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Evidence of Voting on Bssc Ballot Item 5A/46.
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1981
Shared Package
ML20010G963 List:
IEB-80-11, R553.10, TAC-42896, TAC-42897, NUDOCS 8109220744
Download: ML20010G988 (8)



EVIDENCE OF VOTING ON BSSC BALLOT ITEM 5A/46 Prepared for Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY Milwaukee, Wisconsin i


Berkeley, California September,1981 1

REPORT NO. R553.10 0109220744 glo j gDRADOCK 050002 6 PDR

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION .. .. . ..... ..... . . . .. 1 2 EV!DENCL . . . . ... ...... .... ...... i

1 INTRODUCTION The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff on June 9-11. 1991 reviewed the criteria and calculations performed on IE Bulletin 80-11 " Masonry

t.!I Design

  • for the Point Beach Nuclear Pcwer Plant. Action item 9 resulting from the review meeting stated that the licensee shall provide evidence that the Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) has voted approval of Ballot item SA/46 of National Bureau of Standards (NBS) Report No. NBS1R 80-2111-5.

This report contains the evidence required by Action item 9.

2 EVIDENCE (1) Action item SA/40 of NBS Report No. NBS1R 80-2111-5 ls given in Appendix A.

(2) The results of the BSSC ballot on Action item 5A/46 is given in Appendix B which shows there were 37 yes votes, O no votes and 6 abstentions. The ballot item required a two-thirds positive vote for approval and it is Clear that thlb was achieved.

i 1



APPENDZX A NBSIR 80-2111-5 REVIEW AND REFINE.MT OF ATC 3-06 TENTATIVE SEISMIC PROVISIONS REPORT OF TECHNICAL COMITTEE 5: MASONRY Jerry C. Stockbridge, Co-Chair =an, American Society of Civil Engineers George Hanson, Co-Chairman, The Masonry Society Edgar V. Leyendecker, Secretary, National Bureau of Standards Louis E. Cattaneo, Secretary, National Bureau of Standards Richard M. Gensert, American Concrete Institute Alan H. Yorkdale, Brick Institute of A= erica Andrei Gerich, Interagency Co=ittee on Seis=ic Safety in Constrretion James E. A=rhein, Masonry Institute of A= erica Mark Hogan, National Concrete Masonry Associatien Mario Catani, Portland Cement Association Ed Johnson, Structural Engineers Association of California Donuld A. Wakefield, Western States Clay Products Assoc.

Melvyn Mark, Applied Technology Council Ron Mayes, Applied Technology Council Vincent Bush, Building Seismic Safety Council Prepared for use by the: i l



Center for Building Technology National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. 2023t. l l

l Nove=ber 1980 '

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Phillip M. Klutzt.ick, Secretary Luther H. Pcdges, Jr., Deputy Secretary Jordan J. Baruch, Assistant Secretary for Preductivity, Technology, and Innovation


'7 5 (B) tarRE!WORCED CtseCR2TE Mh50MRT.

gy w , Unret= forced concrete assonr; usang solid or hollow unsts and grouted or angrowted construction, any be desagned ussng the applacable SA/46 cont. ** *'d **PPl*****1 P'S* **"* " 'e 'spect r i ca t aca f or the Des s en a nd Constructaan of toad-Beartag Concrete Masonry *, Watsonal Concrete Maso.9ty Assor.,1979 (MCMA - 19793 suh3ect to the desaga and construct &on la.matatione Stated.

I"" .

1. Design emelt conform to NCM4 = 1979 Sec. 3.3.1 mons 33 3.2 Sec.3.9.6 throagh 3.0.4 escept that allowaale stresses and rosa stenres .

therein are for work only with special anspections for work watRoJt 5A/47 epocaal laspection i , L :____""

87-11 compressive stresses shall br reduced by 1/3 s other stresses shall (S-1-1) be reduced by 1/2.


Table 12h=3. thisA13awable chapter. sheer and tension stresses shall conf orm to

3. mortar shall conf orm to WCMA-19 79 see.
4. Jair.ts shall conf orm to FJth-19 79 sec.


