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Rev 11 to Odcm.
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/05/1989
Shared Package
ML20012A314 List:
PROC-891005, NUDOCS 9003090230
Download: ML20012A323 (127)


{{#Wiki_filter:iiE f q,.g[ ::S 1 4 o. l

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            +. .                           ,                                                                       i                                t
 <                         s -. ,                                   s                                                                               l 3 i                 t 4 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT d


                                                                                          ,(ODCM) 4                                                                   .

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        .                r        ,                                         DOCKETJNO.c50-282 and 50-306-
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 <   .%.                                                                    NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY-                                         g MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA i


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                                       ' REVIEWED BY:-

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a- H4 1 Rev'. 11~ . Page;2'

     .                     <                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS;                                                                                             '

Section' Title' Page - 4

                                                                                                                                                                                        <1 f                                                                Tablelof Contents..............................-......                                                     2               ;

k '


List of Figures.....-................................ 3 i n ,. List of Tab 1es........................................ 4 j

                                                                                                                                                                                        ,a s       ,                                                         .                .

'~ 4 Record of Revisions.....-............................ 5 b, m ' 1. 0 L 1NTRODUCT I ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. 6 j r b > u2:0- LIQUID EFFLUENTS .............................................. 6

                                                 ~2.1    Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination..................... 6                                                                   I 2.2     Liquid Effluent Concentration - Compliance                                                                    -                 ,

_* -- with 101CFR 20..-....-..................................-. 15 4 0 2.3:: Liquid 1 Effluent Doses?- Compliance with .

                                                         -10 CFR 50...................................... '.......... 16-                                                                 l a'

References............................................... 20

' y%.Y                                                                                                                                                                           ,-

i 3.0 GASEOUS' EFFLUENTS....................-....................... 23

                                                 '3.1. ~ Monitor Alarm Se tpoint De termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 23                                                 l
                       <                          3.2L Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate'- Compliance with                                                                                       ,

10.CFR 20...............m ................................29. 3.3. Gaseous Effluent' Doses.--Compliance with

                                                         .10 CFR 50...............-................................ 33 References............................................. 38 4.0 . INFORMATION RELATED TO 40 CFR 190 and 40 CFR 141............ 59                                                                       s I ';7-RADIATION ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM.................. 61
                                        .5. 0 i

s 4 APPENDIX A - Meteorological Dispersion Parameters........... 69 APPENDIX B - Joint Frequency Distribution Tables........... 108-

                                                 ' APPENDIX C - Dose Parameters for Radioiodines, Tritium...................... 116 i
     .                                                              Particulates and cIBM

e: , , s w. 7 : i b p e / * , t g

1. n.

Rsv.- 11 D ~ Page 3: a J".' ' . , LIST OF FIGURES: i

                                  <          ' Figure                                                                          . P_ age,
                                                                                                                                               -7 Locations.........................'66
  • g.s >
   .                                              5.1-1,               Site Boundary TLD'                                                           g
                                             !,5 ; 1 - 2 ..           . Radiological Environmental Sample Po'ints.
                                                                 ' - Within 10-Mile-Radius.............................             67=                 ,
                                                .5.1-3                 Radiological Environmental-Sample Points                                          '

0utside 10-Mile Radius............................ A.,. , 68~ 5 \ 3 i L

                          .k'                                                                                                                            ,

N t g <p.

                                                                                                                                         ' f [~' < g t


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l l ' tl-IBM. I '. a

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H4 Lv'


Rev. 11; Page 4

       ?!T                         _                                             LIST OF TABLES'
                            . Tables.                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 2.1             - Liquid Source Terms for PINGP.....................                                                                                                                          14'
                            -2.3-1                A g Values'for-the PINGP............................ 21 3.1-1              - Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination for PINGP..i. 27-3.1               Gaseous Source Terms for PINGP.....................'28-
                             .3.1-3              - Dose. Factors and Constants.....................'.... 29 3.2-1              -P g   Values for.the PlNGP................-............32-3.3              Dose Factors for Noble Gases and Daughters......... 39-
                             '3.3-2              - gR-Values for the PINGP - Ground, All Ages........ 401 3.3-3.              Rg Values for ' the PINGP - Vegetable ,' Adult. . . . . . . . 41
                             -3.3-4               ~R g Values for the PINGP'                                                                                                      Vegetable, Teen......... 42'-

3.3-5 R.g Values for the PINGP - Vegetable, Child........ 431

                        .     ;353-6              _R g Values for the PINGP -' Meat,' Adult........-;.... 44 3j3-7               Rg. Values forJthe PINGP - Meat, Teen.............. 45 3.3-8             1Rg Values for'the PINGP - Meat, Child...........-.. 46E
            ?:o -               3.3             Ri . Values for the PINGP~ Cow Milk, Adult......... 47-m.v 3.3            R y Values for the PINGP - Cow Milk, Teen.......... 48 3.3-11"             R g Values for_the PINGP - Cow Milk, Child......... 49                                                                           .
                     ; 13.3-12                      R g Values for the PINGP - Cow Milk,, Infant........ 50 L3.3-13              R -Values for.the PINGP - Goat Milk,= Adult.........51 g
                               ,3.3-14             .Rj Values'for_the PINGP'- Goat Milk, Teen.......... 52
                .               3.3-15              R g Values             for                   the PINGP - Goat Milk, Child......... 53'                                                                                  -
                               . 3 .' 3 .1 6        R Values             for                     the PINGP - Goat Milk,. Infant....... 54-1 313-17             R Values                for                  the PINGP - Inhalation, Adult...-.-.... 55 f

3.3-18 RyValues for the PINGP.- Inhalation, Teen.........56 3.3-19 R g Values for the PINGP - Inhalation, Child....... 57:

3.3-20 Rg ; Values for the PINGP - Inhalation, Infant...... 58 5.1-1 PINGP - Radiation Environmental Monitoring Program Sampling Locations......................... 62 4

e 1

                                 ' IBM
                                 -   'I '

3 337 C-H4,

                                                                                                                                                                ~Rev. 11-Page 5 RECORD OF REVISIONS Revision'No.                                                Date                Reason for Revision
                                          - Original                                    June-7, 1979 l~-                               April 15, 1980                        Incorporation of NRC: Staff comments and correction of?

miscellaneous errors: 2 August-6,-1982 Incorporation of 'NRC 1Staf f - comments

  • 3 February 21, 1983 Changefin milk-sampling location-4 November- 14, 1983 Change in milk sampling-
location and change in -
 <-                                                                                                                           cooling tower blowdown-
                                                  '5                                      March 27, 1984                      Change Table 3.2-l' 6                                 -February 14, 1986                    Change in location to' collect cultivated crops-(leafy.

green veg.) and.. removal of meat animals.from the

                                                                                                                              'l a n d . u s e c e n s u s .:

g;;, 7 July 31,.1986 Retype andfformat ODCM. No change in content. 1 8 -January 8, 1987 ' Addition'of Discharge Canal'Honitor Setpoint' calculation. 9- June 29, 1987- Change inhilation dose -

                                                                                                                              -factor to child and                  .       1 address change in land use survey.

10 April:27, 1989  : Change in method for calculating liquid effluent monitor setpoints.- Fix of

                           .                                                                                                      Various typing errors.

Change in location of-two REMP sampling locations. Deletion of one REMP sampling location. 11 October 5, 1989 Change in Tables 3.3-6 thru 3.3-16. Appendix C equations corrected. Section 5 figures replaced. Sample point definitions corrected. IBM

H4 ,

                                                                                    .Rev. 11 Page 6           >

11.O ! INTRODUCTION-  :>, i This-Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) provides the-

                      'information'and methodologies to be used by the Prairie o                   Island Nuclear. Generating Plant (PNGP) to assure _ compliance with certain portions'of.PNGP's Operating Technical-                          ,

Specification. These portions _are those related'to-liquid (

                      -and gaseous.radiologicalEeffluents. They are intended to                     ;

show compliance with 10 CFR 20,.10.CFR 50.36A, 10 CFR 50, 1 Appendix A (GDC'60 & 64)'and Appendix I,7and_40 CFR.190. This ODCM..isL based on: " Radiological Effluent Technical { Specifications for PWR's-(NUREG-0472, October,: 1978)," d

                        " Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifica-                '

tions for> Nuclear Power. Plants 1(NUREG-0133,- October 1978),"- and-other inputs.from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission-(USNRC)... Specific plant-proceduresLfor implementation of , this~ manual are provided elsewhere. These procedures will:be a

                       . utilized by the operating staff of the PNGP to assure'compli-ance with:the-Technical. Specifications.                                  l,
                       -Also included in this manual is information related to the-               '

Radiological Environmaatal Monitoring Program-(REMP) in the' form of Figures 5'.1-1, 5.1-2, 5.1-3 and Table 5.1-1. These figures and0 table' designate specific sample types:and locations- ,

   "g.                  currently..usedLto satisfy the technical specification require -
   " ;,                 ments1for.the~REMP.. They are subject to change based on the
                       .results ofJthe periodic land use census, t

g' Although the ODCM has been prepared as generically as R possible in order to minimize the!need for' future revisions, L some1 changes to the ODCM may be required in the future. Any such changes willibe properly reviewed and approved as ot required'by the PNGP Technical: Specifications, i-2.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS r 2.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination This procedure determines the monitor alarm setpoint ' that indicates if'the concentration'of radionuclides in the liquid effluent released at the site boundary . E exceeds the concentrations specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases or exceeds a concentration'of 2 x 10-4 pCi/ml for dissolved or , L entrained noble gases. Since Fe-55,'Sr-89, Sr-90, and alpha concentrations are determined from composite samples, the liquid monitor setpoint determinations should be completed . L using the most recent available composite sample results. , L IBM l< l

RJ, h

 +        .u                                                                              H4 L              ""                                                                       'Rev. 11:      ,

t ,' l ' Page_7

                          . Monitor high alarm or isolation setpoints will be'                      j established in one of these ways:-
D' __
                                                      .                                            :s a._    -Monthly-~ calculation of setpoints using the-
   >                               methodology of Sections-2.1.1'and 2.1.3.                         .;
   *                                                                                             ' d
b. Calculation of-alarm setpoint based on analysis prior-O t to discharge using methodology! of Section 2.1.2. [


c. Alarm setpoint determined using methodology-of  ?;
                                 . Sections-2.1.1'and~2.1.3_assumingJall radionuclides             Ji have an MPC'of 1E-7 pCi/ml. No recalculation of                     ,

setpoints is necessary unless an increase ~in alarm; 4 g setpoint is-desired, s PWR GALE code source terms (Table 2.1-1)'may be used-if a there-were no detectable isotopes in the previous month-  !

 <                        .or in the inalysis prior to. release.           If-the newly                '
calculated setpoint is-less than the existing monitor setpoint, theisetpoint will be reduced to the new .

g' value. If the calculated setpoint is greater /than the l existing setpoint, the setpoint may-remain at.the lower J value or increased Lto the :new value, j A 2 .1".1 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints The following method applies when determining w- the isolation setpoints-for-the Waste Effluent - l Liquid Monitor 1(R-18), Steam GeneratorLBlowdown i L Liquid Monitor -. Unit l'(1R-19),tand Steam "; Generator Blowdown Liquid. Monitor - Unit'2

                                        ~(2R-19) during.all operational conditions when the radwaste discharge flow rate isimaintained'             o L

constant at the maximum design flow rate. 1 2.1.-l.1 Determine-the " mix"-(radionuclides and. 1 L composition)-of.the liquid effluent.

a. Determine the liquid source terms  ;

L that are representative of the J

                                                        " mix" of the liquid effluent.

Liquid, source terms are the total curies of each-isotope released , during the previous month. Table  ! 2.1-1 source terms may be used if there have been no' liquid releases,

b. Determine the activity concentrations (AC1) of all non-gamma emitters including H-3, Sr-89, Sr-90, Fe-55, and alpha activity.


                               ,     -u
      '                                                                                           . H4.       .
                                                                                                  ~ Rev.Jll 7                                                           Pa g'e : .8

.h.fl - 'c. Determine NGF'(the total fraction-

  • of the MPC;in-the liquid effluent) 9 m '

for all.non-gamma emitting nuclides;- - y pl- ' 0 ACi '

                                                      -NGF={',     -

MPCi -(2.1-1)- f ,~

           "                                     where:          AC1'= Activity' concentration of nuclidef'i' in the liquidL
. - effluent.(pCi/ml).

[., , , '

                                                             .MPCi =.The liquid. effluent; .                  .

radioactivity concentrationi

                                                                           . limit for radionuclideL'i'.
                 '                                                          (pC1/ic1):from Table 2.1-11

@ or' Reference 3. m u ' N+ -Determine'Si (the fraction'of the-d. L' gamma emitting radio' activity in_.the. h ;r, liquid; effluent = comprised by

  '                                                       radionuclideL'i') for each                .-

l individual radionuclide~in the- . liquid. effluent.. Ja I ., gh , si.- = -Ai A1 -(2.1-'2)- Q'% - {1. g, J: Ai = 'the radioactivity of gamma / d wh4re: emitting radionuclide '1'- - l in the111guid effluent. 1 Determine WGF (the sumiof' fractional


e. L ' activities weighted by-the MPC)-for , 4 , the-gamma emitting nuclides in the'.  ;} L liquid effluent. 'l WGF = b Si MPCi ( 2.'l. 3 ) L i i where: MPCi-= The liquid effluent-

       ,                                                                        radioactivity concentration'                  j limit for radionuclide 'i'                       !

(pCi/ml) from Table 2.1-1  ; or Reference 3. m; IBM

 . ) i [.c                                                    ,,             .

e . , s -

        ^l "                                                                                                                                               I
q. , , ; z .=-_  !

j - H4: Rev. 11: w, Page 9  ;

                                                      .2'.1.1.2 Determine C.. (the maximum acceptable
                       ":        s
                                                                 ' total radiohetivity? concentration of-gamma 91 \

"," emitting nuclides in the liquid effluent: .

                                                                  -prior-to dilution (pCi/ml).                                                          /

I C g _- = 1 x F h

                                                                                                                                  - NGF)h (2.1-4)

WGF f in where: F = Dilution water. flow rate (gpm)- , t l ='67,300 gpm from-coo' ling tower blowdown i

                     '                                             f'= The maximum attainable d'ischarge .                                         ,

flow rate prior to-dilution (gpm)-

                                                                        =:60 gpm.from the ADT tank pump (2)                                             a h                                                                       = 100 gpm from the CVCS tank pump-(2)                                          J
                                                                        = 60 gpm from the.SGBD tank' pump ( }
                                                                                                                                                     'l 2 .1.1. 3 : Determine C.R. (the' calculated monitor                                               I
        .-g.                                                      . count rate above'backgroundLattributed                                               >

Hyh,&.  : to.the radionuclides;(ncpm)). c obtained:by-using the applicable 't ,/ . Effluent MonitorsEfficiency Curve. V located in the Radiation Monitor .~ Calibration' file.- C.R. is the count rate that corresponds-to the~" adjusted" , total radioactivity; concentration-(C t).

 ,                                                     2 1.1.4 Determine HSP'(the monitor high alarm                                                  J D                    ,

setpoint.above background ~-(nepm)).

   .y                                                              HSP      =~T,C.R.                                                     -(2.1-5)       l "i

T" = Fraction of the radioactivity from the site that.may be released via Wo each release point to ensure that - the. site boundary limit is not 1

' " exceeded: due ta) simultaneous releases from several release points. a I

L = 0.90 for the Waste Effluent Liquid 't Monitor (R-18)

                                                                           = 0.05 for the Steam Generator Blowdown Liquid Monitor - Unit 1 (lR-19)
                                                                           = 0.05 for the Steam Generator Blowdown Liquid Monitor - Unit 2 (2R-19)
                               ' IBM

4 P-t- I ,


Rev.'llo Page 10E - ilL ", LT values may beLrevised from the vIlues given1above. 1The summation E of all the T Lvalues fortactive  ?! release ~ points shall'notlbe' greater '

                                                                                                                                 ~2 than unity.                                                       ;

s The monitor high alarm setpoint'above- ' background' (nepm), shalli be set at or: - below the'HSPLvalue'. , 2 .1.'2 ' Setpoint Based' on Analysis: of - Liquid' Prior to l Discharge (Optional)

                                             .This method,may be used in lieu-of the method in l

Section 2.1.1 to determine'the setpoints for.the- g

                                             . maximum ' acceptable discharge c flow rate prior txr                        '

dilution,and to determine the-associated high- 4 alarm setpoint based'on this flow rate for the - i Waste Effluent Liquid Monitor (R-18), Steam - 1 Generator Blowdown' Liquid Monitor - Unit 1- .;

                                              -(1R-19), and Steam Generator Blowdown Liquid Monitor - Unit 2(2R-19), during.all operational                                   4
                                                            ~         -
                                             ' conditions.

2il.2.1 Determine f (the maximum acceptable; . discharge flow rate prior to dilution-('gpm))'. >' " y,g , Yse' f = 0.8 F T, C f-(2.1-6)- MPC f i F = Dilution water flow rate.(gpm) -

                                                              = 67,300 gpm from cooling tower blowdown                            l]

C in f = Concentration:of the liquid effluent radionuclide'"i" prior to P < dilution (pCi/ml) from analysis of 't L o the liquid effluent to be released. l-MPC f = The liquid effluent radioactivity concentration limit for radionuclide "i" (pci/ml) from Table 2.1-1 or if i not listed in Table 2.1-1 from , Reference 3. r l T* = Fraction the site that of the mayradioactivity be released via from L each release point to ensure that i the site boundary limit is not exceeded due to simultaneous releases from several release points. Refer to Section IBM o r

T Q,,



 #G ' (            *       -

s .r I4 .3 , ' ' d H4  : E T3 'Rev- llc 4 M ^ _ Determine the monitor:setpoint' based on-Page 11

                                                                                                                     ' i PC '        *                                 -the:radionuclide. mix of the liquids

e effluent. , i 1

                                               ,a.         Determin'eLC.R._ (the calculated:


  • r' monitor < count rate above background
    ~T o                                                   attributed to the radionuclides-                              i
n. ' (nepm) ) . .

C .R. using the. E applicable Effluent Monitor- ~; Efficiency Curve located'inithe- i Radi'ation Monitoricalibration file. 1

  • C.R. is the count rate point that-
                                                          . corresponds to the " adjusted" total radioactivity-concentration (Cg)'._-                      -f 7

C' = The total radioactivity concen-tration'of the radionuclides- 1 L' (minus tritium and other i radionuclides that are only-beta emitters)-in the liquid. y discharge. prior to dilution- ,

                                                                 -(pci/ml) as-determined using                        M Equation 2.1-4.                                       !


b. Determine HSP (the-monitor high' i g alarm setpoint above background ,

(nepm)). i HSP :. .R. ( 2 '.' 1A 7 ) 0.8 : AEcorrection factor to j increase the monitor.setpoint i to prevent spurious alarms-caused by deviations in the mixture of. radionuclides'that affects monitor response ~.' [

c. The monitor high alarm setpoint above _ background shall: be set at or "

below this HSP value when this optional method is selected. The maximum discharge flow shall not exceed the value of f as determined in Section when this - optional method is selected. 2.1.3 Discharge Canal Monitor T The following method determines the high alarm setpoint for.the Discharge Canal Monitor (R-21) during all operational conditions. 7 + IBM i [k.. , _ , ,

,, - ~,-.

     'I i i             .

H4 :t d"

              ^                                                                            Rev. 11     '!

P. Page 12 q in m 2 ~.1. 3. l ~ Determine the " mix" n

(radionuclides'- and

l ,,t , composition) of the liquid. effluent. s

                                               'a;    Determine the' liquid source terms
                                                     .that are-representative of the .
                                                    '" mix" of: all liquids released 'into the discharge o canal. ; Liquid source             ;

terms are the total curies:of each '! ' isotope released.during the' previous

  ,E,  '

month.- Table 2.1-1 source terms 1 may be used if.there_haveibeen no liquid releases.

                                              'b. Determine the activity concentrations.

(AC1) of all non-gamma emitters , including H-3, sr-89 ; ;sr 90, Fe-55 4 and alpha activity. > e.

c. Determine'NGF-(the. tot'alifractionlof .i the MPC in the liquid. released to the discharge _ canal)-forfall non-l gamma emitting nuclides. The volume used tofcalculate the non-
                                                      , gamma emitting activity concentrations.

is the volume released.via cooling 1 tower blowdown during a one month . 3E period at the minimum flow rate of , 'd.F,' 67,300.gpm. ' t

  • i -
                                                                                                       ,i where:      ACi   =   Activity concentration of-                   W w ..                                                    nuclide 'i' d
  ^                                                       the discharge. canal.(pCi/ml')                 !

MPCi = The liquid effluent radioactivity concentration limit fo'r radionuclide 'i' j (pCi/ml) from Table 2.1-1-or-Reference 3. J t +' d. Determine Si (the fraction of the gamma emitting radioactivity , in the liquid released to the .i discharge canal comprised by  ; radionuclide 'i') for each individual radionuclide released

                                           -          to the discharge canal.

1 l l

                             .1BM l


     '.                          s r
   -          ,                                                                         H4 -    i
        ^-           ,                                                                  Rev.<ll             .

J >

                     -                                                                 .Page-13             j
    +'                                                                                                      ,

Si == ' Ai Ai. .

                                   - where:- Ai   =

The radioactivityL of gamma' emitting'radionuclide='i' ,; released to the discharge , canal.  ; u e.- Determine'~WGF-(the. sum of-fractional , j activities. weighted by the MPC);for< the gamma emitting nuclides released- . to the discharge canal, a WGF~ =- Si - -MPCi ,

     ,   ':                                            i where:    MPCi. =. The ' liquid ef fluenti         ..

radioactivity' concentration- ',

                                                                 ' limit.for'radionuclide:'i' i

(pC1/ml)cfrom Table 2.1,-l or. Reference 3. ]

    @[,70                  Determine C         (the maximum ~ acceptable                  +
         "                                    total.radioNetivity concentration of:.              ,

Ll gamma emitting'nuclides released-tot  ; the discharge canal.(pCi/ml)). ,l t Ct = 11-NGF. t WGF j 2.1.-3.3 Determine C.R.J(the calculated monitor I count? rate above: background attributed - to the radionuclides-(nepm)). , C.R.'is obtained by'using the applicable

                                             . Effluent Monitor-Efficiency Curve-located in the' Radiation Monitor Calibration file ~.' C.R. is the count L                       !

rate that corresponds 1to.the " adjusted" . total radioactivity concentration (Ct). 1 The monitor high alarm setpoint above o


background (nepm) shall be set at or-below ' the C.R. value. F


1BM m

y r. H4 Rev. 11-Page.14. ] TABLE 2.1-1 LIQUID SOURCE TERMS! l

                                              -WASTE EFFLUENT'    SGBD RADIONUCLIDE      MPC (pCi/ml')        (A.)(Ci/Yr)    (A;)(Ci/Yr)
            =Mo-99               4E-5             6.42E-3        1.415E              : 1-131               3E-7.           3.061E-2,      4.11E-2:

Te-132 2E-5 2.12E-3 3.61E-3 I-132 8E-6 2.83E-3 1.88E-2i . 1-133 1E-6 2.365E-2 4.856E-2 Cs-134 9E . 1.464E-1 4. 047 E- 2 -- i 1-135 4E-6 4.84E-3 1.792E-2.

  • Cs-136 ~6E-5 5.743E-2 1.862E-2 l 2.69E '

Cs-137 2E-5 8.214E-2 . All Others- 1E-7 0 2E-5 JI- 3 ' 3E-3 1.89E2 1.41E2 L. Noble gases 2E-4 - - Total' 1.894E2 1.412E2


Q 4


L L r

                                                                                  'I I

H4 Rev. 11 Page 15 2.2 Compliance With 10 CFR 20 in order to comply with 10 CFR 20, the concentrations of radionuclides in liquid effluents will not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) as defined in Appendix B, Table 11 of 10 CFR 20. For continuous releases, the alarm trip setpoints discussed in Section 2.1 will assure that these concentrations are not exceeded. For batch releases, concentrations of radioactivity in effluents prior to di'_ution will be determined, providing protection in addition to the alarm trip setpoint discussed in Section 2.1 Concentration in diluted effluents will be


calculated using these results. 2.2.1 Continuous Releases a Continuous liquid releases can occur from PNGP through steam generator blowdown. The alarm

 --                                trip setpoints discussed in Section 2 1 will

== assure that releases from this pathway will not exceed the limits of 10 CFR 20. Other minor releases of a continuous nature have occurred at PNGF through the turbine building sump system. These releases were minor and are not expected to occur in the future. However, a continuous composite sampler will be maintained st the discharge from the turbine building sump with samples being taken and analyzed weekly.

         #                          If these samples indicate detectable levels of radionuclides, the methodologies given in Section 2.2.2 will be applied to the turbine 1,

sump weekly releases and the limit in Equation Js 2.2-2 will be lowered to account for this source

              -                     term.

2.2.2 Batch Releases To further show compliance with 10 CFR 20, the

                '                    radioactivity content of each batch release will be determined prior to release. The

_-- concentration of the various radionuclides in the batch release prior to dilution, is divided by the minimum dilution flow to obtain the concentration at the site boundary. This calculation is shown in the following equation: I C R Conc.1 = i (2.2-1) MDF l l __j where Conc. 1

                                             = concentration of radionuclide i at the
       ""                                     site boundary,     C1/ml-l IBM

( H4 i Rev.'ll -t Page 16 l Cg = concentration of radionuclide i in the potential batch release, pCi/ml; It R = release rate of the' batch  : E MDF

  • minimum dilution flow (=67,300 gpm)  !

The projected concentration at the site boundary > is compared to the MPCs in Appendix B, Table 11 [ t of 3 0 CFR 20 which are given in Table 2.1-1. L Before a release may occur, Equation 2.2-2 must - be met for all isotopes. k i Conc i


0.9 (2.2-2)  : i MPC g '! MPC g = Maximum permissible concentration , of radionuclide i from Appendix B, Table 11 of 10 CFR 20. pC1/ml The summation has been reduced from 1.0 to 0.9 to i account far simultaneous continuous releases from i steam generator blowdown as given in Section i

            ,                 As noted earlier, this fraction may be.

Wq . adjusted based on experience. The summation of

          -                            all source terms shall not be greater than 1.0 of         :

the 10 CFR 20 limit.  : 2.3 Liquid Effluent Doses - Compliance with 10 CFR 50 -l Doses resulting from liquid effluents will be calculated j monthly to show compliance with 10 CFR 50. A cumulative L summation of total body and organ doses for each calendar quarter and calendar year will be maintained as well as projected doses for the next month. . Since Fe-55,.Sr-89, Sr-90, and alpha' concentrations are , determined from composite samples, the monthly liquid  ; effluent. dose calculations and comparisons to quarterly

  • and annual limits should be completed _using the most recent available composite sample results. The ,

quarterly and annual dose calculations shall be l completed using the actual composite sample results. . The limits of 10 CFR 50 are on a per reactor unit basis. L The liquid radwaste system at PNGP is shared by both 1 reactor units making it impossible to separate the releases of the two units. The releases that can be  : separated by unit, steam generator blowdown and turbine building sump releases, contribute a very small portion - of the total liquid releases from PNGP. Therefore, for

                             . compliance with 10 CFR 50 the releases from both units will be summed and the limits of Appendix I will be doubled.

L IBM J l _ -- . - - , ,

pc~ < - e F H4 Rev. 11 Page 17 ' 5 , 2.3.1 Determination of Liquid Effluent Dilution To determine doses from liquid effluents the lL near field average dilutten factor for the period of release must be calculated. This i

- dilution factor must be calculated for Lach batch release and each continuous release roode.

The dilution factor is determined by: , i; [ . R

  • k

[ F (2'3*I) k .X ADF [ k [ where ' c ' R = release rate of the batch or k continuous releases during the period, k, gpm ADF = average dilution flow during the k time period of release k, gpm. The value of X is the site specific factor for ~ the mixing effect of the PNGP discharge etructure. This value is 10 for PNGP'while operating in the closed cycle cool 2ng mode. II) i is limited to 1000 t Theproductof;XandADFThIrefore,sinceblowdown efs (4.5 x 10 gpm). flow in closed cycle is 150 efs, the5 enominator d , of Equation 2.3-1 is always 4.5 x 10 in closed cycle. In once through or helper mode', the , value of X is reduced to 1.0. , 2.3.2 Dose calculations l The dose contribution from the relecse of liquid effluents will be calculated monthly. The dose  ; contribution will be calculated using the following equation: , where: - Dt = IIA g7 tp C ik F k (2.3-2)  ; ki where: Dr = the dose commitment to the total body or any organ t, from the - liquid effluents for the period of release, mrem; IBM e +


  ' ' Vr i                                                                             3l l

H4 . . Rev. 11  ! Page 18  ; C = the average concentration of 1 ik radionuclide, i, in undiluted ,

 '<                                        liquid effluent for liquid                      )
 -                                         release k, . pci/ml;                            ;

A gI = the site related ingestion dose . commitment. factor to the total t body or any organ i for each i identified principal gamma and beta emitter, mrem /hr_ per pCi/ml;- J Fp = the near field average dilution . factor for C during liquid  ! F effluentrelkIsek, , l t = the duration of release k, hours. k The dose factor A was calculated for an adult , for each isotope dlir.g the following equation: t A f3

                                      =    1.14 x 10 5  121BF g DFg7)     (2.3-3) where:                                                                 ,

5 = 6 3 1.14 x 10 10 pCi x 10 'm1 x 1 yr  ;  !

     $*w                                               pCi         ~1'   8760 hr IIdE 21     =     adult fish consumption, Kg/yr;                  I BF       =    bioaccumulation factor for 1      -

radionuclide i in fish from l Table A-1 of Regulatory Guide  : 1.109 Rev. 1 (5) pCi/Kg per.pCi/1;  ! DF = dose conversion factor for  ! II  ! l radionuclide i for adults for a l- particular organ T from Table ! E-11 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 - L Rev. 1, (5) arem/pC1. l values for an adult at the PNGP arepresenteb A table of A *in Table 2.3-1. Micsissippi River water-is not used as a potable water supply

                 -within 300 miles downstream of the PNGP.               Wells            !

are used for irrigation downstream of the plant. L e I a e

   =       IBM l

H4 1

c. Rev. 11 i Page 19 2.3.3 cumulation of Doses i i

Doses calculated monthly will be summed for i

   '-                    comparison with quarterly and annual limits.                   I The monthly results should be added to the doses
 ,                       cumulated from the other months in the quarter                  l of intereet and in the year of interest for the                 ;

combined relsases of both reactor units. The I p following relationships should hold-L 'i

 !                       For the quarter.                                               l D,     t  3.0 mrem total body        (2.3-4)     .

j 10 crem cny organ (2.3-5) D 7


I For the celendar year 1, , D, < 6.0 mrem total body (2.3-6)

           -                      D 7
                                         <  10 arem any organ          (2.3-7)        t The quarterly limits given above represent one half of the annual design objective. If these quarterly      '

or annual limits care. exceeded, a special report should be submitt<ed;to the USNRC identifying the -! cause and corrective action to be taken. If twice the quarterAy or annual limits are exceeded.  : a special report shall'be submitted showing  ; compliance wi th 40 CFR 190. .

