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Pump & Valve Inservice Test Program Plan.
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Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 09/09/1981
From: Cowan K, Porter D
Shared Package
ML17276A150 List:
PROC-810909, NUDOCS 8111020139
Download: ML17276A151 (259)



PUMP AND VALVE INSERVICE TEST PROGRAM PLAN WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM NUCLEAR PROJECT'O. 2 Prepared by Operations Sup rt Engineering Date Approved by Supervisor, Generation Engineering Date Approved by

~sg/r Deputy Project/ Man er, Engineering Date Approved by

. ~,-. '/ yy'.. -X i. ~

Manager, Engineering D~iVision Date Reviewed by Technical Svgrv-isa , WNP-2 Date yy 7 /

Approved by ( r.">( a ~~ s,. -- ~ .>. W  ! ~z </ tiles r -g Plant MangerWNP-2 Date" Reviewed by anager,giiuality Assurance iaivkstea. Date


Reviewed by Aut orized Nuclear Inspector'a e 11




3.0 Pump Test Title Sheet N/A Pro ram 3-11 Contd Si n Ori . 3-11a Records of Revision 3-12 Records of Revision iv 3-13 Records of Revision 3-14 Records of Revision vi 3-15 1.0 Intro. 3-16 3-17 Ta le of Contents 2-1 3-18 3-19 Pump Test Pro ram 3-1 3-20 3-2 3-21 3-3 3-22 3-4 3-23 3-5 3-24 3-6 3-25 3-7 3-8 4.0 MNP-2 4-1 Valve 3-9 Inservice 4-2 Test 3-10 Pro ram 4-3 4 4 4-5


4.0 WNP-2 4 4.0 WHP-2 4-26 a ve a ve Inservice Inservice 4-27 est Test Pro ram 4-8 Program 4-28 ontd ontd 4-9 4-29 4-11 4-31 4-12 4-32 4-33 4-34 4-15 4-35 4-36 4-17 4-37 4-38 4-19 4-39 4-20 4-40 4-21 4-41 4-22 4-42 4-23 4-43 4-24 4-44 4-25


4.0 WNP-2 4-46 4.0 MNP-2 4-66 a ve a ve Inservice 4-47 Inservice 4-67 est est Pro ram 4-48 Pro ram 4-68 vontd ontd 4-69 4-50 4-70 4-51 4-71 4-52 4-72 4-53 4-73 4-54 4-74 4-55 4-75 4-56 4-76 4-57 4-77 4-58 4-59 4-60 4-61 4-62 4-63 4-64 4-65

Page 1-1 Revision 0 1.0 INTROOUCT ION This Pump and Valve Inservice Test Program Plan is applicable to tne WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 2, hereinafter referred to as WNP-2. A single unit Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), the power plant is located 11 miles nortn of Richland, Washington, on the Hanford Reservation. The plant employs a General Electric (GE) supplied nuclear steam supply system designated as BWR/5. Tne reactor is contained within an over-under drywel I/wetwell con-tainment vessel designated Hark II. The plant rated electrical output is 1,094 NWe.

Tnis program plan has been prepared as the controlling document governing Pump and Valve Inservice Testing at WNP-2. The requirements for Pump and Valve Inservice Testing are outlined in the ASIDE Boiler, and Pressure Ves-sel Code,Section XI, entitled "Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components." The scope of this plan encompasses the testing of ASME Section III Nuclear Class 1, 2 and 3 pumps and valves, as defined by Sub-sections IWP and IWV of ASIDE Section XI.

The WNP-2 FSAR commits to testing Class 1, 2 and 3 pumps and valves ac-cording to the requirements of Section XI of tne ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1977 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1978. This is con-sistent wit)i federal requirements for component testing as stated in Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, part 50 ( 10CFR50.55a(g)). This Program was prepared in accordance with this Code Edition and Addenda.

Tnis Progr am Plan is comprised of two independent subprogr ams - the Pump Inservice Test Program and the Valve Inservice Test Program. The develop-ment, implementation and administration of, these two programs is detailed in subsequent sections (3.0 and 4.0).

Page 2-1 2.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Record of Revisions 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Table of Contents 3.0 Pump Inservice Test Program Description 3.1 Program Development Philosophy 3.2 Program Implementation 3.3 Program Administration 3.4 Pump Reference List 3.5 Pump Inservice Test Tables 3.6 Requests for Relief from Certain IHP Requirements 3.7 Proposed Pump Test Flow Paths 3.8 Reporting of Test Results 4.0 Valve Inservice Test Program Description

4. 1 Program Development Philosophy 4.2 Program Implementation 4.3 Program Administration 4.4 Valve Test Tables 4.5 Request. for Relief from Certain IWV Requirements 4.6 Listing of Category A Valves 4.7 Reporting of Valve Inservice Test Results 5.0 equality Assurance Program 6.0 Piping and Instrument Diagrams

Page 3-1 Revision 0 3.0 WNP-2 Pump Inservice Test Program

3. 1 Pro ram Development Philosoph Hignly reliable safety grade equipment is a vital consideration in the opera-tion of a nuclear generating station. To help assure operability, the WNP-2 Pump Inservice Test Program (Section 3.5) has been developed.

The Program is designed to detect and evaluate significant hydraulic or mech-anical change in the operating parameters of vital pumps and to initiate cor-rective action when necessary. The Program is based on the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Subsection IWP. To tne maximum extent pryctical, the Program complies witi> the specifications of the approved Codes,< > regulations (3> and guidelines.<4)

Consistent with the intent of Subsection IWP, the Supply System has incorpor-ated into this program certain requirements which exceed the specifications of the Code. In particular, the Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Pumps are included for testing due to their potentially significant impact on plant safety.

The Supply System recognizes that design differences among plants may render impractical certain Code requirements. For example, it is not practical to require suction pressure measurement on vertical turbine (" deep well" ) type pumps. Where sucn impracticalities exist, they have been substantiated as exceptions as allowed by the Code. Alternate testing requiremencs have been proposed when warranted. The Relief Requests which document the exceptions comprise Section 3.6.

A major feature of the WNP-2 Pump Inservice Test Program is that it requires quarterly rather than monthly inservice testing. Tgiq stipulation is based on the most recent ASME requirements for pump testing.(2~ As detailed in Relief Request RP-l, this requirement equals the Technical Specification man-dates for most safeguards pumps and exceeds Technical Specifications require-ments for otners.

The water leg (" Keep full") pumps, though technically within the scope of the approved code,'~ ) are excluded from the Test Taole since tney serve no spe-cific function in snutting down tne reactor or in mitigating the consequences of an accident. This is also consistent with the requirements of tne latest Code Edition.(2)

The Supply System is confident tnat ttie WNP-2 Pgmp Inservice Tgsg Program complies wjtg the intent of the approved Codes,'ll) regulations<3> and guidelines<4> and contributes to ensuring the safety of the general public.

l. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Subsection IWP, (1977 Edition with Addenda through Summer, 1978).
2. 1980 Edition of tne ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Subsection IWP.
3. 10CFR 50:55 a(g).
4. NRC Staff Cuidelines for complying with cer tain provisions of 10CFR 50:55 a(g) " Inservice Inspection Requirements".

Page 3-2 Revision 0 3.2 Pro ram Im lementation Surveillance testing is performed to detect equipment malfunction or de-gradation and to initiate corrective action. Since the safeguard pumps are normally in a standby mode, periodic testing of this equipment is especially important. The WNP-2 Pump Inservice Test Program provides a schedule for testing safety grade pumps and will be implemented as part of the normal surveillance routine.

Reference data will be gathered during initial surveillance tests. In most cases, test parameters will be measured with normal plant instrumen-tation. This approach'i 11 simplify the test program and will promote timely completion of surveillance testing. When permanently installed instrumentation is not available, portable instrumentation will be used to record the required parameters.

During subsequent surveillance tests, flow rate will normally be selected as the independent test parameter and will be set up to match the ref-erence flow rate. Then other hydraulic and mechanical performance para-meters will be measured and evaluated against the appropriate reference values. The results of such evaluations will determine whether or not corrective action is warranted.

Each pump in the Pump Test Program will be tested according to a detailed test procedure. The procedure will include, as a minimum:

a) Statement of Test Purpose. This section will identify test objec-tives, reference applicable Technical Specifications and note the operating modes for which the test is appropriate.

b) Prerequisites for Testing. System valve alignment, equipment for proper pump operation (cooling water, ventilation, etc.) and addi-tional instrumentation (portable temperature or vibration monitors) will be noted. Instrument identification numbers, range and cali-bration verification of additional instrumentation will be recorded in the procedure.

c) Test Instructions. Directions will be sufficiently detailed to as-sure completeness and uniformity of testing. Instructions will include provisions for returning system to its normal standby con-figuration following testing. (For informational purposes, proposed flow paths are illustrated in Section 3.7.)

d) Acceptance Criteria. The ranges within which test data will be con-sidered acceptable will be established by the Supply System and in-cluded in the test procedure. In the event that the data fall outside the acceptable ranges, operator action will be governed by approved Administrative Procedures.

Finally it is recognized that the Pump Inservice Test Program sets forth minimum testing requirements. Additional testing will be performed, as required, after pump maintenance or as determined necessary by the Plant Staff.

Page 3-3 R

3.3 Pro ram Administration The operations staff of WNP-2 is responsible for the administration and execution of the Pump Inservice Test Program. I'he Program will be offi-cially implemented upon the issuance of an Operating License and will govern pump testing for a 120 month period. Prior to that time, the Pro-gram will be reviewed and upgraded periodically to assure continued com-pliance with 10CFR 50:55a (g)(4). The Program may also be used as part of the pre-fuel loading surveillance testing program. Subsequent to Operating License, the program will be revised to reflect current AStlE requirements consistent with 10CFR 50:55a (g)(4).

Page 3-4 Revision 0 3.4 Pum Reference List This list gives a brief description of each pump identified in the Pump Test Program. The pumps'SNE Code Classifications are specified in the Program.

HPCS-P-1 The High Pressure Core Spray pump provides emergency cooling spray to the reactor core. It is capable of injecting coolant at pressur es equal to normal reactor operating pressures. The pump can take suction from the Condensate Storage Tank or from the Wetwell.

HPCS-P-2 This pump is dedicated to providing cooling water to the HPCS"Emergency Diesel Generator, the standby power source for the High Pressure Core Spray System. HPCS-P-2 is located in the Pump House and takes suction from the spray pond.

LPCS-P-1 A high capacity, low head pump, the Low Pressure Core Spray pump provides cooling spray to the reactor core upon receipt of loss of coolant sig-nal. LPCS-P-1 normally takes suction from the suppression pool.

RHR-P-2A, 28, 2C The Residual Heat Removal pumps are high capacity, low head pumps which have multiple uses during normal and emergency plant conditions. Briefly the system:

a) In conjunction with other systems, restores and maintains reactor coolant inventory in the event of a LOCA b) Removes decay heat after shutdown c) Cools the suppression pool d) Condenses steam generated during Hot Standby e) Can provide cooling spray to upper and lower drywell and the wetwell f) Can assist in fuel pool cooling g) Can provide a condensing spray to the reactor head h) Provides a flow path for Standby Service Water in case containment flooding is required.

Pumps take suction from the suppression pool in the standby operating mode ~

Page 3-5 SLC-P-1A, 1B The Standby Liquid Control pumps are used to inject negative reactivity (sodium pentaoorate) into the core independently of the control rod system. Suction is obtained from a storage tank containing the sodium pentaborate solution.

SW-P-lA, 1B The Standby Service Water pumps supply cooling water to separate trains of safeguard equipment. The pumps take suction on their respective spray ponds out eventually discharge to the opposite pond. The two ponds are the ultimate heat sink during loss of offsite power conditions.

RCIC-P-1 The turbine driven Reactor Core Isolation Cooling pump supplies coolant to the core in the event of reactor vessel isolation. It can take suc-tion from either the Condensate Storage Tank or from the suppression pool.

DO-P-lA, 18, 1C These pumps transfer diesel generator fuel oil from the subterranean storage tanks to the diesel's Day Tanks. Pump 1C is dedicated to the HPCS Diesel. The discharge lines of Pump lA and 1B are cross tied, and each pump can supply fuel to either Diesel lA or 1B.

Page 3-6 3.5 Pum lnser vice Test Tables The Test Table is the heart of the Pump Test Program. It presents a graphic display of the type and frequency oF testing which the Supply System intends for its Class l, 2 and 3 pumps. The Table incorporates the exceptions requested in Section 3.6 (Relief Requests).

WNP-2 P Inservice Test Table IMP Parameter Lubrication Pump ASHE Code Inlet Discharge Differential Flowrate, Vibration, Bearing Pump Level/ Relief Ident. Class Pressure, Pressure, Pressure, Temperature Speed, Pressure Request(s)

Pi I'o P Q V Tb R NPCS-P-I 2 NR 1,4 HPCS-P-2 3 N/A N/A N/A NR 1,4,5 LPCS-P-1 2 .Q NR 1,4 RHR-P-2A 2 NR 1,4 RNR-P-28 2 .A NR 1,4 RIN-P-2C 2 NR 1,4 SLC-P-1A 2 H/A H/A NR 1,2 SLC-P-18 2 H/A H/A NR 1,2 SM-P-IA 3 H/A N/A HR 1,4,5 SM-P-18 3 N/A N/A NR 1,4,5 RCIC-P-1 2 00-P-1A 3 N/A N/A N/A NR 1,3,4 DO-P-18 3 H/A H/A N/A NR 1,3,4 DO-P-IC 3 N/A H/A N/A NR 1,3,4

~Le end Q

a Quarterly (92 day interval) test A Annual test N/A  % Not applicable NR Hot required IMP - 4400 does not require pump speed measurement if pump is directly coupled to a constant speed motor driver .

Page 3-8 3.6 Pum Test Pro ram Relief Re uests Relief Requests identify Code requirements ivnich are impractical for WHP-2 and provide technical justification for the requested exception.

Where appropriate, they also propose alternate testing to be performed in lieu of tne Code requirements.

Pa e 3-9 Revision RELIEf REQUEST RP-1

~Pum s(s)

All IWP Program Pumps.

Section XI Code Requirement for which Relief is Re uested Monthly inservice testing.

Bases for Re uest

1. The ASME Code,Section XI currently recognizes quarterly inservice test-ing as sufficient to assure plant safety and reliability since the hy-draulic and mechanical parameters of standby pumps generally do not change significantly over a three month period. (


1980 Edition of the ASME Boi ler and Pressure Vessel Code.) Any concerns re-garding proper system hydraulic and electrical alignment can be resolved oy alternate testing (see below).

2. The proposed Pump Test Program equals or exceeds the WNP-2 Technical Specifications which currently specify:

c) Quarterly flow tests for:

HPCS-P-1 RCIC-P-1 RHR-P-ZA HPCS-P-2 LPCS-P-1 RHR-P-2B RHR-P-2C o) Semi-annual flow tests for SW-P-lA and SW-P-18.

c) No flow testing of DO-P-lA, 00-P-18 or OO-P-1C.

3. Technical Specifications require monthly surveillance to verify system alignment.

Alternate Testin Proposed

1. Complete inservice tests will be performed quarterly in accordance witn the requirements of ASME Section XI, Subsection IWP.
2. Montnly surveillance tests will continue to be performed to verify proper alignment of system hydraulic and electrical components.


~Pum (s)

SLC-P-1A SLC-P-18 Section XI Code Requirement for wnich Relief is requested Measure pump inlet pressure, P;, and pump differential pressure, b, P.

( IMP-3100) .

Bases for Re uest

1. The SLC pumps are positive displacement pumps which, at a constant speed, deliver essentially the same capacity at any pressure within the capabi 1-ity of the driver and the strength of the pump. The SLC pumps are di-rectly coupled to constant speed drive motors.
2. Surveillance test procedures specify system alignments which assure ade-quate HPSH for the pumps.
3. There is no provision for suction pressure instrumentation.
4. Acceptable discharge pressure and flowrate will suffice as proof of adequate suction pressure.

Alternate Testin Proposed Pump discharge pressur'e and flowrate wi ll be measured and recorded during testing.

P.age 3-11 Revision 0 RELIEF RE/VEST RP-3

~Pum (s) 00-P-lA (Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Pumps) 00-P-1B 00-P-1C Section XI Code Requirement for which Relief is Re uested measure pump inlet pressure, Pi, and differential pressure, b, P. ( IWP-3100).

Bases for Re uest

). Code interpretations consider these pumps to be outside this scope of the ASNE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes. Hence all testing done on these pumps is strictly voluntary. See attached letter, page 3-lla.

2. The transfer pumps are vertical turbine type pumps and, as such, are suo-merged in..the fuel oil. There is no suction line whicn can be instru-mented.
3. Acceptable discharge pressure and flowrate will suffice as proof of adequate suction pressure.

Alternate Testin Proposed

1. Storage tank levels will be recorded as part of the transfer pump tests.

Storage tank level requirements will be stated in the Technical Specifi-cations.

2. Pump discharge pressure and flowrate will be measured during the test.

Page 3-11a Rev. 0 I i.e Ar;.erica~ Society 0 i~~i &C. IGrllCRl ~i~gli I Bw~rS G~' ~

m United "-ngineering Center i 34o E. 47th St. New Yorx, i~!.Y. 10017 ']2 o '-". <5:,o THE BOILER ANO February 16, 1978 IV: }cR~ 4 PRESSURE VESSEL CoiVIMITTEE z.v: ~coll V.C Homo Chairman L. T. Harrold,Supervisor, ISI Programs L.P. Zlck Washington Public Power Supply System PO Box 968 Vice. Chairmen 3000 George Washington Way W.L. HARDING Richland, WA 99352 g,g, H~Leea

~0< I 5e Jc. ~dc Secre ran W.B. HOYT Sub)ect: Section XI, Division 1, IWA>>1100 Scope of Section XI, Division 1 Q

<<4>> s /OH PQ f~XeC iNee~4 l%



Your letter of September 19, 1977 (APO 77-59) ~

B.W. BACE R.O.BONNER APEAK File i9: BC 77-666 IIIloe rhea an) ~


Dear Mr. Harrold:

L.J. CHOCKIE W.E. COOPER W.O. OOTY Your inquiry and our response are as stated below:


E.J. HEMZY W.P. JOHNSON Is i.t the intent of Subarticle IWA-1100 that the rules and requirements E.L. KEMMLER E.L. KIME

.of Section XI, Division 1 for inservice inspection of Class 1., 2 & 3 J.E. LATTAN pressure retaining component:s (and their supports) be applied only to J. LeCOFF water and steam systems in light water cooled nuclear power J.R. MACKAY plants'EPLY:


W.E. SOMERS Systems containing other than steam or water were not originally con-sidered by the Committee in formulating the rules in Section XI; they may, however, be included for further consideration and for revisions to future editions of Section XI. The requirements shown in Section XI, Article IWA-1000 on Scope and Responsibility, specifically Paragraph IWA-1400, requires the Owner of the nuclear plant to determine the ap-propriate Code, Class or Classes for each component of the nuclear power plant: to be examined according to Section XI rules.

Very truly yours, Kenneth I. Baron, Assistant Secretary

/fs Member of Engineers Council for Professional Development and Engineers Joint Council

Page 3-12 Revision 0 RELIEF RE(VEST RP-4

~Pum (s)

Hr CS-r -1, RHR-P-2A, SW-P-1A, DO-P-lA HPCS-P-2, RHR-P-2B, SW-P-18, DO-P-1B LPCS-P-l, RHR-P-2C, DO-P-1C Section XI Code Requirement for which Relief is Re vested Measure bearing temperature, lubricant level and pressure, and vibration.

( IWP-3100)

Bases for Re uest

1. Pumps are vertical turbine ("deep well") type pumps and are immersed in the fluid being pumped. This precludes measuring pump bearing vibration.
2. The pump bearings are lubricated and cooled by the pumped fluids.
3. Motors for DO-P-1A, 1B and 1C and HPCS-P-2 are not instrumented for temp-erature indication. Bearings are not accessible from the outside of the motor; consequently, portable temperature instrumentation readings would be meaningless.

