Applied (Step Pulse) Loads


Load combinations which contain loads due to missile impact, jet impingement or pipe whip may exceed the allowables provided there will be no loss of function of any safety'related system. The alternate acceptance criteria as ' described in Section 6.0 shall be used. i 5.2.4 Secondary Effects r-In lieu of a more rigcrous analysis, in-plane strains due to interstory drift may be limited to 1.67 times the values in Paragraph 5.1.5. 5.3 Damping 5.3.1 The damping values to be used shall be as follows:

a. For uncracked sections use 4% for both OBE and SSE
b. For cracked sections use 7% for OBE and 7% for SSE 5.4 Modulus of Rupture 5.4.1 The extreme tensile fiber stress for use in deter-i mining the lower bound uncracked mcment capacity is 6 Vf'c or 0.8 times the modulus of rupture as i determined by test for the" core concrete or cell g

grout and 2.4 times the allowable flexural tensile stress for massnry. 5.5 Non-Category I Masonry Walls 5.5.1 Concrete masonry walls not supporting safety systems but whose collapse could result in the loss of re-quired function of safety related equipment or systems shall be evaluated the same as walls that support safety systems. Alternatively, the walls may be analytically checked to verify that they will not collapse when subjected to accident, tornado or safe shutdown (design basis) earthquake loads. '._ 5.6 Inspection 5.6.1 It shall be determined if adequate inspection was I performed during masonry construction. Performance of inspection shall dictate which design allowable stresses of the governing vede are to be used. 6.0 ALTERNATIVE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 6.1 Where the bending due to out-of-plane loading causes flexural s 1

!-                                               B-6                                            --

w w


stresses in the wall to exceed the design allowables given in Section 5.0. The wall may be evaluated as follows: 6.1.1 Energy Balance Technique The deflection of the fully cracked reinforced wall subjected to seismic loading may be deter-r mined by the " energy balance technique". If the

   '                                      predicted displacement exceeds three times the yield displacement, the resulting displacement shall be multiplied by a factor of 2 and a deter-mination made as to whether such factored dis-placements would adversely impact the function of safety related systems attached and/or adjacent to the wall.

6.1.2 Arching Action The resistance of the wall to out-of-plane forces may be determined by assuming that a three-hinged arch is formed after flexoral cracking. Due consideration shall be given to the rigidity of the supporting elements and their ability to re-strict rotation of the wall about the supports.

          .                               The effects of a gap at the supports shall be considered. The maximum allowable uniform load shall be the lesser of:
a. One third of the predicted load based on a
1. maximum masonry compression of 0.85f'm.
b. Two thirds of the predicted load based on a
  ;~                                                maximum tension stress of 6 Vf'n along the 450 diagonal failure plane and one inch bearing width at 0.85f'm in the vicinity of the hinge.

The' deflection at the interior hinge of the arch j after full contact with the support shall not exceed

 !                                        0.3 times the thickness of the wall.

A determination shall be made as to whether a displacement of 2 times the calculated displace-ment would adversely impact the required function of safety related systems attached and/or adjacent to the wall. 7.0 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 7.1 Structural Response of Masonrv Walls 7.1.1 Equivalent Moment of Incrtia (I e) \ - To determine the out-of-plane frequencies of masonry a t B-7 i

                              ,     -       . ~ , ,        , . _ - . .-       -  -    ,-    -

walls, the uncracked behavior and capacities of-the walls (Step 1) and, if _ applicable, the cracked behavior and capacities of the walls (Step 2) shall be considered. Step 1 - Uncracked' Condition The equivalent moment of inertia of an uncracked wall (Ie) shall be obtained from a transformed section consisting of the block, mortar, cell grout and core concrete. Alternatively the cell grout and core concrete, neglecting block and mortar on the tension side, may be used. Step 2 - Cracked Condtion If the applied moment (Ma) due to all loads in a load combination exceeds the uncracked moment capacity (M er), the wall shall be considered to be cracked. In this event, the equivalent moment of inertia (I e) shall be computed as follows: I =[Mcr) 3 + 1Mcr 3 iM iI M I

                                                                      \a/        g               a           cr M


                                                                  =   f r

[ Ig)I

  .                                                                         N    )

g where, M = uncracked moment capacity r i M = applied maximum moment on the wall I = moment of inertia of gross section 8 neglecting reinforcement I

  • nt f inertia of the cracked section r * **L f = modulus of rupture (as defined in Paragraph 5.4.1) y = distance of neutral plane from tension face If the use of I results in an applied moment, M ,

which is less t$an M #, then the wall shall be verified for M . For walls in which two-way spans are considered, consult with the Chief Civil Engineer for analytical approaches. j .. i b t B-8  ; tw

              % r-w sa v,     --- -

m n, % -,-

                                               - ,                              - y     -_q7    --o ,        --- 4 , - e
    'a'.          .

7.1.2 Modss of Vibration The effect of modes of vibration higher than the fundamental mode shall be considered. For this

                .                         purpose, a modal analysis may be performed. Alter-I                                      natively, the inertia load on the wall due to its own weight for the fundamental mode may be consider-ed as a uniform load in lieu of determining an ef fect-ive mass. The corresponding bending moment and reac-tion will account for the higher mode' effects.

