L-08-332, Supplemental Information for the Review of the Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2. License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MD6593 and MD6594) and License Renewal Application Amendment No. 30

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Supplemental Information for the Review of the Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2. License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MD6593 and MD6594) and License Renewal Application Amendment No. 30
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 11/05/2008
From: Ostrowski K
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
L-08-332, TAC MD6593, TAC MD6594
Download: ML083150516 (9)


F NOC'r Beaver Valley Power Station F______P.O. Box 4 "Shippingport, PA 15077 FirstEnergyNuclear Operating Company Kevin L. Ostrowski 724-682-5234 Director,Site Operations Fax: 724-643-8069 November 5, 2008 L-08-332 10 CFR 54 ATTN: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 BV-1 Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR-66 BV-2 Docket No. 50-412, License No. NPF-73 Supplemental Information for the Review of the Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2. License Renewal Application (TAC Nos. MD6593 and MD6594) and License Renewal Application Amendment No. 30 The Reference provided the FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) License Renewal Application (LRA) for the Beaver Valley Power Station (BVPS). During a conference call held between FENOC and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on October 8, 2008, the NRC requested supplemental information related to LRA Section This letter provides the requested supplemental information and Amendment No. 30 to the LRA.

The Attachment provides the FENOC reply to the NRC request for supplemental information. The Enclosure provides Amendment No. 30 to the BVPS LRA.

There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter. If there are any questions or if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Clifford I. Custer, Fleet License Renewal Project Manager, at 724-682-7139.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on November *", 2008.

Sincerely, Kevin L. Ostrowski AicQ

Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 L-08-332 Page 2


FENOC Letter L-07-113, "License Renewal Application," August 27, 2007.


Supplemental Information Regarding Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Section


Amendment No. 30 to the BVPS License Renewal Application cc: Mr. K. L. Howard, NRC DLR Project Manager Mr. S. J. Collins, NRC Region I Administrator cc: w/o Attachment or Enclosure Mr. B. E. Holian, NRC DLR Director Mr. D. L. Werkheiser, NRC Senior Resident Inspector Ms. N. S. Morgan, NRC DORL Project Manager Mr. D. J. Allard, PA BRP/DEP Director Mr. L. E. Ryan, PA BRP/DEP

ATTACHMENT L-08-332 Supplemental Information Regarding Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Application, Section Page 1 of 2 Section During a conference call held on October 8, 2008 between FENOC and the NRC, it was agreed that clarification or corrections would be provided to address the following:

a) Expected stresses resulting from the 60-year anticipated operating basis earthquake were determined to be bounded by those due to the analyzed design basis earthquake (DBE) cycles.

b) 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(ii) was used to disposition the Unit 1 Containment Liner Fatigue TLAA.

c) DBE design cycles are not provided in Table 5.2-13 of the Unit 1 UFSAR.


a) Expected stresses resulting from the 60-year anticipated operating basis earthquake were determined to be bounded by those due to the analyzed design basis earthquake (DBE) cycles.

These design loads include 1000 cycles of pressure variation due to normal operations (startup and shutdown), 4000 cycles of temperature variation due to normal operations (startup and shutdown), and 20 cycles of design basis earthquake (DBE). The fatigue analysis determined the stress due to the combination of thermal, normal operating and DBE loadings. That combination was then considered as 4000 cycles of a fluctuation from the operating condition (including DBE) to the zero stress state in determining the cumulative usage factor (CUF). The 60-year anticipated occurrences of 150 pressure cycles, 600 temperature cycles and 150 operating basis earthquake (OBE) cycles are bounded by the 4000 analyzed cycles.

The LRA is amended to provide the above clarification.

b) 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(ii) was used to disposition the Unit I Containment Liner Fatigue TLAA.

The fatigue analysis determined the stress due to the combination of thermal, normal operating and DBE loadings. That combination was then considered as

Attachment L-08-332 Page 2 of 2 4000 cycles of a fluctuation from the operating condition (including DBE) to the zero stress state in determining the CUF. The 60-year anticipated occurrences of 150 pressure cycles, 600 temperature cycles and 150 OBE cycles are bounded by the 4000 analyzed cycles. Therefore, no revision to the Unit 1 containment liner stress analysis was required.

