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3/18/2015 - Pilgrim 2014 Annual Assessment Meeting - NRC Presentation (w/95002 Inspection Results)
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 03/18/2015
From: Raymond Mckinley
McKinley R
Download: ML15084A053 (10)


1 1 Pilgrim Annual Assessment MeetingNuclear Regulatory Commission -Region IPlymouth, MA March 18, 2015 2 Agenda*Introductions *Reactor Oversight Process

  • Results of the supplemental inspection
  • NRC and Entergy will discuss the company's 2014 performance and Entergy's efforts to address improvement initiatives *NRC Closing Remarks*Break
  • Q and A session 2 Performance Assessment *Pilgrim operated safely in 2014. *Pilgrim was in the degraded cornerstone column of the NRC Action Matrix throughout 2014 and

remains in the degraded cornerstone as of this date-meaning the plant continues to get increased NRC


3 4 Reactor Oversight ProcessSafetyCornerstonesBaseline Inspection ResultsSignificance ThresholdAction MatrixSignificance ThresholdPerformance IndicatorResultsRegulatory ResponseStrategicPerformance AreasSafetyCornerstonesBaseline Inspection ResultsSignificance ThresholdAction MatrixSignificance ThresholdPerformance IndicatorResultsRegulatory ResponseStrategicPerformance Areas 3 5 Pilgrim 2014 Inspection Activities*Approximately 6500 hours0.0752 days <br />1.806 hours <br />0.0107 weeks <br />0.00247 months <br /> of inspection &

related activities*2 resident inspectors on site*Team and specialist inspections, including:-Dry cask storage operation-Supplemental inspection 6 Pilgrim Assessment ResultsJanuary 1 -December 31, 2014-Two White Performance Indicators (PI's)*Unplanned scrams per 7000 critical hours returned to Green in the 1 st quarter of 2014*Unplanned scrams with complications returned to Green in the 3 rd quarter of 2014-Two "parallel" White Findings were assigned to replace the PI's noted above-All other PI's and Findings were Green 4Pilgrim's Performance Indicators 7 Pilgrim's Inspection Findings 8

5 Action Matrix DEGRADED CORNERSTONE 9 Licensee ResponseRegulatory Response Degraded CornerstoneMultiple Repetitive Degraded CornerstoneUnacceptable PerformanceAll Inputs are Green; Cornerstone Objectives Fully Met 1 or 2 White Inputs (in different cornerstones);

Cornerstone Objectives Fully Met2 White or 1 Yellow Input; Cornerstone Objectives Met w/ Moderate Degradation in Safety PerformanceMultiple Yellow Inputs or 1 Red Input; Cornerstone Objectives Met w/ Significant Degradation in Safety Performance Overall Unacceptable Performance; Plants not permitted to Operate w/in this Column; Unacceptable Margin to Safety*Pending satisfactory completion of Supplemental Inspection IP-95002 Determine if:

  • the root and contributing causes of the performance issues were understood;
  • the extent of condition and extent of cause were understood; and
  • Entergy's completed or planned corrective actions are sufficient to address th e root and contributing

causes and prevent recurrence.

Inspectors also independently reviewed the extent of condition and extent of cause and performed an independent assessment of the site's safety culture.Pilgrim-95002 Supplemental Inspection -Objectives 10 6*Inspectors identified deficiencies regarding Entergy's execution of corrective actions, as well as understanding of some of the causes

of the issues.-Several examples in the root cause evaluations where corrective actions were not completed as intended or were closed prematurely; and-For one of the scrams, inspectors determined that Entergy failed to investig ate a deficient condition sufficiently to ensure they fully understood all of

the causes.Unit 2 -95002 Supplemental Inspection -Results 11*These specific deficiencies in execution of corrective actions and causal analysis were indicative of the self-identified corrective act ion plan implementation weakness.-Entergy's actions to improve corrective action implementation have not been effective.*Inspectors determined that Entergy's actions did not provide assurance that Entergy understood the causes and had taken or planned adequate corrective actions to address the safety-significant PI.-Two parallel White PI inspection findings assigned.Unit 2 -95002 Supplemental Inspection -Results 12 7*Pilgrim will remain in the Degraded Cornerstone Column of the Action Matrix until the NRC verifies that Entergy has:-Addressed the specific deficiencies in execution of corrective actions; -Addressed the deficient cause evaluation; and-Taken action to understand why actions intended to address the identified CAP implementation weakness were not effect ive at ensuring the inspection objectives were satisfied.Unit 2 -95002 Supplemental Inspection -Results 13 2015 Special Inspection Status*NRC Region I initiated a Special Inspection on February 2 following the partial loss of offsite power and unplanned reactor scram

which occurred during a severe winter storm on January 27.*The inspection is still in progress and should complete within the next week.*The Special Inspection report will be issued and made public near the end of April.

14 8 15Licensee Response and Remarks John Dent Site Vice President Entergy Pilgrim, LLC 16*While Entergy operated Pilgrim in a manner that preserved public health and safety, performance deficiencies were identified that led to the plant being in the degraded cornerstone column of the

action matrix.*The resulting action is increased oversight including a 95002 supplemental


Pilgrim 2014Annual Assessment Summary 9 17 Contacting the NRC*Public Affairs (Region I office)-(610) 337-5330/5331*Report a safety concern -(800) 695-7403*General information or

-Select "What We Do" for Public Affairs 18 Reference Sources*Reactor Oversight Process- dex.html*Public Electronic Reading Room-*Public Document Room-800-397-4209 10 19 PilgrimAnnual Assessment Meeting*Short break*NRC to address public questions Pilgrim Annual Assessment Meeting Questions 20