7.1.3 Frequency Variations Uncertainties in structural frequencies of the nason: wall due to variaticas in structural properties and mass shall be taken into account. Significant variabl

    -                                     include mass, boundary conditions, modulus of elastic-ity, extent of cracking, vertical load, in-plane and

out-of-plane loads, two-way action and composite actio; of multi-wythe walls. To account for the effect of frequency variations, it is considered conservative

         .                                to use the lower bound frequency if it is on the hi; frequency' side of the peak response spectrum, if the lower bottnd frequency is on the lower frequency side of the peak, the peak acceleration shall be used unles--

a more detailed analysis is performed. 7.1.4 Accelerations For a wall spanning between two floors, the effecti- - accelerations shall be the average of the accelerau;c as given by the floor response spectra correspondin to the wall's natural frequency. 7.2 Structural Strength of Masonry Walls j 7.2.1 Boundary Conditions l Boundary conditions shall be determined considering ! one-way or two-way spans with hinged, fixed or free edges as appropriate. Conservative assumptions may be used to simplify the analysis as long as due censideration is given to frequency variations. 7,2.2 Distribution of Concentrated Out-of-Plane Loads

                                          -Two-Way Action
         -                                Where two-way bending is present in the wall, the

,{ localized moments per unit width under a concentrated l load can be determined using appropriate analytical procedures for plates. Standard solutions and tabular

      '                                   values based on elastic theory contained in textbooks or other published documents can be used if applicable s


= ll for the case under investigation (considering load location and boundary conditions).
      ~                   A conservative estimate of the localized moment
 ,i                       per unit length for plates supported on all edges
 ,                         can be taken as:

g M = 0.4P where: M = localized moment per unit length 1 7 (in.-lbs./in.) P = concentrated load perpendicular l to wall (lbs.) l 1 For loads close to an unsupported edge, the upper limit moment per unit longth can be taken as: M = 1.2P 7.2.3 Interstory Drif t Ef fects Interstory drift effects shall ba derived from the original dynamic analysis. 7.2.4 In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Effects The combined effects of in-place (e.g. , seismic)

i. and out-of-plane (e.g., piping) loads shall be considered.

J 7.2.5 Stress Calculations

 ,.                       All stress calculations shall be performed by conventional methods prescribed by the Working Stress Design method. The collar joint shear stress shall be determined by the relationship

VQ/IB for uncracked sections in the compression zene of cracked sections. The relationship V/bjd shall be used for collar joints in cracked secticus between the neutral axis and the tension steel. 7.2.6 Analytical Techniques In general, classical design techniques shall be L used in the evaluation. Simplified conservative analytical assumptions may be used. However, more I refined methods utilizing computer analyses or i dynamic analyses may be used on a case-by-case basis. 1 B-10 i

                ,-p                --'               *  "      "-t*
              /*   ,


              , --              _ y  ---.~ ,  - , . - - - . - - . e    -- , - ,   y
         . 1:


1. INTRCCUCTION Reinforced masonry walls which are well anchored and supported such that the brittle mode of failure is precluded, can undergo large ductile inelastic out-of-plane flexural deformations (Reference 1). This writeup

presents an approximate analysis method of determining the out-of-plane inelastic seismic response of a single-wythe reinforced masonry wall based on the " energy balance" !achnique. This analysis technique is, in essence, I

   '-                 similar to Blume's reserve energy technique (Reference 2), and is analogous T'                  to Newmark's inelastic seismic response spectrum technique (Reference 3).


     -                Although the basic " energy balance" technique is applicable to general

' ' masonry wall panels with various geometric configurations and boundary L support conditions, the analytical procedure presented herein is only for The main the one-way wall panel with simply-supported boundary conditions. I purpose is to illustrate the anelytical technique.


The basic concept of the energy balance technique can be illustrated by l-l t the seismic response of a single-degree-of-freedom (SC0F) system as shown in Figure 1(a). l . If this SDOF system is a linear elastic system, the maximum absolute a B-12 i

                                                                                      -" *- +-    --,__m_ __ _ _ , ._, ,_,

acceleration response of the system subjected to a seismic input motion can be determined from the input motion accelaration response spectra s 5, at the system frequency w and modal damping ratio S , i .e. , 5,L .3) .

  '                Since the damping ratio a is usually small, the maximum ~ elastic displacement (a,) and the maximum elastic force (F,) induced by the seismic response can be determined by:

m S,(w ,8 ) 5,(w ,s ) ()) e k ,2

 '                                   '                                                                 (2)
                                       , = ka ,

and the maximum elastic strain energy (E,) stored in the system, as she.'n in Fip re 1(b), is: k a, (3) E,=hF,a,, if the elastic spring of the same SDOF system is an el.asto-(perfectly)- t-i ' plastic spring having a yielding force at F, and yielding displacement at a , the maximum response of the system subjected to the same seismic input motien can be determined approximately based on the energy balance technique which assumes that the maximum energyp (E ) attained in the elasto-plastic spring is equal to the maximum elastic energy attained as if the system i s elas tic , i .e. , E =E,. Referring to Figure 1(c), this energy balance can p De expressW as: - s.

