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E-mail from M. Gamberoni of USNRC to M. Dapas and S. Collins of USNRC, Regarding Oyster Creek 4pm Conference Call
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 11/03/2008
From: Gamberoni M
NRC Region 1
To: Collins S, Dapas M
NRC Region 1
Download: ML091130643 (2)


Elizabeth Keighley From: Marsha Gamberoni Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 5:30 PM To: Marc Dapas; Sam Collins Cc: Richard Conte; Darrell Roberts; Marjorie McLaughlin; Karl Farrar; Ronald Bellamy


FW: OC 4 p.m. Conference Call Nothing new came out of the call. The licensee went into detail on what we have been discussing internally.

They are still developing their clean and repair plan. They understand our questions. We did have our experts on from HQ. Jill Lipoti was on the call and did ask a question regarding inspection frequency (2 vs. 4 years) and test to determine cause of blister.

From: John Richmond Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 1:09 PM To: Richard Conte; Ronald Bellamy; David Pelton; Marsha Gamberoni; Darrell Roberts; Mary Baty; James Davis; Karl Farrar Cc: John White; Marjorie McLaughlin; Justin Heinly; Jeffrey Kulp; Stephen Pindale; Diane Screnci; Neil Sheehan


OC 4 p.m. Conference Call Oyster Creek Sand Bed Bay-Il Coating Defect Issue AmerGen will provide a briefing today, at 4 PM today.

AmerGen Bridge Line r.66 -5Z4A-OO 76 Pass Code j(b)(2)High A Duration: to 5 PM Please forward to anybody left off.

Thanks John Richmond I.

acordance with the Freedom of bftWfm*ft P&L Exemptions Z 41 V, FOIL4PA . 2-6 ( - 00 r (i(

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To: Richard Conte <>, Marjorie McLaughlin

<Marjorie.>, Diane Screnci <>, Neil Sheehan <>, Ronald Bellamy <Ronald.>

Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 07:21:32 -0500


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