Alternate Testin Pro osed

1. Axial and radial vibration measurement will be. taken at the outboard (upper) bearing of the pump's motor in accordance with IWP-4510 and IWP-1200. Radial vibration measurements will also be taken on motor housing as close as practical to the coupling.
2. For the RHR, SW, LPCS pumps and HPCS-P-l, motor bearing temperatures will be recorded and evaluated in accordance with IWP-1200.

Page 3-13 Revision 0 RELIEF RE(UESl RP-5 Pump(s)

HPCS-P-2 SW-P-lA SW-P-18 Section XI Code Requirement for which Relief is Re uestea Measure pump inlet pressure, Pi, and differential pressure, ZP. IWP-3100)

~f (

(1) SW-P-1A, 1B and HPCS-P-2 are vertical turbine type pumps which are im-mersed in their water source. They have no suction line which can be instrumented.

(2) Technical Specifications will state minimum allowable spray pond level to assure adequate NPSH and cooling water supplies.

(3) Oifference between maximum pond level and minimum level is only six (6) inches of water or 0.2 psi. This small difference will not be signifi-cant to the Test Program and suction pressure wi ll be considered essen-tially constant.

(4) Acceptable flowrate and discharge pressure will sufi>ce as proof of adequate suction pressure.

Alternate Testin Proposed Spray pond level and pump discharge pressure will oe recorded during the test-ing of these pumps.

Page 3-14 Revi sion 0 3.7 Pro osed Pump Test Flow Paths These flow paths will be used during pump testing and may be used during the valve test program. The valve alignment shown on these drawings re-flect valve position during testing. Valve position during operations may oe different.

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Page 3-24 Revision 0 3.8 Re ortin of Results Records of Pump Inservice Test results will be in accordance with the intent of Article IWP-6000 the Code. A file will be established for each pump and will include:

I) Pump identification by equipment piece number, manufacturer, and serial number.

2) Reference data as required by IWP-3100.
3) Inservice .test plans. This may be by reference to the surveillance test procedure by which the pump is tested.
4) Summaries of corrective action.

The Pump Inservice Test Program, associated surveillance test procedures and results will be kept at the WNP-2 plant site. They will be available for audit by Authorized Nuclear Inspector and NRC Region V Inspectors.

For informational purposes, a sample pump test data sheet is provided.

Page 3-25 SAMPLE PUMP TEST OATA SHEET Pump IO Date Act 1 on ert" easurea nl t.

Parameters Ran e Ran e Value Pump Suction Press (PI ) PSl Pump Oischarge Press (PI ) PS1 System Flow (FI ) gpm Oischarge Pressure- Sl Sl Sl Suction Pressure- PSl PS1 PSl Calculated RHR Pump ZP psid sid sld Pump Bearing Vibration mi1 mi 1 mi1 mi 1 mi 1 mi1 (Include sketcn of vibration mi 1 mi 1 mi 1 measurement location) mi 1 mil mi 1 mi 1 mi 1 mi 1 mi 1 mi 1 mi 1 OF'F Pump Upper Bearing emperature Pump Lo ver Bearing Temperature ** OF

  • If deviations fall within the ALERT RANGE, the test frequency is increased to once eacn 15 days. If deviations fa'll within the ACTION RANGE, the pump shall be declared inoperable and the deviation investigated arid/or corrected.
  • " Pump bearing temper atures are required annually. Take readings 10 minutes apart until three readings do not vary by more than 3/, then record on data sneet. The ALERT/ACTION bearing temperatures are based on a pump suction temperature of approxi-mately 75oF. IF ALERT or ACTION temperatures are exceeded, record suction temper-atures in Commeiit Section.


Page 4-1 R

4.0 WNP-2 Valve Inservice Test Program 4.1 Pro ram Oevelopment Philosoph Washington Puolic Power Supply System Nuclear Project Unit 2 (WNP-2) is a Boiling Water Reactor being, constructed in compliance with the ASNE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The Code requires periodic testing of certain safety related valves in order to verify their operability and pnysical integrity. The WNP-2 Valve Inservice Test Program satjqfies these requirements and conforms to FSAR Code Coranitments'~'~ for valve testing.

The Program will detect potentially adverse changes in the mechanical condition of valves within the scope of Section XI, Subsection IMV of the Code. The scope includes all valves "whicn are required to per-form a specific function in shutting down a reactor to the cold shut-down condition or in mitigating the consequences of an accident".

Many valves used in normal shutdown operations are not necessarily "required" nor would they necessarily be available for that purpose.

Hence, the scope of IWV is restricted to valves required to shutdown the reactor in emergency situations and to mitigate accident conse-quences.

To generate the WNP-2 Program, all ASME Class 1, 2 and 3 valves were analyzed to determine their required type and frequency of testing.

Tne valves to be tested under Section XI, Subsection IWV commitments are listed, by system,= in the Valve Test Tables (Section 4.4).

schedule only valve exercise rests. Leak rate testing man- The'ables dated by Section XI will be incorporated into a single, united Leak Rate Testing Program.

The WNP-2 FSAR commits to meeting the requirements of both 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, and of Section XI. Eacn of these documents addresses particular but slightly different concerns with respect to valve leakage. Each contains guidance for valve leak rate testing.

Appendix J is primari ly concerned with leakage out of containment subsequent to a Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA). It requires leak r ate testing of containment isolation valves at tne maximum differen-tial pressure (b,P) expected during an accident.Section XI requires ASflE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1977 Rdition with Addenda through Summer, 1978.

(2) Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix J.

"Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water - Cooled Power Reactors."

Page 4-2 leak rate testing of all valves for which seat leakage "is limited to a specific maximum amount" ana thai: testing be performed at the valves'peratingAP unless a lowerEP can be shown to give conserva-tive results. OperatingaP may be many times the maximum post-LOCA LP.

Finally, plant Tecnnical Specifications also address leak rate testing and impose specific testing requirements (e.g. excess flow check valve operabi icy demonstration; test&P for drywel 1-wetwel1 downcomer 1

vacuum breakers).

The testing requirements imposed by the various sources are not iden-tical nor are tney mutually exclusive. It is anticipated that Appen-dix J testing will satisfy Section XI leak rate testing in many instances. However, some valves may require both Appendix J and Section XI testing. Section 4.6 identifies valves wnich are subject to leak rate testing under tne scope of Section XI, Sub-section IIV.

Relief valves are not required to be leak rate tested ( 1MV-3512) sub-sequent to bench testing and are not included in Section 4.6. Nor are normally c'losed, manually operated containment isolation valves included. For implementation purposes, the test frequencies mandated in Appendix J,Section XI and the Teen Specs are the same. Leak rate testing wi 11, in general, be performed during outages although some penetrations may be amenable to leak testing during power operations.

Similar testing frequencies and overlapping requirements necessitates a unified leak r ate testing program which will maximize compliance with the various commitments, provide consistancy in test methodology and reduce duplication of effort. The Supply System is actively de-veloping a unified program whicn will be submi tted for review at a later date. Procedures to implement this program are being prepared.-

Tne Code recognized that certain of its requirements may be impracti-cal for a specific plant and contains provisions for requesting re-lief from impractical requirements. 'he relief requests for the Valve Inservice Test Program (Section 4.5) iaenci fy testing impracti-calities, provide technical basis for the request and propose alter-nate testing where warranted. Hose of the requests ask only for the postponement of testing, not cancellation.

Tne Supply System is confident that the MNP-2 Valve Inservice Test Program compliys with the integt of all applicable codes, regulations,(31 and guidelinesL4) and that it will make a positive contribution to the safe operation of tne plant.

10CFR 50:55 a(g)(2)

NRC Staff guidelines for excluding exercising (cycling) tests of certain valves during Plant operations.

Page 4-3 Revision 0 4.2 Pro ram Im lementation Tne Valve Test Program will be executed as part of the normal plant surveillance routine. Two types of tests will be conducted as part of the Valve Test Program:

1) Valve Operability Tests
2) Valve Leak Rate Tests Tne Operability Tests wi11 verify 1) the va'1ve responds to control commands, 2) the valve stroke time is within specific limits and, 3) remote position indication accurately reflects the observed valve position. Base line data for stroke times will be obtained from ini-tial Valve Operability Tests. Where applicable, acceptance criteria for initial stroke times will be within the limits specified in Taole o.2-16 of the WNP-2 FSAR. Otherwise, the Supply System will specify acceptable times. Wnen these times are established, they wil1 be inserted in the Valve Test Tables under the Stroke Time column.

Remote valve position indication will be verified every two years (see Section 4.5 - General Relief Request). Manually operated valves with remote position indication have been included in this program.

Fail safe valves will be tested by observing the valve operation upon 1oss of actuating power. In most cases this can be accomplished us-ing normal control circuits.

4.3 Pro ram Aaministration The Valve Inservice Test, Program will be administered in a manner analogous to the Pump Inservice Test Program.

4.4 Valve Test Tables The Valve Test Tables are the essence of the Supply System's Program to meet ASNE Section XI, Subsection IWV requirements. The Tables reflect the positions taken in support of the relief requests. To aid the reader in the interpretation of the Tables, brief explana-tions of tne Table headings and aboreviations are provided.

Page 4-5 (1) Yal ve Numoer Each piece of equipment in the plant has a unique "tag" numoer whicn identifies the system to which the equipment belongs, the type of equipment (flow control valve =

FCV, relief valve = RV, rupture disc = RO, etc.), and a unique serial number.

(2) Class ASME Code Class per Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. These are roughly equivalent to the safety classes defined in Chapter 3 of the FSAR.

(3) Coordinates The specific coordinates of each valve are supplied to facilitate location of tne valves on the flow diagram provided.

(4) Yalve Category Categories are defined by ASME Section XI, subsection IWY. Each valve has specific testing requirements wnicn are determined oy tne category to which it belongs.

(5) Size Nominal pipe diameter to which the valve connects is given in inches.

(6) Valve Type The following aboreviations are used to describe valve type:

BF = Butterfly valve GT = Gate Valve CK = Checi< valve RO = Rupture disc.

OIA = Oiaphragm valve RV = Relief Valve GB = Globe valve S/R = Safety/Relief Valve SV = Solenoid Valve

Page 4-6 The following abbreviations are used to describe actuator types. Valves may be actuated in more than one way.

AO = Air operated HO -= Hydraulic operated MAN = Manually operated MO = Motor operated SA = Self actuated (actuated by a change in system parameters such as flow or pressure, e.g., check and relief valves).

SOL = Solenoid operated (8) Normal Position Valves may be either normally open (0) or normally closed (C). Tnrottle valves are noc included in the scope of this program since they are either passive or regulating type valves. Both types of valves are exempt from IWV testing ( IWV-2100).

This column defines the operat:ing modes as defined by the Technical Specifications, during wnich the valve may be safely tested. See below for the definition of "all," "CSD" and "Refuel."

~Le end ~laeanin All Testing is approved during all operating modes and wi 11 be conducted on a quarterly basis, as permitted by plant status.

Page 4-7 CSO Cold shutdown. Guidance for Inservice valve testing at cold shutdown is: Valve testing should commence not later than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after cold shutdown is achieved and continue until complete or until plant is ready to return to power. Completion of all valve testing is not a prerequisite to return to power.

Any testing not completed at one cold shutdown should be performed during the subsequent cold shutdowns to meet the Coae specified testing frequency.

Refuel Test wi ll be conducted during refueling outages but at least every two years. Cer-tain work whicn is nominally scheduled for a refueling outage may be performed at other times when plant conditions permit.

The two year minimum frequency will be maintained.

IMY-3620 Test frequency will be according to vendor specifications.

(10) Test Testing requirem nts iaentified for the valve are identified here.

S/E Stroke exercise; valve timing noc relevant.

Page 4-8 Revision 0 S/T Stroke time; valve must meet stroke timing requirements specified in the FSAR or else-where.

Bench Test Relief valves wi ll be tested in accordance with IWY-3500 requirements.

IWV-3620 Rupture disc will be tested in accordance witn Section XI, Subsection IWV, paragraph 3620.

Pos Ind Position Indication verification only (11) Stroke Time Reference stroke time will be listed where

( ) appears. Values will be determined during initial sui vei llance testing and will comply witn limiting values of full stroke time specified in the FSAR, Techni-cal Specifications or other commitment documents (12) Notes Generally self explanatory, e.g.,

NO = Normally open FO = Fails open NC = Normally closed FC = Fails closed (13) Re uests for Relief Cross references documentation which re-quests waiver of certain code require-ments. A valve may have more than one associated relief request.

System Name COIITROL ANO SERVICE AIR O<<g. No. HSIO Rev 34 P198 1 0<

a ve Requests Valve Nu<nber Class Coordinates ~I ~6 Category Size Inches Valve T e Actuator T e Normal Posi t ion Test Our in I'est Stroke Time Notes For Relief CAS-V-453 2 SV SOL ALL S/E N/A CAS-CVX--82e 2 K8 X X CK SA ALL S/E NA




Systen Nave DIESEL OIL AND IIISC. (00) Dug. No. H 5)2 Rev 13A Page I of I Valve Rusher Class Coordinates Ca togo'ize a ve Inches Valve T e Actuator T e Norma I Position Test Ourin Test Stroke fime Notes eques For s

Relief 00-V- IA 3 03 X X I I/2 CK SA C . ALL S/E N/A 00-V-18 03 X X I I/2 CK SA ALL S/E N/A 00-V-10 05 X X I I/2 SA ALL S/E N/A 00-V-40A 3 I I/Z SV SOL ALL S/E N/A DO-V-408 3 E3 I I/2 SV SOL ALL S/E II/A 00-V-43 HG I I/Z SV SOL ALL S/E N/A

System Natne REACTOR COllE ISOLAI'IOtl COOLltlG SYSfEH RCIC Dwg. No. H 519 Rev 21 Page I of 2 a ve tlequests Valve catetaeoorr Size Valve Actuator tlormal Test Stroke For ttumber Class Coordinates A 8 C 0 Inches Position AT e T e Ourin Test Time tlotes Relief RC IC-V- I 2 EII X 3 Gf 0 HO ALL S/E N/A Rapid Acting RC IC-V-8 I GT ALL>> S/f ( )

RC IC-V-10 814 GT ALL S/T (NA)


RC IC-V-)9 Z E7 ALL S/T ( )

RC IC-V-198 2 Ju GT AO ALL S/T ( )

RC IC-V-21 2 X X CK SA ALL S/E tl/A RC IC-V-22 2 ALL S/T ( )

RC IC-V-28 2 08 I/2 X X SA ALL S/f tl/A RC IC-V-30 Z C/ X X CK SA ALL S/E H/A RCIC-V-31 C/ GT ALL S/I' )


RCIC-V-46 2 FII ALL S/T ( )

WC IC-V-ug 2 GT ALL S/f ( )

ValVeS marked <<itt> un ASfFRISK (>>] CIOSe autumatiCally IF ReaCtOr VeSSel PreSSure IS leSS ttun 50 pSig. fherefOre, if COld ShutttOWn COnditienS extend ueyond a 3 tnontt> period. IWV testing Frequency may not he met. Ilowever, valves will he tested prior to resisning power operations

( I WV-3 I ld)

Systen Nave REACIUR CORE ISOLAfION COOLIITG RCIC Oug. No. H 5lg Rev. 21 Page 2 of 2 a ve Requests Valve Ca~te o~r Size Va ive Actuator Normal fest Stroke For Nunber Class Coordinates ~~8 . I) Inches T e f e Position Ourin Test Time Notes Relief RCIC-V-63 I 83 X 10 GT HO 0 ALL* S/T ( )

RC IC-V-64 I G6 GT HO ALL>> S/T ( )

RCIC-V-65 I 86 X X CK AO/SA ALL S/E N/A RC IC-V-6u I J4 X X CK AO/SA CSO S/E N/A RCIC-V-68 2 E7 10 ALL S/T ( )

Gl'f RCIC-V-69 01 1-1/2 ALL S/T ( )

RC I C-V-lu I 113 ALL" S/f ( )

RC IC-V-1)0 2 E7 Gf HO ALL* S/T ( )

RCIC-V-113 2 E6 GT ALL>> S/T ( )

RCIC-RO-I 2 011 X 10 RUPTURE SA IWV-3620 IWV-3620 N/A DISC RC IC-RO-2 2 C12 X IU RUP fURE SA IWV-3620 IWV-3620 8/A DISC RCIC-RV-ll 2 C13 I x I SA C REFUEL BENCH N/A TEST RC IC-RV-18 2 3/4 x I SA C REFUEL BENCH N/A TEST See note on ILCIC Systen page I of 2.


( <0&


Systea Naine LOU PRESSURE CORE SPRAY SYSTEH LPCS) Owg. No. H520 Rev 18 Page I of I a ve equests Va I ve Cate or Size Valve Actuator Normal Test Stroke For Nueber Class Coordinates A 8 0 Inches T e T e Position Burin Test Time Notes Relief LPCS-V-I 2 011 X 24 GT HO 0 ALL 5/T ( )

LPCS-V-3 2 X X 16 CK SA ALL 5/E N/A LPCS-V-5 I Gll 12 GT ALL 5/T ( )

LPCS-V-6 I 09 X X 12 CK AO CSD S/E N/A LPCS-V-12 F14 12 ALL 5/T ( )



System Name IIIGH PRESSURE CORE SPRAY SYSTEH IIPCS kg. Ho. II520 Rev 18 Page I of d ve Requests Valve Size Valve Actuator Norma I Test Stroke For Number Class Coordinates ill~.