 '                                            I                               ; a > ay                    (4)
   <a Ee =7ak 2y + ka y(a-ay ) = Ep                 -

where a is the maximum displacement response of the elasto-plastic SC0F system, which can be solved from Equation (4). 3-13 ' i

                ,-  g     ,    ,e,     v---     -e-'   --- ,       -w.-,       y ---,s   - * , -,ew<

Define the displacement ductility ratio , to be: u' -b  ; a

  • ua y (5) y
      .'                          Using the equation (5) Equation (4) can be rewritten as:

a , = aj ql2a-1 (6) u1 1 r or 1

                                                           ~ f.

e )2 (7) u* 7

                                                                                + 1              ,

a, 1a y 3

                                                           .\ y )                            .

t Define the inelastic response acceleration to be: F

                                                           -L            ka' '

(S) 5'a = m


m Using equation (8), equation (6) can be rewritten as: b 1 a

     ', ~                                       T[ " S/ a-1    2 which is the expression of the Newmark inelastic acceleracion t-                              response spectral value                     (Reference 3 ), and the ratio of inelastic to elastic displacement, from Equations (5) and (6),
                                                                                         ;                                             (~10)
                                                         =                                     u1 1
3. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES FCR ONE-WAY WALL PANELS l '.- The application of the energy balance technique described previously

(- to the analysis of a one-way single-wythe reinforced block wall panel involves the following major pheses of caleviations: (1) Determine the load (uniform out-of-plane seismic inertia load) and deflection relationship of the wall panel. B-14 s m

 ---             -      - - - - -        --       7 y,           ,y    e   y   .,., _ - , ,            ,, , - - ,,-_m , .__ -- - - e.

I T . (2) Calculate the maximum out-of-plane displacement assuming a linear r. 1.. elastic system and the applicable floor response spectra for the

   "                   wall.

(3) Convert the maximum out-of-plane displacement to inelastic displacement r i ductility of the wall panel based in the energy balance technique. 4_ l' I i. The above calculations implicitly assume the following: (1) The wall panel is adequately anchored to the support with sufficient deformational capacity to accomodate the maxi. mum axial and bending i deformation induced by the out-of-plane as well as the in-plane u

   ;~                   seismic loads.

(2) Failure modes other than the flexural yielding of reinforcement in the block wall are not governing. In particular, the brittle mode failure is precluded. l . .' (3) The out-of-plane bending load-deflection relationship is non-p degrading. To account for possible stiffness degradation effect, L a factor of 2 may have to be applieJ on the maximum displacement t-as calculated using this technique. { t. i' L F L o w 5


B-15 me L.

  • l:

Compute Maximum " Displacement Ductility: u =4 1+'("9 ) (see figure 2) u -. c Compute Maximum Displacement: 4 max = (u) ( A u-) Finally, Compare Computed Values With Allowable Values: uI3 1 A e-if I } m i r I t 4 ' t t b i t B-18 -

4 s

5. REFERENCES (1) Dickey, W.L. and A. Mackintosh, "Results of Variation of "b"

or Effective width in Flexural Concrete Block Panels", Masonry Institute of America, Los Angeles,1971, (2) Blume, J.A. , N.M. Newmark, and L.H. Corning, DESIGN OF MULTISTORY REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDINGS FOR EARTHQUAKE MOT!CNS, Portland Cement Association, Ill. 1961. P (3) Newmark, N.M., " Current Trends in the Seismic Analysis and Design of High-Rise Structures", Chapter 16 Earthquake Engineering, Edited by R.L. Wiegel, McGraw-Hill ,1970. l 1 l-g I. . i s t B-19 . , a

             -    - , - - - - -         - - -    r-,. - ,-. ,,------ - . -- - -.,,...----m_.      , . . - . , y-7v.,-... . , , y --- ,,,-., , - . --w---.,-,-- - -- - - , . . . -     --



 ,                  1. INTRODUCTION
    .                     The potential importance of arching is that if it could. increase the I
     -                    out-of-plane resistance of the wall significantly. D.e following sections illustrate the theory and the method to be used for determining the capacity of wall due to arching effect.

2.0 BASIC RIGI,D AND GAPPED ARCHING PHENOMENA: Figures 1 and 2 of Reference 1 illustrate the important difference between rigid and gapped arching. Only "one-way" arching,ia which the wall is restrained on only two edges, is discussed. Figure 1 contains sketches showing how walls behave in the two cases (exaggerated for I


clarity). Figure 2 shows the directions of forces in the two parts of each wall. f-l t ( i ( (., t -


l B-20 I s l , __ i t


  ,_.                                                                                        /////////o///////////ff/////
                              ' "'"irifn1iif/////////ff
   ,                                         x                                                         sf -]

I WI l i

  ;                                         I zi                                                          4!


                                                                                                        %l       C g           -              LOADlus 1

1 1 I I i i u flillillillif /stillilif f i!!! iT/// fill ////// s '///// // // R1619 M f=6 . W W I"G Fig. 1. Sketch Illustrating the Otfferences in motion Betwee tf gid and Gapped Archf ag. i b

  • l
 .                                                s_\1   7     o
  • l i e o l .

i , e 1 - ()

                                                           .. ,                                                       'c]C.,

l go *- a- c I q . m 1 e lc e-e- rs 6 e- .- I-l


Sg b + 1b + l-. #1GIS AA08f4 Rg M gap,o AscMtus l 1 Fig. 2. Free te4 Diagrams Shering Forces in tigid and Gepped Arching. j (SeeTette I for force values.) l 6 B-21