                                                                                     .t 2.3.4 Projection of: JB@es                                         ;

Anticipated doses resulting from the release of-liquid effluents will be projected monthly. If the projected doces for the month exceed 2 percent of Equation 2.3-6 or 2.3-7, additional l components of the liquid radwaste treatment 4 system will be used to process waste. The . projected doses will be calculated using -i Equetion 2.3-2. The dilution. factor, F will - becalculatedbyreplacingthetermADFf,in ' Equation 2.3-1 with the term MDF from Equation-2.2-1. The total source. term utilized for the , most recent dose calculation should be used for  ; the projections unless information exists indicating that actual releases could differ significantly in the next month.. In this case, the source term would be adjusted to reflect L this information and the justification for the adjustment noted. This adjustment should account for any radwaste equipment which was 4 4- operated during the previous month that could be out of service in the coming month. IBM

  • s l
,                                                                             H4          I


             "4                                                          -

Rev. 11  : Page 20 l REFERENCES ,

1. " Prairie Island Final Environmental Statement," USAEC, May, I 1973, p. V-26.  !

2.- "NSP - Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Appendix 1 l e Analysis - Supplement No. 1 - Docket No. 50-282 and 50-306," Table 2.1-1. I 3. "10 CFR 20," Appendix B Table II, Column 2.

4. "NSP - Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Appendix 1 Analysis - Supplement No. 1 - docket 50-282 and 50-306," July '

21, 1976, Table 2.1-2. ,

5. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, " Regulatory Guide 1.109
                     - Calculation of Annual Doses to Han from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix    1," Rev. 1, 1977.                    *
    %.  .. a
    ',,a' f
                                                                                        'T F

I i l-




                                           /HR PERNUCLEAR pCI/ML) GENERATING PLANT NUCLIDE       BONE    LIVER     T. BODY     THYROID  KIDNEY     LUNG      GI-LLI IH     3     0.00E-01  2.26E-01  2.26E-01   2.26E-01  2.26E-01  2.26E-01   2.26E-01 6C    14     3.13E 04  6.26E 03  6.26E 03   6.26E 03  6.26E 03  6.26E 03   6.26E 03 11NA 24      4.07E 02  4.07E 02  4.07E 02   4.07E 02  4.07E 02  4.07E 02   4.07E 02 24CR 51      0.00E-01  0.00E-01  1.27E 00   7.61E-01  2.81E-01  1.69E 00   3.20E 02 25MN $4      0.00E-01  4.38E 03  8.35E 02   0.00E-01  1.30E 03  0.00E-01   1.34E 04 25MN 56      0.00E-01  1.10E 02  1.95E 01   0.00E-01  1.40E 02  0.00E-01   3.51E 03 26FE 55      6.58E 02  4.55E 02  1.06E 02   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  2.54E 02   2.61E 02 26FE $9      1.04E 03  2.44E 03  9.36E 02   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  6.82E 02   8.14E 03 27CO 58      0.00E-01  8.92E 01  2.00E 02   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   1.81E 03 27CO 60-     0.00E-01  2.56E 02  5.65E 02   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   4.81E 03 28NI 63      3.11E 04  2.16E 03  1.04E 03   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   4.50E 02 28NI 65      1.26E 02  1.64E 01  7.49E 00   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   4.17E 02 29CU 64      0.00E-01  9.97E 00  4.68E 00   0.00E-01  2.51E 01  0.00E-01   8.50E 02 30ZN 65      2.32E 04  7.37E 04  3.33E 04   0.00E-01  4.93E 04  0.00E-01   4.64E 04 30ZN 69      4.93E 01  9.43E 01  6.56E 00   0.00E-01  6.13E 01  0.00E-01   1.42E 01 35BR 83      0.00E-01  0.00E-01  4.04E 01   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   5.82E 01 35BR 84      0.00E-01  0.00E-01  5.24E 01   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   4.11E-04 35BR 85      0.00E-01  0.00E-01  2.15E 00   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   1.01E-15 37RB 86      0.00E-01  1.01E 05  4.71E 04   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   1.99E 04 37RB 88      0.00E-01  2.90E 02  1.54E 02   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   4.00E-09 37RB 89      0.00E-01  1.92E 02  1.35E 02   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   1.12E-11 38SR 89      2.21E 04  0.00E-01  6.35E 02   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   3.55E 03 385R 90      5.44E 05  0.00E-01  1.34E 05   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   1.57E 04 38SR 91      4.07E 02  0.00E-01  1.64E 01   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   1.94E 03 38SR 92      1.54E 02  0.00E-01  6.68E 00   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   3.06E 03 39Y 90       5.76E-01  0.00E-01  1.54E-02   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   6.10E 03 a 39Y 91M      5.44E-03  0.00E-01  2.11E-04   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   1.60E-02 39Y 91       8.44E 00  0.00E-01  2.26E-01   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   4.64E 03 39Y 92       5.06E-02  0.00E-01  1.48E-03   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   8.86E 02 39Y 93       1.60E-01  0.00E-01  4.43E-03   0.00E-01  0.00E-01  0.00E-01   5.09E 03 40ZR 95      2.40E-01  7.70E-02  5.21E-02   0.00E-01  1.21E-01  0.00E-01   2.44E 02 40ZR 97      1.33E-02  2.68E-03  1.22E-03   0.00E-01  4.04E-03  0.00E-01   8.30E 02 41NB 95      4.47E 02  2.4BE 02  1.34E 02   0.00E-01  2.46E 02  0.00E-01   1.51E 06 42MO 99      0.00E-01  1.03E 02  1.96E 01   0.00E-01  2.34E 02  0.00E-01   2.39E 02 43TC 99M     8.87E-03  2.51E-02  3.19E-01   0.00E-01  3.81E-01  1.23E-02   1.48E 01 43TC101      9.12E-03  1.31E-02  1.29E-01   0.00E-01  2.37E-01  6.72E-03   3.95E-14 44RU103      4.43E 00  0.00E-01  1.91E 00   0.00E-01  1.69E 01  0.00E-01   5.17E 02 44RU105     3.69E-01  0.00E-01  1.46E-01   0.00E-01  4.76E 00  0.00E-01   2.26E 02 44RU106     6.58E 01  0.00E-01  8.33E 00    0.00E-01 1.27E 02  0.00E-01   4.26E 03 47AG1101    8.81E-01  8.15E-01  4.84E-01    0.00E-01 1.60E 00  0.00E-01   3.33E 02 52TE1251    2.57E 03  9.30E 02  3.44E 02    7.72E 02 1.04E 04  0.00E-01   1.02E 04 52TE127.1   6.48E 03  2.32E 03  7.90E 02    1.66E 03 2.63E 04  0.00E-01   2.17E 04 52TE127      1.05E 02 3.78E 01  2.28E 01    7.80E 01 4.29E 02  0.00E-01   8.31E 03 52TE12kM     1.10E 04 4.11E 03   1.74E 03   3.78E 03 4.60E 04  0.00E-01   5.54E 04 52TE129     3.01E 01   1.13E 01 7.33E 00    2.31E 01 1.26E 02  0.00E-01   2.27E 01 52TE131M     1.66E 03 8.10E 02  6.75E 02    1.28E 03 8.21E 03  0.00E-01   8.04E 04 52TE131      1.89E 01 7.88E 00  5.96E 00    1.55E 01 8.26E 01  0.00E-01   2.67E 00 52TE132      2.41E 03  1.56E 03  1.47E 03   1.72E 03  1.50E 04 0.00E-01   7.38E 04 531 130      2.71E 01 8.01E 01   3.16E 01   6.79E 03  1.25E 02 0.00E-01   6.89E 01 53I 131      1.49E 02 2.14E 02   1.22E 02   7.00E 04 3.66E 02  0.00E-01   5.64E 01 IBM I


                                /HR PER pC!/ML)

NUCLIDE BONE LIVER T. BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI 53I 132 7.29E 00 1.95E 01 6.82E 00 6.82E 02 3 11E 01 0.00E-01 3.66E 00 l 53I 133 5.10E 01 8.87E 01 2.70E 01 1.30E 04 1.55E 02 0.00E-01 7.97E 01 53I 134 3.81E 00 1.03E 01 3.70E 00 1.79E 02 1.64E 01 0.00E-01 9.01E-03 531 135 1.59E 01 4.17E 01 1.54E 01 2.75E 03 6.68E 01 0.00E-01 4.70E 01 55CS134 2.98E 05 7.09E 05 5.79E 05 0.00E-01 2.29E 05 7.61E 04 1.24E 04 55CS136 3.12E 04 1.23E 05 8.86E 04 0.00E-01 6.85E 04 9.38E 03 1.40E 04 55CS137 3.82E 05 5.22E 05 3.42E 05' O.00E-01 1.77E 05 5.89E 04 1.01E 04 55CS138 2.64E 02 5.22E 02 2.59E 02 0.00E-01 3.84E 02 3.79E 01 2.23E-03 i 56BA139 9.29E-01 6.62E-04 2.72E-02 0.00E-01 6.19E-04 3.75E-04 1.65E 00 56BA140 1.94E 02 2.44E-01 1.27E 01 0.00E-01 8.30E-02 1.40E-01 4.00E 02 56BA141 4.51E-01 3.41E-04 1.52E-02 0.00E-01 3.17E-04 1.93E-04 2.13E-10 56BA142 2.04E-01 2.10E-04 1.28E-02 '0.00E-01 1.77E-04 1.19E-04 2.37E-19 57LA140 1.50E-01 7.54E-02 1.99E-02 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 5.54E 03 57LA142 7.66E-03 3.48E-03 8.68E-04 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 2.54E 01 58CE141 2.24E-02 1.52E-02 1.72E-03 0.00E-01 7.04E-03 0.00E-01 5.79E 01 : 58CE143 3.95E-03 2.92E 00 3.23E-04 0.00E-01 1.29E-03 0.00E-01 1.09E 02 58CE144 1.17E 00 4.88E-01 6.27E-02 0.00E-01 2.90E-01 0.00E-01 3.95E 02 59PR143 5.51E-01 2.21E-01 2.73E-02 0.00E-01 1.27E-01 0.00E-01 2.41E 03 . 59PR144 1.80E-03 7.48E-04 9.16E-05 0.00E-01 4.22E-04 0.00E-01 2.59E-10 60ND147 3.76E-01 4.35E-01 2.60E-02 0.00E-01 -2.54E-01 0.00E-01 2.09E 03 74W 187 2.96E 02 2.47E 02 8.65E 01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 8.10E 04 93NP239 2.85E-02 2.80E-03 1.54E-03 0.00E-01 8.74E-03 0.00E-01 5.75E 02 l



1 H4 Rev. 11 Page 23 l

   !;c    3.0   pASEOUS EFFLUENTS                                                         l 3.1   Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination This procedure determines the monitor alarm setpoint that indicates if'the dose rate at or beyond the site boundary-due to noble gas radionuclides in the gaseous effluent released from the site exceeds 500 mrem / year .           i to the_whole body or exceeds 3000 mrem / year to the skin.          l Monitor high alarm or isolation setpoints will be                1 established in one of the following ways:
a. Monthly calculatior of setpoint using the methodology . I of Section 3.1.1 for continuous releases using previous month ~ releases as source term.
b. Prior to each containment purge, recalculation of  ;

the setpoint using the methodology _of Section 3.1.1 i based on the sample taken prior to purging,

c. In lieu of (a) and (b) above, alarm setpoints may be established using the methodology of Section 3.1.1 using conservative assumptions (e.g. .100% '

Kr-89).- No recalculation of setpoints is necessary af unless an increase is desired. JP  : PWR GALE Code 6ource terms (Table 3.1-2) may be used if there were no detectable isotopes in the previous month n or in the analysis prior to purging. If the newly calculated setpoint is less than the existing monitor setpoint, the setpoint will be reduced to the new value. If the calculated setpoint is greater than the


i existing setpoint, the setpoint may remain at the lower

i. value or. increased to the new value. +

3.1.1 Effluent Monitors The following method applies when determining the isolation or high alarm setpoint for the , monitors listed in Table 3.1-1. i Determine the " mix" (noble gas radio- ' nuclides and composition) of the gaseous effluent.

a. Determine the gaseous source terms  ;

that are representative of the gaseous effluent. Gaseous source terms are the total curies of each noble gas released

      -                                    during the previous month or a repre-rentative analysis of the gaseous effluent.

Table 3.1-2 source terms may be used if the releases for the previous month were below the lower limits of detection (LLD).

          ' IBM b

l H4 i Rev.-ll  ! Page 24 -) LL b. Determine S 4 (the fraction of the  :

        '   - ?'                        . total radioactivity in the gaseous effluent comprised by noble gas                             ,

radionuclide "i") for each individual noble gas radionuclide in

   ;.                                    the gaseous effluent.                                       j i           ^i                            (3.1-1)

IA g 1 -

   ~                                                                                                +
   !                                     Ag       =     The radioactivity of noble-                 l gas radionuclide "i" in the gaseous effluent from Table                 !

3.1-2. , i Determine Q the maximum total releaEe(rate acceptable-of all noble gas

 '-                                  radionuclides in the gaseous effluent                          i (pCi/sec)) based upon the whole. body-exposure limit.                                                :


                                            =                500                      (3.1-2). l
 < apet,                                          (x/Q) 1      KSg t.

yy i j i (x/Q) = The highest. calculated annual


average relative concentration - of effluents released via the , plant vents for any area at or beyond the site boundary for all sectors (sec/ms ) from the ~)

                                                    "x/Q" column in Table 3.1-1.

Kg = The total whole body dose factor due , to gamma emissions radionuclide "i" (mrem from noble'

                                                                              / year    gas 3)
                                                                                     /pCi/m i                                              from Table 3.1-3.                                     ! Determine Q t based upon the skin exposure I limit. l u- Q'

                                          =                    3000                       (3.1-3)   .

[' (x/Q) I (Li + 1.1 Mg ) S t I

l. 1 E l

Li + 1.1 Mi

                                                        =    The total skin dose factor
               ,                                             due to emissions from noble gas radionuclide "i" (mrem /         

year /pci/m3 ) from Table 3.1-3.

                       ~1BM                                                                         '

V h o

p_ :

  "~                                                                             H4 Rsv. 11     1 Page 25 Determine C       (theLmaximum acceptable                 j total radioletivity concentration of all                !

noble gas radionuclides in the gaseous

                                      -effluent (pCi/cc)).                                      .

7 C t

                                            =  2.12 E-3 9 t                      (3,1-4)

F i NOTE: Use the lower of the Q values .

 -                                                 obtained in Sections 3fl.1.2                !

and ] F = The' maximum effluent flow rate 1 s at the point of release (cfm) from the " Effluent Flow Rate" , L , column in Table 3.1-1. .  !


2.12-E-3 = Unit-conversion constant to convert pCi/sec/cfm to pCi/cc. ' P Determine C.R. (the calculated monitor , F count rate above background' attributed-  ! I- to the noble gas radionuclides (nepm)). , C.R.-is obtained by using.the applicable . Effluent Monitor Efficiency Curve located 1

     ,                                 in the Radiation Monitor Calibration file.             ,

C.R. is the count rate point that corresponds to the total radioactivity concentration (C g )'.-

                                                                      ~ Determine HSP (the monitor high alarm setpoint above background (nepm)).  ! HSP = T, C.R. (3.1-5) l ' s

                                            = Fraction of the total radioactivity T*     from,the site that may be released              :

via each release point to ensure  : that the site boundary limit is not exceeded due to simultaneous releases from several release points from the " Release Fraction" '

 -                                            column'in Table 3.1-1.

i The isolation or high alarm setpoints above background (nepm) for the monitors should be set at or beleu the HSP values. l 3.1.2 Air Ejector Monitors e Radiation monitors 1R-15 and 2R-15 provide an L indication of gross noble gas activity at the main condenser air ejector of Unit 1 and Unit 2, respectively. These monitors are provided to IBM


i. , H4

! Rev. 11 l' s Page 26 - give rapid indication of steam generator tube leakage. . They are not effluent monitors.since the air ejectors are vented to the auxiliary . building vents during normal plant' operation and releases are monitored'by the auxiliary building vent monitoring system.- t .o l 4

6 e
       -o, -



l 1BM s

                                                                                 .f afh)


r ..
                                                                                                                           . N4 -


 -l                   l                   l     SOURCE                   l     SOURCE                I                     l               EFFLUENT                 l RELEASE                      l l                   l      RELEASE      l          OF                  l    TERMS (A                                   ,                 FIAW RATE l                FRACTION                     l-l      MONITOR      I        POINT      I     RELEASE                  l  (TABLE 3.1,.)      2)li X/Q(sec/m')i                _ l (F) (cfe)                              (Tm)                    l 1                    l                  l                            -~j                           l                      l                                                                      l l        1R-30       l   Aux. Bldg. l Aux. BIdg. -                 l                           l                      l                               .       l                   .

l l and l Vent - Unit 1 l Unit 1 Exhausti Aux. Bldg. l 3.38E-5 l 2.9E+4 l 0.2 l l 1R-37 l l Air Ejector l Air Ejector -l 3.38E-5 l 2.9E+4 l l l l~ l Unit 1 l l l l l l l l l .! l l l l 2R-30 l Aux. Bldg. l Aux. Bldg. - l l l l l l and l Vent - Unit 2 l Unit 2 Exhausti Aux. Bldg. l 3.38E-5 l 4.1E+4 l 0.3 'l l 2R-37 l l Gas Decay Tanksi Xe-133 (100%)l 1.32E-4 l 4.1E+4 l l l l l l l l l l l l l Air Ejector i Air Ejector - l 3.38E-3 l 4.1E+4 l l l l l Unit 2 l l l 'l l l l l l l l l IR-12 l Shield Bldg. I Cont. - Units l Shield Bldg. I 1.32E-4 l 3.2E+4 l 0.3 l l and 1 Vent - Unit 11 1&2 Purge, I l l (Note 2) l l l Unit 1 Inserv-l l 1R-22 l l l l l l l l ice Purge l l l l l l l l l I l l 2R-12 l Shield Bldg. l Cont.-Unit 2 l Shield Bldg. l 1.32E-4 l 4.6E+3 l 0.3 I l and l Vent - Unit 21 Inservice l l l l l l 2R-22 l l Purge l l l l l l l l l -l l- l l l R-35 i Radwaste l Radwaste i Aux. Bldg. l 3.38E-5 l 6.1E+3 l 0.1 l l l Bldg. Vent l Bldg. Exhaust l l l l l l l l l l l l l l R-25 l Spent Fuel l Spent Fuel l Aux. Bldg. l 3.38E-5' l 1.8E+4 l 0.1 l l and l Pool l Pool Air l l l l l l R-31 l Air Vent i Exhaust l l l l _l NOTES:

1. Values listed for T are nominal values only. They may be adjusted as necessary to allow a reasonable margin to the monitEr setpoint. Duplicate values of T are assigned to both Shield Building vents.since only one containment will be purged at any one time. The assigned"T values of all active release points shall not be greater than unity.
2. When purging the Unit I containment via the inservice purge system, the monitor setpoints may be based-on 4.6E+3 cfm for the duration of the release.

_ _- , , ,_ _.u . . _ , . . _ _ . . __ _ . . _ . _ . . - . _ - _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ . _ . - . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . _ _ . . _ -

i H4 ) Rev. 11- ) Page 28  ; ' . TABLE-3.1-2 GASEOUS SOURCE TERMS (1) , AUX. BLDG SHIELD BLDG. AIR EJECTOR RADIONUCLIDE (Ag ) (Ci/Yr) (Ag ) (Ci/Yr) (Ag ) (Ci/Yr) { I Kr-85m 3E0 - 2EO I Kr-85 2EO. 2.2E1 - i Kr-87 1EO - - I Kr-88 5EO 1EO 3E0 < Xe-131m - 2EO 2.1El 1EO Xe-133m SEO , 2E1 3E0 Xe-133 3.7E2- 2.7E3 2.3E2 ' Xe-135 8EO 6EO SEO Xe-138 1EO~ - - Total 3.97E2 2.77E3 2.44E2 l

     " " indicates that the release is less than 1 Ci/yr.

i t



l l H4-

     .. a v:                                                                     'R;v.i11. 1 Page 29      l TABLE 3.1-3                                            l DOSE FACTORS AND CONSTANTS                                     !

SKIN j TOTAL WHOLE BODY DOSE FACTOR  ! DOSE FACTOR RADIONUCLIDE (Kg ) (mrem /yr/pCi/m 3) Ili + 1'lM } 3) (mram/yr/pCI/m 4 z. Kr-83m 7.56E-2 2.12E1  : Kr-85m 1.17E3 2.81E3 't Kr-85 1.61El 1.36E3- i Kr-87 5.92E3 1.65E4 't Kr-88 1.47E4 1.91E4 Kr-89 1.66E4 2.91E4 4

Kr-90 1.56E4 2.52E4 i' Xe-131m 9.15El' 6.48E2 Xe-133m 2.51E2 1.35E3  !

Xe-133 2.94E2 6.94E2 Xe-135m 3.12E3 4.41E3 Xe-135 1.81E3 3.97E3 . Xe-137- 1.42E3 1.39E4-  : Xe-138 8.83E3 1.43E4-Ar-41 8.84E3 1.29E4 3.2 Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate - Compliance with 10 CFR 20 Dose rates resulting from the rel-ase of noble gases, and'radioiodines and particulate' st'be calculated to . show compliance with 10 CFR 20. - limits oflLO CFR 20' must be met on an instantaneous basis at the hypothetical worst case location, and apply on a per site basis. Since Sr-89 and Sr-90 concentrations are determined from ' composite samples, the pre-release, weekly and monthly airborne dose calculations ~and comparisons to: quarterly , l and annual limits should be completed using the most recent available composite sample results,. The quarterly dose values and critical receptors reported semi-annually to the USNRC shall be calculated using the actual  : L composite-results. L


1 l IBM

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                           ,                                                    H4     .

Rev. 11' Page 30 e 3.2.1 Noble Gases The dose rate at the site boundary resulting from noble gas ef fluents .:Ls limited by 10 CFR 20 to 500 mrem /yr to the total body and 3000 mrem /yr to . the skin. The setpoint determinations discussed in the previous section are. based on the-dose (2) calculational method presented in NUREG-0133.

                             -They represent a backward solution to the limiting dose equations in NUREG-0133. Setting alarm set trip points in this manner will assure that the.

limits of 10 CFR'20 are met for noble gas releases. Therefore, no routine dose calculations for noble


gases will be needed to show compliance with this part. Routine calculations will be made for' doses from noble gas _ releases to show compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix 1 as discussed in Section 3.3.1. , 3.2.2 Radioiodine, Radioactive Particulates, and Other Radionuclides The. dose rate at the site boundary'resulting f' rom the release of radioiodines and particulates with 4 half lives greater than 8 days- is limited by.10 if , CFR 20 to 1500 mrem /yr to any organ. Calculations m showing compliance _with this dose rate limit will be performed for batch releases prior to the release and weekly for all releases. The calculations will be based on the results of sample analyses obtained pursuant to the'PNGP-Technical Specifications.- To show compliance, Equations 3.2-1 will be evaluated for 1-131, tritium, and radioactive particulates with half-lives greater than eight days. I Pg (x/Qy ) Q iy '< 1500 mrem /yr (3.2-1) I where _ _ P = child critical organ dose parameter for. i radionuclide i for the' inhalation pathway, mrem /yr per pCi/m 3 (Table 3.2-1); (x/Qy ) = annual average relative concentration for long-term release at the critical location, sec/m 3 (Appendix A. Table A-3); l IBM 1 1 I


                                                              .s#                      ';

H4 Rev. 11 Page 31 L


Q" I the total release rate of radionuclide i from all vents from both units-for the batch or week of interest, pCi/sec; Radioiodines, tritium, and radioactive particulates  : released from up to six individual vents ' all within 300 feet of each other. For showing com- ,

  !=              pliance with.10 CFR 20, calculations based on Equa-              .     !

tion 3.2-1 will be made once per week, The source terms (Qgy) -r

  !               will be determined from the results of analysis of . vent              '
  ,               particulate filters and charcoal canisters and vent flow rate. These source terms include all gaseous releases                  i
                 'from PNGP.-

Significant short-term batch releases of long-lived radioactive particulates and tritium will result from  : containment purges. Calculations will be made for these '! releases separately to further assure compliance with 10 CFR Part 20 prior to. release. These calculations will be used only to determine whether or not the purge release:will be  : allowed to occur. Source terms will be determined from the . results of isotopic analyses of samples from containment

 ,                prior to release. Equation 3.2.1 will be used in conjunction l                with the following relationship to demonstrate-that the batch
          ,.       release does not exceed the dose rate limit BL =      1500 - (Dy  -

D) p (3.2-2) where . BL = limiting dose rate.for the batch, mrem /yr; D = previous week's doses from all vent v releases, mrem /yr;

D = previous week's doses from all purge P releases mrem /yr.

3.2.3 Critical Receptor Identification l-The atmospheric dispersion parameters given in Appendix A will be used to< identify the critical receptor. Compliance with Part 20 will always be y shown at the site boundary' location with the highest x/Q. As discussed previously, weekly and > batch dose calculations will be performed at this location. The critical site boundary location, based upon long term ground levc1 releases X/Q # (Table A-3), is 0.36 miles in the WNW sector. 1: l IBM 1 , i


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  !-                                                   RV. 11     ;

Page 32 TABLE 3.2-1 l p Values for Child l l mrem /yr l , 3 l ISOTOPE l P g7 pCi/m l I l

         ... I                                                )

l H-3 l 1.12 E 3 l l Cr-51 l' 1.70 E 4 l l Mn-54 l 1.58 E 6 l  ; I Fe-59 l 1.27 E 6 l l- Co-58 l 1.11 E 6 l l Co-60 1 7.07 E 6 l l Zn-65 l 9.95 E 5 l l Rb-86 l 1.98~E 5 l , l Sr-89 l 2.16 E 6 l l Sr-90 l 1.01 E 8 -l  ; l- Y-91 l 2.63 E 6 l 5 l Zr-95 l 2.23 E 6 l l Nb-95 l 6.14 E 5 l

l Ru-103 l 6.62 E 5 l I

l Ru-106 l 1.43 E 7 l l Ag-110m l 5.48 E 6 l l Te-127m l 1,48 E 6 l 1 l Te-129m l 1.76 E 6 l

              -1  Cs-134           l         1.01 E 6    l t

l Cs-136 l 1.71 E 5 l l Cs-137 l 9.07 E 5 l  ; I Ba-140 l 1.74 E 6 l L l Ce-141 l 5.44 E 5 l l Ce-144 l 1.20 E 7 l l 1-131 l 1.62 E 7 l j l l l IBM-  ; L.

H4 Rcv. 11 Page 33 L, 3.3- Gaseous Effluents - Compliance with 10 CFR 50 Doses resulting from the release of noble gases, and radioiodines and particulates must be calculated to show compliance with Appendix 1 of 10 CFR 50. The calculations will be performed monthly for all gaseous effluents.

             . The limits of 10 CFR 50 are on a per reactor unit basis.                The gaseous radwaste treatment system and the auxiliary building at PNGP is shared by both reactor units making it-impossible to separate the releases of the two units. The releases that can be separated by unit contribute a very small portion of the total gaseous releases from PNGP.            Therefore, for compliance with 10 CFR 50 the releases from both units-will be summed and the limits of Appendix 1 will be doubled.-

Since Sr-89 and Sr-90 concentrations are determined from composite samples, the pre-release, weekly and monthly airborne dose calculations and comparisons to quarterly and annual limits should be completed using the most recent available composite sample results. The quarterly dose values and critical receptors reported semi-annually to the USNRC shall be calculated using the actual composite results.

    ~,            3.3.1  Noble Gas tw
   '"#           Dose Equations The air dose at the critical receptor due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents is determined'by Equations 3.3-1 and 3.3-2. The critical receptor will be identified as described in Section 3.3.4.

For gamma radiation: 3.17 x 10-8 y g, (Xjg) q , (xjq) qiv t i _ J

                                         < 10 mrad for any calendar quarter
                                         < 20 mrad for any calendar year               (3.3-1)

For beta radiation: 3.17 x 10-8 I Ng (x/Q)y Q 1y + (x/q)yggy 1

                                          < 70 mrad for any calendar quarter
    , ,                                   < 40 mrad for any calendar year              (3.3-2)


!.;                                                                                                                                       H4 Rev.-11 Page 34          :

L- where. .; i Mg = The air dose factor due to gamma emission  ! for each identified noble gas radionuclide  ! i, mrad /yr per pCi/m 8 ;- (Table 3.3-1)  ; N i

                                                                                                  =     the air dose factor due to beta emissions          '

for each identified noble gas radionuclide 'l i, mrad /yr.per pCi/m 8 ; (Table 3.3-l')

                                                                                                  =     the annual average relative concentration I.

(x/Q)y j l for areas at or beyond the restricted area boun'dary for long-term vent releases  : (greater than 500 hr/ year), sec/m a , (Appendix A, Table A-4); . l I ' (X/q)v = the relative concentration for areas at or l beyond'the restricted area; boundary'for  !

t. short-term vent releases (equal to or-less.

than 500 hrs / year), sec/m 8 (Appendix A,- , Table A-7);-  ; qfv = the total release of noble gas radionuclide i i in gaseous effluents for short-term vent- l* releases from both units (equal to or less than 500 hrs / year), pCi; t

                                                                                                  =     the total release of noble gas radionuclide    1 Qgv i in gaseous effluents for long-term vent.

releases from'both units (greater than.500'  : hrs /yr), pCi;. .


3.17 x 10-8 = the inverse of the number of seconds in a year. , E i Noble gases will-be released from PNGP'from up to  ; six vents. Long-term x/Q's were given in Appendix A. Short-term x/q's were calculated using the USNRC-computer code "XOQDOQ" assuming 100 hours per year short term releases and are given in Appendix A (Table A-7). Values of M and N were calculated using the methodology presented in NUREG-0133 and are given in Table 3.3-1. . Cumulation of Doses p Doses calculated monthly will be summed for comparison with quarterly and annual limits. The monthly results will be  ;

    .                                                                                              added to the doses cumulated from the                  ,

other months in the quarter of interest 3 and the year of interest and compared to i IBM . i e .__. _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _-. - - . . - - . . .. .. .

c, v, H4 -

  • Rev. 11 Page 35 the limits given in Equations 3.3-1 and f 3.3-2. .If these limits are exceeded, a ,

i, specia'i report will be submitted to

the USNRC in accordance with the PNGP Technical Specifications. If twice the limits are exceeded, a special report showing compliance with 40 CFR 190 will be submitted.