Cat~eo~r 11 Inches T e T e Position Durin Test Time Notes Relief IIPCS-V- I 2 Co X 14 GT HO 0 ALL S/T ( )

IIPCS-V-2 2 C6 X X SA ALL S/E N/A HPCS-V-4 I G7 12 GT S/T ()


IIPCS-V-11 2 E3 10 GB ALL S/T ( )

HPCS-V-12 2 GT ALL S/T ( )

HPCS-V-15 GT S/T ( )

IIPCS-V-16 2 E6 X X 24 CK SA ALL S/E H/A I'a IIPCS-V-23 2 E4 12 GB ALL S/T ( )


System Hame RESIOUAL HEAT REHOVAL SYSTEH RIN Ihvg. Ho. H521 Rev 25 PB9C 1 Of a ve equests Va I ve Size Valve Actuator Hormal Test Stroke for Humoer Class Coordinates 1~VD Ca tego~r inches T e T e Position Ourin Test I'ime Hotes Relief RHR-V-3A JI 3 X 18 GT HO 0 ALL 5/T ( )

RIIR-Y-38 2 J4 GT ALL S/T ( )

RIIR-V-4A 2 EI I 24 GT ALL 5/T ( )

R)N-V-48 2 GT ALL 5/I ( )

RIN<<V-4C 2 011 24 GT ALL 5/T ( )

NN-V-6A 2 CI2 18 GT A'LL 5/7 ( )

RIN-V-68 2 C6 18 ALI. S/T ( )

RIM-V-8 20 GT CSO 5/I' )

RIIR-V-9 F10 20 GT CSO 5/T ( )

RIN-V- I IA 2 F12 ALL 5/T ( )

RIN-V-118 2 E1 GT ALL 5/T ( )

RHR-V-luA 2 Hl I 16 GT ALL 5/T ( )

RIM-V-168 2 F6 16 GT ALL S/T ( )

RHR-V-1/A 2 H10 I6 ALL 5/T ( )

Al RIN-V-118 2 F6 16 GT 5/r ( )

( lOm m

O>I bs

System Name RESIOUAL IIEAT RBlOVAL SYSTEH RIIR Dwg. Ho. NS21 Rev. 25 Page 2 of 6 a ve equests Va lve Numuer Class Coordinates ~l Categor~

6 5 Size lncnes Valve T e Actuator I'

Normal Position Test Burin Test Strove Time Notes For Relief RIIR-V-21 2 El I X 18 GB HO C ALI. S/T ( )

RHR-V-23 I CSO S/T ( )

RIIR-V-24A 2 E12 18 ALL S/T ( )

RIIR-V-248 E6 18 ALL S/T ( )


RIIR-V-278 2 E1 GT ALL S/T ( )

RIIR-V-31A 2 813 X X SA ALL S/E N/A RIIR-V-BIB 2 84 X X 18 CK SA ALL S/E N/A RHR-V-31C 2 87 X X 18 CK SA ALL S/E N/A RIIR-V-40 2 ALL S/T ( )

RHR-V-4 IA I G)0 X X 14 AO CSO S/E N/A RHR-V-4)8 I X X 14 AO CSO S/E N/A RNR-V-4 IC RHR-V-42A I Glu Gl I X X 14 14 GI'LL AO C CSO S/E S/r H/A

( )

System Nafne RESIDUAL IIEAT REHOVAL SYSTEH RIIR Dug. No. H521 Rev. 25 Page g of a ve eques s Valve Cateqorg Size Valve Actuator Normal Test Stroke For Number Class Coordinates /'C1l H6 Inches T e T e Position Durin Test Tigne Notes Relief RIIR-V-428 I G7 X 14 GT HO C ALL 5/1' )

RIIR-V-4ZC 1 Gl 1 14 GT ALL 5/T ( )

RIIR-V-46A 2 D12 X X CK SA ALL S/E N/A RIIR-V-468 2 E6 X X CK SA ALL 5/E N/A RIIR-V-46C Dl 1 X X CK ALL S/E N/A RIIR-V-47A RIIR-V-418 RIIR-V-48A 2

2 2

J14 J3 J13 18 18 Gl'LL GT ALL ALL 5/I' S/T 5/T


( )

( )

RIIR-V-488 J5 ALL S/T ( )

RIII-V-49 2 G4 GT IIO ALL S/T ( )

RIIR-V-50A 1 G10 X X 12 CK AO ALL S/E N/A RIIR-V-508 1 X X 12 CK AO ALL S/E N/A RIIR-V-53A 1 Gl I 12 CSD S/T ( )

Rlllt-V-53gl 1 12 HO'. CSD 5/T ( )

Systen Hara RESIOUAL IIEAT REHOVAL SYSTEN RIB Oug. Ho. H52) Rev. 25 Page 4 of 6 a ve eques s Actuator I'est Stroke For Va 1ve Number C)ass Coordinates lM~J Categor~ Size Inches Valve e T e Nonaal Position Ourin Test Tfee Notes Relief RIIR-V-GOA ll)2 X 3/4 SV SOL C ALL S/E N/A RIIR-V-608 2 J5 s/4 SV SOL ALL S/E N/A RIIR-V-GUA 3 N524 REV. )9 16 GT ALL S/T ( )

H)2 RIIR-V-688 3 H524 REV 19 16 GT ALL S/1' )

ill 1 RHR-V-15A H)2 3/4 SV ~ SOL ALL 5/E N/A RHR-V-758 JS 3/4 SV ALL S/E H/A RIIR-V-84A 2 X X 1 I/2 ALL S/E H/A RIIR-V-848 2 X X 1/2 ALL S/E H/A SA'LL 1

RIIR-V-84C 2 84 X X 1 )/2 S/E N/A RIIR-V-89 2 JG X X )4 CK ALL S/E N/A RHR-V-10)A 2 F)4 X X CK SA ALL S/E H/A RIIR- V- ) 018 F4 X X SA ALL S/E N/A RIIR-V-)03A 2 F)4 X X SA ALL S/E N/A RIIR-V-)038 2 F4 X X CK SA ALL S/E N/A X t7 C EA

~ Q O 4sI QO

System Name RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM RHR Dwg. No. M521 Rev. 25 P198 L Of a ve equests Val ve Cat~e~or SIze Valve Actuator Normal Test Stroke For Number Class Coord5nates lMWC b Inches T e T e PosltIon DurIn Test TIme Notes Rel Ief RIB-V-111A 1 G9 X 14 GT MAN 0 REFUEL POS IND N/A RHR-V-1118 1 GB 14 GT 0 REFUEL POS IND N/A RHR-V- 1 1 1C 1 G9 0 REFUEL POS IND N/A RIB-V-ll2A 1 G9 12 GT 0 REFUEL POS IND N/A RIB-V-1128 1 GB 12 GT 0 REFUEL POS IND N/A RHR-V-113 1 69 20 GT MAN 0 REFUEL POS IND N/A RHR-V-115 2 14 GT ALL S/T ( )

RHR-V-116 2 14 GT ALL S/T ( )

RIB-V-123A 1 G10 GT ALL S/T ( ) COORDINATE TEST RI8-V-123B 1 66 GT ALL S/T ( ) II/RHR-V-50A, 8 R}8-V-124A 2 014 1-1/2 GT ALL S/T ( )

RW-V-l248 2 014 1-1/2 GT ALL 5/T ( )

RHR-V-125A 2 GT ALL S/T ( )

RHR-V-1258 2 04 1-1/2 GT ALL S/T ( )

RIS-V-134A 2 G15 GT ALL S/T ( )

RHR-V-1348 2 F2 GT ALL S/T ( )

System Name RESIOUAL HEAT REHOVAL SYSTEH RHR Owg. No..M521 Rev. 25 Page g of a ve equests Valve Number Class Coordinates ~ICat~ear C (I Size Inches Valve T e Actuator T e Normal Position Test Burin Test Stroke Time Notes For Relief RHR-V-182 2 J6 X SV SOL 0 ALL S/E N/A RIII-FCV-64A 2 C12 GB ALL S/T ( )

RHR-FCV-648 2 C5 GB ALL S/T ( )



Systetn Name STAHOBY LI IO CO(I THOL SLC OtNg. Ho. M522 Rev. 9 Page a ve Requests Valve ~Cate or Size Valve Actuator Normal Test Stroke For ilute r Class Coordinates A 8 C 0 IncHes T e T e Position Burin Test Time Notes Rel lef SLC-V- IA 2 E4 X 4 GB MO C ALL S/T ( )

SLC-V-IB 2 04 ALL S/I' )



Systega Wayne REACTOR MATER CLEANUP RHCU Owg. No. N523 Rev. 32 gage t of d ve equests Va lve ~Cate or Size Valve Actuator Normal Test Stroke For Nutnuer Class Coordinates A B C 0 Incnes e T e Position Ourin Test Time Notes Relief RNCU-V-1 I F15 x 6 Gl'O O ALL S/T ( )

RMCU-V-4 1 E 15 GT 0 ALL S/T ( )

RHCU-V-4D 1 Hl 1 GT ALL 5/T ( )

Systegu Name STANDBY SERVICE HAtER SH Ugvg. No. H524 Rev. 22 Page t of Va ve Requests Valve ~gate or Size Valve Actu'ator Norma I Test Stroke For Numoer Class Coordinates A 8 C, 0 Inches T e T e Position Dur in Test tice Notes Relief SH-V- IA 3 JS X X 20 CK SA C ALL S/E N/A SH-V-IB GS X X S/E N/A SH-V-ZA 20 S/r ( )

SH-V-28 20 ALL 5/T Gl'LL BF ( )

SH-V-4A FB GT S/t ( )

SH-V-48 CB GT ALL 5/T ( )

SH-V-4C IIB GT S/t ( )

SH-V- IZA SW- V-128 SH-V-24A 3

3 3

F3 DIZ 18 IB Gl'LL GT ALL ALL 5/T 5/T 5/t

( )

( )

( )

SH- V-Z48 3 GT ALL S/T ( )

SH-V-24C 3 U)3 GT HD ALL S/T ( )

SH-V-29 ALL 5/T ( )

SH-V-34 011 1 I/2 ALL 5/T ( )

SH-V-44 Gl'V HU ALL S/t ( )

SH-V-54 S/T ( )

System Name STANDBY SERVICE WAI'tR SW gvg. Ro. M520 R~ev. 20 M502 Rev. 5 Page 2 of 2 a ve eques s Valve Category Size Valve Actuator Normal Test Stroke For Humber Class Coordinates )~% II inches e T e Position Durin Test Time Notes Relief SW-V-GVA 3 J3 X I& GT HO 0 ALL S/T ( )

SW-V-698 3 F3 GT s/r ( )

SH-V-7UA 3 18 GT ALL 5/T ( )

SH-V-108 I& s/T ( )

SM-V-90 U7 GT NO ALL S/T ( )

SM-V-92 3 0& X X CK SA ALL S/E N/A 59 0, h SM-V-201 3 C14 I/2 SV SOL ALL S/E N/A IIg II ~ h SH-V-202 3 C14 CK SA ALL S/E H/A I2 0 n SH-V-203 3 C14 I/2 CK SA ALL S/E N/A lhlgHU, h 2 SH-V-204 3 C14 I/2 SV SOL ALL S/E 8/A Uwg Hou , h SH-Y-206 3 815 SV SOL ALL S/E N/A Ig, h SW-V-201 3 815 SA ALL S/E N/A Uggg U, h SH-Y-20& 3 815 I/2 CK ALL S/E N/A o 0 h SW-V-209 3 815 I/2 SV SOL ALL S/E N/A gag SH-V-210 Al I SV SUL ALL S/E N/A Ulf9 O ~ n SH-V-211 3 811 SV SOL S/E N/A RIg I lg, II SM-V-212 3 A14 SV SUL ALL S/E N/A Ihlg NG07, Sh 2 SW-V-213 3 Bl 3 'SV SOL AI L S/E 8/A

System Name REACTOR CLOSED COOLIRG RCC Uwg. Ro. H525 Rev. 21 Page a ve Requests Valve Cat~ear Size Valve Actuator tlorma 1 lest Stroke For Rumber Class Coordinates )i iWC 0 Incnes T e T e Posl t ion Durin Test T>me Rotes Relief RCC-V-5 2 010 X 10 GT HO 0 CSD S/T ( )

RCC-V-21 2 D10 GT CSD 5/T ( )

RCC-V-26 2 Dl 1 X X 10 CK CSO 5/E N/A RCC-V-40 D lo 10 GT CSD S/T

Systen Haine FUEL POOL COUL IHG SYSTEH FPC Uwg. Ho. H526 Rev. 21 Page 1 of 1 a ve Requests

.Valve Category Size Valve Actuator Test Stroke Henber Class Coordinates )1 8~0 inches T e T e Hominal Position Ourin Test Ti<ne Hotes For Re 1 le f FPC-V-153 2 811 X 6 GT HO C ALL S/T ( )

FPC-V-154 811 GT ALL S/T ( )

FPC-V-1S6 2 Cl 1 GT ALL S/1 ( )

System tlame COHIROL ROD DRIVE CRU IICU Ihrg. tto. H528 Rev. ?I Page I

Valve eques s Valve tlumber Class Coordinates ~~0" Category Size Incties Valve T e Actuator I'

Normal Position Test Durin Test Stroke Time ttotes For Relief CRO-V-9  ? Dll X 3/4 SV SOL 0 CSD 5/E H/A I CRD-V-10 2 K6 GB ALL S/T ( )

CRO-V-I I 2 AO CSO 5/T ( )

CRO- V- I IOA 2 013 1-1/2 SV SOL tt/A CSO 5/E N/A Normally energized 9 to ressurize cram a ve CRO-V-1108 2 013 1-1/2 SV SOL N/A CSD S/E N/A diaphragms OIO-V-111 2 013 1-1/2 SA CSD 5/E N/A CRO-RV-12 2 IIB 3/4x I RV SA C REFUEL BENCII H/A IICU-V-114 2 C? X X CK SA ALL 5/E tl/A IICU-V-115 2 X X CK SA ALL 5/E H/A IICU-V-117 2 03 SV SV ALL 5/E N/A IICU-V-118 2 03 SY SV ALL 5/E H/A IICU-V- 120 C4 SV SV ALL 5/E tt/A TYP ICAL OF 185 CONTROL IIOI-V-I?1 2 SV SV ALL 5/E N/A ROO DRIVE UNITS IICU-V-122 C4 SV SV ALL S/E tl/A IICU-V-I?3  ? C4 SV SV ALL 5/E N/A IICU-V- 126 Gr ALL S/E N/A IICU-V-l?1 2 CJ no nLL 5/E H/n I ICU- V- 131 C4 X X CK ALL 5/E N/A IICU-V-138 Ct X X sn nLL 5/E N/n

System Name MAIN STEAM SYSTEH HS Owg. No. M529 Rev. 25A Page I of 3 a ve Requests Valve Number Class Coordinates ~! Catego~r C I)

Size Inches Valve T e Actuator T e Normal Position Test Ourin Test Stroke Time Notes For Relief HS-V-1 1 J10 X 2 GB MO C ALL S/T ( )

HS-V-2 J10 GB ALL 5/T ( )

HS-V-5 J10 GB ALL S/T ( )

MS-V-16 813 GT ALL S/T ( )

HS-V-19 814 GT ALL S/T ( )

HS-V-22A 1 F12 26 GB AO ALL S/T ( )

HS-V-228 1 E12 26 ALL S/T ( )

HS-V-22C 1 26 GB AO ALL S/T ( )

HS-V-220 1 E5 26 AO ALL S/T ( )

HS-V-28A 1 F13 26 GB AO ALL S/T ( )

HS-V-288 1 E13 26 GB AO ALL S/T ( )

HS-V-28C 1 F4 26 GB AO ALL S/T ( )

HS-V-280 1 E4 26 AO AI.L S/T ( )

HS-V-37 C6-C11 X

' 10 CK CSD 5/E N/A TYPICAL OF 18 5 SERIES HS-V-38 C6-C11 X X 10 CK CSO 5/E N/A TYPICAL OF 18 5 SERIES HS-V-67A 1 F13 1-1/2 GT ALL S/T ( )

O+I Peg HS-V-678 1 F13 1-1/2 GT ALL S/T ( ) g33 HS-V-67C 1 F4 1-1/2 GT ALL S/T ( )


Tech Specs require stroking AUS Valves at least every 18 aonths with Reactor steato done pressure greater than or equal to IUD psig.

System Name HAIN STEAH SYSTEH HS Owg. No. H529 Rev. 25A Page alve Reques s Valve Cate or Size Valve Actuator Normal Test Stroke For Number Class Coordinates A 8 0 Inches T e T e Position Our ln Test Time Notes RelieF HS-RV-00 I EB X 6 5/R AO/SA C REFUEL BENCII N/A AOS VALVE TEST L*


  • See note on previous page.



System liame REACTOR FEEDWATER SVSTEH RFW Iio. H529 Rev. 25A Dwg. Page I of I a ve eques s Valve tlinber Class Coordinates 7~.Catego~r 0

Size Inches Va I ve T e Actuator T e iiorma I Position I'est Ourin Test Stroke Time IIotes For Re 1 lef RFW-V-IUA I G 12 X X 24 CK SA 0 CSO 5/E II/A RFW-V-IDB I G5 X X 24 CK SA CSD 5/E N/A RFW-V-32A I G13 X X 24 CSD 5/E H/A RFW-V-32B I G5 X X - 24 CK AO CSO S/E 11/A RFW-V-65A I G13 24 GT CSO S/T ( )

RFW-V-65B I G4 24 CSO S/T ( )

System Name REACTOR RECIRCULATION COOLING RRC HY Owg. No. M530 Rev. 23A Page 1 of L a ve equests Valve Nuinber CIass Coordinates



~Cate ~or


Size Incnes Valve T e Actuator T e Normal.

Position Test Durin Test Stroke Time Notes For Relief RRC-V-13A 2 C12 X X 3/4 CK SA 0 REFUEL S/E N/A RRC-V-138 812 X X 3/4 SA 0 REFUEL S/E N/A RRC-V-16A 2 CI4 3/4 0 REFUEL S/T ( )

GI'T RRC-V-168 2 814 3/4 0 REFUEL S/T ( )

RRC-V- Ig I Fll 3/4 SOL AI.L S/E N/A RRC-V-20 ' F12 3/4 SV SOL ALL S/T ( )

Systen Naacp REACfOR RECIRCULAflOtl COOLING RRC tlY Dug. No. tt 530 Rev. 23A Pa e 2 of 2 Valve ttuinber IIY-V-IBA Class 2

Coordinates ~iCa a ve tenor it S I ze inches 3/4

'Valve T e Actuator T e Normal Position Test Ourin Test Stroke Time tlotes eques s For Relief E 13 X SV SOL 0 CSO S/E N/A I, 10 IIY-V-IBB 2 E13 3/4 SV SOL CSO S/E N/A I, 10 IIY-V-IVA 2 E4 I/4 SV SOL CSO S/E N/A I, 10 IIY-V-198 E4 I/4 SV SOL CSD S/E N/A I, 10 NY-V-20A 2 E4 I/4 SV SOL CSD S/E N/A 10 tlY-V-208 2 E4 I/4 SV SOL CSO S/E tl/A I, IO

System Name FLOOR DRAIN RAOIOACI'IVf FOR Dwg. No. N539 Rev. 32A Page I of I a ve Requests Valve ~Cate or Size Valve Actuator Normal I'est Stroke For tiumber Class Coordinates A B C D Inches T e T e Position Ourin Test Time Notes Relief FDR-V-3 2 06 X 3 GT AO O ALL S/T ( )

FOR-V-4 06 GT AO ALL S/I ( )

System Nag' UIPHENT DRAIN RAOIOACIIVE EOR Owg. No. H531 Rev. 27 Page I of a ve equests Valve Cate or Size Valve Actuator Normal Test Stroke for Number Class Coordinates A 8 0 inches T e T e Position Ourin Test Time Notes Rel lef EOR-V-l9 2 D9 X 3 GT AO 0 ALL S/T ( )

EDR-V-20 2 GT S/T ( )

System Name PRIIARY CONTAltNEtIT COOLIflG C PURGE CSP CEP Ihrg. tlo. H543 Rev. 2) eeoc 1 of a ve equests Valve ~oaae or Size Valve Actuator tlorma I lest Stroke For Numuer Class Coordinates A 8 C D Inct>es T e T e Position Burin Test Time Notes RelieF CSP-V-5 2 Co X 24 BF AO C ALL S/T ( ) NC/FO CSP-V-6 814 24 AO ALL S/T ( ) tlc/FO CSP-V-7 86 X X 24 CK AO/SA C ALL SlE tl/A CSP.-V-B 815 X X AO/SA ALL S/E N/A CSP-V-9 86 24 AO ALL S/T ( ) NC/FO CSP-V-10 2 86 X X 24 AO/SA ALL S/E N/A CEP-V-18 2 J13 GT AO S/T () NO/FC CEP-V-28 2 J)3 GT AO ALL S/T ( ) NO/FC CEP-V-38 2 C14 GT ALL S/I' ) ttO/FC CEP-V-48 2 C 14 GT AO S/T ( ) NO/FC CVB-V- IA 2 812 24 CK AO/SA C ALL S/E tl/A CVB-V-18 2 812 X X 24 AO/SA ALL S/E N/A CVB-V-IC 2 812 X X 24 CK AO/SA C ALL S/E N/A CVB-V-10 2 812 X X 24 AO/SA ALL S/E N/A CVB-V-IE 811 X X CK AO/SA ALL S/E tf/A CV8-V-IF Bl I X X 24 AO/SA ALL S/E N/A

