NRC 2014-0030, Annual Monitoring Report from January 1, 2013, Through December 31, 2013

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Annual Monitoring Report from January 1, 2013, Through December 31, 2013
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/29/2014
From: Millen M
Point Beach
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NRC 2014-0030
Download: ML14119A456 (203)


{{#Wiki_filter:NEXT era April 29, 2014 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washing t on , DC 20555 Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Dockets 50-266 , 50-301 and 72-005 Renewed License Nos. DPR-24 and DPR-27 2013 Annual Monitoring Report POINT BEACH NRC 2014-0030 10 CFR 72.44 TS 5.6.2 In accordance with Point Beach Nuclear Plant (PBNP) Technical Specification 5.6.2, enclosed is the Annual Monitoring Report for PBNP Units 1 and 2, for the period January 1 through December 31, 2013. The Annual Monitoring Report contains information relating to the effluent impact upon the public, as well as information relating to plant releases , solid waste shipments, results from the radiological environmental monitoring program , the groundwater protection program, and miscellaneous monitoring activities which occurred in 2013. The report also covers the results of radiological monitoring of the PBNP Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI), as required by 10 CFR 72.44. The contracted laboratory 's final Radiological E nvironmental Monitoring Program (REMP) results (Appendix

1) and the 2013 revised Environmental Manual (Appendix
2) are included.

This letter contains no new regulatory commitments and no revisions to existing regulatory commitments. Very truly yours, Next E ra E nergy Point Beach, LLC Michael Millen Licensing Manager Enclosures cc: Administrator , Region Ill, USNRC Project Manager, Point Beach Nuclear Plant , USNRC Resident Inspector, Point Beach Nuclear Plant , USNRC PSCW American Nuclear Insurers WI Division of Public Health, Radiation Protection Section NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC, 6610 Nuclear Road, Two Rivers, WI 54241 ENCLOSURE 1 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT 2013 NEXTERA ENERGY POINT BEACH, LLC POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT DOCKETS 50-266 (UNIT 1), 50-301 (UNIT 2), 72-005 (ISFSI) RENEWED LICENS ES DPR-24 and DPR-27 ----January 1, 2013 through December 31 , 2013 TABL E OF CON TE NT S Summary Part A: Effluent Monitoring 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Introduction Radioactive Liquid Releases Radioactive Airborne Releases Radioactive Solid Waste Shipments Nonradioactive Chemical Releases Circulating Water System Operation Part B: Miscellaneous Reporting Requirements 7.0 Additional Reporting Requirements Part C: Radiological Environmental Monitoring 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 Introduction Program Description Results Discussion REMP Conclusion Part D: Groundwater Monitoring 13.0 Program Description 14.0 Results 15.0 Groundwater Summary 16.0 Corrections to 2010-2011 Annual Monitoring Reports Appendix 1: Environmental, Inc. Midwest Laboratory, "Final Report for Point Beach Nuclear Plant" Appendix 2: Environmental Manual, Revision 24 11 1 3 4 11 19 21 22 23 24 25 36 41 53 54 57 64 65 Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 2-5 Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 3-4 Table 3-5 Table 3-6 Table 3-7 Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 4-3 Table 6-1 Table 9-1 Table 9-2 Table 9-3 Table 9-4 Table 9-5 Table 9-6 Table 10-1 Table 10-2 Table 11-1 Table 11-2 Table 11-3 Table 11-4 Table 14-1 Table 14-2 Table 14-3 Table 14-4 Table 14-5 Table 14-6 Table 14-7 Table 14-8 Table 14-9 Table 16-1 Table 16-2 Table 16-3 Figure 9-1 Figure 9-2 Figure 9-3 LIST OF TABLES Comparison of 2013 Liquid Effluent Calculated Doses to 1 0 CFR 50 Appendix I Design Objectives Summary of Circulating Water Discharge Isotopic Composition of Circulating Water Discharges (Curies) Subsoil System Drains -Tritium Summary Corrected 2012 Table 2-2 Comparison of 2013 Airborne Effluent Calculated Doses to 10 CFR 50 Appendix I Design Objectives Radioactive Airborne Effluent Release Summary Isotopic Composition of Airborne Releases Corrected 2012 Table 3-1 Corrected 2012 Table 3-2 Corrected 2012 Table 3-3 Comparison of Airborne Effluent Doses Quantities and Types of Waste Shipped from PBNP in 2013 2013 Estimated Solid Waste Major Radionuclide Composition 2013 PBNP Radioactive Waste Shipments Circulating Water System Operation for 2013 PBNP REMP Sample Analysis and Frequency PBNP REMP Sampling Locations ISFSI Sampling Sites Minimum Acceptable Sample Size Deviations from Scheduled Sampling and Frequency During 2013 Sample Collection for the State of Wisconsin Summary of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Results for 2013 ISFSI Fence TLD Results for 2013 Average Indicator TLD Results from 1993-2013 Average ISFSI Fence TLD Results (mRI?days) Average TLD Results Surrounding the ISFSI (mR/?days) Annual Average Gross Beta Measurements in Air Intermittent Streams and Bogs H-3 Concentration (pCi/1) 2013 Beach Drain Tritium Average H-3 Concentration (pCi/1) 2013 East Yard Area Manhole Tritium (pCi/1) 2013 Fa9ade Well Water Tritium (pCi/1) 2013 Unit 2 Fa9ade SSD Sump H-3 (pCi/1) 2013 Quarterly Monitoring Well Tritium (pCi/1) 2013 Potable Well Water Tritium Concentration (pCi/1) Comparison of 2012 and 2013 AC Condensate Equipment Condensate H-3 Concentrations (pCi/1) Corrections to Table 3-1 in the 2010 and 2011 AMRs Corrections to Table 3-2 in the 2010 and 2011 AMRs Corrections to Table 3-3 in 2010 AMR and 2011 AMRs LIST OF FIGURES PBNP REMP Sampling Sites Map of REMP Sampling Sites Located Around PBNP Enhanced Map Showing REMP Sampling Sites Closest to PBNP Ill 4 6 7 8 10 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 22 27 28 32 32 33 33 38 40 41 42 43 46 57 58 59 60 61 62 62 63 63 66 67 67 29 30 31 Figure 11-1 Figure 11-2 Figure 11-3 Figure 11-4 Figure 13-1 ISFSI Area TLD Results (1995-2013) Comparison of IS FS I Fence TLDs to Selected REMP TLDs Sr-90 Concentration in Milk (1997-2013) 2013 Airborne Gross Beta (pCi/m 3) vs. Time Groundwater Monitoring Locations IV 43 44 45 46 56 I S UMM ARY The Annual Monitoring Report for the period from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013, is submitted in accordance with Point Beach Nuclear Plant (PBNP) Units 1 and 2, Technical Specification 5.6.2 and filed under Dockets 50-266 and 50-301 for Facility Operating Licenses DPR-24 and DPR-27, respectively. It also contains results of monitoring in support of the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Docket 72-005. The report presents the results of effluent and environmental monitoring programs, solid waste shipments , non-radioactive chemical releases, and circulating water system operation. During 2013, the following Curies (Ci) of radioactive material were released via the liquid and atmospheric pathways: Liquid Atmospheric Tritium (Ci) 737 64.1 1 Particulate (Ci) 0.0299 0.000008 Noble Gas (Ci) (-) 1.02 C-14 2 0.00138 11.74 (-)Noble gases in the liquids are added to the atmospheric release totals. 1 Atmospheric particulate includes radioiodine (1-131 133). 2 Liquid is measured, atmospheric is calculated. For the purpose of compliance with the effluent design objectives of Appendix I to 10 CFR 50, doses from effluents are calculated for the hypothetical maximally exposed individual (MEl) for each age group and compared to the Appendix I objectives. Doses less than or equal to the Appendix I values are considered to be evidence that PBNP releases are as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). The maximum annual calculated doses in millirem (mrem) or millirad (mrad) are shown below and compared to the corresponding design objectives of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I. LIQUID RELEASES Dose Category Whole body dose Organ dose ATMOSPHERIC RELEASES Dose Category Particulate organ dose Noble gas beta air dose Noble gas gamma ray air dose Noble gas dose to the skin Noble gas dose to the whole body Calculated Dose 0.00705 mrem 0.00705 mrem Calculated Dose 0.241 mrem 0.000107 mrad 0.000242 mrad 0.000345 mrem 0.000229 mrem 1 Appendix I Dose 6 mrem 20 mrem Appendix I Dose 30 mrem 40 mrad 20 mrad 30 mrem 10 mrem I The results show that during 2013, the doses from PBNP effluents were a small percentage ( :::;;0.80%) of the Appendix I design objectives. Therefore, operation of PBNP continues to be ALARA. A survey of land use with respect to the location of dairy cattle was made pursuant to Section 2.5 of the PBNP Environmental Manual. As in previous years, no dairy cattle were found to be grazing at the site boundary. Therefore, the assumption that cattle graze at the site boundary used in the evaluation of doses from PBNP effluents remains conservative. Of the sixteen compass sectors around PBNP, six are over Lake Michigan. A land use census (LUC) of remaining ten land containing sectors identified the closest garden, occupied dwelling, and dairy in each sector. The LUC results confirm the assumption that, for the purpose of calculating effluent doses, the maximally exposed person lives at the south boundary remains conservative. The 2013 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) collected 789 individual samples for radiological analyses. Quarterly composites of weekly air particulate filters generated an additional 24 samples and quarterly composites of monthly lake water samples resulted in a further 16 samples. This yields a total of 829 samples. The ambient radiation measures in the vicinity of PBNP and the ISFSI was conducted using 146 sets of thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). Air monitoring from six different sites did not reveal any effect from Point Beach effluents. Terrestrial monitoring consisting of soil, vegetation and milk found no influence from PBNP. Similarly, samples from the aquatic environment, consisting of lake and well water, fish and algae revealed no buildup of PBNP radionuclides released in liquid effluents. Therefore, the data show no plant effect on its environs. No new dry storage units added to the ISFSI in 2013. The total number remains at 39 dry storage casks: 16 ventilated, vertical storage casks (VSC-24) and 23 NUHOMS, horizontally stacked storage modules. The subset of the PBNP REMP samples used to evaluate the environmental impact of the PBNP ISFSI showed no environmental impact from its operation. Two hundred twenty (220) samples were analyzed for H-3 a part of the groundwater protection program (GWPP). These samples came from drinking water wells, monitoring wells, yard drain outfalls, yard manholes, and surface water on site. Also included in this number were a sump and manholes associated with the subsurface drainage system (SSO) located under the plant foundation and four groundwater containment integrity monitoring wells located in the facades. The results show no substantial change in H-3 from previous years. Low levels of tritium continue under the plant foundation. No drinking water wells (depth >1 00 feet) have any detectable H-3. Tritium continues to be confined to the upper soil layer where the flow is toward the lake. Groundwater samples from wells in the vicinity of the remediated, former earthen retention pond continue to show low levels of H-3 whereas none was detectable in the wells monitoring the potential offsite tritium movement. The results of GWPP monitoring indicate no significant change from previous years. The environmental monitoring conducted during 2013 confirmed that the effluent control program at PBNP ensured a minimal impact on the environment. 2 I


Part A EFFLUENT MON I TOR IN G The PBNP effluent monitoring program is designed to comply with federal regulations for ensuring the safe operation of PBNP with respect to releases of radioactive material to the environment and its subsequent impact on the public. Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.34a, operations should be conducted to keep the levels of radioactive material in effluents to unrestricted areas as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). In 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) provides the numerical values for what it considers to be the appropriate ALARA design objectives to which the licensee's calculated effluent doses may be compared. These doses are a small fraction of the dose limits specified by 10 CFR 20.1301 and lower than the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits specified in 40 CFR 190. 10 CFR 20.1302 directs PBNP to make the appropriate surveys of radioactive materials in effluents released to unrestricted and controlled areas. Liquid wastes are monitored by inline radiation monitors as well as by isotopic analyses of samples of the waste stream prior to discharge from PBNP. Airborne releases of radioactive wastes are monitored in a similar manner. F urthermore, for both liquid and atmospheric releases, the appropriate portions of the radwaste treatment systems are used as required to keep releases ALARA. Prior to release, results of isotopic analyses are used to adjust the release rate of discrete volumes of liquid and atmospheric wastes (from liquid waste holdup tanks and from gas decay tanks) such that the concentrations of radioactive material in the air and water beyond PBNP are below the PBNP Technical Specification concentration limits for liquid effluents and release rate limits for gaseous effluents. Solid wastes are shipped offsite for disposal at NRC licensed facilities. The amount of radioactivity in the solid waste is determined prior to shipment in order to determine the proper shipping configuration as regulated by the Department of Transportation and the NRC. 10 CFR 72.210 grants a general license for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) to all nuclear power reactor sites operating under 10 CFR 50. The annual reporting requirement pursuant to 10 CFR 72.44( d)(3) is no longer applicable. However, any release of radioactive materials from the operation of the ISFSI must also comply with the limits of Part 20 and Part 50 Appendix I design objectives. The dose criteria for effluents and direct radiation specified by 1 0 CFR 72.1 04 states that during normal operations and anticipated occurrences, the annual dose equivalent to any real individual beyond the controlled area must not exceed 25 mrem to the whole body, 75 mrem to the thyroid, and 25 mrem to any other organ. The dose from naturally occurring radon and its decay products are exempt. Because the loading of the storage casks occurs within the primary auxiliary building of PBNP, the doses from effluents due to the loading process will be assessed and quantified as part of the PBNP Radiological Effluent Control Program. 3 I 2.0 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID RELEASES The radioactive liquid release path to the environment is via the circulating water discharge. A liquid waste treatment system in conjunction with administrative controls is used to minimize the impact on the environment and maintain doses to the public ALARA from the liquid releases. 2.1 Doses From Liquid Effluent Doses from liquid effluent are calculated using the methodology of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). These calculated doses use parameters such as the amount of radioactive material released, the total volume of liquid, the total volume of dilution water, and usage factors (e.g., water and fish consumption, shoreline and swimming factors). These calculations produce a conservative estimation of the dose. For compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I design objectives, the annual dose is calculated to the hypothetical maximally exposed individual (MEl). The MEl is assumed to reside at the site boundary in the highest x/Q sector and is maximized with respect to occupancy, food consumption, and other uses of this area. As such, the MEl represents an individual with reasonable deviations from the average for the general population in the vicinity of PBNP. A comparison of the calculated doses to the 10 CFR 50, Appendix I design objectives is presented in Table 2-1. The conservatively calculated dose to the MEl is a very small fraction of the Appendix I design objective. Table 2-1 Comparison of 2013 Liquid Eff luent Ca lculated Doses to 10 CFR 50 Appendix I Design Objectives Annual Limit [mrem] Highe st Total Calculated Dose %of Design [mrem] Objective 6 (whole body) 0.00705 0.118% 20 (any organ) 0.00705 0.035% 2.2 2013 Circulating Water Radionuclide Release Summary Radioactive liquid releases via the circulating water discharge are summarized by individual source and total curies released on a monthly basis and presented in Table 2-2. These releases are composed of processed waste, wastewater effluent, and blowdown from Units 1 and 2. The wastewater effluent consists of liquid from turbine hall sumps, plant well house backwashes, sewage treatment plant effluent, water treatment plant backwashes, the Unit 1 and 2 facade sumps and the subsurface drainage system sump. Two errors were discovered in Table 2-2 for 2012. A corrected table is presented in Section 2.8 4 2.3 2013 Isotopic Composition of Circulating Water Discharges The isotopic composition of circulating water discharges during the current reporting period is presented in Table 2-3. The noble gases released in liquids are reported with the airborne releases in Section 3. In 2013, the discharged volume of processed waste (Table 2-2) decreased approximately 30% (9.14 E+05 to 6.39E+05 gallons) from 2012. In addition to the decrease in volume, the total isotopic curie distribution (gamma emitters plus hard-to-detects other that strontium) for 2013 decreased by about 50% from 2012 (5.72E-02 to 2.99E-02). The largest decreases (Table 2-3) were 80% inC-14 (1.43E-02 to 1.38E-03) and 95% (4.52 E-04 to 2.23 E-05) for the total Sb isotopes (Sb -122, -124, and -125) with a similar decrease for Sn-113 + Sn-117m from 4.82 E-03 to 1.52 E-03. As in 2012, no Sr-89 or Sr-90 was detected in liquids during 2013. H-3 was down about 10% from 2012 (829 Ci to 737 Ci). Tritium continues to be the major radionuclide released via liquid discharges. 2.4 Beach Drain System Releases Tritium Summary Beach drain is the term used to describe the point at which the site yard drainage system empties onto the beach of Lake Michigan. Six of these outfalls carry yard and roof drain runoff to the beach. A seventh drains a small portion of the grassy area on top of the bluff overlooking the lake. E ach drain is sampled monthly. The quarterly results of monitoring the beach drains are presented in Table 2-4. The total monthly flow is calculated assuming that the flow rate at the time of sampling persists for the whole month. During 2013, no tritium was observed in any of the beach drains at the effluent LLDs. No H-3 found in the beach drains is included in the effluent totals unless it can be shown to be the result of a spill or similar event. Because the source of beach drain H-3 has been determined to be recapture, including beach drain H-3 in the effluent totals would be double counting (NRC RIS 2008-03, Return/re-use of previously discharged radioactive effluents). The principle source of water for the beach drains is the yard drain system. Yard drain water sources are rain and snow melt. During the winter, natural melting is enhanced by the use of snow melting machines. The melt water is emptied into the yard drains. [See Sections 14.2 and 14.6 for further discussion.] Additionally, various roof drains connect to the yard drain system. In addition to precipitation, the roof drains also carry condensate from various building air conditioning units. A secondary source may be groundwater in leakage. T his is evidenced by flow during periods of no precipitation. Because there are no external storage tanks or piping that carries radioactive liquids, the main source of radioactivity for this system is recapture/washout of airborne H-3 discharges via the yard drain system. Groundwater inleakage may bring groundwater flow of H-3 from the up gradient area of the former retention pond as well as precipitation recharging the groundwater close to the plant in areas not drained by the yard drains. Because of these various recapture sources, the beach drains also are sampled as part of the groundwater monitoring program. These results and other groundwater monitoring results are presented in Part D of this Annual Monitoring Report. 5 Table 2-2 Summary of Circulating W a t e r Discharge January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 I I Tota l I Jan I Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jan..Jun Jul Total Activity Released (Ci) uamma ::scan(+H 1 Us) 5.92E-04 8.44E-04 1.32E-03 2.61E-03 6.71 E-04 4.64E-04 6.50E-03 2.06E-02 Gross Alpha O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Tritium 3.56E+01 7.39E+01 5.25E+01 1.52E+01 3.31 E+01 4.12E+OO 2.14E+02 5.00E+OO Strontium (89/90/92) O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Tota l Vol Released (gal) Processed Waste 2.39E+04 6.96E+04 1.16E+05 1.26E+05 5.58E+04 2.24E+04 4.14E+05 2.28E+04 waste water t:nluem* 3.27E+06 2.87E+06 3.22E+06 3.64E+06 2.63E+06 2.11E+06 1.77E+07 2.34E+06 U1 SG Slowdown 3.18E+06 2.33E+06 1.51 E+06 2.73E+06 3.75E+06 3.42E+06 1.69E+07 3.84E+06 U2 SG Slowdown 3.62E+06 2.35E+06 2.65E+06 2.62E+06 3.35E+06 3.41E+06 1.8 0E+07 2.71E+06 Total Gallons 1.01 E+07 7.61E+06 7.50E+06 9.12E+06 9.79E+06 8.97E+06 5.31E+07 8.91E+06 Total cc 3.82E+10 2.88E+10 2.84E+10 3.45E+10 3.70E+10 3.39E+10 2.01 E+11 3.37E+10 UIIUtiOn VOI(CC) 6.84E+13 6.18E+13 5.55E+13 7.08E+13 1.20E+14 1.17E+14 4.94E+14 1.26E+14 Avg diluted discharge cone (JJCi/cc) uamma ::scan (+H 1 Us) 8.65E-12 1.36E-11 2.38E-11 3.69E-11 5.59E-12 3.96E-12 1.64E-10 Gross Alpha O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Tr i tium 5.20E-07 1.20E-06 9.46E-07 2.15E-07 2.76E-07 3.52E-08 3.98E-08 Stront i um (89/90/92) O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Max Batch Discharge Cone (IJCi/cc) Tritium I 2.95E-05 I 3.41 E-05 2.26E-05 9.76E-06 2.03E-05 3.22E-06 1.84E-06 Gamma Scan I 1.33E-10 I 2.52E-10 1.5 5E-09 1.26E-09 1.59E-10 1.48E-11 6.51 E-12 1 HTDs include Fe-55 , C-14 , Ni-63 , and Tc-99. Does not include strontium which is totaled separatel y. 2 The waste water effluent system replaced the Retention Pond wh i ch w as taken out of service in September 2002. 3 Circulating water discharge from both units. Aug 7.42E-04 O.OOE+OO 1.55E+02 O.OOE+OO 5.30E+04 2.17E+06 3.87E+06 2.63E+06 8.72E+06 3.30E+10 1.26E+14 5.90E-12 O.OOE+OO 1.23E-06 O.OOE+OO 3.87E-05 7.95E-11 Note: Dissolved noble gases detected in liquid effluents (e.g., Xe-133 , Xe-135 , etc.) are added to the atmospheric release summaries 6 Annua l Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 5.04E-04 7.93E-04 2.68E-04 4.70E-04 2.99E-02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.47E+OO 1.57E+02 8.21E+OO 1.93E+02 7.37E+02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 7.85E+03 3.90E+04 2.34E+04 4.84E+04 6.0 8E+05 2.30E+06 2.65E+06 3.13E+06 3.02E+06 3.33E+07 3.25E+06 2.39E+06 1.94E+06 2.80E+06 3.50E+07 2.72E+06 2.20E+06 1.71E+06 2.37E+06 3.23E+07 8.28E+06 7.28E+06 6.80E+06 8.24E+06 1.01E+08 3.13E+10 2.76E+10 2.58E+10 3.12E+10 3.83E+11 1.22E+14 1.26E+14 1.22E+14 8.63E+13 1.20E+15 4.15E-12 6.31E-12 2.21E-12 5.45E-12 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 3.68 E-08 1.25E-06 6.75E-08 2.23E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.24E-06 3.78E-05 3.05E-06 3.33E-05 3.81E-12 1.52E-11 4.40E-12 2.08E-11 Nuclide Jan Feb Mar H-3 3.56E+01 7.39E+01 5.25E+01 C-14 9.06E-05 1.27E-04 9.65E-05 F-18 3.34E-04 2.84E-04 2.53E-04 Cr-51 O.OOE+OO 1.04E-05 5.40E-06 Mn-54 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Fe-55 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Fe-59 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Co-57 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Co-58 1.54E-05 3.52E-05 7.18E-04 Co-60 1.83E-05 7.18E-05 8.35E-05 Ni-63 1.18E-05 5.80E-05 O.OOE+OO Zn-65 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO As-76 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Sr-90 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.O OE+OO Nb-95 1.73E-06 1.73E-06 O.OOE+OO Nb-97 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Zr-95 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Tc-99 2.08E-05 4.22 E-06 2.63E-05 Ag-110m O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Sn-113 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Sn-117m 9.93E-05 2.50E-04 1.40E-04 Sb-122 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Sb-124 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Sb-125 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1-131 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Te-132 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Cs-137 O.OOE+OO 1.56E-06 O.OOE+OO Ba-140 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO La-140 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Ce-141 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Tab l e 2-3 Isotopic Co mp osi t io n of Circulating Water Discharges (Ci) January, 2013 through December 31,2013 Total Apr May Jun Jan-Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 1.52E+01 3.31E+01 4.12E+OO 2.14E+02 5.00E+OO 1.55E+02 4.47E+OO 1.57E+02 2.96E-04 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 6.10E-04 O.OOE+OO 1.72E-04 O.OOE+OO 4.14E-04 3.70E-04 2.86E-04 4.46E-04 1.97E-03 2.05E-02 2.86E-04 4.83E-04 2.87E-04 1.82E-04 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.98E-04 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.58E-06 1.99E-06 O.OOE+OO 6.57E-06 O.OOE+OO 2.28E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 7.15E-04 3.73E-05 1.76E-05 1.54E-03 1.59E-05 6.64E-05 3.24E-06 3.02E-06 2.67E-04 1.12E-04 O.OOE+OO 5.52E-04 O.OOE+OO 6.57E-05 O.OOE+OO 2.74E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 6.98E-05 O.OOE+OO 5.01E-05 1.75E-05 3.25E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.05E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.05E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.13E-05 5.79E-06 O.OOE+OO 5.05E-05 O.OOE+OO 9.05E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.00E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.00E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.13E-05 3.71 E-05 1.52E-05 O.OOE+OO 2.66E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.90E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 6.98E-04 2.26E-04 O.OOE+OO 1.41 E-03 O.OOE+OO 5.80E-05 O.OOE+OO 2.71E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.27E-07 1.70E-06 O.OOE+OO 2.23E-06 O.OOE+OO 3.31E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 6.70E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 6.70E-06 O.OOE+OO 1.01 E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.56E-0 6 O.OOE+OO 9.18E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Nov 8.2 1E+OO O.OOE+OO 2.61E-04 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.11E-06 2.49E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Note: The dissolved noble gases detected in liquid effluents (e.g., Xe-133, Xe-135 , etc.) are added to the atmospheric release summaries. "-" =no analysis 7 Total Dec Jan-Dec 1.93E+02 7.37E+02 1.83E-04 1.38E-03 1.72E-04 2.40E-02 O.OOE+OO 1.98E-04 O.OOE+OO 8.8 5E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 7.03E-06 1.64 E-03 2.89E-05 6.77E-04 4.95E-05 2.19E-04 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.05E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.96E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.00E-05 1.19E-05 1.18E-04 O.OOE+OO 5.90E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.48E-05 1.51E-03 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.54E-06 O.OOE+OO 1.68E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.86E-06 5.34E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5-1 1st Qtr H-3 (Ci) O.OOE+OO Flow (gal) 8.04E+05 2nd Qtr H-3 (Ci) O.OOE+OO Flow (gal) 7.27E+06 3rd Qtr H-3 (Ci) O.OOE+OO Flow (gal) 8.58E+05 4th Qtr H-3 (Ci) O.OOE+OO Flow (gal) 1.34E+06 Table 2-4 S ub s oil S y s tem Drains -T ritium S umm a ry January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013 S-3 S-7 S-8 S-9 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.58E+04 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.66E+06 9.07E+05 2.72E+06 4.32E+05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.22E+05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.30E+05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5-10 5-11 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 3.35E+05 8.36E+05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 8.89E+04 2.6 Land Application of Sewage Sludge On January 13, 1988, pursuant to 10 CFR 20.302(a), PBNP received NRC approval for the disposal of sewage sludge, which may contain trace amounts of radionuclides, by land application on various p r operties surrounding the plant. L and application of sewage sludge is regula t ed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. PBNP has not land applied sewage sludge for over a decade. Therefore, PBNP has not renewed its WI DNR permit to dispose of sewage sludge in this manner. There were no sludge disposals by land application during 2013. All disposals were done at the Manitowoc Sewage Treatment Plant. 8 2.7 Carbon-14 Carbon-14 (C-14) is a naturally occurring radionuclide. Nuclear weapons testing of the 1950s and 1960s significantly increased the amount of C-14 in the atmosphere. Small amounts of C-14 also are produced by nuclear reactors, but the amounts produced are less than C-14 produced by weapons testing or that occur naturally. NextEra Point Beach began evaluating C-14 liquid discharges in 2009, prior to the issuance of Regulatory Guide 1.21 [RG 1.21], Rev 2 in June of 2009. Point Beach continues to analyze batch liquid waste discharges for C-14 and reporting the results in the Annual Monitoring Report. Beginning with the 2010 monitoring reports, the NRC requested that all nuclear plants report C-14 emissions. Pursuant to NRC guidance in RG 1.21(Rev 2), evaluation of C-14 in liquid wastes is not required because the quantity released via this pathway is much less than that contributed by gaseous emissions. However, based upon information received at the industry sponsored REMP Workshops, Point Beach began C-14 analyses and reporting prior to the issuance of RG 1.21 (Rev 2). The results show that C-14 meets the principal radionuclide criterion of RG 1.21. A principal radionuclide may be determined based on its relative contribution to the public dose compared to the 10 CFR 50, Appendix I dose objectives, or the amount of activity discharged compared to other radionuclides in its effluent type. In this case, it is compared to other radionuclides discharged in liquids. Furthermore, RG 1.21 states that a radionuclide is a principal effluent component if it contributes greater than 1% of the Appendix I design objective dose compared to the other radionuclides in the effluent type, or, if it is greater than 1% of the activity of all radionuclides in the effluent type. For 2013, the liquid discharge monthly and total C-14 (1.38E-03 Ci) in liquid discharges are documented in Table 2-3. The liquid C-14 dose contribution is included in the doses calculated for the hypothetically, maximally exposed individual. 2.8 Errata to 2012 Annual Monitoring Report Two errors were discovered in Table 2-2 of the 2012 Annual Monitoring Report. For September 2012 the waste water discharge was listed in ml (9. 75E+09) instead of gallons (2.58E+06). As a result, the total waste water discharged in 2012 also was in error. And, for December, the average diluted discharge concentration for radionuclides in the category "Gamma Scans(+ HTDs)" was omitted. A corrected table is shown below. 9 I I I Jan I Feb Total Activity Released (Ci) (.;amma ::scan(+H 1 Us} 3.56E-0 5 5.09E-03 Gross Alpha O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Tritium 3.86E+OO 9.98E+OO Strontium (89/90/92) O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Total Vol Released (gal) Processed Waste 2.41E+04 6.49E+04 waste water t::ttluent* 3.14E+06 3.10E+06 U1 SG Slowdown 6.14 E+06 5.42E+06 U2 SG Slowdown 3.95E+06 3.55E+06 Total Gallons 1.33E+07 1.21 E+07 Total cc 5.02E+10 4.59E+10 UIIUtiOn VOI(CC)" 6.62E+13 5.98E+13 Avg diluted discharge cone (IJCi/cc) (.;amma ::scan (+H 1 US) 5.38E-13 8.51 E-11 Gross Alpha O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Tritium 5.83E-08 1.67E-07 Strontium (89/90/92) O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Max Batch Discharge Cone (I.ICi/cc) Tritium I 5.28E-06 I 1.04E-05 Gamma Scan I 3.73E-11 I 6.80E-10 Table 2-5 Corrected 2012 A M R Table 2-2 S u mmary of Circulating Water Discharge January 1, 2012 through De c ember 31,2012 Total Mar Apr May Jun Jan-Jun Jul 1.89E-04 7.98E-04 2.63E-03 4.64E-05 8.79E-03 1.79E-03 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 6.87E+OO 5.97E+OO 8.54E+01 1.36E+01 1.26E+02 2.56E+02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.93E+04 2.50E+04 7.18E+04 6.17E+04 2.97E+05 1.22E+05 3.38E+06 3.05E+06 3.07E+06 2.39E+06 1.81 E+07 2.97E+06 4.60E+06 4.16E+06 4.43E+06 3.69E+06 2.84E+07 5.04E+06 2.89E+06 4.37E+06 3.63E+06 2.90E+06 2.13E+07 5.00E+06 1.09E+07 1.16E+07 1.12E+07 9.05E+06 6.82E+07 1.31 E+07 4.13E+10 4.39E+10 4.24E+10 3.42E+10 2.58E+11 4.97E+10 6.62E+13 1.03E+14 1.15E+14 1.11 E+14 5.21E+14 1.15E+14 2.85E-12 7.75E-12 2.29E-11 4.18E-13 1.56E-11 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.76E-14 1.04E-07 5.80E-08 7.43E-07 9.53E-07 2.23E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 3.71E-06 6.13E-06 3.37E-05 4.25E-06 3.73E-05 1.19E-11 5.82E-11 8.92E-11 9.65E-12 7.3 4E-10 1 HTDs include Fe-55, C-14, Ni-63, and Tc-99. Does not include strontium which is totaled separately. 2 The waste water effluent system replaced the Retention Pond which was taken out of service in September 2002. 3 Circulating water discharge from both units. Aug 4.62E-03 O.OOE+OO 7.36E+01 O.OOE+OO 5.78E+04 2.69E+06 5.13E+06 4.69E+06 1.26E+07 4.76E+10 1.15E+14 4.02E-11 O.OOE+OO 6.41E-07 O.OOE+OO 3.5 1 E-05 4.07E-ll Note: Dissolved noble gases detected in liquid effluents (e.g., Xe-133, Xe-135, etc.) are added to the atmospheric release summaries 10 Annual Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 7.42E-03 1.44E-03 1.94E-02 1.38E-02 5.72E-02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.27E+02 8.39E+01 3.07E+01 3.23E+01 8.29E+02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 8.82E+04 1.14E+05 1.32E+05 1.03E+05 9.14E+05 2.58E+06 3.51E+06 3.06E+06 3.39E+06 3.63E+07 4.92E+06 2.93E+06 4.20E+06 2.64E+06 5.33E+07 4.23E+06 2.84E+06 1.81 E+05 5.11E+06 4.3 4E+07 1.18E+07 9.40E+06 7.57E+06 1.12E+07 1.34E+08 4.48E+10 3.56E+10 2.87E+10 4.26E+10 5.07E+11 1.11E+14 1.13E+14 5.91E+13 9.42E+13 1.1 3E+15 I 6.67E-11 1.28E-11 3.28E-1 0 1.46E-10 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.04E-06 7.45E-07 5.19E-07 3.43E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 3.98E-05 2.44E-05 9.74E-06 1.4 2E-05 1.77E-11 1.2 1 E-09 8.17E-09 8.55E-09 3.0 RADIOACTIVE AIRBORNE RELEASES The release paths to the environment contributing to radioactive airborne release totals during this reporting period were the auxiliary building vent stack, the drumming area vent stack, the letdown gas stripper, the Unit 1 containment purge stack, and the Unit 2 containment purge stack. A gaseous radioactive effluent treatment system in conjunction with administrative controls is used to minimize the impact on the environment from the airborne releases and maintain doses to the public ALARA. 3.1 Doses from Airborne Effluent Doses from airborne effluent are calculated for the maximum exposed individual (MEl) following the methodology contained in the PBNP ODCM. These calculated doses use parameters such as the amount of radioactive material released, the concentration at and beyond the site boundary, the average site weather conditions, and usage factors (e.g., breathing rates, food consumption). In addition to the MEl doses, the energy deposited in the air by noble gas beta particles and gamma rays is calculated and compared to the corresponding Appendix I design objectives. A comparison of the annual Appendix I design objectives for atmospheric effluents to the highest organ dose and the noble gas doses calculated using ODCM methodology is listed in Table 3-1. The calculated doses include the C-14 contribution. The C-14 dose contribution has been required since 2010 (see Sections 3.4 through 3.6, below, for a more detailed description). The comparison between airborne effluent doses with and without C-14 is shown in Table 3-4. The highest dose is the child-bone category. The doses demonstrate that releases from PBNP to the atmosphere continue to be ALARA. 3.2 Radioactive Airborne Release Summary Radioactivity released in airborne effluents for 2013 is summarized in Table 3-2. The total noble gas is about 13 percent higher than 2012 value. Airborne particulates dropped by roughly 90%. Airborne tritium is about 8% lower. 3.3 Isotopic Airborne Releases The monthly isotopic airborne releases for 2013, from which the airborne doses were calculated, are presented in Table 3-3. Carbon-14 is not included in Table 3-3 because it was calculated and not measured. C-14 is discussed in the following sections. 3.4 Carbon-14 C-14 is a naturally occurring radionuclide. Nuclear weapons testing of the 1950s and 1960s significantly increased the amount of C-14 in the atmosphere. Small amounts of C-14 also are produced by nuclear reactors as neutrons interact with the dissolved oxygen and nitrogen in the primary coolant. However, these amounts produced by nuclear reactors are much less that those produced by weapons testing or that occur naturally. The NRC has requested that nuclear plants report C-14 emissions. Pursuant to NRC guidance (Regulatory Guide 1.21, Rev 2, p. 16, June 2009), most of the C-14 emissions from nuclear plant occur in the gaseous phase. 11 C-14 is a hard-to-detect radionuclide. It is not a gamma emitter and must be chemically separated from the effluent stream before it can be measured. Because nuclear plants currently are not equipped to perform this type of sampling, RG 1.21 allows for calculating C-14 discharges based on fission rates. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) undertook the task of developing the methodology for calculating C-14 generation and releases for the nuclear industry. The results were published as Technical Report 1021106 (December 201 0), "Estimation of Carbon-14 in Nuclear Power Plant Gaseous Effluents." The Point Beach C-14 generation for 2013 was calculated using the EPRI guidance and the new core parameter resulting from the power uprate. The calculated amounts were 5.86 Ci for Unit 1 and 5.88 Ci for Unit 2 yielding a total of 11.74 Ci which is 0.07 Ci higher than 2012. This calculated total is roughly 850 times higher than the 1.38E-02 Ci of C-14 determined by analyses of composites from liquid waste batch discharges, steam generator blowdown, and other waste streams. 3.5 C-14 Airborne Effluent Dose Calculation The dose from the airborne C-14 is dependent on its chemical form. The C-14 released to the atmosphere consists of both organic and inorganic species. Both the inorganic and organic C-14 contributes to the inhalation dose. Only the inorganic 14 C0 2 species contributes to the dose from the ingestion of photosynthetically incorporated C-14. The organic forms such as methane, CH 4 , are not photosynthetically active. For PWRs such as PBNP most of the gaseous C-14 occurs as methane, 14 CH 4 , not as carbon dioxide, 14 C0 2. The amount of 14 C0 2 present in the PBNP airborne effluent has not been measured. However, such measurements have been made at a comparable PWR sites similar to the PBNP design. The Ginna nuclear generating station is of similar design to PBNP. It is a Westinghouse 2-loop PWR of the same vintage as PBNP and approximately the same power (prior to the PBNP power uprate). Measurements at Ginna for 18 months in 1980 -1981 (Kunz, "Measurement of 14 C Production and Discharge From the Ginna Nuclear Power Reactor," 1982) found that ten percent of the C-14 was discharged as 14 C0 2. Therefore, 10% of the 11.67 Ci of C-14 calculated for PBNP by EPRI will be used in the ingestion dose calculations. C-14 dose calculations were made using the dose factors and the methodology of Regulatory Guide 1.1 09. The inhalation dose was calculated using all of the C-14 calculated to be released. All the C-14 is used because whether the C-14 is in the form of 14 C0 2 or one of the organic forms, such as CH 4 , both would be inhaled and contribute to a lung dose. For the other existing pathways, milk, meat, and produce, the dose depends upon the amount incorporated into biomass consumed by cattle and people: forage for cattle and produce for humans. Incorporation only occurs via 12 photosynthesis. Photosynthesis only incorporates 14 C0 2 and hence the use only of the 10% fraction of the total C-14 release for these pathways. The airborne effluent C-14 dose calculations were made as described above. They were made for the MEl as explained in Section 2.1. This approach utilizes all the pathways that are applicable to a hypothetical person residing at the site boundary. Because C-14 is present as a gas, the pathways are milk, meat, and produce (vegetables, fruit, and grain). The Regulatory Guide 1.1 09, Table E-5 usage factors were applied to the calculation. As such, the resulting dose will be conservative in that the produce usage factor includes grain and fruit and these pathways do not exist in the vicinity of the point for which the C-14 doses are calculated. Furthermore, because leafy vegetables are included in the produce pathway, they are not used as a separate pathway because that would result in double accounting for leafy vegetable dose contribution. 3.6 C-14 Measurements No C-14 measurements were made of PBNP airborne effluents. In 2010, C-14 was measured in crops grown on fields in the owner controlled area located in the highest x/0 sector at the site's south boundary. One field is leased for feed corn by a dairy south of the plant. That dairy is part of the REMP. In an adjacent field soybeans are grown by another farmer. These two crops were sampled in this sector and as well as in a background location about 17 miles SW of the plant. Based on the measurement error, there was no statistical difference between the results obtained on site in the highest xtO sector as compared to the background site some 17 miles away (2013 AMR, Table 10-3). These results demonstrated that the dose from C-14 in Point Beach airborne effluents should not measurably increase the C-14 dose compared to that received from naturally occurring C-14 in plants (1 mrem: NCRP Report 93, Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population of the United States, 1987, p.12). 3. 7 Errata to Previous Annual Monitoring Reports An error was found in airborne effluent calculations for January 2012. As a result, Tables 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 of the 2012 AMR needed to be corrected. Complete copies of the corrected tables are presented below. Corrections for the 2010 and 2011 AMRs are presented in Section 16. Annual totals increased by less than one percent. 13 Table 3-1 Comparison of 2013 Airborne Eff l uent Calcu l ated Doses to 10 CFR 50 Appendix I Design Objectives Category Particulate Noble gas Noble gas Noble gas Noble gas Ja n Total NG from Liq (Ci) 2.03E-03 To t al Noble Gas (Ci)1 3.36E-01 Total Rad i oiodines (C i)2 O.OOE+OO Total Particulate (Ci)3 5.54E-10 Alpha (Ci) O.OOE+OO Strontium(Ci) O.OOE+OO All other beta + gamma (Ci) 5.54E-10 Total Tritium (Ci) 5.86E+OO Max NG H'rly Rei.(Ci/sec) 1.17E-06 A nnua l Appendix I Design January-December Percen t of Appendix I Objective Calculated Dose Design Objective 30 mrem/organ 0.241 mrem 0.804 40 mrad (beta air) 0.000107 mrad 0.00027 20 mrad (gamma air) 0.000242 mrad 0.00121 30 mrem (skin) 0.000345 mrem 0.00115 1 0 mrem (whole body) 0.000229 mrem 0.00229 Table 3-2 Radioac t i v e Ai r b o rn e E ffl ue nt Release Su mm ar y January 1 , 2013, through December 3 1, 2013 Total F eb Mar Ap r May J un Ja n-J un Jut A u g S ep 7.26E-03 1.52E-03 8.54E-04 4.18E-0 3 O.OOE+OO 1.58E-02 O.OOE+OO 8.99E-04 O.OOE+OO 5.94E-02 3.45E-02 4.03E-02 6.02E-02 5.25E-02 5.82E-01 4.36E-02 4.11E-02 5.21E-02 O.OOE+OO 1.10E-06 8.78E-08 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.18E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.10E-09 4.19E-06 3.72E-06 1.23E-1 0 1.41E-10 7.91 E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.10E-09 4.19E-06 3.72E-06 1.23E-10 1.41E-10 7.91 E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.31E+OO 7.24E+OO 6.92E+OO 5.28E+OO 4.02E+OO 3.46E+01 3.75E+OO 2.86E+OO 5.33E+OO 6.12E-08 2.29E-07 5.45E-08 1.01 E-06 6.12E-08 4.74E-08 5.39E-07 4.77E-08 Oct 4.23E-04 5.67E-02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.44E+OO 4.86E-08 ---1 Total noble gas (airborne+ liquid releases) does not include F-18 which is not a noble gas. F-1 8 monthly and annual totals are presented in Table 3-3 .. Nov O.OOE+OO 3.62E-02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.96E+OO 4.97E-08 ----D e c Total 3.56E-03 2.07E-02 2.09E-01 1.02E+OO O.OOE+OO 1.18E-06 O.OOE+OO 7.91 E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+O O O.OOE+OO 7.91E-06 7.18E+OO 6.41E+0 1 5.89E-08 ------2 Airborne radioiodines only include 1-131 and 1-133. Although for dose calculations iodines are grouped with particulates , for this reporting table they are separated from the particulate group. 3 Total Part i culate is the sum of alpha , strontium , and others. It does not include radioiodines or C-14. C-14 was c alculated for the year and no monthly values are available. 1 4 Jan Feb Mar Apr Nuclide (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) H-3 5.86E+OO 5.31E+OO 7.24E+OO 6.92E+OO Ar-41 4.47E-02 4.67E-02 3.05E-02 3.75E-02 Kr-85 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Kr-85m O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Kr-87 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Kr-88 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Xe-131m 2.49E-04 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Xe-133 2.9 0E-01 1.24E-02 3.95E-03 2.72E-03 Xe-133m 4.78E-04 6.11E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Xe-135 1.34E-04 2.02E-04 1.16E-04 1.15E-04 Xe-135m O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Xe-138 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO F-18 1.74E-09 O.OOE+OO 1.25E-05 O.OOE+OO Cr-51 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 9.13E-08 Mn-54 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.20E-07 O.OOE+OO Co-58 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.73E-06 2.8 1E-06 Co-60 O.OOE+OO 6.48E-10 4.3 9E-07 9.84 E-08 Zn-65 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Nb-95 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 6.71E-08 4.47E-07 Zr-95 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.24E-07 1-131 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.10E-06 8.78E-08 1-132 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1-133 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Sb-124 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Sb-125 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Cs-137 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Fe-55 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Ni-63 5.54E-10 4.50E-10 8.36E-07 4.4 1 E-08 Tc-99 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Sr-89 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Sr-90 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO TABLE 3-3 Isotopic Composition of Airborne Releases January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 May Jun Semi-Jul Aug Sep (Ci) (Ci) Annual (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) 5.28E+OO 4.02E+OO 3.46E+01 3.75E+OO 2.86E+OO 5.33E+OO 4.24E-02 5.24E-02 2.54E-01 4.3 6E-02 4.01E-02 5.21E-02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.49E-04 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.76E-02 1.02E-04 3.27E-01 O.OOE+OO 1.02E-03 O.OOE+OO 1.46E-04 O.OOE+OO 6.85E-04 O.OOE+OO 8.54E-06 O.OOE+OO 5.16E-05 O.OOE+OO 6.19E-04 O.OOE+OO 1.19E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.25E-05 2.50E-01 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 9.13E-08 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.20E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.54E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.38E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.14E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.24E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.18E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.23E-10 1.41E-10 8.81E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Note: The Noble Gases listed above include the liquid contribution 15 Oct Nov Dec Tota l (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) 4.44E+OO 5.96E+OO 7.18E+OO 6.41E+01 5.77E-02 3.58E-02 5.77E-02 5.41 E-01 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.52E-04 1.52E-04 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.27E-04 6.76E-04 9.76E-04 3.67E-04 1.37E-01 4.66E-01 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.45E-03 3.1 4E-03 1.14E-06 O.OOE+OO 1.17E-02 1.23E-02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.50E-01 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 9.13E-08 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.20E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.54E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.38 E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.14E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.24E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.18E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 8.81E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Table 3-4 Cor r ecte d 2 01 2 T a bl e 3-1 Compa r iso n of 2 01 2 Ai r b o rn e E fflu e nt Ca l cu l ated Doses t o 1 0 C FR 5 0 Ap pen di x I D es i g n Ob j ec t i v es Tota l N G f rom Liq (C i) Tota l Nob l e Gas (Ci)1 To t al Rad i o i odines (C i)2 T o t al Particu l ate (Ci)3 Alpha (Ci) Stront i um(Ci) All other beta + gamma (C i) To t a l Tri ti um (C i) M ax N G H'r ly Re i.(Ci/sec) A nnua l Appendix I Desig n January-December Percen t of A ppendix I Ca t ego ry Particulate Noble gas Noble gas Noble gas Noble gas Ja n Feb O.OOE+OO 4.76E-04 7.55E-02 6.11E-02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.34E-10 9.78E-11 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.34E-10 9.78E-11 6.29E+OO 4.3 8E+OO 4.60E-08 9.19E-08 Objec t ive Calc u lated Dose Desig n Ob j ect iv e 30 mrem/organ 0.240 mrem 40 mrad (beta air) 0.000101 mrad 20 mrad (gamma air) 0.000238 mrad 30 mrem/skin 0.000338 mrem 1 0 mrem (whole body) 0.000225 mrem T a bl e 3-5 C orr ec t e d 2 01 2 T a bl e 3-2 R a di oac tiv e Airb o rn e E fflu e nt R e l ease S umm a ry January 1 , 20 1 2, th rough December 3 1, 20 1 2 Total Mar Apr May Jun Jan-Jun Jul Aug O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.81 E-04 O.OOE+OO 6.57E-0 4 3.80E-03 5.44E-04 6.48E-02 5.03E-02 5.15E-02 4.99E-02 3.53E-01 6.63E-02 4.73E-02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.80E-05 O.OOE+OO 1.28E-10 7.28E-11 5.81E-11 5.84E-11 5.4 9E-10 1.01 E-06 1.25E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.28E-1 0 7.2 8E-11 5.81 E-11 5.84E-11 5.49E-10 1.01 E-06 1.25E-06 6.41E+OO 7.04E+OO 7.02E+OO 4.57E+OO 3.57E+0 1 6.3 2E+OO 8.69E+OO 5.99E-08 5.3 8 E-0 8 5.61E-0 8 6.15E-08 5.61 E-08 6.54E-08 0.800 0.00025 0.00119 0.00013 0.00225 S ep O c t 2.18E-03 1.03E-02 4.33E-02 1.3 5E-01 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 9.8 9E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 9.89E-07 O.OOE+OO 2.66E+OO 3.81E+OO 5.88 E-08 6.01E-08 N ov 1.06E-02 1.85E-01 1.04E-05 5.48E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.48E-05 7.66E+OO 4.76E-08 Dec Total 1.51 E-02 4.32E-02 6.4 7E-02 8.94E-01 O.OOE+OO 2.85E-05 O.OOE+OO 5.80E-05 O.OOE+OO O.O O E+O O O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5.80E-0 5 4.99E+OO 6.98E+01 5.18E-0 8 1 Total noble gas (airborne+ liquid re l eases). 2 Airborne radioiodines only include 1-1 3 1 and 1-133. Although for dose c al c ulations iodines are grouped with particulates, for this reporting table they are separated from the parti c u l ate group. 3 Total Particulate is the sum of alpha , strontium , and oth e rs. It does not in c lude radioiodines o r C-14. C-14 was cal c ulated for the year and no monthly values are available. 1 6 Jan Feb Mar Apr Nuclide (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) H-3 6.29E+OO 4.38E+OO 6.41E+OO 7.04E+OO Ar-41 4.82E-02 4.15E-02 5.21E-02 4.25E-02 Kr-85 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Kr-85m O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Kr-87 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Kr-88 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Xe-1 3 1 m O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Xe-133 2.70E-02 1.97E-02 1.27E-02 7.74E-03 Xe-133m O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Xe-135 2.82E-04 1.72E-06 O.OOE+OO 7.49E-05 Xe-135m O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Xe-1 38 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO F-18 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO C r-5 1 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Mn-54 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Co-58 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Co-60 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Zn-65 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO N b-95 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Z r-95 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1-131 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1-132 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1-1 33 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Sb-12 4 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Sb-1 25 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Cs-1 37 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Fe-55 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO N i-63 1.34E-10 9.78E-11 1.2 8 E-10 O.OOE+OO Tc-99 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 7.28E-11 S r-89 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO S r-90 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Table 3-6 Correc t ed 2012 TABLE 3-3 I sotopic Compositio n of Airborne Releases January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 May Jun Semi-Ju l Aug Sep (Ci) (Ci) Annua l (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) 7.02E+OO 4.57E+OO 3.57E+01 6.32E+OO 8.69E+OO 2.66E+OO 4.54E-02 4.24E-02 2.72E-01 5.45E-02 3.75E-02 3.49E-02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 6.14E-03 7.44E-03 8.07E-02 1.15E-02 9.67E-03 8.40E-03 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.07E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 3.59E-04 2.91E-04 4.71E-05 4.72E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.4 7E-08 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.48E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.66E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.44E-07 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 3.60E-10 1.01 E-0 6 1.01 E-06 9.75E-07 5.81 E-11 5.84E-11 1.89E-10 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Not e: The Nobl e Gases listed abov e include the liquid c ontribution 1 7 Oct Nov Dec Tota l (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) 3.81E+OO 7.66E+OO 4.99E+OO 6.98E+01 5.62E-02 1.48E-02 4.81E-02 5.18E-01 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.33E-05 7.62E-04 O.OOE+OO 7.75E-04 O.OOE+OO 1.98E-04 O.OOE+OO 1.98E-04 O.OOE+OO 9.54E-04 O.OOE+OO 9.54E-0 4 O.OOE+OO 3.23E-04 O.OOE+OO 3.23E-04 7.58E-02 1.47E-01 1.62E-02 3.49E-01 1.08E-03 2.33E-03 1.50E-04 3.57E-03 1.79E-03 1.82E-02 2.34E-04 2.09E-02 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.4 7E-08 O.OOE+OO 2.36E-05 O.OOE+OO 2.36E-05 O.OOE+OO 4.75E-06 O.OOE+OO 4.75E-06 O.OOE+OO 5.90E-06 O.OOE+OO 5.90E-0 6 O.OOE+OO 7.30E-06 O.OOE+OO 7.3 0E-06 O.OOE+OO 4.39E-07 O.OOE+OO 4.3 9E-0 7 O.OOE+OO 5.8 0E-06 O.OOE+OO 5.80E-06 O.OOE+OO 3.49E-06 O.OOE+OO 3.4 9E-06 O.OOE+OO 6.05E-07 O.OOE+OO 2.09E-06 O.OOE+OO 9.84E-06 O.OOE+OO 9.8 4E-06 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.66E-05 O.OOE+OO 6.98E-0 8 O.OOE+OO 6.98 E-0 8 O.OOE+OO 4.55E-0 8 O.OOE+OO 4.55E-08 O.OOE+OO 1.12E-08 O.OOE+OO 2.56E-07 O.OOE+OO 2.39E-06 O.OOE+OO 2.3 9E-0 6 I O.OOE+OO 1.52E-06 O.OOE+OO 4.51E-0 6 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1.89E-10 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Table 3-7 C omparison of Airborne E ffluent Do s e s 2013 Airborne Particulate +Tritium Do s e (mrem) Bone Liver T-WB Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Skin Adult 6.07E-05 1.50E-02 1.53E-02 1.50E-02 1.50E-02 1.50E-02 1.50E-02 5.81 E-04 Teen 8.25E-05 1.73E-02 1.75E-02 1.73E-02 1.73E-02 1.73E-02 1.73E-02 5.81 E-04 Child 1.20E-04 2.52E-02 2.55E-02 2.53E-02 2.52E-02 2.52E-02 2.52E-02 5.81E-04 Infant 5.96E-05 1.11 E-02 1.14E-02 1.12E-02 1.11 E-02 1.11 E-02 1.11 E-02 5.81E-04 2013 C arbon-14 Dose (mrem) Bone Liver T.Body Thyroid Kidney Lung s GI-LLI Skin Adult 6.65E-02 1.32E-02 1.32E-02 1.32E-02 1.32E-02 1.32E-02 1.32E-02 O.OOE+OO Teen 1.04E-01 2.08E-02 2.08E-02 2.08E-02 2.08E-02 2.08E-02 2.08E-02 O.OOE+OO Child 2.41 E-01 4.81 E-02 4.81 E-02 4.81E-02 4.81 E-02 4.81 E-02 4.81 E-02 O.OOE+OO Infant 1.23E-01 2.61 E-02 2.61 E-02 2.61 E-02 2.61 E-02 2.61 E-02 2.61 E-02 O.OOE+OO 2 013 Total Airborne Non-Noble Gas D o se (Pa rticul a te+ H-3 + C-14 (mrem)) Bone Liver T-W B Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI S kin Adult 6.66E-02 2.82E-02 2.85E-02 2.83E-02 2.82E-02 2.82E-02 2.82E-02 5.81 E-04 Teen 1.04E-01 3.80E-02 3.83E-02 3.80E-02 3.80E-02 3.80E-02 3.80E-02 5.81 E-04 Child 2.41E-01 7.33E-02 7.36E-02 7.33E-02 7.33E-02 7.33E-02 7.33E-02 5.81 E-04 Infant 1.23E-01 3.72E-02 3.74E-02 3.73E-02 3.72E-02 3.72E-02 3.72E-02 5.81 E-04 Ann.Limit 3.00E+01 3.00E+01 3.00E+01 3.00E+01 3.00E+01 3.00E+01 3.00 E+01 %Limit 8.04E-01 2.44E-01 2.44E-01 2.44E-01 2.44E-01 2.44E-01 1.94E-03 The percent of limit is calculated using the highest total dose, the Child Age Group. 18 4.0 RADIOACTIVE SOLID WAST E SHIPMENTS 4.1 Types. Volumes. and Activity of Shipped Solid Waste The following types, volumes, and activity of solid waste were shipped from PBNP for offsite disposal or burial during 2013. No Type C or D waste was shipped. No irradiated fuel was shipped offsite. The volume, activity and type of waste are listed in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Quantities and Types of Waste Shipped from PBNP in 2013 Type of Waste Quantity Activity A. Spent resins , filter sludge, evaporator bottoms, etc. 2.400 m 3 0.180 Ci 84.0 ft 3 B. Dry compressible waste, contaminated equipment, etc 217.5 m 3 232.394 Ci 7680.0 ft 3 C. Irradiated components, control rods, etc. 0.00 m 3 N/A Ci te D. Other 0.00 m 3 N/A Ci ft3 4.2 Major Nuclide Composition (by Type of Waste) The major radionuclide content of the 2013 solid waste was determined by gamma isotopic analysis and the application of scaling factors for certain indicator radionuclides based on the measured isotopic content of representative waste stream samples. The estimated isotopic content is presented in Table 4-2. Only those radionuclides with detectable activity are listed. 19 Table 4-2 2013 Es timated Solid Waste Major Radionuclide Compo s ition TYP E A TYP E B TYP EC TYP E D Percent Percent Percent Percent Nuclide Abundance Nuclide Abundance Nuclide Abundance Nuclide Abundance Co-58 41.48717% Co-60 45.86037% Ni-63 32.43226% Fe-55 13.67567% Co-60 20.72182% Nb-95 12.19132% Mn-54 1.86758% Ni-63 9.85561% Sb-125 1.61944% Sb-125 3.04844% Ni-59 0.40312% Zr-95 2.84456% Co-57 0.39876% Cs-137 2.15047% Fe-55 0.39441% Co-58 1.96695% Sb-124 0.12886% Tc-99 1.53465% Pu-241 0.12407% Mn-54 1.49294% Zn-65 0.11710% Sb-124 1.36708% Ce-144 0.08576% H-3 1.21643% C-14 0.08054% Ag-110m 0.74438% Ag-110r 0.06835% Ce-144 0.62441% Cs-137 0.04440% Zn-65 0.51913% Sr-89 0.01054% Nb-94 0.17758% H-3 0.00823% Sr-89 0.13921% Sr-90 0.00657% Ag-108m 0.13526% Tc-99 0.00036% Co-57 0.11978% Am-241 0.00020% C-14 0.10754% Pu-238 0.00020% Sr-90 0.08298% Cm-243 0.00014% Pu-241 0.07645% Pu-239 0.00008% Am-241 0.04583% Cm-242 0.00005% Cm-243 0.00756% Pu-238 0.00538% Pu-239 0.00531% Pu-240 0.00371% Cm-242 0.00097% In-113m 0.00000% 4.3 Solid Waste Disposition There were four solid waste shipments from PBNP during 2013. The dates and destinations are shown in Table 4-3. Table 4-3 2013 PBNP Ra dioactive Waste Shipments Date Destination 04/02/13 Oak Ridge 04/10/13 Oak Ridge 04/24/13 Oak Ridge 09/29/13 Erwin , TN 20 5.0 NONRADIOACTIVE CHEMICAL RELEASES 5.1 Scheduled Chemical Waste Releases Scheduled chemical waste releases to the circulating water system from January 1, 2013, to June 30, 2013, included 6.84E+05 gallons of neutralized wastewater. The wastewater contained 6.35E+OO lbs. of suspended solids and 7.47E+03 lbs. of dissolved solids. Scheduled chemical waste releases to the circulating water system from July 1, 2013, to December 31, 2013, included 3.95E+04 gallons of neutralized wastewater. The wastewater contained 1.14E+OO lbs. of suspended solids and 7.86E+OO lbs. of dissolved solids. Scheduled chemical waste releases are based on the average analytical results obtained from sampling a representative number of neutralizing tanks. 5.2 Miscellaneous Chemical Waste Releases Miscellaneous chemical waste releases from the wastewater effluent (based on effluent analyses) to the circulating water for January 1, 2013, to June 30, 2013, included 1.75E+07 gallons of clarified wastewater. The wastewater contained 2.21 E+03 lbs. of suspended solids. Miscellaneous chemical waste releases from the wastewater effluent (based on effluent analyses) to the circulating water for July 1, 2013, to December 31, 2013, included 1.56E+07 gallons of clarified wastewater. The wastewater contained 2.40E+03 lbs. of suspended solids. Miscellaneous chemical waste released directly to the circulating water, based on amount of chemicals used from January 1, 2013, to June 30, 2013, included 4.36E+05 lbs. of sodium bisulfite solution (1.66E+05 lbs. sodium bisulfite), 4.70E+05 lbs of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (5.87E+04 lbs. sodium hypochlorite), and 5.48E+03 lbs. Acti-Brom 1338 (2.47E+03 lbs. sodium bromide). Miscellaneous chemical waste released directly to the circulating water, based on amount of chemicals used from July 1, 2013, to December 31, 2013, included 5.80E+05 lbs. of sodium bisulfite solution (2.20E+05 lbs. sodium bisulfite), 4.38E+05 lbs. Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (5.48E+04 lbs. sodium hypochlorite), 6.04E+031bs. Acti-Brom 1338 (2.72E+031bs. sodium bromide). 21 6.0 C I RC ULATIN G WAT ER S Y S T E M OP E RATION The circulating water system operation during this reporting period is described in Table 6-1. Table 6-1 Circulating Water S ystem Oper a tion for 2013 UNIT JAN FEB MAR APR Average Volume Cooling 1 291.9 291.9 170.6 258.8 Water Discharge [million gal/day]** 2 322.5 343.8 350.3 425.0 Average Cooling Water 1 39.3 38.6 38.0 45.8 Intake Temperature [°F] 2 40.1 39.4 40.9 42.9 Average Cooling Water 1 75.6 75.1 69.7 54.6 Discharge Temperature [°F] 2 72.1 71.7 69.6 65.7 Average Ambient Lake Temperature [°F] 34.7 35.3 37.0 45.6 Tabl e 6-1 (continued) C irculating Water S y s t e m O peration for 2 013 UNIT Average Volume Cooling 1 Water Discharge [million gal/day]** 2 Average Cooling Water 1 Intake Temperature [°F] 2 Average Cooling Water 1 Discharge Temperature [°F] 2 Average Ambient Lake Temperature [°F] *U 1 outage eire water shut down 3/19/13 -4/12/13 ** For days with cooling water discharge flow. 22 JUL AUG SEP OCT 542.5 542.5 542.5 542.5 548.3 548.3 548.3 548.3 56.9 56.4 61.8 51.5 57.7 57.0 62.1 52.0 75.4 73.9 80.6 70.0 73.6 72.5 78.5 68.3 51.7 50.9 57.1 47.3 MAY JUN 541.8 542.5 547.6 548.3 50.0 52.4 50.3 52.8 68.4 70.9 66.1 68.8 45.6 47.4 NOV* D E C 542.5 366.4 548.3 388.8 43.1 38.7 43.3 39.5 61.2 68.3 59.8 67.1 39.8 34.8 Part B M i sce ll aneous Report i ng Requ i rements 7.0 ADDITIONAL R E PO RT ING R E QUIR E M E NTS 7.1 Revisions to the PBNP Effluent and Environmental Programs Neither the ODCM nor the RECM were revised in 2013. The Environmental Manual (EM) was revised in October 2013. A copy of the EM, Revision 24, October 1, 2013, is provided with this Annual Monitoring Report 7.2 Interlaboratory Comparison Program ATI Environmental, Inc, Midwest Laboratory, the analytical laboratory contracted to perform the radioanalyses of the PBNP environmental samples, participated in the Department of Energy's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) as well as in the interlaboratory comparison studies administered by Environmental Resources Associates (ERA) during 2013. The ERA environmental crosscheck program replaces the Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML) Quality Assessment Program which was discontinued. The results of these comparisons can be found in Appendix A. 7.3 Special Circumstances No special circumstances report regarding operation of the explosive gas monitor for the waste gas holdup system was needed during 2013. 23 Part C RAD I OLOG I CAL E NVI RO NM ENTAL M O NI TORING