Force Rigid Arching Gapped Arching General Formula General Formula H a 2/8t a 274g SB Pt/2 R /4 RB (H/t) 1 2 + (4t)2 (H/t) g 2+e2 sc a /4 RC H (H/t) t +C 2 . SA R /2 3Pt /4 Rg (H/t) 1 2 ,(4g)2 (H/p) t + (3t)2 i w TABLE 1 NOTE: FOR DEFINITION OF IHE ABOVE PARAMETERS REFER 10 FIGURE 2. 2 3-22 s i t e

            ---.n- --.--nc,--.eew-c--,,   e --
                                               --e---        -----n-     ---     e e-..----,,-.---g-, .--- -      ,,an   - , - - , , , -  -    --r.w-- -

i I

            .            t
                           ',2     De *lopment of Line Load Strength Prediction Techniques                                                                                                  1
               -                   During this reporting period consideration was given to the development of a prediction technique for line load resistance of walls based on compressive strength test data.                                Both brick and concrece bMck walls have been considered.

( j For brick test specimens consider the test set-up shown below, i fp

                                                                        " Rigid" Head hh bout 1 inch of crushing I                                                                                         and spall l                                                                      N    -

(ll d 1 a % Tensile Crack l

                                                                                                            .i 10 Slope Capping t
                                                                      " Rigid" Platen p                                                                          J Lp l

B-23 6 i

 ~v      ge      w-m--     w w ,9- w--- -yyv-w       ..-.__,,-r -     .
c. -w. a- ._,

9-----.w-m ,. ,, , , . , , - . , , ..-y,,- ,.,,-. ,--- .-,-. e - --- - - --

          .t In the force diagram sketched below, if a unit width is assumed:

a a l" fff$ f' e N . 450 1 k _


B . . .; ; T .1 Total resistance, fg. is predicted to be o fg= f e'a +f t (t-a).cos- 45 (1) l WHERE: f . Axial Force in Arched Wall f'e= Crushing Stress of Block Material = 0.85f6 1 f' f t = Tensile Stress Through the Assumed Tension Crack = 6 9 l B-24 i -

                                     -    .s. . ,,                               _
             ~- --g_   , . ,      __      _
         .-  lt From the work on-    ' lid brick just described and from test observations on hollow clay tile and concrete block composites, several statements can be made with some confidence.
1) Hollow units, like concrete block and clay tile, have lower line

[ load capacity thas solid units.

2) From static test observations, the width of crushed material with hollow units is less than with solid units.
3) The shear / tension type of failure that goes along with the line-load phenomenon is apparently a reduced value with hollow walls because of the lack of shear / tension material.

From these observations w. 2an sake the following hypothesis: The ultimate line load capacity is proportional to the shear / tension capability of the unit. Further, the width of the crushed zone is reduced or con-trolled by the shear / tension capacity of the unit. Therefore, referring to the fcree diagram given earlier for the brick, the total line load resistance should be: C fg=k (2) fa + ft (t-ak) cos 45 Where k = b,/b and b, is the width of sheared material (Webs) i and b is the width of the block I

     -           This expression is identical with that for brick, except for the addition
of the factor "k".

L 3-25 s i 9

        ,      f


1. Determine the ultimate axial force ft in the arched configuration of the wall using EQ. 2. The allowable axial force "H" is equal to ft /1.5.
2. From Table 1, determine the uniformly distributed load correspondi_ng to H calculated in step 1.

J. . n f I avecar " = I n o u ,, ,, ,, ,, _ q _ ,, c. .

                                     /        i                                             s l                                             ,

3 H

                                     /        I b


   -                                 /
      .                     H       i        l                     _x _ _ _ _ __ ;

F -- _

                                     /       i                                            l l                                     d       i

' , i

    -                                    E                        '/2                     l n

l 1 . l l l B-26 6 1 ( - a

                                                        .*n-1                                                                                              _
3. D2valop Compctibility Equetion:

1 H d = f (6) = L (2 tit) = fo + K 4- u, (3) Where . 8 , = Initial gwp K = Boundary support stiffness Coefficient ua = Axial deformation

4. Constitutive Relations:

u HL a" AE (4)

5. Substituting from EQ. 4 into EQ. 3 and using the value determine for
                           'H' in step L an upper bound value for 'a' could be obtained which will result in a lower bound frequency estimate.
6. Determine tne stiffness characteristic using the sicant modulus
                          .appro ac h.

Wall stiffness = K =aM

7. Determine the equivalent mass ' lE' '
8. Calculate the natural frequency of the wall: 'f' 1 Y f = 7pr g
9. Using the appropriate floor response curve, determine the response acceleration 'S' in 'g' units .
                    # Note that one-half of the axial area of the wall is assumed effective in Equation (4). This assumption is to account for the local deformation effect of the wall at the contact regions.

B-27 I i ,-, e - - - , w ,- e- ,, - - - , --n-- n 4 --,e,- - ,-

          ,         .t
                                                                                                                'P ,' is obtained as follows:
10. Actual value of inertial loading s

h' =SXm m = mass per unit length of the wall.

11. Using 'p,' a new value for 'Ha' could be obtained using Table 1.
12. The mid span deflection is calculated using EQ. 3. The resulting value should be checked against the deflection limit criteria.
13. If 'H ' is less than H, the operability criteria are satisfied.


1. Gabrielsen G., Wilton C., and Kaplan K.;" Response of Arching Walls and Debris from Interior Walls caused by blast 1,oading", URS Report 7030-23, URS Research Co., 1975.