Systecn Maine PRIMARY COHfAINMENf COOLING f. PORGE CVB ling. No. M543 Rev. 21 Page 2 of 3 Va ve Reques s Va lve Cate or Size Valve Actuator Normal Test Stroke For tlanher class coordinates A e I. II Inches e T e Position Durin Test Time Notes Re I ief CVQ-V- IG 2 811 X X 24 CK AO/SA C ALL 5/E N/A CVB-V- III 2 811 X X 24 CK AO/SA ALL 5/E C N/A CVB-V-IJ 2 89 X X 24 CK AO/SA ALL 5/E N/A CVB-V- IK 2 89 X 24 AO/SA X CK ALL 5/E H/A CVB-V-IL 2 88 X X 24 AO/SA ALL 5/E N/A CVB-V-IM 2 88 X X 24 CK AO/SA ALL 5/E N/A CVB-V-IN 2 08 X X 24 AO/SA ALL 5/E H/A CVB-V- IP 2 88 X X 24 AO/SA CK C ALL 5/E N/A CVB-V- III 2 81 X X 24 AO/SA ALL C 5/E H/A CVB-V-IR 2 87 X X CK AO/SA ALL 5/E H/A CVB-V-15 2 BI X X 24 AO/SA ALL 5/E N/A CVB-V- IT 2 87 X X 24 CK AO ALL S/E H/A P I-VX-250 2 F13 SV ALL 5/E N/A PI-VX-281 2 F13 SV SOL ALL S/E H/A XI O dts Cte C Cl ICs PI-VX-253 2 F13 SV ALL 5/E o~t N/A

Syste<<< Na<<<e PRINARY CONTAINNENT COOLING & PURGE CVB Pl D<<g. No. N543 Rev. 21 PS<8 < 0<

a ve equests Va lve Cate or Size Valve Actuator Nor<<<a 1 Test Stroke For Nu<<<ber Class Coordinates A 8 0 Inches T e T e Position Durin Test Ti<<<e Notes Relief PI-VX-256 2 F7 X I SV SOL 0 ALL 5/E N/A PI-VX-257 2 F7 SV SOL ALL 5/E N/A Pl-VX-258 2 F7 SV SQL ALL 5/E N/A UN-NUNBERED 2 F12 X X SA ALL 5/E N/A l!AVE POSITION UN-NUNBERED 2 F7 X X SA ALL S/E N/A Pl-VX-262 2 E13 SV SOL 5/E N/A PI-VX-263 E13 SV SOL ALL 5/E N/A Pl-VX-264 2 E)3 SV SOL ALL S/E N/A PI-VX-265 2 E14 SV 50L ALL 5/E N/A Pl-VX-266 2 E7 SV SOL ALL 5/E N/A P I-VX-267 2 E7 SV SOL ALL S/E N/A PI-VX-268 2 E7 SV SOL ALL S/E N/A P I<<VX-269 2 E6 SV 50L ALL S/E N/A

System Name COHTAIHHENT AIHOSPIIERE COHTROL CAC Dwg. Ho. H554 Rev. 14 Page I of 2 ACCIDENT HI'TIGATION a ve equests Size Valve Actuator Test Stroke For Va 1ve Number Class Coordinates I~K

~Cate ~~or 0 Inches 'I e T e Normal Position Ourin Test Time Notes Relief CAC-V-IA 2 F15 X 2 DIA llo C ALL 5/T ( )

CAC-V- IB 2 Fl D IA HO ALL S/I ( )


CAC-V-2A 2 F12 OIA HO S/T ( )

CAC-V-28 2 F5 OIA HO ALL S/T ( )


CAC-V-6 HIO GT ALL 5/T ( )

CAC-V-8 010 GT ALL S/r ( )

CAC-V-11 2 G6 GT ALL S/T ( )

CAC-V-13 2 E6 GT ALL S/T ( )

CAC-V-15 2 06 140 ALL S/I' )

Gl'l'T CAC-V- 11 06 2-1/2 ALL S/T ( )


System Nafne COIITAIIINENT ATHOSPHERE COtlTROL CAC DfNg. tlo. H554 Rev. 14 Page g ef a ve equests Valve ttumber Class Coordinates ~lCat~e~or C I Size jncties Valve T e Actuator T e Norma 1 Position Test Ourin Test Stroke Time Notes For Relief CAC-FCV-18 2 H6 X 4 GB HO C ALL S/T ( )

CAC-FCV-2A 2 G)0 GB HO ALL S/T ( )

CAC-FCV-28 2 G6 2-1I2 GB ALL S/T ( )

CAC-FCV-3A 2 D10 2-1/2 GB HO ALL S/T ( )

CAC-FCV-38 2 06 2-1I2 GB IS S/T ( )

CAC-FCV-4A 2 F10 2-1/2 GB HO ALL,S/T ( )

CAC-FCV-48 2 2-1/2 HO ALL S/T ( )


CAC-FCV-68 3 F2 IS ALL S/T ( )


CAC-FCV-68 2 G4 ALL S/T ( )



~ gfg CAC-RV-668 3 04 1 I/Zx3 RV C REFUEL BENCH N/A o>


SYstem Name CONTAINHENT INSTRUHENT AIR CIA Owg. No. HS56 Rev. 13A Page I of I a ve Requests Valve Cate or Size Valve Actuator Normal Test Stroke For Number Class Coordinates 8 0 Inches T e T e Position Burin Test Time Notes Relief CIA-V-20 2 J6 X I/2 GB HO 0 ALL S/I ( )

CIA-V-21 2 J6 X X I/2 CK SA 0 REFUEL S/E N/A C IA-V-24 2 II4-K4 X X I/2 SA C REFUEL S/E N/A TYP. OF 4 SERIES CIA-V-JOA 2 ll6 I/2 ALL S/T ( )

CIA-V-308 2 1/2 ALL S/T ( )

CIA-V-31A 2 116 X X 1/2 CK SA 0 REFUEL S/E N/A CIA-V-318 2 F6 X X I/2 CK 0 REFUEL S/E N/A CIA-V-36 2 84-H4 X X I/2 SA C REFUEL S/E N/A TYP. OF 18 SERIES C IA-V-39A 3 H1 I/2 SV SOL ALL S/E N/A CIA-V-398 3 I/2 SV SOL ALL S/E N/A CIA-V-40 2 115-85 X X I/2 CK SA 0 REFUEL S/E N/A TYP. OF 1 SER IES CIA-V-4I A 3 X X I/2 CK SA 0 REFUEL S/E N/A CIA-V-418 3 X X I/2 CK SA 0 REFUEL S/E N/A

System Naine HAIN STEAN LEAKAGE CONTROL HSLC Dug. Ilo. H557 Rev. lA Page I af a ve equests Valve Number Class Coordinates +


7W Size Inches Va)ve T e Actuator T e Normal Position Test Durin Test Stroke Time Notes For Relief HSLC-V-IA 2 B7 X 1-1/2 GT HO C ALL S/T ( )

HSLC-V-IB 2 B5 1-1/2 GT ALL S/T ( )

HSLC-V-IC 2 1-1/2 GT ALL S/T ( )

HSLC-V-ID 2 D5 1-1/2 GT ALL S/T ( )

HSLC-V-2A I CB 1-1/2 Gr ALL 5/T ( )

HSLC-V-28 I 1-1/2 GT ALL S/T ( )

tlSLC-V-2C I EB 1-1/2 GT ALL S/T ( )



EB CB I- I/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 Gl'LL Gl GT ALL ALL S/T S/T 5/1'

( )

( )


HSLC-V-3C I 1-1/2 GT ALL 5/T ( )

HSLC-V-3D 1-1/2 GT ALL 5/T ( )

HSLC-V-4 2 JS I-l/2 GT ALL S/T ( )

HSLC-V-5 2 I- I/2 GT HO ALL S/T ( )

HSLC-V-g 1-1/2 GT ALL S/T ( )

HSLC-V-10 2 II5 1-1/2 GT ALL 5/T ( )

Page 4-43, Revision 0 4.5 Re uests For Relief from Certain Code Re uirements Relief Requests are presented to document differences between the Code and WNP-2's Valve Test Program. The requests include technical justification for the differences and, where appropriate, propose alternate testing.

Page 4-44 Revision 0 GENERAL RELIEF RE(VEST System Various Valve(s) Accessible IWV active valves with position indication.

ASb1E Code Class: Various Category: Various Classif ication Function Various Code Testing IWV-3300 implies that valves which are accessible during Requirement plant operation should have their remote position indication verified more frequently than inaccessible valves.

Basis for The Summer 1979 Addenda to ASME Section XI, Subsection IWV Relief (1977 Edition) succinctly requires all valves with remote position indication to have sucn indication verified biannually. Accessibility is not relevant in the ammended code.

Alternate Testing Valves with remote position indicators shall be observed ai to be Performed least once every two years to verify that valve operation is accurately indicated.

Page 4-45 Revision 0 RE(VEST FOR RELIEF NO. RV-1 System Various Valves(s)

ASME Solenoid valves affected by this relief request are Classification identified in TABLE A.

Function Code Testing 1. Timing of valve stroke (Il<V-3413)

Requirement. 2. Position indication verification (IWV-3300)

Bases for Solenoid valves are very rapid acting, with stroke Relief times much less than one second. It is meaningless to measure their stroke times "to the nearest second".

2. Solenoid valves do not have any positive position indication.

Alternate Testing l. Valves will be full stroke tested. Satisfactory to be Performed operation of equipment downstream of the solenoid valve will constitute satisfactory valve operation.

Page 4-46 Revision 0 RV-1 TABLE A Valve Code Class Cate or Function HY-V-17A A Hydraulic supply for Reactor HY-V-17B A Recirculation Flow Control Valves HY-V-18A A HY-V-188 A HY-V-19A A HY-V-1 98 A HY-V-20A A HY-V-208 A RRC-V-19 Reactor recirculation sampling Iso valve.

RRC-V-20 Reactor recirculation sampling Iso valve.

C IA-V-39A Cross ties between air and nitrogen CIA-V-39B headers.

00-V-40A Diesel fuel oi'I day tank 3A inlet valve 00-V-40B Diesel fuel oil day tank 38 inlet valve 00-V-43 Diesel fuel oil day tank 3C inlet valve CRO-V-9 Back-up Scram Valve (Exhaust)

CRD-V-110A Back-up Scram Valve (Air Supply)

CRD-V-110B Back-up Scram Valve (Air Supply)

Page 4-47 Revision 0 RV-1 TABLE A (Cont'd)

Valve Code Class Cate or Function P I-VX-251 8 Radiation monitor RAD-RE-128 inlet valve PI-VX-250 8 Radiation monitor RAO-RE-128 outlet valve PI-VX-253 8 Radiation monitor RAD-RE-128 outlet valve PI-VX-256 8 Radiation monitor RAO-RE-12A inlet valve PI-VX-257 8 Radiation monitor RAD-RE-12A inlet valve PI-VX-259 8 Radiation monitor RAD-RE-12A outlet valve P I -VX-262 A H2, 02 monitor inlet and outlet PI-VX-263 A valves (S-SR-13)

PI-VX-264 A PI-VX-265 A PI-VX-266 H2, 02 monitor inlet and outlet PI-VX-267 valves (S-SR-14)

PI-VX-268 P I-VX-269 CAS-V-453 Air supply to drywell - wetwell down-comer vacuum breakers.

RHR-V-60A Loop A sample (inboard)

RHR-V-608 Loop 8 sample (inboard)

RHR-V-75A Loop A sample (outboard)

RHR-V-758 Loop 8'ample (outboard)

RHR-V-182 Drain Vv between Valves isolating Service Water from RHR

Page 4-48 Revision 0 RV-1 TABLE A (Cont'd)

Valve Code Class Cate or Function SM-V-201 Cooling Water to H2, 02 analyzers SM-V-204 S-SR-13, 14.

SM-V-206 SM-V-209 SM-V-210 SM-V-211 SM-Y-212 SM-V-213

Page 4-49 Revision 0 REQUEST FOR RELIEF NO. RV-2 System Various Emergency Core Cooling Systems Valve(s)

ASME Valves affected by this relief request are identified in Classif ication TABLE B.

Function Code Testing Quarter ly valve exercising ( IH V-3411)

Requirement Bases for l. Valves cannot be opened against the differential Relief pressure which exists across them during power operations. Reactor coolant system pressure holds the valves closed.

2. Valves are located inside containment and cannot be temporarily isolated to allow testing.

Alternate Testing l. Valve exercising will be performed during cold to be Performed

Page 4-50 Revision 0 RV-2 TABLE B Valve Code Class Cate or Function HPCS-V-5 A-C HPCS discharge to reactor vessel.

LPCS-V-6 A-C LDCS discharge to reactor vessel.

RHR-V-41A 1 A-C RHR loop A discharge to reactor RHR-V-41B A-C RHR loop 8 discharge to reactor RHR-V-41C 1 A-C RHR loop C discharge to reactor RHR-V-50A 1 A-C RHR loop A discharge to recirculation pump discharge.

RHR-V-50B A-C RHR loop B discharge to recirculation pump discharge.

RCIC-V-66 A-C RCIC discharge to reactor vessel head.

Page 4-51 Revision 0 REQUEST FOR RELIEF NO. RV-3 System Containment Instrument Air Valve(s)

ASME Valves affected by this relief request are identified in Classification TABLE C.

Function Code Testing Quarterly testing ( IWV-3412) Position indication Requirement verification (IWV-3522)

Bases for Valves are located inside containment and cannot Rel ief be accessed during power operations. There is no way to remotely isolate the valves and observe the pressure decay of the accumulators.

2. There is no local or remote position indication for these check valves.
3. WNP-2 containment will be inerted with nitrogen during power. operations.

Al ternate Testing l. Proper valve opening will be verified during refueling to be Performed outages. This can be done by partly bleeding off accumulator pressure and verifying that the pneumatic supply can repressurize the accumulator. Where redundant pneumatic supplies exist, each will be verified separately.

2. During refueling outages pressure decay tests will be performed for the accumulators associated with the Main Steam Isolation Valves and with the Main Steam Safety/Relief Valves. Successful completion of accumulator pressure decay testing will constitute acceptable indication of check valve closure.

Page 4-52 Revision 0 RV-3 TABLE C Valve Code Class Cate or Function C I A- V-31A 8-C N2 supply to AOS valves (0/C)

CIA-V-318 8-C CIA-V-41A 8-C Cross tie between air and N2 line CIA-V-418 8-C CIA-V-40 series 2 A-C N2 to ADS Accumulators (inside containment CIA-V-36 series 2 A-C Air supply to Main Steam Relief (inboard cneck valve)

Valves'ccumulators CIA-V-24 series 2 A-C Air supply to Main Steam Isolation Valves (Inboard)

CIA-V 8-C Instrument air supply to containment (outboard check valve).

Page 4-53 Revision 0 REQUEST FOR RELIEF NO. RV-4 System Standby Liquid Control (SLC)

Valve(s) SLC-V-6, SLC-V-7 ASME Code Class: 1 Category: A-C Classification Function Standby Liquid Control discharge to reactor vessel.

Code Testing 1) Quarterly exercising ( IWV-3521)

Requirement Cold shutdown exercising ( IWV-3522) 2)

Basis for Valves have no operator with which they may be stroked.

Relief 2. Exercising the valves require tne initiation of the SLC system and full flow injection into the reactor vessel. Initiation of SLC flow involves the discharge of Class 0 explosive activated valves.

Alternate Testing At least once per 18 months, one of the Standby Liquid Con-to be Performed trol System loops, including the associated explosive valve, will be initiated. A flow path to the Reactor Vessel will be verified by pumping demineralized water to the vessel.

Page 4-54 Revision 0 REQUEST FOR RELIEF NO. RV-5 System Main Steam Valve(s) MS-V-37 series (18 total), MS-V-38 series (18 total)

ASME Code Class: 1 Category: A-C Classification Function Vacuum Breakers for main steam relief line downcomers.

Code Testing quarterly exercising (IWV-3521)

Requirement Bases for 1. Valves have no power operator by which they may be Relief stroked remotely.

2. Valves are located inside primary containment and, consequently, are inaccessible during power operations.

Alternate Testing Valves are accessible during cold shutdown and will be exercised at that time in accordance with the requirements of paragraph IWV-3522.

Page 4-55 Revision 0 REQUEST FOR RELIEF NO. RV-6 System Reactor Feedwater (RFW)


ASiME Valves affected by this relief request are identified in Cl ass ification TABLE C.

Function Code Testing Quarter ly exerc i s ing ( IWV-3411, IWV-3521)

Requirement Bases for 1. Closure of ei ther Category A val ve (RFW-V-65A, 658)

Relief would result in a loss of flow to the reactor vessel and cause a significant reduction of reactor coolant inventory.

2. Category A-C valves are held open by feedwater flow and cannot be closed during power operations.

Alternate Testing Valves will be exercised during cold snutdown.

to be Performed

Page 4-56 Revision 0 RV-6 TABLE C Valve Code Class Cate or Function RFW- V- 1 OA A-C Reactor Feedwater inboard check RFW-V-lOB A-C valves; RFW-V-32A A-C Reactor Feedwater outboard check RFW-V-32B A-C valves.

RFW-V-65A Reactor Feedwater stop valves.


Page 4-57 Revision 0 REQUEST FOR RELIEF NO. RV-7 System Reactor Recirculation Coolant (RRC)


ASiME Valves affected by this relief request are identified in Cl ass ification TABLE 0.

Function Code Testing Quarterly exercising ( IWV-3411 and IWV-3521)

Requirement Bases for l. Closure of Category A valves (RCC-V-16A, -16B) would Relief terminate seal purge water flow to recirculation Pump 1A or 18, respectively. Loss of purge flow may result in excessive seal wear and possibly failure of the seal. The risk associated with seal failure are greater than the benefits gained by quarterly valve testing.

2. Category A-C valves are held open by purge water flow and cannot be closed during power operations.

Alternate Testing Valves will be exercised during cold shutdown.

to be Performed

Page 4-58 Revision 0 RV-7 TABLE 0 Valve Code Class Cate or Function RRC-V-13A A-C Recirculation pumps'eal pur ge RRC-V-13B A-C line inboard isolation valve.

RRC-V-16A Recirculation pumps'eal purge RRC-V-16B water supply line outboard isola-tion valve.

Page 4-59 Revision 0 REQUEST FOR RELIEF NO. RV-B System Reactor Closea Coolant (RCC)



Valves affected by tnis relief request are identified in Classification TABLE E.

Function Code Testing quarterly exercising (IWV-3411 and IMY-3421).

Requirement Basis for Closure of any isolation valve will interrupt cooling water Relief flow to the Reactor Recirculation (RRC) Pump seals, to tne RRC pump motor coolers and to the Drywell Air Coolers pos-sibly causing failure of this equipment. The risks associ-ated with failure of this equipment outweigh any potential benefits derived from quarterly testing of these valves.

Alternate 1'esting Valves will be exercised during cold shutdown.

to be Performed

Page 4-60 Revision 0 RV-8 TABLE E Valve Code Class Cate or Function RCC-V-5 Isolation valves for closed Cooling water lines.

RCC-V-21 RCC-V-26 A-C RCC-V-40

Page 4-61 Revision 0 REQUEST FOR RELIEF NO. RV-9 System Control Rod Drive Hydrau lic Control Unit (HCU)


ASiME Valves affected by this relief request are identified in Class if ication TABLE F.

Function Code Testing Quarterly exercising (IWV-3411 and IMV-3521)

Requirement Cold shu tdown exercising ( IWY-3412 and IWV-3522)

Valve timing for scram valves, HCU-V-126 and HCU-V-127

( IWV-3413)

Bases for 1. Technical Specifications require that control rods to Relief oe tested for operability at least every seven days.

Acceptable operation the control rod drive mechanisms during Technical Specifications required testing will constitute acceptable oper ation of the associated valves. /

2. During cold shutdown, control rods will be fully inserted into the core.
3. (On attached sheet)

Alternate Testing l. Control Rod Drive Hydraulic Control Unit valves will to be Performed be tested in accordance with plant Technical Specifications.

Page 4-o2 Revision 0 RY-9 Bases for Relief (Cont'd)

3. Technical Specifications explicitly state the maximum insertion time for individual control rods and the average scram insertion time for groups of rods.

Scr am insertion times are measured for 10K of the control rods, on a rotating bases, every 120 days.

Since control rod insertion times are very sensitive to scram valve actuation times acceptable insertion time measurement results wi 11 constitute acceptable scram valve actuation times.