5. IEARDG 3DtE35 (fy)

On full armt, F ,= .25 i' ,

5A/48 On coe-third area or lass. 7g = .30 f' ,

h facrwaar shall be per itted ecly ww the less.

87/7 distance between the edges of the it,aN an.d mim

, (9-0-1) area is a emn of 1/4 of the pars 11e1 si:le di::ensbn of h loaded arva. '!be alloonble bearing stress e a N"""^hlY concentric area greater than me-thid w less than the full area shall te interpolated ktueen

  • he valtes given.

n y l

141 4 of 7 i

38 l




LETTER 115 '90 Suom.m a . Swee 700 ma e .0C.2000S ( 2011347-S F10

" "?'

AUGUST 1931 Contact - Wm. G. Kirkland Acting Executive Direccor (202) 347-5710 -



- The Building Seismic Safety Council Board of Direction at its =eeting in San Trancisco on July 20, 1981 authorited distribution of the results of the 3SSC balloting on the review and re-fine =ent of ATC 3-06.

The National Bureau of Standards co=pleted the job of counting the ballots concerning the proposed revisions to the ATC provisions.

Attached to this newsletter is a count of the ballots for each item. The ballot was divided into two sets -- those items that had passed the Joint Cocmittee on Review and Refine =ent with a two-third's =ajority were in the first set and all ocher items were in the second set. The 3uilding Seismic Safety Council voting can be su=narized as follows: all ite=s in the first set received at least two-third's affirmative vote, and no items in the second set received a two-third's affirmative vote. Thus, the pre-liminary results (that is, the results prior to any attempt to resolve the dissenting votes) indicate that the Building Seis=ic Safety Council has not reversed the Joint Co==ittee on any item.

3UILDING SEISMIC SAFETY COUNCIT. ANTAL MEETING - The Board of Direction has scheduled the next annual meeting of the Building Seismic Safety Council l to be held in conjunction with the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) seeting at the Airpcrt Hilton Hotel, San Francisco, California on February 24-25, 1982. Confir=ation of these dates will be made after the next meeting of the Board of Direction on November 10, 1981.

COMMITTEE 12 - T3IAL DESIGN OVERVIEU COMMITTEE - The Board of Direction appointed Mr. Eal Iyengar of Skid = ore, Owings & Merrill, Chicage, Illinois l

as Chairman of Co=sittee 12.

COMMITTEE ON SOMINATIONS - At the first annual =eeting of the Building Seismic Safety Council in November 1979, the following were elected to two-year terms I

to the BSSC Soard of Direction:

i Vincent R. Bush Ivan M. Viest Neal D. Hough' an Alan H. Yorkdale Roy C. Johnston Their terms will expire in November 1981.

A= Yes C = No

,3 3 = Yes with reservation 3 = Abstain

  • i LE 'T ER 3 % LL CT NC.1 -




ITEM SHCRT TITLE A 3 C 3 1/1 CCN? CUR MADS ...................................... 29 3 $ 3 2/1 SNCW LCA3 3E=INITION .............................. 29 1 a IJ 2/2 QL SEFINITICN ..................................... 24 1 3 3 2/3 Q S OEFINITICN ..................................... 33 1 1 S 2/4 ALLCW ALTER N AT E ANALYTICAL acCCE3U: E .............. 34 1 0 3 2/ 5 RCCK CLASSI FIC ATICN ............................... 33 0 0 10 2/ $ SCIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTICN AN ALY SI S ............... 33 3 3 10 2/7 N AME CF INVERTED DENDULUM ......................... 33 0 3 to 2/9 R VALUE F P MI X E3 STRUCTURES ...................... 33 1 3 9 2/ 9 DRIFT COM34TIBILITY ............................... 3A 0 0 9 2/10 C R T WC GC N AL CCM9INATION CF LCAOS ................... 33 0 0 to 2/11 D I SCO NT INd I T IE S IN STRENGTH BY STORY .............. 33 0 0 10 2/12 RE3UNDANCY ........................................ 32 1 1 9