1 I f' 4 i

  'w l

I r-e B-28 5 h

               ,       ~ - . . . - . . . , , . . - - . - . , ~ . - , . , , . .                - , ,  , - , - - . , , . . , ,    ,,--,n-..      ,,_a-. -- --, . - . ,- - , - ,- ,      ,

8 e .3 e e O N. i 1 l l l l l m 7 m 2 0 i N ' O f





     ,      s
 -                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 General 2.0 Governing Code i              3.0 Loads and Load Corninations 4.0 Materials 5.0 Design Allowables 6.0 Alternative Acceptance Criteria 7.0 Analysis and Design References 4.

1 b o 8

           ;-    3 1.0      GENERAL
                           .l.1        Purpose en May 8, 1980, the NRC issued I & E Bulletin 80-11 entitled,
                                       " Masonry Wall Design", to certain Owners of operating reactc facilities. One of the tasks requitad by the bulletin was to establish appropriate re-evaluation criteria. A der, ailed justification of the criteria along with quantified safety margins are also to be provided by the Owner. This commentary serves as justification of the criteria used and provides a
 -                                     discussion of the margins of safety.

1.2 Scope The concrete masonry walls are evaluated for all applicable loads and load combinations. Calculated wall stresses are first compared against an allowable stress criteria. In general, wall stresses are not within the elastic range of the load carrying components. If allowable stresses are exceeded, then wall stability is checked using ultimate strength or inelastic design approaches and safety systems on or near the wall are evaluated to determine if the dis-placements might adversely affact the intended function of safety related piping and equipment. Anchor bolts, embeds and bearing plates provided for support of systems attached


i to the walls are the subject of another NRC bulletin and are not considered to be within the scope of this evaluation. i_  !.0 GOVERNING CODE

       '                     Projects have the option of using the code referenced in the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) applicable to masonry or ACI 531-79. These codes do not address the abnormal loads typically applied to nuclear power plant design. Therefore, supplemental allowables and alterna-tive design techniques are specified in the criteria for cases not
     -                       directly covered by the code.

3.0 LOADS AND LOAD COMBINATIONS The loads identified and defined in the SAR for safety related struc-tures form the basis for licensing of the plant and are used in the evaluation of the masonry walls. The load combinations listed in the SAR for safety related concrete structures are used except if licensing commitments related to -aad combinations are not identified in the SAR or other project documeats, then applicable loads with a

    -                        load factor of unity are combined and form the basis for the evalua-tion.

f' I

 ;                  4.0      MATERIALS Material strengths are largely determined by review of project speci-fications, drawings and field documentation.         It may also be necessary,
   ~                          in some cases, to perform in-situ tests or to test samples taken trom I

C-1 _. ~

             + 't
    ~                 the as-built structure to supplement data obtained from project documents.


   ,                  5.1      Allowables in this section apply to loads snd combinations of loads which are normally encountered during plant operation or shutdown, and include dead loads, live loads,
  !                            normal operating thermal effects, and pipe reactions. In addition, this section covers allowaules for loads infrequent-7 ly encountered, such as operating basis earthquake and wind
  ,                            loads. The loads in the various load combinations have no increase factors and stresses are maintained well within the elastic range.

O In general, the governing code allowablea (re applied. How-ever, for cases not covered by the code, such as grout tension.

  --                           allowables are based on a factor of safety of 3 against failure.

I The statistical determination of ultimate strength is consistent with methods used to verify f'c in ACI-318 and reflects a prob-ability of less than 1 in 10 that a random individual strength test will be below the ultimate strength. In-plane straia allowables for interstory drift effects for nonshear walls were established well below the level of strai: for a confin< ' wall was based on the equivalent compression

   ~                           strut model        ussed in Reference 1 and modified by a factor of safety of .0 egainst crushing. Test data (Refernces 1 I
  '-                           through 7) was reviewed to determine cracking strains for con-fined masonry walls subjected to in-plane displacements and
         '                     confirms the predicted strain as given by the equivalent strut
       .                       model.

5.2 This section deals with factored loads and other abnormal ! cads which are credible but highly improbable such as the safe shut-down earthquake, tornado loads and loads generated by a postu-lated high-energy pipe break accident.

     -                          Code allowable stresses for masonry in tension, shear and bond are increased by a factor of 1.67. In general, this provides a factor of safety against failure of 1.8 (3 + 1.67) . Masonry compression stresses are increased by factors ranging from 2.0 to 2.5 with a minimum safety factor of 1.2 (3 +2.5).
   'j                           Reinforcing steel is allowed to approach 0.9 times the yield strength which is typical for reinforcing steel which is re-quired to resist factored and abnormal loads.

' L Stresses due to the local effects of abnormal dynamic loads, such as missile impact, jet impingement or pipe whip, may


exceed the allowables. However, safety systems attached or adjacent to the wall are evaluated to determine if severe cracking, local spalling, or excessive deflections will result s t C-2

  • A in loss of required function of the system on equipment.