The LRA is amended to change the TLAA disposition from 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(ii) to 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(i).

c) DBE design cycles are not provided in Table 5.2-13 of the Unit 1 UFSAR.

The Unit 1 containment liner stress analysis determines a fatigue usage factor based on specific design cyclic loads in accordance with paragraph N-415.2 of the 1968 Edition of ASME Section II1. These design loads include 1000 cycles of pressure variation due to normal operations (startup and shutdown), 4000 cycles of temperature variation due to normal operations (startup and shutdown), and 20 cycles of DBE. As provided in Table 5.2-13 of the Unit 1 UFSAR, the stress allowables are established in accordance with ASME Ill paragraph N-415.1 or N-415.2.

In addition, the design loads of 1000 cycles of pressure variation due to normal operations (startup and shutdown), 4000 cycles of temperature variation due to normal operations (startup and shutdown), and 20 cycles of DBE are included in Appendix A, "Updated Final Safety Analysis Report Supplement," of the LRA.

No LRA change is required.

See the Enclosure to this letter for the revisions to the BVPS LRA.

ENCLOSURE Beaver Valley Power Station (BVPS), Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Letter L-08-332 Amendment No. 30 to the BVPS License Renewal Application Page 1 of 5 License Renewal Application Sections Affected Section Section A.2.5.1 The Enclosure identifies the correction by Affected License Renewal Application (LRA)

Section, LRA Page No., and Affected Paragraph and Sentence. The count for the affected paragraph, sentence, bullet, etc. starts at the beginning of the affected Section or at the top of the affected page, as appropriate. Below each section the reason for the change is identified, and the sentence affected is printed in italics with deleted text fined-ou and added text underlined.

Enclosure L-08-332 Page 2 of 5 Affected Paragraph Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. and Sentence Section Page 4.6-1 Entire section During a conference call held on October 8, 2008 between FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), it was agreed that clarification or corrections would be provided to Section of the License Renewal Application (LRA) for BVPS.

Section is replaced it its entirety to read as follows:

The Unit 1 containmentliner stress analysis determines a fatigue usage factor based on specific design cyclic loads in accordance with paragraphN-415.2 of the 1968 Edition of ASME Section III. These design loads include 1000 cycles of pressure variation due to normal operations (startup and shutdown), 4000 cycles of temperature variationdue to normal operations(startup and shutdown), and 20 cycles of desiqn basis earthquake (DBE). The fatigue analysis determined the stress due to the combination of thermal, normal operating and DBE loadings. That combination was then consideredas 4000 cycles of a fluctuation from the operating condition (includingDBE) to the zero stress state in determining the cumulative usage factor (CUF). The CUF was determined to be significantly less than 1.0.

The anticipatedoccurrencesof these cycles are described in Table 5.2-13 of the Unit I UFSAR as follows:

0 150 cycles of loading due to the differentialpressure between operating and atmospheric pressure are assumed on the basis of 2.5 refueling cycles per year on a 60-year span;

  • 600 cycles of loading due to thermal expansion resulting when the liner is exposed to the differentialtemperature between operatingand seasonal refueling temperaturesare assumed on the basis of 10 such variationsper year on a 60 year span;
  • 150 cycles of operatingbasis earthquake (OBE) is an assumed number of cycles of this type of earthquake for a 60 year span.

As shown above the 60-year anticipatedoccurrences of pressure cycles, temperature cycles and OBE cycles are bounded by the 4000 analyzed cycles.

Therefore, the Unit I Containment liner fatigue TLAA has been dispositioned in accordancewith 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(i).

Enclosure L-08-332 Page 3 of 5 The Unit 1 Containment liner stress analysi determines a fatigue usage factot based on spec~ifi design cyclic loads in accordance with paragraph N 415.2 ot the 1968 Edition of ASME- Scction Ml.These design loads include 1000 cycles o?

pressurc variation due to normal operations (starp adsutdown), -4000cycle of te eratur-e variation due to normal ope (startup and shutdown), and 20 cycles of design baisis earthquake. The usage factor-for the finer-wais determined to be sign*ifantly less han 1.h0. The antiipated Ocurrences of these cycles are described in Table 5.2 13 of the Unit I UFSAR as follow-S ytv v 15 s ie of~*# ledn v due* EdiffigVr-entV tm the ialV p *msum be hVeEnJ opvm tV and atmospheric pressure are antieipated on the basis of 2.5 refueling cycles per year on a 60 yeaF spanl

  • 600 cycles of loading due to thermal expansion resulting when the liner-i exposed to the differential teemprture between operating and seasonal refueling temperatur-es arc anticiated on the basi of103uc. vritin per-year on a 60 yle-ar span; and,-

4150 cycles of operating, basis earthquake, which is an assumed number 0?

cycles of this tye of earthquake for a 60 yoear span.