,2/13 T IES AT J3!NTS .................................... 34 0 0 9

2/14 N AME CF VX ........................................ 33 1 0 9

'2/15 USE CF EQU A T IO N FOP CS ............................ 33 1 0 9

2/16 P ESUL TAN T OF O VER TURN ING .......................... 33 1 0 9
2/17 PX OEFINITICN ..................................... 33 1 0 9 Z/18 S PE AR DANEL CEFINITICN ............................ 32 1 3 to 2/19 HEIGHT LIMITS ..................................... 33 1 3 9 l2/20 A LL CW ALTEPNATE LCAD ANALYSIS ..................... 34 3 0 9 2/21 EXCEPTICN TO DRIFT LIMSIT ......................... 23 1 0 9 2/23 C ALCU LA TI ON CF 3-OELTA E.F#CT ..................... 33 1 0 9 2/24 CCMMENTARY CN ALTERNATE ANALYTICAL PROCEOJ:E ...... 33 1 0 9
  • 2/25 CCMMENTARY CN CLASSIFICATION CF FRAMING SYSTEMS ... 33 1 0 9 2/26 C CM *E NT ARY CN ORIFT AND P-DELTA ................... 33 1 3 9 2/27 CCMMENTARY CN SP ECT3 AL COEFFICIENT S ............... 33 1 0 9 3/1 CCE 8 IC IEN T S FCP UNKNC#N SOIL PROFILE ............ 29 1 1 12 3/2 ACCE3 TABLE STR A I NS IN LIEU OF ELASTIC LIMIT ....... 32 0 0 11 3/3 TIES SETWEE N SPREAD #CCTINGS ...................... 32 1 0 to 3/S FLEXU:E CN AGECAST DILES .......................... 30 1 0 12 4/1 MILL TESTS FCR REINFCRCING STEEL .................. 29 1 4 9

24 2 10 '

'4/ 4 D ILE CAD CONNECTION ............................... 2' A 1 3 4/T C AT EG CR Y C DRECAST-DREST.: ESSE 3 PILd5 .............. 22 3 1 14 4/S V EF TI CAL =ORCE CN NCNSTRUCTUGAL C3MACNENTS ........ 22 3 11 1/9 #ALL CONNEC T IO N OESIGN CCEFFICIENT ................ 20 4 3 11 1/10 C CM ME NTA RY CN CATEGCCY C OETAILS .................. 30 3 3 13 4/11 COMMENTARY CN CRTHCGCNAL EFFECT IN SLASS .......... 25 2 6 10 3/13  : E.= EF EN CE A C I 319-T' .............................. 30 2 2 9 4/14 ALLCW 2C.ECAST AND/CR ORESTPESSEO CONC 2=TE ......... 31 2 3 13

'A/16 EINFCFCING ST EEL ................................. 29 1 3 14 4/17 UNTOPoE 3 3R ECA ST ANO/OR 2CESTPESSE3 COMPCNENTS .... 29 3 2 13 4/13 *LAT SLAS CCNSTRUCTION ............................ 22 1 0 10 1/19 OCMMENTARY CN FLAT 3 LATE *RAMES ................... 29 3 3 11 S/1 StCKGRCUN3 ........................................ 40 3 3 3 f/ 2 S T; EN GT H .......................................... 39 1 3 +

5/ 3 3ESIGN 30CCECURES ................................. 33 3 3 5

. . N.

. 5/1 53 C. A ........................................ 17 t- 3 5j 5/5 5. 3 C. 3 ......................................... 37  ;. 3 5; 5/ 6 MISC. RE3UIREMENTS ................................ 37 3 0 $

C/7 WISC. R QJIREMENTS ......................... ...... 23 0 0 53 5/13 S. 3 C. 9 - COLUMNS. ETC. ........................ 37 1 0 5q 5/13 JC: NT S . GLASS MASCNRY ............................. 37 1 3 5i S/ta CE!NFORCEMENT 3EVELCRwENT ......................... 35 3 3 5' 5/15 CONCENT3 ATED LO AOS ................................ 39 0 3 4 5/16 S. 3 C. C - OCNSTRUCTICN LIMIT ATIONS ............. 38 1 3 4 9/17 WALLS. MCLLC's JNIT 4ASCNRY ........................ 43 1 0 . 3 U/21 3RECIAL IN SP EC T *CN STRESSES, CCRE TESTS ........... 39 0 3 .