Where gross failure of a masonry wall must be precluded, the provisions of ACI 349-76, Appendix C, or applicable theroretical techniques or experimental evidence is used to evaluate wall acceptability. 5.3 Damping for unreinforced uncracked walls was conservatively set at 4% for OBE and SSE corresponding to stress levels rnaging from approximately 0.3 to 0.6 ef ultimate. Damping for reinforced walls which are expected to crack due to out-of-plane seismic inertia are conservatively set at 7% for OBE and SSE. These values are typically recognized as being realistic for reinforced concrete, yet conservative for reinforced masonry. 5.4 The modulus of rupture of concrete, grout and mortar was assumed to vary by 20%, therefore, a lower bound modulus c rupture is determined by applying a reduction factor of 0.8 to the theoretical concrete cadulus of rupture of 7.5 Vf'c or to the modulus et capture cetermined by testing namples taken from the as-built structure. For masonry, the modulus of rupture is approximated by increasing the code allowable flexural tensile stress by the factor of safety of 3 and then applying the 20% reduction to arrive at a lower bound <aloa. (0.8 X 3Ft. = 2.4Ft, where Ft is the code allowable tensile stress). 6.0 ALTERNATIVE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Masonry walls (a) that are not relied upon t'o provide strength of the structure as a whole, and (b) that are subjected to out-of-plane seis-mic inertia loading causing flexural stresses in excess of design allowables may be evaluated by means of the " energy balance technique" for reinforced walls. Reinforced masonry walls evaluated by the

        " energy balance technique" (Reference 8 and 9) must have sufficient capability to preclude brittle failure and allow relatively large ductile flexural deformations. Tests (Reference 13) indicate that when flexure is the dominant action, ductilities are in excess of 25.

Other tests (Reference 14) show that even when ecmpression failures occur, duct 111 ties in excess of 5 can be achieved. When reinforced masonry has adequate shear and compression capability, its behavior is expected to parallel that of reinforced concrete where allowable ductilities for predominately non-structural elements are conservat ive-ly set at 10. It is reasonable that for out-of-plane seismic lording an non-shear vslls constructed of masonry where brittle failures are precluded that a permissable ductility of 5 is acceptable as long as the safety systems are not jeopardized. Masonry walls confined within a rigid frame or structure can develop substantial resistance to out-of-plane loadings after flexural crack-ing and may be evaluated by use of the theory of arching (Reference 10 through 12). Particular attention is given to the rigidity of the wall boundary and to the effect of a gap between the wall and its support. s o w. C- 3 i

                              .- s in loss of required function of the system or equipment.

Where gross failure of a masonry wall must be prscluded, the provisions of ACI 349-76, Appendix C, or applicable theroretical techniques or experimental evidence is osed to evaluate wall acceptability. 5.3 Damping for unreinforced uncracked walls was conservatively

  • set at 4% for OBE and SSE corresponding to stress levels rnaging from approximately 0.3 to 0.6 of ultimate.

Damping for reinforced walls which are expected to crack due to out-of-plane seismic inertia are conservatively set at 7% for OBE and SSE. These values are typically recognized as being realistic for reinforced concrete, yet conservative for reinforced masonry. 5.4 The modulus of rupture of concrete, grout and mortar was

                ;                                assumed to vary by 20%, therefore, a lover bound modulus of rupture is determined by applyin8 a reduction factor of 0.8 to the theoretical concrete modulus of rupture of 7.5 Vf'c or to the modulus of rupture determined by testing samples taken from the as-built structure.                         For masonry, the modulus of rupture is approximated by increasing the code allowable flexural tensile stress by the facecr of safety of 3 and then applying the 20% reduction to arrive at a lower bound value.

(0.8 X 3Ft. = 2.4Ft. where Ft is the code allowable tensile stress). 6.0 ALTERNATIVE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Masonry walls (a) that are not relied upon t'o provide strength of the

                          -            structure as a whole, and (b) that are subjected to out-of-plane seta-mic inertia loading causing flexural stresses in excess of desiga allowables may be evaluated by means of the " energy balance technique" for reinforced walls. keinforced masonry walls evaluated by the
                                       " energy balance technique" (Reference 8 and 9) must have sufficient capability to preclude brittle failure and allow relatively large ductile flexural deformations. Tasts (Reference 13) indicate that when flexure is the domiasnt action, ductilities are in excess of 25.

Other tests (Reference 14) show that even when compression failures occur, ductilities in excess of 5 can be achieved. When reinforced masonry has adequate shear and compression capability, its behavior is expected to parallel that of reinforced concrete where allowable ductilities for predominately non-structural elements are conservative-ly set at 10. It is reasonable that for out-of-plane seismic loading on non-shear walls constructed of masonry where brittle failures are

                           .           precluded that a permissable ductility of 5 is acceptable as long as the safety systems are not jeopardized.

t. Masonry walls confined within a rigid frame or structure can develop substantial resistance to out-of-plane loadings after flexural crack-ing and may be evaluated by use of the theory of arching (Reference 10 through 12). Particular attention is given to the rigidity of the wall boundary and to the effect of a gap between the wall and its support. 6 9 C- 3

        ,,      s t-                 For predominately one-way action, an ef fective beam width of 6 times the wall thickness for distribution of concent-rated loads is conservative for the following conditions:

a) Concentrated load at midspan; simple supports: L > 9. 6T b) Concentrated load at midspan; fixed L > 10,2T supports c) Concentrated load on a cantilever: h >2.4T d) Couple at midspan; simple supports: a >4.8T e) Couple near a support; simple supports: a > 2.4T where: L is the beam length I h is the distance form the fixed end to the point of load application a is the distance between the concentrated loads producing a couple

   -                            T is the thickness of the wall i

Interstory drift values are derived from the original dynamic

   .a              analysis. .Str,ain allowables depending on the degree of con-finement are applied for in-plane drift effects on non-shear
         -        walls and are set at sufficiently conservative levels for in-plane effects alone that a reasonable margin remaita for out-of-plane loads. Out-of-plane drift effects are considered if some degree of fixity exists at the top and/or bottom of the
   .              wall.