As shown above, the design cycleis of the Unit I Containment liner boundth anticipated pressure and temper~ature cycles expected throu~g~h the period oe extended operation. The expected stresses resulting from thi0ya ntic-ipated to the analyzed design basis earthquake cycles. Therefore, the Unit I Cntaninment liner fatigue TLMA has been dispositoned in accordance with 10 CFR 54.24(c)(4)(4i).

. I Enclosure L-08-332 Page 4 of 5 Affected Paragraph Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. and Sentence Section A.2.5.1 Page A.2-12 Entire section During a conference call held on October 8, 2008 between FENOC and the NRC, it was agreed that clarification or corrections would be provided to Section of the LRA for BVPS. Associated Section A.2.5.1 is replaced it its entirety to read as follows:

The Unit I containmentliner stress analysis determines a fatigue usage factor based on specific design cyclic loads in accordance with ParagraphN-415.2 of the 1968 Edition of ASME Section III. These design loads include 1000 cycles of pressure variation due to normal operations (startup and shutdown), 4000 cycles of temperature variationdue to normal operations(startup and shutdown), and 20 cycles of design basis earthquake (DBE). The fatigue analysis determined the stress due to the combination of thermal, normal operatingand DBE loadings. That combination was then consideredas 4000 cycles of a fluctuation from the operating condition (includingDBE) to the zero stress state in determining the cumulative usage factor (CUF). The CUF was determined to be significantlyless than 1.0.

The anticipatedoccurrences of these cycles are described in Table 5.2-13 of the Unit I UFSAR as follows:

  • 150 cycles of loading due to the differential pressure between operating and atmospheric pressure are assumed on the basis of 2.5 refueling cycles per year on a 60-year span;
  • 600 cycles of loading due to thermal expansion resulting when the liner is exposed to the differential temperature between operating and seasonal refueling temperaturesare assumed on the basis of 10 such variationsper year on a 60 year span:

0 150 cycles of operatingbasis earthquake (OBE) is an assumed number of cycles of this type of earthquake for a 60 year span.

As shown above the 60-year anticipatedoccurrences of pressure cycles, temperature cycles and OBE cycles are bounded by the 4000 analyzed cycles.

Therefore, the Unit I Containment liner fatigue TLAA has been dispositioned in accordance with 10 CFR 54.21(c)(1)(i).

Enclosure L-08-332 Page 5 of 5 The Unit I Containment liner-stress analysi determines a fAtigue usage factor based on spccifi design cGycc*loads in a-cordance with paragraph N 415.2 e" the 1968 Editon of ASME- Section WI.These design loads include 1000 cycles of pressure variation due to normal operations 6staitup and shutdown), 4000 cycles of teemprture variation due to normal operations (stadup and shutdown), an 20 cycles of design basis cafthquake. The usage factor for-the liner was determined to be significantly leiss than 1.0. The anticiated occurrences of these cycles are desribed in Table 5.2 13 of the Unit I UFSAR as fllows., I 150 cycles of loading due to the differential pressure behAw'en operating and atmospheric pressure are anticipated on the basis of 2.5 refueliny cycleis per year on a 60 year-span;

-600 cycles of leading due to thermal xpo esulting when the liner is exposed to the differential temepeaturep between operating and seasonal refueling temperatures are anticipated on the basis of 10 such variations per-year on a 60 year span; and,-

cycles of this type of eadh quake for a 60 ye-ar span.

As shown above, the design cycles of the Unit I Containment liner-boundth anticiated pressure and temgperature cycles expected throug9h the period ot extended operation. The expected stresses reisulting from thi0ya nticipated to the analyed deisign baisis eagh quake cycles. Therefor-e, the Unit I Containment liner faiue TLAA has been dispositioned in accordance with410 CFF? 54.21(c)(1)(ii).