4 3.3.2 -Radioiod'ine, Particulates, and Other Radionuclides Dose Equations The worst case dose to an individual from 1-131, tritium, and radioactive particulates with half-lives greater than eight days in gaseous effluents released to unrestricted l areas is determined by the following expressions: During any calendar quarter or year-

                                                            ~               ~

3.17 x 10'8 IIR ijak W91v V * "v 91v

                                            < 15 mrem (per" quarter)        -
                                            <.30. mrem (per calendar-year)

(3.3-3) where: QgV

                                         =   release of radionuclide iLfor long-term vent _ releases from both units (greater than~500 hrs /yr), pCi; qIV     =   release of radionuclide i for short term.

purge releases from both units.(equal to or less than 500 hrs /yr); pCi; W = the dispersion parameter for estimating v the dose to an individual at the controlling location for long-term vent releases (greater than 500 hrs /yr); the dispersion parameter for estimating the wy = dose to an individual at the controlling location for short-term vent releases (equal to or less than 500 hrs /yr); 3.17 x 10-8 = the inverse of the number of seconds in a year; R ijak = the dose factor for each identified radionuclide i, pathway j, age group a, and l organ k, m 2 mrem /yr per pCi/sec or mrem /yr per pCi/m 8.  ? IBM

c: . ,

         ,                                                                                 H4 Rev. 11 h,                                                         .

Page 36 , b The above equation will be applied to each L combination of age group and organ. Values of R have been calculated using the methodology  : gkdINinNUREG-0133and.aregiveninTables3.3-2 through 3.3-20. Dose factors for isotopes not listed will be determined in accordance-with the methodology in Appendix C. Equation 3.3-3 will be applied to a controlling location which will have one or more of the following: - residence,  ! vegetable' garden and milk animal. The* selection 3

                                     .of the actual receptor is discussed in Section 3.3.4. The source terms and dispersion                      ,

parameters in Equation 3.3-3 are obtained in 1 4 the same manner as in Section 3.2. The' W- 'e values are in terms of x/Q(sec/ma ) for the1 inhalation pathways and for. tritium (Tables A-4.and A-7)'and in terms of D/Q(1/m 2

                                                                                          ) for all other pathways (Tables A-5 and A-8).

j Cumulation of Doses , Doses calculated monthly willtbe summed for comparison with quarterly and annual limits. The monthly results should be-added to the doses cumulated from'the '

      -2                                    other months in the quarter of. interest                          '
       ,                                    and in the-year of interest and compared with the limits in Equation 3.3-3.                  If these-limits are exceeded, a special-                             ;

report will be submitted in accordance .! with the PNGP Technical Specifications.

  • If twice the limits are exceeded, a special report showing compliance with 40 CFR 190 will be submitted, a 3.3.3 Projection of Doses .

3 Doses resulting from the release of gaseous y effluents-will be projected monthly. The doses calculated for the present month will be used as j the projected doses unless information exists-indicating that actual releases could differ , significantly in the next month. In this case , the source terms will be adjusted to reflect this < information and the justification for the adjustment noted. If the projected release of noble gases o for the month exceeds 2 percent of the calendar year limits of equation 3.3-1 or 3.3-2, additional , waste gas treatment will be provided. If the projected release of I-132, tritium, and radioactive particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days exceeds 2 percent of the calendar year limit of equation 3.3-3, operation of the ventilation , exhaust treatment equipment is required if not

               -                  currently in use.


   =                                                                                .,
          -                                                           H4 Rev-. 11 Page 37       J!

3.3.4 critical Receptor Identification


e The critical receptors for compliance with lo- 1 L CFR 50,-Appendix I will be identified.- For the ' L noble gas specification the critical location F will be based on the beta and gamma air doses only. This location will be the offsite location + with the highest long term vent X/Q and will be L selected using the X/Q values given in Appendix A, i Table A-3. This location will remain the same unless- ' meteorological data is reevaluated or the site boundary i changes. L The critical location for the'I-131, tritium,'and i long-lived particulate pathway will be selected i once each year.- The-selection will follow the a h' annual land use census performed within 5 miles . of the.PNGP. Each of the following locations - will be evaluated as potencia,1 critical receptors ' prior to implementation of the Radioactive Effluent Technical Specifications: ,

1. Residence in each sector  !
2. Vegetable garden producing leafy. green vegetables. s'
        ,              3. All identified milk animal locations-

A## Following the annual survey, doses will' be j calculated using Equation 3.3-3 for all new- < identified. receptors and those receptors'whose characteristics have~ changed significantly. The l- calculation will include appropriate information about each new location. The dispersion parameters  : given in this manual should be employed. The .

l. total releases reported'for the previous calendar e

l year should be used as the source terms. l- i J f P IBM 4


i g, v.

v-H4 l R;v'..-11 '!

Page 38 ?f. ' i REFERENCES  !' [ .

                              ."NSP-Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Appendix 1

!- .(1) l:-

                            . Analysis - Supplement No. 1 - Docket:No. 50-282 and 50-306",

I Table 2.1-4. . i r r., b - , 4 V l- . 6

  • 9 P

is 9

. ll.' ;; $ .                                                                                             .L
      ' ',j '                                                                                              ;

4' , y b

' ~ , ;

IBM c 1

                                                                                                            -  ~
                                 ;                     ;                                                            : :n 3           . - _ .

J;; . _ ~- '

                                                                             .~y H4.

Rev.=11 Page 39 > TABLE 3.3-1 DOSE FACTORS FOR NOBLE GASES AND DAUGHTERS *. Total Body Gasuna Air- Beta Air Dose Factor- ' Skin Dose Factor Dose Factor Dose Factor K. 3 L .' 3 M. 3 Ng 3 Radionuclide (mres/yr*per pLi/m ) (ares /yr*per pCi/m ) (arad/yr*per pCi/m-) (mrad /yr per pCi/m ) Kr-83m 7.56E-02** --- 1.93E+01 2.88E+02 Kr-85m 1.17E403 1.46E+03 1.23E+03 1.97E+03 Kr-85 1.61E+01 1.34E+03 1.72E+01 1.95E+03 Kr-87 5.92E+03 9.73E+03 6.17E+03 1.03E+04 Kr-88 1.47E+04 2.37E+03 1.52E+04 2.93E+03 Kr 1.66E+04 1.01E+04 1.73E+04- 1.06E+04 Kr-90 1.56E+04 7.29E+03 1.63E+04 7.33E+03'. Xe-131m 9.15E+01. 4.76E+02 1.56E+02 1.11E+03 Xe-133m 2.51E+02 9.94E+G2- 3.27E+02 1.48E+03 Xe-133 2.94E+02- 3.06E+02 3.53E+02 1.05E+03 Xe-135m 3.12E+03 7.11E+02 3.36E+03 7.39E+02 Xe-135 1.81E+03 1.86E+03 1.92E+03 2.46E+03 Xe-137 1.42E+03 1.22E+04 1.51E+03 1.27E+04 Xe-138 8.83E+03 4.13E+03 9.21E+03 4.75E+03 Ar-41 8.84E+03 2.69E+03 9.30E+03 3.28E+03

  • The listed dose factors are for radionuclides that may be detected in gaseous ef fluents. All others Are 0.


                   ** 7.56E-02 = 7.56 x 10    .                                                                                .

7 _. _ 7

  - ~


  • 4 PATHWAY = GROUND NUCLIDE T. BODY G1-TRACT BONE LIVER KIDNEY THYR 01D LUNG SKIN I I I . I I I I I I MN 54 1 1.34E 09 l 1.34E 09 l 1.34E 09 l 1.34E 09 i 1.34E 09 l 1.34E 09 l- 1.34E 09 l 1.57E 09 I I I I I l l l I i l l l l l 1 1 I I FE 59 l 2.75E 08 l 2.75E G8 1 2.75E 08 1 2.75E 08 l 2.75E 08 1 2.75E 08 1 2.75E 08 l 3.23E 08 I I I I I I I I I l l 1 I I I I i 1 l CO 58 1 3.79E 08 1 3.79E 08 I 3.79E 08 1 3.79E 08 1 3.79E 08 1 3.79E 08 1 3.79E 08 I 4.44E 08 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CO 60 1 2.15E 10 1 2.15E 10 1 2.15E 10 1 2.15E 10 l 2.15E 10 l 2.15E 10, I 2.15E 10 1 2.52E 10 l i l I I I I I I I i l l I i 1 I I I SR 89 1 2.23E 04 1 2.23E 04 I 2.23E 04 l 2.23E 04 1 2.23E 04 I 2.23E 04 1 2.23E 04 1 2.58E 04'l 1 i i i i i i I I I I I I I I I I I I 131 1 1.72E 07 l 1.72E 07 l- 1.72E 07 l 1.72E 07 l 1.72E 07 I 1.72E 07 l 1.72E 07 I 2.09E 07 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CS134 1 6.82E 09 I 6.82E 09 I 6.82E 09 3 6.82E 09 I 6.82E 09 I 6.62E 09 l 6.82E 09 1 7.96E 09 l l I I I I l l 1 I I I I I I I I I I CS137 l 1.03E 10 1 1.03E 10 I '1.03E 10 1 1.03E 10 I 1.03E 10 1 1.03E 10 1 1.03E 10 1 1.20E 10 l ,


 .                 ,      ~.       _.          .          _      _          _ . ~ _ .          . _        _ . _ . . _ _                  _ _ . . .         .._ .       _


  • PATHWAY = VEGET AGE GROUP EQUALS ADULT KIDNEY THYROID LUNG SKIN T. BODY GI-TRACT BONE LIVER NUCLIDE I i i i i I I I I 1 2.28E 03 I H 3 1 2.28E 03 l 2.28E 03 1 0.00E-01 1 2.28E 03 l 2.28E 03 1 2.28E 03 l i 2.28E'03 i i I i I i I I l i l l i i i i l 1 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 I MN 54 1 5.83E 07 I 9.36E 08 .I 0.00E-01 1 3.05E OB l 9.09E 07 1 0.00E-01 I 1

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.00E-01 I I 1.24E 08 l 2.93E bd I 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 8.17E 07 1 FE 59 l 1.12E 08 1 9.75E 08 l l i i 1 -l I I I i I I I I I I I l I 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 i CO 58 1 6.71E 07 1 6.07E 08 l 0.00E-01 l 2.99E 07 I 0.00E-01 I I I I I I i I f I I I I i .I I 0.00E-01 I I I 1.66E 08 1 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 I CO 60 l 3.67E 08 1 3.12E 09 1 0.00E-01 1 1 i i i l i i I I i i i i i i l I I I 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 i SR 89 l 2.87E 08 1 1.60E 09 1 1.00E 10 1 1 I i I i i i i l i  ! i i i I i i I I i 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 I 0.00E-01 i 1.93E 10 1 6.70E 11 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 1 SR 90 1 1.64E 11 1 I i i I I i i i l i i I I I I I i 1 1.15E 08 l 1.98E 08 I 3.78E 10 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 i I 131 1 6.61E 07 1 3.04E 07 I 8.07E 07 1 i i I I i i i i i I I I I I I I I I 0.00E-01 1.16E 09 1 0.00E-01 I CS134 l 8.83E 09 I 1.89E 08 1 4.54E 09 l 1.08E 10 l 3.49E 09 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I l l I i i i 0.00E-01 I I i 1 3.08E 09 0.00E-01 1 1.02E 09 1 CS137 I 5.94E 09 l 1.76E 08 I 6.63E 09 l 9.07E 09 l I I i I i -l i I I FOR' INHALATION AND TRITIUM, AND IN UNITS OF M -MREN/YR PER


k 114 Rev. 11 Page 42 TABLE 3.3-4 R VALUES FOR THE PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT *. PATHWAY = VEGET AGE GROUP EQUALS TEEN NUCLIDE T. BODY- GI-TRACT BONE LIVER KIDNEY THYROID LUNG SKIN I I I I I I I I I H 3 l 2.61E 03 1 2.61E 03 1 0.00E-01 1 2.61E 03 1 2.61E 03 l 2.61E 03 -l 2.61E 03 1 2.61E 03 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~l I  !- MN 54 I 8.79E 07 I 9.09E 08 1 0.00E-01 1 4.43E 08 1 1.32E 08 1 0.00E-01  ! 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 l 1 1 I I I I l l 1 1 I I I I I I I I FE 59 l 1.60E 08 l 9.78E 08 l 1.77E 08 I 4.14E 08 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 1.30E 08 1 0.00E-01 l l l l l I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I i CO 58 1 9.79E 07 1 5.85E 08 1 0.00E-01 1 4.25E 07 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E 01 1 0.00E-01 l l l 1 l i I I I I _ ! l I I I I I .I I ! Co 60 1 5.57E 08 1 3.22E 09 1 0.00E-01 1 2.47E 08 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 0.03E-uI I I I I I i i i i l i i I I l I I I i SR 89 I 4.36E 08 1 1.81E 09 l 1.52E 10 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01. I 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 I I I I i i I I l l l l l 1 I I I i

 $R 90                1 2.05E 11                                                           1 2.33E 10        l 8.32E 11                                 1  0.00E-01   1 0.00E-01     1 0.00E-01    1  0.00E-01         1    0.00E-01 i i                                                                    I                 I                                          i             i              i             I                   I               I I                                                                    I                 I                                          I             i              i             i                   i               i I 131               1 5.77E 07                                                           1 2.13E 07        I         7.68E 07                         l  1.07E 08 l    1.85E 08 l 3.14E 10 1        0.00E-01         1    0.00E-01 1 i                                                                    i                 l                                          I             i              i             i                   i               i I                                                                    i                 l                                          l             l              I             I                   I               I CS134                1 7.54E 09                                                           I 2.02E 08 1 6.90E 09                                        l  1.62E 10 1 5.16E 09       I 0.00E-01    I   1.97E 09 1           0.00E-01 l

! I I I I I I I I I l I i I I i I i I I l CS137 1 4.90E 09 1 2.00E 08 l 1.06E 10 1 1.41E 10 1 4.78E 09 I 0.00E-01 I 1.86E 09 1 0.00E-01 1 I I I I I I I I I

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  • PATINAY = VEGET AGE GROUP EQUALS CHILD LUNG SKIN GI-TRACT BONE LIVER KIDNEY THYROID NUCLIDE T. BODY I I I I I l' I I I H 3 1 4.04E D3 1 4.04E 03 1 0.00E-01 1 4.04E 03 1 4.04E 03 1 4.04E 03 1 4.04E 03 1 4.04E 03 I I I I I I l l I I I I I I I i I I I 0.00E-01 1 6.49E 08 l 1.82E 08 l 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 MN 54 l 1.73E 08 I 5.44E 08 1 I 1

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FE 59 1 3.17E 08 l 6.62E 08 l 3.93E 08 1 6.36E 08 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 1.84E 08 l 0.00E-01 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.00E-01 1 '6.27E 07 l .0.00E-01 0.00E-01 -l 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 I CO 58 l 1.92E 08 l 3.66E 08 1 1 I I I i I I I I I l 1 .I i l 1 1 I 1 0.00E-01 1 3.76E 08 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-02 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 l CO 60 l 1.11E 09 l 2.08E 09 1 l I I l l l l I i i i i i l i i i i 1.40E 09 1 3.62E 10 1 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 I SR 89 l 1.03E 09 l 1 l- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I 1.86E 10 1 1.38E 12 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 I 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 .I 0.00E-01 I SR 90 1 3.49E 11 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.28E 07 1.43E 08 l 1.44E 08 l 2.36E 08 I 4.75E 10 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 l I 131 1 8.16E 07 l l I I I l I I I I l I I I I I I I I I 1.38E 08 l 1.56E 10 1 2.56E 10 .I 7.93E 09 l 0.00E-01 1 2.84E 09 I 0.00E-01 1 CS134 l 5.40E 09 l I I I I I I I I  ! i 1 I I 1 I I l 1 0.00E-01 I CS137 1 3.52E 09 1 1.50E 08 l 2.49E 10 l 2.39E'10 1 7.78E 09 l 0.00E-01 l 2.80E 09 1 I I I I I I I l I


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  • PATHWAY = HEAT AGE GROUP EQUALS ADULT NUCLIDE T. BODY GI-TRACT BONE LIVER KIDNEY THYROID LUNG SKIN 1- 1 I I I I i -1 1 H 3 1 3.25E 02 1 3.25E 02 1 0.00E-00 1: 3.25E 02 1 3.25E 02 1 3.25E 02 I l3.2SE 02- 1 3.25E 02 1 i i i l I i i i i l i l I I i 1 -

1 I MN 54 1 9.46E 05 l 1.52E 07 I. 0.00E-00 1 4.96E 06 l 1.47E 06 l -0.00E-00 -l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l I I I I I I I I I I I i i i l i i i FE 59 l 1.14E 08 1 9.93E 08 l 1.27E 08. l 2.98E 08 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 8.32E 07 1 0.00E-00 I i I I I i i I i l-1 I . _ l i I I I I l CO 58 l 1.99E 07 1 1.80E 08 1 0.00E-00 1. 8.90E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00'l _ i _ l l I I i l I I I I i i i i i 1 -lL CO 60 1 9.37E 07 l 7.98E~08 { 0.00E-00 l 4.25E 07 'l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00'I 0.00E-00 l 0.00E-00 l l I 1 -1 I I I I I l- 1 . I- ~l. I I I I 'I. SR 89 I 4.21E 06 1 2.35E 07 1 1.47E 08 1 0.00E-00 I .0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l l l l l l l' I i 1: 1 I I l' I l . I- 1 I SR 90 1 1.86E'09 l 2.19E 08 1 7.57E 09- 1. 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l I I I I I I I 'I I. I I I .I 1 I I 1 I~ I 131 1 4.34E 06 l 2-00E 06' l-'5.30E_06

                                    .                               i    7.58E 06  1   1.30E 07        l 2.4EE 09 i LO.90E-00 -i 0.00E-00 !

I I l- 1 I I I .i i i I i i i i i CS134 I 7.04E 08 .I 1.51E 07 1 3.62E 08 l- 8.61E 08 1 2.79E 08 1 0.00E-00 1 -9.25E 07 1 0.00E-00 ! l i I I i l i l i I i i i l i l 1 -1 I i l CS137 1 4.57E 08 1 1.35E 07 l 5.10E 08- l 6.98E 08 1. 2.37E 08 l _0.00E-00 l '7.88E 07 1 0.00E-00 1 ~ I I l- 1 I I l' i i s - 2



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                                                                                     .H4 Rev. 11 Page 45 R. VALUES FOR THE PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT
  • TABLE 3.3-7 _.

PATIIWAY = MEAT AGE GROUP EQUALS- TEEN THYROID LUNG SKIN GI-TRACT BONE LIVER KIDNEY NUCLIDE T. BODY I I I I I I I I 1.94E 02 I" I 1.94E 02 l 0.00E-00 1.94E 02 1 1.94E 02 l 1.94E 02 l 1.94E 02 l H 3 .l 1.94E 02 l l I I I I l-I I I 1 I l- I I I I I I 1 7.75E 06. 1 0.00E-00 l 3.78E 06 l 1.13E 06 1 0.00E-00 l 0.00E-00 i .0.00E-00 ) MN 54 1 7.50E 05 l i 'l I _I I I I i I I ) l I l' I I I I 0.00E-00 0.00E-00 1 7.46E 07 l 0.00E-00 I FE 59 l 9.13E 07 l 5.59E 08 l 1.01E 08 1 2.36E 08 l l i I l 1 l 1 l I I I I I I I I .I ' I I 0.00E-00 0.00E-00 l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 I CO 58 l 1.58E 07 l 9.45E 07 l 0.00E-00 1 6.86E 06 1 1 I I I I I l l I 1 i

                                                                                                                        -1 I                I               I-             I                1 I            I 0.00E-00       0.00E-00     l' O.00E-00       f      0.00E-00 l CO 60       1 7.42E 07   1 4.29E 08 l         0.00E-00   l 3.30E 07      l              l i

l I I l 1 I I I i I I i i i i l I 1.47E 07 1.24E 08 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 SR 89 l 3.55E 06 l 1 1 I i l I I l 1 I I _ I I I I 1.. I I l l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l. 0.00E-00 l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l SR 90 l 1.21E 09 l 1.37E 08 l 4.90E 09 1 i  ! I 1 I I I l I I I I I I I I I 0.00E-00 i I 6.16E 06 l 1.06E 07 1.80E 09 l 0.00E-00 1 I 131 l 3.31E 06 l 1.22E 06 l 4.40E 06 l l I i i i i l I i i 1 I I i 1 i I .I 1 CS134 1 3.14E 08 I 8.42E 06 l 2.88E 08 I 6.77E 08 1 2.150 08 11 0.00E-00 l I8.22E:07 'l I.0.00E-06 lI t I 1 1 I-  ! I I I I- I I I I . 1.92E 08 0.00E-00 1 7.46E 07' l 0.00E-00 l CS137 l 1.96E 08 l 8.02E 06 l 4.24E 08 lI 5.64E 08 l I l I I i 1. l l 1

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NUCLIDE T. BODY GI-TRACT BONE LIVER ~ KIDNEY TPYROID . LUNG SKIN , 1 I I I . 1 -l l l l H 3 l 2.34E 02 1 2.34E 02 1 0.00E-00 l 2.34E 02 1 2.34E 02 l 2.34E 02 1 2.34E 02 1 2.34E 02 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l- I -I-MN 54 1 1.15E 06 1 3.63E 06_ l 0.00E-00 1. 4.33E 06 l 1.21E 06 l- 0.00E-00., l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-0011 l i I I I I I I I I I I I l- 1 I i 'l-FE 59 l 1.45E 08 1 3.03E~08 l 1.80E 08 l 2.91E 08 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1. 8.43E 07 l 'O.00E-00 1

I I I I I I l l 1 1 I I I I I I I l CO 58 1 2.45E 07 1 4.67E 07 1 0.00E-00 1 8.01E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l I I I I I I I I -1 1 I I I I i . l .

I l Co 60 1 1.15E 08 1 2.17E 08 1 0.00E-00 1 3.91E 07 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l 1 I I I i 1 I I I I I I I -1 I I I I SR 89 I 6.69E 06 I 9.0?E 06 1 2.34E 08 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00' I 0.0GE-00 l-1 I I l l I I I l-1 I I I I l- . I I I SR 90 1 1.60E 09 I 8.52E 07 1 6.33E 09 l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00.1 l l l l l 1 -l i I I I I I . I l- I l- 1 I I 131 1 4.66E 06 1 7.31E 05 1 8.16E 06 I 8.21E 06 l 1.35E 07 I 2.71E 09 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l 1 l I CS134 l 1.76E 08 1 4.49E 06 1 5.07E 08 i 8.33E 08' I 2.58E 08 1 0.00E-00 1 9.26E 07 1 0.00E-00.1 1 I l- 1 I I l l 1 l l l l l l 1 l i I CS137 l 1.10E 08 I 4.68E 06 1 7.81E 08 1 7.47E 08 1 2.43E 08 l .0.00E-00 1 8.76E 07 1 0.00E-00 I' l l l 1 I l 1 - 1 I

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Rev..11 ~ Page 47 _

                                        ' TABLE 3.3-9     R VALUES FOR'THE PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT

NUCLIDE T. BODY GI-TRACT BONE' LIVER KIDNEY THYROID LUNG SKIN I i . I I . I I I I ~. I H 3 -l 7.63E 02 1 7.63E 02 1 0.00E l 7.63E 02 1 7.63E 02. I 7.63E 02 1 7.63E 02 1 7.63E 02 1: - i I i i 1 I I I l I i I I I l l- .I l-HN 54 I 8.67E 05 l 1.39E 07 I ~0.00E-00 1 4.54E 06 l 1.35E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00.1

           .           I            I                 I               l-                                   1                             I                  I                              I                1 I            I                 I               I                                    I                             I                  I                              I                l' x           FE 59     1 1.27E 07   1      1.10E 08 l      1.41E 07- l 3.31E 07                            1      0.00E-00               1    0.00E-00      1 9.26E 06 1                         0.00E-00.l.

I I I I I I I I I l I i l 1 i i i l-CO 58 1 5.15E 06 1 4.66E 07 1 0.00E-00 1 2.30E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 i l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I CO 60 1 2.04E 07 l 1.74E 08 1 0.00E-00 l_ 9.27E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 I I I I I I I I I I-1 I I I I I I l i SR 89 1 2.00E 07 l 1.12E 08 l 6.99E 08 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00' I 0.00E-00 l I I I I -l 1 - l- 1 I I I I I I I I I I SR 90 1 6.99E 09 1 8.22E 08 1 2.85E 10- 1 'O.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 ~l 0.00E-00 l- 0.00E-00 i I I I J I I I i 1 I I I I i . I I I I I 131 1 1.19E 08 I 5.50E 07 l 1.46E 08 1 2.08E 08 l 3.57E 08 I 6.83E 10 1 0.00E-00 l 'O.00E-00 l i I i i I I I I i i i l l l- 1 I I I CS134 1 6.05E 09 l 1.30E 08 1 .-3.11E 09 1 7.40E 09~ l 2.40E 09 1 0.00E-00 1 7.95E 08 1 0.00E-00 I I I I I I - 1 I I l l l l l. l .I I I I CS137 1 3.87E 09 1 1.14E 08 1 4.32E 09 i '5.91E 09 I 2.01E 09 1 0.00E-00 1 6.67E 08 i .0.00E-00 l l l l ~ l. I I I I i

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                                                                                        .:Rev. 11 Page 48 TABLE 3.3-10 R VALUES FOR THE PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT

H 3 1 9.94E 02. 1. 9.94E 02 1 0.00E l 9.94E 02 11 9.94E 02- I 9.94E_02 1 9.94E 02 1 9.94E'02 l' I I I I I I I I i

        !            I               I                 I             l                 . I                     I-                  I                 l' MN 54    l 1.50E 06 l     1.55E 07    l    0.00E-00 .I     7.57E 06   1 ~2.26E 06 1               0.00E-00      1    0.00E-00       1   0.00E-00.1 1            I               I                 I             I                    I                    I                   I                 I I            I           .  -l                 i             I                    I                    I                   I                 I FE 59    4 2.22E 07 l     1.36E 08    1    2.46E 07     l 5.74E 07    1      0.00E-00 .I          0.00E-00      1    1.81E 07       1   0.00E-00 l l            l               1                -l             i                    I                    I                   I                 I I           I               I                 I             I                    I                    I                   i                 l CO 58     I 8.91E 06  1 5.33E 07      1    0.00E-00     1 3.87E 06 1         0.00E-00      1      0.00E-00      1    0.00E-00       1   0.00E-00 l l           l               l                 l             l                    l                    1                   1                 I I               I                 I             I                    l-                  .I                   I                 I CO 60     l 3.54E 07  l   2.05E 08 1       0.00E-00     1   1.57E 07  1      0.00E-00      l      0.00E-00 'l        0.00E-00       1   0.00E-00 1 I           I               I                 l             i                    I                    I                   I                 I I           l               l                .I             l                    l                    l                   1                 i SR 89     1 3.69E 07  l   1.53E 08 l       1.29E 09     1  0.00E-00   1      0.00E-00      1      0.00E-00      1    0.00E-00        1  0.00E-00 l i           I               1.                I             I                    I                     l-                 1                  l l           t               i                 I             i                    l                     l                   l                 l SR 90     l 9.93E 09  l   1.13E 09    l 4.02E 10        1 0.00E-00     1     0.00E-00       1     0.00E-00       1 0.00E-00          1  0.00E-00 l 1           1               I                 I              I                    I                    I                   I                 I I           I               I                  I             I                    I                    I                   I                 I I 131     1 1.99E 08  1   7.32E 07    l    2.64E 08 ~l      3.70E 08   I 6.37E 08           l' 1.08E 11          1   0.00E-00        1 0.00E-00 l-1           I               I                  l             l                    l-                   1                   I                 I I           I               I                 I             I                    I                    I                   l-                I CS134      1 5.90E 09  l  1.58E 08     1 5.40E 09        l  1.27E 10   l 4.04E 09           l     0.00E-00       1    1.54E 09 1 0.00E-00 l I           I               I                 l             i                    I                    I                   I                 1 1           I               I                 I             I                    I                    I                   I                 I CS137      1 3.63E 09  l  1.48E 08     1. 7.83E 09- l .1.04E 10; I 3.55E.09                 1     0.00E-00       l    1.38E 09       1  0.00E-00 l I           I               I                 I             I                    I                    I                   I                 I             t

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H4 . Rev. 11 N Page 49 _ TABLE 3.3-11 R VALUES FOR THE PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PIANT* PATHWAY = COW MILK AGE GROUP EQUALS CHILD KIDNEY ~ THYROID LUNG SKIN T. BODY GI-TRACT BONE LIVER NUCLIDE I I I I i i  ! i i 1.57E 03 ~l 1.57E 03 l 1.57E 03 l 1.57E 03 1' 1.57E 03 0.00E-00 1 1.57E 03 l H 3 1 1.57E 03 !! 1 I I I I I 1 1 I l i I i I I I I I 0.00E-00 l 0.00E-00 i MN 54 I 1 3.02E 06 l 9.50E 06 .1 0.00E-00 l 1.13E 07 I 3.17E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 I 'l-i i i i i I i 1 1 -I 1 I I i l

l. 0.00E-00 I 1

I .9.23E 07 0.00E-00 1 0.00E l 2.68E 07 FE 59 l 4.60E 07 l 9.61E 07 1 5.70E 07 1 I I I-

                                                                           -1                I               I                                                            ~

I I I I I I . I' I I 1 I I 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00-l CO 58 l 1.81E 07 1 3.45E 07 1 0.00E l 5.91E 06- 1 0.00E-00 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I .I . I I I I 0.00E-00 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l' O.00E-00 l CO 60 1 7.19E 07 1 1.35E 08 1 0.00E-00 1 2.44E 07 1 1 I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I 0.00E-00 0.00E 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l 1.23E 08 i 3.19E 09 0.00E-00 1 1 SR 89 l 9.10E 07 l 1 l i I - I l-l 1 l- I l- .. I I I i i 1 I I 0.00E-00 0.00E-00, l- 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l 1 1.72E 10 1 9.15E 08 1 6.80E 10 ~l 0.00E-00 1 1 SR 90 I I I 'I I .I I I I l- -1 I I 1 I I I I . 1.06E 09 i' 2.13E:11 1 0.00E-00 l- 0.00E-00 I I 131 1 3.66E 08 i 5.74E 07 l 6.41E 08 l 6.45E 08 1 1 1 I I I I i i 1 l' I I I I I I I I 0.00E-00' I 2.27E 09 l- 0.00E-00 I CS134 1 4.31E 09 l 1.10E 08 I 1.25E 10 1 2.04E 10 l- 6.34E 09 -l l l 1 l- 1 I l l 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1.13E 08 l 1.89E 10 1 1.81E 10- l 5.89E 09 1 0.00E-00 l 2.12E 09 1 0.00E-00 I CS137 1 2.67E 09- l l I l- 1 l l I I l~ FOR INHALATION AND TRITIUM, AND IN UNITS OF M -MREM /YR'PER