4 o


a t ! C-5

e g 4 M m 2 2 3 x ' C

  • e I

h s t

                                                                           .s t

e g. I

              -- - .. . _ . -' m--p--- . , . - - - _ _ , . .__ ___

_;* f. I ( s.' I, i APPENDIX D


i 1. 4 f 4 1 NOTE: A complete set of Unit 2 Concrete Masonry Wall Dreairgs is on j file with Daniel Construction Company of Alabama. I t t e 4


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1 83'-0" 19-D II

  • Plate Straps 1 2A 100'-0" 21-M II No Repair 2B 100'-0" 23-M II No Repair 2C 100'-0" 24-M II No Repair 2D 100'-0" 36-C II No Repair 3 100'-0" 21-N III Not in Scope 4 121'-0" 20-M III Not in Scope 5 121'-0" 21-N III Not in Scope 6 130'-0" 25-R III Not in Scope 7 121'-0" 30.8-N III Not in Scope 8 121'-0" 26-B I *
  • 9 121'-0" 24-A I
  • 10 121'-0" 24-C I *
  • 11 121'-0" 24-C I
  • 1 12 121'-0" 22-A I *
  • 13 121'-0" 22-C I
  • 14 121'-0" 22-C II *
  • 15 121'-0" 20-B I *
  • 16 121'-0" 20-D II *
  • 17 121'-0" 20-C I
  • 18 121'-0" 19-B II *
  • 19 121'-0" 19-D II *
  • 20 121'-0" 19-E II No Repair 21 121'-0" 22.-E I *
  • 23 121'-0" 28-B I *
  • 24 139'-0" 26-A I *
  • A WF Horiz. Brace 2 25 139'-0" 22-A I *
  • Angle Inaccess.3
;       26          139'-0"         19-B                   II            *
  • Angle Inaccess.3 27 139'-0" 19-E I *
  • Angle Inaccess.3 28 139'-0" 22-E II *
  • Vertical WF0 P00R ORIGINAL w - - . , , - _ .
        . 2 TABLE 2 (Continuid)




     ~ 29          139'-0"   19-G   III                                  Not in Scope 30       139'-0"   28-B    II             *          *
  • Angle Inaccess.3 31 155'-0" 27-R III Not in Scope 32 155'-0" 22-B Unit 1 Scope 33 155'-0" 19-E Unit 1 Scope 34 155'-0" 20-F I *
  • 35 155'-0" 22-A Unit 1 Scope 36 155'-0" 19-A Unit 1 Scope 37 100'-0" 20-D II
  • 38 83'-0" 26-D III Not in Scope 39 100'-0" 21-H II No Repair 40 100'-0" 21-H II No Repair 41 88'-0" 19-D III Not in Scope 43 -- -- -- Unassigned 44 165'-0" 23-R III Not in Scope 46 155'-0" 28-D III Not in Scope 46A 155'-0" 26-D III Not in Scope 47 155'-0" 36-B III Not in Scope 48 155'-0" 36-C III Not in Scope 49 170'-u" 20 III Not in Scope

( W 3 e D-2 _, r- _ - . . m ..


1. Horizontal structural members designed allowing the blockwall to span vertically within acceptable stress limits.
2. For spans above large penetrations a structural member was constructed to transfer forces from above the penetration to the reinforcing bars on each side.
3. For these cases the angle at the top of the wall was inaccessible on-one or both sides. An intermediate brace of structural steel was constructed to simulate a cantilever section for the upper portion of the wall.
4. Where reinforcing bars could not be extended the full height of the wall, a vertical structural member to support wall loads was required.

r CASE DEFINITION Case I Concrete block walls in safety related structures with safety related equipment attached. l Case II Concrete block walls in safety related structures with safety related equipment near. ( l l Case III Concrete block walls in safety related structures with no l safety related equipment attached or near. I f i - i I 6 D-3 __ l .--

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 ,                      AND DESIG nETAILS

{ e I. o

     .,'.      4 TABLE 1 WALL    FLOOR          WALL         WALL            WALL SIZE      LOCATION NO. ELEV .-  LOCATION       THICKNESS            OR HEICHT    DRAWING NO. FUNCTION 1    83'-0"          19-D          8"              17'-0"       D-206500   Reduce Opening la 2A    100'-0"          21-M        2'-0"      5'-0" x 6'-0" (H)   D-206502   K. O. Panel 2B    100'-0"        23-M          2'-0"      5'-0" x 6'-0" (H)   D-206502   K. O. Panel 2C    100'-0"          74-M        2'-0"      5'-0" x 6'-0" (H)   D-206502   K. O. Panel 2D    100'-0"          36-C        2'-0"      5'-0" x 6'-0" (H)   D-206505   K. O. Panel 3   100'-0"          21-N        3'-9"      3'-0" x 3'-0"       D-206502   K. O. Panel