The objective of the PBNP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) is to determine whether the operation of PBNP or the ISFSI has radiologically impacted the environment. To accomplish this, the REMP collects and analyzes air, water, milk, soil, vegetation, and fish samples for radionuclides and uses thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) to determine the ambient radiation background. The analyses of the various environmental media provide data on measurable levels of radiation and radioactive materials in the principal pathways of environmental exposure. These measurements also serve as a check of the efficacy of PBNP effluent controls. The REMP fulfills the requirements of 10 CFR 20.1302 , PBNP General Design Criterion (GDC) 17, GDC 64 of Appendix A to 10 CFR 50, and Sections IV.B.2 and IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR 50 for the operation of the plant. A subset of the PBNP REMP samples, consisting of air, soil and vegetation also fulfills 10 CFR 72.44(d)(2) for operation of the ISFSI. Additionally,TLDs provide the means to measure changes in the ambient environmental radiation levels at sites near the ISFSI and at the PBNP site boundary to ensure that radiation levels from the ISFSI are maintained within the dose limits of 10 CFR 72.104. Because the ISFSI is within the PBNP site boundary, radiation doses from PBNP and the ISFSI, combined, must be used to assess compliance with 10 CFR 72.122 and 40 CFR 190. Therefore, radiological environmental monitoring for the ISFSI is provided by selected sampling sites, which are part of the PBNP REMP. For the aquatic environment, the samples include water as well as the biological integrators, such as fish and filamentous algae. Because of their migratory behavior, fish are wide area integrators. In contrast, the filamentous algae periphyton is attached to shoreline rocks and concentrate nuclides from the water flowing by their point of attachment. Grab samples of lake water provide a snapshot of radionuclide concentrations at the time the sample is taken; whereas analysis of fish and filamentous algae yield concentrations integrated over time. The air-grass-cow-milk exposure pathway unites the terrestrial and atmospheric environments. This pathway is important because of the many dairy farms around PBNP. Therefore, the REMP includes samples of air, general grasses, and milk from the PBNP environs. An annual land use survey is made to determine whether the assumptions on the location of dairy cattle remain conservative with respect to dose calculations for PBNP effluents. The dose calculations assume that the dairy cattle are located at the south site boundary, the highest depositional sector. In addition, soil samples are collected and analyzed in order to monitor the potential for long-term buildup of radionuclides in the vicinity of PBNP. For the measurement of ambient environmental radiation levels that may be affected by direct radiation from PBNP or by noble gas effluents, the REMP employs a series of TLDs situated around PBNP and the ISFSI. 24 9.0 PROGR AM D ESC RI P TION 9.1 Results Reporting Convention The vendor used by PBNP to analyze the environmental samples is directed to report analysis results as measured by a detector, which can meet the required lower limit of detection (LLD) as specified in Table 2-2 of the Environmental Manual for each sample. The report provided by the vendor (see Appendix 1) contains values , which can be ei t her negative, positive or zero plus/minus the two sigma counting uncertainty, which provides the 95% confidence level for the measured value. The LLD is an a priori concentration value that specifies the performance capability of the counting system used in the analyses of the REMP samples. The parameters for the a priori LLD a r e chosen such that only a five percent chance exists of falsely concluding a specific radionuclide is present when it is not present at the specified LLD. Based on detector efficiency and average background activity, the time needed to count the sample in order to achieve the desired LLD depends upon the sample size. Hence , the desired LLD may be achieved by adjusting various parameters. When a suite of radionuclides are required to be quantified in an environmental sample such as lake water, the count time used is that required to achieve the LLD for the radionuclide with the longest counting time. Therefore , in fulfilling the requirement for the most difficult to achieve radionuclide LLD, the probability of detecting the other radionuclides is increased because the counting time used is longer than that required to achieve the remaining radionuclide LLDs. The REMP results in this report are reported as averages of the measurements made throughout the calendar year plus/minus the associated standard deviat i on. If all net sample concentrations are equal to or less than zero, the result is repo r ted as "Not Detectable" (ND), indicating no detectable level of activity present in the sample. If any of the net sample concentrations indicate a positive result statistically greater than zero, all of the data reported are used to generate the reported statistics. Because of the statistical nature of radioactive decay, when the radionuclide of interest is not present in the sample, negative and positive results centered about zero will be seen. Excluding validly measured concentrations , whether negative or as small positive values below the LLD, artificially inflates the calculated average value. Therefore, all generated data are used to calculate the statistical values (i.e., average, standard deviation) presented in this report. The calculated average may be a negative number. As mentioned above, radioactive decay is a statistical process which has an inherent uncertainty in the analytical result. No two measurements will yield exactly the same result. However, the results are considered equal if the results fall within a certain range based upon the statistical parameters involved in the process. The REMP analytical results are reported at the 95% confidence limit in which the true result may be two standard deviations above or below the reported result. This means that there is only a 5% chance of concluding that the identified radioactive atom is not there when it really is present in the sample. A false positive is an analytical result which statistically shows that the radionuclide is present in the sample when it really is not there. T ypically, if the 95% 25 confidence interval for a positive does not include zero, the radionuclide is considered to be present. For example, the result is reported as 100 +/- 90. One hundred minus 90 yields a positive result and therefore may be considered to be present. However, this may be a false positive. If the radionuclide was not in the plant effluent, this result would fall into that category which 5% of the time it is falsely concluded that the radionuclide is present when in actuality it is not. This usually happens at low concentrations at or near the LLD where fluctuations in the background during the counting process skew the results to produce a positive result. In interpreting the data, effects due to the plant must be distinguished from those due to other sources. A key interpretive aid in assessment of these effects is the design of the PBNP REMP, which is based upon the indicator-control concept. Most types of samples are collected at both indicator locations and at control locations. A plant effect would be indicated if the radiation level at an indicator location was significantly larger than that at the control location. The difference would have to be greater than could be accounted for by typical fluctuation in radiation levels arising from other sources. 9.2 Sampling Parameters Samples are collected and analyzed at the frequency indicated in Table 9-1 from the locations described in Table 9-2 and shown in Figures 9-1, 9-2 and 9-3. (The latter two figures show sampling locations not shown in preceding figures due to space limitations. The location of the former retention pond, retired and remediated to NRC unrestricted access criteria, is indicated in Figure 9-3). The list of PBNP REMP sampling sites used to determine environmental impact around the ISFSI is found in Table 9-3. The minimum acceptable sample size is found in Table 9-4. In addition, Table 9-1 indicates the collection and analysis frequency of the ISFSI fence TLDs. 9.3 Deviations from Required Collection Frequency Deviations from the collection frequency given in Table 9-1 are allowed because of hazardous conditions, automatic sampler malfunction, seasonal unavailability, and other legitimate reasons (Section 2.2.6 of the Environmental Manual). Table 9-5 lists the deviations from the scheduled sampling frequency that occurred during the reporting period. 9.4 Assistance to the State of Wisconsin The Radiation Protection Unit of the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services maintains a radiological environmental monitoring program to confirm the results from the PBNP REMP. As a courtesy to the State of Wisconsin, PBNP personnel also collects certain environmental samples (Table 9-6) for the State from sites that are near PBNP sampling sites, or are co-located. 9.5 Program Modifications No new permanent monitoring sites were added in 2013. 26 Table 9-1 P B NP R E MP Sample Analysis and Frequency Sample Type Sample Codes Analyses Frequency Environmental Radiation E-01, -02, -03 , -04, -05 TLD Quarterly Exposure -06, -07 , -08 , -09 , 14, -15, -16, -17, -18 , -20, -22, -23, -24, -25 , -26 , -27, -28, -29 , -30, -31,-32,-38,-39 ,-41, -42,-43 , -TC Vegetation E-01 , -02, -03, -04, -06, Gross Beta 3x/yr as available -08 , -09, -20, Gamma Isotopic Analysis Algae E-05 , -12 Gross Beta 3x/yr as available Gamma Isotopic Analysis Fish E-13 Gross Beta 3x/yr as available Gamma Isotopic Analysis (Analysis of edible portions only) Well Water E-10 Gross Beta, H-3 Quarterly Sr-89 , 90, 1-131 Gamma Isotopic Analysis Lake Water E-01, -05, -06 , -33 Gross Beta, Sr-89/90 , H-3 Monthly I Quarterly composite of monthly collections 1-131 Monthly Gamma Isotopic Analysis Monthly Milk E-11, -40, -21 Sr-89, 90 Monthly 1-131 Gamma Isotopic Analysis Air Filters E-01, -02 , -03 , -04, Gross Beta Weekly (particulate) -08 , -20 1-131 Weekly (charcoal) Gamma Isotopic Analysis Quarterly (on composite particulate filters) Soil E-01, -02, -03 , -04, Gross Beta 2x/yr -06 , -08, -09, -20, Gamma Isotopic Analysis Shoreline Sediment E-01, -05, -06, -12, -33 , Gross Beta 2x/yr Gamma Isotopic Analysis ISFSI Ambient North , East, South, Radiation Exposure West Fence Sections TLD Quarterly 27 T a ble 9-2 P B NP R E MP Sampling Locations Location Code Location Description E-01 Primary Meteorological Tower South of the Plant E-02 Site Boundary Control Center-East Side of Building E-03 Tapawingo Road, about 0.4 Miles West of Lakeshore Road E-04 North Boundary E-05 Two Creeks Park Point Beach State Park-Coast Guard Station; TLD located South of the Lighthouse on E-06 Telephone pole E-07 WPSC Substation on County V, about 0.5 Miles West of Hwy 42 E-08 G.J. Francar Property at Southeast Corner of the Intersection of Cty. Band Zander Road E-09 Nature Conservancy E-10 PBNP Site Well E-11 Dairy Farm about 3.75 Miles West of Site E-12 Discharge Flume/Pier E-13 Pumphouse E-14 South Boundary, about 0.2 miles East of Site Boundary Control Center E-15 Southwest Corner of Site E-16 WSW, Hwy 42, a residence about 0.25 miles North of Nuclear Road E-17 North of Mishicot , Cty. Band Assman Road, Northeast Corner of Intersection E-18 Northwest of Two Creeks at Zander and Tannery Roads E-20 Reference Location, 17 miles Southwest, at Silver Lake ColleQe E-21 Local Dairy Farm just South of Site on Lakeshore and Irish Roads E-22 West Side of Hwy 42, about 0.25 miles North of Johanek Road E-23 Greenfield Lane, about 4.5 Miles South of Site, 0.5 Miles East of Hwy 42 E-24 North Side of County Rt. V, near intersection of SaxonburQ Road E-25 South Side of County Rt. BB, about 0.5 miles West of Norman Road E-26 804 TapawinQo Road, about 0.4 miles East of Cty. B, North Side of Road E-27 Intersection of Saxonburg and Nuclear Roads, Southwest Corner, about 4 Miles WSW E-28 TLD site on western most pole between the 2nd and 3rd parkinQ lots. E-29 Area of North Meteorological Tower. E-30 NE corner at Intersection of TapawinQo and Lakeshore Roads. E-31 On utility pole North side of Tapawingo Road closest to the gate at the West property line. E-32 On a tree located at the junction of property lines , as indicated by trees and shrubs, about 500 feet east of the west gate on Tapawingo Road and about 1200 feet south of Tapawingo Road. The location is almost under the power lines between the blue and gray transmission towers. Lake Michigan shorel i ne accessed from the SE corner of KNPP parking lot. Sample South of E-33 creek. E-38 Tree located at the West end of the area previously containinQ the Retention Pond. E-39 Tree located at the East end of the area previously containing the Retention Pond. E-40 Local Dairy Farm, W side of Hwy 42 , about 1.8 miles north of the Nuclear Rd intersection E-41 NW corner of Woodside and Nuclear Rds (Kewaunee County) E-42 NW corner of Church and Division, East of Mishicot E-43 West side of Tannery Rd south of Elmwood (7th pole south of Elmwood) E-TC Transportation Control; Reserved for TLDs 28 KEY

  • lLO () TLO & AIR

22 "' ... 16 ll CGS FILE 10T<f8 Sl TE MAP FIGLfl£ 2-lb POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT .......___SITE BOUiflARY I 32 : _____ . 15 0 100 1100 ---r-1 ---L'-ir--.L.I ---,1 F[[l 400 tlOO 2000 !i% ISFSI D JO

  • lfJCLEAR RD. I SITE BOUNDARY CONtROL CENTER .... 0()2 14 **-**-** .. *-**-**-**


  • TLD () TLD & AIR A.A. OTHER Figure 9-2 Map of REMP Sampling Sites Located Around PBNP 30

......... ..... ,..-. *"'""" " ' \ ' ' ' . \ . '\ \ Et NI R ORI!IN T AL WimJ RI N C S.l t.TI IJ lS

  • fLO A OiliER Figure 9-3 M l C H I G/1N \ ' .-*-*-'.... ...... -.. \ E nhanced Map S howing R E MP S ampling S ite s Close s t to P B NP 31 Table 9-3 I SFS I Samp ling S it es Ambient Radiation Monitoring (TLD) Soil, Vegetation and Airborne Monitoring E-03 E-02 E-28 E-03 E-29 E-04 E-30 E-31 E-32 Table 9-4 Minimum Acceptable Samp l e S i ze Sample Type S ize Vegetation 100-1000 grams Lake Water 8 liters Air Filters 250 m3 (volume of air) Well Water 8 liters Milk 8 liters Algae 100-1000 grams Fish (edible portions) 1000 grams Soil 500-1 000 grams Shoreline Sediment 500-1000 grams 32 Table 9-5 Deviations from Scheduled Sampling and Frequency During 2013 Sample Location Collection Reason for not conducting REMP Plans for Preventing Recurrence Type Date as required LW E-06 1/17/13 Icy conditions at the shore prevented Nautral occurrence 2/14/13 gelling close enough to the lake to get a water sample on both dates. AP/1 E-01 2/28/13 No power to sampler Determined to be an incorrect selling in the control box. 3/06/13 Re-set control of timer. 3/13/13 Algae E-12 6/5/2013 No algae found growing in area Natural occurrence Table 9-6 Sample Collections for State of Wisconsin Sample Type Location Frequency Lake Water E-01 Monthly Air Filters E-07 Weekly E-08 Fish E-13 Quarterly, As Available Precipitation E-04 Twice a month, E-08 As Available Milk E-11 Monthly E-19 Well Water E-10 Twice per year 33 9.6 Analytical Parameters The types of analyses and their frequencies are given in Table 9-1. The LLDs for the various analyses are found in the Section 10 (Table 10-1) with the summary of the REMP results. All environmental LLDs listed in Table 2-2 of the Environmental Manual (also in Table 10-1) were achieved during 2013. 9.7 Description of Analytical Parameters in Table 9-1 9.7.1 Gamma isotopic analysis Gamma isotopic analysis consists of a computerized scan of the gamma ray spectrum from 80 keV to 2048 keV. Specifically included in the scan are Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Z r-95, Nb-95, Ru-1 03, Ru-1 06, 1-131, Ba-La-140, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141, and Ce-144. However, other detected nuclear power plant produced radionuclides also are noted. The above radionuclides detected by gamma isotopic analysis are decay corrected to the time of collection. Frequently detected, but not normally reported in the Annual Monitoring Report, are the naturally occurring radionuclides Ra-226, Bi-214, Pb-212, Tl-208, Ac-228, Be-7, and K-40. 9.7.2 Gross Beta Analysis Gross beta analysis is a non-specific analysis that consists of measuring the total beta activity of the sample. No individual radionuclides are identifiable by this method. Gross beta analysis is a quick method of screening samples for the presence of elevated activity that may require additional , immediate analyses.

9.7.3 Water Samples Water samples include both Lake Michigan and well water. The Lake Michigan samples are collected along the shoreline at two locations north and two locations south of PBNP. The well water is sampled from the on-site PBNP well. Gross beta measurements are made on the solids remaining after evaporation of the unfiltered sample to dryness. Gamma isotopic analyses are performed using 1-liter liquid samples. Strontium is determined by chemical separation and beta counting. 9.7.4 Air Samples Particulate air filters are allowed to decay at least 72 hours before gross beta measurements are made in order for naturally occurring radionuclides to become a negligible part of the total activity. Gross beta measurements serve as a quick check for any unexpected activity that may require immediate investigation. Quarterly composites of the particulate air filters are analyzed for long-lived radionuclides such as Cs-134 and Cs-137. Charcoal cartridges for radioiodine are counted as soon as possible so the 1-131 will undergo only minimal decay prior to analyses. The weekly charcoal cartridges are screened for 1-131 by 34 counting them all at the same time to achieve a lower LLD. If a positive result is obtained, each cartridge is counted individually. In order to ensure that the air sampling pumps are operating satisfactorily, a gross leak check is performed weekly. The pumps are changed out annually for calibration and maintenance beyond what can be accomplished in the field. 9.7.5 Vegetation Vegetation samples consist predominantly of green, growing plant material (grasses and weeds most likely to be eaten by cattle if they were present at the sampling site). Care is taken not to include dirt associated with roots by cutting the vegetation off above the soil line. No special vegetation samples were obtained for C-14 analyses in 2013. 9.7.6 Environmental Radiation Exposure The 2013 environmental radiation exposure measurements were made using TLD cards. The TLD card is a small passive detector, which integrates radiation exposure. Each TLD consists of a Teflon sheet coated with a crystalline, phosphorus material (calcium sulfate containing dysprosium) which absorbs the gamma ray energy deposited in them. Each TLD is read in four distinct areas to yield four exposure values which are averaged. Prior to the third quarter of 2001, exposure data was obtained using three lithium fluoride (LiF) TLD chips sealed in black plastic. The difference in material types can impact the amount of exposure measured. An evaluation of the response difference between the two types of TLD in 2001 demonstrated that the TLD cards produced a 14% higher response than the LiF chips (2011 AMR, Table 9-7, p. 36). The reported field exposure is the arithmetic average of the measured exposure values at each location minus the exposure transportation control TLD (exposure received while the field TLD is in storage and transit). The gamma rays may originate from PBNP produced radionuclides or from naturally occurring radionuclides. The TLDs remain at the monitoring site for roughly three months prior to analyses and the results are reported as mrem per seven days. Because the TLDs are constantly bombarded by naturally occurring gamma radiation, even during shipment to and from PBNP, the amount of exposure during transportation is measured using transportation controls with each shipment of TLDs to and from the laboratory. The doses recorded on the transportation controls are subtracted from the monitoring TLDs in order to obtain the net in situ dose. 35 9.7.7 ISFSI Ambient Radiation Exposure 10.0 RESULTS The ISFSI fence TLDs are part of the 1 OCFR72.44 monitoring and are not considered part of the REMP. However, their results can be used indirectly to determine whether the operation of the ISFSI is having an impact on the ambient environmental radiation beyond the site boundary. Impacts are determined by comparison of fence TLD results to the results of the monitoring at PBNP site boundary and other selected locations. These results are used as part of the 40CFR 190 compliance demonstration. 10.1 Summary of 2013 REMP Results Radiological environmental monitoring conducted at PBNP from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013, consisted of analysis of air filters, milk, lake water, well water, soil, fish, shoreline sediments, algae, and vegetation as well as TLDs. The results are summarized in Table 10-1 which contain the following information: Sample:


LLD: N: Average: High: Units: Type of the sample medium Type of measurement a priori lower limit of detection Number of samples analyzed Average value +/- the standard deviation of N samples Highest measured value +/- it's associated 2 sigma counting error Units of measurement For certain analyses, an LLD, which is lower than that required by REMP, is used because the lower value derives from the counting time required to obtain the LLDs for radionuclides that are more difficult to detect. For these analyses, both LLDs are listed with the technical specification required REMP LLD given in parentheses. The results are discussed in the narrative portion of this report (Section 11 ). Blank values have not been subtracted from the results presented in Table 10-1. A listing of all the individual results obtained from the contracted analytical laboratory and the laboratory's radioanalytical quality assurance results and Interlaboratory Crosscheck Program results are presented in the Appendix. In Table 10-1, no results are reported as less than LLD {<LLD). All results are reported to PBNP by the contracted radioanalyticallaboratory "as measured" whether positive or negative (see Section 9-1 ). Based on these results, a radionuclide is considered detected if it meets the criterion that the measured value minus its 2cr counting error is greater than zero (x-2cr >0). An "ND" entry in Table 10-1 means that for this radionuclide the criterion was not satisfied for any of the measurements. If one analysis fulfilled the criterion, then all of the reported results, both positive and negative, were used in calculating the average shown in Table 1 0-1. 36 The method of determining averages based on "as measured" results follows the recommendations made in NUREG-0475 (1978), "Radiological Environmental Monitoring by NRC Licensees for Routine Operations of Nuclear Facilities Task Force Report," and in Health Physics Society Committee Report HPSR-1 (1980) "Upgrading Environmental Radiation Data" released as document EPA 520/1-80-012 and in more recent documents such as ANSI N42.23-1996, "Instrument Quality Assurance for Radioassay Laboratories;" ANSI N13.30-1996, "Performance Criteria for Radiobioassay;" DE91-013607, "Environmental Regulatory Guide for Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Environmental Surveillance" and NUREG-1576, "Multi-Agency Radiological Laboratory Analytical Protocols Manual." In addition to the required radionuclides for each medium analyzed, Table 10-1 also has an additional radionuclide listed known to originate with nuclear power plants. This radionuclide is either Co-60, Ru-1 03, or any other radionuclide which has the lowest LLD based on the analytical parameters needed to meet the LLDs required for radionuclides specified for the medium being analyzed. The radionuclide is identified by parentheses. During the analyses for those radionuclides specifically required to be identified, naturally occurring radionuclides such as Ra-226, Be-7 and K-40 are detected in many samples. Their concentrations are presented in Table 10-1 for a comparison to those radionuclides for which specific analyses are required by the regulations. There are no regulatory required LLDs for naturally occurring radionuclides. Finally, PBNP reports the results for soil analyses. There is no regulatory requirement for soil analyses in standard RETS (NUREG-0472 and NUREG-1301 ). PBNP includes soil analyses in the REMP to be able to compare current results to the historical record. Table 10-2 contains the ISFSI fence TLD results. 37 Table 10-1 S ummary of Ra diological E nvironmen ta l Monitoring Res ult s for 2013 Average +/- 1 Std. Sample Description N LLD (a) Deviation (b) High +/- 2 sigma Units TLD Environmental Radiation 126 1 mrem 1.14 +/- 0.20 1.57 +/- 0.06 mR/7days Control (E-20) 4 1 mrem 1.22 +/- 0.21 1.50 +/- 0.11 mR/7days Air Gross Beta 259 0.01 0.024 +/- 0.011 0.070 +/- 0.005 pCi/m3 Control (E-20) Gross beta 52 0.01 0.024 +/- 0.010 0.062 +/- 0.005 pCi/m3 1-131 259 0.030 (0.07) NO -pCilm3 Control (E-20) 1-131 52 0.030 (0.07) NO -pCi/m3 Cs-134 20 0.01(0.05) NO -pCi/m3 Control (E-20) Cs-134 4 0.01(0.05) NO -pCi/m3 Cs-137 20 0.01(0.06) NO -pCi/m3 Control (E-20) Cs-137 4 0.01(0.06) NO -pCi/m3 Other gamma emitters 20 0.1 NO -pCilm3 Control (E-20) Other 4 0.1 NO -pCi/m3 Natural Be-7 20 -0.066 +/- 0.011 0.085 +/- 0.015 pCi/m3 Control (E-20) Natural Be-7 4 -0.064 +/- 0.017 0.086 +/- 0.017 pCi/m3 Milk Sr-89 36 5 NO -pCi/L Sr-90 36 1 0.7 +/- 0.3 1.6 +/- 0.4 pCi/L 1-131 36 0.5 NO -pCi/L Cs-134 36 5 (15) NO -pCi/L Cs-137 36 5 (18) 0.5 +/- 1.3 3.0 +/- 2.5 pCi/L Ba-La-140 36 5 (15) -0.9 +/- 1.9 3.5 +/- 1.2 pCi/L Other gamma emitters(Co-60) 36 15 NO -Natural K-40 36 -1436 +/- 69 1546 +/- 95 pCi/L Well Water Gross beta 4 4 2.3 +/- 0.3 2.6 +/- 1.7 pCi/L H-3 4 200 (3000) NO -pCi/L Sr-89 4 5(10) NO -pCi/L Sr-90 4 1 (2) NO -pCi/L 1-131 4 0.5 (2) NO -pCi/L Mn-54 4 10 (15) NO -pCi/L Fe-59 4 30 NO -pCi/L Co-58 4 10(15) NO -pCi/L Co-60 4 10(15) NO -pCi/L Zn-65 4 30 NO -pCi/L Zr-Nb-95 4 15 NO -pCi/L Cs-134 4 10(15) NO -pCi/L Cs-137 4 10(18) NO -pCi/L Ba-La-140 4 15 NO -pCi/L Other gamma emitters(Ru-103) 4 30 0.3 +/- 1.4 2.4 +/- 2.2 pCi/L Algae Gross beta 5 0.25 3.48 +/- 0.52 3.97 +/- 0.19 pCi/g Co-58 5 0.25 NO -pCi/g Co-60 5 0.25 0.006 +/- 0.005 0.013 +/- 0.007 pCi/g Cs-134 5 0.25 NO -pCi/g Cs-137 5 0.25 0.013 +/- 0.009 0.028 +/- 0.012 pCi/g Natural Be-7 5 -0.96 +/- 0.48 1.54 +/- 0.21 pCilg Natural K-40 5 -3.14 +/- 0.49 3.78 +/- 0.11 pCi/g 38 Table 10-1 (continued) S ummary of Radiological E nvironmental Monitoring Re s ult s for 2 013 Average+/- 1 Std. Sample Description N LLD (a) Deviation (b) High +/- 2 sigma Lake Water Gross beta 46 4 1.6 +/- 1.1 6.6 +/- 1.0 1-131 46 0.5 (2) ND -Mn-54 46 10 (15) 0.3 +/- 0.8 2.1 +/- 1.6 Fe-59 46 30 -0.3 +/- 1.7 3.8 +/- 2.4 Co-58 46 1 0(15) -0.1 +/- 0.9 3.0 +/- 1.5 Co-60 46 1 0(15) ND -Zn-65 46 30 -0.1 +/- 1.8 3.6 +/- 3.2 Zr-Nb-95 46 15 -0.1 +/- 1.1 2.3 +/- 1.6 Cs-134 46 10 (15) ND -Cs-137 46 10 (18) 0.2 +/- 0.9 2.2 +/- 1.7 Ba-La-140 46 15 -0.9 +/- 2.1 2.6 +/- 1.6 Other gamma (Ru-1 03) 46 30 -0.5 +/- 0.9 1.9 +/- 1.3 Sr-89 16 5(1 0) ND -Sr-90 16 1 (2) 0.25 +/- 0.14 0.45 +/- 0.26 H-3 16 200 (3000) 66 +/- 88 348 +/- 87 Fish Gross beta 14 0.5 3.51 +/- 0.66 4.45 +/- 0.09 Mn-54 14 0.13 0.001 +/- 0.007 0.011 +/- 0.009 Fe-59 14 0.26 -0.001 +/- 0.018 0.026 +/- 0.020 Co-58 14 0.13 -0.004 +/- 0.010 0.010 +/- 0.008 Co-60 14 0.13 0.000 +/- 0.007 0.014 +/- 0.007 Zn-65 14 0.26 -0.016 +/- 0.040 0.043 +/- 0.019 Cs-134 14 0.13 0.000 +/- 0.005 0.008 +/- 0.006 Cs-137 14 0.15 0.028 +/- 0.026 0.111 +/- 0.054 Other gamma (Ru-1 03) 14 0.5 -0.003 +/- 0.010 0.014 +/- 0.008 Natural K-40 14 -2.89 +/- 0.38 3.68 +/- 0.39 Gross beta 10 2 10.56 +/- 1.28 12.38 +/- 0.90 Cs-134 10 0.18 ND Cs-137 10 0.15 0.020 +/- 0.011 0.032 +/- 0.016 Natural Be-7 10 -0.061 +/- 0.046 0.130 +/- 0.050 Shoreline Natural K-40 10 -6.58 +/- 1.77 8.80 +/- 0.50 Sediment Natural Ra-226 10 -0.35 +/- 0.08 0.49 +/- 0.16 Soil Gross beta 16 2 22.58 +/- 4.80 31.17 +/- 1.27 Cs-134 16 0.15 ND Cs-137 16 0.15 0.10 +/- 0.06 0.24 +/- 0.03 Natural Be-7 16 -0.13 +/- 0.20 0.78 +/- 0.32 Natural K-40 16 -13.38 +/- 2.9 17.59 +/- 0.82 Natural Ra-226 16 -0.79 +/- 0.28 1.47 +/- 0.35 Vegetation Gross beta 24 0.25 5.56 +/- 1.67 9.32 +/- 0.22 1-131 24 0.06 0.002 +/- 0.009 0.019 +/- 0.009 Cs-134 24 0.06 0.001 +/- 0.005 0.012 +/- 0.011 Cs-137 24 0.08 0.004 +/- 0.012 0.056 +/- 0.025 Other gamma emitters (Co-60) 24 0.25 ND -Natural Be-7 24 -1.47 +/- 0.92 4.27 +/- 0.3 Natural K-40 24 -5.15 +/- 1.20 7.21 +/- 0.52 (a) When two LLD values are listed , the required LLD per the PBNP REMP is enclosed in the parentheses. Whenever possible, PBNP uses the lower value to obtain greater sensitivity. (b) " ND" indicates that the sample result is Not Detectable , i.e., sample concentrations were statistically equal to zero or <MDA. 39 Units pCi/L pCi!L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L J)_Ci/L pCi!L pCi/L pCi!L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi/L pCi!g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi!g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi!g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCilg pCi/g pCi/g pCi!g pCi/g pCi/g Table 10-2 I SFS I Fence TLD Results for 2013 Fence Location Average +/- Standard Deviation Units North 2.62 +/- 0.41 mR/7 days East 3.66 +/- 0.10 mR/7 days South 1.15 +/- 0.07 mR/7 days West 4.28 +/- 0.14 mR/7 days 40 11.0 D I SC U SS I O N 11.1 TLD Cards The ambient radiation was measured in the general area of the site boundary, at an outer ring four-five miles from the plant, at special interest areas, and at one control location, roughly 17 miles southwest of the plant. The average indicator TLD is 1.14 +/- 0.20 mR/7-days compared to 1.22 +/- 0.21 mR/7-days at the background location. These two values are not significantly different from each other. Neither are the indicator T LD values significantly different from those observed from 2001 through 2012 for the same type of TLD (tabulated below in Table 11-1 ). Prior to third quarter of 2001 TLD LiF chips were used versus the current TLD cards, see Section 9.7.6 for additional information. Ta bl e 11-1 A v e r age Indi cator T L D Res ul ts fr o m 1 993-2 01 3 Y ea r A v era g e +/- St. De v* Unit s 1993 0.82 +/- 0.15 mR/7 days 199 4 0.90 +/- 0.12 mR/7 days 1995 0.87 +/- 0.13 mR/7 days 1996 0.85 +/- 0.12 mR/7 days 1997 0.87 +/- 0.11 mR/7 days 1998 0.79 +/- 0.13 mR/7 days 1999 0.79 +/- 0.21 mR/7 days 2000 0.91 +/- 0.15 mR/7 days 2001 1.06 +/- 0.19 mR/7 days 2002 1.17 +/- 0.21 mR/7 days 2003 1.10 +/- 0.20 mR/7 days 2004 1.10 +/- 0.22 mR/7 days 2005 1.04 +/- 0.21 mR/7 days 2006 1.14 +/- 0.21 mR/7 days 2007 1.08 +/- 0.20 mR/7 days 2008 1.05 +/- 0.17 mR/7 days 2009 1.08 +/- 0.17 mR/7 days 2010 1.11 +/- 0.15 mR/7 days 2011 1.14 +/- 0.50 mR/7 days 2012 1.17 +/- 0.17 mR/7 days 2013 1.14 +/- 0.20 mR/7 days *St. Dev = Standard Deviation T here were no new dry fuel storage cask additions to the IS F SI in 2013. T he west fence T L Ds continue to record higher exposures. The north and east fence TLDs are statistically equal at the 95% confidence level (2.62+/- 0.82 vs. 3.66+/- 0.20). The south fence continues to record the lowest exposures (Table 11-2). There is no significant exposure impact on the T LD monitoring locations around the ISFSI (Table 11-3). The results continue to be higher at E-03 and E-31 which 41 Table 11-2 Average I SFS I F ence TLD Results (mR/7 day s) T L D FE NC E LOC A TION North East South West 1995 1.29 1.28 1.10 1.26 1996 2.12 1.39 1.10 1.68 1997 2.05 1.28 1.00 1.66 1998 2.08 1.37 1.02 1.86 1999 2.57 1.84 1.11 3.26 2000 2.72 2.28 1.25 5.05 2001 2.78 2.54 1.36 6.08 2002 2.79 2.74 1.42 6.46 2003 2.70 2.60 1.50 6.88 2004 2.61 2.12 1.41 6.50 2005 2.54 2.05 1.44 5.63 2006 2.73 2.35 1.38 5.80 2007 2.72 2.73 1.34 5.47 2008 2.64 2.37 1.36 5.36 2009 2.36 2.35 1.20 4.63 2010 2.64 3.02 1.41 5.05 2011 2.44 2.62 1.31 4.75 2012 2.59 3.27 1.40 4.92 2013 2.62 3.66 1.15 4.28 are west of the ISFSI corresponding to the higher exposure at the west fence. As expected, the values at E-03, being closer to the ISFSI, are higher than those at E-31 located at the site boundary (see Figs. 9-1 and 9-2 for locations). The results for the two locations nearest the site boundary (E-31, 1.21 +/- 0.34; E-32, 1.39 +/- 0.15) are higher than at the background site E-20 (1.11 +/- 0.14) but comparable at the 95% confidence level, indicating a small, but not significant, increase in ambient gamma radiation at the site boundary due to the operation of the ISFSI. Further data supporting this conclusion is the comparison of the TLD results at selected locations around the ISFSI before and after the storage of spent fuel at the ISFSI (Figure 11-1 ). As stated in Section 9.7.6, the TLD values increased by 14% in the second half of 2001 when the TLD monitoring devices were changed from LiF chips in the first half of the 2001 to calcium sulfate impregnated TLD cards. After that initial change, the measured radiation exposure, as measured by the TLD cards, has remained fairly constant with a slight increase with the addition of stored fuel at the ISFSI. Each year the variations in the TLD results appear to move in concert with each other and with the background site, E-20, which is 17 miles south west of the ISFSI. Comparing the ISFSI TLD results to results from surrounding REMP indicator and background TLDs reveals little, if any, impact of the ISFSI on the surrounding radiation levels (Figure 11-2). As previously discussed, the small increase is more related to the switch from the LiF chips to the calcium sulfate 42 impregnated Teflon TLD cards as evidenced by the synchronicity with E-20, the background site. LiF TLD chips were replaced with calcium sulfate impregnated Teflon TLD cards which resulted in a higher reported background exposure. 2 (/) 1.5 >-Ill ""C ...... ii: E 0.5 0 1990 *E-03 *E-28 E-29 x E-30 x E-31 *E-32 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 + E-20 YEAR Figure 11-1 ISF S I AREA TLD RESULTS (1995-2013) Table 11-3 Average TLD Results Surrounding the ISFSI (mR/7 days) Sampling Site E-03 E-28 E-29 E-30 E-31 E-32 E-20 Pre-Operation* 0.93 0.87 0.87 0.81 0.93 0.98 0.88 1996 0.87 0.78 0.81 0.79 0.93 1.00 0.78 1997 0.91 0.89 0.84 0.84 0.89 0.97 0.79 1998 0.82 0.68 0.80 0.82 0.91 0.85 0.77 1999 0.88 0.83 0.76 0.80 0.90 0.99 0.78 2000 0.98 0.88 0.92 0.99 0.98 1.06 0.90 2001 1.31 0.95 1.07 1.02 1.10 1.04 1.03 2002 1.45 0.91 1.22 1.10 1.26 1.25 1.14 2003 1.29 0.82 0.94 1.02 1.20 1.15 0.99 2004 1.35 0.80 0.96 1.05 1.23 1.18 1.06 2005 1.30 0.72 0.96 0.98 1.15 1.04 1.00 2006 1.44 0.80 1.19 1.07 1.21 1.07 1 .11 2007 1.37 0.78 1.07 1.05 1.18 0.97 1.05 2008 1.33 0.75 0.81 1.00 1.12 1.03 1.00 2009 1.39 0.82 0.85 1.01 1.17 1.05 1.09 2010 1.41 0.84 0.89 1.07 1.21 1.24 1.10 2011 1.46 0.85 0.90 1.06 1.25 1.32 1.12 2012 1.54 0.87 0.91 1.10 1.21 1.39 1.14 2013 1.23 0.87 0.77 1.00 1.40 1.38 1.22

  • Pre-Operational data are the averages of the years 1992 through 3rd quarter of 1995. **Sites E-31 and E-32 are located at the Site Boundary to the West and South-West of the ISFSI. ***E-20 is located approximately 17 miles WSW of the ISFSI. 43

-8.00 "' _._North 7.00 -t---------- -¥----------'0 -East r! 6.00 02 .§. 5.00 _._south 4.00 IV :u 3.00 .. ..;: 2.00 __ ..,.-==---=-=------1.oo -.-E-20 -+-E-28 1: 1: 0.00 ----,-----.-------.-----.----------, <( 1990 -E-29 2015 E-30 1995 2000 2005 2010 YEAR -+-E-31 Figure 11-2 Comparison of ISFSI Fence TLDs to Selected REMP TLDs 11.2 Milk Naturally occurring potassium-40 (1436 +/- 69 pCi/1) continues to be the most prevalent radionuclide measured in milk at concentrations roughly 2000 times higher than the only potential plant related radionuclide, Sr-90 (0. 7 +/- 0.6 pCi/1), detected in milk. The annual average Sr-90 concentrations in milk continue to be similar to previous years. None of the other required radionuclides in the milk analyses, 1-131, Cs-134/137, and Ba-La-140, or other radionuclides such as Co-60 was detected. Although the average Sr-90 concentrations have not changed much over the last sixteen (16) years, 1.2 +/- 0.5 pCi/L in 1997 to 0. 7 +/- 0.5 pCi/L in 2013, a graph of the annual averages displays a logarithmic decrease over time (Figure 11-3). The annual averages are from the monthly Sr-90 measurements from three different dairies (Fig. 9-1 ). Only dairy site E-21 has been in the program over the entire 1997-2013 timespan under consideration. It is located south of the plant. The other two, E-40 and E-11, are replacements for dairies which had dropped out of the program at various times during this time interval. The replacements were chosen to maintain, to the extent possible, the former sampling sites west and north of Point Beach. The calculated Sr-90 decrease half-live over the last 16 years is 20.6 years. Because the radiological half-life is 28 years, the shorter environmental half-life indicates that environmental factors as well as radioactive decay are working to decrease the concentration of Sr-90 in milk. The calculated physical removal half-life is 73.3 years. Given the 2cr error associated with each annual average used in the calculation and the fact that only one of the sampling sites is the same as it was in 1997, there probably is not a significant difference between this value and the 59.3 years calculated for the 2012 AMR. 44 10 0.1 --'-------------------------------------------- 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Year Figure 11-3 Sr-90 Concentration in Milk (1997-2013) The Sr-90 in milk persists due to cycling in the biosphere after the atmospheric weapons tests of the '50s, '60s, and '70s and the Chernobyl accident in the late 1980s. It is concluded that the milk data for 2013 show no radiological effects of the plant operation. 11.3 Air The average annual gross beta concentrations (plus/minus the two-sigma uncertainty) in weekly airborne particulates at the indicator and control locations were 0.026 +/- 0.020 pCi/m 3 and 0.026 +/- 0.022 pCi/m 3 , respectively, and are similar to levels observed from 1993 through 2012 (Table 11-4). The 2013 weekly gross beta concentrations reveal higher winter values and lower summer values (Figure 11-4 ). This is a repeat of the patterns seen in 2006 -2012. There is much less week-to-week scatter in the 2013 data than in the 2012 data. Whereas during 2012 there was week-to-week scatter in August and in November through December, the 2013 results are much smoother with only a slight rise in August to October. The cause of the late summer increase is not known. However, the control and indicators are moving in concert. Therefore, a plant effect can be ruled out. There is one anomalous data point. The E-01 mid-January gross beta result (0.002) is much lower than the other results (0.030-0.032) for that time period. Although the flow totalizers indicated comparable volumes (305-320 m 3) the analytical lab noted that the AP filter color was lighter than the others. The cause for the lower value and lighter filter color is unknown. 45 Tabl e 11-4 Annual Average G ro s s B eta Mea s urement s in Air 1993 0.022 1994 0.022 1995 0.021 1996 0.021 1997 0.021 1998 0.022 1999 0.024 2000 0.022 2001 0.023 2002 0.023 2003 0.023 2004 0.021 2005 0.024 2006 0.021 2007 0.025 2008 0.023 2009 0.025 2010 0.022 2011 0.026 2012 0.026 2013 0.024 Figure 11-4 2013 Airborne Gross Beta (pCifmAJ) vs. Time 0.080 ...-------------------. 0.070 M 0.060 +---__j!h-----------------1 < 0.050 +--------'..---------------::;;::-----1 :§ 0.040 .j----*-------* ..--------.l llvill i-----l <5. 0.030 ... 0.020 ,_ __ ___, , ... , .... i.E; 10:'-*--='illl 0.010 ,..._.....,.!=---- 0.000 .j---.... ---....--------r-----.-------1 10-18-12 01-26-13 05-06-13 08-14-13 11-22-13 03-02-14 DATE E-03 X E-04 X E-08 e E-20 No 1-131 was detected during 2013. In 2005, the new method of evaluating airborne 1-131 was instituted. Instead of counting each charcoal cartridge separately, all six cartridges for the week are counted as one sample in a predetermined geometry to screen the samples for 1-131. If any airborne radioiodine is detected, each sample cartridge is counted individually. With no detectable 1-131, the reported analytical result is the minimum detectable activity (MDA) conservatively calculated using the smallest of the six sample volumes. The reported MDAs ranged from 0.004 to 0.0.24 pCi/m 3. Because the analysis LLD is based on counting only one cartridge, the use of six cartridges or roughly six times the sample volume with the same count time as would be needed to achieve the desired LLD for only one sample , the actual LLD is about 46 six times lower than the programmatic value given in Table 10-1. Similarly, the actual MDA is about one-sixth of that reported, in the range of 0.001 to 0.003 pCi/m 3. At each sampling location, the particulate filters are composited quarterly and analyzed for Cs-134, Cs-137 and any other (Co-60) detectable gamma emitters. As summarized in Table 10-1, no gamma emitters attributable to PBNP were detected. By contrast, naturally occurring Beryllium-? was found in all of the quarterly composites. Be-7 (T 1 1 2 = 53.3 days) is produced in the atmosphere by the interaction of cosmic rays with oxygen and nitrogen nuclei. Its half-life is long enough to allow for it to be detected in the quarterly com posited filters. In summary, the 2013 air data does not demonstrate an environmental impact from the operation of PBNP. 11.4 Lake Water For the R E MP-specified gamma emitting radionuclides listed in Table 10-1, reported concentrations continue to occur as small, negative and positive values scattered around zero, indicating no radiological impact from the operation of PBNP. Lake Michigan water samples are collected north (E-33 and E-05) and south (E-01 and E-06) of PBNP (see F igure 9-1 ). There were twenty-one, slightly positive indications of gamma emitters during 2013. Twelve positive results occurred at the two locations 1.5 and 4.5 miles north of the plant. These locations are considered to be upstream based on the north to south current flow on the west shore of Lake Michigan and therefore are unlikely to be an indication of PBNP effluent. Positive results for Fe-59, Ba/La-140 and Ru-103 are considered false positives for PBNP effluents because none of these radionuclide were discharged by PBNP during 2013. A false positive is concluding an isotope is present when it isn't. F alse positives occur most often at the detection limit when the random fluctuations of the background result in lower than normal background activity. The result is a higher net count and hence falsely concluding an isotope is present when it isn't because the value is statistically above zero. Only one positive Cs-137 result was obtained during 2013 and that was from a site about 4.5 miles upstream of PBNP based on the lake current structure. Positive results for Cs-137 may be expected because of its environmental persistence from atmospheric weapons testing fallout in the '50s and '60s as well as events like Chernobyl. This source is made up of direct fallout onto the lake surface as well as watershed runoff. Other minor contributions are the discharges from past and current nuclear plants on Lake Michigan. The 30-year Cs-137 half-life and the 62-year hydraulic residence time for Lake Michigan water indicates that Cs-137 remains in the lake environment for many years. Because of the strong affinity of Cs-137 for Lake Michigan sediments, it is not usually in liquids. Its occurrence in this lake water sample may be the result of fine particles in the water. Fine particulate matter containing Cs-137 has been shown to have a residence time of approximately 42 years in near shore environments. Small amounts of Cs-137 were discharged in February, August, and December. 47 Although the Cs-137 is attributable largely to fallout, it is not possible to distinguish the fallout component from that which has been contributed since the early 1970s by current and past nuclear plants on Lake Michigan. The remaining positive results are for Mn-54, Co-58, and Zr/Nb-95. Co-58 may be a false positive because comparable amounts of Co-58 and Co-60 were discharged monthly from PBNP. The non-detection of Co-60 sheds doubt on the positive Co-58 result. Zr/Nb-95 discharges occurred in five of the months prior to the positive result in October, one month after the preceding discharge, at the location about 2500 feet south of the PBNP discharge. Because the identification of Zr/Nb-95 did not occur during any of the months they were being discharged, a PBNP contribution seems unlikely but cannot be entirely discounted. The December identification of Mn-54 occurred about four months after the last discharge. Its presence as a PBNP effluent is unlikely. Mn-54, which was discharged for only three of the 12 months, was detected whereas Co-60, which was discharged 9 of the 12 months of 2013, was not detected in any lake water sample. Also, the amount of Co-60 discharged was about 150 times greater than the amount of Mn-54. Although the lake water Mn-54 cannot be entirely ruled out as an indication of a PBNP effluent, the aforementioned reasons suggest that attributing it to PBNP would not be valid. Therefore, it is concluded that the identified Mn-54 is a false positive. In conclusion, based on the results of the gamma scans of Lake Michigan water, there is no measureable impact on the lake from PBNP discharges. Aliquots of the monthly samples are composited quarterly and analyzed for Sr-89/90 and for tritium. No Sr-89 was detected in any of the samples. As in 2012, PBNP did not discharge any Sr-89 or Sr-90 in 2013. There were seven lake water composites in which the Sr-90 concentrations were slightly positive. The occurrences were evenly distributed north and south of the plant. Sr-90 has a 28-year half-life and, like Cs-137, is a remnant of atmospheric weapons testing in the '50s and '60s. Therefore, positive Sr-90 concentrations are indicative of fallout being recycled in Lake Michigan. Tritium, in addition to being produced by water-cooled reactors such as PBNP, also is a naturally occurring radionuclide. It also was produced by atmospheric weapons testing. However, due to its mobility, any H-3 now found in Lake Michigan at the concentrations typically found in monitoring programs cannot be from that time period. It is the result of power plant discharges. PBNP discharges on the order of 700 -800 Ci per year. All but one of the positive H-3 indications occurred north, or upstream, from PBNP. The highest, 348 +/- 87 pCi/1, was from a first quarter composite sample about 4.5 miles E-33 north of PBNP. Two quarterly composites from E-05, location approximately 1.6 miles north of PBNP also were positive for H-3. The individual months of the first quarter composite were analyzed and a high of 882 +/- 109 pCi/1 as found in the February sample. No H-3 was found in the 48 January and March samples. T his high value is lower than the 3 , 975 +/- 197 pCi/1 and 2184 +/- 159 pCi/1 found north of PBNP in June and August of 2012. Based on tritium and strontium analyses of Lake Michigan water, there is no measureable impact on the waters of Lake Michigan from PBNP discharges. 11.5 Algae Filamentous algae attached to rocks along the Lake Michigan shoreline are known to concentrate radionuclides from the water. Samples were obtained at Two Creeks Park and at the PBNP discharge (locations 5 and 12 in Figure 9-1) In order to allow the algae time to grow , no samples are collected until June and then again August and October. This is done to ensure that there is enough new growth to provide a sample. Cs-137 was detected in all five samples. As previously discussed, fallout Cs-137 recycles in Lake Michigan and is attached to particles. There also may be a small contribution, but unknown, amount from past nuclear plant discharges. The highest positive result (0.028 +/- 0.012 pCi/g) occurred at E-05 north of the plant on August yth when the concentration near the PBNP discharge was 0.010+/- 0.003 pCi/g. The only PBNP Cs-137 discharge in August occurred on August 20. The prior Cs-137 discharge was in February. Therefore, the positive results are attributable to the recycling of bomb fallout, from weapons testing in the '50s, 60's and other nuclear events such as Chernobyl, in the Lake Michigan environment. Also, past discharges from the six nuclear plants, current and past, located on Lake Michigan may have contributed. PBNP discharged cobalt, either as Co-60 or as Co-58 every month in 2013. No Co-58 was found. However, there were three small positive indications of Co-60 with the highest at E-05 , about 1.5 miles north. No Co-60 was detected near the discha r ge. Because these results occurred without any Co-58, it is unlikely that the Co-60 results are related to PBNP discharges. Therefore , these results are considered to be false positives. The Co-60 and Cs-137 results are well below the naturally occurring radionuclides Be-7 and K-40. The concentrations of these two radionuclides range from 0.57 +/- 0.06 to 1.54 +/- 0.21 pCi/g for Be-7 and from 2.51 +/- 0.10 to 3.78 +/- 0.11 pCi/g for K-40. T he naturally occurring radionuclides K-40 and Be-7 were at concentrations about 100 times higher than Cs-137. K-40 is primordial isotope of potassium with a billion year half-life. By contrast Be-7 is produce by cosmic ray interactions with oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere. Assuming that the low concentrations of Co-60 and Cs-137 were from PBNP, the algae monitoring results would indicate a minimal effect by PBNP upon the environs. 11.6 Fish Fourteen fish were analyzed in 2013. E leven of the 14 fish had detectable amounts of Cs-137 with results ranging from 0.013 +/- 0.011 to 0.111 +/- 0.054 pCi/g. The positive Cs-137 concentrations ranged from a low of 49 0.015 +/- 0.012 pCi/g to a high of 0.074 +/- 0.023 pCi/g (Table 10-1 ). The Cs-137 is attributable to the recycling of this radionuclide in Lake Michigan. The majority of Cs-137 entered Lake Michigan as fallout from atmospheric weapons testing in the '50s and '60s with lesser amounts from events at Chernobyl and Fukushima. Fish analyses also yielded small amounts of Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Cs-134, and Ru-103 also were detected. No Fe-59, Zn-65, Cs-134, or Ru-103 was released during 2013. Although not attributable to PBNP, given the migratory behavior of fish, these radionuclides could have been acquired elsewhere on the lake and therefore these results cannot definitely be considered to be false positives. The Mn-54, Co-58, and Co-60 could be related to PBNP effluents, but given the migratory habits of fish, also could have originated from other nuclear sites on Lake Michigan. Given that the measured concentrations are several orders of magnitude below their required LLDs, and assuming that the positive results originated from PBNP effluents, the imputed impact is minimal. By comparison to the aforementioned radionuclides, the concentration of naturally occurring K-40 (2.31-3.68 pCi/g) is roughly 20 times higher than the highest Cs-137 concentration. Based on these results, it is concluded that there is only a slight indication of plant effluents in fish. 11.7 Well Water No plant related radionuclides were detected in well water during 2013, as all results were less than the MDC and not significantly different from zero. The gross beta values result from naturally occurring radionuclides. Therefore, it is concluded that there is no evidence of PBNP effluents getting into the aquifer supplying drinking water to PBNP. 11.8 Soil Cs-137 is present in the soils throughout North America and the world resulting from the atmospheric nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s and from the 1986 Chernobyl accident, and more recently, from the Fukushima event. Soil is an integrating sample media, in that it is a better indicator of long term buildup of Cs-137 as opposed to current deposition for local sources. In addition to erosion and radioactive decay, human activities can modify the soil Cs-137 concentrations. Evidence for the latter are the typically higher Cs-137 concentrations found at E-06, where trees growing and incorporating Cs-137 during the time of atmospheric fallout are now being burned in camp fires thereby releasing the incorporated Cs-137 to the surrounding area. All 2013 samples had low levels of Cs-137 with the highest level (0.24 +/- 0.03 pCi/g) being found at E-08, greater than 5 mile upwind from the plant. Unlike past years, the highest Cs-137 concentration at E-06 was lower in 2013. The highest E-06 Cs-137 concentration 0.088 +/- 0.031 pCi/g is lower than the 0.14 +/- 0.031 pCi/g found at E-20, the background location some 17 miles away in the low x/Q sector. Therefore, there is no indication of a plant effect based on the comparison of 50 indicator and background results. By comparison to naturally occurring radionuclides, the Cs-137 concentrations continue to be present in soil samples at well below levels of naturally occurring K-40 (8.31 +/- 0.59 to 18.29 +/- 0.97 pCi/g). In addition to K-40, other naturally occurring radionuclides such as Be-7 and Ra-226 were found in the soil. There is no evidence of PBNP effluent in the soil samples. 11.9 Shoreline Sediment Shoreline sediment consists of sand and other sediments washed up on the Lake Michigan shore. As in soil samples, the only non-naturally occurring radionuclide found in these samples is Cs-137. Seven of the ten samples have Cs-137 concentrations statistically different from zero. The shoreline sediment Cs-137 concentrations continue to be about one-tenth of that found in soils. This is expected because Cs-137 in the geological media is bound to fine particles, such as clay, as opposed to the sand found on the beach. Lake Michigan sediments are a known reservoir of fallout Cs-137. Wave action suspends lake sediments depositing them on the beach. The fine particles deposited on the beach eventually are winnowed from the beach leaving the heavier sand; hence the lower Cs-137 concentrations in beach samples. In contrast to Cs-137, K-40, which is actually part of the minerals making up the clay and sand, is at a concentration about several hundred times higher than the Cs-137 that is attached to particle surfaces. Therefore, it is not surprising that Cs-137 is present at concentrations 1% or less of the naturally occurring concentrations of K-40. The absence of any PBNP effluent nuclides, such as Co-58/60, other than Cs-137 indicates that the most likely source of the observed Cs-137 is the cycling of radionuclide in the Lake Michigan environment and not current PBNP discharges. As with soil, the naturally occurring radionuclides such as Be-7, K-40, and Ra-226 are found in the shoreline sediment samples. In all but two samples, the concentrations of naturally Be-7 are higher than those of Cs-137. Therefore, the shoreline sediment data indicate no radiological effects from current plant operation. 11.10 Vegetation The naturally occurring radionuclides Be-7 and K-40 were found in all of the vegetation samples. The source of Be-7 is atmospheric deposition. It is continuously formed in the atmosphere by cosmic ray spallation of oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen atoms. (Spallation is a process whereby a cosmic ray breaks up the target atom's nucleus producing a radionuclide of lower mass.) Be-7 concentrations ranged from 0.55 +/- 0.15 to 4.27 +/- 0.30 pCi/g. The concentrations were lower in May than in July and September. This is consistent with the known temporal variability in Be-7 concentrations in air near the earth's surface and the gradual build-up of fallout on the vegetation over time. In contrast, K-40 is a primordial radionuclide which is incorporated into vegetation from the soil during the growing process. By not being dependent upon seasonal atmospheric variations and plant surface to capture deposition, the K-40 concentrations are more uniform, 3.33 +/- 0.38 to 7.21 +/- 0.52 pCi/g which is range that varies by about a factor of two whereas the Be-7 varies by a factor of roughly eight. 51 Cs-137 can be present in vegetation via both pathways. Fresh Cs-137 fallout is associated, like Be-7, with deposition on the plant surface. Old fallout from the '50s and '60s is now being incorporated into growing plants in the same manner as potassium because it is in the same chemical family as potassium. This fallout Cs-137 has been found in firewood ash at many locations in the United States that are far from any nuclear plants (S. Farber, "Cesium-137 in Wood Ash, Results of a Nationwide Survey," 5th Ann. Nat. Biofuels Conf., 10/21/1992). In 2013 only three of the twenty-four vegetation samples had a positive indication for Cs-137 and only E-06 (0.056 +/- 0.025) was significantly above background. This is similar to the 2012 result at E-06 (0.051 +/- 0.022). Typically, only the vegetation collected at monitoring site E-06, in the Point Beach State Park south of PBNP, has detectable levels of Cs-137. This occurrence is attributed to the above described mechanism. No airborne Cs-137 was discharged by PBNP in 2013. Therefore, it is unlikely that the three positive Cs-137 values resulted from PBNP releases. The only other radionuclides having positive indications are 1-131 and Cs-134. Due its short half-life, it is unlikely that the airborne 1-131 in March and ending on April 10 would be detectable in June, August, and September. No Cs-134 was released in 2013. A review of the 2003-2012 time span for Cs-134 found no airborne Cs-134 over this ten year period. Therefore the small, positive results for these two radionuclides are considered to be false positives. Based on the 2013 vegetation sampling results, it is concluded that there little or no effect from PBNP effluents. The above analyses were on grasses and other vegetation. In addition to these sample types, in September corn and soybeans grown on fields inside the site boundary at E-02 were gamma scanned. There was one positive Cs-137 indication (0.005 +/- 0.004 pCi/g). Because the three other vegetation sample from the area had no detectable Cs-137, it is concluded that this Cs-137 is a false positive. The conclusion that there is little or no effect from PBNP effluents on vegetation is not changed by this result. 11.12 Land Use Census In accordance with the requirements of Section 2.5 of the Environmental Manual, a visual verification of animals grazing in the vicinity of the PBNP site boundary was completed in 2013. No significant change in the use of pasturelands or grazing herds was noted. Therefore, the existing milk-sampling program continues to be acceptable. The nearest dairy lies in the SSE sector and it is one of the Point Beach REMP milk sampling sites. This dairy leases land in the S and SS E sectors at the PBNP site boundary for growing feed corn. Also, the highest x/O (1.09E-06) and 0/Q (6.23 E-09) values occur in these sectors. Therefore, dose calculations to the maximum exposed hypothetical individual, assumed to reside at the site boundary in the S sector, continues to be conservative for the purpose of calculating doses via the grass-cow-milk and the other ingestion pathways. 52 12.0 R E MP CONCLUSION Based on the analytical results from the 829 environmental samples, and from 128 sets of TLDs that comprised the PBNP REMP for 2013, PBNP effluents had no discernable effect on the surrounding environs. The calculated effluent doses are below the 10 CFR 50, Appendix I dose objectives demonstrate that PBNP continues to have good controls on effluent releases. The control of effluents from PBNP continues to be acceptable pursuant to the ALARA criteria of 10 CFR 50.34a. Additionally, when the TLD results are factored in to the overall exposure, the resulting doses are lower than the ISFSI (10 CFR 72.104) and EPA (40 CFR 190) limits of 25 mrem whole body, 75 mrem thyroid, and 25 mrem any other organ. 53 I Part D GROUNDWATER MON I TOR IN G 13.0 PROGRAM D E SCRIPTION PBNP monitors groundwater for tritium as part of the Groundwater Protection Program (GWPP). During 2013 the sampling program consisted of beach drains, intermittent stream and bog locations, drinking water wells, fa<;ade wells, yard electrical manholes, ground water monitoring wells, and the subsurface drainage (SSD) system sump located in the U-2 fa<;ade. In the late 1970s, the beach drains entering Lake Michigan were found to contain tritium. The beach drains are the discharge points for yard drainage system, which carries storm water runoff, and are known to be infiltrated by groundwater as observed by discharges even when no rain has occurred. In the 1980s, the source of H-3 for this pathway was postulated to be spent fuel pool leakage into the groundwater under the plant. Based on this observation, modifications were made to the pool, and the tritium concentrations decreased below the effluent LLDs. Beach drain effluents continue to be monitored and are accounted for in the monthly effluent quantification process. Because the beach drains are susceptible to groundwater in-leakage from other sources such as the area around the former retention pond which is known to contain H-3, the beach drains are monitored as part of the groundwater monitoring program. In addition to H-3, groundwater beach drain samples also are gamma scanned for the same suite of radionuclides as lake water using the lake water LLDs. Three intermittent stream locations and the Energy Information Center (EIC) well were added to the groundwater monitoring program in the late 1990s when it was discovered that tritium diffusion from the then operable, earthen retention pond was observable in the intermittent streams which transverse the site in a NW to SE direction. A fourth stream location closer to the plant was added in 2008. These streams pass on the east and west sides of the former retention pond and empty into Lake Michigan about half a mile south of the plant near the meteorological tower. The intermittent stream samples track H-3 in the surface groundwater. The groundwater monitoring program also includes two bogs I ponds on site. One is located about 400 feet SSE of the former retention pond; the other, about 1500 feet N. In addition to the main plant well, four other drinking water wells also are monitored. The Site Boundary Control Center well, located at the plant entrance, the Warehouse 6 well, on the north side of the plant, and the EIC well, located south of the plant. In 2012 , a new building (Warehouse

7) was constructed for radwaste.

