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Aam Slides
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 06/30/2011
From: Diane Jackson
Download: ML111810512 (25)


Pilgrim Assessment Meeting Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Safety Performance in 2010 U.S. Nuclear Plant Safety in light of Japan Events 2010 Reactor Oversight Process Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region I 1

NRC Representatives

  • Jim Clifford - Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Projects
  • Max Schneider - Senior Resident Inspector
  • Katrina Dunham - Acting Resident Inspector 2


  • Introduction
  • Discussion of Pilgrim safety performance
  • Discussion of U.S. nuclear plant safety in light of Japan events
  • NRC to address public questions
  • Closing remarks 3

NRC Assessment Summary

  • Entergy operated Pilgrim safely and in a manner that preserved the public health and safety and protected the environment.
  • Licensee Response column of the Action Matrix
  • Baseline inspections planned for 2011, however a reactive inspection is currently in progress 4

Inspection Activities in 2010

  • 5041 hours0.0583 days <br />1.4 hours <br />0.00833 weeks <br />0.00192 months <br /> of inspection and related activities
  • 2 resident inspectors on site - residents perform inspections daily and can respond to plant events at any time
  • 12 regional inspections
  • 2 major team inspections
  • Initial Operator Licensing Exams

Performance Indicator and Inspection Results January 1 through December 31, 2010

  • All Green Performance Indicators
  • 8 Green/Severity Level IV inspection findings
  • No greater than green/severity level IV inspection findings 6

NRC Action Matrix Licensee Regulatory Degraded Multiple Repetitive Unacceptable Response Response Cornerstone Degraded Performance Cornerstone All Inputs are 1 or 2 White 2 White or 1 Multiple Yellow Overall Green; Inputs; Yellow Input; Inputs or 1 Red Unacceptable Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Input; Cornerstone Performance; Objectives Objectives Objectives Met w/ Objectives Met w/ Plants not Fully Met Fully Met Moderate Significant permitted to Degradation in Degradation in Operate w/in this Safety Safety Performance Column; Performance Unacceptable Margin to Safety

  • Increasing safety significance
  • Increasing NRC inspection efforts
  • Increasing NRC/Licensee management involvement
  • Increasing regulatory actions

2010 Pilgrim Assessment Summary

  • Pilgrim was operated safely
  • Licensee Response column of the Action Matrix
  • Baseline inspections planned for 2011, however a reactive ti inspection i ti is i currently tl in i progress 8

Pilgrim Assessment Meeting U.S. Nuclear Plant Safety in Light of Japan Events 9


Facts We Know Today

  • 4th largest in the world since 1900
  • Reactors safely shutdown
  • Site then hit by a ~40 foot Tsunami
  • Tsunami caused a loss of all electrical power 10


Facts We Know Today

  • Loss of all electrical power to safety systems eventually led to fuel damage
  • Radiological releases 11

Emergency Planning Zones and Protective Action Recommendations

  • Limited and uncertain data was available
  • Significant challenges to 3 units and at least 2 spent fuel pools on site
  • Potential for large offsite release existed
  • Elevated dose rates on site presented challenges to crews attempting to stabilize reactor
  • Limited offsite data suggested serious damage to fuel
  • Winds shifting from out to sea to land 12

U.S. Considerations

  • No anticipated U.S. health effects from Fukushima
  • Methodical and systematic review in progress
  • U.S. nuclear plants remain safe
  • NRC requires plants to be designed to withstand external events
  • NRC requires a defense-in-depth approach
  • NRC performs independent safety inspections
  • NRC assesses new safety information and requires improvements.


Designed for Site Specific Natural Events

  • Tsunamis
  • Hurricanes
  • Floods
  • Tornadoes 14

Pilgrim Seismic Considerations

  • NRC seismic limits based on ground shaking
  • Plants designed to a ground-shaking level appropriate i t for f location l ti
  • Design incorporated largest expected earthquake in region
  • Design includes seismic safety margins 15

The NRC Requires Defense-In-Depth

  • Redundant and diverse safety systems
  • Multiple physical barriers to contain radioactive material
  • Testing and inspection of systems important to safety
  • Emergency planning 16

NRC Independent Safety Inspections Reactor Oversight Program

  • NRC inspectors have unfettered access to all plant activities related to nuclear safety and security
  • At least two full-time NRC resident inspectors at each nuclear plant
  • NRC specialists conduct additional inspections at each nuclear plant 17

NRC Requires Safety Improvements NRC assesses new safety information, develops lessons learned, and requires safety enhancements:

  • NRC operating experience program
  • Rulemaking (Station Blackout)
  • Post TMI Actions
  • Post 9/11 Orders
  • Generic Safety Issues 18

NRC Response to Events in Japan

  • NRC conducting a methodical and systematic review
  • Near-term actions (<90 days)
  • conducting additional inspections
  • identifying near term operational issues
  • Longer-term actions 19

NRC Near-Term Review

  • Evaluate Fukushima Daiichi Events
  • Domestic operating reactors and spent fuel pools
  • Staff briefed the Commission in a public meeting on May 12
  • Next briefing scheduled for June 16
  • Final recommendations in public meeting July 19 20

NRC Long-Term Review

  • Sequence of events and the status of equipment during the event
  • Evaluate all technical and policy issues
  • Evaluate potential interagency issues
  • Applicability of lessons learned to non-operating reactor and non-reactor facilities
  • Report to the Commission within 6 months from the start of the evaluation 21

NRC Actions to Date

  • Temporary Instruction (TI) 183
  • TI 184
  • Task force established 22


  • Safety of current facilities remains top priority
  • The NRC will continue to p perform a systematic y

and methodical review of the Fukushima event

  • The NRC will take action based on results of the review to ensure the continued safety of U.S. commercial nuclear power plants 23

Meeting Ground Rules

1. Please be respectful to the speaker - only one speaker at a time
2. See NRC staff if you have procedural questions/concerns or still want to sign up.
3. NRC staff members will be available after the meeting to talk to those interested 24

Questions 25