( 4 121'-0" 20-M 2'-0" 9'-4" x 4'-0" (W) D-206506 K. O. Panel 5 121'-0" 21-N 3'-9" 3 ' -0" x 3 '-0" D-206506 K. O. Panel 6 130'-0" 25-R 2'-0" 12'-0" x 5'-6" (W) D-206506 K. O. Panel 7 121'-0" 30.8-N 2'-9" 4'-0" x 3'-4 D-206507 K. O. Panel i 8 121'-0" 26-B l'-0" 16'-0" D-206508 fire Wall 9 121'-0" 24-A l'-0" 16'-0" D-206508 Fire Wall 10 121'-0" 24-C l'-0" 165-0" D-206508 Fire V H 1 l 11 12 1'-0" 24-C l'-0" 16'-0" 'D-206508 Fire Wall 12 121'.0" 22-A- l' 0" 9'-0" D-206508 Fire Wall 13 121'-0" 2*-C l'-0" 9'-0" D-206508 Fire Wall - 14 12 1'-0" 22-C l'-0" 9'-0" D-206508 Fire Wall l 15 121'-0" 20-B l'-0" 9'-0" D-206508 Fire Wall i 16 121'-0" 20-D l'-0" 9'-0" D-206508 Fire Wall 17 121'-0" 20-C l'-0" 9'-0" D-206508 Shield Wall l j_ 18 121'-0" 19-B l'-0" 16'-0" D-206508 Fire t.' 11 19 121'-0" 19-D l'-0" 16'-0" D-206508 Fire Wall f_ 20. 121'-0" 19-E l'-0" 16'-0" D-206508 Fire Wall 21 121'-0" 22-E l'-0" 16'-0" D-206508 Fire Wall l L F-1

          + -e        -          - . . . = -      .*


j. 4 TABLE 1 (Conrinued)

WALL FLOOR WALL WALL WALL SIZE LOCATION NO. ELEV. LOCATION THICKNESS OR HEIGHT DRAWING NO. FUNCTION 22 121-0" 24-A l ' -O"' 9'-6" Temporary 1 23 121'-0" 28-B l'-0" 16'-0" D-206509 Fire Wall 24 139'-0" 26-A l'-0" 14'-0" D-206512 Fire Wall 25 139'-0" 22-A l'-0" 15'-0" D-206512 Fire Wall 26 139'-0" 19-B l'-0" 15'-0" D-206512 Fire Wall

 ,            27       139'-0"             19-E             l'-0"           15'-0"         D-206512    Fire Wall 28       139'-0"             22-E             l'-0"            10'-6"        D-206512    Fire Wall 29       139'-0"             19-G             l'-0"            10'-6"        D-206512    Fire hall 30        139'-0"            28-B              l'-0"          ,14'-0"        D-206511    Fire Wall
 ;            31        155'-0"            27-R             2'-0"      5'-4"x4'-2" (W)     D-206515    K. O. Panel 32       155'-0"            22-B                  8"          9'-10"        D-206516    Shield Wall
  • i 33 155'-0" 19-E l'-0" 18'-0" D-206516 Fire Wall
  • 34 155'-0" 20-F l'-0" 18'-0" D-z96516 Fire Wall
35 155'-0" 22-A 4" 9'-10" D-206516 shield Wall
  • 36 155'-0" 19-A 8" '0'-6"
                                                                              .            D-206516    Shield Wall
  • 37 100'-0" 20-D 8" 11'-0" D-206504 Fire Wall 38 83'-0" 26-D 2'-0" 2'-2"x2'-2" D-206500 K. O. Panel 39 100'-0" 21-H 2'-3" 5'-3"x5'-3" D--206504 K. O. Panel i

40 100'-0" 21-H 2'-3" 3 ' -3"x3 ',-3" . D-206504 K. O. Panel 41 83'-0" l9-D 12" 3'-0" D-206500 Fire Wall 42 - - - Unassigned L 43 .- - - - Unassigned 44 165'-0" 23-R 2'-0" 4'-0"(W)x6'-0" ~ D-206516 ' Panel


45 - - - Uncasigned 46 155-0" 28 D l'-4" 18'-6"x6'-4" D-206517 K. O. Panel

      . . .        -- . ~ . . . . - . .          - --.   . -- ---.
       ,, . 4 TABLE 1 (Continued) k    hhk                           LOCbN       TH        ESS     bhbEfbHh        Dbhfk'ho. FUNCTION 46A 155'-0"                         26-D            l'-4"       4'-0"x6'-4"       D-206517   K. O. Panel 47  155'-0"                         36-B            12"         4'-4"x4'-4"       D-206517   K. O. Panel 48  155'-0"                         36-C            12"         4'-4"x4'-4"       D-206517   K. O. Panel 49  170'-0"                         20-A            8"          3'-0"x3'-9"       D-206549   K. O. Panel i.

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                                                                                                                >QUTH   NORTH  Cable tray leaves hanger running north C                  CT                                       24"       5'-0"    4'-0"  4'-0" to E F. Cable tray leaves hanger running south 5'-0".

Con (L'It leaves hanger running north SOUTH NORTH 4'-3". Conduit leaves hanger running D C 2" 9 24" 6'-6" 4'-3" south 4'-6" turns west thru l' conc. blk. wall another 12". SOUTH NORTH Cable tray runs south 4'-0" to E B. E CT l'-3" 4'-0" 3'-0" Cable tray runs north curving east 3'-0". SOUTH DOWN Cable tray leaves hanger running south F CT 24" 4'-0" 4'-6" 4'-0" to E C. Cable tray leaves hanger running down 4'-6". i I r-s

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