The well for this building was added to the GWPP. These wells do not draw water from the top 20-30 feet of soil which is known to contain H-3. These wells monitor the deeper (200 -600 feet), drinking water aquifer from which the main plant well draws its water. The two soil layers are separated by a gray, very dense till layer of low permeability identified by hydrological studies. 54 I Manholes in the plant yard and for the subsurface drainage (SSD) system under the plant are available for obtaining ground water samples. The plant yard manholes for accessing electrical conduits are susceptible to ground water in-leakage. Therefore, a number of these were sampled. The SSD system was designed to lessen hydrostatic pressure on the foundation by controlling the flow of water under the plant and around the perimeter of the foundation walls. The SSD system flows to a sump in the Unit 2 facade. The sump was sampled monthly during 2013. Access to other parts of the SSD can be obtained vial manholes located in the facades, turbine building, and other locations. The SSD manholes were not sampled in 2013. In the 1990s, two wells were sunk in each unit's fagade to monitor the groundwater levels and look for evidence of concrete integrity as part of the lSI IWE Containment Inspection Program. These wells are stand pipes which are sampled periodically for chemical analyses. Fagade well sampling has been part of the GWPP since 2007. These wells are sampled at least three times a year. The groundwater sampling sites (other than the beach drains, SSDs and manholes) are shown in Figure 13.1. 55 56 14.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 14.1 Streams and Bogs Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec The results from the surface groundwater monitoring associated with the former retention pond are presented in Table 14-1. For the most part, the creek results are barely above the detection level and less than the MDC. There are more positive and higher values for the East Creek and STP than for the West Creek and GW-01, the confluence of the two creeks south of the plant near Lake Michigan. GW-08, a bog SE of the former retention pond has a higher H-3 concentration than the bog at GW-07 which is north of the pond area. GW-01 (E-01) Table 14-1 Intermittent Streams and Bogs H-3 Concentration (pCi/1) GW-02 GW-03 GW-17 BOGS Creek Confluence E. Creek W. Creek STP GW-07 GW-08 80 +/- 75 222 +/- 82 NO +/- 165 +/- 79 NS +/- NS +/- NS +/- 234 +/- 87 NO +/- 290 +/- 88 NO +/- 458 +/- 95 NO +/- 246 +/- 106 NO +/- 160 +/- 103 163 +/- 84 201 +/- 86 NO +/- 211 +/- 86 105 +/- 77 209 +/- 82 NO +/- NO +/- NO +/- NO +/- NO +/- 91 +/- 89 NO +/- 138 +/- 91 NO +/- NO +/- NO +/- NO +/- 117 +/- 81 NS +/- 89 +/- 80 123 +/- 81 NO +/- NO +/- NO +/- NO +/- NO +/- 148 +/- 86 NO +/- 80 133 +/- 85 NS +/- NS +/- NS +/- NS +/- MDC 145 144 148 183 146 156 161 149 143 150 150 NS = no sample due to dry or frozen. Streams are sampled monthly; bogs, annually. Values are presented as the measured value and the 95% confidence level counting error. ND = measured value is less than the minimum detectable concentralion. The LLD = 200 pCi/1. The analyses of these surface water samples show low concentrations of H-3. Although small positive H-3 concentrations occur in samples from the confluence of the two creeks (GW-01) and from the West Creek (GW-03), all of these concentrations are below their associated MDCs. In contrast , there are more positive results from GW-02 (south end of the East Creek) and GW-17 (located at the north end of the East Creek). GW-17 is east of the former retention pond area in the groundwater flow path to Lake Michigan. The higher values at GW-17 are consistent with this known west to east groundwater flow. The East Creek concentrations are generally lower than the 300 -350 pCi/1 found before the retention pond was remediated in 2002. It should be noted that the East Creek, in addition to being path of the west to east groundwater flow from the old retention pond, also is fed by yard runoff from the west side of the yard which may account for the higher values. The bog (GW-08) SE of the former retention pond is higher than the bog at GW-07 north of the former retention pond. These results are in conformance with the west to east groundwater flow described in the Site Conceptual Model and the 57 FSAR. The E-08 bog result is down from the 3000 pCi/1 seen before the pond was remediated. 14.2 Beach Drains The 2013 results for the beach drains are presented in Table 14-2. [The drain data from left to right in the table are in the order of the drains from north to south.] S-1 collects yard drainage from the north part of the site yard. S-3 collects yard drainage from the south part of the site yard. Drains S-8 and S-9 carry water from the lake side yard drains whereas drains S-7 and S-1 0 are from the turbine building roof. S-11 is not connected to any yard drain system and mainly carries groundwater flow and runoff from a small lawn area south of the plant. Table 14-2 2013 Beach Drain Tritium Average H-3 Concentration (pCi/1) Month S-1 S-7 Jan 211 +/- 83 NF +/- Feb NF +/- NF +/- Mar 240 +/- 85 NF +/- Apr 118 +/- 90 NO +/- May 207 +/- 82 NF +/- Jun 156 +/- 79 NF +/- Jul 163 +/- 83 NF +/- Aug 209 +/- 106 NF +/- Sep 82 +/- 75 NF +/- Oct 125 +/- 72 NF +/- Nov 159 +/- 85 NF +/- Dec 661 +/- 101 NF +/- Avg = 212 +/- 156 ND = not detected and ::MDC NF = no sample due to no flow S-8 S-9 S-10 S-3 NF +/- NF +/- NF +/- 332 +/- NF +/- NF +/- NF +/- NF +/- NF +/- NF +/- NF +/- 1481 +/- NO +/- NO +/- NO +/- 1351 +/- NF +/- NF +/- NF +/- 325 +/- NF +/- NF +/- 115 +/- 77 398 +/- NF +/- NF +/- NF +/- 233 +/- NF +/- NF +/- NF +/- 284 +/- NF +/- NF +/- NF +/- 266 +/- NF +/- NF +/- NF +/- 420 +/- NF +/- NF +/- NF +/- 232 +/- NF +/- NF +/- NF +/- 1210 +/- 593 +/- S-11 88 NF +/- NF +/- 131 NF +/- 130 97 +/- 89 87 NF +/- 91 191 +/- 84 86 NF +/- 109 NF +/- 85 NF +/- 95 NF +/- 89 131 +/- 84 121 NO +/- 492 140 +/- 92 Beach drains S-1 and S-3 had H-3 concentration peaks of >600 and >1 000 pCi/1 respectively. As in previous years, measureable H-3 results occur mostly in drains S-1 and S-3. As shown in previous reports, these high values are attributable to precipitation scavenging by rain and snow followed by melting. H-3 in snow samples collected in February ranged from 106 +/- 81 to 512 +/- 96 pCi/1. Gamma scans were performed on the beach drain samples at the LLD used for lake water. Seven indications of small, positive concentration values below the calculated MDC were found for Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-60, Zr-Nb-95, Ba-La-140, and Cs-137. In March, 1.20E-07 Ci of Mn-54 was released from the U-1 hatch during the outage. However, the concentration was 9.29E-14 IJCi/cc or 9.29E-05 pCi/1. The December beach drain concentration was 2.3 +/- 1.5 pCi/1. Therefore, it is unlikely that an airborne release would show up nine months later at a liquid concentration about 25,000 times higher. Therefore, it is concluded that the December Mn-54 is a false positive. Because no airborne Ba-La-140, Fe-59 or 58 MDC 137 148 182 144 146 150 184 151 152 147 148 Cs-137 were detected in PBNP discharge pathway, the Fe-59 value of 3.4 +/- 2.6 pCi/L (MDC= 5.3) and Cs-137 value of 1.6 +/- 1.5 pCi/L (MDC= 2.7) are considered to be false positives. Zr-Nb-95 was found in beach drain S-3 in April (2.1 +/- 1.4 pCi/L MDC = 3.3) with similar levels in June and September. These could be false positives. However, during March and April, roughly 7E-07 Ci of Zr-Nb-95 was discharged from Unit 1. Because the activity occurred in beach drain S-3 which drains the yard adjacent to Unit 1, there is a possibility that this is a true indication of a Unit 1 airborne release brought about by recapture in a manner similar to that shown to exist for H-3. 14.3 Electrical Vaults and Other Manholes Manholes for access to below ground electrical facilities are susceptible to groundwater in-leakage. The manholes east side of the plant, between the Turbine building and Lake Michigan have low H-3 concentrations (Table 14-4). These manholes, Z-066A and Z-067 A through Z-066D AND Z-067D, run in parallel in the N E section of the yard beginning just north of the Unit 2 truck bay and run from the Unit 2 truck bay north to the EDG building. Z-068 is located just west of the EDG building and north of Z-66/67D. The two As, Bs, Cs, and Ds are beside each other. Based on being side-by-side, it is not unexpected that the each pair of manholes 66A/67 A, etc. would have similar H-3 concentrations. Table 14-3 2013 East Yard Area Manhole Tritium (pCi/1) MH 4/30/2013 5/2/2013 10/15/2013 Z-066A 194 +/- 81 185 +/- 82 Z-067A 173 +/- 80 193 +/- 83 Z-0668 ND +/- ND +/- Z-0678 187 +/- 81 ND +/- Z-066C 242 +/- 83 Z-067C 170 +/- 80 Z-0660 151 +/- 79 Z-0670 173 +/- 80 Z-068 225 82 154 +/- 81 MDC 144 144 147 ND -not detected 14.4 Facade Wells and Subsurface Drainage System There are two methods of sampling the groundwater under the plant foundation. The first is a set of four shallow wells, two in each The other is a subsurface drainage system (SSD). The wells were installed to monitor for groundwater conditions which may be detrimental to the integrity of the concrete and rebar of each unit's foundation. The SSD was designed to relieve hydrostatic pressure on each unit's foundation as well as the auxiliary and turbine buildings. The wells are not located symmetrically in the two units. The Unit 1 wells are east of the containment in theSE (1Z-361A) and NE (1Z-361 B) 59 corners of the fa<;ade. However, in Unit 2, there is one well in the NW corner (2 Z-361A) and the other rotated approximately 180° in the SW corner (2 Z-361 B). In each the well cap is level with the floor. The 2013 fa<;ade well results are shown in Table 14-4. The Unit 1 wells continue to have higher H-3 concentrations than the U2 wells with 1Z-361A, in theSE corner of the Unit 1 fa<;ade, having the highest H-3 concentrations. In contrast to the 2012 high of 1342 +/- 135, the highest 2013 H-3 concentration is 324 +/- 93 pCi/1. The 2007 and 2008 high concentrations were 1169 -1331 pCi/1. Based on these fa<;ade well results, the conclusion is that H-3 concentrations are decreasing and that the H-3 is not evenly distributed under the plant. T abl e 1 4-4 2 013 F acade W e ll W a ter Tritium (p C i/1) UNIT1 UNIT2 Month 1 Z-361A 1Z-361B 2 Z-361A 2Z-361B MDC 29-Jan* 288 +/- 90 308 +/- 91 NS +/- 108 +/- 82 146 28-Feb 308 +/- 91 259 +/- 8 9 ND +/- ND +/- 146 27-Mar 324 +/- 93 128 +/- 85 ND +/- ND +/- 149 11-Apr 255 +/- 90 204 +/- 88 ND +/- ND +/- 149 1-Jun 278 +/- 87 102 +/- 78 102 +/- 78 ND +/- 148 21-Jun 189 +/- 93 93 +/- 89 ND +/- ND +/- 161 3-Jul 223 +/- 88 125 +/- 84 ND +/- 119 +/- 8 4 148 1-Aug 214 +/- 89 130 +/- 85 ND +/- ND +/- 150 26-Sep ND +/- 168 +/- 101 ND +/- ND +/- 155 31-0ct 257 +/- 91 122 +/- 84 ND +/- 89 +/- 83 148 LL-NOV L4U +/- ts4 LJU +/- ts4 lLo +/- I'd NU +/- 140 17-Dec 169 +/- 78 143 +/- 76 NS +/- ND +/- 142

  • Duplicate sample = 257 +/- 89 pCi/L NS = no sample available ND = not detected The internal SSD consist of perforated piping which drains groundwater by gravity to a sump located in the Unit 2 fa<;ade. The part of the SSD under the turbine building is at a higher elevation than the part under the facades. Along the drain path, the system is accessible by various clean outs and larger manholes.

Each individual manhole and cleanout is no longer sampled individually. Instead, the sump which collects the groundwater is sampled monthly. The monthly SSD sump results are presented in Table 14-5. The average concentration is not much different from the 513 +/- 269 pCi/L seen in 2012. However, there is much more spread in the results and indicated by the larger confidence interval. A comparison of the H-3 concentrations in the fa<;ade wells to those in the SSD sump located in Unit 2 suggests that the Unit 2 fa<;ade wells may have lower H-3 concentrations because their closer proximity to the SSD sump allows the groundwater to drain to the SSD sump more quickly than the water below the Unit 1 fa<;ade 60 The external SSD system runs along the external foundation walls for the Unit 1 and Unit 2 facades, the auxiliary building, the north service building, and the turbine hall. It is not connected to the internal SSD system. Both the north and south halves of the external SSD system drain toward the beach via piping that dead-heads into the bluff overlooking the beach. In October, manholes providing SSD access on the NE and SE portions of this system were opened and sampled. The H-3 concentrations (NE = 98 +/- 81; SE = 237 +/- 88 pCi/L) are comparable to yard electrical vaults {Table 4-3). Because the SSD covers are not sealed, rain and snow melt can enter the external SSD system. This may account for the higher concentration H-3 concentrations in the south by the same mechanism which makes the S-3 beach drain higher than the S-1 beach drain. Table 14-5 2013 Unit 2 Facade SSD Sump H-3 (pCi/1) Month Avg 20' MDC Jan 686 +/- 106 146 Feb 846 +/- 112 146 Mar 730 +/- 109 150 Apr 1021 +/- 119 149 May 335 +/- 91 143 Jun 349 +/- 100 162 Jul 609 +/- 110 161 Aug 714 +/- 110 152 Sep 543 +/- 97 151 Oct 806 +/- 112 154 Nov 593 +/- 105 148 Dec 488 +/- 95 145 Average 643 +/- 201 In addition to H-3, the fagade wells and SSD samples were gamma scanned. As in lake water samples, small positive values below their calculated, minimum detectable concentrations were found for Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Zr-Nb-95, Cs-134, Cs-137, and Ba-La-140. There is no known path for activation products to reach the SSD system as SSD manhole covers are sealed on the control side. Coupled with no Cs-134 and Ba-La-140 being detected in effluents suggests, as for lake water, that these results are false positives. 14.5 Potable Water and Monitoring Wells Outside of the protected area, nine wells, in addition to the main plant well (Section 11. 7), are used for monitoring H-3 in groundwater: the four potable water wells, GW-04 (Energy Information Center or EIC), GW-05 (Warehouse 6), GW-18 (Warehouse 7), and GW-06 (Site Boundary Control Center), and six H-3 groundwater monitoring wells, GW-11 through GW-16 (Figure 13-1 ). The potable water wells monitor the deep, drinking water aquifer whereas the monitoring wells penetrate less than 30 feet to monitor the top soil layer. The potable water aquifer is separated from the shallow, surface water aquifer by a thick, impermeable clay layer. 61 Q 1 2 3 4 The monitoring well results are similar to that obtained in 2012. The highest H-3 concentrations occur at GW-15, the well closest to the former retention pond. The two monitoring wells showing consistent, detectable H-3 (GW-15, GW-16) are in the flow path from the retention pond area to the lake (Table 14-7). Table 14-6 2013 Quarterly Monitoring Well Tritium (pCi/1) MW-01 MW-02 MW-06 MW-05 MW-04 MW-03 GW-11 GW-12 GW-13 GW-14 GW-15 GW-16 115 +/- 77 ND +/- ND +/- ND +/- 278 +/- 84 NS +/- 128 +/- 83 90 +/- 81 84 +/- 81 151 +/- 84 277 +/- 89 232 +/- 87 ND +/- ND +/- 106 +/- 85 ND +/- 252 +/- 92 210 +/- 90 87 +/- 78 ND +/- ND +/- 81 +/- 78 255 +/- 87 169 +/- 83 ND= not stat1st1cally different from zero. NS = no sample available Two of the monitoring wells, GW-15 and GW-16, are in the groundwater flow path from the former retention pond. The other four of the surface layer wells are located at the periphery of the area which may be affected by diffusion from the former retention pond. The potable water wells have no detectable H-3 (Table 14-7). Table 14-7 2013 Potable Well Water Tritium Concentration (pCi/1) Warehouse 6 SBCC t:lt.; l:iVV-U!:J,Uo EIC WELL Well Well MDC MDC WH7 GW-18 Month GW-04 GW-05 GW-06 GW-18 MDC Jan ND ND ND 143 138 Feb ND 144 NS Mar ND 148 Apr ND ND ND 183 182 ND 182 May ND 146 Jun ND 156 Jul ND ND ND 161 150 ND 150 Aug ND 149 Sep ND 143 Oct ND ND ND 150 147 ND 147 Nov ND 150 Dec ND 145 NO= not detected NS = no sample 14.6 AC Condensate and Condensation on Equipment The results from the airborne H-3 recapture study presented in the 2011 AMR demonstrated that the H-3 via precipitation was higher close to the plant than away from the plant. Additionally, it was shown that the condensate from AC units located on building roofs and within the plant contained high concentrations of H-3. Similar results for AC condensate were demonstrated in 2012. A 62 MDC 143 146 152 149 comparison of 2012 and 2013 of AC condensate H-3 concentrations is presented in Table 14-8. Table 14-8 Comparison of 2012 and 2013 AC Condensate Location 2012 H-3 2013 H-3 (pCi/1) 2cr {pCi/1) 2cr NSB (4th floor) 557 +/- 102 478 +/- 102 Turbine Bldg 66' 998 +/- 118 757 +/- 112 S SeNice Bldg Roof 5822 +/- 231 2606 +/- 166 South Gate Roof 473 +/- 99 217 +/- 91 Turbine Bldg 8' 602 +/- 104 1055 +/- 123 Training Bldg Roof 185 +/- 86 203 +/- 90 These results show that the H-3 concentrations are higher in the immediate vicinity of Units 1 and 2 (S. Service Building and South Gate) than at the training building, which is some 800 feet south. The higher concentrations occur within the area of the yard drains feeding beach drain S-3 and support the conclusion that precipitation scavenging and roof drains can account for the H-3 found in the beach drains. The persistence of measureable H-3 concentrations in AC condensations units located inside (Turbine Bldg. and NSB) indicates that the condensation of indoor airborne H-3 has the possibility of impacting groundwater. Water condensing on piping and equipment could reach groundwater via piping floor penetrations. To determine whether this were a significant source, condensate on various cooling equipment, whose condensate was observed to penetrate the floor at the point of the piping floor penetrations at the 8' level of the turbine hall, was collected and analyzed for H-3. As a check, samples were collected from the same 8' and 66' turbine hall AC units where condensate had been collected the previous week (Table 14-9). Although measureable H-3 occurred only on the 1 HX-24, the low and non-detectable H-3 on the equipment may be an indication of a set of different conditions than those of the previous week. For these condensate samples (8/26/13) the 8' and 66' AC condensate H-3 results are much lower than the previously collected samples (8/16/13, Table 14-8). Table 14-9 E quipment Conden s ate H-3 Concentrations (pCi/1) UNIT 1 H-3 2a H-3 2a UNIT 2 TB 8' level ND +/- 234 +/- 83 TB 66' Ctrl Rm AC 1 HX-24 80 +/- 75 ND +/- Condensate Pump Discharge Header 1 HX-24 (W Side) 105 +/- 77 ND +/- 2HX-24 ND +/- 2XJ-3571 ND +/- SW Return Drain Line NO= not detected 63 15.0 GROUNDWATER


Groundwater monitoring indicates that low levels of tritium continue to occur in the upper soil layer but not in the deep, drinking water aquifer. These results also indicate that the low levels of tritium are restricted to a small, well defined area close to the plant. Results from precipitation analyses show that airborne H-3 concentrations are higher close to the plant as compared to results at the site boundaries. The observed tritium concentrations in the yard manholes can be explained by the higher H-3 in precipitation close to the plant. In addition to tritium captured by precipitation, the beach drains also receive the H-3 captured in the AC condensate because the condensate drainage is connected to the yard drain system. Tritium continues in the soil below the plant foundation as evidenced by results from the subsurface drainage system and from the fa<;:ade wells. Except for the monitoring wells downstream from the former retention pond, the monitoring well tritium concentrations are not different from zero. These results conform to the known west-to-east groundwater flow at the site. Therefore, the impact of the flow of tritiated groundwater from the vicinity of the former retention pond toward the lake on the S-3 tritium results as cannot be discounted. The impact of this flow would be greater on beach drain S-3 than on S-1 because the eastward flow in the area of S-3 would be less impacted by plant structures than the drainage system feeding beach drain S-1. In conclusion, the groundwater H-3 concentrations observed at PBNP are below the EPA drinking water standards prior to emptying into Lake Michigan where they will undergo further dilution. All analyses to date indicate that the drinking water contains no tritium. None of the H-3 in the upper soil layer is migrating off-site toward the surrounding population. This is based on the known west-to-east groundwater flow toward Lake Michigan and the negative results from the four wells (GW-11 through GW-14, Figure 13-1 ). Additionally, because no H-3 is detected in either of the four onsite drinking water wells close to the power block or from the drinking water well at the site boundary, none of the H-3 observed in the upper soil layer has penetrated into the drinking water aquifer to endanger either on-site or off-site personnel. 64 16.0 Corrections to 2010-2011 Annual Monitoring Reports During the preparation of the 2013 AMR, a final review of the January monthly airborne effluent calculation found an error. The isotopic totals for the second Unit 1 forced vent permit were not included in the monthly Unit 1 totals. A review of previous monthly airborne effluent totals revealed that this was unique to the month of January for the years 2010-2012. The corrections to the affected tables in the 2012 AMR are presented in the appropriate sections of the 2013 AMR. Corrections to the 2010 and 2011 tables are presented below. Revised tables are presented either totally or only with the January and Total columns and the corrected values being highlighted and compared to the original values to aid in comparison. Typically, the corrected value changes the original value by five percent or less whereas the annual totals differ by less than 0.1 %. Because the January corrections are small, the monthly and annual totals may not be noticeable because they do not change the third significant figure in the totals. 16.1 Table 3-1 for 2010 AMR and 2011 AMRs Revised Tables 3-1 for 2010 and 2011 are shown below. Table 3-1 is a summary of the annual airborne effluent doses. Each corrected table consists of the corrected values and the former values for a side-by-side comparison. Note that within the range of significant figures, the annual total dose values for 2011 do not change because, while the January noble gas doses increased at most by 4% (1.86E-05 to 1.94 E-05 mrad gamma air) , the annual totals changed by, at most, 0.05% and therefore do not change the results in this table. 16.2 Tables 3-2 for 2010 AMR and 2011 AMRs For the corrections to Table 3-2 in the 2010 and 2011 AMRs, only the affected columns, January and Total, are presented and compared. Again the January differences are small so that the annual totals did not change. 16.3 Tables 3-3 for 2010 AMR and 2011 AMRs For the corrections to Table 3-3 in the 2010 and 2011 AMRs, only the affected columns, January and Total, are presented and compared. Again the January differences are small so that the annual totals did not change. 65 Table 16-1 Corrections to Table 3-1 in the 2010 and 2011 AMRs Corrected 2010 AMR Table 3-1: Comparison of 2010 Airborne Effluent Calcu l ated Doses to 10 CFR 50 Appendix I Corrected Values Former Values Annual Appendix I Design Jan-Dec Percent of Appendix I Jan-Dec Percent of Appendix I Category Objective Calculated Dose Design Objective Calculated Dose Design Objective Particulate 30 mrem/organ 0.223 0.743 0.223 0.742 Noble Gas 40 mrad (beta air) 0.000186 0.00047 0.000186 0.00047 Noble Gas 20 mrad (gamma air) 0.000437 0.0022 0.000436 0.0022 Noble Gas 30 mrem/skin 0.000633 0.0021 0.000632 0.0021 Noble Gas 10 mrem (whole Body) 0.000416 0.0042 0.000414 0.0041 Corrected 2011 AMR Table 3-1: Comparison of 2011 Airborne Effluent Calculated Doses to 10 CFR 50 Appendix I Corrected Values Former Values Annual Appendix I Design Jan-Dec Percent of Appendix I Jan-Dec Percent of Appendix I Category Objective Calcu l ated Dose Design Objective Ca l cu l ated Dose Design Objective Particulate 30 mrem/organ 0.223 0.743 0.223 0.743 Noble Gas 40 mrad (beta air) 0.000710 0.00178 0.000710 0.00178 Noble Gas 20 mrad (gamma air) 0.001500 0.00750 0.00150 0.00750 Noble Gas 30 mrem/skin 0.002190 0.00729 0.00219 0.00729 Noble Gas 10 mrem (whole Body) 0.001420 0.01420 0.00142 0.01420 66 Table 16-2 Corrections to Table 3-2 in 2010 AMR and 2011 AMRs C orrected 2 010 Original 2 010 Jan Total Jan Total Total NG from Liq (Ci) 5.85E-05 3.34E-02 5.85E-05 3.34E-02 Total Noble Gas (Ci)1 3.42E-01 1.35E+OO 3.39E-01 1.35E+OO Total Radioiodines (Ci)' O.OOE+OO 1.62E-04 O.OOE+OO 1.62E-04 Total Particulate (Ci)3 6.12E-07 9.86E-05 6.12E-07 9.86E-05 Alpha (Ci) O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Strontium(Ci) O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO All other beta + gamma (Ci) 6.12E-07 9.86E-05 6.12E-07 9.86E-05 Total Tritium (Ci) 7.00E+OO 6.35E+01 7.00E+OO 6.35E+01 Max NG H'rly Rei.(Ci/sec) 1.14E-06 1.14E-06 Corrected 2 011 Original 2011 Jan Total Jan Total Total NG from Liq (Ci) 5.45E-04 9.63E-0 3 5.45E-04 9.63E-03 Total Noble Gas (Ci)1 4.48E-02 6.23E+OO 4.32E-02 6.23E+OO Total Radioiodines (Cit 1.46E-06 3.62E-06 1.46E-06 3.62E-06 Total Particulate (Ci)3 3.05E-05 2.13E-04 3.05E-05 2.13E-04 Alpha (Ci) O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Strontium(Ci) O.OOE+OO 1.59E-08 O.OOE+OO 1.59E-0 8 All other beta + gamma (Ci) 3.05E-05 2.13E-04 3.05E-05 2.13E-04 Total Tritium (Ci) 4.81 E+OO 7.8 3E+01 4.81E+OO 7.83E+01 Max NG H'rly Rei.(Ci/sec) 4.42E-08 4.42E-08 Table 16-3 Corrections to Table 3-3 in 2010 AMR and 2011 AMRs Corrected 2010 Original 2010 Corrected 2011 Original 2011 Jan Total Jan Total Jan Total Jan Total Nuclide (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) (Ci) Ar-41 2.03E-01 7.77E-01 2.00E-01 7.74E-01 4.37E-02 2.61 E+OO 4.21E-02 2.61E+OO Kr-85 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Kr-85m 4.54E-03 9.74E-03 4.54E-0 3 9.73E-03 O.OOE+OO 3.06E-02 O.OOE+OO 3.06E-02 Kr-87 1.12E-02 2.35E-02 1.12E-02 2.35E-02 O.OOE+OO 8.93E-02 O.OOE+OO 8.93E-02 Kr-88 1.11E-02 2.32E-02 1.11E-02 2.33E-02 O.OOE+OO 8.07E-02 O.OOE+OO 8.07E-02 Xe-131m O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Xe-133 9.8 3 E-03 2.83E-01 9.77E-03 2.83E-01 1.05E-03 2.60E+OO 1.05E-03 2.60E+OO Xe-133m 6.22E-05 2.11E-03 6.22E-05 2.11E-03 O.OOE+OO 1.71E-02 O.OOE+OO 1.71E-02 Xe-135 2.43E-02 6.14E-02 2.43E-02 6.14E-02 8.05E-06 1.97E-01 8.05E-06 1.97E-01 Xe-135m 2.49E-02 5.38E-02 2.49E-01 5.38E-02 O.OOE+OO 2.35E-01 O.OOE+OO 2.35E-01 Xe-138 5.28E-02 1.16E-01 5.28E-02 1.16E-01 O.OOE+OO 3.71 E-01 O.OOE+OO 3. 71 E-01 67 APPENDIX 1 Environmental, Inc. Midwest Laboratory Final Report for the Point Beach Nuclear Plant and Other Analyses Reporting Period: January-December 2013 ATI M.l M1dwest Laboratory 700 Landwehr Road* Northbrook, IL 60062-2310 phone (847) 564-0700


K. Johansen, 1 hardcopy, 1 e-mail oi( -" Section POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT T A B.L E OF CONTENTS :.11' List of Tables ................................. : ............. ............................. iii


........................................... ........................... iv 2.0 LISTING OF MISSED SAMPLES ............................................. v 3 DATA TABL E S ................................ ................... ...................... vi Appendices A Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results ................. ......... A-1 B Data Reporting Conventions ............................................... ...... B-1 C Sampling Program and Locations ......................... ................... C-1 D Graphs of Data Trends ............................................................. D-1 E Supplemental Analyses ................ ............................................ E-1 ii 'l J i POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT . * .. LIST OF TABLES Airborne Particulates and lodine-131 Location E-01, Meteorological Tower........ ................................... ... 1-1 Location E-02, Site Boundary Control Center .. .... . . . . . ... . ... .. . .. ... . . .. .. .. 1-2 Location E-03, West Boundary .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. . .. 1-3 Location E-04, North Boundary .. .. . .. .... .. . .. .. ... .... . .... . .. .. .. .. ..... . . . . .. . .. . 1-4 Location E-08, G. J. Fran car Residence ................................. ........ 1-5 Location E-20, Silver Lake College .. .. .. .... . . . ... .. .. .... . .... .. ... .. . . .. .. .. .. ... 1-6 Airborne Particulates, Gamma Isotopic Analyses................... .................... 2-1 Milk................. ............... ..................... ................................................... 3-1 Well Water .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . 4-1 Lake Water . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . 5-1 Lake Water, Analyses on Quarterly Composites ............................................. .. 6-1 Fish .................................................................................................................... 7-1 Shoreline Sediments ........................................................ 00000 ................ ....... 000 ... 8-1 Soil .......................................................................... ........................................... 9-1 Vegetation ......... oo .......... .......... oo ...... oo ..................................... oo ........ oo ........ oo ...... 10-1 Aquatic Vegetation .... oooo ................................. oo ............. oo ........... oo ...................... 11-1 Gamma Radiation, as Measured by TLDs ........ oo .. oooooo ................. ........ oo .. oo ooooooo 12-1 Groundwater Monitoring Program ...... 00 00 .............. ........................... 00 .. 00 .. 00 ......... 13-1 iii POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT . . "


  • ' The following constitutes the final2013 Monthly Progress Report for the Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program conducted at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Two Rivers, Wisconsin. Results of analyses are presented in the attached tables. Data tables reflect sample analysis results for both Technical Specification requirements and Special Interest locations and samples are randomly selected within the Program monitoring area to provide additional data for cross-comparisons.

For gamma isotopic analyses, the spectrum covers an energy range from 80 to 2048 KeV. Specifically included are Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Zr-95 , Nb-95, Ru-103, Ru-106, 1-131, Ba-La-140, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141, and Ce-144. Naturally occurring gamma-emitters, such as K-40 and Ra daughters, are frequently detected in soil and sediment samples. Specific isotopes listed are K-40, Tl-208, Pb-212, Bi-214, Ra-226 and Ac-228. Unless noted otherwise, the results reported under "Other Gammas" are for Co-60 and may be higher or lower for other radionuclides. All concentrations, except gross beta, are decay corrected. All samples were collected within the scheduled period unless noted otherwise in the Listing of Missed Samples. iv .. Sample Type LW LW AP/AI AP/AI AP/AI SL POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT 2.0 LISTING OF MISSED SAMPLES Location E-006 E-006 E-01 E-01 E-01 E-12 Expected Collection Date 01-17-13 02-14-13 02-28-13 03-06-13 03-13-13 06-05-13 v Reason No sample due to icy conditions. No sample due to icy conditions. No power to sampler. No power to sampler. No power to sampler. No aquatic vegetation available. POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT 3.0 Data Tables vi POINT B E ACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 1. Airborne particulates and cha r coal canisters, analyses for gross beta and iodine-131. Location: E-01, Meteorological Tower ' Units: pCi/m 3 Collection

Continuous; weekly exchange. Date Vol. Date Vol. Collected (m3) Gross Beta 1-131 Collected (m3) Gross Beta 1-131 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 01-09-13 309 0.066 +/- 0.005 < 0.010 07-10-13 299 0.022 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 01-16-13 309 0.002 +/- 0.002 < 0.010 a 07-17-13 299 0.018 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 01-23-13 315 0.056 +/- 0.004 < 0.005 07-24-13 299 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 01-31-13 335 0.030 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 07-31-13 304 0.010 +/- 0.003 < 0.007 02-06-13 266 0.046 +/- 0.005 < 0.013 08-07-13 302 0.020 +/- 0.003 < 0.006 02-13-13 297 0.028 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 08-14-13 309 0.014 +/- 0.003 < 0.013 02-20-13 302 0.026 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 08-21-13 294 0.033 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 02-28-13 NOb 08-28-13 302 0.028 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 03-06-13 NOb 09-04-13 301 0.023 +/- 0.004 < 0.006 03-13-13 NOb 09-11-13 303 0.033 +/- 0.004 < 0.007 03-21-13 335 0.027 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 09-18-13 302 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 03-28-13 301 0.009 +/- 0.003 < 0.014 09-25-13 303 0.019 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 04-03-13 255 0.020 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 10-02-13 304 0.024 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 1st Quarter 3rd Quarter Mean+/- s.d. 0.031 +/- 0.020 < 0.010 Mean+/- s.d. 0.021 +/- 0.007 < 0.009 04-10-13 295 0.024 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 10-10-13 343 0.018 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 04-17-13 297 0.011 +/- 0.003 < 0.013 10-16-13 260 0.028 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 04-24-13 301 0.020 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 10-23-13 303 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.004 05-01-13 311 0.033 +/- 0.004 < 0.016 10-30-13 299 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.007 05-08-13 316 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 11-06-13 301 0.028 +/- 0.004 < 0.005 05-15-13 311 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 11-13-13 316 0.025 +/- 0.003 < 0.013 05-22-13 307 0.014 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 11-20-13 295 0.030 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 05-29-13 305 0.013 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 11-27-13 300 0.024 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 06-06-13 262 0.014 +/- 0.004 < 0.024 12-04-13 298 0.036 +/- 0.004 < 0.006 06-12-13 260 0.022 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 12-10-13 271 0.040 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 06-19-13 302 0.014 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 12-18-13 351 0.033 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 06-26-13 324 0.019 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 12-26-13 352 0.030 +/- 0.003 < 0.008/ 07-03-13 302 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.010 01-02-14 313 0.045 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 2nd Quarter 4th Quarter Mean+/- s.d. 0.018 +/- 0.006 < 0.012 Mean+/- s.d. 0.028 +/- 0.009 < 0.008 Cumulative Avera9e 0.024 +/- 0.012 < 0.010 a Filter light; MDC = <0.003 b"ND" =No data , see Table 2.0, Listing of Missed Samples. 1-1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 1. Airborne particulates and charcoal beta and iodine-131.

Location: E-02, Site Boundary Control Center Units: pCi/m 3 Collection

Continuous , weekly exchange. Date Vol. Date Vol. Collected (m3) Gross Beta 1-131 Collected (m3) Gross Beta 1-131 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 01-09-13 310 0.068 +/- 0.005 < 0.010 07-10-13 303 0.025 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 01-16-13 310 0.032 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 07-17-13 307 0.018 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 01-23-13 305 0.039 +/- 0.004 < 0.005 07-24-13 308 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 01-31-13 332 0.046 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 07-31-13 310 0.009 +/- 0.003 < 0.006 02-06-13 270 0.047 +/- 0.005 < 0.013 08-07-13 268 0.024 +/- 0.004 < 0.007 02-13-13 304 0.027 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 08-14-13 315 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 02-20-13 299 0.028 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 08-21-13 299 0.037 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 02-28-13 336 0.013 +/- 0.003 < 0.013 08-28-13 288 0.028 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 03-06-13 272 0.021 +/- 0.004 < 0.012 09-04-13 300 0.026 +/- 0.004 < 0.006 03-13-13 297 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 09-11-13 309 0.031 +/- 0.004 < 0.007 03-21-13 342 0.027 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 09-18-13 302 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 03-28-13 296 0.009 +/- 0.003 < 0.014 09-25-13 301 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 04-03-13 258 0.015 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 10-02-13 296 0.027 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 1st Quarter 3rd Quarter Mean+/- s.d. 0.030 +/- 0.017 < 0.010 Mean+/- s.d. 0.023 +/- 0.008 < 0.009 04-10-13 285 0.022 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 10-10-13 347 0.018 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 04-17-13 298 0.011 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 10-16-13 261 0.027 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 04-24-13 302 0.022 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 10-23-13 308 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.004 05-01-13 306 0.032 +/- 0.004 < 0.016 10-30-13 305 0.012 +/- 0.003 < 0.007 05-08-13 301 0.013 +/- 0.003 < 0.013 11-06-13 300 0.027 +/- 0.004 < 0.005 05-15-13 308 0.012 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 11-13-13 311 0.027 +/- 0.004 < 0.014 05-22-13 292 0.016 +/- 0.004 < 0.012 11-20-13 293 0.030 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 05-29-13 311 0.013 +/- 0.003 < 0.010 11-27-13 310 0.022 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 06-06-13 351 0.013 +/- 0.003 < 0.018 12-04-13 291 0.036 +/- 0.004 < 0.007 06-12-13 259 0.020 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 12-10-13 251 0.039 +/- 0.005 < 0.011 06-19-13 301 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 12-18-13 355 0.034 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 06-26-13 306 0.019 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 12-26-13 368 0.032 +/- 0.003 < o.oo8 I 07-03-13 304 0.012 +/- 0.003 < 0.010 01-02-14 319 0.044 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 2nd Quarter 4th Quarter Mean+/- s.d. 0.017 +/- 0.006 < 0.011 Mean+/- s.d. 0.028 +/- 0.009 < 0.009 Cumulative Avera9e 0.024 +/- 0.012 < 0.010 1-2 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 1. Airborne part i culates and cha r coal canist_ers, , analyses for gross beta and iodine-131. , Location:

E-03, West Boundary Units: pCi/m 3 Collection

Gontinuous, weekly exchange. Date V o l. Date Vol. Collected (m3) Gross Beta 1-131 Collected (m3) Gross Beta ; 1-131 Reguired LLD 0.010 0.030 Reguired LLD 0.010 0.030 01-09-13 305 0.069 +/- 0.005 < 0.010 07-10-13 293 0.025 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 01-16-13 305 0.032 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 07-17-13 294 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 01-23-13 306 0.035 +/- 0.004 < 0.005 07-24-13 299 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 01-31-13 343 0.028 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 07-31-13 312 0.011 +/- 0.003 < 0.006 02-06-13 265 0.047 +/- 0.005 < 0.013 08-07-13 292 0.024 +/- 0.004 < 0.007 02-13-13 310 0.027 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 08-14-13 304 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.013 02-20-13 306 0.030 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 08-21-13 292 0.032 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 02-28-13 335 0.014 +/- 0.003 < 0.013 08-28-13 305 0.027 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 03-06-13 269 0.025 +/- 0.004 < 0.012 09-04-13 299 0.024 +/- 0.004 < 0.006 03-13-13 298 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 09-11-13 303 0.034 +/- 0.004 < 0.007 03-21-13 346 0.029 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 09-18-13 304 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 03-28-13 298 0.007 +/- 0.003 < 0.014 09-25-13 300 0.018 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 04-03-13 258 0.016 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 10-02-13 297 0.024 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 1st Quarter 3rd Quarter Mean+/- s.d. 0.029 +/- 0.016 < 0.010 Mean+/- s.d. 0.022 +/- 0.007 < 0.009 04-10-13 298 0.022 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 10-10-13 351 0.018 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 04-17-13 298 0.012 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 10-16-13 262 0.020 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 04-24-13 301 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 10-23-13 302 0.012 +/- 0.003 < 0.004 05-01-13 297 0.032 +/- 0.004 < 0.017 10-30-13 307 0.013 +/- 0.003 < 0.007 05-08-13 312 0.012 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 11-06-13 304 0.027 +/- 0.004 < 0.005 05-15-13 310 0.018 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 11-13-13 307 0.021 +/- 0.003 < 0.014 05-22-13 306 0.014 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 11-20-13 298 0.028 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 05-29-13 303 0.014 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 11-27-13 308 0.022 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 / 06-06-13 347 0.014 +/- 0.003 < 0.018 12-04-13 299 0.029 +/- 0.004 <0.006/ 06-12-13 255 0.021 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 12-10-13 274 0.038 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 06-19-13 258 0.017 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 12-18-13 353 0.037 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 06-26-13 302 0.020 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 12-26-13 348 0.029 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 07-03-13 302 0.011 +/- 0.003 < 0.010 01-02-14 308 0.041 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 2nd Quarter 4th Quarter Mean+/- s.d. 0.017 +/- 0.006 < 0.011 Mean+/- s.d. 0.026 +/- 0.009 < 0.008 Cumulative Avera9e 0.023 +/- 0.011 < 0.010 1-3 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 1. Airborne and charcoal canisters, analyses for gross beta and iodine-131. Location: E-04, North Boundary P' Units: pCi/m 3 Collection
Continuous, weekly exchange. Date Vol. Date Vol. Collected (m3) Gross Beta 1-131 Collected (m3) 'Gross Beta 1-131 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 01-09-13 311 0.070 +/- 0.005 < 0.010 07-10-13 300 0.024 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 0'1-16-13 311 0.032 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 07-17-13 305 6.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 01-23-13 318 0.035 +/- 0.004 < 0.004 07-24-13 294 0.017 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 01-31-13 337 0.026 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 07-31-13 304 0.009 +/- 0.003 < 0.007 02-06-13 266 0.048 +/- 0.005 < 0.013 08-08-13 300 0.020 +/- 0.003 < 0.006 02-13-13 314 0.029 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 08-14-13 266 0.016 +/- 0.004 < 0.015 02-20-13 309 0.027 +/- 0.003 <0.010 08-21-13 299 0.034 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 02-28-13 345 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.013 08-28-13 310 0.029 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 03-06-13 265 0.025 +/- 0.004 < 0.013 09-04-13 297 0.027 +/- 0.004 < 0.006 03-13-13 299 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 09-11-13 306 0.033 +/- 0.004 < 0.007 03-21-13 343 0.027 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 09-18-13 306 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 03-28-13 306 0.011 +/- 0.003 < 0.014 09-25-13 302 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 04-03-13 259 0.019 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 10-02-13 311 0.030 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 1st Quarter 3rd Quarter Mean+/- s.d. 0.029 +/- 0.016 < 0.010 Mean+/- s.d. 0.022 +/- 0.008 < 0.009 04-10-13 300 0.019 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 10-10-13 340 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 04-17-13 298 0.010 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 10-16-13 262 0.024 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 04-24-13 302 0.020 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 10-23-13 305 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.004 05-01-13 302 0.032 +/- 0.004 < 0.016 10-30-13 300 0.014 +/- 0.003 < 0.007 05-08-13 310 0.012 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 11-06-13 302 0.024 +/- 0.004 < 0.005 05-15-13 312 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 11-13-13 311 0.028 +/- 0.004 < 0.014 05-22-13 311 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 11-20-13 298 0.031 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 05-29-13 304 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 11-27-13 310 0.022 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 / 06-06-13 339 0.010 +/- 0.003 < 0.018 12-04-13 301 0.037 +/- 0.004 < 0.006 06-12-13 252 0.018 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 12-10-13 274 0.039 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 06-19-13 304 0.013 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 12-18-13 361 0.038 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 06-26-13 301 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 12-26-13 352 0.033 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 07-03-13 303 0.012 +/- 0.003 < 0.010 01-02-14 313 0.039 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 2nd Quarter 4th Quarter Mean+/- s.d. 0.016 +/- 0.006 < 0.011 Mean+/- s.d. 0.028 +/- 0.009 < 0.008 Cumulative Avera9e 0.024 +/- 0.011 < 0.010 1-4 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 1. Airborne particulates and charcoal canisters, analyses for gross beta and iodine-131. Location:

E-0 8; G.J. Francar Residence ' 'Q Units: pCi/m 3 Collection: Continuous , weekly exchange. Date Vol. Date Vol. Collected (m3) Gross Beta 1-131 Collected (m3) Gross Beta 1-131 Reguired LLD 0.010 0.030 Reguired LLD 0.010 0.030 01-09-13 317 0.059 +/-1 0.005 < 0.009 07-10-13 300 0.023 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 ' 01-16-13 317 0.032 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 07-17-13 304 0.019 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 01-23-13 309 0.035 +/- 0.004 < 0.005 07-24-13 302 0.019 +/- 0.004 < 0.008 01-31-13 337 0.024 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 07-31-13 303 0.009 +/- 0.003 < 0.007 02-06-13 266 0.041 +/- 0.004 < 0.013 08-08-13 314 0.022 +/- 0.003 < 0.006 02-13-13 313 0.025 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 08-14-13 272 0.015 +/- 0.004 < 0.014 02-20-13 309 0.025 +/- 0.003 < 0.010 08-21-13 298 0.033 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 02-28-13 343 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.013 08-28-13 307 0.025 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 03-06-13 270 0.022 +/- 0.004 < 0.012 09-04-13 307 0.024 +/- 0.004 < 0.006 03-13-13 298 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 09-11-13 305 0.031 +/- 0.004 < 0.007 03-21-13 340 0.031 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 09-18-13 314 0.019 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 03-28-13 302 0.009 +/- 0.003 < 0.014 09-25-13 307 0.019 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 04-03-13 259 0.017 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 10-02-13 291 0.028 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 1st Quarter 3rd Quarter Mean+/- s.d, 0.027 +/- 0.013 < 0.010 Mean+/- s.d. 0.022 +/- 0.006 < 0.009 04-10-13 294 0.027 +/- 0.004 < 0.008 10-10-13 345 0.020 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 04-17-13 296 0.012 +/- 0.003 < 0.013 10-16-13 261 0.026 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 04-24-13 301 0.020 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 10-23-13 305 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.004 05-01-13 294 0.033 +/- 0.004 < 0.017 10-30-13 300 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.007 05-08-13 309 0.014 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 11-06-13 312 0.025 +/- 0.004 < 0.005 05-15-13 307 0.018 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 11-13-13 309 0.024 +/- 0.003 < 0.014 05-22-13 301 0.018 +/- 0.004 < 0.012 11-20-13 294 0.029 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 05-29-13 300 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 11-27-13 320 0.022 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 ./ 06-06-13 346 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.018 12-04-13 293 0.037 +/- 0.004 < 0.007 06-12-13 256 0.021 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 12-10-13 282 0.040 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 06-19-13 308 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 12-18-13 359 0.037 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 06-26-13 310 0.020 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 12-26-13 344 0.027 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 07-03-13 307 0.014 +/- 0.003 < 0.010 01-02-14 316 0.040 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 2nd Quarter 4th Quarter Mean+/- s.d. 0.019 +/- 0.006 < 0.011 Mean+/- s.d. 0.028 +/- 0.008 < 0.008 Cumulative Average 0.024 +/- 0.009 < 0.010 Indicator Locations Annual Mean +/- s.d. 0.024 +/- 0.011 < 0.010 1-5 POIN T B E ACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 1. Airborne particulates and charcoal canisters, analyses for gross beta and iodine-131. L 0 cation: E-2 0, Silver Lake '.fY ( pCi/m 3 Collection

Continuous, weekly exchange. Date Vol. Date Vol. Collected (m3) Gross Beta 1-131 Collected (m3) Gross Beta i 1-131 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 Required LLD 0.010 0.030 01-09-13 320 0.062 +/- 0.005 < 0.009 07-10-13 299 0.023 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 01-16-13 320 0.030 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 07-17-13 297 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 01-23-13 317 0.039 +/- 0.004 < 0.005 07-2 4-13 300 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 01-31-13 337 0.026 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 07-31-13 309 0.012 +/- 0.003 < 0.006 02-06-13 260 0.047 +/- 0.005 < 0.013 08-07-13 306 0.020 +/- 0.003 < 0.006 02-13-13 313 0.032 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 08-14-13 306 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.013 02-20-13 309 0.028 +/- 0.003 < 0.010 08-21-13 295 0.033 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 02-28-13 352 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 08-28-13 304 0.025 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 03-06-13 273 0.022 +/- 0.004 < 0.012 09-04-13 306 0.025 +/- 0.004 < 0.006 03-13-13 296 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 09-11-13 306 0.030 +/- 0.004 < 0.007 03-21-13 353 0.031 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 09-18-13 306 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 03-28-13 299 0.011 +/- 0.003 < 0.014 09-25-13 301 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 04-03-13 265 0.019 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 10-02-13 301 0.023 +/- 0.004 < 0.011 1st Quarter 3rd Quarter Mean+/- s.d. 0.029 +/- 0.014 < 0.010 Mean+/- s.d. 0.021 +/- 0.006 < 0.009 04-10-13 288 0.022 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 10-10-13 346 0.021 +/- 0.003 < 0.009 04-17-13 305 0.010 +/- 0.003 < 0.012 10-16-13 267 0.023 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 04-24-13 307 0.020 +/- 0.003 < 0.010 10-23-13 309 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.004 05-01-13 303 0.032 +/- 0.004 < 0.016 10-30-13 306 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.007 05-08-13 307 0.014 +/- 0.003 < 0.013 11-06-13 309 0.025 +/- 0.004 < 0.005 05-15-13 295 0.016 +/- 0.003 < 0.010 11-13-13 312 0.025 +/- 0.004 < 0.013 05-22-13 308 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.011 11-20-13 304 0.026 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 05-29-13 310 0.013 +/- 0.003 < 0.010 11-27-13 320 0.025 +/- 0.003 <0.008 06-06-13 353 0.014 +/- 0.003 < 0.018 12-04-13 302 0.032 +/- 0.004 < 0.006 06-12-13 260 0.026 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 12-10-13 274 0.042 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 06-19-13 305 0.015 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 12-18-13 357 0.034 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 06-26-13 297 0.017 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 12-26-13 347 0.030 +/- 0.003 < 0.008 07-03-13 312 0.013 +/- 0.003 < 0.010 01-02-14 312 0.038 +/- 0.004 < 0.009 2nd Quarter 4th Quarter Mean+/- s.d. 0.018 +/- 0.006 < 0.011 Mean+/- s.d. 0.027 +/- 0.008 < 0.008 Cumulative Average 0.024 +/- 0.010 < 0.010 Control Annual Mean +/- s.d. 0.024 +/- 0.010 < 0.010 1-6 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 2. Gamma emitters in quarterly c om pos i tes of air particulate filters 't*Y . ( . Unit s: pCitm 3 !*)' . ' (Other) (Other) Location Lab Code Be-7 B e-7 Cs-134 Cs-134 Cs-137 Cs-1 3 7 C o-6 0 (Co-60) Volume Req. LLD MDC 0.01 MDC 0.01 MDC ( 0.10) MDC m J 1st Quarter E-01 EAP-2 062 0.066 +/- 0.013 -0.0003 +/- 0.000 4 < 0.0006 0.00 01 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0009 -0.0001 j +/- 0.0003 < 0.0004 3022 E-02 -2063 0.066 +/- 0.013 0.0003 +/- 0.0004 < 0.0006 0.0001 +/- 0.0004 < 0.0006 -0.0001 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0010 3931 E-03 -2064 0.065 +/- 0.020 0.0000 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0007 -0.0003 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0004 -0.0004 1 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0004 3942 E-04 -2065 0.077 +/- 0.016 0.0002 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0007 0.0001 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0010 0.0001 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0005 3984 E-08 -2066 0.054 +/- 0.013 0.0001 +/- 0.0004 < 0.0006 0.0003 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0007 -0.000 1 +/- 0.0003 < 0.0004 3979 E-20 -2067 0.052 +/- 0.011 0.0001 +/- 0.0003 < 0.0005 0.0000 +/- 0.0004 < 0.0005 0.0001 +/- 0.0004 < 0.0004 4014 2nd Quarter E-01 EAP-4074 0.076 +/- 0.015 0.0001 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0011 0.0000 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0010 0.0002 +/- 0.0004 < 0.0006 3891 E-02 -4075 0.082 +/- 0.015 -0.0005 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0009 -0.0001 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0007 0.0002 +/- 0.0007 < 0.0008 3923 E-03 -4076 0.072 +/- 0.013 0.0003 +/- 0.0004 < 0.0007 0.0002 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0009 0.0001 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0005 3891 E-04 -4077 0.072 +/- 0.012 0.0001 +/- 0.0003 < 0.0004 -0.0004 +/- 0.0004 < 0.0003 0.0001 +/- 0.0004 < 0.0004 3939 E-08 -4078 0.074 +/- 0.014 -0.0004 +/- 0.0004 < 0.0006 -0.0001 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0006 0.0002 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0009 3930 E-20 -4079 0.086 +/- 0.017 0.0000 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0006 -0.0004 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0007 -0.0006 +/- 0.0009 < 0.0008 3950 3rd Quarter E-01 EAP-6377 0.073 +/- 0.016 -0.0003 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0010 -0.0007 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0005 0.0003 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0004 3922 E-02 -6378 0.069 +/- 0.013 0.0000 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0009 0.0000 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0005 -0.0001 +/- 0.0008 < 0.0004 3907 E-03 -6379 0.063 +/- 0.014 0.0002 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0009 0.0001 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0009 -0.0003 +/- 0.0007 < 0.0009 3895 E-04 -6380 0.066 +/- 0.018 -0.0009 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0009 I 0.0001 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0005 0.0005 +/- 0.0007 < 0.0010 3901 E-08 -6381 0.085 +/- 0.015 0.0003 +/- 0.0004 < 0.0008 1-0.0001 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0004 0.0005 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0006 3925 E-20 -6382 0.069 +/- 0.017 -0.0001 +/- 0.0004 < 0.0009 -0.0001 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0009 -0.0002 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0007 3933 4th Quarter ..........

E-01 EAP-7854 0.051 +/- 0.011 0.0002 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0010 0.0004 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0005 0.0000 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0004 4000 E-02 -7855 0.047 +/- 0.014 0.0002 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0010 0.0005 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0006 0.0000 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0004 4019 E-03 -7856 0.056 +/- 0.013 -0.0007 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0009 0.0004 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0005 0.0002 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0005 4021 E-04 -7857 0.050 +/- 0.012 0.0003 +/- 0.0003 < 0.0006 0.0003 +/- 0.0004 < 0.0007 0.0002 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0008 4029 E-08 -7858 0.050 +/- 0.013 0.0002 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0008 0.0005 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0007 0.0003 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0006 4040 E-20 -7859 0.049 +/- 0.011 -0.0002 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0010 -0.0002 +/- 0.0005 < 0.0007 -0.0004 +/- 0.0006 < 0.0007 4064 Annual Mean+/-s.d. 0.065 +/- 0.012 0.0000 +/- 0.0003 < 0.0008 0.0000 +/- 0.0003 < 0.0006 0.0000 +/- 0.0003 < 0.0006 2-1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 3. Radioactivity in milk samples Collection

Monthly Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/L) E-1 1 Lambert Dai[Y Farm MDC MDC MDC Required Collection Date 01-09-13 02-13-13 03-13-13 LLD Lab Code EMI-99 EMI-618 EMI-1075 Sr-89 0.2 +/- 0.8. < 0.7 -0.1 +/- 0.7 < 0.6 0.0 +/- 0.8 < 0.8 5.0 Sr-90 1.2 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.9 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 1.0 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 1.0 1-131 0.05+/-0.16 < 0.29 0.16 +/- 0.20 < 0.37 -0.20 +/- 0.26 < 0.47 0.5 K-40 1237 +/- 74 1503 +/- 76 1315 +/- 105 Cs-134 1.1 +/- 1.7 < 3.2 -0.5 +/- 1.0 < 1.6 0.0 +/- 1.5 < 3.2 5.0 Cs-137 0.6 +/- 1.8 < 3.3 0.9 +/- 1.4 < 2.0 0.7 +/- 1.9 < 3.1 5.0 Ba-La-140

-0.9 +/- 1.3 < 2.4 3.5 +/- 1.2 < 4.1 -0.5 +/- 1.9 < 1.2 5.0 Other (Co-60) 0.3 +/- 1.8 < 2.7 -0.7 +/- 1.4 < 2.0 0.8 +/- 1.8 < 3.1 15.0 Required Collection Date 04-10-13 05-15-13 06-12-13 LLD Lab Code EMI-1625 EMI-2545 EMI-3153 Sr-89 0.4 +/- 0.8 < 0.8 -0.2 +/- 0.7 < 0.7 -0.2 +/- 0.9 < 0.8 5.0 Sr-90 0.8 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.9 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 1.1 +/- 0.4 < 0.7 1.0 1-131 -0.03 +/- 0.14 < 0.26 -0.03 +/- 0.17 < 0.31 0.02 +/- 0.21 < 0.42 0.5 K-40 1421 +/- 100 1443 +/- 86 1450 +/- 122 Cs-134 -0.5 +/- 1.7 < 2.9 0.2 +/- 1.4 < 2.3 1.9+/-2.0 < 3.3 5.0 Cs-137 0.0 +/- 2.1 < 4.1 1.9 +/- 1.6 < 2.6 3.0 +/- 2.5 < 4.3 5.0 Ba-La-140 -2.3 +/- 1.8 < 2.0 0.9 +/- 1.3 < 4.4 -3.0+/-1.7 < 3.5 5.0 Other (Co-60) 0.1 +/- 1.9 < 2.4 -0.4 +/- 1.8 < 2.7 0.3 +/- 2.2 < 3.0 15.0 3-1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 3. Radioactivity in milk samples Collection

Monthly Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/L) E-11 Lambert Dair:y Farm MDC MDC MDC Required Collection Date 07-10-13 08-14-13 09-11-13 LLD Lab Code EMI-3773 EMI-4754 EMI-5381 Sr-89 0.8 +/- 0.9 < 0.8 0.1 +/-0.7 < 0.7 0.0 +/- 0.7 < 0.7 5.0 Sr-90 0.8 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 0.9 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.9 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 1.0 1-131 0.04 +/- 0.14 < 0.26 0.02 +/- 0.13 < 0.20 0.08 +/- 0.20 < 0.42 0.5 K-40 1368 +/- 101 1538 +/- 94 1545 +/- 126 Cs-134 -1.2 +/- 1.9 < 3.1 0.6 +/- 1.5 < 2.2 1.2 +/- 2.0 < 3.7 5.0 Cs-137 -0.1 +/- 2.1 < 3.3 0.6 +/- 1.9 < 3.2 2.3 +/- 2.5 < 4.7 5.0 Ba-La-140

-1.9 +/- 1.5 < 4.2 -3.2 +/- 1.4 < 1.9 -3.5 +/- 2.3 < 2.0 5.0 Other (Co-60) 1.4 +/- 2.1 < 3.7 -0.2 +/- 1.9 < 2.9 1.7+/-2.6 < 2.4 15.0 Required Collection Date 10-09-13 11-13-13 12-11-13 LLD /-* Lab Code EMI-6065 EMI-6999 EMI-7492 I Sr-89 0.4 +/- 0.9 < 0.8 0.2 +/- 1.0 < 0.8 0.2 +/- 0.7 < 0.7 5.0 Sr-90 1.0 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 1.6 +/- 0.4 < 0.5 0.9 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 1.0 1-131 -0.01 +/- 0.23 < 0.46 -0.08 +/- 0.15 < 0.27 -0.02 +/- 0.20 < 0.44 0.5 K-40 1366 +/- 107 1465 +/- 109 1532 +/- 105 Cs-134 -0.9 +/- 1.9 < 3.8 -1.9 +/- 1.8 < 3.5 -0.6 +/- 1.8 < 3.7 5.0 Cs-137 1.5 +/- 2.3 < 4.0 1.8 +/- 2.1 < 4.0 0.7 +/- 2.0 < 2.7 5.0 Ba-La-140 0.3 +/- 1.7 < 2.1 0.4 +/- 1.6 < 3.6 -1.2 +/- 2.0 < 1.8 5.0 Other (Co-60) 0.2 +/- 2.3 < 2.5 -1.9 +/- 2.1 < 3.1 1.8 +/- 2.1 < 3.3 15.0 3-2 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 3. Radioactivity in milk samples Collection

Monthly Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/L) E-21 Strutz Dair:y Farm MDC MDC MDC Required Collection Date 01-09-13 02-13-13 03-13-13 LLD Lab Code EMI-100 EMI-619 EMI-1076 Sr-89 0.0 +/- 0.7 < 0.7 0.2 +/- 0.5 < 0.6 0.2 +/- 0.8 < 0.9 5.0 Sr-90 0.6 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.1 +/- 0.2 < 0.5 0.4 +/- 0.3 < 0.6 1.0 1-131 -0.02 +/- 0.15 < 0.27 0.10 +/- 0.11 < 0.19 -0.08 +/- 0.24 < 0.44 0.5 K-40 1505 +/- 121 1441 +/- 78 1348 +/- 99 Cs-134 -0.7+/-2.1 < 3.2 -0.4 +/- 1.2 < 1.9 -1.9 +/- 1.4 < 2.0 5.0 Cs-137 0.3 +/- 2.6 < 3.9 -0.3 +/- 1.5 < 2.2 -0.7 +/- 2.1 < 3.5 5.0 Ba-La-140

-0.8 +/- 1.8 < 3.2 -2.0 +/- 1.1 < 2.8 -0.1 +/- 1.5 < 1.3 5.0 Other (Co-60) 0.2 +/- 2.5 < 4.1 0.4 +/- 1.4 < 2.1 0.4 +/- 1.8 < 2.5 15.0 Required Collection Date 04-10-13 05-15-13 06-12-13 LLD Lab Code EMI-1626 EMI-2546 EMI-3154 Sr-89 -0.6 +/- 0.7 < 0.9 -0.6 +/- 0.6 < 0.7 0.2 +/- 0.7 < 0.7 5.0 Sr-90 0.6 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.6 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.3 +/- 0.4 < 0.7 1.0 1-131 0.01 +/- 0.18 < 0.37 0.11 +/- 0.26 < 0.50 0.03 +/- 0.21 < 0.38 0.5 K-40 1437 +/- 108 1397 +/- 43 1513 +/- 128 Cs-134 0.2 +/- 1.7 < 3.2 -0.8 +/- 0.8 < 1.3 -0.9 +/- 2.2 < 3.5 5.0 Cs-137 1.2 +/- 2.0 < 3.6 -0.1 +/- 0.9 < 1.5 -2.2 +/- 2.6 < 4.5 5.0 Ba-La-140 0.4 +/- 1.8 < 2.0 0.3 +/- 0.7 < 3.3 -0.7 +/- 1.6 < 3.6 5.0 Other (Co-60) 1.4+/-2.3 < 3.1 -0.2 +/- 0.9 < 1.5 0.7 +/- 2.5 < 4.2 15.0 3-3 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 3. Radioactivjty in milk samples Collect i on: Monthly SCjmple Description and Concentration (pCi/L) E-21 Strutz Dair:y Farm MDC MDC MDC Required Collection Date 07-10-13 08-14-13 09-11-13 LLD Lab Code EMI-3774 EMI-4755 EMI-5382 Sr-89 0.1 +/- 0.7 < 0.8 -0.3 +/- 0.7 < 0.9 0.5 +/- 0.8 < 0.8 5.0 Sr-90 0.5 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.3 +/- 0.3 < 0.7 0.5 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 1.0 1-131 0.05 +/- 0.14 < 0.25 0.08 +/- 0.15 < 0.23 0.09+/-0.19 < 0.39 0.5 K-40 1479 +/- 98 1408 +/- 91 1490 +/- 125 Cs-134 -0.2 +/- 1.5 < 2.3 -0.4 +/- 1.2 < 1.9 -1.4 +/- 1.7 < 2.8 5.0 Cs-137 0.1 +/- 1.6 < 2.5 -0.7 +/- 1.6 < 2.6 2.7 +/- 2.2 < 4.1 5.0 Ba-La-140 1.3 +/- 1.4 < 3.3 0.8 +/- 1.3 < 2.1 0.9 +/- 1.3 < 2.0 5.0 Other (Co-60) 0.2 +/- 1.9 < 2.4 0.4 +/- 1.8 < 3.1 0.5 +/- 2.6 < 3.8 15.0 Required Collection Date 10-09-13 11-13-13 12-11-13 / LLD Lab Code EMI-6066 EMI-7000 EMI-7493 Sr-89 0.2 +/- 0.6 < 0.8 0.0 +/- 0.6 < 0.8 -0.6 +/- 0.7 < 0.8 5.0 Sr-90 0.2 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.2 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.7 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 1.0 1-131 0.03+/-0.19 < 0.34 0.01 +/- 0.20 < 0.39 0.21 +/- 0.22 < 0.41 0.5 K-40 1403 +/- 103 1484 +/- 96 1433 +/- 105 Cs-134 -0.8 +/- 1.8 < 2.9 -0.1 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 -0.1 +/- 1.9 < 3.5 5.0 Cs-137 -0.3 +/- 2.1 < 3.6 0.5 +/- 2.0 <3.8 -1.7+/-2.2 < 3.0 5.0 Ba-La-140 -0.1 +/- 1.8 < 2.1 2.3 +/- 1.5 < 3.2 -1.6 +/- 1.6 < 2.2 5.0 Other (Co-60) -1.2 +/- 1.8 < 1.8 0.1 +/- 1.8 < 1.7 0.2 +/- 2.2 < 3.5 15.0 3-4 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 3. Radioactivity in milk samples Collection