Page 4-63 Revision 0 RV-9 TABLE F Valve Code Class Cate or Function HCU-V-114 B-C HCU discharge to scram header reverse flow check valve.

HCU-V-115 CRO charging water reverse flow-check -va1 ve.

HCU-V-117 Instrument air to scram valves.

HCU-V-118 HCU-V-120 Control Rod Orive supply to rod HCU-V-121 drive mechanisms (normal HCU-V- 1 22 operation).

HCU-V-123 HCU-V-126 Control Rod Orive scram valves.

HCU-V-127 HCU-V-137 Rod drive cooling water reverse flow check va1 ve.

HCU-V-138 Control Rod Orive water reverse flow check valve.

Page 4-64 Revision 0 RE(UEST FOR RELIEF NO. RV-10 System Reactor Recirculation Control Valve(s)

ASME Valves affected by this relief request are identified in Classification TABLE G.

Function Code Testing quarterly exercising. ( IWV-3411)

Requirement Basis for Exercising of the hydraulic valves may cause repositioning Relief of the reactor recirculation flow control valve, causing undesirable reactivity changes in the core.

Alternate Testing Valves will be exercised during cold shutdown.

to be Performed

Page 4-65 Revision 0 RV-10 TABLE G Valve Code Class Cate or Function HY-V-17A 2 A Valves provide hydr aulic control HY-V-178 2 A fluid to the reactor recircula-HY-V-18A 2 A tion flow control valves'ydrau-HY-V-188 2 A 1 ic operators. Recirculation flow HY-V-19A 2 A control valves are RRC-V-60A and HY-V-198 2 A RRC-V-608.

HY-V-20A 2 A HY-V-208 2 A

Page 4-o6 Revision 0 REQUEST FOR RELIEF NO. RV-ll System Residual Heat Removal Valve(s)

ASME Valves affected by this request are identified in Table H.

Classification Function Code Testing quarterly exercising (IWV-3411)

Requirement Basis for Valves are interlockea wicn reactor coolant system Relief pressure such that valves automatically close to protect the RHR pump suction line from elevated reactor coolant system pressures. Opening circuit is disabled by the same pressure interlocks.

2. Over pressurization of the suction line may cause the loss of shutdown RHR cooling capabi lity.
3. Inter locks cannot be bypassed with normal control circuits.

Alternate Testing Valves will be exercised during cold shutdowns.

to be Performed

Page 4-67 Revision 0 RV-ll TABLE H Valve Code Class Cate or Function RHR-V-8 Isolation valves in RHR shutdown RHR-V-9 cooling suction line from recir-culation Loop A RHR-V-23 RHR supply to Vessel head spray RHR-V-53A Shutdown cooling return Loop A outboard isolation valve RHR-V-538 Shutdown cooling return Loop 8 outboard isolation valve

Page 4-68 Revision 0 4.6 Listin of Cate or A Valves ASflE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Subsection IWV defines a "Category A" valve as one "for which seat leakage is limited to a specific maximum amount in the closed position for fulfillment of its function". For tnis type of valve, individual leak rate test will be performed to determine leakage past the valve seat. Tests wi 11 oe conducted in accordance with the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix J, Section XI, or both, as indicated on the following table.

Page 4-69 Listin of Cate ory A Valves Leak Rate Testing Required Valve Class Appendix J. Section XI Valve Function RCIC-V-8 Steam to RCIC Turbine RC IC-V-13 RCIC injection (outboard)

RC IC-V-19 RCIC miniflow to Wetwell RCIC-V-31 RCIC suction from Wetwell RC IC-V-63 Steam from Rx to RHR Hx's 5 RCIC Turbine RCIC-V-64 Steam to RHR Hx's RCIC-Y-66 Vessel head spray Ch.vv RCIC-Y-68 Turbine Exhaust to Wetwell RCIC-V-69 Vacuum pump return to Wetwell RC IC-V-76 RCIC-V-63 Bypass valve RCIC-Y-110 Turbine Exchange line vacuum breaker RC IC-V-113 Turbine Exchange line vacuum breaker LPCS-V-1 X LPCS suction from Wetwell LPCS-V-5 X LPCS injection (outboard)

LPCS-V-6 X LPCS injection (inboard)

LPCS-FCV-11 X LPCS bliniflow valve LPCS-V-12 X Test line Iso. valve HPCS-V-4 HPCS injection (outboard)

HPCS-V-5 HPCS injection (inboard)

HPCS-V-12 HPCS miniflow valve HPCS-V-15 HPCS suction from Wetwell HPCS-V-23 HPCS test return to Wetwell RHR-Y-4A RHR suction from Wetwell RHR-V-48 RHR suction from Wetwell RHR-V-4C RHR suction from Wetwell RHR-V-8 Shutdown cooling suction RHR-V-9 Valves RHR-Y-11A Condensed steam return from RHR-V-11B Hx's to Wetwell RHR-V-16A Orywell spray RHR-V -16B valves lines'solation RHR-V-17A Drywel1 spray RHR-V-17B valves lines'solation RHR-V-21 Loop C test line return to Wetwell

Page 4-70 Revision 0 Listin of Cate or A Valves Leak Rate Testing Required Valve Class Appendix J. Section XI Valve Function RHR-V-23 to head spray line RHR-Y-24A Loop A test line return to Wetwell RHR-V-248 Loop 8 test line return to Wetwell RHR-Y-27A RHR to suppression pool spray header RHR-V-278 RHR to suppression pool spray header RHR-Y-41A RHR injection to reactor vessel RHR-V-418 RHR injection to reactor

. vessel RHR-V-41C RHR injection to reactor vessel RHR-V-42A RHR injection Iso. valve RHR-V-428 RHR injection Iso. valve X'HR injection Iso. valve RHR-V-42C RHR RHR-V-50A Shutdown cooling return RHR-V-508 check valves RHR-V-53A Shutdown cooling return RHR-V-538 isolation valves RHR-FCV-64A 2 RHR pump miniflow valves RHR-FCY-648 2 RHR pump miniflow valves RHR-FCV-64C 2 RHR pump miniflow valves RHR-V-123A RHR-V-50A Bypass RHR-V-1238 RHR-V-508 Bypass RHR-V-124A RCIC steam to RHR Hx RHR-V-1248 steam line drip pot RHR-V-125A drain valves RHR-Y-1258 RHR-Y-134A Hz recombiner scrubber RHR-V-1348 drains to Wetwell SLC-V-4A X SLC pump explosive-actuated SLC-V-48 X discharge valve SLC-V-6 X SLC injection line isolation SLC-V-7 valves RWCU-V-1 Cleanup Water Pump suction RWCU-V-4 line isolation valves

Page 4-71 R

Listin of Cate or A Valves Leak Rate Testing Required Valve Class endix J. Section XI Valve Function RCC-V-5 Closed cooling water supply RCC-V-21 to containment equipment RCC-V-26 isolation valves RCC-V-40 FPC-V-153 Suppression pool cleanup FPC-V-154 outlet and return line FPC-V-156 isolation valves MS-V-16 Main steam line drain MS-V-19 isolation valves MS-V-22A Main steam lines'nboard MS-V-22B isolation valves MS-V-22C MS-V-220 MS-V-28A Main steam lines'utboard MS-V-28B isolation valve MS-V-28C MS-V-280 MS-V-37 S/RV discharge downcomer Series vacuum breakers.

MS-V-38 Series MS-V-67A Main steam line drains MS-V-67B (outside containment)

MS-V-67C MS-V-670 RF W-V-10A Feedwater line isolation RFW-V-10B valves RFW-V-32A RFW-V-32B RFW-V-65A RFW-V-65B HY-V-17A Isolation valves for reactor HY-V-17B recirculation flow HY-V-18A control valve hydraulic HY-V-188 supply HY-V-19A HY-V-19B HY-V-20A HY-V-20B

Page 4-72 Listin of Cate or A Valves Leak Rate Testing Required Valve Cl ass Appendix J. Section XI Valve Function EDR-V-19 Drywell equipment drain EDR-V-20 sump discnarge line iso-lation valves FDS-V-3 Floor drain sump discharge FDR-V-4 line isolation'valves CEP-V-18 Containment purge exhaust CEP-V-28 isolation valves CEP-V-38 CEP-V-48 CSP-V-5 Containment purge supply CSP-V-6 isolation valves CSP-V-7 CSP-V-8 CSP-V-9 CSP-V-10 CVB-V-lA Vacuum breakers for drywell-through wetwell down comers.

CVB-V-1T CAC- Y-2 H2 recomoiner inlet/

CAC-V-4 exhaust stop valves CAC-V-o CAC-V-8 CAC-V-11 CAC-V-13 CAC-V-15 CAC-V-17 CAC-FCV-1A H2 recomoiner inlet/

CAC-FCV-18 exhaust throttle valves CAC-FCV-2A CAC-FCV-28 CAC-FCV-3A CAC-FCY-38 CAC-FCV-4A CAC-FCV-48

Page 4-73 Revision 0 Listin of Cate or A Valves Leak Rate Testing Required Valve Class Appendix J. Section XI Valve Function CIA-V-20 2 Containment instrument air outboard Iso. valve CIA-V-24 2 Inboard NSIV Instrument air supply cneck valve CIA-V-30A 2 8ackup N2 supply to con-CIA-V-308 2 tainment Iso. valves (outboard)

CIA-V-36 2 Main steam safety/relief (series) valve instrument air supply check valve CIA-V-40 2 N2 supply to ADS valves (inboard insolation)

MSLC-V-2A 1 NSLC line isolation valve NSLC-V-28 HSLC-V-2C 1 (first off) 1 MSLC-Y-20 1 MSLC-V-3A 1 NSLC line isolation valve MSLC-V-38 1 (second off)

MSLC-V-3C 1 MSLC-V-30 1

Page 4-74 R

4.7 Re ortin of Valve Inservice Test Results Records and reports pertaining to Valve Inservice Testing will be maintained according to the intent of Article IWV-6000 of the Code.

Valve Operability reference data wi 11 be kept in the Valve Opera-bility test result (history) file at the plant.

Page 5-1 Revision 0 5.0 equality Assurance Program The WNP-2 Pump and Valve Inservice Test Program activities will be conducted in accordance with Topical Report WPPSS-(A-004, the Supply System's Operational equality Assurance Program description.

Page 6-1 RevisiSo~

6.0 Fl'ow Di agrams The Flow Diagrams used to generate this Program are included in the FSAR. Due to the time required for Program publication, an admini-strative cut-off date of December 1980 was chosen to "freeze" drawing revisions used for Revision 0 of the Program. However, system de-sign is not expected to change radically, and more current diagrams will be used when the Program is updated.

0 0


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lW Q. ge ~, .y w .' 1 'E,q +',;far.

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'Aig, g




g PUMP AI%0 VALVE INSERVKE TEST PRQQAN PLAN - RBf. I NASRINGTON PSLIC PGMER SU:PP Y FASTEN NUCLEAR PROJECT NO. 2 Prepared by Operations 'Support Ergine~rng Approved by A Lead Ergfneer, P ant n >neer~rg Su~e ance

,Approved by anagn . MhP- ngsnN.r mg Approved by ss stant 0 re.tor, 6enerattox Enc;iseering stevie~ by e" hr ca Nanager INP-c Approved hy P an Hanager, Q'Ni-Revie~ hy roger, perationa a i i Ass'nc Reviewed hy Author ized Na ear Inser v ica nspe:tor

~ I '<> 23 3-24 3-6 0 3~29 was 3-24 3m 7/ 3-25a was 3-25 3-7A 3-26h 3-8 0 4.0 NP-'2 4 Va v~e 3-9 Inser v i ce 4-2 Te-t 3-20 Promrae 4-3 3-21 4-4 0 3-Zla DeIeted 4-5 0


4.0 MNP-2 4-6 4.0 'ANP-2 4-26 Ya ve a ve Inservlce 4-7 Inse."v)ce 4-27 Test est Pro ram 4-8 Proc, em 4 27a Coatd ro~e 9 4-28 4-10 C 4-29 4-11 4-12 4 4 13 4-32 4-14 4 '23 4-15 4-34 4-17 4 15 4 37 4-19 4-20 on 4-21 4-22 4-23 4 42 4-23a 4 24 4 Cd 4-25 4 45


4.0 Vt.'P-2 1 4.0 MN?-2 4-r6 Va ve Ya ve ce 4-"T 0 Inservice 4-57 est est Pro ram 4-4E 0 Pro or am 4-5B ontd ont 4 70 4-5L 71 72 L1 4-5Z'-SZ'54 70 4-55 75 4 cg 4-76 4-5T 4-77 4-59:



Ea n 5.0 vali Ra.'i oac:t-ve e $ 34 37 Assurance Proof 5-1 0

. tai~t Co:l inmPuroe 8 343 17

..o..ta >rnnent

s. Qntrc1 < 354 21 CW mta riant Oia mns 6-1 IIa+<ru ~ir < 356 17 ontro 4".a n t em Se.vice 4r 8 519 c3 Lee'<a r .ont ~ %57 ll Oiese Oil at~am mrf

<isc. 5 ferns 9 512 20 Li:ufd Spn. < 607 sh. 2 7 Reac or Qre Iso. Coolino I 519 27 Lo r res~re Core 5 rar 8 520 25 align r aure "ore 5 r ar ~ 52Q es dua Neat geneva 1 ~ 521 tand y Lrq.

Control ~ 522 12

. eac tor ~ter C1eanu "I 523 39 tandby v:ce im Rater > 524 eac tor i ose IL

) Coo 1 i no ~ 525 26 ue oo Coo 1 i no ~ 52/ 34 ontro d Drive S 528 25 Win Stew ~ 529 ?9 Reactor Feedwater  % 524 29 eac tor ~ rc. >

oolin -< 530 27

. qui p. On i n Radioac tSe 8 537 33

'Burns L Rre Flo Diao.aa Nunber

r +j

<<r 1-1 Passe R


Tiffs Pmp and Valve Inservfce Test Program 7'an is app)fable to the VPPSS Project No. 2, herefncft~- referrM m as BlP-2. A s~nola unft No<clear Bciling Mater Reactor (BMR) the ~r plant is Io:ates 2 mf iles orth of Rfchland, Mas'hfngton, on the Ra@for.'eserwa:fon. The p'ant ~I>ys a Genera1 ElecMfc (GE} supplie. nuclear steato supplj systen deeigr~ted as BM/5. The reactor fs contafred vfthin an eser-Un~mr dryrell//vetvell con-tainment vessel designated Sark II. The peart rat+i ele..rfrml output is 1,694 Yde.

This program plan has been prepared as the cmtroIIfng chcumen:t g.vernfng Pump and Valve Inservice Testing at MNP-2. ~~ reafremets For Rmq and Valve Inservfce Testing are o~tiinec in the ISSUE B=fler ed Pressve Ves-sel Code, Sec fon XI, entftlec "RuIes for Kzservfce Inspe tfon of Nuclear Pmer Plant Components." The scope of this. gIan +compares Che testfng of ASlK Sectfton III tfuclear Class 1, 2 and 3 punps and vzIves as defined by Sub-sections IMP and IMV of AS~ Section )I.

The MNP-2 FSAR con+its to testing Class 1, 2 and 3 pumps and v'aIves ac-cor ding to the requirements of Sectim XI crf the APACE Bo>ler and R'essure Vessel Code, 3,977 Edition with Adderda thraum ~ Neer 197=. Hearer, Revision 1 fs w."itten to con~lj vitt, the r~Lfrenerts o+ the LSSQ Code Ed%tfon wfth addenda through kinter, 1980. T~fs fs consfiCent with federal requirements for compment testfng as stat@ in Title 20, Code of Federal ReguIatfons, part 50 (10CFR53.55atg ))-

Th5s Program Plan is comprised of tm inde@ rdent ssbproo.ams tie P~p Inser vice Tes- Program and the Valve Inservica Test Program. 'The develop-ment, ftrplemerntatfon and adminfstratfon of tm prorams is atafled in subsequent sections (3.0 an'4 0).

2.0 TABLE OF CÃsiiTS Record of Revisions 1.0 In'roductlon 2.0 Table of Contents 3.0 Pump Inse vice Test Program Descripeior 3.1 Program Deve le@ment Plr ilosophy 3.2 Program Ieplem"tatiorr 3.3 Program Admin istrati os 3.4 Pump Reference List 3.5 Pump Inser vice Test Tables 3.6 Requests for fsTief fmm Certain 3P Rea:.r ments 3.7 Proposed Pump Test Flew Paths 3.8 Records of In~~vice T'ests 4.0 Valve Inservice Test $ 'rogram Descri~io.

4.1 Program Development Ph ) losophy 4.2 Program I+pl ererrtation 4.3 Program Administration 4.4 Valve Test Tables 4.5 Request for Relief frown Certain Ill'e qurements 4.6 Listing of Categ-ory A Valves 4.7 Records of Valise Inserwice Teste 5.0 4a lity Assurance Program 6.0 Fi ping and Instrumwt Diagrams

1 Page 3-I Rev& one 1 3.0 QNP-2 Pump Inservfce Test Pmgrem 3.1 De~el o erat Ph.losovh Highly re7fable safety related ~ufixrent 1s a vital consid rations %n Ne opera ion o, a nuclear generating sta fon To tnelp assure operafTiity, the

'AP-2 Pum; Znservfce Test Pngraim (S tice =5) -has been d velo~

The Program is insigne." to cetect. an'. evan~ efgnfffcant hydral%c a eech-a~fca4 chenge ir the cqe. athg pram ers o'ft=a) pumps ad to lnttfee cor-rective a<fion when necessary. T he frog~ is Msed on th requ'remend of the ASIDE &filer and Pr ssure Ves-el 6:de, 5 tfcn XI, Subsection IbiVP. To the nexfmcun extent p. yctfcal, th Prcgrar. complzs ~9th the spN:iffutfens of the approved Codes,(1) reg:latfms (~> an.'gu~thlfni s.(3)

Consistent with the in.ent o'ubsection "iP, the Supply Srstee ~as fnarpor-a:ed into ttnfs p.ograr certain requfrmenzs whf~ exceed tie spe:ff'fca'.fons of the Code. En pa"tfculer, th Dfesel Fuel 01 Transfer Pum;s are fin"lund for tasting die to twfr ~entfelly sfgriffcain: fngz'act on plart safety The Supply System r ecowizes that design Cf~er~ces among plants away unde fnpractfcel certafn Co:e req:fremients. Fnr ex~le, ft fs not p.actini to require sict=fon pressure measurement m ver.fcaT turbine ('eep mTl") type pmps. Rhea su:h fey.actfalftfes esfst Wy 'behave been substartfate'. as exceptions as allowed ty the Code. I'terira~ toting requ:ranena Wave been proposed <<nen wa.rante~. Th Relief aquas~ which documert the ex.=ep:fons conprise Section 3.6.

The Supply Systen is ccnffdest that be M%P> Purmp Inservfc Tes.

ceeplfes <<ittl the fntert of De aipproiM Coes,('-> regulations(~ and

~g am 94f del ines(3~ an.'ontribute> to ensu-fng tie safety of the General pu'.If c.

ISSUE Bcfler end Pressure Vessel mz, 5e:tion XI, Subse:tson IMP,

,"1980 Editfor, with Addeinda t>rouighMfnaer, 1980).

4 2::OCFR B):55 a',g).

3- St" Steff Guidelines for coculyfincwfthi certain p-ovfsisn= of 10CFR Z)=55 e(g) Iaservfce Irispe=ion 4ufr ~ents".