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                                                                                            'H4-Rev. 11 Page 50 TABLE 3.3-12 R VALUES FOR THE PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT

I: H 3 1 2.38E 03 l 2.38E 03 1 0.00E-00 1 2.38E 03 1 2.38E 03' l 2.38E.03- 1 2.38E 03 1 2.3EE 03 l l l l l l l l 1 I I I I I I I l- 1 l MN 54 l 4.77E 06 1 7.73E 06 _l 0.00E-00 l 2.11E 07 1 4.67E 06 1 0.00E-00 1. 0.00E-00 l' 0.00E-00.l 1 I I I I I 1 I 1-1 I I I I I I I l' FE 59 l 7.33E 07 l 8.88E 07 1 1.06E'08 I- 1.86E 08 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 5.50E 07'- 1 -0.00E-00 1 l i I I I I I I 'l 1 I I I I I I I l'

0) 58 1 2.95E 07 1 2.94E 07 1 0.00E-00 l 1.18E 07 l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 l I I I I I I I I I I I I I i . I I l CO 60 1 1.18E 08 l 1.18E 08 1 0.00E-00 1 4.98E 07- 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l l 1 1 I I I I -1 1 I I . I I I I I l- I SR 89 l 1.74E 08 l 1.25E 08 I 6.06E 09 l .0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l -0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1

! I I l l l  !  ! l l I I I i  ! I l I . 1 SR 90 1 1.88E 10 1 9.23E~08 1 7.40E 10 1 0.00E-00 .I 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 .I 0.00E-00 'l 0.00E-00 l-1 I I I -l I 'l- l' I i i l- 1 I I .I i 1. I 131 1 6.93E 08 1 5.63E 07 l 1.34E 09 l 1.58E 09 I 1.84E 09 i '5.18E 11' l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00~l

I I I I -l I i i I l I I I I I I I I i l

CS134 1 3.78E 09 l 1.02E 08 1 2.01E 10 1 '3.74E 10 l 9.64E 09 1 0.00E-00. l' 3.95E 09 1 0.00E-00 I I I I I I I I l l I i l 1 .I .I I . I CS137 1 2.50E 09 l 1.10E 08 1 3.01E 10 'l 3.53E.10- l 9.46E 09 1 0.00E-00 l -3.83E 09 I .0.00E-00 l l l l l l l 1 I i 3 2

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~ l i I I I I I I l' H~ 3 1 1.56E 03 1 1.56E 03 1 0.00E-00 1 1.56E 03 1 1.56E 03. I 1.56E 03 1 1.56E 03 l- 1.56E 03 l. l l l l l 1 1 I I ' I I I I I l- 1 I 1. MN 54 1 1.04E 05 l 1.67E 06 .] 0.00E-00 1 5.45E 05 l 1.62E 05 1 0.00E-00 l- 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-001 I I I I I i I i I l 1 1 I I I i -l 1: FE 59 l 1.65E 05 1 1.44E 06 1 1.83E 05 1 4.31E 05 l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 1.20E 05- 1 0.00E-00 1 1 I I I -l i I l I i l 1 1 I I I I I CO 58 1 6.18E 05 1 5.59E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 2.76E 05 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 ~l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1. I I I l- l 1 I -l i I I I I i -l .l- .I I CO 60 1 2.45E 06 1 2.09E 07- 1 0.00E-00 1 1.'11E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 I I I I I I l i I -1. I I I i -l I i 1. I SR 89 l 4.21E 07 1 2.35E 08 l 1.47E 09 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 .I 0.00E-00 -l 0.00E-00' I ~0.00E-00 I" l I I I I I I l- I-1 l l l l l l 1 1-SR 90 1 1.47E 10 l 1.73E 09 l 5.98E 10 ~l 0.00E-00 l 0.00E-00 i 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 I 0.00E-00 I I I I I I I l- 1 I I I I I I I . l .I l' I 131 1 1.43E 08 1 6.60E 07 l 1.75E 08 1 2.50E 08 1 4.29E 08' I 8.20E 10, l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ci- I l I . l . I CS134 l 1.82E 10 1 3.89E 08 1 9.33E 09 l 2.22E:10 1 7.19E 09- l 0.00E-00 -l 2.39E 09L i 0.00E-00 l l l 1 1 I I I l l l l l l 1 I I l- I CS137 l 1.16E 10 1 3.43E 08 l 1.30E 10 1 1.77E 10 1 6.02E 09 1. 0.00E-00 .I .2.00E 09 l 0'00E-00 I I I I l l- 1 I I l a -- 2-


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Page _ TABLE-3.3-14 R VALUES FOR THE_ PRAIRIE. ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT * . PATHWAY = GOATHILK AGE GROUP EQUALS TEEN ' KIDNEY THYROID LUNG SKIN T. BODY GI-TRACT BONE -LIVER NUCLIDE I I 1- 1 I I I I I I .2.03E 03..I 2.03E 03: 1. H 3 1 2.03E 03 1 2.03E 03 1 0.00E-00 l -2.03E 03 1 2.03E 03 1 2.03E 03 'l I-I I I I I I I I I I I _l :I I I 0.00E-00 0.00E-00 -. I MN 54 1 1 1.80E 05 1 1.86E 06 l- 0.00E-00 1 9.08E 05 I 2.71E 05 1 0.00E-00 .I 1 I I I I I I I I l I l_ l-  ! l- 1 I 0.00E-00 l 1 7.46E 05 'l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l 2.35E 05 I I 1 FE 59 1 2.88E 05 1 1.76E 06 1 3.20E 05 I 1- 1 I I I

                                ]                 I I

I i I i I . I 1 I I 0.00E-00 I, 0.00E-00 'I 0.00E-00 l CO 58 l 1.07E 06 1 6.40E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 4.64E 05 1 0.00E-00 "I 1 I I l-1 1 I l I l I I l- 1 I I 0.00E-00 I 'O.00E-00 1-1 I 0.00E-00 ii 1.88E 06 i 0.00E-30 1 0.00E-00 'I CO 60 1 4.24E 06 1 2.45E 07 1 I I -l l 1 I I :I I I l' I I I

                               .I                  I               I                                                                    0.00E-00 I I

0.00E-00 0.00r-00 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 SR 89 1 7.74E 07 1 3.22E 08 l 2.70E 09 1 1 1 I I l-I I I I l 1 1 i l i l l 1 I I 8.45E 10' I 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 [ 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 I SR 90 l 2.09E 10 1 2.37E 09 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I l- 1 I l 1 1 7.65E 08 f. 1.30E 11 -l 0.00E-00 .I 0.00E-00 I I 131 1 2.39E 08 l 8.79E 07 1 3.17E 08 'l 4.44E 08- 1 i 1 I l-I I I -l I I 1 I I I l i I 0.00E-00 l- 4.63E_09 'l 0.00E-00 I 1 4.74E 08 l 1.62E 10- 1 3.81E 10' l 1.21E 10 1 CS134 l 1.77E 10 1 l- 1 i l- 1 I I I l I I I- 1 I l-I I 0.00E-00 1 4.13E 09 I 'O.00E-00 ! I

                                                  -l    2.35E 10 l 3.13E 10 1          1.06E 10 1 CS137        1 1.09E 10 l     _4.45E 08 I                  I             I                I                 I I                 I               I I



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( l l I :l l 1 I l- 1 J H 3 1 3.20E 03 1 3.20E 03. 1 0.00E-00 1 3.20E 03 1 3.20E 03 .1 -3.20E 03 I 3.20E.03 ll 3.20E'03 I' , I I I I I I I I l ! I I I I . 1 1 l- 1 I MN 54 1 3.62E 05 1 1.14E 06. 1 0.00E-00 1 1.36E 06 1 3.81E 05 1 0.00E-00 I .0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1

     .                 I              I                    I                 I                     I                  i                        1                        I                I.

I I I I I I i . .I I FE 59 I 5.98E 05 l 1.25E 06 1 7.42E 05 1 1.20E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l' 3.48E 05 1 0.00E-00 l l l l 1 -I "I I- 1 I I l i I I I I 1. I CO 58 1 2.17E 06 1. 4.14E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 7.09E 05 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l 0.00E-00' I 0.00E-00 l l l l .I I


l i l' I I I I I I i .- 1 I l' CO 60 1 8.63E 06 l 1.62E 07 1 0.00E-00 1 2.93E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 l : 0.00E- 00 1 I I I I I 'l l l ___I I I I I I  ! I I I SR 89 l 1.91E 08 1 2.59E 08 1 6.69E 09 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E 3l l l l' I I I I I __l 1 I I -l I i 1 1 I SR 90 1 3.62E 10 1 1.92E'09 l 1.43E 11 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-30 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 'l 0.00E-bo i I I I I 1 1 I i 1 1 I I I l' I l- 1 I I 131 1 4.40E 08 -l 6.89E 07 1 7.70E 08 1 7.74E 08 1 1.27E 09 1 2.56E 11 1 0.00E-00 I 0.00E-00 l l 1 1 1: I I I l l I I I I l- 1 l i i CS134 l 1.29E 10 1 3.31E 08 l 3.74E 10 -l 6.13E 10 l 1.90E 10 ~l 0.00E-00 l 6.82E 09 1 0.00E-00 1 1 I I I I I i 'l I I I I I I I i i 1 CS137 I 8.00E 09 1 3.39E 08 : 5.66E 10.: I 5.42E 10 l 1.77E 10 1 0.00E-00 I 6.35E 09. l 0.00E-00 l-1 I I I l- 1 l l 1

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BONE LIVER KIDNEY NUCLIDE T. BODY GI-TRACT I I I I  ! I 1 4.86E 03 1 4.86E 03 1 4.86E 03' lI 4.86E 03 1I 4.86E 03 lI l i I H 3 1 4.86E 03 1 4.86E 03 1 0.00E-00 I I l l l- I I I 1. i 1. I I I I 0.00E-00 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00.'I NN 54 1 5.73E 05  ! 9.28E 05, I- 0.00E-00 1 2.53E 06 l 5.60E 05 1 1 I I i I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1: 7.15E 05 i .0.00E-00 l l -2.42E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 -0.00E-00 FE 59 l 9.53E 05 l 1.15E 06 1 1.38E-06 i 1 I I I l i I I 1 I- 1 I I l- 0.00E-00 I-1 l . I 1.42E 06- 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00' I 0.00E-00 1 CO 58 1 3.54E 06 l' 3.53E 06 1 0.00E-00 1 i i i i 1 I .. 1 I I i l i i l I I I I

0. 00E-00' l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00-l CO 60 1 1.41E 07 1 1.42E 07 1 0.00E-00: 1 5.97E 06 l 0.00E-00 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I i l I l' I i I I I .

0.00E ] 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 1 0.00E l- 0.00E-00 1 SR 89 1 3.65E 08 l 2.62E 08 l 1.27E 10- 1 i i i i i i I i I i 1. I I i i i 0.00E-00 l i l 1 0.00E-00 l :0.00E-00 1 1.94E 09 1.55E 11.-l 0.00E-00 1 0.00E-00 SR 90 l 3.95E 10 l l

                                                                            'l               I                 l'                  I                I                  I i             I                    I                                                                                     I                  I I                I                   I l               I                                                                     l 0.00E-00 l I             l 1.61E 09    1. 1.89E 09     l 2.21E 09 I 6.22E 11                1 0.00E-00 I 131              1 8.32E 08 I          6.76E 07     l                                                                    I                I                  I I               I              I-               1 I

i I I I I i 1- I- 1 1.19E 10 I 0.00E-00 l l 1.12E 11 1 2.89E 10 1 0.00E-00 1 CS134 l 1.13E 10 1 3.05E 08 l 6.02E 10 1l I  ! l I I l l 1 I I I- 1 I I 0.00E-00 i 1 2.84E 10 I .0.00E-00 I. 1.15E 10 1I I I I 1.06E 11 CS137 1 7.50E 09 1 3.31E 08 I 9.04E 10 1l i I I I l I i




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! I I I l l l 1 I l-H 3 1 1.26E 03 1 1.26E 03 1 0.00E l 1.26E 03 l 1.26E 03 1 1.26E 03 l 1.26E l 1.26E 03 l l l l l l l l- I .I I I I I . l- .I I l- 1 MN 54 1 6.29E 03 1 7.72E 04 1 0.00E-01 1 3.95E 04 1 9.83E 03 1 0.00E-01 1 1.40E 06 i 'O.00E-01 l' I I I I i -1 I I I I I I i 1 I I -1 I FE 59 l 1.05E 04 1 1.88E 05 l 1.17E 04 I .2.77E 04 1 0.00E-01 'i 0.00E-01 1 1.01E 06 1 0.00E-01.11 l l 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I CO 58 1 2.07E 03 1 1.06E 05 1 0.00E-01 1 1.58E 03 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 9.27E 05' l 0.00E-01 1 I I I I I I I i 1. l 1 1 I I I . I I l CO 60 1 1.48E 04 l 2.84E 05 1 0.00E-01 1 1.15E 04 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 5.96E 06 I .0.00E-01 1 I I I I I I -l l' I I i 1 I I I I SR 89 1 8.71E 03 1 3.49E 05 1 3.04E 05- 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 -1 0.00E-01 l- 1.40E 06 1 0.00E-01 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I SR 90 l 6.09E 06 1 7.21E 05 l 9.91E 07 ' l' O.00F-01 1 0.00E-01 'l 0.00E-01 1 '9.59E 06 l- 0.00E-01 I I I I I I 'l I l- 1 I I I I I I i l l I 131 1 2.05E 04 l 6.27E 03 l 2.52E 04 - 1 3.57E 04 1- 6.12E 04 1 1.19E 07. l 0.00E-01 l' O.00E-01 1 1 I I I l' I I I l l l l 1 l . I I I I CS134 1 7.27E 05 1 1.04E 04 1 3.770 05 1 8.47E 05 1 2.87E 05_ l 0.00E-01' I 9.75E 04 1 0.00E-01 1 I I I I I I I i 1. I I I I 'l i I l I CS137 l 4.27E 05 I 8.39E 03 l 4.78E 05 1 6.20E 05 1 2.22E 05 1 0.00E-01 I 7.51E 04 1 0.00E-01 1 I I -l i I I I l- 1 3 7


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  • PATHWAY.= INHAL AGE GROUP EQUALS . TEEN NUCLIDE T. BODY GI-TRACT BONE LIVER KIDNEY THYROID LUNG SKIN I I I I I I -- I I -l H 3 l 1.27E 03 l 1.27E 03 1 0.00E-01 1 1.27E 03' l '1.27E 03 1 1.27E 03 l 1.27E 03 l 1.27E 03 l l 1 I I I I I I.

I I I I I l- 1 - I-MN 54 l 8.39E 03 1 6.67E 04 1 0.00E-01 l 5.10E 04 1 1.27E 04 1 0.00E-01: 1 1.98E 06 l- 0.00E-01 l

              !             I                      I                 I                     I                      I                  I                         I                    I I

I I I I I- l 1 1- I' FE 59 l 1.43E 04 l 1.78E 05 l 1.59E 04 1 3.69E 04 i O.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 I .1.53E 06 .l 0.00E.01 i l i I I I I l' l l- I l 1 1 I I I I I i. l l- CO 58 1 2.77E 03 l 9.51E 04 1 0.00E-01 1 2.07E 03 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 1.34E 06 l. 0.00E-01 I l i I 1 I l- 1 1 I I I I I I I I I -I CO 60 l 1.98E 04 l 2.59E 05 1 0.00E-01 1 1.51E 04- 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01, I1 8.71E 06 1 0.00E-01'l i l i I I I I I I l' l l 1 1 I I I I ~ . 1 I i SR 89 l 1.25E 04 1 3.71E 05 1 4.34E 05 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E l 0.00E-01 1 2.41E 06 1 0.00E-01 l ! l I I l i I I I I i i l i I I I I . I I j SR 90 1 6.67E 06- l 7.64E 05 1 1.08E 08 1 0.00E-01 'l 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 1.65E 07 I .0.00E-01 1 I I I I I I I I l-1 I I l l 1 1 I I ! I 131 1 2.64E 04 1 6.48E 03 1 3.54E 04 I 4.90E.04 I 8.39E 04 l 1.46E 07 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 l l l l l l 1 I i i I l l l l l l l .I I I ! CS134 1 5.48E 05 l 9.75E 03 1 5.02E 05 l 1.13E 06 1 3.75E 05 l 0.00E-01 l 1.46E 05 1 0.00E-01 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I i  ! I I I I CS137 1 3.11E 05 1 -8.47E 03 1 6.69E 05- l 8.47E 05 1- 3.04E 05 1 0.00E-01 1 1.21E 05 1 0.00E-01 I i l I i l l I i I l l 2 2 l



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I I I I I -1 I I I H 3 1 1.12E 03 1 1.12E 03 1 0.00E-01 11-1.'12E 03! l' 1.12E 03 l 1.12E 03 I 1.12E 03~ I- 1.12E 03 l-I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I MN 54 1 9.50E 03 1 2.29E 04 .I 0.00E-01 1 4.29E 04 - I .1.00E 04 1 0.00E-01 1 1.57E.06 1 0.00E-01Li i i i l i l- 1 I I i .I l . I I I I FE 59 l 1.67E 04 1 7.06E 04 'l 2.07E 04 1 3.34E 04 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 -1 1.27E 06 l 'O.00E-01 1 I I I l- 'l 'l I 'I l I I- 1 I I I l I I CO 58 1 3.16E 03 1 3.43E 04 1 0.00E-01 1 1.77E 03 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 1.10E 06 1 0.00E-01 1 I I I I I I ~l i 1. I I I I I I ,1- 1 1 CO 60 1 2.26E 04 1 9.61E 04 1 0.00E-01 1 -1.31E 04 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 l .7.06E 06' l 'O.00E-01 l I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 2.15E 06 1 0.00E-01.I SR 89 l 1.72E 04 l 1.67E 05 1 5.99E 05 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 I I I I 'l I l i I I l- 1 I I I I I I SR 90 l 6.43E 06 1 3.43E 05 l 1.01E 08 1 0.00E-01 ] 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 1.47E 07 1 0.00E-01 l 1 1 I - 1 I l- I l i 1 1 I I I i 19 I 131 1 2.72E 04 l 2.84E 03 1 4.80E 04 1 4.80E 04 1 7.87E 04 1 1.62E 07' I 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 1 I I I I I I I I I l i l I l 1 l I i CS134 1 2.24E 05 1 3.84E 03 1 6.50E 05 l 1.01E 06 1 3.03E 05 1 0.00E-01 1 1.21E 05- I .0.00E-01 l l l l l 1 -l i I I l I I I I I -l i I I CS137 l 1.28E 05 1 3.61E 03 1 9.05E 05 1 8.24E 05 1 2.82E 05 1 0.00E-01 l~ 1.04E 05 l ^0.00E-01 l l, l l I l i I l 'l' l i

                                                                                                                                                         .c gg.



AGE GROUP EQUALS INFANT THYROID LUNG SKIN-BONE LIVER KIDNEY NUCLIDE _ T. BODY ,GI-TRACT l I I I l- 1 1 . 1 6.46E 02- l 6.46E 02 1 6.46E C2 I1 6.46E 02 1I 6.46E 02 l'-I I I H 3 I 6.46E 02 1 6.46E 02 1 0.00E-01 I I I I I I I 1 1 I i i 1 0.00E-01.I I I 2.53E 04 1 4.98E 03 1 0.00E-01 1 9.98E 05 1 MN 54 1 4.98E 03 1 7.05E 03 1 0.00E-01 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I l-1 I l l 1 0.00E-01 1.01E 06 'I 0.00E-01 1. 1.35E 04 1 2.35E 04 1 0.00E-01 1 1 FE 59 l 9.46E 03 l 2.47E 04 1 I i I I I I l l I i I l- l' i i i 0.00E-01 l-I i 1.22E 03 0.00E-01 1 0.00E-01 .I 7.76E 05 1 CO 58 1 1.82E 03 1 1.11E 04 1 0.00E-01 1 1 I I I I l- 1 I I 1 I I i . I I I 0.00E-01 I I I I 0.00E-01 'I 4.50E 06 1 CO 60 1 1.18E 04 1 3.19E 04 1 0.00E-01 1 8.01E 03 1 0.00E-01 l I I I I I I I I I I I i I l-i I i 1 2.03E 06 1 0.00E-01 1 I 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 l- 0.00E-01 SR 89 1 1.14E 04 I 6.39E 04 1 3.97E 05 1 1 i 1 1 I I I I l' I I I I I l i 0.00E-01 1 I I I 0.00E-01 0.00E-01 1 0.00E 01 'l 1.12E 07 1 SR 90 1 2.59E 06 l 1.31E 05 l 4.08E 07 1 1 I I I I I I l- 1 I I I I I I I I 0.00E-01 l I 1.48E 07 -1 0.00E-01 1 1.06E 03 1 3.79E 04 1 4.43E 04 l 5.17E 04 I 1 I 131 1 1.96E 04 l l I I i l l 1 1 I l l I I I I I I 0.00E-01 1 7.95E 04 l 0.00E-01 1 I 7.02E 05 l 1.90E'05 1 CS134 1 7.44E 04 l 1.33E 03 1 3.96E 05 .i I I I l' I I I I I I I l- 1 i I 0.00E-01 1 l l 0.00E-01 l' 7.12E 04 ~l I I .6.11E'05 l 1.72E 05 1 CS137 1 4.54E 04 l 1.33E 03- l 5.48E-05 I I I -l l- 1 I I l

                                                          'FOR IN1J ATION-AND TRITIUM,TAND IN UNITS OF'M -MREM /YR PER
m. --

l P H4 Rev. 11 j p, Page 59 ~i i 4 .0' INFORMATION RELATED~TO 40 CFR 190 and 40 CFR 141

                      <The!PNGP: Technical Specifications indicate that if twice the per unit limits of 10 CFR 50, Appendix 'l are. exceeded,- a.

special report is required.- Therefore, if twice the annual j) ' limits of Equations 2.3-6, 2.3-7, 3.3-1,-3.3-2 or13.3-3 are exceeded,-the licensee: shall prepare ' and: submit a _ Special

                      - Report to the Commission-and _ limit subsequent releases _such that the dosetor: dose commitment to a real individual from all uranium . fuel cycle sources is limited to . < 25 mrem to Lthe total: body or any organ (except the thyroid, which is.

limited to < 75 mrem);over 12 consecutive months.. This . special~ Report is-to include'an. analysis.which demonstrates  ! that_ radiation exposures to all real individuals from all , uranium fuel cycle sources (including ~all liquid and gaseous -l effluent pathways and_ direct radiation) are less than the , standards in 40 CFR Part 190, Environmental' Radiation ' Protection" Standards for. Nuclear Power Operations. If L analysis' indicates that releases resulting in doses that , L exceed the 40 CFR-190 Standard may have occurred, then a variance from the Commission to permit such releases will be , obtained. The_ Standard Technical Specifications,  ! / 3'.11.2.3 consider doses to a real' individual l and apply to each: reactor but do.not include.any other

the uranium fuel cycle or direct shine from the l reactor.. -i I g,3y P' The " Uranium fuel cycle" is define'd in 40 CFR Part 190.02(b)

L as: , l " Uranium fuel cycle means the operations of milling of L' uranium ore, chemical conversion of. uranium, isotopic enrichment of uranium, fabrication of uranium ~ fuel', I generation of electricity by a light-water-cooled _ nuclear power plant using uranium fuel, and reprocessing - [ _of _ spent uranium fuel, to the extent that these directly support the production of electrical; power for_ public - use utilizing nuclear energy, but excludes mining operations, operations at waste disposal ~ sites, transportation of any radioactive material in support of these operations, and the reuse of recovered non-uranium special nuclear and . by-product materials from the cycle." The Special Report will contain: l 1)- A determination of which uranium fuel cycle facilities or operations, in addition to the nuclear power reactor units at the site, contribute to the annual dose to the maximum exposed member of the public. Only those other fuel ~ cycle facilities within 5 miles of PNGP need be considered. No.such facilities exist or are planned at present. IBM 1


P; < ,  : s (C. N t , 4.4 H4' 3 V - Rev. 11' i Page-60 j

2)  : A determination of the maximum exposed member of the ,
                            .public as given for determining compliance with~10 CFR                 '

pg 4 50, Appendix I.

3) A determination of the total annual dose to this person  ;
from all existing pathways and sources of radioactive 1 effluents using~the methodologies described'for

. . compliance with 10 CFR-50, Appendix I in'this ODCM. , Where additional information'on. pathways and nuclides 1 5: is needed, the best available information will be.used. - and documented. ': ~ . A L 4) A determination of the- dose resulting from direct - radiation'from the plant and storage facilities. z , I The various organ doses.resulting from liquid effluents from the PNGP will be summed with the organ doses resulting from + releases of. noble gases, radiciodines and particulates. These1 doses will-be-based upon releases from.the PNGP during-the-past 3 quarters and from the quarter in which twice the The doses from the PNGP will be specification-wassexceeded.- summed with the doses tolthe maximum exposed individual contributed from other operations of the uranium fuel cycle.

                     =The direct dose components will be determined by either                    !

c'alculation'or actual measurement. .The N-16 component of i q' u ' direct radiation may be calculated using SKYSHINE. A Computer j

                      . Procedure Evaluating Effects of Structure Design on N-16                 i
                     . Gamma-Ray Dose Rates.       Radiation Research Associates, Inc.           ,

Report.RRA-T7209, November 1972. (Available in'the NSP-NSS  ; Library). The calculation or actual' measurement'will be  : documented in this Special Report. 4 If the; quarterly or annual-doses due to liquid releases exceedothe values listed in Section 2.3.'3, a special report -i

                      -shall:be' submitted to the USNRC and shall include information related to 40 CFR-141 such as analysis of                     y Mississippi River water and an analysis of possible impacts              1
                      - through the drinking water patnway. :

e i


Rev. 11-Page 61 g g ~g

        ,'              l5 1- Sampling                                                         '

Table 5.1-1 and Figures 5.1-1, 5.1-2, and:5.1-3 specify the current sampling locations based on the-latest land 6 use census. if it-is-learned from an annual-census that milk animals or gardens are present'at-a location which yields a, calculated ~ thyroid dose greater than those previously-sampled, the new milk: animal or-garden

                              . locations resulting in hlgher calculated doses shall be added to the surveillance program asLsoon as practicable. Sample locations (except the' control)E having lower calculated doses may be dropped from.the program at the end of the grazing or growing season (October 31) to keep thettotal number of sample.

locations constant. An annual land use survey will be conducted to-determine-whether corn fields are irrigated with water taken from-the Mississippi River between the plant and.a point 5 miles downstream, if corn fields are being irrigated with Mississippi River water, appropriate samples will be collected ~and analyzed per Technical Specifications, []) Table.4.10-1. 5.2 Interlaboratory-Comparison Program Analyses shall be performed on radioactive' samples supplied byLthe' EPA crosscheck program. This program involves the analyses.of samples provided'by.a control slaboratory and comparison of results with those.of the control laboratory as wellias with other. laboratories __ which receive portions of the same samples. Media used in this program (air, milk, water, etc.)-shall be limited to those found in the radiation environmental-monitoring program. The results of analyses performed as a part of the crosscheck program shall be included in the Annual Radiation Environmental ~ Monitoring Report. 0 1BM

L f f i M- . M4

     +- 'i;w                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Rev.-11 Page-62--       r yg^

TABLE 5.1 , (

            '                                                                                           PRAIRIE.1SLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT                                                                                                     L




     ? w T
                        /                  ' Type.of.                                                                                       .                                      .

Sample- Code -Collection Site Location P-5 C TRiver, Water Upstream'of Plant- 2.3 mi-0'348*/NNW:i s

                                             ~ River Water,.                                                                             P-6'                                  Lock & Dam #3                               1.6'mi 0 129 /SEL          l Drinking Water                                                                            P-11                                  Red. Wing Service Center                    3.3mi:@158*/SSE-['
    ?                                        ,Well. Water                                                                                P-25 c                                Kinneman Farm                               11.1 mi 0 331*/NNW.