5/23 w AT ER I AL LIw 1T ATICNS .............................. 13 3 3 5 5/24 wASCNRY WALLS. GRCUT AND MCRTAR STRENGTH .......... 40 0 0 3 S/25 W ATER IAL L:M IT A TIONS .............................. A0 0 0 3 5/26 S. 3 C. 3 - CCNSTRUCTICN LIMITATICNS ............. 39 0 ,0 &

5/27 SPEAP WALL A NO CTHER CEGUIREMENTS ................. 39 3 0 4 CA/1 CLARIFY DEF INI T ICNS ............................... 40 0 0 3 SA/3 NEW O E. INI T ICN S ................................... 38 0 0 5 UA/C OELET E DE. INIT ICNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 0 0 4 30 3 6 A 5A/5 DELETE DE IN IT ICNS ................................

CA/O OELETE DE. ! NIT ICN ................................. 10 0 0 3 5A/7 D EL ET E D EF IN IT !CN ................................. 39 0 3 4 UA/S MCO IFY DE. INIT ICN ................................. 40 0 0 3 5A/9 R EFER ENCE DCCU MENTS ............................... 40 0 0 3 UA/10 SYMBCLS ........................................... 39 1 0, 3 39 0 0 4 UA/11 UN IT CR ITER I A AND ASSCRPTICN ......................

UA/12 GLASS UNITS ....................................... 33 0 0 10 5A/13 S FR IN KA GE ......................................... 31 1 2 9 SA/15 L IM E. MCRTAR ...................................... 37 L 0 5 SA/1S CCNSTRUCTION ...................................... 38 1 1 3 38 0 4 l SA/20 STARTER C3URSES ................................... 1 i

CA/21 CCNTACT SJcFACES .................................. 39 1 0 3 SA/22 A CJ ACENT WYTFE S ................................... 39 1 0 3 l 38 0 0 5 l SA/25 UNSURNEO CLAY MASONRY .............................

39 0 0 4 UA/27 TCCTHING ..........................................

39 0 0 4 5A/29 MISC. GRCUTEO MASCNRY REQUIREMENTS ................

UA/30 V ER T I CAL SARFIERS ................................. 32 6 1 4 UA/32 GRCUT TH ICKNES S ................................... 39 0 3 4 39 0 0 4 5A/35 GRCUTING ..........................................

DARTIALLY C E IN FORC EO MASCNRY ...................... 38 0 0 5 5A/39 5A/39 GLASS MAS 3NRY ..................................... 31 0 0 12 39 0 3 5 SA/&O DET AILED REQUIREMENTS .............................

SA/41 OISSIMILAR UNI T S .................................. 39 0 0 4 37 0 5 5A/42 UNCEINF3RCEC MASONRY DESIGN ....................... t 37 3 3 6 5A/43 UNEEINFCRCEO SCLI3 CLAY SRICK MASCNRY 353N. OCGC. . 7 5A/45 UNREINFCRCEO SCLIO CLAY MASONRY DE S I GN ............ 36 3 0 37 3 0 6 SA/46 UNCEINFCRCEO CCNCRETE WASCNRY OESIGN 3RCCEDURES ...

35 2 5 SA/49 UNREINFCRCE3 CCNCRETE MASCNRY DESIGN .............. 1 l

UA/51 U NR E! NF O RC E 3 .CLLCw CLAY WASONRY 3ESIGN ...........

M 35 1 0 36 3 6 l


UA/S4 REINFCFCE3 MASCNRY ................................. 39 3 0 5A/55 ANCFCRA GE OF O E !NFCRCEMENT ......................... 26 1 3 S 38 i O A CA/06 CTHEC DESIGN REGUIREMENTS .........................

94/59 N CM EN CL A TU R E ...................................... 35 3 3 3 UA/63 C TH ER DESI3N RE3UIREMENTS ......................... 38 1 0 4 UA/65 ANCHC3 A GE :ECU :WEMENTS ............................ 37 3 1 5 38 1 3 A UA/57 CTHE3 CCN S TR UC T I CN ................................

l 39 0 3 a l UA/S9 CLA2: FICATICN OF 3UALITY CCNT:CL ..................

l l

- - - .., , _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ . _ . _ _ , _ _ _ _ . _ _ .