Page 3-2 R

3.2 Pro ram Irmlereneation Surveillance gradation and m m ing is perWorme!

~ meet equipenent malfunction or de-nitiaw currec:f~ z-irma. Since the safety related pumps are norallly in a starndby mar~, ~icdic testing of this equioment

$ s es>ecialiy ~ortant. Tine MtP-Z Pan Irnservice Test Program provides a scfedule.

part of the fo. testing safeey re n~l a~

surv ill@ace mu. ir.

xueps and will be implemented as ft is antficip~ that reference da a all b. gathered during initial surveillamce Mes. In most cams<e= par~ters will be measured wio eorma1 plant mcrumentation. Tiis. aprozch will simplify the test pro-gram and ~ill xemote tR ly cocle. io of s~eillance testing. @hen p rma",entT~ imtalled iestrumentct5~ z eat available, portable instru-mN nta:ion ~ilium used m record tine.'8~ parameters.

Diurin", sWseqm< survelllarnce tas~, Row rate will normally be selectef as th'ndepercemt test paraclete am'll b. set to match the reference flow rate Titan ether hydraulic anr wi ll te maasuW end evaluated acaf~t


~ ical performance parameters a~ropriate. reference values.

Tlute resul~ of sue:h eva1uations AT T mermfre whether or set corrective actie: is ~amnt.ed.

Each amp 1n W Vunq Test Fmgraa ~1 be tested a cording to a detailet test procedure The prcced~ <<-,11 ~Nude. as a minimum:

a) Statement tives of Test Fvrpese.

rearence aglicable

~a T~al mtier. will identify test objec-S~ifications and note the cpera includes fo; which tie ~~s is aporopriate.

b) frer~uis~ for Testing. Sy~e valve aligrment, eyuipment for prope. pun <operation (cooling ~a~ ventilation, etc.) and addi-tional in~~enta'.ion ge.g~rm3e temperature or vibraticn coniMrs) <<f:ll be roted. Iten<-..f~tinr muabers, range and cali-bratimn v t<icaticn of addi=iarna ims~rumentation wi11 be recorded.

c)I Test inst-uc ions. Oirectims ~il be sufficiently detailed to as-sure aompeb ness and umif~i~. r testing. Instructions will inclucie ~v~sions for retunin;g aster: to its normal standby con-figurat<o fallowirg testinc. CFr fni'.crmational purposes, path. ar e illustra-ed e Sec:oe 3.7.)

propose.'low d) A=cepeana Cr iteria. The regs~ <<thim which test daW will be con-sidered ~+table <<ill be et~l~ned br the Supply System and in-clude in ~ test procedure.

outside t~ acceptable range:,


~~tor ev nt that the d.ata fall action will be governed by approwed ~~nistra:ive Proc it {s m gnized that the Punnp'nse-.vice Test Program sets forth du~'inally mfnimun teMini r~quireeents . Aeke" orJ will be perforated, as requir d, a:fte. pump mai~tenance n. +sateen C necessary i'y the Plant Staff.

Page 3-3 R

3.3 Propre AChninistration The oporations staff of MNP-2 is r sponsib1e for che eftministratim and execution of the Pump Itservice Test Program. The Prcgr am <<ill be offi-cially implemented upon the issuant-e of an license and <<ill govern pump testing for a 120month period. Prie- to.that time, the Pro-grar>> <<ill be reviewed ard upgraded periodically to assum continved cem-pliance with 10CFR 50:54 (9)i4). The Progrea may also be used as part of the pre-fuel loading surveillance testing srogran. Subsequent to Operating license, the ~gran willI be revise'to reflect current ASNE requirements consistent <<ith DCFR 50:55a (g);4).

Page R

3.4 Puce Reference Lfs Thfs list gives a the fe'escrfptfen of reach pump identfffeC fm the Pump P ~ Ri 8'Rg>>

t Tes Prop".am. TM gem'9IE Code Claasfficatfor are spe fif'fe! fJn the Program.

rQ HPCS-P-1 The Hfgb Pressure Cor e Spray pump provfafes energ rcy coolie spray To the reac:tor'core. It fis enable of fmjec.frng coolant at pressures equal to or above eoreal reaacto.. epe.atfng presswres. The pump can taike ~ion frorm the t:ondensrte. Sta.age Tank ar fror the Supp~ssfon Pool HPCS-P-2

';~,'i Thfs punp fs dedi=ated to provfdfeg coollfng water. to the HPCS Bne.gency Diesel Gemerator, t=he aandby power sour ce for the High Presswre Com Spray System. HPS-P-i is locate fn tahe PIC House and takms su t~on from: the spray pcnd;-

L PCS-P-1 A h5gh capacfty, lovw heMI punp, the Low Pressure G~e Spray pump yrevfdes RRQ cooling spray to the rector core upon mcefpt of loss of cno1ant sig-LPCS-P-I tace'rction from the swppressfon drool except whe: test-R nal ing to the Reacto Preaure Vessel.

RN-W-2A, 2S ~ 2C The .Resfdval Heat Rremoal punps am hfgtr: capacity, low head pumps Wfch R



W have multiple use; afuri~g normal and em'ency plart condftforns. Sr iefly system,:

a) In cce$ unctfon wft> ether systems, restores and maintains rem@or coolant fnv~tmry in the eventt of e LOCA


's:~>2 g b) Renoves decay thea! a~ter shuts~

"j ip c) Cools the smyrress.on pool d) Condenses st~are goer"ated during Hat Standby e) Can provide:onlfrq spray to upper .and lower aywell and to the R

atm 1 1 f) Can assist i~ Puef'ool coolfng g) Can provide s c:onwnsfng spray to t:he reactor head I$ ) h) Provides flowing a f<o~ pa>

is m~ufrst for Standby Se.. vice gate-. fn case crontaf~t Punpe take suctior Pron tlute suppression pool in th. standby otrwra'.fry mode .

Page 3-5 R 4~I R,C-P-IA, IS Standby Liquid Con.rul ~aas a;e ua d to 1n5e t negative reactfvfty fscdfum pentaborate) fate tfe c:ore fndmp~rntly-of the control rod system. Suctfon fs ob:awned from a stmr ag t"ank containing the sodfun geetaborate solutfon.

QW-IA, IB Tee Standby Ser vfce Ma'.er pumps supply ccoolfrrrg ~ater to separate trains cf safety related equipment. The pumps: tace auction on their respectfve spray ponds but eventmlly discharg ta th cupposfte pond. The. two pcnds ere the ultfmate heat sf'. %ring loss mf c'.fxfte pcwer conditions.

KK-P-I Tee turbine dr fven Rea tor Care Isolatfae Cac,lfng pump supplies coolan:

4 The core fn the evert of motor vemel fsalatfon. It can take suc-tion from either the Ccncrenscte Storage Ter~ mr from the suppression pal.

R-P-IA, IB, 2 T~ese pumps transfer diesel aerator fidel af.l fram the subterranean s:or age tanks to the diesel's Gay Tanks P~ 2 fs dedicated to the HrCS Ofesel. The dfscharge Hres of P~ lA and 'B are cross tied, pump can supply fm1 to either Dfeael IA or IB.

an.'~W PC-P-IA, IB Tm Fuel Pool Cfrculatfon (PC) punps Mke suatfor. on the spent fuel pal anf discharge through the FP heat exch~em and, during normal opera-troe. through the Fuel Pal ff1 ter/Demfmaraff-ers.

Paqe 3-5

.5 Pun Ins~vic .est Ta'.les

%he Test Yable ~s the lmart cf tho Pea T s'. Proaran. It oresents a graphic display of the tyoe ~md frequency of testinq vhich the Svoply System i~ends ~or its Class 1, 2 and 3 manes. The Table unco ooratea he exceptions requested $ n Act)on '3i I'%e'.le~ P~vests).

4 ~



,i I

~Le cad 4~

Page 3-7A g s Quart r ly {92 day f nter v@1 ) test A Annual test Nfk ~ Not aoplfeale. See Relfsf Requests K Not nqufne!

EMP - 440Q does nat requfre pumq speed measurenmt ff puap fs dfrec:ly ~ospled to a constant swed motor drfver-Nate A:

Storage Tank levels wflf be recorded and correlated to assure fn order to dstermfne Pf and a P.

Paw 3-9 3.6 Pu-.z Test Relief Fe ursa Pe) ie, Requests identify Code ~e uiremr.. s vtric ar Anpractical fcr MNP-2 an5 provide echni-al )Ls.ificatin, for De r aiestW exception.

Ahere app.-opriate, they a'so prmse aICmat~:esMra to b p rfo~+ in 1i u of the Cede ~uirmmts.

Page 3-9 Revision RELIEF flgU~ RP-l (De1etM)

Pag e 3-XO R

RELIEF REgUE57 RP-2 Puu(sj SLC-P-IA SLC-P-IS Secttcn XI C:de Requkr~t for wh'ch Relief is re vested Heasura pump inlet pressure. ~<, and pmp ditferem.ial p~sure, >P.


Bases for Re!vest

1. Tte SLC pumps N.e pos5tiv displacement punqs whichat a constant speed, deliver essentially tM sm capacity a. any per ssum v.ithin the capabil-i:y of ~ driver a~d the strength of tM rectly coupled to constr'peed d ive motors

~. The SLC pumps are di-

2. Su"veillance requireaents specify syste~ aligrments which assure adequate NUH fo. the pmps.
3. There is no provisica fo-, suction pressure inst-umerntation.
4. A~ptatle discharge pres+re and flcwrate wi U sufFi=e as proof suction pressure. oi'oequata Al terna'.e Te~in Pro osed Pump dischara. pressure and finn.ate will be mxasu~ ant'ecorded during testing.

ualit ~Safet Im a" t Yaasvreaent c'hese para~ters assures acceptable l~vel o'uality since i~adequ>te su" tion press~ would be imdicatm" by e.r atic discharae and safety pressure indication, subnormal low rates an8 incre. a-ed p~unp vibration and noise. These abnormal irdtca ins vill be in;ves'.ipse.ed en'. corrected as require by BP-3200.

J l I

~ +

I Si Page 3-11 P

4 II RE E"F EQ~ RP-2 (D 1etei) wj Jl 4g

~A g

sj I

"4i i

1 i ' 4 I\

Parge &33 RELIEF RH}ZST Rf-5 Pm(s)

HPCS-P-2 SM-P-lA m-P-1S Se:tion RI Cod. Requ! rement for which Relid's Re uested measure pump iilet ~sure. Pi, ant diFfh-ential press.ure,n>. (IMP-Z00)

Bases for Rearr st (1) SH-~-1A, 3 and HPCS-P-2 are ve mersed fn their water source.

till tur5 ne type purn;s whi4 are im-They have m. suctiotn lire whiN cern be ins tr umented.

(2) Technical Speci" .atilrs F11 state a'nim~ allnra51e spray yotnd level M assure acuate <<PSH and coolirg wa~e s~;lies.

(3) Oifferenee betweern al'owable rnuimun: yond Mvel and mirinnum le~el is only six (6) irches c'att. or 0.2 psf This small diffe. mce <pardize the safe'.y of ihe public.

Page 3-14 IL 3.7 3'm osed P Test Flmt Paths These flew pattes are proposed Nor use dmrfng gemp testfeg ~ may be used ahrfng the valv test program. Th valve alfgnmert shen on tuse dra~-

8igs reflect valve poof tf on dm.fng testirg. Waive posf:fon dwarf ng opera-

.ons Noway be different. Surveillance p~edums vfll d fine equal flow paths.

1 I

1 l I


I I trit; I

I VE i.'it I l

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A(J j l I l


I 5UPI'I'g'i'> I >

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2>I LI'CS I I REI I lit 'et:t t>g OR H IIVr;,


3 t

~ad 18'1I FL.

I I 14k RE'A(: I ()lf Vt 5')!. (


I V-3A lib

~ 'I fi

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I, O J. J.


lA 5 RV-3H V:li i'C i

t8 AEt Llll tg'(;I 'i)

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-l 1'1 V-II88

Pekoe 3- 25 Qevision Re:ords of Inse. v.~ Te sts Rewrds of Pump 2r~viice Test results will he raintained in accordance

~la Article IIF-~-~f the Code. C file will be established far each putto and will in lu~:

I) Pump identiifi=a-imn by eouipnent piece numb r, manufacturer, an0 se.. ial nuW~.

2) Inservice ta.s: gleans. This may be by r ferance to the surveillance test proce~r hy which the pump is tes ed.
3) Summaries c.. ~e=ctive action.

The Pact Inservic:e ~st= Program, associate." surv*illance .est procedures a~. results will t=. cemt at the P(P-2 plant site. For info.matioaal masses, a sampile van~ test data she t is pmvi'ed.

w~,,'4aa .sn g -,> .~ isa ta'aj >;a'aa g. s'sa . >>s s P'es~ ~w, a ~

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'a+a Page 3-2ia 1I'r~g R





r'k J ct on~ er " Hecsure .n t.

Parens ter; Ran e Ra~ac Value Pump Suction Press (PI ) N/A K/A ps ig s

f Be or e "Pum Start Calib. Rue Oa~e Purrp Suction (PI ) N/A K/A Psig Durina Test Calib. Sue 9a e ra Pump Discharge Press (PI ) N/A K/A ps f9 Cclib. G)ue 3a e q4 Calculated Punp ~ P psi0 psiD psi0 igg i line 3 - line 4)

System Flow (FI )- gprr Calib. (Due 3a e Ir .~

Pump Beer ing Tibration

~a ' See Reverse Sfdr aria Lubrication Level o" Pressure Satisfactory Unsatisfactory CONE NTS:


..<<8 t l>s a'y oi 1


  • If devia!icrns fall within ~he ALERT ANGE, the test frequency is ~cideas d to onc each 45 says. If deviatiorns fall ~ithin the ACTION RANGE, the purr zha11 b declared ireperable and >e deviative hves-fgateci and/or corrected.
    • @here flw is calculated rath<< thar measured, record fdentff%cati>rr nurrbers and calibration due date of fn~truaents used to collect data (e.g, lee 1 frdfcator, stopwatct)

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Paoe 4.0 'rlllP-2 Valve Inservice Tes. Program 4.1 Pro ram Develo en'hflosao~

Washington PubT:ic faw r apply Sys:~ K+Imar Profec Unit 2 tMNP-2i is a Boflina Mater f.'eac~ befog cnnstrw e" fn cerolfanc>> wft4 the &HE Boiler an" Prepare 'l~ssel Codie. Th~ Cate reoifres serfodfc testfn: n~

certain safety ~el'.H valves 3n o.."e r ~ vverffy the;r opo.rabflity ~~d physical int arity. 'The WP-Z Valre Ins rvvfce Test ~roaram sctisff<

these r'equfrdents anrd co;fnrnns tc F~~k~ mmnftnents .'or valve testiq.

The Progra~ wfIH de:erat p>>ten iaily mdvmm changes in the me(hanfccI conr'ftfcn of valves ~~ hi the. sco:e o'tfo. XI, 5j".sectfor;-IV ~ t".e Code. The scope'r. I~des all 'valv*s "<cfog are reou=red .o perform a specific function f~ shutting do~ a <<~ten<<a the mid shut<a~ C~Cf-tion or in mftigatf~a the cons~qu~ce s ~ a.n a=ciden.". ".ary valves use~

fa sNut~~"wn aoerations ere ~o n e~~sariiv "rnufred" nor wn~ld t~.y necessarily be a~afiebie ~or .ha + p;~ose. Hen~, the scorn O'LiV is restricted N valves ~ufr d ~ zhu.~ t'e reac or in etrergencv situations and o n-,.t~gate acceder ~nvam nces.

To generat. the '.4NP-2 Program, all 1, 2 a+ 3 valves .~ere analyzed ta determ'~e the require< ~e ~rr'r quenc~ of testina or each valve. The valwes w be testM un:er S. hon Yl, Su'.sectfon ".JY c~

~ents a.e IfstM, by system, fe th Y~alr 7%est Tables <Section e 4). The

~ables schedule only waive exe., cfs! t=~s.s. Le!< rati testfna mandate bw Section XI will be incoro~atM inc a 'PP-2 u'.ified lea". ~ate testf".a program which wl'I sa fsfy Sec fo. XI: a mther requ.-erects.

The ".NP-2 FSAR conr.."ts to meeting .ae- ~mf.."emits o'oth '.0 ".FW 5".,

Appendix J(1), and .f Section '.Xl. Ea==l ~ these documents addresses particular hut sIimtly d'fferent corrnce s +rft~ resp t to valve le~c-age. Each contains ~ufda~e .er v!Iv~e .+>- ra e testing. App r".ix.3 is vrfmarfly concerned with Ieahage oa. ~f an, airment sjbseq>>ent ~a a Loss-of-Coolant Acc dent (LOCA:). '.t ~e:=ir es Iea< rc-e testing o. nn-

.ainment isolat=on iallves at tahe nvf~u.". Ci-fferentfa'. pressure (wP) expected durfna an mcfdert. Sect on-, Zl rmqufws Iec'< r ate test~na n

.all valves fo~ wh<c. seat lee'<aae 'is- lm ~d a a sp cific max!rum amount" and tha- te!t <<na be oe~foraer a. t¹ vcl ves 'peratfno < o bless Title '0, Code of Fp.'eral ~eaullatins=, .=cr~ =0, Appe+fx ~.

Primary Reactor Co~afrm~t 'cr ".ate. - Conle."

Po.~er Reactors.

Page 4==

Rev f srorr.

a lowe iP can be showr to pire conse.. vatfve results. Opentf.ngzP may be many times the maWaan per-LOCA W P. Finally, p~t Tmhrnfcd Specfffcatfons also admss Mk rate testin". and fmpsse sp9 tffc testfn3 requfrerrents (e.g. exes Nor check valve o;erabf1 ftp Wrrorstratm; test

res, a~ excluded since these era"ves a subject only to Appendix J t s-fnc. Far frrplemen'.atfm purposes, the ~st frequencies mandated fm ~hfdf~ J,Section II and the Techrfcall Recfffcatfons a e the sane testing vf11 ~ fn.genera, be ~forner" during outages although sons Leafed re valves may bc amenable a leaf testfng during power op ratfcns Similar testing frequen:ies ard overlapping requfremerrs nec~ssfteas a unfffed leak rate testfrg pro@en whfch will eaxfmfze cemplfance ~th the various cerrmf talents, pnvfde ansfstamcy fn test metho!ology and Wuce duplfcatfon af effort The Sroply System fs actively develo;fmg a unf-f'.ed program &fch wfI1 be emitted for review at a )ster Ate. +oce-dures to fmphment thfs propre are being prepared. Verification that posft-on %reicatfcn agrees <<fth actual valre pos'<fon wtll be accomqlfshed bfmnual y as part of th valve erer cfs! test. A1:hough the tables ir. ~tiN 4.4 spe-ifically desfgmte po;ftfor fnd%- cation ve iffcatfon oral~ for artafn manually operated valve'nd Neck valves, the position inricatfm for power ope.ated valies wf .be Necked 1 biannual'ly du. ing an exrcfsz est. The Code. recognized tlra'. cert<!n of fts requi.ements rrey be f~rac=fcaT: for a ~pe iffy plant anc cortrns prov isfons '.or -el'fef frorm faqractfcal requfremerrt'ea relief ~equests for the Valve Inserifce Test Program (Section 43) fdertffy testing fnpractfca ftfes, provMe technical basis for th request and pmpose alternate wstfn; wher warranted. Inst of thle reque~w ask omly for the postronemert of ast-fng, not cancellation The Supply System fs cor.=iden: that the NIP-2 Valve Inter vfc~ Test ~rp-it rillall p gram ceaqifes q$ $ h the >tent af auplfcable codes, regulations,(2) and gufdelfnes<~) and tiat mak>>e a positive con=fbut or." to the '~,, 5p safe operation of the p ~nt. (2) 10CFR SQ:55 a',g)(2) (3) NRL: Staff guidelines fcr. exclu:ing exe. cfsing (cycling'ests M ~afn valves du-ing Plan'. op~etfon+ Page 4-3 I 4.2 P ~ - lemmtatfen The Valv* Test Program will be exe u>d as part of the norrrra plan'. sur-vef1Ianc routine. Tvo types e', tesx will be conducted as gart o'- the Valve Tes. Protract:

1) 'k'a1~ Operab f1 f ty Tests
2) Kala. Leak Rate Tests The Operaflfty Tests will verify 2) the valve responds to cmtrol coreaMs. 2) tte valve s.roke tfme fs within specific limits arel, 3) renote pzftfor, frrffcatfm accu-.ately reflects the obse.ved wive posit~on. Base line data for stroke times will be obtafned from irf-tfal 0'air Operabflfty Tests. The frftia1 Valve Operabili y Tests will mee: t: he ~ufrsnents for prese.vfce testing (IVV-3100}.

applfcab>, acceptance criteria for rnftfal stroke times nfl: be within weal! the 15mf~~ specified in Table 6.2-L6of the NP-2 FSAR. Otherwise, the <<'1 P I1'l Sup>ly. Sy..em will specify acceptable times. @hen these tf~ estsbllfsted, th.'y wf31 be inserted fr the Valve Test T&les m¹r the are Strnkt T~e co lan. P' Rem:te vz ve po'ftfom fn."fcatfo: be verified every two y ars. I<<1 <<j Man~ai ly.operated valves with renote position fndfcatf'm have been fncfuoed 'n this program. 4C Fail safe valves wf17 be tested by otservfng the valve operation uWn loss of e ectr ical, pneunatfc cr hydraulic actuating parer. In most cases lo.s of electr ical power cau:ses loss of actuatin; fluff and can be acccmpl issued using normal contral circuits. Val~e lee~ rate base T inc data wf 1 1 8 obtain d f n accor'ance ~f h IMV-3LOO ed acmpteci industry practice. Leak rate acc ptanc. crftarfa will te specified by the Owner. 4.3 Proer wn Awfnfs.. ation The Va,lve Irrser Lice Test Progran will be adnfnfster ed f~ a ~amer anaiopous to the Puny Inser vice Test nrogran. Paae -'4 Rev is i on 0 4.c Valve Test Tables Tt~. Valve Tes" .ables ~e the esser=e o~ the Supply Syste~'s Prcqra~ to eeet ASY.. Sectka X?, Su'wect4cn I'AV requk~ents. The Tables r fleet the posktfons tsken ir. support of t"..e relief reouosts. To aid the reader in t¹ interore'.stion of the Tables, br ie. explanations vf the Table Nea5fnps a~d a~'reviatims are provi~ 4 rr ~ ' ~, y ~ Page 4-5 Revision 0 (1) Vz1 ve Number Each piece W eerie)ment in the plant has a Lnique "ta," nunc. which Mentifies t) e 4'I system to W~ch =he equipment belongs, the f4 type of eqiipmer~ (flo~ con.rol valve

  • 1 FCV, relic', valv RV, rupture disc
  • R3, etc.), and a uni~ serial number.