Well: Water P Lock & Dam #3 1.6 mi 0 129 /SE ,

                                             .Well: Water                                                                             -P-8'                                    Community. Center                            1.0 mi-@ 321*/WNW fW
                                              .Well' Water                                                                             ~P-9                                    Plant Welli#2                                0.3 mi @E306*/NW c

Sediment-River -P-20 Upstream of' Plant 0.9 mi-@-45'/NE gjr Sbdiment-River P-6 Lock & Dam #3 1.6 mi.@'129 /SEl 1 , Sediment-Shoreline P Downstream of Plant- 3.0 mi @ 116 /ESE


d, m> -b Periphyton'or P-5 C Upstream of Plant. -2.3 mi @~.348 /NNW-'

                                              . Invertebrates                                                                               P-12:                               Downstream of'Elant-                        3.0.mi @ 116*/ESEL Fish.                                                                                       P-19 e                              Upstream of: Plant                          1.3 mi:@:0*/N                 ,

Fish- P-13 Downstream of. Plant 3.5 mi;@ 113*/ESE C o Milk P-25 Kinneman Farm 11.1 mi @ 331 /NNW (, Milk .P Gustafson Farm 2.2mi@173*/SSE.l-Milk P-16 Johnson Farm 2.6mi @ 60*/ENE Milk P-17 Place Farm 3.5.mi~ @-25*/NNE Milk 'P-18 Christensen Farm 3.7 mi @ 88 /E-n i

                        -g 4


              - - _ - _ _ = _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________

i J! ,' ,.i 1 N,' . , -- p : H4 -- 1

                                                                                                                          'Rev. 11            '

u. Page 63

 .JQ                                                                            TABLE'5.1'-1 (Continued)                                        ;


                                                               ~ RADIATION ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING' PROGRAM--
                                                                                                                                           -i r                                                                                  SAMPLING LOCATIONS                                        ,

v; i

Type of .l Sample _ Code Coll'ection Site -Location.
                     'cultivatedLCrops c                                          ~

3' (Leafy" Green Veg). ~ P-25 Kinneman Farm 11.1 mi 0:331*/NNW'

                                                                            'P-24          Suter Residence      0.6 mi @ 158*/SSE_

Particulates and P-1 c Air Station P-1 11.8 mi @ 316*/NW7

                     -Radiciodine (air)                                                                                                       ,

m ~

                     -ParticulatesLand                                        P        Air StationLP-2       0.5 mi @'294*/WNWc e

1Radioiodine (air) Particu1~ates;and 'P Air Station P-3 0.8 mi-@.313 /NW '

             ;;c-     Radioiodine,(air)

Particulates and. P-4 Air Station P-4 0.4.mi @L359 /NL l} RadiciodineJ(air.) . iParticulates and P-6 ;AirLStation-P-6 1.6 mi'@ 129 /SE

                     'Radiciodinel(air)                                                                                                       ;

or Direct < Radiation

                      .(TLD)                                                  PO1A         Property Line         0.4 mi @ 359*/N' Direct Radiation-
                      < (TLD ) -                                              PO2A         Property'Line        .0.3 mi 0 10 /N-Direct Radiation (TLD)                                                  PO3A        : Property Line        0.5 mi @~183 /S-
                      -Direct Radiation (TLD)                                                  PO4A         Property Line         0.4 mi @ 204*/SSW Direct Radiation (TLD)                                                  POSA         Property Line         0.4 mi @ 225*/SW            J


n:; x t
      . V' b
   !L -

H4- I kf ' Rev. 11, < 1 '


Page-64 ji #, TABLE 5.1-1 (Continued)

  ,                                           . PRAIRIE-ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANTL                               1-


      .                                                        SAMPLING LOCATIONS g,                               ,
                            ; Type of 6               ,

Sample Code Collection' Site Location?

     "r-                                                                                                               ,
 ,           4             > Direct Radiation        .       _
    /R                      -(TLD)                      PO6A          Property Line 0.4.mii@ 249*/WSW             .

y Direct Radiation . . .i (TLD) PO7A Property-Line. 0.4 mi @-268*/W. 0 JDirect Radiation (TLD) PO8A Property Line 0.4 mi @ 291*/WNW

                                                                                                                          -r Direct Radiation
                               .(TLD)                   PO9A          Property.Line           0.7 mi @o317'/NWL            4 Direct Radiation                                                                       '
                            '(TLD)                      P10A          Property Line           0.5 mi 0-333 /NNWo           l Direct Radiation'                                  _

4.7 mi @ 355 /N . M - (TLD)- PolB Tom Killian Res. _ c-; _;

                            -Direct Radiation
                            -(TLD)                     'PO2B-         Roy'Kinneman Farm       4._8_mi @ 17*/NNE-         -;
                            ' Direct Radiation                                                                              t t   (TLD)                   PO3B         .Wayne. Anderson-Farm    4.9 mi @'46 /NE D                            : Direct Radiation                                                              ..

(TLD)- PO4B Nelson Drive (Road) 4.2 mi @ 61*/ENE Direct Radiation

                             .(TLD)-                    PO5B          County Rd E & Coulee    4.1 mi @ 102 /ESE

$, Direct Radiation . (TLD) PO6B William Houschildt Res. 4.4 mi @ 112 /ESE- i L F Direct' Radiation 4 j L(TLD) PO7B Red Wing Public Works 4.7 mi @ 140 /SE i l Direct Radiation David Wnuk Res. 4.1 mi @ 165 /SSE

   *                             (TLD)                  PO8B Direct Radiation
      +                        '(TLD)                    PO9B         Hwy 19 South            4.2 mi @ 187 /S r~
               .            . Direct. Radiation                                               4.9 mi @ 200 /SSW (TLD)                   P10B         Cannondale Farm x                                  -
                               . IBM
    +.                  .
 @X                          t f m

g:.9 , , f> ~F ,,


H4 Rev.' ll

                                                                                                       'Page 65
                                                             . TABLE:5.1-11(Continued) .
                                                 . PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT K,                                         . RADIATION ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM-h                                                                 SAMPLING LOCATIONS
y. ,

TypeLof-g > Sample ' Code Collection Site Location. Direct Radiation , ' M, P11B Wall, ace Weberg Farm 4.5 mi @'221 /SW (TLD) Direct Radiation (TLD,) 'P12B. Roy Gergen Farm 4.5 mi.@ 247 /WSW;

           '.            ' Direct: Radiation.

(TLD) ' P13B Thomas O'Rourke Farm- 4.4 mi-@1270 /W j a Direct Radiation- . (TLD) P14B David Anderson Farm 4.9 mi @ 306*/NW, ' l l

                         '   Direct Radiation-                                                                           ]
                            "(TLD) J                       P15B         Holst Farms               4.2 mi @'347 /NNW:

' d - Direct Radiation' , fj{ff

                            '(TLD)                         P0lS'         Federal' Lock & Dam #3   1.6 mi @,129 /SE o                           - Direct' Radiation
                            - (TLD)'                       P02S          Charles Suter'Res.       0.5 mi @-155 /SSE    c D

Direct'Ra'diation J(TLD) P03S Carl Gustafson Farm 2.2 mi @'173 /S-i Direct-Radiation. 'd

    ,'                        (TLD)                        PO4S         . Richard Burt Res.       2.0 mi.@ 202./SSW     ly Direct Radiation
                            - ( TLD )"                     P05S          Kinney Store              2.0 mi 0-270 /W' a

p' ' ~ 4

Direct Radiation (TLD)- P06S Earl Flynn Farm 2.5 mi @'299 /WNW1 q Direct Radiation U L(TLD) P25 Robert Kinneman Farm 11.1 mi @ 331 /NNW j

,,' 1 l l

                              *E"c" denotes control location.               All other locations are indicators.

The letters after numbered TLD's are as follows: 1 e "A" denotes locati'ons in the general area of the site boundary.

e: -
                              "B" denotes locations about 4 to 5 miles distance from the plant.

i "S"Ldenotes special interect locations. x IBM I

 . fl                      <p",                                                          ,

a - t ,  ! v)" H4 Rev.'ll

                                                                                                                                                                                   -J VA     r Page-661     j 1
 ';)                                                                                                                                                                                     i g                                                                                       . FIGURE 5.1-1                                                                                 j SITE-BOUNDARY TLD LOCATIONS                                                                                        ,
                                                                        .                                                                                                              l i

a 11 A. l, R .B-

  • O Il STURGEON l'

LAKE i-p: a ,. Ll . c 9 l * = a si s gi . II I "I pl m 4 :eqA ., [ORESTBOY.

                                           ,l,                                        10A..ll0 A~/

py i n. . i s' els D - L i ,, , 02A ~- '# ,-ele s t

        .. w                           is    11  88 g                 .

760 k/25 i


!;^ci f } ,j 's: i: -@ SSUBSTATION i n ~l / R 35 W/ 'I , l hml$  %-W pl M / l .,Il \ i L

                                          $Y       I b$                                p'       -

g ./- $l2 -i ( N -gyA= e ofgg j lu ;j;,- E. 06A' q\% as i j  %, /.  ;

                                                             *                                                                                          'i
               ,                           c00SE LAKE
                                                                                   %                 g 1

F M - g . s c p-,,..- 93A ~

                                                                                                                      . it;*                          \     -s

( o o. b,% 7152 . _  % y L - [ yrtoe,7 j G LAKE


O I K O H I \ y;v i J i PLANT AREA ENLARGED PLAN (1.00 MILE RADIUS) ) (NO SCALE) If NL-99P!730-1 p .

y 3 vi '

                                                                                -,          FIGURE. 5.1-2 :                                                                                        H4 Rev. 11              -;


         .J '                                                                           10 -- MILE RADIUS                                                                     ,

f l , Y I y j els . Me2s s .. w ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .s g.,,.                              1
                                                                                                                                     %a                                       s.
                                                                             \                                                                                         -q 15B
                               .,                  +,,                     .,,,                            ;                                                                ,                                             ,

p a~ u

                                          . w*.                  <,                                             %                                                                              ,f                        a
                                                    ' +,,

s M - c ,


\ r i


x 3 *




6!g s , h s ,

                                                                               ';              :         ,s                 <                          -

t , y  ;: N - q Q,xig 'P

                                                                                       ' \l                                                                                         P:8 1- l L                                                                                                                                                                               u A-(

1MT f je5SC .. h- -\- - s 858 - a i u: 'n + ~ f,f a g4g

                                                                                                                                   'n                       .....
                                                                                                                                                                     .,p                  Q'   y i             n              et                                                                    68 g                                                    y  ' I 83S   k             i P

G_ ' o 12g s s  %. - ' ol i s N

  • P1 . g <

L L 11 8 vr S( F

                                                                                                                                                              $ 78 o

s c . ,, y '.,

                                                                                                                                   /                      C                                                             a "a"

L . s888



         , ; @ CULTIVATED CROP SAMPLING POINT                                                                       4            g d ' VATER t. KILK SAMPLING POINTS
                     .$ _ river SEDIMENT. FISH AND PERIPHYTCN OR INVERTEBRATES a                    ;Q ' N.S.P. TLD PolNTS h.N.E.P.' AIR MONITCRING PO:NTS                                                                                                                             NL- 99P1739-2
      ~~T. t.,u

en w! :Sb' ; ' ~{

                          .. +
              ..,A     '

H4: N, > FIGURE 5.1-3; i Rev. 11 ficq Page 68 06/ *  ; RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTALu SAMPLE POINTS: OUTSIDE 10 - MILE RADIUS: c 1 g 6

                    -f f
                                                                                          ,,.Au an.

29 Oj 2.7 MI. t 7 m -


V Go1.... / (g ^ l P25 I --

    ' .w:.w.


                                         -[ _ WATER & KILK SAe@ LING POINTS
                                         $ . R!vER SEDIMENT,F1SH APO PERIPHYTON OR INVERTEBRATES h N.S.P. TLD POINTS
                                          @ NE.P. AIR MONITCRING POINTS '



x , 4 t H4: , Rev. 11: i = Page 69


Table-A-l? Release Conditions-

                 - : Table-A-2           Unrestricted Area Boundaries
                   - Table A-3           Long Term - Ground Level.- Unrestricted Area 1 Boundary - X/Q and D/Q.


                   ; Table A  ,
                                        .Long' Term - Ground Level - Standard Distances -cX/QL Table A          Long; Term - Ground Level.- Standard: Distances 1 ;D/Q.
          ,         ? Table A                              E Short Term - Ground Level l ; Unrestricted Area Boundary.   'X/q and D/q Table A-7:          Short Term - Ground Level - Standard Distances       :x/q-
                    -Table-A-8          ~ Short Term - Ground Level - Standard Distances - D/q 4
     %,g     -

kh[i$ ; IBM

  ,' e
                                                                                               . H4 Rev. ll~

APPENDIX -'A t Summary of Dispersion Calculational Procedures

    ,                      Undepleted,' undecayed dispersion parameters were computed using
            , ,            the computer program XOQDOQ (Sagendorf and Goll, 1977).

p Specifically, sector average X/Q and D/Q values were obtained for a sector width of122.5' degrees. Building wake 1 corrections were"

                          .used to adjust calculations for ground-level-releases. Standard open terrain recirculation correct. ion factors were also applied'-
                ' default XOQDOQ.
                          ' Dispersion calculations were based on ground level releasesJfor
 ;                         the' shield' buildings, turbine building, and auxiliary-building
          ,               '(hereafter referred to as the plant complex).. A summary of release conditions used as input-to XOQDOQ is presented in Table A-1 and controlling unrestricted boundary; distances are defined in Table'A-2. Computed x/Q and D/Q values for unrestricted' area boundary locations-(relative to release points) and for standard                  -j distances-(to five-miles from the source in 0.1 mile increments)                  j are presented in_ Tables A-3 through A-8.                                        j
                          .Onsite meteorological data for the period April      l',   1977 through o    March 31,1978 (as - presented in Appendix B)-- were ' used Jus input' to L ,h         -

XOQD0Q. Data.were collected and AT stability classes-were defined in conformance with NRC Regulatory Guide 1.23. Dispersion-calculations for the plant1 complex were based on ATs42.7-12.2m and 1] 12.2' meter-wind data-(joint data recovery of 96 percent)' . i d I L I I s IBM i

,..,,,.......c...-...-..- . iM/;jy up , m oll!- , ',' ld ,  ;.'g-i d' -! J ' '

    ;,qyy ,

p w :n: , ., yg 6 l' ' :0 Rev. 11



                                           '1 '


 \                     nR i                                                                                                  .
                                                                       - Sagendorf,:J.F..and': Goll',EJ.T., XOQDOQ Program for the Evaluation .
                                                             +               .

1. s ,

. .of Routine ~EffluenteReleases at Nuclear-Power Stations..NUREG-0324, 1
                                                                       -U.S.' Nuclear, Regulatory-Commission, September 1977e
 ! $, g. ,-. g' :,                                                                    .!, .

1 4 I? E


i 6' e Y,g . ,9 b, s- . y 4 1l',' g

   '} *._Y
      ,r g

j 7..

                                       .- ~j    .'
                    ' l;i,
    'll..s.?                                                                                                                          .
                                                                                                                                             ., 4 i

e; $ M+ .. y'syy;p i , t%. - :49 j$~~~ ,

         -; p.



J-i :l it , Et 4 r

           ' ) l-a,
             ..,.'N s                    ,.3 i
                                    ',                         IBM b

_y. ,, , . -v . w- . - . -

             .X             -

y9  : 114 Rev. 11' Page 72-TABLE A-1 Prairie Island Release Conditions i I I i i

       .I                                     I                 Shield Buildings.                                    I              Auxiliary Building        i          Turbine Building                     i i                                     i                                                                      i                                        !                                               I I                                     i                                                                      i                                        i                                               i 1         Type Release                i            ,
                                                                 ' Ground Level                                      i                  Ground Level          l            Ground Level                       I i

I l (Long Term and Short Term) l (Long Term) I (Long Term) i I I I I I I I . I I i l Release Point Neight (m) 1 56.4 1 24.4 l 33.6, 12.2 l l 1 I I I a i Adjacent Building Neight I '62.2 1 62.2* I 62.2* I i I I i i l Relative Location to I I- Adjacent to I Adjacent to I I Adjacent Structures l Auxiliary Building l Auxiliary Building l Auxiliary Building -1 I I -1 I I I Exit Velocity (m/sec) l d.A. I N.A. I N.A. I I I I i i i Internal Stack Diameter (m) I N.A. I N.A. I N.A. I I I I i 1 i Buildin82 Cross-Sectional l I i l l Area (m ) i 2,170 1 2,170** l 2,170** l l 1 I I i i Purge Frequency ***(times /yr)l 20 i N.A. I N.A. I I i 1 I i i Purge Duration ***(hours / l 1 i i i release) l 5 i N.A. I N.A. l l i I 'l

  • Height of Shield Buildings
        **      Shield Building cross-sectional' area
        *** Applied to short-term calculations only
                    ,   ,     . - . - . . . -    . --- _.,                 ,    . _ - . , . _ _ - _ _ , _ , . , _ - - . . - . _ _ . _ .                 . . .        . _ . _ _ _ . _ , . . . _ - , , . . . - .-...._s

b E t 9 H4  : E.

                             ,                                                           Rev. 11 L                                                                                        Page 73
!J              J.,                                         TABLE A-2                            '

1 Distances (Miles) To Controlling Unrestricted Area Boundary Locations , As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex r Sector Distance N 0.28  : NNE 0.26 NE 0.84* ENE 0.62*  ;

          ,                                   E                             0.59*

i ESE 0.61* . SE 0.67 SSE 0.43 ' 0.43


S l SSW 0.40 SV 0.40 WSW 0.37 W 0.36 , WNW O'36

                                                                              .                  i NW.

0.43 l NNW , 0.48

  • Over-water distances ,

i + . IBM

                                                         # Y*t                                                    6
                                                        '; 3_. 5                                              ~ ,j_.

H4 Rev. 11 < ' Page 74 TABLE A-3 Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters , for Long Term Ground Level Releases > 500 Nrs/Yr or > 150 Mrs/QTR for Unrestricted Area Boundary Locations (identifieJ in Table A-2) Unrestricted Area 2 Boundary Sector X/Q (set /m ) D/Q (1/m ) N 1.82E-05 1.18E-07 NNE 1.52E-05 8.55E-08 NE 1.83E-06 7.74E-09

        -ENE                                          3.25E-06                                 1.84E-08 E

1.05E-05 4.23E-08 ESE 1.86E-05 7.30E-08 SE 1.67E-05 6.80E-08 SSE 1.95E-05 6.81E-08 S 8.12E-06 3.19E-08 SSW 7.08E-06 2.55E-08 SW 7.66E-06 2.77E-08 WSW 1.13E-05 3.53E-08 W 2.66E-05 7.63E-08 WNW 3.38E-05 1.42E-07 NW 2.13E-05 9.02E-08 NNW 1.11E-05 5.43E-03 Period of Record: 4/1/77 -'3/31/78 IBM


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H4 Rev. 11 Page 75-TABLE A-4 ~ 3 Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (1/Q), sec/m , for Long Term Ground Level Releases -> 500 Hrs /Tr or > 150 Hrs /QTR for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 N 1.20E-04 3.44E-05 1.66E-05 1.02E-05 7.04E-06 5.29E-06 4.13E-06 NNE '8.53E-05 2.44E-05 1.18E-05 7.20E-06 4.93E-06 3.67E-06 2.83E-06 NE 8.18E-05 2.35E-05 1.14E-05 6.87E-06 4.69E-06 3.49E-06 2.69E-06 ENE 7.88E-05 2.26E-05 1.10E-05 6.70E-06 4.62E-06 3.46E-06 2.69E-06 E 2.40E-04 6.89E-05 3.34E-05 2.02E-05 1.38E-05 1.02E-05 7.88E-06 ESE 4.52E-04 1.30E-04 6.28E-05 3.80E-05 2.59E-05 1.92E-05 1.48E-05 SE 4.85E-04 1.39E-04 6.74E-05 4.07E-05 2.77E-05 2.04E-05 1.56E-05 SSE 2.59E-04 7.44E-05 3.60E-05 2.17E-05 1.48E-05 1.10E-05 8.44E-06 S 1.08E-04 3.09E-05 1.49E-05 9.06E-06 6.20E-06 4.62E-06 3.58E-06 SSW 8.60E<05 2.46E-05 1.19E-05 7.19E-06 4.91E-06 3.66E-06 2.83E-06 SW 9.19E-05 2.62E-05 1.26E-05 7.72E-06 5.31E-06 3.98E-06 3.09E-06 WSW 1.17E-04 3.35E-05 1.61E-05 9.80E-06 6.70E-06 4.97E-06 3.83E-06 W 2.64E-04 7.56E-05 3.66E-05 2.22E-05 1.51E-05 1.12E-05 8.61E-06 WNW 3.42E-04 9.80E-05 4.75E-05 2.88E-05 1.98E-05 1.47E-05 1.14E-05 NW 2.91E-04 8.35E 4.05E-05 2.46E-05 1.68E-05 1.25E-05 9.67E-06 NNW 1.76E-04 5.04E-05 2.45E-05 1.50E-05 1.03E-05 7.70E-06 5.99E-06 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM

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114 Rev. 11 Page 76 TABLE A-4 (Cont.) Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (X/Q), sec/m , for Long Term Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Mrs/QTR for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 N 3.18E-06 2.39E-06 1.87E-06 1.51E-06 1.24E-06 1.04E-06 8.80E-07 NME 2.17E-06 1.62E-06 1.27E-06 1.0ZE-06 8.31E-07 6.95E-07 5.90E-07 NE 2.06E-06 1.54E-06 1.20E-06 9.60E-07 7.86E-07 6.56E-07 5.56E-07 ENE 2.07E-06 1.55E-06 1.21E-06 9.72E-07 7.98E-07 6.66E-07 5.65E-07 E 6.02E-06 4.'51 E -06 3.52E-06 2.82E-06 2.31E-06 1.93E-06 1.64E-06 ESE 1.13E-05 8.44E-06 6.58E-06 5.28E-06 4.33E-06 3.62E-06 3.07E-06 SE 1.19E-05 8.92E-06 6.96E-06 5.58E-06 4.58E-06 3.82E-06 3.25E-06 SSE 6.45E-06 4.82E-06 3.76E-06 3.01E-06 2.47E-06 2.06E-06 1.75E-06 S 2.74E-06 2.06E-06 1.61E-06 1.29E-06 1.06E-06 8.88E-07 7.54E-07 SSW 2.17E-06 1.63E-06 1.27E-06 1.02E-06 8.36E-07 6.99E-07 5.93E-07 SW 2.38E-06 1.78E-06 1.39E-06 1.12E-06 9.17E-07 7.66E-07 6.50E-07 WSW 2.93E-06 2.19E-06 1.71E-06 1.37E-06 1.12E-06 9.35E-07 7.93E-07 W 6.57E-06 4.91E-06 3.83E-06 3.07E-06 2.51E-06 2.10E-06 1.78E-06 WNW 8.77E-06 6.58E-06 5.14E-06 4.13E-06 3.39E- 06 2.83E-06 2.41E-06 NW 7.40E-06 5.56E-06 4.35E-06 3.50E-06 2.88E-06 2.41E-06 2.05E-06 NNW 4.60E-06 3.46E-06 2.71E-06 2.18E-06 1.79E-06 1.50E-06 1.28E-06 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM

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                                                                                   .                                                                         F l
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114 R onr. 11 . Page 77 TABLE A-4 (Cont.) Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (X/Q), sec/m , for Long Term Ground Level Eeleases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Mrs/qTR for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 N 7.57E-07 6.59E-07 5.79E-07 5.13E-07 4.59E-07 4.14E-07 3.76E-07 NNE 5.07E-07 4.41E-07 3.87E-07 3.43E-07 3.07E-07 2.77E-07 2.52E-07 NE 4.77E-07 4.15E-07 3.64E-07 3.23E-07 2.89E-07 2.61E-07 2.38E-07 ENE 4.86E-07 4.23E-07 3.71E-07 3.29E-07 2.94E-07 2.65E-07 2.41E-07 E 1.41E-06 1.23E-06 1.08E-06 9.55E-07 8.56E-07 7.75E-07 7.05E-07 ESE 2.64E-06 2.30E-06 2.02E-06 1.79E-06 1.61E-06 1.46E-06 1.32E-06 SE 2.79E-06 2.43E-06 2.14E-06 1.90E-06 1.70E-06 1.54E-06 1.40E-06 SSE 1.50E-06 1.31E-06 1.15E-06 1.02E-06 9.12E-07 8.25E-07 7.51E-07 S 6.49E-07 5.65E-07 4.97E-07 4.41E-07 3.95E-07 3.56E-07 3.24E-07 l SSW 5.10E-07 4.44E-07 3.90E-07 3.46E-07 3.10E-07' 2.80E-07 2.54E-07

SW 5.59E-07 4.87E-07 4.27E-07 3.79E-07 3.39E-07 3.06E-07 2.78E-07 WSW 6.82E-07 5.93E-07 5.21E-07 4.61E-07 4.13E-07 3.74E-07 3.40E-07 W 1.53E-06 1.33E-06 1.17E-06 1.04E-06 9.29E-07 8. 40E-07 ' _ 7.64E-07 l

l WNW 2.07F-06 1.80E-06 1.59E-06 1.41E-06 1.26E-06 1.14E-06 1.03E-06 NW 1.76E-06 1.54E-06 1.35E-06 1.20E-06 1.08E-06 9.72E-07 8.83E-07 NNW 1.10E-06 9.59E-07 8.43E-07 7.47E-07 6.69E-07 6.04E-07 5.49E-07 l Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM

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                                                                                            -H4 Rev. 11 Page 78 TABLE A-4 (Cont.)

Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (X/Q), sec/m , 3_ for Long Term Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Nrs/QTR for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5- 2.6 2.7 2.8 N 3.42E-07 3.14E-07 2.89E-07 2.67E-07 2.47E-07 2.30E-07 2.15E-07 NNE 2.30E-07 2.11E-07 1.94E-07 1.80E-07 1.67E-07 1.56E-07 1.45E-07 NE 2.17E-07 1.99E-07 1.84E-07 1.70E-07 1.58E-07 'I.47E-07 1.38E-07 ENE 2.20E-07 2.01E-07 1.85E-07 1.71E-07 1.59E-07 1.48E-07 1.38E-07 E 6.44E-07 5.'92E-07 5.46E-07 5.05E-07 4.70E-07 4.38E-07 4.09E-07 ESE 1.21E-06 1.11E-06 1.03E-06 9.51E-07 8.84E-07 8.25E-07 7.71E-07 SE 1.28E-06 1.18E-06 1.09E-06 1.01E-06 9.37E-07 8.74E-07 8.17E-07 SSE 6.86E-07 6.31E-07 5.82E-07 5.39E-07 5.01E-07 4.67E-07 4.37E-07 S 2.96E-07 2.71E-07 2.50E-07 2.31E-07 2.15E-07 2.00E-07 1.87E-07 SSW 2.32E-07 2.13E-07 1.96E-07 1.82E-07 1.69E-07 1.57E-07 1.47E-07 SW 2.53E-07 2.32E-07 2.14E-07 1.98E-07 1.83E-07 1.71E-07 1.59E-07 WSW 3.11E-07 2.85E-07 2.63E-07 2.43E-07 2.26E-07 2.11E-07 1.97E-07 W 6.99E-07 6.42E-07 5.93E-07 5.49E-07 5.10E-07 4.76E-07 4.45E-07 4 WNW 9.44E-07 8.67E-07 7.99E-07 7.39E-07 6.86E-07 6.39E-07 5.97E-07 NW 8.07E-07 7.41E-07 6.83E-07 6.32E-07 5.87E-07 5.47E-07 5.12E-07 NNW 5.01E-07 4.59E-07 4.23E-07 3.91E-07 3.63E-07 3.38E-07 3.15E-07 Period of Record: 4/1/77.- 3/31/78 , IBM

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                                                                       %                                                                                    's H4 Rev. 11 Page 79 TABLE A-4 (Cont.)