Monthly Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/L) E-40 Barta MDC MDC MDC Required Collection Date 01-09-13 02-13-13 03-13-13 LLD Lab Code EMI-101 EMI-620 EMI-1078 Sr-89 -0.4 +/- 0.7 < 0.7 -0.3 +/- 0.6 < 0.6 -0.4 +/- 0.7 < 0.7 5.0 Sr-90 0.8 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.5 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.7 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 1.0 1-131 0.10 +/- 0.15 < 0.26 0.19 +/- 0.22 < 0.43 0.02 +/- 0.18 < 0.33 0.5 K-4 0 1475 +/- 96 1404 +/- 73 1439 +/- 106 Cs-134 -1.2 +/- 1.4 < 2.2 0.5 +/- 1.0 < 1.6 -0.3 +/- 1.9 < 2.9 5.0 Cs-137 -0.5+/-1.7 < 3.0 0.3 +/- 1.3 < 2.2 2.2 +/- 2.1 < 4.2 5.0 Ba-La-140

-3.6 +/- 1.4 < 2.5 -3.7 +/- 1.2 < 2.5 -4.9 +/- 2.0 < 2.1 5.0 Other (Co-60) 0.1 +/- 1.8 < 2.4 -0.4 +/- 1.4 < 2.1 1.8 +/- 1.9 < 3.3 15.0 Required Collection Date 04-10-13 05-15-13 06-12-13 LLD Lab Code EMI-1627 EMI-2547 EMI-3156 r---Sr-89 0.0 +/- 0.7 < 0.7 -0.1 +/- 0.6 < 0.7 -0.2 +/- 0.6 < 0.6 5.0 Sr-90 0.5 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.7 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.7 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 1.0 1-131 -0.06 +/- 0.15 < 0.27 0.03 +/- 0.19 < 0.34 -0.14 +/- 0.15 < 0.29 0.5 K-40 1361 +/- 114 1427 +/- 43 1487 +/- 102 Cs-134 -1.3+/-2.2 < 3.6 0.1 +/- 0.6 < 1.3 0.5 +/- 1.3 < 2.3 5.0 Cs-137 1.8 +/- 2.5 < 3.8 0.2 +/- 0.8 < 1.5 2.0 +/- 1.8 < 3.4 5.0 Ba-La-140 -1.7 +/- 2.2 < 3.5 -0.9 +/- 0.7 < 2.6 -2.1 +/- 1.5 < 2.3 5.0 Other (Co-60) -0.4 +/- 2.5 < 3.3 0.6 +/- 0.9 < 1.6 -1.5 +/- 2.1 < 2.6 15.0 3-5 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 3. Radioactivity in milk samples Collection: Monthly Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/L} E-40 Barta MDC MDC Collection Date 07-10-13 08-14-13 Lab Code EMI-3775 EMI-4756 Sr-89 -0.2 +/- 0.7 < 0.8 -0.7 +/- 0.7 < 0.6 Sr-90 0.6 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.9 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 1-131 0.06+/-0.15 < 0.26 0.17 +/- 0.20 < 0.37 K-40 1473 +/- 88 1546 +/- 95 Cs-134 -1.3 +/- 1.5 < 2.2 -0.2 +/- 1.4 < 3.0 Cs-137 -1.9 +/- 1.8 < 2.9 -0.9+/-1.9 < 3.1 Ba-La-140 -2.0 +/- 1.7 < 4.9 1.6 +/- 1.4 < 4.2 Other (Co-60) -0.4 +/- 1.9 < 2.7 -0.4+/-2.1 < 3.0 Collection Date 10-09-13 11-13-13 Lab Code EMI-6067 EMI-7001 Sr-89 -0.1 +/- 0.6 < 0.6 -0.2 +/- 0.7 < 0.8 Sr-90 0.5 +/- 0.3 < 0.4 0.6 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 1-131 0.03 +/- 0.20 < 0.35 -0.02 +/- 0.17 < 0.30 K-40 1421 +/- 108 1428 +/- 109 Cs-134 -0.8 +/- 2.2 < 3.3 0.7 +/- 2.0 < 3.7 Cs-137 0.9+/-2.1 < 3.7 -1.9 +/- 2.3 < 2.1 Ba-La-140 1.6 +/- 1.5 < 3.1 -2.0 +/- 1.6 < 1.3 Other (Co-60) 0.9 +/- 1.8 < 2.1 -1.9+/-2.4 < 2.7 Sr-89 Annual Mean + s.d. -0.1 +/- 0.3 Sr-90 Annual Mean+ s.d. 0.7 +/- 0.3 1-131 Annual Mean+ s.d. 0.03 +/- 0.09 K-40 Annual Mean+ s.d. 1436 +/- 69 Cs-134 Annual Mean+ s.d. -0.3 +/- 0.8 Cs-137 Annual Mean+ s.d. 0.5 +/- 1.3 Ba-La Annual Mean+ s.d. -0.9 +/- 1.9 Co-60 Annual Mean + s.d. 0.2 +/- 0.9 3-6 MDC 09-11-13 EMI-5383 -0.6 +/- 0.7 < 0.7 1.1 +/-0.3 <0.4 0.10 +/- 0.11 < 0.19 1379 +/- 119 -0.6 +/- 1.9 < 3.7 1.2 +/- 2.2 < 3.8 -2.9 +/- 1.9 < 1.7 0.7 +/- 2.7 < 3.7 12-11-13 EMI-7494/ -0.5 +/- 0.6 < 0.6 0.7 +/- 0.3 < 0.5 0.08 +/- 0.11 < 0.19 1352 +/- 101 -0.1 +/- 1.7 < 3.1 0.1 +/- 2.1 < 3.5 0.5 +/- 1.7 < 2.6 1.3 +/- 2.1 < 3.2 Required LLD 5.0 1.0 0.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 15.0 Required LLD 5.0 1.0 0.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 15.0 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 4. Radioactivity in Well Water Samples, E-10 Collection

Quarterly Units: pCi/L 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qti*. Req. Annual LLD Mean +/-s.d Collection Date 01-16-13 04-09-13 07-10-13 10-16-13 Req. Lab Code EWW-185 EWW-1632 EWW-3811 EWW-6335 LLD Gross Beta 2.3 +/- 0.9 2.6 +/- 1.7 2.3 +/- 0.6 1.8 +/- 0.6 4.0 2.3 +/- 0.3 H-3 -1.9 +/- 72.4 28.3 +/- 71.9 11.0 +/- 75.1 71.0 +/- 76.6 500 27.1 +/- 31.8 Sr-89 -0.1 +/- 0.4 0.0 +/- 0.5 -0.3 +/- 0.4 -0.1 +/- 0.4 5.0 -0.1 +/- 0.1 Sr-90 0.0 +/- 0.2 0.0 +/- 0.2 0.1 +/- 0.2 0.0 +/- 0.2 1.0 0.0 +/- 0.1 1-131 0.07 +/- 0.11 -0.10 +/- 0.26 0.06 +/- 0.17 -0.09 +/- 0.2 2 0.5 -0.02 +/- 0.09 Mn-54 1.0 +/- 1.3 0.3 +/- 1.9 -0.2 +/- 0.7 1.7 +/- 1.8 10 0.7 +/- 0.8 Fe-59 0.1 +/- 2.0 -1.7+/-3.6 -1.8+/-1.4 1.8 +/- 3.5 30 -0.4 +/- 1.7 Co-58 -0.4 +/- 1.2 -1.1 +/- 1.5 0.1 +/- 0.8 -1.2 +/- 1.8 10 -0.6 +/- 0.6 Co-60 -0.2 +/- 1.2 1.1 +/- 1.7 -0.1 +/- 1.0 -0.5 +/- 1.9 10 0.1 +/- 0.7 Zn-65 0.3 +/- 2.3 3.4 +/- 3.8 -1.5+/-1.6 -1.7 +/- 4.1 30 0.1 +/- 2.3 Zr-Nb-95 -0.1 +/- 1.1 -1.6 +/- 2.0 -0.3 +/- 0.8 -2.2 +/- 2.0 15 -1.1 +/- 1.0 Cs-134 0.2 +/- 1.1 -0.2 +/- 1.7 0.2 +/- 0.7 -0.5 +/- 1.9 10 -0.1 +/- 0.3 Cs-137 0.1 +/- 1.4 0.0 +/- 2.2 0.3 +/- 1.0 -0.4 +/- 2.0 10 0.0 +/- 0.3 Ba-La-140 0.2 +/- 1.2 1.4 +/- 1.7 -1.8 +/- 1.0 0.2 +/- 2.4 15 0.0 +/- 1.3 Other (Ru-1 03) -0.9 +/- 1.1 -0.1 +/- 1.6 0.0 +/- 0.7 2.4 +/- 2.2 30 0.3 +/- 1.4 MDC Data Collection Date 01-12-12 04-09-13 07-10-13 10-16-13 Req. Lab Code EWW-185 EWW-1632 EWW-3811 EWW-6335 LLD Gross Beta <1.4 < 2.9 < 0.8 < 0.9 4.0 < 1.5 H-3 < 138.0 < 149.4 < 150.4 < 146.8 500 < 146.2 Sr-89 < 0.6 < 0.7 < 0.7 < 0.6 5.0 < 0.7 Sr-90 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 1.0 < 0.5 1-131 < 0.18 < 0.39 < 0.31 < 0.50 0.5 < 0.34 Mn-54 < 2.4 < 2.8 < 1.4 < 2.7 10 < 2.3 Fe-59 < 3.4 < 5.6 < 2.7 < 7.3 30 <4.8 Co-58 < 2.1 < 2.4 < 1.2 < 3.0 10 < 2.1 Co-60 < 2.0 < 2.8 < 1.8 < 1.1 10 < 1.9 Zn-65 < 2.7 < 5.0 < 2.7 < 5.6 30 <4.0 Zr-Nb-95 < 2.0 < 4.2 < 1.6 < 3.4 15 < 2.8 Cs-134 < 2.3 < 3.6 < 1.0 < 3.6 10 < 2.6 Cs-137 < 2.4 < 3.1 < 2.0 < 2.9 10 < 2.6 Ba-La-140

< 1.0 < 2.5 < 2.0 < 6.9 15 < 3.1 Other (Ru-1 03) < 2.0 < 3.0 < 1.7 < 3.6 30 < 2.6 4-1 POINT BEACH Table 5. Lake water, analyses for gross beta, iodine-131 and gamma emitting i sotopes. Location: E-01 (Meteorological Tower) Collection

Monthly composites Units: pCi/L , MDC Lab Code ELW-221 Date Collected 01-17-13 Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-Nb-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Other (Ru-1 03) Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-Nb-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Other (Ru-103) Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-Nb-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Other (Ru-1 03) ' 1.8 +/- 0.4 < 0.5 0.13 +/- 0.16 < 0.28 -3.5 +/- 10.4 < 26.6 0.0 +/- 1.2 < 1.8 3.2 +/- 2.5 < 5.0 0.2 +/- 1.4 < 1.7 -1.3 +/- 1.1 < 1.4 -2.1 +/- 2.6 < 2.8 -1 .0 +/- 1.4 < 2.2 -0.4 +/- 1.2 < 2.5 -0.4 +/- 1.6 < 3.0 -2.8 +/- 1.7 < 3.2 -0.8 +/- 1.3 < 3.2 ELW-2599 05-16-13 1.0 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 0.15 +/- 0.20 < 0.35 14.1 +/- 14.5 < 38.3 1.5 +/- 1.6 < 2.5 -3.2 +/- 3.0 < 4.0 -1.0 +/- 1.7 < 2.1 0.5 +/- 1.5 < 2.3 0.5 +/- 2.8 < 3.7 0.5 +/- 1.6 < 4.5 0.0 +/- 1.7 < 3.3 0.5 +/- 1.9 < 3.8 2.6 +/- 1.6 < 2.7 -0.6 +/- 1.4 < 4.0 ELW-5397 09-12-13 2.1 +/- 0.8 -0.10 +/- 0.13 12.4 +/- 14.6 0.5 +/- 1.6 -0.7 +/- 2.7 0.4 +/- 1.4 1.3 +/- 1.6 -3.4 +/- 3.0 -1.0 +/- 1.6 -0.2 +/- 1.5 0.0 +/- 1.6 0.5 +/- 1.5 -1.8 +/- 1.6 < 1.3 < 0.24 < 32.7 < 2.6 < 4.0 < 3.2 < 1.9 < 2.2 < 3.2 < 2.3 < 2.2 < 5.6 < 2.9 ELW-6 2 4 02-14-1 3 MDC 2.2 +/- 0.5 < 0.6 -0.02 +/- 0.21 < 0.45 12.8 +/- 13.1 < 31.0 0.3 +/- 1.4 < 2. 7 -0.4 +/- 3.3 < 4.5 -2.2 +/- 1.5 < 1 .3 -1.0 +/- 1.8 < 2.7 1.9 +/- 2.9 < 4.0 -1.3 +/- 1.6 < 3.1 -1.1 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 0.7 +/- 1.8 < 3.7 -2.7 +/- 2.0 < 6.4 0.6 +/- 1.6 < 3.6 ELW-3246 06-13-13 1.3 +/- 0.6 < 0.9 -0.16 +/- 0.14 < 0.22 -13.5 +/- 17.4 < 29.2 1.3 +/- 1.7 < 2.9 0.5 +/- 3.2 < 5.9 -0.2 +/- 1.7 < 2.8 1.8 +/- 1.8 < 2.9 0.8 +/- 3.4 < 4.2 -0.7 +/- 1.7 < 2.3 -0.4 +/- 1. 7 < 3.4 0.4 +/- 1.9 < 3.0 -3.2 +/- 2.1 < 5.5 -2.2 +/- 2.3 < 3.2 ELW-6329 10-16-13 1.2 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 0.04 +/- 0.14 < 0.25 -7.6 +/- 12.7 0.5+/-1.4 0.9 +/- 2.8 -0.8 +/- 1.6 0.8 +/- 1.3 -0.4 +/- 2.3 1.9 +/- 1.7 0.8 +/- 1.2 0.2 +/- 1.7 -2.5 +/- 1.9 -0.9 +/- 1.5 < 28.3 < 2.3 < 5.4 < 2.0 < 1.2 < 2.1 < 5.1 < 2.5 < 2.7 < 7.2 < 4.5 ELW-112 2 03-13-13 MDC 2.1 +/- 0.8 < 1.3 0.04 +/- 0.17 < 0.31 I 0.9 +/- 16.6 < 30.3 -0.3 +/- 1.8 < 3.5 0.3 +/- 3.4 < 7.3 0.0 +/- 1.6 < 3.3 -0.2 +/- 1.6 < 2.2 -2.1 +/- 3.9 < 5.4 -0.4 +/- 1.8 < 3.1 -0.2 +/- 1.6 < 2.7 -0.6 +/- 2.0 < 3.4 -2.4 +/- 2.0 < 3.9 -1.8 +/- 1.9 < 2.5 ELW-4 020 07-17-13 1.0 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 -0.02 +/- 0.15 < 0.22 -0.2 +/- 10.3 < 28.4 0.2 +/- 1.1 < 2.2 -2.2 +/- 2.0 < 2.8 0.7 +/- 1.1 < 2.8 1.2 +/- 1.3 < 2.1 -1.5 +/- 2.3 < 3.2 0.9 +/- 1.2 < 3.8 -0.2 +/- 1.0 < 1.6 -0.4 +/- 1 .3 < 2.2 0.4 +/- 1.5 < 6.0 1.9 +/- 1.3 < 3.1 ELW-7014 11-14-13 2.3 +/- 0.8 0.10 +/- 0.14 -7.7 +/- 11.3 -0.5 +/- 1.6 -0.3 +/- 2.4 -0.3 +/- 1.4 0.3 +/- 1.3 -0.7 +/- 2.9 0.1 +/- 1.5 0.2 +/- 1.2 1.2 +/- 1.4 -1.5 +/- 1.6 -0.4 +/- 1.3 < 1.3 < 0.24 < 18.7 < 2.5 < 3.2 < 2.2 < 1.6 < 4.9 < 2.3 < 2.4 < 2.9 < 2.5 < 2.8 ELW-1628 0 4-09-13 2.3 +/- 0.8 0.07 +/- 0.17 -4.3 +/- 11.5 -0.7 +/- 1.5 -1.7 +/- 2.6 0.3 +/- 1.1 0.2 +/- 1.5 0.8 +/- 2.6 0.8 +/- 1.4 0.1 +/- 1.0 -0.5 +/- 1.5 -0.6 +/- 1.6 -0.5 +/- 1.3 ELW-4854 08-15-13 0.8 +/- 0.4 0.06 +/- 0.18 -0.3 +/- 11.3 -0.8 +/- 1.3 0.8 +/- 2.4 -0.5 +/- 1.6 -0.1 +/-1.7 0.6 +/- 2.5 0.9 +/- 1.3 -0.3 +/- 1.4 -0.3 +/- 1.6 0.4 +/- 1.4 -0.3 +/- 1.4 ELW-7343 MDC < 1.3 < 0.30 < 19.9 < 2.0 < 4.0 < 2.0 < 2.1 < 4.1 < 3.4 < 1.7 < 2.6 < 2.4 < 2.8 < 0.6 < 0.32 < 26.0 < 1.2 < 4.2 < 2.3 < 2.2 < 4.4 < 2.7 < 2.3 < 2.0 < 3.3 < 3.1 1.0 +/- 0.5 v < 0.9 0.04 +/- 0.22 -2.0 +/- 12.1 1.4 +/- 1.3 0.6 +/- 2.7 -0.3 +/- 1.3 -0.6 +/- 1.1 0.5 +/- 2.6 -1.7 +/- 1.6 -2.0 +/- 1.5 -0.2 +/- 1.8 -1.0 +/- 1.7 0.3 +/- 1.4 < 0.45 < 25.6 < 2.2 < 7.1 < 2.5 < 1.4 < 3.7 < 2.7 < 2.9 < 2.6 < 3.1 < 2.7 Req.LLD 4.0 0.5 10 30 10 10 30 15 10 10 15 30 Req.LLD 4.0 0.5 10 30 10 10 30 15 10 10 15 30 Req. LLD 4.0 0.5 10 30 10 10 30 15 10 10 15 30 POINT BEACH Table 5. Lake water , analyses for gross beta, iodine-131 and gamma emitting isotop e s. Locat i on: E-05 (Two Creeks Park) Collect i on: Monthly compos i tes Units: pCi/L Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-5 4 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-Nb-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Other (Ru-103) Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-Nb-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Other (Ru-103) Lab Code Date Collected Gross beta 1-131 Be-7 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-Nb-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Other (Ru-103) ELW-222 01-17-13 MDC 1.2 +/- 0.3 < 0.4 0.10 +/- 0.22 < 0.43 -9.9 +/- 14.4 < 30.5 0.9+/-1.7 <2.9 2.2 +/- 2.5 < 4.8 0.6 +/- 1.6 < 2.6 0.8 +/- 1.9 < 3.3 2.4 +/- 2.9 < 4.1 -0.6 +/- 1.7 < 1.9 0.3 +/- 1.6 < 2.4 -2.2 +/- 1.9 < 2.5 1.2 +/- 1.9 < 5.6 0.8 +/- 1.7 < 3.6 ELW-2600 05-16-13 1.0+/-0.4 0.10 +/- 0.18 -7.5+/-10.1 0.0 +/- 1.3 -1.6+/-2.3 0.4 +/- 1.4 -1.2 +/- 1.6 -2.3 +/- 3.0 -0.1 +/- 1.4 0.0 +/- 1.1 1.4 +/- 1.5 2.5 +/- 1.6 -0.6 +/- 1.1 ELW-5398 09-12-13 < 0.6 < 0.31 < 17.6 < 2.2 < 3.3 < 2.8 < 1.8 < 3.3 < 2.3 < 2.4 < 2.7 < 4.6 < 3.1 4.1 +/- 0.8 < 1.9 0.00 +/- 0.14 < 0.24 0.5 +/- 10.8 < 25.7 -0.4 +/- 1.2 < 1.7 0.0 +/- 2.2 < 3.7 -0.7 +/- 1.2 < 1.8 0.1 +/- 1.7 < 2.7 -1.0 +/- 2.9 < 3.1 0.8 +/- 1.5 < 4.4 0.4 +/- 1.1 < 2.3 0.1 +/- 1.4 < 2.2 -3.8 +/- 1.6 < 6.6 -0.1 +/- 1.2 < 3.4 .I ELW-625 02-14-13 MDC 1.7+/-0.4 <0.6 -0.10 +/- 0.20 < 0.47 3.4 +/- 14.6 < 37.8 1.4 +/- 1.5 < 2.6 -4.7 +/- 2.7 < 3.9 -1.0 +/- 1.7 < 3.0 -0.7 +/- 1.6 < 2.1 -0.9 +/- 3.0 < 3.3 1.5 +/- 1.7 < 3.3 1.0 +/- 1.5 < 2.6 0.3 +/- 1.8 < 3.5 -1.3 +/- 1.7 < 2.3 -0.3 +/- 1.6 < 3.6 ELW-3247 06-13-13 0.8 +/- 0.5 < 0.8 -0.01 +/- 0.14 < 0.20 6.6 +/- 11.9 < 28.9 0.6 +/- 1.6 < 2.7 0.3 +/- 2.3 < 4.8 -1.7+/-1.4 <2.6 0.2 +/- 1.3 < 1.5 1.9 +/- 2.6 < 4.6 0.1 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 -0.5 +/- 1.5 < 2.2 1.5 +/- 1.5 < 2.3 -1.6 +/- 1.4 < 1.6 -2.0 +/- 1.4 < 2.8 ELW-6330 10-17-13 0.5 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 0.07 +/- 0.13 < 0.23 -3.1 +/- 10.7 < 19.7 -0.5 +/- 1.2 < 1.7 -2.5 +/- 2.0 < 4.1 -0.9 +/- 1.1 < 1.5 0.4 +/- 1.2 < 1.9 -1.2 +/- 1.9 < 2.2 -1.9 +/- 1.2 < 1.9 0.9 +/- 1.2 < 2.1 -0.1 +/- 1.3 < 1.9 -4.2 +/- 1.4 < 5.8 -0.8 +/- 1.3 < 2.6 ELW-1123 03-13-13 MDC 1.8 +/- 0.7 < 1.2 0.02 +/- 0.17 < 0.30 4.6 +/- 12.4 < 31.2 1.4 +/- 1.2 < 2.1 1.5 +/- 2.6 < 4.7 0.5 +/- 1.3 < 2.2 -1.7 +/- 1.5 < 2.1 -1.0 +/- 2.3 < 3.6 -0.7 +/- 1.5 < 3.0 0.5 +/- 1.2 < 2.5 -1.1 +/- 1.7 < 1.8 -0.4 +/- 1.8 < 2.3 -1.1 +/- 1.2 < 2.6 ELW-4021 07-17-13 0.9 +/- 0.4 -0.04 +/- 0.14 -3.8 +/- 13.0 -1.1 +/- 1.4 0.4 +/- 2.7 0.7 +/- 1.4 -0.6 +/- 1.6 0.9 +/- 2.6 2.3 +/- 1.6 0.3 +/- 1.2 0.1 +/- 2.1 0.6 +/- 1.4 -0.2 +/- 1.6 ELW-7015 11-14-13 < 0.6 < 0.21 < 32.6 < 2.5 < 5.2 < 2.2 < 2.7 < 2.9 < 4.4 < 2.2 < 4.0 < 5.2 < 3.1 2.7 +/- 0.8 < 1.2 0.04 +/- 0.12 < 0.22 -16.0 +/- 15.1 < 26.3 1.0 +/- 1.4 < 2.3 0.7 +/- 2.5 < 3.6 1.1 +/- 1.5 < 2.9 1.0 +/- 1.2 < 1.6 -1.7 +/- 3.3 < 3.8 1.0 +/- 1.9 < 3.7 0.7 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 -1.5 +/- 1.7 < 2.6 -2.5 +/- 1.8 < 3.4 -1.5 +/- 1.5 < 2.6 ELW-1629 04-09-13 3.8 +/- 0.8 0.14 +/- 0.20 2.3 +/- 15.0 0.8 +/- 1.7 0.7 +/- 3.3 -0.2 +/- 1.5 -0.4 +/- 2.1 1.6 +/- 3.3 0.0 +/- 1.8 -0.9 +/- 1.5 1.2 +/- 1.8 -0.7 +/- 1.8 1.5 +/- 2.0 ELW-4855 08-15-13 0.7 +/- 0.4 0.17 +/- 0.23 6.1 +/- 12.1 0.3 +/- 1.3 -0.2 +/- 2.6 0.5 +/- 1.4 -0.1 +/- 1.7 -2.0 +/- 2.2 -0.9 +/- 1.5 -0.3 +/- 1.4 1.5 +/- 1.7 -0.7 +/- 1.3 -0.1 +/- 1.4 I';JI DC Req.LLD < 1.2 4.0 < 0.34 0.5 < 36.1 < 2.4 10 < 5.1 30 < 3.2 10 < 3.3 10 < 5.1 30 < 2.4 15 < 2.3 10 < 1.8 10 < 4.3 15 < 4.8 30 < 0.6 < 0.44 < 29.7 < 2.3 < 5.5 < 2.3 <1.4 < 1.2 < 2.5 < 1.8 < 3.3 < 1.7 < 2.1 Req. LLD 4.0 0.5 10 30 10 10 30 15 10 10 15 30 ELW-7344 / 12-05-13 1.0 +/- 0.5 -0.08 +/- 0.14 -2.7 +/- 11.7 0.1 +/- 1.5 -0.6 +/- 2.5 -0.6 +/- 1.3 1.0 +/- 1.4 1.2 +/- 2.7 -1.4 +/- 1.9 0.2 +/- 1.5 0.3 +/- 1.8 0.4 +/- 1.5 0.6 +/- 1.4 < 0.8 < 0.27 < 20.5 < 2.5 < 3.3 <1.4 < 1.8 < 4.0 < 2.6 < 2.7 < 3.2 < 2.6 < 3.3 Req. LLD 4.0 0.5 10 30 10 10 30 15 10 10 15 30 POINT BEACH Table 5. Lake water, analyses for gross beta, iodine-131 and gamma emitting isotopes.

Location: E-06 (Coast Guard Station) Collection: Monthly composites Units: pCi/L MDC MDC MDC MDC 1:-Lab Code NS" NS" ELW-1124 EI!.W-1630 Date Collected 01-17-13 02-14-13 03-13-13 04-09-13 Req. LLD Gross beta 6.6 +/- 1.0 < 1.3 3.3 +/- 0.8 < 1.3 4.0 1-131 0.05 +/- 0.17 < 0.31 0.02 +/- 0.17 < 0.31 0.5 Be-7 -4.2 +/- 11.7 < 24.1 -1.2 +/- 11.9 < 23.5 Mn-54 0.3 +/- 1.4 < 2.4 -0.4 +/- 1.6 < 3.4 10 Fe-59 0.8 +/- 2.4 < 3.9 1.8 +/- 2.4 < 5.1 30 Co-58 0.9 +/- 1.5 < 2.4 -0.2 +/- 1.3 < 2.2 10 Co-60 -0.1 +/- 1.6 < 2.4 0.5 +/- 1.7 < 3.4 10 Zn-65 2.6 +/- 2.5 < 4.6 2.6 +/- 2.6 < 5.2 30 Zr-Nb-95 -0.1 +/- 1.4 < 2.2 0.0 +/- 1.5 < 2.3 15 Cs-134 -0.9 +/- 1.5 < 2.2 1.2 +/- 1.5 < 2.1 10 Cs-137 0.4 +/- 1.7 < 2.9 0.0 +/- 1.6 < 2.8 10 Ba-La-140 1.0 +/- 1.1 < 2.5 -0.6 +/- 1.5 < 4.4 15 Other (Ru-103) 0.0 +/- 1.3 < 2.8 -1.0 +/- 1.4 < 2.9 30 Lab Code ELW-2601 ELW-3248 ELW-4022 ELW-4856 Date Collected 05-16-13 06-13-13 07-17-13 08-15-13 Req. LLD Gross beta 0.9 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 1.4 +/- 0.6 < 0.9 1.0 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 1.0 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 4.0 1-131 0.10 +/- 0.15 < 0.26 0.09 +/- 0.20 < 0.35 0.06 +/- 0.15 < 0.22 0.13 +/- 0.23 < 0.40 0.5 Be-7 -5.5 +/- 12.0 < 23.5 -12.4 +/- 12.5 < 19.6 2.9 +/- 10.5 < 26.2 3.2 +/- 16.4 < 31.3 Mn-54 -0.2 +/- 1.3 < 2.2 0.1 +/- 1.4 < 1.9 0.8 +/- 1.4 < 2.5 1.3 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 10 Fe-59 -1.8 +/- 2.7 < 3.1 -1.1 +/- 2.8 < 3.0 -0.1 +/- 2.4 < 5.3 0.8 +/- 3.0 < 5.6 30 Co-58 -0.8 +/- 1.4 < 2.0 -0.7 +/- 1.2 < 2.0 -0.7 +/- 1.2 < 2.4 0.6 +/- 1.7 < 3.8 10 Co-60 -2.8 +/- 1.9 < 2.2 -1.2 +/- 1.7 < 2.4" 0.2 +/- 1.6 < 2.4 0.8 +/- 1.8 < 3.0 10 Zn-65 1.3 +/- 2.8 < 4.5 0.5 +/- 2.9 < 4.3 1.5 +/- 2.5 < 4.7 -3.1 +/- 3.7 < 4.4 30 Zr-Nb-95 -0.1 +/- 1.5 < 2.2 -1.6 +/- 1.5 < 1.7 0.2 +/- 1.3 < 2.4 0.4 +/- 1.6 < 3.7 15 Cs-134 -0.7 +/- 1.2 < 1.9 0.2 +/- 1.2 < 2.0 0.2 +/- 1.3 < 2.5 -0.8 +/- 1.9 < 2.7 10 Cs-137 1.3 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 -1.0 +/- 1.6 < 2.5 -0.1 +/- 1.5 < 2.7 -0.3 +/- 1.9 < 2.7 10 Ba-La-140 -1.1 +/- 1.5 < 2.5 -2.5 +/- 1.4 < 1.7 0.4 +/- 1.3 < 4.6 -0.1 +/-2.1 < 7.2 15 Other (Ru-103) -1.3 +/- 1.4 < 3.3 0.4 +/- 1.4 < 3.4 -1.4 +/- 1.2 < 2.1 -1.3 +/- 2.0 < 2.3 30 / Lab Code ELW-5399 ELW-6331 ELW-7016 ELW-7345 Date Collected 09-12-13 10-17-13 11-14-13 12-05-13 Req. LLD Gross beta 2.0 +/- 0.8 < 1.2 0.9 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 1.6 +/- 0.8 < 1.3 1.5 +/- 0.6 < 0.9 4.0 1-131 0.06 +/- 0.14 < 0.24 0.04 +/- 0.14 < 0.25 -0.06 +/- 0.11 < 0.21 -0.01 +/- 0.19 < 0.38 0.5 Be-7 0.2 +/- 10.8 < 26.6 -3.8 +/- 9.1 < 17.6 10.1 +/- 12.0 < 31.9 -9.0 +/- 12.1 < 21.4 Mn-54 1.1 +/- 1.2 < 2.4 -0.9 +/- 1.2 < 1.7 -0.3 +/- 1.5 < 2.0 -0.5 +/- 1.4 < 1.9 10 Fe-59 1.7+/-2.4 < 6.3 -0.5 +/- 2.1 < 4.4 -2.7 +/- 2.9 < 3.8 0.1 +/- 2.2 < 3.3 30 Co-58 -0.8 +/- 1.2 < 1.5 0.1 +/- 1.3 < 1.7 0.4 +/- 1.5 < 1.6 1.4 +/- 1.2 < 2.1 10 Co-60 1.3 +/- 1.3 < 1.9 1.2 +/- 1.2 < 1.7 -0.2 +/- 1.6 < 2.1 0.3 +/- 1.8 < 2.8 10 Zn-65 -0.4 +/- 2.5 < 4.3 -0.9 +/- 2.0 < 1.8 -0.1 +/- 3.1 < 3.6 -2.6 +/- 2.9 < 3.9 30 Zr-Nb-95 -2.6+/-1.3 < 2.4 -0.5 +/- 1.2 < 3.0 1.4 +/- 1.6 < 3.0 -1.7 +/- 1.5 < 2.0 15 Cs-134 -1.1 +/- 1.4 < 2.2 -0.1 +/- 1.1 < 2.3 -0.5 +/- 1.7 < 3.1 1.0 +/- 1.5 < 2.6 10 Cs-137 0.5 +/- 1.3 < 2.4 0.8 +/- 1.5 < 3.2 0.1 +/- 1.8 < 2.2 -0.1 +/- 1.8 < 2.8 10 Ba-La-140 2.2 +/- 1.6 < 8.6 2.2 +/- 1.4 < 5.4 -3.5 +/- 2.0 < 3.9 0.3 +/- 1.5 < 1.8 15 Other (Ru-103) -0.5 +/- 1.2 < 2.4 -0.3 +/- 1.0 < 2.5 -0.9 +/- 1.7 < 4.8 -0.3 +/- 1.4 < 2.7 30 * "NS" = No sample; see Table 2.0, Listing of Missed Samples. POINT BEACH Table 5. Lake water, analyses for gross beta, iodine-131 and gamma emitting isotopes. Location: E-33 (Kewaunee) Collection

Monthly composites Units: pCi/L MDC MDC MDC MDC "I Lab Code ELW-223 ELW-626 ELW-1125 ELW-1631 Date Collected 01-17-13 02-14-13 03-13-13 04-09-13 Req. LLD Gross beta 1.2 +/- 0.3 < 0.4 1.2 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 1.9 +/- 0.8 < 1.3 1.7 +/- 0.8 < 1.3 4.0 1-131 -0.08 +/- 0.17 < 0.31 0.12 +/- 0.19 < 0.36 -0.03 +/- 0.22 < 0.45 0.14 +/- 0.17 < 0.30 0.5 Be-7 3.9 +/- 10.5 < 23.3 0.3 +/- 10.6 < 30.3 13.7 +/- 16.7 < 29.7 -5.2 +/- 10.9 < 17.8 Mn-54 0.3 +/- 1.5 < 2.4 0.5 +/- 1.2 < 2.0 -0.6 +/- 1.6 < 2.6 -0.1 +/- 1.4 < 2.6 10 Fe-59 -0.2 +/- 2.6 < 3.1 -1.9+/-2.3 < 4.5 -3.2 +/- 3.3 < 4.2 0.4+/-2.1 < 3.5 30 Co-58 -0.7 +/- 1.5 < 1.6 0.9 +/- 1.3 < 2.9 3.0 +/- 1.5 < 2.6 -1.1 +/- 1.5 < 2.6 10 Co-60 0.3 +/- 1.2 < 2.1 -1.3 +/- 1.3 < 1.8 0.5 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 -1.0 +/- 1.7 < 2.4 10 Zn-65 0.7 +/- 3.3 < 5.7 2.5 +/- 2.3 < 2.4 -5.0 +/- 3.7 < 2.4 -0.4 +/- 3.0 < 3.2 30 Zr-Nb-95 0.4 +/- 1.6 < 2.8 0.2 +/- 1.3 < 2.5 0.4 +/- 1.4 < 3.0 -0.7 +/- 1.6 < 3.5 15 Cs-134 -0.1 +/- 1.6 < 2.5 -0.3 +/- 1.3 < 2.2 -0.4 +/- 1.8 < 2.5 -0.2 +/- 1.1 < 2.0 10 Cs-137 1.3 +/- 1.8 < 3.4 0.5 +/- 1.6 < 2.8 -0.5 +/- 1.9 < 2.5 -0.4 +/- 1.8 < 2.6 10 Ba-La-140 0.3 +/- 1.9 < 3.7 0.6 +/- 1.3 < 3.5 -0.2 +/- 1.4 < 3.2 -2.9 +/- 1.8 < 2.2 15 Other (Ru-103) 0.8 +/- 1.4 < 3.2 -0.3 +/- 1.3 < 2.6 -1.5 +/- 1.9 < 3.3 -1.1 +/- 1.3 < 2.6 30 Lab Code ELW-2602 ELW-3249 ELW-4023 ELW-4858 Date Collected 05-16-13 06-13-13 07-18-13 08-15-13 Req. LLD Gross beta 1.3 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 0.8 +/- 0.5 < 0.8 0.8 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 0.7 +/- 0.4 < 0.6 4.0 1-131 0.13 +/- 0.18 < 0.31 -0.16 +/- 0.13 < 0.20 0.04 +/- 0.13 < 0.20 0.06 +/- 0.18 < 0.31 0.5 Be-7 2.2 +/- 8.0 < 13.5 7.5 +/- 12.1 < 31.8 -0.1 +/- 13.5 < 35.2 -18.0 +/- 11.8 < 23.2 Mn-54 0.5 +/- 0.8 < 1.9 1.4 +/- 1.1 < 2.2 0.3 +/- 1.4 < 1.7 -1.3 +/- 1.6 < 2.3 10 Fe-59 -2.7 +/- 1.6 < 2.3 0.2 +/- 2.5 < 5.0 -0.5 +/- 2.6 < 4.8 -0.6 +/- 2.7 < 4.5 30 Co-58 0.3 +/- 0.7 < 1.7 0.2 +/- 1.2 < 2.2 -1.8 +/- 1.4 < 1.9 -0.5 +/- 1.4 < 2.5 10 Co-60 0.9 +/- 0.9 < 1.5 1.3 +/- 1.3 < 2.3 -1.6 +/- 1.7 < 1.3 -0.2 +/- 2.1 < 2.6 10 Zn-65 -1.1 +/- 1.8 < 3.0 1.4 +/- 2.4 < 3.3 -0.4 +/- 2.9 < 4.3 1.4 +/- 2.9 < 3.3 30 Zr-Nb-95 0.0 +/- 0.8 < 1.6 0.8 +/- 1.3 < 3.1 -1.2 +/- 1.8 < 4.0 1.4 +/- 1.8 < 4.0 15 Cs-134 -0.3 +/- 0.9 < 1.5 -0.2 +/- 1.2 < 2.3 -0.4 +/- 1.6 < 2.2 0.9 +/- 1.4 < 2.4 10 Cs-137 0.3 +/- 1.0 < 2.0 -0.1 +/- 1.4 < 2.3 2.2+/-1.7 < 2.9 1.3 +/- 1.8 < 3.5 10 Ba-La-140 1.5 +/- 1.0 < 7.2 1.1 +/- 1.3 < 4.8 -7.5 +/- 2.0 < 4.1 -2.1 +/- 1.5 < 3.0 15 Other (Ru-1 03) -1.2+/-0.9 < 1.8 0.3 +/- 1.3 < 2.8 -0.7 +/- 1.5 < 3.2 -0.5 +/- 1.6 < 3.1 30 Lab Code ELW-5400 ELW-6332 ELW-7017 ELW-7346 / Date Collected 09-12-13 10-17-13 11-14-13 12-05-13 Req. LLD Gross beta 1.8 +/- 0.7 < 1.1 1.0 +/- 0.6 < 0.6 2.8 +/- 0.8 < 1.3 0.4 +/- 0.5 < 0.9 4.0 1-131 -0.01 +/- 0.11 < 0.21 -0.01 +/- 0.13 < 0.24 0.06 +/- 0.15 < 0.30 -0.06 +/- 0.14 < 0.25 0.5 Be-7 -5.2 +/- 10.4 < 30.9 3.8 +/- 13.0 < 33.3 10.2+/-12.1 < 31.3 7.5 +/- 15.9 < 33.4 Mn-54 -0.9 +/- 1.2 < 2.2 0.4 +/- 1.8 < 2.6 0.0 +/- 1.7 < 3.1 2.1 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 10 Fe-59 -1.0 +/- 2.2 < 1.7 -0.4 +/- 2.7 < 5.1 -2.1 +/- 2.8 < 3.6 3.8 +/- 2.4 < 3.5 30 Co-58 0.5 +/- 1.2 < 2.0 0.2 +/- 1.5 < 2.9 0.3 +/- 1.4 < 2.4 0.2 +/- 1.8 < 3.3 10 Co-60 -0.9 +/- 1.4 < 2.0 0.9 +/- 1.8 < 2.8 -1.3 +/- 1.5 < 1.5 0.9 +/- 1.6 < 3.0 10 Zn-65 -0.4 +/- 2.0 < 2.3 -0.6 +/- 2.9 < 4.7 -1.0+/-3.1 < 4.5 3.6 +/- 3.2 < 5.0 30 Zr-Nb-95 0.4 +/- 1.4 < 3.5 -1.0+/-1.7 < 3.8 -2.4 +/- 1.6 < 2.2 1.8 +/- 1.7 < 3.3 15 Cs-134 -0.2 +/- 1.0 < 1.8 0.6 +/- 1.6 < 3.2 0.1 +/- 1.3 < 3.0 0.3 +/- 1.7 < 3.3 10 Cs-137 -1.0 +/- 1.5 < 1.9 1.1 +/- 1.9 < 3.6 -0.1 +/- 1.9 < 3.1 -0.6 +/- 1.7 < 3.2 10 Ba-La-140

-0.8 +/- 1.7 < 8.4 -5.2 +/- 2.3 < 12.1 -0.6 +/- 1.9 < 4.0 0.7 +/- 1.9 < 5.4 15 Other (Ru-103) -1.2 +/- 1.2 < 2.6 0.1 +/- 1.5 < 4.3 0.2 +/- 1.6 < 3.5 -2.5 +/- 2.1 < 3.5 30 Annual All locations Mean +/- s.d. Mean +/- s.d. Mean +/- s.d. Gross Beta 1.6 +/- 1.1 1-131 0.03 +/- 0.08 Co-58 -0.1 +/- 0.9 Cs-134 -0.1 +/- 0.6 Be-7 -0.4 +/- 7.7 Co-60 0.0 +/- 1.0 Cs-137 0.2 +/- 0.9 Mn-54 0.3 +/- 0.8 Zn-65 -0.1 +/- 1.8 Ba-La-140 -0.9 +/- 2.1 Fe-59 -0.3 +/- 1.7 Zr-Nb-95 -0.1+/-1.1 Ru-103 -0.5 +/- 0.9 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT T a ble 6. Lake water, analyses for tritium, strontium-89 and strontium-90. C ollection: Qu M rterly composites of weekly grab samples . Units: pCi/L Location E-01 (Meteorological Tower) Period 1st Qtr. MDC 2ndQtr. MDC 3rd Qtr. Lab Code ELW-1148 ELW-3352 ELW-5441 H-3 59 +/-73 < 146 24 +/-81 < 153 23 +/- 72 Sr-89 0.44 +/- 0.61 < 0.74 -0.29 +/- 0.50 < 0.72 -0.36 +/- 0.68 Sr-90 0.19 +/- 0.25 < 0.49 0.38 +/-0.24 < 0.43 0.17 +/- 0.30 Location E-05 (Two Creeks Park) Period 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. Lab Code ELW-1149 ELW-3353 ELW-5442 H-3 348 +/- 87 a < 146 93 +/-85 < 153 9 +/- 71 Sr-89 0.10 +/-0.68 < 0.84 -0.14 +/- 0.52 < 0.76 0.20 +/- 0.60 Sr-90 0.35 +/-0.28 < 0.53 0.36 +/-0.24 < 0.44 0.00 +/- 0.25 Location E-06 {Coast Guard Station) Period 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. Lab Code ELW-1150 ELW-3354 ELW-5443 H-3 45 +/-72 < 146 99 +/-85 < 153 33 +/- 73 Sr-89 0.54 +/-0.70 < 0.81 -0.50 +/- 0.51 < 0.69 -0.39 +/- 0.58 Sr-90 0.23 +/-0.28 < 0.54 0.45 +/- 0.26 < 0.44 0.44 +/- 0.25 Location E-33 {Kewaunee) Period 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. Lab Code ELW-1151 ELW-3355 ELW-5444 H-3 123 +/- 76 < 146 121 +/-97 / < 153 52+/- 74 Sr-89 0.54 +/-0.60 < 0.70 0.03 +/-0.51 < 0.74 0.55 +/- 0.60 Sr-90 0.21 +/-0.24 < 0.46 0.20 +/-0.23 < 0.43 0.27 +/- 0.24 a Monthly results: Jan= <147, Feb= 882+/-109, March= <146 pCi/L. b February tritium requested on E-01 = <150 pCi/L and E-33 = <150 pCi/L. Tritium Annual Mean +/- s.d. Sr-89 Annual Mean +/- s.d. Sr-90 Annual Mean +/- s.d. 66 +/-88 0.11 +/- 0.36 0.25 +/- 0.14 6-1 MDC 4th Otr. MDC ELW-7381 Req. LLDs < 143 -47 +/- 77 < 151 500 < 0.90 0.48 +/- 0.60 < 0.81 5.0 < 0.61 -0.03 +/-0.24 < 0.52 1.0 4th Qtr. ELW-7382 Req. LLDs < 143 29 +/-81 < 151 500 < 0.83 0.09 +/- 0.60 < 0.81 5.0 < 0.53 0.16 +/-0.25 < 0.49 1.0 4th Qtr. ELW-7383 Req. LLDs < 143 3 +/-79 < 151 500 < 0.69 0.41 +/- 0.64 < 0.75 5.0 < 0.43 0.25 +/-0.26 < 0.48 1.0 4th Qtr. ELW-7384 Req.LLDs < 143 37 +/-81 < 151 500 < 0.69 0.00 +/-0.63 < 0.77 5.0 < 0.44 0.31 +/-0.26 < 0.48 1.0 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 7. Fish, analyses for gross beta and gamma emitting isotopes. Location: E-13 ! ..*. Collection

2x I year Units: pCi/g wet Sample Description and Concentration Req. MDC MDC MDC LLD Collection Date 01-28-13 03-05-13 04-25-13 Lab Code EF-1126 EF-1127 EF-2231: Type Lake Trout Rainbow Trout Whitefish Ratio (wet/dry wt.) 4.88 5.39 3.64 Gross Beta 2.90 +/- 0.08 < 0.030 3.14 +/- 0.09 < 0.040 3.53 +/- 0.08 < 0.029 0.5 K-40 2.75 +/- 0.41 2.83 +/- 0.41 2.80 +/- 0.38 Mn-54 -0.011 +/- 0.009 < 0.006 0.005 +/- 0.008 < 0.011 0.000 +/- 0.009 < 0.014 0.13 Fe-59 0.026 +/- 0.020 < 0.037 0.005 +/- 0.015 < 0.029 0.014 +/- 0.016 < 0.034 0.2 6 Co-58 -0.001 +/- 0.006 < 0.011 -0.002 +/- 0.008 < 0.007 0.008 +/- 0.008 < 0.012 0.13 Co-60 -0.010 +/- 0.010 < 0.012 -0.005 +/- 0.010 < 0.012 0.014 +/- 0.007 < 0.005 0.13 Zn-65 -0.033 +/- 0.021 < 0.009 -0.025 +/- 0.024 < 0.009 0.043 +/- 0.019 < 0.022 0.26 Cs-134 0.006 +/- 0.009 < 0.016 0.008 +/- 0.006 < 0.006 -0.008 +/- 0.009 < 0.006 0.13 Cs-137 0.036 +/- 0.019 < 0.010 0.032 +/- 0.016 < 0.013 0.012 +/- 0.012 < 0.015 0.15 Other (Ru-103) 0.014 +/- 0.008 < 0.034 0.013 +/- 0.007 < 0.015 0.005 +/- 0.009 < 0.026 0.5 Collection Date 04-25-13 06-16-13 06-20-13 Lab Code EF-2232 EF-3776 EF-3778 Type Whitefish Salmon Brown Trout Ratio (wet/dry wt.) 3.56 4.22 8.10 Gross Beta 3.62 +/- 0.08 < 0.027 4.52 +/- 0.09 < 0.028 2.58 +/- 0.06 < 0.021 0.5 K-40 2.75 +/- 0.37 3.40 +/- 0.41 2.31 +/- 0.38 Mn-54 0.006 +/- 0.008 < 0.013 0.004 +/- 0.008 < 0.017 0.008 +/- 0.008 < 0.017 0.13 Fe-59 -0.008 +/- 0.016 < 0.038 0.010 +/- 0.014 < 0.054 -0.01 4 +/- 0.016 < 0.037 0.26 Co-58 0.000 +/- 0.008 < 0.009 -0.008 +/- 0.008 < 0.013 -0.008 +/- 0.008 < 0.015 0.13 Co-60 -0.012 +/- 0.012 < 0.007 0.001 +/- 0.008 < 0.005 -0.001 +/- 0.011 < 0.012 0.13 Zn-65 -0.007 +/- 0.023 < 0.022 -0.005 +/- 0.018 < 0.030 0.001 +/- 0.019 < 0.031 0.26 Cs-134 0.000 +/- 0.008 < 0.007 0.003 +/- 0.007 < 0.014 0.003 +/- 0.008 < 0.015 0.13 Cs-137 0.009 +/- 0.012 < 0.018 0.039 +/- 0.015 < 0.015 0.013 +/- 0.011 < 0.019 0.1 5 Other (Ru-1 03) -0.026 +/- 0.008 < 0.016 -0.009 +/- 0.006 < 0.016 -0.005 +/- 0.008 < 0.023 0.5 7-1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 7. Fish, analyses for gross and gamma em i tting isotopes.

Location: E-13 Collection: 2 x I year Units: pCi/g wet Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/g wet) Req. MDC MDC MDC LLD Collection Date 07-22-13 07-09-13 09-09-13 Lab Code EF-4 565 EF-4566 EF-627 4 Type Salmon Perch Perch Ratio (weUdry wt.) 3.53 5.52 4.76 Gross Beta 4.4 5 +/- 0.09 < 0.030 2.41 +/- 0.06 < 0.022 3.4 4 +/- 0.07 0.5 K-40 3.22 +/- 0.39 2.85 +/- 0.80 2.56 +/- 0.76 Mn-54 0.002 +/- 0.008 < 0.014 -0.002 +/- 0.027 < 0.0 4 9 -0.016 +/- 0.019 < 0.026 0.13 Fe-59 -0.012 +/- 0.016 < 0.025 -0.015 +/- 0.041 < 0.100 0.031 +/- 0.04 4 < 0.135 0.26 Co-58 -0.013 +/- 0.008 < 0.011 -0.032 +/- 0.026 < 0.051 -0.008 +/- 0.021 < 0.047 0.13 Co-60 0.003 +/- 0.010 < 0.013 0.002 +/- 0.024 < 0.031 -0.006 +/- 0.021 < 0.028 0.13 Zn-65 -0.028 +/- 0.017 < 0.031 -0.073 +/- 0.057 < 0.101 -0.120 +/- 0.056 < 0.075 0.26 Cs-134 -0.002 +/- 0.008 < 0.014 -0.005 +/- 0.030 < 0.061 -0.003 +/- 0.022 < 0.042 0.13 Cs-137 0.009 +/- 0.011 < 0.014 0.111 +/- 0.054 < 0.061 0.029 +/- 0.027 < 0.052 0.15 Other (Ru-1 03) -0.014 +/- 0.007 < 0.017 -0.004 +/- 0.025 < 0.110 -0.006 +/- 0.022 < 0.087 0.5 Collection Date 10-01-13 10-14-13 10-28-13 Lab Code EF-6275 EF-6276 EF-6830 Type Lake Trout Lake Trout Sal mom Ratio (weUdry wt.) 3.53 4.36 4.79 Gross Beta 3.00 +/- 0.06 < 0.021 3.92 +/- 0.08 < 0.025 4.25 +/- 0.08 < 0.023 0.5 K-40 2.64 +/- 0.35 3.04 +/- 0.44 3.68 +/- 0.39 Mn-54 0.004 +/- 0.009 < 0.013 -0.002 +/- 0.010 < 0.013 0.003 +/- 0.007 < 0.015 0.1 3 Fe-59 0.007 +/- 0.019 < 0.039 -0.040 +/- 0.024 < 0.031 0.001 +/- 0.016 < 0.026 0.26 Co-58 -0.005 +/- 0.008 < 0.013 -0.001 +/- 0.010 < 0.018 0.010 +/- 0.008 < 0.017 0.13 Co-60 -0.006 +/- 0.011 < 0.011 0.005 +/- 0.012 < 0.019 0.001 +/- 0.007 < 0.006 0.13 Zn-65 0.002 +/- 0.020 < 0.019 -0.004 +/- 0.023 < 0.027 0.005 +/- 0.017 < 0.019 0.26 Cs-134 0.000 +/- 0.009 < 0.017 -0.002 +/- 0.009 < 0.017 -0.001 +/- 0.008 < 0.015 0.13 Cs-137 0.027 +/- 0.011 < 0.018 0.016 +/- 0.014 < 0.025 0.038 +/- 0.020 < 0.019 0.15 Other (Ru-1 03) -0.006 +/- 0.009 < 0.019 0.001 +/- 0.010 < 0.014 0.000 +/- 0.006 < 0.010 0.5 7-2 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 7. Fish, analyses for gross beta and gamma. emitting isotopes. Location: E-13 Collection: 2x I year

  • Units: pCi/g wet Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/g wet) MDC MDC Collection Date 10-28-13 10-28-13 Lab Code EF-6831 EF-6832 Type Whitefish Lake Trout Ratio (wet/dry wt.) 2.63 3.64 Gross Beta 3.56 +/- 0.07 < 0.024 3.86 +/- 0.08 < 0.025 K-40 3.18 +/- 0.42 2.44 +/- 0.32 Mn-54 0.002 +/- 0.009 < 0.015 0.011 +/- 0.009 < 0.016 Fe-59 -0.002 +/- 0.015 < 0.029 -0.012 +/- 0.015 < 0.033 Co-58 -0.002 +/- 0.009 < 0.014 0.003 +/- 0.007 < 0.014 Co-60 0.007 +/- 0.009 < 0.013 0.007 +/- 0.009 < 0.014 Zn-65 0.006 +/- 0.019 < 0.016 0.007 +/- 0.016 < 0.028 Cs-134 0.000 +/- 0.008 < 0.014 0.006 +/- 0.008 < 0.015 Cs-137 0.010 +/- 0.010 < 0.020 0.013 +/- 0.010 < 0.015 Other (Ru-103) -0.004 +/- 0.007 < 0.016 -0.006 +/- 0.007 < 0.016 7-3 Annual Mean +/- s.d. 3.51 +/- 0.66 2.89 +/- 0.38 0.001 +/- 0.007 -0.001 +/- 0.018 -0.004 +/- 0.010 0.000 +/- 0.007 -0.016 +/- 0.040 0.000 +/- 0.005 0.028 +/- 0.026 -0.003 +/- 0.010 Req. MDC LLD 0.5 0.13 0.26 0.13 0.13 0.26 0.13 0.15 0.5 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 8. Radioactivity in shoreline sediment samples Collection:

Semiannual Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/g dry} MDC MDC MDC Collection Date 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 Lab Code ESS-1645 ESS-1646 ESS-1647 LLD Location E-01 E-05 E-06 Gross Beta 12.38 +/- 0.90 < 1.00 10.83 +/- 0.86 < 0.97 12.12 +/- 0.90 < 1.01 2.0 Be-7 0.064 +/- 0.048 < 0.1 3 0.13 +/- 0.050 < 0.14 0.093 +/- 0.048 < 0.14 K-40 2.90 +/- 0.54 5.17 +/- 0.74 8.00 +/- 0.4 5 Cs-134 -0.002 +/- 0.006 < 0.010 0.001 +/- 0.005 < 0.011 -0.005 +/- 0.007 < 0.010 0.15 Cs-137 0.032 +/- 0.016 < 0.012 0.010 +/- 0.007 < 0.011 0.029 +/- 0.013 < 0.010 0.1 5 Tl-208 0.040 +/- 0.012 0.032 +/- 0.014 0.032 +/- 0.017 Pb-212 0.12 +/- 0.023 0.1 2 +/- 0.026 0.15 +/- 0.051 Bi-214 0.082 +/- 0.026 0.077 +/- 0.025 0.11 +/- 0.024 Ra-226 0.19 +/- 0.14 < 0.26 0.45 +/- 0.13 < 0.26 0.36 +/- 0.1 4 < 0.26 Ac-228 0.18 +/- 0.059 0.16 +/- 0.061 0.19 +/- 0.054 Collection Date 4/9/2013 4/9/2013 Lab Code ESS-1648 ESS-1649 Location E-12 E-33 Gross Beta 8.67 +/- 0.81 < 0.95 11.38 +/- 0.93 < 1.06 2.0 Be-7 0.074 +/- 0.051 < 0.13 0.088 +/- 0.056 < 0.13 K-40 5.93 +/- 0.38 7.86 +/- 0.46 Cs-134 -0.008 +/- 0.005 < 0.006 0.002 +/- 0.006 < 0.008 0.15 Cs-137 0.027 +/- 0.013 < 0.010 0.031 +/- 0.015 < 0.013 0.15 Tl-208 0.043 +/- 0.017 0.034 +/- 0.016 Pb-212 0.15 +/- 0.049 0.12 +/- 0.041 < 0.090 Bi-214 0.10 +/- 0.024 0.075 +/- 0.024 Ra-226 0.38 +/- 0.14 < 0.25 0.29 +/- 0.16 Ac-228 0.15 +/- 0.047 0.15 +/- 0.057 8-1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT RADIOACTIVITY IN SHORELINE SEDIMENT SAMPLES (Semiannual Collections) Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/g dry) MDC MDC MDC Collection Date 10/16/2013 10/17/2013 10/17/2013 Req. Lab Code ESS-6461 ESS-6462 ESS-6463 LLD Location E-01 E-05 E-06 Gross Beta 11.5 6 +/- 1.01 < 1.20 10.08 +/- 0.96 < 1.17 10.02 +/- 0.92 < 1.10 2.0 Be-7 0.058 +/- 0.053 < 0.12 -0.032 +/- 0.050 < 0.09 0.042 +/- 0.061 < 0.16 K-40 8.26 +/- 0.50 8.80 +/- 0.50 6.95 +/- 0.45 Cs-134 -0.005 +/- 0.006 < 0.010 -0.004 +/- 0.007 < 0.011 -0.003 +/- 0.007 < 0.011 0.15 Cs-137 0.009 +/- 0.009 < 0.013 0.006 +/- 0.009 < 0.010 0.009 +/- 0.009 < 0.017 0.15 Tl-208 0.054 +/- 0.017 0.033 +/- 0.016 0.038 +/- 0.016 Pb-212 0.12 +/- 0.045 0.15 +/- 0.030 0.094 +/- 0.019 Bi-214 0.13 +/- 0.026 0.12 +/- 0.026 0.086 +/- 0.025 Ra-226 0.39 +/- 0.18 0.49 +/- 0.16 < 0.28 0.34 +/- 0.18 Ac-228 0.21 +/- 0.059 0.22 +/- 0.055 0.15 +/- 0.061 Collection Date 10/17/2013 10/17/2013 Lab Code ESS-6464 ESS-6465 Annual Location E-12 E-33 Mean +/-s.d. Gross Beta 9.31 +/- 0.97 < 1.20 9.2 8 +/- 0.91 < 1.08 2.0 10.56 +/- 1.2 8 Be-7 0.005 +/- 0.045 < 0.11 0.092 +/- 0.053 < 0.12 0.061 +/- 0.046 K-40 6.03 +/- 0.39 5.89 +/- 0.39 6.58 +/- 1.77 Cs-134 0.001 +/- 0.006 < 0.009 0.003 +/- 0.005 < 0.010 0.15 0.00 +/- 0.00 Cs-137 0.017 +/- 0.008 < 0.013 0.030 +/- 0.015 < 0.012 0.15 0.020 +/- 0.011 Tl-208 0.041 +/- 0.015 0.032 +/- 0.016 0.04 +/- 0.01 Pb-212 0.12 +/- 0.050 0.15 +/- 0.059 0.13 +/- 0.02 Bi-214 0.10 +/- 0.024 0.082 +/- 0.022 0.10 +/- 0.02 Ra-226 0.33 +/- 0.13 < 0.24 0.32 +/-0.13 < 0.25 0.35 +/- 0.08 Ac-228 0.12 +/- 0.044 0.13 +/- 0.047 0.17+/-0.03 8-2 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 9. Radioactivity in soil samples Collection

Semiannual Sample Descript i on and Concentration (pCi/g dry) MDC .MDC MDC Collection Date 6/5/2013 6/5/2013 6/5/2013 Req. Lab Code ESO-3041 ESO-3042 ESO-3043 LLD Location E-01 E-02 E-03 Gross Beta 20.15 +/- 1.13 < 1.18 16.49 +/- 1.02 < 1.07 19.63 +/- 1.11 < 1.15 2.0 Be-7 0.13 +/- 0.072 < 0.2 9 0.19 +/- 0.078 < 0.31 0.066 +/- 0.091 < 0.35 K-40 10.70 +/- 0.65 12.06 +/- 0.69 10.94 +/- 0.83 Cs-134 -0.006 +/- 0.008 < 0.014 -0.008 +/- 0.010 < 0.016 -0.019 +/- 0.012 < 0.019 0.15 Cs-137 O.G75 +/- 0.021 < 0.021 0.021 +/- 0.014 < 0.022 0.048 +/- O.Q25 < O.Q25 0.15 Tl-208 0.10 +/- 0.028 0.13 +/- 0.031 0.065 +/- 0.028 Pb-212 0.24 +/- 0.034 0.33 +/- 0.033 0.20 +/- 0.027 Bi-214 0.28 +/- 0.043 0.35 +/- 0.044 0.18 +/- 0.040 Ra-226 0.62 +/- 0.21 < 0.44 0.68 +/- 0.28 0.40 +/- 0.23 Ac-228 0.34 +/- 0.10 0.39 +/- 0.074 0.42 +/- 0.14 Collection Date 6/5/2013 6/5/2013 6/5/2013 Lab Code ESO-3044 ESO-3045 ESO-3046 Location E-04 E-06 E-08 Gross Beta 21.77 +/- 1.08 < 1.02 19.56+/-1.11