K'I t2) ceeee JSME Code Cla) ss ~er Section III of t.'he A5YK 4 44 Foiler and Pressure Vessel Code. These are 4 nughly ecxi.~alit +o the safetv classes l cefined in Chapt*.r 3 o'he FSAR. KI (3) C~ordenates The specific coo.donates of each va!ve!~e 44 supplied tt: aci'it.ate loca+ion o~ tIhe I valves on he ~1~ diagram )orovided. I' (4) V lve Catenory Categories ar e d*.f ined by ASIDE Sectian Nf, sJbsection IVV. Each valve has soecific 54 testing req~%renen~s which are deterl inc'i Il the category m which i belongs. '5>I Size ~ laminal pi;e dia<>er tn which the valve <<4 connects is aiva =.n inches (tl) ~lzlve T e Tne followtne ahreviations are used to d scribe value t~e: ",- J 4 Kl C<

  • Butt~r
  • Chai fly ~aTve GT QQ

~ Ga e ".'alvin

  • Ruotu e d'sc.
  • Diao'r~gm salve u'alv'";A

'J RV Re~ ie Valve 'g {3

  • Glcbs ualv 5/. ~ Sa etvgolief Va'tve SV ~ Soleneid ".aZve

Pxe t ReI s i or 0 The cllcw%ng abbreviatio~~s are csee +o desc.. ibe ac:tuator types. Yale s. mar ~e actu ed im ore than ono ~b'av. AO ~ Air mnerated HO Hydra!ulic nperate" MAN ~ Manually operated gO ~ Potor. oper@ted SA Self actuated (actuated 0y a ~ange in system parameters: sun as . low ar pressure, e.g., c¹ck an'. rreli f valves). SOL Solemid operated (8) tlornral Posi ti~ Valves may 0 either- no~a11y co~n ( ) c-normally closed ('Z). Th.<tie v~lv~ are not ~rcluded fr. he scoo= vf Nis pagrwr since they are either passive cr regc1at~ng type valves. Both types o. vaTv s we exenpt frcan I'AV testing (WV-KOQ). (5j Test Durino This colum defines the oo~r a+ina mo!es ~s defirB bv <~e Te hnical Saeci=ic:ati:ns, curing which th valve m!v be sa=elv teste". Se belm for t~e defin~tio.. of "all." "CSQ'" and Refuel." Leaend e~A Ting Testira is zmrcvwd during all opera:inc mo¹s and ~ ill be conducts on a qua~er 7 v basis, as pemitMd by ola~t s:a-us. paae a-7 Revision 0 CSD'eld shrdowrn. Ku~idanc foe. Inservice valve tatiag at cmld shutdown is: Valve tes<ing shovel~ ccnmence not than 48 hears a.ier rmld stnutdom is achieved and continu until c~lete or until plant is reaCy tc reborn to p~. Cmyletion n. all valv* temtine iis nc'. a prerequisi?e to leaf'n 0 p~ ~ Ary Resting rno'. ceaelet d at one cold stutdo.~,shovel: ~w perform ~ durina tM sAs~quert cml'hugtdmns to meet the Code s~ifiet ted~ting ..requ ncy Reftuel Test wilt be -canQc=+ed during refueling oL..ages out at le at every wo years. Cer- 'tain woPt whil~ is g)~inallv scheduled for a refuel",ng mt ao m y be performed at othe~ tbes ~ha pliant conditions permit. Th two -iear mnimum frequency will be maiMaiM. Test frequency 'WV-%20 willi be according to veer sp cifiatioms. (10) Test Testing wquii~~ s id ntified for ths valv. ar ide n ified he.e. S/E S~o'"..e e..erci.s~ valve .imirg ~ot relevant. j,Alibi Page 4-8 Stroke t4ne.- valwe must sect stmke tfmfle requirements s~fffed in the F5AR or elec- ~here. . Senal Test Relief valves wfl,l be tested in a"cordance wf th IWV-3$QO raqtuf rements. IVV-BQO Rupture disa will be tested fn accordance with Sectfon XI, Subsection IWV paragraph 3620. Pos Htd Position Indica.ien verfffcatfoc only. Used only far ma~mal valves. P~ar oper- <<~gsC ated valves'osf ion in."fcatforr wfII be verified biannu<Illy during exercise test (Ll) St~k Tf~ Reference s-roke t:ime will be Ifsted where ( ) Ya.iues will be determined -<<~j during inftial sur veillance testing and <<tA 4 'will comply witt 'ilfmftfng values of full stroke tine specf..ied fn the FSAR, Techni- ~if,g cal Specf'.fcatfcns or otter commitment documents (:.2) Notes Senerally self explanatory, e.g., NO Homal ly cpe.n FO Fa fls open NC

  • Nornally clc:sed FC Falls close-"

(0) Re me 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~1 I ~1 ,I ti I I t0 ? I I I 'I I It I t I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C I ~ I I ~ I ~ I I I I I I I


~ ~ ~ I ~ 0 I ' 'I I 'lI I ~- ~~ re K "~~r'Ae<<w~r are~i w rthht"frl.rt- . .. .~~A,~rf 5 5 ht t System ¹we llh!N STE SYSTEN (IlS) 4 r ~ rtrr rtrt5 Owq. No. - ltSloa r aeec -assama: ~ w.rrrrr.w~ aaeos eeewmerte Pace R nr 5" a ve aquas s Va lve Cateoo1iy Site Valve Actuator Noraa) Test Stroke For Nueber C I ass Cocrdlnates inches T T e Pos i t ion bur ln Test Tine Note Re l ler K '.5 HS V 670 1 bl 1i)/P GT MO C ALL S/T Hs-avr lh I Ia lb A5/5h C Flail. RflUf L BENCH TKST K Ns-Rv-)b I El) 6x 'l0 Ab/Sh C Rf I[QH IfNCH K HS-RV- IC ) F6 X 6 I 10 AO/SA C REFUE L N/A r'5 TEST HS-RV-)0 ) El 6x)0 S/R AO/SA C ltEFUEL BENCH N/A t %1 h I)K-AV.)A 5/II N/SA C IIElscH TEST HS-RV-26 1 E)0 X 6x)0 S/R AO/Sh C REF UEL bf AH N/A TEST HS-RV-2C I F) 6x)0 AO/SA C REFUEL BENCH TEST r ltS-Rv-20 I 6x)0 S/R AO/Sh C RfFUEL BENCH TTST HS-RV-3A F9 6x)0 Ah/Ch C RFFHrt NsSIH N/h u '"s HSWV-38 1 6x10 S/A I)/SA q REF))EL gfI)CII Il/I1 5 t )EST ,'5 HS-Rv-3C F1 6x 10 AO/SA C REFUE). BENCH N/A gP'; N't ~ a V ~ Sb ro 6 5 lb 5/R Ab/Sh RtlUC L C btaCH N/A TEST HS AV 4A f9 6I )0 S/A h0/SA C AEML 0 RE)I H/A A0$ VALVE tST HS-Rv-4b I '.g X 6 x 10 S/R AO/SA C REFUEL B NCH N/A AOS VALvE TEST II HS-RV-4C F8 6 x )0 S/R AO/SA AEFt)EL C NCll R/A NlS VALVE Tt St ~ Tech Specs require stroking AOS Va)ves it )east with Reactor steao do5ae pressure oreater than nr Ivory IS ann)hi 5 o5tua) tn )bb pslI. 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ I e I Pr p r r 5 p p f' ' ~ ll rp rp j)O 5~tee Rase REACT% FEEDI4ATER SYSTKII RFQ It((((I,. Nn. 520 poor p np p t/ice 'Ya 1 ve U<<[ p<<pip ll Catty'~ St te Yet re t I Rr tualnr t" ii Nnraot Pap( t I ((p Teat (4( fiick tppl Slrnty t lppp Nnie~ for loll~ ( Rf tt-Y-10l 1 612 X X 24 CX Sa 0 C50 5/E tt/4 eaves RFII-V-1GS 65 X 2i CSn Sr( 11/a RFMY MA 1 X X ?I CSll S/f II/i RFM Y VS I G5 X X CSO S/X r/a RN V ~ 65A CSII C/T ( ) REISE-Y-65B 1 X GT FSn S/T t ) i I ~ ~ i 4 ~ I ~ ~ 1 C I~ ' I I I' ~ I -C I' ~ I 0 0 4tt jykl l I' I I' I I I I I' ~ ~ e ~ I ~I I I ~ I I' I I l~ J I II I I L ~ ~ t 0 f. \ I I I t I ~ l~ k ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.5 Requests for Relief fran Certain Code P~qu!reverts Relief Requests are presented to Cocket Pi~fer~nces bot~een the Co~e and ).:F!P-2's Valve Test Program. The ~uests ir clu~ ec~nica1 justification for the d:fferences anc. where mpropriate, oroocse alternate testing. GENERAL RB IEF $ EOUEST (OELET Vl 0 Page 4-41 Revis>on

1. Valve Exercisin Test F u~r: ~mt- io:s IN-3411 states that categcr"v A aid '6 ial v!s sh!ll be exercised at least one every 3 months, except u prvi 8e: by IA-~12(a). IWV-3412(a) states:

Valves shall be exercise'a th~ sos it>or wq-~i~d to fulfilltheir func-tion urless such opera-iar1 is nest:r a~:ic:a'er:~g plant operati or, If orly liaited operation is pn.!:t-a'1;ir.g pl an'. operation, the v!1ve sh!ll be part-stroke se.'i1: in)g;l~n'. o>er!tion and -full stroke exercised during cold sh~tcaovs Ya. lv..s t:at cannot be exercised during plant operations shall bc m!'.i-1:!1 11 ine:) ~id by the Owner an.'hall be fu-ll-stroke exercised du r;,g c."c sw- den s. Furthermore, NRC Guideance, C-a-, t ~e-g. 61 ) i: 85931-4, states 'valves which 1>t1en exercised (cy'led; co1.". y.-. -h. pla". in an unsafe cor5ition" should be excluded from tes t'."q o aef!~r e: unt'I appropriate p >art test co,"ditions are provided. TM following valves a~e sp e.f ~u'1 y de r:if ie'. by the Owner as being irqractical to exercise dJr ir~ piet cce a:ious arKI will therefore be full-stroke exercise5 co;c s&J'v~:-. Te testing of thes! valves sh!11 carrnence imr1edia-eiy (v'.t>< 2 4 e1 r.:'; fo'l~ing the estab listment of cold shutdown condi ians schedule. Testing shall cc i'err r)'.in~a vr d!-c~ v~ta ~e owner's established 11 a~ 'ong !s the plant is scheduled to be in cold shutdown t: ~'.or nre=qi.rwd s1ainsenance. During e!ch cold sktdem, testing shal corixan .cm iit=h:h> ~ex- v!l ve in successior after th. previous cold sktdoa. Al 1 ~ tuse ):1 ves will be tested d.'ring f e!9 refueling outage. The>>l~e e:r! icie".i i~5 by unique valve numbers ar.'e.'e identificatiors !s t: C~o. C 1!ss ad Vc ve Category. a) Va lve Nurser Code Id. Fur. c'.ion CPJ)-Y-llOA, B 2, B ~ Frc-v.5e~ s ~~~nc5a t m..~s of depressurizing the CAD-Y-111 2, 8-L' scr a": vol>e d'sohr!gms. JuSti f iCati01--CyCling the ValVe..S F0~1: ~S:1= '~ SC amning the reaCtOr, th!refold this testing shall be d:ne o.-f n: ccl: sh1:.d~ plant conditions. b) Ya. lve Nurser Code Id. Fur c;i~ RC IC-V-65 66 1, A-C RCI C Hac1zr g! tn:he r!actor vessel head LF CS-V-6 1, A-C LPCS ciavar '=g! t~ ~e r-:actor vessel HF CS-Y-5 1) A-C k>t:S ".i mC1.!r g. tc::Oe r!aC tOr VeSSel RHR-Y-41A, B. Cl, A-C KHF..~m s, B, C d.scn!.ge to the reactor vessel RHR- Y-50A, 8 1) A-C F.'IF >.oo~ 1, B:i~cargo to the recirculating pump t.'i s. c.~!r Q! Justi f ication--Yalves canno- be o;en c!c. a "s= >e a'ff erential pressu.e which ex'.s s across ther. dUring pov!" o:~r t vr s. )=.e.:to~ coolant system prcssure ho)ds t".e valves closed. Als:, v!1v~s ar e oc=! ~C i .i de the containm:~t (eicepl RCIC-V-65) and cannot be I 'c-!r ~ i'.) -s:late: t.o allow testing. 1 1 age 4-R RP c) Yi:va lunber Code Id. Fan:t4 on Rv.-k-8 1, A Iao:ation vclves in R& shutdown cool in; s.-uction Rv-iver'-Ir 1, A 1 f&ij'. f re:ircr.latia: 1 hn:. ream vessel 1 oop A Rw- 1, A sr:.pply to h=-ad spray Lm; f, outbord isclation valve for s'ru&down err'-i'0-V-5A, 8 1, A ( coo'log re tv-n 8 Valves Just"ical'on ale-vc:er to. coolant system l(R'.:PPRRI are inte 1:eked with ire ssures. revtor 0; nine circuit P<<!(i coolant system pr:ss-ure is disat;ec by the 1 sar=ac:re ss.~e inter locks. Ove-:~e ssur izati o. of t."~ sucti on line rry ense the 'asm o'hutdown RHR cooli nc, ca.pari 1fty. ?nterlocks cannot be tpa.ssed wit h m~<'ontrol circuits. .') Yr've @nb er Code Id. F'.Jn:ti or, R:-V-! 2, A I sc'ation valves for ~aRctor closed coo'ir g R: -Y-i; 2, A w at~r line s R -Y-4: 2, A R..- Y-1:4 2, A Ju~t'ica".or --Closure of is:latior valve rri1 interrupt cool inr, wa.ter R 1 ar 1 y 1 (RR) RR:1, 1 RPP coc les r: to the Drywell Air Golers poss:b'y car.sing failure of t..i equip-ae.-t... h: ri sks associated rritt fa ilure of tris er..ipeent outweigh ny- poten-

ie >ewe".~ts from quarterly t.e~.':r g of these val vcs.

1 o) Yr'.vw ~ er Code Id. Fun:ti orr Y-'-V-37 Se.. ieS Y'-3l Series 2, 2, BC BC i 4)aC.ur= J corcorners. breaLerS 'Or lK main Steam relic' irre Ju~t'ic=atior' Yalves have no po er operctor !y wh':h they may be st-oi.e.' R ' 1 1 R ar e:~aacnsi ble during power op=r ation s. ') Yr'va hsd=er Code Id. Fun:ti orr R.i-Y-l:A, 8 1, A-C feedwa-e. inburd check valves R.i-V-""A, 8 1, A-C Revtor fee&rate. outtoard check valve< R:k- Y-KA, 8 1, A F e~:tcr feed~a-e. sto; valves Jus't"i af a'. or PR,'(Rill-'.R)111 few tc tM reactor vessel .an.'ause a s.g ificvt reduction of r=ar=tr,

oc 1r.t irrer to~y.
2) 4:ego! S -C valves are he. d."pen bp feed~.ter flo~ and cannot be c osed du- iq pov.:- opo.rations.

Page 4-43 Revi sr on g) Valve Number Code Id. Function HY-V-17A, 8 2, 8 Valves provide hydraulic control fluid to the HY-V-18A, 8 2, 8 reactor recirculation flow control valve HY-V-19A, 8 2, 8 hydraulic operators. Recirculation flow HY-V-20A, 8 2, B. control valves are RRC-V-60A and RCC-V-608. HY-V-33A, 8 2, 8 HY-V-34A, 8 2, 8 HY-V-35A, 8 2% 8 HY-V-36A, 8 2, 8 Justif ication--Exercising of the hydraulic valves may cause repositioning of f1 1 1, ig 6 I 11 ti changes in the core. h) Valve Number Code Id. Function P P I -CVX-72f I -CVX-73e 1, A-C 1, A-C ~ Containment isolation, j 1ines of Radiation Leak located on discharge Detection Honitors, penetrations X-73e, X-72f. Justification--These containment isolation check valves are located inside the containment and can only be observed/tested during cold shutdown conditions. i) Valve Number Code Id. Function C IA-V-39A, B 3, 8 + These valves for cross connect the normal nitrogen Nain Steam Isolation Valves and CIA-V-41A, 8 3, 8-C J supply the Nain Steam Relief Valves (including the 7ADS Yalves) accumulators to the backup nitrogen sup-ply for the 7ADS valves. Justification--Testin; these valves reqUires securing the backup nitrogen sup-hI i f i1 " p1 operating. $) Valve Numbe~ Code Id. Function RRC-V-13A, 8 RRC-V-16A, 8 2, A-C 2, A ~ Inboard and outboard isolation J recirculation pumps seal purge valve: for the line. Justification--Closure of Category A valves (RCC-V-16A, 8) would terminate g 1 i 1 I P~lA lI, p<<t 1. L f purge flow may result in excessive seal wear and possibly failure of the seal. The risk associated with seal'ailure are greater than the benefits gained by valve testing. Category A-C valves (RRC-Y-13A, 8) are held open by purge water flow and can-not be closed power operations. k) Valve Number Cale Id. Function RC I C-V-13 1, A R."IC pump discharge isolation valve and contain-ment iso 1 at ion. Justification &>ening this valve during normal power operations will resul t pig I lI - ff11 ) 1 1 4~ Iage

2. Only those valves which are required to peMonn a specific funct)on in shutting down a reactor to the cold shutdown condition or in mit$ galing the consequences of an accident are required to be tested per Subse:t$ on IA of the Code. Us)ng this criteria the followhrg valves are no+ re-qu)red to be tested per Subsection IVV, but due tc their functional importance are included in the valve list.