3 Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (X/Q), sec/m , for Long Term Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Tr or > 150' Hrs /QTR for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 N 2.01E-07 1.88E 1.77E-07 1.67E-07 1.58E-07 1.49E-07 1.42E-07 NNE 1.36E-07 1.28E-07 1.20E-07 1,14E-07 1.07E-07 1.02E-07 9.65E-08 NE 1.29E-07 1.21E-07 1.14E-07 1.08E-07 1.02E-07 9.69E-08 9.20E-08 ENE 1.29E-07 1.21E-07 1.14E-07 1.07E-07 1.01E-07 9.60E-08 9.11E-08 E 3.84E-07 3.61E-07 3.40E-07 3.21E-07 3.04E-07 2.88E-07 2.74E-07 ESE 7.23E-07 6.80E-07 6.41E-07 6.05E-07 5.73E-07 5.43E-07 5.16E-07 SE 7.67E-07 7.21E-07 6.80E-07 6.42E-07 6.08E-07 5.77E-07 5.48E-07 SSE 4.10E-07 3.85E-07 3.63E-07 3.43E-07 3.245-07 3.0BE-07 2.92E-07 5 1.75E-07 1.64E-07 1.55E-07 1.46E-07 1.38E-07 1.31E-07 1.24E-07 SSW 1.38E-07 1.29E-07 1.22E-07 1.15E-07 1.09E-07 1.03E-07 9.77E-08 SW 1.49E-07 1.40E-07 1.32E-07 1.24E-07 1.17E-07 1.11E-07 1.05E-07 WSW 1.85E-07 1.74E-07 1.64E-07 1.54E-07 1.46E-07 1.39E-07 1.32E-07 W 4.17E-07 3.92E-07 3.70E-07 3.49E-07 3.30E-07 3.13E-07 2.98E-07 WNW 5.60E-07 5.26E-07 4.95E-07 4.67E-07 4.42E-07 4.19E-07 3.98E-07 NW 4.79E-07 4.50E-07 4.24E-07 4.00E-07 3.79E-07 ~3.59E-07 3.41E-07 NNW 2.95E-07 2.77E-07 2.61E 2.46E-07 2.32E-07 2.20E-07 2.09E-07 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM

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d.1 ' 26 . H4 Rev. 11-Page 80 TABLE A-4-(Cont.) Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (X/Q), sec/m , for Long Term. Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Tr or > 150 Nrs/QTR a for Standard Distances (As Heasured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Ecctor 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 N 1.35E-07 1.26E-07 1.22E-07 1.16E-07 1.11E-07 1.07E-07 1.02E-07 NNE 9.18E-08 8.74E-08 8.34E-08 7.97E-08 7.62E-08 7.30E-08 7.00E-08 NE 8.75E-08 8.34E-08 7.96E-08 7.61E-08 7.28E-08 6.98E-08 6.70E-08 ENE 8.66E-08 8.24E-08 7.86E-08 7.50E-08 7.17E-08 6.86E-08* 6.58E-08 E 2.60E-07 2.48E-07 2.37E-07 2.26E-07 2.17E-07 2.08E-07 1.99E-07 ESE 4.91E-07 4.68E-07 4.47E-07 4.27E-07 4.09E-07 3.92E-07 3.76E-07 SE 5.22E-07 4.97E-07 4.75E-07 4.54E-07 4.35E-07 4.17E-07 4.00E-07 SSE 2.78E-07 2.65E-07 2.53E-07 2.42E-07 2.32E-07 2.22E-07 2.13E-07 S 1.18E-07 1.12E-07 1.07E-07 1.02E-07 9.79E-08 9.38E-08 8.99E-08 SSW 9.29E-08 8.85E-08 8.44E-08 8.07E-08 7.72E-08 7.39E-08 7.09E SW 1.00E-07 9.54E-08 9.10E-08 8.69E-08 8.31E-08 7.95E-08 7.62E-08 WSW 1.25E-07 1.19E-07 1.14E-07 1.09E-07 1.04E-07 9.98E-08 9.57E-08 W 2.83E-07 2.70E-07 2.58E-07 2.47E-07 2.36E-07 2.26E-07 2.17E-07 WNW 3.78E-07 3.60E-07 3.44E-07 3.28E-07 3.14E-07. 3.01E-07 2.89E-07 NW 3.24E-07 3.09E-07 2.95E-07 2.82E-07 2.70E-07 2.58E-07 2.48E-07 NNW 1.99E-07 1.89E-07 1.80E-07 1.72E-07 1.65E-07 1.58E-07 1.51E-07 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM _

( I!? ; ' q _


(- H4 - Rev. 11 Page 81 TABLE A-4 (Cont.) Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (X/Q), sec/m , for Long Term Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /QTR for Staeoard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 N 9.79E-08 9.41E-08 9.04E-08 8.71E-08 8.39E-08 8.09E-08 7.81E-08 NNE '6.72E-08 6.46E-08 6.22E-08 5.99E-08 5.77E-08 5.57E-08 5.38E-08


NE 6.43E-08 6.18E-08 5.95E-08 5.74E-08 5.53E-08 5.34E-08 5.16E-08 ENE 6.31E-08 6.06E-08 5.83E-08 5.62E-08 5.41E-08 5.22E-08 5.04E-08 E 1.91E-07 1.84E-07 1.77E-07 1.71E-07 1.65E-07 1.59E-07 1.54E-07 ESE 3.62E-07 3.48E-07 3.35E-07 3.23E-07 3.11E-07 3.01E-07 2.91E-07 SE 3.85E-07 3.70E-07 3.56E-07 3.44E-07 3.31E-07 3.20E-07 3.09E-07 I SSE 2.05E-07 1.97E-07 1.90E-07 1.83E-07 1.76E-07 1.70E-07 1.65E-07 S 8.63E-08 8.30E-08 7.98E-08 7.69E-08 7.41E-08 7.15E-08 6.91E-08 l SSW 6.81E-08 6.55E-08 '6.30E-08 6.07E-08 5.85E-08 5.65E-08 5.46E-08 SW 7.32E-08 .7.03<. 98 6.76E-08 6.51E-08 6.28E-08 6.06E-08 5.35E-08 ! WSW 9.19E-08 8.84E-08 8.51E-08 8.20E-08 7.91E-08 7.64E-08 7.38E-08 W 2.09E-07 2.01E-07 1.93E-07 1.86E-07 1.80E-07 1.73E-07 1.68E-07 WNW 2.77E-07 2.66E-07 2.56E-07 2.47E-07 2.38E-07 2.30E 2.22E-07 hw 2.38E-07 2.29E-07 2.20E-07 2.12E-07 2.05E-07 1.97E-07 1.91E-07 NNW 1.45E 1.39E-07 .1.34E-07 1.29E-07 1.24E-07 '1.20E-07 1.16E-07 i Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM

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j. _II4 Rent. 11 Page 82 TABLE A-4 (Con:..) Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (x/Q), ser/m , for Long Tern Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Tr or > 150 Nrs/QTR for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Pisnt Complex) Miles Sector 5.0 N 7.54E-08 NNE 5.20E-08 , NE 4.99E-08 ENE 4.87E-08 E 1.49E-07 ESE 2.81E-07 SE 2.99E-07 SSE 1.59E-07 S 6.68E-08 SSW 5.27E-08 SW 5.65E-08 WSW 7.14E-08 W 1.62E-07 WNW 2.15E-07 NW 1.84E-07 NNW 1.12E-07 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM ,

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Page 83 TABLE A-5 Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (D/Q), 1/m for Long Term Ground Level Releases > 500 Nrs/Yr or > 150 Hrs /QTR for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 06 1 0.7 N 5.38E-07 2.01E-07 1.09E-07 6.97E-08 4.87E-08 3.62E-08 2.81E-08 NNE 3.39E-07 1.27E-07 6.87E-08 4.39E-08 3.07E-08 2.28E-08 1.77E-08 NE 2.21E-07 8.28E-08 4.49E-08 2.87E-08 2.01E-08 1.49E-08 1.16E-08 ENE 2.88E-07 1.08E-07 5.85E-08 3.73E-08 2.61E-08 1.94E-08 1.51E-08 E 6.15E-07 2.30E-07 1.25E-07 7.97E-08 5.57E-08 '.14E-08 3.22E*08 ESE 1.12E-06 4.19E-07 2.27E-07 1.45E-07 1.02E-07 7.54E-08 5.86E-08 SE 1.22E-06 4.55E-07 2.47E-07 1.58E-07 1.10E-07 8.19E-08 6.36E-08 SSE 5.81E-07 2.17E-07 1.18E-07 7.53E-08 5.27E-08 3.91E-08 3.04E-08 S 2.72E-07 1.0ZE-07 5.53E-08 3.53E-08 2.47E-08 1.83E-08 1.42E-08 SSW 2.00E-07 7.47E-08 4.06E-08 2.59E-08 1.81E-08 1.34E-08 1.04E-08 SW 2.16E-07 8.06E-08 4.38E-08 2.79E-08 1.95E-c3 1.45E-08 1.13E-08 WSW 2.39E-07 8.93E-08 4.85E-08 3.09E-08 2.16E-Os 1.61E-08 1.25E-08 W 5.00E-07 1.87E-07 1.01E-07 6.47E-08 4.53E-08 3.36E-08 2.61E-08 WNW 9.50E-07 3.55E-07 1.93E-07 1.23E-07 8.60E-08 6.39E-08 4.96E-08 Bni 7.95E-07 2.97E-07 1.61E-07 1.03E-07 7.20E-08 5.35E-08 4.15E-08 NNW 5.54E-07 2.07E-07 1.12E-07 7.17E-08 5.02E-08 3.72E-08 2.89E-08 l l i ' l Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78

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114 Rev. 11 Page 84 TABLE A-5 (Cont.) Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (D/Q), 1/m for Long Term Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Tr or > 150 Hrs /QTR for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant complex) Miles Sector 0.8 0.9 '1.0 1.1 I.2 1.3 1.4 N 2.13E-08 1.56E-08 1.19Es08 9.32E-09 7.47E-09. 6.10E-09 5.07E-09 NNE 1.34E-08 9.84E-09 7.49E-09 5.87E-09 4.70E-09 3.84E-09 3.19E NE 8.76E-09 6.43E-09 4.90E-09 3.83E-09 3.07E-09 2.51E-09 2.09E-09 ENE 1.14E-08 8.37E .9 6.37E-09 4.99E-09 4.00E-09 3.27E-09 2.72E-09 E 2.43E-08 1.'79E-68' 1.36E-08 1.07E-08 8.54E-09 6.98E-09 5.80E-09 ESE 4.43E-08 3.26E-08 2.48E-08 1.94E-08 1.56E-08 1.27E-08 1.06E-03 SE 4.33E-08 3.54E-08 2.69E-n8 2.11E-08 1.69E-08 1.38E-08 1.ISE-08 SSE 2.30E-08 1.69E-08 1.29E4D8 1.01E-08 8.07E-09 6.59E-09 5.48E-09 S 1408E-C8 7.92E-09 6.03E-09 4.72E-09 3.78E-09 3.09E-09 2.57E-07 SSW 7.91E-09 5.81E-09 4.42E-09 3.46E-09 2.77E-09 2.27E-09 1.8SE-09 J SW 3.538-09 6.26E-09 4.77E-09 3.73E-09 2.99E-09 2.45E-09 2.G3E-09 WSW 9.45E-99 6,94E-09 5.28E-09 4.14E-09 3.32E-09 2.71E-09 2.25E-09 W l.98E-08 1.45E-08 1.10E-08 8.65E-09 6.93E-09 5.67E-09 4.71E-09 WNW 3.76E-08 2.76E-08 2.10E-08 1.64E-08 1.32E-08 1.08E-08 8.95E-09 NW 3.14E-08 2.31E-08 1.76E-08 1.38E-08 1.10E-08 9.02E-09 7.49E-09 NNW 2.19E-08 1.61E-08 1.22E-08 9.59E-09 7.68E-09 6.28E-09 5.22E-09 Period of Metord: 4/1/77 - 3/31/18 IBM

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  • 114 Rev. 11 Page 85 TABLE A-5 (Cont.)

Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (D/Q), 1/m for Long Term Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /QTR

        -                              for Standard Distances (As. Measured from Edge of Plant Compicx)

Miles Sector 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 N 4.27E-09 3.65E-09 3.14E-09 2.73E-09 2.40E-09 2.12E-09 1.89E-09 NNE 2.69E-09 2.30E-09 1.98E-09 1.72E-09 1.51E-09 1.33E-09 1.19E-09 NE 1.76E-09 1.50E-09 1.29E-09 1.13E-09 9.8/E-10 8.72E-10 7.76E-10 ENE 2.29E-09 1.95E-09 1.68E-09 1.46E-09 1.28E-09 1.14E-09 1.01E-09 E 4.88E-09 4.17E-09 3.59E-09 3.13E-09 2.74E-09 2.42E-09 2.16E-09 ESE 8.90E-09 7.59E-09 6.54E-09 5.69E-09 4.99E-09 4.41E-09 3.93E-09 SE 9.66E-09 8.25E-09 7.11E-09 6.18E-09 5.43E-09 4.79E-09 4.27E-09 SSE 4.61E-09 3.94E-09 3.39E-09 2.95E-09 2.59E-09 2.29E-09 2.04E-09 S 2.16E-09 1.85E-09 1.59E-09 1.38E-09 1.21E-09 1. 07E-09 9.55E-10 SSW 1.59E-09 1.35E-09 1.17E-09 1.02E-09 8.91E-10 7.87E-10 7.00E-10 SW 1.71E-09 1.46E-09 1.26E-09 1.10E-09 9.61E-10 8.49E-10 7.56E-10 WSW 1.90E-09 1.62E-09 1.40E-09 1.21E-09 1.06E-09 9.41E-10 8.37E-10 W 3.97E-09 3.39E-09 2.92E-09 2.54E-09 2.23E-09 1.97E-09 1.75E-09 WNW 7.54E-05 6.44E-09 5.55E-09 4.83E-09 4.23E-09 3.74E-09 3.33E-09 NW 6.31E-69 5.39E-09 4.64E-09 4.04E-09 3.54E-09 3.13E-09 2.79E-09 NNW 4.40E-09 3.75E-09 3.23E-09 2.81E-09 2.47E-09 2.18E-09 1.94E-09 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM

siQ /A  : a 3 si 114 Rev. 11 Page 86 TABLE A-5 (Cont.) Prairie-Island Dispersion Parameters (D/Q), 1/m for Long Term Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Tr or > 150 Hrs /QTR for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 N 1.69E-09 1.52E-09 1.37E-09 1.25E-09 1.14E-09 1.04E-09 9.58E-10 NNE 1.06E-09 9.56E-10 8.65E-10 7.86E-10 7.17E-10' 6.57E-10 6.03E-10 NE 6.95E-10 6.25E-10 5.65E-10 5.13E-10 4.69E-10 4.29E-10 3.94E-10 ENE 9.04E-10 8.14E-10 7.36E-10 6.68E-10 6.10E-10 5.59E-10 5.13E-10 E 1.93E-09 l'.74E-09 1.57E-09 -1.43E-09 1.30E-09 1.19E-09 1.103-09 ESE 3.51E-09 3.16E-09 2.86E-09 2.60E-09 2.37E-09 2.17E-09 2.00E-09 SE 3.82E-09 3.44E-09 3.11E-09 2.82E-09 2.58E-09 2.36E-09 2.17E-09 SSE 1.82E-09 1.64E-09 1.48E-09 1.35E-09 1.23E-09 1.13E-09 1.04E-09 S 8.55E-10 7.69E-10 6.95E-10 6.32E-10 5.77E-10 5.28E-10 4.85E-10 SSW 6.27E-10 5.64E-10 5.10E-10 4.63E-10 4.23E-10 3.87E-10 3.56E-10 - SW 6.76E-10 6.09E-10 5.50E-10 5.00E-10 4.56E-10 4.18E-10 3.84E-10 WSW 7.49E-10 6.74E-10 6.10E-10 5.54E-10 5.06E-10 4.63E-10 4.26E-10 W I.57E-09 1.41E-09 1.28E-09 1.16E-09 1.06E-09 9.68E-10 8.90E-10. WNW 2.98E-09 2.68E-09 2.42E-09 2.70E-09 2.01E-09 1.84E-09 1.69E-09 NW 2.49E-09 2.24E-09 2.03E-09 1.84E-09 1.68E-09 1.54E-09 1.42E-09 NNW 1.74E-09 1.56E-09 1.41E-09 1.28E-09' 1.17E-09 1.07E-09' 9.86E-10 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM

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u- .- 114 Rev. 11 Page 87 l TABLE A-5 (Cont.) Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (D/Q),.1/m for Long Term Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Mrs/QTR for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) l t Miles Sector 2.9- 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 N 8.84E-10 8.17E-10 7.58E-10 7.05E-10 6.57E-10 6.14E-10 5.75E-10 NNE ' 5.56E-10 5.15E-10 4.77E-10 4.44E-10 4.14E-10 3.87E-10 3.62E-10 NE 3.64E-10 3.36E-10 3.12E-10 2.90E-10 2.70E-10 2.53E-10 2.37E-10 ENE 4.73E-10 4.38E-10 4.06E-10 3.78E-10 3.52E-10 3.29E-10 3.08E-10 E 1.01E-09 '9.34E-10 8.67E-10 8.06E 7.51E-10 7.02E-10 6.57E-10 ESE 1.84E-09 1.70E-09 1.58E-09 1.47E-09 1.37E-09 1.28E-09 1.20E-09 SE 2.00E-09 1 85E-09 1.71E-09 1.59E-09 1.49E-09 1.39E-09 1.30E-09 SSE 9.55E-10 8.83E-10 8.19E-10 7.61E-10 7.10E-10 6.63E-10 6.21E-10 S 4.47E-10 4.14E-10 3.84E-10 3.57E-10 3.33E-10 3.11E-10 2.91E-10 SSW 3.28E-10 3.04E-10 2.82E 2.62E-10 2.44E-10 2.28E-10 2.14E-10 SW 3.54E-10 3.27E-10 3.04E-10 2.82E-10 2.63E-10 2.46E-10 2.30E-10 WSW 3.92E-10 3.63E-10 3.37E-10 3.13E-10 2.92E-10 2.73E-10 2.55E-10 W 8.20E-10 7.59E-10 7.04E-10 6.54E-10 6.10E-10 5.70E-10 5.34E-10 WNW 1.56E-09 1.44E-09 1.34E-09 1.24E-09 1.16E-09' 1.08E-09 1.01E-09 NW 1.31E-09 1.21E-09 1.12E-09 1.04E-09 9.71E-10 9.07E-10 8.49E-10 4 NNW 9.09E-10 0.41E-10 7.80E-10 7.25E-10 6.76E-10 6.32E-10 5.92E-10 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM-

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114 Rev. 11 - Page 88 TABLE A-5 (Cont.) Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (D/Q),1/m for Long Term Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Hrs /qTE

                                                                                                             'for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex)

Miles Sector 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 N 5.40E-10 5.07E-10 4.78E-10 4.51E-10. 4.26E-10 4.03E-10 3.82E-10 NNE 3.40E-10 3.19E-10 3.01E-10 2.84E-10 2.68E-10 2.54E-10 2.41E-10 NE 2.22E-10 2.09E-10 1.97E-10 1.86E-10 1.75E-10 1.66E-10 1.57E-10 ENE 2.89E-10 2.726-10 2.56E-10 2.42E-10 2.28E-10 2.16E-10 2.05E-10 E 6.17E-10 5.80E-10 5.46E-10 5.16E-10 4.87E-10 4.61E-10 4.37E-10 ESE 1.12E-09 1.06E-09 9.95E-10 9.39E-10 8.87E-10 8.40E-10 7.96E-10 SE 1.22E-09 1.15E-09 1.08E-09 1.02E-09 9.64E-10 9.12E-10 8.65E-10 SSE 5.83E-10 5.48E-10 5.16E-10 4.87E-10 4.60E-10 4.36E-10 4.13E-10 S 2.73E-10 2.57E-10 2.42E-10 2.28E-10 2.16E-10 2.04E-10 1.94E-10 l SSW 2.00E-10 1.88E-10 1.78E-10 1.67E-10 1.58E-10 1.50E-10 1.42E-10 SW 2.16E-10 2.03E-10 1.92E-10 1.81E-10 1.71E-10 1.62E-10 1.53E-10 WSW 2.40E-10 2.25E-10 2.12E-10 2.00E-10 1.89E-10 1.79E-10 1.70E-10 W 5.01E-10 4.71E-10 4.44E-10 4.19E-10 3.96E-10 3.75E-10 3.55E-10 k4ni 9.53E-10 8.96E-10 8.44E-10 7.96E-10 7.52E-10 7.12E-10 6.75E-10 NW 7.97E-10 7.50E-10 7.06E-10 6.66E-10 6.29E-10 5.96E-10 5.65E-10 NNW 5.55E-10 5.22E-10 4.92E-10 4.64E-10 4.38E-10 4.15E-10 3.93E-10 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM

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H4 Rear. 11 Page 89 TABLE A-5 (Cont.) Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (D/Q), 1/m for.Long Teon Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Yr or > 150 Nrs/QTR for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 42 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 N 3.63E-10 3.45E-10 3.28E-10 3.13E-10 2.99E-10 2.85E-10 2.73E-10 NNE 2.29E-10 2.17E-10 2.07E-10 1.97E-10 1.88E-10 1.80E-10 1.72E-10 NE 1.49E-10 1.42E-10 1.35E-10 1.29E-10 1.23E-10 1.17E-10 1.12E-10 ENE 1.94E-10 1.85E-10 1.76E-10 1.68E-10 1.60E-10 1.53E-10 1.46E-10 E 4.15E-10 '3.94E-10 3.75E-10 3.58E-10 3.41E-10 3.26E-10 3.12E-10 ESE 7.56E-10 7.18E-10 6.84E-10 6.52E-10 6.22E-10 5.94E-10 5.68E-10 SE 8.21E-10 7.80E-10 7.45E-10 7.08E-10 6.75E-10 6.45E-10 6.17E-10 SSE 3.92E-10 3.73E-10 3.55E-10 3.38E-10 3.23E-10 3.08E-10 2.94E-10 S 1.84E-10 1.75E-10 1.66E-10 1.58E-10 1.51E-10 1.44E-10 1.38E-10 SSW 1.35E-10 1.28E-10 1.22E-10 1.16E-10 1.IIE-10 1.06E-10 1.01E-10 SW 1.45E-10 1.38E-10 1.32E-10 1.25E-10 1.20E-10 1.14E-10 1.09E-10 WSW 1.61E-10 1.53E-10 -1.46E-10 1.39E-10 1.33E-10 1.27E-10 1.21E-10 W 3.37E-10 3.20E-10 3.05E-10 2.91E-10 2.77E-10 2.65E-10 2.53E-10 WNW 6.41E-10 6.09E-10 5.80E-10 5.52E-10 5.27E-10 5.03E-10 4.81E-10 NW 5.36E-10 5.10E-10 4.85E-10 4.62E-10 4.41E-10 4.21E-10 4.03E-10 DDni 3.75E-10 3.55E-10 3.38E-10 3.22E-10 3.07E-10 2.93E-10 2.80E-10 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM _ _ . . _ . . - . . - . ,_ . - _ - - _ . ._ __ . ~ . . . . - - . _ _ . - _ - ~ . - _ . _ _ _ . . _ - _

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                                                                                                                                                            }i4 Rev. 11 Page 90                               =

TABLE A-5 (Cont.) 2 ~ Prairie Island Dispersion Parereters (D/Q), 1/n for Long Term Ground Level Releases > 500 Hrs /Tr or > 150 Nrs/QTR for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 5.0 N 2.61E-10 NME 1.64E-10 NE 1.07E-10 ENE 1.40E ' E 2.9EE-10 ESE 5.43E-10 SE 5.90E-10 SSE 2.82E- 10 '


S 1.?zE-10 SSW 9.69E-11 SW 1.05E WSW 1.16E-10


W 2.42E-10' WNW 4.61E-10 NW 3.85E-10 NNW 2.68E-10 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM

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m. ' Vils H4 Rev. 11-Page 91 TABLE A-6.

Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters for Short Term Ground Level Releases i 500 Hrs /Yr or i 150 Nrs/Qtr for Unrestricted Area Boundary Locations (identified in Table A-2) Unrestricted Area Boundary Sector 3 2 Sector X/q (sec/m ) D/q (1/m ) N 7.09E-05 4.60E-07 NNE 7.32E-05 4.11E-07 NE 1.60E-05 6.77E-08 ENE - 1.97E-05 1.11E-07 E 4.92E-05 1.99E-07 ESE 6.40E-05 2.52E-07 5.98E-05 SE 2.43E-07 SSE 8.79E-05 3.08E-07 S 5.18E-05 2.04E-07 SSW 5.26E-05 1.89E-07 SW 5.25E-05 1.90E-C7 WSW 7.83E-05 2.44E-07 W 1.32E-04 '3.78E-07 WNW 1.10E-04 4.61E-07 NW 7.67E-05 3.25E-07 NNW 4.79E-05 2.34E-07 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78

Ju y J e l , H4-Rev. 11 Page-92 TABLE A-7 Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (x/q), sec/m , for Short Term Ground Level Releases 1500 Hrs /Yr or i 150 Hrs /Qtr for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles S_cctor 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 N 3.76E-04 1.13E-04 6.59E-05 4.39E-05 3.15E-05 2.47E-05 1.90E-05 NNE 3.35E-04 1.05E-04 5.94E-05 3.93E-05 2.77E-05 2.19E-05 1.65E-05 NE 4.38E-04 1.33E-04 7.71E-05 4.94E-05 3.39E-05 2.68E-05 2.12E-05 ENE 3.27E-04 1.02E-04 5.93E-05 4.01E-05 2.80E-05 2.19E-05 1.69E-05 E 8.12E-04 '2.43E-04 1.39E-04 8.80E-05 6.16E-05 4.84E-05 3.78E-05 ESE 1.17E-03 3.52E-04 1.98E-04 1.27E-04 8.80E-05 6.84E-05 5-32E-05 SE 1.27E-03 3.85E-04 2.06E-04 1.31E-04 9.32E-05 7.34E-05 5.67E-05 SSE 5.30E-04 2.82E-04 1.57E-04 9.85E-05 6.75E-05 5.39E-05 4.30E-05 , S 5.01E-04 1.57E-04 8.75E-05 5.74E-05 3.97E-05 3.11E-05 2.51E-05 SSW 4.54E-04 1.43E-04 8.26E-D5 5.34E-05 3.60E-05 2.85E-05 2.31E-05 SW 4.46E-04 1.44E-04 8.25E-05 5.30E-05 3.58E-05 2.85E-05 2.35E-05 WSW 6.10E-04 1.95E-04 1.08E-04 6.78E-05' 4.59E-05 3.67E-05 3.05E-05 W 1.00E-03 3.10E-04 1.74E-04 1.10E-04 7.59E-05 6.07E-05 4.89E-05 WNW 8.70E-04 2.65E-04' 1.50E-04 9.70E-05 6.86E-05 '5.33E-05 4.17E-05 NW 8.41E-04 2.50E-04 1.38E-04 8.89E-05 6.37E-05 4.97E-05 3.84E-05 NNW 5.69E-04 1.71E-04 9.73E-05 6.28E 4.54E-05 3.55E-05 2.78E-05 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM _ _. ________.1__

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                                                                                           }{4 Rev. 11-Page 93 TABLE A-7 (Cont.)

Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters' (X/q), sec/m , for Short Term Ground Level Releases i 500 Hrs /Yr or i 150 Hrs /Qtr. , for Standard Distances (As Neasured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 N 1.57E-05 1.26E-05 1.06E-05 8.97E-06 7.73E-06 6.76E-06 5.91E-06 NNE 1.35E-05 1.11E-05 9.26E-06 7.87E-06 6.81E-06 5.96E 5.27E-06 NE 1.74E-05 1.44E-05 1.21E-05 1.02E-05' 8.57E-06 7.50E-06 6.63E-06 ENE 1.39E-05 1.14E-05 9.46E-06 8.04E-06 6.83E-06 5.97E-06 5.27E-06 E 3.11E-05 '2.51E-05 2.11E-05 1.80E-05 1.53E-05 1.33E-05 1.18E-05' ESE 4.35E-05 3.58E-05 2.98E-05 2.54E-05 2.19E-05 1.91E-05 1.71E-05 SE 4.65E-05 3.79E-05 3.18E-05 2.71E-05 2.32E-05 2.03E-05 1.81E-05 SSE 3.53E-05 2.87E-05 2.41E-05 2.05E-05 1.72E-05 1.51E-05 1.35E-05 S 2.05E-05 1.66E-05 1.38E-05 1.17E-05 1.01E-05 8.83E-06 7.81E-06 SSW 1.89E-05 1.54E-05. 1.29E-05 1.10E-05 9.05E-06 7.93E-06 7.02E-06 SW 1.95E-05 1.54E-05 1.30E-05 1.12E-05 9.19E-06 '8.05E-06 7.21E-06 WSW 2.51E-05 2.05E-05 1.72E-05' 1.47E-05 1.21E-05 1.06E-05 9.41E-06 W 4.01E-05 3.24E-05 2.70E-05 2.30E-05 1.89E-05 1.65E-05 1.46E-05 WNW 3.44E-05 2.75E-05 2.31E-05 1.96E-05 1.68E-05 1.48E-05 1.31E-05 NW 3.15E-05 2.57E-05 2.17E-05 1.85E-05 1.60E 1.40E-05 1.24E-05 NNW 2.28E-05 1.86E-05 1.54E-05 1.31E-05 1.12E-05 9.85E-06 8.82E-06 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM 1._ _ .. . _ . _ _ _ .. a . _ _ . - _ . . . _ . _. - - . . ~ . ~. . . _ . - _ _ _ _ ~ -


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               ,3                                                                                                              ;x H4 Rev. 11                                        m Page 94 TABLE A-7 (Cont.)

Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (X/q), sec/m , for Short Term Ground Level Releases 5 500 Hrs /Yr or i 150 Hrs /Qtr for Standard Distances (As Measured f rom Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 N 5.27E-06 4.74E-06 4.30E-06 3.91E-06 3.59E-06 3.32E-06 3.07E-06 NNE 4.70E-06 4.22E-06 3.82E-06 3.47E-06 3.18E-06 2.97E-06 2.75E-06 NE 5.89E-06 5.30E-06 4.80E-06 4.37E-06 4.01E-06 3.69E-06 3.42E-06 ENE 4.67E-06 4.21E-06 3.80E-06 3.45E-06 3.16E-06 2.91E-06 2.70E-06 E .1.06E-05 '9.52E-06 8.66E-06 7.90E-06 7.25E-06 6.74E-06 6.25E-06 ESE 1.52E-05 1.38E-05 1.25E-05 1.13E-05 1.04E-05 9.72E-06 .9.03E-06 SE 1.62E-05 1.46E-05 1.33E-05 1.21E-05 1.11E-05 1.03E-05 9.59E-06 SSE 1.20E-05 1.09E-05 9.84E-06 8.96E-06 8.23E-06 7.58E-06 7.04E-06 + S 6.97E-06 6.27E-06 5.68E-06 5.18E-06 4.75E-06 4.36E-06 4.04E-06 SSW 6.28E-06 5.66E-06 5.14E-06 4.69E-06 4.31E-06 3.92E-06 3.64E-06 SW 8.43E-06 5.78E-06 5.24E-06 4.77E-06 4.37E 3.90E 3.62E-06 WSW 8.41E-06 7.58E-06 6.87E-06 6.27E-06 5.77E-06 5.17E-06 4.80E-06 W 1.30E-05 1.17E-05 1.06E-05 9.62E-06 8.83E-06 8.33E-06 7.73E-06 WNW 1.17E-05 1.05E-05 9.65E-06 8.80E-06 8.08E-06 7.42E-06 6.89E-06 NW 1.11E-05 1.00E-05 9.09E-06 8.30E-06 7.63E 7.13E-06 6.62E-06 NNW 7.89E-06 7.11E-06 6.47E-06' 5.89E-06 5.41E-06 5.01E-06 4.64E-06 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM , _, . _ _ - , . . . . ~ . _ . - _ _ _ _ ._;._.;_ . .. ___ __. _ _.

w - -- . s .: w, _ _ _ s - L;', d  ;- g yC), _, _ }. j V  : ? .' s 114 ' Rev. 11 Page195 TABLE A-7 (Cont.).

                                    ' Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (x/q), sec/m ,                                 '

for Short Term Ground Level Releases 1500 Nrs/Yr or 1150 Nrs/Qtr for Standard Distances (As Neasured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 N 2.87E-06 2.67E-06 2.50E-06 2.32E-06 2.27E-06 1.94E-06 1.84E-06 NNE 2.56E-06 2.39E-06 2.24E-06 2.09E-06 2.03E-06 1.76E-06 1.66E-06 NE 3.19E-06 2.98E-06 2.79E-06 2.63E-06 2.57E-06 2.24E-06 2.11E-06 ENE 2.51E-06 2.34E-06 2.19E-06 2.05E-06 1.97E-06 1.[4E-06 1.64E-06 E 5.82E-06 '5.44E-06 5.10E-06 4.89E-06 4.75E-06 4.14E-06 3.92E-06 ESE 8.41E-06 7.87E-06 7.38E-06 7.16E-06 7.09E-06 6.11E-06 5.78E-06 SE 8.93E-06 8.35E-06 7.82E-06 7.70E-06 7.60E-06 6.62E-06 6.26E-06 SSE 6.56E-06 6.14E-06 5.76E-06 5.55E-06 5.36E-06 4.73E-06 4.47E-06 S 3.76E-06 3.51E-06 3.29E-06 3.18E-06 3.06E-06 2.73E-06 2.59E-06


SSW 3.39E-06 3.16E-06 2.96E-06 2.89E-06 2.75E-06 2.42E-06 2.28E-06 SW 3.37E-06 3.15E-06 2.95E-06 2.84E-06 2.70E-06 2.44E-06 2.30E-06 WSW 4.47E-06 4.18E-06 3.92E-06 3.85E-06 3.67E-06 3.28E-06 3.10E-06 W 7.21E-06 6.74E-06 6.32E-06 6.45E-06 6.03E-06 5.30E 5.02E-06 WNW 6.42E-06 6.00E-06 5.65E-06 5.32E-06 5.23E-06 4.55E-06 4.30E-06 NW 6.16E-06 5.76E-06 5.40E-06 5.16E-06 5.C3E-06 4.37E-06 4.13E NNW 4.31E-06 4.02E-06 3.76E-06 3.57E-06 3.46E-06 3.00E-06 .2.83E-06 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM . . - , _.. . . _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . . . . _ . _ . . . _ _ . _ __ . _ - . ~ . _ _ _ _ . .