< 1.16 20.45 +/- 1.13 < 1.17 2.0 Be-7 0.084 +/- 0.084 < 0.27 0.14 +/- 0.079 < 0.25 0.033 +/- 0.083 < 0.33 K-40 14.08 +/- 0.70 10.46 +/- 0.59 12.12 +/- 0.69 Cs-134 0.000 +/- 0.010 < 0.017 0.001 +/- 0.010 < 0.018 -0.007 +/- 0.010 < 0.017 0.15 Cs-137 0.089 +/- 0.023 < 0.021 0.088 +/- 0.031 < 0.027 0.14 +/- 0.032 < 0.028 0.15 Tl-208 0.16 +/- 0.028 0.12 +/- 0.027 0.14 +/- 0.030 Pb-212 0.30 +/- 0.037 0.31 +/- 0.030 0.32 +/- 0.033 Bi-214 0.33 +/- 0.043 0.27 +/- 0.038 0.31 +/- 0.046 Ra-226 0.79 +/- 0.29 0.55 +/- 0.27 0.81 +/- 0.30 Ac-228 0.47 +/- 0.091 0.41 +/- 0.094 0.39 +/- 0.076 Collection Date 6/5/2013 6/5/2013 Lab Code ESO-3047 ESO-3048 Location E-09 E-20 Gross Beta 29.39 +/- 1.22 < 1.09 25.11 +/- 1.20 < 1.17 2.0 Be-7 0.12 +/- 0.085 < 0.30 0.78 +/- 0.32 K-40 17.59 +/- 0.82 14.08 +/- 0.72 Cs-134 -0.002 +/- 0.009 < 0.016 0.002 +/- 0.009 < 0.016 0.15 Cs-137 0.11 +/- 0.023 < 0.022 0.14 +/- 0.029 < 0.024 0.15 i Tl-208 0.14 +/- 0.031 0.13 +/- 0.028 -I Pb-212 0.43 +/- 0.034 0.34 +/- 0.037 Bi-214 0.42 +/- 0.060 0.28 +/- 0.049 Ra-226 1.23 +/- 0.27 0.87 +/- 0.27 Ac-228 0.58 +/- 0.10 0.42 +/- 0.075 9-1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 9. Radioactivity in soil samples Collection: Semiannual Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/g dry) MDC MDC .MDC Collection Date 10/30/2013 10/30/2013 10/30/2013 Req. Lab Code ESO-6742 ESO-6743 ESO-6744 LLD Location E-01 E-02 E-03 Gross Beta 16.25 +/- 1.06 < 1.16 23.82 +/- 1.20 < 1.20 27.40 +/- 1.14 < 1.06 2.0 Be-7 -0.020 +/- 0.086 < 0.16 -0.024 +/- 0.094 < 0.13 0.004 +/- 0.10 < 0.17 K-40 8.31 +/- 0.59 14.40 +/- 0.80 14.93 +/- 0.88 Cs-134 -0.006 +/- 0.010 < 0.016 -0.001 +/- 0.011 < 0.019 -0.010 +/- 0.013 < 0.022 0.15 Cs-137 0.028 +/- 0.013 < 0.024 0.088 +/- 0.032 < 0.023 0.21 +/- 0.038 < 0.033 0.15 Tl-208 0.091 +/- 0.030 0.13 +/- 0.028 0.16 +/- 0.041 Pb-212 0.20 +/- 0.028 0.39 +/- 0.050 0.43 +/- 0.041 Bi-214 0.19 +/-0.039 0.33 +/- 0.051 0.48 +/- 0.061 Ra-226 0.58 +/- 0.27 0.94 +/- 0.29 1.47 +/- 0.35 Ac-228 0.32 +/- 0.10 0.45 +/- 0.096 0.46 +/- 0.11 Collection Date 10/30/2013 10/31/2013 10/30/2013 Lab Code ESO-6746 ESO-6747 ESO-6748 Location E-04 E-06 E-08 Gross Beta 23.29 +/- 1.18 < 1.19 16.91 +/- 1.05 < 1.11 20.27 +/- 1.15 < 1.21 2.0 Be-7 0.024 +/- 0.086 < 0.17 0.33 +/- 0.18 0.047 +/- 0.079 < 0.16 K-40 15.20 +/- 0.76 10.40 +/- 0.58 13.06 +/- 0.73 Cs-134 -0.002 +/- 0.010 < 0.016 0.003 +/- 0.008 < 0.012 -0.007 +/- 0.009 < 0.015 0.15 Cs-137 0.10 +/- 0.025 < 0.020 0.073 +/- 0.020 < 0.016 0.24 +/- 0.032 < 0.019 0.15 Tl-208 0.16 +/- O.D35 0.11 +/- 0.021 0.10 +/- 0.026 Pb-212 0.38 +/- 0.035 0.31 +/- 0.030 0.25 +/- 0.035 Bi-214 0.26 +/- 0.044 0.27 +/- 0.037 0.20 +/- 0.042 Ra-226 0.77 +/- 0.28 0.52 +/- 0.23 0.52 +/- 0.26 Ac-228 0.48 +/- 0.14 0.39 +/- 0.087 0.33 +/- 0.092 Collection Date 10/31/2013 10/30/2013 Lab Code ESO-6749 ESO-6750 A nnual Location E-09 E-20 Mean +/- s.d. Gross Beta 29.65 +/- 1.19 < 1.04 31.17 +/- 1.27 < 1.14 22.58 :1: 4.80 2.0 Be-7 0.079 +/- 0.093 < 0.23 0.086 +/- 0.13 < 0.28 0.129 :1: 0.20 K-40 17.48 +/- 0.81 18.29 +/- 0.97 13.38 +/- 2.90 Cs-134 0.001 +/- 0.010 < 0.021 0.003 +/- 0.014 < 0.025 0.002 +/- 0.02 0.15 Cs-137 0.11 +/- 0.032 < 0.023 0.090 +/- 0.039 < 0.037 0.10 +/- 0.06 0.15 Tl-208 0.17 +/- 0.033 0.24 +/- 0.040 0.13 +/- 0.04 Pb-212 0.52 +/- 0.10 0.55 +/- 0.045 0.34 :1: 0.10 Bi-214 0.36 +/- 0.047 0.38 +/- 0.061 0.31 +/- 0.08 Ra-226 0.94 +/- 0.30 1.00 +/- 0.40 0.79 :1: 0.28 Ac-228 0.66 +/- 0.13 0.74 +/- 0.11 0.45 :1: 0.12 9-2 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 10. Radioactivity in vegetation samples Collection

Tri-annual Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/g wet) MDC MDC M DC Location E-01 E-02 E-03 Collection Date 6/5/2013 6/5/2013 6/5/2013 Lab Code EG-3104 EG-3105 EG-2978 Req.LLD Ratio (weUdry) 6.16 6.22 6.84* Gross Beta 3.89 +/- 0.08 < 0.025 6.00 +/- 0.11 < 0.031 5.57 +/- 0.11 < 0.036 0.25 Be-7 1.60 +/- 0.18 0.83 +/- 0.14 0.88 +/- 0.14 +/- 0.1 4 K-40 4.80 +/- 0.38 6.04 +/- 0.36 5.59 +/- 0.37 1-131 0.010 +/- 0.007 < 0.028 0.012 +/- 0.005 < 0.019 0.002 +/- 0.006 < 0.018 0.060 Cs-13 4 0.004 +/- 0.006 < 0.012 0.003 +/- 0.005 < 0.009 0.000 +/- 0.005 < 0.008 0.060 Cs-137 0.004 +/- 0.007 < 0.013 0.004 +/- 0.006 < 0.011 0.002 +/- 0.007 < 0.009 0.080 Other (Co-60) -0.002 +/- 0.006 < 0.009 -0.001 +/- 0.007 < 0.010 0.001 +/- 0.007 < 0.011 0.060 Location E-04 E-06 E-08 Collection Date 6/5/2013 6/5/2013 6/5/2013 Lab Code EG-2979 EG-3106 EG-3107 Req.LLD Ratio (weUdry) 5.67 4.71 5.85 Gross Beta 5.37 +/- 0.11 < 0.034 4.44 +/- 0.09 < 0.028 3.57 +/- 0.08 < 0.026 0.25 Be-7 0.60 +/-0.14 2.02 +/- 0.23 1.40 +/- 0.20 K-40 4.72 +/- 0.36 5.43 +/- 0.49 4.35 +/- 0.37 1-131 0.004 +/- 0.006 < 0.020 0.008 +/- 0.008 < 0.027 0.004 +/- 0.006 < 0.021 0.060 Cs-134 0.003 +/- 0.005 < 0.010 0.001 +/- 0.007 < 0.013 0.000 +/- 0.006 < 0.012 0.060 Cs-137 -0.003 +/- 0.007 < 0.010 0.009 +/- 0.010 < 0.017 0.001 +/- 0.007 < 0.007 0.080 Other (Co-60) 0.000 +/- 0.008 < 0.013 0.006 +/- 0.009 < 0.012 -0.005 +/- 0.007 < 0.008 0.060 Location E-09 E-20 Collection Date 6/5/2013 6/5/2013 Lab Code EG-3108 EG-3109 Req.LLD Ratio (weUdry) 4.93 5.26 Gross Beta 5.57 +/- 0.16 < 0.053 5.10 +/- 0.15 < 0.050 0.25 Be-7 0.72 +/-0.16 0.97 +/- 0.16 K-40 5.60 +/- 0.44 4.79 +/-0.41 1-131 -0.022 +/- 0.009 < 0.027 0.003 +/- 0.007 < 0.025 0.060 Cs-134 0.004 +/- 0.007 < 0.012 0.002 +/- 0.006 < 0.012 0.060 Cs-137 -0.002 +/- 0.008 < 0.009 0.004 +/- 0.008 < 0.017 0.080 Other (Co-60) 0.004 +/- 0.008 < 0.011 -0.001 +/- 0.007 < 0.007 0.060 10-1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 10. Radioactivity in vegetation samples Collection:

Tri-annual Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/g wet) MDC MDC MDC Location E-01 E-02 E-03 Collection Date 08-01-13 08-01-13 08-01-13 Lab Code EG-4454 EG-4455 EG-4456 Req. LLD Ratio (weUdry) 4.63 3.92 3.71 Gross Beta 6.35 +/-0.14 < 0.054 7.36 +/- 0.16 < 0.056 9.32 +/- 0.22 < 0.082 0.25 Be-7 1.09 +/- 0.20 1.12 +/- 0.19 1.16+/-0.20 K-40 5.27 +/- 0.43 6.02 +/- 0.50 7.21 +/- 0.52 1-131 -0.003 +/- 0.007 < 0.021 0.007 +/- 0.008 < 0.023 -0.013 +/- 0.011 < 0.028 0.060 Cs-134 -0.002 +/- 0.006 < 0.009 0.003 +/- 0.006 < 0.013 -0.008 +/- 0.008 < 0.012 0.060 Cs-137 -0.006 +/- 0.008 < 0.009 0.003 +/- 0.008 < 0.014 0.010 +/- 0.009 < 0.016 0.080 Other (Co-60) 0.002 +/- 0.007 < 0.010 0.001 +/- 0.009 < 0.009 0.002 +/- 0.009 < 0.007 0.060 Location E-04 E-06 E-08 Collection Date 08-01-13 08-01-13 08-01-13 Lab Code EG-4457 EG-4459 EG-4460 Req. LLD Ratio (weUdry) 4.29 3.00 7.08 Gross Beta 6.15 +/- 0.14 < 0.046 4.39 +/- 0.10 < 0.037 2.69 +/- 0.06 < 0.023 0.25 Be-7 0.78 +/- 0.19 0.62 +/- 0.19 1.14+/-0.21 K-40 4.25 +/- 0.36 3.33 +/- 0.38 4.22 +/- 0.37 1-131 -0.006 +/- 0.008 < 0.027 0.001 +/- 0.009 < 0.034 -0.005 +/- 0.006 < 0.019 0.060 Cs-134 0.001 +/- 0.006 < 0.012 0.001 +/- 0.009 < 0.014 0.003 +/- 0.005 < 0.009 0.060 Cs-137 -0.002 +/- 0.008 < 0.011 0.008 +/- 0.009 < 0.014 -0.004 +/- 0.008 < 0.009 0.080 Other (Co-60) 0.003 +/- 0.006 < 0.009 -0.007 +/- 0.008 < 0.004 -0.005 +/- 0.009 < 0.012 0.060 Location E-09 E-20 Collection Date 08-01-13 08-01-13 Lab Code EG-4461 EG-4462 Req.LLD Ratio (weUdry) 6.22 4.58 Gross Beta 3.61 +/- 0.09 < 0.033 8.49 +/- 0.19 < 0.071 0.25 Be-7 0.7 1 +/- 0.17 0.55 +/- 0.15 K-40 5.45 +/- 0.49 7.14 +/- 0.44 1-131 0.019 +/- 0.009 < 0.038 -0.004 +/- 0.007 < 0.027 0.060 Cs-134 0.006 +/- 0.009 < 0.016 0.000 +/- 0.006 < 0.011 0.060 Cs-137 0.000 +/- 0.011 < 0.017 0.006 +/- 0.007 < 0.012 0.080 Other (Co-60) 0.006 +/- 0.009 < 0.013 0.000 +/- 0.008 < 0.013 0.060 10-2 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 10. Radioactivity in vegetation samples Collection

Tri-annual Sample Description and Concentration (pCi/g w e t) MDC Location E-01 Collect i on Date 9/25/2013 Lab Code EG-5671 Ratio (weUdry) 3.35 Gross Beta 3.89 +/- 0.11 < 0.053 Be-7 2.19 +/- 0.30 K-40 3.33 +/- 0.39 1-131 -0.007 +/- 0.009 < 0.027 Cs-134 0.001 +/- 0.008 < 0.012 Cs-137 0.006 +/- 0.011 < 0.020 Other (Co-60) 0.003 +/- 0.010 < 0.013 Location E-04 Collection Date 9/25/2013 Lab Code EG-5674 Ratio (weUdry) 2.76 Gross Beta 7.43 +/-0.19 < 0.074 Be-7 2.95 +/- 0.34 K-40 7.21 +/- 0.61 1-131 0.014 +/- 0.010 < 0.038 Cs-134 0.004 +/- 0.010 < 0.018 Cs-137 -0.002 +/- 0.013 < 0.019 Other (Co-60) -0.014 +/- 0.015 < 0.016 Location E-09 Collection Date 9/25/2013 Lab Code EG-5677 Ratio (weUdry) 1.99 Gross Beta 6.02 +/- 0.21 < 0.115 Be-7 2.54 +/- 0.29 K-40 4.38 +/- 0.46 1-131 0.004 +/- 0.010 < 0.030 Cs-134 -0.004 +/- 0.009 < 0.015 Cs-137 0.002 +/- 0.012 < 0.018 Other (Co-60) 0.006 +/- 0.009 < 0.014 Beta Annual Mean +/- s.d. Be-7 Annual Mean +/- s.d. K-4 0 Annual Mean +/- s.d. 1-131 Annual Mean +/- s.d. 5.56 +/- 1.67 1.47 +/- 0.92 5.15 +/- 1.20 0.002 +/- 0.009 0.001 +/- 0.005 0.004 +/- 0.012 -0.001 +/- 0.005 Cs-134 Annual Mean +/- s.d. Cs-137 Annual Mean+/- s.d. Co-60 Annual Mean +/- s.d. MDC E-02: 9/25/2013 EG-5672 2.90 6.44 +/- 0.17 < 0.068 2.84 +/- 0.30 5.78 +/- 0.52 0.012 +/- 0.013 < 0.029 0.012 +/- 0.011 < 0.019 -0.002 +/- 0.012 < 0.018 0.005 +/- Q.010 < 0.01 4 E-06 9/25/2013 EG-5675 2.52 4.56 +/- 0.16 < 0.081 1.49 +/- 0.28 3.80 +/- 0.43 -0.011 +/- 0.009 < 0.030 0.007 +/- 0.008 < 0.013 0.056 +/- 0.025 < 0.024 0.002 +/- 0.011 < 0.018 E-20 9/25/2013 EG-5678 5.09 6.92 +/- 0.16 < 0.062 1.40 +/- 0.24 6.00 +/- 0.48 0.006 +/- 0.009 < 0.034 0.000 +/- 0.007 < 0.012 -0.001 +/- 0.011 < 0.015 -0.001 +/- 0.009 < 0.017 10-3 MDC E-03 9/25/2013 EG-5673 Req. LLD 4.34 6.63 +/- 0.14 < 0.050 0.25 1.45 +/- 0.22 5.92 +/- 0.52 0.002 +/- 0.010 < 0.027 0.060 -0.007 +/- 0.010 < 0.01 4 0.060 -0.001 +/- O.D11 < 0.017 0.080 -0.001 +/- 0.010 < 0.012 0.060 E-08 9/25/2013 EG-5676 Req.LLD 2.14 3.58 +/- 0.13 < 0.076 0.25 4.27 +/- 0.30 2.93 +/- 0.37 0.002 +/- 0.009 < 0.030 0.060 -0.007 +/- 0.010 < 0.014 0.060 0.015 +/- 0.009 < 0.018 0.080 0.004 +/- 0.008 < 0.008 0.060 Req. LLD 0.25 0.060 0.060 0.080 0.060 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 11. Aquatic Vegetation, analyses for gross beta and gamma emitting isotopes.

Collection: Triannual Units: pCi/g wet Sample Description and Concentration Collection Date 06-05-13 MDC 06-05-13 MDC Req. Lab Code ESL-3054 NDa LLD Location E-05 E-12 Ratio (wet wt./dry wt.) 4.31 Gross Beta 3.97+/-0.19 < 0.18 0.25 Be-7 0.57 +/- 0.06 K-40 2.99 +/- 0.09 Co-58 0.000 +/- 0.001 < 0.004 0.25 Co-60 0.004 +/- 0.002 < 0.004 0.25 Cs-134 0.000 +/- 0.001 < 0.002 0.25 Cs-137 0.003 +/- 0.002 < 0.004 0.25 Collection Date 08-07-13 08-07-13 Req. Lab Code ESL-4567 ESL-4568 LLD Location E-05 E-12 Ratio (wet wt./dry wt.) 4.49 4.54 Gross Beta 3.87 +/- 0.18 < 0.18 3.61 +/- 0.20 < 0.20 0.25 Be-7 1.54 +/- 0.21 0.67 +/- 0.15 K-40 2.95 +/- 0.26 3.46 +/- 0.26 Co-58 0.003 +/- 0.005 < 0.012 -0.006 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 0.25 Co-60 0.013 +/- 0.007 < 0.009 0.008 +/- 0.006 < 0.010 0.25 Cs-134 -0.003 +/- 0.005 < 0.009 0.004 +/- 0.005 < 0.007 0.25 Cs-137 0.028 +/- 0.012 < 0.011 0.010 +/- 0.005 < 0.009 0.25 Collection Date I 10-10-13 10-10-13 Req. Lab Code ESL-6144 ESL-6145 LLD Annual Location E-05 E-12 Mean+/- s.d. Ratio (wet wt./dry wt.) 6.19 5.91 Gross Beta 3.22 +/- 0.10 < 0.08 2.71 +/- 0.08 < 0.07 0.25 3.48 +/- 0.52 Be-7 1.42 +/- 0.09 0.59 +/- 0.06 0.96 +/- 0.48 K-40 2.51 +/- 0.10 3.78 +/- 0.11 3.14 +/- 0.49 Co-58 0.001 +/- 0.002 < 0.004 -0.002 +/- 0.002 < 0.005 0.25 -0.001 +/- 0.003 Co-60 0.002 +/- 0.002 < 0.005 0.002 +/- 0.002 < 0.004 0.25 0.006 +/- 0.005 Cs-134 0.001 +/- 0.002 < 0.003 -0.001 +/- 0.002 < 0.003 0.25 0.000 +/- 0.003 Cs-137 0.015 +/- 0.005 < 0.005 0.010 +/- 0.003 < 0.004 0.25 0.013 +/- 0.009 a "ND" = No data; see Table 2.0, Listing of Missed Samples. 11-1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 12. Ambient Gamma Radiation a LLD/7days: < 1mRffLD ,-. 1 *-1st. Quarter, 2013 Date Annealed: 12-13-12 Days in the field 90 Date Placed: 01-03-13 Days from Annealing Date Removed: 04-03-13 to Readout: 117 Date Read: 04-09-13 Days in mR/Stnd Qtr Location Field Total mR NetmR (91 days) Net mR per 7 days Indicator E-1 90 13.1 +/- 0.5 8.9 +/- 0.6 13.3 +/- 0.6 0.69 +/- 0.05 E-2 90 21.0 +/- 0.8 16.8 +/- 0.9 21.2 +/- 0.8 1.31 +/- O.D? E-3 90 18.2 +/- 1.5 14.0+/-1.5 18.4+/-1.5 1.09 +/- 0.12 E-4 90 17.3 +/- 1.7 13.1 +/- 1.7 17.5 +/- 1.8 1.02 +/- 0.14 E-5 90 18.1 +/- 1.2 13.9+/-1.3 18.3 +/- 1.2 1.08 +/-0.10 E-6 90 15.3 +/- 0.4 11.1 +/- 0.6 15.5 +/- 0.4 0.86 +/- 0.04 E-7 90 16.1 +/- 0.9 11.9+/-1.0 16.3 +/- 0.9 0.93 +/- 0.08 E-8 90 13.9 +/- 0.6 9.7 +/- 0.7 14.1 +/- 0.6 0.75 +/- 0.06 E-9 90 18.3 +/- 0.2 14.1 +/- 0.4 18.5 +/- 0.2 1.10 +/- 0.03 E-12 90 16.8 +/- 0.6 12.6 +/- 0.7 17.0 +/- 0.6 0.98 +/- 0.06 E-14 90 17.9 +/- 0.5 13.7 +/- 0.6 18.1+/-0.5 1.07 +/- 0.05 E-15 90 18.0 +/-0.1 13.8 +/- 0.4 18.2 +/- 0.1 1.07 +/- 0.03 E-16 90 18.2 +/- 0.5 14.0 +/- 0.6 18.4 +/- 0.6 1.09 +/- 0.05 E-17 90 17.6 +/- 0.8 13.4 +/- 0.9 17.8 +/- 0.8 1.04 +/- 0.07 E-18 90 16.5 +/- 0.8 12.3 +/- 0.9 16.7 +/- 0.8 0.96 +/- 0.07 E-22 90 16.8+/-1.2 12.6 +/- 1.3 17.0 +/- 1.2 0.98 +/-0.10 E-23 90 17.9 +/- 0.4 13.7 +/- 0.6 18.1 +/- 0.4 1.07 +/- 0.04 E-24 90 16.3 +/- 0.8 12.1 +/- 0.9 16.5 +/- 0.8 0.94 +/- 0.07 E-25 90 16.9 +/- 0.3 12.7 +/- 0.5 17.1+/-0.3 0.99 +/- 0.04 E-26 90 15.6 +/- 0.7 11.4+/-0.8 15.8 +/- 0.7 0.89 +/- 0.06 E-27 90 18.8 +/- 0.5 14.6 +/- 0.6 19.0 +/- 0.5 1.14+/-0.05 E-28 90 14.2 +/- 0.6 10.0 +/- 0.7 14.4 +/- 0.6 0.78 +/- 0.06 E-29 90 13.3 +/- 0.9 9.1 +/- 1.0 13.4 +/- 0.9 0.71 +/- 0.08 E-30 90 15.1+/-0.8 10.9 +/- 0.9 15.3 +/- 0.8 0.85 +/- 0.07 E-31 90 19.3 +/- 0.7 15.1 +/- 0.8 19.5 +/- 0.7 1.17 +/- 0.06 E-32 90 19.3 +/- 0.7 15.1 +/- 0.8 19.5 +/- 0.7 1.17 +/- 0.06 E-38 90 17.6+/-1.3 13.4 +/- 1.4 17.8 +/- 1.3 1.04 +/- 0.11 E-39 90 17.5 +/- 1.0 13.3+/-1.1 17.7 +/- 1.0 1.03 +/- 0.08 E-41 90 16.6 +/- 0.7 12.4 +/- 0.8 16.8 +/- 0.7 0.96 +/- 0.06 E-42 90 19.5 +/- 0.6 15.3+/-0.7 19.7 +/- 0.6 1.19 +/- 0.06 E-43 90 16.2+/-1.0 12.0 +/- 1.1 16.4 +/- 1.0 0.93 +/- 0.08 Control E-20 90 20.3 +/- 1.6 16.1 +/- 1.6 20.5 +/- 1.6 1.25 +/- 0.13 Mean+/-s.d. 17.1 +/- 1.9 12.9+/-1.9 17.3 +/- 1.9 1.00 +/- 0.13 In-Transit Ex(2osure Date Annealed Date Read ITC-1 ITC-2 12-13-12 01-08-13 4.7 +/- 0.3 4.7 +/- 0.2 03-18-13 04-10-13 3.6 +/- 0.1 3.8 +/- 0.1

  • The CaS0 4:Dy dosimeter cards provide four separate readout areas. Values listed represent the mean and standard deviation of the average of the four readings. 12-1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT T able 12. Ambient Gamma Radiation a LLD/7days: < 1 mR/TLD 2nd Quarter, 2013 Date' Annealed:

03-18-13 Days , in the field 85 Date Placed: 04-03-13 Days from Annealing Date Removed: 06-27-13 to Readout: 106 Date Read: 07-02-13 Days in mR/Stnd Qtr Location Field Total mR NetmR (91 days) Net mR per 7 days Indicator E-1 85 16.6 +/- 1.1 13.1 +/- 1.2 17.7 +/- 1.2 1.08 +/-0.10 E-2 85 18.9+/-1.2 15.4+/-1.3 20.2+/-1.3 1.27+/-0.10 E-3 85 18.0+/-1.0 14.5 +/- 1.1 19.3 +/- 1.0 1.19 +/- 0.09 E-4 85 1 6.8+/-1.3 13.3+/-1.4 18.0+/-1.4 1.09 +/- 0.11 E-5 85 16.5+/-1.1 13.0 +/- 1.2 17.7 +/- 1.2 1.07 +/-0.10 E-6 85 14.9 +/- 0.4 11.4 +/- 0.6 15.9 +/- 0.4 0.94 +/- 0.05 E-7 85 15.7 +/- 0.4 12.2 +/- 0.6 16.8 +/- 0.4 1.00 +/- 0.05 E-8 85 14.7 +/- 0.5 11.2 +/- 0.6 15.8 +/- 0.6 0.92 +/- 0.05 E-9 85 17.6 +/- 0.7 14.1 +/- 0.8 18.9 +/- 0.7 1.16+/-0.07 E-12 85 14.2+/-1.1 10.7 +/- 1.2 15.2+/-1.2 0.88+/-0.10 E-14 85 18.8+/-1.3 15.3 +/- 1.4 20.1 +/- 1.4 1.26 +/-0.11 E-15 85 19.1 +/- 0.8 15.6 +/- 0.9 20.4 +/- 0.8 1.28 +/- 0.07 E-16 85 18.0 +/- 0.5 14.5 +/- 0.6 19.2 +/- 0.5 1.19+/-0.05 E-17 85 16.5 +/- 1.1 13.0+/-1.2 17.6+/-1.2 1.07 +/- 0.10 E-18 85 22.6 +/- 0.6 19.1+/-0.7 24.2 +/- 0.6 1.57 +/- 0.06 E-22 85 18.2 +/- 0.6 14.7 +/- 0.7 19.4 +/- 0.6 1.21 +/- 0.06 E-23 85 19.2 +/- 0.4 15.7 +/- 0.6 20.6 +/- 0.5 1.29 +/- 0.05 E-24 85 16.9 +/- 0.3 13.4 +/- 0.5 18.1 +/- 0.4 1.10 +/- 0.04 E-25 85 21.1 +/- 0.2 17.6 +/- 0.4 22.6 +/- 0.2 1.45 +/- 0.04 E-26 85 15.4 +/- 0.7 11.9 +/- 0.8 16.5 +/- 0.8 0.98 +/- 0.07 E-27 85 21.0 +/- 1.0 17.5 +/- 1.1 22.5 +/- 1.1 1.44 +/- 0.09 E-28 85 15.5 +/- 0.2 12.0 +/- 0.4 16.6 +/- 0.2 0.99 +/- 0.04 E-29 85 13.7 +/- 0.5 10.2 +/- 0.6 14.7 +/- 0.5 0.84 +/- 0.05 E-30 85 17.0 +/-0.4 13.5 +/- 0.6 18.2 +/- 0.4 1.11 +/-0.05 E-31 85 22.3 +/- 1.8 18.8+/-1.8 23.9+/-1.9 1.55 +/- 0.15 E-32 85 21.9 +/- 0.8 18.4 +/- 0.9 23.4 +/- 0.8 1.51 +/- 0.07 E-38 85 18.9 +/- 0.3 15.4 +/- 0.5 20.2 +/- 0.4 1.27 +/- 0.04 E-39 85 19.8+/-1.0 16.3 +/- 1.1 21.2 +/- 1.1 1.34 +/- 0.09 E-41 85 18.1+/-0.5 14.6 +/- 0.6 19.4 +/- 0.5 1.20 +/- 0.05 E-42 85 20.2 +/- 1.0 16.7 +/- 1.1 21.6+/-1.1 1.37 +/- 0.09 E-43 85 18.5 +/- 0.9 15.0+/-1.0 19.8+/-1.0 1.23 +/- 0.08 Control E-20 92 16.8 +/- 0.7 13.3 +/- 0.8 17.0 +/- 0.7 1.01 +/- 0.06 Mean+/-s.d. 17.9 +/- 2.3 14.4 +/- 2.3 19.1 +/- 2.5 1.18 +/- 0.20 In-Transit Ex(;!osure Date Annealed Date Read ITC-1 ITC-2 03-18-13 04-10-13 3.6 +/- 0.1 3.8 +/- 0.1 06-13-13 07-02-13 3.2 +/- 0.3 3.4 +/- 0.2

  • The CaS0 4: Dy dosimeter cards provide four separate readout areas. Values listed represent the mean and standard deviation of the average of the four readings. 12-2 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 12. Ambient Gamma Radiation a LLD/?days: < 1mR/TLD 3rd Quarter, 2013 Date Annealed:

06-13-13 Days in the field 95 Date Placed: 06-27-13 Days from Annealing I Date Removed: 09-30-13 to Readout: 116 Date Read: 10-07-13 Days in mR/Stnd Qtr Location Field Total mR NetmR (91 days) Net mR per 7 days Indicator E-1 95 14.1+/-0.2 11.4 +/- 0.5 13.5 +/- 0.2 0.84 +/- 0.03 E-2 95 22.1 +/- 0.5 19.4 +/- 0.7 21.2 +/- 0.5 1.43 +/- 0.05 E-3 95 22.2+/-1.7 19.5+/-1.8 21.3 +/- 1.7 1.44 +/- 0.13 E-4 95 20.5 +/- 0.1 17.8 +/- 0.4 19.6+/-0.1 1.31 +/- 0.03 E-5 95 20.6 +/- 1.0 17.9 +/- 1.1 19.7 +/- 1.0 1.32 +/- 0.08 E-6 95 16.0 +/- 0.8 13.3 +/- 0.9 15.3 +/- 0.7 0.98 +/- 0.07 E-7 95 16.8 +/- 0.8 14.1 +/- 0.9 16.1 +/- 0.8 1.04 +/- 0.07 E-8 95 15.5 +/- 1.1 12.8+/-1.2 14.8 +/- 1.0 0.94 +/- 0.09 E-9 95 20.3 +/- 0.4 17.6 +/- 0.6 19.5 +/- 0.4 1.30 +/- 0.04 E-12 95 16.7 +/- 0.5 14.0 +/- 0.7 16.0 +/- 0.5 1.03 +/- 0.05 E-14 95 19.6 +/- 0.4 16.9 +/- 0.6 18.8 +/- 0.4 1.24 +/- 0.04 E-15 95 22.0 +/- 0.1 19.3 +/- 0.4 21.1+/-0.1 1.42 +/- 0.03 E-16 95 20.8 +/- 0.2 18.1 +/- 0.5 20.0 +/- 0.2 1.33 +/- 0.03 E-17 95 19.1 +/- 0.8 16.4 +/- 0.9 18.3 +/- 0.8 1.21 +/- 0.07 E-18 95 19.7 +/- 0.9 17.0+/-1.0 18.9 +/- 0.9 1.25 +/- 0.07 E-22 95 19.0+/-1.3 16.3+/-1.4 18.2+/-1.2 1.20+/-0.10 E-23 95 20.8 +/- 0.6 18.1 +/- 0.7 19.9 +/- 0.6 1.33 +/- 0.05 E-24 95 17.8 +/- 0.6 15.1 +/- 0.7 17.1 +/- 0.6 1.11 +/- 0.05 E-25 95 18.8 +/- 0.5 16.1 +/- 0.7 18.0 +/- 0.5 1.19 +/- 0.05 E-26 95 16.8+/-1.0 14.1 +/- 1.1 16.1+/-0.9 1.04 +/- 0.08 E-27 95 21.8 +/- 0.4 19.1 +/- 0.6 20.9 +/- 0.4 1.41 +/- 0.04 E-28 95 14.5 +/- 0.4 11.8 +/- 0.6 13.8 +/- 0.4 0.87 +/- 0.04 E-29 95 13.0 +/- 0.8 10.3 +/- 0.9 12.5 +/- 0.8 0.76 +/- 0.07 E-30 95 16.0 +/- 0.6 13.3 +/- 0.7 15.4 +/- 0.6 0.98 +/- 0.05 E-31 95 22.1 +/- 0.9 19.4+/-1.0 21.2 +/- 0.9 1.43 +/- 0.07 E-32 95 22.2 +/- 0.7 19.5 +/- 0.8 21.2 +/- 0.6 1.44 +/- 0.06 E-38 95 19.4 +/- 1.1 16.7+/-1.2 18.6+/-1.1 1.23 +/- 0.09 E-39 95 21.0 +/- 0.9 18.3+/-1.0 20.1 +/- 0.8 1.35 +/- 0.07 E-41 95 18.9 +/-0.7 16.2 +/- 0.8 18.1+/-0.7 1.19 +/- 0.06 E-42 95 22.6 +/- 0.8 19.9 +/- 0.9 21.6 +/- 0.8 1.47 +/- 0.07 E-43 95 19.9 +/- 0.9 17.2 +/- 1.0 19.1 +/- 0.8 1.27 +/- 0.07 Control E-20 95 23.0 +/- 1.5 20.3 +/- 1.6 22.1 +/- 1.4 1.50 +/- 0.11 Mean+/-s.d. 19.2 +/- 2.7 16.5 +/- 2.7 18.4 +/- 2.6 1.21 +/- 0.19 In-Transit Exgosure Date Annealed Date Read ITC-1 ITC-2 06-13-13 07-02-13 3.2 +/- 0.3 3.4 +/- 0.2 09-23-13 10-07-13 2.1 +/- 0.2 2.1 +/- 0.1

  • The CaS0 4: Dy dosimeter cards provide four separate readout areas. Values listed represent the mean and standard deviation of the average of the four readings.

12-3 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 12. Ambient Gamma Radiation a LLD/7days: < 1mR/TLD Date Annealed: 09-23-13 Date Placed: 10-01-13 Date Removed: 01-02-14 Date Read: 01-15-14 Days in Location Field Total mR Indicator E-1 93 19.5 +/- 0.9 E-2 93 19.9 +/- 0.9 E-3 93 20.4+/-1.4 E-4 93 19.5 +/- 1.1 E-5 93 20.1 +/- 0.4 E-6 93 16.3 +/- 0.3 E-7 93 17.3 +/- 0.5 E-8 93 16.6 +/- 0.8 E-9 93 20.1+/-0.7 E-12 93 16.7 +/- 1.1 E-14 93 19.6 +/- 1.2 E-15 93 22.0 +/- 0.5 E-16 93 21.9 +/- 0.6 E-168 93 19.2 +/- 0.9 E-17 93 18.2 +/- 1.1 E-18 93 24.7 +/- 0.7 E-22 93 21.5 +/- 0.6 E-23 93 23.3 +/- 0.7 E-24 93 18.5 +/- 0.3 E-25 93 23.1 +/- 0.4 E-26 93 17.4 +/-0.7 E-268 93 18.2 +/- 0.6 E-27 93 22.8 +/- 0.9 E-28 93 15.7 +/-0.1 E-29 93 14.7 +/- 0.6 E-30 93 18.3 +/- 0.5 E-31 93 23.6 +/- 2.1 E-32 93 23.0 +/- 0.5 E-38 93 19.6 +/- 0.3 E-39 93 20.7 +/- 0.4 E-41 93 18.8 +/- 0.7 E-42 93 21.7 +/- 0.6 E-43 93 20.0 +/- 1.0 Control E-20 93 19.1 +/- 1.3 Mean+/-s.d. 20.1 +/- 1.5 4th Quarter, 2013 Days in the field Days from Annealing to Readout: mR!Stnd Qtr NetmR (91 days) 15.1 +/- 1.1 19.0 +/- 0.9 15.5 +/- 1.1 19.5 +/- 0.9 16.0+/-1.5 19.9 +/- 1.4 15.1 +/- 1.2 19.1 +/- 1.1 15.7 +/-0.7 19.7 +/-0.4 11.9 +/- 0.6 15.9 +/- 0.3 12.9 +/- 0.7 16.9 +/- 0.5 12.2 +/- 1.0 16.3 +/- 0.8 15.7 +/-0.9 19.7 +/- 0.7 12.3 +/- 1.2 16.3 +/- 1.1 15.2 +/- 1.3 19.2 +/- 1.2 17.6 +/- 0.7 21.5 +/- 0.5 17.5 +/- 0.8 21.4 +/- 0.6 14.8 +/- 1.1 18.8 +/- 0.8 13.8 +/- 1.2 17.8 +/- 1.0 20.3 +/- 0.9 24.2 +/- 0.7 17.1+/-0.8 21.1 +/- 0.6 18.9 +/- 0.9 22.8 +/- 0.7 14.1 +/- 0.6 18.1 +/- 0.3 18.7 +/-0.7 22.6 +/- 0.4 13.0 +/- 0.9 17.0 +/- 0.7 13.8 +/- 0.8 17.8 +/- 0.6 18.4 +/- 1.1 22.3 +/- 0.9 11.3 +/- 0.6 15.4 +/-0.1 10.3 +/- 0.8 14.4 +/- 0.5 13.9 +/- 0.7 17.9 +/- 0.5 19.2 +/- 2.2 23.0 +/- 2.0 18.6 +/-0.7 22.5 +/- 0.5 15.2 +/- 0.6 19.2 +/- 0.3 16.3 +/- 0.7 20.3 +/- 0.4 14.4 +/- 0.9 18.4 +/- 0.6 17.3 +/- 0.8 21.2 +/- 0.6 15.6 +/- 1.1 19.6 +/- 1.0 14.7+/-1.4 18.8 +/- 1.3 15.4 +/-2.4 19.7 +/- 1.5 In-Transit Ex12osure Date Annealed Date Read ITC-1 09-23-13 10-07-13 2.1 +/- 0.2 12-10-13 01-15-14 6.6 +/- 0.3 93 114 Net mR per 7 days 1.14 +/-0.08 1.17 +/-0.08 1.21 +/- 0.11 1.14 +/-0.09 1.18 +/- 0.05 0.90 +/- 0.05 0.97 +/- 0.06 0.92 +/- 0.07 1.18 +/- 0.07 0.93 +/- 0.09 1.15 +/- 0.10 1.33 +/- 0.06 1.32 +/- 0.06 1.12 +/-0.08 1.04 +/- 0.09 1.53 +/- 0.07 1.29 +/- 0.06 1.42 +/- 0.07 1.06 +/- 0.05 1.41+/-0.05 0.98 +/- 0.07 1.04 +/- 0.06 1.39 +/- 0.08 0.85 +/- 0.04 0.78 +/- 0.06 1.05 +/- 0.06 1.45 +/- 0.16 1.40 +/- 0.06 1.15 +/- 0.05 1.23 +/- 0.05 1.09 +/- 0.07 1.30 +/- 0.06 1.18 +/- 0.09 1.11 +/- 0.11 1.16 +/- 0.19 ITC-2 2.1 +/- 0.1 6.7 +/- 0.4

  • The CaS04: Dy dosimeter cards provide four separate readout areas. Values listed represent the n\ean and standard deviation of the average of the four readings.

Annual Indicator Mean+/-s.d. 18.5 +/- 2.6 14.8 +/- 2.7 18.5 +/- 2.5 1.1 +/- 0.2 Annual Control Mean+/-s.d. 19.8 +/- 2.6 16.1+/-3.0 19.6 +/- 2.2 1.2 +/- 0.2 Annual Indicator/Control Mean+/-s.d. 18.5 +/- 2.6 14.8 +/- 2.7 18.5 +/- 2.5 1.1 +/- 0.2 12-4 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 13. Groundwater Tritium Monitoring Program (Monthly Collections) Units= Ci/L Intermittent Streams ID GW-01 GW-02 Collection Collection Date Lab Code Tritium MDC Date Lab Code Tritium MDC 01-31-13 EWW-430 80 +/- 75 < 143 01-31-13 EWW-431 222 +/- 82 < 143 02-28-13 Ns* 02-28-13 Ns* 03-28-13 EWW-1337 31 +/- 75 < 148 03-28-13 EWW-1338 290 +/- 88 < 148 04-24-13 EWW-2071 61 +/- 99 < 183 04-24-13 EWW-2072 246 +/- 106 < 183 05-22-13 .EWW-2710 163 +/- 84 < 146 05-22-13 EWW-2711 201 +/- 86 < 146 06-26-13 EWW-3565 29 +/- 83 < 156 06-26-13 EWW-3566 86 +/- 86 < 156 08-01-13 EWW-4482 112 +/- 116 < 184 08-01-13 EWW-4483 91 +/- 89 < 161 08-28-13 EWW-5121 57+/- 77 < 149 08-28-13 EWW-5122 63 +/- 77 < 149 09-26-13 EWW-5710 117 +/- 81 < 143 09-26-13 Ns* 10-31-13 EWW-6701 23 +/- 80 < 150 10-31-13 EWW-6702 -2 +/- 79 < 150 11-19-13 EWW-7097 35 +/- 80 < 150 11-19-13 EWW-7098 148 +/- 86 < 150 12-18-13 NSb ./ 12-18-13 NSb / Mean+/- s.d. 71 +/-47 Mean+/- s.d. 149 +/- 97 ID GW-03 GW-17 Collection Collection Date . Lab Code Tritium MDC Date Lab Code Tritium MDC 01-31-13 EWW-432 67 +/- 74 < 143 01-31-13 EWW-434 165 +/- 79 < 143 02-28-13 Ns* 02-28-13 EWW-885 234 +/- 87 < 144 03-28-13 EWW-1339 25 +/- 75 < 148 03-28-13 EWW-1341 458 +/- 95 < 148 04-24-13 EWW-2073 -11 +/- 97 < 183 04-24-13 EWW-2075 160 +/- 103 < 183 05-22-13 EWW-2712 117 +/- 82 < 146 05-22-13 EWW-2715 211 +/- 86 < 146 06-26-13 EWW-3567 -29 +/- 80 < 156 06-26-13 EWW-3569 68 +/- 85 < 156 08-01-13 EWW-4484 65 +/- 88 < 161 08-01-13 EWW-4486 138 +/- 91 < 161 08-28-13 EWW-5123 16 +/- 75 < 149 08-28-13 EWW-5126 61 +/- 77 < 149 09-26-13 EWW-5711 89 +/- 80 < 143 09-26-13 EWW-5713 123 +/- 81 < 143 10-31-13 EWW-6704 23 +/- 80 < 150 10-31-13 EWW-6706 45 +/- 81 < 150 11-19-13 .EWW-7099 15 +/- 79 < 150 11-19-13 EWW-7101 133 +/- 85 < 150 12-18-13 NSb r 12-18-13 NSb / Mean+/- s.d. 37 +/-46 Mean+/- s.d. 163 +/- 114 Wells ID GW-04 (EIC Well) Collection Date Lab Code Tritium MDC 01-31-13 EWW-433 -68 +/- 67 < 143 02-28-13 EWW-884 30 +/- 77 < 144 03-28-13 EWW-1340 -9 +/- 73 < 148 04-24-13 EWW-2074 77 +/- 100 < 183 05-22-13 EWW-2713 53+/- 79 < 146 06-26-13 EWW-3568 -76 +/- 78 < 156 08-01-13 EWW-4485 -97 +/- 80 < 161 08-28-13 EWW-5124 31 +/- 75 < 149 09-26-13 EWW-5712 -4 +/- 75 < 143 10-31-13 EWW-6705 -58 +/- 76 < 150 11-19-13 EWW-7100 -46 +/- 76 < 150 12-18-13 EWW-7575 / -23 +/- 71 < 145 Mean+/- s.d. -15 +/-58 * " NS" = no sample; not sent. b Water frozen. 13-1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 13. Groundwaler Tritium Monitoring Program (Monthly Collections) Units= Ci/L Beach Drains Sam le ID S-1 S-3 Collection Collection Date Lab Code Tritium MDC Date Lab Code Tritium MDC 01-10-13 EW-103 211 +/- 83 < 137 01-10-13 EW-104 322 +/- 88 < 137 02-10-13 NS" 02-10-13 NS" 03-28-13 EW-1354 240 +/- 85 < 148 03-28-13 EW-1355 1481 +/- 131 < 148 04-09-13 EW-1637 118 +/- 90 < 182 04-09-13 EW-1638 1351 +/- 130 < 182 05-08-13 EW-2372 207 +/- 82 < 144 05-08-13 EW-2373 325 +/- 87 < 144 06-05-13 EW-3049 156 +/- 79 < 146 06-05-13 EW-3051 398 +/- 91 < 146 07-10-13 EW-3809 163 +/- 83 < 150 07-10-13 EW-3810 233 +/- 86 < 150 08-08-13 EW-4562 209 +/- 106 < 184 08-08-13 EW-4564 284 +/- 109 < 184 09-05-13 EW-5280 82 +/- 75 < 151 09-05-13 EW-5281 266 +/- 85 < 151 10-01-13 EW-5823 125 +/- 82 < 152 10-01-13 EW-5824 420 +/- 95 < 152 11-05-13 EW-6845 159 +/- 85 / < 147 11-05-13 EW-6846 232 +/- 89 < 147 12-04-13 EW-7347 661 +/- 101 < 148 12-04-13 EW-7348 ./1210 +/- 121 < 148 Mean+/- s.d. 212+/-156 Mean+/- s.d. 593 +/- 492 Sam le ID S-7 S-8 Collection Collection Date Lab Code Tritium MDC Date Lab Code Tritium MDC 01-10-13 NS" 01-10-13 NS" 02-10-13 NS" 02-10-13 NS" 03-28-13 NS" 03-28-13 NS" 04-09-13 EW-1640 -10 +/- 85 < 182 04-09-13 EW-1641 -14 +/- 85 < 182 Mean+/- s.d. Mean+/- s.d. ID S-9 S-10 Collection Collection Date Lab Code Tritium MDC Date Lab Code Tritium MDC 01-10-13 NS" 01-10-13 NS" 02-10-13 NS" 02-10-13 NS" 03-28-13 NS" 03-28-13 NS" 04-09-13 EW-1642 -21 +/- 84 < 182 04-09-13 EW-1643 45 +/- 87 < 182 06-05-13 EW-3052 115+/-77 < 146 Mean+/- s.d. Mean+/- s.d. 80 +/-50 * "NS" = no sample; not sent. 13-2 Sam le ID Collection Date Lab Code 01-10-13 02-10-13 03-28-13 04-09-13 06-05-13 11-05-13 12-04-13 Mean+/- s.d. ID Collection Date 01-29-13 01-29-13 02-28-13 03-27-13 04-11-13 06-01-13 06-21-13 07-03-13 08-01-13 09-26-13 10-31-13 11-22-13 12-17-13 Mean+/- s.d. ID Collection Date 01-29-13 02-28-13 03-27-13 04-11-13 06-01-13 06-24-13 07-03-13 08-01-13 09-26-13 10-31-13 11-22-13 12-17-13 Mean+/- s.d. EW-1644 EW-3053 EW-6847 EW-7349 Lab Code EWW-977 EWW-978 EWW-981 EWW-1945 EWW-1949 EWW-3133 EWW-3700 EWW-4987 EWW-4991 EWW-6251 EWW-7020 EWW-7557 EWW-7810 GW-10 2Z-361A Lab Code EWW-983 EWW-1947 EWW-1951 EWW-3136 EWW-3702 EWW-4989 EWW-4993 EWW-6253 EWW-7022 EWW-7560 * "NS" = no sample; not sent. POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 13. Groundwater Tritium Monitoring Program (Monthly Collections) Units= Ci/L Beach Drains (cont.) S-11 Tritium MDC NS" NS" NS" 97 +/- 89 < 182 191 +/- 81 < 146 131 +/- 84 < 147 -27 +/- 68 < 148 98 +/-92 Fa!;ade Wells GW-09 1Z-361A GW-09 1Z-3618 Collection Tritium MDC Date Tritium Lab Code 288 +/- 90 < 146 01-29-13 EWW-979 308 +/- 91 257 +/- 89 < 146 02-28-13 EWW-982 259 +/- 89 308 +/- 91 < 146 03-27-13 EWW-1946 128 +/- 85 324 +/- 93 < 149 04-11-13 EWW-1950 204 +/- 88 255 +/- 90 < 149 06-01-13 EWW-3135 102 +/- 78 278 +/- 87 < 148 06-21-13 EWW-3701 93 +/- 89 189 +/- 93 < 161 07-03-13 EWW-4988 125 +/- 84 223 +/- 88 < 148 08-01-13 EWW-4992 130 +/- 85 214 +/- 89 < 150 09-26-13 EWW-6252 168 +/- 101 99 +/- 98 < 155 10-31-13 EWW-7021 122 +/- 84 257 +/- 91 < 148 11-22-13 EWW-7558 230 +/- 84 240 +/- 84 < 145 12-17-13 EWW-7811 ,...--143 +/- 76 /169 +/- 78 < 142 244 +/-45 Mean+/- s.d. 169 +/- 74 GW-10 2Z-3618 Collection Tritium MDC Date Lab Code Tritium NS" 01-29-13 EWW-980 108 +/- 82 -31 +/- 75 < 146 02-28-13 EWW-984 33 +/- 78 52+/- 81 < 149 03-27-13 EWW-1948 24 +/- 80 48 +/- 81 < 149 04-11-13 EWW-1953 50+/- 81 102 +/- 78 < 148 06-01-13 EWW-3137 62 +/- 76 -26 +/- 84 < 161 06-24-13 EWW-3703 19 +/- 86 56+/- 80 < 148 07-03-13 EWW-4990 119 +/- 84 24 +/- 80 < 150 08-01-13 EWW-4994 -14 +/- 78 -4 +/- 94 < 155 09-26-13 EWW-6254 20 +/- 95 51 +/- 81 < 148 10-31-13 EWW-7023 89 +/- 83 126 +/- 79 / < 145 11-22-13 EWW-7561 76 +/- 76 NSC 12-17-13 EWW-7812 ,../66 +/- 72 40 +/-47 Mean+/- s.d. 1 54 +/-40 b Station duplicate. c Water frozen. 13-3 MDC < 146 < 146 < 149 < 149 < 148 < 161 < 148 < 150 < 155 < 148 < 145 < 142 MDC < 146 < 146 < 149 < 149 < 148 < 161 < 148 < 150 < 155 < 148 < 145 < 142 Sample ID Collection Date 01-28-13 02-13-13 03-12-13 04-01-13 05-01-13 06-10-13 07-01-13 07-31-13 08-31-13 09-30-13 11-01-13 12-02-13 12-17-13 Mean+/- s.d. Lab Code EW-985 EW-986 EW-1943 EW-1944 EW-3250 EW-3704 EW-3705 EW-4782 EW-5282 EW-6739 EW-7018 EW-7562 EW-7813 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 13. Groundwater Tritium Monitoring Program (Monthly Collections) Units= Ci/L U2 Subsurface Drain Sump Collection Date Lab Code Tritium MDC N-SSD 686 +/- 106 < 146 10-16-13 EW-6740 846 +/- 112 < 146 730 +/- 109 < 150 S-SSD 1021 +/-119 < 149 . 10-16-13 EW-6741 335 +/- 91 < 143 349 +/- 100 < 162 609 +/- 110 < 161 714 +/- 110 < 152 543 +/- 97 < 151 806 +/- 112 < 154 593 +/- 105 < 148 488 +/- 95 / < 145 501 +/- 93 < 142 643 +/- 201 13-4 Tritium MDC 98 +/- 81 < 154 237 +/- 88 < 154 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Beach Drains Units: = pCi\L Gamma isotopic analysis Location S-1 S-3 S-1 Collection Date 03-28-13 03-28-13 04-09-13 Lab Code EW-1354 MDC EW-1355 MDC EW-1637 MDC Be-7 -2.4 +/- 4.8 < 16.2 1.9+/-7.8 < 20.5 9.3 +/- 18.3 < 39.6 Mn-54 -0.5 +/- 0.5 < 1.0 0.2 +/- 0.9 < 1.6 -1.8 +/- 1.6 < 2.2 Fe-59 0.5+/-1.0 < 2.4 1.9 +/- 1.8 < 5.8 2.8 +/- 2.8 < 4.9 Co-58 -0.1 +/- 0.5 < 1.0 0.0 +/- 1.0 < 2.2 -0.3 +/- 1.4 < 2.1 Co-60 -0.1 +/-0.6 < 1.0 -0.5 +/- 1.1 < 1.7 -0.9 +/- 2.0 < 3.2 Zn-65 0.2 +/- 0.9 < 1.7 0.2 +/- 1.9 < 2.0 -3.2 +/- 4.5 < 3.1 Zr-Nb-95 -0.3 +/- 0.6 < 1.8 -1.6+/-1.0 < 2.0 0.5 +/- 1.8 < 2.2 Cs-134 -0.3 +/- 0.5 < 0.7 -0.3 +/- 0.9 < 1.8 -1.1+/-1.9 < 2.6 Cs-137 0.0 +/- 0.6 < 1.2 0.7 +/- 1.2 < 1.3 0.1 +/- 1.8 < 3.2 Ba-La-140 -1.7 +/- 0.7 < 3.9 -2.4 +/- 1.2 < 6.2 -7.4 +/- 1.9 < 3.4 Location S-3 S-7 S-8 Collection Date 04-09-13 04-09-13 04-09-13 Lab Code EW-1638 EW-1640 EW-1641 Be-7 14.1 +/- 13.2 < 32.3 -1.7 +/- 14.8 < 34.2 17.2 +/- 11.8 < 21.0 Mn-54 -0.3 +/- 1.5 < 2.2 0.9 +/- 1.7 < 2.8 1.0 +/- 1.2 < 2.2 Fe-59 3.4 +/- 2.6 < 5.3 1.0 +/- 2.8 < 3.8 -2.0 +/- 2.4 < 3.8 Co-58 -1.7 +/- 1.6 < 1.5 -0.4 +/- 1.5 < 1.6 0.3 +/- 1.2 < 2.2 Co-60 -0.2 +/- 1.5 < 2.3 0.7 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 -1.2 +/- 1.2 < 1.8 Zn-65 -0.6 +/- 2.8 < 3.3 1.0 +/- 3.1 < 3.8 0.3 +/- 2.3 < 3.7 Zr-Nb-95 2.1 +/- 1.4 < 3.3 -0.6 +/- 1.6 < 3.3 0.1 +/- 1.3 < 1.8 Cs-134 1.2+/-1.5 < 2.7 -1.0+/-1.6 < 2.1 -0.5 +/- 1.3 < 2.2 Cs-137 0.3 +/- 1.9 < 3.2 -1.7 +/- 2.0 < 2.7 0.9 +/- 1.5 < 2.7 Ba-La-140 0.4+/-1.8 < 3.7 -3.0 +/-2.1 < 4.1 1.2 +/- 1.5 < 5.5 Location S-9 S-10 S-11 Collection Date 04-09-13 04-09-13 04-09-13 Lab Code EW-1642 EW-1643 EW-1644 Be-7 18.7 +/- 10.3 < 24.2 40.3 +/- 13.0 < 32.1 13.7+/-11.0 < 21.0 Mn-54 -0.1 +/- 1.2 < 2.3 0.8 +/- 1.2 < 2.5 -0.2 +/- 1.1 < 1.8 Fe-59 1.0+/-2.2 < 4.3 -0.9 +/- 2.0 < 4.6 -0.7 +/- 1.8 < 2.1 Co-58 0.3 +/- 1.1 < 1.4 -0.2 +/- 1.2 < 1.8 -0.4 +/- 1.1 < 1.9 Co-60 0.6 +/- 1.2 < 1.9 -1.1 +/- 1.2 < 1.6 0.3 +/- 1.2 < 1.6 Zn-65 -2.3 +/- 2.3 < 1.8 0.3 +/- 2.4 < 4.0 1.3 +/- 2.3 < 4.1 Zr-Nb-95 1.0 +/- 1.2 < 3.0 -2.0 +/- 1.3 < 2.3 0.9 +/- 1.2 < 3.0 Cs-134 0.6 +/- 0.9 < 1.7 0.1 +/- 1.3 < 2.4 -0.8 +/- 1.0 < 1.7 Cs-137 0.7+/-1.4 < 2.7 -0.3 +/- 1.3 < 2.3 -0.1 +/- 1.4 < 2.5 Ba-La-140 -0.3 +/- 1.4 < 3.0 2.1 +/- 1.5 < 4.6 -1.9 +/- 1.3 < 1.7 13-5 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Beach Drains (cont.) Units: = pCi\L Gamma isotopic analysis Location S-1 S-3 S-10 Collection Date 06-05-13 06-05-13 06-05-1 3 Lab Code EW-3049 MDC EW-3051 MDC EW-3052 MDC Be-7 5.0 +/- 14.4 < 34.5 6.0 +/- 13.7 < 35.5 29.2 +/- 14.7 < 34.2 Mn-54 -0.1 +/-1.7 < 1.9 0.6 +/- 1.6 < 3.2 -0.1 +/- 1.6 < 2.7 Fe-59 0.2 +/- 2.6 < 4.1 -1.0 +/- 2.6 < 2.9 -1.1 +/- 2.8 < 3.4 Co-58 -0.8 +/- 1.4 < 2.0 0.3 +/- 1.2 < 2.4 -0.9 +/- 1.6 < 2.1 Co-60 1.8 +/- 1.9 < 2.2 -0.2 +/- 1.8 < 1.6 -2.1 +/- 1.6 < 2.0 Zn-65 -1.1+/-2.4 < 2.6 -4.1 +/- 3.5 < 2.0 0.1 +/- 2.3 < 3.0 Zr-Nb-95 -0.5 +/- 1.5 < 1.9 0.0 +/- 1.8 < 4.2 2.0 +/- 1.4 < 2.5 Cs-134 0.2 +/- 1.3 < 2.7 0.0 +/- 1.7 < 2.9 0.5 +/- 1.3 < 2.0 Cs-137 0.9 +/- .1.6 < 1.9 -0.1 +/- 1.7 < 3.2 0.4 +/- 1.8 < 2.7 Ba-La-140 -3.8 +/- 1.9 < 2.6 -0.2 +/- 1.8 < 3.6 0.5 +/- 1.6 < 2.6 Location S-11 S-1 S-3 Collection Date 06-05-13 07-10-13 07-10-13 Lab Code EW-3053 MDC EW-3809 MDC EW-3810 MDC Be-7 3.9 +/- 11.3 < 30.8 -4.3 +/- 11.6 < 35.0 11.8 +/- 11.0 < 25.5 Mn-54 0.4 +/- 1.3 < 2.4 0.4 +/- 1.4 < 2.6 0.8 +/- 1.3 < 2.1 Fe-59 1.3+/-1.9 < 3.7 -1.7 +/-2.3 < 5.5 1.6 +/- 2.8 < 6.8 Co-58 -0.2 +/- 1.2 < 2.5 -1.3 +/- 1.3 < 1.7 -0.7 +/- 1.2 < 1.4 Co-60 -1.4+/-1.3 < 1.5 0.9+/-1.4 < 2.2 -0.1 +/- 1.5 < 1.8 Zn-65 -0.7 +/- 2.4 < 2.0 -1.0 +/- 2.4 < 2.8 0.4 +/- 2.4 < 2.4 Zr-Nb-95 -1.5 +/- 1.4 < 3.0 -1.2 +/- 1.3 < 2.4 2.5 +/- 1.5 < 3.6 Cs-134 -0.7 +/- 1.4 < 2.4 0.5 +/- 1.4 < 2.1 0.2 +/- 1.1 < 1.7 Cs-137 1.6 +/- 1.5 < 2.7 0.3 +/- 1.5 < 2.5 -0.7 +/- 1.5 < 2.4 Ba-La-140 -1.2 +/- 1.5 < 4.6 -1.8 +/- 1.8 < 4.9 -1.0 +/- 1.5 < 3.7 Location S-1 S-3 S-1 Collection Date 08-08-13 08-08-13 09-05-13 Lab Code EW-4562 MDC EW-4564 MDC EW-5280 Be-7 -1.4 +/- 10.3 < 26.3 2.6 +/- 10.5 < 26.5 -6.0 +/- 14.2 < 23.4 Mn-5 4 1.4 +/- 1.1 < 2.3 -0.2 +/- 1.4 < 2.5 -0.8 +/- 1.4 < 1.5 Fe-59 2.2 +/- 1.8 < 3.8 -2.9 +/- 2.5 < 3.5 -5.3 +/- 3.1 < 3.2 Co-58 -0.7 +/- 1.1 < 1.4 -1.2 +/- 1.2 < 1.6 1.0 +/- 1.7 < 2.2 Co-60 1.3 +/- 1.3 < 2.2 -0.9 +/- 1.5 < 2.4 1.3 +/- 1.4 < 2.4 Zn-65 -1.6 +/- 3.0 < 5.2 -2.2 +/- 2.2 < 2.5 -1.9 +/- 3.3 < 3.5 Zr-Nb-95 -0.8 +/- 1.1 < 2.0 0.2 +/- 1.4 < 3.0 -1.8 +/- 1.7 < 3.1 Cs-134 0.1 +/- 1.1 < 2.1 0.2 +/- 0.9 < 2.1 0.8 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 Cs-137 0.2 +/- 1.5 < 2.9 1.0 +/- 1.4 < 2.7 0.2 +/- 1.6 < 3.2 Ba-La-140 -2.4 +/- 1.2 < 2.7 -0.5 +/- 1.3 < 4.6 0.6 +/- 1.5 < 2.7 13-6 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Supplemental Analyses *t._. Units: = pCi\L Gamma isotopic analysis Location S-3 S-1 S-3 Collection Date 09-05-13 10-01-13 10-01-13 Lab Code EW-5281 MDC EW-5823 EW-5824 Be-7 3.0 +/- 13.7 < 35.5 8.3 +/- 16.5 < 40.8 3.5 +/- 8.4 < 25.4 Mn-54 -0.9 +/- 1.7 < 1.8 -0.7+/-1.6 < 2.5 -1.2 +/- 1.1 < 1.7 Fe-59 -2.9 +/- 2.7 < 4.1 -2.5 +/- 3.7 < 4.3 0.2 +/- 1.9 < 4.9 Co-58 0.1 +/- 1.8 < 2.5 0.3+/-1.4 < 3.3 0.6 +/- 1.1 < 2.2 Co-60 2.0 +/- 1.9 < 2.3 1.3+/-1.5 < 1.8 0.7 +/- 1.2 < 1.6 Zn-65 0.5 +/- 3.3 < 3.4 -3.7 +/- 3.4 < 4.2 -1.9 +/- 2.2 < 3.1 Zr-Nb-95 2.5 +/- 1.8 < 4.0 -0.2 +/- 1.9 < 6.1 -1.5 +/- 1.2 < 3.0 Cs-134 -0.4 +/- 1.7 < 2.4 -2.2 +/- 1.8 < 3.6 -0.6 +/- 1.1 < 2.2 Cs-137 0.1 +/- 2.0 < 3.1 -0.4 +/- 1.8 < 2.5 0.2 +/- 1.4 < 2.4 Ba-La-140 0.5 +/- 1.9 < 3.4 0.9 +/- 1.5 < 2.8 2.0 +/- 1.0 < 7.1 Location S-1 S-3 S-11 Collection Date 11-05-13 11-05-13 11-05-13 Lab Code EW-6845 EW-6846 EW-6847 Be-7 16.4 +/-21.5 < 41.9 3.0 +/- 22.3 < 27.1 -13.3 +/- 13.9 < 21.4 Mn-54 0.9 +/- 2.5 < 3.4 -0.1+/-2.0 < 3.0 0.3 +/- 1.6 < 2.6 Fe-59 3.1 +/- 3.8 < 7.6 -1.7 +/- 4.1 < 5.4 -1.6 +/- 3.2 < 5.3 Co-58 0.0 +/- 2.3 < 2.5 -2.1 +/- 2.3 < 2.6 -1.9 +/- 1.8 < 2.1 Co-60 -1.4 +/- 2.7 < 3.1 -0.6 +/- 2.0 < 2.9 -1.2 +/- 1.9 < 2.3 Zn-65 -1.4 +/- 5.6 < 5.9 -1.8 +/- 5.4 < 7.6 1.4 +/- 3.0 < 5.2 Zr-Nb-95 -0.5 +/- 2.5 < 3.0 1.3 +/- 2.2 < 3.4 -3.3 +/- 2.0 < 2.5 Cs-134 1.3 +/- 2.4 < 4.6 -1.1 +/- 2.4 < 4.5 0.3 +/- 1.9 < 3.5 Cs-137 2.3 +/- 2.4 < 3.9 0.3 +/- 2.4 < 4.0 0.8 +/- 1.7 < 2.7 Ba-La-140 -0.7 +/- 2.8 < 3.1 -4.6 +/- 3.0 < 3.1 -3.2 +/- 2.1 < 3.1 Location S-1 S-3 S-11 Collection Date 12-04-13 12-04-13 / 12-04-13 / Lab Code EW-7347 EW-7348 EW-7349 Be-7 4.3 +/- 12.7 < 31.3 36.8 +/- 17.4 < 38.2 15.4 +/- 12.8 < 31.4 Mn-54 -0.2 +/- 1.3 < 2.4 0.4 +/- 1.4 < 2.4 2.3 +/- 1.5 < 2.8 Fe-59 -1.2 +/- 2.4 < 3.3 -1.2 +/-2.3 < 3.6 1.1 +/- 2.0 < 2.4 Co-58 -1.1 +/- 1.5 < 2.1 -0.8 +/- 1.5 < 1.4 0.7 +/- 1.3 / < 2.6 Co-60 0.7+/-1.4 < 2.5 1.4 +/- 1.5 ./ < 2.1 -0.8 +/- 1.7 < 1.4 Zn-65 -3.8 +/- 3.1 < 3.1 1.2 +/- 3.3 < 5.1 -1.6 +/- 2.4 < 2.3 Zr-Nb-95 -0.6 +/- 1.4 < 3.1 -1.2 +/- 1.4 < 1.6 -0.4 +/- 1.7 < 3.1 Cs-134 -1.6 +/- 1.4 < 2.7 0.8 +/- 1.5 < 2.9 0.2 +/- 1.4 < 2.4 Cs-137 -0.9 +/- 1.7 < 2.5 0.4 +/- 1.8 < 2.9 -0.7 +/- 1.6 < 2.3 Ba-La-140 0.6 +/- 1.8 < 4.4 -1.0 +/- 1.8 < 3.9 -2.9 +/- 1.9 < 2.4 13-7 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 13. Groundwater Tritium Monitoring Program (Quarterly Collections) Units= Ci/L I Quarterly Wells Sample ID GW-05 (WH 6 Well) GW-06 (SBCC Well) Collection Collection Date Lab Code Tritium MDC Date Lab Code Tritium MDC 01-16-13 EWW-186 -10 +/- 72 < 138 01-16-13 EWW-187 52+/- 75 < 138 04-09-13 EWW-1634 22 +/- 86 < 182 04-09-13 EWW-1635 -50 +/- 83 < 182 07-10-13 EWW-3812 1 +/- 75 < 150 07-10-13 EWW-3813 -1 +/- 74 < 150 10-15-13 EWW-6336 22 +/- 74 < 147 10-15-13 EWW-6337 14 +/- 74 < 147 Mean+/- s.d. 9 +/- 16 Mean+/- s.d. 4 +/-42 ID GW-11 (MW-1) GW-12 (MW-2) Collection Collection Date Lab Code Tritium MDC Date Lab Code Tritium MDC 02-18-13 EWW-683 115 +/- 77 < 143 02-18-13 EWW-684 6 +/- 71 < 143 05-21-13 EWW-2731 128 +/- 83 < 146 05-21-13 EWW-2732 90 +/- 81 < 146 08-01-13 EWW-4775 82 +/- 84 < 152 08-01-13 EWW-4776 -22 +/- 79 < 152 10-23-13 EWW-6732 87 +/- 78 < 149 10-23-13 EWW-6733 -14 +/- 73 < 149 Mean+/- s.d. 103 +/- 22 Mean+/- s.d. 15 +/-51 ID GW-13 (MW-6) GW-14A (MW-05A) Collection Collection Date Lab Code Tritium MDC Date Lab Code Tritium MDC 02-18-13 EWW-685 12 +/- 71 < 143 02-18-13 EWW-686 18 +/- 72 < 143 05-21-13 EWW-2733 84 +/- 81 < 146 05-21-13 EWW-2734 151 +/- 84 < 146 08-01-13 EWW-4777 106 +/- 85 < 152 08-01-13 EWW-4778 58+/- 83 < 152 10-23-13 EWW-6734 -5 +/- 73 < 149 10-23-13 EWW-6735 81 +/- 78 < 149 Mean+/- s.d. 49 +/-54 Mean+/- s.d. 77 +/-56 ID GW-15 (MW-4) GW-15A (MW-4) Collection Collection Date Lab Code Tritium MDC Date Lab Code Tritium MDC 02-18-13 EWW-687 278 +/- 84 < 143 02-18-13 EWW-688 255 +/- 83 < 143 05-21-13 EWW-2736 277 +/- 89 < 146 05-21-13 EWW-2737 296 +/- 90 < 146 08-01-13 EWW-4779 252 +/- 92 < 152 10-23-13 EWW-6737 255 +/- 87 < 149 Mean+/- s.d. 265 +/- 14 Mean+/- s.d. 276 +/-29 ID GW-16A (MW-3) GW-168 (MW-3) Collection Collection Date Lab Code Tritium MDC Date Lab Code Tritium MDC 02-18-13 NS" 02-18-13 NS" 05-21-13 EWW-2738 232 +/- 87 < 146 08-01-13 EWW-4780 210 +/- 90 < 152 10-23-13 EWW-6738 169 +/- 83 < 149 Mean+/- s.d. 204 +/- 32 Mean+/- s.d. * "NS" = no sample; not sent. 13-8 Sample ID Collection Date 02-18-13 04-09-13 07-10-13 10-15-13 Mean+/- s.d. Sample ID Collection Date 05-08-13 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 13. Groundwater Tritium Mon i toring Program (Quarterly Collections) Units= Ci/L Q u art e i'l y Well s (cont.) GW-18 (WH ?Well) Sample ID GW-14B (MW-05B) Lab Code Tritium NS" EWW-1636 -5 +/- 85 EWW-3814 13 +/- 75 EWW-6338 -20 +/- 72 -4 +/- 17 GW-07 (North Bog) Lab Code EWW-2370 Tritium 105 +/- 77 MDC < 182' < 150 < 147 Collection Date 10-23-13 Mean+/- s.d. (Annual Collections) Units= Ci/L MDC < 144 Bogs Collection Date 05-08-13 Lab Code Tritium EWW-6736 68 +/- 77 GW-08 EIC Bog Lab Code EWW-2371 Tritium 209 +/- 82 a "NS" = no sample; not sent. 13-9 MDC < 1 4 9 MDC < 144 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Table 13. Groundwater Tritium Monitoring Program Sample ID Collection Date 04-30-13 Mean+/- s.d. Sample ID Collection Date 04-30-13 Mean+/- s.d. ID Collection Date 05-02-13 10-15-13 Mean+/- s.d. ID Collection Date 04-30-13 Mean+/- s.d. ID Collection Date 05-02-13 10-15-13 Mean+/- s.d. MH Z-065A Lab Code Tritium NS" MH Z-065C Lab Code Tritium NS" MH Z-066A Lab Code Tritium EW-2375 194 +/- 81 EW-6440 185 +/- 82 189 +/- 7 MH Z-066C Lab Code Tritium EW-2377 242 +/- 83 MH Z-067A Lab Code Tritium EW-2379 173 +/- 80 EW-6441 193 +/- 83 183 +/- 14 a "NS" -No sample; not sent. Units= pCi/L Manholes MDC (pCi/L) MDC (pCi/L) MDC (pCi/L) < 144 < 147 MDC (pCi/L) < 144 MDC (pCi/l) < 144 < 147 Collection Date 04-30-13 Mean+/- s.d. Collection Date 04-30-13 Mean+/- s.d. Collection Date 05-02-13 Mean+/- s.d. Collection Date 04-30-13 Mean+/- s.d. Collection Date 05-02-13 Mean+/- s.d. 13-10 MH Z-0658 Lab Code Tritium NS" MH Z-065D Lab Code Tritium NS" MH Z-0668 Lab Code Tritium EW-2376 71 +/- 75 MH Z-066D Lab Code Tritium EW-2378 151 +/- 79 MH Z-0678 Lab Code Tritium EW-2380 187 +/- 81 MDC (pCi/L) MDC (pCi/L) MDC (pCi/L) < 144 MDC (pCi/L) < 144 MDC (pCi/L) < 144 Sam pre iD "'-' MH Z-067C Collection Lab Code Tritium Date 04-30-13 EW-2381 170 +/- 80 Mean+/- s.d. ID MH Z-068 Collection Lab Code Tritium Date 04-30-13 EW-2383 225 +/- 82 10-15-13 EW-6442 154 +/- 81 Mean+/- s.d. 189 +/-50 ID MH-4 Collection Lab Code Tritium Date 04-30-13 NS" Mean+/- s.d. ID MH-7 Collection Lab Code Tritium Date 04-30-13 NS" Mean+/- s.d. Sample ID MH-16 Collection Lab Code Tritium Date 04-30-13 NS" Mean+/- s.d. ID MH-5A Collection Lab Code Tritium Date 04-30-13 NS" Mean+/- s.d. " "NS" = No sample; not sent. POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Manholes (cont.) MDC Coll.ection (pCi/L) Date < 144 04<?0-13 Mean+/- s.d. MDC Collection (pCi/L) Date < 144 04-30-13 < 147 Mean+/- s.d. MDC Collection (pCi/L) Date 04-30-13 Mean+/- s.d. MDC Collection {pCi/L) Date 04-30-13 Mean+/- s.d. MDC Collection {pCi/L) Date 04-30-13 Mean+/- s.d. MDC Collection {pCi/L) Date 04-30-13 Mean+/- s.d. 13-11 MH Z-06 7D Lab Code Tritium EW-2382 173 +/- 80 MH-1 Lab Code Tritium NS" MH-6 Lab Code Tritium NS" MH-8 Lab Code *Tritium NS" MH-2 Lab Code Tritium NS" MH-9 Lab Code Tritium NS" MDC (pCi/L) < 144 MDC (pCi/L) MDC (pCi/L) MDC (pCi/L) MDC (pCi/L) MDC (pCi/L) All Environmental, Inc. * /"'\1 Midwest Laboratory TOO Landwelu Road