RCIC-V-l, 10, ll, 21, 22, 30, 45, 46, 59, &5, 086, 111, 112 RC IC-RV-17, 19 RC IC-RD-1, 2

3. These valves are not ASHE Class III. They heve be n assigned i'asdirgtan SA'105 naterial welded t.'~

State Special Numbers and are considered as ASIDE code system pressure boundary. SM-V-187A, B FPC-V-172, 173, 175, 181A, 181B, 184 I

4. Valve closes automatically if Reactor Vessel press>re, is less thaw <7 psig. Therefore, if cold shutdown condition> exte d beyond a 3 ear.'.0 period, IIV testing frequency may not be met. H~ver, valves will be tested prior to resuming power operations as per IHV-3416.

RCIC-V-8, 45, 63, 76, 110, 113

a. RCIC-V-ill and V-112 are check valves isolate3 by RCIC-V-110 ad V-113 which close automatically if reactor vessel press~re is less than 47 ps i g.
5. These valves are not required to be in service un'.il the fuel pool cocl-ing system is placed in service. It $ s not expect< to be placed ir ser-vice until the first refueling outage at which tie this test progre.-

will be implemented as per I@V-3416. SM-V-75A, 75B, 187A, 1878, 188A, 188B RCC-RV-34A, B FP C V-112A, 1128 ~ 153 ~ 154, 156 ~ 172~ 173, li5 ~ 16" A ~ 181B q 184 FPC-RV-117A, B 4.! R uests for Relief from Certain Code Reau<reme'ts Relief Requests are presented to docu~t, griffe..ences between the Code ard MNP-2's Valve Test Program. The requests irzlude technical justifi-cation for the differences and, where apprcpr$ a:e, propose alternate testing. Page 4-45 R REQUEST FOR RELIEF NO. RV-1 System Various Valves(s) ASIDE Solenoid valves affected by this re3ie'* request are Classification identified in TABLE A. Function Code Testing 1. Timing of valve stroke (I'RV-3413) Requi renent Bases for 1. Solenoid valves are very rapid ecting, with'troke Relief times much less than one second. It is meaningless to measure their stroke titmes "to the nearest seconc". Alternate Testing l. Valves will be full stroke tested. Satisfact;ory to be Performed operation of equipment downstrea~ af the will constitute satisfactory valve operatim. solenoi'alve ualit Safet Im act The only valves in Table A for which tining migt:t be an inaortant parameter are the 'ategory A valves which are containment isolation valves. Hcweve, these valves have position indication displayed in the Cor,.rol Room and cn the Transient Data Acquisition System. Furthermore, each of- t~e Cateoory A elves have backup valves which can be used to isolate the line s'.ould it be remired. The proposed exercise testing and regular position indicat.,on verificatim will provide adequate assurance of quality and public safe:y. TABLE A Yalre Code Class Cat or Fare tian HY-'$-17A, 8 8 Hydrarulx +ugly for Reactor A f Recircu aWon Flow Contrel Valves HY-1-18A, 8 2 8 HY-'J-19A, 8 2 8 e HY-'i-20A, 8 2 8 HY-'l-33A, 8 2 8 HY-'i-344, 8 2 8 HY-'i-35A, 8 2 8 HY-'J-36, 8 2 8 RRC-V-19 1 A Reactor re=irculaticn seam;ling Iso valve. RRC-V-20 1 A Reactnr ~irculation saatling Iso valve. CZA-V-39A 2 8 Cross t~s between air en( nitrogen C KA-V-398 2 8 header, s. DO-'i-40A 8 Diesel .iel oil day tank A~ inlet valve N-'i-406 8 Diesel ~el oil day tank R inlet valve N-i-43 8 Diesel ~e'. oil day tank X inlet valve CRD-V-11M 2 8 Back-ep Sc.-am Valve (Air apply) CR 0-V-11M 2 8 Back-ep Scram Valve (Air apply) AI ", AA ) +Fg Avi'i' 'T 1VI ,'ll '4 Paae <- -7 9sv js jNnn Q 4 RV-I 1..ABLE A (C~t'C} 'K 1 Valve Code Class Ca:~or Function PI-VX-25 Rdi~~jm mori o RASSLE->M inlet valve P I -VX-2=3 Rdi&jz monito RAiD-~E-129 nut',~t valve PI-VX-2 3 Rdi~jtn manjto. RAS=E-':- outlast valve P I-VX-2":< Rajas im mo~ito RAS-.E- >4 inlet valve P I - VX-257 Ra'.j~icn mani to. RMP-VE-l~M inlet valve P I-VX-259 Ra.'jMim ne=ito- RAf!1-~E-'24 outlo..t valve 'WW 14 t'h P I -VX-2EZ ":, G~ annjtar itiet m h ~~=let h ~ pr valve~ !S-SR-12) P I -VX-26~ P I -VX-265 P I -VX-266 ":, 0~ mnjtor i~let ~ h t:u-let P I-VX-257 valv~ tS-SR-14) Pl-VX-2~a PI - Sx-26~ CkS-V-4i3 Ai see:ly to drwelT' w 'deli dawn-cmer vacuum br eAers.. R)R-V-MP Leao A umple (i~noar".> R%-V-SQr Lo:o Z smple (i~."oars RK3-V-75~ Leo ~ simole '.oi boa.r'} RHR-V-T58 Lcco s'mol (o. hoard) RIR-V--ZZ Drain Vi between Valv~~ jsn" atina S~vice '4ate. fr RH? Valve Code Class Cate o- fsnc&cn SW-V-~01 B furlong Ra+et ta f~, 0 ~ analyzes SW-V-204 9 5-%-13, 1<. SM-V-206 B SW-V-209 a SM-V-210 B SW-V-211 3 SW-Y-212 3 9 SM-Y>>213 3 g Pag 4-49 I I%(VEST FGB RELIEF NO. RV-2 System Carious Emergen~ Core Galing Systems Valve(s) ASME Valves affected by this relief request are i¹ntiffied in Classif icatior. TABLE B. Function Code Testing i;~arterly valve exercising (IWV-3411) Requirement Bases for Valves canrot be o~ed against the differential Relief pressure which exists across thea during power op rations. Reactor coolant system pressure hnlds the valves clo~.

2. Valves are Ie=ated inside containment and canaet be teaporarily isolated to allcrw testing.

Alternate Testing 1. Valve exercising wali be performed dur'ng cold, to be Performs stutdown. ualit /Safet Im act Nore frequent testin3 of the valves in TabTe B would require plant shr Ldowns solely u acconmodat testing. Suer requi~ents violate the intent orf the Code (I@V-3412,'a)), which recognize; that certain valve tests >re not prac-tical during plant meration. Furt~~ore the redundancy of the emergency core cooling system ~sures that no single failure of the valves in Table B will compromise the plant. The proposed testing and plant design, proivide an acceptable level of quality and saf ty. Page 4-50 I RV-2 TIKE E Valve Code Class Ca~ or . iutlct f ofl fHPCS-'I-5 HPCS dschaarge te reactor vessel. LiP CS-V-6 t.DCS dschmry. to reactor vessel. RAR 43A 1 J-C BR llep A .discharge to rea-tor RHR-l-41B 1 PC RHR limp B to rea:tor R.HR 42 C 1 S-C RN limp C .dfsche ge to rea:tor RSR-h$ 3A 1 WC RHR uep A dfscha-,ge to recfrculation yuay dzchaarge. RHR -1'-5QB RHR llew B dfsche ge to recfrculat$ on Ufllp MchcBPQB RW-1-299 1 $ -C Pres~~n relief bypass around Rt%-V-9. R I C-V->66 1 4C RCIC dschmrye to reactor vessel head. ~, r p~ 4 ~er. 5 z rrrn REgU=ST FQR %EL'rgF 'iP RV-3 5'zsterr Contaiinrrent Iostr~nt Air V'< I ve(s ) Valves a fected bv this rolio. request ~e rdon ifio'. Cl assi f ication TABLE C. Furnc ti on Cc)r.'e Test inc 9rrartr rlv .osting t5<.'V-2<12) Pos= inn ir "i~iar. R:oquirene n t ve.ifiic!tion (IMV-3:22) Bases fcr 7:he 4Q Sorie5~ 5 gerioS anrf 24 So~~oz va)+es e e R~ 1 iec llocated insir.'e con-ainmr nt ~( c nr .ot a ~aces~ ~urinq over okra-ions. Tr r is .ro .ay ~o r n+<lv i~sola'.e the valves and observe t~ er~urr ."e~y af t=h accvmul atom. 2., rare '.s no local ~r r~ote wositi~ >r'.rc>>t!o.. far Mesc c."'.eck valves Ailter~ate Testing Druring refuel iig o-.tagos, pr ssur ~e" I tests <<i~ ~ be Per formed >e performed ~or t re accumulators ~seiatr d rri ~ ++e Nlairr Steam Isolatien Valves an" xi~ v~1'r Oe ~+in ~te~ a~il-Qa'.ety/Relic Talves in orle>> to c'.assur i<y of 0 series, P5 ser ies ~ ~d 2< sacs valv*s Fach accumulator w=.ll be tes-o~ at ler~ every vtears ~ ~

2. Closure ability of CIA-Y-21. 3>A a~ PgoMi*x fa~ 41$ a~0 8 w ill be verifi< by normal 1%rR:, 0

('Wype C) testing. rrra 1 i tv,'Safet Inmact T"re prO>OSed teS ing qual itatiyely Ve!: ieS Valyo CITS"re ~ tiical regular basis. This satisfies the irtent of'he CHe- (i)i- <121. Y.'alve e ~st Na(: openirg is veriffed Hen h accumulato-5 <<.e oressu. ized i .. xr oar atin. <<nr t."re p~ssure-"oc y test. Tt".e valves in Ta le C are in .n pneuma.ic suoplv to '>>- au o-~o ~ssu S,".sterr valves, a safety r latH syst<. Ha~ever, the cropwoca>=~mat. testirz togo'.her wit'. the r dun+ancy o'he paeurrat ic supgl "ies i~~ indirirNua> accuml la.nrs of !he ZDS valves th rrse!ves and of the Ii r ~recur~ in~at.-icns sy~tes assu-es es accepts".lo. level of c<ra~ity ar6 p ..lic c ofe">. page 4-52 RV-3 TABLE C Code Class 'a:emor Functjon C IA-Y-31A 2 "2 supply to AOS valves (0/C) C IA-V-31B 2 8-C CIA-Y-41A 2 Cross tie bet~en air and N2 lie CIA-V-41B 2 CIA-Y-40 series 2 N2 to AOS At=urmulators (inside (7 valves) containment CIA-V-36 ser ies 2 Air steeply to Rain Steam Relief (18 valves) (inbo rd check valve) Valves'ccumulators CIA-V-24 series 2 Air =wply to Rain Steam Isolation (4 valves) Valves (Inbo M) C IA-Y 2 Instrument air sup;ly to contaimnent (outbox'.d clack valve). Page 4-53 Revi sien 1 R:-QUEST FOR R=LIE NO. RV-4 System Standby Liquid Contnl (SLC) Valve(s) SLC-V-G, SLC-V-7 ASYc, Code Class: I Category: 4< Class i f i catim Fun=ti on Standby Liquid ConMcl discharge to reactor vessel. Cod Testing 1) Quarter ly exerzising (IMV-3521) Reqairement 2) Cold shutdown exercising (IIV-3522) Basis for l. Valves have no cperate with which Whey may be stroked. Relief 2. Exercising the valves require the imitiatfon of the SLC system and full flow in)ection %nto tine reactor vessel. Initiation ef SLC flow invnlves t: he discharge of Class 0 explcsive a=tivated valves. Alt mate Te<ing At least once per 13eont5s, one of the Standby'ioaid Con-to he Perforned trol Systen loops, including the associated explosive valve, will be initiated. A flow path tc. the Reactor Vessel ~ill be veri..ied by pumping demineralized water to the vessel. Valve closure capability wiT1 be verified in conjunction with 10CR50 Appendix J (Type C) testing. Oualit Saf et Inmact The purposed testirg complies fully wi"h the intent of the Code (EWV-3522). Additionally it is noted that the SLC system will be required to pierfcrm its safety funct'cn or ly under very infreq~t cir umstances (AMS). 'The proposed tes'.ing provides adequate assurances of'. quality and public s.afety Page 4-54 REQJEST FN REMI== NQ. RY-5 Systen lhfn Steam Valwe(s) 5-V-Z7 series '{18 tot-al}, I6-V-38 series (18 total) A9fE Crde Class: 3 Category: A-C Clas;sif ication Fmctfon Vacuum Breakers for ma fr, C~ relief line down=oeers. Code Testing QLarterly exercasfn: (,'3bi-3M1) Requiremer.t Bases Relief for Valves have no stroked remow.y p~ operator by which they may be

2. Valves are lmt~ iafde primary cmtafmrent and, canset;vent ly, are= f...xcessfble durfn, powe operations.

Alte-..nate Testing Valves are accessfbw cdu i~g cold shutdo~~ and Nfll be to be Performed exercised at that trna. fr. accordance with the r qufreaents of paragraph IMV-BZ.. lz'vms will be ve iffed to be closed at the cnttrl.tfcxe = exercise u~lit Safet Im act Th proposec testing comp1fes fully vftn <t~ intent of the Code (IIV-3522) which allms less fr~vent testing ff 'suM caer ation fs not practical %ring plan- operation". Fu ther, ea=h dnwrrane i< redundant breakers for ad'i-ional r liability. The aitermate tentin'nd valve redsndancI assure acceptable levels of qual%.ty and safet~. RE)WEST FOR RELIEF NO R-5 Page 1 t~ 4-55 Sy5 sll Rex tor FeechNate {RFN) Y l~e(s) A~ Valvos affected by this r lief'equest are identified in Class i fi cat i on TABL< D. Fraction 'ede Testing quarterly exercising (IQV-34IL', ILQ-3521] R@ei rement Bases for Clos~ of either Cawgory A valve 'RFM-V-65A, 65S) Relief wou3d result in a loss of..les to tre rea"tor vessel and cause a significant ~~ction o'eactor coolant inven.e-.y.

2. Category A-" valves a. e hie".d open bi feed~ater flow and car.:ot be clos& dvrnnc pwer merations.

Alternate Testing YaTv s w~.l1 5e eve. cised durirng co'Id shutdown. to be Perfonme5 unlit /Safet Im act Tte Code does not requ:iw dfs;aetio; of plant ope. zticn to mpport valve testing (IMV-3C12, FAV'-3522(~. The proposed testing is the raxieua practical du i~g normal po<<er op@-atians and, together with c system th-e valve in ser ies assures accmtable levels mf quality and safety. asia featuring w ~ c ~ r ~ ~r 4 ~P++, >>~~i~i+I", 4F4>>>>t 44 '4 (~j',>> 't . FP, >><>>4>> F'kF $ Frj 4~: >>; ++44. ',+<<4 -'>>>>} '/V 4~ 4.>> }F>> g>>+i<<C~i 4V444 > 4" ~ ' '<<-" >>>>'v, 44>>'g <<>>~. 4F g4, ",-4 Sos>> FF- t FF>> ~ Page ~56 4 >>[ V >> ~(l $ 1 RV-6 ->>} ~ TQLE 5 "'4 4' Valve Coddle Class Cate m Functfor RFM-V-IQA A-C Reactor Feedwate fnbceM RFM-V-EOB A-C va elves. 4 F44 "s". j RPA-V-32A Reactor Feedvater ou hard neck t, 4.44 RFM-V-328 A-C vailves. RFW-V-55A A Reactor Feedwate" stop valves. it<<4.F} RFW-V~58 A 'I "4; ,">'<<44 >> 4%} ~V.>p Page 4-57 5tEglJEST FN Pc~EF IO, FY 7 System Reactor RecfrcuTatfo: Coolmt (RRC) Valve(s) ASNE Valves affected 5y Dis relfef request are identified in Classification TABLE E Function Code Testing guarterlly exercfsing (DfY-Q11 end IMY-3521) Requf rement Bases for 1. Closure of Catemry A valves (RCC-V-16A, -168) would Relief termfnate seal pu~e water +low to recirculation Pmp 1A or 18, respe:tfvely. tempting. Loss of purge flow may resul in excessive se!1 ~ear and yossfbly f=flure of the seal. The r.isk associated fifth seal failure are greater tham tta benefits cpafned by quarterly valve

2. Cat egory A-C valve are held open by purge water flow aM cannot be closed dring power operations.

Alternate Testing Valves ~f11 be exercised during tcold shutdown. to be Performed Oualft /Safet In act hRC Guidance (i.o., Draft Keg. Gufde 85931-4} states that valves which wean exercised (cycled) could pu:t the plant f~ an condition" should be excluded fran testing. The valves iin T&le E., if cycled, would endanger the reliability of the Rea.tor 'Recfrculatfo.. puanps and, consequently, cause unsafe conditions. Postponfng, therefore, cont.flutes to assuring acceptable levels of qua i ty and so fety. 1 Page 4-58 II TABLE E Code Clas,s Cate or Function 2 A-C Recirculation pumps'eal purge 2 A-C line inboard isolation valve. 2 A Recirculation pumps 'eal purge 2 A water supply line outboard isola-tion valve. i~ i! '!ii!.. 'y' j-<@. ' -<' !';.RRRRR~V .R, i'"g..": ""'R:5'e -~ i '='-'"'~ "~." -'> i~ > ~

>i R

RA l j Pape 4-59 R RECAST FOR RELIEF NO. RV-8 Syst&@ Reac~ Closed Coolant (RCC) Valve(s) I '.q . ASIDE Valve af'fected by this ~lid'equ st are Sdentified in C', g Cmassif ication TABLE F Fume tion .;- Jf ",~ g'R Code Testing Quarhrlg exercising (IVV-'3411 and INI-34213. v Requi rement Basis for ClosLre of any isolation valv vill interrurpt cooling mter Re lief RRC ~ flow to the Reactor Reciru:ulCiton mtor coole. s and to tSe sibly ce:sing equipe nt failm (4R ) 0-yell Air P~~ seals, to the or ."isruptien of Coolers pos- ,+ R'4 -i'R; i k The risks assacia ed wi:h these consequences reactor'pereiorI. ouhveigh a.y potential benefi:s derived froaa quarterly , R4 testing of these valves. Al ternate Testing Yalve; ~ilI be exercised du> i~g col: shutdown. to be Per formed ( ua lit Safet I act Failure of any one of tte valves in Table F would cern=nate coaling ester flow R*R! Qg to equipment inside contzinrert. NRC guidanc:e suggests that stuch valres are not required to be teste to formal IVV schMulei. Threfore, grantirg of this relief request ~ill co"..tribute to accep=able 1!eve's of auality amf safety ~ R by increasing the re liat'li y of plant equipment. a R 5.0 Qual i ty Assurance Program The QNP-2 Pump and Valve Inservice Test Program activities will be conducted in accordance with Topic~> Report KPPSS-QA-004, the Supply System's Operational Quality Assure.ce Program description. Page 6-1 II I~t 6.0 Floe Diagranns The Flow Diagrams used to generate this Rogram are included for user reference. 9m te the time required fnr Program publication, an administrative cu -off date of June,1982 was chosen to 'freeze" drawing revisions used for. Revision 1 of the Pm@am. However, syste- design is not expected to cInange radically, and, i~ any case, more current diagrams will be pro~ided as the Program is update. 1kb