I fy T i$' , d- .. H4 Rev. 11 Page 96 TABLE A-7 (Cont.) Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (X/q), sec/m , for Short Term Ground Level Releases i 500 Nrs/Yr or 5150 Nrs/Qtr for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant- Complex) . Miles Sector 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 N 1.74E-06 1.66E-06 1.58E-06 1.50E-06 1.43E-06 1.37E-06 1.31E-06 NNE 1.57E-06 1.50E-06 1.43E-06 1.36E-06 1.30E-06 1.24E-06 1.19E-06 NE '2.00E-06 1.90E-06 1.81E-06 1.73E-06 1.65E-06 1.58E-06 1.51E-06 ENE 1.55E-06 1.48E-06 1.40E-06 1.33E-06 1.27E-06 1.21E-06 1.16E-06 E 3.71E-06 3.51E-06 3.34E-06 3.19E-06 3.04E-06 2.91E-06 2.79E-06 ESE 5.48E-06 5.18E-06 4.93E-06 4.70E-06 4.49E-06 4.29E-06 4.11E-06 SE 5.93E-06 5.63E-06 5.36E-06 5.11E-06 4.87E-06 4.66E-06 4.46E-06 SSE 4.24E-06 3.97E-06 3.78E-06 3.60E-06 3.44E-06 3.29E-06 3.15E-06 S 2.45E-06 2.25E-06 2.14E-06 2.04E-06 1.94E-06 1.85E-06 1.77E-06 SSW 2.16E-06 1.96E-06 1.87E-06 1.78E-06 1.70E-06 1.63E-06 1.56E-06 SW 2.18E-06 2.03E-06 1.93E-06 1.84E-06 1.75E-06 1.67E-06 1.60E-06 nEni 2.94E-06 2.70E-06 2.57E-06 2.45E-06 2.34E-06 2.24E-06 2.14E-06 W 4.76E-06 4.34E-06 4.13E-06 3.95E-06 3.77E-06 3.61E-06 3.47E-06 WNW 4.07E-06 3.86E-06 3.67E-06 3.50E-06 3.34E-06 3.20E-06 3.06E-06 NW 3.92E-06 3.69E-06 3.5]E-06' 3.35E-06 3.20E-06 3.06E-06 2.94E-06 NNW 2.68E-06 2.53E-06 2.40E-06 2.28E-06 2.18E-06 2.08E-06 1.99E-06 4 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM

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o q.) x, . 11 4 Rev. 11 Page 97 TABLE A-7 (Cont.) Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (x/q), sec/m , for Short Term Ground Level Releases i 500 Mrs/Yr or 5150 Nrs/Qtr for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant" Complex) Hiles Sector 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1' 4.2 N 1.25E-06 1.20E-05 1.15E-06 1.10E-06 1.06E-06 1.02E-06 9.88E-07 , NNE 1.14E-06 1.09E-06 1.05E-06 1.01E-06 9.73E-07 9.37E-07 9.04E-07 NE 1.45E-06 1.39E-06 1.34E-06 1.29E-06 1.24E-06 1.20E-06 1.16E-06 ENE 1.11E-06 1.07E-06 1.02E-06 9.83E-07 9.46E-07 9. lie-07 8.79E-07 E 2.67E-06 ' 2.57E-06 2.47E-06 2.38E-06 2.29E 2.21E-06 2.13E-06 ESE 3.94E-06 3.78E-06 3.64E-06 3.50E-06 3.38E-06 3.26E-06 3.15E-06 - SE 4.27E-06 4.10E-06 3.94E-06 3.79E-06 3.65E-06, 3.52E-06 3.39E-06 SSE 3.02E-06 2.90E-06 2.79E-06 2.68E-06 2.59E-06 2.50E-06 2.41E-06 S 1.70E-06 1.63E-06 1.57E-06 1.51E-06 1.45E-06 1.40E-06 1.35E-06 SSW 1.50E 1.44E-06 1.38E-06 1.33E-06 1.29E-06 1.24E-06 1.20E-06. SW 1.53E-06 1.47E-06 1.41E-06 1.36E-06 1.29E-06 1.2;E-06 1.20E-06 WSW 2.06E-06 1.98E-06 1.90E-06 1.83E-06 1.76E-06 1.70E-06 1.64E-06 W 3.33E-06 3.20E-06. 3.08E-06 2.97E-06 2.87E-06 2.77E-06 2.68E-06 WNW 2.93E-06 2.81E-06 2.70E-06 2.60E-06 2.51E-06 2.42E-06 2.33E-06 ) NW 2.82E-06 2.71E-06 2.60E 2.50E-06 2.41E-06 2.32E 2.24E-06 NNW 1.91E-06 1.83E-06 1.76E-06 1.69E-06 1.63E-06 1.57E-06 1.52E-06 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM . , , . ... . . ~ _ .. . . . - . . . . .. . = . . . . . - . - , . _ - . -. -


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114 Rev. 11 Page 98 TABLE A-7 (Cont.) Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (X/q), sec/m , for Short Tera Ground Level Releases 5 500 Hrs /Yr or 5150 Hrs /Qtr for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles Sector 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 N 9.59E-07 9.27E-07 8.97E-07 8.68E-07' 8.41E-07 8.16E-07 7.92E-07 NNE 8.73E-07 8.44E-07 8.16E-07 7.90E-07 7.65E-07 7.42E-07 7.20E-07 NE 1.12E-06 1.08E-06 1.05E-06 1.01E-06 9.81E-07 9.51E-07 9.23E-07 ENE 8.47E-07 8.18E-07 7.91E-07 7.66E-07 7.41E-07 7.18E-07 6.97E-07 E 2.06E-06 - 2.00E-06 1.93E-06 1.87E-06 1.82E-06 1.76E-06 1.71E-06 ESE 3.04E-06 2.94E-06 2.85E-06 2.76E-06 2.67E-06 2.60E-06 2.52E-06 SE 3.27E-06 3.16E-06 3.06E-06 2.97E-06 2.88E-06 2.79E-06 2.70E-06 l SSE 2.34E-06 2.26E-06 2.19E-06 2.12E-06 2.07E-06 2.01E-06 1.95E-06 S 1.30E-06 1.26E-06 1.22E 1.18E-06 1.15E-06 1.11E-06 1.08E-06 SSW 1.16E-06 1.12E-06 1.09E-06 1.05E-06 1.02E-06 9.94E-07 9.66E-07 SW 1.16E-06 1.12E-06 1.09E-06 1.05E-06 1.02E-06 9.91E-07 9.62E-07 WsW 1.59E-06 1.54E-06 1.49E-06 1.44E-06 1.39E-06 1.35E-06 1.31E-06 t W 2.59E-06 2.51E-06 2.43E-06 2.36E-06 2.29E-06 2.23E-06 2.17E-05 WNW 2.25E-06 2.18E-06 2.11E-06 2.04E-06 -1.98E-06 1.92E-06 1.86E-06 NW 2.16E-06 2.09E-06 2.01E-06 1.95E-06 1.89E-06 1.84E-06 1.79E-06 NNW 1.46E-06 1.41E-06 1.36E-06 1.32E-06 1.28E-06 1.24E-06 1.20E-06 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM

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Page 99 - . TABLE A-7~(Cont.) l Prairie Island Dispersiort Parameters (X/q),'sec/m 3 for Short Tern Ground Level Releases.. < 500 Nrs/Yr or < 150.Nrs/Qtr-I for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of . Plant Complex) i ! Miles - I Sector 5.0-N 7.67E-07 NME 6.99E-07 NE 8.97E-07 ENE 6.76E-07 . E 1.67E-06 ESE 2.45E-06 SE 2.62E-06 SSE 1.89E-06 S 1.05E-06 SSW 9.39E SW 9.35E-07 WSW 1.27E-06 W 2.11E-06 WNW 1.81E-06 NW 1.74E-06 NNW 1.17E-06 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM

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                                                                                                         -Rev. 11-                                             -

Page~100~ TABLE-A-8 2 - Prairie ^ Island Dispersion Parameters (D/q), 1/m ' for Short Term Ground Level Releases $ 500_Hr'/Yr.or s < 130 Hrs /Qtr for Standard Distances (As'Heasured from Edge of Plant Complex). _ Miles 0.2 0.3 'O.4 ' ' O.5 0.6 0.7 Sector 0.1 N 1.68E-06 6.63E-07 4.32E-07 3.00E-07 2.18E-07 ~ 1.69E-07 1.29E-07 NNE 1.33E-06 5.43E-07 3.46E-07 2.40E-07 1.72E-07 1.36E-07: 1.03E-07 NE 1.19E-06 -4.68E-07 3.05E-07 2.06E-07 1.45E-07 1.14E-07  ?.10E-08. ENE 1.20E-06 4.86E-07 3.17E-07 2.23E-07 1.58E-07 1.23E-07 9.49E-08 E 2.08E-06 '8.09E-07 5.21E-0/  : 3.46E-07 2.49E-07 1.96E-07 1.54E-07J ESE 2.90E-06 1.14E-06 7.17E-07 4.85E-07 3.45E-07 2.69E-07; 2.11E-07 SE 3.20E-06 1.26E-06 7.54E-97 5.08E-07 3.71E-07 - 2.94E-07 2.31E-07 SSE 2.09E-06 8.24E-07 _Si16E-07 3.41E 2.40E-07 1.92E-07 .1.5SE-07 S 1.27E-06 5.18E-07 3.24E-07 2.23E-07 1.58E-07 1.23E-07 -1.00E-07 SSW 1.06E-06 4.33E-07 ~2.82E-07 1.92E-07 1.33E-07 1.05E-07 8.51E-08 SW 1.05E-06 4.42E-07 .2.85E-07 1.91E-07 1.31E-07 1.04E-07 8.55E-08 WSW 1.24E-06 5.19E-07 3.24E-07 2.14E-07 1.48E-07: 1.19E-07. S,94E-08 7.65E-07 -4.83E-07 3.22E 2.27E-07 1.82E-07 1.48E-07 W 1.90E-06 2.42E-06 9.62E-07 6.10E 4.14E-07 2.99E-07 - 2.31E-07 1.81E-07 WNW 8.91E-07 - 5.49E-07 3.72E-07 2.73E-07 2.12E-07 1.65E-07 NW 2.30E-06 1.79E-06 7.01E-07 4.46E-07 '3.01E-07 2.21E-07,  : i IP <J 1.34E NNW i s Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78- , IBM .- , . . .

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y-;, v Q , H4 Rev.111

                                                                                ~Page 101 TABLE A-8 (Cont.)'                                              .-

2 ""' P'airie r Island Dispersion' Parameters (D/q), 1/m ' for Short Term Ground Level Releases 5 500 Hrs /Yr or i 150 Hrs /Qtr for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Miles 1.1- 1.2 1.3 1.4 Sector 0.8 0.9 1.0 3.41E-08


6.73E-08 5.55E-08 4.66E-08 3.99E-08 N 1.05E-07 8.25E-08 4.55E 3.85E-08 :3.29E-08 2.85E NNE 8.35E-08 6.76E-08 5.48E-08 4.08E-08' 3.35E-08 2.87E-08 2.49E-08~ NE 7.39E-08 5.99E-08 .4.95E-08 4.13E-08 3.42E-08 2.93E-08 2.53E-08 ENE 7.67E-08 6.15E-08 4.97E-08 6.79E-08 -5.63E-08 4.82E-08 4.18E-08 E 1.25E-07 9.96E-08 8.17E-08 9.32E-08 7.87E-08 6.71E-08 5.86E-08 ESE 1.71E-07 1.38E-07 1.12E-07 1.02E-07 8.55E-08 7.34E-08 6.38E-08. SE 1.88E-07 1.50E-07 1.23E-07 6.86E-08 5.63E-08 4.83E-08 4.22E-08_. SSE 1.26E-07 1.01E-07 8.26E-08 4.29E-08 3.60E-08 3.07E-08 2.66E-08 S 8.06E-08 6.40E-08 5.16E-08 3.73E 3.00E-08 2.57E-08 2.23E-08 SSW 6.87E-08 5.49E-08 4.50E-08 3.73E-08 3.00E-08 2.57E-08 2.25E-08 SW 7.00E-08 ~5.41E-08 4.47E-08 4.44E-08 ~3.59E-08 3.08E-08 2.67E-08 WSW 8.11E-08 6.49E-08 5.32E-08 6.48E-08 5.22E-08 4.46E-08 3.86E-08 W 1.21E-07 9.57E 7.80E-08 7.80E-08 '6.54E-08 5.61E-08 4.86E WNW 1.47E-07 1.15E 07 9.45E-08 7.30E-08 6.13E-08 5.23E-08 4.53E-08 NW 1.34E-07 1.07E-07 8.78E-08 5.74E-08 4.82E-08 4.12E-08 3.60E-08 NNW 1.08E-07 8.62E-08 6.96E-08 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 1BM

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H4. Rev.T11 _ Page 102

                                                                             'IABLE A-8-(Cont.).
                                                                                                      .                        2                                                       -

Prairie Island Dispersion - Parameters (D/q),1/a . ' for Short Term Ground. Level Releases 5 500 Hrs /Yr or 5 150 Hrs /Qtr for ' Standard Distances (AsL Measured from Idge' of Plant Complex)- - Miles S ulor 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1-N 2.98E-08~ 2.62E-08 2.33E-08 2.08E-08 1.87E-08 1.70E-08 1.54E-08 NNE 2.49E-08 2.20E-08 -1.95E-08 1.74E-08 1.56E-08 1.43E-08 1.30E-08 NE 2.17E-08 1.92E-08 1.70E-08 1.52E-08 1.37E-08 1.23E-08 1.12E-08 ENE 2.20E-08 1.94E-08 1.72E-08 1.54E 1.38E-08 '1.25E-08 1.13E-08 3.66E-08 ' 3.24E-98 2.89E-08 2.58E-08 2.32E-08 E 2.11E-08 1.91E-08 ESE '5.12E-08 4.53E-03 4.03E-08 3.60E-08 3.23E-08 2.95E-08 2.68E-08 SE 5.61E-08 4.96E 4.41E-08 3.95E-08 3.55E-08 3.21E-08 2.92E-08 SSE 3.70E-08 3.27E-08 2.91E-08 2.60E-08 2.34E-08~ 2.10E-08 1.91E-08 S 2.32E-08 2.05E-08 1.82E-08 1.63E-08 1.46E-08 1.31E-08 1.19E-08 SSW 1.95E-08 1.73E-08 1.54E-08 1.38E-08 1.24E-08 1.10E-03 1.00E SW 1.97E-08 1.74E-08 1.54E-08' 1.38E-08. 1.24E-08 1.08E-08 9.86E-09 WSW 2.34E-08 2.07E-08' 1.84E-08 1.65E-08 1.49E-08 1.30E-08' LI.18E-08 W 3.37E-08 2.97E-08 2.64E-08 2.36E-08 2.12E-08 1.95E-08 1.77E WNW 4.26E-08 3.76E-08 '3.38E 3.02E-08 2.72E 2.44E-08 2.22E-08 NW 3.97E-08 3.51E-08 '3.12E-08 2.80E-08 2.52E 2.30E-08; 2.09E-08 NNW 3.15E-08 2.78E-08 2.48E-08 2.22E-08 :1.99E-08' 1.81E-08 '1.64E-08 Period of Record: 4/1/77 .3/31/78 IBM _ _ _ . . , m .._ _ . _ . , , ._ ~..u. 2., _ _ _ _ , _ _ , _ . _ . _ , . . , . ~ . _

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                                                                                                                    ;H4 Rev.sil-
                                                                                                   .                '.Page 103 TABLE A-8-(Cont.)                                                                           -             -
                                                                                                                       .        2
                                                         ' Prairie . lsland Dispersion Parameters -(D/q),1/m ' -

for Short Tera Ground l Level Releases 1500 Hrs /Yr or 5150 Nrs/Qtr for Standard Distances:(As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) . Miles. Sector 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 .2.7 2.8-N 1.41E 1.29E-08 1.19E-08 1.09E-08 1.05E-08: 8.80E-09 8.23E-09 NNE 1.18E-08 1.08E-08 9.96E-09 9.12E-09 8.70E-09 7.42E-09 6.90E-09 i NE 1.02E-08 9.34E-09 8.58E-09 7.92E-39 7.61E-09 6.51E-09 6.05E-09 ENE 1.03E-08 9.45E-09 .8.69E-09 7.99E-09 7.58E-09 6.56E-09 6.10E-09 E 1.74E-08 ' 1.60E-08 '1.47E-08 'I.38E-08 1.32E-08 1.13E-08' 1.05E-08 ESE 2.44E-08 2.24E-08 2.05E-08 1.96E-08 1.9b6-08 1.61E-08 1.50E-08 SE 2.66E-08 2.43E-08 2.24E-08 2.16E .2.09E-08 1.79E-08 1.66E-08 SSE 1.74E-08 1.60E-08 1.47E-08 1.39E-08 1.32E-08 1.14E-08 1.06E-08 S 1.09E-08 9.97E-09 9.17E-09 8.70E-09 8.23E-09 7.22E-09 6.73E-09 SSW 9.14E-09 8.37E-09. 7.70E 7.37E-09 6.91E-09 '5.96E .5.54E-09 SW 9.00E-09 8.25E-09 7.60E-09 7.18E-09 6.72E-09 5.98E 5.56E-09 WSW 1.08E-08. 9.89E-09 9.09E-09 8.77E-09 8.21E-09 7.20E-09 6.69E-09 { W 1.62E-08 1.48E-08' 1.36E-08 1.36E-08 1.25E-08 1.08E-08 1.00E-08~ l WNW 2.02E-08 l'.86E-08 1.71E-08 .1.59E-08 1.53E-08 1.31E-08 1.22E-08


NW 1.90E-08 1.74E-08 1.60E-08 :1.51E-08 1.44E 1.23E-08' 1.14E-08 NNW 1.50E-08 1.37E-08 1.26E-08 1.17E-08 1~12E-08

                                                                                                                     .                       9.53E-09'      '8.86E-09' t

l Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IB_M .

                  .          - _ . . , _        .           2 a          _ . . _ .               .,;_-         , _         ,,       , _ ,              - .. -        _ . . . _ . _ - . ~ . _ . .
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                                                                                                           ' H4 -
                                                               .                                             Rev. 11-                                                                  -

Page 104' TABLE-A-8-(Cont.') 2 Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (D/q), 1/m ' for. Short. Term Ground Level- Releases 5 ;500 Hrs /Yr.or 5150 Hrs /Qtr' , for Standard Distances (As Measured from Edge of Plant Complex)

                                                                                    ' Miles Sector              2.9               3.0                  3.1                        3.2'           3.3                       3.4              3.5 N    7.68E-09           7.22E-09            6.76E-09                  6.35E-09         ~ 5.97E-091             '5.63E-09'           5.31E-09 NN2        6.44E-09          ~6.04E-09            5.66E-09                  5.32E-09          5.00E-09                  4.7.7E-09          4.~46E-09 NE      5.64E-09           5.27E-09            4.94E-09                  4.64E-09         E4.36E-09                  4.11E-09           3.89E-09 ENE        5.69E-09           5.33E-09            5.00E-09                  4.69E-09.         4.41E-09                  4.16E-09           3.92E-09                     c:

E 9.78E-09 9.10E-09 '8.52E-09 8.00E-09 7.52E-09 7.09E-09 6.69E ESE 1.39E-08 1.30E-08 1.21E-08 1.14E-08 1.07E-08 1.01E-08 9.53E SE 1.55E-08 1.44E-08 1.35E-08 1.27E-08 1.19E-08 1.12E-08~ 1.06E-08 SSE 9.88E-09 9.11E-09 8.52E-09 8.00E-09 7.52E-09 7.08E-09 6.69E-09 l'

i. S 6.27E-09 5.67E-09 5.31E-09 4.98E-09 4.68E-09 4.41E-09 4.16E-09.

l SSW 5.16E-09 4.61E-09 4.32E-09 4.06E-09 3.82E-09 3.61E-09' 3.41E-09 l SW 5.18E-09 .4.74E-09 :4.45E-09 4.17E-09 3.93E-09 3.70E-09' 3.50E WSW 6.24E-09 5.64E-09 5.28E-09 4.96E-09 4.67E-09 -4.40E-09 4.16E-09  ; W 9.36E-09 8.39E-09 7.87E 7.40E-09 6.97E 6.58E-09 6.22E-09 .; WNW 1.13E-08 1.06E-08 -9.92E-09 9.31E-09 8.76E-09 8.27E-09 7.81E-09 NW 1.07E-08 9.88E-09 9.26E-09 8.70E-09 8.19E-09 7.72E-09 7.31E NNW 8.26E-09 7.66E-09 7.17E-09 '6.73E-09 6.33E-09 ~5.97E-09 5.63E-09 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM

          , . ~ . _ -    _.
                                .   ~              . . _   , _ .           eL:   a.            i__   .2  ,        _ . _ _                  , _     ._     _          _ _ _ .

E: _ _ i-~ ' - on s g -

                                                                                                                                ;y w- r H4 Rev. 11 Page 105 TABLE A-8 (Cont.).

2 Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (D/q), 1/n '- for Short Term Ground Level Releases 5 500 Hrs /Yr or 5150 Nrs/Qtr fer Standard Distances (As. Measured from Edge of Plant Complex) Hiles 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 3.6 Sector 3.7 4.28E-09 4.07E-09 3.88E 3.70E-09 N 5.01E-09 4.75E-09 4.50E-09 3.60E-09 3.42E-09 3.26E-09 .3.11E-09 NNE '4.22E-09 4.00E-09 3.79E-09 3.15E-09 3.00E-09 2.85E-09 2.72E-09 NE 3.68E-09 3.49E-09 3.31E-09 3.17E-09 3.01E-09 2.87E-09 -2.74E-09 ENE 3.7]E-09 3.51E-09 3.33E-09 5.41E-09 5.15E-09 4.91E-09 4.68E E 6.33E-09 ' 6.00E-09 5.69E-09 7.70E-09 7.32E-09 6.98E-09 ~ 6.66E-09 ESE 9.02E-09 8.54E-09 8.10E-09 8.51E-09 8.09E-09 7.70E-09 7.33E-09 SE 9.99E 9.46E-09 8.96E-09 5.40E-09 5.14E-09 .4.90E-09 4.67E-09' SSE 6.33E-09 5.99E-09 5.68E-09 3.36E-09 3.20E-09 3.05E-09 2.91E-09 S 3.94E-09 3.73E-09 -3.54E-09 2.77E-09 2.64E-09 2.51E-09 2.40E-09' SSW 3.23E-09 3.06E-09 2.91E-09. 2.83E-09 2.66E 2.53E 2.42E-09 SW '3.31E-09 3.14E-09 2.98E-09 3.37E-09 3.21E-09 3.06E-09 2.92E-09 WSW 3.94E-09 3.73E-09 3.54E-09 5.05E-09. 4.81E-09 '4.59E-09 4.38E-09 W 5.89E-09 5.59E-09 5.31E-09 6.31E-09 6.00E-09 -5.72E-09 5.45E-09 WNW 7.39E-09 7.00E-09 '6.64E-09 5.92E-09 5.63E-09 5.36E-09' 5.11E-09 NW 6.93E-09 -6.56E-09 6.23E-09 4.58E-09 4.34E-09' 4.13E-09 3.94E-09 NNW 5.33E-09 5.05E-09 4.79E-09 Period of Record: 4/1/77 - 3/31/78 IBM-

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                                                                                                                                                                                              .m          =
                                                                                                                                          .g Rev. 11-Page-106-

TABLE.A-8 (Cont.).

                                                                                                                                                       '2 Prairie Island Dispersion Parameters (D/q), 1/m 
for-Short Term Ground Level Releases .< 500 Hrs /Yr or <~150 Hrs /Qtr for Standard Distances.(As Measured from Edge of. Plant Complex)'


                                                                                                                                          ;4.7                          4.8           ' 4.9 .

4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6

         .          a.    ;

2.99E-091 2.87E-09 2.76E-09 3.55E-09 3.40E-09 3.26E-09 3.12E-09 N 2.60E-09 2.49E-09 2.39E-09 '2.30E ' NNE 2.97E-09 2.84E-09 2.71E-09

                                                                                                                 .2.27E-09              2.18E-09                  '2.09E-09       '2.01E                       NE               2.60E-09                    2.48E-09                 2.37E-09 2.19E-09                   2.10E-09      ~2.02E-09 2.49E-09                 2.39E-09                 2.29E-09 ENE                2.61E-09 3.77E-09                   3.62E-09         3.47E-09 4.48E-09                   '4.28E-09                 4.10E-09                 3.93E-09 E

5.34E-09' 5.13E-09 4.92E-09

                                     ~6.35E-09                    6.07E-09                 5.81E-09                 5.57E-09 ESE 6.12E-09            5.86E-09                   5.62E        5.38E                       SE               6.99E-09                    6.68E-09                 6.38E-09 3.78E-09                  -3.63E-09         3.48E-09 4.48E-09                    4.28E-09                 4.10E-09                 3.93E-09 SSE 2.43E-09.           2.34E-09                   2.24E-09         2.15E-09 S              2.78E-09                     2.65E-09                2.54E-09 1.94E                 1.86E-09          1.79E-09 2.20E-09                2.11E-09              -2.02E-09 SSW                2.30E-09                                                                                                                                       1.80E-09 2.03E-09             1.95E-09                  1.87E-09 SW               2.31E-09                     2.21E-09                2.12E-09
                                                                                                                                       .2.33E                  2.24E-09         2.15E-09 2.67E-09               '2.55E-09                 2.45E-09 WSW                2.79E-09 3.54E-09                  3.40E-09.        3.27E-09 4.19E-09                  '4.01E-09                  3.84E-09                 3.69E-09 W                                                                                                                                                           4.04E                                                                                                                      4.57E-09             4.38E-09                  4.21E-09 WNW                5.20E-09                     4.98E-09               -4.76E-09 4.25E- 09            4.08E-09                  3.92E-09.        3.77E-09 4.88E-09                     4.66E-09                4.44E-09 NW                                                                                                                                                              2.91E-09 3.29E-09            3.16E-09                   3.03E-09 NNW                3.76E-09                    3.60E-09                3.43E                      Period of Record: 4/1/77.- 3/31/78~


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                                                                                                                                                        ;.                         :H4.                                                        ~ -_
                                                                                                                                                                                   ~Rev.-~11                                                                       ~',

Pige 107.'

                                                                                                                       ; TABLE A-8f(Cont.).



Prairie' Island: Dispersion Parameters (D/q),1/sa - .

s for'Short Term Ground Level. Releases 5:500. Hrs /**'t or $ ' 150 Hrs /QTR .. ~;

for Standard Distances (As' Measured :from Edge of Plant Complex)


Miles: _ S_ector ' 5.0 - 1 N- '2.65E-09 NNE- 2.21E-09--

                                                                                                             'NE                                1.93E-09 ENE                                1.94E                                                                    ,                                              E                        -3.34E-09 ESE                              4.73E-09 SE                             5.17E-09
                                                                                                            -SSE-                             3.35E-09                                                                                                                                -
                                                                                                                'S                            2.07E-09 SSW                         '1.73E-09.

SW- .1.73E-09 WSW 2.07E-09' W -3.15E-09 WNW 3.89E-09 NW 3.63E-09.

                                                                                                            -NNW                              2.80E-09 Period of Record: 4/1/77:-'3/31/78-IBM ~                                              ~
                 ,           _ . _ ~                     - - -      _.
m. ,,._ .- . _ _ _. __ _ . . _ , . ~ . _ . , , . _ . . _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _
+: n.:,                                                                                                                        '


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-               ..                                                                                                                                                                 -Rev. 11 i              "i                                                                                                                                                                .Page:108' o                     ::n ,

g . t

                                                                                 = APPENDIX                'B C
                          ,,ca.                                                                                                                                                                                                         .

JZay . . 2 sD' Prairie ~ Island'12.2m Wind and AT 42'.7-12.2m' Stability.

joint: Frequency Distributions';(4/1/17 -
                                                                                                                                            ,3/31/78)                                                                                     j


e ', _


                                                                                                  .                                                                                                                                                  l 47                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,

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                               '      I                                   _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _   __.__m____   ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _       . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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v- y , 1 W s y4 Rev'. 11 Page 109-

                   >;4                                     : NORTHERN.. STATES POWER COMPANY
               ' ?;af '                   .



U { 4

                                                     -HOURS-AT EACH WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION PERIOD:. 4/1/77'THROUGH 3/31/78 I"                          ' STABILITY CLASS A ELEVATION ~40 FT                                                                                 1 r

WIND SPEED (MPH) AT 40 FT IIVEL , DIRECTION 1 TO .3 4 TO 7 8.TO 12 13 TO 18 19 TO 24 ABOVE 24 . TOTAL i N. 7- 22 29- 11- 0 0 J69L NNE 13 19 20 4 0 0 56-NE 11. 35 16 1 0 -0 "63 > 1: ENE- Il '33 20- 0 0 O. 64.. E 34 37 24 0 0. O ;751

                 .                 'ESE-            ~4          45       '49           7          2       0           107:

SE. .4 10 22. :13 'I O 50  ;. SSE '1 7 19- -12 2- 0- 41-l: 1' .S. 2- 23 45 27 '0 0 971 SSW 1 22- 39 14. 0 .. 0 76 s i SW .2 17 30 3 0 0 52. . 1

                                   !WS"               0         21        25.         11          0'       O 57- l W                1         29        46          18.         2        0            96 WNW              6         34        6'4         56        20         1          181-
NW 12 42 72 53- 20 0 199 NNW- 11 43 49 20 2 0 125-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VAR TOTAL HOURS THIS CLASS 1408 ff}4
                --d             HOURS OF CALM THIS CLASS                      0 PERCENT OF ALL DATA THIS CLASS           16.81
                               -1BM l$
  , o ha

llc . H4 -i

Rev. 11-.  :


                                                                                                                                            -NORTHERN STATES' POWER COMPANY'-
              -                                                                                                      PRAIRIE ISLAh'D' NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT SITE METEOROLOGY - FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION TABLES y                                                                                                                     HOURS AT EACH WIND SPEED AND. DIRECTION                                                                                                             ,

PERIOD: 4/1/77 THROUGH 3/31/78





  • WIND SPEED (MPH) AT-40 FT LEVEL i T DIRECTION 1 TO 3 4 TO 7 8 TO 12 13 TO 18 19 TO 24 ABOVE 24' TOTAL ]

I N O 3 5 1 0 l9 I

                                      .NNE'                                                                1                                                       2                                          1         1            0        0-          '5 '

NE '- 0 2 0 0 0- 01 .21 .