  • No rll1 brook. IL 60062-2310 pllone {847) 564-0700
  • fax (847) 564*4517 NOTE: APPENDIX A INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM RESULTS Environmental Inc., Midwest Laboratory participates in intercomparison studies administered by Environmental Resources Associates, and serves as a replacement for studies conducted previously by the U.S. EPA Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Las Vegas, Nevada. Results are reported in Appendix A. TLD lntercomparison results, in-house spikes, blanks, duplicates and mixed analyte performance evaluation program results are also reported.

Appendix A is updated four times a year; the complete Appendix is included in March, June, September and December monthly progress reports only. January through December, 2013 IH Appendix A 1 . Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results Environmental, Inc., Midwest Laboratory has participated in interlaboratory comparison (crosscheck) programs since the formulation of it's quality control program in December 1971. These programs are operated by agencies which supply environmental type samples containing concentrations of radionuclides known to the issuing agency but not to participant laboratories. The purpose of such a program is to provide an independent check on a laboratory's analytical procedures and to alert it of any possible problems. Participant laboratories measure the concentration of specified radionuclides and report them to the issuing . agency. Several months later, the agency reports the known values to the participant laboratories and specifies control limits. Results consistently higher or lower than the known values or outside the control limits indicate a need to check the instruments or procedures used. Results in Table A-1 were obtained through participation in the environmental sample crosscheck program administered by Environmental Resources Associates, serving as a replacement for studies conducted previously by the U.S. EPA Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Las Vegas, Nevada. Table A-2 lists results for thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs), via International lntercomparison of Environmental Dosimeters, when available, and internal laboratory testing. Table A-3 lists results of the analyses on in-house "spiked" samples for the past twelve months. All samples are prepared using NIST traceable sources. Data for previous years available upon request. Table A-4 lists results of the analyses on in-house "blank" samples for the past twelve months. Data for previous years available upon request. Table A-5 lists REMP specific analytical results from the in-house "duplicate" program for the past twelve months. Acceptance is based on the difference of the results being less than the sum of the errors. Complete analytical data for duplicate analyses is available upon request. The results in Table A-6 were obtained through participation in the Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program. Results in Table A-7 were obtained through participation in the environmental sample crosscheck program administered by Environmental Resources Associates, serving as a replacement for studies conducted previously by the Environmental Measurement Laboratory Quality Assessment Program (EML). Attachment A lists laboratory precision at the 1 sigma level for various analyses. The acceptance criteria I in Table A-3 is set at +/- 2 sigma. Out-of-limit results are explained directly below the result. A1 Attachment A ! ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR "SPIKED" SAMPLES ' LABORATORY PRECISION: ONE STANDARD DEVIATION VALUES FOR VARIOUS ANALYSES" Analysis Gamma Emitters Strontium-89b Strontium-9Gb Potassium-40 Gross alpha Gross beta Tritium Radium-226,-228 Plutonium lodine-131, lodine-129b Uranium-238, Nickel-63b Technetium-99b lron-55b Level 5 to 1 00 pCi/liter or kg > 100 pCi/liter or kg 5 to 50 pCilliter or kg > 50 pCi/liter or kg 2 to 30 pCi/liter or kg > 30 pCi/liter or kg ;:: 0.1 g/liter or kg s 20 pCilliter > 20 pCi/liter s 1 00 pCi/liter > 1 00 pCi/liter s 4,000 pCi/liter > 4,000 pCi/liter

0.1 pCi/liter
0.1 pCi/liter, gram , or sample s 55 pCi/liter

> 55 pCi/liter s 35 pCi/liter > 35 pCi/liter 50 to 100 pCi/liter > 1 00 pCi/liter One standard deviation for single determination 5.0 pCi/liter 5% of known value 5.0 pCilliter 10% of known value 5.0 pCi!liter 10% of known value 5% of known value 5.0 pCi/liter 25% of known value 5.0 pCilliter 5% of known value +/- 1cr = 169.85 x (known )0*0933 10% of known value 15% of known value 10% of known value 6 pCilliter 10% of known value 6 pCilliter 15% of known value 1 0 pCi/liter 10% of known value Other Analyses b 20% of known value a From EPA publication, "Environmental Radioactivity Laqpratory lntercomparison Studies Program, Fiscal Year, 1981-1982, EPA-600/4-81-004. b Laboratory limit. A2 TABLE A-1. Int e rlaboratory Comparison Cro s sch ec k program , Envir o nm e ntal Res o urc e Asso c iates (ERA)a. 'II IJ-Concentration (pCi/L) Lab Cod e Date Analy s is Laboratory ERA Control Result b Result c Limits Accept a nc e ERW-76 01/07/13 Ra-226 10.04 +/- 0.55 9.91 7.42 -11.60 Pass ERW-76 01/07/13 Ra-228 6.11 +/- 1.29 5.22 3.14-6.96 Pass ERW-76 01/07/13 Uranium 5.90 +/- 0.58 5.96 4.47 -7.13 Pass ERW-1593 04/08/13 Sr-89 43.60 +/- 4.32 41.30 31.60 -48.40 Pass ERW-1593 04/08/13 Sr-90 23.20 +/- 1.70 2 3.90 17.20 -28.00 Pass ERW-1596 04/08/13 Ba-133 74 .. 80 +/- 4.00 82.10 69.00 -90.30 Pass ERW-1596 04/08/13 Co-60 65.50 +/- 3.42 65.90 59.30 -75.00 Pass ERW-1596 04/08/13 Cs-134 41.10 +/- 3.47 42.80 34.20 -47.10 Pass ERW-1596 04/08/13 Cs-137 42.30 +/- 4.03 41.70 37.00 -48.80 Pass ERW-1596 04/08/13 Zn-65 200.3 +/- 10.1 189.0 170.0 -222.0 Pass ERW-1598 04/08/13 Gr. Alpha 34.30 +/- 1.98 40.80 21.10-51.90 Pass ERW-1598 04/08/13 Gr. Beta 18.70 +/- 0.98 21.60 13.00 -29.70 Pass ERW-1600 04/08/13 1-131 23.00 +/- 1.10 23.80 19.70 -28.30 Pass ERW-1600 04/08/13 I-131(G) 23.48 +/- 9.44 23.80 19.70-28.30 Pass ERW-1605 04/08/13 Ra-226 16.30 +/- 0.70 15.40 11.50-17.70 Pass ERW-1605 04/08/13 Ra-228 5.32 +/- 1.30 4.36 2.54-5.98 Pass ERW-1605 04/08/13 Uranium 57.30 +/-4.20 61.20 49.80 -67.90 Pass ERW-1606 04/08/13 H-3 4041 +/- 194 4050 3450-4460 Pass ERW-6009 10/07/13 Sr-89 22.00 +/- 2.80 21.90 14.40 +/- 28.20 Pass ERW-6009 10/07/13 Sr-90 17.10 +/- 2.55 18.10 12.80 +/- 21.50 Pass ERW-6012 10/07/13 Ba-133 48.20 +/- 4.29 54.20 44.70 +/- 59.90 Pass ERW-6012 10/07/13 Co-60 100.8 +/- 4.7 102.0 91.80 +/- 114.00 Pass ERW-6012 10/07/13 Cs-134 87.30 +/- 4.35 86.70 71.10 +/- 95.40 Pass ERW-6012 10/07/13 Cs-137 199.6 +/- 7.4 206.0 185.0-228.0 Pass ERW-6012 10/07/13 Zn-65 356.2 +/- 13.2 333.0 300.0 -389.0 Pass ERW-6015 10/07/13 Gr. Alpha 30.70 +/- 11.90 42.80 22.20 +/- 54.30 Pass ERW-6015 10/07/13 Gr. Beta 25.70 +/- 6.48 32.20 20.80 +/- 39.90 Pass ERW-6019 10/07/13 1-131 22.50 +/- 1.01 23.60 19.60 +/- 28.00 Pass ERW-6022 10/07/13 Ra-226 12.70 +/- 1.62 12.10 9.04 +/- 14.00 Pass ERW-6022 d 10/07/13 Ra-228 5.70 +/- 0.56 4.02 2.30 +/- 5.59 Fail ERW-6022 10/07/13 Uranium 6.59 +/- 0.38 6.24 4.70 +/- 7.44 Pass ERW-6024 10/07/13 H-3 18397 +/- 695 17700 15500 -19500 Pass . a Results obta i ned by Environmental , Inc., Midwest Laboratory as a participant in the cros s che c k program for proficiency testing in drinking water conducted by Environmental Resources As s ociates (ERA). b Unless otherwise indicated, the laboratory result is giv e n as the mean +/-standard dev i ation for three determinations. c Results are presented as the known values, e x pected laboratory precis i on (1 sigma, 1 determination) and control limits as provided by ERA. d The reported result was obtained in the first cycle of counting. It can be positively biased due to e x tra beta counts contributed by Pb-214 and Bi-214 daughters of;Rn-_;2;?, 2. Result cycle of counting 4.47 pCi/L. A1-1 ,, 'I TABLE A-2. Th e rmolumin e scent D os imetry, (TLD, CaS0 4: Dy'C a rds). mR L a b Code Date Known Lab Result Control Description Value +/- 2 sigma Limits Acceptance Environmental, Inc. 2013-1 5/6/2013 40 em. 34.26 39.92 +/- 2.67 23.98 -44.54 Pass 2013-1 5/6/2013 50 em. 21.93 2(5.44 +/- 3.31 15.35 -28.51 Pass 2013-1 5/6/2013 60 em. 15.23 15.88 +/- 1.12 10.66 -19.80 Pass 2013-1 5/6/2013 70 em. 11.19 10.89 +/- 0.66 7.83 -14.55 Pass 2013-1 5/6/2013 80 em. 8.57 9.21 +/- 0.41 6.00-11.14 Pass 2013-1 5/6/2013 90 em. 6.77 6.52 +/- 0.34 4.74-8.80 Pass 2013-1 5/6/2013 100 em. 5.48 5.02 +/- 0.53 3.84 -7.12 Pass 2013-1 5/6/2013 110 em. 4.53 4.51 +/- 0.34 3.17-5.89 Pass 2013-1 5/6/2013 120 em. 3.81 4.28 +/- 0.35 2.67-4.95 Pass 2013-1 5/6/2013 135 em. 3.01 2.64 +/- 0.18 2.11 -3.91 Pass 2013-1 5/6/2013 150 em. 2.44 2.10 +/-0.25 1.71 -3.17 Pass 2013-1 5/6/2013 180 em. 1.69 1.78 +/- 0.33 1.18-2.20 Pass Environmental. Inc. 2013-2 11/18/2013 50 em. 19.93 22.75 +/- 3.67 13.95 -25.91 Pass 2013-2 11/18/2013 60 em. 13.84 15.75 +/- 1.94 9.69 -17.99 Pass 2013-2 11/18/2013 70cm. 10.17 11.24 +/- 0.88 7.12 -13.22 Pass 2013-2 11/18/2013 75 em. 8.86 9.18 +/- 1.23 6.20 -11.52 Pass 2013-2 11/18/2013 80 em. 7.79 7.81 +/- 1.10 5.45 -10.13 Pass 2013-2 11/18/2013 90 em. 6.15 5.98 +/- 0.90 4.31 -8.00 Pass 2013-2 11/18/2013 100 em. 4.98 5.13 +/- 0.73 3.49-6.47 Pas*s 2013-2 11/18/2013 110 em. 4.12 3.87 +/- 0.32 2.88-5.36 Pass 2013-2 11/18/2013 120 em. 3.46 3.11 +/- 0.39 2.42 -4.50 Pass 2013-2 11/18/2013 135 em. 2.73 2.71 +/- 0.83 1.91 -3.55 Pass 2013-2 11/18/2013 150 em. 2.21 2.11 +/- 0.63 1.55 -2.87 Pass 2013-2 11/18/2013 180 em. 1.54 1.81 +/-0.10 1.08 -2.00 Pas , s ' A2-1 TABLE A-3. In-H o u se "Spik e d" Samples Lab Code b D a t e Analysis SPW-66 1/9/2013 Tc-99 SPW-1891 1/18/2013 Ra-228 SPS0-12313S 1/23/2013 Tc-99 SPMI-264 1/25/2013 Cs-1 34 SPMI-264 1/25/2013 Cs-137 SPMI-264 1/25/2013 Sr-90 SPW-266 1/25/2013 Co-60 SPW-266 1/25/2013 Cs-134 SPW-266 1/25/2013 Cs-137 SPW-266 1/25/2013 Sr-90 SPAP-376 2/1/2013 Gr. Beta SPAP-378 2/1/2013 Cs-134 SPAP-378 2/1/2013 Cs-137 SPW-391 2/1/2013 H-3 SPW-380 2/10/2013 Ni-63 W-30413 3/4/2013 Gr. Alpha W-30413 3/4/2013 Gr. Beta W-30713 3/7/2013 Ra-226 W-42713 4/27/2013 Gr. Alpha W-42713 4/27/2013 Gr. Beta WW-2870 5/7/2013 Co-60 WW-2870 5/7/2013 Cs-137 WW-2870 5/7/2013 H-3 W-53113 5/31/2013 Ra-226 SPAP-3332 6/19/2013 Am-241 SPW-3334 6/19/2013 Th-230 SPW-3458 6/24/2013 C-14 SPAP-3529 6/27/2013 Cs-134 SPAP-3529 6/27/2013 Cs-137 SPAP-3531 6/27/2013 Gr. Beta SPF-3533 6/27/2013 Cs-134 SPF-3533 6/27/2013 Cs-137 SPW-3535 6/27/2013 Ni-63 SPW-3537 6/27/2013 Tc-99 SPW-3539 6/27/2013 Fe-55 SPW-1893 6/28/2013 Ra-228 Con ce ntr a tion (pCi/L)a Labor a tory r e sults 2 s, n=1 c 1009 +/- 5 35.60 +/- 2.75 10 3.5 +/- 2.2 110.9 +/- 6.7 82.84 +/- 7.47 38.19 +/- 1.49 46.89 +/- 4.68 105.9 +/- 8.0 42.17 +/- 5.65 39.84 +/- 1.65 44.20 +/- 0.11 3.71 +/- 0.65 97.47 +/- 2.50 63719 +/- 703 217.0 +/- 3.7 19.77 +/-0.40 30.48 +/- 0.34 18.06 +/- 0.51 20.67 +/- 0.40 28.44 +/- 0.32 166.1 +/-7.4 161.2 +/- 9.3 6853 +/- 250 16.83 +/- 0.41 4.60 +/-0.14 4.36 +/- 0.34 3825 +/- 13 3.49 +/- 1.26 102.0 +/- 2.9 45.64 +/- 0.11 1.31 +/-0.14 2.77 +/- 0.27 204.3 +/- 3.5 104.5 +/- 1.7 97015 +/- 860 30.16-2.73 A3-1 Known Activity 1078 30.85 107.8 107.5 77 ,.48 40.11 44 i.43 1 0'7 .5 39.49 45.68 3.87 102.9 65626 205.3 2o: oo 30.90 16.70 20.00 30.90 161.6 149.0 6735 16;70 4;00 4.00 4736 3.30 101.1 45.42 1.50 2.43 204.8 107.8 90677 30 , 85 Control Limil s d 754.9 -1402.0 21.6 0-40.11 75.46 -140.14 96.73 -118.23 67.48 -87.48 32.09 -48.13 34.48 -54.48 96.73 -118.23 29.49 -49.49 32.09-48.13 27.41 -63.95 2.32-5.42 92.61 -113.19 52501 -78751 143.7 -266.9 10.00 -30.00 20.90 -40.90 11.69-21.71 10.00 -30.00 20.90 -40.90 145.4 -177.8 134.1 -163.9 5388-8082 11.69-21.71 2.40 -5.60 2.40-5.60 2842-6630 1.98-4.62 90.99-111.21 27.25 -63.59 0.90-2.10 1.46-3.40 143.4 -266.2 75.46-140.14 72542 -108812 21.60 -40.11 Accept a n c e Pa s s Pass Pa ss Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass TABL!= A-3. In-Hou s e "Spiked" S a mples Concentration (pCi/L)" Lab Code b Date Analysis Laboratory r e sults Known Control 2s,n=1° Activity Limits ct Accept a nce SPW-72913S 7/29/2013 Tc-99 126.6 +/- 2.2 107.8 75.46 +/- 140.14 Pass SPW-, 4373 7/31/2013 Cs-134 91.71 +/- 6.02 90.94 8o: 94 +/- 1 oo.94 Pass SPW-4373 7/31/2013 Cs-137 83.05 +/- 7.20 76.57 66.57 +/- 86.57 Pass SPW-4373 7/31/2013 Sr-90 39.28 +/- 1.77 39.64 31: 71 +/-47.57 Pass SPW-4374 7/31/2013 Sr-90 42.17 +/- 1.71 39.64 31.71 +/-47.57 Pass SPMI-4376 7/31/2013 Cs-134 82.22 -7.23 90.94 80.94 +/- 100.94 Pass SPMI-4376 7/31/2013 Cs-137 83.31 -8.29 76.57 66.57 +/- 86.57 Pass SPMI-4376A 7/31/2013 Sr-90 35.00 +/- 1.63 39.64 31: 71 +/-47.57 Pass W-73113 7/31/2013 Ra-226 17.61 +/- 0.41 16.70 11.69 +/-21.71 Pass SPS-4514 8/5/2013 Sr-90 78.63 +/- 2.95 79.28 63.42 +/- 95.14 Pass W-82013 8/20/2013 Gr. Alpha 21.53 +/- 0.45 20.00 10.00 +/- 30.00 Pass W-82013 8/20/2013 Gr. Beta 28.03 +/- 0.32 30.90 20.90 +/- 40.90 Pass SPW-1894 8/28/2013 Ra-228 32.49 +/- 3.00 30.85 21.60 +/- 40.11 Pass W-90913 9/9/2013 Gr. Alpha 19.08 +/- 0.51 20.10 10 , 05 +/- 30.15 Pass W-90913 9/9/2013 Gr. Beta 32.12 +/- 0.35 32.10 22.10 +/-42.10 Pass WW-5623 10/3/2013 Co-60 157.0 +/- 7.0 155.3 139.8 -170.8 Pass WW-5623 10/3/2013 Cs-137 156.0 +/- 8.8 148.1 133.3 -162.9 Pass WW-5623 10/3/2013 H-3 6590 +/- 245 6322 5058-7586 Pass WW-5750 10/3/2013 Co-60 87.00 +/- 7.80 77.40 77.00 +/- 97.00 Pass WW-5750 10/3/2013 Cs-137 82.30 +/- 7.80 78.80 68.80 +/- 88.80 Pass WW-5750 10/3/2013 H-3 6181 +/- 238 6322 5058-7586 Pass W-102813 10/28/2013 Ra-226 15.69 +/- 0.37 16.70 11.69 +/-21.71 Pass SPW-1898 12/17/2013 Ra-228 28.15 +/-2.37 30.85 21.60 +/-40.11 Pass W-122313 12/23/2013 Gr. Alpha 20.96 +/- 0.47 20.10 10.05 +/- 30.15 Pass W-122313 12/23/2013 Gr. Beta 31.00 +/- 0.34 32.10 22.10 +/-42.10 Pass

  • Liquid sample results are reported I n pCi/Liter, air filters( pC i/m 3), charcoal (pCi/charcoal canister), and solid s a mples (pCi/kg). b Laboratory codes : W (Wate r), Ml (milk), AP (air filter), SO (soil), VE (vegetation), CH {charcoal canister), F (fish), U (urine). c Results are based on single determinations. d Control limits are established from the precision values listed in Attachment A of this report, adjusted to +/- 2s.
  • NOTE: For fish, Jello is used for the Spike matri x. For Vegetation , cabbage Is used for the Spike matrix. A3-2 TABLE A-4. In-House "Blank" Samples Con ce ntration (pCi/L)" Lab Code S a mple Date Analysisb Laboratory results ( 4.66cr) Acc e ptance Type LLD Activity" Criteria (4.66 cr) SPW-67 Water 1/9/2013 Tc-99 1.10 0.69 +/- 0.68 10 SPW-190 Water 1/18/2013 Ra-228 0.74 0.66 +/- 0.43 2 SPW-1901 Water 1/18/2013 Ra-228 0.74 0.66 +/- 0.43 2 SPMI-263 Milk 1/25/2013 Sr-90 0.64 0.31 +/- 0.34 1 SPMI-263 Milk 1/25/2013 Sr-90 0.64 0.31 +/- 0.34 SPW-265 Water 1/25/2013 Co-60 2.86 2.10 +/- 1.72 10 SPW-265 Water 1/25/2013 Cs-134 2.98 2.25 +/- 1.57 10 SPW-265 Water 1/25/2013 Cs-137 2.71 0.44 +/- 1.61 10 SPW-266 Water 1/25/2013 Sr-90 0.72 -0.12 +/-0.32 SPAP-375 Air Filter 2/1/2013 Gr. Beta 0.003 0.016 +/- 0.003 0.010 SPAP-377 Air Filter 2/1/2013 Co-60 2.31" -0.34 +/- 1.75 100 SPAP-377 Air Filter 2/1/2013 Cs-134 2.72 1.22 +/- 1.62 100 SPAP-377 Air Filter 2/1/2013 Cs-137 1.50 -0.52 +/- 1.80 100 SPW-391 Water 2/1/2013 H-3 92.04 -29.44 +/- 69.24 200 SPW-379 Water 2/10/2013 Ni-63 2.11 0.91 +/- 1.30 20 W-30413 Water 3/4/2013 Gr. Alpha 0.35 0.08 +/- 0.26 1 W-30413 Water 3/4/2013 Gr. Beta 0.73 0.10 +/- 0.51 3.2 W-30713 Water 3/7/2013 Ra-226 0.031 0.032 +/- 0.024 1 W-42713 Water 4/27/2013 Gr. Alpha 0.45 -0.14 +/-0.30 W-42713 Water 4/27/2013 Gr. Beta 0.72 -0.23 +/- 0.50 3.2 W-53113 Water 5/31/2013 Ra-226 0.03 0.01 +/- 0.02 1 SPW-3335 Water 6/19/2013 Th-230 0.01 0.01 +/- 0.01 SPW-3459 Water 6/24/2013 C-14 10.89 10.44 +/- 6.82 200 SPAP-3528 Air Filter 6/27/2013 Cs-134 2.10 -0.98+/-1.11 100 SPAP-3528 Air Filter 6/27/2013 Cs-137 2.71 -0.24 +/- 1.36 100 SPAP-3530 Air Filter 6/27/2013 Gr. Beta 0.004 0.018 +/- 0.003 0.010 SPF-3532 Fish 6/27/2013 Cs-134 8.38 -1.39 +/- 5.69 100 SPF-3532 Fish 6/27/2013 Cs-137 8.37 -1.88 +/-6.41 100 SPW-3534 Water 6/27/2013 Ni-63 2.47 -1.04 +/- 1.48 20 SPW-3536 Water 6/27/2013 Tc-99 1.15 -1.11+/-0.68 10 SPW-3538 water 6/27/2013 Fe-55 170.27 -17.50 +/- 102.70 1000 SPW-1903 Water 6/28/2013 Ra-228 0.85 -0.02 +/- 0.39 2 A4-1 TABLE A-4. In-House "Blank" Samples Concentration (pCi!Lt Lab Code S a mple Date Analysis 0 Laboratory results (4.66o') Acceptance Type LLD Activity 0 Criteria (4.66 0) SPW-72913B Water 7/29/2013 Tc-99 {44 -0.33 +/- 0.87 10 SPW-4372 Water 7/31/2013 Co-60 1.41 -1.42 +/- 3.00 10 SPW-4372 Water 7/31/2013 Cs-1 34 3.68 -2.66 +/- 3.46 10 SPW-4372 Water 7/31/2013 Cs-137 3.53 0.29 +/- 3.31 10 SPMI-4375 Milk 7/31/2013 Co-60 3.92 2.65 +/- 2.26 10 SPMI-4375 Milk 7/31/2013 Cs-134 4.67 0.68 +/- 2.54 10 SPMI-4375 Milk 7/31/2013 Cs-137 4.79 1.30 +/- 2.68 10 SPMI-4375 Milk 7/31/2013 Sr-90 0.57 0.32 +/- 0.30 W-73113 Water 7/31/2013 Ra-226 0.02 0.04 +/- 0.02 SPS-4515 Powder 8/5/2013 Sr-90 0.09 -0.01 +/- 0.04 W-82013 Water 8/20/2013 Gr. Alpha 0.42 -0.15 +/-0.28 W-82013 Water 8/20/2013 Gr. Beta 0.74 -0.24 +/- 0.51 3.2 SPW-1904 Water 8/28/2013 Ra-228 0.96 0.85 +/- 0.56 2 CHW-90913 Water 9/9/2013 Gr. Alpha 0.25 0.20 +/- 0.29 1 CHW-90913 Water 9/9/2013 Gr. Beta 0.49 -0.18 +/- 0.53 3.2 CHW-102013 Water 10/20/2013 Gr. Alpha 0.29 0.24 +/- 0.33 CHW-102013 Water 10/20/2013 Gr. Beta 0.54 -0.32 +/- 0.54 3.2 W-102813 Water 10/28/2013 Ra-226 0.02 0.02 +/- 0.01 1 SPW-1908 Water 12/17/2013 Ra-228 0.69 0.55 +/- 0.39 2 CHW-122313 Water 12/23/2013 Gr. Alpha 0.25 -0.09 +/- 0.26 1 CHW-122313 Water 12/23/2013 Gr. Beta 0.48 0.05 +/- 0.53 3.2 CHW-122713 Water 12/27/2013 Gr. Alpha 0.28 0.04 +/- 0.31 CHW-122713 Water 12/27/2013 Gr. Beta 0.49 -0.33 +/- 0.53 3.2
  • Liquid sample results are reported in pCI/Liter, air filters( pCilm\ charcoal (pCi/charcoal canister), and solid samples (pCi/kg).

b I-131(G); iodine-131 as analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. c Activity reported is a net activity result. A4-2 TABLE A-5. In-Hou s e "Duplic a t e" S a mple s Con ce ntr a tion (pCi/L)3 Averaged Lab Code Date Analysis First Result Second Result Result Accept a nce CF-41, 42 1/2/2013 Gr. Bet a 8.45 +/- 0.37 7.90 .+/- 0.35 8.17 +/- 0.26 Pass CF-41, 42 1/2/2013 Sr-90 0.030 +/- 0.015 0.029 +/- 0.014 0.030 +/- 0.010 Pass SWT-8243, 8244 1/2/2013 Gr. Beta 1.07 +/-'0.54 0.98 +/- 0.51 1.03 +/- 0.37 Pass AP-8454, 8455 1/2/2013 Be-7 0.053 +/-: 0.010 0.042 +/- 0.010 0.048 +/- 0.007 Pass AP-8517, 8518 1/3/2013 Be-7 0.051 +/- 0.015 0.049 +/- 0.017 0.050 +/- 0.011 Pass Ml-62, 63 1/8/2013 K-40 1317.70 +/- 91.70 1351.90 +/- 72.50 1334.80 +/- 58.45 Pass WW-151,152 1/8/2013 H-3 222.70 +/-, 81.00 289.70 +/- 84.10 256.20 +/- 58.38 Pass SG-107, 108 1/11/2013 Ra-226 55.20 +/- 5.53 58.60 +/- 5.94 56.90 +/- 4.06 Pass SG-107, 108 1/11/2013 Ra-228 71.60 +/- 1.10 74.30 +/- 1.70 72.95 +/- 1.01 Pass SG-130, 131 1/14/2013 Ra-226 3.91 +/- 0.20 3.45 +/- 0.27 3.68 +/- 0.17 Pass SG-130, 131 1/14/2013 Ra-228 2.40 +/- 0.33 2.70 +/- 0.39 2.55 +/- 0.26 Pass WW-277, 278 1/17/2013 H-3 159.71 +/- 77.91 196.57 +/- 79.72 178.14 +/- 55.73 Pass WW-256, 257 1/22/2013 H-3 502.70 +/- 93.40 483.30 +/- 92.60 493.00 +/- 65.76 Pass DW-40010, 40011 1/24/2013 Ra-226 2.55 +/- 0.18 2.86 +/- 0.20 2.71 +/-0.13 Pass DW-40010, 40011 1/24/2013 Ra-228 1.78 +/- 0.62 2.22 +/- 0.62 2.00 +/- 0.44 Pass SWT-361, 362 1/29/2013 Gr. Beta 0.90 +/- 0.40 1.01 +/- 0.38 0.96 +/- 0.28 Pass DW-484, 485 1/29/2013 Gr. Beta 14.85+/-1.93 14.81 +/- 2.06 14.83 +/- 1.41 Pass S-945, 946 1/29/2013 Cs-137 14.50 +/- 0.18 14.45 +/-0.19 14.48 +/-0.13 Pass S-945, 946 1/29/2013 K-40 7.90 +/- 0.74 8.00 +/- 0.73 7.95 +/- 0.52 Pass S-340, 341 1/31/2013 Cs-137 0.16 +/- 0.05 0.15 +/-0.06 0.15 +/- 0.04 Pass S-340,341 1/31/2013 K-40 17.35 +/- 1.34 19.75 +/- 1.25 18.55 +/- 0.92 Pass AP-463, 464 1/31/2013 Be-7 0.27 +/-0.10 0.26 +/- 0.10 0.26 +/- 0.07 Pass Ml-631, 632 2/13/2013 K-40 1350.50 +/- 105.20 1413.70 +/- 85.94 1382.10 +/- 67.92 Pass WW-769, 770 2/25/2013 Gr. Beta 1.20 +/- 0.33 1.35 +/- 0.34 1.28 +/- 0.24 Pass DW-736, 737 2/26/2013 Gr. Beta 1.09 +/- 0.54 1.57 +/- 0.58 1.33 +/- 0.40 Pass SWU-790, 791 2/26/2013 Gr. Beta 2.68 +/- 0.96 2.08 +/- 0.95 2.38 +/-0.67 Pass W-925 , 926 2/27/2013 H-3 2265.00 +/- 153.00 2329.00 +/- 154.00 2297.00 +/- 108.54 Pass AP-1034, 1035 3/7/2013 Be-7 0.17 +/- 0.08 0.16 +/-0.09 0.17 +/- 0.06 Pass Ml-1076, 1077 3/13/2013 K-40 1347.70 +/- 99.32 1396.10 +/- 108.00 1371.90 +/- 73.36 Pass CH-1118,1119 3/14/2013 I-131(G) 109.41 +/- 5.69 103.88 +/- 7.76 106.65 +/- 4.81 Pass WW-1221, 1222 3/14/2013 H-3 452.11 +/- 97.43 403.29 +/- 95.46 427.70 +/- 68.20 Pass P-1368, 1369 3/15/2013 H-3 735.24 +/- 113.99 666.04 +/- 111.41 700.64 +/- 79.70 Pass DW-40017, 40018 3/19/2013 Gr. Alpha 1.43 +/- 0.94 1.61 +/- 1.00 1.52 +/- 0.69 Pass Ml-1473,1474 4/1/2013 K-40 1618.00 +/- 107.00 1767.00 +/- 129.00 1692.50 +/- 83.80 Pass AP-2014, 2015 4/1/2013 Be-7 0.055 +/- 0.008 0.057 +/- 0.006 0.056 +/- 0.005 Pass DW-40023, 40024 4/1/2013 Ra-226 2.29 +/-0.18 2.54 +/- 0.20 2.42 +/- 0.13 Pass DW-40023, 40024 4/1/2013 Ra-228* 2.99 +/- 0.69 2.96 +/- 0.67 2.98 +/- 0.48 Pass SWU-736, 737 4/2/2013 Gr. Beta 4.80 +/- 0.95 4.43 +/- 0.86 4.62 +/- 0.64 Pass AP-2035, 2036 4/2/2013 Be-7 0.070 +/- 0.013 0.065 +/- 0.013 0.068 +/- 0.009 Pass BS-1680, 1681 4/8/2013 K-40 1995.30 +/-265.70 1992.00 +/- 289.40 1993.65 +/- 196.44 Pass SW-1638, 1639 4/9/2013 H-3 1350.77 +/- 130.08 1320.45 +/- 129.25 1335.61 +/- 91.69 Pass A5-1 TABLE A-5. In-House "Duplicate" Samples Concentration (pCi/L)8 Averaged Lab Code Date Analysis First Result Second Result Result Acceptance WW-2394, 2395 4/9/2013 H-3 348.08 +/- 88.40 302.43 +/- 86.41 325.25 +/- 61.81 Pass DW-40035, 40036 4/12/2013 Ra-226 1.36 +/-0.15 1.29 +/- 0.13 1.33+/-0.10 Pass DW-40035, 40036 4/12/2013 Ra-228 1.22 +/- 0.49 1.38 +/- 0.53 1.30 +/- 0.36 Pass Ml-1825, 1826 4/15/2013 K-40 1290.20 +/- 113.80 1378.60 +/- 91.99 1334.40 +/- 73.17 Pass Ml-1825, 1826 4/15/2013 Sr-90 0.68 +/- 0.32 0.46 +/- 0.31 0.57 +/- 0.22 Pass DW-40049, 40050 4/15/2013 Gr. Alpha 1.88 +/- 0.69 2.51 +/- 0.71 2.20 +/- 0.50 Pass WW-1909, 1910 4/16/2013 H-3 2145.68 +/- 156.65 2108.32 +/- 155.80 2127.00 +/- 110.47 Pass DW-40064, 40065 4/23/2013 Gr. Alpha 1.95 +/-0.79 1.80 +/- 0.81 1.88 +/- 0.57 Pass DW-40066, 40067 4/23/2013 Ra-226 1.98+/-0.17 1.66 +/- 0.16 1.82 +/-0.12 Pass DW-40066, 40067 4/23/2013 Ra-228 2.30 +/- 0.59 2.32 +/- 0.59 2.31 +/- 0.42 Pass F-2225, 2226 5/1/2013 K-40 2.81 +/- 0.37 2.67 +/- 0.39 2.74 +/- 0.27 Pass BS-2267, 2268 5/1/2013 K-40 13.46 +/- 0.64 13.59 +/- 0.62 13.52 +/- 0.45 Pass SG-2235, 2236 5/2/2013 Ac-228 18.30 +/- 0.60 18.50 +/- 0.60 18.40 +/- 0.42 Pass SG-2235, 2236 5/2/2013 Gr. Alpha 54.00 +/- 3.70 51.90 +/- 3.40 52.95 +/- 2.51 Pass SG-2235 , 2236 5/2/2013 Pb-214 11.30 +/- 0.30 11.20 +/- 0.20 11.25 +/- 0.18 Pass AP-2288, 2289 5/2/2013 Be-7 0.19 +/- 0.10 0.19 +/-0.08 0.19 +/- 0.07 Pass ww -3091, 3092 5/2/2013 H-3 1107.91 +/- 153.49 1263.37 +/- 157.43 1185.64 +/- 109.94 Pass SW-2373, 2374 5/8/2013 H-3 324.80 +/- 86.81 364.61 +/- 88.53 344.71 +/- 62.00 Pass W-2352, 2353 5/9/2013 Ra-226 0.91 +/- 0.20 1.29 +/- 0.22 1.10 +/- 0.15 Pass W-2352, 2353 5/9/2013 Ra-228 1.28 +/- 0.87 1.03 +/- 0.94 1.16 +/- 0.64 Pass CF-2499, 2500 5/13/2013 K-40 11.52 +/- 0.45 12.55 +/- 0.61 12.04 +/- 0.38 Pass F-3987, 3988 5/20/2013 K-40 3.07 +/- 0.48 3.05 +/- 0.43 3.06 +/- 0.32 Pass BS-4113, 4114 5/20/2013 K-40 8.06 +/- 0.44 7.99 +/- 0.44 8.02 +/- 0.31 Pass S0-2902, 2903 5/22/2013 Th-228 0.57 +/- 0.07 0.51 +/- 0.06 0.54 +/-0.05 Pass S0-2902, 2903 5/22/2013 Th-230 0.39 +/- 0.06 0.40 +/- 0.05 0.40 +/- 0.04 Pass S0-2902, 2903 5/22/2013 Th-232 0.55 +/- 0.07 0.62 +/- 0.06 0.59 +/- 0.05 Pass WW-2776, 2777 5/23/2013 H-3 261.76 +/- 100.85 283.17 +/- 101.68 272.46 +/- 71.61 Pass WW-2818, 2819 5/23/2013 H-3 999.35 +/- 126.15 880.63 +/- 122.43 939.99 +/- 87.90 Pass S-7271, 7272 5/27/2013 Cs-137 2.82 +/- 0.10 2.91 +/- 0.09 2.86 +/- 0.07 Pass S-7271, 7272 5/27/2013 K-40 21.52 +/- 0.97 21.13 +/- 1.02 21.32 +/- 0.70 Pass P-2923, 2924 5/29/2013 H-3 441.31 +/- 92.75 374.30 +/- 89.94 407.80 +/- 64.60 Pass WW-3133, 3134 6/1/2013 H-3 278.42 +/- 86.54 209.45 +/- 83.44 243.93 +/- 60.11 Pass WW-3049, 3050 6/5/2013 H-3 156.08 +/-79.16 244.66 +/- 83.86 200.37 +/- 57.66 Pass DW-40079, 40080 6/5/2013 Ra-226 6.67 +/- 0.30 7.03 +/- 0.35 6.85 +/- 0.23 Pass DW-40079, 40080 6/5/2013 Ra-228 5.55 +/- 0.75 6.11 +/-0.77 5.83 +/- 0.54 Pass DW-40089, 40090 6/5/2013 Gr. Alpha 6.82 +/-0.90 5.64 +/- 1.02 6.23 +/- 0.68 Pass DW-40091, 40092 6/5/2013 Ra-226 3.44 +/- 0.19 3.66 +/- 0.19 3.55 +/-0.13 Pass DW-40091, 40092 6/5/2013 Ra-228 3.70 +/- 0.68 4.69 +/- 0.73 4.20 +/- 0.50 Pass DW-40103, 40104 6/5/2013 Ra-226 0.98 +/-0.22 0.62 +/- 0.15 0.80 +/-0.13 Pass Ml-3154, 3155 6/12/2013 K-40 1513.00 +/- 128.10 1456.70 +/- 110.30 1484.85 +/- 84.52 Pass P-3385, 3386 6/14/2013 H-3 236.88 +/- 87.87 242.87 +/- 88.14 239.88 +/- 62.23 Pass F-3776, 377;7 6/16/2013 Cs-137 0.039 +/- 0.015 0.048 +/- 0.019 0.044 +/- 0.012 Pass F-3776, 377<7 6/16/2013 Gr. Beta 4.52 +/- 0.09 4.63 +/- 0.09 4.57 +/- 0.06 Pass F-3776, 37N 6/16/2013 K-40 3.40 +/-0.41 3.52 +/- 0.39 3.46 +/- 0.29 Pass A 5-2 TABLE A-5. In-House "Duplicate" Samples 11-f 1 Jl1 Concentration (pCi/L)" Averaged Lab Code Date Analysis First Result

  • Second Result Result Acceptan ce. S-3238,3239 6/17/2013 Be-7 1139.80 +/- 215.00 1102.00 +/- 194.70 1120.90 +/- 145.03 Pass S-3238, 3239 6/17/2013 Cs-134 26.23 +/- 13.23 39.91 +/- 11.73 33.07 +/- 8.84 Pass S-3238,3239 6/17/2013 Cs-137 72.75 +/- 25.99 i 85.91 +/- 22.58 79.33 +/- 17.21 Pass S-3238,3239 6/17/2013 K-40 21847.00 +/- 656.50 22158.00 +/- 622.80 22002.50 +/- 452.46 Pass S0-3343, 3344 6/17/2013 Cs-137 0.087 +/- 0.022 0.084 +/- 0.017 0.086 +/- 0.014 Pass S0-3343, 3344 6/17/2013 K-40 8.90 +/- 0.53 9.47 +/- 0.49 9.19 +/-0.36 Pass DW-40118, 40119 6/26/2013 Gr. Alpha 3.56 +/- 1.07 4.51 +/- 0.96 4.04 +/- 0.72 Pass DW-40118, 40119 6/26/2013 Ra-226 2.52 +/- 0.22 2.48 +/-0.19 2.50+/-0.15 Pass DW-40118, 40119 6/26/2013 Ra-228 2.75 +/- 0.71 2.8 6 +/- 0.75 2.81 +/- 0.52 Pass WW-3583, 3584 6/27/2013 H-3 6732.57 +/- 246.74 6807.94 +/- 247.98 6770.26 +/- 174.91 Pass AP-4092, 4093 6/28/2013 Be-7 0.078 +/- 0.015 0.083 +/- 0.017 0.080 +/- 0.011 Pass E-3608, 3609 7/1/2013 K-40 1.28 +/-0.13 1.29 +/- 0.11 1.28 +/- 0.09 Pass Ml-3629, 3630 7/1/2013 K-40 1840.70 +/- 130.10 1804.90 +/- 143.00 1822.80 +/- 96.66 Pass AP-4050, 4051 7/1/2013 Be-7 0.094 +/- 0.009 0.093 +/- 0.009 0.093 +/- 0.006 Pass DW-40134, 40135 7/1/2013 Ra-226 1.75 +/-0.15 1.56 +/- 0.15 1.66 +/-0.11 Pass DW-40134, 40135 7/1/2013 Ra-228 2.07 +/- 0.60 1.61 +/- 0.57 1.84 +/- 0.41 Pass AP-4071, 4072 7/3/2013 Be-7 0.066 +/- 0.009 0.069 +/- 0.011 0.067 +/- 0.007 Pass DW-40144, 40145 7/9/2013 Gr. Alpha 3.66 +/- 0.85 2.85 +/- 0.79 3.26 +/- 0.58 Pass DW-40146, 40147 7/9/2013 Ra-226 0.70 +/- 0.11 0.72 +/-0.11 0.71 +/- 0.08 Pass DW-40146, 40147 7/9/2013 Ra-228 1.00 +/- 0.58 0.70 +/- 0.52 0.85 +/- 0.3 9 Pass VE-3818, 3819 7/9/2013 Be-7 0.41 +/- 0.11 0.46 +/-0.18 0.43 +/- 0.11 Pass VE-3818, 3819 7/9/2013 K-40 4.67 +/- 0.3 0 4.52 +/- 0.43 4.60 +/- 0.26 Pass XW-4646, 4647 7/15/2013 H-3 465.00 +/- 111.00 . 525.00 +/- 114.00 495.00 +/- 79.56 Pass WW-4134, 4135 7/16/2013 H-3 315.86 +/- 123.54 264.98 +/- 121.78 290.42 +/- 86.73 Pass AP-4155, 4156 7/18/2013 Be-7 0.20 +/- 0.11 0.16 +/- 0.09 0.18 +/- 0.07 Pass Ml-4218, 4219 7/22/2013 K-40 1426.80 +/- 117.50 1335.70 +/- 110.60 1381.25 +/- 80.68 Pass Ml-4218, 4219 7/22/2013 Sr-90 0.62 +/-0.32 0.67 +/- 0.32 0.65 +/- 0.23 Pass WW-4239, 4240 7/23/2013 H-3 223.71 +/- 92.64 221.74 +/- 92.56 222.73 +/- 65.48 Pass WW-4394, 4395 7/30/2013 Gr. Alpha 2.63 +/- 1.49 2.57 +/- 1.11 2.60 +/- 0.93 Pass WW-4394, 4395 7/30/2013 Gr. Beta 3.72 +/- 1.17 2.63 +/- 1.29 3.18 +/- 0.87 Pass WW-4394, 4395 7/30/2013 H-3 271.50 +/- 91.30 297.60 +/- 91.50 284.55 +/- '64.63 Pass SWU-4478, 4479 7/30/2013 Gr. Beta 2.07 +/-0.54 2.24 +/- 0.55 2.16 +/- 0.39 Pass DW-40159, 40160 7/31/2013 Ra-226 3.39 +/- 0.63 2.39 +/- 0.45 2.89 +/- 0.39 Pass DW-40159, 40160 7/31/2013 Ra-228 3.29 +/- 0.73 2.94 +/- 0.68 3.12 +/- 0.50 Pass VE-4436, 4437 8/1/2013 Be-7 0.98 +/- 0.21 0.89 +/- 0.17 0.94 +/- 0.14 Pass VE-4436, 4437 8/1/2013 K-40 3.95 +/- 0.39 3.75 +/- 0.31 3.85 +/- 0.25 Pass G-4457, 4458 8/1/2013 Be-7 0.78 +/- 0.19 0.67 +/- 0.16 0.72 +/-0.12 Pass G-445 7, 4458 8/1/2013 Gr. Beta 6.15 +/- 0.14 6.10 +/- 0.14 6.13 +/- 0.10 Pass G-4457, 4458 8/1/2013 K-40 4.25 +/- 0.36 4.60 +/- 0.41 4.42 +/- 0.27 Pass VE-4 520, 4521 8/1/2013 K-40 2.20 +/- 0.16 2.09 +/- 0.17 2.15 +/- 0.12 Pass WW-4772, 4773 8/6/2013 H-3 143.80 +/- 86.70 157.80 +/- 87.30 150.80 +/- 61.52 Pass A 5-3 TI}.BLE A-5. In-House "Duplicate" Sampl es Concentration (pCi/L)a Averaged Lab Code Date Analys i s First Result Second Result Result Acceptance VE-4709 , 4710 8/8/2013 Gr. Beta 31.40 +/- 1.00 30.70 +/- 1.00 31.05 +/- 0.71 Pass VE-4709, 4710 8/8/2013 H-3 1504.00 +/- 132.00 1468.00 +/- 131".00 1486.00 +/- 92.99 Pass VE-4709, 4710 8/8/2013 U-233/4 0.009 +/- 0.002 0.005 +/- 0.002 0.007 +/- 0.001 Pass VE-4709 , 4710 8/8/2013 U-2 38 0.005 +/- 0.002 0.004 +/- 0.001 0.005 +/- 0.001 Pass WW-4562, 4563 8/8/2013 H-3 208.82 +/- 105.55 213.13 +/- 106.73 210.97 +/- 74.70 Pass SG-4651, 4652 8/13/2013 Gr. Alpha 29.00 +/- 3.10 28.80 +/- 3.20 28.90 +/- 2.23 Pass SG-4651, 4652 8/13/2013 Gr. Beta 34.10 +/- 1.80 34.00 +/- 1.80 34.05 +/- 1.27 Pass SG-4651, 4652 8/13/2013 Ra-226 9.00 +/- 0.20 8.70 +/- 0.20 8.85 +/-0.14 Pass VE-4835, 4836 8/13/2013 K-40 3.01 +/- 0.24 3.08 +/- 0.28 3.04 +/-0.19 Pass WW-4877, 4878 8/14/2013 H-3 217.35 +/- 87.57 276.63 +/- 90.20 246.99 +/- 62.86 Pass LW-4856, 4857 8/15/2013 Gr. Beta 0.96 +/- 0.40 0.94 +/- 0.38 0.95 +/- 0.28 Pass W-4982, 4983 8/16/2013 H-3 757.43 +/- 112.40 767.56 +/- 112.76 762.50 +/- 79.60 Pass VE-4919, 4920 8/19/2013 K-40 4891.90 +/- 407.90 4907.40 +/- 350.40 4899.65 +/- 268.87 Pass VE-4919, 4920 8/19/2013 Be-7 470.50 +/- 159.60 325.10 +/- 1041.10 397.80 +/- 95.27 Pass DW-40184, 40185 8/19/2013 Ra-228 2.35 +/- 0.72 2.53 +/- 0.70 2.44 +/- 0.50 Pass DW-40184, 40185 8/19/2013 Ra-228 1.44 +/- 0.35 2.30 +/- 0.56 1.87 +/- 0.33 Pass AP-5003, 5004 8/22/2013 Be-7 0.23 +/-0.10 0.21 +/- 0.10 0.22 +/- 0.07 Pass LW-5229 , 5230 8/29/2013 Gr. Beta 1.09 +/- 0.86 2.28 +/- 0.96 1.69 +/- 0.64 Pass SS-5333, 5334 9/3/2013 Cs-137 89.20 +/- 41.60 97.80 +/- 34.60 93.50 +/- 27.05 Pass SS-5333, 5334 9/3/2013 K-40 11893.00 +/- 681.30 12353.00 +/- 778.90 12123.00 +/- 517.41 Pass VE-5313, 5314 9/3/2013 K-40 1.84 +/- 0.20 1.85 +/- 0.20 1.85 +/-0.14 Pass VE-5313, 5314 9/3/2013 Gr. Beta 2.38 +/- 0.04 2.43 +/- 0.04 2.41 +/- 0.03 Pass WW-5617, 5618 9/5/2013 H-3 1987.00 +/- 147.00 2094.00 +/- 150.00 2040.50 +/- 105.01 Pass AP-5355, 5356 9/5/2013 Be-7 0.22 +/- 0.12 0.27 +/-0.14 0.25 +/-0.09 Pass XW-5694, 5695 9/8/2013 C-14 0.94 +/- 0.09 0.78 +/- 0.10 0.86 +/- 0.07 Pass VE-5409, 5410 9/9/2013 K-40 3.60 +/- 0.26 3.33 +/- 0.29 3.46 +/-0.19 Pass AP-5430, 5431 9/12/2013 Be-7 0.26 +/- 0.10 0.26 +/-0.10 0.26 +/- 0.07 Pass Ml-5401, 5402 9/12/2013 K-40 1404.60 +/- 114.10 1356.10 +/- 128.60 1380.35 +/- 85.96 Pass WW-5451, 5452 9/12/2013 H-3 196.66 +/- 84.44 200.78 +/- 84.64 198.72 +/- 59.78 Pass
  • Ml-5484, 5485 9/16/2013 K-40 1398.50 +/- 88.93 1364.60 +/- 113.30 1381.55 +/- 72.02 Pass WW-5568, 5569 9/17/2013 H-3 274.69 +/- 87.95 203.72 +/- 84.71 239.20 +/- 61.05 Pass BS-5764, 5765 9/20/2013 Cs-137 0.40 +/- 0.03 0.37 +/- 0.02 0.39 +/- 0.02 Pass BS-5764, 5765 9/20/2013 K-40 17.97 +/- 0.59 17.54 +/-0.55 17.76 +/-0.40 Pass VE-5638, 5639 9/23/2013 K-40 4.15 +/- 0.33 4.46 +/- 0.38 4.31 +/- 0.25 Pass WW-5596, 5597 9/23/2013 Gr. Beta 5.97 +/- 1.39 5.95 +/- 1.45 5.96 +/- 1.01 Pass G-5680, 5681 9/25/2013 Be-7 0.36 +/-0.13 0.35 +/- 0.09 0.35 +/- 0.08 Pass G-5680, 5681 9/25/2013 Gr. Beta 3.81 +/-0.11 3.77 +/- 0.11 3.79 +/- 0.08 Pass G-5680, 5681 9/25/2013 K-40 3.23 +/- 0.32 2.99 +/- 0.24 3.11 +/- 0.20 Pass S-5659 , 5660 9/26/2013 Ac-228 1.19 +/-0.21 1.06 +/- 0.21 1.13 +/-0.1 5 Pass S-5659, 5660 9/26/2013 Cs-1 37 0.13 +/-0.04 0.14 +/-0.05 0.14 +/- 0.03 Pass S-5659, 5660 9/26/2013 K-40 16.08 +/- 1.39 16.65 +/- 1.46 16.37 +/- 1.01 Pass S-5659, 5660 9/26/2013 Pb-2.14 0.97 +/- 0.15 1.10 +/- 0.16 1.04 +/- 0.11 Pass AP-6345, 6346 9/30/2013 Be-7 0.077 +/- 0.010 0.081 +/- 0.008 0.079 +/- 0.006 Pass AP-6366, 6367 9/30/2013 Be-7 , 0.078 +/- 0.012 0.083 +/- 0.01.4 0.081 +/- 0.009 Pass A 5-4 JABLE A-5. In-House "Duplicate" Samples Concentration (pCi/L)8 Averaged Lab Code Date Analysis First Result Second Result Result Acceptance DW-5701, 5702 9/30/2013 Gr. Beta 14.48 +/- 2.04 13.32 +/- 1.84 13.90 +/- 1.37 Pass SG-5722, 5723 9/30/2013 Ra-226 12.41 +/- 0.47 11.98 +/- 0.59 12.20 +/- 0.38 Pass SG-5722, 5723 9/30/2013 Ra-228 7.84 +/-0.71 8.13 +/- 0.97 7.99 +/- 0.60 Pass G-5806, 5807 10/1/2013 Be-7 3.26 +/- 0.30 3.11 +/-0.13 3.1.9 +/- 0.16 Pass G-5806,5807 10/1/2013 K-40 6.65 +/- 0.21 6.68 +/- 0.50 6.67 +/- 0.27 Pass SG-5827, 5828 10/1/2013 Ac-228 4.08 +/- 0.33 3.92 +/- 0.40 4.00 +/- 0.26 Pass SG-5827, 5828 10/1/2013 K-40 2.55 +/- 0.65 2.37 +/- 0.63 2.46 +/- 0.45 Pass SG-5827, 5828 10/1/2013 Pb-214 3.82 +/- 0.17 3.93 +/- 0.20 3.88 +/- 0.13 Pass VE-5848, 5849 10/1/2013 K-40 *1.62 +/-0.16 1.57 +/- 0.14 1.60 +/- 0.11 Pass AP-6408, 6409 10/3/2013 Be-7 0.072 +/- 0.015 0.063 +/- 0.012 0.068 +/- 0.010 Pass f-5954, 5955 10/3/2013 K-40 2.74 +/- 0.36 3.02 +/- 0.34 2.88 +/- 0.25 Pass P-6035, 6036 10/7/2013 H-3 198.41 +/- 85.00 288.60 +/- 89.15 243.51 +/- 61.59 Pass SG-6115, 6116 10/8/2013 Ac-228 5.22 +/- 0.50 4.87 +/- 0.48 5.05 +/- 0.35 Pass SG-6115, 6116 10/8/2013 K-40 5.61 +/- 1.08 6.61 +/- 1.04 6.11 +/-0.75 Pass SG-6115, 6116 10/8/2013 Pb-.214 4.29 +/- 0.24 4.24 +/- 0.20 4.27 +/- 0.16 Pass VE-6136, 6137 10/8/2013 Be-7 0.55 +/-0.18 0.60 +/-0.15 0.58 +/-0.12 Pass VE-6136, 6137 10/8/2013 K-40 2.78 +/- 0.35 2.61 +/- 0.33 2.69 +/- 0.24 Pass WW-6198, 6199 10/8/2013 H-3 12973.70 +/- 332.60 12757.80 +/- 330.00 12865.75 +/- 234.27 Pass VE-6240, 6241 10/9/2013 K-40 14.29 +/- 0.29 14.95 +/- 0.54 14.62 +/- 0.31 Pass W-5996, 5997 10/9/2013 Gr. Alpha 3.87 +/- 1.18 4.07 +/- 1.08 3.97 +/- 0.80 Pass W-5996, 5997 10/9/2013 Gr. Beta 9.82 +/- 0.85 8.53 +/- 0.82 9.18 +/-0.59 Pass W-5996, 5997 10/9/2013 Ra-228 3.42 +/- 1.02 3.39 +/- 1.01 3.41 +/- 0.72 Pass DW-40224, 40225 10/11/2013 Ra-226 0.62 +/- 0.10 0.76 +/-0.10 0.69 +/- O.D7 Pass DW-40224, 40225 10/11/2013 Ra-228 0.87 +/- 0.55 1.00 +/- 0.54 0.94 +/- 0.39 Pass WW-6219 , 6220 10/11/2013 H-3 455.41 +/- 111.54 354.66 +/- 107.84 405.03 +/- 77.57 Pass CF-6261, 6262 10/14/2013 Be-7 1.97 +/- 0.24 2.06 +/- 0.22 2.01 +/- 0.16 Pass CF-6261, 6262 10/14/2013 K-40 11.55 +/- 0.56 12.06 +/- 0.61 11.80 +/- 0.41 Pass Ml-6303, 6304 10/14/2013 K-40 1507.30 +/- 110.80 1482.40 +/- 110.00 1494.85 +/- 78.07 Pass VE-6534, 6535 10/17/2013 K-40 15.96 +/- 0.17 16.16 +/- 0.36 16.06 +/- 0.20 Pass S-6471, 6472 10/18/2013 Ac-228 0.94 +/- 0.19 0.78 +/- 0.18 0.86 +/- 0.13 Pass S-6471, 6472 10/18/2013 K-40 12.82 +/- 1.05 12.90 +/- 1.17 12.86 +/- 0.79 Pass S-6471, .6472 10/18/2013 Pb-214 0.88+/-0.11 0.72 +/-0.12 0.80 +/- 0.08 Pass VE-6597, 6598 10/22/2013 K-40 2.46 +/- 0.22 2.58 +/- 0.20 2.52 +/- 0.15 Pass WW-6576, 6577 10/22/2013 H-3 745.60 +/- 110.70 663.30 +/- 107.60 704.45 +/-77.19 Pass LW-6681, 6682 10/29/2013 Gr. Beta 2.00 +/- 0.92 2.17 +/- 0.98 2.09 +/- 0.67 Pass SWU-67.65, 6766 10/29/2013 Gr. Beta 3.07 +/- 0.61 2.90 +/- 0.65 2.99 +/- 0.45 Pass WW-6849, 6850 10/29/2013 H-3 8q3.00 +/- 113.80 826.60 +/- 112.50 844.80 +/- 80.01 Pass Ml-67861 6787 10/30/2013 K-40 137.0.60 +/- 109.60 1449.20 +/- 105.50 1409.90 +/- 76.06 Pass S0-6744, 6745 10/30/2013 Ac-228 0.46 +/- 0.11 0.51+/-0.11 0.48 +/- 0.08 Pass S0-6744, 6745 10/30/2013 Bi-214 0.48 +/-0.10 0.30 +/- 0.10 0.39 +/- 0.07 Pass S0-6744, 6745 10/30/2013 Cs-137 0.21 +/- 0.04 0.24 +/- 0.04 0.23 +/- 0.03 Pass S0-6744, 6745 10/30/2013 Gr. Beta 27.40 +/- 1.14 27.44 +/- 1.11 27.42 +/- 0.80 Pass S0-674li, 6745 10/30/2013 K-40 14.93 +/- 0.88 15.20 +/- 0.90 15.0'7 +/- 0.63 Pass S0-6744, 6745 10/30/2013 Pb-212 , 0.43 +/- 0.04 0.40 +/- 0.05 0.42 +/- 0.03 Pass S0-6744, 6745 10/30/2013 Ra-226 '1.47 +/- 0.35 1.31 +/- 0.36 1'.39 +/- 0.25 Pass S0-6744, 6745 10/3 0/2013 Tl-208 '0.16 +/- 0.04 0.16 +/- 0.04 0.16 +/-

A 5-5 TABLE A-5. "Duplicate" Samples Concentration (pCi/L)a Averaged Lab Code Date Analysis First Result Second R e sult Result DW-40238, 40239 10/31/2013 Ra-228 0.94 +/- 0.41 1.60 +/- 0.55 1.27 +/- 0.34 WW-7018, 7019 11/1/2013 H-3 593.09 +/- 104.72 648.69 +/- 106.89 620.89 +/- 74.82 CF-6870 , 6871 11/4/2013 K-40 12.67 +/- 0.49 13.30 +/- 0.47 12.98 +/- 0.34 XW-6828, 6829 K-40 97.99 +/- 55.33 160.21 +/- 74.99 129.10 +/- 46.60 BS-6891, 6892 11/5/2013 Cs-137 0.018 +/- 0.010 0.018 +/- 0.009 0.018 +/- 0.007 BS-6891, 6892 11/5/2013 Gr. Beta 12.41 +/-1.74 9.97 +/- 1.57 11.19 +/- 1.17 BS-6891, 6892 11/5/2013 K-40 6.49 +/- 0.33 6.28 +/- 0.40 6.39 +/- 0.26 WW-6912, 6913 '11/5/2013 Gr. Alpha 2.87 +/- 1.30 4.46 +/- 1.47 3.67 +/- 0.98 WW-6912, 6913 11/5/2013 Gr. Beta 3.18 +/- 0.87 3.18 +/-0.87 3.18 +/- 0.62 WW-6912, 6913 11/5/2013 H-3 349.01 +/- 101.42 430.14 +/- 98.06 389.58 +/- 70.54 S0-6954, 6955 11/6/2013 Cs-137 0.14 +/- 0.03 0.12 +/-0.02 0.13 +/- 0.02 S0-6954, 6955 11/6/2013 K-40 15.16 +/- 0.72 14.11 +/-0.64 14.64 +/- 0.48 S-6976, 6977 11/13/2013 K-40 22.36 +/- 0.69 22.62 +/- 0.72 22.49 +/- 0.50 DW-40246, 40247 11/15/2013 Gr. Alpha 15.00 +/- 3.41 20.31 +/- 4.00 17.65 +/- 2.63 CF-7102, 7103 11/18/2013 Be-7 17.79 +/-0.51 18.09 +/- 0.80 17.94 +/- 0.48 DW-40250, 40251 11/18/2013 Ra-226 27.77 +/- 2.84 26.15 +/-2.67 26.96 +/- 1.95 DW-40250, 40251 11/18/2013 Ra-228 7.91 +/- 0.94 6.32 +/- 0.84 7.12 +/-0.63 WW-7164, 7165 11/19/2013 H-3 266.90 +/- 91.10 268.90 +/- 91.20 267.90 +/- 64.45 SS-7334, 7335 11/20/2013 K-40 15.51 +/- 0.72 14.14 +/-0.80 14.83 +/- 0.54 WW-7558, 7559 11/22/2013 H-3 229.86 +/- 83.89 191.77 +/- 82.05 210.82 +/- 58.67 LW-7292, 7293 11/26/2013 Gr. Beta 1.92 +/- 0.75 2.38 +/- 0.77 2.15 +/- 0.54 W-7229, 7230 12/1/2013 Ra-226 0.87 +/- 0.23 0.88 +/- 0.25 0.88 +/- 0.17 W-7229, 7230 12/1/2013 Ra-228 3.00 +/- 0.98 3.27 +/- 1.16 3.14 +/-0.76 SG-7313, 7314 12/2/2013 Ac-228 6.33 +/- 0.23 6.69 +/- 0.30 6.51 +/- 0.19 SG-7313, 7314 12/2/2013 K-40 5.47 +/- 0.61 6.24 +/- 0.74 5.86 +/- 0.48 SG-7313, 7314 12/2/2013 Pb-214 5.60 +/-0.14 5.37 +/- 0.16 5.49 +/- 0.11 W-7432 , 7433 12/4/2013 Gr. Beta 5.35 +/- 1.20 3.89 +/- 1.23 4.62 +/- 0.86 WW-7516, 7517 12/10/2013 H-3 369.30 +/- 95.64 269.22 +/- 91.35 319.26 +/-66.13 SG-7579, 7580 12/20/2013 Ra-226 3.72 +/- 0.11 3.85 +/- 0.30 3.79 +/-0.16 SG-7579, 7580 12/20/2013 Ra-228 2.38 +/-0.18 2.77 +/- 0.44 2.58 +/- 0.24 LW-7684, 7685 12/23/2013 Gr. Beta 0.84 +/- 0.51 1.96 +/- 0.61 1.40 +/- 0.40 DW-40261, 40262 12/27/2013 Ra-226 0.54 +/-0.10 0.67 +/- 0.10 0.61 +/- 0.07 DW-40261, 40262 12/27/2013 Ra-228 1.09 +/- 0.51 1.12 +/-0.43 1.11 +/- 0.33 SWU-7663, 7664 12/30/2013 Gr. Beta 2.85 +/- 0.71 3.88 +/-0.77 3.37 +/- 0.52 Note: Duplicate analyses' are performed on every twentieth sample received In-house. Results are not listed for those analyses with activities that measure below the LLD.

  • Results are reported in: units of pCi/L , except for air filters (pCi/Filter), food products, vegetation, soil, sediment (pCI/g). A 5-6 ! Acceptance Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass I Pass ' Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass . . ' f'ft.{' ...

TABLE A-6. Dep a rtment of Energy's Mi x ed Anal y te PerforMAn te Ev a luation : Pro g ram (MAPEP). Concentration a Known Control Lab Code b I Date Analysis Laboratory result Activity Limits c Acceptance MAAP-738 02/01/13 Am-241 0.10 +/- 0.02 0.10 0.07-0.14 Pass MAAP-738 02/01/13 Co-57 2.58 +/- 0.06 2.36 1.65 -3.07 Pass MAAP-738 02/01/13 Co-60 0.01 +/- 0.03 0.00 0.00-0.10 Pass MAAP-738 02/01/13 Cs-134 1.82 +/- 0.13 1.78 1.25 -2.31 Pass MAAP-738 02/01/13 Cs-137 2.93 +/- 0.10 2.60 1.82 -3.38 Pass MAAP-738 02/01/13 Mn-54 4.87 +/- 0.13 4.26 2.98-5.54 Pass MAAP-738 02/01/13 Pu-238 0.12 +/- 0.02 0.13 0.09-0.17 Pass MAAP-738 02/01/13 Pu-239/40 0.11 +/- 0.02 0.12 0.09-0.16 Pass MAAP-738 02/01/13 Sr-90 1.39 +/-0.14 1.49 1.04 -1.94 Pass MAAP-738 02/01/13 U-233/4 0.03 +/- 0.01 0.03 0.02-0.04 Pass MAAP-7 3 8 02/01/13 U-238 0.23 +/- 0.03 0.23 0.16-0.30 Pass MAAP-738 02/01/13 Zn-65 3.84 +/- 0.20 3.13 2.19-4.07 Pass MAAP-738 d 02/01/13 Gr. Alpha 0.14 +/-0.03 1.20 0.36-2.04 Fail MAAP-738 02/01/13 Gr. Beta 0.93 +/- 0.06 0.85 0.43 -1.28 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 Am-241 0.71 +/- 0.08 0.69 0.48-0.90 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 Co-57 31.20 +/- 0.40 30.90 21.60 -40.20 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 Co-60 19.70 +/- 0.30 16.56 13.69 -25.43 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 Cs-134 23.20 +/- 0.50 24.40 17.10-31.70 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 Cs-137 0.03 +/- 0.12 0.00 0.00 -1.00 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 Fe-55 34.00 +/- 3.30 44.00 30.80 -57.20 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 H-3 511.60 +/- 12.50 507.00 355.00 -659.00 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 K-40 2.20 +/- 0.90 0.00 0.00-5.00 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 Mn-54 27.60 +/- 0.50 27.40 19.20 -35.60 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 Ni-63 34.30 +/- 2.80 33.40 23.40 -43.40 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 Pu-238 0.83 +/-0.10 0.88 0.62 -1.15 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 Pu-239/40 0.02 +/- 0.02 0.01 0.00 -1.00 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 Sr-90 9.30 +/- 0.80 10.50 7.40 -13.70 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 Tc-99 10.25 +/- 0.40 13.10 9.20 -17.00 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 U-233/4 0.31 +/- 0.05 0.32 0.22 -0.41 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 U-238 1.91 +/- 0.13 1.95 1.37 -2.54 Pass MAW-806 02/01/13 Zn-65 31.60 +/- 0.80 30.40 21.30 -39.50 Pass MAW-811 02/01/13 Alpha 1.87 +/- 0.09 2.31 0.69-3.93 Pass MAW-811 02/01/13 Gr. Beta 13.04 +/- 0.13 13.00 6.50 -19.50 Pass MAW-811 02/01/13 4.60 +/-0.19 6.06 4.24 -7.88 Pass .. .,.,.., A6-1 \ABLE A-6. Department of Energy's Mixed Analyte PerforMAnce Evaluation Program (MAPEP). Concentration a Known Control Code b Date Analysis Laboratory result Activity Limits c Acceptance MAS0-739 02/01/13 Am-241 106.90 +/- 11.40 113.00 79.00 -147.00 Pass MAS0-739 02/01/13 Co-57 0.60 +/- 0.50 0.00 0.00-5.00 Pass MAS0-739 02/01/13 Co-60 739.20 +/- 28.50 691.00 484.00 -898.00 Pass MAS0-739 02/01/13 Cs-134 . 863.30 +/- 34.10 887.00 621.00-1153.00 Pass MAS0-739 02/01/13 Cs-137 661.80 +/- 25.70 987.00 411.00 -763.00 Pass MAS0-739 02/01/13 K-40 745.80 +/- 33.30 625.30 437.70 -812.90 Pass MAS0-739 02/01/13 Mn-54 1.10 +/- 1.00 0.00 0.00-5.00 Pass MAS0-739 02/01/13 Zn-65 1109.60 +/- 44.10 995.00 697.00 -1294.00 Pass MAS0-744 02/01/13 Ni-63 682.60 +/- 16.80 670.00 469.00 -871.00 Pass MAS0-744 02/01/13 Pu-238 0.20 +/- 0.90 0.00 0.00 -1.00 Pass MAS0-744 02/01/13 Pu-239/40 88.30 +/- 9.00 79.50 55.70 -103.40 Pass MAS0-744 e 02/01/13 Sr-90 408.40 +/- 14.00 628.00 440.00 -816.00 Fail MAS0-744 02/01/13 Tc-99 . 380.50 +/- 16.80 444.00 311.00 -577.00 Pass MAS0-744 02/01/13 U-233/4 53.20 +/- 4.80 62.50 43.80 -81.30 Pass MAS0-744 02/01/13 U-238 242.10 +/- 10.20 281.00 197.00-365.00 Pass MAVE-747 02/01/13 Co-57 10.37 +/- 0.17 8.68 6.08 -11.28 Pass MAVE-747 02/01/13 Co-60 6.48 +/- 0.17 5.85 4.10 -7.61 Pass MAVE-747 02/01/13 Cs-134 0.02 +/- 0.04 0.00 0.00-0.10 Pass MAVE-747 02/01/13 Cs-137 7.79 +/- 0.21 6.87 4.81 -8.93 Pass MAVE-747 02/01/13 Mn-54 0.00 +/- 0.05 0.00 0.00-0.10 Pass MAVE-747 02/01/13 Zn-65 7.29 +/- 0.33 6.25 4.38-8.13 Pass MAS0-5043 08/01/13 Am-241 1.40 +/- 1.70 0.00 0.00-5.00 Pass MAS0-5043 1 08/01/13 Co-57 699.60 +/- 3.90 0.00 0.00-5.00 Fail MAS0-5043 08/01/13 Cs-134 1191.70 +/-23.00 1172.00 820.00 -1524.00 Pass MAS0-5043 08/01/13 Cs-137 1072.00 +/- 5.10 977.00 684.00 -1270.00 Pass MAS0-5043 08/01/13 K-40 760.00 +/- 16.20 633.00 443.00 -823.00 Pass MAS0-5043 08/01/13 Mn-54 . 753.80 +/- 4.90 674.00 472.00 -876.00 Pass MAS0-5043 08/01/13 Ni-63 560.00 +/- 23.70 571.00 400.00 -742.00 Pass . MAS0-5043 08/01/13 Pu-238 68.40 +/- 7.50 61.50 43.10 -80.00 Pass MAS0-5043 08/01/13 Pu-239/40 0.40 +/- 0.80 0.36 0.00 -1.00 Pass . MAS0-5043 08/01/13 Sr-90 ; 383.90 +/- 14.50 460.00 322.00 -598.00 Pass MAS0-5043 08/01/13 Tc-99 -1.00 +/- 10.50 0.00 0.00-5.00 Pass . MAS0-5043 08/01/13 U-233/4 23.80 +/- 3.30 30.00 21.00-39.00 Pass . MAS0-5043 08/01/13 U-238 26.80 +/- 3.50 34.00 23.80 -44.20 Pass . MAS0-5043 08/01/13 Zn-65 .-351.50 +/- 5.50 0.00 0.00-0.00 Pass A6-2 TABLE A-6. Department of Energy's Mixed Analyte PerforMAnce Evaluation Program (MAPEP). Concentration a Known Control Lab Code b Date Analysis Laboratory result Activity Limits c Acceptance MAW-5052 08/01/13 1-129 2.75 +/- 0.20 3.79 2.65-4.93 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Am-241 0.00 +/- 0.01 0.00 0.00-5.00 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Co-57 0.01 +/- 0.09 0.00 0.00-5.00 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Co-60 23.20 +/- 0.32 23.58 16.51 -30.65 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Cs-134 27.60 +/- 0.58 30.40 21.00 -39.00 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Cs-137 32.31 +/- 0.52 31.60 22.10-41.10 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Fe-55 39.20 +/- 3.50 53.30 37.30 -69.30 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Gr. Alpha 0.54 +/- 0.05 0.70 0.21 -1.19 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Gr. Beta 5.85 +/- 0.09 5.94 2.97-8.91 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 H-3 1.20 +/- 3.00 0.00 0.00-5.00 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 K-40 2.22 +/-0.90 0.00 0.00-5.00 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Mn-54 0.010 +/- 0.11 0.00 0.00-5.00 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Ni-63 21.80 +/- 3.30 26.40 18.50 -34.30 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Pu-238 1.30+/-0.11 1.22 0.85 -1.58 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Pu-239/40 0.98 +/- 0.09 1.00 0.70 -1.30 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Sr-90 6.40 +/- 0.60 7.22 5.05-9.39 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Tc-99 13.10 +/- 0.70 16.20 11.30 -21.1 0 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 U-233/4 0.080 +/- 0.019 0.07 0.00 -1.00 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 U-238 0.032 +/- 0.012 0.03 0.00 -1.00 Pass MAW-5094 08/01/13 Zn-65 35.30 +/- 0.90 34.60 24.20 -45.00 Pass MAVE-5046 08/01/13 Co-57 0.01 +/- 0.03 0.00 0.00-0.00 Pass MAVE-5046 08/01/13 Co-60 0.00 +/- 0.04 0.00 0.00-0.00 Pass MAVE-5046 08/01/13 Cs-134 5.71 +/- 0.23 5.20 3.64-6.76 Pass MAVE-5046 08/01/13 Cs-137 7.64 +/- 0.20 6.60 4.62-8.58 Pass MAVE-5046 08/01/13 Mn-54 9.08 +/- 0.24 7.88 5.52 -10.24 Pass MAVE-5046 08/01/13 Zn-65 2.92 +/- 0.25 2.63 1.84 -3.42 Pass A6-3 TABLE A-6. Department of Energy's Mixed Analyte PerforMAnce Evaluation Program (MAPEP). Concentration a Known Lab Code b Date Analysis Laboratory result Activity MAAP-5046 08/01/13 Am-241 0.01 +/- 0.02 0.00 MAAP-5046 08/01/13 Co-57 3.48 +/-0.14 3.40 MAAP-5046 08/01/13 Co-60 2.44 +/- 0.08 3.40 MAAP-5046 08/01/13 Cs-134 0.01 +/- 0.03 0.00 MAAP-5046 08/01/13 Cs-137 3.09 +/-0.13 2.70 MAAP-5046 08/01/13 Gr. Alpha 0.28 +/- 0.04 0.90 MAAP-5046 08/01/13 Gr. Beta 1.90 +/- 0.08 1.63 MAAP-5046 08/01/13 Mn-54 3.95 +/- 0.12 3.50 MAAP-5046 08/01/13 Pu-238 0.14 +/- 0.028 0.12 MAAP-5046 08/01/13 Pu-239/40 0.10 +/- 0.022 0.092 MAAP-5046 08/01/13 Sr-90 1.69 +/- 4.10 1.81 MAAP-5046 9 08/01/13 U-233/4 0.044 +/- 0.012 0.029 MAAP-5046 08/01/13 U-238 0.19 +/- 0.027 0.21 MAAP-5046 08/01/13 Zn-65 3.27 +/- 0.18 2.70

  • Results are reported in units of Bq/kg (soil), Bq/L (water) or Bq/total sample (filters, vegetation).

b Laboratory codes as follows: MAW (water), MAAP (air filter), MASO (soil), MAVE (vegetation). Control Limits c 0.02-0.04 1.90-3.50 1.60-3.00 0.02 -0.04 1.90-3.50 .0.27 -1.53 0.82-2.45 2.50 -4.60 0.087-0.16 0.064-0.12 1.27-2.35 0.020 -0.038 0.14 -0.27 2.50-4.60 c MAPEP results are presented as the known values and expected laboratory precision (1 sigma, 1 determination) and control limits as defined by the MAPEP. A known value of "zero" indicates an analysis was Included in the testing series as a "false positive". MAPEP does not provide control limits. d The filter was recounted overnight , no significant alpha activity could be detected.

  • The sample was reanalyzed using additional fuming nitric separations.

Result of reanalysis: 57 4.4 +/- 35.2 Bq/kg. 1 Interference from Eu-152 resulted in misidentification of Co-57. 9 Result of repeat analysis: 0.031 +/- 0.013 pCi/filter. A6-4 Acceptance Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass TABLE A-7. Interlaboratory Comparison Crosscheck program, Environmental R es ource Asso'c iate s (ERA)a. Concentration (pCi/L) b Lab Code b Date Analysis Laboratory ERA Control Result c Result d Limits Acceptance ERAP-1174 03/18/13 Am-241 65.2 +/- 4.4 66.8 41.2-90.4 Pass ERAP-1174 03/18/13 Co-60 226.5 +/- 4.1 214.0 16f,l.O -267.0 Pass ERAP-1174 03/18/13 Cs-134 1101.2 +/- 23.6 1110.0 706.0 -1380.0 Pass ERAP-1174 03/18/13 Cs-137 1065.6 +/- 21.4 940.0 706.0 -1230.0 Pass ERAP-1174 03/18/13 Fe-55 178.8 +/- 88.0 225.0 440.0 Pass ERAP-1174 03/18/13 Mn-54 < 3.1 0.0 0.0-50.0 Pass ERAP-1174 03/18/13 Pu-238 50.0 +/- 3.0 51.1 34.3-65.9 Pass ERAP-1174 03/18/13 Pu-239/40 65.7 +/- 2.6 65.2 47.2 -85.2 Pass ERAP-1174 03/18/13 U-233/4 54.0 +/- 2.5 59.4 36.8-89.6 Pass ERAP-1174 03/18/13 U-238 55.6 +/- 2.6 58.9 38.1 -81.4 Pass ERAP-1174 03/18/13 Uranium 112.0 +/-5.6 121.0 67.0-184.0 Pass ERAP-1174 03/18/13 Zn-65 236.6 +/- 13.8 199.0 142.0 -275.0 Pass ERAP-1175 03/18/13 Gr. Alpha 52.3 +/-2.8 42.3 14.2 -65.7 Pass ERAP-1175 03/18/13 Gr. Beta 36.2 +/- 2.0 25.1 15.9-36.6 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Am-241 293.1 +/- 97.4 229.0 134.0-297.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Pu-238 909.0 +/- 180.0 788.0 474.0 -1090.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Pu-239/40 432.0 +/- 120.0 366.0 239.0 -506.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Sr-90 8050.8 +/- 376.0 8530.0 3250.0 -13500.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 U-233/4 1662.6 +/- 150.0 1920.0 1170.0 -2460.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 U-238 1682.8 +/- 160.0 1900.0 1180.0-2410.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Uranium 3404.0 +/- 330.5 3920.0 2130.0 -5170.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Ac-228 1335.0 +/- 132.0 1240.0 795.0 -1720.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Bi-212 1420.0 +/- 311.0 1240.0 330.0 -1820.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Bi-214 2626.0 +/- 60.0 3660.0 2200.0 -5270.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Co-60 7951.0 +/- 45.4 7920.0 5360.0 -10900.0 Pass ERS071176 03/18/13 Cs-134 5785.0 +/- 51.0 6370.0 4160.0 -7650.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Cs-137 6106.0 +/- 47.9 6120.0 4690.0 -7870.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 K-40 11756.0 +/- 284.3 10300.0 7520.0 -13800.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Mn-54 < 28.0 0.0 0.0 -1000.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Pb-212 1096.0 +/-29.1 1240.0 812.0-1730.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Pb-214 2875.0 +/- 60.0 3660.0 2140.0 -5460.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Th-234 2404.0 +/- 218.3 1900.0 601.0 -3570.0 Pass ERS0-1176 03/18/13 Zn-65 1542.0 +/- 56.4 1400.0 1110.0 -1860.0 Pass A7-1 '\** TABLE A-7. Interlaboratory Comparison Crosscheck program, Environmental Resource Associates (ERA)". Concentration (eCi/L) b Lab Code b Date Analysis Laboratory ERA Control Result c Result ct Limits Acceptance ERVE-1180 03/18/13 Am-241 569.8 +/- 81.7 553.0 338.0 -735.0 Pass ERVE-1180 03/18/13 Cm-244 1260.9 +/- 107.3 1340.0 657.0 -2090.0 Pass ERVE-1180 03/18/13 Co-60 2130.5 +/- 48.0 1920.0 1320.0 -2680.0 Pass ERVE-1180 03/18/13 Cs-134 1296.5 +/- 68.0 1240.0 797.0 -1610.0 Pass ERVE-1180 03/18/13 Cs-137 600.1 +/- 34.3 544.0 394.0 -757.0 Pass ERVE-1180 03/18/13 K-40 34078.0 +/- 787.0 31900.0 23000.0 -44800.0 Pass ERVE-1180 03/18/13 Mn-54 < 28.7 0.0 0.0-300.0 Pass ERVE-1180 03/18/13 Pu-238 2476.5 +/- 259.4 1980.0 1180.0 -2710.0 Pass ERVE-1180 03/18/13 Pu-239/40 2659.3 +/- 273.2 2260.0 1390.0-3110.0 Pass ERVE-1180 03/18/13 Sr-90 3809.7 +/- 420.5 3840.0 2190.0 -5090.0 Pass ERVE-1180 03/18/13 U-233/4 2460.6 +/- 205.0 2460.0 1620.0-3160.0 Pass ERVE-1180 03/18/13 U-238 2319.1 +/- 189.6 2440.0 1630.0-3100.0 Pass ERVE-1180 03/18/13 Uranium 4866.3 +/- 375.6 5010.0 3390.0 -6230.0 Pass ERVE-1180 03/18/13 Zn-65 1052.5 +/- 82.1 878.0 633.0 -1230.0 Pass ERW-1184 03/18/13 Am-241 114.5 +/- 8.1 118.0 79.5 -158.0 Pass ERW-1184 03/18/13 Co-60 2221.8 +/- 17.0 2270.0 1970.0 -2660.0 Pass ERW-1184 03/18/13 Cs-134 1309.4 +/- 58.4 1400.0 1030.0 -1610.0 Pass ERW-1184 03/18/13 Cs-137 1865.9 +/- 22.0 1880.0 1600.0 -2250.0 Pass ERW-1184 03/18/13 Fe-55 503.1 +/-105.0 712.0 424.0 -966.0 Pass ERW-1184 03/18/13 Mn-54 <9.4 0.0 0.0 -100.0 Pass ERW-1184 03/18/13 Pu-238 98.4 +/- 5.6 98.8 73.1 -123.0 Pass ERW-1184 03/18/13 Pu-239/40 184.5 +/- 7.7 185.0 144.0 -233.0 Pass ERW-1184 03/18/13 Sr-90 125.7 +/- 6.0 137.0 89.2-181.0 Pass ERW-1184 03/18/13 U-233/4 44.9 +/- 3.4 48.8 36.7-62.9 Pass ERW-1184 03/18/13 U-238 46.5 +/- 3.5 48.4 36.9-59.4 Pass ERW-1184 03/18/13 Uranium 93.3 +/- 7.1 99.5 73.1 -129.0 Pass ERW-1184 03/18/13 Zn-65 412.8 +/- 32.0 384.0 320.0 -484.0 Pass ERW-1186 03/18/13 Gr. Alpha 109.1 +/- 5.7 130.0 46.2-201.0 Pass ERW-1186 03/18/13 Gr. Beta 74.5 +/- 6.4 78.9 45.2-117.0 Pass ERW-1188 03/18/13 H-3 12279.0 +/- 319.0 12300.0 8240.0 -17500.0 Pass

  • Results obtained by Environmental, Inc., Midwest Laboratory as a participant in the crosscheck program for proficiency testing administered by Environmental Resources Associates, serving as a replacement for studies conducted previously by the Environmental Measurements Laboratory Quality Assessment Program (EML). b Laboratory codes as follows: ERW (water), ERAP (air filter), ERSO (soil), ERVE (vegetation).

Results are reported in units of pCi/L, except for air filters (pCi/Filter), vegetation and soil (pCi/kg). c Unless otherwise indicated, the laboratory result is given as the mean +/- standard deviation for three determinations. d Results are presented as the known values, expected laboratory precision (1 sigma, 1 determination) and control limits as provided by ERA. A known value of "zero" indicates an analysis was included in the testing series as a "false positive". Control limits are not provided. A7-2 APPENDIX B DATA REPORTING CONVENTIONS 8-1

  • i** Data Reporting Conventions 1 .0. All activities, except gross alpha and gross beta, are decay corrected to collection time or the end of the collection period. 2.0. Single Measurements Each single measurement is reported as follows: x +/- s where: x = value of the measurement; s = 2a counting uncertainty (corresponding to the 95% confidence level). In cases where the activity is less than the lower limit of detection L, it is reported as: < L, where L = the lower limit of detection based on 4.66o uncertainty for a background sample. 3.0. Duplicate analvses If duplicate analyses are reported, the convention is as follows. : 3.1 Individual results: For two analysis results; x, +/- s 1 and x 2 +/- s 2 Reoorted result: x +/- s; where x = (1/2) (x 1 + x 2) and s = (1/2) + 3.2. Individual results: < L, , < L 2 Reported result: < L, where L = lower of L 1 and L 2 3.3. Individual results: x +/- s, < L Reported result: x +/- s if x <: L; < L otherwise.

4.0. Computation of Averages and Standard Deviations 4.1 Averages and standard deviations listed in the tables are computed from all of the individual measurements over the period averaged; for an annual standard deviation would not be the average of quarterly standard deviations. The average x and standard deviation "s" of a set of n numbers x , x ... x are defined 1 2 n as follows: 1 X =n t X s--\j-r;;r-4.2 Values below the highest lower limit of detection are not included in the average. 4.3 If all values in the averaging group are less than the highest LLD, the highest LLD is reported. 4.4 If all but one of the values are less than the highest LLD, the single value x and associated two sigma error is reported. 4.5 In rounding off, the following rules are followed: 4.5.1. If the number following those to be retained is less than 5, the number is dropped, and the retained numbers are kept unchanged. As an example, 11.443 is rounded off to 11.44. 4.5.2. If the number following those to be retained is equal to or greater than 5, the number is dropped and the last retained number is raised by 1. As an example, 11.445 is rounded off to 11.45. B-2 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ;q*; I ()', l APPENDIXC Sampling Program and Locations C-1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Locations Collection Type Analysis Sample Type No. Codes (and Type)" (and Frequency)b (and Frequency)b Airborne Filters 6. E-1-4, 8 , 20 Weekly GB, GS, on QC for each location Airborne Iodine 6 E-1-4, 8, 20 Weekly 1-131 Ambient Radiation 22 E-1-9, 12 , 14-18,20, Quarterly Ambient Gamma (TLD's) 22-32, 34-36, 38,39 Lake Water 5 E-1, 5, 6, 33 Monthly GB, GS, 1-131 on MC H-3, Sr-89-90 on QC Well Water E-10 Quarterly GB, GS, H-3, Sr-89-90, 1-131 Vegetation 8 E-1-4, 6, 9, 20 3x I year GB,GS as available Shoreline Silt 5 E-1, 5, 6, 12, 33 2x I year GB,GS Soil 8 E-1-4, 6, 8, 9, 20 2x I year GB,GS Milk 3 E-11, 40, 21 Monthly GS , 1-131, Sr-89-90 Algae 2 E-5, 12 3x I year GB,GS as available Fish E-13 2x I year GB, GS (in edible portions) as available

  • Locations codes are defined in Table 2. Control Stations are indicated by (C). All other stations are indicators.

b Analysis type is coded as follows: GB =gross beta, GA = gross alpha, GS =gamma spectroscopy, H-3 =tritium, Sr-89 = strontium-89, Sr-90 = strontium-90, 1-131 = iodine-131. Analysis frequency is coded as follows: MC = monthly composite, QC = quarterly composite. C-2 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT APPENDIX D Graphs of Data Trends D-1 0.05 (") 0.03 E --0.02 0.01 POINT BEACH Air Particulates-Gross Beta Location E-1, monthly averages 2009-2013 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year Location E-2, monthly averages 2009-2013 0.05 0.04 * \ I 0.03 \ (") E ::::: () 0.02 0. 0.01 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year D-2 POINT BEACH Air Particulates -Gross Beta Location E-3, monthly averages 2009-2013 0.05 0.04 * \ ('I) 0.03 ' E --(3 0.02 0. 0.01 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year Location E-4, monthly averages 2009-2013 0.05 0.04 , .. . \ ('I) 0.03 E --(3 0.02 0. 0.01 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year D-3 POINT BEACH Air Particul a tes-Gross Beta Locat ion E-8 , monthly a v e r a g es 2 00 9-2 01 3 0.05 0.04

  • 0.03 I (") E ::::: (.) 0.02 a. 0.01 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year Loc a tion E-20, monthly a verage s 2 009-2013 0.05 0.04 (") 0.03 E --(3 0.02 a. 0.01 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Year D-4 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT APPENDIX E Supplemental Analyses E-1 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Supplemental Analys e s .., ,. \* Units: = pCi\L Gamma isotopic analysis Location GW-09 1Z-361A U2FSSDS U2FSSDS Collection Date 09-01-12 2nd Qtr. 2012 3rd Qtr. 2012 Lab Code EWW-5947 MDC EW-2969 MDC EW-2970 MDC Be-7 -196.1 +/- 17.5 < 629.4 326.1 +/- 9.6 < 2418.8 -94.3 +/- 12.8 < 549.5 Mn-54 5.3 +/- 2.2 < 6.8 1.2 +/- 1.2 < 5.7 2.5 +/- 1.4 < 6.5 Fe-59 -70.7 +/- 3.8 < 182.3 23.2 +/- 2.1 < 629.7 90.2 +/- 2.5 < 336.9 Co-58 0.1 +/- 2.1 < 42.3 -19.3 +/- 1.2 < 49.2 9.8 +/- 1.4 < 32.0 Co-60 1.0 +/- 2.3 < 4.0 0.5+/-1.1 < 2.5 -0.4 +/- 1.4 < 1.3 Zn-65 -7.4 +/- 4.3 < 14.7 -0.4 +/- 2.4 < 10.8 -0.8 +/- 3.0 < 8.7 Zr-Nb-95 -123.5 +/- 2.4 < 272.1 -923.9 +/- 1.3 < 3167.7 131.2 +/- 1.5 < 593.4 Cs-134 -0.6+/-1.9 < 3.4 -0.2 +/- 1.2 < 2.2 1.2 +/- 1.3 < 2.5 Cs-137 1.5 +/- 2.5 < 4.9 0.3 +/- 1.4 < 1.9 1.5 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 Ba-La-140 0.0 +/- 0.0 b < 0.0 0.0 +/- 0.0 b < 0.0 0.0 +/- 0.0 b < 0.0 Location U2FSSDS U2FSSDS U2FSSD Collection Date 4th Qtr. 2012 1st Qtr. 2013 04-01-13 Lab Code EW-2971 MDC EW-2972 MDC EW-1944 MDC Be-7 -47.3 +/- 12.0 < 213.0 -4.3 +/- 12.4 < 76.2 -41.6 +/- 16.0 < 178.2 Mn-54 1.3 +/- 1.4 < 4.5 1.8 +/- 1.4 < 3.6 0.0 +/- 2.1 < 6.2 Fe-59 -39.6 +/- 2.5 < 68.2 1.3 +/- 2.9 < 22.8 -13.3 +/- 4.0 < 50.9 Co-58 -8.9 +/- 1.4 < 12.2 -1.1 +/- 1.3 < 3.7 4.1 +/- 2.0 < 11.6 Co-60 0.7 +/- 1.5 < 2.1 0.9+/-1.5 < 1.7 -1.6 +/- 2.3 < 4.1 Zn-65 -0.9 +/- 3.1 < 7.7 -0.3 +/- 2.8 < 4.1 3.9 +/- 4.1 < 11.5 Zr-Nb-95 -61.0 +/- 1.4 < 66.6 -4.0 +/- 1.5 < 14.2 -7.2 +/- 2.2 < 35.9 Cs-134 0.4 +/- 1.4 < 3.0 0.7 +/- 1.4 < 2.7 -0.2 +/- 2.2 < 3.6 Cs-137 0.4 +/- 1.5 < 2.5 0.0 +/- 1.5 < 2.2 -1.2 +/- 2.5 < 3.8 Ba-La-140 0.0 +/- 0.0 b < 0.0 -311.3+/-2.0 < 192.8 -691.7 +/- 2.4 < 2298.3 Location U2FSSD U2FSSD GW-09 1Z-361A Collection Date 05-01-13 06-10-13 06-21-13 Lab Code EW-3250 MDC EW-3704 MDC EWW-3700 MDC Be-7 1.1 +/- 11.2 < 65.9 7.5 +/- 12.8 < 36.2 -3.6 +/- 17.4 < 37.1 Mn-54 2.0 +/- 1.5 < 3.5 2.0 +/- 1.7 < 3.6 0.4 +/- 1.8 < 3.5 Fe-59 4.7 +/- 2.7 < 19.2 -2.3 +/- 3.1 < 6.9 -2.5 +/- 3.6 < 4.2 Co-58 1.7 +/- 1.3 < 5.9 -0.9 +/- 1.5 < 3.2 1.8 +/- 1.8 < 4.2 Co-60 0.9 +/- 1.5 < 2.3 1.8 +/- 1.8 < 3.8 0.9 +/- 1.8 < 3.3 Zn-65 2.5 +/- 2.9 < 7.0 -0.2 +/- 3.2 < 5.5 -3.9 +/- 4.3 < 7.7 Zr-Nb-95 1.3 +/- 1.6 < 15.8 0.4+/-1.7 < 5.3 -1.1 +/-2.0 < 5.0 Cs-134 1.4 +/- 1.2 < 2.3 -0.3 +/- 1.4 < 2.4 -0.7 +/- 1.9 < 3.5 Cs-137 0.1 +/- 1.7 < 2.8 0.7 +/- 1.9 < 3.3 0.8 +/- 2.1 < 4.7 Ba-La-140 13.4 +/- 1.8 < 352.9 2.8 +/- 1.9 < 23.0 0.4 +/- 2.1 < 12.7 a Sample counted 04-24-2013; several LLDs not reached due to age of sample. b Ba-La-140

= >12 halflives. E-2 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Supplem e ntal Analyses ......... Units: = pCi\L Gamma isotopic analysis Location GW-09 1Z-361B GW-10 2Z-361A GW-10 22-3618 Collection Date 06-21-13 06-2 4-13 06-24-13 Lab Code EWW-3701 MDC EWW-3702 MDC EWW-3703 MDC Be-7 5.1 +/- 13.1 < 36.8 7.5 +/- 13.3 < 41.6 -5.8 +/- 13.1 < 26.8 Mn-54 2.3 +/- 1.6 < 3.5 0.0 +/- 1.8 < 3.7 2.3 +/- 1.6 < 3.6 Fe-59 1.1 +/- 2.9 < 7.1 2.1 +/- 3.1 < 8.5 -2.3 +/- 2.9 < 7.4 Co-58 0.5 +/- 1.5 < 3.5 -1.6 +/- 1.6 < 3.8 -2.6 +/- 1.6 < 2.6 Co-60 -1.0+/-1.7 < 3.2 1.9 +/- 1.9 < 4.0 -0.2 +/- 1.8 < 2.8 Zn-65 -3.6 +/- 3.2 < 5.6 0.4 +/- 3.3 < 6.0 -0.9 +/- 3.2 < 5.6 Zr-Nb-95 -2.1 +/- 1.8 < 5.9 -3.2 +/- 1.8 < 5.8 -2.8 +/- 1.8 < 4.2 Cs-134 -0.1 +/- 1.4 < 2.5 -0.1 +/- 1.7 < 2.4 -0.8 +/- 1.4 < 3.1 Cs-137 0.4+/-1.9 < 3.2 1.6 +/-2.0 < 3.2 -1.5 +/- 1.9 < 2.5 Ba-La-140 -1.4 +/- 2.0 < 8.5 0.6 +/- 2.1 < 12.2 -6.3 +/- 1.9 < 9.9 Location U2FSSD P-118 SSD Sump U2FSSD Collection Date 07-01-13 07-01-13 07-31-13 Lab Code EWW-3705 MDC EWW-3719 MDC EW-4782 MDC 8e-7 -11.0 +/- 13.4 < 31.5 -8.4 +/- 12.7 < 26.4 10.6 +/- 9.6 < 28.1 Mn-54 -0.3 +/- 1.6 < 2.0 0.7 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 1.0 +/- 1.1 < 2.0 Fe-59 2.6 +/- 3.0 < 5.6 0.3 +/-3.1 < 5.1 1.4 +/- 2.1 < 4.5 Co-58 0.0 +/- 1.6 < 3.4 -0.5 +/- 1.5 < 2.5 0.5 +/- 1.0 < 2.3 Co-60 0.5 +/- 1.8 < 3.9 -2.0 +/- 1.6 < 1.7 -0.5 +/- 1.2 < 2.1 Zn-65 2.3 +/- 3.2 < 5.9 -1.0 +/- 3.2 < 2.5 -0.1 +/- 2.3 < 3.9 Zr-Nb-95 -5.3 +/- 1.8 < 5.4 0.3 +/- 1.7 < 3.6 0.1 +/- 1.3 < 3.3 Cs-134 -0.2 +/- 1.7 < 3.2 -0.5 +/- 1.6 < 3.1 -1.0 +/- 1.0 < 1.9 Cs-137 0.7 +/- 1.9 < 3.1 0.5 +/- 1.7 < 2.6 -0.3 +/- 1.4 < 1.8 Ba-La-140 -3.6 +/- 2.0 < 6.5 2.2 +/- 1.8 < 3.8 0.7 +/- 1.4 < 4.3 Location GW-09 1Z-361A GW-09 12-3618 GW-1 0 2Z-361A Collection Date 07-03-13 07-03-13 07-03-13 Lab Code EWW-4987 MDC EWW-4988 MDC EWW-4989 MDC 8e-7 29.0 +/- 17.4 < 76.1 2.9 +/- 13.7 < 61.8 -8.2 +/- 13.6 < 47.0 Mn-54 0.3 +/- 1.8 < 3.9 1.5 +/- 1.7 < 3.1 0.5 +/- 1.6 < 3.7 Fe-59 -4.4 +/- 3.7 < 14.1 0.4 +/- 2.9 < 10.4 1.6 +/- 3.1 < 9.5 Co-58 -0.8 +/- 1.8 < 4.7 -1.7 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 -1.2 +/- 1.6 < 3.6 Co-60 0.2+/-1.9 < 3.6 1.5 +/- 1.7 < 3.5 -0.3 +/- 2.0 < 3.2 Zn-65 -2.3 +/- 4.2 < 8.9 -1.7 +/-3.3 < 6.1 0.0 +/- 3.4 < 8.2 Zr-Nb-95 0.9 +/- 1.9 < 9.5 -0.8 +/- 1.9 < 6.6 -5.8 +/- 1.8 < 8.2 Cs-134 -2.3 +/- 1.9 < 3.9 0.1 +/- 1.4 < 2.7 -2.0 +/- 1.7 < 3.0 cs-137 1.7 +/- 2.0 < 3.6 -0.6 +/- 2.0 < 2.6 -0.2 +/- 1.9 < 3.0 Ba-La-140 -23.7 +/- 2.1 < 60.9 -26.7 +/- 1.8 < 43.6 -28.0 +/- 2.1 < 68.2 a Certain LLDs not reached due to age of sample. All samples counted for 60,000 seconds. E-3 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Suppl e mental Analyses .: 1 J i Units: = pCi\L Gamma isotopic analysis Location GW-10 22-3618 GW-09 12-361A GW-0912-3618 Collection Date 07-03-13 08-01-13 08-01-13 Lab Code EWW-4990 MDC EW-4991 MDC EW-4992 MDC 8e-7 2.4 +/- 13.5 < 49.7 -8.8 +/- 16.3 < 4 0.4 3.8 +/- 14.2 < 48.2 Mn-54 -0.6 +/- 1.6 < 3.4 1.5 +/- 1.7 < 3.6 0.9 +/- 1.9 < 3.6 Fe-59 -1.7 +/- 3.0 < 14.3 2.2 +/- 3.2 < 10.9 -1.6 +/- 3.6 < 8.6 Co-58 -1.5+/-1.6 < 4.6 1.3 +/- 1.6 < 4.4 -2.4 +/- 1.8 < 3.6 Co-60 -1.6 +/- 1.7 < 1.9 0.2 +/- 2.0 < 3.1 2.4 +/- 2.1 < 3.7 Zn-65 -2.4 +/- 3.3 < 6.9 -2.6 +/- 3.4 < 5.2 6.5 +/- 3.8 < 8.0 Zr-Nb-95 2.0 +/- 1.7 < 10.7 -1.0 +/- 1.8 < 6.0 -9.3 +/- 2.2 < 8.0 Cs-134 0.0 +/- 1.7 < 2.6 -0.8 +/- 1.7 < 3.2 -0.3 +/- 2.0 < 3.1 Cs-137 2.6 +/- 1.8 < 3.8 1.6 +/- 1.9 < 3.2 1.7 +/- 2.2 < 4.1 8a-La-140 1.7 +/- 2.0 < 51.8 -9.2 +/- 2.2 < 18.7 0.3 +/- 2.1 < 20.5 Location GW-10 2Z-361A MDC GW-1022-3618 MDC U2FSSD MDC Collection Date 08-01-13 08-01-13 08-31-13 Lab Code EWW-4993 EWW-4994 EWW-5282 Be-7 -1.2 +/- 16.6 < 50.2 14.9 +/- 14.3 < 45.1 -5.3 +/- 14.9 < 20.9 Mn-54 1.6 +/- 1.7 < 3.8 -0.5 +/- 1.7 < 3.4 0.9 +/- 1.6 < 3.1 Fe-59 -2.3 +/- 3.0 < 5.9 -5.2 +/- 3.1 < 8.8 1.0+/-3.2 < 5.7 Co-58 -3.2 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 0.0 +/- 1.8 <4.0 0;3 +/- 1.6 < 2.8 Co-60 -0.4 +/- 1.9 < 2.4 1.3 +/- 1.7 < 2.9 0.3 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 2n-65 -3.5 +/- 3.1 < 5.3 -1.5 +/- 3.8 < 6.7 -2.5 +/- 3.8 < 6.3 Zr-Nb-95 -3.8 +/- 1.8 < 6.0 -6.9 +/- 2.0 < 7.7 -0.1 +/- 1.7 < 4.1 Cs-134 -1.3 +/- 1.7 < 2.6 0.5 +/- 1.8 < 3.2 -0.4 +/- 1.6 < 2.3 Cs-137 0.2 +/- 1.8 < 3.4 -0.8 +/- 2.0 < 3.0 -0.4 +/- 1.9 < 2.9 Ba-La-140 1.0 +/-2.0 < 17.3 -7.9 +/- 2.2 < 26.3 -3.9 +/- 2.1 < 4.8 Location E-02 E-02 Corn Soybeans Collection Date 09-25-13 09-25-13 Lab Code EVE-5679 EVE-5680 Gross Beta 2.11 +/- 0.04 < 0.014 3.81 +/- 0.11 < 0.047 Be-7 -0.012 +/- 0.041 < 0.080 0.36 +/- 0.13 K-40 1.64 +/- 0.19 3.23 +/- 0.32 Mn-54 -0.001 +/- 0.004 < 0.003 0.003 +/- 0.006 < 0.011 Fe-59 0.003 +/- 0.008 < 0.015 0.008 +/- 0.012 < 0.012 Co-58 0.001 +/- 0.004 < 0.007 0.004 +/- 0.006 < 0.008 Co-60 0.000 +/- 0.003 < 0.003 0.000 +/- 0.007 < 0.009 Zn-65 -0.001 +/- 0.010 < 0.015 0.002 +/- 0.016 < 0.021 Zr-Nb-95 -0.004 +/- 0.004 < 0.010 0.005 +/- 0.006 < 0.013 Cs-134 0.001 +/- 0.004 < 0.007 0.003 +/- 0.006 < 0.010 Cs-137 0.005 +/- 0.004 < 0.006 0.004 +/- 0.007 < 0.010 Ba-La-140 -0.002 +/- 0.003 < 0.004 -0.001 +/- 0.006 < 0.007 a Certain LLDs not reached due to age of sample. Samples counted for 60,000 seconds. E-4 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT _, . I Supplemental Analyses Units: = pCi\L Gamma isotopic analysis L o cation GW-09 1Z-361A GW-09 1Z-361B GW-10 2Z-361A Collection Date 09-26-13 09-26-13 09-26-13 Lab Code EW-6251 MDC EW-6252 MDC EW-6253 MDC Be-7 3.9 +/- 15.3 < 31.2 10.7 +/- 16.6 < 37.4 0.4 +/- 15.6 < 34.3 Mn-54 2.3 +/- 1.7 < 3.3 1.6 +/- 1.7 < 3.7 -1.0 +/- 1.6 < 2.7 Fe-59 2.0 +/- 3.5 < 8.1 -0.1 +/- 3.4 < 3.8 0.2 +/- 2.6 < 5.3 Co-58 -0.1 +/- 1.6 < 2.5 0.0 +/- 1.8 < 4.3 0.9 +/- 1.4 < 3.0 Co-60 0.8 +/- 2.1 < 3.7 1.6 +/- 1.8 < 3.7 0.0 +/- 1.7 < 2.5 Zn-65 0.9 +/- 4.1 < 6.1 -2.6 +/- 4.0 < 6.4 -0.2 +/- 3.1 < 5.3 Zr-Nb-95 -0.1 +/- 1.8 < 3.5 0.2 +/- 1.9 < 5.4 0.1 +/- 1.7 < 5.1 Cs-134 -0.7 +/- 1.7 < 2.8 -0.1 +/-1.9 < 3.6 -0.1 +/- 1.6 < 2.8 Cs-137 1.6 +/- 2.0 < 2.4 0.7 +/- 2.0 < 4.1 0.0 +/- 1.8 < 2.8 Ba-La-140 -5.2 +/- 2.0 < 3.7 1.4 +/- 2.1 < 8.9 1.0 +/- 1.8 < 8.0 Location GW-10 2Z-361B U2FSSD N-SSD Collection Date 09-26-13 09-30-13 10-16-13 Lab Code EWW-6254 MDC EWW-6739 EWW-6740 Be-7 7.2 +/- 13.4 < 37.7 -5.4 +/- 9.5 < 31.9 -5.2 +/- 9.5 < 24.8 Mn-54 0.6 +/- 1.7 < 3.6 1.0 +/- 1.2 < 2.4 -0.5 +/- 1.2 < 1.9 Fe-59 -0.7 +/- 3.0 < 6.8 1.4 +/- 2.3 < 7.8 -0.8 +/- 2.0 < 5.2 Co-58 -0.4 +/- 1.7 < 3.7 -1.2 +/- 1.2 < 2.9 0.0 +/- 1.1 < 1.9 Co-60 -2.1 +/- 1.8 < 2.3 1.0 +/- 1.3 < 2.6 -0.5 +/- 1.3 < 2.0 Zn-65 1.8 +/- 3.2 < 7.0 -0.7 +/- 2.7 < 6.1 -0.3 +/- 2.2 < 3.7 Zr-Nb-95 -1.8 +/- 1.8 < 4.6 -2.8 +/- 1.3 < 4.6 -2.7 +/- 1.3 < 3.4 Cs-134 -1.9 +/- 1.7 < 2.8 -0.2 +/- 1.2 < 2.5 0.5 +/- 1.0 < 2.1 Cs-137 -0.2 +/- 2.0 < 3.1 0.6 +/- 1.4 < 2.3 -1.1 +/- 1.4 < 2.4 Ba-La-140 -3.0 +/- 1.8 < 9.6 -12.1 +/-1.4 < 13.2 0.2 +/- 1.5 < 9.4 Location S-SSD GW-09 1Z-361A GW-091Z-361B Collection Date 10-16-13 10-31-13 10-31-13 Lab Code EWW-6741 EWW-7020 EWW-7021 Be-7 -4.8 +/- 13.2 < 25.1 -4.7 +/- 13.6 < 38.0 1.2 +/- 12.3 < 22.6 Mn-54 0.7 +/- 1.7 < 3.0 2.4 +/- 1.6 < 3.5 1.7 +/- 1.7 < 3.3 Fe-59 -0.4 +/- 2.9 < 6.9 3.5 +/- 3.0 < 7.1 0.2 +/- 2.8 < 7.3 Co-58 0.1 +/- 1.6 < 4.0 -0.9 +/- 1.7 < 3.5 1.7 +/- 1.6 < 3.9 Co-60 -0.3 +/- 1.9 < 3.5 -0.3 +/- 1.8 < 2.3 -0.8 +/- 1.7 < 2.9 Zn-65 -0.8 +/- 3.4 < 6.9 -1.8 +/- 3.6 < 6.4 -0.2 +/- 3.5 < 7.1 Zr-Nb-95 -1.9 +/- 1.7 < 4.7 -0.7+/-1.9 < 4.3 0.8 +/- 1.8 < 3.9 Cs-134 -0.1 +/- 1.7 < 3.2 -1.7 +/- 1.8 < 3.4 -0.2 +/- 1.7 < 3.0 Cs-137 1.7 +/- 1.8 < 3.3 0.6 +/- 2.0 < 3.6 0.9 +/- 2.0 < 3.9 Ba-La-140 -4.8 +/- 1.9 < 10.1 4.5 +/- 1.6 < 7.5 -0.2 +/- 2.0 < 4.5 E-5 POIN T B E ACH NUCL E AR PLANT Supplemental Ana l yses Units: = pCi\L Gamma isotop ic analysis Locatio n GW-1 0 2Z-361A GW-10 2Z-361B U2F S SD C o llection D a te 10-31-13 10-31-13 11-01-13 La b Co d e EW-7022 MDC EW-7023 MDC EW-7018 MDC B e-7 11.7+/-12.5 < 22.7 -7.1 +/- 12.8 < 37.1 -0.7 +/- 13.9 < 29.2 Mn-5 4 0.8 +/- 1.5 < 2.9 0.8 +/- 1.6 < 3.1 0.3 +/- 1.5 < 2.9 Fe-59 -1.7+/-2.8 < 7.5 0.7 +/- 2.9 < 4.1 -1.7 +/- 2.8 < 4.8 Co-58 -0.3 +/- 1.6 < 2.8 1.0 +/- 1.7 < 3.9 0.0 +/- 1.3 < 2.6 Co-6 0 0.3 +/- 1.7 < 3.3 0.5 +/- 1.9 < 3.0 -0.2 +/- 1.5 < 2.7 Zn-65 0.1 +/- 3.2 < 6.7 -2.1 +/- 3.2 < 6.6 -3.9 +/- 3.3 < 3.9 Zr-Nb-95 -0.3 +/- 1.7 < 3.5 -1.4 +/- 1.8 < 4.3 0.3 +/- 1.5 < 3.3 C s-134 0.9 +/- 1.7 < 3.1 -2.1 +/- 1.7 < 3.3 0.1 +/- 1.5 < 2.9 Cs-137 1.5 +/- 1.9 < 3.9 0.4 +/- 2.0 < 3.3 0.0 +/- 1.7 < 3.2 Ba-La-140 -7.7 +/- 2.0 < 3.9 -1.6 +/- 2.0 < 7.6 -1.4 +/- 1.6 < 5.7 L o cat i on GW-09 1Z-361A GW-0 9 1Z-3 6 1 B GW-10 2Z-361A Collection Date 11-22-13 11-22-13 11-22-1 3 Lab Code EWW-7557 EWW-7 5 58 EW-7560 MDC Be-7 -6.2 +/- 17.1 < 46.4 9.3 +/- 15.4 < 34.9 -14.5 +/- 17.3 < 28.5 Mn-54 1.0 +/- 1.8 < 3.6 0.7 +/- 1.8 < 3.5 2.0 +/- 1.7 < 3.8 Fe-59 4.6 +/- 3.3 < 9.8 -4.5 +/- 4.0 < 7.2 -0.1 +/- 3.6 < 9.2 Co-58 1.7 +/- 1.7 < 4.5 -1.9 +/- 1.8 < 3.7 0.3 +/- 1.8 < 4.6 Co-60 -1.0 +/- 2.0 < 3.5 0.1 +/- 2.2 < 3.6 0.0 +/- 2.0 < 3.4 Zn-65 -1.9 +/- 3.5 < 6.1 1.3 +/- 3.9 < 2.7 4.1 +/-4.2 < 8.5 Zr-Nb-95 -2.5 +/- 1.8 < 4.2 -1.2 +/- 1.9 < 4.5 0.7 +/- 1.9 < 6.1 Cs-134 -0.3 +/- 1.8 < 3.6 0.7 +/- 1.9 < 4.2 0.1 +/- 2.0 < 3.8 Cs-137 0.9 +/- 1.9 < 3.9 2.9 +/- 2.1 < 3.8 1.9+/-2.1 < 4.7 Ba-La-140 -7.2 +/- 2.1 < 19.0 -4.1 +/- 2.0 < 8.3 -4.7 +/- 1.9 < 15.9 Locatio n GW-10 2Z-361 B U2FSSD GW-09 1Z-361A Collection Date 11-22-13 12-02-13 12-17-13 Lab Code EW-7561 MDC EW-7562 MDC EW-78 10 MDC Be-7 3.9 +/- 12.9 < 40.4 -10.0 +/- 9.8 < 25.1 -0.4 +/- 14.1 < 51.7 Mn-54 0.6 +/- 1.6 < 3.2 1.3 +/- 1.3 < 2.9 1.0 +/- 1.7 < 3.7 Fe-59 1.2 +/- 2.8 < 8.1 -0.3 +/- 2.3 < 6.2 5.3 +/- 3.1 < 9.8 C o-58 -0.7 +/- 1.5 < 3.1 -1.2+/-1.2 < 2.5 0.2 +/- 1.7 < 4.9 Co-60 0.2 +/- 1.7 < 3.0 0.0+/-1.4 < 2.1 -0.3 +/- 1.8 < 2.5 Zn-65 -0.8 +/- 3.4 < 5.8 0.3 +/- 2.5 < 4.5 0.4 +/- 3.5 < 7.4 Zr-Nb-95 -1.3 +/- 1.7 < 3.1 -2.1 +/- 1.4 < 3.4 -7.0 +/- 2.1 < 6.6 Cs-134 -1.2 +/- 1.7 < 3.1 -0.2 +/- 1.3 < 2.6 -2.2 +/- 1.9 < 3.6 Cs-137 0.7 +/- 2.0 < 3.6 1.4 +/- 1.5 < 2.1 -0.5 +/- 2.0 < 2.8 Ba-La-140 -0.7 +/- 2.0 < 8.2 1.0+/-1.4 < 5.1 -14.1 +/- 2.4 < 15.8 a Certain LLDs not reached due to age of sample. Samp l es counted for 60,000 seconds. E-6 / POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT Supplemental Analyses Units: = pCi\L Gamma isotopic analysis Location GW-09 1Z-361 B GW-10 2Z-361 B U2FSSD Collection Date 12-17-13 12-17-13 12-17-13 Lab Code EW-7811 EW-7812 EW-7813 Be-7 15.9 +/- 15.2 < 40.4 -3.3 +/- 13.2 < 33.1 8.1 +/- 11.8 < 23.0 Mn-54 1.1 +/- 1.7 < 3.6 0.4 +/- 1.7 < 3.5 0.0 +/- 1.4 < 2.2 Fe-59 0.0 +/- 2.7 < 7.1 -1.1 +/-3.0 < 8.1 2.4 +/- 2.5 < 4.0 Co-58 -3.1 +/- 1.6 < 2.8 -0.4 +/- 1.6 < 3.3 0.3 +/- 1.4 < 1.7 Co-60 0.7 +/- 1.7 < 3.1 1.2 +/- 1.9 < 3.4 0.1 +/- 1.6 < 1.5 Zn-65 -0.4 +/- 3.5 < 7.2 3.5 +/- 3.6 < 7.6 -0.4 +/- 2.8 < 1.4 Zr-Nb-95 -4.7 +/- 1.8 < 5.5 -2.3 +/- 1.9 < 6.2 0.4 +/- 1.4 < 2.5 Cs-134 -0.7 +/- 1.7 < 3.6 -0.5 +/- 1.8 < 3.1 -0.1 +/- 1.3 < 2.7 Cs-137 1.2 +/- 1.8 < 3.3 2.3 +/- 1.8 < 3.6 1.3 +/- 1.6 < 2.9 Ba-La-140 -7.8 +/- 2.3 < 23.1 4.1 +/- 2.1 < 9.6 -8.0 +/- 1.8 < 3.6 a Certain LLDs not reached due to age of sample. Sample$ counted for 60,000 seconds. E-7 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT APPENDIX F Special Analyses F-1 i *A '"II Envit"'nmental, Inc. 1""""\. D Midwest Laboratory 700 Lllndwohr Rood