         ,                              ENEL                                                              0-                                                       3                                        .2          0            0        0'          ' 5l E                                                                  O                                                       1                                          1         0            0       .0            . 2:      .1 I
                    . ..               .ESE.                                                                1.                                                     5                                        10          6            1-       0           23J SE                                                                 2                                                    '2                                            8         4            0.       0           16' SSE                                                                O                                                       3-                                         4         3            0        0           10i     '

S 1 0 7 9 0 0 17' .I t

                                       -SSW-                                                               0                                                        1                                         7         0            0        0              '8 SW                                                                  0                                                       4                                         1-        0            0        0-              5,
                                      'WSW                                                                  1                                                       2                                         5         1            0-       0               9:

W 0 8 7 3- 0 0 18 -- WNW- 1 5 8 6 ~3 0- 23- ?! l' NW 2 4 11 10 1 0 28- 1 NNW 1- 5 3 1 0 1 11: ,

'                                                                                                                                                                                                                       0            0        0               0
                                      . VAR-                                                                0                                                       0                                         0 i
             - dm .               ' TOTAL HOURS THIS CLASS                                                                                                                                                     191 HOURS OF CALM THIS CLASS                                                                                                                                                      0
                ' ')
                .,f-PERCENT OF ALL DATA THIS CLASS                                                                                                                                            2.28 1BM di ,
                    ^                m_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _
                                                                                                                                      -~        ^

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                                                     ~4 H4 -                         ,

a Rev. 11; i Page.111:

                   -.          ,                                                -NORTHERN: STATES POWER COMPANY-                                         4i r
             ,4C9-                                                         PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT.'
             ,,                                                   SITE METEOROLOGY - FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION TABLES:
             -                                                                                                                                                  l 5           .                                                                      l l '                                                                      HOURS AT EACH WIND SPEED'AND DIRECTION                                              i vi                                                                                             -
                                                                                                                                                           .i 1          PERIOD: 4/1/77 THROUGH'3/33/78                                                                             .a STABILITY CLASS'C4                                                                                            "
                                              . ELEVATION 40 FT

I DIRECTION' 1 TO 3 4'TO 7 8 TO 12 13.TO 18 19 TO 24: ABOVE 24. 'TOTALJ , o L


Nl 2' 4 4 1 0 0 .Il-T NNE' '2' 3- 1 0~ 0 0 6I n 4  ; NE :1 5 1- 0 ,0 0 :7'  ! y ENE O; , 3- 1: 0: 0 0 "4: , i H .-l E - 1 -l 8- 3- 0 0 0 12-i

                                                                                                                                                          .- f
                 . *f*/A . .

ESE .0 2, 0, 0 a20 i GAC) 7 11 .

                  - 4w -
   ,                                                     SE .-

O 2 5 6 0- 0 I13: 4

                                                       -SSE.          O'-           2         6            7             1      0          i 16l.         -l M


S- O. 2 10' 'O O 16J s SSW 6 4 0 0- 0 1 11
                                                       ' SW -         2.            2        <3             :            0      0                 9 WSW          1             6         5                          2      0              IS~
                                                                                                                                                         .L W-           0-            2-      11             4             1      0             :183            *
      ,                                                  WNW          1             3         6            ~7-           1      0              18' 11 .                                    NW           2             7       11            16             6     -1              43 NNW          3:            5         7             3            3      0            '21         U j                VAR          0             0         0             0            0      0                  0 TOTAL HOURS THIS CLASS.                      240
  -3 L-si,}. '                     HOURS.0F MLM THIS CLASS                         0                                                            +


                                   ;j 4
                 }                                      s l ll.                                                                                                                              f
                                                                                                                          -- H4    .

Rev. 11 Page 112

                                  -,.-                                   NORTHERN STATES POER COMPANY                                           .,
                        ,,[                                       PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT-
                                                          , SITE METEOROLOGY - FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION TABLES-HOURS AT EACH WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION                                       .;


                                         ~-DIRECTION-  1 TO 3        4 TO'7-     8'TO'12     13 TO 18.        19 TO 24 ABOVE 24. TOTAL-

N: 9 24 11 8 0 0 52' NNE 6 22 9 0 0: 0 37, j NE 16 26. 4 0 ,0 0l -46' 'i

                                              'ENE.          Il-          41          4           0-              0        0          .56 E.           11           95         27          '0-O        0:         135~       .

ESE 8 57 254- 19 0 .0 238: ' r d$k, , SE ' 1'O -30 90' 38 5 0 173-  : SSE ti 40 59- 51 10 0- 1681 [f 1 S 1~ 51 72 17 4 0. 145 -i a SSW .5 29 30- 12 0 0 76: [

SW 4 15 17 4 0 0 '40- 't
                                               -WSW            5         '23         31         21-               3        4            B7 6                   155      H
                                               ;W             .6         -53         61         28                        -1 3
                                               -WNW          14           57         76          75               21-      0          243 NW           14            44        72        110                41       0          281-
       ,                                        NNW          16            22        41          25                13      0           117:

VAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- ' TOTAL HOURS THIS CLASS 2051

                        ' j Y[.
                        .g,.               HOURS'0F CALM THIS CLASS 24.49 4                                                   ~l L                                           PERCENT OF ALL DATA THIS CLASS LIBM s

c7 , .

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                      ~m ...

H4 n ' Rev. 11 Page_113~  ! NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY-

                             -i!                             -PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT SITE METEOR 0I.0GY ' ; FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION TABLES '                        ]


                                 ' STABILITY CLASS E
                                 - ELEVATION 40 FT                                                                                      e
              ,                  ' DIRECTION 1-TO'3       '4 TG 7       T           TO TO     ~ABOVE_24    _ TOTAL N          ~22            30          9         11                     'O           73      ;
      .'                                                                                                1 NNE        .18            29          7          0~          0          0           54    j NE          22-           26-         7          1           0          0           56
                                        'ENE           19            30-         5'          -

0 0

  • 55-LE: 25 96' 10' O O O 131 i
                      - ].j .              ESE-        28          1144       140          27           0        .0           349 G? -                  ..          .

, :SE . 24- 107 125 41 2 =0 '299' . t l

                                         .SSE~         21            67        74          23           0          0          185      t S           11 '.         56        73          29           1          0         '170      ,

SSW- 3- 26 '20 40 1 -- 0 99 l

        '. v. .^                                                                                                                       i SW          14            22        17          12           0_         0           65      i WSW:        14           '24        24          11           1          0           74 It

{I; W- -26 73 48 18 1 0. 166. WNW 46 ~136 127' 44 4 0- M7 NW- 46 98 101 62 8 0 315

            ,                            ~NNW          43-           53        48          10           3          0          157-    i
                                          . VAR         0               0        0          0           0          0            0



_) 7

                                   ' PERCENT'0F ALL DATA THIS CLASS           31.18
IBM p; ,

e, . , w Jl , l,f5 ' D H4 . ,; s

Rev.,11- 0 (kOh.- - .Page 1141  ;
                .. - --                                                    NORTHERN-STATES POWER COMPAhT


         ,-F                                                        HOURS AT E CH WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION                                           [,


                                     ;PERIODi 4/1/77,THK0 UGH 3/31/78                                                                             .;

6; j

o. . STABILITY CLASS F j ELEVATION 40 FT, i oI Lil . , _
      ,                                                                             WIND SPEED (MPH) AT 40 FT LEVEL-                                 ,

t . DIRECTION- 1 TO 3 4 TO.7 8 TO 12 13-TO 18. 19:TO 24' ABOVE 24- . TOTAL l- ' t l- 'N 18 8 3 0 0 0 29  ! U

v y ~
                                          . NNE'         11-                6            1       'O               O     0_              18       .!

B NE .11- 5 2 0- 0 0 18

                                         '- ENE '.   .13 : .

7 0. 0 ' O. .O _20 f w , E- :29 33 =2 0 0 0 -64 Li

  • p***/ og.
                                                                                                                                            ,        1
                                          .ESE       -39                   61           9                         0-    0             110'
         <qt,:[  . . ~g                                                                              1                                            _.
                                           - SE .        38'               69         36~            3         10       0-            146i
                                          .SSE,      c27~                  32-        17             2             1   '0-            .79' S          12                16         21             7            0'    O.             '56 j l
                                           .                6              11         17         .61              0     0-              40-i' i
SW. 5- 3 9 4 0 0 T 21-p ,,

WSW' 8 8 '8 0. 0 0 .24: , I W: 25 -39 12 2< 0 0 178f , s WNW 56 63 12 0 0 0 131-

  • ni ""
                                             -NW         66                71         16             S            0     0'            156

?;c on

lik NNW 29 19 6 -2 0 0 56.

VAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e f

               /%  .


                                    , HOURS-0F CALM THIS CLASS 1053 7

PERCENT 0F ALL DATA THIS CLASS 12.57 i y. IEM s'  ! t ,- , - - . ,e-

-__,m, ' j

 ..L                          >


                                - PERIOD: '4/1/77 THROUGH 3/31/78

DIRECTION' 1 TO 3 4 TO 7 8 TO 12- 13_.T0 18 19 TOs24; ABOVE 24- TOTAL

              -J            '-

N 14 5 0 , 0 0- 0 19,

       .                              1NNE          13           2         1              0        0       0        :16
NE- 12 2 1 0 0 'O 15' ENE 22 1 2 0- 0' 0 25' E' '52 8 2 0 0. 0- 62

_ , 9

               .?)Mp-);-               -ESE-        50          17         1              0        0       0            68J
                                       ' SE -       37          23        =8.              1       0        0           69-g SSE        18            8-       7               2-      0        0           35
S- 11- 4 4- 0 -O' 0 -191 SSW -13 2 2' 0 :0 0 .17 '

SW' 15 5 1 0 ,0 0- 21. WSW 10 1 1 0 0 0 '12 W 41 19 1 0 0 0 617 WNW 75 50- 0 0 0 0 :125 NW 80 66 3 0 0 0 -149: NNW: 47 19 5 0 0 0 71 7 VAR 0 0 0 0 0 0 i0-

                    'NIf           TOTAL HOURS THIS. CLASS                    821 M                HOURS OF CALM THIS CLASS                    37 PERCENT OF ALL DATA THIS CLASS          9.80 I            E
                                  ~ IBM
     ? =L= = __ _ -_ _ _ _ __ _
   -! t                                              ;

A "l - H4

                         .i'                                                                                                                      Rev. 11-    !

Page'116 :' s { t APPENDIX C , t ! ~ > DOSE PARAMETERS FOR RADIOIODINES, PARTICULATES.AND TRlTIUM 1 Thisl appendix contains the methodology which.was used to [ calculate'the dose parameters for radiciodines, particulates,'and ' tritium to show compliance with 10 CFR 20 and Appendix 1 of 10 -CFR 50 , for gaseous effluents. These dose parameters, P; and R1, were-Lealculated using the methodology outlined in NUNCG-0133 along'- with Regulatory Guide 1.109 Revision'l. 1Nie following sections provide.theLspecific methodology which was utilized in , calculating the P g and Rg , values for-the various exposure ' pathways. C.1 Calculation ~of P g The parameter, P , contained in the radioiodinetand particulates.porbionofSection3.2,includespathway transport' parameters of the ith radionuclide, the receptor's

4. .) usage of?the pathway media and the' dosimetry of the
                                   . exposure.. Pathway usage 1 rates and.the internal dosimetry
                                   -are functions of the recepter's age:-however, the child agefgroup,'will always rece4ve_the maximum dose under the exposure conditions assumed.                                                                                           2!

L / C.lil?-Inhalation Pathway Pg  :- K'(BR) DFA f (C.1-1) L I L where: Pg = dose parameter for radionuclide i for the .s inhalatioh pathway, mrem /yr per pCi/m 3; l- I K' = a constant of unit conversion: [

                                                       =  10 6 pCi/pci; h                                             BR        =

tgebreathingrateofthechildagegroup, m /yr; h

               )                             DFA       =  the maximum organ inhalation dose factor
        ~"                                        f for the child age group-for radionuelide i, L                                                          mrem /pCi.

s  ;


bi j g,

             ,.                                                                                   Rev. 11 y                                                                                   Page 117 y          m.                                                                                                    >
           ^, ,. ;, -

o' Theagegroupconsideredistheegildgroup. breathing rate is taken as 3700 m fyr from Table E-5 of The child's

  • Regulatory Guide 1.109 Revision 1. The inhalation dose
factors for the child DFA1, are presented in Table E-9 4

of Regulatory Guide 1.109 in units of mrem /pCi. The total . body is-considered-as an organ in the selection.of DFA Theincorporationofbreathing:rateofthechild.and.t$e. ' 4 J unit conversion factor results in the following: .l l

                                      -P g        =     3.7 x 10 9   DFA g              (C.1-2) y i

C.2 Calculation of R;  ! The radioiodine.and particulate Technical Specification is . applicable to the location in the unrestricted area where.the combination of existing pathways'and receptor age: groups indicates the maximum' potential exposure occurs. The L"., . inhalation and ground plane exposure pathways shall be s I considered to exist at all locations. 'The. grass-goat-milk,' the grass-cow-milk, grass-cow-meat, and vegetation pathways- e are considered based on their-existence at the various ~ l . locations.. R. values have been calculated for t.he adult,

                                . teen, child,'and infant age groups for the-g,round pisne, cow                  .

milk, goat milk, vegetable and beef ingest:aa pathms. The H ,,, methodology which-was utilized to calculate these wlues is -

l.  : tg -' presented below.

" t C.2.1 -Inhalation Pathway R g,


0 (BR), (DFAg ), (C.2-1) where: R = dose factor for:each identified 1 1 radionuclide i of the organ of interest, mrem /yr per pCi/m 3; K' = a constant of unit conversion:

                                                             =   10   pCi/pCi; (BR),             =                    of the receptor of breathing   ratg/yr:

age group a,m R

organ inhalation dose-facLor for
     .                                     (DFAg )a              radionuclide i for the receptor of age group a, mrem /pCi.

for the various age groups are L ,, The breathing tabulated rates below, (BR)d in Table E-5 of the Regulatory as give

                    ?            Guide 1.109 Revision 1.

N; .- :

                                                  ,                                                             i lu                       a: -IBM i,


                   ~                                                                                                    ,

4 l H4'^ l

                    ' '                                                                                  Rev. 11 Page 118L 9-                              Age Group (a)                         Breathing RateE(m 3/yr)<

3 Infant 1400  : Child? 3700. Teen- 8000 Adult '8000

s. for the_various age groups
                                 areigiveninTablesE-7-throbg Inhalation ' dose ; factors (DFA )8 E-10' of Regulatory Guide-                       ,

1.109 Revision 1. t r C.2.2 Ground Plane Pathway

                                                                                           -A t Rg      '=    I fK'K"(SF)DFGg.    (1-e     I )/A g-
(C.2-2) f G '

L where: L Rg = dose factor for theLground plane pathway. L o for each identified radignuclide 1:for


h the organ of interest, r. mrem /yr per.

           '                                                     pCi/see per;                                        ;

a constant of unit convdrsion;  !

             /"                                   .K'-      =

( t@O, ) .

              '#                                                     6                                              '!
                                                           .=    10    pCi/pCi; K"       =    al constant of unit conversion;                    1
                                                            =                                                      A 8760 hr/ year; A.1      =    the radiological decgy' 7 constant for.         i radionuclide i, sec        ;:

l s  : t = the exposure time, sec;

                                                            =   -4.73 x 10 8   sec (15 years);                        -

DFG g = the ground plane. dose conversion factgr  ! 3r

                                                                 'for radionuclide i; mrem /hr per pCi/m ;-          ,

o SF = the' shielding factor (dimensionless); I I = factor to account for fractional i y, deposition of'radionuclide 1. For radionuclides other than iodine, the factor 1 3 is equal to one. For radioiodines, the value of I may .l

            . s,...                        vary. However,avalueof1.0wasusedincalcblating i '~
               'K ).

the R values in Table 3.3-2. . t 1

                         . IBM -


   ', w                                                                                                             <'

a H4- ~ Rev.,11 l y c Page 119-Alshielding-_ factor of 0.' E-15 of:RegulatoryLGuide.l.109 Revision 1. A tabulation

  -                                        .of DFG t values is presented in Table E-6 of-
                                           ~ Regulatory Guide 1.109 Revision 1.                                                                    j
                                .C.2.3 ' Grass-Cow or Goat-Milk P5thway

_x t -A t

                                  'R g),e

i*f r(1-e. Eg ep) ,- Bgy(1-e g b) + f b " II ,EF apF , ff p8 YA

p. E g PA -


                                                            ~                      ~
                                                                    -X y     t             ~
                                                                                                        -X t r(1-e        1   ,,)   +    B gy  (1-e g b)            -X gh t                      l-(1-f f )                                                       _

PA SEi g. .


where: d Rg = Jose factor for the cow milk or goat milk. ,i M pathway, for each identified radionuclide i for the' organ. mrem /yr per ~i pCi/see per m gf-  ; interest, , p K' -= a constant of unit conversion;  ;

               '                                   -        6 10 . pCi/pC1; a                                                                                                                                  a Q-         =

F the-cow's.or goat's feed consumption rate, .[

                                                         'kg/ day (wet weight);
'U ap = the~ receptor!s milk consumption rate for. age '
                  ,                                      group a, liters /yr;                                                                         r Y



the agricultural productivi3y by unit-area j, of- pasture feed grass , 'kg/m ; I p Y s



                                                        'of stored feed, kg/m ;
                                                   =     the stable element transfer coefficients,-

F* pCi/ lite.r per pCi/ day; r = fraction of deposited activity retained on cow's feed grass; 4 j


(DFLg ), the organ ingestion dose factor for radionuclide i for.the receptor in age group a, mrem /pCi; , IBM f /  ; i i' _

      ' Ejg                                                                                                       ,

H4-Rev. 11- 1 Page 120 ' A

  • A A wi
      ' jjd >                             E.

i  ; !.

A g = the radiological decyy constant-for:

radionue'lide i, sec  ;

                                               =     the-decay constant for. removal of activity hu                     ,


                                                   .on lyaf and' plant surfaces'by weathering,               "

sec  ;

                                               =-    5.73=x 10~I sec.~1 (corresponding to a 4'                       ~<                         14 day half-life);

t = 'the transport time.from feed to cow o 'r' goat f- to^ milk,-to receptor, see; .

                                               =     the transport time from harvest, to cow or.               (

[rj -t h . goat, to consumption, see; , 2 i = - L t b '.soil perisec; d.of time that' activity builds up in 4 , B = concentration factor for uptake of iv radionuclide~1-from the soil by the edible . parts of crops,1pCi/Kg (wet weight) per-

                                                                                                             =i pCi/Kg (dry soil);        ,


                  ?8h P        =-

effectiye surface density foresoil, (dry soil)/m ;. f = , fraction of the year. that the cow or goat.  :! p is on pasture; fg = fraction of the cow feed.that is pasture grass while the cow is on pasture; 1 i  : period of pasture-grass. exposure during , t , ep the growing season, see; .( , \. t es

period of crop exposure during the growing season, sec;-

~ , L I = factor to' account for fractional. deposition. f of radionuclide 1. l'c For' radionuclides other than iodine, the-factor equal to one. For radioiodines, the value of I Gay

                                       . vary.However,avalueof1.0wasusedincalcukating the R values Tables.3.3-9 through 3.3-16.

L Milk-cattle and goats are considered to be fed from two - 1.s potential sources, pasture grass and stored feeds. Following the development in Regulatory Guide 1.109

               '" T)'L' Revision 1, the value of f was considered unity in i

lieu of site-specific infoEmation. The value of f p was 0.5 based upon an 6-month grazing period. , l 1BM N ' ip

[t i , j k.

4. , &.

f H4~ L

  • Rev.--11 1

j Page'121

i ' .

Table C-1 contains-the appropriate parameter values and a

q. 'their' source in Regulatory Guide-1.109 Revision 1.

&' 1 - The concentration of tritium in milk is based on the ' airborne concentration-rather than the deposition. Therefore, the R g is based ~on=X/Q:

                                          .- R Tg

K'K"'F,Q7 U,p(N Lg ), : 0.75(0.5/H) (C.2-4) 3- where: RT = d se factor for the cow or.. goat milk pathway ) fE

                                               .M              fortritiumfortge.organofinterest,'

mrem /yr per pCi/m ;

[ K"'- = a constant;of unit conversion;J 3

I 2

                                                        =      10    gm/kg;                                                                          I
          #                                                                                                                            3-H           =-     absolute humidity of the atmosphere, gm/m ;-
                                                                         .                                                                         .t j

0 .~ 7 5 = the fraction of total feed that is water; 0.5 = the ratio of the specific activity of the. . 1

                  -                                            feed grass water to the-atmospheric water.                                          J
                                      -and other parameters gnd values are given above.                                          A value            7 7

of H of 8 grams / meter.,.was used in lieu of. site-specific > information.


C.2.4--Grass-Cow-Me'at Pathway

                                                                                                                                                  ,3 The integrated concentration in meat follows in a similar manner to'the development for the. milk pathway,                                                i therefore:
                                                                                     --     .-                                      -A t
                                                                                                       ,       g t

is r(1-e- E g ep)- ,Egy(1-e b) + R = I fK,QF "ap f( E ), e F g ff 7z f p8 3 PE i A w -- - l*

                                                            ._                                               ~             _
                                                                     -A      t
                                                                                                                    -A c (1-f f )

r(1-e E i es) . B iv(1-e i b) e_ ih (C.2-5) < P8 Y,AE i , I

        .                        where:

Rf = dose factor for the meat ingestion pathway . f,,a B fg radionuclide i for any organ of interest, V): m mrem /yr per pCi/sec; IBM 9.:a

                                                         ~x                                                          o V!*:s l                        <

H4 a A" Rev. 11- + Page 122'  ?

         .3                                                                                                          -i 1

p F- =' the stable element' transfer coefficients, f-pCi/Kg1per pCi/ day; -i aa 1

                                                          =      the receptor's meat consumptior,     .e-for age     ';
                                               ~U ,p-group a, kg/yr;-                                       ,
                                                          =      the transport' time from slaughter to               .!

t, consumption, sec, ,

                                                          =                                                     '

4 t - the transport time from. animal h consumption, sec; t = . period of pasture grass exposure.during ep. the growing season, sec; +

t eg = period of~ crop exposure during the growing season, sec, .t 1
                                               .If        =      factor to account for fractional deposition of radionuclide 1.

s For-radionuclides other;than iodine, the factor I i For radioiodines, thevalueofI.may.vaby.sequal: M to one. However, a:value of 1.0 was used in calculating the R' L

                  . . - .                    values in< Tables-3.3-6'through 3.3-8.                                  .i^


          '#"           ^

All-other-terms remain the same as defined in Equation.

                                            -C~2-3.. Table C-2'contains the. values which were used 3

in calculating:R for the meat. pathway. f , The. concentration of tritium in meat is based ontits airborne concentration rather than-the deposition.-

Therefore the'Rg is based on X/Q.



K'K"'F fQpU ,p(DFLg ), 0.75(0.5/H) (C.2-6) , B where: R = d se factor for the meat ingestion pathway ,i T B for tritium for agy organ of interest, j mrem /yr per pCi/m . T p All other terms are defined in Equation C.2-4 and C.2-5, above. - C.2.5 Vegetation Pathway The integrated concentration in vegetation consumed by man follows the expressior, developed in the derivation c of'the milk factor. Man is considered to consume two

           .c d'                                 types of vegetation (fresh and stored) that differ only in the time period between harvest and consumption,
   ,                                             therefore: _
                                ' IBM..
 'a il; t -.       .

W: . m .. ' j l?-3 lji:l / N'  ! ~k l j?'lyQ+ 7 ,

                                                                                                                                                           -9 H4, it                 :-1;      '

". Rev.-11

                       ~                                    ~

'"4-. ' Page 123 !$ < , / y' ' 3 ' p , lI . . _ IL #II

  • i ) +- IV( }

Uf e + R. = n d

                                                                 'I iK'(DFLi)a   -      aL                   YA vE PA i
                                                                                                       -          1
                                                                                                                         ~A t                                  ;
                                                                             -Ag                  Eg t

Bgy(1-e i 3) pfe S - (1-e r e) (C.2-7). ag YA PA E d I r- i , h ,

                                                                                                                                                       ~ -;
                                                               -where:                                                                                        _


                                                                         . Rg '      t=       dose - fac' tor for vegetable' pathway for b

v radionuclidg.i for the organ;.of:

q. interest, m mrem /yr per pCi/sec j e
                                                                         'K'         .=       a constant of unit conversion:
 -                                                                                    =-      10 6 pCi/pCi; L                the consumption rate'of fresh.Icafy                             r U,          =

vegetation by the receptor in'. age group a, kg/yr;  : g- t S.w;- .:}- = the consumption rate of stored U* ve'getation by the receptor in' age group a, kg/yr;

                                                                                                                                                             .t f'         =       the fraction of the' annual intake-of L              . fresh: leafy vegetation: grown locally; a                                                             f          =       the-fraction of-the annual intake of-                     w 8

stored vegetation grown' locally;

         <                                                                 tg         =       the average time between harvest of                            , "

+ leafy vegetation and its consumption, sec;- i t = the average time between harvest of I h'

                                                                                             . stored vegetation and its' consumption, sec; 2

Yy = the vegetation areal density, kg/m ;

               ,                      ,                                    t,
                                                                                      =       period of leafy vegetable exposure 4

during growing season, sec; I f*

                                                                                      =-      factor to account for fractional fw                                                                        deposition of radionuclide i.
4) [


              "#                          IBM N;                                                                                                                                                          '\

1E {.

  • 1H4 Rev.-11--

Page 124 s i e*UE For radionuclides 'thero than iodine, the factor I - is. For radioiodines, the value of I 1kay1 equal to one. j '? However,avalueof.1.0wasusedincaleblating ~ ' '1: vary.. 4, , the R values'in cables 3.3-9.through 3.3-12.  ; All other factors were defined above. 1 ' Table C-3 presents the appropriate parameter values and their source in Regulatory Guide-1.109 Revision 1. ,

   ,,                             In lieu;of site-specific data; default values for fg                  and f , 1.0 and 0.76, respectively'were used in the cElculation of R            These values were obtained from TableE-15ofReku.latory Guide 1.109: Revision 1.

The concentration of tritium in vegetation is based on the airborne' concentration ratherfthan the deposition. Therefore..the R g is based cni X/Q: b bV = K'K"' Uf aL +- Uf ag (DFLi )a 0.75(0.5/H) .C.2-8) ( - where: , . g .n i

@4M dose factor for the vegetable pathway: for-
          ' es '                     R T
                                       .y        tritium fgr any organ of-interest, mrem /yr per pCi/m All other terms remain-the same as those'in Equations                           ;

C.2-4_and C.2-7.


1 s IBM

 ??                                                                                                                     .,

ri ' .!


yy e Rev. 11 i Page 125 q- TABLE C-1  !


I e > Parameters For Cow and Goat Hilk Pathways l Parameter' Value~ Reference (Reg. Guide 1.109 Rev. 1- , s

                          /QF (kg/ day)                        50 (cow),                       Table E-3                    ,

6 (goat) Table E-3 2 Table E-15

                           .Yp (kg/m )                         0.7 t

f (seconds) 1.73 x 10 5 2( days) Table E-15 r 1.0 (radioiodines) Table E-15. O.2 (particulates) Table E-15 i

                           -(DFL )g ,;(mrem /pci)              Each radionuclide               Tables E-11 to E-14' Each stable element
                          'F'"'(pCi/ day per pCi/ liter)                                       Table E-1 (cow).

Table E-2 (goat)  :

             - .t') '
                          -t                                   4.73-x 108 (15 yr)              Table E-15                  .

b (see uds)- 2 Y, (kg/m ) 2.0 Table E-15 Y p_(kg/m ) 0.7 Table E-15 t 7.78.x 106 (90 days) Table E-15 -i h (see nds) j U~ ap (liters /yr) 330 infant Table E-5 330 child Table E-5 I h 400 teen Table E-5 ' 310 adult- Table E-5 2.59 x 100 (30 days) Table E-15 t,p (seconds)


t,,_(seconds) 5.18 x 106 (60 days) Table E-15 5 Bj -(pCi/Kg (wet weight) Each stable element Table E-1 l' per pCi/Kg (dry soil))

    ,                     'P (Kg (dry soil /m2)                240                             Table E-15

r . 5 [C1 3 t  ;, ' H4 Rev. 11'

Page 126 ,

! 3.$ jj . TABLE'C ' Parameters For The Heat Pathway Parameter Value Reference (Res. Guide 1.109 Rev. 1

  • r 1.0 (radioiodines) Table E-15 O.2 (particulates) ' Table E-15 .i Ff (pCi/Kg per pCi/ day) Each stable element Table E-1 I
                                     .                                                                               ?

i U "E (Kg/yr) 0 infant Table E-5 41 child Table E-5 65' teen Table E-5 , , 110 adult Table E-5

               ,      (DFLg ), (mrem /pCi):               Esch radionuclide            Tables E-11 to E-14          5 2
                    -Y p (kg/m )                         0.7                              Table E-15'            ;

pa. 2 2.0 Table E-15 (*[)! Y, (kg/m )

                                                                                                                  .t 4.73 x 108 (15 yr)

t g(seconds) Table E-15

                    - tg(seconds)                         1.73 x 100 (20 days)             Table'E-15
                    -t                                    7.78 x 106-(90' days)            Table E-15.

h (seconds) t - 2.59 x 100 (30 days) Table E-15 eP (seconds) t (seconds) 5.18 x 106 (60 days) Table E-15 Qf (kg/ day) 50 Table E-3 < B gy (pCi/Kg (wet weight) Each stable element Table E-1 per pCi/Kg (dry soil))

    '                                          2 P (Kg (dry soil)/m )                240                              Table E-15 v,:,, -


cuze , I H4 Rev. 11 Page 127 3 e

        'C                                               TABLE C-3 Parameters For The Vegetable Pathway a

Parameter Value Reference (Reg. Guide 1.109 Rev. I r (dimensionless) 1.0 (radiofodines) Table E-1 0.2 (particulates) Table E-1 6 (DFLj),(mrem /pci) Each radionuclide Tables E-11 to E-14 Y* (kg/yr) - Infant 0 Table E-5

                                 - Child          26
  • Table E-5
                                 - Teen           42                             Table E-5
                                 - Adult          64                             Table E-5 U* (kg/yr)    - Infant         0                              Table E-5
                                 - Child'         520                            Table E-5
                                 - Teen           630                            Table E-5
                                 - Adult          520                            Table E-5
         -"" jig
                  .t g (seconds) .                8.6 x 10 (1 day)'              Table E-15 t                              5.18 x 106 (60 days)           Table E-15 h (see nds) 2                                                    Table'E-15.
                 'Yy (kg/m )                      2.0 t, (seconds);                  5.18 x 106 (60' days)          Table E-15                 ]

1 tg (seconds) 4.73 x'10 (15 yr) Table E-15 P(Kg(dry soil)/m ) 240 Table E-15 i Bgy(pCi/Kg(wet weight) Each stable element Table E-1 per pCi/kg (dry soil))

%4 IBM

. j}}