  • Northbrook , IL 60062*23 fO phone (847) 564-0700 * (8-4 7) 66+4517 Mr. Richard Welty Radiation Protection Mgr. Point Beach Nuclear Plant NextEraEnergy 6610 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, WI 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.: DATE: SAMPLES RECEIVED: PURCHASE ORDER NO.: 8006-1 00-1 055 04-29-13 04-05-13 Below are the results of the readout of supplemental TLDs deployed during the first quarter, 2013. Period: Date Annealed: Date Placed: Date Removed: Date Read: Days in the Field: Days from Annealing to Readout: In-transit exposure:

Location SGSF-North SGSF-East SGSF-Soulh SGSF-West ISFSI-North ISFSI-East

ISFSI-South ISFSI-West Control SA Coorlim , Quality Assurance cc: K. Johansen Total mR NetmR 18.4 +/- 1.2 13.3 +/- 1.2 15.7 +/- 0.6 10.6 +/- 0.7 16.7 +/- 0.4 11.6 +/- 0.5 17.1 +/- 0.4 12.0 +/- 0.5 33.6 +/- 0.8 28.5 +/- 0.9 51.6 +/- 1.2 46.5+/-1.2 18.7 +/- 0.6 13.6 +/- 0.7 57.7 +/- 2.5 52.6 +/- 2.5 20.3 +/- 1.0 15.2 +/- 1.0 1 sl Quarter, 2013 12/13/12 01/03/13 04/03/13 04/10/13 90 118 5.10 +/- 0.31 NetmR NetmR Std Qtr per 7 days 13.4 +/- 1.2 1.03 +/- 0.09 10.8 +/- 0.7 0.83 +/- 0.05 11.7+/-0.5 0.90 +/- 0.04 12.2 +/- 0.5 0.94 +/- 0.04 28.8 +/- 0.9 2.22 +/- 0.07 47.0 +/- 1.3 3.62 +/- 0.10 13.7 +/- 0.7 1.06 +/- 0.06 53.2 +/- 2.5 4.09 +/- 0.19 15.4 +/- 1.0 1.18+/-0.08

A-rl Envit"'nrnental , Inc. I Midwest Laboratory 700 Londwoh r Rood

  • Northbrook , IL 10 phOno (847) 664-0700
  • tax (8-47)

Mr. Richard Welty Radiation Protection Mgr. Point Beach Nuclear Plant NextEraEnergy 6610 Nuclear Road Two Rivers , WI 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.: DATE: SAMPLES RECEIVED: PURCHASE ORDER NO.: 8006-1 00-1 068 08-07-13 07-01-13 Below are the results of the readout of supplemental TLDs deployed during the second quarter, 2013. Period: Date Annealed: Date Placed: Date Removed: Date Read: Days in the Field: Days from Annealing to Readout: In-transit exposure: Location SGSF-North SGSF-East SGSF-South

SGSF-West ISFSI-North ISFSI-East ISFSI-South ISFSI-West Control SACoorlim, Quality Assurance cc: K. Johansen Total mR 17.6 +/- 0.6 16.3 +/- 0.6 16.5+/-0.8 16.3 +/- 0.8 38.8 +/- 2.0 46.6 +/- 1.5 18.4+/-0.9 55.3 +/- 2.8 19.1 +/- 0.8 Net mR 13.5 +/- 0.7 12.2 +/- 0.6 12.4 +/- 0.8 12.1+/-0.8 34.7 +/- 2.0 42.4 +/- 1.6 14.3 +/- 1.0 51.2 +/- 2.8 14.9 +/- 0.9 2nd Quarter , 2013 03/18/13 04/03/13 06/26/13 07/03/13 84 107 4.11 +/-0.26 Net mR Net mR Std Qtr per 7 days 14.6+/-0.7 1.13+/-0.06 13.2+/-0.7 1.01 +/- 0.05 13.4+/-0.9 1.03 +/- 0.07 13.2 +/- 0.9 1.01 +/- 0.07 37.6+/-2.1 2.89+/-0.16 46.0 +/- 1.7 3.54 +/- 0.13 15.4+/-1.1 1.19+/-0.08 55.4 +/- 3.1 4.26 +/- 0.24 16.2 +/- 1.0 1.25 +/- 0.07 APPROVED

A'TI E11vironrnental, Inc. "7f' r'\ I M1dwest: Laboratory 700 Londwoh r Rood

  • NorlhbrooA, IL 6{)()62-2310 phono (847) 664-0700
  • fox (8-47) 66.f...-4517 Mr. Richard Welty Radiation Protection Mgr. Point Beach Nuclear Plant NextEraEnergy 6610 Nuclear Road Two Rivers , WI 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.: DATE: SAMPLES RECEIVED:

PURCHASE ORDER NO.: 8006-10 0-1077 11-01-13 10-03-13 Below are the results of the readout of supplemental TLDs deployed during the third quarter, 2013. Period: Date Annealed: Date Placed: Date Removed: Date Read: Days in the Field: Days from Annealing to Readout: In-transit exposure: Location SGSF-North SGSF-East SGSF-South SGSF-West ISFSI-North

ISFSI-East ISFSI-South ISFSI-West Control i (,-\ /l vL SA Coorlim, Ol!ality Assurance I cc: K. Johansen Total mR 18.8 +/- 1.2 16.4+/-0.7 17.8 +/- 0.8 18.1+/-0.6 35.5 +/- 1.1 55.4 +/- 1.1 18.9 +/- 0.7 64.7 +/- 3.2 20.9 +/- 1.0 Net mR 15.5 +/- 1.3 13.1 +/- 0.8 14.5 +/- 0.8 14.8 +/- 0.7 32.2 +/- 1.2 52.0 +/- 1.1 15.6 +/- 0.8 61.3+/-3.2 17.6 +/- 1.0 3rd Quarter, 2013 06/13/13 06/26/13 10/01/13 10/08/13 97 117 3.33 +/- 0.26 NetmR NetmR Std Qtr per 7 days 14.5 +/- 1.2 1.12+/-0.09 12.3+/-0.7 0.95 +/- 0.05 13.6+/-0.8 1.05 +/- 0.06 13.8+/-0.6 1.06 +/- 0.05 30.2 +/- 1.1 2.32 +/- 0.08 48.8 +/- 1.1 3.76 +/- 0.08 14.6+/-0.7 1.12+/-0.05 57.5 +/- 3.0 4.43 +/- 0.23 16.5+/-0.9 1.27 +/- 0.07 -J!f AT I ' 700 L o1HJ.,.,.w R oOJCJ

  • Nor t/llJt()ok li.. 6D OG: :3 I& )n*;r , ,-...1-:J

'J(*-1 n.,nr.. r ... fF.J 7, 5'*..J -' *; Mr. Richard Welty Radiation Protection Mgr. Point Beach Nuclear Plant NextEraEnergy 6610 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, WI 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.: DATE: SAMPLES RECEIVED: PURCHASE ORDER NO.: 8006-1 00-1 087 02-03-14 01-08-14 Below are the results of the readout of supplemental TLDs deployed during the fourth quarter, 2013. Period: 4th Quarter, 2013 Date Annealed: 09/23/13 Date Placed: 10/01/13 Date Removed: 01/03/14 Date Read: 01/15/14 Days in the Field: 94 Days from Annealing to Readout: 114 In-transit exposure: 3.42 +/- 0.23 NetmR Net mR Location Total mR NetmR Std Qtr per 7 days SGSF-North 18.8 +/- 0.4 15.3+/-0.4 14.9 +/- 0.4 1.14+/-0.03 SGSF-East 15.4 +/- 0.2 12.0 +/- 0.3 11.6 +/- 0.3 0.89 +/- 0.02 SGSF-South 16.3 +/- 0.4 12.9 +/- 0.5 12.4 +/- 0.5 0.96 +/- 0.04 SGSF-West .16.4 +/- 0.5 12.9 +/- 0.6 12.5 +/- 0.6 0.96 +/- 0.04 ISFSI-North 44.5 +/- 2.7 41.1 +/- 2.7 39.7 +/- 2.6 3.06 +/- 0.20 ISFSI-East 53.1 +/- 1.6 49.7+/-1.6 48.1 +/- 1.5 3.70 +/- 0.12 ISFSI-South 19.7 +/- 0.8 16.3 +/- 0.9 15.8 +/- 0.8 1.22 +/- 0.06 ISFSI-West 61.4+/-1.8 58.0 +/- 1.8 56.1 +/- 1.8 4.32 +/- 0.13 Control 18.2 +/- 0.8 14.8 +/- 0.9 14.3 +/- 0.8 1.10 +/- 0.06 SACoorlim. Quality Assurance APPROVED :0\ cc: K. Johansen

In c . MU I M 1dwest Laboratory 700 Landwehr Road

  • Northbrook.

IL 60062-2310 phone (847) 564-0700

  • lu (847) 564-4517 Dr. Kjell Johansen NextEra Energy Point Beach Nuclear Plant 6610 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.: DATE: SAMPLES RECEIVED: PURCHASE ORDER NO.: Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in six snow samples collected February 25, 2013 Sample Description
  1. 1 East Side North of Pumphouse
  2. 2 North Side NW of EDG Bldg # 3 West Side W of G-05 Bldg # 4 South Side 1OOft W of Southgate
  3. 5 South of Southgate on BFRs # 6 By flags E end of parking lot Lab Code EW-877 EW-878 EW-879 EW-880 EW-882 EW-883 Concentration I MDC (pCi/L) H-3 186+/-82/<137 512 +/- 96/ < 137 120+/-78/<137 1 06 +/- 81 I < 144 350 +/- 92/ < 144 127+/-82/<144 8006-100-1052 03-18-2013 03-04-2013 The error given is the probable counting error at the 95% confidence level. The less than {<) value, is based on 4.66 sigma counting error for the background sample. E-mail: kjell.johansen@NextERAEnergy

.com APPROVED BY: Tony Coorlim, Quality Assurance Aii n E n v i r onmen ta l, Inc. p+'( I"'\ I ! M i d w est Lab o ratory 7 00 Landw e hr Road

  • Northbroo k, /L 600 5 2*2 310 ph o ne (847} 5 5 4-0700
  • fa x (847} 564-45 17 Dr. Kjell Johansen NextEra Energy Point Beach Nuclear Plant 6610 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisco n sin 5 4 2 4 1 LABORATORY REPORT NO.: 8006-1 00-1 070 DATE: 08-27-2013 SAMPLES RECEIVED: 08-23-2013 PURCHASE ORDER NO.: Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in six air condensa t e samples collected August 16 , 2013 Sample Lab Concentration I MDC (pCiiL) Descript i on Code H-3 NSB EW-4980 478+/-1021<153 SSB EW-4981 2 , 606 +/- 1661 < 153 Control Room EW-4982 757+/-1121<153 Training Bldg EW-4984 203 +/- 90 I < 153 South Gatehouse EW-4985 217+/-911<153 OPS Office Area EW-4986 1 ,055+/-1231<153 The error given is the probable counting error at the 95% confidence level. The less than (<) value, is based on 4.66 sigma count i ng error for the background sample. E-mail: kjell.johansen@NextERAEnerqy

.com APPROVED Tony Coorlim, Quality Assurance Aun Env i ronmental, Inc. M. 8 M idwest laboratory 700 Landw eh r Road

  • Northbro ok. /L 60062*2310 phone (847) 564-0700
  • fa> (847) 564-4517 Dr. Kjell Johansen NextEra Energy Point Beach Nuclear Plant 661 0 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 LABORATORY REPORT NO.: DATE: SAMPLES RECEIVED: PURCHASE ORDER NO.: Below are the results of the analyses for tritium in eight air condensate samples collected August 26, 2013. Sample Description U 1 TB Office Area-AC U1 TB 1HX-24 U 1 TB 1 HX-24 West Side U2 TB 2XJ-3571 U2 TB Cond Pump 2 Discharge Header U2 TB 2HX-24 U2 TB Control Room-AC U2 TB Gen Bus SW Return Drain Line Lab Code EW-5283 EW-5284 EW-5285 EW-5286 EW-5287 EW-5288 EW-5289 EW-529Q Concentration I MDC (pCiiL) H-3 -19+/-701<151 80+/-751< 151 105 +/- 77 I< 151 -19+/-70/<151

-37 +/- 82 I< 179 -57+/- 681 < 151 234+/-83/<151 -27 +/- 70 I< 151 8Q06-1 QQ. 1 Q71 Q9-16-2Q13 Q9-Q6-2Q13 The error given is the probable counting error at the 95% confidence level. The less than (<)value, is based on 4.66 sigma counting error for the background sample. E-mail: kjell.johansen@NextERAEnergy .com APPE N D IX 2 Environmental Manual Revision 24 October 1 , 2013 EM ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL DOCUMENT TYPE: Controlled Reference CLASSIFICATION: N/A REVISION: 24 EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 2013 REVIEWER: Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC) APPROVAL AUTHORITY: Plant Manager (PORC Chair) PROCEDURE OWNER (title): Group Head OWNER GROUP: Chemistry POINT BEACH NUCL E AR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 1.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION .......... ................................................................ ...... 3 1.1 Definition and Basis ............... .............................................. ............................... ........... 3 1.2 Responsibilities for Program Implementation ............... .............. ................. ................. 4 1.3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control .............................................. .................................. 7 1.4 Pro grain Revisions ..................................... ............................................................ ........ 8 2.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING ........................................... 8 2.1 Pro grain Overview ........................... ........................................................ ...................... 8 2.2 Program Parameters ..................................................... ................................... ............... 9 2.3 Assistance to the State of Wisconsin ........................................................ ..................... 14 2.4 ,) Specification of Sampling Procedures ............................................................. ............. 15 2.5 Milk Survey .......................... ............ ........... ............................................... ................... 24 Table 2-1 Recmmnended Minimum Sample Sizes ............................. ...................... ............... ..... 25 Table 2-2 Sample Types And Associated Lower Level Of Det e ction (Lld) And Notification Level Values ................................. ............................................................ 26 Table 2-3 Radiological Enviromnental Sampling Locations ................................... ...................... 28 Table 2-4 PBNP Radiological Environmental S a mpl e Collection And Analysis Frequency ....... 30 Table 2-5 Samples Collected For State Of Wisconsin ................................................ .................. 31 Figure 2-1 a Radiological Enviromnental Sampling Locations ......................................................... 32 Figure 2-1 b Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations ....................... ................................ .. 33 Figure 2-1 c Radiological Enviromnental Sampling Locations ................ ......................................... 34 Page 2 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1 , 2013 1.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 1.1 Definition and Basis 1.1.1 Definition Radiological environmental monitoring is the measurement of radioactivity in samples collected from the atmospheric, aquatic and terrestrial environment around the Point Beach Nuclear Plant (PBNP). Monitoring radioactivity in effluent streams at or prior to the point of discharge to the environment is not part of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP). 1.1.2 Basis The REMP is designed to fulfill the requirements of 10 CFR 20.1302, PBNP GDC 17, and Sections IV.B.2 and IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR 50. Technical Specification 5 .5.l.b requires the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) to contain the radiological environmental monitoring activities. A complete description of the PBNP radiological environmental monitoring program , including procedures and responsibilities, is contained in the Environmental Manual (EM). The EM is incorporated into the ODCM by reference (ODCM, Section 6.0). No significant radionuclide concentrations of plant origin are expected in the plant environs because radioactivity in plant effluent is continuously monitored to ensure that releases are well below levels which are considered safe upper limits. The REMP is conducted to demonstrate compliance with applicable standards, to assess the radiological environmental impact ofPBNP operations, and to monitor the efficacy of in plant effluent controls. The REMP, as outlined in Tables 2-2 tlu*ough 2-4 is designed to provide sufficient sample types and locations to detect and to evaluate changes in environmental radioactivity. Radioactivity is released in liquid and gaseous effluents. Air samplers and thermoluminescent dosimeters placed at various locations provide means of detecting changes in enviromnental radioactivity as a result of plant releases to the atmosphere. Because the land area around PBNP is used primarily for farming and dairy operations, sampling of vegetation is conducted to detect changes in radiological conditions at the base of the food chain. Sampling of area-produced milk is conducted because dairy fanning is a major industry in the area. Page 3 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 Water , periphyton , and fish are analyzed to monitor radionuclide levels in Lake Michigan in the vicinity ofPBNP. Periphyton, attached algae, along with lake water samples, provide a means of detecting changes which may have a potential impact on the radionuclide concentrations in Lake Michigan fish. Because of the migratory behavior of fish, fish sampling is of minimal value for determining radiological impact specifically related to the operation of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant. However, fish sampling is carried out as a conservative measure with emphasis on species which are of intermediate trophic level and which exhibit minimal migration in order to monitor the status of radioactivity in fish. Vegetation, algae, and fish sampling frequencies are qualified on an "as available" basis recognizing that cettain biological samples may occasionally be unavailable due to environmental conditions. 1.2 Responsibilities for Program Implementation 1.2.1 Chemistry Functions Chemistry together with Regulatory Affairs (RA) provides the Plant Manager with the technical, regulatory, licensing, and administrative support necessary for the implementation of the program. The Chemistry administrative functions relating to the REMP fall into the six broad areas outlined below. a. Program scope The scope of the REMP is determined by the cognizant Chemist based on radiological principles for the fulfillment ofPBNP Teclmical Specifications (TS) and the applicable Federal Regulations. Based on the scope , the Environmental Manual (EM) is written to accomplish the collection and analyses of the necessary enviromnental samples. The EM is revised as necessary to conform to changes in procedures and scope. Chemistry monitors the REMP effectiveness and compliance with TS and with the procedures and directives in the EM. In order to verify compliance with TS, Nuclear Oversight arranges for program audits and Supplier Assessments of the contracted radioanalyticallaboratory. Chemistry reviews the EM mmually via the Annual Monitoring Rep01t. b. Record keeping The monthly radioanalytical results from the contracted laboratory are reviewed by Chemistry and one copy of the monthly radioanalytical results from the contracted laboratory is kept for the lifetime of the plant. The vendors monthly rep01ts are cumulative (e.g. The September rep01i contains all the results from January-September). The cognizant Chemist reviews the current months results, signs and dates the cover page, and sends the reviewed report to plants records for retention. Page 4 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL c. Data monitoring Chemistry reviews the monthly analytical results from the vendor. Trends, if any, are noted. Any resulting corrections, modifications and additions to the data are made by Chemistry. The review is documented and sent to records, as noted in Section 1.2.l.b. Inconsistencies are investigated by Chemistry with the cooperation of Radiation Protection (RP) and contractor personnel, as required. Radioactivity levels in excess of administrative notification levels would be evaluated and notifications made, as appropriate, in accordance with applicable site and fleet policies and procedures.

d. Data summary REMP results shall be summarized mmually for inclusion in the PBNP Annual Monitoring Report. This summary advises the Plant Manager of the radiological status of the enviromnent in the vicinity ofPBNP. The summary shall include the numbers and types of samples as well as the averages, statistical confidence limits and the ranges of analytical results. Methods used in summarizing data are at the discretion of Chemistry.
e. Contractor communications Communication with the contractor regarding data, analytical procedures, lower limits of detection, notification levels and contractual matters are normally conducted by Chemistry.

Communication regarding sample shipment may be done by either RP or Chemistry as appropriate.

f. Reportable items 1. Chemistry shall generate reports related to the operation of the REMP. The material included shall be sufficient to fulfill the objectives outlined in Sections IV.B.2 and IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR 50. The following items and occurrences, are required to be reported in the PBNP Almual Monitoring Report: (a) Smrunary and discussion of monitoring results including number and type of samples and measurements, and all detected radionuclides, except for naturally occurring radionuclides; (b) Unavailable, missing, and lost samples and plans to prevent recurrence and comments on any significant portion of the REMP not conducted as indicated in Tables 2-3 through 2-4. (c) New or relocated sampling locations and reason for change; Page 5 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL (d) LLDs that are higher than specified in Table 2-2 and factors contributing to inability to achieve specified LLDs; (e) Notification that the analytical laboratory does not participate in an interlaboratory comparison program and corrective action taken to preclude a recurrence; and (f) Results of the annual milk sampling program land use census "milk survey" to visually verify that the location of grazing animals in the vicinity of the PBNP site boundary so as to ensure that the milk sampling program remains as conservative as practicable. (g) The mmual results from the contracted REMP analytical laboratory as well as the laboratory's analytical QA/QC results, in-house blanks , interlaboratory comparisons, etc., shall be submitted to the NRC, via the Annual Monitoring Repmi. (h) The Annual Monitoring Repmi for the previous 12 month period, or fraction thereof, ending December 31 , shall be submitted to the NRC by April 30 of the following year. 1.2.2 Non-Chemistry Functions The primary responsibility for the implementation of the PBNP REMP and for any actions to be taken at PBNP, based on the results of the program, resides with the Plant Manager. a. Manual control and distribution The distribution of the PBNP Environmental Manual is the responsibility of Document Control. b. Program coordination The daily operation of the program is conducted by PBNP Radiation Protection personnel, and other qualified personnel as required, under the supervision of an RP staff member who consults, as needed , with Chemistry.

The daily administrative functions of the RP Management Employee address those functions required for the effective operation of the PBNP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. These administrative functions include the following:

1. Ensuring that samples are obtained in accordance with the type and frequency in Table 2-4 following procedures outlined in this manual; Page 6 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 2. Ensuring adequate sampling supplies and calibrated, operable equipment are available at all times; 3. Ensuring that air sampling pumps are maintained, repaired and calibrated as required and that an adequate number of backup pumps are readily available at all times; 4. Reporting lost or unavailable samples as well as other potential deviations from the sampling regime in Table 2-4 via the Corrective Action Program (CAP) and notifying the cognizant Chemist. 5. Assisting the State of Wisconsin in obtaining samples at co-located and other sampling sites based upon a yearly, renewable agreement; and 6. Assisting Chemistry, as necessary , with investigations into elevated radioactivity levels in environmental samples. 1.3 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Quality assurance considerations are an integral part of PBNP's Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. The program involves the interaction of Chemistry, site quality assurance and the contracted analytical vendor. The contracted vendor shall participate in an interlaboratory comparison program. The laboratory is audited periodically, either by PBNP or by an independent third party. Quality control for the PBNP portion of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program is achieved by following the procedures contained in this manual. Radiation Protection Technologists (RPTs) collect, package and ship enviromnental samples under the supervision of Radiation Protection supervisors.

They are advised by Radiation Protection Management who has immediate responsibility for the overall technical operation of the environmental sampling functions. The RPTs receive classroom training as well as on-the-job training in carrying out these procedures. An audit of the PBNP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program and its results shall be completed periodically as a means of monitoring program effectiveness and assuring compliance with program directives. The audit shall be performed in accordance with Section 1.4 ofthe ODCM. Page 7 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL 1.4 Program Revisions EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 This manual describes the current scope of the PBNP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. Program items or procedures periodically may be updated or changed, consistent with good radiologically monitoring practices, either to reflect new conditions or to improve program effectiveness. Teclmical and program features described in this manual shall be reviewed by PORC pursuant to the requirements stated in the ODCM. 2.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 2.1 Program Overview 2.1.1 Purpose No significant or unexpected radionuclide concentrations of plant origin are expected because each normal effluent pathway at PBNP is monitored at or before the release point. However, the REMP is conducted to verify that plant operations produce no significant radiological impact on the environment and to demonstrate compliance with applicable standards. 2.1.2 Samples Samples for the REMP are obtained from the aquatic, terrestrial and atmospheric envirorunent. The sample types represent key indicators or critical pathways which have been identified by applying radiological principles from NRC and other guidance documents to the PBNP environment. 2.1.3 Monitoring sensitivity The effectiveness of the REMP in fulfilling its purpose depends upon the ability to accurately determine the nature and origins of fluctuations in low levels of environmental radioactivity. This requires a high degree of sensitivity so that it is possible to correctly discriminate between fluctuations in background radiation levels and levels of radioactivity that may be attributable to the operation ofPBNP. Therefore, personnel actively pmiicipating in the monitoring program should make every eff01i to minimize the possibility of contaminating envirorunental samples and to obtain samples of the appropriate size. Page 8 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL 2.2 Program Parameters 2.2.1 Contamination avoidance EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 Contamination prevents the accurate quantification of enviromnental radioactivity and the correct differentiation between fluctuating background radioactivity and levels of radioactivity attributable to the operation ofPBNP. Therefore, it is necessary that all personnel associated with collecting and handling radiological environmental samples take the appropriate precautions to minimize the possibility of contaminating the samples. Some of the precautions that should be taken and which will help to minimize contamination are listed below: a. Equipment which has been on the controlled side, even if released clean , should not normally be used in conjunction with radiological environmental monitoring. An exception to this is the Health Physics Test Instrument (HPTI) equipment used to calibrate the air flow calibrator.

b. Store sampling equipment in radiologically clean areas only; c. Store radiological enviromnental samples only in radiologically clean areas when samples cannot be shipped to the contractor on the same day they are collected;
d. Treat each sample as a possible source of contamination for other samples so as to minimize the possibility of cross-contamination;
e. Radiological enviromnental monitoring equipment should be repaired in clean-side shops; f. Contamination avoidance for enviromnental TLDs is covered in Section 2.4.2; and g. A void entering contaminated areas prior to collecting enviromnental samples. 2.2.2 Sample size Sample size affects the sensitivity achievable in quantifying low levels of enviromnental radioactivity. Therefore, sampling persmmel must attempt to attain the quantities of sample specified in Table 2-1. When a range is given, every effort should be made to obtain a quantity at the upper pati of the range. Page 9 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1 , 2013 2.2.3 Lower limit of detection The sensitivity required for a specific analysis of an enviromnental sample is defined in terms of the lower limit of detection (LLD). The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count, above system background, that will be detected with a 95% probability and have only a 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a real signal. Mathematically, the LLD is defined by the formula LLD= 4.66Sb Where LLD E v 2.22 y EX v X 2.22 X y X T) the a priori lower limit of detection in picocuries per unit volume or mass, as applicable; the standard deviation of the background counting rate or the counting rate of a blank sample , as appropriate, in counts per minutes; counting efficiency in counts per disintegration; sample size in units of volume or mass, as applicable; number of disintegrations per minute per picocurie; the fractional chemical yield as applicable; the radioactive decay constant for the patiicular radionuclide
and the elapsed time between sample collection, or the end of the collection period, and the time of counting.

Typical values ofE, V, Y, and used to calculate the LLD. As defined, the LLD is an a priori limit representing the capability of a measuring system and not an a posteriori limit for a particular measurement. The required analysis for each enviromnental sample and the highest acceptable LLD associated with each analysis are listed in Table 2-2. Whenever LLD values lower than those specified in Table 2-2 are reasonably achievable, the analytical contractor for the radiological enviromnental samples will do so. When the LLDs listed in Table 2-2 are not achieved, a description of the factors contributing to the higher LLD shall be rep01ied in the next PBNP Annual Monitoring Report. Page 10 of34 INFORMATION USE EM POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL Revision 24 October 1 , 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL 2.2.4 Notification levels The Notification Level (NL) is that measured quantity of radioactivity in an environmental sample which , when exceeded, requires a notification of such an occurrence be made to the appropriate pmiy. Regulatory and administrative notification levels are listed in Table 2-2. a. Regulatory notification levels The regulatory notification levels listed in Table 2-2 represent the concentration levels at which NRC notification is required. If a measured level of radioactivity in any radiological enviromnental monitoring program sample exceeds the regulatory notification level listed in Table 2-2, resampling and/or reanalysis for confirmation shall be completed within 30 days of the determination of the anomalous result. If the confirmed measured level of radioactivity remains above the notification level, a written report shall be submitted to the NRC. If more than one of the radionuclides listed in Table 2-2 are detected in any enviromnental medium , a weighted sum calculation shall be performed if the measured concentration of a detected radionuclide is greater than 25% of the notification levels. For those radionuclides with LLDs in excess of 25% of the notification level, a weighted sum calculation needs to be performed only if the rep01ted value exceeds the LLD. Radionuclide concentration levels, called Weighted Sum Action Levels, which trigger a weighted sum calculation are listed in Table 2-2. The weighted sum is calculated as follows: concentration (1) notification level ( 1) concentration (2) + ______ o.......::..._ + ... =weighted sum notification level (2) If the calculated weighted sum is equal to or greater than 1 , resampling and/or reanalysis for confirmation shall be completed within 30 days of the determination of the anomalous result. If the confirmed calculated weighted sum remains equal to or greater than 1, see Section 1.2.1.c for notification guidance. This calculation requirement and report is not required if the measured level of radioactivity was not the result of plant effluents.

b. Administrative notification levels The administrative notification levels are the concentration levels at which the contracted analytical laboratory promptly notifies the cognizant Chemistry Specialist by phone, followed by a formal written communication.

The administrative notification levels are lower than the NRC regulatory notification levels and lower than , or equal to, the weighted sum action levels so the nature and origin of the increased level of environmental radioactivity may be ascertained and corrective actions taken, if required. Page 11 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL 2.2.5 Sampling locations EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 A list of sampling locations and the corresponding location codes appear in Table 2-3. The locations also are shown in Figures 2-1a, 2-1b, and 2-1c. It is conceivable that samples may become unavailable from specified sample locations. If this were to occur, new locations for obtaining replacement samples shall be identified and added to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. If milk or vegetation samples become unavailable fi*om the specified sampling locations, new sampling locations will be identified within 30 days. The specific locations where samples were unavailable may be deleted from the monitoring program in accordance with established provisions for assessing changes. Any significant changes in existing sampling location and the criteria for the change shall be reported in the Annual Monitoring Report for the period in which the change occurred. Additional sampling locations may be designated if deemed necessary by cognizant company personnel. Figures and tables in this manual shall be revised to reflect the changes. 2.2.6 Sampling media and frequency The sampling frequency for the enviromnental media required by the PBNP REMP is found in Table 2-4. In addition to samples required by the former Technical Specifications, the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program also includes the sampling of soil and shoreline sediment. To ensure that all samples are obtained at the appropriate times, a checklist is used. The checklist provides a month-by-month indication of all samples, to be obtained at each sampling location (PBF-4121a tlu*ough 41211). These checklists also identify the schedule for the annual milk survey and provides space for recording the date samples were shipped offsite for analysis. In addition, the checklist lists each sampling location to identify all samples, to be obtained and the collection date. Because the weekly air samples require additional information, a separate checklist is used for each individual air sampling location for calculations and other information as shown in PBF-4078. It is recognized that on occasions samples will be lost or that samples cannot be collected at the specified fi*equency because of hazardous conditions, seasonable unavailability, automatic sampling equipment malfunctions and other legitimate reasons. Reasonable efforts will be made to recover lost or missed samples if warranted and appropriate. If samples are not obtained at the indicated frequency or location, the reasons or explanations for deviations from the sampling frequency specified in Table 2-4 shall be documented in a CAP. Page 12 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONM E NTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL 2.2.7 Sample labeling EM Revision 24 October 1 , 2013 All samples must be properly labeled to ensure that the necessary information is conveyed to the analytical contractor and that the results are associated with the correct geographical location. Each label (PBF-4026) must contain the following:

a. Sample type; b. Sample location from Table 2-3; c. Date and time (as appropriate) collected;
d. Air samples must show the total volume in m 3; volumes for water and milk are in gallons; vegetation, sediment, soil , and algae are indicated as ::s;IOOO grams; and fish :2:1000 grams; e. Analyses for routine samples are indicated as "per contract." For special samples, the Radiation Protection manager or another Radiation Protection Management Employee will designate the analyses required; and f. Name of person collecting the sample. A petmanent or indelible ink type felt-tip marker shall be used. A separate sample label is needed for each sample type and location.

Labels are securely attached to each sample container. In addition to sample labels, other identifying markings may be placed on sample containers as appropriate. 2.2.8 Sample shipping All enviromnental samples are shipped to a contractor for analysis. The samples shall be packaged and shipped in such a way as to minimize the possibility of cross-contamination, loss, spoilage and leakage. Each sample shipment shall have a typed cover letter and, when appropriate, a contractor data collection sheet. Included in the letter shall be the same information required for the sample labels as well as the specific analyses required. The original cover letter and data collection sheet shall be sent to the contractor under separate cover; one copy of each is to be used as a packing list and a copy of each shall be kept in the appropriate PBNP file. The data collection sheet (PBF-4140a) also serves as the Chain of Custody fonn, so it is required that the collector , packer, and shipper sign the form. Page 13 of 34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL 2.2.9 Sample analyses and frequency 2.2.10 The PBNP REMP samples shall be analyzed for designated parameters at the frequency listed in Table 2-4. Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma-emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to effluents from PBNP. Typically, this entails the scmming of the spectrum from 80 to 2048 keY and decay correcting identified radionuclides to the time of collection. The analysis specifically includes, but is not limited to, Mn-54, Fe-59, Zn-65, Co-58, Co-60, Zr-Nb-95, Ru-103, I-131, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ba-La-140, Ce-141, and Ce-144. Analytical laboratory The analyses shall be performed by a laboratory that patiicipates in an interlaboratory crosscheck program. If the laboratory is not patiicipating in such a program, a report shall be made pursuant to 1.2.1.f.1.( e). The current laboratory is: Enviromnental Incorporated Midwest Laboratory 700 Landwehr Road Northbrook, IL 60062-4517 (847) 564-0700 This laboratory performs the analyses in such a mmmer as to attain the desired LLDs. The contracted laboratory participates in an inter-laboratory comparison crosscheck program. The contractor is responsible for providing prompt notification to the cognizant Chemist regarding any samples found to exceed the administrative notification levels as identified in Table 2-2. 2.3 Assistance to the State of Wisconsin As a comiesy and convenience, PBNP personnel obtain certain enviromnental samples for the Section of Radiation Protection , Depatiment of Health and Family Services of the State of Wisconsin as listed in Table 2-5. A checklist is used. In addition, a State of Wisconsin air sampling data sheet is submitted with each sample obtained at Wisconsin air sampling locations serviced by PBNP persom1el. State of Wisconsin precipitation samples collected twice a month (or as available) require a state sample tag to be placed in a box with the quart cubitainer. State supplied labels for air patiiculate filters require start and stop time, date and beginning and ending volume. Fish sent to the state identify only the quarter and the year using a PBNP label (PBF-4026). The monthly lake water sample may be picked up by state personnel and in which case these samples require only that the date and location be written on the box for the cubitainer. The well water samples, 2 times/year, may be picked similar to lake water samples. Page 14 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 Samples obtained for the State of Wisconsin are either given directly to state personnel or shipped as required. The depmiment address is: State Lab of Hygiene Radiochemistry Unit 2601 Agriculture Dr. PO Box 7996 Madison, Wisconsin 53 707-7996 2.4 Specification of Sampling Procedures General radiological environmental sampling procedures follow the directives presented in Sections 2.1 and 2.2. Specific information for handling individual sample types follow. 2.4.1 Vegetation Vegetation samples consist of green, growing grasses and weeds and are obtained three times per year, as available, from specified locations. New growth, not dead vegetation, should be used because these samples are indicators of recent atmospheric deposition. Use a scissors or other sharp cutting tool to cut the grasses and weeds off as close to the ground as possible. Do not include plant roots and take care not to contaminate the sample with soil. Total sample collected should exceed 500 grams and ideally should be 1000 grams. Place entire sample in an appropriate container, such as a plastic bag (tape the bag shut) and label the container as described in Section 2.2.7. 2.4.2 Thennoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) TLDs capable of multiple, independent measurements of the same exposure are posted at locations specified in Table 2-4 and are changed quarterly. The utmost care in handling is required to minimize mmecessary exposure during transit, storage and posting because the TLDs begin recording all radiation from the moment they are annealed (heated to rezero) at the contractor's laboratory. Packages ofTLDs in transit should be marked "DO NOT X-RAY." Transportation control (TLDs) shall accompany the new batch in transit from the contractor's laboratory to the plant. The control TLDs shall accompany the batch during brief storage and subsequent posting. The same control TLDs shall accompany the "old" or exposed batch on its way back to the contractor. Therefore, each control represents the sum of approximately half the in-transit exposure of the two batches. This control system is able to identify any unusual in-transit exposure. Page 15 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 Environmental TLDs should never be brought into the plant RCA or any other area with elevated radiation, but may be stored for brief periods in a shielded enclosure in the RP Office Area or other low background area, such as the Energy Information Center or the Site Boundary Control Center. The contractor is to time shipments to coincide as closely as possible with the beginning of a calendar quarter. TLDs should be shipped back to the contractor immediately or within 24 hours of removal. The contractor is instructed to process the samples immediately upon receipt. The contractor shall report removal data and cumulative readings in mR for all locations and control, correct for in-transit exposure and express results in net mR/7 days. Labels of the exposed set for shipment to contractor should show both posting and removal dates. 2.4.3 Lake water Lake water samples are obtained monthly at specified locations. The contractor is responsible for the compositing for quatterly analyses. Collect approximately 8000 ml (2 gallons) oflake water in the required number of cubitainers, or other appropriate containers, at each location and label as directed in Section 2.2.7. Also, lake water is collected for the State of Wisconsin pursuant to Table 2-5. The sample is collected, labeled, and forwarded to the appropriate State agency. 2.4.4 Well water Well water samples are obtained quarterly from the single onsite well. Sample should be obtained from PW-80, T-90 Hydro-pneumatic Tank Drain. After purging 8 gallons, collect approximately 8000 ml (2 gallons) of well water using the required number of cubitainers or other appropriate containers. Label as directed in Section 2.2. 7. 2.4.5 Air a. Sample collection Air filters are changed weekly at specified locations and placed in glassine envelopes for shipment to the vendor for analyses. Take precautions to avoid loss of collected material and to avoid contamination when handling filters. Washing hands before leaving the plant to change filters is a recommended practice. Page 16 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 Both particulate filters and charcoal cartridges are employed at each sampling location. Particulate filters are analyzed for gross beta activity after waiting for at least 24 hours to allow for the decay of shmt-lived radon and thoron daughter products. The contractor makes qumterly composites of the weekly pmticulate samples for gamma isotopic analyses. A regulated pump (Eberline Model RAS-1 or equivalent) is used at each air sampling location. Because of the automatic flow regulation, flow meter readings at the beginning and ending of the sampling period should be nearly identical. Substantial differences in readings usually require some investigation to determine the cause. The flow meter attached to the pumps are calibrated in liters per minute. When new filters are installed , flow rate should be about 28-30 lpm. Flow rates less than 26 lpm or greater than 32 lpm require that the pump regulator be readjusted. Pe1tinent air sampling data for each location is recorded on PBF-4078, Air Sampling Data Sheet. At a normal filter change, the following procedure will apply: NOTE: Environmental flow rates should be approximately 30 lpm. NOTE: The correction factor for the digital flow meter is always 1.0 similar* to that of a Hi Vol air sampler. 1. Ensure unit is in flow mode. 2. Read and record the current flow rate (Rz). 3. Press the RESET button while the pump is operating. This turns the pump OFF and preserves the elapsed time and total time values. 4. Record Date Off and time off (tz). 5. Press the UNITS button to read elapsed time (T) and total volume (m 3) and record. NOTE: Always write data on the envelope before inserting the particulate filter in the envelope.

6. Label the sample envelope as directed in Section 2.2.7. Also enter any other pe1tinent information at this time. Page 17 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL NOTE: Do NOT fold filter. Folding and unfolding may dislodge material from the filter and make a reproducible geometry impossible to achieve. 7. Remove particulate filter being careful to handle it only by the edges and place in the glassine envelope.
8. Remove charcoal cartridge , place in plastic bag , and label as directed in Section 2.2.7. NOTE: Check the charcoal cartridge for breal{S and the particulate filter for holes in the filter surface prior to installation.

Discard unacceptable filter media. 9. Install new charcoal cartridge and pmticulate filter. 10. Press the UNITS button until the time is displayed and time indicator is lit up. 11. Press the RESET button to zero the time. 12. Press the UNITS button until the total volume is displayed and total volume indicator is lit up. 13. Press the RESET button to zero the total volume. 14. Press the UNITS button until the flow is displayed and the flow indicator is lit up. 15. Press the RESET button to stmt the sample pump. 16. Record Date On and time on (t 1). 17. Perfonn the weekly gross check by blocking the air flow with a large rubber stopper and verifying the displayed flow reads zero. Record test result. 18. Read and record the current flow rate (R 1). 19. Compare current flow rate (R 1) to previous ending flow rate (R 2). NOTE: The regulator will generally maintain a constant flow regardless of filter* loading. (a) If a substantial difference is found , investigate and identify cause. If condition can not be resolved, take the unit out of service and replace. Page 18 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 20. Calculate total volume for the sampling period and record, if required.

21. Record any unusual conditions or observations in the space provided at the bottom of the form. Air samples are collected for the State of Wisconsin at two locations, one of which is co-located with a PBNP air sampling site. The State of Wisconsin samples are handled in a mmmer similar to the PBNP samples except that no charcoal cmiridges are involved.

State of Wisconsin samplers are equipped with volume integrating meters. Therefore, clock time must be recorded in addition to the ending and beginning volumes. Label and forward all applicable air samples to the State of Wisconsin. b. Air sampling system description The air monitoring equipment for the PBNP air sampling program consists of a Regulated Rate Control System. The Regulated Rate Control System is used at PBNP because of its simplicity and reliability. It is designed to minimize both calibration difficulties and the potential for leaks. The regulated rate control system includes a pump, a flow regulator, the appropriate filter holders and a minimum of tubing. Also, it may include an elapsed time meter. In this system, the total volume sampled can be calculated simply and accurately from the elapsed time and the flow rate which is kept constant by the regulator regardless of filter loading. The air samplers are Eberline Model RAS-1 (or equivalent) and have built-in flow meters which read in liters per minute. The systems also include an Eberline WPH-1 (or equivalent) weatherproofhousing and an iodine cartridge holder and mounting kit and may include an electric hour meter. Glass fiber, 47 mm diameter, particulate filters capable of collecting 95% of 1 micron diameter particles and iodine impregnated charcoal cartridges (Scott or equivalent) constitute the filter media. c. Calibration Calibrate the pump flow meters at initial installation and at yearly intervals thereafter by connecting a laboratory-quality reference flow meter with NIST traceable calibration to the filter face with the particulate filter and charcoal cartridge in position. Upon completion, a calibration sticker is affixed to, or near, the flow meter. The results are recorded on Form PBF-4020. Page 19of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL d. Inspection and maintenance EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 Weekly gross leak checks shall be accomplished as indicated in the appropriate PBNP procedure. For normal operation , the regulators should be adjusted to maintain a true flow rate of28-30 liters per minute. Adjustments are made by turning the screw marked FLOW ADJ located on the side of the regulator body: counterclockwise increases flow, clockwise decreases flow. Flow rates should be observed at all filter changes. Flow rates less than 26 lpm or more than 32 lpm require readjustment of the regulator. Paliicular attention should be paid to flow rate readings with the "old," loaded filter and with new, unused filters in position. Because of the regulator , the difference in flow should be barely perceptible, perhaps no more than one lpm. Significant differences in flow rates require fmiher investigation to determine the cause. Preventive maintenance shall be performed as indicated in the appropriate PBNP procedure on all environmental air samplers and the results recorded on Form PBF-4020. e. Pump repair and replacement The pumps can operate for long periods of time with minimal or no maintenance. The vane assembly of the pump is most susceptible to failure, indicated by excessive noise or inability to maintain sufficient flow across loaded filters. At least one standby pump should be available for temporary service during the repair period. In the event of motor failures due to causes other than defective connections, complete replacement of the unit may be necessary. All pump repairs should be done in a clean-side shop with clean tools. 2.4.6 Milk Because of iodine decay and protein binding of iodine in aging milk samples, speed is imperative in processing and samples must be kept cool to avoid degradation and spoilage of the samples. Milk samples are obtained monthly in conjunction with the State of Wisconsin Milk Sampling Program from three individual dairy farmers located nmih, south, and west of the site. Milk sampling data can also be obtained from the Kewaunee Power Station (KPS), whose radiological environmental monitoring program includes samples taken from a dairy in Green Bay, WI. Tllis location could act as a control location. Page 20 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 Because two of the three sites are co-located , the PBNP pickup is coordinated to coincide with the State arranged schedule. The pickup usually will be the second Wednesday of the month. The following sequence should be followed:

a. After verifying the State milk pickup date with the Manitowoc Public Health Department (Mr. Mark Chatenka, phone number 683-4454), notify dairies of pickup date. b. Because the milk must be kept cool, but not frozen, fill enough cubitainers, or other appropriate containers, with water and freeze to be able to put one in each shipping container.

Fill the containers with water and freeze the day preceding the pickup or use ice packs. c. The milk from the Strutz farm (E-21) must be picked up before 0900 because that is the time the Strutz mill<: is shipped. A late arrival may mean a missed sample. Milk from sites E-ll and E-40 may be picked up any time after the Strutz pickup. d. Identify yourself and the nature of your business at each milk pickup site. Collect two one-gallon samples fi"om each site, using a funnel if necessary. If shipment cannot occur on the collection day, store the milk in the environmental refrigerator at the SBCC overnight. DO NOT FREEZE. e. Complete a PBNP sample tag according to Section 2.2.7 for each gallon sample and place in the box with the sample and ice or ice packs. Do not seal the box. Place the samples in insulated containers and turn them over to Ready Stores personnel for shipment. Make sure that the cover letter and, as appropriate, the contractor data collection sheets are sent according to Section 2.2.8 of this manual. 2.4.7 Algae Filamentous algae are collected from pilings or rocks three times per year, as available, from two locations. The long, grassy, dark green algae can normally be cut with scissors. The shorter, light green algae normally must be scraped from rocks or pilings. When scraping algae, be careful not to include pieces of rock in the sample. The sample can be lightly rinsed in the same medium in which it is growing. This rinse will help rid the sample of pieces of rock and gravel that may have been inadve1tently collected with the sample. Because rocks and sediment contain naturally occurring radioactive materials, their inclusion may give false sample results. Collect between 100 and 1000 gm of algae. A sample greater than 500 gm is preferred. Place the algae in a wide-mouth poly bottle or other appropriate container and label the container as director in Section 2.2. 7. The algae must be kept cool to prevent spoilage. Page 21 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL 2.4.8 Fish EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 The fish for the Point Beach REMP are obtained from either the traveling screens as washed into the fish baskets or by other methods, as required. The two-fold objective offish sampling is to obtain commercially and recreationally impmiant fish (game fish) that occur in the vicinity of the plant and to determine if there is evidence of PBNP released radionuclides in the fish. There are three confounding factors affecting this objective. The first is the recycling ofnon-PBNP sources such as fallout from atmospheric weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s and subsequent Chinese tests, fallout from the Chernobyl accident , and release from other plants on Lake Michigan. Due to the long residence time of water in Lake Michigan (about 200 years), radionuclides entering Lake Michigan remain in the lake for a long time. This means that a long half life radionuclide such as Cs-13 7 is still present in the lake and in the fish. The second confounding factor is the migratory behavior of the fish. In addition to moving around the lake, fish move from deep water to the shallower, inshore areas. It is only when the fish are in the inshore area that they are susceptible to being drawn into the PBNP water intake. Therefore, the radioactivity in the fish so caught may not originate from PBNP but from any of the above named sources. In addition to the migratory behavior of fish , fish sampling also is effected by the fish deterrent system used at the PBNP water intake. The purpose of this system is to prevent schools of fish from being sucked into the cooling water intake. As a result of all these factors, the availability of fish is not uniform throughout the year. Based on experience, the period from late Spring to early Fall appears to be the best period for obtaining game fish. Therefore, fish for the PBNP REMP will be sent for analysis at least twice a year based on seasonal availability. Fish also are supplied to the State of Wisconsin at the same frequency. (Fish may be sent more frequently if available.) Operations removes the fish from the fish basket pursuant to OI 38 Attachment D. Each game fish is identified, placed in a clear plastic bag and the bag sealed, and the collection date and fish name written on the bag. The fish are placed in the game fish freezer in the pump house. Trash fish, such as carp are bagged and placed in the trash fish freezer. Page 22 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1 , 2013 Because individual fish are analyzed, emphasis is placed on large fish which will yield at least 1000 grams (2.2 lbs.) of fillets in order to easily achieve the required LLD. Because of the aforementioned factors , it may not be possible to have enough large fish to fulfill the 1 000 gram requirement. When this occurs, the lab will adjust count time on the available fish in order to achieve the required LLD. 1. Obtain the game fish from the freezer and package for shipment to the PBNP contracted radioanalyticallab and to the State. (If no game fish are available, trash fish from the larger freezer in the pump house may be used.) 2. Pack fish in an insulated container with ice or other similar cold media, as necessary, to prevent spoilage of the fish during transit. To aid in preventing the fish from thawing during transit, fish should be shipped so that they will arrive on or before Friday. If this is not possible , include enough cooling material so that the fish will not spoil if sitting on a loading dock over the weekend. 3. Send fish at the end of May and the end of August. 4. Divide the available fish approximately in half for shipment with PBNP contracted radioanalyticallab receiving the larger pmiion when an odd number of fish are available. If additional game fish are available later in the year, they will be sent during the fomih quarter. 5. The cognizant Chemist will make the final decision should fish sampling questions arise. 2.4.9 Soil Soil integrates atmospheric deposition and acts as a reservoir for long-lived radionuclides. Although soil sampling is a poor technique for assessing small incremental releases and for monitoring routine releases, it does provide a means of monitoring long-term trends in atmospheric deposition in the vicinity ofPBNP. Therefore, soil samples are obtained two times per year from specified locations. Clear the vegetation from a 6" x 6" area, being careful to leave the top layer of soil relatively intact. Remove root bound soil by shaking the soil onto the cleared area or into the sample container before discarding the roots. When necessary, it is preferable to leave some roots in the soil rather than to lose the top layer of soil. Page 23 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL 2.4.10 Remove the soil to a depth oftlu*ee inches. If necessary , expand the area , instead of digging deeper, to obtain the required amount of sample. If an area larger than 6" x 6" is used, notify Chemistry of the area used. The minimum acceptable quantity is 500 grams. Place the entire soil sample in a wide-mouth poly bottle or another appropriate container. If a plastic bag is used, seal the bag with tape. Label the sample as directed in Section 2.2.7. This procedure assumes that the samples are obtained from undisturbed land; land that has not been plowed within approximately the last 25 years. If the land has been plowed, the soil should be sampled to the plow depth which typically is eight inches. Place the soil in a clean bucket or appropriate size plastic bag, homogenize the soil and place 1000 grams of the well mixed soil sample in a plastic bag, or other appropriate container, and label as described above. Shoreline Sediment Shoreline sediment consisting of sand and smaller grain size material is sampled two times per year from specified locations. The 1000 gram sample is collected, from beach areas near the water ridge. At each location collect representative samples of sediment types roughly in prop01tion to their occurrence. For example, at E-06 avoid collecting a sample which consists exclusively of the dark-brown to black sediments which occur in layers up to several inches thick. Package the sample in a wide-mouth poly bottle or other appropriate container and label as described in Section 2.2.7. 2.5 Milk Survey The milk sampling program is reviewed atmually, including a visual verification of animal grazing in the vicinity of the site boundary, to ensure that sampling locations remain as conservative as practicable. The verification is conducted each summer by cognizant PBNP pers01mel. Because it is already assumed that milk animals may graze up to the site boundary, it is only necessary to verify that these animals have not moved onto the site. No animal census is required. Upon completion of the visual check, a memo will be generated to document the review and the memo sent to file. To ensure performance of the annual verification, "milk review" is identified on the sampling checklist (i.e., the PBF-4121a-l series). Page 24 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 TABLE2-1 RECOMMENDED MINIMUM SAMPLE SIZES Sample Type Size Vegetation 100 -1000 gm Lake Water 8 liters (2 gal) Air Filters 250m 3 Well Water 8 liters (2 gal) Milk 8 liters (2 gal) Algae 100-1000 gm Fish (edible pmtions) 1000 gm Soil 500-1000 gm Shoreline Sediment 500-1000 gm Page 25 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT EM E NVIRONMENTAL MANUAL Revision 24 October 1 , 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL TABLE 2-2 SAMPLE TYPES AND ASSOCIATED LOWER LEVEL OF DETECTION (LLD) AND NOTIFICATION LEVEL VALU E S NOTIFICATION LEVELS WEIGHTED SAMPLE R E PORTING NRC PBNp(h l SUM TYP E UNIT PARAMET E R LLD<al (Regul a tory) (Admin.) ACTION LEVEL V eg etation pCi/g wet Gross Beta 0.25 60 Cs-137 0.08 2 0.40 0.50 Cs-134 0.06 1 0.20 0.25 I-131 0.06 0.1 0.06 0.06 Othe/c) 0.25 2.0 Shoreline pCi/g dry Gross Beta 2.0 100 Sediment and Cs-137 0.15 20 Soil Other( c) 0.15 20 Algae pCi/g wet Gro s s Beta 0.25 12 Cs-137 0.25 10 1 2.5 Cs-134 0.25 10 1 2.5 Co-58 0.25 10 1 2.5 Co-60 0.25 10 1 2.5 Other ( c) 0.25 1 Fi s h pCi/g wet Gross Beta 0.5 125 Cs-137 0.15 2 0.40 0.50 Cs-134 0.13 1 0.20 0.25 Co-58 0.13 30 3 7.5 Co-60 0.13 10 I 2.5 Mn-54 0.13 30 3 7.5 Fe-59 0.26 10 1 2.5 Zn-65 0.26 20 2 5.0 Other (c) 0.5 6 TLD s mR/7 da ys Gamma Expo s ure lmR/TLD 5mR/7 days Lak e wate/<l pC i/L-T.S 5 rl l Gross Bet a 4 100 and Well Water Cs-134 15 (l 0) 30 15 15 Cs-137 18 (10) 50 18 18 Fe-59 30 400 40 100 Zn-65 30 300 30 75 Zr-Nb-95 15 400 40 100 Ba-La-140 15 200 20 50 Co-58 15 (I 0) 1 , 000 100 250 Co-60 15 (1 0) 300 30 75 Page 26 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL TABLE 2-2 EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 SAMPLE TYPES AND ASSOCIATED LOWER LEVEL OF DETECTION (LLD) AND NOTIFICATION LEVEL VALUES Lakewater pCi/L-T.s.<dJ Mn-54 15 (I 0) 1,000 100 250 and Well Water I-131 2 (0.5) 2 (Continued) Other 30 100 H-3 (Lakewater) 3,000 (200) 30,000 3,000 7,500 H-3 (Well Water) 3,000 (200) 20,000 3,000 7 , 500 Sr-89 10 (5) 50 Sr-90 2 (I) 20 Milk pCi/L Sr-89 5 100 Sr-90 I 100 I-131 0.5 3 0.5 0.75 Cs-134 15 (5) 60 15 15 Cs-137 18 (5) 70 18 18 Ba-La-140 15 (5) 300 30 75 Othe/c) 15 30 Air Filter pCi/m 3 Gross Beta 0.01 1.0 I-131 0.07 (0.03) 0.9 0.09 0.2 Cs-137 0.06 20 2.0 5.0 Cs-134 0.05 10 1.0 2.5 Other( c) 0.1 1.0 (a) The LLDs in this column are the maximum acceptable values. The values in parentheses are the LLDs currently used (see Section 2.2.3) (b) The values in this column are not technical specifications. (c) Other refers to non-specified identifiable gamma emitters, resulting from the operation ofPBNP. Naturally occurring radionuclides are not included. (d) T.S. =total solids. (e) No drinking water Page 27 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL TABLE 2-3 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING LOCATIONS Location Code E-01 E-02 E-03 E-04 E-05 E-06 E-07 E-08 E-09 E-10 E-ll E-12 E-13 E-14 E-15 E-16 E-17 E-18 E-20 E-21 E-22 E-23 E-24 E-25 E-26 E-27 E-28 E-29 E-30 E-31 Location Description Primary Meteorological Tower, South of the plant Site Boundary Control Center-East Side of Building Tapawingo Road, about 0.4 Miles West of Lakeshore Road North Boundary Two Creeks Park, the TLD is on South side of Two Creeks Road, West of Lakeshore Road on first pole West of Lakeshore. Point Beach State Park-Water and shoreline sediment samples at the Coast Guard Station; soil and vegetation from the Point Beach State Park campground area N of the Coast Guard Station and on the West side of County Road 0; TLD located South of lighthouse on telephone pole. WPSC Substation on County Rt. V, about 0.5 Miles West ofHwy. 42 G. J. Francar Property, at theSE Corner of the Intersection ofCty. Band Zander Road Nature Conservancy, East side ofHwy 42. Corner ofHwy 42 and Cty. BB. On pole North side of Entrance. PBNP Site Well Lambert Dairy Farm , 1523 Tapawingo Road, 0.5 miles West of Saxonburg Road Discharge Flume I Pier, U-1 side Pumphouse South Boundary, about 0.2 miles East of Site Boundary Control Center SW Corner of Site , N side of Nuclear Rd at junction with Twin Elder Rd. WSW, Hwy. 42, Residence, about 0.25 miles North of Nuclear Road North of Mishicot, Cty. Band Assman Road , NE Corner ofintersection NW of Two Creeks at Zander and Tannery Roads Reference Location, 17 miles SW, at Silver Lake College Local Dairy Farm just South of Site (R. Strutz) on Lakeshore and Irish Roads West Side ofHwy. 42, about 0.25 miles North of Johanek Road Greenfield Lane , about 4.5 Miles South of Site, 0.5 Miles East ofHwy. 42 North Side ofCounty Rt. V, near intersection of Saxonburg Road South Side of County Rt. BB, about 0.5 miles West ofNorman/Saxonberg Road 804 Tapa wingo Road , about 0.4 miles East of Cty. B. North Side of Road NE corner of Saxonburg and Nuclear Roads, about 4 Miles WSW TLD on westernmost pole between the 2nd and 3rd parking lots, On microwave tower fence NE corner at Intersection ofTapawingo and Lakeshore Roads. On utility pole North side ofTapawingo Road closest to the gate at the West property line Page 28 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL E-32 E-33 E-38 E-39 E-40 E-41 E-42 E-43 E-TC TABLE 2-3 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING LOCATIONS On a conduit/pole located near the junction of property lines, about 500 feet east of the west gate in line with first designated treeline on Tapawingo Road and about 1200 feet south ofTapawingo Road. The location is almost under the power lines between the blue and gray transmission towers. (The conduit/pole is about 6 feet high). Lake Michigan shoreline accessed f rom area just S ofKPS discharge. On tree West of former Retention Pond site On tree East of former Retention Pond site Local Dairy Farm (Barta), about 1.8 miles north of intersection of Highway 42 and Nuclear Road (Manitowoc County), on West side ofHighway

42. NW corner of Woodside and Nuclear Roads (Kewaunee Co.) NW corner of Church and Division , East of Mi s hicot West Side of Tannery Road South of Elmwood (7th pole South of Elmwood) Transportation Control; Reserved for TLDs Page 29 of34 INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 TABLE 2-4 PBNP RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLE COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS FREQUENCY Sample Type Environmental Radiation Exposure Vegetation Algae Fish Well Water Lake Water Milk Air Fi lter s Soil Shoreline Sediment Sample Codes E-01, -02,-03,-04,-05, -06, -07, -08, -09, -12 , -14,-15,-16,-17,-18, -20, -22, -23, -24, -25, -26, -27, -28 , -29, -30, -31 , -32 , -38, -39, -41, -42, -43, -TC E-0 I, -02, -03, -04 , -06, -08 , -09 , -20, E-05,-12 E-13 E-10 E-0 1, -05 , -06 , -33 E-11, -21,-40 E-0 1 , -02, -03, -04 , -08, -20 E-0 1,-0 2, -03,-04, -06, -08, -09 , -20, E-01, -05, -06 , -12, -33 Analyses TLD Gross Beta Gamma Isotopic Analysis Gross Beta Gamma Isotopic Analysis Gross Beta Gamma Isotopic Analysis (Analysis of edible portions only) Gross Beta, H-3 Sr-89, 90, I-131 Gamma Isotopic Analysis (on total solids) Gross Beta H-3, Sr-89, 90 I-131 Gamma Isotopic Analysis (on total solids) Sr-89, 90 I-131 Gamma Isotopic Analysis Gross Beta I-131 Gamma Isotopic Analysis Gross Beta Gamma Isotopic Analysis Gross Beta Gamma Isotopic Analysis Page 30 of34 Freq uenc y Quarterly 3x/yr as available 3x/yr as available 2x/yr as available Quarterly Monthly Quarterly composite of monthly collections Monthly Monthly Monthly Weekly (particulate)

Weekly (charcoal) Quarterly (on composite particulate filters) 2x/yr 2x/yr INFORMATION USE POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANUAL TABLE 2-5 EM Revision 24 October 1, 2013 SAMPLES COLLECTED FOR STATE OF WISCONSIN Sample Type Location Frequency I. Lake Water E-01 Monthly 2. Air Filters E-07 Weekly E-08 3. Fish E-13 Semi a nnually , As Available

4. Precipitation E-04 Twice a month, E-08 As Available
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